schizofrenia si diabetul zaharat

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  • 7/24/2019 Schizofrenia Si Diabetul Zaharat



    Schizofrenia este o tulburare psihiatrica cronica caracterizata de tulburari ale gandirii,emotiilor si comportamentului. Afecteaza aproximativ 1% din populatie, debutand in mod

    tipic pana la 25 de ani si mentinandu-se pe tot parcursul vietii pacientului.

    Schizofrenia este asociata cu o morbiditate si o mortalitate semnificative, precum si cuo functionare zilnica defectuoasa. acientii cu schizofrenie au o speranta de viata mai

    redusa decat populatia generala datorita riscului crescut de deces prin boli

    cardiovasculare. Afectiunile endocrinologice si cardiovasculare sunt cele mai frecventecomorbiditati asociate afectiunilor psihiatrice.

    !umeroase studii au demonstrat legatura dintre schizofrenie si diabetul zaharat.

    "ateva dintre motivele carora se datoreaza riscul crescut pentru diabetul zaharat tip ## la

    aceasta categorie de pacienti includ predispozitia genetica pentru diabet zaharat tip ##,moduri de viata nesanogene, asistenta medicala deficitara si efectele adverse ale

    tratamentului antipsihotic . #n plus, simptomatologia negativa si disfunctia cognitiva

    asociate schizofreniei pot contribui la negli$area starii de sanatate si inadresabilitate catre

    serviciile medicale. ai mult, stigma asociata afectiunilor psihiatrice ma$ore, precum sidisconfortul si chiar teama personalului medical din alte specialitati de a lucra cu

    pacientii cu afectiuni mentale grave fac ca asistenta medicala pe care o primesc acestiasa scada si mai mult.

    Material si metoda: studiul literaturii de specialitate.

    Obiectie: Stabilirealegaturii dintre diabetul zaharat si schizofrenie inainte si dupa

    instituirea tratamentului antipsihotic.

    Co!cl"#ii Schizofrenia este asociata cu diabetul zaharat din mai multe motive.

    acientii cu schizofrenie sunt mai predispusi decat populatia generala lasupraponderalitate sau obezitate, chiar inaintea instituirii tratamentului antipsihotic.&olosirea atat a antipsihoticelor tipice, cat si a celor atipice a fost asociata cu cresterea in

    greutate, toleranta alterata la glucoza si diabet zaharat. Screeningul factorilor de risc

    pentru diabetul zaharat ar trebui realizat la toti pacientii cu schizofrenie. Studii recente auaratat ca pacientii cu schizofrenie raspund la programe de exercitii si control al greutatii.

    ' buna relationare a acestor pacienti cu sistemul primar de ingri$ire duce la preventia si

    controlul eficace al diabetului zaharat.

    Schizophrenia is a chronic ps(chiatric disorder that is characterized b( abnormalities in

    thin)ing, emotions, and behavior. #t usuall( affects1% of the population, t(picall(beginning before age 25 (ears and persisting throughout the life of the individual.

    #t is associated *ith significant morbidit(, mortalit(, and compromised dail( functioning.

    ersons *ith schizophrenia have lo*er life expectancies than the general population,primaril( associated *ith increased ris) of cardiovascular death. +ndocrine and

    cardiovascular disorders are, in fact, among the most common medical problems

    affecting these patients.

  • 7/24/2019 Schizofrenia Si Diabetul Zaharat


    !umerous reports have consistentl( found an association bet*een schizophrenia and

    diabetes. Some of the reasons that have been offered for the increased ris) for t(pe 2

    diabetes mellitus in this population include a predisposition to diabetes mellitus, lesshealth( lifest(les, poorer health care, and side effects of antips(chotics. Additionall(, the

    negative s(mptoms and cognitive d(sfunction associated *ith schizophrenia ma( further

    contribute to self-neglect and failure to see) treatment for medical conditions.&urthermore, the stigma associated *ith serious mental illness, as *ell as the general

    medical communit(s discomfort and fear related to *or)ing *ith patients *ho have

    serious mental illness influence the care the( receive negativel(.

    Material a!d met$od%Stud( of the specialit( literature.

    Ob&ecties%+stablishing the conection bet*een schizophrenia and diabetes mellitusbefore and after the treatment *ith antips(chotics.

    Co!cl"sio!s%Schizophrenia is associated *ith diabetes mellitus for a variet( of reasons.

    atients *ith schizophrenia are more li)el( than the general population to be over*eight

    and obese, even before the age of antips(chotic treatments. /he use of both t(pical andat(pical antips(chotic medications has been associated *ith *eight gain, glucose

    intolerance, and diabetes mellitus. All patients *ith schizophrenia should be screened fordiabetes ris) factors.0ecent studies have sho*n that patients *ith schizophrenia can and

    do respond to structured *eight control and exercise programs. "lose partnerships *ith

    primar( care providers are invaluable in providing excellent ualit( care for patients *ithdiabetes and schizophrenia.