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  • 7/30/2019 Romanian-English Bible New Testament Ephesians


    Scrisoarea lui Pavel ctre

    Efeseni Ephesians


    11.6 har bunvoin^, favoare a lui Dumnezeu fa^ de oameni;buntatea cu care Dumnezeu d favoruri celor ce nu le merit`i acord pcto`ilor iertarea pcatelor `i mntuirea etern prinCristos. 21.12 slava mre^ia i maiestatea lui Dumnezeu.

    11Pavel, apostol* al lui Isus Cristos prinvoia lui Dumnezeu, ctre sfin^ii* care

    sunt n Efes, credincio`i n Cristos Isus.

    2Har `i pace vou de la Dumnezeu, Tatlnostru, `i de la Domnul nostru Isus Cristos!

    Binecuvntri spirituale n Cristos3Binecuvntat s fie Dumnezeul `i Tatl

    Domnului nostru Isus Cristos! n Cristos, nlocurile cere`ti, Dumnezeu ne-a binecuvntatcu toate binecuvntrile spirituale. 4nCristos, Dumnezeu ne-a ales nc nainte decrearea lumii ca s fim sfin^i `i fr vinnaintea Lui. Din dragoste pentru noi, 5El ahotrt s ne nfieze prin Isus Cristos, dupvoia `i plcerea Sa. 6Astfel, El va fi slvitpentru harul1 Su nemsurat, pe care ni l-adat n Fiul Su iubit. 7n El `i prin sngeleLui ne bucurm de iertarea pcatelor. 8Avem

    iertarea pcatelor ca rezultat al harului Subogat, pe care Dumnezeu l-a revrsat asupranoastr mpreun cu toat n^elepciunea `ipriceperea. 9El ne-a fcut cunoscut tainavoii Sale, dup bunvoin^a Sa, pe care aplnuit s o mplineasc n Cristos. 10Planullui Dumnezeu a fost s strng, la momentulpot rivi t, toa te luc ruri le mpreun, subdomnia lui Cristos: att cele din ceruri, ct `icele de pe pmnt.

    11n El am fost ale`i s fim poporul luiDumnezeu. Noi am fost pregti^i maidinainte pentru aceasta, dup planul Celuice face ca toate lucrurile s fie mplinitedup planul `i voia Sa. 12i aceasta pentruca noi, cei ce ne-am pus deja speran^a nCristos, s aducem laud slavei2 Sale.13Atunci cnd a^i auzit cuvntul adevrului,adic Vestea Bun* despre mntuirea

    1 1:1 in Ephesus Some Greek copies do not have the words inEphesus.

    11Greetings from Paul, an apostle* of ChristJesus. I am an apostle because that is what

    God wanted.To Gods holy people* living in Ephesus,1 beli-

    evers who belong to Christ Jesus.2Grace* and peace to you from God our Father

    and the Lord Jesus Christ.

    Spiritual Blessings in Christ3Praise be to the God and Father of our Lord

    Jesus Christ. In Christ, God has given us everyspiritual blessing in heaven. 4In Christ, he choseus before the world was made. He chose us inlove to be his holy people*people who couldstand before him without any fault. 5And beforethe world was made, God decided to make us hisown children through Jesus Christ. This was whatGod wanted, and it pleased him to do it. 6And thisbrings praise to God because of his wonderfulgrace.* God gave that grace to us freely. He gaveus that grace in Christ, the one he loves.


    In Christ we are made free by his blood sacri-fice. We have forgiveness of sins because ofGods rich grace. 8God gave us that grace fullyand freely. With full wisdom and understanding,9he let us know his secret plan. This was whatGod wanted, and he planned to do it throughChrist. 10Gods goal was to finish his plan whenthe right time came. He planned that all things inheaven and on earth be joined together with Christas the head.

    11In Christ we were chosen to be Gods people.God had already planned for us to be his people,because that is what he wanted. And he is the onewho makes everything agree with what he decidesand wants. 12We Jews were the first to hope inChrist. And we were chosen so that we wouldbring praise to God in all his glory.* 13It is thesame with you. You heard the true message, theGood News* about your salvation. When youheard that Good News, you believed in Christ.

  • 7/30/2019 Romanian-English Bible New Testament Ephesians


    411 EPHESIANS 1:142:3 EFESENI 1.14 2.3

    12.2 stpnul puterilor spirituale Satan.

    voastr `i a^i crezut n El, a^i fost pecetlui^ide Dumnezeu, n Cristos, cu Duhul Sfnt*pe care-L promisese. 14Duhul reprezintgaran^ia c ne vom primi mo`tenirea

    noastr. Toate acestea vor duce la libertatedeplin pentru to^i cei care sunt ai luiDumnezeu `i vor aduce laud slavei Sale.

    Rugciunea lui Pavel15De aceea, de cnd am auzit despre

    credin^a voastr n Domnul Isus `i despredragostea voastr pentru to^i sfin^ii* lu iDumnezeu, 16nu ncetez s-I mul^umesc luiDumnezeu pentru voi, cnd v amintesc nrugciunile mele. 17M rog ca DumnezeulDomnului nostru Isus Cristos, Tatl slavei,s v d ea duh de n ^e lepc iune ` i dedescoperire ca s-L cunoa`te^i pe Tatl.18M rog ca El s v lumineze mintea astfelc a v oi s n^ el ege ^i ca re est e sp er an ^achemrii Sale. Atunci ve^i cunoa te ct debogat `i de slvit este mo tenirea pe careDumnezeu v-a promis-o vou mpreun cuto^i cei sfin^i 19`i ct de nemsura t esteputerea Lui pentru noi , cei credincio`i .Aceast putere este aceea i putere 20pe careEl a folosit-o cnd L-a nviat pe Cristosdintre cei mor^i `i L-a a`ezat la dreapta Sa,n locurile cere`ti. 21Dumnezeu L-a pus peCristos mai presus de orice conductor, maipresus de orice autor itate ` i putere, mai

    presus de orice stpnire `i de orice nume,att din acest veac, ct `i din cel viitor.22Dumnezeu a pus totul sub controlul luiCristos `i L-a fcut autoritatea suprem pestetoate lucrurile, pentru Biseric. 23Bisericaeste trupul lui Cristos, este plintatea Celuice umple totul n toate privin^ele.

    De la moarte la via^

    21Voi era^i mor^i din punct de vederespiritual din cauza gre`elilor voastre

    fa^ de Dumnezeu `i a pcatelor 2n caretria i cnd umbla i pe cile rele ale acesteilumi `i cnd l urma^i pe stpnul puterilor


    din vzduh. Acesta este duhulcare lucreaz n via^a celor care nu-L ascultpe Dumnezeu. 3i noi eram printre ei ntrecut, trind dup poftele trupului nostru,m pl in ind do rin^ ele c rn ii `i ale min^ iinoastre, `i , fi ind din fire la fel ca ceilal^ i,urma s suportm `i noi furia lui Dumnezeu.

    And in Christ, God put his special mark on you bygiving you the Holy Spirit* that he promised.14The Spirit is the first payment that guaranteeswe will get all that God has for us. Then we will

    enjoy complete freedom as people who belong tohim. The goal for all of us is the praise of God inall his glory.

    Pauls Prayer1516That is why I always remember you in my

    prayers and thank God for you. I have done thisever since I heard about your faith in the LordJesus and your love for all of Gods people. 17Ialways pray to the great and glorious Father, theGod of our Lord Jesus Christ. I pray that he willgive you the Spirit,* who will let you know truthsabout God and help you understand them, so thatyou will know him better.

    18I pray that God will open your minds to seehis truth. Then you will know the hope that he haschosen us to have. You will know that the bles-sings God has promised his holy people* are richand glorious. 19And you will know that Godspower is very great for us who believe. Thatpower is the same as the great strength 20that Godused to raise Christ from death. He put Christ athis right side in the heavenly places. 21God madeChrist more important than all rulers, authorities,powers, and kings. Christ is more important thananything that has power in this world or in thenext world. 22God put everything under Christs

    power and made him head over everything for thechurch.* 23The church is Christs body. It is filledw it h hi m. H e ma kes ev er yt hi ng com ple te inevery way.

    From Death to Life

    21I n th e past, you were sp ir itu all y deadbecause of your sins and the things you did

    against God. 2Yes, in the past your lives were fullof those sins. You lived the way the world lives,following the ruler of the evil powers* over the

    earth. That same spirit is now working in thosewho refuse to obey God. 3In the past, all of uslived like that, trying to please our sinful selves.We did all the things our bodies and mindswanted. Like everyone else in the world, we des-erved to suffer Gods anger just because of theway we were.

  • 7/30/2019 Romanian-English Bible New Testament Ephesians


    412EFESENI 2.417 EPHESIANS 2:417

    1 2.15 Legea legea dat de Dumnezeu poporului Israel prinMoise.

    4Dar Dumnezeu este bogat n ndurare `i,datorit dragostei mari cu care ne-a iubit, pecnd eram mor i din cauza pcatelor noastre,5ne-a dat via^ mpreun cu Cristos. Prin

    harul lui Dumnezeu a^i fost mntui^i.6

    Elne-a nviat , mpreun cu Cris tos, `i ne-aa`ezat, mpreun cu El, n locurile cere`ti,pentru c suntem n Cristos Isus. 7Dumnezeua fcut toate acestea ca s arate genera^iilorviitoare incomparabila bog^ie a harului Su,care ne-a fost ar tat n Cristos Isus, pr inbuntatea Lui. 8Voi a i fost mntu i i princredin^, datorit harului lui Dumnezeu.Mntuirea nu a venit de la voi. Ea a venit caun dar de la Dumnezeu, 9`i nu prin fapte,pentru ca s nu se laude nimeni. 10Noisuntem lucrarea minilor lui Dumnezeu. Elne-a creat n Cristos Isus, pentru faptelebune pe care El le-a pregtit mai dinainte,pentru ca noi s le mplinim n via^a noastr.

    Unul n Cristos11De aceea, aminti^i-v c voi v-a^i nscut

    neevrei `i era^i numi^i necircumci`i dec t re ce i ce s e numesc c i rcumci` i .Circumcizia* lor este fcut de un om ntrupul lor. 12Aminti i-v c atunci era i frCristos; era^i exclu`i din comunitatea luiIsrael, fiind strini de legmintele fcuteprin promisiunea lui Dumnezeu. Voi tria^in aceast lume fr speran^ `i fr


    Dar acum, voi, care era^ideparte de Dumnezeu, a^i fost adu`i aproapede El, n Cristos Isus, prin sngele luiCristos. 14El nsu i este pacea noastr. El afcut din noi, evrei `i neevrei, un singurpopor `i a drmat zidul de du`mnie carene despr^ea. Dndu-i trupul Su, 15Cristosa desfiin^at Legea1, cu regulile `i cerin^eleei, pentru ca s fac pe evrei `i neevrei s fien El nsu`i un singur om nou, fcnd astfelpace. 16Prin moartea Lui pe cruce, El i-ampcat pe evrei `i neevrei cu Dumnezeuntr-un singur trup, stingnd du`mnia dintreei. 17El a venit `i v-a vestit pacea att vou,care era^i departe de Dumnezeu, ct `i celor

    1 2:11 uncircumcised People not having the mark of circumcision likethe Jews have. 22:12 agreements The agreements with special pro-mises that God gave at various times to people in the Old Testament.See agreement in the Word List.

    4But God is rich in mercy, and he loved usvery much. 5We were spiritually dead because ofall we had done against him. But he gave us newlife together with Christ. (You have been saved

    by Gods grace.*)6

    Yes, it is because we are apart of Christ Jesus that God raised us fromdeath and seated us together with him in the hea-venly places. 7God did this so that his kindnessto us who belong to Christ Jesus would clearlyshow for all time to come the amazing richnessof his grace.

    8I mean that you have been saved by gracebecause you believed. You did not save your-selves; it was a gift from God. 9You are not savedby the things you have done, so there is nothing toboast about. 10God has made us what we are. InChrist Jesus, God made us new people so that wewould spend our lives doing the good things hehad already planned for us to do.

    One in Christ11You were born non-Jews. You are the people

    the Jews call uncircumcised.1 Those Jews whocall you uncircumcised call themselves cir-cumcised. (Their circumcision* is only somet-hing they themselves do to their bodies.)12Remember that in the past you were withoutChrist. You were not citizens of Israel,* and youdid know about the agreements2 with the promisesthat God made to his people. You had no hope,

    and you did not know God.13

    Yes, at one time youwere far away from God, but now in Christ Jesusyou are brought near to him. You are brought nearto God through the blood sacrifice of Christ.

    14Christ is the reason we are now at peace. Hemade us Jews and you non-Jews one people. Wewere separated by a wall of hate that stood bet-ween us, but Christ broke down that wall. Bygiving his own body, 15Christ ended the law withits many commands and rules. His purpose was tomake the two groups become one in him. Bydoing this he would make peace. 16Through thecross Christ ended the hate between the twogroups. And after they became one body, hewanted to bring them both back to God. He didthis with his death on the cross. 17Christ came andbrought the message of peace to you non-Jewswho were far away from God. And he broughtthat message of peace to those who were near to

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    413 EPHESIANS 2:183:11EFESENI 2.18 3.11

    care erau aproape de El. 18Prin Cristos avemacces la Tatl `i unii, `i al^ii, prin acela`iDuh*.

    19Acum voi nu mai sunt e^i strini `i

    locuitori fr cet^enie, ci sunte^i cet^enimpreun cu sfin^ii `i membri ai familiei luiDumnezeu. 20Voi sunte i o cldire care a fostconst ru it pe temel ia apostol ilor * `i aprofe^ilor*, iar Cristos Isus reprezint piatracea mai important de la baza construc^iei.21ntreaga cldire este bine alctuit n El `i senal^ pentru a deveni un templu sfnt nDomnul. 22La fel `i voi sunte^i zidi^impreun cu ceilal^i oameni , n El, prinDuhul*, pentru a fi o locuin^ a lui Dumnezeu.

    Lucrarea lui Pavel printre neevrei

    31P e n t ru a c e as t a , e u , Pa v e l , s u n t

    prizonier al lui Cristos Isus pentru voi,neevreii. 2Sigur a^i auzit de lucrarea pe careDumnezeu, prin harul Su, mi-a dat-opentru voi. 3A`a cum v-am scris, pe scurt,planul tainic al lui Dumnezeu mi-a fostartat prin descoperire divin. 4Citind cev-am scris, ve^i putea observa cuno`tin^elemele cu privire la taina lui Cristos. 5Aceasttain nu a fost fcut cunoscut oamenilordin genera^iile dinaintea noastr a`a cum afost dezvluit sfin^ilor Lui apostoli* `iprofe^i* prin Duhul*. 6Taina este c, prinVestea Bun*, neevreii sunt mo`tenitori

    mp re un cu ev re ii, su nt md ula re al eaceluia`i trup `i sunt prta`i la promisiuneafcut n Cristos Isus.

    7Prin darul harului lui Dumnezeu, eu amdevenit un slujitor al Ve`tii Bune. Harul luiDumnezeu mi-a fost dat potrivit puterii Lui.8De`i eu sunt cel mai nensemnat dintre to^ioamenii lui Dumnezeu, mi s-a dat darul de aproclama neevreilor Vestea Bun desprebog^ia de necuprins a lui Cristos, 9`i de aspune tuturor care este planul tainei luiDumnezeu. De la nceputul timpului, acestplan tainic a rmas ascuns n Dumnezeu,care a creat toate lucrurile. 10Dumnezeu adorit ca to^i conductorii `i toate puteriledin locurile cere`ti s cunoasc prinBiseric felurita Lui n^elepciune, 11potrivit

    12:20 most important stone Literally, cornerstone. The first and mostimportant stone in a building. 2 2:21 temple Gods housethe placewhere Gods people worship him. Here, it means that believers are thespiritual temple where God lives.

    God. 18Yes, through Christ we all have the rightto come to the Father in one Spirit.*

    19So now you non-Jews are not visitors or stran-

    gers, but you are citizens together with Gods holypeople.* You belong to Gods family. 20You belie-vers are like a building that God owns. That buil-ding was built on the foundation that the apostles*and prophets* prepared. Christ Jesus himself is themost important stone1 in that building. 21Thewhole building is joined together in Christ, and hemakes it grow and become a holy temple2 in theLord. 22And in Christ you are being built togetherwith his other people. You are being made into aplace where God lives through the Spirit.

    Pauls Work for the Gentiles

    31So I, Paul, am a prisoner because I serve

    Christ Jesus for you who are not Jews.2Surely you know that God gave me this workthrough his grace* to help you. 3God let me knowhis secret plan by showing it to me. I havealready written a little about this. 4And if youread what I wrote, you can see that I understandthe secret truth about the Christ. 5People wholived in other times were not told that secrettruth. But now, through the Spirit,* God hasshown that secret truth to his holy apostles* andprophets.* 6This is that secret truth: that throughthe Good News* the non-Jews will share with theJews in the blessings God has for his people.

    They are part of the same body, and they sharetogether in the promise that God made in ChristJesus.

    7By Gods special gift of grace, I became a ser-vant to tell that Good News. He gave me thatgrace by using his power. 8I am the least impor-tant of all of Gods people. But he gave me thisgiftto tell the non-Jewish people the GoodNews about the riches Christ has. These riches aretoo great to understand fully. 9And God gave methe work of telling all people about the plan forhis secret truth. That secret truth has been hiddenin him since the beginning of time. He is the onewho created everything. 10His purpose was thatall the rulers and powers in the heavenly placeswill now know the many different ways he showshis wisdom. They will know this because of thechurch.* 11This agrees with the plan God hadsince the beginning of time. He did what he

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    414EFESENI 3.12 4.8 EPHESIANS 3:124:8

    scopului Su etern, pe care l-a mplinit nCristos Isus, Domnul nostru. 12n Cristos iprin credin^a noastr n El, ne putem duce nfa^a lui Dumnezeu cu ndrzneal `i


    V rog s nu v descuraja i dincauza suferin^elor mele pentru voi, cciacestea sunt slava noastr.

    Dragostea lui Cristos14Astfel, ngenunchez naintea Tatlui

    15care d un nume fiecrei familii din cer `ide pe pmnt. 16M rog ca Dumnezeu s vntreasc, cu putere, n omul vostrudinuntru prin Duhul Su, potrivit bog^ieislavei Sale neasemuite, 17pentru ca Cristoss triasc n inimile voastre prin credin^.i m mai rog ca voi, fiind nrdcina^i `izidi^i n dragoste, 18s ave^i puterea de a

    n^elege, mpreun cu ceilal^ i sfin^i*,l^imea, lungimea, nl^imea `i adncimeadragostei lui Cristos. 19M rog s cunoa`te^iaceas t d ragos te ca re n t rece o r icecunoa`tere, pentru ca s fi^i umplu^i cu toatplintatea lui Dumnezeu.

    20Iar a Celui care poate face infinit maimult dect i cerem sau ne imaginm noi,potrivit cu puterea Lui care lucreaz n noi,21a Lui s fie slava n Biseric `i n CristosIsus, n toate genera^iile, pentru totdeauna!Amin.*

    Unitatea trupului

    41Prin urmare, eu, care sunt n nchisoarepentru Domnul, v ndemn s tri^i

    ntr-un mod demn de chemarea pe care a^iprimit-o de la Dumnezeu. 2S a r ta ^intotdeau na um ilin^ `i bln de^e! Fi ^irbdtori `i arta^i n^elegere unii fa^ deal^ii, n dragoste! 3Fi^i gata s pstra^iunitatea Duhului*, pr in pacea care vune`te! 4Exist un singur trup i un singurDuh, a`a cum a^i fost `i voi chema^i la osingur speran^ a chemrii voastre. 5Existun singur Domn, o singur credin^, unsingur botez*, 6un singur Dumnezeu `i Tat

    al tuturor, care este deasupra tuturor,lucreaz prin to^i `i este n to^i.7Fiecruia dintre noi i s-a dat har, dup

    msura cu care a mpr^it Cristos. 8De aceeaspune Scriptura*:

    Cnd S-a suit n nl^ime,a luat sclavia captiv

    `i a dat daruri oamenilor. Psalmul 68.18

    planned, and he did it through Christ Jesus ourLord. 12In Christ we come before God with fre-edom and without fear. We can do this because ofour faith in Christ. 13So I ask you not to be dis-

    couraged because of what is happening to me. Mysufferings are for your benefitfor your honorand glory.*

    The Love of Christ14So I bow in prayer before the Father. 15Every

    family in heaven and on earth gets its true namefrom him. 16I ask the Father with his great glory*to give you the power to be strong in your spirits.He will give you that strength through his Spirit.*17I pray that Christ will live in your hearts becauseof your faith. I pray that your life will be strong inlove and be built on love. 18And I pray that youand all Gods holy people* will have the power to

    understand the greatness of Christs love. I praythat you can understand how wide, how long, howhigh and how deep that love is. 19Christs love isgreater than anyone can ever know, but I pray thatyou will be able to know that love. Then you canbe filled with everything God has for you.

    20With Gods power working in us, he can domuch, much more than anything we can ask or think of. 21To him be glory in the church* and inChr ist Jesus fo r al l ti me, f orev er and ever.Amen.

    The Unity of the Body

    41So, as a prisoner for the Lord, I beg you tolive the way Gods people should live,

    because he chose you to be his. 2Always behumble and gentle. Be patient and accept eachother with love. 3You are joined together withpeace through the Spirit.* Do all you can to con-tinue together in this way. Let peace hold youtogether. 4There is one body and one Spirit, andGod chose you to have one hope. 5There is oneLord, one faith, and one baptism.* 6There is oneGod and Father of us all, who rules over ever-yone. He works through all of us and in all of us.

    7Christ gave each one of us a special gift. Ever-yone received what he wanted to give them. 8Thatis why the Scriptures* say,

    He went up high into the sky;he took prisoners with him,and he gave gifts to people. Psalm 68:18

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    415 EPHESIANS 4:924 EFESENI 4.924

    9Cnd se spune: S-a suit n nl^ime, sen^elege c a `i cobort n locurile de jos,adic pe pmnt. 10Cel care a cobort esteacela`i cu Cel care a `i urcat mai sus dect

    toate cerurile, pentru a umple totul.11

    i Elnsu`i a dat unora darul de a fi apostoli*,altora darul de a fi profe^i*, altora darul de afi evangheli`ti `i altora darul de a fi pstori`i nv^tori. 12Aceste daruri au fost datepentru echiparea sfin^ilor* pentru lucrrilede slujire, pentru zidirea trupului lui Cristos,13pn cnd noi to^i ajungem s avemunitate n credin^ `i n cunoa`terea deplina Fiului lui Dumnezeu `i ne vom maturizapn vom ajunge la msura deplin amaturit^ii lui Cristos.

    14Astfel nu vom mai fi copii, arunca^inainte `i napoi de valuri, ca o corabie, `ip ur ta ^ i nco ace ` i nco l o de v n t ulnv^turilor de tot felul pe care le auzim, devic lenia oamenilor ` i de inventivi ta teauneltirilor cu care ace tia caut s-i n`ele peal^ii. 15Mai degrab, s spunem adevrul ndragoste `i s cre`tem n toate privin^elepentru a fi asemenea lui Cristos, care estecapul 16de care depinde tot trupul. Acestae st e u ni t ` i ^ in ut mpr eu n p ri n t oa tencheieturile. Iar atunci cnd fiecare mdularfunc^ioneaz a`a cum trebuie, ntregul trupcre te `i se ntre`te n dragoste.

    Modul n care ar trebui s tri^i17V spun `i v atrag aten^ia, pentruDomnul: s nu mai tri^ i cum triescpgnii, n gndurile lor fr valoare.18Min^ile lor sunt n ntuneric `i ei suntd e s p r ^ i ^ i d e v i a ^ a c a r e v i n e d e l aDumnezeu, din cauza ignoran^ei ` i ampietririi inimii lor. 19Ei nu mai `tiu ceeste ru`inea `i s-au dedat la desfrnare,svr`ind fr limite orice fel de imoralitate.20Dar n Cristos voi altfel a^i fost nv^a^i.21(Nu am nici cea mai mic ndoial c a^iauzit despre El ` i c a^i fost nv^a^iadevrul care este n Isus.) 22n ce prive`tevechiul vostru mod de via^, a^i fost nv^a^is v lepda^i de omul cel vechi care estestricat de dorin^ele lui n`eltoare. 23A^in v ^a t s v n no i^ i n g nd ur il e `i natitudinea voastr 24`i s v mbrca i cuomul cel nou, care este creat dup chipul luiDumnezeu, n drepta tea ` i s f in ^eniaadevrului.

    14:11 to care for people Literally, to be shepherds and teachers.

    9When it says, He went up, what does itmean? It means that he first came down low toearth. 10So Christ came down, and he is the sameone who went up. He went up above the highest

    heaven in order to fill everything with himself.11And that same Christ gave gifts to peoplehemade some to be apostles,* some to be prophets,*some to go and tell the Good News,* and some tocare for and teach Gods people.1 12Christ gavethese gifts to prepare Gods holy people* for thework of serving, to make the body of Christstronger. 13This work must continue until we areall joined together in what we believe and in whatwe know about the Son of God. Our goal is tobecome like a full-grown manto look just likeChrist and have all his perfection.

    14Then we will no longer be like babies. Wewill not be people who are always changing likea ship that the waves carry one way and thenanother. We will not be influenced by every newteaching we hear from people who are trying todeceive usthose who make clever plans anduse every kind of trick to fool others into follo-wing the wrong way. 15No, we will speak thetruth with love. We will grow to be like Christ inevery way. He is the head, 16and the whole bodydepends on him. All the parts of the body arejoined and held together, with each part doing itsown work. This causes the whole body to growand to be stronger in love.

    The Way You Should Live17I have something from the Lord to tell you. Iwarn you: Dont continue living like those whodont believe. Their thoughts are worth nothing.18They have no understanding, and they knownothing because they refuse to listen. So theycannot have the life that God gives. 19They havelost their feeling of shame and use their lives to dowhat is morally wrong. More and more they wantto do all kinds of evil. 20But that way of life isnothing like what you learned when you came toknow Christ. 21I know that you heard about him,and in union with him you were taught the truth.Yes, the truth is in Jesus. 22You were taught toleave your old self. This means that you must stopliving the evil way you lived before. That old selfgets worse and worse, because people are fooledby the evil they want to do. 23You must be madenew in your heart and in your thinking. 24Be thatnew person who was made to be like God, trulygood and pleasing to him.

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    416EFESENI 4.25 5.12 EPHESIANS 4:255:12

    14.25 Citat din Zah. 8.16. 24.26 Citat din Ps. 4.4.

    25S pu ne ^i -v a de v ru l u ni i a lt or a!Oamenii trebuie s fie cinsti^i unii cu al ii.1,pentru c to i suntem mdulare ale aceluia itrup. 26Mnia i-v, dar nu pctui i.2 S nu

    lsa^i s se ncheie ziua fr s v treacmnia! 27Nu-i da i Diavolului prilejul s vnving! 28Cel care fura, s nu mai fure, cimai degrab s fac ceva bun cu minile lui,pentru a avea ce s mpart cu cel srac.

    29S nu mai vorbi^i urt, ci s vorbi^ifrumos pentru a ajuta la zidirea spiritual decare au nevoie oamenii. Astfel le ve i facebine celor ce v aud. 30S nu mai ntrista^iDuhul Sfnt* al lui Dumnezeu, prin care voia ^i fos t pecet lui^ i pentru ziua eliberri ivoastre depline de pcat. 31S nltura^i dinvia^a voastr orice fel de amrciune, defurie ` i de mnie! nltura^ i cer turi le ` idefimarea, mpreun cu orice fel de rutate!32Fi i binevoitori `i ave i compasiune uniipentru al ii! Ierta i-v unii pe al ii, a`a cumv-a iertat `i Dumnezeu pe voi n Cristos.

    51Imita^i-L pe Dumnezeu, ca ni`te copiiiubi^i. 2Tri^i n dragoste, a`a cum `i

    Cristos ne-a iubit `i S-a dat pe Sine pentrunoi, ca un dar de o mireasm plcut `i ca ojertf naintea lui Dumnezeu.

    3A`a cum este potrivit poporului sfnt allui Dumnezeu, nu trebuie nici mcar s seaud printre voi despre desfrnare, saudespre vreun alt fel de imoralitate, sau despre

    lcomie. 4S nu existe printre voi glumeindecente, cuvinte nechibzuite sau glumeproaste, care nu sunt potrivi te . n loc deacestea , ar t rebui s aduce^i mul^umiri .5Pute^i fi siguri de un lucru: nici un desfrnat,nici un om necurat sau lacom (ace tia fiindnchintori la idoli) nu va mo`teni mpr^ialui Cristos `i a lui Dumnezeu.

    6S nu v n`ele nimeni folosind cuvintegoale. Din cauza acestor lucruri, va venimnia lui Dumnezeu peste cei neasculttori.7S nu ave^i nimic de-a face cu ei! 8Cci voia^i fost n ntuneric, dar acum sunte^i

    lumin, n Domnul. Tri^i ca oameni ailuminii! 9(Roadele luminii se vd n oricefe l de bunta te , drepta te ` i adevr . )10Cuta^i mereu s afla^i ce este plcutDomnului 11`i nu mai lua^i parte la faptelen e r o d i t o a r e a l e n t u n e r i c u l u i , c idezvlui^i-le! 12Este ru`inos chiar `i s

    14:25 Quote from Zech. 8:16. 24:26 Quote from Ps. 4:4.

    25So you must stop tel ling l ies. You mustalways speak the truth to each other,1 because weall belong to each other in the same body. 26Whenyou are angry, dont let that anger make you sin,2

    and dont stay angry all day.27

    Dont give the devila way to defeat you. 28Whoever has been stealingmust stop it and start working. They must use theirhands for doing something good. Then they willhave something to share with those who are poor.

    29When you talk, dont say anything bad. Butsay the good things that people needwhateverwill help them grow stronger. Then what you saywill be a blessing to those who hear you. 30Anddont make the Holy Spirit* sad. God gave you hisSpirit as proof that you belong to him and that hewill keep you safe until the day he makes youfree. 31Never be bitter, angry, or mad. Nevershout angrily or say things to hurt others. Neverdo anything evil. 32Be kind and loving to eachother. Forgive each other the same as God forgaveyou through Christ.

    51You are Gods dear children, so try to be likehim. 2Live a life of love. Love others just as

    Christ loved us. He gave himself for usa sweet-smelling offering and sacrifice* to God.

    3But there must be no sexual sin among you.There must not be any kind of evil or selfishlywanting more and more, because such things arenot right for Gods holy people.* 4Also, there

    must be no evil talk among you. You must notspeak foolishly or tell evil jokes. These are not foryou. But you should be giving thanks to God.5You can be sure of this: No one will have a placein the kingdom of Christ and of God if that personcommits sexual sins, or does evil things, or is aperson who selfishly wants more and more. Agreedy person like that is serving a false god.

    6Dont let anyone fool you with words theydont really believe. God gets very angry whenpeople who dont obey him talk like that. 7Sodont have anything to do with them. 8In the pastyou were full of darkness,* but now you are full of

    light* in the Lord. So live like children whobelong to the light. 9This light produces everykind of goodness, right living, and truth. 10Try tolearn what pleases the Lord. 11Have no part in thethings that people in darkness do, which producenothing good. Instead, tell everyone how wrongthose things are. 12It is really very shameful to

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    417 EPHESIANS 5:1332 EFESENI 5.1332

    15.31 Citat din Gen. 2.24.

    vorbe`ti despre ceea ce fac cei neasculttoripe ascuns. 13Dar totul devine vizibil cndeste dezvluit de lumin, 14cci tot ce estedezvluit de lumin devine lumin. De

    aceea se spune:Scoal-te, tu, cel ce dormi,

    ridic-te dintre cei mor^i`i Cristos te va lumina.

    15Deci, ave^i grij cum tri^i! S nu fi^i cacei care nu sunt n^elep^i, ci fi^i ca cein^elep^i, 16care folosesc orice ocazie de aface binele, cci trim zile rele. 17Nu fi^inechibzui^i, ci cuta^i s n^elege^i care estevoia Domnului! 18S nu v mbta i cu vin,ceea ce duce la destrblare, ci fi^i plini deDuhul*! 19Vorbi^i ntre voi cu psalmi,cntri de laud `i cntri spirituale. Luda^i`i cnta^i Domnului n inima voastr!20Mul^umi^ i n totdeauna pentru toa telucrurile lui Dumnezeu, Tatl nostru, nNumele Domnului nostru Isus Cristos!

    Familia cre`tin so^iile `i so^ii21Supune^i-v unii altora, n temere de

    Cristos!22So^iilor, supune^i-v so^ilor vo`tri ca `i

    cum v-a^i supune Domnului! 23Cci so^uleste capul so^iei, tot a`a cum Cristos estecapul Bisericii, care este trupul Su `i cruiaEl i este `i Mntuitor. 24A`a cum Biserica

    se supune lui Cristos, tot a`a so^iile trebuies se supun so^ilor lor n toate privin^ele.25So^ilor, iubi i-v so^iile a`a cum a iubit

    `i Cristos Biserica! El S-a dat pe Sinepentru ea, 26pentru a o dedica slujir ii luiDumnezeu, cur^ind-o, splnd-o cu apprin mesajul Ve`tii Bune*. 27Astfel, El vap rezenta Bi seri ca nai ntea Sa ca pe omireas plin de slav, fr pat, fr cusur,sfnt `i fr gre`eal. 28La fel, so ii s- iiubeasc so^iile a`a cum i iubesc propriullor trup. Cine i iube`te so^ia se iube`te pesine nsu`i. 29Cc i n imeni nu-`i u r`tevreodat trupul, ci l hrne te `i l ngrije te,a`a cum face `i Cristos pentru Biseric .30Noi sun tem mdularele Trupu lu i luiCristos. 31Scriptura* spune: De aceea, i vaprsi omul pe tatl su `i pe mama sa `i seva lipi de so^ia lui `i cei doi vor deveni unsingur trup.1 32Acest adevr tainic este

    15:31 Quote from Gen. 2:24.

    even talk about the things those people do insecret. 13But the light makes clear how wrongthose things are. 14Yes, everything is made clearby the light. This is why we say,

    Wake up, you who are sleeping!Rise from death, and Christ will shine on you.

    15So be very careful how you live. Livewisely, not like fools. 16I mean that you shoulduse every opportunity you have for doing good,because these are evil times. 17So dont be foo-lish with your lives, but learn what the Lordwants you to do. 18Dont be drunk with wine,which will ruin your life, but be filled with theSpirit.* 19Encourage each other with psalms,hymns, and spiritual songs. Sing and make musicin your hearts to the Lord. 20Always give thanksto God the Father for everything in the name ofour Lord Jesus Christ.

    Wives and Husbands21Be willing to serve each other out of respect

    for Christ.22Wives, be willing to serve your husbands the

    same as the Lord. 23A husband is the head of hiswife, just as Christ is the head of the church.*Christ is the Savior of the church, which is hisbody. 24The church serves under Christ, so it is

    the same with you wives. You should be willingto serve your husbands in everything.25Husbands, love your wives the same as Christ

    loved the church and gave his life for it. 26He diedto make the church holy.* He used the telling ofthe Good News* to make the church clean by was-hing it with water. 27Christ died so that he couldgive the church to himself like a bride in all herbeauty. He died so that the church could be holyand without fault, with no evil or sin or any otherthing wrong in it.

    28And husbands should love their wives like that.They should love their wives like they love theirown bodies. The man who loves his wife loves him-self, 29because no one ever hates their own body.Everyone feeds and takes care of their body. Andthat is what Christ does for the church 30because weare parts of his body. 31The Scriptures* say, So aman will leave his father and mother and join hiswife, and the two people will become one.1 32That

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    418EFESENI 5.33 6.15 EPHESIANS 5:336:15

    16.2 Citat din Ex. 20.12; Dt. 5.16. 26.3 Citat din Ex. 20.12;Dt. 5.16.

    foar te importantvorbesc aici despreCristos `i despre Biseric. 33Oricum, fiecaredintre voi s- i iubeasc so ia a`a cum sei ub e` te pe s in e nsu `i , i ar s o^ ia s -`i

    respecte so^ul.Familia cre`tin copiii `i prin^ii

    61Copii lor , asculta ^ i -v prin^ i i nDomnul, cci a`a este bine. 2Respect-i

    pe tatl tu `i pe mama ta!1 Aceasta esteprima porunc nso^it de o promisiune:3pentru ca toate s-^i mearg bine `i s ai ovia^ lung pe pmnt.2

    4Prin^ilor, nu-i trata^i pe copiii vo`triastfel nct s le strni^i mnia, ci cre`te^i-in disciplina `i nv^tura Domnului!

    Sclavii `i stpnii5Sclavilor, asculta^i de stpnii vo`tri

    pmnte`ti cu mare respect, cu sinceritate ninimi, a`a cum asculta^i de Cristos! 6Nulucra^i doar cnd sunte^i supraveghea^i, ca `ic u m a ^ i a v e a n e v o i e d e a p r o b a r e aoamenilor. Lucra^i ca sclavi ai lui Cristos,care fac voia lui Dumnezeu din toat inima.7Sluji^i din toat inima, ca pentru Domnul,`i nu ca pentru oameni. 8Aminti^i-v cpentru fiecare lucru bun pe care-l face unuldintre voi, fie sclav, fie om liber, va firspltit de Domnul.

    9Stpnilor, trata i-i pe sclavi la fel i nu-i

    mai amenin^a^i! Aminti^i-v c stpnul lor`i al vostru este n ceruri `i c El nu esteprtinitor.

    Purta^i ntreaga armur a lui Dumnezeu10n concluzie, ntri^i-v n Domnul `i n

    marea Lui putere! 11 m br ca ^ i- v c un treaga armur a lu i Dumnezeu , ca spute^i rezista uneltirilor Diavolului. 12Ccilupta noastr nu este mpotriva oamenilor,ci mpotriva conductorilor, mpotrivaautorit^ilor, mpotriva puterilor acestuiveac ntunecat ` i mpotr iva for ^e lor spirituale rele din locurile cere`ti. 13Dea c e e a , l u a ^ i n t r e a g a a r m u r a l u iDumnezeu, ca s pute^i rezista cnd va veniziua cea rea `i s pute^i rmne n picioaredup ce ve^i fi nvins totul. 14Rmne^i tari!Lega^i-v la bru cureaua adevrului!Pune^i-v plato`a drept^ii! 15ncl^a i-v cu

    16:2 Quote from Ex. 20:12; Deut. 5:16. 26:3 Quote from Ex. 20:12;Deut. 5:16.

    secret truth is very importantI am talking aboutChrist and the church. 33But each one of you mustlove his wife like he loves himself. And a wife mustrespect her husband.

    Children and Parents

    61Children, obey your parents the way the Lordwants, because this is the right thing to do.

    2The command says, You must respect yourfather and mother.1 That is the first commandthat has a promise with it. 3That promise is: Theneverything will be fine with you, and you willhave a long life on the earth.2

    4Fathers, dont make your children angry, butraise them with the kind of teaching and trainingyou learn from the Lord.

    Slaves and Masters5Slaves, obey your masters here on earth with

    fear and respect. And do that with a heart that istrue, the same as you obey Christ. 6You must domore than just obey your masters to please themwhile they are watching you. You must obey themlike you are obeying Christ. With all your heartyou must do what God wants. 7Do your work, andbe happy to do it. Work like you are serving theLord, not like you are serving only an earthlymaster. 8Remember that the Lord will give ever-yone a reward for doing good. Everyone, slave orfree, will get a reward for the good things they do.

    9Masters, in the same way, be good to your

    slaves. Dont say things to scare them. You knowthat the one who is your Master and their Masteris in heaven, and he judges everyone the same.

    Wear the Full Armor of God10To end my letter I tell you, be strong in the

    Lord and in his great power. 11Wear the fullarmor of God. Wear Gods armor so that you canfight against the devils clever tricks. 12Our fightis not against people on earth. We are fightingagainst the rulers and authorities and the powersof this worlds darkness. We are fighting againstthe spiritual powers of evil in the heavenly places.13That is why you need to get Gods full armor.Then on the day of evil you will be able to standstrong. And when you have finished the wholefight, you will still be standing.

    14So stand strong with the belt of truth tiedaround your waist, and on your chest wear theprotection of right living. 15On your feet wear the

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    419 EPHESIANS 6:1624 EFESENI 6.1624

    promptitudinea de a anun^a vestea bun apcii {cu Dumnezeu}! 16Mai presus deacestea, lua^i scutul credin^ei cu care ve^iputea stinge toate sge^ile n flcri ale

    Celui Ru.17

    De asemenea, lua^i coifulmntuirii ` i sabia Duhului* care esteCuvntul lui Dumnezeu. 18Ruga^i-v prinDuhul ori de cte ori ave^i ocazia, fcnd totfelul de cereri `i rugciuni. innd cont deacest lucru, trebuie s fi^i pregti^i tottimpul `i s continua^i s v ruga^i mereupentru to^i sfin^ii.

    19Continua^i s v ruga^i pentru mine,pentru ca atunci cnd vorbesc s mi se deacuvinte potrivite prin care s spun frteam adevrul secret despre Vestea Bun*,20al cre i ambasador n lan^ur i sunt .Ruga^i-v s spun oamenilor Vestea Bunfr team, a`a cum `i trebuie.

    Salutri finale21Tihic v va spune totul pentru ca `i voi

    s `ti i ce fac `i cum o duc. Tihic este fratelenostru iubit `i slujitor credincios n Domnul,22pe care-l trimit cu un scop: s v aducv e`ti d esp re m ine `i s v nt r ea scinimile.

    23Pace, fra^ilor, dragoste `i credin de laDumnezeu Tatl `i de la Domnul IsusCristos! 24Harul lui Dumnezeu s fie cu to icei ce-L iubesc pe Domnul nostru Isus

    Cristos cu o dragoste nemuritoare.

    Good News* of peace to help you stand strong.16And also use the shield of faith with which youcan stop all the burning arrows that come from theEvil One.* 17Accept Gods salvation as your

    helmet. And take the sword of the Spirit*thatsword is the teaching of God. 18Pray in the Spiritat all times. Pray with all kinds of prayers, and askfor everything you need. To do this you mustalways be ready. Never give up. Always pray forall Gods people.

    19Also pray for methat when I speak, Godwill give me words so that I can tell the secrettruth about the Good News without fear. 20I havethe work of speaking for that Good News, andthat is what I am doing now, here in prison. Praythat when I tell people the Good News, I willspeak without fear as I should.

    Final Greetings21I am sending you Tychicus, the brother we

    love. He is a faithful servant of the Lords work.He will tell you everything that is happening withme. Then you will know how I am and what I amdoing. 22Thats why I am sending himto let youknow how we are, and to encourage you.

    23I pray that God the Father and the Lord JesusChrist will give peace and love with faith to allthe brothers and sisters there. 24Gods grace* to allof you who love our Lord Jesus Christ with love

    that never ends.

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