buna ziua

Buna ziua! Va trimit acest email pentru a va anunta ca am montat un boiler s40 u. De aceea va rog sa imi spune-ti cand puteti veni in Romania, de preferat saptamana viitoare marti, miercuri sau joi. Va rog sa imi spuneti ce traducator imi trebuie, bulgara-romana, rusa-romana sau bulgara- rusa- romana. In atasament am pus cateva fotografii cu montajul centralei. Adresa din Romania este : Judet Dambovita, Oras Titu. Astept raspuns din partea dumneavoastra. Va multumesc. Toma Vivaldi Tel: +40722237848 Hello! I send you this email to let you know that I installed a boiler s40 u. So please tell me when can you come in Romania, preferably next week Tuesday, Wednesday or Thursday. Please tell me what I need translator, Bulgarian-Romanian, Russian-Romanian or Russian-Romanian-Bulgarian. In attachment I put some photos of the boiler installation. Address in Romania is County: Dambovita the City: Titu. If you come in Romania with translator of Bulgaria, I do not mind, but I need to know how much it cost. Wait for response from your side. Thank you. Thomas Vivaldi Tel: +40722237848

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Post on 18-Dec-2015




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Buna ziua!Va trimit acest email pentru a va anunta ca am montat un boiler s40 u. De aceea va rog sa imi spune-ti cand puteti veni in Romania, de preferat saptamana viitoare marti, miercuri sau joi. Va rog sa imi spuneti ce traducator imi trebuie, bulgara-romana, rusa-romana sau bulgara- rusa- romana. In atasament am pus cateva fotografii cu montajul centralei. Adresa din Romania este : Judet Dambovita, Oras Titu. Astept raspuns din partea dumneavoastra.Va multumesc. Toma VivaldiTel: +40722237848

Hello!I send you this email to let you know that I installed a boiler s40 u. So please tell me when can you come in Romania, preferably next week Tuesday, Wednesday or Thursday. Please tell me what I need translator, Bulgarian-Romanian, Russian-Romanian or Russian-Romanian-Bulgarian. In attachment I put some photos of the boiler installation. Address in Romania is County: Dambovita the City: Titu. If you come in Romania with translator of Bulgaria, I do not mind, but I need to know how much it cost. Wait for response from your side.Thank you.Thomas VivaldiTel: +40722237848