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Post on 22-Jan-2016




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Upstream B2 Teacher's Book for WorkbookUpstream B2 Teacher's Book for WorkbookUpstream B2 Teacher's Book for WorkbookUpstream B2 Teacher's Book for WorkbookUpstream B2 Teacher's Book for WorkbookUpstream B2 Teacher's Book for WorkbookUpstream B2 Teacher's Book for WorkbookUpstream B2 Teacher's Book for Workbook


Desi in clasele primare aveam rezultate foarte bune la matematica si am castigat locuri fruntase la concursuri. .La jumatetea semestrului intai a clasei a V-a, am fost nevoit sa stau acasa apoape 2 saptamani din motive medicale. Consecinta acestor zile de scoala pierdute a fost ca am acumulat goluri in materia predata la orele la care nu am fost prezent.Insa cel mai greu mi-a fost la matematica, a devenit un univers de cifre si forme geometrice de neinteles, deorece doamna profesor predase multe lucruri noi. Din acel moment matematica a devenit o limba straina pentru mine, ceva de neinteles, numerele au devenit pentru mine o gramada dezordonata, fara sens pe care multi dintre colegi reuseau sa o traduca intr-un limbaj simplu, logic. Au mai trecut doi ani timp in care golurile mele se adanceau, erau precum o gaura intr-un pantof care se marea cu fiecare pas pus. Ajunsesem la jumateatea clasei a VII-a, iar matematica mi-se parea un fel de monstru care mananca copii. Ceea ce era sigur era faptul ca la sfarsitul clasei a 8-a trbuia sa sustin primul e xamen important din viata, iar eu inca din clasa a II-a mi-am dorit sa intru la liceul la care sunt acum. Parintii mei stiind ca matematica reprezinta un punct sensibil al meu, mi-au gasit un meditator, chiar profesoara mea de matematica, cu care am inceput sa lucrez suplimentar.Dupa o perioada lucru individual lucrurile au inceput sa capete un sens in mintea mea, iar matematica a devenit materia mea preferata.Premiul cel mare a fost acela ca am reusit sa obtin un punctaj aproape maxim la matematica si am reusit sa intru la liceul visat.Am aflat ca fara munca nu poti obtine satisfactie, matematica este o limba universala, este fundamentul tuturor lucruriilor din aceasta lume.Although in primary classes I had very good rezults in mathematicsAnd i won first places on competitions.In middle of 2nd semester of 5th grade, I had to stay home almost 2 weeks from medical reasons. The consequence of these school days lost it was that I accumulated goals in the material taught during the times when I was not present.But the most dificult thing was mathematics, it has become a world of incomprehensible numbers and geometric shapes, because the teacher had taught many new things. From that moment the mathematics became a new language for me, something incomprehensible, numbers became for me a disordered pile, without any sense which almost of my classmates succed to translate into a very simple language, logicaly.There have been two years during which deepened my goals were asa hole in a shoe that is great with every step made. I was arrived in middle of 7th class and mathematics seemed to me a kind of monster who eats children. What was certain was that at the end of the 8th had to claim my first exam important in my life, and still from 2nd grade i wanted to go to high school where Im now. My parents knew that math is a problem for me, I found a tutor, even my math teacher, with that I started to work extra. After an individual work things began to be meaningful in my mind, and mathematics became my favorite material.The grand prize was that I managed to get almost maximum score at math and I managed to get into high school of my dreams.From this I learned without work you can have satisfaction, mathematics is a universal language is the foundation of all things in this world.