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  • 8/13/2019 Prezent Are Eeeee


    Ce reprezinta o abordare interdisciplinara in realizarea programului kinetic?

    Omul este o fiinta complexa, fapt care ridica o serie de provocari in actul

    recuperator.In prezent, acesta trebuie vazut din mai multe perspective, printre acestea

    regasindu-se arii precum pshihologia, medicina, religia si sprijinul comunitatii locale.

    Numai luand in considerare toate aceste aspecte putem asigura un act recuperator decalitate in urma caruia pacientii sa se poata integra usor in societate. De asemenea, s-a dovedit

    ca o abordare interdisciplinara asigura rezultate mult mai bune decat o abordare


    Un prim avantaj al unei abordari interdisciplinare in cadrul kentoterapiei este

    reprezentat de posibilitatea sporita de depistare a problemelor de sanatate in stadiul incipient.

    Acest lucru este posibil prin colaborarea specialistilor din diverse arii ale societatii, care pot

    observa din timp problemele de sanatate ale persoanelor cu care interactioneaza si le pot ghida

    catre un specialist care poate incepe tratamentul profilactic sau propriu-zis.

    Din punct de vedere profilactic, kinetoterapeutul poate evalua starea de sanatate a

    pacientului si il poate indruma care un medic specialist, alaturi de care va incerca sa asigure

    un tratament de calitate pacientului. De asemenea, pe durata tratamentului pacientul arenevoie de sprijin emotional pentru a putea trece mai usor peste situatia dificila cu care se

    confrunta. Acest sprijin este asigurat, de cele mai multe ori, de familie si prieteni, care ajuta

    pacientul sa fie optimist si sa depaseasca momentul. Acest sprijin poate veni si din partea

    unui pshiholog care sa evalueze periodic starea pshica a pacientului, precum si sa-l motiveze

    in procesul recuperator, deoarece un aspect foarte important in acest demers il are motivatia

    pacientului pentru a se vindeca.

    Pe plan international, termenul de echipa interdisciplinara a luat amploare in ultimii 20

    de ani. Acesta a aparut din nevoia de eficientizare a actelor medicale, precum si din

    considerente economice.

    Abordarea interdisciplinara a aparut ca necesitate de imbunatatire a tratamentelor

    oferite de metodele clasice existente la momentul respectiv. In acest proces, sistemele

    medicale au trecut prin modelul medical, multidisciplinar si interdisciplinar, iar in acest sens

    exista o tendinta de abordare a unui model transdisciplinar.

    Modelul initial, medical, este constitutit dintr-o echipa simpla, formata din medic-

    asistent-kinetoterapeut. In aceasta echipa, medicul controleaza intreaga echipa, precum si

    actiunile celorlalti membri. Comunicarea in cadrul acestui tip de echipa se realizeaza doar pe

    verticala, deoarece exista o structurare ierarhica care de cele mai multe ori impiedica

    exprimarea punctelor de vedere ale celorlalti membri.

    Sheehan, Robertson si Ormond(2007) au observat ca prin acest mod de lucru apar de

    multe ori neintelegeri in cadrul echipei, deoarece intreg tratamentul se invarte in jurulmodului in care medicul decide sa intervina. Prin urmare, aceasta abordare nu este la fel de

    eficienta in comparatie cu celelalte modele.

    Abordarea multidisciplinara a aparut din nevoia de a eficientiza actul terapeutic si

    pune in centrul ariei de interes pacientul. In vederea tratamentului, acesta beneficiaza de

    ajutor din partea a diversi specialisti, precum medicul, asistentii, nutritionist, pshiholog,

    kinetoterapeut, servicii sociale si terapie ocupationala.

    Chiar daca acest mod de abordare a tratamentului abordeaza intr-un mod mult mai

    amplu dificultatile cu care se confrunta pacientii se confrunta cu o lipsa de comunicare

    laterala intre specialisti, deoarece acestia nu colaboreaza intre ei pentru a decide ce este in

    avantajul pacientului si sa isi imparta sarcinile care ar duce la eficientizarea tratamentului.

    Comunicarea se realizaeza predominant vertical, fiind dictata de pacient.

  • 8/13/2019 Prezent Are Eeeee


    Abordarea interdisciplinara vine sa rezolve aceasta problema. Acest model de

    organizare a echipei de specialisti isi propune sa se axeze pe comunicarea laterala intre

    specialisti, care vor analiza si decide impreuna cele mai eficiente metode te tratare a

    bolnavului. Pacientul va comunica in continuare vertical cu specialistii, dar acestia vor forma

    un totunitar menit sa eficientizeze actul terapeutic. O astfel de echipa interdisciplinara este

    formata din medicul specialist, kinetoterapeut, pshiholog, nutritionist,asistent, nutritionist,asistent social, precum si un specialist in reeducare verbala si terapie ocupationala.

    Recent, din considerente preporderent economice, conceptul de echipa

    interdisciplinara tinde sa evolueza catre transdiciplinaritate. In acest caz, specialistii din

    diverse arii sunt nevoiti sa cunoasca si atributele altor membrii ai echipei. Acest proces este

    bun doar din punct de vedere al costurilor, deoarece calitatea tratamentului este diminuata de

    lipsa de aprofundare in domeniu a specialistilor din diverse arii, acestia fiind nevoiti sa

    dobandeasca si cunostintele celorlalti membri.

    Modelul interdisciplinar, desi cel mai eficient din punct de vedere al calitatii

    tratamentului, ridica o serie de provocari in randul specialistilor. Acestia trebuie sa poata lucrain echipa, sa fie capabili sa rezolve conflictele ce pot aparea intre acestia, precum si sa

    respecte munca celorlalti membrii implicati in tratarea pacientului.

    Cel mai important aspect al unei echipe interdisciplinare este reprezentat de

    comunicare. Specialistii din diverse arii trebuie sa aiba un limbaj cat mai accesibil in cadrul

    echipei, deoarece limbajul de specialitate specific unei arii nu poate fi inteles de ceilalti

    membri. In acest sens, specialistii trebuie sa fie toleranti cu ceilalti membrii si sa actioneze in

    interesul pacientului.

    Interdisciplinary collaboration, patient education

    The importance of interdisciplinary involvement by the total health care team is central to

    effective patient care and is an area of JCAHO focus. Although some agencies have achieve

    excellent interdisciplinary collaboration, lack of communication among disciplines often

    creates barriers. Inadequate communication can lead to disagreements over turf and an

    inability to collaborate, both between individuals and in team conferences. Patients are often

    baffled by various team members who repeat instructions already taught by someone else.

    The need to move patients through the health care system in an effective and cost-effective

    way means that nurses and other health care professionals must learn ways of providing

    patient teaching collaboratively.

    Because of nursings continuous and visible presence at the patients side, nurses are in the

    unique position to provide leadership for patient education and to capitalize on the strengths

    of each discipline for the patients ultimate benefit. Understanding the significant

    contributions that other health care professionals can make to patient teaching is an important

    part of the nurses knowledge base. To do this, the nurse needs an accurate understanding of

    the expertise of each member of the team.

    Physicians help patients understand the health care problem and the treatment plan.

    Physicians report that they depend on nurses to help reinforce the teaching they do. Nurses are

    often asked follow up questions by patients and families, especially when physician

    explanations are not in terms the patient understands or when patients and families haveadditional questions. Collaboration with physicians increases with good communication and

  • 8/13/2019 Prezent Are Eeeee


    effective documentation. Physical therapists teach patients and families about mobility and

    how to perform functional activities safely. Occupational therapy teaching focuses on how to

    make adaptations that enable patients to be as independent as possible in activities of daily

    living. Physical and occupational therapists depend on nurses to educate patients about their

    disease condition and to reinforce instructions they give, particularly regarding carrying

    through with positioning, transfers, and the use of adaptive devices. Nurses activeparticipation in formal team meetings and informal meetings on patient units or by telephone

    maximizes the contributions of both disciplines. Dietitians teach patients and families about

    therapeutic diets. They assess the patients usual dietary patterns and plan with the patient and

    family how the customary diet can be modified to achieve health management goals.

    Dieticians depend on nurses to reinforce the importance of following the dietary plan and

    providing feedback about patient participation. Pharmacists teach patients how drugs work in

    their bodies, what the medications are for, why its important to take them, how to store them,

    and how to avoid drug interactions with other medications and food. Pharmacists often

    depend on nurses to reinforce information they have given patients. Social workers serve as

    an important liaison between the hospital staff and the community. Social workers coordinate

    referrals to many different agencies and resources, and provide emotional support to patientsand families. The efforts of social workers are maximized when nurses are able to provide

    specific information about the patients home situation.

    In well-functioning interdisciplinary teams, team members view nurses as their eyes and

    ears- to provide feedback about patient participation, to share information that may help

    team members plan and adjust goals, and to reinforce and follow through with teaching they

    have provided. In turn, nurse members of top performing teams communicate superbly, both

    orally and in writing. They keep communication channels open, are active participants in team

    conferences, and provide excellent and current progress notes about patient teaching results so

    that other team members are kept continuously informed. Effective teams often cite specific

    characteristics that allow them to work well together. Some of the characteristics of effective

    interdisciplinary teams include:

    Good communication, both verbal and written, facilitated by planning meetings,patient care conferences, telephone consultation, good documentation, and the

    willingness to go out of the way to make sure communication takes place

    Mutual respect among disciplines, recognizing respective areas of expertise, knowingones limits, and teaching each other

    A desire to work as a team and recognition of a common goal

    Who are members of an interdisciplinary team? What is their role?

    Depending on an individual's age and disability, the exact composition of the interdisciplinary

    team will vary. An interdisciplinary team consists of the family and professionals who are

    engaged in supporting the individual. The team typically includes at minimum the individual

    with severe communication disabilities, a family member or guardian, a speech-language

    pathologist, and a teacher (general or special education). Other members may include, but are

    not limited to, an occupational therapist, physical therapist, general education and/or special

    education teacher, direct care staff, employer/job coach, psychologist, and social worker.

  • 8/13/2019 Prezent Are Eeeee


    The ideal interdisciplinary service delivery model requires that participants share a common

    perspective on communication. This shared perspective should include a broad understanding

    of communication including that it is a shared social skill and that it have effects on other

    people, and can be nonspoken or spoken and nonsymbolic or symbolic The role of the

    interdisciplinary team is to work cooperatively to provide discipline-specific assessment and

    intervention, although some cross-disciplinary activity may occur as team members

    collaborate in the delivery of communication services and supports. They discuss their

    findings and activities to seek consensus and to develop goals and plans as a team.

    Sometimes members of the team may differ about the recommended communication

    intervention approach for an individual. In these cases, professionals should be guided by the

    scope of practice and the evidence base. The team must work together to resolve their

    differences and build consensus so that that individual receives the communication services

    and supports he or she needs. Sometimes the team may want to seek outside consultation

    when the team remains divided about an intervention approach or recognizes it doesn't have

    the requisite expertise represented within the group.