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  • 7/28/2019 poluarea..-1


    Poluarea-probleme globala

    Poluarea este o problema globala a secolului nostru ,cu atat mai mult cu cat in ultimele

    trei decenii populatia a crescut de la 5 la 6 miliarde de locuitori.Poluarea se produce

    atunci cand apar anumite substante solide,lichide,gazoase.radioactive care afecteaza in

    mod direct mediul .

    Pollution is a global problem for our century, moreover given the fact that in the last

    three decades the world population has increased from 5 to 6 billion. Pollution appears

    when there are present several solid, liquid, gases or radioactive substances which

    affect directly the environment.

    Tuim fr motiv, ne simim mai tot timpul obosii, iar durerile de cap sunt la ordineazilei. Acestea sunt efectele de suprafa ale poluanilordin aer i din alimente, care sesimtn organism i ne distrug sntatea ncetul cu ncetul

    The bad effects of pollution affect our daily routine we start feeling more tired eachday, we start coughing without any reason and the headaches become somethingregular. These are the main effects of air pollution but also of chemical food that destroyour health step by step.


    Sub efectul aerului din ce n ce mai poluat, sntatea noastr se ncadreaz ntr-ostatistic crud: la nivel mondial, peste trei milioane de persoane mor prematur dincauza expunerii constante la plumb sau la mercur.

    Because of the high percentage of pollution from the environment our health is severlyaffected: at the global level over three million people are affected of precocious deathgiven the constant exposure to lead or mercury.

    Cauzele poluarii sunt numeroase si distinct. Mai semnificative sunt:modificarea calitatii

    aerului,apei,solului prin diferite deseuri de origine industriala,agricola(detergenti,gunoaie etc.).

    Pollution causes are various and distinct. The most important are the change of the air,water and soil quality because different wastes produced by industrial or agriculturalactivities.

  • 7/28/2019 poluarea..-1


    Ca masuri impotriva poluarii atmosferice mai importante sunt:construirea de vehiculecat mai putin poluante;plantarea unor zone verzi de protectie;producerea energiei prinprocedee nepoluate(solar,eolian).utilizarea carburantilor nepoluanti de catreautovehicule sau dotarea acestota cu filtre speciale;extinderea si protejarea spatiilorverzi,a parcurilor,a gardurilor vii,a padurilor; sa nu se arunce sau sa nu se depoziteze

    pe malurile apelor deseuri de orice fel, etc.

    The most important measures against pollution are: building vehicles with low CO2emission rates, expand the green spaces, using solar and wind energy, using specialfilters for automobiles and last but not the least maintain the environment clean.

    Mediul nconjurator ne asigura conditiile necesare vietii, nsa depinde de noi daca dorim

    sa folosim aceste elemente esentiale ct mai util sau daca vrem sa ocolim acest aspectal vietii noastre. Poluarea planetei se agraveaza pe zi ce trece si se pare ca populatianu acorda interes acestui proces nociv. Convingerea ca aceasta problema este doar aspecialistilor este tot att de eronata, pe ct este si de grava. Ocrotirea planetei este oproblema mondiala, si, tocmai de aceea, fiecare om trebuie sa-si asume aceastaresponsabilitate.

    The environment assures the necessary living conditions, but it depends on us if we liketo use them as efficient as possible or if we choose to ignore the importance of these

    life facts. The world pollution is increasing each day passing by and even worse, thepopulation does not a proper attention to this harmful process. The idea that thisproblem should be solved only by specialists is wrong. The planet protection is a globalproblem that should be dealt by every ordinary person who should behave in aresponsible and environmentally friendly way.