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Vulcanii Noroioşi- Corina Bichiru, XII C Pg. 3

Pietroasele- Dincă Andreea, XII A Pg. 4

Sinaia- Boarcăş Alina, XII A Pg.

Braşov- Drăgoi Alexandru, XII A Pg.

Bran- Pătraşcu Mădălina, XII A Pg.


Muddy Volcanoes

The Muddy Volcanoes from Buzău are not the volcanoes

you would expect. They are not real volcanoes that scares

everyone..Not by far. But they’re a pretty place, hidden

somewhere in the Buzău


The Muddy Volcanoes were

formed from the gas which comes

from 30,000 meters underground.

The gas


through a

clay sector, then through the

underground water. So the gas pushes

the water and the clay to the surface

(which by that time become mud),

creating small cones which resemble the shape of a volcano.

The Muddy Volcanoes area from Buzău is a natural


Any sort of camera you will take with you, it will take great

looking pictures. Actually, the area is one of the most

photographed zones in România.

Corina Bichiru, XII C







Andreea Dincă, XII A



Sinaia is a town and a mountain resort in Prahova

County, Romania. The town was named after Sinaia

Monastery, around which it was built; the monastery in turn is

named after the Biblical Mount Sinai. King Carol I of

Romania built his summer home, Peles Castle, near the town.

Sinaia is about 60 kilometres (37 miles) northwest of

Ploiesti and 50 kilometres (31 miles) south of Brasov, in a

mountainous area on the Prahova River valley, just east of the

Bucegi Mountains. The altitude varies from 767 to 860 metres

(2,516 to 2,822 feet) above sea level.

The city is a popular destination for hiking and winter

sports, especially downhill skiing. Among the tourist

landmarks, the most important are Peles Castle, Pelisor

Castle, Sinaia Monastery, Sinaia Casino, Sinaia train

station, and the Franz Joseph and Saint Anne Cliffs. Sinaia

was also the summer residence of the Romanian composer

George Enescu, who stayed at the Luminita villa.

Peles Castle


By form and function, Peleş is a palace, but it is

consistently called a castle. Its architectural style is a

romantically inspired blend Neo-Renaissance and Gothic

Revival similar to Schloss Neuschwanstein in Bavaria. A

Saxon influence can be observed in the interior courtyard

facades, which have allegorical hand-painted murals and

ornate fachwerk similar to that seen in northern European

alpine architecture. Interior decoration is mostly Baroque

influenced, with heavy carved woods and exquisite fabrics.

Pelisor Castle

Pelişor Castle is a castle in Sinaia, Romania, part of the

same complex as the larger castle of Peleş. It was built in

1899–1902 by order of King Carol I, as the residence for his

nephew and heir, the future King Ferdinand (son of Carol's

brother Leopold von Hohenzollern) and Ferdinand's consort

Queen Marie.


Sinaia Casino

The Sinaia Casino is located in "Dimitrie Ghica" park,

Sinaia, Romania and was built at the initiative of King Carol I

of Romania.

Construction began in 1912 and was finished a year later. The

work was supervised by architect Petre Antonescu, who was

also the author of the plans. The main shareholder in the

casino was Baron of Marçay, a shareholder in the Monte Carlo

Casino. The opening was celebrated with fireworks and a

piano recital by George Enescu, and it became a major

attraction between the wars.

After the communist takeover in the 1940s, gambling ceased

and the casino is now an international conference center.

Boarcăş Alina, XII A


ORAŞUL BRAŞOV Municipiul Braşov a

reprezentat, de secole, unul

dintre cele mai importante,

puternice şi înfloritoare

oraşe din zonă.

Datorită poziţiei

geografice privilegiate şi a

infrastructurii sale de astăzi,

oraşul permite dezvoltarea

multor activităţi economice,

culturale şi sportive.

Municipiul Braşov,

reşedinţa judeţului, se află în

centrul ţării, în Depresiunea

Braşovului, situat la o

altitudine medie de 625 m,

în curbura internă a

Carpaţilor, delimitat în

partea de S şi SE de

masivele Postăvaru care

pătrunde printr-un pinten

(Tâmpa) în oraş şi Piatra

Mare, la 161 km de


Acest oraş permite

turiştilor vizitarea de

obiective turistice pline de

istorie. Printre cele mai

importante obiective

turistice amintim:

Brasov was for

centuries one of the most

important, powerful and

flourishing cities in the area.

Due to the geographical

position and its

infrastructure, the city

allows the development of

many economic , cultural

and sporting activities.

Braşov, the county seat, is in

the center of Romania, in

Brasov Depression, located

at an average altitude of 625

m, the internal curvature of

the Carpathian Mountains,

bounded on the S and SE of

massive Postăvaru entering

through a spur (Tampa) the

city and Piatra Mare, 161

km (Bucharest).

This city allows tourists

visiting attractions full of

history. The most important

sights are:





Castelul Bran, situat intre Muntii Bucegi si Piatra Craiului, la 30 de

km de Brasov, este singurul punctturistic care atrage sute de mii de turisti

datorita unei legende: Legenda Contelui Dracula, desi izvoarele istorice

spun ca Vlad Tepes ar fi trecut pe aici o singura data, in drum spre

Brasov.Initial Castelul Bran (in limba slava «brana» inseamna «poarta») a

fost o fortareata cunoscuta sub numele de Dietrichstein, construita

de Ordinul Cavalerilor Teutoni in anul 1212, ce a fost cucerita de sasi spre

sfarsitul secolului al XIII-lea.Prima atestare documentara este din 1377

cand brasovenii au primit, din partea lui Ludovic I d’Anjou, dreptul de a

ridica cetatea pe locul fostei fortarete. Apoi, intre 1419-1424 a intrat in

posesia lui Sigismund.La sfarsitul secolului al XV-lea a fost subordonatac

omitetului secuilor i sub domnia lui Iancu de Hunedoara a trecut sub

conducerea voievodatului Transilvaniei.

Bran Castle, situated between the Bucegi and Piatra Craiului

Mountains, 30 km far from Brasov, is the only touristic point that attracts

hundreds of thousands of tourists because of a legend: Count Dracula’s

Legend, although the historical sources state that VladTepes(Vlad the

Impaler) dropped by only once, in his way to Brasov.Initially, the Bran

Castle (in Slavic „brana” means „gate”) was a stronghold known

asDietrichstein, built by the Teutonic Knights in 1212, stronghold that was

conquered by the Saxons living in Transylvania towards the end of the

13th century.The first documentary attestation dates from 1377, when

Ludovic I D’Anjou gave the inhabitants of Brasov the privilege to build

the citadel in the place of the old stronghold. Then, between 1419 and

1424, it was in Sigismund’s possession.At the end of the 15th century, it

was subordinated to the authority of the Szeklers Committee, and since the

reign ofIancu of Hunedoara, it passed under the rule of the Voivode of


Castelul Bran


La 1 decembrie 1920, Castelul Bran a fost donat Reginei Maria a

Romaniei Mari, in semn de recunostinta din partea orasului Brasov

pentru contributia la Unirea cea mare de la 1918. Imediat dupa aceasta,

timp de 7 ani, Castelul a intrat intr-o perioada de restaurare, sub

conducerea arhitectului Curtii Regale, Carol Liman. Acesta a conceput

ansamblul ca o resedinta de vara. Tot in aceasta perioada a fost construita

si Casa de ceai. In timpul acestor lucrari, Castelul a fost dotat cu apa

curenta de la o fantana sapata in stanca, adanca de 57 de metri si iluminat

de la o uzina electrica cu turbina. De la aceasta uzina au fost apoi

electrificate, in 1932, satele Bran, Simon si Moeciu. Apoi, in 1938, Regina

Maria a lasat Castelul Bran drept mostenire Principesei Ileana, care l-a

stapanit pana in 1948.

On 1st December 1920, the Bran Castle was donated to Queen Marie

of Great Romania, as a symbol of the inhabitants of Brasov’s gratitude for

her contribution to the achievement of the Great Union of 1918. Right

after that, the Castle came into a seven year restoration period under the

guidance of the Royal Court architect, Carol Liman. He imagined the

architectural ensemble as a summer residence. During the same period of

time the Tea House was also built. During this restoration works, the

Castle was supplied with running water from a 57 meters depth fountain

dig up in a rock and lighted by a turbine electric power plant. Later, in

1932, the Bran, Simon and Moeciu villages were lighted on from this

electric power plant. Then, in 1938, Queen Marie left with will the Bran

Castle to Princess Ileana, who owned it until 1948.

De unde vine legenda lui Dracula?

Cel care a creat faima Castelului asociat cu Dracula, a fost

scriitorul Bram Stoker, care a publicat, in 1897, la Londra, romanul

«Dracula, vampirul din Carpati». Cartea este considerate mediocra de

criticii literari, dar a avut un impact mare in randul publicului cititor, din

moment ce pana in 1903 se tiparisera 6 editii. De altfel, Stoker nu

stabileste cu exactitate locul in care se afla castelul din romanul sau, dar


unii istorici spun ca ar fi vorba de Regiunea Bargaului, in trecatoarea care

uneste Transilvania de Moldova. Oricum, cert este ca datorita acestui

roman si a ecranizarilor realizate, s-a creat o asociere indestructibila intre

Dracula, Castelul Bran si Transilvania. Castelul Bran – interiorul unei

camere. Defapt, legenda contelui sangeros, supranumit Dracula, a fost

asociata cu domnitorul VladTepes abia in secolele XIX – XX. Aceasta

suprapunere de imagini s-a datorat faptului ca domnitorul roman era

cunoscut ca fiind fara mila fata de cei care nu i se supuneau sau incalcau

legile, iar pedeapsa cea mai des utilizata era trasul in teapa. O alta

explicatie a numelui Dracula ar putea veni de la faptul ca in 1431,

Sigismund de Luxemburg l-a investit peVlad al II-lea, tatal lui Tepes, cu

Ordinul Dragonului, un ordin cavaleresc dedicate luptelor impotriva

turcilor, iar emblema era un dragon, asociat cu simbolul diavolului. Din

cauza acestei embleme se pare ca Vlad Tepes a primit supranumele

de Vlad Dracul.

Where does Count Dracula’s Legend come from?

The writer Bram Stoker, who published in 1897, in London, the novel

“Dracula, the vampire from Carpati” is the one who created the fame of

the Castle associated with Dracula. Literary critics consider the book as

being mediocre, but it had a great impact upon the readers, as six editions

were printed before 1903. Otherwise, Stoker does not determine exactly

the place of the castle in his novel, but some historians state that it was in

the Bargau Area, on the mountain pass between Transylvania and

Moldavia. Anyway, it is certain that, because of this novel and of the film

versions of the novel, it was created an indestructible connection between

Dracula, the Bran Castle and Transylvania.

Bran Castle – inside of a room.In fact, the legend of the bloody count

called Dracula was not associated withVladTepes (Vlad the Impaler) until

the 19th – 20th century. This superposition of images is due to the fact that

the Romanian ruler was known as pitiless with those who did not obey

him or who broke the laws, and the most frequent punishment was the


impalement. Another explanation of the name, Dracula, could be

represented by the fact that in 1431 Sigismund of Luxembourg invested

Vlad II, Tepes’ father, with the Order of the Dragon, a chivalric order

dedicated to the wars against the Turks, and whose emblem was a dragon,

commonly associated with the symbol of devil. It seems that this is the

reason why VladTepes was called Vlad Dracula. Otherwise, the Bran

Castle is not the only touristic point connected with this legend. Another

place mentioned when speaking about Dracula is Snagov Monastery.

Pătraşcu Mădălina



Logo revistă: Ilie Florentin

Be Smart (online) = ISSN 2286 – 2625

ISSN–L 2286 – 2625



Bichiru Corina

Dincă Andreea

Boarcăş Alina

Drăgoi Alexandru

Pătraşcu Mădălina

Cătălina Poştovei