queen elizabeth i atestat engleza

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  • 8/10/2019 Queen Elizabeth I Atestat Engleza


    Queen Elizabeth IQueen Elizabeth ILucrare pentru obtinerea atestatului de competente lingvistice la limba engleza

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  • 8/10/2019 Queen Elizabeth I Atestat Engleza


  • 8/10/2019 Queen Elizabeth I Atestat Engleza


    5( Conclusion

    "( ibliograph/

    1( Introduction

    )he reason +h/ I have chosen this this topic is because I have been impressed b/Queen Elizabeth s strong personalit/ and b/ the +a/ she managed to rule such a ,ingdomli,e England and Ireland +ithout having to marr/( I have heared about her a lot o% things

    be%ore ta,ing up this sub*ect and I ,ne+ %or certain that I +ould li,e to ,no+ even moreabout her as she is the ;ueen +ho gave a name to a +hole era the Elizabethan 6ge+hich +as prosperous in all domains: music theatre architecture not to mention the %actthat England +on the title o% master o% the seas a%ter de%eating the $panish 6rmada(

    In the second chapter I tal,ed about Elizabeth s parents and the situation that changedher status %rom a princess to a illegitimate daughter at the same time I mentioned the,no+ledge she possessed as her education vas not neglected even i% she +as droped o%%%rom her title she +as still a +ell educated +oman(

    In the third chapter I describet in the beginning the accession to the throne o% ar/ Iher hal% sister and ho+ Elizabeth became her heir describing also some details about thecoronation o% Queen Elizabeth( In the same chapter I included %ive subsections thatillustrate the li%e o% the ;ueen %rom the beginning o% her reign to her late /ears as +ell asthe great problems concerning the ,ingdom( Church Settlement, +hich illustrates thesolution the Queen gave to the problems bet+een &rotestants and Catholics as Elizabethgave e;ual rights to all her sub*ects no matter their con%ession declaring England a,ingdom that no longer is under the Church o%

  • 8/10/2019 Queen Elizabeth I Atestat Engleza


    2(&arents 4 Childhood

    !!-e who +laced me in this seat will .ee+ me here !! / Elizabeth I )

    Elizabeth +as the onl/ child o%.enr/ III and 6nne ole/n +ho didnot bear a male heir and +as e=ecutedless than three /ears a%ter Elizabeth#s

    birth( Elizabeth +as born at -reen+ich

    &alace and +as named a%ter both hergrandmothers Elizabeth o% >or, andElizabeth .o+ard ( $he +as the secondchild o%.enr/ III o% England born in+edloc, to survive in%anc/( .er mother+as .enr/#s second +i%e 6nne ole/n (

    6t birth Elizabeth +as the heiress presumptive to the throne o% England( .er older hal%!sister ar/ had lost her position as a legitimate heir +hen .enr/ annulled his marriage to

    ar/#s mother Catherine o% 6ragon in order to marr/ 6nne and sire a male heir to ensurethe )udor succession(

    9hen Elizabeth +as t+o /ears and eight months old her mother +as e=ecuted on 1 th

    a/ 153"( Elizabeth +as declared illegitimate and deprived o% the title o% princess( Elevenda/s a%ter 6nne ole/n#s death .enr/ married ?ane $e/mour +ho died shortl/ a%ter the

    birth o% their son &rince Ed+ard in 153@( Arom his birth Ed+ard +as the undisputed heir tothe throne and Elizabeth +as placed in his household( In +hat concerns Elizabeth s education she +as taught %our languages: ArenchAlemish Italian and $panish( / the time 9illiam -rindal became her tutor in 1577Elizabeth could +rite English Latin and Italian( Bnder -rindal a talented and s,il%ul tutorshe also progressed in Arench and -ree, and b/ the time her %ormal education ended in1550 she +as one o% the best educated +omen o% her generation( / the end o% her li%eElizabeth +as also reputed to spea, 9elsh Cornish $cottish and Irish in addition to English(6nd once the enetian ambassador stated in 1"03 that she possessed Dthese languages sothoroughl/ that each appeared to be her native tongue (

    esides reading and +riting Elizabeth also spent her time learning to pla/ musicalinstruments and also learned needle+or, and art( ut she also en*o/ed pla/ing *ust li,e other children( Arom an earl/ age she +as taught all the re;uirements o% a classical humanisteducation' histor/ philosoph/ mathematics( $he also loved such activities as hunting ridingdancing and pla/ing( .er education also included non!academic sub*ects a lad/ o% her ran,and status should ,no+ things such as: se+ing embroider/ dancing music archer/ ridingand hunting(


  • 8/10/2019 Queen Elizabeth I Atestat Engleza


    3 (Elizabeth the heir to the throne

    Fn the 2Gth ?anuar/ 157@ .enr/ III Hing o% England and Ireland died at the&alace o% 9hitehall at the age o% 55( .e +as buried ne=t to his true +i%eJ ?ane $e/mour in$t -eorge s Chapel at 9indsor Castle(

    In his +ill .enr/ III named his son Ed+ard as Hing +ith his daughters ar/ andElizabeth %ollo+ing ne=t in line( Ed+ard I died on " ?ul/ 1553 aged 15( .is +ill s+eptaside the $uccession to the Cro+n 6ct 1573 e=cluded both ar/ and Elizabeth %rom thesuccession and instead declared as his heir Lad/ ?ane -re/ granddaughter o% .enr/ III#ssister ar/ Kuchess o% $u%%ol, ( Lad/ ?ane +as proclaimed ;ueen b/ the &riv/ Council buther support ;uic,l/ crumbled and she +as deposed a%ter nine da/s( ar/ rode triumphantl/into London +ith Elizabeth at her side(

    ut the sho+ o% solidarit/ bet+een the sisters did notlast long( ar/ a devout Catholic +as determined to crushthe &rotestant %aith in +hich Elizabeth had been educatedand she ordered that ever/one attend Catholic ass'Elizabeth had to out+ardl/ con%orm( ar/#s initial

    popularit/ ebbed a+a/ in 1557 +hen she announced plansto marr/ &rince &hilip o% $pain the son o%Emperor Charles

    and an active Catholic( Kiscontent spread rapidl/ throughthe countr/ and man/ loo,ed to Elizabeth as a %ocus %ortheir opposition to ar/#s religious policies( In ?anuar/ and

    Aebruar/ 1557 9/att#s rebellion bro,e out' it +as soonsuppressed( Elizabeth +as brought to court and interrogatedregarding her role and on 1G arch she +as imprisoned inthe )o+er o% London ( Elizabeth %erventl/ protested her

    innocence( ar/#s closest con%idant Charles #s ambassador $imon

  • 8/10/2019 Queen Elizabeth I Atestat Engleza


    +holeheartedl/ b/ the citizens and greeted b/ orations and pageants most +ith a strong&rotestant %lavour( Elizabeth#s open and gracious responses endeared her to the spectators

    +ho +ere +onder%ull/ ravished ( )he %ollo+ing da/ 15th

    ?anuar/ 155 Elizabeth +ascro+ned and anointed b/ F+en Fglethorpe the Catholic bishop o% Carlisle at 9estminster6bbe/ (

    Church $ettlement

    Arom the ver/ beginning o% her reign she has treated all religious ;uestions+ith so much caution and incredible prudence that she seems both to protect theCatholic religion and at the same time not entirel/ to condemn or out+ardl/re*ect the ne+

  • 8/10/2019 Queen Elizabeth I Atestat Engleza


    arriage 4 )he irgin Queen

    #I% I +ere a mil,maid +ith a pail on m/ arm +hereb/ m/ private person might belittle set b/ I +ould not %orsa,e that poor and single state to match +ith thegreatest monarch(# Elizabeth I to 0arliament, regarding marriage

    Arom the start o% Elizabeth#s reign it +as e=pected that she +ould marr/ and the;uestion arose to +hom( In the spring o% 155 it

    became evident that Elizabeth +as in love +ith herchildhood %riend

  • 8/10/2019 Queen Elizabeth I Atestat Engleza


    ;uestion both the personal and political cost o% marriage( )he ne+ ;ueen al+a/s had a lo+opinion o% marital happiness and sa+ little reason to change her mind(

    6nd so out o% love o% independence and po+er and a native distrust o% marriageElizabeth +as determined to remain single( .er councilors %or their part pretended to believe other+ise %or ;uite a long time( Kespite her repeated vo+s to #live and die a virgin#the/ embar,ed upon countless rounds o% diplomatic negotiations searching %or a husband(

    It is also +orth noting the endless di%%iculties in selecting a suitable husband( 6%oreign match +ould have dragged England into the morass o% European politics +ith

    possibl/ the same disastrous results o% ar/#s marriage( ut marriage to an Englishman+ould have given too much po+er to one political %action or the other( 6nd so Elizabeth#s

    personal disli,e o% marriage turned out to be a shre+d political decision though itcon%ounded ever/one %or several /ears(

    In other +ords the/ could discuss and debate and suggest ! but onl/ Elizabeth could

    rule( 6lso Elizabeth#s unmarried status inspired a cult o% virginit/( In poetr/ and portraiture she +as depicted as a virgin or a goddess or both not as a normal +oman( 6t%irst onl/ Elizabeth made a virtue o% her virginit/: in 155 she told the Commons , (nd, inthe end, this shall be for me sufficient, that a marble stone shall declare that a 2ueen, ha%ingreigned such a time, li%ed and died a %irgin Later on poets and +riters too, up the themeand turned it into an iconograph/ that e=alted Elizabeth( &ublic tributes to the irgin b/ 15@Gacted as a coded assertion o% opposition to the ;ueen#s marriage negotiations +ith the Ku,eo% 6lenMon(

    &utting a positive spin on her marital status Elizabeth insisted she +as married to her,ingdom and sub*ects under divine protection( In 15 she spo,e o% all m& husbands, m&

    good +eo+le

    -loriana and the $panish 6rmada

    !!There is nothing about which I am more an3ious than m& countr&, and for its sa.e I am willing to die ten deaths, if that be +ossible !! / Elizabeth I )

    In government Elizabeth +as more moderate than her %ather and hal%!siblings had been( Fne o% her mottoes +as %ideo et taceo I see and sa/ nothing ( In religion she +as

    relativel/ tolerant avoiding s/stematic persecution( 6%ter 15@0 +hen the pope declared herillegitimate and released her sub*ects %rom obedience to her several conspiracies threatenedher li%e( 6ll plots +ere de%eated ho+ever +ith the help o% her ministers# secret service(Elizabeth +as cautious in %oreign a%%airs moving bet+een the ma*or po+ers o% Arance and$pain( $he onl/ hal%!heartedl/ supported a number o% ine%%ective poorl/ resourced militar/campaigns in the 8etherlands Arance and Ireland( In the mid!15G0s +ar +ith $pain couldno longer be avoided and +hen $pain %inall/ decided to attempt to con;uer England in 15GGthe %ailure o% the$panish 6rmada associated her +ith one o% the greatest victories in Englishhistor/(

    Elizabeth#s %oreign polic/ +as largel/ de%ensive( )he e=ception +as the Englishoccupation o% Le .avre %rom Fctober 15"2 to ?une 15"3 +hich ended in %ailure +henElizabeth#s .uguenot allies *oined +ith the Catholics to reta,e the port( Elizabeth#s intentionhad been to e=change Le .avre %or Calais lost to Arance in ?anuar/ 155G( Fnl/ through the


  • 8/10/2019 Queen Elizabeth I Atestat Engleza


    activities o% her %leets did Elizabeth pursue an aggressive polic/( )his paid o%% in the +aragainst $pain G0N o% +hich +as %ought at sea( $he ,nighted Arancis Kra,e a%ter his

    circumnavigation o% the globe %rom 15@@ to 15G0 and he +on %ame %or his raids on $panish ports and %leets( 6n element o% pirac/ and sel%!enrichment drove Elizabethan sea%arers over+hich the ;ueen had little control(

    9hile .enr/ III had launched the

  • 8/10/2019 Queen Elizabeth I Atestat Engleza


    to struggle bac, to $pain via the 8orth $ea and then bac, south past the +est coast o%Ireland ( Bna+are o% the 6rmada#s %ate English militias mustered to de%end the countr/

    under the Earl o% Leicester#s command( .e invited Elizabeth to inspect her troops at )ilbur/ in Esse= on G 6ugust( 9earing a silver breastplate over a +hite velvet dress she addressedthem in one o% her most %amous speeches :

    My loving people, we have been persuaded by some that are careful of our safety,to take heed how we commit ourself to armed multitudes for fear of treachery; but I assure

    you, I do not desire to live to distrust my faithful and loving people ... I know I have thebody but of a weak and feeble woman, but I have the heart and stomach of a king, and of a

    King of England too, and think foul scorn that arma or !pain, or any rince of Europeshould dare to invade the borders of my realm

    9hen no invasion came the nation re*oiced( Elizabeth#s procession to a than,sgivingservice at $t &aul#s Cathedral rivalled that o% her coronation as a spectacle( )he de%eat o% the

    6rmada +as a potent propaganda victor/ both %or Elizabeth and %or &rotestant England( )heEnglish too, their deliver/ as a s/mbol o% -od#s %avour and o% the nation#s inviolabilit/ under a virgin ;ueen( .o+ever the victor/ +as not a turning point in the +ar +hich continued ando%ten %avoured $pain( )he $panish still controlled the 8etherlands and the threat o% invasionremained( $ir 9alter

  • 8/10/2019 Queen Elizabeth I Atestat Engleza


    Queen Elizabeth I( )hese men +ere all handsome +ell educated and +ell versed in courtl/manners

    )he Elizabethan Courtiers +ho +ere the e=plorers privateers and pirates o% QueenElizabeth I +ere: $ir Arancis Kra,e $ir .umphre/ -ilbert $ir

  • 8/10/2019 Queen Elizabeth I Atestat Engleza


    %aded the more her courtiers praised it( Elizabeth +as happ/ to pla/ the part but it is possible that in the last decade o% her li%e she began to believe her o+n per%ormance(

    Elizabeth#s senior advisor urghle/ died on 7 6ugust 15 G( .is political mantle passed to his son

  • 8/10/2019 Queen Elizabeth I Atestat Engleza


    $panish 6rmada +as repulsed( It +as also the end o% the period +hen England +as a separaterealm be%ore its ro/al union +ith $cotland(

    England +as also +ell!o%% compared to the other nations o% Europe( )he Italian

  • 8/10/2019 Queen Elizabeth I Atestat Engleza


    respectable and b/ the 15@0s and 15G0s e=clusive bo/s# schools li,e $t( &aul#s and erchant)a/lor#s integrated the per%ormance o% both English and Latin pla/s into their curriculum

    initiating the custom o% the school pla/( )he Queen even +atched some o% these school pla/shersel%( In 15 5 $ha,espeare#s ( idsummer ight7s 8ream +as per%ormed at -reen+ich palace during the marriage celebration o% urleigh#s granddaughter( )he pla/ containedseveral re%erences to Elizabeth and her court especiall/ to the +ater!pageant Leicester had

    put on %or Elizabeth at Henil+orth Castle in 15@5( )hen at Christmastime +hile Esse= +asgone on the campaign in Ireland Elizabeth sa+ a per%ormance o% $ha,espeare#s Twelfth

    ight Elizabeth hersel% +as ,no+n %or being a ver/ good dancer and a particularl/ talented

    musician( 6lthough she onl/ pla/ed %or her closest %riends she spent considerable time per%ecting her renditions o% several o% the more di%%icult pieces o% the da/(

    )he structure o% an Elizabethan pla/house +as ver/ di%erent %rom +hat +e no+ mean

    b/ a theatre (It +as either round or pol/gonal in shape and the pit +here the groundlingsstood +as %enced o%% +ith iron spi,es to protect the patrons in the surrounding bo=es %rom the+ild beasts +hich during the per%ormance +ere introduced into the pit a%ter the e=pulsiono% the groundlings ( )here +ere also galeries some o% them over the stage ( )hestage +ith its best best seats %or the noble and +ealth/ patrons *utted out into the pit sothat actors could spea, in a natural voice()here +as almost no scenar/ and bare posters gavesuch indications as )his is the moon .ere is a castle etc(9omen did not act and their

    parts +ere ta,en b/ bo/s()here +as no curtain and the beginning and the end o% a pla/ +ereannounced b/ a trumpeter standing in the turret o% the theatre(

    It +as in this conditions that the great pla/s o% the Elizabethan age +ere acted(6s a matter o% %act little is ,no+n about the e=act structure o% Elizabethan

    theatres($ha,espeare s re%erences are scant .enr/ 6 idsummer 8ight s Kream etc ()he decade o% the 15 0s *ust be%ore $ha,espeare started his career sa+ a radical

    trans%ormation in popular drama( 6 group o% si= +ell! educated men chose to +rite %or the public stage ta,ing over native traditions( )he/ brought ne+ coherence in structure and real+it and poetic po+er to the language the/ are ,no+n collectivel/ as the Bniversit/ 9itsthough the/ did not al+a/s +or, as a group and indeed +rangled +ith each other at times()he term o% Bniversit/ 9its has not +on universal recognition /et most literar/ historiansendorse it to underline that the most o% the dramatists belonging to this trend has academicstudies F=%ord Cambridge +ere closel/ connected in li%e +ere pro%essed men o% lettersand endeavoured to localize the cultivation o% classical models that the/ had studied inthe universit/( )he/ engra%ted vigorous actions and poetr/ on the e=tant interludes andchronicles and innovated themes characters and atmospheres and inaugurated moderndrama(

    )heir names are: ?ohn L/l/ Christopher arlo+e )homas 8ashe -eorge &eele

  • 8/10/2019 Queen Elizabeth I Atestat Engleza


    et+een 15G5 and 15 2 9illiam $ha,espeare began a success%ul career in London asan actor +riter and part o+ner o% a pla/ing compan/ called the Lord Chamberlain#s en

    later ,no+n as the Hing#s en ($ha,espeare produced most o% his ,no+n +or, bet+een 15G and 1"13( .is earl/ pla/s+ere mainl/ comedies and histories genres he raised to the pea, o% sophistication andartistr/ b/ the end o% the 1"th centur/( .e then +rote mainl/ tragedies until about 1"0Gincluding -amlet ing Lear 4thello and acbeth considered some o% the %inest +or,s inthe English language( In his last phase he +rote tragicomedies also ,no+n as romances andcollaborated +ith other pla/+rights(

    In 15 G ?onson produced his %irst great success E%er& an in -is -umour capitalisingon the vogue %or humorous pla/s +hich -eorge Chapman had begun +ith (n -umorous

    8a&7s irth ( 9illiam $ha,espeare +as among the %irst actors to be cast( ?onson %ollo+ed thisin 15 +ith E%er& an out of -is -umour a pedantic attempt to imitate 6ristophanes ( It is

    not ,no+n +hether this +as a success on stage but +hen published it proved popular and+ent through several editions(?onson#s other +or, %or the theatre in the last /ears o% Elizabeth I #s reign +as mar,ed b/

    %ighting and controvers/( C&nthia7s e%els +as produced b/ the Children o% the Chapel

  • 8/10/2019 Queen Elizabeth I Atestat Engleza


    Arom 15@@ to 15G0 $ir Arancis Kra,e circumnavigated the globe( Combined +ith hisdaring raids against the $panish and his great victor/ over them at Cadiz in 15G@ he became

    a %amous hero and his e=ploits are still celebratedPbut England did not %ollo+ up on hisclaims( In 15G3 .umphre/ -ilbert sailed to 8e+%oundland ta,ing possession o% theharbour o% $t ?ohn#s together +ith all land +ithin t+o hundred leagues to the north and southo% it(

    In 15G7 the ;ueen granted $ir 9alter

  • 8/10/2019 Queen Elizabeth I Atestat Engleza


    )he Queen s +ardrobeQueen Elizabeth +as a great %ollo+er o% %ashion( 9hile in private she pre%erred to

    +ear simple go+ns and +ould reputedl/ +ear the same plain go+n %or t+o or three da/s+hen she +as in public she dressed to impress( Clothes +ere an important status s/mbol tothe Elizabethans and a person had to dress in accordance +ith their social status( It +as thusin ,eeping that the Queen dressed more magni%icent than ever/one else( 8o one +as allo+edto rival the Queen#s appearance and one un%ortunate maid o% honor +as reprimanded %or+earing a go+n that +as too sumptuous %or her( )he maids +ere meant to complement theQueen#s appearance not to outshine her( In the later /ears o% the reign the maids +orego+ns o% plain colors such as +hite or silver( )he Queen had dresses o% all colors but +hiteand blac, +ere her %avorite colors as the/ s/mbolized virginit/ and purit/ and more o%tenthan not she +ore a go+n o% these colors( )he Queen#s go+ns +ould be gorgeousl/ handembroidered +ith all sorts o% colored thread and decorated +ith diamonds rubies sapphiresand all ,inds o% *e+els( 6 boo, entitled $ueen Elizabeth7s wardrobe unloc.ed details someo% the *e+els that %ell o%% the Queen#s go+ns +hen she +ore them .

    Li,e all aristocratic Elizabethan +omen the Queen +ould t/picall/ +ear a chemise acorset sti%%ened +ith +ood or iron a petticoat a %athingale stoc,ings a go+n sleeves and anec, ru%% and +rist ru%%s( 9ith the discover/ o% starch ru%%s became even more elaborate(

    )o complete her appearance the Queen +ould +ear accessories such as a %an a pomander to +ard o% %oul smells and it +as thought in%ection earrings a diamond or pearlnec,lace a brooch and a +atch(

  • 8/10/2019 Queen Elizabeth I Atestat Engleza


    the con%ined bear( 6n/ dogs that might survive the bear#s retaliation +ere pulled o%% *ust be%ore the bear +as ,illed( )he dogs +ould be considered +inners i% the large animal +as

    ,illed but losers i% man/ o% them +ere disabled that the rest re%used to attac,( $ometimesapes +ere used instead o% bears( ullbaiting +as much the same as bear baiting e=cept thatthe bull +as let into the pit and +orried to death teased or hurt until it died ( Coc,%ighting+as another popular blood sport(

  • 8/10/2019 Queen Elizabeth I Atestat Engleza


    I thin, that Queen Elizabeth has remained in histor/ as an important Queen +ho

    achieved the great aspirations o% her sub*ects during her reign( Elizabeth +as dedicated to her countr/ in a +a/ %e+ monarchs had been or have been since( Elizabeth had the mind o% a

    political genius and nurtured her countr/ through care%ul leadership and b/ choosing capablemen to assist her such as $ir 9illiam Cecil and $ir Arancis 9alsingham( Elizabeth +as adetermined +oman but she +as not obstinate( $he listened to the advice o% those around herand +ould change a polic/ i% it +as unpopular( In appearance she +as e=travagant in

    behaviour sometimes %lippant and %rivolous but her approach to politics +as seriousconservative and cautious( 9hen she ascended the throne in 155G England +as animpoverished countr/ torn apart b/ religious s;uabbles( 9hen she died at

  • 8/10/2019 Queen Elizabeth I Atestat Engleza


    1 urois 6ndre 1 "3 ! -reat ritain .istor/2 Kuchein ichel 2001 ! Elizabeth I

    3 &onta onica 2011 ! 6 collection o% )e=ts about -reatritain .istor/

    7 6nton/ Haterine 1 2 ! Queen Elizabeth

    5 Elizabeth ?en,ins 1 5G ! Elizabeth the -reat

    " ac8alt/ 6rthur $ 1 57 ! Elizabeth )udor the lonel/ Queen

    @ 6shton

  • 8/10/2019 Queen Elizabeth I Atestat Engleza
