manual blender omx ir 1000

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Post on 22-Feb-2018




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  • 7/24/2019 Manual Blender OMX IR 1000


    Blender de masa cu rasnita

    Power Plus 1000

    Model: OMX-IR-1000


    Blender de masa cu rasnita

    1000W, 220-240V, 50 Hz

    Culoare: Negru + Inox

  • 7/24/2019 Manual Blender OMX IR 1000

    2/19 600W, 50Hz, 220-240V


    Va rugam sa cititi cu atentie instructiunile si sa pastrati manualul pentru informari ulterioare.

    Acest manual este conceput pentru a va oferi toate instructiunile necesare referitoare la

    instalarea, utilizarea si intretinerea aparatului.

    Pentru a opera unitatea corect si in siguranta, va rugam sa cititi acest manual cu instructiuni

    cu atentie inainte de instalare si utilizare.



    Blender de masa

    Manual de utilizare

    Certificat de garantie

    Accesoriu: Rasnita

    Va multumim pentru alegerea acestui produs!

  • 7/24/2019 Manual Blender OMX IR 1000

    3/19 600W, 50Hz, 220-240V



    Denumirea componentelor:

    1. Unitate de masura

    2. Capacul blenderului

    3. Vas blender

    4. Lama

    5. Inel de securizare

    6. Inel intern

    7. Carcasa lamei

    8. Inel exterior decorativ

    9. Panou de control

    10. Corp principal

    11. Picioruse anti-derapante

    12. Decoratie buton control13. Inel luminos albastru

    14. Buton control

  • 7/24/2019 Manual Blender OMX IR 1000

    4/19 600W, 50Hz, 220-240V



    Va rugam sa cititi cu atentie manualul de instructiuni inainte de a utiliza aparatul.


    Operarea gresita sau manuirea necorespunzatoare poate dauna aparatului si

    poate produce ranirea utilizatorului.

    2. Unitatea poate fi folosita doar in scopurile destinate. Producatorul nu isi asuma

    raspunderea pentru pagubele produse de folosirea necorespunzatoare a


    3. Inaintea conectarii la sursa de curent electric, verificati daca tipul de curent si

    tensiunea sunt corespunzatoare celor inscrise pe aparat.4. Nu scufundati blenderul si cablul in apa sau alte lichide. Daca din greseala

    aparatul a fost introdus in apa, scoateti imediat din priza si consultati un

    profesionist inainte de reutilizare. Este pericol de electrocutare!


    Nu incercati sa deschideti unitatea motorului si nu introduceti niciun fel de

    obiecte inauntru!

    6. Nu utilizati blenderul avand mainile ude, sau pe o podea umeda sau cand in

    ambianta umeda.


    Nu conectati stecherul la priza cu mana umeda sau uda.

    8. Verificati cablul, stecherul si adaptorul in mod regulat. Daca stecherul sau

    cablul este deteriorat, trebuie inlocuit de producator, agentul sau de service

    sau persoane calificate, pentru a evita un accident.

    9. Nu folositi aparatul daca cablul sau stecherul e deteriorat ori daca unitatea a

    cazut pe podea sau a suferit vreo deteriorare. In aceste cazuri, duceti aparatul

    la un centru de service pentru verificare si reparatie, daca este cazul.

    10.Nu incercati niciodata sa reparati unitatea singur. Exista pericol de


    11.Nu lasati cablul sa atarne peste colturi ascutite si tineti-l departe de obiecte

    fierbinti sau flacari. Trageti de stecher daca doriti sa scoateti din priza aparatul.


    Cablul, precum si prelungitorul trebuie pozitionate astfel incat sa nu cauzezeriscul de a impiedica pe cineva sau de a fi tras brusc din priza.

    13.Daca este folosit un cablu de extensie lung, trebuie sa fie compatibil cu sursa

    de alimentare de curent electric. Altfel va cauza supraincalzirea cablului si/sau

    a prizei.


    Puneti unitatea pe o suprafata dreapta, neteda si anti-inflamabila, nu in

    apropierea flacarilor sau a obiectelor incinse (aragaz, cuptor, plita etc) si o lasati

    nu la indemana copiilor.

  • 7/24/2019 Manual Blender OMX IR 1000

    5/19 600W, 50Hz, 220-240V


    15.Aparatul nu este destinat folosirii in aer liber, nici in scopuri comerciale.


    Copii nu pot sesiza pericolul utilizarii necorespunzatoare a aparatelor electrice,

    asa ca trebuie supravegheati sa nu se joace cu acestea.17.Acest aparat nu este destinat folosirii de catre persoane (inclusiv copii) cu

    capacitati mentale, senzoriale sau fizice reduse, ori cu lipsa de experienta si

    cunostinte, decat daca sunt supravegheati si instruiti in prealabil de catre o

    persoana responsabila de securitatea lor.


    Scoateti stecherul din priza inainte de a curata aparatul sau atunci cand acesta

    nu este in functiune.

    19.Atentie! Aparatul este incarcat de curent electric atat timp cat este conectat la



    Atentie la manuirea lamelor de taiat, golirea bolului si in timpul curatarii!


    Opriti aparatul si deconectati de la priza, inainte de a schimba accesoriile sau

    de a atinge parti mobile in miscare.

    22.Opriti unitatea inainte de a scoate cablul din priza.

    23.Folositi accesorii sau piese de schimb numai de la producator sau de la

    reprezentantul sau local.


    Nu ridicati aparatul tinand de cablu.


    Nu scoateti componente din sectiunea motorului.

    26.Atunci cand se amesteca lichide fierbinti/alimente, se poate produce un exces

    de presiune in blender, capacul poate sari si se poate imprastia amestecul

    fierbinte. De aceea, recomandam evitarea amestecarii lichidelor/alimentelor

    fierbinti si introducerea acestora numai in cantitati foarte mici in blender.

    27.Blenderul nu este destinat produselor alimentare tari precum alune in coaja,

    carne inghetata, oase etc, fapt care ar putea duce la deteriorarea lamelor sau la

    blocarea motorului.


    Inainte de curatare, unitatea trebuie oprita pentru a evita accidentele. Daca stecherul

    sau cablul se deterioreaza, nu folositi aparatul si nu incercati sa il dezasamblati, ci

    apelati la un centru service.

    Masuri speciale de securitate:

    Atentie: Lamele sunt foarte ascutite. Pericol de accidentare! In timp ce lamele

    sunt in miscare, nu atingeti si nu puneti obiecte inauntru!

    A se folosi numai cu accesorii furnizate de producator.

    Unitatea trebuie utilizata numai atunci cand este fixat bine capacul.

    Blenderul este echipat cu un sistem de siguranta. Acesta nu poate porni daca

    vasul de blender nu este fixat bine in baza blenderului. Daca aplicatia nu

    poate porni, scoateti cablul de alimentare din prize si verificati conexiunea

    dintre vas si baza blender-ului.

  • 7/24/2019 Manual Blender OMX IR 1000

    6/19 600W, 50Hz, 220-240V




    1. Curatati cana de masurare, capacul si bolul inainte de prima utilizare.


    Inainte de instalare, asigurati-va ca aparatul este oprit si scos din priza.

    3. Rotiti baza bolului in baza lamelor, apoi fixati baza lamelor in bol iar, in final,

    scuturati usor bolul astfel incat sa se blocheze in locul destinat.


    Fixati apoi bolul de corpul principal, si rotiti-l incet in sensul acelor deceasornic, pentru a se fixa bine de sectiunea motorului. Umpleti bolul cu

    alimentele dorite. Asigurati-va ca nivelul lichidului nu trece peste marginea

    acesteia (capacitatea maxima este 1500ml lichid). Nu folositi aparatul fara a

    introduce alimente in recipient.

    5. Puneti capacul peste blender si apasati-l. Puneti si sistemul de inchidere de



    Plasati cana de masurat in centrul capacului, rotiti in sensul invers acelor de



    1. Conectati aparatul la sursa de curent electric.


    Acest aparat are un mecanism de siguranta, daca nu sunt asamblate

    componentele bine, nu va functiona.

    3. Rotiti butonul P / 0 / 1 / 2 / 3 / 4 / 5 la pozitia 0, pentru a va asigura ca

    aparatul este scos din functiune.

    4. Umpleti bolul cu alimentele dorite.


    Puneti capacul deasupra bolului si fixati-l. Plasati cana de masurat in centrul

    capacului, rotiti in sens invers acelor de ceasornic.

    6. Fixati apoi bolul de corpul principal, si rotiti-l incet in sensul acelor de

    ceasornic, pentru a se fixa bine de sectiunea motorului si aparatul este

    complet asamblat.


    Rotiti butonul la viteza dorita (1-5). P=puls.


    In timpul functionarii, becul albastru este aprins.

  • 7/24/2019 Manual Blender OMX IR 1000

    7/19 600W, 50Hz, 220-240V


    Instalarea rasnitei:

    Curatati rasnita inainte de folosire.

    Asigurati-va ca aparatul este oprit si neconectat la priza. Puneti in rasnita alimentul dorit.

    Asezati inelul de etansare la baza lamelor, apoi asezati baza lamelor la rasnita

    si fixati de unitatea motor.

    Asezati rasnita pe unitate si rotiti usor in sensul acelor de ceas pentru a se

    atasa de unitate.

    Important:Nu folositi rasnita fara niciun aliment inauntru!

    Utilizarea rniei:


    Conectati la priza.


    Acest produs este prevazut cu system de siguranta si nu va functiona daca

    rasnita nu este atasata correct de unitate.

    3. Aduceti butonul de viteza P/0/1/2/3/4/5 la pozitia 0 pentru a va asigura ca

    unitatea este oprita.

    4. Umplet rasnita cu alimentul dorit.


    Asezati rasnita pe unitate si rotiti usor in sensul acelor de ceas pentru a se

    atasa de unitate.

    6. Setati nivelul de viteza dorit.

    7. In timpul functionarii, lumina albastra din jurul butonului de putere este


  • 7/24/2019 Manual Blender OMX IR 1000

    8/19 600W, 50Hz, 220-240V


    Ajustarea vitezei:

    Ppuls Lama de inox functioneaza cu viteza cea mai mare, potrivita pentru


    Viteza 1: Lama functioneaza cu viteza cea mai mica.

    Viteza 2: Lama functioneaza cu viteza mai mare decat viteza 1 dar mai mica decat

    viteza 3.

    Viteza 3: Lama functioneaza cu viteza mai mare decat viteza 2 dar mai mica decat

    viteza 4.

    Viteza 4: Lama functioneaza cu viteza mai mare decat viteza 3 dar mai mica decat

    viteza 5.

    Viteza 5Lama functioneaza cu viteza mai mare decat viteza 4 si este cea mai

    mare viteza.

    0: Aparatul este oprit


    1. Supraincarcarea poate bloca functionarea.

    2. Nu folositi blenderul mai mult de 2 minute o data.

  • 7/24/2019 Manual Blender OMX IR 1000

    9/19 600W, 50Hz, 220-240V


    Caracteristica (Model): OMX-IR-1000

    Putere: 1000W

    Nivel de zgomot:

  • 7/24/2019 Manual Blender OMX IR 1000

    10/19 600W, 50Hz, 220-240V



    Poti ajuta la protejarea mediului!

    Va rugam sa respectati regulamentele si legile locale: duceti echipamentele electrice nefunctionale

    catre un centru de colectare al echipamentelor electrice uzate.

    Importator: Network One Distribution

    Europolis Logistic Park, Italia Street, 1-7, Chaijna, Ilfov, Romania

    Tel: +40 21 211 18 56, ,

    HEINNER este marca inregistrata a companiei Network One Distribution SRL. Celelalte branduri,

    denumirile produselor sunt marci nregistrate ale respectivilor deintori.

    Nicio parte a specificatiilor nu poate fi reprodusa sub orice form sau prin orice mijloc, utilizata

    pentru obtinerea unor derivate precum traduceri, transformari sau adaptari, fara permisiunea

    prealabila a companiei NETWORK ONE DISTRIBUTION.

    Copyright 2013 Network One Distibution. All rights reserved.,

    Acest produs este proiectat si realizat in conformitate cu standardele si normele Comunitatii Europene
  • 7/24/2019 Manual Blender OMX IR 1000

    11/19 600W, 50Hz, 220-240V


    Stand blender with grinder

    Power Plus 1000

    Model: OMX-IR-1000

    Stand blender with grinder

    1000W, 220-240V, 50 Hz

    Color: Black + Stainless steel

  • 7/24/2019 Manual Blender OMX IR 1000

    12/19 600W, 50Hz, 220-240V


    Thank you for chosing this product!

    Please read this instruction manual carefully before using it and kee it for later information

    This manual is conceived for ofering you all of the necessary info regarding instalation, using

    and maintenance of the machine. For a correctly and safely use of the machine, please, read

    this manual before instalation and using.



    Stand blender

    Instruction Manual

    Warranty card

    Accessory: Grinder

  • 7/24/2019 Manual Blender OMX IR 1000

    13/19 600W, 50Hz, 220-240V




    1. Clean the measuring cup, cover and jar (except main body) before first using.

    2. Make sure the unit is turned off and not connected before the installation.

    3. Insert first ring, the jar sealed ring into blade base, then enclose the blade base into

    jar, last rock the jar slightly causing it to lock into place.

    4. Fit the blender glass jar onto the main body, and turn it slightly in to clockwise so it

    locks with the motor section. Fill the jug with the desired foods. Please ensure the liquid

    does not spill over from cup. (Maximal liquid capacity cannot exceed 1500 ml).

    Do not use the unit without any material inside!

    5. Put the cover on top of the jar and push it down. Insert the closure into the cover and

    turn until it locks into place.

    6. Place the measuring cup on the center of cover, then turn the measuring cup

    counterclockwise slightly.

  • 7/24/2019 Manual Blender OMX IR 1000

    14/19 600W, 50Hz, 220-240V



    Read the instructions for use carefully before using your appliance for the first time.

    Wrong operation and improper handling can cause problems with the appliance

    and injury to the user.

    The unit may be used only for the intended purposes. No liability is accepted for

    damages arising from improper use or faulty handling.

    Before connecting to the mains, please check if the type of supply and the mains

    voltage match with the details given on the rating label of the appliance.

    Do not immerse the appliance and mains plug in water or other liquids. If the

    appliance falls in water, pull out the power plug immediately and let the appliance

    to be checked by an expert before using it again. There is danger to life from

    electrical shock!

    Do not try to open the housing yourself! Do not introduce any kind of objects into

    the housing.

    Do not use the appliance with wet hands, on moist floor or when the ambience is


    Do not hold the mains plug with wet or moist hands.

    Check the mains plug and mains adapter regularly for damages. If the supply cord

    or plug is damaged, it must be replaced by manufacturer, its service agent or

    similarly qualified person in order to avoid a hazard.

    Do not operate the appliance if power cable or the mains plug shows damage or

    the unit fell to the floor or has been damaged otherwise. In such cases, bring the

    unit to the workshop for checking and repairs, if necessary.

    Do not ever try to repair the unit by yourself. There is danger from electrical shock!

    Do not let the power cord hang over sharp edges, keep it away from hot objects

    and open flames. Pull the plug itself to remove it from the plug socket.

    Installation of a spike protector will offer additional protection with a nominal

    trigger current of not more than 30 Ma in the house installation. Please consult

    your electrician.

    The cable as well as any other extension cable should be laid so that there will not

    be any risk of anyone pulling it inadvertently or tripping over it.

    If a long extension cable is used, it must be suitable for the power supply in

    question. Otherwise it causes overheating of the cable and/ or the plug.

    Set the unit on a rigid, flat and heat-proof surface, not near open flames (such as

    gas oven) and operate it out of reach of children.

    This appliance is suitable neither for commercial use nor for use outdoors.

    Children cannot sense the dangers caused by improper handling of electrical


    Important: Do not to touch the sharp blade. When clean, please wipe by dishcloth,

    to avoid accidentally injury.

  • 7/24/2019 Manual Blender OMX IR 1000

    15/19 600W, 50Hz, 220-240V


    Children should be supervised to ensure that they do not play with this appliance.

    This appliance is not intended for use by persons (including children) with reduced

    physical, sensory or mental capabilities, or lack of experience and knowledge,

    unless they have been given supervision or instruction concerning use of the

    appliance by a person responsible for their safety.

    Pull the plug out of the socket, when the appliance is not in use and also before


    Caution! The appliance is on power so long as it is connected to the power circuit.

    Care shall be taken when handling the sharp cutting blades, emptying the bowl and

    during cleaning.

    Switch off the appliance and disconnect from supply before changing accessories

    or approaching parts that move in use.

    Switch off the unit before pulling out the mains plug. Use only spare parts from the manufacturer or his local dealer.

    Never carry the unit by its power cord.

    Do not remove individual housing components.

    When mixing hot liquids/foods excess pressure may build up inside the blender,

    and this could make the lid come off and the contents splash out. We therefore

    recommend you to avoid mixing excessively hot foods and that you only put very

    small quantities of hot liquids or foods into the blender.

    Do not use the blender for very hard food products such as bones, shelled nuts,

    frozen meats etc., which could either damage the blade or cause the motor to



    Switch off the unit before cleaning it, to avoid creep age and other dangers. When the

    plug or power cord have been damaged, do not use the unit anymore, even not to

    disassembly by yourself. You must inform the after- service center to handle.

    Special safety precautions:

    Caution: The blades of the jug are very sharp. There is a danger of injury! While the

    blades are turning, never touch the jug from the inside and never put any objects

    inside. Only use equipment delivered by the manufacturer.

    Only use the unit with tightly closed cover and inserted closure.

    The unit is equipped with a security function. The unit can only be switched on if

    the jug is put on the engine base properly. If the unit cannot be switched on, pull

    the power cable and check the connection between jug and engine base.

    This unit is suitable only for household.

    Do not use for commerce. Otherwise the maintain service will invalid.

  • 7/24/2019 Manual Blender OMX IR 1000

    16/19 600W, 50Hz, 220-240V




    1. Connect the appliance to the mains.

    2. This unit has a safety design, it does not work if the jar was not installed on main

    body properly.

    3. Turn the knob P/ 0 / 1 / 2 / 3 / 4 / 5 to position 0 in order to make sure the unit is

    turned off.

    4. Fill the jug with the desired foods.

    5. Put the cover on top of the jar and fix it. Place the measuring cup on the center of

    the cover, turn the measuring cup counterclockwise slightly.

    6. Put the blender glass jar onto the mainbody, and turn it slightly to clockwise soit locks with the motor base.

    7. Turn the knob to required speed (Ppulse, grade 1 to 5 means speed of blades

    from low to high).

    8. During working mode, the blue light around the knob is on.

    Speed adjust:

    PpulseStainless steel blade operate with transitorily highest speed, suitable for ice.

    Speed 1:Stainless steel blade operate with low speed.

    Speed 2:Stainless steel blade operate with higher speed than grade 1 but lower speed

    than grade 3.

    Speed 3:Stainless steel blade operate with higher speed than grade 2 but lower speed

    than grade 4.

    Speed 4:Stainless steel blade operate with higher speed than grade 3 but lower speed

    than grade 5.

    Speed 5: Stainless steel blade operate with higher speed than grade 4 and it is the

    highest s peed of the machine.

    0turn off the unit.

  • 7/24/2019 Manual Blender OMX IR 1000

    17/19 600W, 50Hz, 220-240V


    How to install the grinder:

    1. Clean the grinding cup before first using.


    To make sure the unit is turned off and not to connect before installation.


    Fill the cup with the desired foods. Ring the cup sealing ring into blade base,

    then enclose the blade base into the cup, last rock the cup slightly causing it to

    lock into place.

    4. Fit the grinding cup onto the main body, and turn it slightly in a clockwise so it

    locks with the motor section.

    Important:Do not use the unit without any food/ aliments inside

    Hot to operate the grinder:

    1. Connect the power.

    2. This unit has safety design, it does not work if the cup is not installed on main

    body properly.


    Turn the turning knob P/ 0/ 1/ 2/ 3/ 4/ 5 to position 0 in order to make sure the

    unit is turned off.

    4. Fill the cup with the desired foods

    5. Put the grinding cup onto the main body, and turn it slightly in a clockwise so

    it locks with the motor base.and the machine was fully assembled.


    Turning the knob to required speed (Ppulse, grade 1 to 5 means speed of

    blades from low to high).

    7. During working mode, the blue light around the knob is on.

  • 7/24/2019 Manual Blender OMX IR 1000

    18/19 600W, 50Hz, 220-240V


    Characteristic (Model): OMX-IR-1000

    Power: 1000W

    Noise level:

  • 7/24/2019 Manual Blender OMX IR 1000

    19/19 600W, 50Hz, 220-240V

    Environment friendly disposal

    You can help protect the environment!

    Please remember to respect the local regulations: hand in the non-working electrical equipments to

    HEINNER is a registered trademark of Network One Distribution SRL. Other brands and product

    names are trademarks or registered trademarks of their respective holders.

    No part of the specifications may be reproduced in any form or by any means or used to make any

    derivative such as translation, transformation, or adaptation without permission from NETWORKONE DISTRIBUTION.

    This product is in conformity with norms and standards of European Community

    Importer: Network One Distribution

    Europolis Logistic Park, Italia Street, 1-7, Chaijna, Ilfov, Romania

    Tel: +40 21 211 18 56,,