cambodgia, pre rup

Post on 20-Jun-2015






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Architecturally and artistically superior temple-mountain. Beautifully carved false doors on upper level, as well as an excellent view of the surrounding countryside. Richly detailed, well-preserved carvings. Traditionally believed to be a funerary temple, but in fact the state temple of Rajendravarman II. Historically important in that it was the second temple built after the capital was returned to Angkor from Koh Ker after a period of political upheaval. The artistically similar East Mebon was the first to be constructed after the return to Angkor, less than a decade earlier.If you are interested in Cambodia, please see also:


944 - 968

Templul Pre Rup a fost construit în anul 961 ca templu de stat de către regele Râjendravarman (944-968) care readuce capitala la Angkor. Templul (ca şi palatul regal), au fost construite de arhitectul Kavîndrârimathana, singurul arhitect khmer căruia i se cunoaşte numele ( şi care a construit pentru el însuşi bazinul Srah Srang)

Lei gardieni mărginesc scările

Pre Rup este un templu-munte, înconjurat de o incintă exterioară de laterit (120x122 metri) şi una interioară de 87x77 metri.

Platforma superioară susţine cinci turnuri-sanctuar.

Indra călare pe Airavata, elefantul cu trei capete


Fotografii: ♦ Sanda Foişoreanu

♦ Sanda Negruţiu

♦ Jean Moldovan

♦ Nicoleta Leu

Prezentare: Sanda Foişoreanu

Muzică: ♦ Marco Meriu – David’s song

♦ Gheorghe Zamfir & Marcel Cellier – Ciocârlia

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