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  • 7/25/2019 retete straine




    Unsweetened cocoa1 (18.25-oz.) package devil's food cakemix (we tested with ett! "#ocke#)1 ($.%-oz.) package chocolate instantp&dding mix$ la#ge eggs1 1% c&ps milk1 c&p canola oil1 talespoon vanilla ext#act1 teaspoon chocolate ext#act

    12 teaspoon almond ext#act2 teaspoons g#o&nd cinnamon1% teaspoon g#o&nd ginge#1% teaspoon g#o&nd n&tmeg1% teaspoon g#o&nd cloves2 ($.5-oz.) itte#sweet da#k chocolate with o#ange and spices cand! a#s chopped(we tested with *#een and lack's +#ganic)1 (21-oz.) can lacke##! pie filling2 (1,-oz.) cans chocolate f&dge f#osting*a#nish f#esh lacke##ies

    Preparation1. #eheat oven to $5/0. *#ease 2 (-inch) #o&nd cake pans and d&st with aside.2. eat cake mix and next 11 ing#edients at low speed with an elect#ic mixe# 1min&te3 eat at medi&m speed 2 min&tes. 4old in chopped chocolate. o atte#into p#epa#ed pans.$. ake at $5/0 fo# $/ to $2 min&tes o# &ntil a wooden pick inse#ted in cente# comeso&t clean. "ool in pans on a wi#e #acks 1/ min&tes. emove f#om pans to wi#e#acks and cool completel!. 6#ap and chill cake la!e#s at least 1 ho o# &p to 2%hos.%. Using a se##ated knife slice cake la!e#s in half ho#izontall! to make % la!e#s.lace 1 la!e# c&t side &p on cake plate. p#ead one-thi#d of lacke##! filling ove#cake. epeat p#ocede twice. lace final cake la!e# on top of cake c&t side down.p#ead chocolate f&dge f#osting on top and sides of cake. 7#izzle #emaining fillingove# top of cake letting it d#ip down sides of cake. "ove# and chill in #ef#ige#ato# &ntil#ead! to se#ve. &st efo#e se#ving ga#nish if desi#ed.9est :itchen 9ip ;s a gene#al #&le in cake aking g#ease cake pans with sho#tening&nless the #ecipe states othe#wise.

  • 7/25/2019 retete straine



    IngredientsUnsweetened cocoa1 (18.25-oz.) package devil's food cake mix1 ($.-oz.) package chocolate instant p&dding

    mix$ la#ge eggs1 1% c&ps milk1 c&p canola oil2 teaspoons vanilla ext#act1 teaspoon chocolate ext#act1 teaspoon instant coffee g#an&les1 (,-oz.) package semisweet chocolate mo#sels1 c&p chopped pecans1 (1,-oz.) containe# #ead!-to-sp#ead c#eamcheese f#osting12 c&p canned d&lce de leche

    2 (

  • 7/25/2019 retete straine


    Eas! B"a#$ Forest Ca$e

    IngredientsUnsweetened cocoa1 (18.25-oz.) package devil's food cake mix

    1 ($.%-oz.) package chocolate instant p&ddingmix$ la#ge eggs1 1% c&ps milk1 c&p canola oil1 talespoon vanilla ext#act1 12 teaspoons chocolate ext#act1 teaspoon almond ext#act$ (1.55-oz.) milk chocolate a#s chopped1 (2%.$-oz.) containe# #ead!-to-eat cheesecakefilling divided

    1 (21-oz.) can che##! pie filling divided2 (1,-oz.) cans chocolate f&dge f#osting*a#nish chocolate cove#ed che##ies halved (optional)

    Preparation1. #eheat oven to $5/0. *#ease 2 (-inch) #o&nd cake pans and d&st with cocoa. etaside.2. eat cake mix and next < ing#edients at low speed with an elect#ic mixe# 1 min&te3 eatat medi&m speed 2 min&tes. 4old in chopped chocolate. o atte# into p#epa#ed pans.$. ake at $5/0 fo# $/ to $2 min&tes o# &ntil a wooden pick inse#ted in cente# comes o&tclean. "ool in pans on wi#e #acks 1/ min&tes. emove f#om pans to wi#e #acks and cool

    completel! on wi#e #ack. 6#ap and chill cake la!e#s at least 1 ho o# &p to 2% hos.%. Using a se##ated knife slice cake la!e#s in half ho#izontall! to make % la!e#s. lace 1la!e# c&t side &p on cake plate. p#ead one-thi#d of cheesecake filling ove# cake3 top withone-thi#d of che##! pie filling. epeat p#ocede twice with #emaining cheesecake filling andche##! filling. lace final cake la!e# on top of cake3 c&t side down. p#ead chocolate f&dgef#osting on top and sides of cake. "ove# and chill in #ef#ige#ato# &ntil #ead! to se#ve.*a#nish if desi#ed. to#e in #ef#ige#ato#.9est :itchen 9ip 6e tested this #ecipe with hiladelphia #ead!-to-eat cheesecake filling.Co&'ll find it in the dai#! case with c#eam cheese p#od&cts.

  • 7/25/2019 retete straine


    Coo"% Crea&! C'o#o"ate Dessert



    1 1% c&ps all-ppose flo(ao&t 5 12 o&nces) 1% c&p powde#ed s&ga#

    , talespoons chilled &tte# c&t intosmall pieces

    1% c&p finel! chopped pecans

    toasted "ooking sp#a!

    FILLIN)( 1 c&p powde#ed s&ga#

    12 c&p (% o&nces) 1$-less-fatc#eam cheese softened 12 c&p (% o&nces) fat-f#ee

    c#eam cheese softened 1 (8-o&nce) ca#ton f#ozen

    #ed&ced-calo#ie whipped toppingthawed and divided

    $ c&ps 1D low-fat milk

    2 ($.-o&nce) packages chocolate instant p&dding mix

    Unsweetened cocoa (optional)

    Preparation1. #eheat oven to $250.2. 9o p#epa#e c#&st lightl! spoon flo into d#! measing c&ps3 level with a knife. "omineflo and 1% c&p s&ga# in a food p#ocesso#3 p&lse 2 times o# &ntil comined. ;dd &tte#3p&lse 1/ times o# &ntil mixte #esemles coa#se meal. ti# in pecans. 4i#ml! p#ess mixteinto ottom of a 1$ x Einch aking pan coated with cooking sp#a!. ake at $250 fo# 2/min&tes o# &ntil c#&st is lightl! #owned. "ool completel!.$. 9o p#epa#e filling place 1 c&p s&ga# and c#eam cheeses in a medi&m owl3 eat with amixe# at medi&m speed &ntil fl&ff!. 4old in half of whipped topping. p#ead c#eam cheesemixte on cooled c#&st. "ove# loosel!3 #ef#ige#ate 1 ho.%. "omine milk and p&dding mix in a la#ge owl3 eat with a mixe# at medi&m speed fo# 2

    min&tes. "ove# and #ef#ige#ate 1 ho o# &ntil p&dding is set. p#ead the p&dding mixteove# c#eam cheese la!e#. p#ead #emaining half of thawed whipped topping ove# p&ddingla!e#. "ove# and chill fo# $/ min&tes. p#inkle with cocoa if desi#ed. "&t into 15 pieces.

  • 7/25/2019 retete straine



    @ng#edients"#&st1 1% c&ps chocolate g#aham c#acke#

    c#&ms12 c&p sliced almonds1% teaspoon salt% talespoons &nsalted &tte# melted

    4illing2 8-oz. packages c#eam cheese at #oomtempe#ate12 c&p s&ga#$ la#ge eggs at #oom tempe#ate12 teaspoon vanilla ext#act1 c&p canned c#eam of cocon&t12 teaspoon salt

    9opping (optional)12 c&p canned c#eam of cocon&t12 c&p heav! c#eam12 o&nces semisweet chocolate chopped9oasted cocon&tliced almonds

    #epa#ation1. #eheat oven to $5/F4. Bake c#&st @n a owl mix g#aham c#acke# c#&ms almonds and salt witha flexile spat&la. ti# in melted &tte# &ntil d#! ing#edients a#e lightl! moistened. #ess mixte into

    ottom of a -inch sp#ingfo#m pan. 6#ap o&tside of pan tightl! with two la!e#s of al&min&m foil.ake fo# 1/ min&tes. "ool on a wi#e #ack. Geave foil on.2. Bake filling Using an elect#ic mixe# on medi&m speed eat c#eam cheese and s&ga# &ntil wellcomined and light ao&t 2 min&tes. c#ape down sides and ottom of owl and eat again &ntilsmooth. eat in eggs one at a time eating well afte# each addition. c#ape down owl again. eatin vanilla c#eam of cocon&t and salt. (o #emaining c#eam of cocon&t into a small owl cove# itwith plastic and #ef#ige#ate to &se late# in topping.) o filling onto c#&st. 9#ansfe# sp#ingfo#m pan toa #oasting pan3 fill #oasting pan with hot tap wate# &ntil it #eaches 1 inch &p sides of sp#ingfo#m pan.$. ake fo# 1 ho &ntil filling is set &t still a it =iggl! in cente# (it will fi#m &p as it cools). 9akesp#ingfo#m pan o&t of #oasting pan and #emove foil. Get cake cool on a wi#e #ack fo# 1 ho.%. Gightl! cove# cheesecake with plastic w#ap and #ef#ige#ate &ntil cold and fi#m at least , hos.5. Bake topping o c#eam of cocon&t and heav! c#eam into a sa&cepan and wa#m ove# medi&m-

    low heat &ntil mixte is =&st simme#ing. @n a owl po mixte ove# chocolate and whisk &ntilmelted and mixte is smooth. Get it cool. o 12 c&p to 1 c&p topping ove# cheesecakesp#eading with an offset spat&la. *a#nish with toasted cocon&t and sliced almonds if desi#ed. "hill&ntil chocolate mixte has set ao&t 1/ min&tes. &n a sha#p pa#ing knife a#o&nd inside of pan3#elease sides. lice and se#ve.

  • 7/25/2019 retete straine



    9his c#eam! cheesecake has a glistening topping of ca#amelized cand!like o#ange slices. #ep and"ook 9ime ao&t 2 1% hos pl&s at least $ 12 hos to cool and chill. >otes 4o# the toppingslice the whole o#ange as thinl! and evenl!as possile. @f this seems diffic&lt c&t it in half

    lengthwise then c#osswise in thin slices.Yie"d(Bakes 12 se#vings@ng#edients

    4o# topping

    1 la#ge thin-skinned o#ange s&ch as

    Halencia 1 c&p s&ga#

    2 teaspoons lemon =&ice

    4o# cheesecake

    1 1% c&ps g#aham c#acke#

    c#&ms $ talespoons &tte# melted

    $ packages (8 oz. each) c#eamcheese at #oom tempe#ate

    $% c&p s&ga#

    % la#ge eggs at #oom tempe#ate

    2 talespoons all-ppose flo

    12 c&p so c#eam

    1 talespoon o#ange-flavo#ed liA&e s&ch as *#and Ba#nie# o# "oint#ea& o# 2 tsp. vanilla

    $ talespoons f#esh o#ange =&ice

    #epa#ation1. 4o# topping inse and d#! o#ange. 6ith a sha#p knife slice into thin #o&nds (etween 18 and11, in. thick3 see >otes) disca#ding ends and seeds. @n a deep 1/-in. f#!ing pan o# pot ove#medi&m-high heat sti# s&ga# $% c&p wate# and lemon =&ice &ntil s&ga# is dissolved. ;dd o#ange

    slices and #ing to a simme#. "ove# and simme# 5 min&tes. Uncove# and simme# gentl! keepingslices in a single la!e# and tning occasionall! &ntil the!'#e slightl! candied and t#ansl&cent andliA&id has the consistenc! of a thin s!#&p ao&t 2/ min&tes (the#e sho&ld e ao&t 12 c&p liA&id inpan3 if less add eno&gh hot wate# to make that amo&nt and shake pan to mix wate# into s!#&p). Getcool in pan. "ove# and chill at least 15 min&tes and &p to 2 da!s.2. 4o# cheesecake #eheat oven to $//0. o g#aham c#acke# c#&ms into a -in. cheesecake panwith #emovale #im3 add &tte# and mix. #ess mixte evenl! ove# ottom and 12 in. &p sides ofpan.$. @n a la#ge owl with a mixe# on medi&m speed eat c#eam cheese and s&ga# &ntil smooth. ;ddeggs 1 at a time eating afte# each addition. eat in flo so c#eam and liA&e =&st &ntilinco#po#ated. o into c#&st-lined pan.%. ake &ntil cente# a#el! =iggles when cake is gentl! shaken ,/ to

  • 7/25/2019 retete straine


  • 7/25/2019 retete straine



    >otes 7#ain ao&t $ A&a#ts nonfat !ogt to make the cheese fo# this cheesecake. 9hetexte is most delicate if !o& d#ain the !ogt fo# the minim&m time and fi#me# if cheese iswell d#ained.

    Yie"d(Bakes 8 to 1/ se#vings@ng#edients

    2$ c&p g#aham c#acke# c#&ms

    1 12 talespoons melted &tte#

    o# ma#ga#ine $ la#ge eggs sepa#ated

    1 la#ge egg white

    1% teaspoon c#eam of ta#ta# 1 1% c&ps s&ga#

    2 talespoons co#nsta#ch

    % c&ps nonfat !ogt cheese 1 12 teaspoons g#ated lemon

    peel 2 teaspoons vanilla 2 talespoons c#ant =ell!

    1 c&p #aspe##ies #insed andd#ained d#!#epa#ation

    1. "omine c#&ms and melted &tte#. at evenl! ove# ottom of an 8-inch cheesecakepan (at least $ 12 in. deep) with #emovale #im.2. ake in a $250 oven &ntil c#&st is slightl! #owne# ao&t 15 min&tes.$. Beanwhile with a mixe# on high speed eat the % egg whites and c#eam of ta#ta# in ala#ge owl &ntil foam!. *#ad&all! add 12 c&p s&ga# ao&t 1 talespoon at a time eating&ntil the whites hold stiff shin! peaks.%. @n anothe# la#ge owl sti# #emaining s&ga# with co#nsta#ch then add egg !olks cheeselemon peel and vanilla. eat (with &nwashed eate#s) &ntil well lended.5. 4old eaten whites into cheese mixte. c#ape the atte# into hot o# cool c#&st.,. ake in a $250 oven &ntil cente# a#el! =iggles when cake is gentl! shaken 5/ to ,/min&tes. &n a thin-laded knife etween cake and pan #im. ef#ige#ate cake &ncove#ed

    &ntil cool at least $ hos. (@f making ahead cove# when cool and chill &p to 1 da!.)

  • 7/25/2019 retete straine


  • 7/25/2019 retete straine




    1 cup unsalted butter, roomtemperature

    1/2 cup sugar

    1 cup marzipan

    6 eggs

    2 teaspoons lemon zest

    1 teaspoon vanilla extract

    1/2 teaspoon almond extract

    1 cup all purpose flour

    %/" teaspoon baking powder

    1/2 teaspoon salt

    6 tablespoons icing sugar, sifted, for dusting


    $reheat oven to %&' ), butter and flour a *+inch cake pan (or springform pan! and line

    bottom with parchment paper# ith electric beaters, cream butter and sugar together#

    -ut marzipan into chunks and beat into butter mixture (if marzipan is firm, soften in

    microwave for %' seconds on high! until smooth# .dd eggs one at a time, mixing well

    after each addition and stir in lemon zest and extracts# 7n a separate bowl, sift togetherflour, baking powder and salt# .dd to marzipan mixture and blend until smooth# $our

    into prepared pan and bake for %& to "& minutes, until a tester inserted in the centre of

    the cake comes out clean# .llow to cool in pan for 2' minutes, then turn out onto a

    plate to cool completel3# Dust with icing sugar#

    arzipan cake will keep up to & da3s in an airtight container#

    5ield 1 *+inch cake# akes * to 1' servings#

  • 7/25/2019 retete straine


    Capp.##ino I#e Crea& Ca$e

    9his is a g#eat #ecipe eca&se !o& have 2 la!e#s of ice c#eam chocolate and coffee &t !o& onl! need an icec#eam make# fo# one of the ice c#eamsJCr.st1, g#aham c#acke#s1 c&p whole almonds$ talespoons s&ga#12 c&p &nsalted &tte# meltedF.dge Sa.#e12 c&p whipping c#eam1% c&p co#n s!#&p5 o&nces itte#sweet chocolate chopped12 teaspoon vanilladash saltC'o#o"ate I#e Crea&12 c&p K $ tsp s&ga#$ talespoons wate#1 c&p whipping c#eam1 c&p whole milk

    , la#ge egg !olksdash salt< o&nces itte#sweet chocolate choppedCo//ee I#e Crea&2 c&ps whipping c#eam1 c&p whole milk2 teaspoons instant coffee powde#1% c&p coa#sel! g#o&nd esp#esso eans1 cinnamon stick1 vanilla ean split lengthwise12 c&p K 2 tsp s&ga#% la#ge egg !olks

    Cr.st4o# the c#&st p#eheat oven to $5/ deg#ees 4.&lse g#aham c#acke#s almonds and s&ga# &ntil g#o&nd. o in melted &tte# and p&lse &ntil lended. #ess into ottomof an &ng#eased 1/-inch sp#ingfo#m pan and ake fo# 12 min&tes. ;llow to cool.F.dge Sa.#e4o# f&dge sa&ce heat c#eam and co#n s!#&p &ntil =&st elow a simme#. o ove# chopped chocolate and sti# &ntil melted.ti# in vanilla and salt and set aside o# chill &ntil #ead! to assemle cake (#eheat in mic#owave if necessa#!).C'o#o"ate I#e Creaing L c&p s&ga# and wate# to a oil in a sa&cepot. 6itho&t sti##ing oil s&ga# &ntil a light ame# colo occasionall!#&shing down the sides of the pot with wate#. emove f#om heat and ca#ef&ll! whisk in c#eam and milk (watch o&t fo#steam). @f ca#amel ha#dens #etn pot to low heat and sti# &ntil melted.6hip !olks with #emaining $ 9sp s&ga# and salt &ntil thick and pale !ellow ao&t 5 min&tes. 6hile whipping slowl! poin c#eam mixte. o c&sta#d mixte into a pot and cook ove# medi&m-low heat sti##ing with a wooden spoon &ntilthickened ao&t % min&tes. t#ain c&sta#d ove# chopped chocolate and sti# to melt."hill to #oom tempe#ate then po into cooled c#&st and f#eeze while p#epa#ing coffee ice c#eam.

    Co//ee I#e Crea&4o# coffee ice c#eam comine 1 c&p whipping c#eam milk instant coffee esp#esso eans and cinnamon stick in asa&cepot. c#ape the seeds of vanilla ean into c#eam and heat ove# medi&m-low heat.@n a owl whisk egg !olks and s&ga#. 6hile whisking slowl! po hot c#eam into egg mixte. etn c&sta#d to pot andsti# with a wooden spoon &ntil thickened and c&sta#d coats the ack of the spoon. t#ain and chill completel!.6hip #emaining 1 c&p of whipping c#eam to soft peaks and whisk into chilled c&sta#d. 4#eeze ice c#eam in an ice c#eammake# following man&facte#Ms inst#&ctions.

    ;sseml!9o assemle sp#ead all &t N c&p of f&dge sa&ce ove# f#ozen chocolate ice c#eam. 4&dge sa&ce will set A&ickl!.p#ead coffee ice c#eam ove# f&dge sa&ce and d#izzle #emaining sa&ce ove# coffee ice c#eam. 4#eeze fo# at least % hosefo#e slicing.9o #emove cake f#om pan #&n a hot knife o# spat&la along the inside edge of the pan efo#e #emoving #ing.

  • 7/25/2019 retete straine


    4O>"P GOB+> "O;B 9;9 O"@O 1 c&p s&ga#

    4inel! g#ated zest of $ lemons

    % la#ge eggs

    $% c&p f#eshl! sA&eezed lemon =&ice

    (f#om % to 5 lemons)

    2 sticks pl&s 5 9alespoons (219alespoons3 1/ 12 o&nces) &nsalted&tte# at #oom tempe#ate and c&t into9alespoon-sized pieces 1 f&ll!-aked -inch ta#t shell

    )etting read!(Pave an instant-#eadthe#momete# a st#aine# and a lende# (fi#stchoice) o# food p#ocesso# at hand. #ing afew inches of wate# to a simme# in asa&cepan.

    To +a$e T'e Le&on Crea&(

    &t the s&ga# and zest in a la#ge heatp#oof owl that can e set ove# a pan of simme#ing wate#. +ffthe heat #& the s&ga# and zest togethe# etween !o finge#s &ntil the s&ga# is moist g#ain! andve#! a#omatic. 6hisk in the eggs followed ! the lemon =&ice. 0+! Notes(I .sed a Kit#'en Aid&i1ing 2o3"% added t'e s.gar% 4est and t'en 3'is$ed in t'e eggs and "e&on 5.i#e .nti"/oa&!6 T'en I set t'e &i1ing 2o3" o7er t'e pan o/ 'ot 3ater6 Ot'ers 3ere 'a7ing tro.2"erea#'ing a te& o/ 89: degrees% 2.t I t'in$ t'at;s t'e! .sed g"ass and notstain"ess stee"6: &in.tesake 8> &in.tes

  • 7/25/2019 retete straine



    8 c&p &nleached all-ppose flo

    8 c&p packed #own s&ga#

    8?@ c&p natal &nsweetened cocoa powde#

    8?= tsp. aking soda

    8?> tsp. salt

    8?= c&p &nsalted &tte# melted = eggs

    8?= tsp. vanilla ext#act 8?= c&p hot tap wate#

    8 #ecipe Oas! 4&dge 4#osting #ecipe elow

    >atal &nsweetened cocoa powde#


    86osition #ack in lowe# thi#d of oven. #eheat oven to $5/ deg#ees 4. Gightl! g#easesides of 1$xx2-inch aking pan. Gine ottom of pan with pa#chment pape#3 set aside.

    =6@n la#ge mixing owl whisk togethe# flo #own s&ga# 1$ c&p cocoa powde# akingsoda and salt. ;dd &tte# eggs and vanilla. 6hisk gentl! &ntil d#! ing#edients a#emoistened and mixte #esemles a thick paste. 6hisk #iskl! ao&t $/ st#okes. 9ap o#shake an! atte# f#om whisk. Use #&e# spat&la to sti# in hot wate# sc#aping sides asnecessa#! =&st &ntil atte# is lended and smooth. 6ith spat&la sc#ape atte# f#om owlinto p#epa#ed pan and sp#ead to make a thin even la!e#.

    @6ake 1% to 1, min&tes o# &ntil a wooden pick inse#ted into cente# comes o&t clean."ool in pan on wi#e #ack 1/ min&tes. lide a thin metal spat&la o# knife a#o&nd cakeedges to loosen f#om pan. @nve#t cake onto #ack. emove pape# line#3 ca#ef&ll! tn cake#ight side &p. "ool completel!.

    >6"&t cake c#osswise in th#ee eA&al #ectangles. 9hickl! sp#ead f#osting on one piecetop with a second piece and sp#ead with f#osting. Geave top &nf#osted. 9hickl! f#ost longsides. efo#e se#ving d&st top with cocoa powde#. Bakes 12 se#vings.

    Eas! F.dge Frosting(@n medi&m sa&cepan melt , 9sp. &nsalted &tte#. ti# in 1 c&ps&ga# 1 c&p natal &nsweetened cocoa powde# and a pinch of salt. *#ad&all! sti# in 1c&p whipping c#eam. Peat sti##ing constantl! &ntil smooth and hot &t not oiling.emove f#om heat3 sti# in 1 tsp. pe vanilla ext#act. et aside3 cool &ntil thickened andsp#eadale. 9o cool A&ickl! loosel! cove# and #ef#ige#ate 1 ho. to#e &p to 1 week in#ef#ige#ato#. Bakes 2 c&ps.


    Co//ee #a$e

  • 7/25/2019 retete straine


    1% l Ba#ga#ine1 c &ga#2 Oggs2 c 4lo t aking soda1 t aking powde#1 c o c#eam1 t Hanilla

    FOR THE FILLIN)1% ts #own s&ga#1 t "innamon1% c &ga#$% c "hopped n&ts$ t Belted &tte#

    PreparationBix all ing#edients fo# the cake togethe#. eat $

    min&tes. &t 12 of the atte# into a well g#easedt&e pan. p#inkle with half the filling mixte. o#emaining atte# on top. p#inkle with #emainingfilling topping. o $ 9 melted &tte# ove# the topof the cake and ake at $5/4 fo# %5 min

    Cran2err! Co//eeCa$e

    The taste of the holidays isunmistakable in this Cranberry

    Coffee Cake. A ribbon of red

  • 7/25/2019 retete straine


    cranberry runs through the middle, and lots of crunchy pecans are sprinkled on top. Finish Analmond icing is drizzled over the top to provide the finishing touch.

    Ingredients:Small amount of vegetable shortening and flour for preparing pan

    Cranberry Filling:

    cup granulated sugar cup ater

    ! cup fresh cranberries

    Batter:" cups all#purpose flour

    ! teaspoon baking poder! teaspoon baking soda

    teaspoon salt cup unsalted butter, room temperature

    ! cup granulated sugar" large eggs

    ! teaspoon pure almond e$tract! cup sour cream

    cup toasted pecans, coarsely chopped

    Tip:See Toasting %uts and Seeds# &se standard measuring cups and spoons or scalesforaccurate measuring.

    Almond Icing:

    ! cup confectioner's (podered) sugar teaspoon pure almond e$tract

    * to + teaspoons ater


    Cranberry Filling:

    1# n a small saucepanover medium heat, combine sugar and ater- bring to a boil. Addcranberries and return to a boil. educe heat and boil gently for !/ minutes, stirringoccasionally. emove from heat and cool completely to room temperature.

    2# 0reheat oven to *1/ degrees F. 0repare one !/ inch Angel Food cake pan-generouslygrease the pan ith shortening and dust ith flour.

    Batter:%# n a medium mi$ing bol, combine flour, baking poder, baking soda, and salt- hisk

    together to mi$. Set aside.

    "# n a large bol of an electric mi$er, cream the butter and sugar until light and fluffy.Tip:To cream, start by placing the butter in the bol, ith an electric mi$er onmedium speed begin by beating the butter about ! minute until it is smooth and

    light in color. f creaming by hand ith a ooden spoon, use the backside of thespoon and move your arm in a circular motion to spread the butter over the

    bottom and up the side of the bol. 2ove your arm 3uickly to beat or 4hip5 thebutter.

    6ith the mi$er still on medium speed, sloly add the sugar to the butter, either
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    one tablespoon at a time, or in a very slo steady stream, taking from + to 7minutes to add all of the sugar, and beating until the butter and sugar are fully

    incorporated and the mi$ture is a light, or pale yello color, ith a fluffy te$ture.6hile adding the sugar, stop the mi$er occasionally to scrape the mi$ture off the

    paddle and scrape don the sides and bottom of the bol ith a rubber spatulaso the mi$ture blends evenly.

    Addeggs one at a time, beating until thoroughly mi$ed. Add the almond e$tract alongith the last egg.

    Tip:For each egg,crack the egg into a small bol and hisk ith a fork tothoroughly break up the egg before adding to the creamed mi$ture.Start iththe mi$er on lo speed so the li3uid from the egg doesn8t splatter, once the egg

    is partially mi$ed increase the speed to medium. 9ach egg should be fullyincorporated into the mi$ture before adding the ne$t egg, taking about one

    minute to blend in each egg.

    6# 6iththe mi$er on lo speed, add about one third of the flour mi$ture, mi$ :ust until theflour is almost completely blended. Scrape the bol don, and add one half of the sour

    cream, blending :ust until mi$ed. Scrape the bol don again and continue alternatingith the flour mi$ture and sour cream, ending ith the last portion of the flour, and

    stirring :ust until blended.

    J# Spoon ";* of the batter evenly in the bottom of the pan- use the back of a large spoonto smooth the top. Spoon the cranberry filling over the batter. Spoon the remaining

    batter on top and use the back of a large spoon to smooth the top. Sprinkle the pecansevenly over the top of the batter.


    *# rizzle the icing over the cake, alloing the icing to drip don the sides.

    Tip:Serve cake using a pretty cake plateand cake serverfor a delightful presentation.

    2akes 7 to !/ servings.

    Bini "#ane##! Be#ing&e ie
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    IngredientsBakes 12

    ;ll-ppose flo fo# wo#k sface

    ate &c#ee

    $ 1% c&ps f#esh c#ane##ies (12 o&nces)

    1 12 c&ps s&ga#

    1 12 teaspoons finel! chopped lood o#ange zest pl&s 1% "&p lood o#ange =&ice

    1% teaspoon salt

    18 teaspoon g#o&nd cinnamon

    inch of g#o&nd cloves

    $ talespoons co#nsta#ch

    $ la#ge egg whites

    inch of c#eam of ta#ta#

    Directions1. #eheat oven to $

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    Ingredientse#ves 8

    +ne -inch pie c#&st sto#e-o&ght o# homemade &naked (fitted in a pie plate)

    1 c&p s&ga#

    $ talespoons &nsweetened cocoa powde#

    2 talespoons all-ppose flo

    1 talespoon pl&s 1 teaspoon co#nsta#ch

    1 can (12 o&nces) evapo#ated whole milk

    $ la#ge eggs sepa#ated

    $ talespoons &nsalted &tte# c&t into small pieces

    1 teaspoon pe vanilla ext#act

    Directions1. #eheat oven to $

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    1 c&p s&ga#

    12 c&p so c#eam

    $% c&p f#esh lemon =&ice (f#om ao&t % lemons)

    1% teaspoon salt


    1 teaspoon &nflavo#ed gelatin (f#om a 1%-o&nce envelope)

    1 12 c&ps heav! c#eam

    1% c&p s&ga#

    Directions1. #eheat oven to %25 deg#ees. Gine c#&st with al&min&m foil3 leave an ove#hang and fold ove# edge. 4ill c#&st with

    d#ied eans pie weights o# &ncooked #ice. lace c#&st on a aking sheet3 ake &ntil set and lightl! golden ao&t2/ min&tes. emove foil (and eans). ake witho&t foil 5 to 1/ min&tes mo#e3 if c#&st &les &p p#ess downgentl!. "ool.

    2. ed&ce oven tempe#ate to $5/ deg#ees. @n a la#ge owl whisk eggs s&ga# so c#eam and salt3 g#ad&all!whisk in lemon =&ice. o mixte into c#&st. lace on a aking sheet3 ake &ntil a#el! set (cente# of pie will stillwiggle slightl!) 25 to $5 min&tes. "ool completel!.

    $. Bake topping lace 2 talespoons cold wate# in a small sa&cepan and sp#inkle with gelatin3 let soften ao&t 5min&tes. Peat mixte ove# ve#! low heat sti##ing &ntil gelatin dissolves. Get cool.

    %. @n a la#ge owl &sing an elect#ic mixe# eat c#eam and s&ga# &ntil ve#! soft peaks fo#m. 6hile eating slowl!add gelatin mixte and contin&e eating &ntil soft peaks fo#m. Using a #&e# spat&la sp#ead ove# cooled pie.ef#ige#ate &ntil #ead! to se#ve at least 1 ho o# loosel! cove#ed &p to 1 da!.

    ead mo#e at Gemon "#eam ie - Ba#tha tewa#t ecipes

    "ocon&t "&sta#d ie

    Prep( $/ min&tesTota"( 1 ho pl&s chilling

    Ingredientse#ves 1/

    1 #ecipeasic ie "#&st #olled and fitted into a -inch pie plate
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    12 c&p s&ga#

    1$ c&p co#nsta#ch

    1% teaspoon salt

    1 c&p whole milk

    1 can (1% o&nces) cocon&t milk

    % la#ge egg !olks

    12 c&p sweetened sh#edded cocon&t toasted

    Directions1. #eheat oven to %// deg#ees. #ess a sheet of al&min&m foil onto c#&st d#aping ove# #im of pie plate. 9o lind-

    ake 4ill with d#ied eans o# pie weights. ake &ntil c#&st is lightl! #owned ao&t %5 min&tes. emove eansand foil3 let c#&st cool completel! and set aside.

    2. 6hile c#&st is aking place a fine-mesh sieve ove# a la#ge owl3 set aside. @n a medi&m sa&cepan (off heat)whisk togethe# s&ga# co#nsta#ch and salt. *#ad&all! whisk in whole milk making se to dissolve co#nsta#ch.6hisk in cocon&t milk and egg !olks.

    $. 6hisking constantl! cook ove# medi&m heat &ntil the fi#st la#ge &le sp&tte#s ao&t 5 min&tes. ed&ce heatto low3 cook whisking constantl! 1 min&te. emove pan f#om heat3 immediatel! po c&sta#d th#o&gh sieve intoowl.

    %. o c&sta#d f#om owl into cooled c#&st3 smooth top with a #&e# spat&la. ef#ige#ate &ntil chilled at least %hos (o# loosel! cove#ed &p to 1 da!). 9o se#ve let stand at #oom tempe#ate $/ min&tes then sp#inkle withcocon&t.

    Helpful Hint9o toast the cocon&t sp#ead it on a #immed aking sheet and ake at $5/ deg#ees fo# 5 to 1/ min&tes. Gining &nakedc#&st with al&min&m foil and filling it with d#ied eans o# pie weights p#events the c#&st f#om p&ffing &p as it akes. to#ethe eans and &se them again the next time !o& ake a pie.

    ead mo#e at "ocon&t "&sta#d ie - Ba#tha tewa#t ecipes

    "hocolate *anache 9a#t

    *anache is a l&xio&s filling made of heav! c#eam and da#k chocolate.

    Prep( 25 min&tesTota"( 2 hos 2/ min&tes

    Ingredientse#ves 1/
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    $ talespoons slive#ed lanched almonds

    , talespoons s&ga#

    1 1% c&ps (spooned and leveled) all-ppose flo

    2 teaspoons g#ated o#ange o# lemon zest (optional)

    1% teaspoon salt

    , talespoons &nsalted &tte# cold and c&t into pieces

    12 o&nces itte#sweet chocolate coa#sel! chopped

    1 1% c&ps heav! c#eam 1 teaspoon vanilla ext#act

    Directions1. #eheat oven to $5/ deg#ees. Bake do&gh @n a food p#ocesso# p&lse almonds &ntil finel! g#o&nd. ;dd s&ga#

    flo zest (if desi#ed) and salt3 p&lse &ntil comined. ;dd &tte# p&lsing &ntil coa#se c#&ms fo#m with no la#ge&tte# l&mps (do&gh sho&ld cl&mp togethe# when sA&eezed with finge#s).

    2. @mmediatel! t#ansfe# do&gh to a -inch ta#t pan with a #emovale ottom. Using a measing c&p evenl! p#essdo&gh in ottom and &p sides of pan.

    $. ake in cente# of oven &ntil golden #own and fi#m to the to&ch ao&t 2/ min&tes. 9#ansfe# to a wi#e #ack to coolcompletel! ao&t 1 ho.

    %. Bake ganache lace chocolate in a la#ge mixing owl. @n a small sa&cepan #ing c#eam to a oil. o hotc#eam th#o&gh a sieve ove# chocolate. ti# &ntil smooth and c#eam! in texte. Bix in vanilla.

    5. o chocolate mixte into cente# of cooled ta#t shell (if chocolate is l&mp! pass th#o&gh a sieve). Get stand&ntil set ao&t 2 hos o# chill fo# 1 ho.

    ead mo#e at "hocolate *anache 9a#t - Ba#tha tewa#t ecipes

    ate #isee (ie 7o&gh)

    ate #isee is the 4#ench ve#sion of classic pie o# ta#t past#!. #essing the do&gh into a disc#athe# than shaping it into a all allows it to chill faste#. 9his will also make the do&gh easie#to #oll o&t and if !o& f#eeze it it will thaw mo#e A&ickl!.


    Bakes 1 do&le-c#&st o# 2 single-c#&st - to 1/-inch pies

    2 12 c&ps all-ppose flo
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    1 teaspoon salt

    1 teaspoon s&ga#

    1 c&p (2 sticks) &nsalted &tte# chilled and c&t into small pieces 1% to 12 c&p ice wate#


    1. @n the owl of a food p#ocesso# comine flo salt and s&ga#. ;dd &tte# andp#ocess &ntil the mixte #esemles coa#se meal 8 to 1/ seconds.

    2. 6ith machine #&nning add ice wate# in a slow stead! st#eam th#o&gh feed t&e.&lse &ntil do&gh holds togethe# witho&t eing wet o# stick!3 e ca#ef&l not top#ocess mo#e than $/ seconds. 9o test sA&eeze a small amo&nt togethe# @f it isc#&ml! add mo#e ice wate# 1 talespoon at a time.

    $. 7ivide do&gh into two eA&al alls. 4latten each all into a disc and w#ap in plastic.9#ansfe# to the #ef#ige#ato# and chill at least 1 ho. 7o&gh ma! e sto#ed f#ozen &pto 1 month.

    4#om Ba#tha tewa#t Giving +ctoe#>oveme# 1

    ead mo#e at ate #isee (ie 7o&gh) - Ba#tha tewa#t ecipes

    R.&-Raisin Pie

    IngredientsBakes one -inch pie

    12 #ecipe ate #isee

    ;ll-ppose flo fo# d&sting $ 2$ c&ps heav! c#eam

    2$ c&p g#an&lated s&ga#

    % la#ge eggs pl&s 2 la#ge egg !olks

    1% teaspoon salt

    1% c&p da#k #&m

    1% c&p golden #aisins

    1% c&p confectione#s' s&ga#
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    Directions1. 9n o&t do&gh onto a lightl! floed wo#k sface. oll o&t to a 12-inch #o&nd a it

    less than 1% inch thick3 fit into a -inch glass pie plate. 9#im do&gh fl&sh with edge ofpie plate then make 12-inch c&ts at $%-inch inte#vals all a#o&nd edge. end eve#!othe# ta of c#&st fo#wa#d. ef#ige#ate &ntil fi#m ao&t $/ min&tes.

    2. #eheat oven to %// deg#ees. Gine shell with pa#chment pape# leaving a 1-inch

    ove#hang. 4ill with pie weights. ake &ntil edge of c#&st egins to tn golden ao&t15 min&tes. emove pa#chment and weights. ed&ce oven tempe#ate to $

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    12 la#ge egg !olks #oom tempe#ate

    12 c&p s&ga# 2 teaspoons arrowroot or cornstarch


    1. #eheat oven to $5/ deg#ees. 9n o&t pate #isee onto a lightl! floed sface. oll

    do&gh to a 18-inch thickness. 9#ansfe# and p#ess do&gh to a -inch fl&ted pie disho# fit do&gh into a #eg&la# pie dish and fl&te edges. Gine do&gh with pa#chmentpape# leaving a 1-inch ove#hang. 4ill with pie weights o# d#ied eans. ake &ntiledge =&st egins to tn golden #own ao&t 25 min&tes. emove pa#chment andpie weights. ake &ntil c#&st is golden ao&t 15 min&tes mo#e. 9#ansfe# dish to awi#e #ack and let cool completel!.

    2. #ing c#eam milk vanilla seeds and pod cinnamon sticks and g#o&nd cinnamon toa gentle simme# in a medi&m sa&cepan ove# medi&m heat. emove f#om heatcove# and let steep fo# 2/ min&tes. emove vanilla pod and cinnamon sticks3disca#d.

    $. 6hisk togethe# !olks and s&ga# with a mixe# on medi&m speed &ntil pale and thick

    ao&t 2 min&tes. ;dd hot c#eam mixte and a##ow#oot and whisk &ntil mixte issmooth. o th#o&gh a fine sieve into cooled piec#&st. kim an! foam f#om sfaceof filling. ake &ntil pie is =&st set &t cente# is still slightl! wol! ao&t 5/ min&tes.9#ansfe# dish to a wi#e #ack and let cool completel!. ef#ige#ate &ntil chilled at least% hos o# ove#night. Gightl! d&st top of pie with g#o&nd cinnamon.

    ead mo#e at "innamon "&sta#d ie - Ba#tha tewa#t ecipes

    "ocon&t "#eam ie

    Prep( 25 min&tesTota"( 1 ho pl&s chilling


    e#ves 8


    $/ chocolate wafe# cookies #oken intopieces

    1% teaspoon coa#se salt

    1$ c&p sweetened sh#edded cocon&t

    5 talespoons &nsalted &tte# melted and


    1 $% c&ps sweetened sh#edded cocon&t

    2 $% c&ps whole milk
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    % la#ge egg !olks

    12 c&p s&ga#

    1$ c&p co#nsta#ch $% teaspoon pe vanilla ext#act

    12 teaspoon coa#se salt

    1 12 c&ps heav! c#eam


    1. Bake c#&st #eheat oven to $25 deg#ees. @n a food p#ocesso# comine cookies andsalt3 p#ocess &ntil fine c#&ms fo#m. 6ith machine #&nning slowl! po &tte#th#o&gh feed t&e and p#ocess &ntil mixte #esemles wet sand. ti# in cocon&t.#ess c#&ms in ottom and &p side of a -inch deep-dish pie plate. ake &ntil c#&stis set ao&t 25 min&tes. Get cool completel! in pie plate on a wi#e #ack.

    2. Bake topping @nc#ease heat to $5/. p#ead 12 c&p cocon&t on a #immed akingsheet. ake &ntil golden 1/ to 12 min&tes tossing occasionall!.

    $. Bake filling @n a small sa&cepan whisk togethe# milk egg !olks s&ga# co#nsta#chvanilla and salt. "ook ove# medi&m-high whisking constantl! &ntil &les fo#m at

    the edge and mixte thickens ao&t 5 min&tes. t#ain th#o&gh a fine-mesh sieveinto a la#ge owl and sti# in 1 1% c&ps cocon&t. o filling into cooled c#&st andsmooth top. ef#ige#ate &ntil filling is chilled and completel! set ao&t 2 hos (o#w#ap tightl! with plastic and #ef#ige#ate &p to 2 da!s).

    %. 9o se#ve whip c#eam &ntil soft peaks fo#m. 9op pie with whipped c#eam and toastedcocon&t.

    ead mo#e at "ocon&t "#eam ie - Ba#tha tewa#t ecipes

    C O C O A 0 C H O C O L A TE < O L I E O I L C R I N K L E C O O K I E SBakes 1 dozen cookies.

    $/ g (, 9alespoons) natal cocoa

    ,/ ml (% 9alespoons) ext#a vi#gin o#ganic

    olive oil / g (12 c&p) #aw cane s&ga#

    1% teaspoon instant esp#esso powde#

    12 teaspoon vanilla ext#act

    1 egg

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    6hisk togethe# the cocoa flo aking powde# and salt.6hisk togethe# the olive oil s&ga# and instant esp#esso powde# &ntil well comined. eatthe egg with the vanilla ext#act lightl! and add it to the olive oil mixte.

    ;dd the wet ing#edients to the d#! ing#edients and mix &ntil =&st inco#po#ated. lace do&ghin the #ef#ige#ato# fo# at least 2 hos to fi#m &p3 this makes #olling the cookie do&gh intoalls easie#.#eheat oven to $25 deg#ees 4. #epa#e a cookie sheet ! lining with pa#chment pape# o# asilicone aking mat. lace confectione#Ms s&ga# in a shallow owl.oll do&gh into alls (ao&t a talespoon amo&nt pe# all)3 then #oll each all in theconfectione#Ms s&ga# making se all pa#ts of the all a#e cove#ed. lace do&gh on thecookie sheet at least 2 inches apa#t. Use hands to lightl! p#ess down on the alls to flattenslightl!.ake fo# 8 E 1/ min&tes #otating the sheet halfwa! th#o&gh. "ookies will c#ack open whileaking and when done will still look a it shin! in the c#acks. Get the cookies sit on thesheet fo# 5 min&tes to fi#m &p slightl! efo#e t#ansfe##ing to a #ack to cool completel!."ookies will keep at #oom tempe#ate in a ai#tight containe# fo# a few da!s3 afte# that feelf#ee to place in the f#idge (if the! last that long).


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    -appuccino 7ce -ream -ake################################################################################################################11

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  • 7/25/2019 retete straine
