palma modernista 1


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Post on 27-Jun-2015




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A hundred years have past since Art Nouveau was at its peak. Spurred by the industrial revolution, it was the product of a new generation of talented artists and designers attempting to fashion a new style appropriate to the modern age. For a brief moment, this international movement of art and design encompassed everyday life, from the architecture to the furniture. Mallorca boasts its fair share of Art Nouveau buildings and façades, reminiscent of a time when Spain played an intricate role in this scene known as modernista. Quoted as being “the architect of architects”, Spain’s eccentric modernist Antoni Gaudí not only influenced the face of Barcelona’s architecture, but also left his personal fingerprint in Palma’s Cathedral when in 1899 he was approached by the Bishop of Mallorca, Pere Campins, and was asked to contribute in its restoration. Modernist school of architecture was at its height in the early 20th century and one of the first Modernist buildings in Palma was the Gran Hotel which now houses the Caixa Foundation art gallery and restaurant


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Construit de marele arhitect catalan Lluís Domènech i Montaner în anul 1902, Gran Hotel era considerat cel mai elegant din Baleare.

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Clădirea situată în Piaţa Weyler, a primit numele actual după ce banca Fundació “la Caixa” a finanţat restaurarea ei.

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Considerată o capodoperă a stilului Modernista opera lui Lluís Domènech i Montaner (cel care a realizat şi Palau de la Música Catalana, Spitalul Sant Pau, Casa Lleo Morera la Barcelona) a fost inclusă în Patrimoniul Mondial UNESCO.

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Clădirea a fost redeschisă de Regina Sofia şi regele Juan Carlos şi acum adăposteşte un restaurant, săli de expoziţie şi o librărie.

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Sanda Foişoreanu Daniela Iacob Mara Chinţa

Prezentare: Sanda Foişoreanu

Fond muzical: ♦ José Carreras - Ay, ay, ay

♦ Jean-Pierre Danel - Forbidden games