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  • 7/30/2019 Arleen


    ROMEO SI JULIETAOpera ncepe ntr-o pia?a publica din Verona unde Sampsonsi Geson poarta discu?ii despre ura lor pentru familia Montague. Apoi ?i face apari?ia ?i Benvolio care ncearca sa-i desparta, dar lupta continua o data ce vine ?i Tybalt. To?i ace?tia au fost convin?i sa renun?e la conflict de catre copiii celor doua familii. Apoi Lady Montague ntreaba de Romeo, iar Benvolio ?i Montague ?i fac planuri pentru a-l face sa renun?e la iubirea care-l mistuie.n scena a doua a actului 1, Paris i spune lui Capulet ca vrea sa se nsoare cu Julieta, dar acesta nu renun?a u?or. Romeo afla de la servitorul lui Capulet ca va avea loc o petrecere la palat ?i se hotara?te sa participe la aceasta. Julieta este anun?ata de mama sa ca Paris dore?te sa o ia n casatorie, dar ea refuza. La petrecerea organizata de Capulet, Romeo alaturi de Mercutio, Benvolio ?i Tybalt ?i fac apari?ia. Purtnd nsa ma?ti, Romeo reu?e?te sa vorbeasca cu aleasa inimii sale ?i chiar sa o sarute. Dupa acest moment, cei trei prieteni de care era nso?it Romeo, afla ca acesta s-a strecurat n gradina Capuletilor pentru a vorbi cu Julieta. nurma acesteia, Romeo pleaca la parintele Lorenzo pentru a-l ruga sa-i cunune pecei doi ndragosti?i.Mai trziu, cei patru prieteni discuta ntre ei, dar sunt ntrerup?i de doica Julieteicare vrea sa se asigure ca planurile lui Romeo sunt ct se poate de sincere. Dupace afla acest lucru, ea i spune Julietei, care se duce la parintele Lorenzo pentru a se spovedi. Aici, ea se ntlne?te cu alesul inimii sale cu care se ?i cununa.Dupa aceasta, ntr-o pia?a publica are loc o confruntare cu spada ntre Romeo ?i Tybalt, iar Mercutio, ncercnd sa-i desparta, este omort de rivalul lui Romeo. n final,uciga?ul l provoaca din nou la duel pe Romeo, dar este omort de acesta. Despre ace

    asta ntmplare afla prin?ul ?i Lady Capulet, care hotarasc ca Romeo sa plateasca cupropria-i via?a pentru faptele sale. Apoi are loc o discu?ie ntre doica ?i Julieta n care doica dezaproba atitudinea pozitiva a fetei n privin?a uciga?ului varuluiei Tybalt.ntre timp, Romeo se ascunde n chilia parintelui Lorenzo, dar este urmarit de doicapna acolo. Aceasta i da un inel din partea Julietei ?i-i spune care i este starea.Totodata, Capulet ?i Paris pun la cale casatoria acestuia din urma cu Julieta.Dupa toate acestea, Julieta vorbe?te cu mama sa despre planurile tatalui ei de ao casatori cu Paris. Tatal sau afla ?i se cearta cu ea. ntre timp, doica ncearcasa o convinga sa se marite cu nobilul, deoarece Romeo va muri sigur. Dupa ceartacu parin?ii, Julieta se duce sa se spovedeasca parintelui Lorenzo, care o sfatuie?te sa se marite cu Paris miercuri, iar nainte de noaptea nun?ii sa bea licoarea din sticlu?a pe care i-o va da el, care va da impresia ca este moarta, dar ea

    se va trezi dupa 24 de ore.n ziua nun?ii, n timp ce pregatirile erau n toi ?i to?i membrii familiei mpreuna cuservitorii sunt ocupa?i, Julieta bea con?inutul sticlei ?i este gasita de doica npat, to?i membrii familiei fiind anunta?i, nunta nemaiputnd avea loc. Romeo, fiind anun?at de Balthazar ca iubirea lui este moarta, cumpara de la un farmacist osticla de otrava ?i pleaca ntr-acolo. Dupa nmormntarea Julietei n cavoul familiei,Romeo se bate cu Paris ?i-l omoara. ntre timp, parintele Lorenzo ncearca sa ajungala timp pentru a-l vesti pe Romeo ca totul este o nscenare, nsa stnd de vorba cu Balthazar, ajunge prea trziu ?i-l gase?te pe baiat ntins la podea, otravit. Julietase treze?te ?i vazndu-l pe Romeo ntins ?i nemi?cat, se sinucide cu pumnalul iubitului ei. To?i membrii ambelor familii descopera corpurile nensufle?ite ?i afla dela Lorenzo tot ce s-a ntamplat. n final, cele doua familii se mpaca ajungnd la conluzia ca ura lor a dus la moartea lui Romeo ?i a Julietei. Piesa se termina cu o

    elegie pentru ndragosti?i: "Pentru ca nu a fost niciodata o poveste de mai multvai/Dect cea Julietei ?i al ei Romeo."[1]

  • 7/30/2019 Arleen



    "Romeo and Juliet: Act I"

    The opening act of Romeo and Juliet.See also: Acts II, III, IV, VProblems listening to this file? See media help.

    Wikisource has original text related to this article:The Tragedy of Romeo and JulietThe play, set in Verona, begins with a street brawl between Montague and Capuletsupporters who are sworn enemies. The Prince of Verona intervenes and declaresthat further breach of the peace will be punishable by death. Later, Count Paristalks to Capulet about marrying his daughter, but Capulet is wary of the request because Juliet is only thirteen. Capulet asks Paris to wait another two yearsand invites him to attend a planned Capulet ball. Lady Capulet and Juliet's nurse try to persuade Juliet to accept Paris's courtship.Meanwhile, Benvolio talks with his cousin Romeo, Montague's son, about Romeo's recent depression. Benvolio discovers that it stems from unrequited infatuation f

    or a girl named Rosaline, one of Capulet's nieces. Persuaded by Benvolio and Mercutio, Romeo attends the ball at the Capulet house in hopes of meeting Rosaline.However, Romeo instead meets and falls in love with Juliet. After the ball, inwhat is now called the "balcony scene", Romeo sneaks into the Capulet orchard and overhears Juliet at her window vowing her love to him in spite of her family'shatred of the Montagues. Romeo makes himself known to her and they agree to bemarried. With the help of Friar Laurence, who hopes to reconcile the two families through their children's union, they are secretly married the next day.

    Juliet's cousin Tybalt, incensed that Romeo had sneaked into the Capulet ball, challenges him to a duel. Romeo, now considering Tybalt his kinsman, refuses to fight. Mercutio is offended by Tybalt's insolence, as well as Romeo's "vile submi

    ssion,"[1] and accepts the duel on Romeo's behalf. Mercutio is fatally wounded when Romeo attempts to break up the fight. Grief-stricken and wracked with guilt,Romeo confronts and slays Tybalt.Montague argues that Romeo has justly executed Tybalt for the murder of Mercutio. The Prince, now having lost a kinsman in the warring families' feud, exiles Romeo from Verona and declares that if Romeo returns, "that hour is his last."[2]Romeo secretly spends the night in Juliet's chamber, where they consummate theirmarriage. Capulet, misinterpreting Juliet's grief, agrees to marry her to CountParis and threatens to disown her when she refuses to become Paris's "joyful bride."[3] When she then pleads for the marriage to be delayed, her mother rejectsher.Juliet visits Friar Laurence for help, and he offers her a drug that will put her into a death-like coma for "two and forty hours."[4] The Friar promises to sen

    d a messenger to inform Romeo of the plan, so that he can rejoin her when she awakens. On the night before the wedding, she takes the drug and, when discoveredapparently dead, she is laid in the family crypt.The messenger, however, does not reach Romeo and, instead, Romeo learns of Juliet's apparent death from his servant Balthasar. Heartbroken, Romeo buys poison from an apothecary and goes to the Capulet crypt. He encounters Paris who has cometo mourn Juliet privately. Believing Romeo to be a vandal, Paris confronts himand, in the ensuing battle, Romeo kills Paris. Still believing Juliet to be dead, he drinks the poison. Juliet then awakens and, finding Romeo dead, stabs herself with his dagger. The feuding families and the Prince meet at the tomb to find

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    all three dead. Friar Laurence recounts the story of the two "star-cross'd lovers". The families are reconciled by their children's deaths and agree to end their violent feud. The play ends with the Prince's elegy for the lovers: "For never was a story of more woe / Than this of Juliet and her Romeo."[5]

    The play, Hamlet, begins with the news of King Hamlet of Denmark's recent deathand Denmark preparing for a possible war with Fortinbras of Norway. A ghost is spotted, resembling the late King, near Elsinore Castle by two guards. King Claudius has married Queen Gertrude, the late King's wife, quickly after the King's death. Polonius warns his daughter, Ophelia, against falling in love with Hamlet,saying he will only break her heart.

    Hamlet, son of the late King of Denmark, meets the Ghost who reveals he was poisoned by King Claudius, telling him to avenge his death but to not punish the que

    en. Polonius learns of Ophelia's meeting with Prince Hamlet, who studied her face and promptly left, leaving Polonius to think his odd behavior was because Ophelia rejected him. King Claudius instructs courtiers, Rosencrantz and Guildenstern, to spy on Hamlet, Queen Gertrude believes it is because of her recent marriage and the death of her husband.

    Hamlet suspects Ophelia is spying on him, so he increases his hostility towardsher. Hamlet then creates a play depicting the death of his father, as the Ghosttold him, to see if the Ghost's words were true. A mime preceding the play mimics the Ghost's description of the death, but goes unnoticed. After, the play TheMurder of Gonzago is performed, causing King Claudius to act in a suspicious wayas if the Ghost's words were true. During a monologue, King Claudius reveals his guilt. Meanwhile, Queen Gertrude tries to scold her son for the play, but in t

    urn is scolded for her quick remarriage. She cries out of fear, leaving a man hiding behind the curtains to do the same. Hamlet reacts and stabs him, killing him not knowing it was Polonius. Hamlet continues to scold his mother until the Ghost reappears and tells him to be kind to the Queen. She agrees to stop living with King Claudius.

    King Claudius is shocked by the death of Polonius, thinking it could have easilybeen him. Queen Gertrude lies for her son, saying that he went mad. King Claudius in turn gets scared, forcing him to send Hamlet away to England, planning tokill him there. Fortinbras marches Denmark as Hamlet wishes he could be more like him while questioning about how he cannot fight when his father was murdered and mother made a whore he returns to Denmark. Ophelia goes mad from grief afterlearning of her father's death. King Claudius meets with Laertes, Ophelia's brot

    her, telling him that Hamlet killed his father and plans for the two to fight ina fencing match, plotting to kill Hamlet.

    At the burial of Ophelia, Hamlet and Laertes fight over her grave, each believing they love her more. Hamlet tells his friend Horatio of his escape in England and had Rosencrantz and Guildenstern killed instead, revealing his desire to killthe King. Meanwhile, Queen Gertrude drinks a poisoned cup which was meant for her son, as she dies, she reveals of her poisoning. Hamlet fences against Laertesand is cut by his sword. During the duel, the two switch swords. Having cut Laertes with his sword, Laertes tells of the poison tip. As Hamlet is dying, he sta

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    bs King Claudius with the sword, killing him. He tells Horatio to not commit suicide and as his final wish to have Fortinbras as the next King of Denmark. Fortinbras arrives, leaving Horatio to tell his dear friend's story.


    Plot Overview

    O n a dark winter night, a ghost walks the ramparts of Elsinore Castle in Denmark. Discovered first by a pair of watchmen, then by the scholar Horatio, the ghost resembles the recently deceased King Hamlet, whose brother Claudius has inherited the throne and married the kings widow, Queen Gertrude. When Horatio and thewatchmen bring Prince Hamlet, the son of Gertrude and the dead king, to see theghost, it speaks to him, declaring ominously that it is indeed his fathers spirit, and that he was murdered by none other than Claudius. Ordering Hamlet to seekrevenge on the man who usurped his throne and married his wife, the ghost disappears with the dawn.

    Prince Hamlet devotes himself to avenging his fathers death, but, because he is c

    ontemplative and thoughtful by nature, he delays, entering into a deep melancholy and even apparent madness. Claudius and Gertrude worry about the princes erratic behavior and attempt to discover its cause. They employ a pair of Hamlets friends, Rosencrantz and Guildenstern, to watch him. When Polonius, the pompous LordChamberlain, suggests that Hamlet may be mad with love for his daughter, Ophelia, Claudius agrees to spy on Hamlet in conversation with the girl. But though Hamlet certainly seems mad, he does not seem to love Ophelia: he orders her to enter a nunnery and declares that he wishes to ban marriages.

    A group of traveling actors comes to Elsinore, and Hamlet seizes upon an idea totest his uncles guilt. He will have the players perform a scene closely resembling the sequence by which Hamlet imagines his uncle to have murdered his father,so that if Claudius is guilty, he will surely react. When the moment of the murd

    er arrives in the theater, Claudius leaps up and leaves the room. Hamlet and Horatio agree that this proves his guilt. Hamlet goes to kill Claudius but finds him praying. Since he believes that killing Claudius while in prayer would send Claudiuss soul to heaven, Hamlet considers that it would be an inadequate revenge and decides to wait. Claudius, now frightened of Hamlets madness and fearing for his own safety, orders that Hamlet be sent to England at once.

    Hamlet goes to confront his mother, in whose bedchamber Polonius has hidden behind a tapestry. Hearing a noise from behind the tapestry, Hamlet believes the king is hiding there. He draws his sword and stabs through the fabric, killing Polonius. For this crime, he is immediately dispatched to England with Rosencrantz and Guildenstern. However, Claudiuss plan for Hamlet includes more than banishment, as he has given Rosencrantz and Guildenstern sealed orders for the King of Eng

    land demanding that Hamlet be put to death.

    In the aftermath of her fathers death, Ophelia goes mad with grief and drowns inthe river. Poloniuss son, Laertes, who has been staying in France, returns to Denmark in a rage. Claudius convinces him that Hamlet is to blame for his fathers and sisters deaths. When Horatio and the king receive letters from Hamlet indicating that the prince has returned to Denmark after pirates attacked his ship en route to England, Claudius concocts a plan to use Laertes desire for revenge to secure Hamlets death. Laertes will fence with Hamlet in innocent sport, but Claudiuswill poison Laertes blade so that if he draws blood, Hamlet will die. As a backup

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    plan, the king decides to poison a goblet, which he will give Hamlet to drink should Hamlet score the first or second hits of the match. Hamlet returns to thevicinity of Elsinore just as Ophelias funeral is taking place. Stricken with grief, he attacks Laertes and declares that he had in fact always loved Ophelia. Back at the castle, he tells Horatio that he believes one must be prepared to die,since death can come at any moment. A foolish courtier named Osric arrives on Claudiuss orders to arrange the fencing match between Hamlet and Laertes.

    The sword-fighting begins. Hamlet scores the first hit, but declines to drink from the kings proffered goblet. Instead, Gertrude takes a drink from it and is swiftly killed by the poison. Laertes succeeds in wounding Hamlet, though Hamlet does not die of the poison immediately. First, Laertes is cut by his own swords blade, and, after revealing to Hamlet that Claudius is responsible for the queens death, he dies from the blades poison. Hamlet then stabs Claudius through with thepoisoned sword and forces him to drink down the rest of the poisoned wine. Claudius dies, and Hamlet dies immediately after achieving his revenge.

    At this moment, a Norwegian prince named Fortinbras, who has led an army to Denmark and attacked Poland earlier in the play, enters with ambassadors from England, who report that Rosencrantz and Guildenstern are dead. Fortinbras is stunnedby the gruesome sight of the entire royal family lying sprawled on the floor dead. He moves to take power of the kingdom. Horatio, fulfilling Hamlets last request, tells him Hamlets tragic story. Fortinbras orders that Hamlet be carried away

    in a manner befitting a fallen soldier.


    T he play begins with the brief appearance of a trio of witches and then moves to a military camp, where the Scottish King Duncan hears the news that his generals, Macbeth and Banquo, have defeated two separate invading armiesone from Ireland, led by the rebel Macdonwald, and one from Norway. Following their pitched battle with these enemy forces, Macbeth and Banquo encounter the witches as they cr

    oss a moor. The witches prophesy that Macbeth will be made thane (a rank of Scottish nobility) of Cawdor and eventually King of Scotland. They also prophesy that Macbeths companion, Banquo, will beget a line of Scottish kings, although Banquo will never be king himself. The witches vanish, and Macbeth and Banquo treat their prophecies skeptically until some of King Duncans men come to thank the twogenerals for their victories in battle and to tell Macbeth that he has indeed been named thane of Cawdor. The previous thane betrayed Scotland by fighting for the Norwegians and Duncan has condemned him to death. Macbeth is intrigued by thepossibility that the remainder of the witches prophecythat he will be crowned kingmight be true, but he is uncertain what to expect. He visits with King Duncan, and they plan to dine together at Inverness, Macbeths castle, that night. Macbethwrites ahead to his wife, Lady Macbeth, telling her all that has happened.

    Lady Macbeth suffers none of her husbands uncertainty. She desires the kingship for him and wants him to murder Duncan in order to obtain it. When Macbeth arrives at Inverness, she overrides all of her husbands objections and persuades him tokill the king that very night. He and Lady Macbeth plan to get Duncans two chamberlains drunk so they will black out; the next morning they will blame the murder on the chamberlains, who will be defenseless, as they will remember nothing. While Duncan is asleep, Macbeth stabs him, despite his doubts and a number of supernatural portents, including a vision of a bloody dagger. When Duncans death isdiscovered the next morning, Macbeth kills the chamberlainsostensibly out of rage

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    at their crimeand easily assumes the kingship. Duncans sons Malcolm and Donalbainflee to England and Ireland, respectively, fearing that whoever killed Duncan desires their demise as well.

    Fearful of the witches prophecy that Banquos heirs will seize the throne, Macbethhires a group of murderers to kill Banquo and his son Fleance. They ambush Banquo on his way to a royal feast, but they fail to kill Fleance, who escapes into the night. Macbeth becomes furious: as long as Fleance is alive, he fears that his power remains insecure. At the feast that night, Banquos ghost visits Macbeth.When he sees the ghost, Macbeth raves fearfully, startling his guests, who include most of the great Scottish nobility. Lady Macbeth tries to neutralize the damage, but Macbeths kingship incites increasing resistance from his nobles and subjects. Frightened, Macbeth goes to visit the witches in their cavern. There, theyshow him a sequence of demons and spirits who present him with further prophecies: he must beware of Macduff, a Scottish nobleman who opposed Macbeths accessionto the throne; he is incapable of being harmed by any man born of woman; and hewill be safe until Birnam Wood comes to Dunsinane Castle. Macbeth is relieved and feels secure, because he knows that all men are born of women and that forests cannot move. When he learns that Macduff has fled to England to join Malcolm,Macbeth orders that Macduffs castle be seized and, most cruelly, that Lady Macduff and her children be murdered.

    When news of his familys execution reaches Macduff in England, he is stricken with grief and vows revenge. Prince Malcolm, Duncans son, has succeeded in raising a

    n army in England, and Macduff joins him as he rides to Scotland to challenge Macbeths forces. The invasion has the support of the Scottish nobles, who are appalled and frightened by Macbeths tyrannical and murderous behavior. Lady Macbeth, meanwhile, becomes plagued with fits of sleepwalking in which she bemoans what she believes to be bloodstains on her hands. Before Macbeths opponents arrive, Macbeth receives news that she has killed herself, causing him to sink into a deep and pessimistic despair. Nevertheless, he awaits the English and fortifies Dunsinane, to which he seems to have withdrawn in order to defend himself, certain that the witches prophecies guarantee his invincibility. He is struck numb with fear, however, when he learns that the English army is advancing on Dunsinane shielded with boughs cut from Birnam Wood. Birnam Wood is indeed coming to Dunsinane,fulfilling half of the witches prophecy.

    In the battle, Macbeth hews violently, but the English forces gradually overwhelm his army and castle. On the battlefield, Macbeth encounters the vengeful Macduff, who declares that he was not of woman born but was instead untimely ripped fromhis mothers womb (what we now call birth by cesarean section). Though he realizesthat he is doomed, Macbeth continues to fight until Macduff kills and beheads him. Malcolm, now the King of Scotland, declares his benevolent intentions for the country and invites all to see him crowned at Scone.

    KING LEARlot Overview

    L ear, the aging king of Britain, decides to step down from the throne and divide his kingdom evenly among his three daughters. First, however, he puts his daughters through a test, asking each to tell him how much she loves him. Goneril and Regan, Lears older daughters, give their father flattering answers. But Cordelia, Lears youngest and favorite daughter, remains silent, saying that she has no words to describe how much she loves her father. Lear flies into a rage and disowns Cordelia. The king of France, who has courted Cordelia, says that he still wants to marry her even without her land, and she accompanies him to France without her fathers blessing.

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    Lear quickly learns that he made a bad decision. Goneril and Regan swiftly beginto undermine the little authority that Lear still holds. Unable to believe thathis beloved daughters are betraying him, Lear slowly goes insane. He flees hisdaughters houses to wander on a heath during a great thunderstorm, accompanied byhis Fool and by Kent, a loyal nobleman in disguise.

    Meanwhile, an elderly nobleman named Gloucester also experiences family problems. His illegitimate son, Edmund, tricks him into believing that his legitimate son, Edgar, is trying to kill him. Fleeing the manhunt that his father has set forhim, Edgar disguises himself as a crazy beggar and calls himself Poor Tom. Like Lear, he heads out onto the heath.

    When the loyal Gloucester realizes that Lears daughters have turned against theirfather, he decides to help Lear in spite of the danger. Regan and her husband,Cornwall, discover him helping Lear, accuse him of treason, blind him, and turnhim out to wander the countryside. He ends up being led by his disguised son, Edgar, toward the city of Dover, where Lear has also been brought.

    In Dover, a French army lands as part of an invasion led by Cordelia in an effort to save her father. Edmund apparently becomes romantically entangled with bothRegan and Goneril, whose husband, Albany, is increasingly sympathetic to Lears cause. Goneril and Edmund conspire to kill Albany.

    The despairing Gloucester tries to commit suicide, but Edgar saves him by pulling the strange trick of leading him off an imaginary cliff. Meanwhile, the English troops reach Dover, and the English, led by Edmund, defeat the Cordelia-led French. Lear and Cordelia are captured. In the climactic scene, Edgar duels with and kills Edmund; we learn of the death of Gloucester; Goneril poisons Regan outof jealousy over Edmund and then kills herself when her treachery is revealed toAlbany; Edmunds betrayal of Cordelia leads to her needless execution in prison;and Lear finally dies out of grief at Cordelias passing. Albany, Edgar, and the elderly Kent are left to take care of the country under a cloud of sorrow and regret.


    O thello begins on a street in Venice, in the midst of an argument between Roderigo, a rich man, and Iago. Roderigo has been paying Iago to help him in his suitto Desdemona. But Roderigo has just learned that Desdemona has married Othello,a general whom Iago begrudgingly serves as ensign. Iago says he hates Othello,who recently passed him over for the position of lieutenant in favor of the inexperienced soldier Michael Cassio.

    Unseen, Iago and Roderigo cry out to Brabanzio that his daughter Desdemona has been stolen by and married to Othello, the Moor. Brabanzio finds that his daughter is indeed missing, and he gathers some officers to find Othello. Not wanting his hatred of Othello to be known, Iago leaves Roderigo and hurries back to Othello before Brabanzio sees him. At Othellos lodgings, Cassio arrives with an urgentmessage from the duke: Othellos help is needed in the matter of the imminent Turkish invasion of Cyprus. Not long afterward, Brabanzio arrives with Roderigo andothers, and accuses Othello of stealing his daughter by witchcraft. When he fin

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    ds out that Othello is on his way to speak with the duke, -Brabanzio decides togo along and accuse Othello before the assembled senate.

    Brabanzios plan backfires. The duke and senate are very sympathetic toward Othello. Given a chance to speak for himself, Othello explains that he wooed and won Desdemona not by witchcraft but with the stories of his adventures in travel andwar. The duke finds Othellos explanation convincing, and Desdemona herself entersat this point to defend her choice in marriage and to announce to her father that her allegiance is now to her husband. Brabanzio is frustrated, but acquiescesand allows the senate meeting to resume. The duke says that Othello must go toCyprus to aid in the defense against the Turks, who are headed for the island. Desdemona insists that she accompany her husband on his trip, and preparations are made for them to depart that night.

    In Cyprus the following day, two gentlemen stand on the shore with Montano, thegovernor of Cyprus. A third gentleman arrives and reports that the Turkish fleethas been wrecked in a storm at sea. Cassio, whose ship did not suffer the samefate, arrives soon after, followed by a second ship carrying Iago, Roderigo, Desdemona, and Emilia, Iagos wife. Once they have landed, Othellos ship is sighted, and the group goes to the harbor. As they wait for Othello, Cassio greets Desdemona by clasping her hand. Watching them, Iago tells the audience that he will useas little a web as this hand-holding to ensnare Cassio (II.i.169).

    Othello arrives, greets his wife, and announces that there will be reveling that

    evening to celebrate Cypruss safety from the Turks. Once everyone has left, Roderigo complains to Iago that he has no chance of breaking up Othellos marriage. Iago assures Roderigo that as soon as Desdemonas blood is made dull with the act ofsport, she will lose interest in Othello and seek sexual satisfaction elsewhere (II.i.222). However, Iago warns that elsewhere will likely be with Cassio. Iago counsels Roderigo that he should cast Cassio into disgrace by starting a fight withCassio at the evenings revels. In a soliloquy, Iago explains to the audience that eliminating Cassio is the first crucial step in his plan to ruin Othello. Thatnight, Iago gets Cassio drunk and then sends Roderigo to start a fight with him. Apparently provoked by Roderigo, Cassio chases Roderigo across the stage. Governor Montano attempts to hold Cassio down, and Cassio stabs him. Iago sends Roderigo to raise alarm in the town.

    The alarm is rung, and Othello, who had left earlier with plans to consummate his marriage, soon arrives to still the commotion. When Othello demands to know who began the fight, Iago feigns reluctance to implicate his friend Cassio, but he ultimately tells the whole story. Othello then strips Cassio of his rank of lieutenant. Cassio is extremely upset, and he laments to Iago, once everyone else hasgone, that his reputation has been ruined forever. Iago assures Cassio that hecan get back into Othellos good graces by using Desdemona as an intermediary. Ina soliloquy, Iago tells us that he will frame Cassio and Desdemona as lovers tomake -Othello jealous.

    In an attempt at reconciliation, Cassio sends some musicians to play beneath Othellos window. Othello, however, sends his clown to tell the musicians to go away.

    Hoping to arrange a meeting with Desdemona, Cassio asks the clown, a peasant who serves Othello, to send Emilia to him. After the clown departs, Iago passes byand tells Cassio that he will get Othello out of the way so that Cassio can speak privately with Desdemona. Othello, Iago, and a gentleman go to examine some of the towns fortifications.

    Desdemona is quite sympathetic to Cassios request and promises that she will do everything she can to make Othello forgive his former lieutenant. As Cassio is about to leave, Othello and Iago return. Feeling uneasy, Cassio leaves without talking to Othello. Othello inquires whether it was Cassio who just parted from his

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    wife, and Iago, beginning to kindle Othellos fire of jealousy, replies, No, sure,I cannot think it, / That he would steal away so guilty-like, / Seeing your coming (III.iii.3739).

    Othello becomes upset and moody, and Iago furthers his goal of removing both Cassio and Othello by suggesting that Cassio and Desdemona are involved in an affair. Desdemonas entreaties to Othello to reinstate Cassio as lieutenant add to Othellos almost immediate conviction that his wife is unfaithful. After Othellos conversation with Iago, Desdemona comes to call Othello to supper and finds him feeling unwell. She offers him her handkerchief to wrap around his head, but he findsit to be [t]oo little and lets it drop to the floor (III.iii.291). Desdemona andOthello go to dinner, and Emilia picks up the handkerchief, mentioning to the audience that Iago has always wanted her to steal it for him.

    Iago is ecstatic when Emilia gives him the handkerchief, which he plants in Cassios room as evidence of his affair with Desdemona. When Othello demands ocular proo(III.iii.365) that his wife is unfaithful, Iago says that he has seen Cassio wipehis beard (III.iii.444) with Desdemonas handkerchiefthe first gift Othello ever gave her. Othello vows to take vengeance on his wife and on Cassio, and Iago vowsthat he will help him. When Othello sees Desdemona later that evening, he demands the handkerchief of her, but she tells him that she does not have it with herand attempts to change the subject by continuing her suit on Cassios behalf. Thisdrives Othello into a further rage, and he storms out. Later, Cassio comes onstage, wondering about the handkerchief he has just found in his chamber. He is gr

    eeted by Bianca, a prostitute, whom he asks to take the handkerchief and copy its embroidery for him.

    Through Iagos machinations, Othello becomes so consumed by jealousy that he fallsinto a trance and has a fit of epilepsy. As he writhes on the ground, Cassio comes by, and Iago tells him to come back in a few minutes to talk. Once Othello recovers, Iago tells him of the meeting he has planned with Cassio. He instructsOthello to hide nearby and watch as Iago extracts from Cassio the story of his affair with Desdemona. While Othello stands out of earshot, Iago pumps Cassio forinformation about Bianca, causing Cassio to laugh and confirm Othellos suspicions. Bianca herself then enters with Desdemonas handkerchief, reprimanding Cassio for making her copy out the embroidery of a love token given to him by another woman. When Desdemona enters with Lodovico and Lodovico subsequently gives Othello

    a letter from Venice calling him home and instating Cassio as his replacement,Othello goes over the edge, striking Desdemona and then storming out.

    That night, Othello accuses Desdemona of being a whore. He ignores her protestations, seconded by Emilia, that she is innocent. Iago assures Desdemona that Othello is simply upset about matters of state. Later that night, however, Othello ominously tells Desdemona to wait for him in bed and to send Emilia away. Meanwhile, Iago assures the still-complaining Roderigo that everything is going as planned: in order to prevent Desdemona and Othello from leaving, Roderigo must killCassio. Then he will have a clear avenue to his love.

    Iago instructs Roderigo to ambush Cassio, but Roderigo misses his mark and Cassio wounds him instead. Iago wounds Cassio and runs away. When Othello hears Cassi

    os cry, he assumes that Iago has killed Cassio as he said he would. Lodovico andGraziano enter to see what the commotion is about. Iago enters shortly thereafter and flies into a pretend rage as he discovers Cassios assailant Roderigo, whom hemurders. Cassio is taken to have his wound dressed.

    Meanwhile, Othello stands over his sleeping wife in their bedchamber, preparingto kill her. Desdemona wakes and attempts to plead with Othello. She asserts herinnocence, but Othello smothers her. Emilia enters with the news that Roderigois dead. Othello asks if Cassio is dead too and is mortified when Emilia says heis not. After crying out that she has been murdered, Desdemona changes her stor

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    y before she dies, claiming that she has committed suicide. Emilia asks Othellowhat happened, and Othello tells her that he has killed Desdemona for her infidelity, which Iago brought to his attention.

    Montano, Graziano, and Iago come into the room. Iago attempts to silence Emilia,who realizes what Iago has done. At first, Othello insists that Iago has told the truth, citing the handkerchief as evidence. Once Emilia tells him how she found the handkerchief and gave it to Iago, Othello is crushed and begins to weep.He tries to kill Iago but is disarmed. Iago kills Emilia and flees, but he is caught by Lodovico and Montano, who return holding Iago captive. They also bring Cassio, who is now in a chair because of his wound. Othello wounds Iago and is disarmed. Lodovico tells Othello that he must come with them back to Venice to betried. Othello makes a speech about how he would like to be remembered, then kills himself with a sword he had hidden on his person. The play closes with a speech by Lodovico. He gives Othellos house and goods to Graziano and orders that Iago be executed.


    A storm strikes a ship carrying Alonso, Ferdinand, Sebastian, Antonio, Gonzalo,Stephano, and Trinculo, who are on their way to Italy after coming from the wedding of Alonsos daughter, Claribel, to the prince of Tunis in Africa. The royal party and the other mariners, with the exception of the unflappable Boatswain, begin to fear for their lives. Lightning cracks, and the mariners cry that the shiphas been hit. Everyone prepares to sink.

    The next scene begins much more quietly. Miranda and Prospero stand on the shoreof their island, looking out to sea at the recent shipwreck. Miranda asks her f

    ather to do anything he can to help the poor souls in the ship. Prospero assuresher that everything is all right and then informs her that it is time she learned more about herself and her past. He reveals to her that he orchestrated the shipwreck and tells her the lengthy story of her past, a story he has often started to tell her before but never finished. The story goes that Prospero was the Duke of Milan until his brother Antonio, conspiring with Alonso, the King of Naples, usurped his position. Kidnapped and left to die on a raft at sea, Prospero and his daughter survive because Gonzalo leaves them supplies and Prosperos books,which are the source of his magic and power. Prospero and his daughter arrivedon the island where they remain now and have been for twelve years. Only now, Prospero says, has Fortune at last sent his enemies his way, and he has raised thetempest in order to make things right with them once and for all.

    After telling this story, Prospero charms Miranda to sleep and then calls forthhis familiar spirit Ariel, his chief magical agent. Prospero and Ariels discussion reveals that Ariel brought the tempest upon the ship and set fire to the mast.He then made sure that everyone got safely to the island, though they are now separated from each other into small groups. Ariel, who is a captive servant to Prospero, reminds his master that he has promised Ariel freedom a year early if he performs tasks such as these without complaint. Prospero chastises Ariel for protesting and reminds him of the horrible fate from which he was rescued. BeforeProspero came to the island, a witch named Sycorax imprisoned Ariel in a tree.Sycorax died, leaving Ariel trapped until Prospero arrived and freed him. After

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    Ariel assures Prospero that he knows his place, Prospero orders Ariel to take the shape of a sea nymph and make himself invisible to all but Prospero.

    Miranda awakens from her sleep, and she and Prospero go to visit Caliban, Prosperos servant and the son of the dead Sycorax. Caliban curses Prospero, and Prospero and Miranda berate him for being ungrateful for what they have given and taught him. Prospero sends Caliban to fetch firewood. Ariel, invisible, enters playing music and leading in the awed Ferdinand. Miranda and Ferdinand are immediatelysmitten with each other. He is the only man Miranda has ever seen, besides Caliban and her father. Prospero is happy to see that his plan for his daughters future marriage is working, but decides that he must upset things temporarily in order to prevent their relationship from developing too quickly. He accuses Ferdinand of merely pretending to be the Prince of Naples and threatens him with imprisonment. When Ferdinand draws his sword, Prospero charms him and leads him off toprison, ignoring Mirandas cries for mercy. He then sends Ariel on another mysterious mission.

    On another part of the island, Alonso, Sebastian, Antonio, Gonzalo, and other miscellaneous lords give thanks for their safety but worry about the fate of Ferdinand. Alonso says that he wishes he never had married his daughter to the princeof Tunis because if he had not made this journey, his son would still be alive.Gonzalo tries to maintain high spirits by discussing the beauty of the island,but his remarks are undercut by the sarcastic sourness of Antonio and Sebastian.Ariel appears, invisible, and plays music that puts all but Sebastian and Anton

    io to sleep. These two then begin to discuss the possible advantages of killingtheir sleeping companions. Antonio persuades Sebastian that the latter will become ruler of Naples if they kill Alonso. Claribel, who would be the next heir ifFerdinand were indeed dead, is too far away to be able to claim her right. Sebastian is convinced, and the two are about to stab the sleeping men when Ariel causes Gonzalo to wake with a shout. Everyone wakes up, and Antonio and Sebastian concoct a ridiculous story about having drawn their swords to protect the king from lions. Ariel goes back to Prospero while Alonso and his party continue to search for Ferdinand.

    Caliban, meanwhile, is hauling wood for Prospero when he sees Trinculo and thinks he is a spirit sent by Prospero to torment him. He lies down and hides under his cloak. A storm is brewing, and Trinculo, curious about but undeterred by Cali

    bans strange appearance and smell, crawls under the cloak with him. Stephano, drunk and singing, comes along and stumbles upon the bizarre spectacle of Caliban and Trinculo huddled under the cloak. Caliban, hearing the singing, cries out that he will work faster so long as the spirits leave him alone. Stephano decides that this monster requires liquor and attempts to get Caliban to drink. Trinculo recognizes his friend Stephano and calls out to him. Soon the three are sitting uptogether and drinking. Caliban quickly becomes an enthusiastic drinker, and begins to sing.

    Prospero puts Ferdinand to work hauling wood. Ferdinand finds his labor pleasantbecause it is for Mirandas sake. Miranda, thinking that her father is asleep, tells Ferdinand to take a break. The two flirt with one another. Miranda proposes

    marriage, and Ferdinand accepts. Prospero has been on stage most of the time, unseen, and he is pleased with this development.

    Stephano, Trinculo, and Caliban are now drunk and raucous and are made all the more so by Ariel, who comes to them invisibly and provokes them to fight with oneanother by impersonating their voices and taunting them. Caliban grows more andmore fervent in his boasts that he knows how to kill Prospero. He even tells Stephano that he can bring him to where Prospero is sleeping. He proposes that they kill Prospero, take his daughter, and set Stephano up as king of the island. Stephano thinks this a good plan, and the three prepare to set off to find Prospe

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    ro. They are distracted, however, by the sound of music that Ariel plays on hisflute and tabor-drum, and they decide to follow this music before executing their plot.

    Alonso, Gonzalo, Sebastian, and Antonio grow weary from traveling and pause to rest. Antonio and Sebastian secretly plot to take advantage of Alonso and Gonzalosexhaustion, deciding to kill them in the evening. Prospero, probably on the balcony of the stage and invisible to the men, causes a banquet to be set out by strangely shaped spirits. As the men prepare to eat, Ariel appears like a harpy and causes the banquet to vanish. He then accuses the men of supplanting Prosperoand says that it was for this sin that Alonsos son, Ferdinand, has been taken. Hevanishes, leaving Alonso feeling vexed and guilty.

    Prospero now softens toward Ferdinand and welcomes him into his family as the soon-to-be-husband of Miranda. He sternly reminds Ferdinand, however, that Mirandasvirgin-knot (IV.i.15) is not to be broken until the wedding has been officially solemnized. Prospero then asks Ariel to call forth some spirits to perform a masque for Ferdinand and Miranda. The spirits assume the shapes of Ceres, Juno, andIris and perform a short masque celebrating the rites of marriage and the bountyof the earth. A dance of reapers and nymphs follows but is interrupted when Prospero suddenly remembers that he still must stop the plot against his life.

    He sends the spirits away and asks Ariel about Trinculo, Stephano, and Caliban.Ariel tells his master of the three mens drunken plans. He also tells how he led

    the men with his music through prickly grass and briars and finally into a filthy pond near Prosperos cell. Ariel and Prospero then set a trap by hanging beautiful clothing in Prosperos cell. Stephano, Trinculo, and Caliban enter looking forProspero and, finding the beautiful clothing, decide to steal it. They are immediately set upon by a pack of spirits in the shape of dogs and hounds, driven onby Prospero and Ariel.

    Prospero uses Ariel to bring Alonso and the others before him. He then sends Ariel to bring the Boatswain and the mariners from where they sleep on the wreckedship. Prospero confronts Alonso, Antonio, and Sebastian with their treachery, but tells them that he forgives them. Alonso tells him of having lost Ferdinand inthe tempest and Prospero says that he recently lost his own daughter. Clarifying his meaning, he draws aside a curtain to reveal Ferdinand and Miranda playing

    chess. Alonso and his companions are amazed by the miracle of Ferdinands survival, and Miranda is stunned by the sight of people unlike any she has seen before.Ferdinand tells his father about his marriage.

    Ariel returns with the Boatswain and mariners. The Boatswain tells a story of having been awakened from a sleep that had apparently lasted since the tempest. AtProsperos bidding, Ariel releases Caliban, Trinculo and Stephano, who then enterwearing their stolen clothing. Prospero and Alonso command them to return it and to clean up Prosperos cell. Prospero invites Alonso and the others to stay forthe night so that he can tell them the tale of his life in the past twelve years. After this, the group plans to return to Italy. Prospero, restored to his dukedom, will retire to Milan. Prospero gives Ariel one final taskto make sure the seas are calm for the return voyagebefore setting him free. Finally, Prospero deliv

    ers an epilogue to the audience, asking them to forgive him for his wrongdoing and set him free by applauding.

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    T heseus, duke of Athens, is preparing for his marriage to Hippolyta, queen of the Amazons, with a four-day festival of pomp and entertainment. He commissions his Master of the Revels, Philostrate, to find suitable amusements for the occasion. Egeus, an Athenian nobleman, marches into Theseuss court with his daughter, Hermia, and two young men, Demetrius and Lysander. Egeus wishes Hermia to marry Demetrius (who loves Hermia), but Hermia is in love with Lysander and refuses tocomply. Egeus asks for the full penalty of law to fall on Hermias head if she flouts her fathers will. Theseus gives Hermia until his wedding to consider her options, warning her that disobeying her fathers wishes could result in her being sent to a convent or even executed. Nonetheless, Hermia and Lysander plan to escapeAthens the following night and marry in the house of Lysanders aunt, some sevenleagues distant from the city. They make their intentions known to Hermias friendHelena, who was once engaged to Demetrius and still loves him even though he jilted her after meeting Hermia. Hoping to regain his love, Helena tells Demetriusof the elopement that Hermia and Lysander have planned. At the appointed time,Demetrius stalks into the woods after his intended bride and her lover; Helena follows behind him.

    In these same woods are two very different groups of characters. The first is aband of fairies, including Oberon, the fairy king, and Titania, his queen, who has recently returned from India to bless the marriage of Theseus and Hippolyta.The second is a band of Athenian craftsmen rehearsing a play that they hope to perform for the duke and his bride. Oberon and Titania are at odds over a young I

    ndian prince given to Titania by the princes mother; the boy is so beautiful thatOberon wishes to make him a knight, but Titania refuses. Seeking revenge, Oberon sends his merry servant, Puck, to acquire a magical flower, the juice of whichcan be spread over a sleeping persons eyelids to make that person fall in love with the first thing he or she sees upon waking. Puck obtains the flower, and Oberon tells him of his plan to spread its juice on the sleeping Titanias eyelids. Having seen Demetrius act cruelly toward Helena, he orders Puck to spread some ofthe juice on the eyelids of the young Athenian man. Puck encounters Lysander and Hermia; thinking that Lysander is the Athenian of whom Oberon spoke, Puck afflicts him with the love potion. Lysander happens to see Helena upon awaking and falls deeply in love with her, abandoning Hermia. As the night progresses and Puck attempts to undo his mistake, both Lysander and Demetrius end up in love withHelena, who believes that they are mocking her. Hermia becomes so jealous that s

    he tries to challenge Helena to a fight. Demetrius and Lysander nearly do fightover Helenas love, but Puck confuses them by mimicking their voices, leading themapart until they are lost separately in the forest.

    When Titania wakes, the first creature she sees is Bottom, the most ridiculous of the Athenian craftsmen, whose head Puck has mockingly transformed into that ofan ass. Titania passes a ludicrous interlude doting on the ass-headed weaver. Eventually, Oberon obtains the Indian boy, Puck spreads the love potion on Lysanders eyelids, and by morning all is well. Theseus and Hippolyta discover the sleeping lovers in the forest and take them back to Athens to be marriedDemetrius nowloves Helena, and Lysander now loves Hermia. After the group wedding, the loverswatch Bottom and his fellow craftsmen perform their play, a fumbling, hilariousversion of the story of Pyramus and Thisbe. When the play is completed, the lov

    ers go to bed; the fairies briefly emerge to bless the sleeping couples with a protective charm and then disappear. Only Puck remains, to ask the audience for its forgiveness and approval and to urge it to remember the play as though it hadall been a dream.

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    DOCTOR FAUSTUSD octor Faustus, a well-respected German scholar, grows dissatisfied with the limits of traditional forms of knowledgelogic, medicine, law, and religionand decides that he wants to learn to practice magic. His friends Valdes and Cornelius instruct him in the black arts, and he begins his new career as a magician by summoning up Mephastophilis, a devil. Despite Mephastophiliss warnings about the horrors of hell, Faustus tells the devil to return to his master, Lucifer, with an offer of Faustuss soul in exchange for twenty-four years of service from Mephastophilis. Meanwhile, Wagner, Faustuss servant, has picked up some magical ability anduses it to press a clown named Robin into his service.

    Mephastophilis returns to Faustus with word that Lucifer has accepted Faustuss offer. Faustus experiences some misgivings and wonders if he should repent and save his soul; in the end, though, he agrees to the deal, signing it with his blood. As soon as he does so, the words Homo fuge, Latin for O man, fly, appear branded n his arm. Faustus again has second thoughts, but Mephastophilis bestows rich gifts on him and gives him a book of spells to learn. Later, Mephastophilis answers all of his questions about the nature of the world, refusing to answer only when Faustus asks him who made the universe. This refusal prompts yet another boutof misgivings in Faustus, but Mephastophilis and Lucifer bring in personifications of the Seven Deadly Sins to prance about in front of Faustus, and he is impr

    essed enough to quiet his doubts.Armed with his new powers and attended by Mephastophilis, Faustus begins to travel. He goes to the popes court in Rome, makes himself invisible, and plays a series of tricks. He disrupts the popes banquet by stealing food and boxing the popesears. Following this incident, he travels through the courts of Europe, with hisfame spreading as he goes. Eventually, he is invited to the court of the Germanemperor, Charles V (the enemy of the pope), who asks Faustus to allow him to see Alexander the Great, the famed fourth-century b.c. Macedonian king and conqueror. Faustus conjures up an image of Alexander, and Charles is suitably impressed. A knight scoffs at Faustuss powers, and Faustus chastises him by making antlerssprout from his head. Furious, the knight vows revenge.

    Meanwhile, Robin, Wagners clown, has picked up some magic on his own, and with his fellow stablehand, Rafe, he undergoes a number of comic misadventures. At onepoint, he manages to summon Mephastophilis, who threatens to turn Robin and Rafeinto animals (or perhaps even does transform them; the text isnt clear) to punish them for their foolishness.

    Faustus then goes on with his travels, playing a trick on a horse-courser alongthe way. Faustus sells him a horse that turns into a heap of straw when ridden into a river. Eventually, Faustus is invited to the court of the Duke of Vanholt,where he performs various feats. The horse-courser shows up there, along with Robin, a man named Dick (Rafe in the A text), and various others who have fallenvictim to Faustuss trickery. But Faustus casts spells on them and sends them on their way, to the amusement of the duke and duchess.

    As the twenty-four years of his deal with Lucifer come to a close, Faustus begins to dread his impending death. He has Mephastophilis call up Helen of Troy, thefamous beauty from the ancient world, and uses her presence to impress a groupof scholars. An old man urges Faustus to repent, but Faustus drives him away. Faustus summons Helen again and exclaims rapturously about her beauty. But time isgrowing short. Faustus tells the scholars about his pact, and they are horror-stricken and resolve to pray for him. On the final night before the expiration ofthe twenty-four years, Faustus is overcome by fear and remorse. He begs for mercy, but it is too late. At midnight, a host of devils appears and carries his so

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    ul off to hell. In the morning, the scholars find Faustuss limbs and decide to hold a funeral for him.

    Romeo and Juliet Summary

    How It All Goes DownWe meet our hero, Romeo, after a duel between the servants of two enemy familiesof Verona: the Montagues and the Capulets. Romeo Montague is pining away for Rosaline, a girl we never see. Juliet Capulet, age thirteen, has just heard that Paris, Verona's attractive young bachelor, would like to marry her. The two willmeet that night at a masquerade ball at the Capulets' house. Romeo and his friends have decided to crash the Capulet ball in costume because Rosaline is on theguest list. Romeo meets Juliet there instead, and they fall madly in love. Afterwards, they discover they are members of rival families, but they are still in love. Romeo stays after the party under Juliet's balcony, and the two use this romantic meeting to plan their marriage. Hasty, but genuine.

    This is where things get sticky. Romeo meets with Friar Laurence to arrange themarriage, and Juliet confides in her nurse, who has basically raised her, to acton her behalf and meet Romeo. The Nurse meets Romeo and his friend Mercutio (wh

    o thinks the whole situation is hilarious). Romeo tells her to get Juliet to Friar Laurence's, where the two will be married.

    Meanwhile, Benvolio, another member of the Montague posse, runs into Tybalt Capulet, who is angry about the Montagues crashing his family party the other night.Romeo, freshly married, strolls into the middle of a tense situation, and as things escalate, Tybalt kills Mercutio. Stricken by grief, Romeo promptly challenges Tybalt to a duel and kills him. Romeo runs away before all of Verona shows up. The Prince of Verona rules that Romeo won't be killed, but banished from Verona. This all puts a damper on the new marriage.

    Juliet hears from the Nurse that her new husband has murdered her cousin. She isdoubly sad about the death and murder. Mostly Juliet just wants to see her bani

    shed husband. The Nurse finds Romeo hiding at Friar Laurence's, and the Friar hatches a plan. Romeo can spend his wedding night with Juliet, but then he must run away, while the Friar finds some way to get the Prince of Verona to pardon Romeo. The marriage will be made public upon his return.

    Meanwhile, back at the Capulet house, Paris is working even harder to wed Juliet, who is stricken by grief. Lord Capulet decides a wedding (to Paris) is just the thing to distract her, as he does not know she's already a bride. Juliet spends her wedding night with Romeo, and as he leaves in the morning, she finds out she is to be married to Paris in two days. She refuses and has a violent fight with her parents. Even her nurse thinks she should marry Paris, since Romeo is "asgood as dead" to her.

    Juliet, trying to figure out what to do, runs over to Friar Laurence's, where she has a weird kiss with Paris. After Paris leaves, she threatens to kill herself. The Friar adds another bit to his plan, and gives her an herbal concoction that will make her appear to be dead for 42 hours. Yes, exactly 42. She goes home,agrees to marry Paris, and takes the poison with the intention of looking dead on the morning of her wedding and being taken to the Capulet tomb where Romeo canfind her and everyone can live happily ever after.

    Sadly, Romeo is hiding in Mantua, out of the loop, and the news of Juliet's "death" makes it to Romeo before word of the Friar's plan. He buys some poison so he

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    can go to Juliet's grave and kill himself. At her grave, he finds Paris, whom he murders, and then breaks into Juliet's tomb, where he spends some time with Juliet's "dead" body.

    He drinks the poison and dies just in time for Juliet to wake up and find him dead. The Friar, who apparently shows up at some point, also finds Romeo dead, andtries to convince Juliet to run away. She refuses (she's been doing a lot of that lately) and kisses Romeo (a lot of that, too) to find that his lips are stillwarm she just missed him. He doesn't have enough poison on his lips to kill her, too, so she takes her own life with a dagger. Capulets, Montagues, and the Prince of Verona show up to the tomb and find the dead lovers. Friar Laurence is dragged in to confess everything. The two lords of the rival houses are moved by their dead children's love story and agree to end the feud.

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