scara de intensitate seismica msk64

Post on 27-Nov-2015






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Scara de intensitate seismica MSK64


Scara de intensitate seismica MSK64

Grad  Scara de intensitate seismica

Medvedev-Sponheuer-KarnikMSK 64

1 Imperceptibil Intensitatea oscilatiilor ramane sub limita sensibilitatii oamenilor. Cutremurul este detectat si inregistrat numai de seismografe

2 Greu perceptibil

(foarte slab)

Simtit de persoanele in stare de repaus. Nu afecteaza obiectele. Fara daune la cladiri.

3 Slab Este simtit de putini oameni, care se afla in interiorul locuintei sau afara. Observatorii atenti remarca oscilatia usoara a obiectelor atarnate, mult mai pronuntata la etajele superioare. Fara daune la cladiri.

4 Moderat Este simtit de multi oameni care se  afla in interiorul sau in afara locuintei. Din cei care dorm, putini pot fi treziti. Ferestrele, usile si vesela zangane. Pardoselile si peretii scartaie, mobila incepe sa uruie. Obiectele atarnate, lichidul din vase oscileaza usor. Fara daune la cladiri.

5 Suficient de Puternic

Zguduire generala a cladirilor. Este simtit de toti oamenii. Multi dintre cei care dorm se trezesc. Putini oameni parasesc locuintele. Animalele sunt nelinistite. Obiectele atarnate oscileaza considerabil. Tablourile se deplaseaza din loc. Anumite obiecte fixate, pot fi deplasate. Usile si ferestrele deschise se inchid si se deschid cu zgomot. Din vasele umplute, deschise, lichidul se varsa. Avarii usoare la constructii.

6 Puternic Este simtit de toti oamenii. Multi dintre ei, aflati in interiorul cladirilor se sperie si alearga afara. Putine persoane isi pierd echilibrul. Se pot sparge vase si obiecte din sticla. Cad tablourile de pe pereti. Fisuri si crapaturi in pereti, desprinderea unor bucati de tencuiala, caderea unor tigle de pe acoperis, crapaturi la constructiile din caramida.

7 Foarte Puternic Majoritatea oamenilor sunt speriati si parasesc locuintele. Crapaturi mari si adanci in pereti; caderea cosurilor de fum si distrugerea unor acoperisuri; surpari ale partilor carosabile pe pante abrupte; distrugeri ale portiunilor de imbinare a conductelor. Se produc alunecari de teren.

8 Distrugator Mobila se poate rasturna. Unele cladiri (parti de cladire) se prabusesc. Se observa alunecari de teren in zonele depresionare si pe pantele abrupte. Apar crapaturi mari in teren, au loc caderi de roci.

9 Devastator Panica generala. Oamenii sunt aruncati la pamant. Se

produc avarii importante ale structurilor construite corect, conductele subterane sunt partial distruse, se produce deformarea sinelor de cale ferata si avarierea partilor carosabile ale drumurilor. Au loc caderi de roci si multe alunecari de teren

10 Nimicitor Constructiile se prabusesc partial sau in totalitate. Degradari importante in baraje. Sinele de cale ferata se deformeaza. Masive alunecari de teren.

11 Catastrofal Majoritatea cladirilor si structurilor sunt distruse. Fracturi si deplasari ale terenului.

12 Foarte Catastrofal

Toate constructiile de suprafata si subterane sunt distruse total. Suprafata pamantului este complet schimbata, devieri ale cursurilor de apa.

Liedu Scale

Unlike the magnitude scales that objectively estimate the released seismic energy, liedu denotes how strongly an earthquake affects a specific place. It is determined by a combination of subjective evaluations (such as human senses and building damages) and objective kinetic measures. Building damages are further refined with a combination of descriptive qualifiers and a numeric evaluation process.The following is an unofficial translation of the Appendix I of GB/T 17742-1999.

Table of Liedu[2]

Liedu (Intensity)

Senses by people on the


Degree of building damage

Other damages

Horizontal motion on the ground


damage index

Peak acceleration


Peak speed m/s

I Insensible

IISensible by very few still indoor people

IIISensible by a few still indoor people

Slight rattle of doors and windows

Slight swing of suspended objects


Sensible by most people indoors, a few people outdoors; a few wake up from sleep

Rattle of doors and windows

Obvious swing of suspended objects; vessels rattle

V Commonly sensible by people indoors, sensible by most people outdoors; most wake up from sleep

Noise from vibration of doors, windows, and building frames; falling of dusts, small cracks in plasters, falling of some roof tiles, bricks falling from a

Rocking or flipping of unstable objects

0.31(0.22 - 0.44)

0.03(0.02 - 0.04)

few roof-top chimneys


Most unable to stand stably, a few scared to running outdoors

Damages - Cracks in the walls, falling of roof tiles, some roof-top chimneys crack or fall apart

0 - 0.10

Cracks in river banks and soft soil; occasional burst of sand and water from saturated sand layers; cracks on some standalone chimneys

0.63(0.45 - 0.89)

0.06(0.05 - 0.09)


Majority scared to running outdoors, sensible by bicycle riders and people in moving motor vehicles

Slight destruction - localized destruction, crack, may continue to be used with small repairs or without repair

0.11 - 0.30

Collapse of river banks; frequent burst of sand and water from saturated sand layers; many cracks in soft soils; moderate destruction of most standalone chimneys

1.25(0.90 - 1.77)

0.13(0.10 - 0.18)


Most swing about, difficult to walk

Moderate destruction - structural destruction occurs, continued usage requires repair

0.31 - 0.50

Cracks appear in hard dry soils; severe destruction of most standalone chimneys; tree tops break; death of people and cattle caused by building destruction

2.50(1.78 - 3.53)

0.25(0.19 - 0.35)

IXMoving people fall

Severe destruction - severe structural destruction, localized collapse, difficult to repair

0.51 - 0.70

Many cracks in hard dry soils; possible cracks and dislocations in bedrock; frequent landslides and collapses; collapse of many standalone chimneys

5.00(3.54 - 7.07)

0.50(0.36 - 0.71)


Bicycle riders may fall; people in unstable state may fall away; sense of being thrown up

Most collapse0.71 - 0.90

Cracks in bedrock and earthquake fractures; destruction of bridge arches founded in bedrock; foundation damage or collapse of most standalone chimneys

10.00(7.08 - 14.14)

1.00(0.72 - 1.41)

XIWide spread collapse

0.91 - 1.00

Earthquake fractures extend a long way; many bedrock cracks and landslides


Drastic change in landscape, mountains, and rivers

Shindo scale [9]

Magnitude-Shindo Number (Shindo

Number in Japanese) /

Meter reading


situationsOutdoor situations

Wooden houses

Reinforced-concrete buildings


0 (0) / 0-0.4Imperceptible to people.

1 (1) / 0.5-1.4

Felt by only some people in the building.

2 (2) / 1.5-2.4

Felt by most people in the building. Some people awake.

Hanging objects such as lamps swing slightly.

3 (3) / 2.5-3.4

Felt by most people in the building. Some people are frightened.

Dishes in a cupboard rattle occasionally.

Electric wires swing slightly.

4 (4) / 3.5-4.4

Many people are frightened. Some people try to escape from danger. Most

Hanging objects swing considerably and dishes in a cupboard rattle. Unstable

Electric wires swing considerably. People walking on a street and some people

sleeping people awake.

ornaments fall occasionally.

driving automobiles notice the tremor.

5-lower (5弱) / 4.5-4.9

Most people try to escape from a danger. Some people find it difficult to move.

Hanging objects swing violently.Most Unstable ornaments fall. Occasionally, dishes in a cupboard and books on a bookshelf fall and furniture moves.

People notice electric-light poles swing. Occasionally, windowpanes are broken and fall, unreinforced concrete-block walls collapse, and roads suffer damage.

Occasionally, less earthquake-resistant houses suffer damage to walls and pillars.

Occasionally, cracks are formed in walls of less earthquake-resistant buildings.

A safety device cuts off the gas service at some houses. On rare occasions water pipes are damaged and water service is interrupted. (Electrical service is interrupted at some houses)

Occasionally, cracks appear in soft ground. and rockfalls and small slope failures take place in mountainous districts.

5-upper (5強) / 5.0-5.4

Many people are considerably frightened and find it difficult to move.

Most dishes in a cupboard and most books on a bookshelf fall. Occasionally, a TV set on a rack falls, heavy furniture such as a chest of drawers falls, sliding doors slip out of their groove and the deformation of a door frame makes it impossible to open the door.

In many cases, unreinforced concrete-block walls collapse and tombstones overturn. Many automobiles stop because it becomes difficult to drive. Occasionally, poorly-installed vending machines fall.

Occasionally, less earthquake-resistant houses suffer heavy damage to walls and pillars and lean.

Occasionally, large cracks are formed in walls, crossbeams and pillars of less earthquake-resistant buildings and even highly earthquake-resistant buildings have cracks in walls.

Occasionally, gas pipes and / or water mains are damaged.(Occasionally, gas service and / or water service are interrupted in some regions)

Occasionally, cracks appear in soft ground. and rockfalls and small slope failures take place in mountainous districts.

6-lower (6 Difficult to A lot of heavy In some Occasionally, Occasionally, Gas pipes and / or Occasionally,

弱) / 5.5-5.9keep standing.

and unfixed furniture moves and falls. It is impossible to open the door in many cases.

buildings, wall tiles and windowpanes are damaged and fall.

less earthquake-resistant houses collapse and even walls and pillars of highly earthquake-resistant houses are damaged.

walls and pillars of less earthquake-resistant buildings are destroyed and even highly earthquake-resistant buildings have large cracks in walls, crossbeams and pillars.

water mains are damaged.(In some regions, gas service and water service are interrupted and electrical service is interrupted occasionally.)

cracks appear in the ground, and landslides take place.

6-upper (6強) / 6.0-6.4

Impossible to keep standing and to move without crawling.

Most heavy and unfixed furniture moves and falls. Occasionally, sliding doors are thrown from their groove.

In many buildings, wall tiles and windowpanes are damaged and fall. Most unreinforced concrete-block walls collapse.

Many, less earthquake-resistant houses collapse. In some cases, even walls and pillars of highly earthquake-resistant houses are heavily damaged.

Occasionally, less earthquake-resistant buildings collapse. In some cases, even highly earthquake-resistant buildings suffer damage to walls and pillars.

Occasionally, gas mains and / or water mains are damaged.(Electrical service is interrupted in some regions. Occasionally, gas service and / or water service are interrupted over a large area.)

Occasionally, cracks appear in the ground, and landslides take place.

7 (7) / 6.5- up

Thrown by the shaking and impossible to move at will.

Most furniture moves to a large extent and some jumps up.

In most buildings, wall tiles and windowpanes are damaged and fall. In some cases, reinforced concrete-block walls collapse.

Occasionally, even highly earthquake-resistant buildings are severely damaged and lean.

Occasionally, even highly earthquake-resistant buildings are severely damaged and lean.

Electrical service gas service and water service are interrupted over a large area.

The ground is considerably distorted by large cracks and fissures, and slope failures and landslides take place, which

occasionally change topographic features.

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