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  • 8/8/2019 Paper 3 EMIs


    Paper 3 EMIs 2005

    EMIs from Autumn 2005

    SET 1

    EMI 1

    OPTIONSIncreased physical dependenceBeing in an institutionMale patientMale carerDementiaBeing married to carer

    Previous poor relationship with carer

    QUESTIONS1) 3 risk factors for abuseDementiaPrevious poor relationship with carerBeing in an institution

    2) 3 risk factors for depressionMale patientIncreased physical dependence


    3) 2 risk factors for carer exhaustionPrevious poor relationship with carerDementia

    EMI 2



  • 8/8/2019 Paper 3 EMIs


    QUESTIONS1) Best treatment for a boy with OCDFluoxetine

    2) A man with OCD and depression. Which 2 drugs would he NOT respond to

    ReboxetineDesipramine3) Pick 2 add in treatments for a man not responsive to first line treatment



    A) Flupentixol depotB) RisperidoneC) OlanzapineD) ClozapineE) QuetiapineF) Haloperidol1. Older schizophrenic women, DM, agreed to take medication but irregular compliance andpsychotic. When son reminded her, end up in a quarrel.A) Flupentixol depot2. Psychotic elderly man, persistent psychotic symptoms, not tolerating oral flupentixol. Notresponding to sulpiride and olanzapine.D) Clozapine3. Case of Parkinsons disease. Not on anti-PD drug and antipsychotic nave. Distressed byVH.E) Quetiapine

    EMI 4

    OLD AGE PSYCHIATRYA) Living in instituteB) Living with another personC) Male carerD) Male patientE) Higher physical dependence in patientF) History of poor relationship with carerG) Carer married to patientH) Diagnosis of dementia

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    1. Risk for non-accidental injury from carer (choose 2)A) Living in instituteF) History of poor relationship with carer

    2. Risk for carer distress / depress (choose 3)H) Diagnosis of dementiaF) History of poor relationship with carerE) Higher physical dependence in patient

    3. Risk for depression of elderly (choose 3)D) Male patientH) Diagnosis of dementiaE) Higher physical dependence in patient

    EMI 5STATISTICSA) Chi-square testB) McNemar testC) Fisher's exact testD) Cluster analysisE) ANCOVAF) ANOVAG) Multiple regression

    1. Demonstrate association of height (parametric) and ASPD (choose 3)F) ANOVAA) Chi-square testC) Fisher's exact test

    2. Relation of conduct disorder and ASPD (choose 2)A) Chi-square testC) Fisher's exact test

    3. ASPD vs height and IQ (height and IQ correlated) (choose 2)B) McNemar testF) ANOVA

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    B) DesipramineC) EscitalopramD) FluoxetineE) ReboxetineF) QuetiapineG) SertralineH) Risperidone1. 11 year old developed OCD for 6 months and later depressed mood. (choose 1)D) Fluoxetine

    2. OCD in a teacher with sexual obsessions, unlikely to have that antidepressant drug (choose 2)

    D) Fluoxetine3. OCD child with SSRI for some time but still Obsessive compulsive behaviour with motor tics.(choose 2)H) RisperidoneD) Fluoxetine

    EMI 7MEDICATION / MANAGEMENTA) CardiomyopathyB) Diabetes mellitusC) Lithium toxicityD) Diabetes insipidusE) Serotonin syndromeF) Neuroleptic Malignant SyndromeG) HypothyroidismH) Pulmonary embolismI) HyperthyroidismQuestions:1. Schizophrenia on clozapine. Developed palpitation, SOB and tachycardia. (choose 1)A) Cardiomyopathy

    2. BAD on Li, developed polyuria, polydispia and lethargy. Raised sodium level and clinicallydehydrated. (choose 1)D) Diabetes insipidus

    3. Started on olanzapine for few days, noticed rigidity, confusion and sweating. (choose 1)F) Neuroleptic Malignant Syndrome

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    EMI 8DRUGSCytochrome P450 enzyme inductionEffect on striatal D2 receptor

    Effect on meso-limbic D2 receptorEffect on 5HT2 receptorEffect on 5HT3 receptor1. Started St Johns wort and later pregnant despite taking OC pill (choose 1) CytochromeP450 enzyme induction2. On antipsychotic and developed EPSE (choose 1) Effect on striatal D2 receptor3. On fluoxetine, started on Li and became confused (picture of serotonin syndrome). (choose 1)Effect on 5HT2 receptor

    EMI 9

    BIOCHEMICALA) HyperglycemiaB) HypoglycemiaC) HyponatremiaD) HyperthyroidismE) HyperkalemiaF) Hypercalecemia1. Alcoholism, after binge-drinking, anxious and confused in A&E (choose 1) B) Hypoglycemia2. Depressed middle age gentleman complained of lethargy, nausea, muscle cramp. Recentlystarted on paroxetine (choose 1) C) Hyponatremia3. Schizophrenic patient on clozapine/olanzapine complained of abdominal pain and confusion(choose 1) A) Hyperglycemia[edit]

    EMIs from Spring 2005

    SET 1EMI 1SIDE EFFECTS1) Neuroleptic malignant syndrome2) Serotonin syndrome3) Diabetes insipidus

    4) Diabetes mellitus5) Lithium toxicity6) Hyperthyroidism7) Hypothyroidism8) Cardiomyopathy9) Pulmonary embolusChoose ONE
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    1) A lady on lithium for 2 years comes to see you with polyuria, polydipsia, ankle swelling andlethargy. She looks dehydrated and has high sodium.3) Diabetes insipidus

    2) A man has been started on Olanzapine. He is found on the ward febrile with labile blood

    pressure and increased muscle tone.1) Neuroleptic malignant syndrome

    3) A 24 year old man who has been stable on Clozapine for 2 years comes to see you withlethargy, breathlessness and palpitations.8) Cardiomyopathy

    EMI 2


    2) Paroxetine3) Venlafaxine4) Logotherapy5) Parenting skills6) Lithium7) Family therapyChoose ONE1) A 4 year old girl who is aggressive towards her mother and has punched her in the stomach onone occasion. She is 'difficult' and refuses to do what she is told.5) Parenting skills

    2) A 17 year old boy who has a history of explosive violence and has got in to trouble with thePolice. Otherwise he has no symptoms.7) Family therapy

    3) A 13 year old girl has been diagnosed with hyperkinetic disorder by a psychologist. She ishaving systemic therapy but is still hyperactive with poor concentration.1) Methylphenidate

    EMI 3THE EEG related to Old Age psychiatric problems1) Normal EEG2) Preserved alpha waves over the occiput in the context of generalised slowing3) Alpha waves >8Hz4) Spike and wave5) Paroxysmal frontal lobe discharge6) Increased Beta Rhythm7) Decreased Beta Rhythm1) A 75 year old woman who has got mroe forgetful over the last 2 year (CHOOSE TWO)

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    Decreased Beta RhythmParoxysmal frontal lobe dischargehttp://

    Quote "The electrophysiological correlate of polymyoclonus that can be seen in AD and otherpathological states is a bifrontal negativity in the EEG that precedes the myoclonic jerk. Thisnew type of electrophysiological correlate of myoclonus may reflect activity of a subcorticalgenerator".

    2) An 80 year old man who has got more miserable and is not sleeping or eating (CHOOSETWO)Normal EEGIncreased Beta Rhythm

    3) A 70 year old man who has episodic behavioural change and has started shoplifting(CHOOSE 1)Preserved alpha waves over the occiput in the context of generalised slowingDecreased Beta Rhythm

    EMI 4SYNDROMES ASSOCIATED WITH LD1) Rett's syndrome2) Angelman's syndrome3) Down's syndrome4) Prader-Willi syndrome5) Cri du chat syndrome6) Cornelia de Lange syndrome7) Lesch Nyhan Syndrome

    Select the ONE most likely diagnosis1) A 4 year old girl with hand wringing and some loss of skillsRett's syndrome

    2) A 2 year old boy with impulsive overeatingPrader-Willi syndrome

    3) A 6 year old boy with self mutilation, something like bitting (1)Lesch Nyhan Syndrome

    EMI 5
  • 8/8/2019 Paper 3 EMIs


    ValidityNurse use screening in post-natal ward. select 8 with depression out of 9 having depressionNurse use screening in post-natal ward. select 80 people who do not have depression out of 100who don'tDiagnostic criteria from ICD-10 classification

    80% of correlation between GHQ and Becks Depression InventoryNurses A and B check the figures and identify 8 people depressed out of 28 in totalSomething identified Alzheimer's disease well and unwell with some%Using consensus criteria in Lewy Body dementia agreed with neuropathological finding

    1. Construct validity (2)Nurse use screening in post-natal ward. select 8 with depression out of 9 having depressionNurse use screening in post-natal ward. select 80 people who do not have depression out of 100who don't

    2. Concurrent validity (1)Using consensus criteria in Lewy Body dementia agreed with neuropathological finding80% of correlation between GHQ and Becks Depression Inventory

    3. Discrimnant validity (3)Diagnostic criteria from ICD-10 classificationNurses A and B check the figures and identify 8 people depressed out of 28 in totalSomething identified Alzheimer's disease well and unwell with some%

    EMI 6Clinical; related to substance misuseCocaineAmphetamineCaffeineKetaminePhenylcyclidineMagic Mushroom (Psylobycin)Volatile substancesCannabisAlcohol

    1. 17 year old man, drug abuse for 2 years, went to party last night. Developed tachycardia,dilated pupil, labile BP and mild respiratory depression. (2)AmphetamineAlcohol

    2. A 19 year old factory worker with a history of various illicit drugs presented to A & E. He saidhe had a bad trip and on examination he has dilated pupils, tremors and sweating (Select 2options)

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    G. Magic mushroomsJ. PhencyclidineRef. Puri and Hall p. 362

    A 20 year old man presented to A & E with tachycardia, sweating, tremors and increase in

    muscle tone, history of 2 seizures. He has a history of substance use (Select 2 options)A. AlcoholF. Benzodiazepines

    EMI 7Defence MechanismsSplittingDenialDenigrationSublimationIdealization

    RationalizationReaction formationProjective identification1. A patient who had taken large amytrityline overdoses 3 days ago and admitted to medicalward. SHO wsa asked to assessed him before discharge. SHO appeared very worried he will takeagain and anxious of discharging him. The patient was calm. (1)Denigration

    2. A young adult who was found from case notes being neglected by his mother and deprived toinstitutional care. On asking, he felt his mother loved him very much. The reason of institutionalcare was due to money. (1)Denial

    3. On a staff meeting, a staff received complaints from a patient. He was told the other day by thesame patient how great he was actually. (1)Splitting

    EMI 8Sleep disordersCircadian rhythum disorderObstructive sleep aponeaNacrolepsy with cataplexpyA lot more options!

    1. A 25 year old air-hostress finished her transatlantic flights. At daytime, she felt tired. At night,she cannot sleep. (1)Circadian rhythum disorder

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    2. A middle-aged man developed daytime sleepiness. He was tired at daytime. His wife could notsleep together with him because of snoring. (1)Obstructive sleep aponea

    3. A 30 year old lady cannot concentrate at daytime. She laughed and collapse suddenly likesomething. She had loss pf muscle tone. (1)Nacrolepsy with cataplexpy

    EMI 1OptionsLiving in an institutionLiving alonePrevious poor relationship with carerMale carer

    Male patientPatient has a diagnosis of dementiaCarer married to patientHigh physical dependency in the patientLead in: Choose the most common associated risk factors for the following:1. Carer stress Choose 2Previous poor relationship with carerPatient has a diagnosis of dementia

    2. Depression Choose 1

    Living alone

    3. Non accidental injury from carer Choose 2Living in an institutionHigh physical dependency in the patient

    EMI 2OptionsA ANOVA

    B ANCOVAC Mann Whitney U testD Chi squared testE Fishers exact testF t testG paired t testH multiple regression

  • 8/8/2019 Paper 3 EMIs


    In a trial where risk of antisocial personality dissorder is associated with height andIQ:1. Name 3 simple tests to look for relationship between IQ and ASPDD. Chi Squared test, C. Mann Whitney U-test, F. T-test

    (Two variables, Categorical data which can be continuous as well, It can be paired orunpaired)2. Give 2 simple tests to look for relationship between (dichotomous variable that Ican't remember) and ASPDH. Multiple Regression and B. ANCOVA3. Is link IQ to ASPD just due to the effect of height (2)H. Multiple Regression and B. ANCOVA

    EMI 3

    A Family therapyB parent trainingC methylphenidateD lithiumE paroxetine1 A 4 year old thrown out of nursery for attacking other childrenB parent training2 a 17 year old with an order stopping him returning home due to explosive violenceagainst parentsA Family therapy3 An 11 year old diagnosis as hyperkinetic disorder by a psychologistC methylphenidate

    EMI 4Theme: Cause of Learning DisabilityA Down syndromeB Fragile-X SyndromeC PhenlyketoneureaD ADHDE Prader Willi SyndromeF Rett's syndromeG Hurlers syndromeScenario: A 4 year old presenting with autistic features; select the most relaventcause / associated condition for the following. (Choose one option for each)1 Maternal uncle and grandfather had LDFragile-X Syndrome2 Difficulty in movements involving crossing midline.

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    ADHD3 Binging on foodPrader Willi Syndrome

    EMI 5

    Theme: Defence MechanismsA Projective identificationB RationalisationC IdealisationD DenigrationE SplittingF DenialChoose one option for each of the following questions:1. A woman who has a history of self harm wants to go home. The SHO is anxiousand the patient is calm.D Denigration

    2. A man with severe neglect and physical abuse as a child is taken into care. He sayshis mum was loving and he was only taken into care because of financial problems.F. Denial

    3. A care assistant is confused when a patient puts in a complaint about her, who saidshe was the best carer in the world last week.

    E Splitting

    MIs from Autumn 2006

    EMI 1


    A. Normal EEG

    B. Reduced beta rhythm

    C. Increased beta rhythm

    D. Paroxysmal frontal lobe discharge

    E. Spikes and waves

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    F. Generalised slowing with conserved alpha rhythm frontally

    G. Triphasic waves

    1. An 80 old widower, miserable, not sleeping or eating, appears depressed (ChooseTwo)

    A. Normal EEG

    C. Increased beta rhythm

    2. A 75 year old woman, gradually more forgetful over the past 2 years (Choose


    B. Reduced Beta Rhythm

    D. Paroxysmal frontal lobe discharge .htm+Pick%27s+dementia+beta+rhythm&hl=en&ct=clnk&cd=11&gl=pk

    Quote "The electrophysiological correlate of polymyoclonus that can be seen in AD

    and other pathological states is a bifrontal negativity in the EEG that precedes the

    myoclonic jerk. This new type of electrophysiological correlate of myoclonus may

    reflect activity of a subcortical generator".

    3. A 70 year old man, with disinhibition, change in personality, mild memory

    impairment (Choose Two)

    B. Reduced beta rhythm

    F. Generalised slowing with conserved alpha rhythm frontally .htm+Pick

  • 8/8/2019 Paper 3 EMIs


    Quote "Because the anterior cholinergic system is relatively preserved in Pick

    disease, the EEG changes are not prominent frontally."

    EMI 2


    A. Cardiomyopathy

    B. Diabetes Insipidus

    C. Diabetes Mellitus

    D. Lithium Toxicity

    E. Hypothyroidism

    F. Neuroleptic Malignant Syndrome

    G. Pulmonary Embolism

    1. Young man, stable on clozapine for 2 years complains for breathlessness,

    lethargy and palpitations (one option)

    A. Cardiomyopathy

    2. Female stable on Lithium for 2 years presents with polyuria and polydipsia. She

    looks confused, dehydrated and has high sodium levels (one option)

    D. Lithium Toxicity

    3. Young man started recently on Risperidone. He is found on the ward febrile with

    labile blood pressure, increased muscle tone, sweating and confusion (one option)

    F. Neuroleptic Malignant Syndrome

    EMI 3


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    A. Fluoxetine

    B. Desipramine

    C. Risperidone

    D. Quetiapine

    E. Sertraline

    F. Lamotrigine

    G. Reboxetine

    H. Citalopram

    J. Escitalopram

    K. Lithium

    1. A 15 year old child who has a 5 year history of OCD. He has been found

    depressed in the past 6 months (one option)

    A. Fluoxetine

    2. A 30 year old man with severe OCD has been on 2 different antiobsessional

    medications without a significant benefit. What would you suggest as an add-on

    treatment (two options)


    3. A 25 year old man with OCD. Which anti-depressants are not helpful (two options)

    B, G;url=;anch=11;url=;anch=11
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    EMI 4


    A. Atomoxetine

    B. Methylphenidate

    C. Melatonin

    D. Fluoxetine

    E. Diazepam

    F. Clonidine

    G. Carbamazepine

    H. Sodium Valproate

    1. A child with pervasive hyperactivity at school and home. Fidgety, hyperactive and

    poor attention (three options)

    Methylphenidate, Clonidine and Atomoxetine

    2. Child with low mood, insomnia, loss of weight and loss of interest (one option)


    3. 3 year old child with mild learning disability, now presenting with intractableinsomnia persisting even after behavioural intervention (two options)

    Melatonin and Diazepam

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    EMI 5


    A. Sub-grouping

    B. Pairing

    C. Interpretation

    D. Universality

    E. Counterdependence

    F. Dependence

    G. Free floating discussion

    1. Two characteristics of a psychodynamic orientated group

    Free floating discussion


    2. Two features that improve outcome in group therapy

    Interpretation and Universality

    3. Two features that pose a problem in group therapy

    A. Sub-grouping

    F. Dependence

  • 8/8/2019 Paper 3 EMIs


    EMI 1

    Lesch Nyan Syndrome

    Rett's Syndrome

    Prader Willi Syndrome

    Angelman's Syndrome

    1. An 18 year old boy with repeated self harm

    Lesch Nyhan Syndrome


    2. A 7 year old girl with handwringing

    Rett's Syndrome

    Z/Rett- s-disorder.html+Hand+wringing+causes&hl=en&ct=clnk&cd=1&gl=pk

    3. A 2 year old boy with compulsive eating

    Prader Willi Syndrome

    EMI 2


    Systemic Lupus Erythematosus

    Huntington's Disease

    Temporal Lobe Epilepsy

    PCP (Phencyclidine) use

    1. 45yr old homeless man with delusions, aggression, unsteady gait, increased tone;url=;url=;url=;url=;url=;url=;url=;url=;url=;url=
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    Huntington's Disease

    2. A 25yr old man with a history of short lived episodes of bizarre behaviour

    Temporal Lobe Epilepsy

    3. A lady mild temperature, respiratory infections, lesions on shins

    Systemic Lupus Erythematosus

    EMI 3





    1. Test used to monitor progression of Alzheimer's disease (3)

    Flumazenil with PET


    T1 MRI

    2. Hand dominance (2)

    Flumazenil with PET

    Raclopride with PET

    3. Test used to measure neuronal loss (1)

    T1 MRI

    Set 2

  • 8/8/2019 Paper 3 EMIs


    EMI 4


    Diabetes insipidus

    Diabetes mellitus

    Lithium toxicity





    Serotonin syndrome

    Lead in: Choose the most appropriate drug adverse effect in the following

    1. A 30 year old man who has been on Clozapine for the past 2 years presents with

    palpitations, breathlessness and excessive tiredness.


    2. A lady who has been stable on lithium for the past 3 years presents with polyuria,

    polydipsia and lethargy. She also has hypernatremia and looks dehydrated.

    Diabetes insipidus

    3. A 26 year old man has been recently commenced on risperidone. He presents

    with high fever, increased muscle tone, labile blood pressure and confusion.

    NMS (Neuroleptic Malignant Syndrome)

    EMI 5


    Living in an institution

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    Living alone

    Previous poor relationship with carer

    Male carer

    Male patient

    Patient has a diagnosis of dementia

    Carer married to patient

    High physical dependency in the patient

    Lead in: Choose the most common associated risk factors for the following:

    1. Carer stress Choose 2

    Previous poor relationship with carer

    Patient has a diagnosis of dementia

    2. Depression Choose 1

    Living alone

    3. Non accidental injury from carer Choose 2

    Living in an institution

    High physical dependency in the patient

    EMI 6


    Prader Willi Syndrome

    Angelmans syndrome

    Downs syndrome

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    Lesch Nyhan syndrome

    Retts syndrome


    Lead in: Choose the most appropriate diagnosis in the following

    1. 7 year old girl with loss of acquired skills and abnormal hand movements

    Retts syndrome

    2. 3 year old boy with obesity, compulsive overeating and excessive sleepiness.

    Prader Willi Syndrome

    3. 7 year old with lip biting and excessive self injurious behaviour.

    Lesch Nyhan syndrome

    EMI 7


    Barnes akathisia scale

    Beck's depression inventory

    Global impression scale

    Edinburgh post natal depression scale



    Simpson Angus scale

    Lead in: Choose the best rating scales

    1. A 30 year old woman who has post natal depression, has been recently started

    on antidepressants by you. Choose two scales to monitor response to treatment.

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    Hamilton Depression Rating Scale (HAM-D)

    Montgomery Aesburg Depression Rating Scale (MADRS)

    hl=en&q=MADRS+to+monitor+depression&meta =

    2. A 25 year old man has been started with antipsychotic medication. Choose one

    rating scale to monitor parkinsonian symptoms.

    Simpson-Angus Scale


    3. A 24 year old woman has recently given birth and is suspected to be depressed.

    You have asked the health visitor to assess her at home. Choose one scale she can

    use in this situation.

    Edinburgh post natal depression scale

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    EMI 8











    Lead in: Choose the best medication for the following conditions

    1. A 8 year old is brought by her mother to your clinic with symptoms of

    hyperactivity, poor concentration and aggressive behaviour. Choose 3




    2. A 12 year old boy presents with low mood, poor sleep, poor appetite and difficulty

    in concentration. Choose 1


    3. A 8 year old boy with moderate learning difficulty and intractable insomnia.

    Choose 2

  • 8/8/2019 Paper 3 EMIs




    EMIs Autumn 2007

    EMI 1

    Theme: Sleep disorders


    A. Circadian rhythm sleep disorder

    B. Shift work sleep disorder

    C. Narcolepsy

    D. Obstructive sleep apnoea

    E. Limb movement disorder

    F. Somnambulism

    G. Delayed sleep phase syndrome

    Select one option in all questions below:

    1. A 25 year old female falls asleep in the daytime and loses her balance with


    C. Narcolepsy

    2. A 40 year old obese man complains of cough during the night.

    D. Obstructive Sleep apnoea

    3. A 30 year old man has been depressed and is prescribed by his GP flupenthixol

    tablets. He later comes back to the GP complaining of sleep disturbance and fatigue

    in the daytime.

    G. Delayed sleep phase syndrome

    EMI 2

    Theme: Drug use


    A. Alcohol

    B. Amphetamines

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    C. Cocane

    D. Volatile substances

    F. Benzodiazepines

    G. Magic mushrooms

    H. Caffeine

    I. CannabisJ. Phencyclidine

    1. A 17 year old man with a 2 year history of drug abuse went on an all night party

    and presented to A & E with dilated pupils, tachycardia, tremors and sweating

    (Select 2 options)

    B. Amphetamines

    H. Caffeine (Diaphoresis)

    2. A 19 year old factory worker with a history of various illicit drugs presented to A

    & E. He said he had a bad trip and on examination he has dilated pupils, tremorsand sweating (Select 2 options)

    G. Magic mushrooms

    J. Phencyclidine

    Ref. Puri and Hall p. 362

    A 20 year old man presented to A & E with tachycardia, sweating, tremors andincrease in muscle tone, history of 2 seizures. He has a history of substance use

    (Select 2 options)

    A. Alcohol

    F. Benzodiazepines;url=;url=
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    EMI 3

    Theme: Side effects of medications - receptors


    Alpha-1 receptor antagonism

    Down regulation of alpha-2 adrenergic receptors

    Action at the 5-HT1A receptor

    H1 receptor antagonism

    CYP450 enzyme induction

    CYP450 enzyme inhibition

    D2 receptor antagonism

    Select one option

    1. Patient who has been on risperidone complained of postural instability.

    Alpha-1 receptor antagonism

    2. A patient who is on carbamazepine says that the oral contraceptives she has

    been taking have not been working.

    CYP450 enzyme induction

    3. Patient on fluoxetine has not been doing well and lithium has been started as an

    augmentation and he started having tremors, instability of gait, sweating and


    Action at the 5-HT1A receptor


    EMI 4

    Theme: Appropriate treatment in child and adolescents;url=;url=
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    Parental training





    Family training


    Select one option

    1. A 13 year old boy who has been treated under a psychologist for his aggression is

    receiving CBT treatment and his psychologist has diagnosed him of having

    hyperkinetic disorder.


    2. A 17 year old boy who has been abandoned by his family because of his

    aggression. What is the most appropriate treatment?

    Family training

    3. A 14 year old boy has been more aggressive after a conflict between his parents

    and his mother brought him to hospital complaining that he wouldnt listen to


    Parental training

    EMI 5

    Theme: Psychotherapy



  • 8/8/2019 Paper 3 EMIs


    Show empathy


    Ask to reflect

    Link the present state to the childhood relationships

    Name the emotion

    Listen and think quietly

    A 17 year old male comes to the first session of your therapy and he keeps coming

    late to the therapy. Recently he broke up with his girlfriend and at one situation he

    tries to be angry with you and says that he would like to kill himself. 3 options

    Show empathy ,

    Ask to reflect ,

    Reassurance .

    The same person keeps coming regularly to the sessions. After a few sessions he

    becomes angry again and starts coming late to the sessions, even though attending

    them and when you tell him that the sessions are going to end he says that you are

    going to abandon him and that he will die. 2 options

    Link the present state to the childhood relationships

    Show empathy

    The same person keeps coming to the sessions, makes good progress but once

    reports to you of a dream in which he was on a train which goes very fast and ends

    up in a plane crash. He asks you what does that mean. 1 option

    Ask to reflect

    EMI 6

    Theme: Side effects of medications


    Ebsteins anomaly

    Fallots tetrology

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    Irritability in newborn

    Neural tube defects

    Select 1 option

    1. Question of pregnant woman taking lithium and possible side effect to the baby.

    Ebsteins anomaly

    2. Question of pregnant woman on paroxetine and possible side effect to the baby.

    Irritability in newborn

    3. Question of pregnant woman on sodium valproate and possible side effect to the


    Neural tube defects

    Please feel free to differ and criticize.

