test limba engleza

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Post on 10-Mar-2016




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Acesta este un test pt limba engleza cu putine exercitii pentru incepatori. Exercitile sunt gramaticale ( Present Simple, Present Continuous)


Test 2Subiectul 1 : Traducere a. b. In fiecare dimineata beau cafeaua cu fratele meu. Eu beau cafea si el bea lapte.c. El nu vrea sa invete engleza. ( to learn= a invata )d. Ce face el in fiecare weekend ?e. Ascult muzica, te rog sa ma lasi in pace ! f. El nu invata acum.g. De ce mananca dulciuri acum ?Subiectul 2 :a. Alcauieste cate doua propozitii pentru fiecare verb ( Present Simple, Present Continuous) : hear, dance, steal (= a fura)

b. Corecteaza propozitiile de mai jos :

He is dancing every day with his daughter.My mother dont like oranges.Her husband are sleeping. Close the door !

Subiectul 3 : Pune verbele din paranteza la timpul corespunsator.

Her real name ( to be ).... Mary. She ( to work)...with my sister. Every Monday they ( to go )......together to work. My sister ( not to like ).....to go with the bus but she has to.