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  • 7/29/2019 arta+timpului+tu


    arta timpului tu

    art of your time

  • 7/29/2019 arta+timpului+tu


    AnnArt este o galerie de art contemporan fondat

    n Bucureti, n mai 2011. Promoveaz i vinde lucrri

    semnate de artiti plastici de prim rang din Romnia.

    AnnArt is a contemporary art gallery which was

    established in Bucharest, in May 2011. It promotes

    and sells works by top-rank artists from Romania.

    sorin ilfoveanu

    dorin creu

    francisc chiuariu

    laura covaci

    adrian ilfoveanu

    mircea roman

    vladimir etran

    paul neagu

    tefan clia

  • 7/29/2019 arta+timpului+tu


    arta timpului tu

    Ce e de facut cu arta contemporan? ntreb la noi, pentru c n

    prile mai vest-europene, chineze i braziliene dilema aceasta s-a

    tranat: arta contemporan e de neles i e de dorit. Drept care,

    se tranzacioneaz la concuren cu aurul.

    Aceast certitudine a altora nc ocolete ezitant lumea noastr.Att pentru publicul privitor ct i pentru muli dintre colecionari, arta

    contemporan la noi este nc n zona exploratorie, lateral i suspectat

    de risc crescut. Estetica noastr familiar este cea deprins din

    lucrrile de patrimoniu clasic. Tehnicile i subiectele contemporane sunt

    considerate adesea a incomode i uneori de-a binelea neinteligibile:

    chipul acestei femei nu seamn cu un chip adevrat iar orile sunt

    neclare i suspendate; lemnul nu e lustruit lun, iar pnza asta nici nu

    e pnz, e un soi de celuloid; ppuile astea mbrcate n dantel i

    purpur au capul spart iar lmul sta video ruleaz n netire la fel.

    Se poate. Dar la Galeria AnnArt noi credem cu pasiune n

    frumuseea cu multe chipuri a artei contemporane i n fora sa de ane bucura i de a ne educa; de a ne scoate din mulime, de a cuprinde

    i de a genera valoare.

    La Basel, n var, am fost reconfortat s au c criteriul de

    selecie la AnnArt art care s ne placeste statistic valid i decisiv:

    raportul Prot or Pleasure? publicat de Barclays Wealth Insights ne

    arat de ce investesc nstriii lumii n valoarea alternativ pe care o

    reprezint arta n general: 62% pentru pur plcere, 37% pentru copiii i

    nepoii lor, 35% pentru c arta reprezint identitatea lor cultural i 18%

    (sic!) pentru pur i rece investiie nanciar.

    Grupul de artiti cu care lucrm n prezent reprezint pentru

    noi, fr excepie, certitudini. Unii v sunt foarte cunoscui SorinIlfoveanu i tefan Clia sunt deja guri iconice ale culturii romne.

    Pe alii, cunoscui mai bine n rile care i-au semi-adoptat cum ar

    Paul Neagu, Laura Covaci, Dorin Creu sau Mircea Roman i descoperii

    abia acum, iar pe alii, ca Francisc Chiuariu, Adrian Ilfoveanu sau Vladimir

    etran, i recuperai dinluntrul universului mai degrab discret-silenios

    n care au creat pn mai de curnd. Patru dintre acetia se a n

    recent-publicatul Top 100 al celor mai valoroi pictori romni ai tuturor

    timpurilor. Unul este unic-deintor al unui mare premiu de art al lumii.

    Civa dein recorduri de licitaie. Toi se a deja n coleciile private ale

    celor cunosctori.

    Dei, credem noi, cu oricare artist din portofoliul AnnArt mergei

    la sigur- cu ecare nou expoziie v invitm de fapt la un exerciiu dendrzneal, de nvingere a rezervei fa de ne-familiar. V propunem

    s i dintre cei temerari i ncreztori n sine care privesc drept n ochi

    arta timpului lor. Tonitza a fost cndva contemporan; cei mai muli, prin

    1920, nu luau n seam artistul, ntors n ar de la Mnchen i care picta,

    n tue cam difuze, un grup de oameni la coad la pine. Unii, mai puini

    dar mai ctigtori, vedeau ce neles i emoie i valoare sunt de gsit

    n arta acelui pictor contemporan cu ei.

    Aadar, privii oriunde avei ocazia art contemporan. E posibil s

    avei la un moment dat ntlnirea decisiv cea care v transform din

    privitor n colecionar. E un pas de via special, i lumineaz prezentul

    i te ancoreaz frumos n viitor. M-a bucura ca tot mai multe astfel dentlniri s se nfptuiasc la AnnArt.

    n decembrie, de Crciun, v facem n dar o expoziie numit

    Mica Art Mare cu lucrri de laborator, schie pregtitoare sau lucrri

    de mici dimensiuni semnate de artitii din acest catalog. Firete c,

    ind toate mult sub 1,000 de Euro, aceste lucrri cost mai puin dect

    lucrrile lor consacrate. Dar toate conin ntreagavaloare a autorului

    lor. Privind nelept i vistor n urm i n viitor, poate azi e ca i cum am

    putea dobndi o schi din cele fcute de Brncui pentru Miastra

    Tocmai am citit cum Academia, n anii 50, a respins cererea artistului

    de a-i dona ntreaga oper Romniei, pe motiv c e formalist i fr

    valoare real. Ce mult ne nva arta timpului nostru!

    Gabriela Massaci

    director programe

  • 7/29/2019 arta+timpului+tu


    the art of your time

    What is to be done with contemporary art? I mean here, in

    Romania, because in most other places from Western

    Europe to China and Brazil the question has been settled:

    contemporary art is understood and wanted. It is an asset which sells in

    close competition with gold.

    Other peoples certainty still eludes us. Most people including

    art collectors in Romania still see contemporary art as high risk, to

    be explored with caution. Our comfort zone is in the esthetics of the

    old masters. Contemporary techniques and themes are often seen as

    awkward and at times downright unintelligible: the face of this woman

    does not look like a real face and these owers are hazy; there is no

    perfect polish in the carved wood and this canvas is no canvas at all, it

    is some sort of plastic foil; these dolls wearing purple lace have a hole in

    their head and this video runs in a loop for ever.

    Fair enough. But we at the AnnArt Gallery believe passionately

    in the many-faces of beauty in contemporary art and in its power toteach and give joy, to single us out, to contain and generate value. And

    in Basel this summer I learned that our seemingly eccentric business

    selection criteria (art which we enjoy) is statistically valid. Barclays

    Wealth Insights Prot or Pleasure? report ranks the motives for art

    investment worldwide as follows: 62% for pure enjoyment, 37% for their

    children and grandchildren, 35% because art is part of their culture and

    18% (sic!) for pure nancial investment.

    For us, the artists in our current portfolio represent solid value,

    no exception. Some you know well - Sorin Ilfoveanu and tefan Clia

    are iconic characters in Romanian culture; some, better-known in the

    countries which half-adopted them, you have recently discovered Paul Neagu, Laura Covaci, Dorin Creu or Mircea Roman. And others,

    like Francisc Chiuariu, Adrian Ilfoveanu or Vladimir etran re-emerge to

    public attention from the somewhat withdrawn universe of their work.

    Four of these are listed in the recently-published Top 100 Most Valuable

    Romanian Painters of All Times. One is the holder of a quite unique

    international art award. Some have spectacular auction sales results. All

    are in the private art collections of the connoisseurs.

    We believe that any of the artists above is a sure bet.

    Nevertheless, with our each and every new exhibition we in fact dare

    you overcome your disquiet about the non-familiar. We invite you to

    be among the brave and the self-condent who look the art of their time

    straight in the eye. Tonitza was once a contemporary most people didnot pay much notice to him when, in the 1920s, back from Munich, he

    was painting, in somewhat vague brush strokes, people in queue for

    bread. Other people, fewer but on the winning side, could perceive the

    meaningful emotion and the value in the work of that unusual artist

    who was their contemporary.

    Therefore, never miss a chance to look at contemporary art

    wherever you can. It is quite possible that you might have the decisive

    encounter the one which turns you from spectator into art collector.

    This is quite a special step in ones life, as it anchors you beautifully into

    the future. It would please me no end if more and more such encounters

    take place at AnnArt.

    In December, our Christmas gift is the Small Big Art exhibition,

    with drawings, preparatory sketches or simply small-size paintings. At

    way below 1,000, all these works obviously cost less than the rate for

    a regular piece by their authors but all these works contain the full value

    of an original work. Reecting on the past, with a dreamy and wise eye

    to the future, why not imagine that now may be like when somebody

    acquired one of those sketches which Brncui made in preparation for

    Miastra I have just read that, in the 50, the Academy turned down

    Brncuis offer to donate his entire work to Romania on the grounds

    that the work was formalist and without real value. Lessons to learn

    from the art of our time!

    Gabriela Massaci

    director programe

  • 7/29/2019 arta+timpului+tu


    Sorin ilfoveanu

    (n./b. 1946 Cmpulung-Muscel)

    Elev al maestrului Corneliu Baba, apoi p rofesor i Rector al Universitii Naionale de Artdin Bucureti, Ilfoveanu are peste patruzeci de ani de activitate artistic, cu numeroaselucrri n expoziii, muzee i colecii private importante ale lumii, de la Paris la Tokyo, de laBucureti la Oslo i Perugia. A participat la Bienala de la Veneia n 1987, iar n 2000 a avut oexpoziie retrospectiv la Muzeul Naional de Art al Romniei; n mai 2011 a avut, simultan,o retrospectiv la Sala Dalles i o expoziie de desen la Galeria AnnArt. Este decorat cuOrdinul Naional Serviciul Credincios n grad de Mare Oer i laureat n 2011 al MareluiPremiu Prometheus pentru Opera Omnia. Este listat n Top 100 cei mai valoroi pictoriromni ai tuturor timpurilor, ind unul dintre cei mai cutai artiti de ctre colecionarii dinRomnia. Triete i lucreaz la Bucureti i Rdeti.

    Tema grdinii abstras n sobre chipuri atemporale, pictate cu decizie de frescmedieval de pe rm mediteran.

    A student of Corneliu Baba, Ilfoveanu became Professor and Head of the NationalUniversity of Art in Bucharest. His creative work spans over 40 years and a large numberof his works are now held in major collections and museums around the world, from Paristo Tokyo, from Bucharest to Oslo and Perugia. In 1987 he took part in the Venice Biennaleand, in 2000, he had a retrospective exhibition at the National Museum of Art of Romania.In May 2011, he had two simultaneous solo shows, at Dalles Hall and at AnnArt Gallery.He was made Grand Ofcer of the National Order Faithful Service and in 2011 receivedthe Prometheus Grand Prize for Opera Omnia. He is listed in the Top 100 Most ValuableRomanian Painters of All Times, his works being among the most sought after by artcollectors in Romania. He lives and works in Bucharest and Rdeti.

    The garden theme abstracted in somber timeless guises, painted with the unhesitatingdraftsmanship of a medieval fresco as seen on some Mediterranean shore.

    Lucrarea XI, martie 2011acrylic pe pnz / acrylic on canvas, 100x85 cmPhoto Credits Nicu Ilfoveanu AnnArt Gallery, Bucureti

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    Sorin ilfoveanu

    Punul, 2010acrylic pe pnz / acrylic on canvas, 85x100 cmPhoto Credits Nicu Ilfoveanu AnnArt Gallery, Bucureti

  • 7/29/2019 arta+timpului+tu


    Salamander, 1997tehnica mixt pe carton / mixed media on cardboard, 51x36 cmPhoto Credits Paul Neagu Estate

    Paul neaGu

    (n./b. 1938 Bucureti - d. 2004 Londra)

    Format ca pictor la Universitatea Naional de Art din Bucureti, Neagu opteaz nc de lanceput pentru o abordare conceptual-abstract, semn distinctiv al ntregii sale opere - dela grac i sculptur la instalaie i performance. Stabilit la Londra la nceputul anilor 70,

    artistul mbin creaia cu activitatea de profesor la Royal College of Art, Slade School of Arti Hornsey School of Art, unde a exercitat o inuen remarcabil asupra tinerilor artiti,printre care Anish Kapoor. A expus n spaii prestigioase ca Hayward Gallery Londra, MareaBritanie, Muzeul de Art Modern din Paris, Frana, Muzeul de Art Contemporan din LosAngeles, SUA, Muzeul Naional de Art Contemporan din Bucureti i Muzeul Brukenthal,Sibiu, Romnia. Operele sale se a n numeroase colecii i muzee prestigioase din lume,precum Tate Modern din Londra dar i n spaii publice diverse, de la Catedrala din Durhamla inuturi din sudul Chinei. Dou dintre lucrrile sale monumentale se a n spaii publicen Romnia - Crucea Secolului la Bucureti, din 1997 i Crucicare la Timioara, din 1999. n2012, Paul Neagu a devenit primul artist din Romnia cu o lucrare - Edgerunner - instalatpermanent ntr-un spaiu public din Marea Britanie, n Parcul Owens Fields, din cartierullondonez Islington, unde Neagu a trit i a lucrat peste 30 de ani.

    Remarcabil gnditor al formei, ridicnd n spaiu o oper de anvergur european,Paul Neagu este portalul britanic prin care arta romneasc a pit n secolul 21.

    Having trained in painting at the National University of Art in Bucharest, Neagu opted fromthe start for a conceptual-abstract approach to art, which became the hallmark of hisentire oeuvre, from graphic art to sculpture, installation and performance. Having movedto London in the early 70s to pursue his creative vision, Neagu also taught at the RoyalCollege of Art and later at the Slade School of Art and Hornsey School of Art, where he hadan outstanding inuence on younger artists such as Anish Kapoor. He had solo exhibitionsin prestigious venues the Hayward Gallery in London, Great Britain, the Museum ofContemporary Art in Los Angeles, USA, the Modern Art Museum in Paris, France, the MNACin Bucharest and the Brukental Museum in Sibiu, Romania. Works by Paul Neagu foundtheir way into many important collections and museums, including the Tate Modern inLondon, as well as in public spaces from the Durham Cathedral to magical landscapesin South China. Two of his monumental works are displayed in public spaces in Romania Crucea Secolului in Bucharest, since 1997 and Crucicare in Timioara, since 1999. PaulNeagu went on to become, in 2012, the rst artist from Romania whose work is installed ina permanent public space in Great Britain Edgerunner, unveiled in Owens Field Park, inIslington London, where Neagu lived and worked for over 30 years.

    Paul Neagu is a remarkable thinker of form, working with space to build athoroughly European body of work; he is the British portal through which Romanianart enters the 21st century.

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    Vallachian Panels, 1995tehnic mixt pe carton / mixed media on cardboard, 24x32 cmPhoto Credits Paul Neagu Estate

    Paul neaGu

  • 7/29/2019 arta+timpului+tu


    TEFAN CLIA(n./b. 1942 Braov)

    Elev al profesorului Iulius Podlipny la Timioara i al maestrului Corneliu Baba la Bucureti,Clia este un artist de nsemntate denitorie pentru istoria noastr cultural. Pictor igracian de notorietate absolut n rndul iubitorilor de art din Romnia, are numeroaselucrri n colecii private europene, precum i n Muzeul de Art Contemporan din Oslo,Norvegia, Muzeul HR Giger din Gruyre, Elveia, MNAC din Bucureti i Muzeul Brukenthaldin Sibiu, Romnia. A fost profesor la Universitatea Naional de Art Bucureti. Estedecorat cu Ordinul Naional Serviciul Credincios n grad de Mare Cruce i Medalia RegeleMihai I pentru Loialitate. Listat n recent publicatul Top 100 cei mai valoroi pictori romni,triete i lucreaz la Bucureti i la ona, Fgra.

    inutul noptatic i sideu al visului populat cu rmuri, psri, ochi rotunzi, guriintuite i este pline de snoave.

    A student of Julius Podlipny in Timioara and of Corneliu Baba in Bucharest, Clia is anartist of major signicance in our cultural history. His paintings and engravings are in greatdemand among art collectors in Romania. Paintings by him are to be found in numerousprivate collections and public museums in Europe such as the Museum of ContemporaryArt in Oslo, Norway, the HR Giger Museum in Gruyre, Switzerland, the National Museumof Contemporary Art of Romania and the Brukenthal Museum in Sibiu, Romania. A formerProfessor at the National University of Art in Bucharest, he was awarded the Grand Crossof the National Order for Faithful Service and the King Michael I Medal for Loyalty. He islisted in the recently published Top 100 Most Valuable Romanian Painters of All Times. Helives and works in Bucharest and in ona, Fgra.

    The realm of silvery night dreams inhabited by twigs, birds, round eyes, tightlysealed lips and heads full of stories of old.

    Draperie albastr, 2012ulei pe pnz / oil on canvas, 70x62 cmPhoto Credits AnnArt Gallery AnnArt Gallery, Bucureti

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    Fata cu cana de sticl, 2012ulei pe pnz / oil on canvas, 150x150 cmPhoto Credits Alina Anca AnnArt Gallery, Bucureti

  • 7/29/2019 arta+timpului+tu


    DORIN CREU(n./b. 1956 Braov)

    Nume cunoscut al Generaiei 80 din arta plastic bucuretean, din 1990 artistultriete i lucreaz la Paris, unde are o bogat activitate expoziional i unde primeten 1995 o burs de creaie a Ministerului Culturii din Frana. O prim personal la GalerieMunicipale de Vitry-sur-Seine este urmat, printre altele, n Romnia, de retrospectiva dela Centrul Cultural Palatele Brncoveneti de la Mogooaia, itinerat la Muzeul de Artdin Constana (2008-2009). A luat parte la numeroase expoziii de grup la Paris, Londra,Cracovia i Taipei. n 2012 a avut o expoziie personal la galeria Charlotte Norberg urmatde expoziia artZoom la galeria AnnArt n Bucureti. Demersul su creativ se a laintersecia ntre abstract i non-gurativ, ilustrat prin seriile Traitsi Vegetales. Abordeazo tehnic aparte prin care obine o calitate transparent-meditativ, cu un efect de micareenigmatic a motivelor geometrice i orale. Lucrrile sale au fost achiziionate de ctreguvernul francez pentru Fondul Naional de Art Contemporan din Frana precum i dectre Muzeul Naional de Art Contemporan din Bucureti pentru colecia sa permanent.

    Stri mentale i emoii deduse din diafanul lumii vegetale, captate n manier

    pictural abstract, ncrcate de lirism reinut.

    A well-known member of the 80 Generation of visual artists, Creu moved to Paris in 1990where he received an arts grant from the French Ministry of Culture. He became an activeexhibitor, his rst one-man show opening at the Galerie Municipale de Vitry-sur-Seine.This was followed, among others, by the retrospective exhibition organized in Romania atMogooaia Palace Cultural Centre, later shown at the Art Museum in Constana (2008-2009). He took part in numerous exhibitions in Paris, London, Cracow and Taipei. In 2012 heheld a solo show at the Galerie Charlotte Norberg in Paris followed by artZoom exhibitionat the AnnArt Gallery in Bucharest. His creative approach places him at the intersectionbetween the abstract and the non-gurative, illustrated in his outstanding series Traitsand Vegetales. He developed a highly individual technique which gives a transparent-reective quality to his works, with an effect of enigmatic movement of his geometric andoral motifs. Works by the artist were acquired by the French National Contemporary ArtFund (FNAC) as well as by the National Museum of Contemporary Art of Romania.

    States of mind and emotion subtly emerging from a translucid vegetal world arecaptured in abstract mode, imbued in self-contained lyricism.

    Fleur (10), 2012pigment i rin acrilic pe pnz/pigment and acrylic raisin on canvas, 80x80 cmPhoto Credits Dorin Creu AnnArt Gallery, Bucureti

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    Fleur (7), 2008tehnic mixt pe pnz / mixed media on canvas, 80x80 cmPhoto Credits Dorin Creu AnnArt Gallery, Bucureti


  • 7/29/2019 arta+timpului+tu


    VLADIMIR ETRAN(n./ b. 1935 regiunea Hotin/ Hotin County)

    Pictor i totodat profesor fondator al Catedrei de Design a Universitii Naionalede Art din Bucureti, are n palmares o serie numeroas de expoziii n Romnia i nstrintate de la Paris la Praga, de la Moscova la Viena i Ulan Bator i cu o rsuntoareparticipare n 1971 la Festivalul Internaional de la Edinburgh prin galeria Demarco. Multedin lucrrile sale fac parte din colecii private n Romania, Frana, Austria, Germania, SUA,Turcia, Liban sau Marea Britanie. Decorat cu Ordinul Meritul Cultural i Ordinul ServiciulCredincios n grad de Cavaler, etran este totodat laureat al Marelui Premiu pentru PicturUAP (1964) i al Marelui Premiu pentru Art Monumental UAP (1984). n 2012 a avut douexpoziii personale simultane, Snziene la Galeria AnnArt i Cod de bare la Institutul CulturalRomn din Bucureti. Triete i lucreaz n Bucureti.

    Gest precis i cald al desenatorului pictor atent la cadena vieii, graiei, efemerului.

    Painter and, as of 1964, Professor of Design at the National University of Art in Bucharest,etran took part in numerous exhibitions in Romania and overseas from Paris to Prague,from Moscow to Vienna and Ulan Bator as well as a resounding participation in 1971 in theEdinburgh International Festival with Demarco Gallery. Many of his works are in privatecollections in Romania, France, Austria, Germany, USA, Turkey, Lebanon, and Great Britain.Awarded the Cultural Merit Order and the National Order of Faithful Service, etran alsoreceived the Fine Artists Union Grand Prize for Painting in 1964 and the Unions GrandPrize for Mural Art in 1984. In 2012, he had two simultaneous solo exhibitions Snziene atAnnArt Gallery and Cod de bare at the Romanian Cultural Institute. He lives and works inBucharest.

    The precise and warm gesture of the draftsman a painter mindful of the rhythmsof life, grace, and the ephemeral.

    Fr titlu, 2010tuuri colorate pe hrtie / coloured ink on paper, 70x54 cmPhoto Credits Alina Anca AnnArt Gallery, Bucureti

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    Fr titlu, 2012tuuri colorate pe hrtie / coloured ink on paper, 100x70 cmPhoto Credits AnnArt Gallery AnnArt Gallery, Bucureti


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    FRANCISC CHIUARIU(n./b. 1966 Avrig, Sibiu)

    Aparine generaiei de artiti formai la Bucureti n anii 90, profesor indu-i FlorinCiubotaru. Abordeaz o tehnic proprie, practicnd p ictura pe suporturi neconvenionale,iar ca tip de imagine se oprete asupra unui fotorealism cu scene urbane, n cele mairecente serii ale sale. A participat la numeroase expoziii colective, iar n 2012 a avut,simultan, trei prezene solo, la Galeria AnnArt, Palatele Brncoveneti Mogooaia i MuzeulNaional de Art Contemporan Bucureti. n 2011 particip la Bienala de la Moscova,ntr-un proiect itinerat ulterior la Tel Aviv i Paris. Dup Bienal particip la expoziia PostUmanism la V-Art Gallery, Moscova. n 2012 are expoziia personal Shadows la AnnArtGallery, ia parte la Bienala de la Liverpool i la expoziia colectiv The Essences of Realitydela galeria Vrfok din Budapesta. n perioada 19932000 a fost asistent la catedra de pictura Universitii Naionale de Art. Este unul dintre iniiatorii proiectului Atelier n tranziie,nceput n 2008. Triete i lucreaz la Bucureti.

    Cotidian iluminat fantasmatic n care realul stradal devine miracol, tentaiemetazic.

    A representative of the generation of artists who trained in Bucharest in the 1990s,Chiuariu studied under Florin Ciubotaru and from 1993 until 2000 worked as AssistantProfessor at the Painting Department of the National University of Arts. He developeda highly individual painting technique, working on unconventional materials; in his mostrecent series his imagery focuses on photo-realism and urban scenes. He participated innumerous group exhibitions and in 2011 he took part in the Moscow Biennale, in a projectcurated by Cosmin Nsui, followed by Post-Umanism group exhibition at V-Art Gallery inMoscow. In 2012 he had three simultaneous solo shows at the AnnArt Gallery (Shadowsexhibition), the Palatele Brncoveneti Mogooaia (Outdoor exhibition) and the MNAC/National Museum of Contemporary Arts. In 2012 he also took part in the Liverpool Biennalfollowed by participation in the group exhibition The Essences of Realityat the VrfokGallery in Budapest. Chiuariu is one of the initiators of the Studio in Transition project, from2008. He lives and works in Bucharest.

    Daily life cast in fantastic light which turns street reality into a miracle and ametaphysical temptation.

    Shade 04, 2012ulei, cerneal tipograc pe backlit /oil, printing ink on backlit, 120x80 cmPhoto Credits Vlad Petri AnnArt Gallery, Bucureti

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    Shade 01, 2012ulei, cerneal tipograc pe backlit/oil, printing ink on backlit, 120x80 cmPhoto Credits Vlad Petri AnnArt Gallery, Bucureti

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    Cruda Feerie / Capitolul 1, 2010-2011acrylic Fluo pe pnz / uo acrylic on canvas, 150x130 cmPhoto Credits AnnArt Gallery AnnArt Gallery, Bucureti

    LAURA COVACI(n./b. 1964 Bucharest)

    Format n mediul intelectual-creativ al familiei Covaci, cu un cerc de prieteni apropiaicare au inclus pe Nichita Stnescu i Cezar Ivnescu, artista este absolvent la Bucuretia Seciei de Pictur monumental, clasa maestrului Ion Stendl. Practic deopotriv picturai arta digital, iar lucrrile sale au putut vzute la Paris, n expoziiile personale sau degrup la Galerie 208, Galerie Serge Aboukrat sau Grand Palais intre anii 1993-2011. n 2008nregistreaz un record de vnzri pe piaa romneasc, n cadrul licitaiei De Bucarest Paris, care s-a desfurat la Hotel Drouot Montaigne Paris. n Romnia colaboreaz, din2011, cu galeria AnnArt, unde a avut o participare la expoziia colectiv Caiet de planuri iarn 2012 personala Cruda Feerie. A fost listat n recent publicatul Top 100 cei mai valoroipictori romni. Triete i lucreaz la Bucureti i Paris.

    Noua (tehno) obiectivitate n pictur: fascinanta anatomie postuman n variantanelinititoare a jocului de copil clon robot.

    Growing-up in the intellectuallyformative circle of the Covaci family which included NichitaStnescu and Cezar Ivnescu, the artist graduated Mural Painting in Bucharest (class ofProfessor Ion Stendl). She does both traditional painting and digital art; her works could beseen in solo and group exhibitions in Paris, at Galerie 208, Galerie Serge Aboukrat or GrandPalais during 1993-2011. One of her pieces sold for 13,000 Euro at the De Bucarest Parisauction held at the Hotel Drouot Montaigne Paris, a record gure for works by members ofher generation. In Romania she works with AnnArt Gallery, where she took part in the Caietde planuri group exhibition, 2011 and had a solo show in 2012, Cruda Feerie. She is listed inthe recently published Top 100 Most Valuable Romanian Painters of All Times. She lives andworks in Bucharest and Paris.

    The new (techno)-objectivity in painting: a fascinating post-human anatomy in thedisquieting guise of a childrens game clone robot.

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    Cruda Feerie/ Capitolul 2, 2012art digital 3D, instalaie/digital 3D art, mixed media installation, 32x25,5 cmPhoto Credits AnnArt Gallery AnnArt Gallery, Bucureti

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    MIRCEA ROMAN(n./b. 1958 Trgu Lpu)

    Laureat al Marelui Premiu al Trienalei de sculptur de la Osaka precum i al prestigiosuluiPremiu Delna, la Londra, Roman este unul dintre cei mai importani artiti romnicontemporani. Palmaresul su expoziional include participri de marc la Bienala de laVeneia n 1995 i expoziii personale la Riverside Studios n Londra, proiecte de instalaiiurbane pe rul Tamisa sau n curtea Muzeului ranului Romn. Lucrrile sale au fostprezentate n muzee i galerii importante de la Bucureti la Kobe, de la Londra la Perugia iBochum. n ultimii ani cota artistului s-a consolidat n urma unor tranzacii-record n cadrullicitaiilor din Romnia, situndu-l, n 2007, ca singurul artist contemporan ntr-un Top 10 devnzri la licitaii, alturi de Grigorescu, Tonitza, Aman i Petracu.Absolvent n 1984 al Seciei de Sculptur a Institutului de Arte Plastice Ion Andreescu dinCluj, distins n 2000 cu Ordinul Serviciul Credincios i n 2008 cu Medalia de aur a UniuniiArtitilor Plastici din Chiinu. Triete i lucreaz la Bucureti, n Romnia, unde a revenit n2007, dup 14 ani petrecui n Marea Britanie.

    Ipostaze ale umanului supus frngerii existeniale i egii ale arhaicului care i

    ndur modernitatea din al treilea mileniu.

    Awarded the Grand Prize of the Osaka Sculpture Triennale in Japan, as well as theprestigious Delna Grant in London, Roman is among the most signicant contemporaryartists of Romania. His works participated in an impressive number of exhibitions rangingfrom the Venice Biennale to one-man shows at the Riverside Studios in London and urbaninstallations on the river Thames or in the courtyard of the Romanian Peasant Museum inBucharest. Works by Roman have been shown in important museums and galleries all overthe world, from London to Kobe, from Perugia to Bochum. Following record auction sales inrecent years, in 2007 Roman was the only contemporary artist to make it into the Top 10Auction Sales along with classics such as Grigorescu, Tonitza, Aman and Petracu.He graduated in 1984 from the Sculpture Department of the Ion Andreescu Art Institutein Cluj, Romania. He was awarded the Order for Loyal Service by the President of Romaniaand the Gold Medal of the Union of Fine Arts in Chiinu, Moldova. He lives and works in

    Bucharest, where he returned after 14 years in Great Britain.

    Images of the human condition broken by existential tension and efgies of thearchaic which contain the weight of their own third-millennium modernity.

    Doamn (detaliu), 2011lemn, culoare / wood, colour, 168x76x46 cmPhoto Credits Courtesy of the Artist

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    Personaj cu minile ntinse (detaliu), 2011bronz patinat / patinated bronze, 160x100x90 cmPhoto Credits Courtesy of the Artist


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    Linite, 2000bronz / bronze, 35x40x11 cmPhoto Credits Stelua Roca Stnescu AnnArt Gallery, Bucureti

    aDrian ilfoveanu

    (n./b. 1971 Piteti)

    Sculptor de acut independen creativ, aparine generaiei de artiti armai dup 1989.Lector la secia de Sculptur a Universitii Naionale de Art din Bucureti, Ilfoveanuare totodat un palmares cu prezene semnicative n expoziii colective din Romnia iGermania, Norvegia, Danemarca sau Emiratele Arabe. Este autorul lucrrii pentru PremiulGopo, cel mai important premiu anual pentru cinematograe din Romnia. n 2012 a avutexpoziia personal Psri, la AnnArt cu lucrri expuse simultan la Muzeul ranuluiRomn, Institutul Naional de Geologie i Parcul Herstru, n cadrul programului Arta laVerde. Triete i lucreaz la Bucureti.

    Lucrrile sale impresionante, ce nfieaz vieti stranii, zoomorsme desprinsedintr-o imagerie mitic i tulburtoare, marcheaz o etap important n guraiasculptural romneasc.

    Sculptor of a keen creative independence, he belongs to the generation of artists whocome to public attention after 1989. Lecturer at the Sculpture Department at the NationalUniversity of Arts in Bucharest, Ilfoveanu also has signicant track-record in groupexhibitions held in Romania, Germany, Norway, Denmark and the Emirates. He is the authorof the sculpture for Romanias most important annual lm award Gopo Prize. In 2012, hehad a solo exhibition Psri/ Birds at AnnArt Gallery, with works shown simultaneously asurban installations at the Romanian Peasant Museum, the National Geology Museum andthe Herstru Parc - in Arta la Verde, a programme developed by AnnArt Gallery. He livesand works in Bucharest.

    His impressive works which show strange creatures, descending from a disquietingimagination of a mythical world, represent a very important stage in Romaniangurative sculpture.

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    aDrian ilfoveanuIcar, 1998bronz / bronze, 60x120x22 cmPhoto Credits AnnArt Gallery AnnArt Gallery, Bucureti

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