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  • Buzi the Jewish Cohen in Solomons Temple was the First Buddha Mundi

    The Lost Israelites were the First Buddhists Part Three

    Ezekiels Vision of the Chariot (Merkabah) of G-d

    It was in the 5th

    year of young King Jehoiachin, about the year of 605 BCE that Ezekiel,

    a young Judean, the son of a Jewish Kohen, Buzi, had just arrived in the land of the

    Chaldeans. He came as part of the exiles from the Southern Kingdom of Judah in the

    Land of Israel as part of the crme of the Jewish elite and intellectuals. These included also Prince Daniel, a descendant of King Hezekiah and also the three worthies, Hanani-

    yah, Misha-el and Azari-yah who became noble ministers of state in Nebuchadnezzars mighty kingdom.

    There by the River Chebar, the Prophet Ezekiel was taken into vision, and there he

    beheld a most magnificent scene as the Divine Veil opened up in the heavens and there

    before him was the heavenly Merkabah, the divine chariot that carried the throne of the

    G-d of Israel.

    Ezekiel was surrounded with a stormy wind coming down from the north, and with it

    was a great cloud with flashing fire and a brilliance of unsurpassed beauty. The divine

  • Chariot carried by four Chasmai, the four-winged angels that bore the heavenly

    Merkabah of the Divine came to rest nearby.

    Here before the future Prophet Ezekiel was an amazing vision of the other dimensional

    world that penetrated the inter-dimensional veil as it came from the 7th

    dimension to our

    3-dimensional world. Stunned and shaken with fright of what he was beholding, the

    young Cohen Ezekiel beheld the wondrous flying Merkabah, the flying chariot throne of


    Then and only after then the Prophet Ezekiel was given a dramatic encounter with the

    spiritual world on the other side of the divine veil as the G-d of Israel spoke directly to

    Ezekiel as the young prophets sensory system was taken possession by the Power of the Almighty One of Israel.

    Prophet Ezekiels Vision of the Heavenly Merkabah (Flying Chariot)

    Ezekiel 2:1-10 Then He said to me, Son of Man, stand up on your feet and I will speak to you. A spirit entered into me as He spoke to me and it stood me on my feet, and I heard that which was spoken to me. He said to me, Son of Man, I send you to the

  • Children of Israel, the rebellious nations (plural) that have rebelled against me; they and

    their fathers have defiantly sinned against Me to this very day: and the children are

    brazen-faced and hard hearted I send you to them, and you shall say to them, Thus said the L-rd HaShem Elohim.

    Now they, whether they will heed, whether they will refrain for a rebellious house are they they will know that a prophet has been among thembut you Son of Man, fear not them and fear not their words, though they are thorns and thistles to you, and

    among scorpions do you dwell, fear not their words and be not intimidated before them,

    though they are a rebellious house. And you, Son of Man, heed that which I speak to you; be not rebellious like the rebellious house.

    Open your mouth and eat that which I give you. Then I saw, and behold a hand was outstretched to me; and behold in it was a scroll of parchment. He spread it out before

    me; it was inscribed within and without and in it was inscribed lamentations, moaning

    and woe. Then he said to me, Son of Man that which you find, eat; eat this scroll then go speak to the House of Israel!

    The Northern Gate of the Sanchi Stupa

    One of Irelands famous antiquarians and students of the Lost Ten Tribes of the House of Israel, the late Isabel Hill Elder of Northern Ireland, picked up this theme several

    decades ago and wrote about a special mission by Buzi the Kohen and his five disciples.

    Apparently along with his son, the Prophet Ezekiel who now was impelled by the

    command of the G-d of Israel to become an emissary of the Divine was now in headed

    into a special divine mission by the command of El Shaddai, to the Lost Ten Tribes of

    the House of Israel towards the east near the Caspian Sea and beyond in Tibet, Nepal

    and Northern India.

    In an article, titled, Buddha the Israelite we are introduced to an amazing sequel that came no doubt from the Vision of HaShems Chariot of a mission they were now impelled to accomplish under the mandate of the Divine. This gives us some fascinating

    insight as to what happened after Ezekiels heavenly encounter with the Divine One of Israel by the River Chebar as he beheld the heavenly Merkabah landing right in front of


  • Isabel Hill Elder Buzi, the Aaronite, with the prophetic eye, saw disaster rapidly approaching for the unfaithful House of Judah, and a like punishment to that which had

    overtaken the House of Israel one hundred years earlier, when the King of Assyria had

    carried them captive in the reign of Hoshea and placed them in the cities of the Medes (II Kings XVII). During a revolt in Assyria the Israelite captives made their escape and,

    for the most part, turned south-east to the shores of the Caspian Sea.

    These tidings having reached Buzi his missionary spirit was aroused to go forth to these

    escaped captives, his kinsfolk. Taking with him five disciples, probably trained in the

    schools of the prophets, Buzi came to these outcast Israelites with a message of hope and

    forgiveness; he would make a supreme effort to turn them from idolatry to the worship

    of the one true God.

    As he journeyed towards their camping places his name Buzi became Buddha; this

    change is easily understood when we realize that in the Semitic languages the "Z" and

    "D" sounds are related, e.g., in Hebrew Zahab and Dahab both mean "gold" and so

    Buddha would be a natural alternative for Buzi. It is then as Buddha that we first hear

    of Buzi, the father of Ezekiel, between Media and the Caspian Sea and his followers as


    It was from the region of Media that the "wise men" came to Bethlehem at the time of

    the birth of our Lord (Budh, in some oriental languages meaning wise") who were probably descendants of some of these Israelites who had been taught by Buzi the Wise. These escaped Israelites are mentioned by Herodotus (Book I, Chapter 1) as belonging to the nation formed by Deioces and as revolting from Assyria and asserting

    their independence not many years after Israel's deportation to Media in the reign of

    Hoshea. (II Kings, XVII 6).

    Here amongst these Israelites Buzi (Budi) began his mission and in this region Buddhism

    was found in its most ancient form and which began to spread about 600 B.C., not as

    now professed and practiced nor even altogether as it was established in India under

    King Asoka 300 years after its first propagation. As Dr. Moore (Lost Ten Tribes) observes:

    Dr. Moore It (Buddhism) has been corrupted by various pagan additions and has assumed shapes according to the various idolatries it has encountered till at length but

    little of the original remains in a pure form, e.g., the celibacy of priests is now universal,

    but according to its own records its founder married twice if not thrice and gave his

    disciples precepts as to the choice of a wife.

    The Israelitish character and origin of Buddhism is seen in many ways. It was a

    monotheistic reformation of the outcast tribes of Israel and its symbolism, that of the

    Wheel that were hundreds of years later placed on pillared posts on the top of Sanchi that correspond exactly with that described in I Kings VII 33 as in Solomon's temple.

    There is so close resemblance between Ezekiel's writings and the earliest Buddhist

    records and inscriptions as to prove that the prophet himself, the son of Buzi, had for his

    father the original Buddha.

    No doubt Ezekiels vision precipitated this extraordinary mission by his father, Buzi, the Aaronite Kohen with the prophetic eye who with five disciples and no doubt Ezekiel

  • as commanded by HaShem went on a rescue mission to the Lost Ten Tribes to the east

    in the land of Media.

    Now we begin to learn about the rest of the story. The G-d of Israel had at least two of His chosen ones of Judah, Buzi the Aaronite with the prophetic eye and his son, the Prophet Ezekiel, who along with Buzis five disciples who it was believed were from the school of the prophets. They traveled northeast just to the south of the Himalayan

    Mountains on the Continent of India, to meet with the people of G-d called the brazen face and hard hearted ones of the Lost Ten Tribes of the House of Israel.

    Buzi was an Aaronic heir and as a Levite, a Cohen whose life and tribal responsibility

    had been in direct service to the G-d of Israel in the Temple of Solomon in Jerusalem

    until they were taken captive to Babylon. As Ezekiels father, he was called; Buzi the Aaronite with the prophetic eye. No doubt this vision to his son, the Prophet Ezekiel, precipitated this daring mission, for together, Buzis son, Ezekiel was also given the prophetic eye that pierced the veil of the future, and what he saw frightened both of them.

    They beheld the rising tide of disaster as the forces of Babylon were preparing again a

    mighty invasion against their own peoples; the Jews of the House of Judah. What had

    been played out in front of their eyes a century before was now coming closer to home

    for now the apostasy and rebellion of the Jews, under the rule of King Zedekiah would

    soon open up Part II of the prophetic drama under the control of the Master of the


    The House of Israel had already fallen and now the House of Judah was sharing the

    same fate as their northern cousins, the Lost Ten Tribes of the House of Israel; this time

    at the hands of the Babylonians. The crushing weight of apostasy, rebellion and

    defiance against the G-d of Israel that first arose to the north in Samaria, the capital of

    the Northern Kingdom of Israel, had now consumed the city of Jerusalem, the capital of

    the Southern Kingdom of Judah. Even the Prophet Jeremiah, the grandfather of the

    Jewish King Zedekiah could not influence the royal court, and instead they took

    Jeremiah to a pit and threw the aging prophet in where he stayed in mud up to his waist.

    Over one hundred years before the Jews of the House of Judah were sent into exile in

    the land of Babylon, the King of Assyria took the Northern Israelites away into exile

    during the reign of King Hoshea and placed them in the cities of the Medes. (II Kings XVII).

    Sometime after this, the provinces of the Medes revolted against Assyria and during that

    era the Israelites in exile made their escape from the region of the State of Georgia

    between the Black and the Caspian Sea today, and headed towards the southeast along

    the shoreline of the Caspian Sea, wandering towards a new land.

    It was here in this region, where Buzi the Cohen went to meet with his tribal cousins and

    during this time, the name of the father of the Prophet Ezekiel shifted from Buzi to Budi

    and then from Buddhi to Buddha (for vowels were not a part of the Hebrew script). Also

    the Lost Israelite kinsmen and now more disciples of the Jewish Cohen now became

    known as The Budii. Over time the Lost Israelite Budii followers of the Jewish priest

  • Buzi became known as the followers of the first Buddha or the Sakya Muni; the original

    founder of primitive Buddhism.

    Today, we find remnants of these same Israelite tribes, living as the Islamic Pashtun

    Tribes of Beni Israelin the land of Khorasan; in northeastern Iran, south, central and

    eastern Afghanistan and over into western Pakistan. Yet, Pakistan is part of ancient

    India on the continent of India and is but a stepping stone away from Nepal, Tibet and

    Northern India where many of the Lost Ten Tribes settled. As we shall soon see, today

    over 500 million Buddhists today live in the lands nearby to the Caspian Sea where the

    Jewish priest, Buzi went on a mission of redemption for his own people of the House of


    As we study the literature of the ancients, we seek clues for the whereabouts of the

    ancient Israelites. According to Herodotus, (Book 1, Chapter 1) he mentions that the

    escaping Israelites were once part of the Nation formed by Deioces (Deyaco) who was a man of great ability and ambitious for power in an era in which there was a vacuum of power with no central government in the entire region.

    Deioces was known as an arbitrator of disputes amongst the peoples so eventually they

    selected him as their king: Let us appoint one of our number to rule us so that we can get on with our work under orderly government, and not lose our homes altogether in

    the present chaos.

    In the region of modern Hamadan, the first palace of the Medes was built and nearby

    they began the construction of a new capital city for the land of the Medes at Ecbatana.

    Deioces (709-656 BCE) became the first King of the Medes (694-665 BCE). He was later

    succeeded by his son, Phraortes, who was the father of the later ruler, Cyaxarses.

    It was Cyaxarses who joined with the Babylonian King Nabopolaser, and together they

    asserted their independence and overthrew the Assyrian Empire when they destroyed

    the city of Nineveh in the year of 606 BCE. The last Zar of Assyria, Ashur-Etililani perished on the funeral pyre of his palace as it went up in flames at Nineveh.

  • The Hanging Gardens in King Nebuchadnezzars Babylon

    A year later, King Nabopolasers son, Nebuchadnezzars military forces were surrounding the city of Jerusalem and the temple vessels in Solomons Temple were

    taken to Babylon along with Daniel and the three worthies who became later his

    Ministers of State in the city of Babylon. Here is a bare outline of what was happening

    back in Jerusalem.

    605 BCE - The initial vessels taken from the Temple of Jerusalem were selected to be

    sent to the museum archives of the Temple of Marduk. There in Babylon, the vessels

    went along with the chief of the royal sons, the elite and the thinkers in the land of

    Judah. It can be assumed that the best of the remaining vessels that had not been

    hidden by Jeremiah and the five guardians of the temple treasures were taken

    possession of by the Babylonians and sent to the capital in Babylon at this time. (Daniel


    597 BCE - When King Jehoiachin and his family were taken as prisoners after their

    switch of allegiance to the Egyptians, most of the rest of the vessels of precious metals

    were taken. (2 Kings 24:12-13)

    586 BCE - The city was burned and razed, the temple was destroyed and the remaining

    vessels, mainly of bronze as well as the Bronze Sea, the Bronze Pillars in front of the

    Temple were taken at the capture of King Zedekiah. (2 Kings 25:13-17)

    It was now twenty years after the first invasion of Nebuchadnezzar to the Land of Israel

    that the Babylonians finally destroyed the city of Jerusalem in 586 BE. The House of G-

    d known as King Solomons Temple was destroyed and Ezekiel and his father, Buzi, now part of the those Jews first exiled to the land of Babylon along with Daniel and the three

    worthies, had already accomplished their mission to meet with the leaders of The Wanderers, the Lost Ten Tribes of the House of Israel. By then, they no doubt had returned to the city of Babylon. Yet, it was during this same time when the flames of the

  • palace of Nineveh toppled the Assyrian Empire, the Saki or the Sakya, the Lost Israelite

    sons of Isaac were beginning to fulfill their prophetic destiny:

    Jeremiah 51:20-21 You are My battle-ax and weapons of war: for with you I will break the nation in pieces; with you I will destroy kingdoms; with you I will break in

    pieces the horse and its rider; with you I will break in pieces the chariot and its rider.

    Seventy years later, right on target according to the Prophet Jeremiahs Seventy Year Prophecy after the first invasion into the Southern Kingdom of Judah, the Sakyan

    military forces of Cyrus the Great, a Sakyan Lost Israelite of the Tribe of the

    Pasargadae (Tribe of Gad) were now heading to Babylon. Led by the Persian General

    Gobryas, a tribal chieftain also of the same tribe of Gad, they came to surround the city

    of Babylon in siege.

    Then began a great mobilization of forces, as a canal was dug to divert the waters of the

    mighty Euphrates River. While King Belshazzar was in his royal banquet hall to

    celebrate the 70 years of the prophecy of Jeremiah, since the days of Belshazzars grandfather, King Nebuchadnezzar had destroyed the Holy City of Jerusalem and took

    possession of the sacred golden treasures from Solomons Temple had now come and gone.

    Here in a drunken stupor of celebration, the king desecrated HaShems sacred golden goblets while the forces of the Persians and the Medes Lost Israelites were actively

    tunneling under the water gates of the Euphrates into the most powerful city of the

    world. They took control of the city of Babylon. Not only did the Israelite Persians take

    control of the impregnable city of Babylon, but they did so without shedding one drop of

    Jewish blood.

    This epic event would propel one of the greatest redemptions in all of Jewish history, the

    return of the Jews from Babylon to Jerusalem under the rule and guidance of the Jewish

    Exilarch, Zerubabbel, a prince of the royal dynasty of Kings David and Solomon.

    So these were the same Lost Israelites that the G-d of Israel in a prophetic vision to the

    Prophet Ezekiel commanded this young prophet, Ezekiel to go on a search and

    redemption mission to reawaken the frontal cortex of the brains of the Lost Israelites

    that had been scattered in the lands to the East. This mission it appears was also

    accepted by Ezekiels father, Buzi the Cohen with the prophetic eye and his five disciples that became a secret commando mission that had to be completed for it was

    commanded by the Almighty One of Israel. , so there they took a message of redemption

    and restoration to the Lost Israelites and filled their minds with heavenly symbolisms

    of Ezekiels Vision, that included the The Wheel of the Merkabah Chariot of the Divine, that became the Dharma Chankra wheel, often used to represent the Noble

    Eightfold Path of the Supreme Buddha.

    This Noble Eightfold Pathway of the Buddha Mundi covered three major divisions

    called the Three Higher Trainings. This included a Higher Wisdom that were the first two paths called the Right View and then Right Intention which then led to a Higher Ethical Conduct which had three paths, Right Speech, Right Action, and Right Livelihood and finally a Higher Concentration that came with three pathways of Right Effort, Right Mindfulness and then the Right Concentration

  • that eventually led to the renunciation of ourselves where the world of enlightenment


    The Dharma Chankra Wheel of Law at Wat Phothivihan

    Next to The Dharma Chankra Wheel came The Trident that symbolized the flesh forks used by the Levites who prepared the Levitical sacrifices to the G-d of Israel in the

    Temple of Solomon. This later became the emblem of the Tribe of Levi, the symbol of

    Buzzi and Ezekiels Aaronic tribal ancestry. Then came the numerous carvings and emblems of the Lion of Judah that was symbolized with the Unicorn or the dual pronged antelope that represented the Lost Israelites House of Joseph.

    As we have already read, according to the archeologists that just completed their

    archeological reconstruction of the Temple of Princess Maya at Lumbini admitted that

    the best evidence was that the most ancient form of Buddhism arose on its own about the

    year of 600 BCE. This gives us a clue that while the forces of Nebuchadnezzar was

    preparing for the final destruction of Jerusalem between the years of 605 to 586 BCE,

    Buzzi the Cohen in the Temple of Solomon and his son, the Prophet Ezekiel were

    heading to the lands beyond the Caspian Sea in India, Nepal and Tibet to bring a divine

    message from the G-d of Israel directly to the Lost Ten Tribes of the Shakya Israelites

    and all the other tribes congregating there in the region.

    It is of interest that the dating of the last days of Jerusalem and the archeological and

    historical dating of the rise of Buddhism converge together into one mighty river of as a

    new spiritual reality rose without roots or origins until modern day investigators 2,500

    years later began to sleuth out the archeological, historical, and anthropological details.

    Without this redemptive mission of the Priest, Prophet and five disciples, traveling to

    the land of the Medes about the year 600 BCE, the history of the Jews now in captive in

    Babylon may have been much different without the finger of the Divine guiding their missionary efforts to bring the Lost Ten Tribes back to the fold of Torah Judaism.

  • If this dating is correct and the dates of the birth of the Sakya Prince Heir Siddhartha at

    623 BCE at Lumbini where the Maya Devi Temple is located today, then we begin to

    extrapolate the historical fact that at the age of 29, in the year of 593 BCE, the Sakya

    Prince Heir Siddhartha left his royal cocoon in the palace of the Sakyan tribal peoples at

    the age of 29 years old, then in the year of 593 BCE, this Israelite Sakyan prince left his

    royal cocoon and abandoned his wife, son, and his royal title as Prince heir of the

    Israelite Sakyan people and went out to the real world as a hermit and medicant. What

    he saw left him in shock and dismay.

    He witnessed the pain, grief, suffering, isolation, abandonment, deprivation of those

    peoples that were encumbered with innumerable diseases and hardships. No doubt the

    peoples in which he encountered in his travels were not just pagans and gentiles, but also

    his own Sakyan tribal Israelite peoples.

    Sometime about the same time, the Prophet Ezekiel and his father, Buzi the Aaronic

    Kohan traveled with five of Buzzis disciples to meet with the tribal leaders of the Lost Ten Tribes of the House of Israel that were living in that region. This had to be one of

    the Judahs greatest evangelistic outreaches as they sought to wean and woo as many of the Lost Israelites back to become part of the Jewish tribal family who were now living

    in Babylon.

    Did they receive a good reception? Were they able to convince many of the Lost Ten

    Tribes who were now beginning to be identified as The Wanderers to once again identify themselves with the House of Judah in Jerusalem? The Lost Israelites did prove

    that their influence upon the nations of the world was dramatic, for they truly civilized

    the sociological and political world over the next few centuries from Great Britain and

    the Isles of the West along the Western Atlantic coastline on the European Continent to

    the Island of Japan in the Western part of the Ring of Fire in the Pacific Ocean. Revisiting the article, Buddha the Israelite, written by Isabel Hill Elder:

    Isabel Hill Elder Buzi, or Sakya Buddha, met with considerable success in turning many of his fellow Israelites to the worship of the one true God, and with his five

    disciples trained many of his people for mission work among scattered Israel wherever

    they might be found, his followers were known as Budii in Persia and the region of the

    Caspian Sea.

    The teaching of Buzi (Buddi/Buddha) was strictly Scriptural as may be seen from a

    study of early Buddhist symbols; Buddha gave his followers their own Scriptures

    embodying these symbols which were formally authenticated B.C. 543 after his death. In

    the third century B.C. these Scriptures with other books on Buddhism were taken to

    Ceylon which has ever since been the headquarters of Buddhism.

    The professors of this religion called themselves Sakyas of the Argas, probably from the

    fact that it was from the Sacae (Saxons) they received their religion, and while they

    remained separate they appear to have driven all before them, and to have maintained

    the joy in life reflected in the Vedas, which much resemble the North-Western Eddas.

    But as they became mingled with the heathen people they lost hope. A revival, however,

    was soon to follow for the son of a North Indian Chief, Prince Siddartha Gautama,

    determined on revival, and choosing five disciples after the example of Sakya Buddha,

  • he became to all intents and purposes a begging friar and with his disciples a teacher of

    Buddhism; his wife became the head of the first Buddhist nunnery of female recluses.

    According to Dr. D.B. Spooner, Siddartha Gautama's mother, the Lady Maya, was of

    Iranian or Persian descent, the country where Buzi (Buddha) laid the foundation of his

    system, and from whom Siddartha Gautama would undoubtedly receive his knowledge

    of Buddhism.

    So there under the Bhodi Tree at Bhisa after Prince Siddhartha successfully achieved

    his enlightenment of Buddhahood, Prince Gautama took on the mantle and name of the

    Sakya Buddha and selected his residence with his five disciples of where they could

    transmit the Noble Eightfold Pathway to those who desired to achieve a more enlightened pathway of consciousness. Over the centuries the knowledge that Prince

    Gautama transmitted to his people are preserved in the Buddhistic literature in Nepal

    and later the Pali Buddhistic literature that is now preserved on the Island of Ceylon.

    It is of interest that Pali in Hebrew carries the meaning of wonderful and in the Greek language, the meaning of ancient. And so we now know that the prime reservoir of knowledge transmitted through Buddhism and the Hindu mind was from a

    more ancient source of wonderful knowledge transmitted from the G-d of Israel on the mount called Sinai to the Children of Israel, that is all 12-tribed Israel.

  • Four Headed Lion Pillar standing over the Dharma Chankra Wheels erected by the

    Indian Emperor Ashoka that stood 15.24 metres at the Dhamekh Stupa at Sarnath

    Buddhism in its most primitive and ancient form is now accepted to have begun

    spreading across Eurasia about the year of 600 BCE. What is understood, is that the

    spiritual lives the Lost Ten Tribes of the House of Israel professed, practiced and lived

    after the missionary mission of Buzi the Aaronic priest and his son, the Prophet Ezekiel

    and Buzis five disciples literally transformed the minds of a vast number of Lost Israelites from Burma and Thailand to the Isles of the West on the Island of Britannia

    and Ireland.

    Yet, we cannot be deluded that the Buddhism practiced by Buddhists in the Near and

    Far East today is the same Buddhism that was created by Buzzi the priest, his five

    disciples and his son the Prophet Ezekiel. Even the Buddhism that was revived by the

    imperial ruler of 4th

    century India, Ashoka the Great, who made Buddhism the state

    religion of India three hundred years later in the 4th

    century BCE.

    With a new understanding, it appears that Primitive Buddhism was cloned from the

    reformation that began in the lands of the Lost Ten Tribes of the House of Israel by

    their tribal brothers, the Jews that were sent as emissaries by the Divine One of Israel.

  • They were a part of the Aaronic priesthood that did not apostatize with the rest of

    Israelites that rebelled with the Northern Ten Tribes of Israel in the Northern Kingdom

    of Israel in Shomron or Samaria today. This was a monotheistic reformation seeking to

    redeem the Lost Ten Tribes away from the pagan cultures that they lived and associated

    with in the days of the great apostasy in the Land of Samaria.

    So what was its purpose? Is it possible that the Prophet Ezekiel and his father, Buzi the

    Aaronic priest (Cohen) may have been preparing the Lost Ten Tribes of the House of

    Israel to be redeemed and restored back with the Jews of the House of Judah in what

    they hoped would become the future era of the messiah?

    Could this had been in their minds, a hope as we hope for today, that when the Jewish

    people were redeemed as the Prophet Jeremiah had prophesied and given the

    opportunity to be restored back to their homeland in the Land of Israel, that it would

    begin also a new era of messianic enlightenment. Could they have been hoping that it

    was time to begin the restoration movement of restoring the House of Judah and the

    House of Israel back together as one?

    Is it possible that the restoration of All Israel could have been accomplished at the time the Jews of the House of Israel were sent back to Jerusalem in the days of the

    Prince of David Zerubbabel the Governor of Judea by the Shahs of Persia in Shushan?

    As the Exilarch for the Jewish people, Prince Zerubbabel was together in alliance with

    Ezra the Scribe who came with more Jewish people returning in aliyah to Jerusalem.

    With Ezra also were to have been many priests that would be prepared to begin the

    sacrificial offerings in the new temple in Jerusalem. They would later be revitalized by

    the second restoration of the Persian Jews when they came with Prince Nehemiah when

    the walls of Jerusalem were fully restored?

    Is it possible that the end of days could have come, at the time of the restoration of the

    Jews after they had been in exile at Babylon for 70 years? Was the imperial change with

    the conquering of the mighty city of Babylon by the Lost Israelites forces of Cyrus the

    Great a part of that redemption and restoration process of the Lost Tribes of Israel

    when the Cyrus from the Tribe pf Pasargadae (Tribe of Gad) and his military forces

    were but a prelude for that final mission? Could Prince Zerubbabel have been the

    Chosen One to bring the final culmination of the Ages and the revealing of the Maschiach ben Dovid, the Messiah son of David that could have ignited the Messianic

    Era of the Messiah 2,300 years ago in the Land of Israel? Yes, it was possible but it did

    not happen that way.

    The Appointed Time in the days of Zerubbabel, Ezra, Haggai, and Nehemiah was potentially a pregnant time for the End of Days. The Ezra reformation was a preparation for the fully redeemed Land of Judah and the Land of Northern Israel so

    that the Erev Rav or a mixed multitude, this time from Babylon would not have aborted the Time of the End.

  • The Ancient Ruins of Samaria, the Capital of the Northern Kingdom of Israel

    The prophetic message of the Sefer (Book) of Zechariahappeared to have been written

    as a literal (peshat) time of the end era message, a literal End Time prophecy not for today, but written for the Jewish people and the Lost Ten Tribes of the House of

    Israel that could have occur in the days of the restoration of the Second Commonwealth

    of United Israel. But for some reason only known by the Divine, this event was a

    pregnancy that was aborted before its birth.

    Is it not strange that in this same region, the tribal lands of the Lost Ten Tribes of Israel

    is still called the Land of Samaria today? It was the home of the Lost Ten Tribes of the

    Northern Kingdom of Israel whose capital city was also called Samaria. It was in the Capital City of Samaria where the ivory throne of King Ahab once stood.

    Today this once august and proud city is but a pile of stone mason relics of its once great

    glory. The arrogance of a once brave people who thought they could go alone without

    the G-d of Israel were later called by the G-d of Israel to the Prophet Ezekiel as the

    brazen faced and hard hearted.

    These facts are only highlighted how then as it is today, that this very land that nobody

    wanted for centuries has been and still is such a land of contention then in the days of Zerubbabel, Buzzi, Ezekiel, plus the Prophets Zechariah, Haggai, and Baruch the Scribe

    then where today the players are different; Obama, Netanyahu, Kerry, Ashford in our

    world today.

  • This is the same region and the same land where the Palestinian people who have no real

    historical ties to this ancient land want to make this land their national homeland. What

    the Palestinian people fail to comprehend is the fact that this very land is Holy Land. If any people keep living there and want to defy the G-d of Israel, He will cause this land

    to expel even the Palestinians in miraculous ways in which He did at the Red Sea, when

    the strong arm of the Divine took down the entire Pharaonic army chariot corps and left the imperial Kingdom of Egypt helpless. On the heels of the destruction of the army

    of the Pharaoh, the Hyksos tribal peoples called the Amalekites, took over the land of

    Egypt without any resistance and ruled the Egyptians with a cruel heart.

    Today, the Hamas who rule of the region of Gaza have the same genetic hatred against

    the Jewish people and are no different than Haman the Agagite who was a descendant of the Hyksos-Amalekites who were then the conquerors of Egypt. The Hamas-

    Amalekites are now the chief rulers who prompted their own peoples to become suicide

    bombers and fired their missiles by the tens of thousands in the year of 2006; down upon

    the Jewish homes, schools, shopping centers and hospitals in the State of Israel.

    Who then are the brazen faced and cruel hearted benefactors of the Hamas-Amalekites but the Northern Nations in the European Union who are today the

    descendants of the Lost Ten Tribes of the House of Israel yet today are living as the

    Northern European countries now living in what was once a no-mans land in Northern Ancient Gaul. They are the American Council of (Protestant) Churches who separately

    and collectively continue to delegitimize the pioneers and patriots of Israel who as

    observant Jews are willing to give their lives to save the land of Shomron and Judea for

    future generations of Jews and Lost Ten Israelites as eloquently portrayed in the future

    prophecies of the Prophet Ezekiel:

    Ezekiel 36:22-23, 24-28 (parts); 33- - Therefore, tell the house of Israel that Adonai Elohim (L-rd G-d) says this: I am not going to do this for your sake, house of Israel, but for the sake of my holy name, which you have been profaning among the nations where

    you went. I will set apart my great name to be regarded as holy, since it has been

    profaned in the nations you profaned it among them. They will know that I am Adonai, says Adonai Elohim, when, before their eyes, I am set apart through you to be regarded as holy.

    For I will take you from among the nations, gather you from all countries, and return

    you to your own soil. Then I will sprinkle clean water upon youI will cleanse you from your uncleanlinessI will give you a new heart and put a new spirit inside yourYou will live in the land I gave to your ancestors. You will be my people, and I will be your


    When the day comes for me to cleanse you from all your guilt, I will cause cities to be

    inhabited and the ruins to be rebuilt. The land that was desolate will be tilled, whereas

    formerly it lay desolate for all passing by to see. They will say, the land that used to be desolate has become like Gan Eden (Garden of Eden)Then the nations around that remain will know that I, Adonai, have rebuilt the ruins and replanted what was

    abandoned. I, Adonai, have spoken; and I will do it!

  • It is they who are so still lost that they cannot perceive that as national peoples they are

    tribal cousins to one another. Today they would be no-bodies, but instead are some-bodies because they were chosen by the Almighty G-d of Israel to His chosen people.

    They are the ancient Celtics, the Cymric, the Germanics tribes and the land of the

    Scuths in the Isles of the West, the royal Scythian tribes that live in Scandinavia to the

    north, plus the northern regions of land of the Franks and the Germanic tribes called

    the Angle and the Saxon (Anglo-Saxons) plus the Ostrogoths, Visigoths, and the

    Vandals, who are now venting again their anti-Semitic arrogance upon the Jewish

    people, their tribal brothers living in the State of Israel today.

    Though they call themselves Christians, they have no real understanding who the

    Christ is to whom they claim to serve for out of their Romanized messiah they have left a hollow shell of the real Prince of David who was a Jewish rabbi who lived his life

    as an authentic Hasidic Halakkhic Torah observant Jew.

    This is also the same region of Shomron (Samaria) where the Jewish pioneers and

    patriots of Israel are building homes and cities for people to live as they seek to keep the

    biblical heartland of Israel that once were the dwelling places where Abraham, Isaac

    and Jacob once lived under the Life Cultural Torah Rule of the G-d of Israel instead of the Death Culture Rule of the god of Allah?

    The Hindu Wheel of the Sun G-ds Chariot is the same as the Dharma Chakra Wheel of Buddhists, both taken from the Vision of Ezekiels Wheel within the Wheel on

    HaShems Merkabah; the Heavenly Chariot and The Israelites Wheel of the Law

    It is quite evident that the monotheistic theology of fundamental Islam has today been

    captured by a culture of death instead of a culture of life that was given to the Children

    of Israel by HaShem, the G-d of Israel at the mount called Sinai. The traces of the

    monotheistic reformation taken by the Jewish priest, Buzi the Buddha Mundi and

  • Ezekiel, his son, were given back to the Lost Ten Tribes living in India, Tibet and Nepal

    2,600 years ago by these brave and intrepid emissaries of the Divine.

    It is of interest that Buzi the Jewish priest, and Ezekiel his son, can be traced back to the

    first High Priest who first served in the Wilderness Tabernacle near the mount called

    Sinai. Buzi, the Jewish priest of the House of Aaron with the eye of the prophet not only was a heroic man, but also he became a messiah, elected by the Holy One of Israel,

    to begin the redemption process of restoration and reclamation of the entire House of

    All 10-Tribed Israel that is exploding in front of our eyes today.

    Not only that, the primal symbol of Buddhism called the Dharma Chakra Wheel seen on the top of the Buddhist Stupas in Nepal and India today still depict the Wheels seen in Ezekiels heavenly vision of the chariot of G-d called the Merkabah (Chariot of G-d). The Lost Israelite Buddhist descendants, not just the Christian Lost Israelites who are today living in Europe and the former European colonies will be soon be resurrected

    to a new reality like the dry bones prophecy (Ezekiel 37) which was given later to the Prophet Ezekiel.

    As a Lost Israelite, if you consider that Buzi was an unusual name, you might want to

    ponder the names in the Aaronic lineage, such as Buki and Uzzi that passed down from

    Levi the son of the Patriarch Jacob who was the 27th

    generation from Adam all the way

    down to The Nazarene who was not only a Prince of David and a descendant of the Zerubbabels , but a descendant of the authorized lineage of the High Priests of Israel through King Davids High Priest, Zadok.


    ben Yacob (children: Jocheved, Kohath) ->


    ben Levi ->


    ben Kohath (married his aunt Jocheved and had three children; Moses,

    Miriam and Aaron) ->


    ha-Levi ->


    ben Aaron ->


    ben Eleazar ->

    Abishuah (Abishua) 33

    ben Phinehas ->


    ben Abishua ->


    ben Bukki ->


    ben Uzzi ->


    ben Aerahiah ->


    ben Meraioth ->

  • Ahitub39

    ben Amariah ->


    ben Ahitub the(High Priest of King David (1000 BCE)->


    ben Zadok ->


    ben Ahimaaz ->


    ben Azariah ->


    ben Johanon ->


    ben Amariah ->


    ha-Hohen ->

    ? skip generation47



    he-Kohen ->


    (Shallum) ben Zadok ->


    be Shallum ->


    ben Hilkiah ->


    ben Azariah ->


    ben Seraiah ->


    ben Jehozadak ->


    (Joiakim) ben Jeshua ->

    Eliashib (Eolinshib) 56

    ben Joiakim ->

    Joiadah (Joiada) 57

    ben Eliashib ->

    Johanan (Johanna) 58

    ben Joiada ->

    Juddual (Jaddua) 59

    ben Johanan ->

    Onias I60

    ben Jaddua ->

    Simon the Just61 ben Onias ->


    of Simon the Just ben Onias married

    Joseph ben Mattathias63

    (house of David) ->

  • Janna (Janne Jannai)64

    ben Joseph ->

    Melchi (Melki) 65

    ben Janna ->


    ben Melchi (Panther) ->

    Matthat (Mathat) 67

    (also Barpanther) ben Levi of Arimathea ->


    ben Matthat (Prince Alexander III Helios) ->

    Miriam bat Heli69


    Yahshua ben Yosef70

    (Jesus son of Joseph of the Houses of David and Zadok)

    Joseph of Arimathea68

    ben Matthat ->

    Anna (Hanna) 69

    bat Joseph of Arimathea

    It is of interest also that this genealogy from Adam at the beginning of time, continued

    for 70 generations until the Prince of David called the The Nazarene was born, and nurtured in his infancy by the Essenes. He was later protected in his teens and young

    manhood by his maternal great uncle, Joseph of Arimathea, a metal merchant who as a

    Roman Decurion had the imperial contract with the Caesar of Rome for the mining and

    the extraction of lead and tin along the Cornwall coast of ancient Britannia in the Isles

    of the West.

    His paternal grandfather was Jacob ben Mattan, the Patriarch of Jerusalem who was

    appointed to this post by King Herod the Great when it was taken away from Shammai

    the Great, who later established one of the great yeshivas in Jerusalem called Beit

    Shammai. Shammai took the place of Menahem the Essene under Hillel the Great in 20

    BCE who fled with his disciples to Damascus. Shammai became the Beit Av Din in the

    Great Sanhedrin in Jerusalem under the famed Jewish Nasi Hillel the Greatof the

    rabbinic yeshiva called Beit Hillel.

    The Nazarenes maternal grandfather was Heli ben Matthat, the Prince heir to the Maccabean throne, who was known as Prince Alexander III Helios whose royal title was usurped by King Herod the Great. The year was 37 BCE and the combined forces

    of King Herod with two Roman legions were now surrounding the city of Jerusalem.

    Interesting, the last of the Jewish resistant forces against Rome during the Siege of Jerusalem in 37 BCE were the military forces of the Lost Israelite Parthians; the most formidable enemy of Rome.

    During the siege, the walls of Jerusalem had been breached, the last stronghold was the

    sacred Temple and the Upper City. While the temple was engulfed in flames, the last

    Hasmonean King Antigonus was captured. The fate of Antigonas was now in the hands

    of the Roman governor Sossius, but Antigonus he bound to a cross and flogged a punishment no other king had suffered at the hands of the Romans and then shipped to Antioch where the last Hasmonean King Antigonas was beheaded by Mark Anthony;

    also the only time in history it was recorded that a Roman ruler beheaded a king. As

    Josephus thus recorded:

  • Flavius Josephus Now when Antony had received Antigonus as his captive, he determined to keep him against his triumph, but when he heard that the nation grew

    seditious, and that, out of their hatred to Herod. They continued to bear good-will to

    Antigonus, he resolved to behead him at Antioch, for otherwise the Jews could no way

    be brought to quiet.

    And Strabo of Cappadocia attests to what I have said, when he thus speaks; - Antony ordered Antigonus the Jew to be brought to Antioch, and there to be beheaded; and this

    Antony seems to me to have been the very first man who beheaded a king, as supposing

    he could no other way bend the minds of the Jew so as to receive Herod, whom he had

    made king in his stead.

    At this time the last of the Jewish resistant forced were now under the rule of Antigonas wife, Queen Alexandra II (Esther of Jerusalem)whom King Herod captured and

    imprisoned. Queen Alexandra IIwas kept captive in the old Maccabean Palace, now the

    Herodian Palace in Jericho until her death. Soon after, Heli, (Prince Alexander Helios)

    was eliminated by the long arm of King Herod and thereby left an orphaned daughter

    called Miriam, the mother of the Nazarene to be left in the custody of her maternal

    grandfather, Yehoshua III ben Fabi, the High Priest of the Jews in Jerusalem.

    Prince Alexander III Helios, the prince heir to the Maccabee throne in Jerusalem was

    the half-brother of Joseph of Arimathea, the rich man in Jerusalem. Joseph, married to a Davidian princess, Rachel of Arimathea, was a powerful and highly esteemed

    Roman Decurionwho sat on the Roman Provincial Counsel in Judea and also sat on the

    hereditary seat of King David in the Great Sanhedrin in Jerusalem as an esteemed

    Elder of the Jews.

    When we look at the coincidences in history and how the G-d of Israel plays out this

    Drama of the Ages with order and great purpose, He occasional leaves here and there a fingerprint saying, I am here! Though you cannot see; Believe and it shall be revealed to you.

    Let us look at another fingerprint of the Divine when at the same time that Buzi the Jewish Kohen was preparing to leave on a secret spiritual redemption mission given as

    direct orders from the throne of the Almighty One of Israel to the Prophet Ezekiel,

    Buzis son.

    Is it not of interest that the descendants of Joseph of Arimathea who were born when the

    modern State of Israel was given birth in 1949 are now the 70th

    generation since the era

    of the days of King Herod, Prince Alexander Helios III, and Joseph of Arimathea and

    his nephew, the Davidian prince, Yahshua (Joshua), named after Yehoshua III, the High

    Priest in Jerusalem and later became the Jewish rabbi, called The Nazarene.

    At the same time of the secret mission commanded by G-d to the Prophet Ezekiel,

    another secret commando mission was ongoing in the land of Israel, in the decade before

    the first destruction of Solomons Temple in the 6th century BCE.

  • Mount Nebo overlooking the Jordan and Israel where the Prophet Jeremiah hid the Ark

    of the Covenant before the Destruction of Solomons Temple

    It happened in the days of Good King Josiah, who along with King Hezekiah are

    regarded as messiahs of the Jews that this young and revered king discovered a hidden

    scroll of the Torah saved from the desecration of the Solomons Temple with idol of gold and stone earlier by the wicked King Manasseh. This led to a spiritual revival of the

    Southern Kingdom of Judah and redeemed them for a little while back into a spiritual

    redemption to the Life Culture of Torah first given to them at the mount called Sinai.

    At this time, the finger of the Divine was preparing His people to reawaken them to their spiritual destiny and it came under The Prophetic Mandate of King Josiah and the Prophet Jeremiah to prepare them for the future destruction of Jerusalem. Even more so, it was the beginning of one of the greatest commando missions of all times; to

    hide the hide the Treasures of King Solomon in order to save them for the revealing of

    the Messiah son of David at the End of Days. Here is the story as first written by BibleSearchers Reflections in the year of 2005.

    BibleSearchers Reflections From all appearances, King Josiah and the Prophet Jeremiah became the best of friends. They were partners in a divine mission, to restore

    the sanctity of the temple, bring the last reformation to the Land of Judah, until the

    time of the end for this era of National Judah was about to end. More than that, it was a time in which to document, itemize, and restore all the important articles, furnishings,

    and utensils used in the service of the Temple of the Lord and to preserve them for use

    at the time of the end when the temple of the Lord will be built by the messiah, David,

    son of David.

  • The Last View of the Land of Israel by Moses looking down upon the Land of Israel

    from Mount Nebo in Jordan

    King Josiah and the Prophet Jeremiah also had a second and more treasured mission, to

    prepare for the final dissolution of the temple and the service of G-d in which it was to

    be represented for a future age. The King of Judah, Josiah, and the Prophet Jeremiah

    were also on a divine mission to fulfill the long and arduous mission; to bury the

    treasures of the Temple of Solomon in multiple hidden chambers in the mountains

    under and surrounding Jerusalem. It was their mission to preserve them until the time

    of the end when the temple of the Lord would be restored by the Messiah son of David.

    This same reformation of King Josiah with the Prophet Jeremy was written in the inter-

    testament Book of the Maccabees, that testified:

    11 Maccabees 2:1-8 - It is also found in the records, that Jeremy the prophet commanded them that were carried away to take of the fire, as it hath been signified:

    And now that the prophet, having given them the law, charged them not to forget the

    commandments of the L-rd, and that they should not err in their minds, when they see

    images of silver and gold, with their ornaments. And with other such speeches exhorted

    he them, that the law would not depart from their hearts.

    It was also contained in the same writings, that the prophet, being warned of G-d,

    commanded the tabernacle and the ark to go with him, as he went forth into the

    mountain, where Moses climbed up, and saw the heritage of G-d. And when Jeremy

    came thither, he found a hollow cave, wherein he laid the tabernacle, and the ark, and

    the altar of incense, and so stopped the door. And some of those that followed him came

    to mark the way, but they could not find it.

    Which when Jeremy perceived, he blamed them, saying, As for that place, it shall be unknown until the time that G-d gathers His people again together, and receives them

    unto mercy. Then shall the L-rd shewed them these things, and the glory of the L-rd shall appear, and the cloud also, as it was shewed under Moses, and as when Solomon

    desired that the place might be honourably sanctified.

  • The operational complexity of this mammoth, highly sensitive and secret commando

    operation was given to five young priests or princes; Shimur the Levite, later the high

    priest after the exile, Hezekiah whose identity is yet unknown, Zedekiah who possibly

    was Prince Zedekiah, the crown prince later as the son of King Jeconiah, Chaggai,

    known today as Haggai the Prophet, and Zechariah, the son of Ido the Prophet, known

    also as the Prophet Zechariah. They had to literally move most of the ancient gold and

    silver vessels, temple furnishings, high priests garments including the sacred breast

    plate, plus a giant menorah, including the entire Mishkhan, the Tabernacle of the

    Congregation, with the Ark of the Covenant, that was constructed under the supervision

    of Moses on the plains surrounding the mount called Sinai to secret hidden depositories.

    This secret mission started years before the first invasion of Prince Nebuchadnezzar to

    Jerusalem and continued right under the noses of the military troops of

    Nebuchadnezzar. Is it not amazing that these same young men took large caches of

    sacred treasuries with them while political prisoners, as they were led to the Tigris and

    Euphrates Valley, and buried them in Babylon and ancient Baghdad.

    This inventory of the caches was documented in detail and preserved in the documents

    or mishnayots, called the Emeq HaMelekh, meaning the Valley of the Kings that were to be preserved for future ages.

    Emeq HaMelekh These Mishnayot ["Records"] were written by five righteous men. They are: Shimur the Levite, Hizkiyah, Zidkiyah, Chaggai the Prophet and Zechariah,

    son of Ido the Prophet. They concealed the vessels of the Temple and the wealth of the

    treasures that were in Jerusalem which will not be discovered until the day of the

    coming of Maschiach, son of David, speedily in our times, Amen, and so it will be.

    The documentation of this secret mission was engraved in bas relief inscription, just like

    the engraving found on the Copper Scroll. This time, it was on two white marble tablets

    first discovered at Mount Carmel and then rediscovered in the museum archives in

    Beirut, Lebanon. These same writings were identical to the Emeq HaMelekh (Valley of

    the Kings) and the missing 9th

    century document, called the Massakhet Keilim.

    They were found in a lost Tosephta Mishnayot III under the section of Kilim that was

    hidden in the Genizah of the Ben Ezra Synagogue in Cairo. Here they were preserved in

    the storage room where no longer used sacred writings in which the holy name of the

    Almighty One of Israel, YHVH, was written upon were stored. The only addition in the

    writing in contrast to the Massakhet Keilim was, upon the two white marble tablets was

    written the date of its inscription. It read:

    These are the words of Shimur HaLevi, the servant of HaShem.

    In the year 3331 of Adam.

    Let us consider this archeological fact. For decades there have been arguments and

    discussions about the verity and validity of the Rabbinic calendar of the Jews called the

    Seder Olam Rabbah (The Great Order of the World). It was felt to have been initially

    put in written form by the well-known Talmudist Rabbi Yose b. Halafta and confirmed

    by Rabbi Yohanans statement, The tanna of the Seder Olam was R. Jose (Yeb. 82b; Niddah 46b).

  • The Seder Olam Rabbah dated the destruction of the Temple of Solomon to the Jewish

    year of 3338 that corresponds to the modern calendar year of 442 BCE. It is also

    understood that both the Temples of Solomon and Herod were destroyed on the seventh

    Shmittah year of the seven year Sabbatical year cycle. With this fact, the Emeq HaMelekh, was written also on the seventh Shmittah year of the Sabbatical cycle, seven years before the destruction of Jerusalem and Solomons Temple in the Jewish year of 449 BCE.

    It was November, 2002 that BibleSearchers first wrote about the Emeq HaMelekh, in a

    thirteen part series, titled by the first article, The Emeq HaMelekh (Valley of the Kings) The Hebrew Account of hiding the Ark, the Sanctuary, and the Treasures of Solomons Temple. This series studied each of these Jewish Mishnahs and is today the most complete research on the hidden treasures of King Solomon from the Temple of


    Mishnah 12 of the Emek HaMalekh Hiluk, son of Shimur HaLevi, was given twelve more precious stones in order to hide them so that they could [eventually] be restored to

    the Tribes [of Israel]. The names of the Tribes were engraved on them, and they shone

    on the Tribe's heads, excellent and precious, one more than the other. No king, prophet,

    or anyone else knew where they were hidden, excepting Hiluk, son of Shimur HaLevi.

    The remainder of the wealth and glory that was in Jerusalem was taken by angel

    Shimshiel. Shimur, Hiluk, and their companions, the Levites, later went and showed it to

    Michael and Gavriel.

    All Israel concealed the Vessels until a righteous king arises over Israel. What's more,

    they all swore a solemn vow never to reveal the whereabouts of these vessels until David,

    son of David, arises. All silver, gold, and Margaliot (precious stones) which was ever

    hidden away will be handed over to him when the exiles of Israel will be gathered from

    the four ends of the earth, and they ascend with greatness and exaltation to the land of

    Israel. At that time, a great river will issue forth from the Holy of Holies of the Temple.

    Its name is Gihon, and it will flow to the great and dreadful desert, and become mixed

    with the Euphrates River. Immediately, all the Vessels will float up and be revealed.

    We know that the relationship of Baruch was indelibly sealed with the voice of Jeremiah

    for Baruch was the prophets amanuensis, the literary or artistic assistant of the prophet who took his dictations and inscribed them on manuscripts or copies to be kept in a

    literary archive. Yet, Baruch was more than just a scribe. He had a profound a secret

    mission that he and several others had conducted probably unknowing to the last royal

    ruler of the throne of King David, King Zedekiah.

    Baruch the scribe, years earlier before the destruction of Solomons Temple, was one of the priestly commandos who in a daring mission under the direction of Jeremiah the

    Prophet and under the royal command of King Josiah hid all the sacred treasures of

    King Solomons Temple. This is true and the actual living legend was hidden in a secret Tosefta, an addition to the Talmud, which was preserved not in but separate from the

    Hebrew Talmud.

    It was in 1992 that Rabbi Rachnael Steinberg with his student Rabbi Mendel Tropper

    discovered in Amsterdam, Holland the long lost writings called the Emeq HaMelekh,

  • meaning the Valley of the Kings. It had been written by Rabbi Naftali Hertz Ben Yaacov Elchanon in the year 1648 in Amsterdam.

    According to rabbinic history, Rav Hertz was known as a prominent and holy Rabbi who excelled in the knowledge of the written and the oral Torah. His lineage of rabbinic

    knowledge came from the famed Rabbi Ari Ben Luria, leader of the rabbinic mystical

    sages which included the great Torah sage, Rabbi Yosef Cairo, author of the Shulchan

    Aruch. According to the records, Rabbi Naftali Hertz cited as his source as the

    Massakhet Keilim, a Tosefta (addition) to the Talmud, which is not found in any modern

    Talmud today.

    As recorded in the BibleSearchers research on the Emeq HaMelekh, in the series of

    articles titled, The Emeq HaMelekh (Valley of the Kings), the Hebrew Account of Hiding the Ark, the Sanctuary and the Treasures of Solomons Temple See Parts (1), (2), (3), (4), (5), (6), (7), (8), (9), (10), (11), (12); we can today read the amazing story as

    preserved by the famous ark and Mishkhan hunter, the late Vendyl Jones who was blessed by Rabbi Menachem Schneerson as a Righteous Gentile. As BibleSearchers Reflections continued:

    BibleSearchers Reflections According to the discoverer of the Emeq HaMelekh, Rabbi Steinberg, in the Talmud Huriot 12A, describes the prophet Jeremiah, realizing

    that the destruction of Jerusalem and the Temple was imminent, organized a heroic

    rescue operation. He was commanded by the King of Judah, King Josiah, who had

    recently repaired the Temple of Solomon and found the ancient writings of the Torah

    hidden in the Temple, to hide the Ark of the Covenant, the bottle of Anointing Oil,

    Aarons Staff and the Chest sent by the Pelishtim (Philistines) to Israel as a gift to the G-d of Israel. Rabbi Tropper, also citing also the Babylonian Talmud in Tractate Yoma 72 A, stated that the Mishkhan (Wilderness Sanctuary) and all its contents were

    hidden away but will one day be found.

    Yes, the ancient Mishkhan, or Wilderness Temple, which was built by Bezaleel under

    the supervision of Moses and the blueprint given to him by the L-rd of hosts on Mount

    Sinai, was still in existence before the last days of King Zedekiah and kept in a sacred

    repository in a grotto under the Temple of Solomon. It had been preserved in the days of

    Jeremiah and King Josiah and now it was imperative to hide it to even a more secret

    location to keep it out of the hands of anticipated invasion of the Babylonian forces of

    King Nebuchadnezzar. In an article written by Rabbi Tropper, we today can read the


    Rabbi Tropper This house of worship (Mishkhan) contained the altar for the daily and seasonal sacrifices, the elaborate Menorah (candelabra) of solid gold, the Qalal

    (copper urn) containing the Ashes of the Red Heifer, and the numerous other vessels

    utilized for the detailed services of the Kohanim (priests).

    Within the Mishkhan's inner chamber, the Holy of Holies could be found the

    magnificent Ark of the Covenant containing among other sacred items, the Tablets of

    the Ten Commandments brought down by Moses at Sinai. Because of these sacred

    contents and the level of holiness attained by the Prophet Moses, only the Mishkhan

    reached a pure enough state to warrant that the Shechina (Divine Presence of G-d)

    would come to rest within it for all eternity. When the First Temple was built in

  • Jerusalem, the Ark of the Covenant was placed inside while the rest of the Mishkhan

    was buried beneath in a secret vault."

    Rabbi Solomon Schechter in the Ben Ezra Genizah in Cairo, Egypt

    The story does not end. Later in the 1990s, at Cambridge University was discovered work done by a Solomon Schechter in 1896, who had bought about 100,000 pages that

    had been discovered in a Genizah of the ancient and revered Ben Ezra Synagogue in

    Cairo, Egypt. According to the Torah, any document contained the name of the Holy

    One could not be destroyed, so when it was damaged or too old to be used, it was put in

    a document depository called a Genizah. The documents within the caves of Qumran

    were also suggested as being a Genizah depository for the Essenes or for the priests in

    Herods Temple in Jerusalem.

    The reason being that Qumran was suggested as being a Genizah is that every book in

    the Torah, the Writings and the Prophets, plus countless other inter-testament writings

    and commentaries were represented in the Qumran library except for the Book of

    Esther; the only book written by or about the Jews that does not give the holy name of

    HaShem, the G-d of Israel.

  • Ben Ezra Synagogues Geniza in Cairo, Egypt

    Within the scrolls found in the Ben Ezra Synagogues Geniza in Cairo, Egypt was discovered a copy of the missing Tosefta, listed under the section of Keilim (Vessels) and noted to be the same source writings that Rabbi Hertz was citing in his 1648

    Mishnayots. The only difference, these source writings were believed to be from the 8th

    and 9th

    century; 800 years earlier.

    Rabbi Naftali (Ben Elchanan) Hertz, called these records Mishnayots and were included

    in the introduction of his text. The Mishnah as the rabbinic written documentation of

    the oral traditions passed down by the Levites from the time of Moses is the first section

    of the Talmud, which also includes the summary, called the Gemara. Here in the 9th Mishnah, we find the role of Baruch the Scribe as given to him by his rabbinic mentor;

    Jeremiah the Prophet.

    Let us then read the 9th

    Mishnah of the Emeq HaMelekh and the secret mission of

    Baruch son of Neriah, the Scribe conducted and its role on heralding the Future Messianic Reign of David son of David

  • Ben Ezras Synagogue in Cairo, Egypt

    The 9th

    Mishnayot of the Emeq HaMelekh - David [also] made 1,000 lyres and 7,000 harps to atone for Israel. He had Zilzalim (cymbals) for singing, extolling, thanksgiving,

    and praising the G-d of Israel which were handed down to him from Moses, from Sinai.

    The words, From beneath the legs of the Throne of Glory, sapphire stone, in the likeness of the Throne (cf. Exodus 24:10), were inscribed upon them.

    The lyres were made of Almugim wood, overlaid with fine gold, with 8 stones on each

    lyre, carried by the clouds, the demons and the spirits that were under Shlomo's

    dominion. On each lyre was a bell of "Nehoshet Kalal" (burnished copper) from before

    the Throne of Glory, together with a priceless, precious stone that Moses quarried on

    Mount Sinai from under the Throne of Glory which was upon the Sapphire Stone.

    All these were hidden and concealed in "Ein Zidkiyah" that the fittest [men] of Israel

    knew in secret, lest they fall, G-d forbid, into the hands of the enemy who hated Israel.

    For these vessels are not to be used except to atone for Israel. Baruch [ben Neriah] and

    Zidkiyahu thus concealed them to prevent the Chaldeans from using them, G-d forbid.

  • They hid them until the day when Israel will return to their former stature and reclaim

    [eternal] honor and worldly glory, and they find a man whose name is David, son of

    David. The silver and gold shall then be unearthed to him, when All Israel (Northern 10 Tribes) and the Jews] shall gather and make a complete Aliyah (ascent) to Jerusalem.


    The story has been told by the late Vendyl Jones who so zealously sought to find the Ark

    of the Covenant, about the late Menachem Begin, the former Prime Minister of Israel,

    who once confronted his father, Zeev Dov, and said, Father, why did you not continue on to achieve the leadership of the State of Israel and become the Prime Minister of


    His father turned to him and said, Menachem, the sages of our people have stated that the leaders of the last State of Israel will be the 70

    th generation since the destruction of

    the Temple and Jerusalem. I am the 69th

    generation. You are the 70th!

    The Destruction of Jerusalem and King Herods Temple by Rome

    So the potential for the revealing of the Era of the Messiah is now again, 70 years after

    the destruction of the King Herods Temple, pulsating before our spiritual eyes and ears. Not only that the G-d of Israel prepared this day in our era, by preserving the best

    of Solomons Treasures, from the ancient Mishkhan, the Wilderness Tabernacle of the Dwelling first constructed and erected at the mount called Sinai.

    All of this was happening as a Levite descendant of Aaron the High Priest called Buzi

    was sent to redeem the Lost 10 Tribes of the House of Israel. By his efforts, along also

    with his son, the Prophet Ezekiel, and five disciple, brought to the Lost Ten Tribes of the

    House of Israel that were inhabiting in the Land of Media to the East, and by his effort

    gave to them an elevated pathway of consciousness that became the primitive footsteps

    called Buddhism today.

    We pause for a second to reflect upon the number five; five disciples from the School of

    the Prophets and five Levite commando to perform that which was impossible, to hide

  • the great treasures of Solomons Temple in separate caches from the Land of Israel to Baghdad in modern Iraq today.

    We understand that the number of man is five. As the Holy One of Israel was making

    preparations for our day to resurrect and restore the vast golden archives of Solomons Temple, when a new Temple will be constructed, whose blue-print was already laid out

    to the Prophet Ezekiel, and preserved for us today to read, ponder and to prepare. Two

    missions, one directed by King Josiah and the Prophet Jeremiah, the other directed by

    the Prophet Ezekiel and his father, Buzi, the Aaronic Kohen with the prophetic eye.

    Also, if the birth date of the Sakyan prince, Siddhartha is correct to the year of 624, the

    date of his birth, he truly when he became 29 years old in the Gregorian year of 595

    BCE, could no doubt have been a contemporary but also a Buddhi disciple of Buzi the

    temple priest.

    So our story returns back to that young Lost Israelite, a Sakyan (son of Isaac) Prince called Siddhartha who rebelled from the life of royal isolation, wanting to mingle with

    the people of his potential realm, who became shocked by the results of sin and

    degradation upon his peoples that he wanted to find a way of peace. We do not know if

    he learned the Noble Pathway directly from the Jewish Kohen (priest) from Jerusalem as part of his message of his enlightenment. Yet, Prince Siddhartha apparently did assume the mantle of Buzi the Aaronic Kohen, the one with the

    prophetic eye to raise up the degradation of the Israelites as they were abominating the Holy Name of HaShem, the One G-d of Israel commanded the Prophet Ezekiel with

    these words:

    Ezekiel 2:1-2 Son of Man, I send you to the Children of Israel, the rebellious nations (plural) that have rebelled against me; they and their fathers have defiantly sinned

    against Me to this very day: and the children are brazen-faced and hard hearted I send you to them, and you shall say to them, Thus said the L-rd HaShem Elohim.

    So when the Sakya Muni died, it was the peoples of the Sakyas of Kapilivastu who

    honored him most by calling him The Blessed One was the pride of our race (of Sacae Israelites). The evidence continues to mount that the religion of the Lost Ten Tribes of

    the House of Israel was a part of the civilized life culture of the Sakai, for the Sakhs of

    Indian history and they all point to be the beginnings of Buddhism in its infancy as a

    branch, later corrupted from the pristine Mosaic Torah Judaism foundation that was

    the cultural history of the Budii (disciples of Buddha).

  • The Future Temple of G-d as Envisioned by the Prophet Ezekiel

    So we begin to link the 70 generations from the time of the Creation of Adam to the Fall

    of Jerusalem in 70 CE, are indelibly tied with the 70 generations that began after the

    Fall of Jerusalem and the destruction of the Temple of G-d to the last days of the

    modern State of Israel before the era of the messiah begins, our minds are sobered at the

    clues that the G-d of Israel keeps dropping at our doorstep and humbled at the thought

    of the million Jews who lost their lives in the Roman inferno of their beloved city, and

    the destruction of the most glorious and opulent temple in the entire Roman Empire; the

    Temple of Herod.

    As the Jewish people scattered around the world, rose from the pyre of Jerusalems destruction and with the Oral and the Written Torah, succeeded to keep the minds of

    the Jewish people looking and dreaming of a Jerusalem in which someday, they will be

    privileged to build the Third Temple to the G-d of Israel.