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  • 7/30/2019 Romanian-English Bible New Testament Philippians


  • 7/30/2019 Romanian-English Bible New Testament Philippians


    421 PHILIPPIANS 1:1328 FILIPENI 1.1328

    13Astfel, toate grzile palatului `i to^i cei-lal^i oameni de acolo au n^eles c am fostnchis pentru c l urmez pe Cristos. 14Maimult dect att, cei mai mul^i dintre fra^ii n

    Domnul au cptat ncredere prin faptul csunt n nchisoare `i au nceput s vorbeascfr fric `i cu tot mai mare ndrznealdespre mesajul lui Dumnezeu.

    15Este adevrat c unii l proclam peCristos din invidie `i pentru c se iau laceart, dar al^ii cu inten^ii bune. 16Ace`tiadin urm l proclam din dragoste, pentru c`tiu c am fost pus aici ca s apr VesteaBun. 17Ceilal^i l proclam pe Cristos dinambi^ii egoiste, fr sinceritate, gndindu-sec mi vor face `i mai multe necazuri aici, nnchisoare.

    18i ce dac? Ceea ce conteaz este cCristos oricum este proclamat, fie din moti-ve rele, fie din motive bune. Lucrul acestam bucur. i voi continua s m bucur,19cci `tiu c acest lucru va duce la elibera-rea mea, prin rugciunile voastre `i cu aju-torul Duhului* lui Isus Cristos. 20Eu a`tept,cu nerbdare `i speran^, `i cred c nu voi fifcut de ru`ine `i c voi avea ndrznealdeplin, pentru ca acum, ca `i alt dat,Cristos s fie slvit n mine, fie prin via^,fie prin moarte. 21Cci pentru mine via^anseamn Cristos, iar moartea este un c`tig.22Dac voi tri n continuare n acest trup,

    m voi bucura de roadele muncii mele.Acum nu `tiu ce s aleg, 23cci sunt presatde dou alternative: pe de o parte, a` dori sprsesc aceast via^ `i s fiu cu Cristos,ceea ce este cu mult mai bine; 24dar vou veste mai de folos s rmn n via^. 25Fiindconvins de acest lucru, `tiu c voi sta aici `ivoi fi cu voi pentru ca s cre`te^i din punctde vedere spiritual `i pentru ca s ave^ibucuria care vine din credin^. 26Dac voi fidin nou cu voi, ve^i avea mai multe motives fi^i mndri de mine n Cristos Isus.

    27Numai s v purta^i ntr-un mod demn

    de Vestea Bun a lui Cristos, astfel nct, fiec vin s v vd, fie c sunt departe, s audc sta^i tari n acela`i duh, luptnd mpreunpentru credin^a Ve`tii Bune 28`i c nu veste fric de cei ce vi se opun. Acest curajdin partea voastr este un semn c ei vor fidistru`i, dar c voi ve^i fi mntui^i de

    11:19 freedom Or, salvation. 21:21 death benefit Paul says thatdeath would be better, because death would bring him nearer to Christ.

    the Good News.* 13All the Roman guards and allthe others here know that I am in prison forserving Christ. 14My being in prison has causedmost of the believers* to put their trust in the Lord

    and to show more courage in telling people Godsmessage.*

    15Some people are telling the message aboutChrist because they are jealous and bitter. Othersdo it because they want to help. 16They are doingit out of love. They know that God gave me thework of defending the Good News. 17But thoseothers tell about Christ because of their selfishambition. Their reason for doing it is wrong. Theyonly do it because they think it will make troublefor me in prison. 18But that doesnt matter. Whatis important is that they are telling people aboutChrist, whether they are sincere or not. So I amglad that they are doing it.

    I will continue to be glad, 19because I knowthat your prayers and the help that the Spirit* ofJesus Christ gives me will cause this trouble toresult in my freedom.1 20I am full of hope and feelsure that I will not have any reason to beashamed. I am certain that I will have now thesame boldness to speak freely that I always have.I will let God use my life to bring more honor toChrist. It doesnt matter whether I live or die.21To me, the only important thing about living isChrist. And even death would be for my benefit.222If I continue living here on earth, I will be ableto work for the Lord. But what would I chooseto live or to die? I dont know. 23It would be ahard choice. Sometimes I want to leave this lifeand be with Christ. That would be much better forme; 24however, you people need me here alive. 25Iam sure of this, so I know that I will stay here andbe with you to help you grow and have joy inyour faith. 26When I am there with you again, youwill be bursting with pride over what Christ Jesusdid to help me.

    27Just be sure that you live as Gods people in a

    way that honors the Good News of Christ. Then ifI come and visit you or if I am away from you, Iwill hear good things about you. I will know thatyou stand together with the same purpose andwork together like a team to help others believethe Good News. 28And you will not be afraid ofthose who are against you. All of this is proof

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    422FILIPENI 1.29 2.13 PHILIPPIANS 1:292:13

    Dumnezeu. 29Cci vou vi s-a acordat privi-legiul nu numai de a crede n Cristos, ci `ide a suferi pentru El. 30Voi v lupta^i cuceea ce `ti^i c m-am luptat `i eu `i cu ceea

    ce auzi^i c m lupt acum.

    Fi^i uni^i `i ave^i grij unii de al^ii

    21Gndi^i-v la ceea ce avem n Cristos:ncurajarea pe care ne-a adus-o, mng-

    ierea dragostei Sale, comuniunea noastr cuDuhul Su, ndurarea `i buntatea pe care nile-a artat. Dac v bucura^i de aceste bine-cuvntri, 2atunci face^i-mi o bucurie pnla capt! Fi^i de acord unii cu al^ii, purta-^i-v cu dragoste unii cu al^ii. Fi^i uni^i nscopurile voastre `i n modul vostru de gn-

    dire. 3S nu face^i nimic din invidie sau dinvanitate. Ci, mai degrab, n smerenie, con-sidera^i-i pe ceilal^i ca fiind mai buni dectvoi. 4Fiecare s se uite la foloasele celuilalt`i nu la foloasele lui.

    Nu fi^i egoi`ti5S ave^i acela`i fel de gndire pe care l-a

    avut `i Cristos Isus.6De`i El era Dumnezeu n toate privin^e-

    le, nu a considerat c a fi egal cu Dumnezeueste ceva de care s Se foloseasc n avan-tajul Su.

    7El a renun^at la toate, a devenit n toate

    privin^ele ca un slujitor, fcndu-Se aseme-nea oamenilor. 8i n condi ia Sa uman, ElS-a smerit `i a devenit asculttor pn lamoarte `i nc moarte pe cruce.

    9De aceea, Dumnezeu L-a pus n loculcel mai nalt `i I-a dat numele care este maipresus de orice alt nume, 10pentru ca to^i sngenuncheze naintea Numelui lui Isus: ceidin ceruri, cei de pe pmnt `i cei de subpmnt; 11`i pentru ca fiecare limb s-Lmrturiseasc pe Isus Cristos ca Domn, spreslava lui Dumnezeu Tatl.

    Fi^i ceea ce vrea Dumnezeu s fi^i12Dragii mei, a`a cum a i fost ntotdeau-

    na asculttori, nu numai n prezen^a mea, ci`i mai mult acum, cnd sunt departe, conti-nua i s lucra^i la desvr`irea mntuiriivoastre. S face i acest lucru cu fric `i tre-mur. 13Dumnezeu este Cel ce v d dorin^a`i puterea s face^i ce este plcut nainteaLui.

    from God that you are being saved and that yourenemies will be lost. 29God gave you the honor ofbelieving in Christ. But that is not all. He alsogave you the honor of suffering for Christ. Both

    of these bring glory*

    to Christ.30

    You saw the dif-ficulties I had to face, and you hear that I am stillhaving troubles. Now you must face them too.

    Be United and Care for Each Other

    21Think about what we have in Christ: theencouragement he has brought us, the comfort

    of his love, our sharing in his Spirit,* and themercy and kindness he has shown us. If you enjoythese blessings, 2then do what will make my joycomplete. Agree with each other, and show yourlove for each other. Be united in your goals and inthe way you think. 3In whatever you do, dont letselfishness or pride be your guide. Be humble and

    honor others more than yourselves. 4Dont beinterested only in your own life, but care about thelives of others too.

    Learn From Christ to Be Unselfish5In your l ife together th ink the way Christ

    Jesus thought.6He was like God in every way, but he did not

    think that his being equal with God was some-thing to use for his own benefit. 7Instead, he gaveu p e veryt hi ng , e ven hi s p lac e w it h G od . H eac ce pt ed t he role o f a servan t, a pp ea ri ng in

    human form. During his life as a man, 8he hum-bled himself by being fully obedient to God, evenwhen that caused him to die. And he died on across.

    9So God raised him up to the most importantplace and gave him the name that is greater thanany other name. 10God did this so that everyperson will bow down to honor the name of Jesus.Everyone in heaven, on earth, and under the earthwill bow. 11They will all confess, Jesus Christ isLord, and thi s wil l br ing gl ory* to God theFather.

    Be the People God Wants You to Be12My dear friends, you have always obeyed.

    You obeyed God when I was with you, and it iseven more important for you to obey now that I amnot there to help you. You must continue to live ina way that gives meaning to your salvation. Do thiswith respect and fear for God. 13Yes, it is God whois working in you. He helps you want to do whatpleases him, and he gives you the power to do it.

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    423 PHILIPPIANS 2:143:1FILIPENI 2.14 3.1

    14Face i totul fr s v plnge^i `i fr sv certa^i, 15ca s fi i maturi `i puri, copiidrep^i ai lui Dumnezeu n mijlocul uneigenera^ii necinstite `i perverse. S strluci^i

    n mijlocul ei ca ni`te lumini n lume,16

    ofe-rindu-le mesajul dttor de via^, pentru cas m laud n ziua venirii lui Cristos c nuam alergat `i nu am fcut degeaba atteaeforturi.

    17i chiar dac va trebui s fiu turnat ca ojertf de butur peste jertfa `i slujba cre-din^ei voastre, voi fi fericit `i m voi bucuracu voi. 18A`a c `i voi ar trebui s fi^i feri-ci^i `i s v bucura^i cu mine.

    Timotei `i Epafrodit

    19Sper, cu ajutorul Domnului Isus, s-l tri-mit la voi n curnd pe Timotei, ca s fiu `ieu ncurajat de nout^ile pe care le voi aflacu privire la voi. 20l trimit pe el pentru c nuam pe nimeni cu care s mprt`esc acelea`isentimente `i care s fie cu adevrat interesatde binele vostru. 21To^i ceilal i i urmrescinteresele lor `i nu pe ale lui Isus Cristos.22Dar voi `ti i ce fel de persoan este el `i ca s luji t mpreun cu mine la rspndireaVe tii Bune*, ca un fiu care- i sluje`te tatl.23A`adar, sper s-l trimit la voi dup ce afluce se va ntmpla cu mine. 24i am ncredere

    n Domnul c `i eu voi putea veni curnd.25M-am gndit c trebuie s vi-l trimit `ipe Epafrodit, fratele meu, cel care a lucrat `ia luptat pentru Cristos mpreun cu mine `ipe care l-a^i trimis s m ajute n nevoilemele. 26M-am hotrt s-l trimit napoi,pentru c i este dor de voi to^i `i pentru c afost tulburat cnd a auzit c `ti^i c s-ambolnvit. 27El a fost ntr-adevr bolnav,aproape de moarte, dar Dumnezeu a avutmil de el (`i nu numai de el, ci `i de mine),ca s nu mai am nc un motiv de ntristare.28l trimit repede, ca s v bucura^i cnd lve^i vedea `i s nu mai fi i ntrista^i din cauzamea. 29Primi^i-l cu bucurie, n Domnul, `ipre^ui i astfel de oameni. 30Pentru c el a fostfoarte aproape de moarte pentru lucrarea luiCristos `i `i-a riscat via^a ca s mplineascce lipsea n slujirea voastr fa^ de mine.

    Cristos mai presus de toate

    31n concluzie, fra^ilor, bucura^i-v nDomnul! Nu-mi este greu s v scriu

    14Do everything without complaining orarguing, 15so that you will be blameless and pure,children of God without any fault. But you areliving with evil people all around you, who have

    lost their sense of what is right. Among thosepeople you shine like lights in a dark world, 16andyou offer them the teaching that gives life. So Ican be proud of you when Christ comes again.You will show that my work was not wastedthat I ran in the race and won.

    17Your faith makes you give your lives as asacrifice* in serving God. Maybe I will have tooffer my own life with your sacrifice. But if thathappens, I will be glad, and I will share my joywith all of you. 18You also should be glad andshare your joy with me.

    News About Timothy and Epaphroditus

    19With the blessing of the Lord Jesus, I hope Iwill be able to send Timothy to you soon. I will beglad to learn how you are. 20I have no one elselike Timothy, who genuinely cares for you.21Others are interested only in their own lives.They dont care about the work of Christ Jesus.22You know the kind of person Timothy is. Hehas served with me in telling the Good News* likea son with his father. 23I plan to send him to youquickly, as soon as I know what will happen tome. 24I am sure that the Lord will help me tocome to you soon.

    25Epaphroditus is my brother in Christ. Heworks and serves with me in the army of Christ.When I needed help, you sent him to me. I thinknow that I must send him back to you, 26becausehe wants very much to see all of you. He is wor-ried because you heard that he was sick. 27He wassick and near death. But God helped him and metoo, so that I would not have even more grief.28So I want very much to send him to you. Whenyou see him, you can be happy. And I can stopworrying about you. 29Welcome him in the Lordwith much joy. Give honor to people like Epa-phroditus. 30He should be honored because healmost died for the work of Christ. He put his lifein danger so that he could help me. This was helpthat you could not give me.

    Christ Is More Important Than Anything

    31And now, my brothers and sisters, be filledwith joy in the Lord. It is no trouble for me to

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    424FILIPENI 3.214 PHILIPPIANS 3:214

    13.3 cei care ne nchinm prin Duhul Su sau: noi, cei care nenchinm prin Duhul lui Dumnezeu. 23.9 ndrept^ire actul luiDumnezeu prin care i declar pe oameni liberi de vinov^ie `iplcu^i naintea Lui, considera^i ca fiind drep^i.

    acelea`i lucruri `i este bine pentru siguran^avoastr. 2Feri^i-v de acei cini! Feri^i-v delucrtorii ri! Feri^i-v de cei care mutileaztrupul! 3Cci cu adevrat circumci`i* sun-

    tem noi, cei care ne nchinm lui Dumnezeuprin Duhul Su1, care ne ludm n CristosIsus `i care nu ne ncredem n noi n`ine saun ceea ce putem face noi, 4de i eu a` aveamotive s m ncred n astfel de lucruri.Dac cineva crede c are motive s sencread n astfel de lucruri, atunci eu am `imai multe. 5Eu am fost circumcis cndaveam opt zile. Eu sunt din poporul luiIsrael, din semin^ia lui Beniamin. Eu suntevreu, nscut din prin^i evrei. n ceea ceprive`te Legea lui Moise, o respectam attde mult nct am devenit fariseu*. 6Cu privi-re la zelul meu, eu am persecutat Biserica.n ceea ce prive`te dreptatea conform Legii,eram nevinovat. 7Dar pentru Cristos, amconsiderat ca o pierdere ceea ce era un c`-tig pentru mine. 8Mai mult, datorit avanta-jului de nepre^uit de a-L cunoa`te pe CristosIsus, Domnul meu, am considerat c totuleste o pierdere. Pentru El am prsit totul `iam ajuns s consider c totul este frvaloare. i aceasta pentru ca s-L c`tig peCristos 9`i s fiu gsit n El, avnd odreptate2 care vine prin credin^a n Cristos,pe care o d Dumnezeu pe baza credin^ei, `inu o dreptate proprie `i care s se bazeze pe

    Lege. 10Vreau s-L cunosc pe Cristos `iputerea prin care a fost nviat. Vreau s amparte de suferin^ele Lui `i s fiu ca El nmoartea Lui, 11cu speran^a c voi avea `i euparte de nvierea mor^ilor.

    C`tigarea premiului12Nu spun c sunt exact a`a cum vrea

    Dumnezeu s fiu. Nu am atins nc acest ^el,dar m strduiesc n continuare s-l ating `is intru n posesia premiului. Este ceea cedore`te Cristos Isus s fac. Pentru aceastam-a fcut El s fiu al Lui. 13Fra^ilor, nu con-sider c l-am ob^inut deja. Dar este un lucrupe care-l fac: uit ce este n urm `i fac totposibilul s ajung la ceea ce este nainteamea, 14urmrind n continuare s-mi ating^elul. Astfel ncerc s c`tig premiul ceresc 1 3:2 want to cut off circumcised There is a play on words here in

    Greek. The key word is like circumcision (see the Word List), but itmeans mutilation or cutting to pieces. 23:3 we are circumcisionLiterally, we are the circumcision. Paul uses the word circumcision(see the Word List) here in a spiritual sense of believers who share inthe new agreement that God gave his people through Jesus. 33:9 myfaith in Or, the faithfulness of.

    write the same things to you again. I want to besure that you are prepared.

    2Be careful of the dogsthose people whosework does no one any good. They want to cut off

    everyone who isnt circumcised.1 3

    But we are theones who have the true circumcision2we whoworship God through his Spirit.* We dont trustin ourselves or anything we can do. We takepride only in Christ Jesus. 4Even if I am able totrust in myself, still I dont do it. If anyone elsethinks they have a reason to trust in themselves,they should know that I have a greater reason fordoing so. 5I was circumcised on the eighth dayafter my birth. I am from the people of Israel*and the tribe of Benjamin. I am a true Jew, andso were my parents. The law was very importantto me. That is why I became a Pharisee.* 6I wassuch a fanatic that I persecuted* the church.* Andno one could find fault with how I alwaysobeyed the law.

    7At one time all these things were important tome. But because of Christ, I decided that they areworth nothing. 8Not only these things, but now Ithink that all things are worth nothing comparedwith the greatness of knowing Christ Jesus myLord. Because of Christ, I lost all these things,and now I know that they are all worthless trash.All I want now is Christ. 9I want to belong to him.In Christ I am right with God, but my being rightdoes not come from following the law. It comesfrom God through faith. God uses my faith in3

    Christ to make me right with him. 10All I want isto know Christ and the power that raised himfrom death. I want to share in his sufferings andbe like him even in his death. 11Then there is hopethat I myself will somehow be raised from death.

    Trying to Reach the Goal12I dont mean that I am exactly what God

    wants me to be. I have not yet reached that goal.But I continue trying to reach it and make it mine.Thats what Christ Jesus wants me to do. It is thereason he made me his. 13Brothers and sisters, Iknow that I still have a long way to go. But thereis one thing I do: I forget what is in the past andtry as hard as I can to reach the goal before me.14I keep running hard toward the finish line to get

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  • 7/30/2019 Romanian-English Bible New Testament Philippians


    426FILIPENI 4.923 PHILIPPIANS 4:923

    onorabil, la ce este drept, curat `i plcut, lace este demn de laud. Dac este vreo virtu-te, dac este vreo laud, acestea s fie lucru-rile la care s v gndi^i. 9Face i ce a^i nv-

    ^at, ce a^i primit `i ce a^i auzit de la mine `ice m-a^i vzut fcnd. i Dumnezeu, careeste sursa pcii, va fi cu voi.

    Pavel mul^ume`te cre`tinilor filipeni10M-am bucurat foarte mult n Domnul

    pentru c a i nceput s v preocupa^i din noude mine. Binen^eles c v-a i gndit ntot-deauna la mine, dar pn acum nu a^i avutocazia s-mi arta i acest lucru. 11Nu vorbescastfel pentru c a` avea nevoie de ceva, cciam nv at s m mul^umesc cu ceea ce am.12tiu cum s triesc n lipsuri `i `tiu cum striesc n abunden^, n orice moment `i n

    orice condi ii. M-am deprins s fiu stul `i sfiu flmnd, s am destul sau s duc lips.13Am puterea s fac fa^ oricror circumstan-^e prin Cristos, care m ntre`te.

    14Oricum, a i fcut bine c a i luat parte lanecazurile mele. 15Voi, filipenilor, `ti^i cp e c nd am nce put s proc la m Ve st eaBun*, la plecarea mea din Macedonia, nicio biseric nu mi-a dat nimic, n afar de voi.16Cci pe cnd eram n Tesalonic, mi-a^i tri-mis de mai multe ori ajutoare pentru nevoilemele. 17Nu caut s ob^in daruri de la voi, ci,mai degrab, vreau s primi^i binecuvn-

    trile care vin atunci cnd drui i.18

    Am totce-mi trebuie `i am totul din abunden^. Decnd am primit prin Epafrodit darurile pecare mi le-a^i trimis, am mai mult dect mitrebuie. Aceste daruri sunt o ofrand plcutmirositoare, o jertf bine primit, plcut luiDumnezeu. 19Iar Dumnezeul meu va aveagrij de toate nevoile voastre, potrivit cumrea^a Lui bog^ie n Cristos Isus. 20ADumnezeului `i Tatlui nostru s fie slavapentru totdeauna! Amin.*

    21Saluta^i pe fiecare sfnt n Cristos Isus!Fra^ii care sunt cu mine v salut. 22To^isfin^ii de aici v salut. n mod special vsalut `i cei din casa Cezarului*.

    23Harul Domnului nostru Isus Cristos sfie cu voi!

    what is true and honorable and right and pure andbeautiful and respected. 9And do what youlearned and received from me. Do what I told youand what you saw me do. And the God who gives

    peace will be with you.

    Paul Thanks the Philippian Believers10I am so happy, and I thank the Lord that you

    have shown your care for me again. You con-tinued to care about me, but there was no way foryou to show it. 11I am telling you this, but notbecause I need something. I have learned to besatisfied with what I have and with whatever hap-pens. 12I know how to live when I am poor andwhen I have plenty. I have learned the secret ofhow to live through any kind of situationwhen I

    have enough to eat or when I am hungry, when Ihave everything I need or when I have nothing.13Christ is the one who gives me the strength Ineed to do whatever I must do.

    14But it was good that you helped me when Ineeded help. 15You people in Philippi rememberwhen I first told the Good News* there. When Ileft Macedonia,* you were the only church* thatgave me help. 16Several times you sent me thingsI needed when I was in Thessalonica. 17Really, itis not that I want to get gifts from you. But I wantyou to have the benefit that comes from giving.18I have everything I need. I have even more than

    I need. I have all I need because Epaphroditusbrought your gift to me. Your gift is like a sweet-smelling sacrifice* offered to God. God acceptsthat sacrifice and it pleases him. 19My God willuse his glorious riches to give you everything youne ed. He w il l d o thi s th ro ug h Ch ri st Jesu s.20Glory* to our God and Father forever and ever.Amen.

    21Give our greetings to Gods people theretoeach one who belongs to Christ Jesus. Those inGods family who are with me send you their greetings. 22And greetings to you from all of Gods people here, including those from Caesars*palace.

    23The grace* of the Lord Jesus Christ be withyou all.

  • 7/30/2019 Romanian-English Bible New Testament Philippians


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