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  • 8/22/2019 flora agigea.pdf



    Analele tiinifice ale Universitii Al. I. Cuza IaiTomul LVII, fasc. 2, s. II a. Biologie vegetal, 2011


    M. FGRA*

    Abstract: since founding of Agigea Marine Sand Dunes Reserve in 1939, the environmental conditionshave changed significantly especially due to building of Constanta South Agigea Harbour. Microclimate and soilcondition have changed in the last 70 years in the protected area and led to disappearance of significant number ofplant species, many of them specific to littoral zone. The latest scientific paper which inventories the flora of thenatural reserve (Mititelu et al. 1992) presents a list of 418 species of spontaneous plants, which actually representsan accumulation of the results of floristic studies accomplished in the natural reserve between years 1928 and1992. The floristic inventory of Mititelu et al. includes numerous species that have disappeared many years agofrom the natural reserve area. A critical revision of the floristic inventory is accomplished by Srbu et al. (2006)who eliminates 72 of the 418 taxa inventoried by Mititelu et al. (1992). Even if the number of taxa was reduced to

    346, we believe that the number of plants is currently much smaller in the strict perimeter of the reserve (10,55 ha)which means that the floristic inventory needs revision. Our floristic study carried out in the natural reserve in theperiod of April 2010 - March 2011 led to identification of 241 vascular plant taxa (spontaneous, subspontaneous,naturalized or introduced accidentally or deliberated in the reservation). The paper presents both a floristicinventory of the reservation and brief considerations concerning rare and threatened plants and about invasive andpotentially invasive alien plant species which threaten the specific flora of the sand dunes.

    Keywords: floristic study, vascular flora, threatened flora, invasive plants, sand dunes, natural reserve.


    The Natural Reserve Marine sand dunes of Agigea (both botanical andzoological reserve) is the unique marine sand dunes reserve of Romania, located about 15

    km south of Constanta in Agigea village, not very far from North Eforie (Fig. 1). Foundedsince 1939 it is situated inside the Biologic Marine Station Prof. Dr. Ioan Borcea whereoccupy an area of 10.55 ha. Since 1990, the natural reserve is managed by the UniversityAlexandru Ioan Cuza of Iai.

    Inside the dune reservation there are some coastal habitats of European interest(habitats 2110 and 2130 *) and a lot of very rare plants at the national level (Alyssumborzaeanum, Convolvulus persicus, Silene thymifolia, Ephedra distachya).

    By building the Constanta South-Agigea Harbour, the reservation was cut off fromthe sea by a number of infrastructure works, which currently leaves it at approximately 200meters from the seashore. In time, this led to modifications of the ecological conditions,followed by significant changes in the composition and structure of the vegetation. These

    modifications, accentuated by the near-by human activities, caused the disappearance intime of certain psammophile species and favored the penetration and proliferation ofruderal and steppe species.

    The dynamics of vegetation in the natural reserve Agigea Marine Sand Dunesrequires the periodic update of the floral inventory in the perimeter of protected area, a goalthat we set as a result of the floristic studies accomplished in the reserve between April2010 and March 2011.

    *Ovidius University Constana, Faculty of Natural and Agricultural Sciences, Aleea Universitii, Nr. 1B,

    Constana. [email protected]

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    Figure 1. Agigea Marine Sand Dunes Reserve

    Materials and methods

    For each taxa of the floristic inventory the scientific and popular name, thebiological forms, phytogeographical elements, ecological categories and the Red Datacategories are mentioned.

    The nomenclature of plant taxa is according to Illustrated Flora of Romania.Pteridophyta et Spermatophyta [6], Critical list of Romanian vascular plants [15] and

    Flora Europaea[21, 22]. The biological forms, floristic elements and ecological categoriesare given in accordance with Illustrated Flora of Romania. Pteridophyta etSpermatophyta [6] and Conspectus of spontaneous higher flora of Romania [19]. TheRed Data categories is in accordance with the Red Book vascular plant in Romania [8],Red List of higher plants in Romania [14], IUCN Red List of endangered species (2008)[25] or annexes of OUG no. 57/2007 [26], European Community Directive 92/43/EEC [24]and the Berne Convention [23].

    The invasive and potentially invasive alien species from the natural reserve wereconsidered according to Richardsons et al. [18] and Pyek et al. [17] definition.

    Results and discussions

    Study of the natural reserve flora carried out between April 2010 and March 2011led to identification of 241 vascular taxa, from which 216 are spontaneous (89,62%) and 25taxa (10,37%) are subspontaneous, cultivated and naturalized or introduced accidentally inthe reservation area.

    The latest scientific paper which inventories the flora in the reserve [10] presents alist of 418 species of spontaneous plants, which actually represents an accumulation of theresults of floristic research developed in the reserve between 1928 and 1992 [1, 13, 16, 9, 3,4, 5, 11]. This floristic inventory includes also numerous species that have disappeared fordozens of years from the reserve.

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    Since its setup in 1939, the Agigea Marine Sand Dunes Reserve has sufferedsignificant modifications of the ecological conditions, as a result of the Constanta South-Agigea Harbour building. This led to the disappearance of a considerable number of plantspecies that are specific to the littoral zone. This situation was worsened by the desertion of

    the reservation after the Romanian Institute for Marine Research moved to Constana (thisInstitute integrated the Marine biological Station) and by the lack of an adequatemanagement until it was taken over by Al. I. Cuza University in 1990. During this period,the reserve became grazing land and it was then transformed into an instruction field for themilitary, which led to an accentuated degradation of the dunes habitats and to an intense

    process of transformation of the vegetation into a ruderal and steppe one.A most welcomed revision of the floristic inventory in the protected area is

    accomplished in 2006 by Srbu et al. [20], who eliminates 72 of the 418 taxa inventoried byMititelu et al. (1992)[10]. Even if the number of taxa is reduced to 346, we believe that thenumber of plants is currently much smaller in the strict perimeter of the reserve (10,55 ha),which means that the floristic inventory needs revision.

    The floristic inventory of vascular flora of Agigea Marine Sand Dunes NaturalReserve

    Acer campestre L. subsp. campestre Ph (tree), Eur.; U2,5 T3 R3; 2n = 26; Querco-Fagetea;cultivated in the reservation; Acer platanoides L. Ph (tree), Eur.; U3 T3 R3; 2n = 26, 39; Fagetalia, Car.Moehringio muscosae-Acerenion, Querco-Fagetea; cultivated in the reservation; Acer pseudoplatanus L. Ph(tree), Eur.; U3,5 T3 R3; Fagetalia, Car. Moehringio muscosae-Acerenion, Querco-Fagetea; cultivated in thereservation; Achillea pannonica Scheele H, Eur. (Cont.); U2 T4 R3,5; 2n = 72; Festucetalia valesiacae; on thesand dunes, in the meadows; Achillea setacea Waldst. et Kit. H, Eua. (Cont.); U2 T3 R5; Festucionpseudovinae, Sedo-Scleranthetea, Festucetalia valesiacae; on the sand dunes, in ruderal places; Agropyroncristatum (L.) Gaertn. subsp. pectinatum (M. Bieb.) Tzvelev [syn.Agropyron pectiniforme Roem. et Schult.] H,Euc.-Pont.-Anat.; U2 T4 R4,5; 2n = 14, 28; Agropyro-Kochion, Festucion rupicolae; on the sand dunes, in ruderalplaces; Ailanthus altissima (Mill.) Swingle Ph (tree), Adv. (China); U0 T0 R0; 2n = 64; Ailanthetum altissimae;invasive plant on the sand dunes and in the green spaces of Marine Biological Station; Ajuga chamaepytis (L.)Schreber subsp. chamaepytis Th, Med.; U2,5 T4 R3; 2n = 28; Secalietea, Festucion rupicolae; sporadic on thefixed sand dunes; Alcea rosea L. [syn. Althaea rosea (L.) Cav.] H, Adv.; 2n = 42; sub-spontaneous in themeadows near administrative buildings; Allium flavum L. subsp. tauricum (Besser ex Rchb.) Stearn [syn.Alliumtauricum (Besser ex Rchb.) Grossh.] G, Pont.; U1,5 T4 R4; 2n = 16; Festucetalia valesiacae; on the sand dunes;Allium rotundum L. subsp. rotundum (Pur) G, Euc. (Med.); U2 T4 R4; 2n = 16, 32, 40, 48; Festucetaliavalesiacae, Festucetalia vaginatae, Car. Festuco-Brometea; on the sand dunes, in the ruderal meadows nearadministrative buildings; Allium sphaerocephalon L. subsp. sphaerocephalon G, Euc.; U1,5 T3,5 R4; 2n = 16,18; Festucetalia valesiacae, Festucetalia vaginatae, Car. Festuco-Brometea; in shrubs, on the fixed dunes; Althaeahirsuta L. Th, Pont.-Med.; U2,5 T3,5 R4,5; Festucion rupicolae, Car. Polygono-Chenopodietalia; in shrubs, nearadministrative buildings; Alyssum borzaeanum Nyr. (Ciucuoara de nisipuri) Ch, Lit. (Black Sea); U1,5 T4R5; Scabiosion argenteae; abundant on the sand dunes in the NW and SE area of reservation; very rare on the

    Romanian seacoast; E [7], V [2], E/R[12, 14], Bern Convention (Annex I) [23]; Alyssum hirsutum M. Bieb. Th, E-subMed.; U2 T4 R4,5; 2n = 46; Festucion rupicolae, Festucion vaginatae; abundant on the sand dunes;Amaranthus retroflexus L. Th, Adv. (Am.); U3 T3 R0; 2n = 32; Car. Chenopodietea; on fixed sand dunes, inruderal places; Amorpha fruticosa L. Ph (shrub), Adv. (Am.); U3 T4 R0; 2n = 40; Salicion albae; invasivespecies accidentally introduced in the reservation, cultivated as ornamental plant out of dunes reserve area;Anagallis arvensis L. Th, Cosm.; U3 T3,5 R0; 2n = 40; Secalietea; in meadows, in shrubs and ruderal places;Anchusa officinalis L. subsp. procera (Besser) Ciocrlan H, Eur. (Med.); U2 T3 R0; 2n = 16; Festucionrupicolae, Onopordion; on the sand dunes and in ruderal places; Anthemis ruthenica Bieb. Th, Eur. (Cont.); U2T4 R4; 2n = 18; Corinephoretalia, Festucion vaginatae, Sisymbrion, Onopordion; on the sand dunes, in ruderalplaces; Anthemis tinctoria L. subsp. tinctoria H, Eua. (Cont.); U1,5 T3 R3; Festucetalia valesiacae; on the sanddunes, in xerophylous meadows; Anthriscus cerefolium (L.) Hoffm. subsp. trichosperma Nyman Th, subMed.;U2,5 T4 R4; Alliarion; in the shrubs and trees area; Apera spica-venti (L.) Beauv. subsp. maritima (Klokov)

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    Tzvelev Th, Pont.-Dobr.; U1,5 T3 R3; 2n = 14; Aperion spicae-venti, Aperetalia; on the sand dunes; Artemisiaannua L. Th, Eua. (Cont.); U3 T4 R4; 2n = 18; Chenopodio-Scleranthetea, Car.Sisymbrion; at the edge ofreservation, near administrative buildings; Artemisia austriaca Jacq. Ch, Eua. (Cont.); U2 T4 R4,5; 2n = 16;Festucion rupicolae; on the sand dunes, in xerophylous meadows; Asparagus pseudoscaberGrecescu H, Eur.(Pont.-Balc.); U2 T4 R4; 2n = 20; Aceri-Quercion; on the sand dunes; Asparagus verticillatus L. G, Pont.-Balc.;

    U1 T4,5 R4; Orno-Cotinetalia, Carpion orientalis; in shady bushes; R[14]; Asperugo procumbens L. Th, Eua.(Cont.); U2,5 T3,5 R4,5; 2n = 48; Sisymbrietalia; in the shrubs and trees area, near fences, in ruderal places;Asperula cynanchica L. H, Pont.-Med.; U2 T3 R5; Festucetalia, Car. Festuco-Brometea; on the sand dunes;Asperula tenella Heuff. H, Pont.-Balc.; U2 T4 R4; Festuco-Brometea, Syringo-Carpinion; on the sand dunes;Astragalus asperWulfen ex Jacq. H, Pont.-Pan.; U2 T4 R4; 2n = 64; Festucion rupicolae; on fixed sand dunes;Astragalus varius S. G. Gmel. [syn. Astragalus virgatus Pall.] H, Eua. (Cont.); U1,5 T4 R4,5; Festucionvaginatae; on the sand dunes; V [7], R[12, 14]; Avena fatua L. Th, Adv.; U1,5 T4 R0; near fences, in the eastside of reservation; Ballota nigra L. subsp. nigra H, Med.-Euc.; U2 T3,5 R4; 2n = 22; Chenopodietea,Car..Arction; in the shrubs, near fences; Bassia prostrata (L.) A. J. Scott [syn.Kochia prostrata (L.) Schrad.] Ch, Eua. (Cont.); U1,5 T4 R4,5; Agropyro-Kochion, Puccinellietalia; on fixed dunes, in the NE zone ofreservation; Berteroa incana (L.) DC. Th, Eua. (Cont.); U2 T3 R4; 2n = 16; Festuco-Brometea, Sedo-Scleranthetea, Sisymbrietalia; on fixed sand dunes; Bromus arvensis L. subsp. arvensis Th (TH), Eua. (Med.),U2,5 T3 R0; 2n = 14; Onopordetalia, Chenopodietea; in ruderal places (near fence, in shrubs); Bromushordeaceus L. [syn. Bromus mollis L.] Th, Eua.; U0 T3 R0; 2n = 28; Festuco-Brometea, Arrhenatheretea,

    Sisymbrion; on the sand dunes, in ruderal places; Bromus inermis Leysser H, Eua. (Cont.); U2,5 T4 R4; 2n =56; Arrhenatherion, Sisymbrion, Festuco-Brometea; on fixed sand dunes; Bromus squarrosus L. Th, Eua.(Cont.); U1,5 T4 R4; 2n = 14; Onopordion, Asplenietalia rutae-murariae, Corynephoretea, Festucetalia valesiacae;on the sand dunes, in ruderal places; Bromus sterilis L. Th, Eua. (Med.); U2 T4 R4; 2n = 14; Chenopodietea,Onopordetalia, Arction, Sisymbrion; in shrubs and trees area, in ruderal places; Bromus tectorum L. Th, Eua.(Cont.); U1,5 T3,5 R0; 2n = 56; Thero-Airion, Sisymbrion; on the sand dunes; Buglossoides arvensis (L.) I. M.Johnst. subsp. arvensis [Lithospermum arvense L.] Th, Eua.; U0 T0 R4; Festucetalia valesiacae, Secalietea; inshady places, in shrubs, between trees; Calystegia sepium (L.) R. Br. H, Eua.; U5 T3 R4; 2n = 22, 24;Convolvuletalia, Calystegion, Arction, Salicion albae; in the reeds from NW side of reservation; Camelinamicrocarpa Andrz. ex DC. Th, Eua.; U3 T3 R0; Chenopodietea, Car. Aperetalia; in ruderal places; Capsellabursa-pastoris (L.) Medik. Th, Cosm. (Med.); U3 T0 R0; 2n = 32; Chenopodietalia; in ruderal places; Cardariadraba (L.) Desv. subsp. draba [syn. Lepidium draba L.] H, Eua. (Med.); U2 T4 R4; 2n = 64; in shrubs andruderal places; Carduus acanthoides L. TH, Eur. (Med.); U2 T3 R0, Car. Onopordion; in ruderal places;

    Carduus thoermeriWeinm. [C. leiophyllus Petrovi; C. nutans subsp. leiophyllus (Petrovic) Arenas] TH, Pont.-Balc.; U2 T4 R4; 2n = 16; Onopordetalia; on the sand dunes, in ruderal places; Carex colchica J. Gay [C. ligericaJ. Gay] G, Pont.; U2 T4 R4,5; 2n = 58; Scabiosion argenteae, Festucion vaginatae; abundant on the sand dunesand between dunes; Centaurea arenaria M. Bieb. ex Willd. subsp. borysthenica (Gruner) Dostl H, Pont.-Pan.-Balc.; U2 T4 R4,5; Festucetalia valesiacae; on the sand dunes; Centaurea diffusa Lam. Th, Eua. (Cont.); U2 T4R0; 2n = 18; Onopordetalia, Chenopodio-Scleranthetea, Car. Onopordion; on the sand dunes; Cerastiumbrachypetalum Pers. Th, Centr. Eur.; U3 T3 R0; 2n = 90; Alysso-Sedion; on fixed dunes, in the meadows;Cerastium pumilum Curtis subsp. pumilum Th, Eur.; U2 T3 R0; 2n = 90, 100; Festuco-Brometea, Festucionpseudovinae, Car. Alysso-Sedion; on the sand dunes; Cerastium semidecandrum L. Th, Eur.; U2 T3,5 R0; 2n =18, 36; Festuco-Brometea, Corynephoretea, Car. Sedo-Scleranthetea; on the sand dunes; Chenopodium album L. Th, Cosm.; U3 T3 R0; 2n = 54; Chenopodietea; in ruderal places; Chondrilla juncea L. H, Eua.; U1,5 T3,5R4; 2n = 15, 30; Festucion vaginatae, Festucetalia valesiacae, Car. Danthonio-Chrysopogonetalia; on the sanddunes; Cichorium intybus L. subsp. intybus H, Eua.; U3 T0 R3; 2n = 18; Arrhenatheretea, Agrostion,Puccinellio-Salicornietea, Car. Polygonion avicularis; in xerophilous meadows and ruderal places; Conium

    maculatum L. Th-TH, Eua.; U3 T3 R3; 2n = 16, 22; Chenopodietea, Car. Arction; near fences, in shrubs and inthe ruderal places; Consolida regalis Gray subsp. regalis Th, Eua.; U2 T4 R4; Caucalidion; Convolvulusarvensis L. H(G), Cosm.; U2,5 T3,5 R3,5; 2n = 50; Chenopodio-Scleranthetea, Sisymbrion, Festuco-Brometea,Molinio-Arrhenatheretea, Caucalidion, Arction; on the edge of the paths, in ruderal places; Convolvulus persicusL. H, Pont.-Casp.; U2 T4,5 R4,5; on the sand dunes in the NW side of reservation; E [7], R[12, 14]; Conyzacanadensis (L.) Cronq. [Erigeron canadensis L.] Th, Adv. (Am. N); U2,5 T0 R0; 2n = 18; Chenopodietea,Festucion vaginatae, Corynephoretea, Car. Sisymbrion; on fixed sand dunes and in ruderal places; potentiallyinvasive plant; Cornus sanguinea L. Ph (shrub), Eua.; U3 T3 R4; 2n = 22; Querco-Fagetalia, Car. Prunetalia;sporadic in reservation area; Coronilla varia L. H, Euc. (Med.); U2 T3 R4; 2n = 24; Quercetea, Festuco-Brometea, Car. Origanetalia; in ruderal places, near shrubs; Crambe maritima L. H, Atl.; U2 T4,5 R4,5; 2n = 30,60; Cakiletalia maritimae; a single specimen introduced on the sand dunes in the NW side of reservation; V [2, 7,12, 14]; Crataegus monogyna Jacq. Ph (shrub), Eur.; U2,5 T3,5 R3; 2n = 34; Querco-Fagetea, Car. Prunetalia;

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    compose shrubs in reservation; Crepis foetida L. subsp. rhoeadifolia (Bieb.) elak. Th, Pont.-Med.; U2,5 T3,5R3; 2n = 10; Secalietea, Festuco-Brometea; sporadic on the sand dunes; Crepis pulchra L. Th, Eua. (Med.); U2T4 R3, 2n= 8; Car. Chenopodietea; on fixed sands; Crepis sancta (L.) Bornm. [Lagoseris sancta (L.) Maly] TH,Pont.-Balc.; U1,5 T4 R4, 2n= 10; Festuco-Sedetalia, Festuco-Brometea; abundant in April-May on the sand dunes;Crocus pallasiiGoldb. G, Pont.-Balc.; U1,5 T4,5 R4; 2n = 14; Festucetalia valesiacae; sporadic on fixed dunes

    in October-November; V [7], R[12, 14], EN [8]; Cuscuta europaea L. subsp. europaea Th, Eua.; U4 T0 R0; 2n= 14, Arction, Artemisietea, Car. Calystegion; on fixed sands; parasitic especially on Fabaceae; Cynanchumacutum L. H, Pont.-Med.; U2,5 T4 R0; 2n = 18; Scabiosion argenteae, Consolido-Eragrostion pooidis; on thesand dunes; Cynodon dactylon (L.) Pers. G (H), Cosm.; U2 T3,5 R0; 2n = 18, 27, 30, 36, 40; Festuco-Brometea,Polygonion avicularis; in ruderal places; Dactylis glomerata L. subsp. glomerata H, Eua. (Med.); U3 T0 R4; 2n= 28; Symphyto-Fagion, Car. Molinio-Arrhenatheretea; in ruderal places; Daucus carota L. subsp. carota TH,Eua. (Med.); U2,5 T3 R0; 2n = 18; Molinio-Arrhenatheretea, Car. Arrhenaterion; on the sand dunes; Descurainiasophia (L.) Webb ex Prantl [Sisymbrium sophia L.] Th, Eua.; U2,5 T4 R4; 2n = 28; Car. Sisymbrion-Onopordion; in shrubs and ruderal places; Dianthus leptopetalus Willd. H, Pont.-Balc.; U1,5 T4 R4,5;Festucetalia valesiacae, Syringo-Carpinion; on fixed sands; V [7], R[12, 14]; Diplotaxis tenuifolia (L.) DC. H(Ch), Med.; U2 T4 R0; 2n = 22; Secalietea, Car Sisymbrion; on fixed sand dunes; Echinops ritro L. subsp.ruthenicus (M. Bieb.) Nyman [Echinops ruthenicus M. Bieb.] H, Pont.-Pan.-Balc.; U1,5 T4 R4,5; 2n = 32;Festucetalia valesiacae, Festucion vaginatae; sporadic on the sand dunes; R [12, 14]; Echium italicum L. [E.altissimum Jacq.] H, Med.; U2,5 T4 R3; 2n = 16, 32; Sisymbrietalia, Festucetalia; on the sand dunes, in ruderal

    places; Elaeagnus angustifolia L. Ph (tree), Adv. (As. temp.); potentially invasive sub-spontaneous species;Elymus hispidus (Opiz) Melderis subsp. hispidus [Agropyron intermedium (Host) P. Beauv.] G, Eua. (Cont.);U2 T4,5 R4; 2n = 42; Car. Festucetalia valesiacae; in the edge of bushes; Elymus repens (L.) Gould [Agropyronrepens (L.) P. Beauv.] G, Circ.; U0 T0 R0; 2n = 42; Artemisietea, Molinio-Arrhenatheretea, Car. Agropyro-Rumicion; in ruderal places, near fences; Ephedra distachya L. s.l. Ph (undershrub), Eua. (Cont.); U2 T4,5 R4,5;2n = 24, 28, 36; Scabiosion argenteae, Festucion vaginatae; abundant on the sand dunes; Eragrostis minorHost[E. poaeoides P. Beauv.] Th, Euc. (Med.); U3 T3,5 R0; 2n = 40; Polygonion avicularis; on fixed dunes and inruderal places; Erodium ciconium (L.) L'Hr. Th, Eua.; U2 T4 R4,5; 2n = 18, 20; Car. Sisymbrion; in meadows,near the shrubs; Erodium cicutarium (L.) L'Hr. Th, Cosm.; U2,5 T0 R0; 2n = 20; Chenopodietea, Secalietea,Festuco-Brometea, Polygono-Chenopodietalia; in meadows, near the shrubs; Erophila verna (L.) Chevall. subsp.verna [Draba verna L.] Th, Eua (Med.); U2,5 T3,5 R0; Festuco-Brometea, Festuco-Sedetalia; on the sanddunes; Eryngium campestre L. H, Pont.-Med.; U1 T5 R4; 2n = 14, 28; Festuco-Brometea, Festucetaliavalesiacae; sporadic on fixed dunes and in ruderal places; Erysimum diffusum Ehrh. Th, Eua. (Cont.); U1,5 T3

    R4; 2n = 32, 72; Festucetalia vaginatae, Festucetalia valesiacae; on the sand dunes and in ruderal places;Euonymus europaea L. Ph (shrub), Eur.; U3 T3 R3; 2n = 64; Querco-Fagetea, Car. Prunetalia; compose shrubsin reservation; Euphorbia agraria Bieb. H, Pont.-Med.; U2 T4 R0; Festuco-Brometea; on fixed dunes, in ruderalplaces; Euphorbia glareosa Pall. ex. M. Bieb. subsp. glareaosa H, Euc.; on fixed dunes; Euphorbia helioscopiaL. Th, Eua.; U3 T3 R0; 2n = 42; Secalietea, Polygono-Chenopodion; in the ruderal meadows, near fences andadministrative buildings; Euphorbia seguieriana Neck. [Euphorbia gerardiana Jacq.] H, Eua.; U1 T3,5 R4;Festucetalia, Festucion vaginatae, Festuco-Brometea; abundant on the sand dunes; Euphorbia virgata Waldst. etKit. H, Eua. (Cont.); U2 T4 R3; 2n = 20; Secalietea, Chenopodietea, Agrostion, Festucion rupicolae; on the sanddunes, especially near fences; Falcaria vulgaris Bernh. (Dornic) TH, Eua. (Med.); U2 T4 R4; Festucionrupicolae, Secalietea-Onopordetalia; on the sand dunes; Festuca pratensis Hudson subsp. pratensis H, Eua.;U3,5 T2 R0; 2n = 14; Agrostion, Molinio-Arrhenatheretea; in the ruderal meadows, in bushes; Festuca valesiacaSchleich. ex Gaudin H, Eua. (Cont.); U1 T5 R4; 2n = 14; Festucetalia valesiacae, Quercetea pubescenti-petraeae,Festucion valesiacae; on the sand dunes; Fraxinus americana L. Ph (tree), Adv. (Am.); potentially invasivespecies, probably sub-spontaneous; sporadic especially in the western side of the reservation; Fraxinus ornus L.

    Ph (tree), Med.; U1,5 T3,5 R5; 2n = 46; Orno-Cotinetalia; sporadic at the edge of reservation; Fumaria rostellataKnaf Th, Euc.-Balc.; U3 T0 R3,5; 2n = 14; Secalietea; near shrubs and between trees; Gagea pratensis (Pers.)Dumort. G, Euc.; U2 T3 R3; 2n = 24; Festucion rupicolae; Aceri-Quercion; on fixed sands, in early springperiod; Galium aparine L. Th, Circ.; U3 T3 R3; 2n = 42, 44; Car. Convolvuletalia; in ruderal places, near fencesand shrubs; Galium flavescens Borbs H, Daco-Balc.; U2 T4 R5; 2n = 44; Festucion rupicolae; on fixed sanddunes; Galium humifusum M. Bieb. [Asperula humifusa (M. Bieb.) Besser] H, Pont.-Balc.; U2 T4 R4,5;Festucetalia valesiacae; on the sand dunes, in meadows; Galium verum L. subsp. verum H, Eua; U2,5 T2,5 R0;Festuco-Brometea, Festuco-Sedetalia, Car. Origanetalia; on the sand dunes, in meadows; Geranium lucidum L. Th-TH, Eua. (Med.); U4 T2,5 R4; 2n = 20; Moehringio muscosae-Acerenion, Arction, Car. Alliarion; in shrubsand between trees; Geranium molle L. Th, Eua. (Med.); U2 T3,5 R3; 2n = 26; Festucion rupicolae, Car.Festuco-Sedetalia; in meadows and near shrubs; Geranium pusillum L. (Buchet) Th, Eur. (Med.); U2,5 T3 R0;2n = 26; Chenopodietea, Secalietea, Plantaginetea, Festuco-Brometea, Car. Chenopodietea; in meadows and near

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    shrubs; Geum urbanum L. H, Eua. (Med.); U3 T3 R4; 2n = 42; Prunetalia, Carpinion, Alno-padion, Car.Querco-Fagetea; in shrubs and between trees; Gleditsia triacanthos L. Ph (tree), Adv. (Am.); 2n = 28; cultivatedon the edge of reservation fences; Goniolimon besseranum (Schult. ex Rchb.) Kusn. H, Pont.; U1,5 T4,5 R4;Festucion rupicolae; on fixed sand dunes; Hedera helixL. Ph (liana), Atl.-Med.; U3 T3 R3; 2n = 48; Fagetalia,Acerion; in shady places, in shrubs and trees area; Hesperis tristis L. H, Pont.; U2 T3,5 R3; 2n = 14, 28;

    Festucion rupicolae; sporadic on the sand dunes; Holosteum umbellatum L. subsp. umbellatum Th, Eua.(Med.); U2 T3,5 R0; 2n = 20; Festuco-Brometea, Secalietea; on the sand dunes, in ruderal meadows; Hordeummurinum L. subsp. murinum Th, Eua. (Med.); U2,5 T4 R0; 2n = 28; Chenopodietea, Sisymbrion; in ruderalplaces; Hypericum elegans Stephan ex Willd. H, Eua. (Cont.); U3 T3 R0; 2n = 32; Sedo-Scleranthetea,Origanetalia, Festuco-Brometea; sporadic in meadows; Inula germanica L. H, Pont.-Pan.; U1,5 T3,5 R4; 2n =16; Festucion rupicolae, Aceri-Quercion; in meadows, on the sand dunes; Iris pallida Lam. W and centralformer Jugoslavia; cultivated in reservation; probably sub-spontaneous on the sand dunes in the NW area ofreservation; Juglans regia L. Ph (tree), Balc.-Cauc.-Anat.; U3 T4 R4; Quercetea robori-petraeae ; cultivated andnaturalized in the reservation; Juniperus virginiana L. Ph (tree), Adv. (Am. de N); naturalized in thereservation; Lactuca saligna Th-TH, Med.; U1,5 T4 R4, 2n = 18; Chenopodio-Scleranthetea, Sisymbrietalia; inshrubs and ruderal places; Lactuca serriola L. TH, Eua. (Med.); U1,5 T3,5 R0; 2n = 18; Chenopodietea,Artemisietea, Sisymbrietalia; in shrubs and ruderal places; Lamium amplexicaule L. Th, Eua. (Med.); U2,5 T3,5R0; 2n = 18; in meadows and shrubs; Lamium purpureum L. Th, Eua.; U3 T0 R0; 2n = 18; Secalietea,Polygono-Chenopodietalia; in meadows and shrubs; Lappula squarrosa (Retz.) Dumort [L. echinata Gilib., L.myosotis Moench.] Th, Eua., U1,5 T3,5 R4; Chenopodietea, Sisymbrietalia; on the sand dunes; Lathyrustuberosus L. H, Eua. (Med.); U2 T4 R4; 2n = 14; Secalietea, Car. Caucalidion; in shrubs and trees area;Lavatera thuringiaca L. H, Eua. (Cont.), U2,5 T3 R0; 2n = 40,44; Onopordetalia, Arction; between shrubs;Lepidium perfoliatum L. Th-TH, Eua. (Cont.); U2 T4 R3; 2n = 16; Salicornietea, Secalietea, Car. Agropyro-Rumicion; in ruderal places; Leymus racemosus (Lam.) Tzvelev subsp. sabulosus (Bieb.) Tzvelev. [Elymussabulosus Bieb., E. arenarius Lam.] H, Pont. (Vest); U1,5 T4 R5; 2n = 28; Elymion gigantei; abundant on thesand dunes; V/R[12, 14]; Ligustrum vulgare L. Ph (shrub), Eua. (Med.); U2,5 T3 R3; 2n = 46; Querco-Fagetea,Berberidion, Quercion pubescentis, Carpinion, Erico-Pinion, Car. Ligustro-Prunetum; compose bushes; Linariagenistifolia (L.) Mill. subsp. genistifolia [L. euxina Velen.] H, Eua. (Cont.); U1 T3,5 R5; 2n = 12; Festuco-Brometea, Quercetea, Festucetalia valesiacae; on the sand dunes; Linum austriacum L. H, Eua. (Cont.); U1,5T3,5 R4; 2n = 18, 27; Festucion rupicolae, Festuco-Brometea, Car. Cirsio-Brachypodion; on fixed sand dunes;Lolium perenne L. H, Cosm.; U3 T3 R0; 2n = 14; Cynusorion, Plantaginetea; in meadows, near fences; Lotuscorniculatus L. H, Eua.; U2,5 T0 R0; 2n = 24; Molinio-Arrhenatheretea, Festucetalia valesiacae, Festucetalia

    vaginatae, Secalietea, Plantaginetea; on fixed dunes, in bushes and ruderal places; Lycopsis arvensis L. subsp.orientalis (L.) Kuntze Th, Eua.; U2,5 T4 R4; Polygono-Chenopodion; sporadic on the sand dunes; Malusdomestica Borkh. Ph (tree), Eur.; U3,5 T3 R4; sporadic on the sand dunes and along the fences; cultivatedspecies in the Marine Biological Station, accidentally introduced in reservation; Malva sylvestris L. subsp.sylvestris TH (H), Eua. (Cosm.); U3 T3 R0; 2n = 42; Sisymbrietalia, Car. Onopordetalia; in the edge of shrubsand between trees; Marrubium peregrinum L. H, Eua. (Med.); U2 T4 R0; 2n = 34; Festucion rupicolae, Car.Onopordion; on the sand dunes; Medicago lupulina L. TH (H), Eua.; U2,5 T3 R4; 2n = 16, 32; Molinio-Arrhenatheretea, Chenopodietea, Plantaginetea, Festuco-Brometea, Car. Alysso-Sedion; on fixed dunes, in shrubsand ruderal places; Medicago minima (L.) L. Th, Eua. (Med.); U1,5 T4 R4; 2n = 16; Festucetalia valesiacae,Festuco-Brometea, Car. Sedo-Scleranthetea; on fixed dunes; Medicago sativa L. subsp. falcata (L.) Arcang. H,Eua.; U2 T3 R5; 2n = 16, 32; Festuco-Brometea; on the sand dunes; Melica ciliata L. subsp. ciliata H, Eur.(Med.); U1,5 T4 R4; 2n = 18; Festucetalia valesiacae, Asplenio-Festucion palentis, Alysso-sedion, Seslerionrigidae; on the sand dunes, in the shrubs; Morus alba L. Ph (tree), Adv. (Asia); U2 T3,5 R4; 2n = 28; cultivatedand naturalized in the reservation; Muscari neglectum Guss. ex Ten. [M. racemosum (L.) Lam. et DC.]G, Euc.

    (Med.); U1,5 T4 R5; 2n = 18, 36, 45, 54, 72; Festuco-Brometea, Polygono-Chenopodion, Mesobromion; on fixeddunes, in early spring season; Myosotis stricta Link ex Roem. et Schult. [M. micrantha auct., non Pall. ex Lehm.] Th, Eua. (Med.); U2 T0 R2,5; 2n = 36, 48; Festuco-Brometea, Sedo-Scleranthetea, Corynephoretea, Festuco-Sedetalia; on stabilized sand dunes; Nepeta cataria L. H, Eua. (Med.); U3 T3 R4; 2n = 36; Chenopodietea,Arction, Sisymbrietalia; in shrubs; Nigella arvensis L. Th, Pont.-Med.; U2 T4 R4; 2n = 12; Secalietea,Caucalidion; in ruderal places, near fences; Onobrychis arenaria (Kit.) DC. H, Eua.; U2 T3,5 R5; 22n = 14, 28;Festucion vaginatae, Festucion rupicolae, Car. Festucetalia valesiacae; sporadic on the sand dunes; Onobrychisgracilis Besser H, Pont.-Balc.; U1,5 T4 R0; Festuco-Brometea; on fixed sand dunes; R [14]; Ornithogalumrefractum Kit. G, Pont.-Pan.-Balc.-Anat., U2 T3,5 R4; 2n = 54, 56, 72; Festucion rupicolae; on the sand dunes,in early spring season; Orobanche lutea Baumg. G, Eua. (Med.); U2 T3 R4; 2n = 38; Trifolio-Medicaginion,Festucion rupicolae, Car. Origanetalia; on fixed sands, parasitic on Medicago, Trifolium and otherFabaceaespecies; Papaver dubium L. subsp. dubium Th, Med.; U2 T3,5 R3; 2n = 42; Festucion rupicolae, Aperion,

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    Caucalidion; on the sand dunes; Papaver rhoeas L. subsp. rhoeas Th, Cosm.; U3 T3,5 R4; 2n = 14; Secalietea;on the sand dunes and in the meadows; Petrorhagia prolifera (L.) P. W. Ball et Heywood [Kohlrauschia prolifera(L.) Kunth., Tunica prolifera (L.) Scop.] Th, Atl.-Med.; U1,5 T4 R3; 2n = 30, 60; Festuco-Brometea,Corynephoretea, Festuco-Sedetalia; on the sand dunes; Phleum phleoides (L.) H. Karst. H, Eua. (Cont.); U2 T3R4; 2n = 14, 28; Festuco-Brometea, Car.Festuco-Sedetalia; in the shrubs and on the sand dunes; Phragmites

    australis (Cav.) Trin. ex Steud. s.l. HH, Cosm.; U6 T0 R4; 2n = 36, 48, 54, 84, 96; Car. Phragmition; in a smallmarshy area from the NW zone of reservation; Plantago arenaria Waldst. et Kit. [P. scabra Moench,P. indica L.] Th, Balc.; U2 T4 R0; 2n = 12; Festucion vaginatae, Bromion tectorum, Car. Sisymbrietalia; on the sand dunes;Plantago lanceolata L. subsp. lanceolata H, Eua.; U3 T0 R0; 2n = 12; Festuco-Brometea, Car. Molinio-Arrhenatheretea; on the sands, in the meadows; Plantago majorL. subsp. major H, Eua.; U3 T0 R0; 2n = 12;Plantaginetea, Nanocyperion; in the meadows and in shrubs; Poa angustifolia L. [P. pratensis L. subsp.angustifolia (L.) Gaudin] H, Eua.; U2 T3 R0; 2n = 46-63; Car. Festuco-Brometea; on the sand dunes, in ruderalmeadows; Poa bulbosa L. [P. bulbosa L. subsp. vivipara (Koeler) Arcang.] H, Eua.; U1,5 T3,5 R4; 2n = 14, 21,28, 39, 42; Sedo-Scleranthetea, Festucetalia valesiacae; on the sand dunes, in meadows, in shrubs; Populus nigraL. Ph (tree), Eua.; U4 T3 R4; 2n = 38; Salicetalia, Car. Carici-Populetum; cultivated in reservation; Populus xcanadensis Moench s.l. [ Populus deltoides x P. nigra] Ph (tree), cultivated ; 2n = 38 ; few specimens in thewestern part of reservation; Portulaca oleracea L. subsp. oleracea Th, Cosm.; U3 T0 R0; 2n = 18, 54; Car.Polygono-Chenopodietalia; on the sand dunes and in ruderal places, near administrative buildings; Potentillaargentea L. subsp. argentea H, Eua.; U2 T4 R2; 2n = 28; Festuco-Brometea, Onopordetalia, Car. Sedo-

    Sclerantetea; on fixed dunes; Potentilla recta L. subsp. recta H, Eur. (Cont.); U1,5 T3,5 R4; 2n = 28, 42;Festucetalia valesiacae, Festuco-Sedetalia, Brometalia, Festuco-Brometea; on fixed sands; Prunus armeniaca L.[Armeniaca vulgaris Lam.] Ph (tree), Adv. (As.); accidentally introduced tree in the reservation area; Prunuscerasifera Ehrh. var. cerasifera Ph (tree), Pont.-Balc.; U2 T4 R0; 2n = 16; accidentally introduced tree in thereservation area; Prunus cerasifera Ehrh. var. pissardi(Cariere) C. K. Schneid. Ph (tree), Pont.-Balc.; U2 T4R0; 2n = 16; cultivated tree in the reservation; Prunus mahaleb L. [Cerasus mahaleb (L.) Mill.,Padus mahaleb(L.) Borkh.] Ph (tree), Med.; U2 T3 R4,5; 2n = 16; Car. Quercetalia pubescenti-petraeae; introduced species inthe reservation; Prunus spinosa L. subsp. spinosa Ph (shrub), Eur. (Med.); U2 T3 R3; 2n = 32; Car. Prunetalia;compose bushes in the reservation; Reseda lutea L. TH (H), Eua. (Med.); U2 T3 R0; 2n = 48; Festucionrupicolae, Car. Onopordion; sporadic on fixed sand dunes; Robinia pseudoacacia L. Ph (tree), Adv. (Am. N);U2,5 T4 R0; 2n = 20, 22; Car. Robinion pseudacaciae; cultivated tree in the green areas of Marine BiologicalStation and invasive in the reservation area; Rosa canina L. Ph (shrub), Eur.; U2 T3 R3; 2n = 35; Quercetea,Prunion spinosae, Prunetalia; in the shrubs area; Rubus caesius L. Ph (undershrub), Eur.; U4,5 T3 R4; 2n = 28;

    Alno-Padion, Salicetea, Secalietea, Convolvuletalia; in the shrubs and trees area; Rumex crispus L. H, Eua.; U4T3 R0, 2n = 60; U4 T3 R0; Bidentetea, Molinio-Arrhenatheretea, Agropyro-Rumicion; in the NW part ofreservation; Salvia aethiopis L. TH (H), Pont.-Med.; U2 T5 R0; 2n = 24; Festucion rupicolae, Car. Sisymbrion;sporadic in reservation, on the sand dunes; E/R[12, 14]; Salvia austriaca Jacq. H, Pont.-Pan.; U2 T3,5 R4, 2n =18, 20; Festucion rupicolae; on the sand dunes; Salvia nemorosa L. subsp. nemorosa H, Euc.; U2,5 T4 R3;Festuco-Brometea, Chenopodietea, Mesobromion-Onopordion; on fixed sand dunes; Sanguisorba minor Scop.subsp. minor H, Eua.; U2 T3,5 R4,5; 2n = 28; Festuco-Brometea, Festucetalia valesiacae; on the sand dunes;Scabiosa argentea L. [S. ucranica L.] Th, Pont.-Balc.; U1 T4,5 R4; 2n = 16; Scabiosion argenteae, Aperion,Festucion vaginatae; abundent on the sand dunes; Scirpus holoschoenus L. [Scirpoides holoschoenoides (L.)Sojk,Holoschoenus vulgaris Link] G, Eua. (Med.); U3,5 T3,5 R4; 2n = cca. 164; Festucion vaginatae; on fixedsand dunes; Secale sylvestre Host Th, Eua. (Cont.); U0 T3,5 R5; 2n = 14; Bromion tectorum; abundant on thesand dunes; Senecio erucifolius L. subsp. erucifolius H, Eua.; U3 T3 R0; 2n = 40; Molinion, Agrostion,Mesobromion, Cirsio-Brachypodion; in shrubs, between trees; Senecio jacobaea L. subsp. jacobaea H, Eua.;U2,5 T3 R3; 2n = 40-80; Arrhenatheretea, Festucetalia valesiacae, Quercetea; on the sand dunes, in meadows;

    Senecio vernalis Waldst. et Kit. Th, Eua. (Cont.); U2,5 T4 R0; 2n = 40; Chenopodio-Scleranthetea, Secalietea,Car. Chenopodietea; on the sand dunes, in meadows; Seseli campestre Besser H, Pont.; U2,5 T4 R4; Festucetaliavalesiacae; on fixed sand dunes; R[12, 14]; Seseli tortuosum L. TH (H), Pont.-Med.; U2,5 T4 R4; Festucetaliavalesiacae; on the sand dunes; R[7, 12, 14]; Setaria verticillata (L.) Beauv. Th, Med.; U2 T4 R0; 2n = 18, 36,54; Secalietea, Car. Polygono-Chenopodietalia; sporadic on the sand dunes and in ruderal places; Setaria viridis(L.) Beauv. Th, Eua.; U2 T3,5 R0; 2n = 18; Car. Polygono-Chenopodietalia; on the sand dunes and in ruderalplaces; Sideritis montana L. Th, Eua.; U2 T4 R4; 2n = 16; Festucetalia valesiacae, Festucion rupicolae, Car.Sisymbrietalia; on the sand dunes; Silene borysthenica (Gruner) Walters [S. otites (L.) Wibel subsp. parviflora(Ehrh.) Hayek)] H, Eua. (cont.); U1,5 T4 R4,5; 2n = 24, Festucion vaginatae; on the sand dunes; E [7], R[12,14]; Silene conica L. subsp. conica Th, Eua. (Med.); U1 T3,5 R4; 2n = 20; Festucion vaginatae, Bromiontectorum; on the sand dunes; Silene exaltata Friv. H, Balc; U1,5 T4 R4,5; 2n = 24; on the sand dunes; R[12,14]; Silene latifolia Poir. subsp. alba (Mill.) Greuter et Burdet [Melandrium album (Mill.) Garcke] Th (TH),

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    Eua.; U3,5 T2 R3; Chenopodio-Scleranthea, Onopordion, Origanetalia; near shrubs and threes; Silene thymifoliaSm. [S. pontica Brndza] H, Med. (Est); U2 T4 R4,5; Festucetalia vaginatae; on the sand dunes; E [7], V [2, 12],R [14], OUG 57/2007 An. 4B [26]; Sinapis arvensis L. Th, Cosm.; U3 T3 R3; 2n = 18; Car. Secalietea,Bidentetalia; in ruderal places; Sisymbrium officinale (L.) Scop. Th, Eua. (Med.); U2,5 T3 R3; 2n = 14;Chenopodietea, Car. Sisymbrion; on the sand dunes; Solanum nigrum L. subsp. nigrum [S. vulgare L.] Th,

    Cosm.; U3 T4 R0; 2n = 72; in shrubs and trees area; Sonchus oleraceus L. Th, Cosm.; U3 T0 R0; 2n = 32; Car.Chenopodietea; in shrubs and meadows; Stachys annua (L.) L. [S. neglecta Klokov] Th, Eua.; U3 T3,5 R3; 2n =10; Secalietea, Consolido-Eragrostion, Car. Caucalidion; on the sand dunes; Stachys atherocalyx K. Koch [S.patula Griseb.] H, Balc.; U2 T4 R4,5; Festuco-Brometea, Festucion rupicolae; sporadic on the sand dunes;Stellaria graminea L. H, Eua.; U2,5 T2 R3; 2n = 26; Arrhenatheretalia, Molinio-Arrhenatheretea; near shrubsand trees; Stellaria media (L.) Vill. s.l. Th, Cosm.; U3 T0 R0; 2n = 40, 42, 44; Chenopodietea; in shady ruderalplaces, near bushes and trees; Stipa capillata L. H, Eua. (Cont.); U1 T5 R4; 2n = 44; Festucetalia valesiacae,Festucetalia vaginatae; on the sand dunes; Syrenia montana (Pall.) Klokov TH, Pont.-Dobr.; U1,5 T4 R4;Scabiosion argenteae, Festucion vaginatae; on the sand dunes; very rare; V [7, 12], R[14]; Taraxacum officinaleWeber ex Wiggers H, Eua. (Cosm.); U3 T0 R0; 2n = 24; Arrhenatheretalia, Plantaginetea, Artemisietea; inshrubs and ruderal places; Taraxacum serotinum (Waldst. et Kit.) Poir. H, Pont.-Pan.; U2 T4 R4,5; 2n = 16;Festucion rupicolae; on fixed dunes; Teucrium chamaedrys L. Ch, Euc. (Med.); U2 T4 R4; 2n = 60, 64; Sedo-Scleranthetalia, Festuco-Brometea, Quercetea pubescenti-petraeae; on the sand dunes and in xerophilousmeadows; Teucrium polium L. subsp. capitatum (L.) Arcang. Ch, Med.; U1,5 T4 R4,5; 2n = 26, 52, 78;

    Festucion rupicolae; sporadic on the sand dunes; Thalictrum minus L. subsp. minus H, Eua.; U2 T4 R4; 2n =42; Festuco-Brometea, Quercetea, Car. Geranion sanguinei, Quercion pubescentis; on the sand dunes and inmeadows; Thlaspi perfoliatum L. Th-TH, Eua.; U2,5 T3,5 R4,5; 2n = 14, 42, 70; Festuco-Brometea, Secalietea,Car. Alysso-Sedion; in ruderal meadows; Thuja plicata D. Don Ph (tree), Adv. (V. Am. N.); 2n = 22; along thewestern border of reservation, in front of administrative buildings; cultivated and naturalized species; Thymelaeapasserina (L.) Coss. et Germ. Th, Eua. (Cont.); U1 T4 R3; Festucion rupicolae, Caucalidion; in ruderal places,near the reservation acces paths; Thymus glabrescens Willd. Ch, Pont.-Pan.; U2 T4 R0; Festuco-Brometea; onfixed sand dunes; Thymus pannonicus All. [T. marschallianus Willd.] Ch, Pont.-Pan.; U1,5 T3,5 R4; 2n = 28;Festuco-Brometea, Festucetalia valesiacae; on the sand dunes; Torilis arvensis (Huds.) Link subsp. arvensis Th,Euc. (Med.); U2,5 T3,5 R4; 2n = 12; Caucalidion, Onopordion; in shrubs, between trees; Tragopogon dubiusScop. TH, Euc. (Med.); U2,5 T3,5 R0; 2n = 12; Festuco-Brometea, Car. Sisymbrion; on the sand dunes; Tragusracemosus (L.) All. Th, Med.; U0 T0 R4; 2n = 40; Festucion vaginatae, Tribulo-Eragrostion, Bromion tectorum,Sisymbrion; on the sand dunes; Tribulus terrestris L. Th, Euc. (Med.); U0 T4 R4; 2n = 12, 24, 36, 48; Festucion

    vaginatae, Tribulo-Eragrostion; on the sand dunes and in ruderal places; Ulmus minorMill. Ph (tree), Eua.; U3T3 R4; 2n = 28; Querco-Fagetea, Carpinion, Berberidion; cultivated and naturalized in the reservation; Ulmusprocera Salisb. Ph (tree), Eur.; U2 T3 R3,5; 2n = 28; Querco-Fagetea; cultivated and naturalized in thereservation; Valerianella locusta (L.) Laterr. [V. olitoria (L.) Pollich] Th, Euc. (Med.); U3 T3,5 R4; 2n = 16;Festucion rupicolae, Caucalidion, Car.Secalietea; on the sand dunes, in the meadows; Verbascum banaticumSchrad. TH, Pont.-Balc.; U2 T4 R4; Festucetalia valesiacae; on the sand dunes; Veronica hederifolia L. s.l. Th, Eua.; U2 T3 R4; 2n = 54; Secalietea, Polygono-Chenopodion; on the sand dunes, near bushes; Veronica politaFr. Th, Eua. (Med.); U2 T3 R4; 2n = 14, 18; Secalietea, Polygono-Chenopodietalia; on the sand dunes; Veronicaprostrata L. Ch, Eua. (Cont.); U2 T4 R3, 2n = 16; Festucetalia valesiacae; on the fixed sands; Vicia cracca L. H, Eua.; U3 T0 R3; 2n = 12, 14, 24, 28; Car. Molinio-Arrhenatheretea; ruderal places, in bushes, near fences;Vicia peregrina L. Th, Med.; U2 T4 R4; 2n = 12, 14; Secalinion; on fixed dunes; Vicia sativa L. subsp. sativaTh, Med.; U0 T3 R0; Secalietea; sub-spontaneous in reservation; near fences, near bushes and trees; Vicia villosaRoth s.l. Th, Eur.; U2,5 T3,5 R2,5; 2n = 14; Secalietea; in ruderal places; Vinca herbacea Waldst. et Kit. H,Pont.; U2 T5 R4; 2n = 46; Festucion rupicolae; on the sand dunes, in the bushes area; Vincetoxicum hirundinaria

    Medik. [Cynanchum vincetoxicum (L.) Pers.] H, Eua.; U2 T4 R4; 2n = 22; Festucetalia valesiacae, Geranionsanguinei; on the sand dunes; Viola arvensis Murray Th, Cosm.; U3 T3 R0; 2n = 34; Festucetalia valesiacae,Secalietea, Aperetalia; on fixed dunes; Vitis vinifera L. Ph (liana), Adv. (Asia SE); 2n = 38, 57, 76; potentiallyinvasive species, sub-spontaneous in the reservation, on the sand dunes, near bushes and trees; Vulpia myuros (L.)C. C. Gmel. Th, Eua. (Cosm.); U1 T3,5 R2; Car. Thero-Airion; near fences, in ruderal places; Xeranthemumannuum L. Th, Pont.-subMed.; U2 T4 R3; 2n = 12; Festucion rupicolae; on the sand dunes.

    Only 11 plants within natural reserve are specific to maritime origine sand dunes:Alyssum borzaeanum, Secale sylvestre, Silene thymifolia, Convolvulus persicus, Ephedradistachya, Carex colchica,Leymus racemosus subsp. sabulosus,Astragalus varius, Crambemaritima (introduced in the reservation), Syrenia montana, Apera spica-venti subsp.

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    maritima. Many other psammophile plants within reservation can be found in Romaniaboth on the marine and continental sands and have a wide spreading area.

    Most of species from the reservation are ruderal or steppic and they penetrated thearea naturally or as a result of the human activities that took place around the reserve. The

    problem is posed not by their presence, but by their abundance especially in some parts ofthe reservation where they limit the development and extension of psammophile plants.The presence and quick dissemination of certain alien invasive or potentially

    invasive plant species is another threat address to the psammophile vegetation. Some ofthese species entered in the reserve naturally, while others are subspontaneous orintroduced accidentally from the area of administrative spaces. Species such as Robinia

    pseudacacia, Ailanthus altissima, Fraxinus americana, Amorpha fruticosa, Eleagnus

    angustifolia or other herbaceous invasive or potentially invasive alien plants alreadyoccupies appreciable surfaces in the reserve and measures must be taken to cut them awayin order to allow the dunes habitats to be restored.

    Among inventoried taxa, 8 species are mentioned in the Romanian Red Book of

    vascular plants [8] and 19 taxa (7,88%) in the most comprehensive Romanian Red Lists[14, 12, 2] (Tab. I). One of the most important plant species of the natural reserve is

    Alyssum borzaeanum (Fig. 2), very rare plant at national level, critically endangered inRomania [8] and endangered in Europe according to IUCN Red List of Threatened Species[25]. Other endangered and vulnerable plants of reservation which need a high level of

    protection in Romania are the following: Silene thymifolia (Fig. 3) included in the Annex4B of OUG 57/2007 [26], Convolvulus persicus (Fig. 4), Astragalus varius (Fig. 5), Syreniamontana, Silene borysthenica, Crambe maritima, Crocus pallasii, Ephedra distachya (Figs.6, 7).

    Table I. Rare and threatened plants of Agigea marine sand dunes Natural Reserve

    (CR - critically endangered, EN and E - endangered, VU and V- vulnerabile, R - rare)

    No. Rare and threatened taxa withinAgigea Marine sand dunes


    Red Data categories(Dihoru et

    Negrean, 2009)

    Red Data categories(Oltean etal., 1994)

    IUCN Red List2008

    1. Alyssum borzaeanum CR E/R; E2. Convolvulus persicus CR R -3. Silene thymifolia VU R -4. Astragalus varius VU R -5. Crambe maritima EN V/R -6. Silene borysthenica EN R -7. Crocus pallasii EN R8. Syrenia montana EN R -9. Salvia aethiopis - E/R -10. Ephedra distachya - R -11. Leymus racemosus ssp. sabulosus - V/R -12. Vicia peregrina - R -13. Silene exaltata - R -14. Seseli campestre - R -15. Seseli tortuosum - R -16. Onobrychis gracilis - R -17. Echinops ruthenicus - R -18. Dianthus leptopetalus - R -19. Asparagus verticillatus - R -

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    Figure 2.Alyssum borzaeanum Figure 3. Sylene thymifolia

    Figure 4. Convolvulus persicus Figure 5.Astragalus varius

    Figure 6.Ephedra distachya Figure 7.Ephedra distachya


    Our floristic study led to identification of 241 vascular taxa, from which 216 arespontaneous and 25 are naturalized, subspontaneous or accidentally introduced in thereservation from the area of administrative spaces of Marine Biological Station.

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    The floristic inventory includes 177 taxa less than the list elaborated by Mititelu etcolab. (1992) [10], a list which we consider exaggerated; many of the species mentioned inthis list disappeared dozens of years ago from the reservation.

    The risk of new steppe, ruderal or even cultivated species from the surrounding

    areas to penetrate the natural reserve is permanent, which makes the number of inventoriedtaxa relative. However, we believe that a future inventory of the flora in the reservation willnot modify considerably the number of taxa identified during our research.

    A number of 19 rare and threatened plants were inventoried in the sand dunesarea; 8 of them have a high conservative value at the national and/or European Comunitylevel.

    Main risk factors for the psammophile flora of the dunes are the accentuatedprocess of steppization and ruderalization of the dunes habitats and the quick disseminationof the invasive species in the natural reservation. The reservation management must be firstoriented towards the removal or at least the reduction of the risk factors.


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