
Remembering the Chernobyl nuclear disaster, 28 years on Ukrainians have been marking the 28th anniversary of the Chernobyl disaster, the world’s worst nuclear accident. At around 1.26 am, the exact time of the blast, people gathered at a memorial in the capital Kyiv to remember victims. Among those attending were families who had lost loved ones and ex-employees. “This is a day of remembrance for the victims,” said Yuriy Cherkashun, 70, a former worker at the plant. “We were workers at the Chernobyl nuclear plant reactor unit. This is our memory. All the names of the victims written here… we knew them. We worked together. This is our memory, a very difficult memory.” Unlike Japan’s Fukushima nuclear crisis in 2011. which was caused by a natural disaster, events at Chernobyl were the result of human error. On April 26, 1986, a reactor at the plant, in the then Soviet Union, exploded and caught fire after a safety test went badly wrong. The blast sent radiation billowing across Europe. At first, authorities denied there was a problem. But tens of thousands of inhabitants were evacuated from Prypyat, the town closest to the site, never to return. A 30 km exclusion zone is still in place around the town. Local firefighters and other emergency workers went straight to the scene and in the ensuing days and weeks sought to bring the situation under control. Exposed to high levels of radiation, few of them are alive today. At least 30 people were killed immediately but some put the eventual death toll from radiation exposure at tens or even hundreds of thousands. Former Soviet leader Mikhail Gorbachev has since said that he considered the disaster one of the main nails in the coffin of the Soviet Union which eventually collapsed in 1991.

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Post on 23-Apr-2017




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Remembering the Chernobyl nuclear disaster, 28 years on

Ukrainians have been marking the 28th anniversary of the Chernobyl disaster, the world’s worst nuclear accident.At around 1.26 am, the exact time of the blast, people gathered at a memorial in the capital Kyiv to remember victims.Among those attending were families who had lost loved ones and ex-employees.“This is a day of remembrance for the victims,” said Yuriy Cherkashun, 70, a former worker at the plant.“We were workers at the Chernobyl nuclear plant reactor unit. This is our memory. All the names of the victims written here…we knew them. We worked together. This is our memory, a very difficult memory.”Unlike Japan’s Fukushima nuclear crisis in 2011. which was caused by a natural disaster, events at Chernobyl were the result of human error.On April 26, 1986, a reactor at the plant, in the then Soviet Union, exploded and caught fire after a safety test went badly wrong. The blast sent radiation billowing across Europe.At first, authorities denied there was a problem. But tens of thousands of inhabitants were evacuated from Prypyat, the town closest to the site, never to return. A 30 km exclusion zone is still in place around the town.Local firefighters and other emergency workers went straight to the scene and in the ensuing days and weeks sought to bring the situation under control. Exposed to high levels of radiation, few of them are alive today.At least 30 people were killed immediately but some put the eventual death toll from radiation exposure at tens or even hundreds of thousands.Former Soviet leader Mikhail Gorbachev has since said that he considered the disaster one of the main nails in the coffin of the Soviet Union which eventually collapsed in 1991.

Reamintindu-și dezastrul nuclear de la Cernobîl, de acum 28 de ani Ucrainienii au marcat a 28-a aniversare a dezastrului de la Cernobîl, cel mai grav accident nuclear din lume. În jurul orei 01:26, oră exactă a exploziei, oamenii s-au adunat la un memorial ȋn capitala� Kiev în amintirea victimelor. Printre cei care au participat au fost familii care au pierdut pe cei dragi și foștii angajați. "Această este o zi de comemorare a victimelor", a declarat Iuri Cherkashun, 70, un fost muncitor la fabrică. "Am fost muncitori la unitatea de reactor nuclear de la Cernobîl. Această este amintirea noastră. Toate numele victimelor scrise aici ... le-am cunoscut. Am lucrat ȋmpreună. Această� � este amintirea noastră, o amintire foarte dificilă. " � Spre deosebire de criza nucleară Fukushima din Japonia, din 2011, care a fost cauzată de un� dezastru natural, evenimentele de la Cernobȋl au fost rezultatul unei erori umane.

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La data de 26 aprilie 1986, un reactor de la centrală, apoi unul din Uniunea Sovietică, a� explodat și a luat foc după un test de siguranță care a mers prost. Explozia a trimis un val mare de radiații ȋn Europa. La început autoritățile au negat că a fost o problemă. Dar zeci de mii de locuitori au fost evacuați din Prypyat, orașul cel mai apropiat de locul dezastrului, fără că aceștia să se mai întoarcă. Pe o zonă de 30 km nu se poate pătrunde în oraș nici acum. Pompierii locali și alți lucrători de urgență au mers direct la față locului și ȋn zilele și săptămânile următoare au încercat să aducă situația sub control. Expuse la niveluri ridicate de radiații, puțin dintre ei sunt ȋn viață azi. Cel puțin 30 de persoane au fost ucise imediat, dar numărul eventual al morților din cauza expunerii la radiații au ajuns la zeci sau chiar sute de mii. Fostul lider sovietic Mihail Gorbaciov a declarat că el a considerat dezastrul unul dintre principalele cuie din sicriul Uniunii Sovietice, care ȋn cele din urmă s-a prăbușit ȋn 1991.