447_asigurare thg - brosura conditii

Post on 23-Nov-2015






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  • Accident:eveniment datorat unei cauze neprevzute, externe, violente, fortuite i absolut independente de voina Asiguratului i care-i produc acestuia vtmri corporale sau


    AsigurAt:persoana fizic menionat n polia de asigurare, care cltorete temporar n afara granielor Romniei/rii de cetenie/rii de reedin;

    Asigurtor:societatea Groupama Asigurri SA care, n schimbul primei de asigurare ncasate, se oblig s plteasc asiguratului despgubirea cuvenit, la producerea riscului asigurat,

    conform condiiilor contractuale;

    BeneficiAr:persoana fizic ce ncaseaz indemnizaia de asigurare n cazul producerii riscului asigurat;

    BoAlA:stare anormal a organismului detectabil medical care afecteaz fie ntregul organism, fie orice parte a acestuia;

  • cltorie n strintAte:o cltorie n afara granielor teritoriale ale Romniei, rii de cetenie, rii de reedin a Persoanei asigurate, din momentul prsirii acestor granie, pn n momentul

    rentoarcerii n cadrul acestor granie;

    compAniA de Asisten medicAl:EUROP ASSISTANCE, care acioneaz n numele Asigurtorului i este solidar cu acesta pentru ndeplinirea condiiilor nscrise n polia de asigurare;

    condiii pre-existente:orice boal sau vtmare corporal care a fost diagnosticat de un medic nainte de data nceperii asigurrii;

    contrActul de AsigurAre:actul juridic care se ncheie ntre contractantul asigurrii/asigurat i asigurtor, prin care contractantul asigurrii/asiguratul se oblig s plteasc prima de asigurare, iar

    asigurtorul se oblig, ca la producerea riscului asigurat, s achite asiguratului despgubirea, n termenii i limitele convenite n contract;

    durAtA Asigurrii:perioada de timp exprimat n numr de zile pentru care se incheie Contractul de asigurare, delimitat prin data de nceput i de sfrit a proteciei prin asigurare.

  • eveniment AsigurAt:eveniment precizat n condiiile contractuale n urma cruia asigurtorul acord despgubiri n baza condiiilor de asigurare;

    frAnizA:suma pn la care Groupama Asigurri SA nu-i asum obligaia de plat. Despgubirile solicitate pn la concurena acestei sume vor fi suportate de asigurat;

    forA mAjor:situaie invocat de una din pri, dovedit cu documente emise de autoriti publice competente, imprevizibil la data ncheierii poliei, inevitabil, independent de voina

    prilor, care a mpiedicat una din pri s ii ndeplineasc obligaiile contractuale, dei a depus toate diligenele necesare n vederea ndeplinirii obligaiilor respective.

    indemnizAie de AsigurAre:sum datorat de Groupama Asigurri SA Asiguratului/Beneficiarului n cazul producerii riscului asigurat ce nu poate depi suma asigurat;

    medic:persoana posednd o diplom de specialitate eliberat de autoritile n domeniu, care profeseaz n baza unei autorizaii valabile de liber practic;

  • oAmeni de AfAceri (Business):persoane care efectueaz cltorii n strintate n legtur direct cu serviciul, cu activitatea proprie de afaceri pe baza unui document justificativ n acest sens (delegaie din

    partea firmei, invitaie la un congres, seminar, etc.);

    poliA de AsigurAre:actul juridic bilateral ncheiat ntre contractant/asigurat i asigurtor, semnat de ambele pri, care dovedete ncheierea contractului de asigurare;

    primA de AsigurAre:suma de bani datorat de Asigurat/contractant n schimbul asumrii riscului de ctre asigurtor;

    risc AsigurAt:eveniment viitor, posibil, incert, cuprins n asigurare, care odat produs, oblig asigurtorul s plteasc asiguratului/beneficiarului, indemnizaia de asigurare conform

    clauzelor i limitelor stabilite n contractul de asigurare;

    rude Ale AsigurAtului: so, soie, copii(pentru care asiguratul are calitatea de tutore legal), prinii soului sau ai soiei.

  • ofer profesionist:persoana care are atestarea de ofer profesionist, ct i o adeverin eliberat de societatea angajatoare din care rezult c efectueaz deplasri strict n interes de serviciu;

    spitAl:unitate sanitar, public sau privat, care dispune de personal medical calificat n acordarea de asisten medical de specialitate, de faciliti i echipamente medicale de specialitate pentru acordarea de ngrijiri medicale i servicii de diagnostic i tratament n regim permanent pacienilor internai.Infirmeriile pentru narcomani sau alcoolici, azilurile de btrni i n general casele de odihn i cabinetele fizioterapeutice nu se consider spitale.

    sumA AsigurAt:limita maxim a indemnizaiei de asigurare pe care Groupama Asigurri SA o pltete n cazul producerii riscului asigurat i care este nscris n polia de asigurare;

    turist:persoana care efectueaz cltorii n strintate n scop turistic, vizit la rude/cunotine;

  • 1. ncHeiereA contrActului i plAtA primei1.1 Asigurarea se ncheie naintea plecrii n strintate pentru persoane fizice care cltoresc n afara granielor rii pentru o perioad de minimum 3 i maximum 365 de

    zile.1.2 Asigurarea intr n vigoare la data indicat n polia de asigurare, ora 00.00, dar nu nainte de plata integral a primei de asigurare i de trecerea frontierei Romniei/rii

    de cetenie/rii de reedin.1.3 Prima de asigurare se pltete pentru perioada solicitat de Asigurat la momentul ncheierii poliei de asigurare, conform tarifelor Groupama Asigurri SA.1.4 n funcie de aria de destinaie (Europa sau Restul Lumii) i vrsta asiguratului se poate opta pentru urmtoarele acoperiri : Program A- 10.000 EUR (nu se asigur repatrierea corpului nensufleit);

    Program B- 30.000 EUR; Program C- 50.000 EUR.

    1.5 n funcie de scopul cltoriei acoperirile pot fi extinse i pentru:a) Business;b) Studii;c) Turism;d) oferi profesioniti;e) Munc;f) Construcii;g) Sport de agrement;h) Sportivi profesioniti conform categoriilor de mai jos:Categoria A: atletism, cricket, golf, gimnastic, nataie (exceptnd scufundrile), squash, tenis, tir.Categoria B: baschet, ciclism, handbal, hochei pe iarb, hipism (exceptnd jockey), polo n ap, sporturi nautice (exceptnd rafting-ul), volei, scrim, plonjri.Categoria C: baseball, fotbal, fotbal american, jockey, scufundri, rafting, rugby, speologie, sporturi de lupte, sporturi de iarn i ghea, polo, haltere.

  • 1.6 Fiecare client n parte poate opta pentru o franiz de 100 de euro din valoarea fiecrei daune, reducndu-se astfel prima de asigurare standard.

    2. oBiectul Asigurrii2.1 n caz de accident sau mbolnvire subit, asigurtorul despgubete cheltuieli medicale impuse de tratamentul de urgen, necesar a fi efectuat pe timpul cltoriei n

    strintate, precum i cheltuieli de repatriere, n funcie de Programul de asigurare ales.

    progrAm A2.1.1 Riscurile asigurate, survenite n cadrul duratei de asigurare, pe timpul cltoriei n strintate, care oblig asigurtorul s plteasc Asiguratului/Beneficiarului

    indemnizaia de asigurare cuvenit conform condiiilor contractuale, includ: - asisten medical de urgen reprezentnd:

    a) diagnosticarea medical; tratamentul medical ambulatoriu; medicamentele i materialele auxiliare prescrise de medic; materialele medicale ajuttoare pentru fixarea unor pri ale corpului n baza recomandrilor medicale (n cazul fracturilor, rnilor, etc.);

    b) tratamentul staionar ntr-o instituie medical (numai spital) sub supravegherea direct a unui medic, folosindu-se numai metode medicale recunoscute i aprobate. Se va folosi cel mai apropiat spital unde exist posibilitatea aplicrii tratamentului adecvat. Cheltuielile cu spitalizarea se vor acoperi numai pn cnd starea medical a asiguratului va permite repatrierea acestuia; - transportul de urgen al Asiguratului efectuat de serviciile de ambulan pn la cel mai apropiat spital, cel mai apropiat medic sau transferul la o clinic de specialitate dac este recomandat de medic; - transportul Asiguratului n localitatea de domiciliu sau la cel mai apropiat spital din Romnia/ara de cetenie/ara de reedin unde poate primi tratamentul recomandat de medic (repatrierea medical).

    Repatrierea medical a Asiguratului aflat n imposibilitatea de a cltori singur va fi organizat de EUROP ASSISTANCE. Momentul repatrierii i modalitatea de transport vor fi stabilite de medicul curant mpreun cu echipa medical a EUROP ASSISTANCE. Astfel, repatrierea Asiguratului poate fi organizat dup cum urmeaz:

  • la un spital al crui profil corespunde cu specificul cazului medical respectiv, sau la un centru medical din Romnia, situat n apropierea domiciliului Asiguratului, dac se impune continuarea acordrii asistenei medicale; la domiciliul acestuia. - tratamentul dentar de urgen n limita sumei de 200 euro (pentru ndeprtarea durerilor acute i cele datorate unor accidente), inclusiv o eventual

    radiografie dentar.

    progrAme B i c2.1.2 n plus fa de riscurile incluse la Programul A, asigurtorul se oblig s plteasc Asiguratului/Beneficiarului indemnizaia de asigurare cuvenit conform condiiilor

    contractuale, reprezentnd cheltuielile cauzate de: - transportul corpului nensufleit la domiciliu, inclusiv costul sicriului, n cazul decesului Asiguratului sau cheltuieli de nmormntare/incinerare la locul decesului.

    Limita maxim a indemnizaiei de asigurare n cazul repatrierii corpului nensufleit este de 7.000 EURO, dar cumulat cu celelalte cheltuieli, s nu depeasc suma asigurat; - vizita unei rude n cazul spitalizrii n strintate a Asiguratului pe o perioad mai mare de 10 zile, reprezentnd decontarea cheltuielilor de transport, la clasa economic; - repatrierea minorilor n cazul spitalizrii n strintate a Asiguratului pe o perioad mai mare de 10 zile, la clasa economic; - efectuarea convorbirilor telefonice urgente ale Asiguratului, n cazul spitalizrii acestuia pe o perioad de timp mai mare de 10 zile, cu familia i medicul

    de familie, n limita sumei de 100 EUR.2.2 n plus, pentru programele B i C, Groupama Asigurri SA despgubete Asiguratul pentru:2.2.1 - ntrzierea bagajelor nregistrate de ctre societatea de transport aerian i predate la cal n momentul mbarcrii, pentru mai mult de 4 ore, n limita sumei de 500 euro.

    ntrzierea trebuie s fie dovedit prin documente eliberate de societatea de transport.Groupama Asigurri SA va rambursa Persoanei Asigurate costurile de achiziie a bunurilor de prim necesitate (efecte vestimentare i de toalet) care permit Asiguratului s fac fa indisponibilitii temporare a efectelor personale din bagajul ntrziat. Toate cumpraturile reprezentnd efecte personale necesare trebuie dovedite cu documente

  • originale de plat (facturi, chitane).2.2.2 - ntreruperea cltoriei, dup trecerea graniei Romniei/rii de reedin/cetenie.Groupama Asigurri SA despgubete Asiguratul n limita sumei de 300 de euro dac, pe parcursul cltoriei, dup trecerea graniei Romniei, acesta este nevoit s ntrerup cltoria i s se rentoarc n ar ca urmare a:

    decesului, accidentrii sau mbolnvirii grave a unei rude; naterii premature a soiei, cu mai mult de 60 de zile calendaristice dect termenul apreciat de medic; pagubelor materiale importante provocate de incendiu, furtun, inundaie sau cutremur asupra locuinei acestuia.

    Cuantumul sumei cu care va fi despgubit Asiguratul va fi determinat de volumul cheltuielilor pe care acesta va fi nevoit s le suporte suplimentar (telefon, fax, hran), dovedite cu documente (chitane, facturi), peste cheltuielile ocazionate de ntoarcerea n Romnia la data de expirare a asigurrii, nscris n polia de asigurare, n limita sumei asigurate.Polia de asigurare, acoper evenimentele asigurate produse, pe ntreaga durat a asigurrii, n limita sumei asigurate.

    3. excluderi3.1 Groupama Asigurri SA nu acord indemnizaia de asigurare pentru cheltuieli ocazionate de:a) orice condiii pre-existente nainte de nceperea cltoriei;b) tratamentul determinat de boli sau accidente ca urmare a rzboaielor, actelor teroriste, a evenimentelor similare sau a participrii la revolte sau acte de terorism (exclusiv

    n calitate de victim) ;c) mbolnvirea/accidentarea produs ca urmare a participrii Asiguratului la orice tip de curse, sporturi sau activiti considerate periculoase cum ar fi: alpinismul, parautismul,

    planorismul, acrobaia, cascadoria. Enumerarea de mai sus nu este limitativ i nici exhaustiv.d) asistena medical acordat n cazul comiterii sau ncercrii de a comite, cu intenie, de ctre Asigurat a unor aciuni violente, sau pedepsite de legea penal n ara n care

    a avut loc evenimentul;e) asistena medical acordat n cazul mbolnvirilor i/sau accidentelor ca urmare a consumului de alcool, droguri, medicamente nerecomandate de medic;

  • f) sinucidere, asisten medical n cazul tentativei de sinucidere, vtmrilor sau mbolnvirilor produse prin aciunea proprie a Asiguratului;g) ndeprtarea defectelor fizice (tratamente cosmetice, operaii estetice, etc.) i a anomaliilor congenitale;h) tratamentul psihiatric, psihoterapeutic sau neurologic;i) recuperare, convalescen i fizioterapie;j) asistena medical a gravidelor, natere, ntrerupere de sarcin, examinare i tratament mpotriva sterilitii, precum i fecundare artificial. Se vor despgubi cheltuielile medicale de urgen n scopul salvrii vieii mamei i/sau copilului, dac gravida nu a depit 38 ani i/sau a 16-a sptmn de sarcin;

    k) tratarea bolilor cu transmitere sexual, a infeciei cu HIV, SIDA i consecinele acestora;l) asistena medical acordat de rudele Asiguratului;m) asistena medical acordat de homeopai, medici naturiti, proceduri medicale de investigare sau de tratament cu caracter experimental, specifice cercetrii medicale,

    precum i consecinele acestora;n) transplantul de organe;o) achiziionarea de: ochelari, lentile de contact, proteze auditive, proteze dentare, proteze ale membrelor, scaune/crucioare invalizi;p) vaccinri i complicaiile acestora;r) controalele medicale de rutin;s) asistena medical acordat Asiguratului n cazul infestrii radioactive ca urmare a radiaiilor provocate de accelerarea artificial a particulelor atomice, accident nuclear

    sau explozie atomic;t) asistena medical datorat unei epidemii sau pandemii recunoscut oficial n ar/rile n care cltorete Asiguratul;u) cltoriile n scopul obinerii unor tratamente, ngrijiri, intervenii chirurgicale, cereri abuzive;v) boli sau accidente rezultate n urma desfurrii unor activiti ce nu corespund cu scopul declarat al cltoriei.w) refuzul Asiguratului de a urma recomandarea medicului de repatriere medical.x) zborul n calitate de pasager, pilot sau membru al echipajului unui aparat de zbor, altul dect cel aparinnd unei societi autorizate de transporturi aeriene de persoane.y) evenimentele produse n urma practicrii skiului ca sport de agrement n afara prtiei amenajate.z) vizita ntr-o ar n care exist o situaie de for major.

  • 3.2 Groupama Asigurri SA nu acord ndemnizaia de asigurare, n cazul refuzului Asiguratului de a respecta instruciunile echipei medicale, acest lucru ducnd la pierderea dreptului la serviciile garantate prin polia de asigurare i implicit pierderea drepturilor sale n calitate de asigurat.

    3.3 Groupama Asigurri SA nu acord indemnizaia de asigurare n cazul n care Asiguratul a necesitat asisten medical ca urmare a:a) desfurrii unor activiti cu caracter militar n strintate;b) unor activiti sub nivelul apei cu excepia cazurilor n care a fost perceput o extraprim.3.4 Groupama Asigurri SA nu acord indemnizaia de asigurare n cazul n care Asiguratul a avut un accident rezultat din practicarea oricrui sport cu titlu de profesionist sau

    n cadrul unor competiii, manifestri sau antrenamente, exceptnd cazul n care s-a contractat o asigurare conform art. Groupama Asigurri SA nu va despgubi Persoana Asigurat pentru bagajele ntrziate din urmtoarele cauze:a) Confiscarea bagajelor de ctre autoritatea vamal sau orice autoritate guvernamental;b) Cumprturile fcute dup sosirea la destinaia final n Romnia/ara de cetenie/ara de reedin menionat pe biletul companiei aeriene;c) Bagajele i/sau efectele personale care au fost expediate cu scrisoare de transport aerian sau scrisoare de trasur;d) Nu se va accepta nici o cerere de despgubire dac ntarzierea se datoreaz unei greve sau conflict de munc datorat unei cauze de for major existent sau anunat prin

    documente oficiale, naintea nceperii cltoriei.

    4. teritoriAlitAte4.1 Asigurarea este valabil n afara granielor teritoriale ale Romniei, rii de cetenie sau rii de reedin a persoanei asigurate.

    5. oBligAiile Asigurtorului5.1 Asigurtorul are obligaia de a presta serviciile prevzute n contract cu profesionalismul i promptitudinea cuvenite angajamentului asumat.5.2 Asigurtorul are obligaia s plteasc asiguratului/beneficiarului asigurrii, despgubirea cuvenit la producerea riscului asigurat, conform condiiilor de asigurare.

  • 6. oBligAiile AsigurAtului6.1 Asiguratul este obligat s anune Compania de asisten medical EUROP ASSISTANCE la producerea evenimentului asigurat conform art. Asiguratul este obligat s rspund corect i complet la ntrebrile din cererea-chestionar privind circumstanele riscului.6.3 Asiguratul este obligat s furnizeze Asigurtorului toate datele i documentele necesare stabilirii cuantumului indemnizaiei de asigurare. Asiguratul va trebui s dovedeasc

    n mod expres data real de ncepere a cltoriei.6.4 Prin prezentele condiii, Asiguratul mputernicete asigurtorul s obin de la medicii curani datele privind istoricul medical, starea de sntate i tratamentul aplicat,

    dezlegndu-i de secretul profesional.6.5 Asiguratul, rudele sale, reprezentanii legali, trebuie s consimt la examinarea medical a Asiguratului de ctre medicii agreai de Asigurator.6.6 Asiguratul trebuie s se informeze despre vaccinurile obligatorii pentru zona n care urmeaz s cltoreasc, precum i cele recomandate ca necesare de autoritile locale

    i s le efectueze.6.7 n cazul nerespectrii obligaiilor prevzute la art. 6.1-6.6 Groupama Asigurri SA poate s refuze plata indemnizaiei de asigurare.

    7. procedurA de despguBire7.1 n caz de accident sau mbolnvire subit Asiguratul sau reprezentantul acestuia trebuie:

    s anune telefonic Compania de asisten medical colaboratoare a Groupama Asigurri SA, respectiv EUROP ASSISTANCE, la numrul nscris pe interiorul primei coperi a poliei de asigurare, n maxim 48 de ore de la producerea evenimentului;

    s furnizeze datele din polia sa de asigurare precum i informaii referitoare la evenimentul produs; s urmeze indicaiile companiei de asisten medical; s prezinte personalului medical polia de asigurare.

    Dac asiguratul nu respect procedura de mai sus sau indicaiile Companiei de asisten medical, asigurtorul poate s refuze plata despgubirii dac din acest motiv nu a putut stabili responsabilitile care i revin conform contractului de asigurare.

  • Plata cheltuielilor medicale se va face direct de catre EUROP ASSISTANCE, n numele asigurtorului, cu excepia cazurilor n care acesta din urm prevede o alt procedur.7.2 Asigurtorul i Compania de asisten medical nu rspund de ntrzierile n executarea serviciilor convenite n caz de greve, explozii, revolte, micri populare, restricii de

    liber circulaie, sabotaje, acte teroriste, rzboi civil sau rzboi, consecine ale surselor de radioactivitate sau de orice alt caz de for major.7.3 n cazul n care nu este urmat procedura de la punctul 7.1 i exist o justificare pentru nerespectarea ei, Groupama Asigurri SA va despgubi numai dup ce Asiguratul/

    Beneficiarul: va proba legitimitatea de a obine indemnizaia de asigurare; va declara dac, i ce asigurri a ncheiat pentru acelai risc i ce despgubiri aferente a ncasat deja; va preda Asigurtorului toat documentaia, n original, cerut de acesta.

    Documentele emise ntr-o limb strin vor fi nsoite de traducere, costul traducerii fiind suportat de ctre Asigurat.n acest caz solicitarea indemnizaiei de asigurare trebuie transmis asigurtorului cel mai trziu dup 30 de zile de la producerea evenimentului asigurat.7.3.1 Notele de plat/chitanele pentru tratamentul medical trebuie s cuprind:

    numele persoanei tratate; diagnosticul stabilit; detalii asupra tratamentului medical administrat sau a serviciului medical prestat i data efecturii acestora.

    7.3.2 Reetele medicale prescrise trebuie s fie insoite de documentele doveditoare ale plii medicamentelor achiziionate.7.3.3 n cazul spitalizrii se va prezenta i fia de externare alturi de notele de plat pentru tratamentul administrat.7.3.4 Dac producerea riscului asigurat a fost cauzat de un accident se va prezenta i procesul-verbal ncheiat de organele competente.7.3.5 n cazul tratamentului dentar, notele de plat/chitanele trebuie s conin informaii privind dinii tratai, tratamentul aplicat si cauza care a determinat

    necesitatea interveniei.7.3.6 n cazul transportului Asiguratului la domiciliul stabil, cheltuielile se vor justifica pe baza chitanelor (biletelor) precum i a declaraiei medicului cu precizarea

    diagnosticului i a necesitii, din punct de vedere medical, a efecturii transportului.7.3.7 n cazul transportului corpului nensufleit al Asiguratului, cheltuielile se vor justifica pe baza chitanelor i a certificatului de deces cu indicarea de ctre medic

    a cauzelor decesului.

  • 7.4 Dac cererea de despgubire este frauduloas sau n mod evident exagerat, ori contractul are la baz declaraii false, Groupama Asigurri SA are dreptul s rezilieze contractul de asigurare i s refuze plata indemnizaiei de asigurare.

    7.5 nceperea procedurii de stabilire i evaluare a despgubirilor nu constituie o recunoatere a obligaiei de a despgubi.7.6 In cazul plii indemnizaiei de asigurare ctre Asigurat sau beneficiarii lui, aceasta se va face n lei la cursul de schimb BNR al zilei n care s-a emis chitana/nota de plat,

    dup cel mult 15 zile de la data depunerii ultimului document solicitat de asigurator sau de ctre Compania de asistena medical sau Asigurat, dup caz.

    8. ncetAreA contrActului8.1 Contractul de asigurare nceteaz la ora 24 a datei de expirare inscris n polia de asigurare, sau odat cu trecerea frontierei Romniei/rii de cetenie/rii de reedin,

    oricare dintre acestea survine mai repede.8.2 Dac o mbolnvire sau un accident survenite n timpul deplasrii n strintate necesit tratament i dup terminarea perioadei de asigurare, Groupama Asigurri SA va

    extinde perioada de acoperire a cheltuielilor cu asistena medical cu pn la 30 de zile, n limita sumei asigurate, dac Asiguratul poate dovedi c transportul la domiciliul stabil din Romnia nu a fost posibil.

    8.3 n cazul denunrii contractului de ctre Asigurat nainte de data de nceput a asigurrii specificat n poli, Groupama Asigurri SA va restitui acestuia prima de asigurare, diminuat cu cheltuielile determinate de emiterea ei, n baza solicitrii sale scrise transmis anterior datei de nceput a asigurrii.

    8.4 n cazul denunrii contractului de ctre Asigurat dup data de nceput a asigurrii specificat n poli, Groupama Asigurri SA nu va restitui acestuia prima de asigurare.

    9. instAnA competent9.1 Condiiile acestei asigurri se completeaz cu dispoziiile legale n materie, n msura n care nu sunt reglementate prin prezenta.9.2 Nenelegerile izvorte din interpretarea i executarea contractului de asigurare se vor soluiona pe cale amiabil, iar n situaia n care acest lucru nu mai este posibil, litigiul

    se va soluiona potrivit legislaiei n vigoare, de ctre instanele de judecat competente n Romnia.

  • 10. prevederi finAle10.1 Contractul de asigurare va fi guvernat de legislaia din Romnia n vigoare privind asigurrile i reasigurrile i de prevederile specifice cuprinse n aceste Condiii de

    Asigurare.10.2 Dac este necesar pentru scopul i natura Contractului de asigurare, exist posibilitatea ca prile contractante s introduc, de comun acord, prevederi diferite de cele

    menionate n prezentele Condiii de Asigurare, acestea trebuind s fie n acord cu legislaia n vigoare.10.3 n cazul constatrii insolvabilitii asigurtorului, asiguraii/beneficiarii asigurrii pot s se adreseze Fondului de garantare conform art. 60 din legea 136/1995.

  • trAvel And HeAltH insurAnce- general conditions -

    The following definitions apply to the contents of the present conditions:

  • Accident:Event due to a cause unforeseen, external, visible, violent, haphazard and absolutely independent from the Insureds will, that induces bodily injury or death upon the


    insured:The natural person mentioned in the Insurance Policy who temporarily travels outside Romania/the citizenship country/residence country;

    insurer:The company Groupama Asigurri that, in exchange of the collected insurance premiums, undertakes to pay the due compensation to the Insured upon insured risk occurrence,

    according to the contractual conditions;

    BeneficiAry:The natural person who receives the insurance indemnity if the insured event occurs;

    diseAse:Medically detectable abnormal state of the organism which affects either the entire organism, or any part of it;

  • trAvel ABroAd:A travel outside the borders of Romania, of the citizenship country, of the residence country of the Insured person, from the moment when the Insured crosses the border until

    the Insured crosses them back;

    medicAl AssistAnce compAny:EUROP ASSISTANCE, which acts in the name of the Insurer and is jointly liable with the Insurer for the fulfilment of the insurance policy conditions;

    pre-existing conditions:Any disease or bodily injury that was diagnosed by a physician before the insurance begin date;

    insurAnce contrAct:The legal document concluded between the Insurance Policyholder / Insured and the Insurer, by which the Insurance Policyholder/ Insured undertakes to pay the insurance

    premium ad the Insurer undertakes to pay the compensation to the Insured, upon insured risk occurrence, according to the agreed terms and limits;

    insurAnce durAtion:The time period, expressed as a number of days, for which the Insurance Contract is concluded, starting with Insurance begin date and ending with Insurance end date.

  • insured event:Event specified in the contractual conditions, following which the Insurer grants compensations based on the insurance conditions;

    deductiBle:The amount up to which Groupama Asigurri does not have payment obligations. The compensations requested up to that amount will be paid by the Insured;

    force mAjeure:A situation, unforeseeable upon policy conclusion date, inevitable, independent from the parties will, that is claimed by one of the parties and proven by documents issued by

    competent authorities, and prevents one of the parties from fulfilling its contractual obligations, although all due diligence was undertaken for the fulfilment of the respective


    insurAnce indemnity:Amount due by Groupama Asigurri to the Insured/Beneficiary in case of insured risk occurrence, inferior to the Sum Insured;

    pHysiciAn:Person who holds a Graduate Diploma in Medicine issued by authorities and who practises his/her profession under a valid licence;

  • Businessmen:Persons who travel abroad in relation with their job, their own business activity, based on a document to that effect (delegation by the company, invitation to a congress, a

    seminary, etc.);

    insurAnce policy:The bilateral legal document concluded between the Policyholder/Insured and the Insurer, signed by both parts and proof of the insurance contract conclusion;

    insurAnce premium:Amount of money due by the Insured/Policyholder in exchange of the risk cover by the Insurer;

    insured risk:Future, possible and uncertain event, covered by the insurance, whose occurrence obliges the Insurer to pay to the Insured/Beneficiary the insurance indemnity, according to

    the conditions and limits set in the Insurance Contract;

    insureds relAtives:Husband, wife, children (for whom the Insured is legal guardian), the husbands or wifes parents.

  • professionAl driver:Person who holds the professional driver attestation and a certificate, issued by the hiring company, that certifies that the purpose of the travels is strictly business;

    HospitAl:Any public or private medical facility accredited in Romania that disposes of auxiliary and medical personnel skilled in specialised medical care, of specialised medical equipments in order to provide permanent medical care as well as diagnostic and treatment services to inpatients. The substance abuse treatment centres, homes for elderly and, more generally, rest homes and physiotherapeutic medical practices are not considered hospitals.

    sum insured:Maximum compensation limit, written in the Insurance Policy which Groupama Asigurri pays in case of insured risk occurrence;

    tourist:Person who makes travels abroad in tourist purpose or to visit relatives/acquaintances;

  • 1. contrAct conclusion And premium pAyment1.1 The insurance is concluded before the departure abroad for natural persons who travel abroad for a period of at least 3 and at most 365 days.1.2 The insurance comes into force on the date written on the Insurance Policy but not before the full payment of the Insurance Premium and before crossing the border of

    Romania/citizenship country/residence country.1.3 The Insurance Premium is paid for the period requested by the Insured upon concluding the Insurance Policy, according to Groupama Asigurri tariffs.1.4 Depending on the destination area (Europe or Rest of the World) and on the Insureds age, the following covers can be chosen:

    Program A- EUR 10,000 (dead body repatriation not covered); Program B- EUR 30,000; Program C- EUR 50,000.

    1.5 Depending on the travel purpose, covers can also be extended for:a) Business;b) Studies;c) Tourism;d) Professional drivers;e) Work;f) Constructions;g) Recreational sports;h) Professional sportsmen, according to the below categories:

    Category A: athletics, cricket, golf, gym, swimming (excepted diving), squash, tennis, shooting sports. Category B: basket, cycling, handball, field hockey, horse racing (excepting jockey), water-polo, water sports (excepting rafting), volley-ball, fencing, diving. Category C: baseball, football, American football, jockey, underwater diving, rafting, rugby, speleology, wrestling, winter and ice sports, polo, weightlifting.

    1.6 Each client can choose a EUR 100 deductible on each claim, thus reducing the standard insurance premium.

  • 2. insurAnce oBject2.1 In case of sudden accident or disease, the Insurer compensates the medical expenses required by the urgent treatment that must be made during the abroad travel, as well

    as the repatriation expenses, based on the chosen insurance Program.

    progrAm A2.1.1 The Insured Risks that oblige the Insurer to pay the due Insurance Indemnity to the Insured/Beneficiary according to the contractual conditions, if they occur during the

    Insurance Duration during the travel abroad, include the following: - emergency medical assistance, representing:

    a) Medical diagnosis; outpatient treatment, medicaments and auxiliary materials prescribed by physician; medical accessory materials to fix body parts according to medical recommendations (in case of fracture, wound, etc.);

    b) inpatient treatment in a medical institution (only hospital) under the direct surveillance of a physician, using only well-known and approved medical methods. The closest hospital where the adequate treatment can be applied will be chosen. Hospitalisation expenses will be covered until the Insureds medical state allows his/her repatriation; - the emergency transportation of the Insured, made by ambulance services to the closest hospital, the closest physician or the transfer to a specialised clinic, if so recommended by the physician; - the transportation of the Insured to the closest hospital in Romania / citizenship country / residence country where the treatment recommended by the physician can be granted (medical repatriation).

    The medical repatriation of the Insured who cannot travel alone will be organised by EUROP ASSISTANCE. The moment of repatriation and the means of transport will be established by the attending physician together with the EUROP ASSISTANCE medical team. Thus the Insureds repatriation can be organised as follows:

    To a hospital whose profile corresponds with the respective specific medical case, or a medical centre in Romania, situated near the Insureds permanent residence, if the continuation of medical assistance is needed;

  • To the Insureds permanent residence. - emergency dental treatment, within the limit of EUR 200 (to alleviate acute pains and pains due to accidents), including a possible dental radiography.

    progrAms B And c2.1.2. Beside the risks included in Program A, the Insurer undertakes to pay to the Insured/Beneficiary the due Insurance Indemnity according to contractual conditions, for

    the expenses due to: - the transportation of the dead body to the Insureds permanent residence, including the coffin cost, in case of the Insureds death, or the burial/cremation

    expenses at the place of death.The maximum insurance indemnity limit in case of dead body repatriation is EUR 7,000, but it cannot exceed the Sum Insured when cumulated with the other expenses. - a relatives visit in case of the Insureds hospitalisation abroad for more than 10 days, accounting for the transport expenses in Economy class; - repatriation of minors in case of the Insureds hospitalisation abroad for more than 10 days, in Economy class; - the cost of the urgent phone conversations of the Insured with his family and family physician, in case of his hospitalisation abroad for a period longer than

    10 days, within the limit of EUR 100.2.2 Besides, for programs B and C, Groupama Asigurri compensates the Insured for:2.2.1. - late delivery, by the air transport company, of the baggage checked upon boarding, with more than 4 hours delay, within the amount of EUR 500. The delay must be

    proven by documents issued by the transport company.Groupama Asigurri will reimburse to the Insured the costs of the necessaries (clothing and toilet ware) that allow the Insured to do with the temporary unavailability of his personal effects due to the baggage delay. All shopping for necessaries must be proven by the original copies of payment documents (invoices, receipts).2.2.2 - travel interruption, after crossing the border of Romania/citizenship country/residence country.Groupama Asigurri compensates the Insured within the limit of EUR 300 if during the travel after the crossing of the Romanian border, the Insured must interrupt the travel and go back to his country due to:

  • The death, accident or serious disease of a relative; The premature delivery of his wife, more than 60 days before the term assessed by the obstetrician; Important material damages to the Insureds home due to fire, storm, flood or earthquake.

    The amount the Insured will be compensated with will be determined by the volume of expenses which he will need to pay in supplement (phone, fax, food), with documents in proof (invoices, receipts), beside the expenses caused by the return to Romania at the insurance expiry date, written in the Insurance Policy, within the limit of the Sum Insured.The Insurance Policy covers the Insured Events occurred during the whole insurance duration within the limit of the Sum Insured.

    3. exclusions3.1 Groupama Asigurri does not grant Insurance Indemnity for expenses due to:a) Any conditions pre-existing before travel begin;b) The treatment determined by diseases or accidents pursuant to wars, terrorist acts, to similar events or to the participation to revolts or terrorist acts (excluded in the capacity of victim);c) The disease/accident occurring pursuant to the Insureds participation to any type of races, sports or activities considered as dangerous such as mountain climbing, parachuting, acrobatics, stunts. The list is neither limitative nor exhaustive.

    d) The medical assistance granted in case the Insured intentionally commits or tries to commit a violent action or an action punished by the penal law in the country where the event took place;

    e) The medical assistance granted in the case of disease/accident caused by the consumption of alcohol, drugs, medicaments not recommended by physician;f) Suicide, medical assistance in case of the suicide attempt, the injuries or diseases caused by the Insureds own action;g) Elimination of physical defects (cosmetic treatments, aesthetic operations, etc) and of congenital anomalies;h) Psychiatric, psychotherapeutic or neurological treatment;i) Recovery, convalescence and physiotherapy;

  • j) Medical assistance of pregnant women, delivery, pregnancy interruption, examination and treatment against sterility, artificial insemination. The urgent medical expenses with purpose of saving the mothers or babys life, if the pregnant women is under 36 and/or before the 16th pregnancy week, will be compensated;

    k) The treatment of sexually transmitted diseases, of HIV infection, AIDS and their consequences;l) Medical assistance granted by the Insureds relatives;m) Medical assistance granted by homeopaths, naturopathic physicians, investigation or treatment experimental medical procedures specific of medical research, as well as

    the consequences thereof;n) Organ transplant;o) Purchase of eyeglasses, contact lenses, hearing aids, denture, limb prosthesis, disabled (wheel) chairs;p) Vaccinations and the complications thereof;r) Medical routine checkups;s) Medical assistance granted to the Insured in case of radioactive infestation pursuant to radiations due to artificial acceleration of atomic particles, nuclear accident or atomic

    explosion;t) Medical assistance due to an officially acknowledged epidemic or pandemic in the country(ies) the Insured travels in;u) Travels with the purpose of obtaining treatment, cares, surgical interventions, abusive requests;v) Diseases or accidents resulting from activities that do not correspond to the declared purpose of the travel.w) The Insureds refusal to follow the physicians recommendation of medical repatriation.x) Flight in capacity of passenger, pilot or pilot team member of a flying aircraft that does not belong to an air transport company authorised to transport persons.y) Events occurring pursuant to practising off piste skiing.z) Visit in a country in force majeure situation.3.2 Groupama Asigurri does not grant the Insurance Indemnity if the Insured refuses to respect the medical teams instructions, thus losing the right to services guaranteed

    by the Insurance Policy and, implicitly, losing all rights as an Insured.3.3 Groupama Asigurri does not grant the Insurance Indemnity if the Insured needed medical assistance pursuant to:a) the deployment of abroad activities of military nature;

  • b) The practise of underwater activities, excepting the cases where a loading was collected.3.4 Groupama Asigurri does not grant the Insurance Indemnity if the Insured has an accident resulting from the practice of a sport as a professional or within a competition,

    manifestation or training, excepting the case where an insurance policy was concluded according to art.1 5.3.5 Groupama Asigurri will not indemnify the Insured for baggage delayed for the following reasons:a) The baggage was confiscated by the customs authorities or by any government authority;b) Shopping made after the arrival at the final destination in Romania/citizenship country/residence country as mentioned on the air company ticket;c) Baggage and/or personal effects that have been forwarded with an air consignment note or waybill;d) No claim request will be accepted if the delay is due to a strike or work conflict or due to a force majeure existing or announced in official documents before travel begin.

    4. territory scope4.1 The insurance is valid outside the borders of Romania, of the Insureds citizenship country or residence country.

    5. tHe insurers oBligAtions5.1 The Insurer has the obligation to deliver the services provided in the contract with the professionalism and alacrity due to the assumed commitment.5.2 The Insurer has the obligation to pay the compensation due upon insured risk occurrence to the Insured/insurance Beneficiary, according to Insurance Conditions.

    6. tHe insureds oBligAtions6.1 The Insured is obliged to announce the medical assistance company EUROP ASSISTANCE upon insured event occurrence, according to art. The Insured is obliged to correctly and fully answer the questions of the application-questionnaire regarding risk circumstances.6.3 The Insured is obliged to provide the Insurer all data and documents necessary to establish the amount of the Insurance Indemnity. The Insured will have to expressly prove

    the actual travel begin date.

  • 6.4. By the present conditions, the Insured empowers the Insurer to obtain from the attending physicians data regarding his medical history, state of health and applied treatment, releasing them from professional secrecy.

    6.5 The Insured, his relatives and legal representatives, must consent to the Insureds medical examination by physicians agreed by the Insurer.6.6 The Insured must get informed about the compulsory and recommended vaccines for the zone he is to travel to and to make them.6.7 If the Insured does not respect the obligations provided in art. 6.1-6.6, Groupama Asigurri may refuse to pay indemnity.

    7. compensAtion procedure7.1 In case of sudden accident or disease, the Insured or his representative must:

    announce by phone Groupama Asigurris collaborating medical assistance company, EUROP ASSISTANCE, at the no. written in the Insurance Policy, within 48 hours of the event occurrence;

    provide his insurance policy data as well as information referring to the occurred event; follow the medical assistance companys indications; show the Insurance Policy to the medical staff.

    If the Insured does not respect the above procedure or the medical assistance companys indications, the Insurer may refuse to pay the compensation, if that was the reason why the liabilities that lie with the Insurer according to the Insurance Contract could not be established.The payment of medical expenses will be made directly by EUROP ASSISTANCE, on the Insureds behalf, excepting the cases where the former provides another procedure.7.2 The Insurer and the medical assistance company are not liable for the delayed execution of the agreed services in case of strikes, explosions, revolts, popular movements,

    restrictions to free movement, sabotages, terrorist acts, civil war or war, consequences of radioactive sources or any other case of force majeure.7.3 If the procedure of point 7.1 is not followed and there is a justification for this, Groupama Asigurri will compensate only after the Insured/Beneficiary:

    proves his right to obtain the Insurance Indemnity; will declare if and which insurances he has concluded for the same risk and what pertaining compensations he has already collected; will deliver to the Insurer all the documentation requested by the latter. The documents issued in foreign language will be accompanied by their translation and the cost of the translation will be paid by the Insured.

  • In this case the insurance indemnity request must be sent to the Insurer at the latest 30 days after the Insured Event occurrence.7.3.1 The bills/receipts for medical treatment must include:

    the name of the treated person; the established diagnosis; details about the provided medical treatment or service and the date when they were provided.

    7.3.2 The prescribed medical prescriptions must be accompanied with documents proving the payment of the purchased medicaments.7.3.3 In case of hospitalisation, the discharge paper as well as the treatment bills will be presented.7.3.4 If the Insured Risk has been caused by an accident, the protocol drawn up by the competent authorities will be presented.7.3.5 As for dental treatment, the bills/receipts must contain information about the treated teeth, the applied treatment and the reason for the intervention.7.3.6 In case of transportation of the Insured to his permanent residence, the expenses will be justified based on receipts (tickets), on the physicians statement

    specifying the diagnosis and the medical necessity of the transport.7.3.7 In case of transportation of the Insureds dead body, the expenses will be justified based on the receipts and the death certificate where the physician specifies

    the causes of death.7.4 If the compensation request is fraudulent or obviously exaggerated, or the contract is based on false declarations, Groupama Asigurri is entitled to terminate the Insurance

    Contract and to refuse paying the Insurance Indemnity.7.5 The beginning of the procedure of compensation establishment and assessment does not constitute an acknowledgment of the obligation to indemnify.7.6 The payment of the Insurance Indemnity to the Insured or to his beneficiaries will be made in RON at the exchange rate of the National Bank of Romania as of the date

    when the receipt/bill is issued, maximum 15 days after the filing of the last document requested by the Insurer or by the medical assistance company or the Insured, where applicable.

    8. contrAct terminAtion8.1 The Insurance Contract ceases at 12pm on the expiry date written on the Insurance Policy, or upon the crossing of the border of Romania/the citizenship or residence country,

    whichever occurs first.

  • 8.2 If a disease or an accident occurred during the travel abroad requires treatment also after the Insurance expiry, Groupama Asigurri will extend the cover of medical assistance expenses of up to 30 days within the Sum Insured limit, if the Insured can prove that transportation to his permanent residence in Romania was not possible.

    8.3 In the case of termination of the contract by the Insured before the insurance begin date specified in the policy, Groupama Asigurri will refund the Insurance Premium, diminished with the expenses made by Policy issue, based on the written request sent prior to the insurance begin date.

    8.4 In the case of contract termination by the Insured after the insurance begin date specified in the Policy, Groupama Asigurri will not refund the insurance premium.

    9. court of competent jurisdiction9.1 The conditions of this insurance are completed with the legal provisions in that matter, insofar as they are not regulated by the present conditions.9.2 The misunderstandings coming from the interpretation and execution of the insurance contract will be solved by mutual agreement, and if this is no longer possible, the

    dispute will be solved, in accordance with the legislation in force, by the court of competent jurisdiction in Romania.

    10. finAl provisions10.1 The Insurance Contract will be ruled by the Romanian legislation in force regarding insurance and reinsurance and the specific provisions included in these Insurance

    Conditions.10.2 If it is necessary for the purpose and nature of the Insurance Contract, the contracting parties may, by mutual consent, introduce provisions that differ from the present

    Insurance Conditions, but in accordance with the legislation in force.10.3 If the Insurers insolvency is ascertained, the Insured/Beneficiaries can turn to the Guarantee Fund, according to Law 136/1995 art.60.

    asigurare_exterior447_Groupama brosura Conditii de Asigurare.pdf

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