seminar 3 cerere si oferta

SEMINAR NR. 3: APLICATII CERERE SI OFERTA I. ECONOMIE. APLICATII. EDITIA A VI-a, ED ECONOMICA, BUCURESTI, (ca autori avem intreg colectivul catedrei) cap 5/pag 85: problemele – 7, 10, 12, 15, 26, 29, 31, 38, 43, 65, 73 cap 6/pag.107: problemele – 1, 3, 5, 6, 7, 8, 10, 12, 14, 16, 17, 18, 21, 22, 27, 34, 38, 43. II. DE REZOLVAT APLICATIILE DE MAI JOS 1. Să luam drept exemplu piata apartamentelor din Bucuresti. Pentru fiecare dintre evenimentele urmatoare, identificati care dintre determinantele cerere (C) sau oferta (O) sunt influentate. De asemenea indicati daca se modifica (creste sau scade) C sau O. Apoi, pe baza unui grafic, aratati efectul asupra pretului si numarului (cantitatii) de apartamente. a. pretul terenurilor pentru constructii de case (vile) creste; b. primaria decide daramarea blocurilor care au o vechime mai mare de 50 de ani; c. rata dobanzii aferente creditelor imobiliare se reduce; d. Consiliul Municipiului Bucuresti decide construirea unui noi cartier de blocuri pentru tineri; e. Preturile unor bunuri precum fier, ciment, caramida necesare construirii unei case se reduc substantial. 2. Ketchup-ul poate fi considerat un bun ce se consuma impreuna cu hot-dog (complementar). Daca petul unui hot-dog creste, ce efect va avea asupra pietei ketchup- ului? Reprezentati grafic. Dar asupra rosiilor? Dar asupra sucului de rosii? Dar asupra sucului de portocale?

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Page 1: Seminar 3 Cerere Si Oferta


I. ECONOMIE. APLICATII. EDITIA A VI-a, ED ECONOMICA, BUCURESTI, (ca autori avem intreg colectivul catedrei)

cap 5/pag 85: problemele – 7, 10, 12, 15, 26, 29, 31, 38, 43, 65, 73cap 6/pag.107: problemele – 1, 3, 5, 6, 7, 8, 10, 12, 14, 16, 17, 18, 21, 22, 27, 34, 38, 43.


1. Să luam drept exemplu piata apartamentelor din Bucuresti. Pentru fiecare dintre evenimentele urmatoare, identificati care dintre determinantele cerere (C) sau oferta (O) sunt influentate. De asemenea indicati daca se modifica (creste sau scade) C sau O. Apoi, pe baza unui grafic, aratati efectul asupra pretului si numarului (cantitatii) de apartamente.

a. pretul terenurilor pentru constructii de case (vile) creste;b. primaria decide daramarea blocurilor care au o vechime mai mare de 50

de ani;c. rata dobanzii aferente creditelor imobiliare se reduce;d. Consiliul Municipiului Bucuresti decide construirea unui noi cartier de

blocuri pentru tineri;e. Preturile unor bunuri precum fier, ciment, caramida necesare construirii

unei case se reduc substantial.

2. Ketchup-ul poate fi considerat un bun ce se consuma impreuna cu hot-dog (complementar). Daca petul unui hot-dog creste, ce efect va avea asupra pietei ketchup-ului? Reprezentati grafic. Dar asupra rosiilor? Dar asupra sucului de rosii? Dar asupra sucului de portocale?

3. Piata pentru bunul pizza evidentiaza urmatoarele date referitoare la C si O:P 4 5 6 7 8 9

Qc 135 104 81 68 53 39Qof 26 53 81 98 110 121

a. reprezentati grafic C si O;b. evidentiati pretul si cantitatea de echilibru (Pe si Qe)c. daca P=8, ce situatie avem pe piata si cum vor evolua variabilele P si Q;d. Idem pentru P=4.

4. Untul si margarina sunt considerate a fi bunuri substituibile. Sa presupunem ca ar avea loc o crestere a pretului untului. Aratati pe baza unui grafic care sunt efectele pe piata untului respective margarinei. Explicati pe baza exemplului diferenta intre cantitatea ceruta si cerere.

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5. O cercetare de piata privind un anumit bun conduce la urmatoarele informatii privind functiile cererii si ofertei. Qc=1600-300P; Qof= 1400+700P.

a. reprezentati grafic C si O si;b. determinati nivelul de echilibru (Pe si Qe)

6. Sa presupunem ca pretul unui bilet pentru a vedea meciurile echipei Steaua de pe stadionul Ghencea este determinat de fortele pietei, cerere si oferta. In mod obisnuit, avem urmatoarele date despre C si O:

P 4 8 12 16 20Qc 10.000 8.000 6.000 4.000 2.000Qof 8.000 8.000 8.000 8.000 8.000

a. reprezentati grafic C si O;b. explicati inclinatia curbei ofertei;c. determinati Pe si Qe;d. sa consideram ca, datorita rezultatelor bune in competitiile internationale, in

prezent numarul sustinatorilor (simpatizantilor) echipei a crescut cu inca 5.000. Cererea acestora de bilete este sub forma:

P 4 8 12 16 20Qc 4.000 3.000 2.000 1.000 0

In aceste conditii, aratati care este noua cerere a pietei. Reprezentati grafic si aratati totodata care va fi noul nivel de echilibru al P si Q.e. sa presupunem ca patronul echipei decide ca, pentru a satisface cererea mai

mare de bilete venita din partea simpatizantilor, este nevoie de construirea a inca 6.000 de locuri. Daca aceasta initiativă este pusa in practica, aratati ce efect va avea asupra echilibrului pietei.

f. Evidentiati pe baza graficului anterior deplasarea curbei ofertei.g. Este rentabila o asemenea decizie?h. Explicati cu ajutorul principiului oamenii reactioneaza la stimulente,

urmatoarea situatie: televizarea meciului prin intermediul unui post national de televiziune.

III. Testele mele in engleza (utile, dar totusi optionale!)

2. Which of the following most appropriately illustrates the law of supply?

a. Corporation XYZ has access to more labor resources so it increases production.

b. Because Sparrow Cable is the town's only cable company, it can charge a

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relatively high price for its services.

c. As the price of hamburgers rises, Joe's Burgers is willing to sell more hamburgers.

d. As the price of automobiles increases, people are willing to buy fewer automobiles.

3. A decrease in the price of pizza will:

a. decrease the quantity of pizza demanded.

b. increase the quantity of pizza demanded.

c. decrease the demand for pizza.

d. increase the demand for pizza.

4. A supply schedule shows:

a. the various supply curves that are possible.

b. a timetable for production.

c. different combinations of resources that could be used to produce a given set of output.

d. a positive or direct relationship between the price of a good and quantities supplied.

5. When income increases, purchases of homes increase. This means:

a. the demand curve for housing has shifted rightward.

b. there has been a movement down the demand curve for housing.

c. the demand curve for housing has shifted leftward.

d. there has been a movement up the demand curve for housing.

6. A change in which of the following will cause a movement along the supply curve?

a. a change in the state of technology

b. a change in taxes

c. a change in expectations about future prices

d. a change in the price of the good

7. Any situation where quantity supplied does not equal quantity demanded indicates:

a. a market equilibrium.

b. a situation in which the actions of buyers do not match the actions of

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c. a place where the laws of supply and demand do not hold.

d. a point where quantity demanded is equal to quantity supplied.

8. Suppose oranges are currently selling for $2.00 per pound. The equilibrium price of oranges is $1.56 per pound. We would expect:

a. a shortage to exist and the market price of oranges to increase.

b. a shortage to exist and the market price of oranges to decrease.

c. a surplus to exist and the market price of oranges to increase.

d. a surplus to exist and the market price of oranges to decrease.

9. If VCRs and rental videos are complementary goods, then a decrease in the price of VCRs would:

a. decrease the demand for VCRs.

b. decrease the demand for rental videos.

c. increase the demand for VCRs.

d. increase the demand for rental videos.

10. Other things being equal, which of the following would NOT shift the supply curve for gasoline?

a. a fall in the price of crude oil (from which gasoline is refined)

b. an increase in the price of gasoline.

c. an improvement in refining techniques that allows more gasoline to be squeezed out of a barrel of crude oil

d. an incraese in the wages paid to people working in oil refineries

11. Suppose the price of Coke increases. What would happen to the equilibrium price and quantity of Pepsi?

a. Both the equilibrium price and quantity of Pepsi would increase.

b. Both the equilibrium price and quantity of Pepsi would decrease.

c. The equilibrium price of Pepsi would increase, and the equilibrium quantity of Pepsi would decrease.

d. The equilibrium price of Pepsi would decrease, and the equilibrium quantity of Pepsi would increase.

12. The law of demand:

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a. applies to final consumer goods but not to the productive resources purchased by business firms.

b. tells us how much of a good people want, but not necessarily how much of that good they are willing to pay for.

c. tells us that when the price of a good falls, quantity demanded will increase.

d. applies only to goods that are not absolute necessities.

13. Which of the following would decrease the demand for butter (i.e., shift the demand curve to the left)?

a. an increase in the price of margarine (a substitute for butter)

b. a medical study finding that butter contributes to heart disease

c. a decrease in the price of bread (a complement to butter)

d. an increase in the price of butter

14. Suppose there is an advance in technology that allows the automobile industry to manufacture automobiles more cheaply. We would expect:

a. an increase in both the equilibrium price and the equilibrium quantity of automobiles.

b. an decrease in both the equilibrium price and the equilibrium quantity of automobiles.

c. an increase in the equilibrium price and a decrease in equilibrium quantity of automobiles.

d. a decrease in the equilibrium price and an increase in the equilibrium quantity of automobiles.

15. Whenever the price of a good is below the equilibrium price, we know that:

a. a surplus exists.

b. a shortage exists.

c. quantity supplied exceeds quantity demanded.

d. the market is in equilibrium.

16. Which of the following is the most likely example of an inferior good?

a. a passenger van

b. an imported beer

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c. a 20-inch black and white TV

d. a component stereo system

17. Suppose the price of land increases. At the same time, income increases. What would happen to the equilibrium price and quantity of housing?

a. Equilibrium price will decrease. We cannot predict what will happen to equilibrium quantity.

b. Equilibrium price will increase. We cannot predict what will happen to equilibrium quantity.

c. Equilibrium quantity will decrease. We cannot predict what will happen to equilibrium price.

d. Equilibrium quantity will increase. We cannot predict what will happen to equilibrium price.

18. An increase in the price of gasoline will:

a. increase the supply of gasoline.

b. increase the quantity of gasoline supplied.

c. decrease the supply of gasoline.

d. decrease the quantity of gasoline supplied.

19. Because cars and gasoline are complements, an increase in the price of gasoline will:

a. increase the demand for cars.

b. decrease the demand for cars.

c. increase the demand for gasoline.

d. decrease the demand for gasoline.

20. An increase in the equilibrium price of CDs accompanied by a decrease in the equilibrium quantity of CDs could be caused by:

a. an increase in the demand for CDs.

b. an increase in the supply of CDs.

c. a decrease in the demand for CDs.

d. a decrease in the supply of CDs.

21. Suppose the equilibrium price of bagels is $2.25. Currently, bagels are selling for $1.75. We know that the market for bagels is experiencing:

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a. a shortage and the price of bagels will rise.

b. a shortage and the price of bagels will fall.

c. a surplus and the price of bagels will rise.

d. a surplus and the price of bagels will fall.

22. An increase in the price of a complementary good will result in:

a. an increase in equilibrium price and a decrease in equilibrium quantity of the related good.

b. a decrease in both the equilibrium price and the equilibrium quantity of the related good.

c. an increase in both the equilibrium price and the equilibrium quantity of the related good.

d. a decrease in equilibrium price and an increase in equilibrium quantity of the realted good.

23. A purely competitive market does NOT:

a. have many buyers.

b. trade goods that are identical.

c. have only one seller.

d. have many sellers.

24. An improvement in the state of technology in production will result in:

a. an increase in equilibrium price and an increase in equilibrium quantity.

b. a decrease in equilibrium price and a decrease in equilibrium quantity.

c. an increase in equilibrium price and no change in equilibrium quantity.

d. a decrease in equilibrium price and an increase in equilibrium quantity.

25. To say that a market is in equilibrium implies that:

a. producers are earning a profit.

b. the quantity that buyers are willing and able to buy equals the quantity that sellers are willing and able to sell.

c. the market allocates goods fairly.

d. the government is not intervening.