topul celor mai bune 100 de filme din istorie alese de msn

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  • 7/28/2019 Topul Celor Mai Bune 100 de Filme Din Istorie Alese de MSN


    Topul celor mai bune 100 de filme din istorie alese de MSN1. The Wizard of Oz (1939), r. Victor Fleming2. North By Northwest (1959), r. Alfred Hitchcock 3. The Fellowship of the Ring (2001), r. Peter Jackson

    4. It's a Wonderful Life(1946), r. Frank Capra5. Annie Hall (1977), r. Woody Allen6. The Shawshank Redemption (1994), r. Frank Darabont7. The Graduate (1967), r. Mike Nichols8. Nashville (1975), r. Robert Altman9. Lawrence of Arabia (1962), r. David Lean10. The Searchers (1956), r. John Ford11. Dr. Strangelove or, How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Love the Bomb (1964), r. StanleyKubrick 12. Star Wars The Empire Strikes Back (1980), r. Irvin Kershner 13. Raiders of the Lost Ark (1981), r. Steven Spielberg14. This Is Spinal Tap (1984), r. Rob Reiner

    15. To Kill a Mockingbird (1962), r. Robert Mulligan16. Airplane! (1980), r. David Zucker 17. Jaws (1975), r. Steven Spielberg18. Singin' in the Rain (1952), r. Gene Kelly19. Vertigo (1958), r. Alfred Hitchcock 20. Once Upon a Time in the West (1968), r. Sergio Leone21. The Breakfast Club (1985), r. John Hughes22. 2001: A Space Odyssey (1968), r. Stanley Kubrick 23. The Sound of Music (1965), r. Robert Wise24. Blade Runner (1982), r. Ridley Scott25. Brazil (1985), r. Terry Gilliam

    26. A Hard Day's Night (1964), r. Richard Lester 27. Rio Bravo (1959), r. Howard Hawks28. Love, Actually (2003), r. Richard Curtis29. Bringing Up Baby (1938), r. Howard Hawks30. Chinatown (1974), r. Roman Polanski31. The Princess Bride (1987), r. Rob Reiner 32. The Incredibles (2004), r. Brad Bird33. Aliens (1986), r. James Cameron34. When Harry Met Sally (1989), r. Rob Reiner 35. Planet of the Apes (1968), r. Franklin J. Schaffner 36. Only Angels Have Wings (1939), r. Howard Hawks

    37. Casablanca (1942), r. Michael Curtiz38. Citizen Kane (1941), r. Orson Welles39. Sunrise (1927), r. F. W. Murnau40. Blazing Saddles (1974), r. Mel Brooks41. Monty Python's Life of Brian (1979), r. Terry Jones42. Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkhaban (2004), r. Alfonso Cuaron43. Sunset Boulevard (1950), r. Billy Wilder 44. Star Wars: Ep. IV (1977), r. George Lucas45. The Godfather (1972), r. Francis Ford Coppola46. Trouble in Paradise (1932), r. Ernst Lubitsch47. The Big Lebowski (1998), r. Joel Coen48. Terms of Endearment (1983), r. James L. Brooks49. Forest Gump (1994), r. Robert Zemeckis50. It Happened One Night (1934), r. Frank Capra

  • 7/28/2019 Topul Celor Mai Bune 100 de Filme Din Istorie Alese de MSN


    51. The Apartment (1960), r. Billy Wilder 52. Dazed and Confused (1993), r. Richard Linklater 53. McCabe and Mrs. Miller (1971), r. Robert Altman54. Apocalypse Now (1979), r. Francis Ford Coppola55. Repulsion (1965), r. Roman Polanski56. Miller's Crossing (1990), r. Joel Coen57. Dirty Dancing (1987), r. Emile Ardolino58. Silence of the Lambs (1991), r. Jonathan Demme59. Die Hard (1988), r. John McTiernan60. Blue Velvet (1986), r. David Lynch61. The Adventures of Robin Hood (1938), r. William Keighley62. Broadcast News (1987), r. James L. Brooks63. Touch of Evil (1958), r. Orson Welles64. WALL-E (2008), r. Andrew Stanton65. Grease (1978), r. Randal Kleiser 66. Pulp Fiction (1994), r. Quentin Tarantino

    67. Playtime (1967), r. Jaquec Tati68. Psycho (1960), r. Alfred Hitchcock 69. A Fish Called Wanda (1988), r. Charles Chrichton70. Say Anything (1989), r. Cameron Crowe71. Close Encounters of the Third Kind (1977), r. Steven Spielberg72. One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest (1975), r. Milos Forman73. Moulin Rouge (2001), r. Baz Luhrmann74. Clueless (1995), r. Amy Heckerling75. A Clockwork Orange (1971), r. Stanley Kubrick 76. Back to the Future (1985), r. Robert Zemeckis77. Stagecoach (1939), r. John Ford

    78. Crimes and Misdemeanors (1989), r. Woody Allen79. Some Like it Hot (1959), r. Billy Wilder 80. Rear Window (1954), r. Alfred Hitchock 81. Schindler's List (1993), r. Steven Spielberg82. Excalibur (1981), r. John Boorman83. West Side Story (1961), r. Robert Wise84. Badlands (1973), r. Terrence Malick 85. Monty Python and the Holy Grail (1975), r. Terry Jones86. Taxi Driver (1976), r. Martin Scorsese87. La Dolce Vita (1960), r. Federico Fellini88. Two-Lane Blacktop (1971), r. Monte Hellman

    89. Star Trek (2009), r. J.J. Abrams90. My Neighbor Totoro (1988), r. Hayao Miyazaki91. Goodfellas (1990), r. Martin Scorsese92. Gladiator (2000), r. Ridley Scott93. All About Eve (1950), r. Joseph L. Mankiewicz94. Tootsie (1982), r. Sydney Pollack 95. Slap Shot (1977), r. George Roy Hill96. Donnie Darko (2001), r. Richard Kelly97. Fight Club (1999), r. David Fincher 98. The Earrings of Madame de . . . (1953), r. Max Ophuls99. Seven Samurai (1954), r. Akira Kurosawa100. Young Frankenstein (1974), r. Mel Brooks