
Diateza pasiva (passive voice) -prezentare -

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Diateza pasiva

(passive voice)

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Page 2: Diateza-pasiva


Fiecare timp are o schema de formare la diateza activa (vezi schemele de la timpurile verbale) si o schema de formare la diateza pasiva, ce vor fi prezentate mai jos.

In diateza activa subiectul este cel care face actiunea.(ex.:Mama uda florile).

In diateza pasiva actiunea se rasfrange asupra subiectului.(ex. Florile sunt udate de mama).

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La absolut toate timpurile verbul este la forma a treia (cel neregulat) sau cu terminatia “-ed” (cel regulat). Ce se schimba pentru fiecare timp este ceea ce exista intre subiect si verb.

In limba romana exista cel putin 2 modalitati de a exprima o actiune la diateza pasiva (se va ilustra la exemple). In limba engleza se respecta doar schema timpului respectiv.

Simboluri: Verb forma a treia sau cu terminatia “-ed”=> V(III)/ V(-ed)

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Present Simple

Afirmativ: S + am/is/are + V(III)/ V(-ed)… Negativ : S + am/is/are + not+ V(III)/ V(-ed).. Interogativ: am/is/are + S + V(III)/ V(-ed)…?Ex.:Lectia este scrisa zilnic./ Se scrie lectia zilnic.The lesson is written daily.Vasele nu sunt spalate in fiecare seara./ Nu se spala

vasele in fiecare seara.The dishes aren’t washed every evening.

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Present Continuous

Afirmativ: S + am/is/are + being + V(III)/ V(-ed)… Negativ: S+ am/is/are + not + being + V(III)/ V(-ed)… Interogativ: am/is/are + S + being + V(III)/ V(-ed)…?

Ex.:Lectia este scrisa acum./ Se scrie lectia acum.The lesson is being written now.Vasele nu sunt spalate acum./ Nu se spala vasele acum.The dishes are not being washed now.

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Past Simple

Afirmativ: S + was/were + V(III)/ V(-ed)… Negativ: S + was/were + not + V(III)/ V(-ed)… Interogativ: Was/were + S + V(III)/ V(-ed)…?

Ex.:Lectia a fost scrisa ieri./ S-a scris lectia ieri.The lesson was written yesterday.Vasele nu au fost spalate acum 2 ore./ Nu s-au spalat

vasele acum 2 ore.The dishes weren’t washed two hours ago.

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Past Continuous

Afirmativ: S + was/were + being + V(III)/ V(-ed)… Negativ: S + was/were + not + being + V(III)/ V(-ed)… Interogativ: Was/were + S + being + V(III)/ V(-ed)…?

Ex.: Lectia era scrisa (Se scria lectia) ieri pe vremea asta.The lesson was being written at this time yesterday.

Vasele nu erau spalate (Vasele nu se spalau) ieri pe vremea asta.The dishes were not being washed at this time yesterday.

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Present Perfect Simple

Afirmativ: S + have/has + been + V(III)/ V(-ed)… Negativ: S + have/has + not + been + V(III)/ V(-ed)… Interogativ: Have/has + S + been + V(III)/ V(-ed)…?

Ex: S-a scris lectia. The lesson has been written. Nu s-au spalat vasele. The dishes haven’t been washed.

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Past Perfect Simple

Afirmativ: S + had+ been + V(III)/ V(-ed)… Negativ: S + had + not + been + V(III)/ V(-ed)… Interogativ: Had + S + been + V(III)/ V(-ed)…?

Ex.: Se scrisese lectia inainte de ora 6. The lesson had been written by six o’clock. Nu se spalasera vasele inainte de ora 6. The dishes hadn’t been washed by six o’clock.

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Future Simple

Afirmativ: S + will + be + V(III)/ V(-ed)… Negativ: S + will + not + be + V(III)/V(ed)… Interogativ: Will + S + be + V(III)/ V(ed)…? Observatie: will + not = won’t

Ex.: Se va scrie lectia. The lesson will be written. Nu se vor spala vasele. The dishes won’t be washed.

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Future Continuous

Afirmativ: S + will + be + being + V(III)/ V(-ed)… Negativ: S + will + not + be + being + V(III)/ V(-ed)… Interogativ: Will + S + be + being + V(III)/ V(-ed)…?

Ex.: Se va scrie lectia maine pe vremea asta. The lesson will be being written at this time tomorrow. Nu se vor spala vasele maine pe vrema asta. The dishes won’t be being washed at this time tomorrow.

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Future Perfect

Afirmativ: S + will + have + been + V(III)/ V(-ed)… Negativ: S + will + not +have + been + V(III)/V(-ed)… Interogativ: Will + S + have+ been + V(III)/ V(-ed)…?

Ex.: Se va scrie lectia pana la ora 7. The lesson will have been written by seven c’clock. Nu se vor spala vasele pana la ora 7. The dishes won’t have been washed by seven


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“going to” Future

Afirmativ: S + am/is/are + going to be + V(III)/ V(-ed)… Negativ: S + am/is/are + not going to be + V(III)/V(ed)… Interogativ: am/is/are + S + going to be + V(III)/ V(ed)…?

Ex.: Se intentioneaza scrierea lectiei. The lesson is going to be written. Nu se intentioneaza spalarea vaselor. The dishes aren’t going to be washed.

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Afirmativ: S + would + be + V(III)/ V(-ed)… Negativ: S + would + not + be + V(III)/V(ed)… Interogativ: would + S + be + V(III)/ V(ed)…?

Ex.: El a intrebat daca se va scrie lectia. He asked if the lesson would be written. Noi am spus ca nu se vor spala vasele. We said that the dishes wouldn’t be washed.

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Verbe modale (can, may, must, should etc.)

Afirmativ: S + modal + be + V(III)/ V(-ed)… Negativ: S + modal + not + be + V(III)/V(ed)… Interogativ: modal + S + be + V(III)/ V(ed)…?

Ex.: Lectia trebuie scrisa pana la ora 7. The lesson must be written by seven c’clock. Nu ar trebui sa fie spalate vasele a doua zi. The dishes shouldn’t be washed the next day. Vasele ar putea fi spalate repede. The dishes could be washed quickly.