suplimentul miraculos

Where I live in the Caribbean there was a well known folk lore and remedy for children born with bow legs. The locals would take those children to the beach and bury their legs in the wet sand. Usually within weeks, but certainly within months their legs would become straight!!! Now, they are completely unaware as to how or why this works but like so much of the suppressed and ridiculed folk lores and traditions what they do know is it does work so who cares? Well, I am in the middle of writing my first proper book called You're NOT SICK, You're TOX_SICK to be published later this year and part of that book will further explain why burying people in wet earth or sand is a true healer. But for now I will touch upon the subject and encourage you to watch the great video on our website or YouTube channel Grounded. Very simplistically then, you are made up of trillions of cells. Each cell has a membrane that in perfect conditions (which few have on this planet) have a very strong negative charge on the inside of the cell membrane and a very strong positive charge on the outside of the cell membrane. The difference between the charges is called the potential and it can now be measured and it completely linked to health and your actual potential to create or manifest. Electrons are negatively charged and so are attracted to the positive charge of the membrane. They then form what has now been photographed which is electron clouds. This is critical to health because the greater the cloud of negatively charged electrons the greater amount of positively charged photons (light) the cell can hold and then the greater amount of oxygen can be used by the cell. The ideal ration of oxygen to glucose (sugar) for the cell to function at peak performance and hence health is 80/20 but most are more like 30/70 with the very acidic diseases such as cancer at 20/80. It is well known cancer is anaerobic (lack of oxygen) and feeds on sugar as proven by giving radioactive sugar to cancer patients and then scanning them and the tumors/cancers began to glow as the sugar went straight to the cancer cells and so they grew. The great work of Dr Jerry Tennant also shows that the potential of the cell membrane (which means low electron clouds) drops significantly with health needing to be about -25mv and cell regeneration and repair needed at -50mv or above. These drops in potential completely correlate with the pH of the cell with the cell becoming more acidic as the voltage potential drops.

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Post on 17-Jul-2016




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Baia de electroni


Page 1: Suplimentul miraculos

Where I live in the Caribbean there was a well known folk lore and remedy for children born with bow legs. The locals would take those children to the beach and bury their legs in the wet sand. Usually within weeks, but certainly within months their legs would become straight!!!

Now, they are completely unaware as to how or why this works but like so much of the suppressed and ridiculed folk lores and traditions what they do know is it does work so who cares?

Well, I am in the middle of writing my first proper book called You're NOT SICK, You're TOX_SICK to be published later this year and part of that book will further explain why burying people in wet earth or sand is a true healer. But for now I will touch upon the subject and encourage you to watch the great video on our website or YouTube channel Grounded.

Very simplistically then, you are made up of trillions of cells. Each cell has a membrane that in perfect conditions (which few have on this planet) have a very strong negative charge on the inside of the cell membrane and a very strong positive charge on the outside of the cell membrane. The difference between the charges is called the potential and it can now be measured and it completely linked to health and your actual potential to create or manifest.

Electrons are negatively charged and so are attracted to the positive charge of the membrane. They then form what has now been photographed which is electron clouds. This is critical to health because the greater the cloud of negatively charged electrons the greater amount of positively charged photons (light) the cell can hold and then the greater amount of oxygen can be used by the cell.

The ideal ration of oxygen to glucose (sugar) for the cell to function at peak performance and hence health is 80/20 but most are more like 30/70 with the very acidic diseases such as cancer at 20/80. It is well known cancer is anaerobic (lack of oxygen) and feeds on sugar as proven by giving radioactive sugar to cancer patients and then scanning them and the tumors/cancers began to glow as the sugar went straight to the cancer cells and so they grew.

The great work of Dr Jerry Tennant also shows that the potential of the cell membrane (which means low electron clouds) drops significantly with health needing to be about -25mv and cell regeneration and repair needed at -50mv or above. These drops in potential completely correlate with the pH of the cell with the cell becoming more acidic as the voltage potential drops.

So, what does this all mean and what on earth (forgive the punn) has this to do with Earthing, what I prefer to call Electron Bathing, as it is more accurate. Well, we are an electrical being that - as I have shown above - MUST have electrons on our cell membranes so as to be able to attract light and oxygen. We can get electrons from two places - our food & the earths surface.

Rule of thumb with food is that if it grew naturally (ie living) the more "alive" it is the more electrons. The more processed and removed from nature the less electrons to the point that it becomes an electron stealer and actually steals electrons from your cell membranes (think processed junk food). Fresh, raw oils such as coconut oil and hemp oil are massive electron donators and this si why they are used by Gerson and any true holistic therapist when helping chronically ill people.

The next source, abundant and free is from the earths surface. The earth (dirt & sand), especially damp earth has an abundant electron field that can easily be absorbed into your body and to wherever it is needed as long as you are not insulated from it.Here lies the problem The world has been deliberately been made to wear rubber soled shoes and so are constantly cut off from this amazing health giver essential to life. Further, most are then sleeping in insulated beds(we used to sleep on straw beds) and are sitting in front of massive EMF (electro magnetic frequencies) which further rob us of electrons and we invariably feel exhausted.

Page 2: Suplimentul miraculos

In order to hold the electrons at the cell membranes and truly gain the benefits of this amazing healer we MUST raise our cell potentials. To do this we need at least 2-4 lires of distilled or reverse osmosis water a day, a pinch of celtic sea salt taken with every large glass of water, the nutrients and electrolytes (all found in The Miracle Supplement) so as to raise the cell membrane potential in order to capture the electrons and then the photons (true in-light-en-ment) and then utilize the oxygen.

Much more to come on this including how my wife's Orgonite creations and healing jewelry (www.healing-jewelry .com & (send Natalie a facebook message to express interest for near future orders)) coming soon can massively protect you from EMF pollution the great electron stealer.

In the mean time I urge you to watch the Grounded video below or at our website (4th video down) here and to buy there video and book we will have earthing products soon on our website: