business english beginner

Business English beginner Cursurile sunt o baza reala pentru vocabularul specific mediului de afaceri cat si modele de comunicare, dialoguri in limba engleza pentru activitatea de afaceri. Cuprins *capitolul 1: La birou (At the office) *capitolul 2: Interviul (interview) *capitolul 3: Management *capitolul 4: Plata (Payment) *capitolul 5: Negocierea (Negotiation) *capitolul 6: Marketing capitolul 7: Vocabular La birouError: Reference source not found At the office Vocabulary: Chairman – presedinte Deputy director – director adjunct Marketing director – director de marketing Director – director Sales director – director de vanzari (comercial) Managing director – director general Executive director – director executive To hire (employ) – a angaja To imply (to envolve) – a implica Coordinsation – coordonare To draw up - a pregati un raport To supervise – a superviza To enrich (to develop) – a dezvolta, a imbogati

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Business English beginner

Business English beginner

Cursurile sunt o baza reala pentru vocabularul specific mediului de afaceri cat si modele de comunicare, dialoguri in limba engleza pentru activitatea de afaceri.


*capitolul 1: La birou (At the office)

*capitolul 2: Interviul (interview)

*capitolul 3: Management

*capitolul 4: Plata (Payment)

*capitolul 5: Negocierea (Negotiation)

*capitolul 6: Marketing

capitolul 7: Vocabular La birou

At the office


Chairman presedinteDeputy director director adjunctMarketing director director de marketingDirector directorSales director director de vanzari (comercial)Managing director director generalExecutive director director executiveTo hire (employ) a angajaTo imply (to envolve) a implicaCoordinsation coordonareTo draw up - a pregati un raportTo supervise a supervizaTo enrich (to develop) a dezvolta, a imbogatiTo cut down (to reduce) a reduceTo increase (to extend) a creste, a mariJob contract contract de muncaSales representative reprezentatnt de vanzariTrial period perioada de probaWorking hours ore/program de lucruBonus scheme plan de recompensareTo earn - a castigaIncentive bonus prima de incurajareCommission comisionTo stimulate - a stimulaTo be up to a fi la alegerea, a depinde deAdvertisement reclamaDepartment departamentPersonal data date personaleFactory manager director de fabricaUniversity degree diploma universitaraTechnology tehnologieEconomics economieManagement conducere, managementCompany car masina de serviciuCareer prospects perspectiva de carieraManufacturer producatorSecretary secretaraRequirements cerinteFluency fluentaSkill abilitate, indemanarePosition functie, postEngaged - ocupat


1. Domnul Peter va roaga sa-l sunati la birou pana la ora 18.00Mr. Peter asks you to call his office by 18.00 p.m.

2. Ma scuzati, puteti repeta?Im sorry, could you repeat what you said, please?

3. Puteti sa ne sunati mai tarziu? Nu va aud.Would it be possible to call us later? I can not hear you .

4. Cred ca Jhon este persoana potrivita.I belive Jhon to be the right person.

5. Am dori sa te invitam la intalnirea cu directorii de vanzari de pe 17 august.We would like to invite you to the meeting of the sales directors, on the 17th of August.

6. Imi pare rau, dar nu pot veni la intalnire.I am sorry that I shall not be able to attent the meeting.

7. Vreau sa ma ajutati.I want you to help me.

8. Ma tem ca linia este proasta.Im afraid its a bad line.

9. Nu va pot face legatura. Linia este ocupata.I cant put you through. The line is busy.

10. Vreau sa crestem productia.I want productivity to increase.

11. Am facut un proiect foarte bun. Merit un concediu.I have made a very good project. I deserve a vacantion.

12. Putem sa ne intalnim maine?Would it be possible to meet you tomorrow.

13. V-ar conveni sa ne intalnim la ora 18?Would it be convenient for you to meet al 18.00 pm?

14. Sunt Maria, secretara domnului Jhon; as dori sa va invit la intrunirea membrilor consiliului de administratie pe 25 martie.I am Maria, Mr Jhons secretary; I would like to invite you to the meeting of the members of the board on the 25th of March.

15. Achizitionand noua masina, va creste capacitatea de productie a fabricii.Purchasing the new machinery, the performance

16. Nu am gasit nici o carte despre procesul tehnologic.I couldnt find any book on process control.

Despre interviu


Vocabulary:University degree diploma universitaraTechnology tehnologieEconomics economiePreferably de preferatManagement conducere, managementCompany car masina de serviciuCareer prospects perspectiva de carieraRemuneration package pachet de remunerareRecruitment recrutare, selectie (a personalului)Chief accountant contabil sefStaff personal, grup de angajatiSystem sistemManufacturer producatorSecretary secretaraRequirements cerinteFluency fluentaSkill abilitate, indemanarePosition functie, postEmployment loc de muncaInterview interviuApplication aplicare, cerereCurriculum vitae curriculum vitaePhotograph fotografie, pozaEngaged - ocupatPosition functie, serviciuBonus scheme plan de recompensareTo earn - a castigaIncentive bonus prima de incurajareCommission comisionTo stimulate - a stimulaTo be up to a fi la alegerea, a depinde deAdvertisement reclamaTo apply for a aplica, a face o cerereAt present in prezentChallenging provocator

You are going to your first job interview. Do you have everything you need?Are you ready to answer questions such as the following ones:- What are you good at?- What are your strengths and weaknesses?- Why should we offer you this job?- What do you know about thos company?- What will you do if you dont get this job?

Interviu de angajare:Interviewer: How do you do, my name is Alex Watkins and I am the factory manager of this company.Buna ziua, numele meu este Alex Watkins si sunt directorul acestei companii.

Diana: How do you do, I am Diana Anderson.Buna ziua, sunt Diana Anderson.

Interviewer: Please, take a seat. As you read in our announcement, we want to hire a production manager. This position implies the management of the budget, the coordination of the production process, drawing up reports, contacting the suppliers and supervising the projects. You specified in your CV that you had similar position at A&C CO. What makes you want to come and work for us?Va rog, luati loc. Asa cum ati citit in anuntul nistru, dorim sa angajam un director de productie. Acest post implica administrarea bugetului, coordonarea procesului de productie, intocmirea de rapoarte, contractul cu furnizorii si supervizarea proiectelor. In CV-ul dumneavoastra ati specificat ca ati detinut o pozitie asemanatoare la forma A&D. Ce va determina sa veniti sa lucrati pentru noi?

Diana: I want to work in a competitive environment and I consider that I can enrich my experience working with a multinational company.Doresc sa lucrez intr-un mediu competitiv si consider ca, lucrand intr-o firma multinationala, imi pot imbogati experienta.

Interviewer: As I can see from your CV you are an engineer and you also have a university degreee in Economics.Din cate vad in CV-ul dumneavoastra, sunteti inginera si, de asemenea, aveti o diploma in economie.

Diana: Yes, my technical studies helped me to understand the production process very well; at the same time my knowledge in Economics gave me the opportunity to find the most appropriate solutions as to cut down the costs and increase the profits.Da, studiile tehnice m-au ajutat sa inteleg foarte bine procesul de productie; in acelasi timp, cunostintele din domeniul economic mi-au dat posibilitatea sa gasesc cele mai adecvate solutii pentru reducerea costurilor si sporirea profiturilor.

Interviewer: You seem to be the right person for us. We will inform you about our final decision after we talk to all the candidates.Pareti sa fiti persoana potrivita pentru noi. Va vom comunica decizia noastra finala dupa ce vom discuta cu toti candidatii.

Diana: Thank you. Im looking forward to hearing from you.Va multumesc. Astept vesto de la dumneavoastra.

Al doilea interviu:Interviewer: Hello, Mrs. Moore, nice to see you again.Buna ziua, imi pare bine sa va vad .

Diana: Hello, nice to see you, too.Buna ziua, placerea e de partea mea.

Interviewer: Please sit down. As Ive told you on the phone we agree that you are the right person for this position, so I think we should discuss a few aspects regarding the job contract.Va rog, luati loc.Dupa cum v-am spus la telefon, am decis ca sunteti persoana potrivita pentru acest post, deci cred ca este necesar sa discutam cateva aspecte privind contractul.

Diana: Im glad you consider this.Ma bucur ca ganditi astfel.

Interviewer: You know that our company is developing very fast and we need four sales representatives. First of all I would like to ask you if you could start working for us from September the 1st.Stiti ca firma este in dezvoltare si avem nevoie de reprezentanti de vanzari. Mai intai, as dori sa va intreb daca ati putea incepe munca pe 1 septembrie.

Diana: Yes, I think I can. Is there a trial period?Da, cred ca pot. Exista o perioada de proba?

Interviewer: We usually stated for our staff a three months trial period.De obicei, perioada de proba este de 3 luni.

Diana: I see. I would like you to tell me a few things about the working hours, the salary, vacation, about the bonus schemeInteleg. As dori sa aflu cateva lucruri despre orele de munca, salariul, concadiu, schema de bonus.

Interviewer: Your program will be from 9 a.m. to 6 p.m., youll have the right to have 22 days of vacation. As for the salary, we can offer you 20% more than you earn now. Also, our company bonus scheme gives you the opportunity to earn a lot of money you can benefit from incentive binuses and task bonuses.Programul este de la 9 la 18.00, ai dreptul la 22 de zile de vacanta. Cat despre salariu, putem oferi cu 20% mai mult decat castigi acum. De asemenea, schema de bonus iti da posibilitea sa castigi multi bani.

Diana: I understand there is a commission scheme. Can you explain?Am inteles ca exista o schema a comisionului. Imi puteti explica?

Interviewer: We will start with a 3% commission in order to stimulate you. It is up to you to do a good job and you will be paid according to your results.Veti incepe cu un comision de 3% ca sa va stimulam. Depinde de tine sa iti faci bine treaba si vei fi platit in functie de rezultate.

Diana: I will try to do my best.O sa dau tot ce am mai bun.

Interviewer: So, see you on the 1st of September, that is next Monday.Ne vedem pe 1 septembrie, adica urmatoarea luni.

Key success points to remember:1. The most qualified person to do a job is someone who has already done the job. 2. Do you know the company and the job that youre interviewing for? Check financial sources, annual reports, and news media for information on the company, their culture and current events. If possible, visit the company, their stores or offices to get sense of the culture and dress code.3. Dont use limiting words, such as onluy or just, because they make you seem less available and willing to cope with a lot of work or work under pressure.4. Be concise, logical and to the point. Use short sentences.

Interview behaviorTips:1. Dont smoke, chew gum, tobacco or anything else.

2. Make a positive and professional first impression by being assertive and giving a firm handshake to each interviewer and addressing each as they are introduced.

3. Reinforce your professionalism and your ability to communicate effectively by speaking clearly and avoiding uhs, you knows, and slang.

4. use appropiate wording. You wont receive extra points for every word that has more than 10 letters. Use technical terms only when appropiate to the question.

5. Use positive words. Instead of if, I think, I feel, use, I would.

6. Establish rapport by relating to each interviewer.

7. Sit comfortably. Sit erectly, but dont sit stiffly or sprawl over the chair.

8. Project confidence and a positive atitude. Maintain awareness of your voice, posture, enthusiasm.

9. Smile confidently, but not to the point where you would appear to be too casual. Smiling will also help you relax and establish a rapport with the interviewers.

10. Emphasize your strenghts and qualifications that make compelling reason that you are the ideal person for the job.

11. Dont dominate the ointerview.

12. Manage weaknesses or barriers so that they appear to be indications of your strenghts.

13. Be attentive.


Management concepts:QUALITYQuality is important to business organisations and their consumers. This is because quality products or services can and will secure consumers business. However do not equate quality with expensive, as price will not determine quality. Whether a product or service is of high or low quality, will be decided by how it made the consumer feel and whether consumer expectations were satisfied or exceeded.

Adding ValueSome writers such as Tom Peters (in his book Thriving on Chaos) believe that quality rather than price dictates demand for a product. Peters argues that customers will be prepared to pay for high quality. This means that value is added to a product by ensuring that products/services have the quality consumers require.

Quality ControlThis is defined as the process of identifying which products/services do not meet the organisations standards. Once identified the products/services below standard will then be adapted (so that they meet the standards expected) or discontinued

Quality AssuranceThe purpose of this is to ensure that products/services are not below standard when manufactured or used by the consumer. The aim of quality assurance is to make sure that all the goods produced or services offered have zero defects. Quality assurance should save costs as products below standard can not be sold. It should also protect the organisations reputation. Whilst quality control is about identification of low quality products, quality assurance is about prevention. In other words the aim of quality assurance is to ensure that products are not below standard.

Quality CirclesA quality circle is made up of a group of people at various levels within the organisation. These people will have meetings where they will discuss and attempt to solve problems within the organisation. Each of these problems will be real problems faced by the organisation and will require solutions that can be put into practice.

TrainingTo ensure that an organisation can offer the quality expected by their consumers, they will strive to continuously improve their product or service. This is because a constantly evolving market place, will change consumer demands, needs and expectations with it. Continuous improvement will only take place if staff possess the right skills and knowledge. Skills and knowledge are usually acquired by the staff through the organisations ongoing training and development programs.


From the 1980s Total Quality Management was adopted by a number of organisations. TQM requires the whole of the organisation to adopt the culture of quality. In a TQM organisation quality will dictate the decisions, tasks and processes. A TQM organisation is committed at all levels within every department/function to continuously improve quality. In order to fulfil this commitment every single employee in the organisation will need to accept the challenge of continual quality improvement.

TQM Components

TQM has four basic componentsPut customers first2. Make Continuous Improvement3. Aim for zero defects4. Training and development

Put Customers FirstA quality product or service satisfies customers needs and expectations. Whether a product or service is of high or low quality, will be decided by how it made the consumer feel and whether consumer expectations were satisfied or exceeded. See quality. If customers are not put first, then customer expectations will be difficult to satisfy and consequently quality will not be achieved. Customers can be put first through a variety of initiatives including Undertaking market research to discover consumer needs so that the organisation can develop products and services that exceed their consumers needs. Looking after all customers whether internal or external. Internal customers are employees of the organisation and are known as customers when they approach each other for a service. External customers are all non-employees (of the organisation) that approach the organisation in connection with a service or product. Effective customer care systems. Ensuring that all service standards are met. Listening to customer views and opinions. Responding to customer views including resolving customer complaints in a manner that satisfies their expectations. Once customer complaints are resolved they should be analysed to prevent future recurrence.

Make Continuous ImprovementThe Japanese term kaizen has contributed to this component. Kaizen believes that there are no limits to continuous improvement. This means that a TQM organisation will continuously strive to improve their product/service and increase the quality standards. A TQM organisation will also view change positively whether the change involves a process change or a change in customer needs and expectations. This is because changes will enable the organisation to develop and explore quality.

Aim for Zero DefectsThere are a number of reasons behind the aim to eradicate defects. Defects are expensive because they will lower the customers confidence in the product. Also it is more expensive to rectify defects than it is to prevent them occurring in the first place. Zero defects can be achieved through a combination of quality assurance and quality control ( visit the relevant sections by clicking on the links).

Training and DevelopmentAn organisation will need to train their employees to ensure that they understand the principles of TQM. A TQM organisation employee will need to understand how TQM is to be achieved or maintained and how they as an employee will ensure that the organisation emulates TQM. Unless each employee accepts and believes in TQM it will be difficult for the organisation to practice TQM.

John Adair Action Centred Leadership ModelJohn Adair is a renowned leadership theorist. He devised his Action Centred Leadership Model following observations of leaders and their followers during the 1970s. Adair captured his theory in a 3 circle diagram; in which each of the circles overlapped.

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The three overlapping circles illustrate that each of the functions are interdependent. This is because individuals make up teams, teams/individuals complete tasks and without a task there is no need for a team or individual. If one element is missing or weak then the other elements will suffer. For example if the team is weak then the task will suffer and one weak individual can affect team performance and subsequently task completion. Adair said that leaders should therefore concentrate on: Task Completion (achieve the task) Creating and sustaining a group of people that work together as a team (build and sustain a team) and Development of individuals within the team (develop the individual).

Adair stated that the three objectives (above) can be achieved through the following actions. These are often referred to as leadership functions. Defining all tasks so that goals and objectives are SMART (Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Realistic and Time-Constrained). see team briefings so that the team are aware of tasks and progress. Team briefings are a form of communication and can therefore be used to motivate the team.Motivating is a key leadership function because successful and efficient task completion is dependant on motivated teams. Organising: If a leader does not organise the task and team resources will be wasted and efficiency compromised.

Planning: Tasks need to be planned so that both the team and leader are aware of objectives, timescales and individual responsibilities. Planning should include contingencies to cater for unexpected events include testing of the plans.A leader should constantly evaluate prior to, during and after events. This should include an evaluation of performance, training for individuals and lessons from previous experiences.A leader needs to control a number of areas including maintaining overall control of the project, implementation of good control systems, and they need to possess self control. A leader also needs to delegate tasks effectively and monitor the teams skills to increase efficiency and value for by DownSave" id="_GPLITA_0" style="background: none !important; margin: 0px !important; padding: 0px !important; border: currentColor !important; border-image: none !important; width: auto !important; height: auto !important; text-transform: uppercase !important; text-indent: 0px !important; font-weight: bold !important; text-decoration: underline !important; vertical-align: baseline !important; float: none !important; display: inline-block !important; min-height: 0px !important; min-width: 0px !important;" href="#" abp="479" in_rurl=""money by DownSave" id="_GPLITA_0" style="background: none !important; margin: 0px !important; padding: 0px !important; border: currentColor !important; border-image: none !important; width: auto !important; height: auto !important; text-transform: uppercase !important; text-indent: 0px !important; font-weight: bold !important; text-decoration: underline !important; vertical-align: baseline !important; float: none !important; display: inline-block !important; min-height: 0px !important; min-width: 0px !important;" href="#" abp="479" in_rurl="". Adair believed that excellent leader achieved maximum results through the use of minimum resources.Lead by example: If a leader does not lead by example this will affect their credibility and influence. If a team do not believe that their leader believes in the their objectives then they will lose motivation and focus.Adair firmly believed that leadership can be taught and that a person can become a successful leader through effectively applying the action centred leadership model. This opinion was a departure from the other theories prevailing at the time (1960s) which stated that people are born with leadership characteristics and therefore leadership cannot be taught. Nowadays Adairs theory is either criticised for being too simple and branded as outdated, or welcomed by those who feel that its simplicity and practicality render it timeless.



Vocabular:Additional aditional, suplimentarAdvice note instiintraeBalance balanta, soldBusiness agreement intelegere de afaceriTo credit a creditaCredit note nota de creditTo debit a debitaTo deduct a scadeaDelivery books registre de livrareGovernment bonds obligatiuni guvernamentaleLoan imprumutOverdraft finantare pe descoperit de contPart payment plata partialaRate of interest rata dobanziiRaw materials matrie primaRemittance remitereStatement extras de contTrading association asociere comerciala

Traduceti:1. Our terms (of payment) are: net cash, spot cash, cash against acceptance, cash against documents, cash on delivery.Conditiile noastre de plata sunt: plata in numerar la valoarea neta, plata imediata in numerar, plata in numerar contra acceptare de documente, plata in numerar contra prezentarii de documente, plata in numerar la livrare.

2. We request: payment on monthly settlement, payment on invoice, payment by irrevocable letter of credit, payment by bankers draft, payment by promissory note.Solicitam: plata efectuata lunar, plata contra factura, plata prin acreditiv irevocabil, plata prin ordin de plata, plata prin bilet la ordin.

3. The payment will be made by opening of an irrevocable, divisible and transferable confirmed letter of credit with the favour ofPlata se face prin deschiderea unui acreditiv documentar confirmat, irevocabil, divizibil si transferabil la favoarea.

4. Payment for the initial order would be required in pro forma Invoice.Plata pentru prima comanda se va face prin factura proforma.

5. Am acceptat plata, iar banca va trimite o instiintare in scurt timp.We have accepted tha payment, and the bank will send you an advice note shortly.

6. Have you prepaired the terms of payment?Ati pregatit conditiile de plata?

7. Can you please let us have your cheque to clear the amount?Ati putea sa ne trimiteti cecul in vederea achitarii sumei?8. With reference to your Invoice no.552345 for Usd 3335 which we expected payment 3 weeks ago, we have not yet received your remittance.Referitor la factura nr 552345 in valoare de 3335 usd, care trebuia platita acum 3 saptamani, inca nu am primit remiterea dumneavoastra.

9. I am sorry to inform you that we will not be able to offer the credit you request in your letter of 14 November 2000.Cu parere de rau va informam ca nu va putem acorda creditul pe care l-ati cerut prin scrisoarea dumneavoastra din 14 Noiembrie 2000.

10. I am offering you an opportunity to expand your business.Iti ofer oportunitatea sa-ti extinde afacerea.

11. I would like to meet you in order to discuss the possibility of getting a loan or an overdraft from your bank. I can assure you that this Ioan will enable me to expand a very profitable business.As dori sa stabilesc o intalnire cu dumneavoastra pentru a discuta posibilitatea obtinerii unui imprumut sau a unei finantari pe descoperit de cont de la banca dumneavoastra. Va asigur ca acest imprumut imi va permite extinderea unei afaceri foarte profitabile.

12. We are pleased to inform you that the loan you have requested has been approved.Suntem bucurosi sa va anuntam ca acordarea imprumutului pe care l-ati solicitat fost aprobata.

13. We are sorry to inform you that we will not be able to offer you the loan you requested in your letter of 12 December 2000.Ne pare rau sa va informam ca nu vom fi in masura sa va oferim imprumutul pe care l-ati solicitat in scrisoarea dumneavoastra din 12 decembrie 2000.

Conversation:B: Good afternoon, Mr A.B: Buna seara, domnule A.

A: Good afternoon, Mr B. Glad to hear you again. How can I help you?A: Buna seara, domnule B. Ma bucur sa va aud din nou. Cu ce va pot ajuta?

B: I have called because I have noticed an error in our statement. First of all, Ive noticed that Invoice No. 5556677 for 600000 USD has been debited twice. Second of all, you have charged us for a delivery of crystal glasses, Invoice No.667788 for 300 USD, but we have never ordered or received them.B: Am sunat, deoarece am observat o eroare in extrasul nostru de cont. In primul rand, factura nr. 5556677 in valoare de 600000USD a fost debitata ed doua ori. In al doilea rand, ne-ati incarcat cu factura nr 667788 in valoare de 300 USD, pe care nici n-am comandat-o nici n-am primit-o.

A: Thank you very much, Mr.B. for letting us know about that. I apologize for the inconveniences caused to you. Well do our best to repair the mistake as soon as posibile.Multumesc foarte mult, domnule B. pentru ca ne-ati instiintat. Imi cer scuze de inconvenientele cauzate. Ne vom stradui sa reparam greseala cat mai repede.

B: Im glad to hear that. Good bye!Ma bucur sa aud asta. La revedere.


Vocabulary:Supply manager directorul Departamentului AprovizionareTehnical department Departamentul tehnicAverall procedure procedeu generalAs soon as possible cat mai repede posibilSize of order marime a comenziiTo share ones point of view a avea acelasi punct de vedere cu cinevaComplaint reclamatieTo sign a contract - a semna un contractTo word a contract a redacta un contractDraft (of a contract) ciorna Contract clauses clauze contractualeTo submit a preda, a propuneTo undertake a asuma (raspunderea)To confirm an agreement a confirma un acordBy the way apropoNon smoking area zona pentru nefumatoriPrevious anteriorLevel nivelProgramming programareTo get a discount - a obtine o reducereTo involve a implicaTo let someone know about a instiinta pe cineva despre..By far incontestabil, de departeTo train a instruiOverall procedure procedeu generalPace of work ritm de lucruPenalty clause clauza referitoare la penalizareMain objective obiectiv principalConflict conflictDispute disputaPressure presiune, povaraResentment resentimentVictory victorieYield productie, recolta, beneficiuTrade comercialMislead- a induce in eroare

Preparing to negotiateHere are some preparatory questions to ask yourself before beginning talks with the other party: What is my main objective? What are all of the alternatives I can think of? Why do I deserve to have my goals met? What will my opponent's counter proposal likely consist of? How can I respond to this counter proposal? When would I like to have this issue resolved? What is my bottom-line? What market research/homework do I need to do to back up my cause? What is my bargaining power compared to my opponent's? What do I know about the principles of negotiating?

Preparing to Negotiate a Job OfferNegotiating a job offer should mean more than just saying, yes. Though being offered a job is an exciting time, it is also an important time to use your negotiating skills. Here are some issues you may want to raise before you accept: Salary Promotion Opportunies Insurance (medical, dental, accident, life) Holidays Vacation time Retirement/pension plans Stock options Overtime Expenses

Main Principles of Collaborative Negotiating: Resolve previous conflicts ahead of time Deal with issues, not personalities Commit to listening more than speaking: The more you know about your counterpart, the more likely you will achieve your goals. You cannot convince someone of something when you do not know anything about them, or what their own needs are. A common mistake is to prepare one's next question or point while the opponent is speaking. Establish trust in the onset Develop a common goal Discuss a common enemy Take opponent's views/needs into careful consideration: Not only do you want to win this negotiation, you want your oppone

The Negotiation Process

It's time to negotiate! Here are a few golden rules to successful negotiations:1) Always try to negotiate for at least 15 minutes. Any less than that and it is unlikely that either party has had enough time to fairly consider the other side. Generally, the size or seriousness of the negotiation determines the amount of time needed to negotiate it. Setting a time limit is a good idea. Approximately 90% of negotiations get settled in the last 10% of the discussion.

2) Always offer to let the other party speak first. This is especially important if you are the one making a request for something such as a raise. The other party may have overestimated what you are going to ask for and may actually offer more than what you were going to request.

3) Always respect and listen to what your opponent has to say. This is important even if he or she does not extend the same courtesy to you. Do your best to remain calm and pleasant even if the other party is displaying frustration or anger. Remember some people will do anything to intimidate you.

4) Acknowledge what the other party says. Everyone likes to know that what they say is important. If the other party opens first, use it to your advantage, by paraphrasing what you have heard. Repeat their important ideas before you introduce your own stronger ones.

5) Pay attention to your own and your counterpartner's body language. Review the chart below to learn how to interpret body language during the negotiations. Make sure that you aren't conveying any negative body language.

Language to use to show understanding/agreement on a point: I agree with you on that point. That's a fair suggestion. So what you're saying is that you... In other words, you feel that... You have a strong point there. I think we can both agree that... I don't see any problem with/harm in that.

Language to use for objection on a point or offer: I understand where you're coming from; however,... I'm prepared to compromise, but... The way I look at it... The way I see things... If you look at it from my point of view... I'm afraid I had something different in mind. That's not exactly how I look at it. From my perspective... I'd have to disagree with you there. I'm afraid that doesn't work for me. Is that your best offer?

Body LanguagePossible meaning

Avoiding Eye ContactLying

Not interested

Not telling the whole truth

Serious Eye ContactTrying to intimidate

Showing anger

Touching the face/fidgetingNervousness

Lack of confidence



Willing to compromise

Shaking the head/turning awayFrustrated

In disbelief

Disagreeing with a point

Formalize the agreement/negotiationIn most business negotiations it is a good idea to get something down in writing. Even if a decision has not been made, a letter of intent to continue the negotiations is often used. This is a way for each party to guarantee that talks will continue. A letter of intent often outlines the major issues that will be discussed in future negoatiations. In some cases a confidentiality agreement is also necessary. This is a promise from both parties to keep information private between discussions. When an agreement has been decided, a formal contract may be required. On the other hand, depending on the seriousness of the decision, and the level of trust between the two parties, a simple handshake and verbal agreement may be all that is needed. For example, an employer may offer a promotion and an employee may trust that the new salary will be reflected on the next paycheque. However, even if nothing is put formally in writing, it is wise to send an e-mail or letter that verifies the terms and puts the agreement on record, especially when a specific number is decided on.

Sample E-mail:

To: [email protected]: [email protected]: Today's Negotiation

Hi LouisI just wanted to write and thank you for spending your lunch hour with me today. I'm pleased with how our talks went and am excited to take on my new role as crew foreman. Even though my new salary will not be put in place until the first of next month, I will begin my new duties immediately. The supplies for Monday's job (Site #345) have all been ordered, and the total of the invoice will be $349.98, including tax and delivery. The crew has been assigned their tasks for Monday so we will be able to start as soon as we arrive. You will find a chart attached outlining who will be taking care of what and how long it should take us to have it completed. If you have any concerns, feel free to call me at home over the weekend. Thanks again,Markus

Traduceti:1. Im sorry but I dont share your point of view.Regret, dar nu impartasesc punctul dumneavoastra de vedere.

2. I disagree.Nu sunt de acord.

3. You could get the goods at an attractive discount.Ati putea sa obtineti marfa cu o reducere atragatoare.

4. Your products shall come up to the clients specific needs.Produsele dumneavoastra trebuie sa corespunda nevoilor clientilor.

5. Do you know the market strategy?Cunosti strategia de marketing?

6. Perhaps we could perform a market research first.Poate ca ar trebui sa facem o cercetare de piata mai intai.

7. I support the idea of longer training for beginners.Sustin ideea unei instruiri indelungate pentru incepatori.

8. The main advantage of entering that market is that the competition is weak there.Principalul avantaj al patrunderii pe aceasta piata este faptul ca aici competitia este redusa.

9. Suntem interesati in achizitionarea unor noi utilaje de constructii.We are interested in purchasing some new building equipment.

10. (Ei) trebuie sa specifice in contract care sunt clauzele referitoare la penalizare.They have to specify in the contract what the penalty clauses are.

11. Payment will be made by letter of credit and sight drafts.Plata se va face prin acreditiv si prin trata la vedere.

12. Im afraid that the general director couldnt accept these terms.Ma tem ca directorul general nu va putea sa accepte aceste conditii.

13. Try to get a discount!Incearca sa obtii un discount.

Conversation:A: Good day, Mr. B. How are you?A: Buna ziua, domnule B. Ce faceti?

B: Good day. Im very well, thank you for asking. Can I help you?B: Buna ziua, domnule A. Sunt bine, multumesc. Va pot ajuta?

A: Yes. There is a problem with our discount. Today the goods arrived with 2% discount. Usually for orders of 100.000 USD the discount was 10%. You have to respect the contract.A: Da. Este o problema cu discountul. Astazi a sosit marfa cu 2% discount. De obicei pentru comenzi de 100000USD discountul era de 10%. Trebuie sa respectati contractul.

B: Ou! Unfortunately I dont have all the data at present. My people are still working in them, but well let you know as soon as posible.B: Din pacate momentan nu am datele necesare. Oamenii mei se ocupa de asa ceva si va anuntam cat mai curand.

After 30 minutesDupa 30 de minute

B: Hello, Mr.A. This is Mr.B speaking. I called to apologise for the inconvenience weve created. In 30 minutes youll have the corect discount. Ill sent you by mail. B: Buna, domnule A.Domnul B la telefon. Am sunat sa imi cer scuze pentru inconvenientele cauzate. In 30 de minute veti avea discountul corect. Va trimit prin mail.


What is Marketing? The term marketing has changed and evolved over a period of time, today marketing is based around providing continual benefits to the customer, these benefits will be provided and a transactional exchange will take place. The Chartered Institute of Marketing define marketing as The management process responsible for identifying , anticipating and satisfying customer requirements profitability

Philip Kotler defines marketing as satisfying needs and wants through an exchange process

SMART business objectives

All businesses need to set objectives for themselves or for the products or services they are launching. What does your company, product or service hope to achieve?Setting objectives are important., it focuses the company on specific aims over a period of time and can motivate staff to meet the objectives set.A simple acronym used to set objectives is called SMART objectives. SMART stands for:1. Specific Objectives should specify what they want to achieve.2. Measurable You should be able to measure whether you are meeting the objectives or not.3. Achievable - Are the objectives you set, achievable and attainable?4. Realistic Can you realistically achieve the objectives with the resources you have?5. Time When do you want to achieve the set objectives?

SWOT AnalysisA tool used by organisations to help the firm establish its Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities and Threats (SWOT). A SWOT analysis is used as a framework to help the firm develop its overall corporate, marketing, or product strategies. Note:Strengths and Weaknesses are internal factors which are controllable by the organisation. Opportunities & threats are external factors which are uncontrollable by the organisation.

Strength examples could include: A strong brand name. Market share. Good reputation. Expertise and skill.

Weaknesses could include: Low or no market share. No brand loyalty. Lack of experience.

Opportunities could include: A growing market. Increased consumer spending. Selling internationally. Changes in society beneficial to your company.

Threats could include: Competitors Government policy eg taxation, laws. Changes in society not beneficial to your company.

A SWOT analysis is an excellent tool to use if the organisation wants to take a step back and assess the situation they are in. Issues raised from the analysis are then used to assist the organisation in developing their marketing mix strategy. A SWOT analysis must form the part of any prudent marketing strategy.

Promotion StrategiesA successful product or service means nothing unless the benefit of such a service can be communicated clearly to the target market. An organisations promotional strategy can consist of:

Advertising: Is any non personal paid form of communication using any form of mass media.

Public relations: Involves developing positive relationships with the organisation media public. The art of good public relations is not only to obtain favorable publicity within the media, but it is also involves being able to handle successfully negative attention.

Sales promotion: Commonly used to obtain an increase in sales short term. Could involve using money off coupons or special offers.

Personal selling: Selling a product service one to one.

Direct Mail: Is the sending of publicity material to a named person within an organisation. There has been a massive growth in direct mail campaigns over the last 5 years. Spending on direct mail now amounts to 18 bn a year representing 11.8% of advertising expenditure ( Source: Royal Mail 2000). Organisations can pay thousands of pounds for databases, which contain names and addresses of potential customers. Direct mail allows an organisation to use their resources more effectively by allowing them to send publicity material to a named person within their target segment. By personalising advertising, response rates increase thus increasing the chance of improving sales. Listed below are links to organisation who's business involves

Above a pull strategy (left) push strategy (right).Communication by the manufacturer is not only directed towards consumers to create demand. A push strategy is where the manufacturer concentrates some of their marketing effort on promoting their product to retailers to convince them to stock the product. A combination of promotional mix strategies are used at this stage aimed at the retailer including personal selling, and direct mail. The product is pushed onto the retailer, hence the name. A pull strategy is based around the manufacturer promoting their product amongst the target market to create demand.

Consumers pull the product through the distribution channel forcing the wholesaler and retailer to stock it, hence the name pull strategy. Organisations tend to use both push and pull strategies to create Communication Model - AIDA

INCLUDEPICTURE \d "/userfiles/image/marketing/aida.jpg"AIDA is a communication model which can be used by firms to aid them in selling their product or services. AIDA is an Acronym for Attention, Interest, Desire, Action.. When a product is launched the first goal is to grab attention. Think, how can an organisation use it skills to do this? Use well-known personalities to sell products? Once you grab attention how can you hold Interest, through promoting features, clearly stating the benefit the product has to offer? The third stage is desire, how can you make the product desirable to the consumer? By demonstrating it? The final stage is the purchase action, if the company has been successful with its strategy then the target customer should purchase the product.

Pricing Strategies Pricing is one of the most important elements of the marketing mix, as it is the only mix, which generates a turnover for the organisation. The remaining 3ps are the variable cost for the organisation. It costs to produce and design a product, it costs to distribute a product and costs to promote it. Price must support these elements of the mix. Pricing is difficult and must reflect supply and demand relationship. Pricing a product too high or too low could mean a loss of sales for the organisation.

Pricing should take into account the following factors:Fixed and variable costs.CompetitionCompany objectivesProposed positioning strategies.Target group and willingness to pay.

Pricing StrategiesAn organisation can adopt a number of pricing strategies. The pricing strategies are based much on what objectives the company has set itself to achieve.

Penetration pricing: Where the organisation sets a low price to increase sales and market share.

Skimming pricing: The organisation sets an initial high price and then slowly lowers the price to make the product available to a wider market. The objective is to skim profits of the market layer by layer.

Competition pricing: Setting a price in comparison with competitors.

Product Line Pricing: Pricing different products within the same product range at different price points. An example would be a video manufacturer offering different video recorders with different features at different prices. The greater the features and the benefit obtained the greater the consumer will pay. This form of price discrimination assists the company in maximising turnover and profits.

Bundle Pricing: The organisation bundles a group of products at a reduced price. Psychological pricing: The seller here will consider the psychology of price and the positioning of price within the market place. The seller will therefore charge 99p instead 1 or $199 instead of $200

Premium pricing: The price set is high to reflect the exclusiveness of the product. An example of products using this strategy would be Harrods, first class airline services, porsche etc.

Optional pricing: The organisation sells optional extras along with the product to maximise its turnover. This strategy is used commonly within the car industry.

PEST & Micro environmental Factors

The following type of forces influence an organisations operating environment: Pest Factors These are external forces which the organisation does not have direct control over these factors. PEST is an acronym and each letter represents a type of factor (Political, Economical Social and Technological). Micro environmental factors These are internal factors, which the organisation can control.PEST & PESTLE analysis

A PEST analysis is used to identify the external forces affecting an organisation .This is a simple analysis of an organisations Political, Economical, Social and Technological environment. A PEST analysis incorporating legal and environmental factors is called a PESTLE analysis.

PoliticalThe first element of a PEST analysis is a study of political factors. Political factors influence organisations in many ways. Political factors can create advantages and opportunities for organisations. Conversely they can place obligations and duties on organisations. Political factors include the following types of instrument:- Legislation such as the minimum wage or anti discrimination laws.- Voluntary codes and practices- Market regulations- Trade agreements, tariffs or restrictions- Tax levies and tax breaks- Type of government regime eg communist, democratic, dictatorshipNon conformance with legislative obligations can lead to sanctions such as fines, adverse publicity and imprisonment. Ineffective voluntary codes and practices will often lead to governments introducing legislation to regulate the activities covered by the codes and practices.

EconomicalThe second element of a PEST analysis involves a study of economic factors. All businesses are affected by national and global economic factors. National and global interest rate and fiscal policy will be set around economic conditions. The climate of the economy dictates how consumers, suppliers and other organisational stakeholders such as suppliers and creditors behave within society. An economy undergoing recession will have high unemployment, low spending power and low stakeholder confidence. Conversely a booming or growing economy will have low unemployment, high spending power and high stakeholder confidence.A successful organisation will respond to economic conditions and stakeholder behaviour. Furthermore organisations will need to review the impact economic conditions are having on their competitors and respond accordingly.In this global business world organisations are affected by economies throughout the world and not just the countries in which they are based or operate from. For example: a global credit crunch originating in the USA contributed towards the credit crunch in the UK in 2007/08.Cheaper labour in developing countries affects the competitiveness of products from developed countries. An increase in interest rates in the USA will affect the share price of UK stocks or adverse weather conditions in India may affect the price of tea bought in an English caf.A truly global player has to be aware of economic conditions across all borders and needs to ensure that it employs strategies that protect and promote its business through economic conditions throughout the world.

SocialThe third aspect of PEST focuses its attention on forces within society such as family, friends, colleagues, neighbours and the media. Social forces affect our attitudes, interest s and opinions. These forces shape who we are as people, the way we behave and ultimately what we purchase. For example within the UK peoples attitudes are changing towards their diet and health. As a result the UK is seeing an increase in the number of people joining fitness clubs and a massive growth for the demand of organic food. Products such as Wii Fit attempt to deal with societys concern, about childrens lack of exercise.Population changes also have a direct impact on organisations. Changes in the structure of a population will affect the supply and demand of goods and services within an economy. Falling birth rates will result in decreased demand and greater competition as the number of consumers fall. Conversely an increase in the global population and world food shortage predictions are currently leading to calls for greater investment in food production. Due to food shortages African countries such as Uganda are now reconsidering their rejection of genetically modified foods. In summary organisations must be able to offer products and services that aim to complement and benefit peoples lifestyle and behaviour. If organisations do not respond to changes in society they will lose market share and demand for their product or service.

TechnologicalUnsurprisingly the fourth element of PEST is technology, as you are probably aware technological advances have greatly changed the manner in which businesses operate. Organisations use technology in many ways, they have 1. Technology infrastructure such as the internet and other information exchange systems including telephone2. Technology systems incorporating a multitude of software which help them manage their business.3. Technology hardware such as mobile phones, Blackberrys, laptops, desktops, Bluetooth devices, photocopiers and fax machines which transmit and record information.Technology has created a society which expects instant results. This technological revolution has increased the rate at which information is exchanged between stakeholders. A faster exchange of information can benefit businesses as they are able to react quickly to changes within their operating environment. However an ability to react quickly also creates extra pressure as businesses are expected to deliver on their promises within ever decreasing timescales.. For example the Internet is having a profound impact on the marketing mix strategy of organisations. Consumers can now shop 24 hours a day from their homes, work, Internet cafs and via 3G phones and 3G cards. Some employees have instant access to e-mails through Blackberrys but this can be a double edged sword, as studies have shown that this access can cause work to encroach on their personal time outside work.The pace of technological change is so fast that the average life of a computer chip is approximately 6 months. Technology is utilised by all age groups, children are exposed to technology from birth and a new generation of technology savvy pensioners known as silver surfers have emerged. Technology will continue to evolve and impact on consumer habits and expectations, organisations that ignore this fact face extinction.

PESTLEA PEST analysis is sometimes expanded to incorporate legal and environmental factors; this is known as a pestle analysis. There are many statutes books containing company law as almost every aspect of an organisations operation is controlled through legislation from treatment of employees through to health and safety. Legal factors are important as organisations have to work within legislative frameworks. Legislation can hinder business by placing onerous obligations on organisations. On the other hand legislation can create market conditions that benefit business.

Diagram: PEST analysis and the marketing mix.

INCLUDEPICTURE \d "/userfiles/image/marketing/pestmarketing.jpg"

Levels of a productLevel 1: Core Product. What is the core benefit your product offers?. Customers who purchase a camera are buying more then just a camera they are purchasing memories.Level 2: Actual Product: All cameras capture memories. The aim is to ensure that your potential customers purchase your one. The strategy at this level involves organisations branding, adding features and benefits to ensure that their product offers a differential advantage from their competitors.Level 3: Augmented product: What additional non-tangible benefits can you offer? Competition at this level is based around after sales service, warranties, delivery and so on. John Lewis a retail departmental store offers free five year guarantee on purchases of their Television sets, this gives their `customers the additional benefit of piece of mind over the five years should their purchase develop a fault.

INCLUDEPICTURE \d "/userfiles/image/marketing/totalproduct.jpg"

Vocabulary:Digital copying copiere digitalaPotential market piata potentialaMarket segmentation segmentare a pieteiConsumer consumator, clientUnanimously in unanimitateTo overprice - a fixa un pret prea mareAffordable price pret pe care iti poti permite sa-l platestiTo go up slightly a creste usorTo make a product profitable a face un produs profitabilMarketing mix mix de marketingPromotion promovareTo be in progress - a fi in plina desfasurareTo meet a deadline a respecta un termen limitaBrand name marcaDistribution system sistem de distributiePoints of sale puncte de vanzareTo work under pressure a lucra sub presiuneProduction function functie a productieiTo be incorporated a fi inclusTo survive a supravietuiSample esantionMarket trends tendinte ale pieteiAdvertising campaign campanie publicitaraBasic principle principiu de bazaFair competition competitie cinstitaAdvertiser producator de reclame

Traduceti:1. Este putin probabil ca produsul sa fie acceptat fara sa fie testat in prealabil.Its unlikely that the product will be accepted without being tested in advance.

2. Nu se poate exclude posibilitatea de aretrage produsul de pe piata.One cant exclude the possibility of withdrawing the product from the market.

3. Probabil vom schimba structura departamentului.We would probably change the structure of the department.

4. Marketing research consist in collecting information about peoples needs, interpreting it and drawing conclusions on the basis of the material collected. But each stage has some specific steps.

Cercetarea pietei consta in strangerea informatiilor despre nevoile oamenilor, pe interpretarea lor si desprinderea concluziilor pe baza materialului adunat. Dar fiecare etapa presupune parcurgerea catorva pasi.

5. Questionnaires and public opinion polls are used in order to get market information.Chestionarele si parerile opiniei publice sunt folosite pentru a obtine informatii despre piata.

6. Do you have your own idea for these advertisements or will you leave it entirely to us?Aveti propria dumneavoastra idee in ceea ce priveste aceste reclame sau lasati totul in seama noastra?

7. Please note that on all orders for the advertised product sent to us by 15 June 2001, we will give an 8% trade discount for orders of at least 100 pieces.Va rugam sa retineti ca pentru toate comenzile pe care le vom primi pentru produsul din reclama pana la data de 15 iunie 2001, acordam un rabat comercialde 8% pentru comenzi de cel putin 100 de bucati.

8. The marketing manager is going to contact an advertising company for promoting the new product.Managerul va contacta o companie de publicitate pentru promovarea noului produs.

9. If you want to take up advertising, you will have to use creativity to the maximum. Advertising is an atractive and profitable field, but competition is also strong here. Advertisers have to take into account the clients objectives as well as the message the latter wants to send to the target audience.Daca vei dori sa te apuci de reclama, va trebui sa-ti folosesti creativitatea la maximum. Reclama este un domeniu atragator si profitabil, dar concurenta este si ea puternica aici. Producatorii de reclame trebuie sa tina seama de obiectivele clientului si de mesajul pe care acesta din urma doreste sa-l transmita publicului tinta.


Chairman presedinteDeputy director director adjunctMarketing director director de marketingDirector directorSales director director de vanzari (comercial)Managing director director generalExecutive director director executive

To hire (employ) a angajaTo imply (to envolve) a implicaCoordinsation coordonareTo draw up - a pregati un raportTo supervise a supervizaTo enrich (to develop) a dezvolta, a imbogatiTo cut down (to reduce) a reduceTo increase (to extend) a creste, a mariJob contract contract de muncaSales representative reprezentatnt de vanzariTrial period perioada de probaWorking hours ore/program de lucruSalary salariuVacation vacantaBonus scheme plan de recompensareTo earn - a castigaIncentive bonus prima de incurajareCommission comisionTo stimulate - a stimulaTo be up to a fi la alegerea, a depinde deAdvertisement reclamaTo apply for a aplica, a face o cerereAt present in prezentChallenging provocatorEnclosed anexatRelevant relevantCanvas panzaProfessional profesionalResponsible for responsabil pentruPlanning planificareDepartment departamentPersonal data date personaleFactory manager director de fabricaUniversity degree diploma universitaraTechnology tehnologieEconomics economiePreferably de preferatManagement conducere, managementCompany car masina de serviciuCareer prospects perspectiva de carieraRemuneration package pachet de remunerareRecruitment recrutare, selectie (a personalului)Chief accountant contabil sefStaff personal, grup de angajatiSystem sistemManufacturer producatorSecretary secretaraRequirements cerinteFluency fluentaSkill abilitate, indemanarePosition functie, postEmployment loc de muncaInterview interviuApplication aplicare, cerereCurriculum vitae curriculum vitaePhotograph fotografie, pozaEngaged - ocupatPosition functie, serviciuAdditional aditional, suplimentarAdvice note instiintraeBalance balanta, soldBusiness agreement intelegere de afaceriTo credit a creditaCredit note nota de creditTo debit a debitaTo deduct a scadeaDelivery books registre de livrareGovernment bonds obligatiuni guvernamentaleLoan imprumutOverdraft finantare pe descoperit de contPart payment plata partialaRate of interest rata dobanziiRaw materials matrie primaRemittance remitereStatement extras de contTrading association asociere comerciala

Supply manager directorul Departamentului AprovizionareTehnical department Departamentul tehnicAverall procedure procedeu generalAs soon as possible cat mai repede posibilSize of order marime a comenziiTo share ones point of view a avea acelasi punct de vedere cu cinevaComplaint reclamatieTo sign a contract - a semna un contractTo word a contract a redacta un contractDraft (of a contract) ciorna Contract clauses clauze contractualeTo submit a preda, a propuneTo undertake a asuma (raspunderea)To confirm an agreement a confirma un acordBy the way apropoNon smoking area zona pentru nefumatoriPrevious anteriorLevel nivelProgramming programareTo get a discount - a obtine o reducereTo involve a implicaTo let someone know about a instiinta pe cineva despre..By far incontestabil, de departeTo train a instruiOverall procedure procedeu generalPace of work ritm de lucruPenalty clause clauza referitoare la penalizareMain objective obiectiv principalConflict conflictDispute disputaPressure presiune, povaraResentment resentimentVictory victorieYield productie, recolta, beneficiuTrade comercialMislead- a induce in eroare