adevărul despre parul lung

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Post on 12-Oct-2015




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Adevrul despre parul lung

Aceste informaii despre pr au fost ascunse de public din vremea rzboiului din Vietnam. Cultura noastr i conduce pe oameni s cread c stilul parului este o chestiune de preferin personal, c modul n care pori prul este o chestiune de mod i / sau comoditate i c modul n care oamenii poarte parul lor este pur i simplu o problem cosmetic . napoi n timpul rzboiului din Vietnam , cu toate acestea , o imagine cu totul diferit a aprut , una care a fost atent acoperit i ascuns de ochii publicului.

La nceputul anilor nouzeci , Sally [ nume schimbat pentru a proteja intimitatea ] a fost cstorit cu un psiholog autorizat care a lucrat la un spital medical VA . El a lucrat cu veteranii de rzboi avnd PTSD , tulburri de stres post- traumatic. Cei mai muli dintre ei au servit n Vietnam .

Sally a spus , " mi amintesc foarte clar o sear , cnd soul meu a venit napoi la apartamentul nostru avnd un dosar oficial gros n minile sale . Dosarul coninea sute de pagini ale unor studii comandate de guvern . El era n stare de oc din cauza informaiilor citite. Ceea ce a citit n aceste documente i-a schimbat complet viaa . Din acel moment so ul meu conservator i-a lsat prul i barba s-i creasc i nu le-a mai tiat din nou . Mai mult , Centrul Medical VA l-a lsat s o fac i ali oameni foarte conservatori din personal au urmat exemplul .

Dup ce am citit documentele, am aflat de ce. Se pare c n timpul rzboiului din Vietnam , forele speciale din departamentul de rzboi au trimis experi sub acoperire pentru a cuta n Rezervaiile Indiene din SUA cercetai talentai , brbai duri, tineri pregtii pentru a se deplasa pe furi prin teren accidentat . Ei au fost mai ales brbai cu , abiliti deosebite de urmrire aproape supranaturale . nainte de a fi abordai , aceti oameni atent selectai au fost testai extensiv n calitate de experi n urmrire i de supravieuire .

Cu ademenirile folosite de obicei , fraze folosite pentru a nscrie noi recrui , unii dintre aceti cercetai indieni au fost apoi nrolai. Odat nrolai, un lucru uimitor s-a ntmplat. Indiferent de talentele i abilitile pe care le posedau n rezervaii, ele prea s dispar misterios i recrut dup recrut nu reueau s fac ceea ce tiau.

Eecurile au condus guvernul n a contracta testarea costisitoare a acestor recrui , iar n dosar erau rezultatele acestor teste.

Cnd au fost ntrebai cu privire la eecul lor de a efectua ceea ce era de ateptat , recruii mai n vrst au rspuns n mod constant c, dup ce au fost tuni militrete , nu mai puteau "simi" dumanul , nu mai puteau accesa un " al aselea sim ", " intuiia " lor nu mai era de ncredere , ei nu au putut " citi " semnele subtile i nu mai aveau acces la informaii extrasenzoriale subtile .

Deci, institutul de testare a recrutat mai muli cercetai indieni crora le-au permis s-i pstreze prul lor lung, i i-au testat n mai multe zone . I-au grupat apoi cte doi mpreun , care primiser acelai scor pe durata testrii individuale. Au lsat doar pe unul din pereche s-i pstreze prul lung i l-au tuns pe cellalt. Apoi, cei doi brbai au fost retestai .

De fiecare dat brbatul cu prul lung obinea scoruri mai bune. De fiecare dat , omul cu parul scurt nu a reuit la testele la care anterior obinuse scoruri ridicate.

Iat un exemplu de test:

Recrutul doarme n pdure. Un " duman " narmat se apropie de omul adormit . Brbatul cu prul lung este trezit din somnul lui de ctre un puternic sentiment de pericol i scap cu mult nainte ca inamicul s fie aproape, cu mult nainte ca orice sunet fcut de inamicul care se apropie s poat fi auzit.

ntr-o alt versiune a acestui test , brbatul cu prul lung simte o abordare i ntr-un fel intuiete c inamicul va efectua un atac fizic . El i urmeaz " al aselea sim " i se preface n continuare c doarme, dar l surprinde apoi pe atacator i l "ucide".

Acelai om , dup ce a trecut aceste teste i altele, dup ce e tuns, nu a mai reuit, n mod constant la aceste teste .

Deci, documentul a recomandat ca toi cercetaii indieni s fie scutii de la tunsorile militare. De fapt, s-a impus ca cercetaii s-i pstreze prul lung.

Organismul mamiferelor a evoluat n decursul a milioane de ani . Abilitile de supravieuire ale oamenilor i animalelor , uneori, par a fi aproape supranaturale . tiina n mod constant a descoperit multe despre abilitile uimitoare ale omului i animalului de a supravieui . Fiecare parte a corpului este extrem de sensibil i important pentru supravieuirea i bunstarea corpului ca un organism ntreg. Exist cel puin un motiv al existenei fiecrei pri a corpului.

Prul este o extensie a sistemului nervos , se poate observa c nervi exteriorizeaz un tip de " antene " evoluate sau " antene " care transmit cantiti de informaii importante pentru trunchiul cerebral ,sistemul limbic i neocortex .

Nu numai prul de pe cap, dar i parul facial la brbai, ofer o cale de informaii care ajung la creier. Prul emite , de asemenea, energie , energia electromagnetic emis de ctre creier ctre mediul exterior . Acest lucru a fost vzut n fotografii Kirlian atunci cnd o persoan este fotografiat cu parul lung i apoi refotografiat dup ce prul este tiat .

Atunci cnd parul este tiat , schimbul de energie cu mediul sunt foarte mult ngreunat. Acest lucru duce la un fel de amorire.

Tiere a parului este un factor care contribuie la nerecunoaterea primejdiei n mediu, n ecosistemele locale . Este , de asemenea, un factor care contribuie la insensibilitate n relaiile de toate tipurile. Aceasta contribuie la frustrare sexual .

Concluzie :

n cutarea de soluii pentru suferina din lumea noastr , aceasta poate fi un exemplu pentru noi c multe dintre ipotezele noastre de pn acum referitoare la realitatea nconjurtoare sunt greite. Este posibil ca o parte important a soluiei este n faa noastr i o vedem n fiecare diminea cnd ne uitm n oglind.

Povestea lui Samson i a Dalilei din Biblie are o mulime de adevr codificat de transmis n sensul celor prezentate mai sus . Dup ce Dalila i-a tiat prul lui Samson, Samson cel de nenvins nainte, a putut fi nfrnt.

Pentru cei care doresc, mai jos este i articolul n englez:

This information about hair has been hidden from the public since the Vietnam War. Our culture leads people to believe that hair style is a matter of personal preference, that hair style is a matter of fashion and/or convenience, and that how people wear their hair is simply a cosmetic issue. Back in the Vietnam war, however, an entirely different picture emerged, one that has been carefully covered up and hidden from public view.

In the early nineties, Sally [name changed to protect privacy] was married to a licensed psychologist who worked at a VA medical hospital. He worked with combat veterans with PTSD, post-traumatic stress disorder. Most of them had served in Vietnam.

Sally said, I remember clearly an evening when my husband came back to our apartment on Doctors Circle carrying a thick official looking folder in his hands. Inside were hundreds of pages of certain studies commissioned by the government. He was in shock from the contents. What he read in those documents completely changed his life. From that moment on my conservative, middle-of-the-road husband grew his hair and beard and never cut them again. What is more, the VA Medical Center let him do it, and other very conservative men in the staff followed his example.

As I read the documents, I learned why. It seems that during the Vietnam War, special forces in the war department had sent undercover experts to comb American Indian Reservations looking for talented scouts, for tough young men trained to move stealthily through rough terrain. They were especially looking for men with outstanding, almost supernatural tracking abilities. Before being approached, these carefully selected men were extensively documented as experts in tracking and survival.

With the usual enticements, the well-proven smooth phrases used to enroll new recruits, some of these Indian trackers were then enlisted. Once enlisted, an amazing thing happened. Whatever talents and skills they had possessed on the reservation seemed to mysteriously disappear, as recruit after recruit failed to perform as expected in the field.

Serious causalities and failures of performance led the government to contract expensive testing of these recruits, and this is what was found.

When questioned about their failure to perform as expected, the older recruits replied consistently that when they received their required military haircuts, they could no longer sense the enemy, they could no longer access a sixth sense, their intuition no longer was reliable, they couldnt read subtle signs as well or access subtle extrasensory information.

So the testing institute recruited more Indian trackers, let them keep their long hair, and tested them in multiple areas. Then they would pair two men together who had received the same scores on all the tests. They would let one man in the pair keep his hair long, and gave the other man a military haircut. Then the two men retook the tests.

Time after time the man with long hair kept making high scores. Time after time, the man with the short hair failed the tests in which he had previously scored high scores.

Here is a Typical Test:

The recruit is sleeping out in the woods. An armed enemy approaches the sleeping man. The long haired man is awakened out of his sleep by a strong sense of danger and gets away long before the enemy is close, long before any sounds from the approaching enemy are audible.

In another version of this test, the long haired man senses an approach and somehow intuits that the enemy will perform a physical attack. He follows his sixth sense and stays still, pretending to be sleeping, but quickly grabs the attacker and kills him as the attacker reaches down to strangle him.

This same man, after having passed these and other tests, then received a military haircut and consistently failed these tests, and many other tests that he had previously passed.

So the document recommended that all Indian trackers be exempt from military haircuts. In fact, it required that trackers keep their hair long.

The mammalian body has evolved over millions of years. Survival skills of human and animal at times seem almost supernatural. Science is constantly coming up with more discoveries about the amazing abilities of man and animal to survive. Each part of the body has highly sensitive work to perform for the survival and well being of the body as a whole.The body has a reason for every part of itself.

Hair is an extension of the nervous system, it can be correctly seen as exteriorized nerves, a type of highly evolved feelers or antennae that transmit vast amounts of important information to the brain stem, the limbic system, and the neocortex.

Not only does hair in people, including facial hair in men, provide an information highway reaching the brain, hair also emits energy, the electromagnetic energy emitted by the brain into the outer environment. This has been seen in Kirlian photography when a person is photographed with long hair and then rephotographed after the hair is cut.

When hair is cut, receiving and sending transmissions to and from the environment are greatly hampered. This results in numbing out.

Cutting of hair is a contributing factor to unawareness of environmental distress in local ecosystems. It is also a contributing factor to insensitivity in relationships of all kinds. It contributes to sexual frustration.


In searching for solutions for the distress in our world, it may be time for us to consider that many of our most basic assumptions about reality are in error. It may be that a major part of the solution is looking at us in the face each morning when we see ourselves in the mirror.

The story of Samson and Delilah in the Bible has a lot of encoded truth to tell us. When Delilah cut Samsons hair, the once undefeatable Samson was defeated.