primar engleza iii cadru didactic

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Ministerul Educaþiei ºi Cercetãrii

Proiect Phare „Acces la educaþie pentru grupuri dezavantajate“

Programul „A doua ºansã“

Aceastã primã ediþie (pilot) este finanþatã de Uniunea Europeanã.

Carmen Costina

Nivelul III

GGhhiidduull ccaaddrruulluuii ddiiddaaccttiicc

Passport to English

Limba englezã

Aceste materiale – publicate în cadrul Proiectului Phare „Acces la educaþie pentrugrupuri dezavantajate“ 2003 – au fost realizate de o echipã de experþi ai MinisteruluiEducaþiei ºi Cercetãrii, pentru a fi folosite în primul an de aplicare experimentalãa programului educaþional revizuit „A doua ºansã – Învãþãmânt primar“.

Membrii echipei care a elaborat materialele sunt:Cristiana Boca, coordonatoarea componentei „Învãþãmânt primar“Mihaela Bucinschi, autoare „Limba ºi literatura românã“Carmen Costina, autoare „Limba englezã“Aniþa Dulman, autoare „Matematicã“Gabriela Dumitru, autoare „Cunoaºterea mediului“Cristiana Ilie, autoare „Istorie. Geografie“Iudit Sera, autoare „Limba englezã“dr. Doina–Olga ªtefãnescu, autoare „Educaþie civicã“Paul Vermeulen, expert componenta „Elaborare curriculum

ºi materiale educaþionale“

Coordonator editorial: Mihaela MarinDesign copertã: Dinu DumbrãvicianDesign ºi dtp: Gabi IancuFoto copertã: Central Audiovisual Library of the European Commision

© European Community, 2005

Aceastã publicaþie face parte din Programul Phare 2003 „Acces la educaþie pentru grupuridezavantajate“, componenta „A doua ºansã“Editorul materialului: Ministerul Educaþiei ºi CercetãriiData publicãrii: martie 2006Conþinutul acestui material nu reprezintã în mod necesar poziþia oficialã a Uniunii Europene.

© Ministerul Educaþiei ºi Cercetãrii

Ghidul cadrului didactic • Limba englezã III 3

Cuvânt de bun venit . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .4

Methodical inputs for lesson developement . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .7


Nice to meet you . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .8

Meet my family . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .10

What do you like doing in your free time? . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .12

A weekend with my family . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .14


Around the town . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .16

Means of transport . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .18

Shops . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .20

How much is it? . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .22


Help! . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .24

Sports . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .26

Hobbies . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .28

Holiday plans . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .30

Assessment guidelines . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .32

Class performance observation grid . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .34

Oral assessment grid . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .35


Unit 1

Lesson 1

Lesson 2

Lesson 3

Lesson 4

Unit 2

Lesson 5

Lesson 6

Lesson 7

Lesson 8

Unit 3

Lesson 9

Lesson 10

Lesson 11

Lesson 12

Appendix A

Appendix B

4 Programul „A doua ºansã“ • Nivel primar

Stimatã învãtoare,Stimate învãþãtor,

Felicitãri pentru cã faceþi parte din marea echipã a proiectului „A douaºansã – Învãþãmânt primar“!

Prezentul ghid face parte dintr-o serie de materiale educaþionale elaborateîn cadrul proiectului Acces la educaþie pentru grupuri defavorizate care vor fiutilizate în cadrul componentei A doua ºansã pentru învãþãmântul primar decãtre cadre didactice, directori, inspectori ºcolari care conduc saucoordoneazã clase de tip „a doua ºansã“. În acelaºi timp, ele pot fi folositeºi ca resursã în eforturile de construire a unor ºcoli incluzive.

Forma pe care au dobândit-o aceste ghiduri se înscrie în concepþia unitarãa programul A doua ºansã pentru învãþãmântul primar, program definit prin:

• modularitate ºi flexibilitate în organizare• caracter activ, practic aplicativ al curriculum-ului• respectarea individualitãþii în învãþare ºi evaluare.

Ghidurile pentru cadrele didactice ºi pentru cursanþi au fost realizate înconformitate cu programele ºcolare aprobate pentru anul ºcolarexperimental 2005-2006.În ghidurile pentru cursanþi urmãresc aplicarea unui model constructivist,secvenþial, accesibil ºi bine structurat de tip orientare, achiziþie, aplicare ºitransfer. Astfel, modelul didactic ales ºi pãstrat ca un laitmotiv se coreleazãcu etapele pe care le poate parcurge o unitate de învãþare, fiecare dintremomente cuprinzând secvenþe precum cele enumerate:

• etapa de orientare poate cuprinde prezentarea scopurilor, semnificaþieiºi contextului din perspectiva cursantului, activarea ºi valorizareacunoºtinþelor ºi deprinderilor anterioare ale acestuia, captarea atenþieicursanþilor prin conexarea subiectului cu unul de interes vital pentruei, introducerea unor întrebãri ºi situaþii provocatoare de cãtre cadruldidactic º.a.,

• etapa de achiziþie cuprinde rezolvarea de sarcini, exerciþii, însuºireanoilor cunoºtinþe având ca rezultat înþelegerea ºi operarea de cãtrecursant cu conceptele, etapã în care sunt alese cele mai eficientemetode de predare-învãþare-evaluare adecvate atât grupului þintã, darºi specificului subiectului predat.

• etapa de aplicare ºi transfer se concretizeazã prin integrareaconceptelor achiziþionate în contexte noi, elaborarea unor produse aleactivitãþii (de tip eseu, poster, tabel, colaj, model, proiect), evaluareaºi auto-evaluarea atât a proiectului cât ºi a rezultatelor obþinute.

Ghidurile elaborate pentru cursanþi cuprind, pe lângã unitãþile de învãþaredetaliate, activitãþi de reactualizare a conceptelor cheie ale modulului/nivelului anterior, probe de evaluare ºi auto-evaluare, dicþionar cu termeniutilizaþi, pagini pentru aplicaþii ºi proiecte sau anexe cu informaþiiesenþializate pentru consolidarea învãþãrii.

Cuvânt de bun venit

Programul „A doua ºansãpentru învãþãmântulprimar“ în anul ºcolar2005-2006 va fi aplicat pebaza O.M. nr. 5160 din6.10.2005 în conformitatecu urmãtoarele documente:• Metodologia privind

organizarea procesuluide învãþãmânt în cadrulProgramului „A douaºansã pentruînvãþãmântul primar“;

• Planul cadru pentruprogramul „A douaºansã pentru învãþã-mântul primar“;

• Programe ºcolareintegrate prin care se realizeazã educaþiade bazã.

• Materiale educaþionalepentru elevi ºi cadredidactice.

Ghidul cadrului didactic • Limba englezã III 5

Fiecare dintre ghidurile pentru cursanþi pentru fiecare disciplinã sau nivel destudiu se completeazã cu ghidul adresat cadrului didactic, astfel încâttranspunerea în practicã a ideilor programului sã fie cât mai coerentã ºimai transparentã.

Ghidurile pentru cadrele didactice reprezintã cel mai complex instrument princare programele ºcolare prind viaþã. Ghidurile cadrelor didactice sunt ooglindã a fiecãrei unitãþi de învãþare prezentate ºi o aprofundare a ei dinperspectiva scopului, a metodologiei, a formelor de organizare posibil deabordat. Caracterul alternativ al acestor ghiduri se explicã prin aceea cãordonarea conþinuturilor relevante sugerate, ritmul ºi metodologia abordãriilor vor fi stabilite de cãtre fiecare cadru didactic în funcþie de stilul sãudidactic, particularitãþile grupului cu care lucreazã, resursele de învãþaredisponibile, contextul local în care se defãºoarã învãþarea. Ghidurile cadrelor didactice cuprind într-o manierã flexibilã ºi individualãsecþiuni prin care se prezintã programa ºcolarã specificã disciplineirespective, se prezintã sugestii de întocmire a planificãrii, se oferãconceptele ºi achiziþiile cheie ale disciplinei pentru fiecare nivel ºicorespondenþa dintre acestea ºi metodologia didacticã cea mai eficientã.Ghidurile prezintã într-o manierã succintã informaþii atât teoretice, dar ºipractice despre realizarea evaluãrii formative dar ºi a celei sumative, atâtprin forme clasice, dar ºi alternative, cu exemple de probe de evaluareconstruite pe baza standardelor de evaluare regasite în programele ºcolarepentru fiecare disciplinã ºi nivel de studiu.Ghidurile cuprind ºi referiri la alte surse bibliografice utile pentru derulareademersului didactic specific fiecãrei discipline. Acestea sunt fie lucrãri dereferinþã ale pedagogie sau didacticii dsciplinei, fie adrese utile pentrucadrele didactice care doresc sã se foloseascã de Internet. Ghidurile pentru cadrele didactice pot fi cu uºurinþã adaptate ºiindividualizate în funcþie de contextul local, de resursele materiale de caredispune ºcoala, de stilul de predare al cadrului didactic ºi departicularitãþile cursanþilor. În multe dintre unitãþile de învãþare propuse ladiferite discipline de studiu pot fi întâlnite sarcini care se rezolvã cuajutorul computerului, mici proiecte ºi cercetãri care se desfãºoarã încomunitate sau în diferite instituþii º.a. Cadrul didactic împreunã cu clasapot hotarî în legãturã cu oportunitatea desfãºurãrii sarcinilor ºi aplicaþiilorpropuse astfel încât cursanþii sã trãiascã experienþe de succes în învãþare.

Dat fiind caracterul experimental al programului „A doua ºansã pentruînvãþãmântul primar” în acest an ºcolar ºi necesitatea revizuirii tuturormaterialelor educaþionale elaborate pânã la extinderea programului în anulºcolar 2006-2007, contribuþia dumneavoastrã, a tuturor celor care lucraþicu aceste materiale în aceastã perioadã este foarte importantã. Aºteptãmsugestiile de revizuire, comentariile, observaþiile sau aprecierile pe

Vã mulþumim ºi vã dorim succes!Cristiana Boca

6 Programul „A doua ºansã“ • Nivel primar

METHODICAL INPUTSfor lesson developement

Ghidul cadrului didactic • Limba englezã III 7

1 Nice to meet you

8 Programul „A doua ºansã“ • Nivel primar

Specific Objectives


Functions• Greeting (formally/informally), introducing

people, spelling

Language content • The alphabet

New vocabulary• First name, family name• to greet, to shake hands, to spell

RESOURCES:• various forms to fill in with personal data

TIME:• 2 hours


THINK!• Use these questions to explain the difference

between formal and informal style. Afterstudents discuss the different styles in Romanian,ask them to figure out which of the Englishgreetings are formal and which are informal.

• Discuss different situations when we need tointroduce ourselves. Decide on the style wewould choose in each situation. Use thisactivity to practise greeting (include shakinghands, looking the other person in the eye,smiling, bowing etc.)

LET’S LEARN!• Ask students to look at the two pictures and

make guesses about what is going on. Whoare the people? Do they know each other?Where are they? – Use Romanian, if necessary.

• Explain that Cosmin is at the British Consulatein order to schedule a visa interview.

• Read the dialogue. Ask students to identifyformulas for greeting, introducing oneself, askingfor the other person’s name. Then studentsread the dialogue in pairs. Encourage them toask your help when they need it. Teach themto ask in English: How do you read this?

• Ask 1-2 pairs of students to read the dialoguefor the class. Then, students can practiseacting out the dialogue in pairs. Again, 1-2 pairs can perform it for the class, only ifthey feel confident about it.

• Do the same with the second picture (discussthe situation, make predictions etc.) Thenexplain students that Cosmin has to answersome questions for the clerk. Read thedialogue. Ask students if they know whatspelling means. Explain (saying a word letterby letter, using the alphabet sounds). Invitestudents to look at the English alphabet andspell their names to each other. Then proceedto reading and practising the second dialogue,similarly to the first.

partners questions in order to fill in thesecond form. Monitor them while practising,insist they use English. They could also spelltheir names, but it might not make sense tosome of them, since they know how to spellRomanian names.

2. Practise spelling. (Ask students to guesswhere the acronyms come from - UnitedKingdom, United States of America, GreatBritain, European Union, North atlantic TreatyOrganization, Human Immunodeficiency Virus,New York Police Department, John FitzgeraldKennedy). Spell the acronyms while studentsfollow in their books. Spell them again,randomly, while students find them in theirbooks. Students practise in pairs. (Extension:you can dictate some new English words letterby letter and students write them down in CB.)

3. Learning Diary – some of the students mightneed help in learning how to organize theirdiary. Suggest they write down the date andtitle of lesson, use headings (like new words,expressions) or write the question beforeanswering it.

CHECK THIS!Ask students how they can check whether theyare able to do these things. (Possibility: act outa dialogue with deskmate, then check the itemsin each other’s list or their own (peer or selfassessment).

TRY THIS!Invite students to greet you in English. Discuss andagree together on the style you are going to useand what they should call you (Mr.., Mrs…, Ms…etc.)

Ghidul cadrului didactic • Limba englezã III 9

YOUR TURN!1. Introduce the word form (you might want to

bring in some different kinds of forms). Thenask individual students What’s your name?What’s your family name? What’s your firstname? If they have trouble understanding,start by introducing yourself: My name is..,My family name is.. and my first name is..Students fill in their forms, then they ask their

U N I T 1F A M I L I E S

2 Meet my family

10 Programul „A doua ºansã“ • Nivel primar

Specific Objectives


Functions• Describing people (age, appearance)• Introducing family members

Language content • Numbers: 0-100• Structures: He/She has got.., This is my ..,

His/her name is..., He/she is .. years old.

New vocabulary:• Grandmother / grandfather, Mother / father,

Wife / husband, Daughter / son, Sister / brother• black/brown/blue / green eyes, black / brown /

red / grey hair

RESOURCES:• photos of family members (possibly your own

family)• flashcards with numbers 1-19, 10-100 (by tens)• Bingo cards (5-6 cards with 3 x 4 empty squares

TIME:• 2 hours


THINK!• Use this question as a quick introduction to

the theme of the lesson. To start thediscussion easily, use a concept map, with theword family in the middle, and elicit suchwords as love, support, home, sincerity etc. byasking the question What does the word familybring to your mind? Let students answer inRomanian, but write the words both in Englishand Romanian on the board. (Accept anyideas, different students could come up withdifferent feelings about family.) students copythe concept map in their CB.

LET'S LEARN!• Introduce basic family words: tell students

you would like to introduce your family tothem. Show pictures of your family members,saying This is my husband/wife. If there isblu-tack in the class, stick the pictures on theboard, so that you can make a family tree.Ask students to repeat each word, and askcheck-up questions from time to time. (e.g.Who is this? Your sister etc.) Describe eachperson briefly (eyes and hair colour) and askcomprehension questions (e.g. Who's got blueeyes? Who’s got brown hair? etc.)

• Introduce numbers: Ask students to count themembers in your family. If you think itnecessary, reinforce numbers from 1-10, byshowing number cards and having studentssay the number aloud. Ask students to spellsome of the numbers. Then introducenumbers from 11-19. Explain that 11 and 12are different; ask students how the rest aresimilar (–teen ending).

Read the text, then ask comprehensionquestions after each description (Who is this?What’s his name? What colour is his hair?).It’s OK if students don’t use completesentences at this stage.

• Let students read the text in pairs correctingeach other. Encourage them again to ask forhelp if they need it.

YOUR TURN!• Students do ex. 1, 2 and 3 in pairs. Monitor

the activity, see if anybody needs extra help.It would be useful if the more able studentswere paired up with the less able ones.

• Students fill in their learning diary individually.

CHECK THIS!• To do the assessment activity, you can dictate

some numbers that students write in their CB,or write a series of numbers on the board andhave each student read on, in turns. Then letthem tick the statement “I can read numbers”accordingly. Then, ask students to describethemselves to their partner in turns, and tickthe next two statements accordingly. (Insteadof ticking, you might want to set up a codethat your students can use to representdifferent degrees of ability: I can do it easily, Ican do it with a little help, I can’t do it.)

TRY THIS! Students draw their family tree and write a shortdescription of each family member. You canstart next class with willing students presentingtheir family trees.

Ghidul cadrului didactic • Limba englezã III 11

• Play a game of Bingo: Each group of 4 studentsgets a card with 4x3 squares, in which theywrite 12 numbers from 1-19. Then, read thenumbers from 1-19 randomly, making sureyou don’t miss any, as students circle thenumbers they hear on their cards. They mightwant to repeat each number aloud as theycircle it. students shout Line if they circled allthe numbers in a line, or Bingo if they circledall their numbers.

• Introduce numbers from 20-100: write themon the board, in parallel with their correspon-ding –teen number (30 next to 13 etc.) andlet students notice the common root with thedifferent ending. Pronounce each pair andask students if they notice the different stresspattern. Then, explain how to form compoundnumbers, such as 35, 48 etc. (you can holdup the card with number 30 and the one with5 next to it, as students try to read: thirty – five).

• Introduce Cosmin’s family: before reading thetext, have students look at the pictures andmake guesses about who the people are.

U N I T 1F A M I L I E S

3 What do you like doing in your free time?

12 Programul „A doua ºansã“ • Nivel primar

Specific Objectives


Functions• Asking / giving information about favourite activities

Language content • To like + verb-ing• I like .., He / She likes .., What do you like

doing in your free time?

New vocabulary• Reading (books, magazines), watching TV,

doing sports (swimming, jogging, playingfootball), listening to music, dancing, chattingwith friends, surfing the internet, going outwith friends, travelling

RESOURCES• pictures / magazine cuts illustrating various

free time activities, possibly photos of yourselfenjoying your favourite free time activities

TIME• 2 hours


THINK!• Start a brief discussion in Romanian about

free time: How much? When? What activities?Write some of the students’ examples on theleft side of the board, in Romanian. Stickillustrating pictures (or draw) on the boardnext to the activity name, then write theEnglish word(s) for it on the other side of thepicture/drawing. (e.g. joc fotbal <picture of a football or aperson playing football> playing football) Make sure all the activities used in the textare introduced at this stage.When the complete list is on the board, askindividual students to speak about what theylike doing. Give your own examples, first: Ilike reading books. I like listening to music.

LET'S LEARN!• Ask students to look at the pictures. Do they

recognize the people?. Can they describethem briefly? Explain that Cosmin isspeaking about his/Simona’s/Anna’s favouritefree time activities. Ask students to namethe activities that are illustrated before youstart reading the text.

• Read the text. Ask students to repeat the keysentences (I like..). Ask comprehensionquestions: Who likes travelling? Who likesswimming? Who likes jogging? Accept one-word answers at this stage. Then ask abouteach character: What does Cosmin / Anna /Simona like doing? Encourage students toanswer in complete sentences this time, usingboth names and pronouns as subjects. T:What does Cosmin like doing? S1: Cosminlikes jogging. T: He? S2: He likes jogging.

• Students practise reading in pairs. Then theypractise asking/answering questions (Wholikes…?) in full sentences.

Each student picks one activity and asks allthe students in the group whether they likedoing it, always using the S’s name (e.g.,Matei, do you like travelling in your free time?Yes, I do/No, I don’t)

• Ex. 3: Using the information grid, each groupreports to the class about their findings. Onestudent speaks about one other S (e.g. Mateilikes travelling and reading books.) and so on,until everybody in the class has spoken.

• Ex. 4: Ask students to do this exerciseindividually. Check first whether they knowwhen to use like/likes.

• Ex. 5: students fill in their learning diaryindividually.

CHECK THIS!• Ask students to tick the statements based on

how they felt while doing the exercises.

TRY THIS! Students will talk to their family members abouttheir free time activities and make a shortpresentation next class.

Ghidul cadrului didactic • Limba englezã III 13

YOUR TURN!• Students do ex. 1 in pairs. After they have

ticked or crossed each activity, ask them tomake sentences about themselves (I like..and..)

• Ex. 2: in groups of 4-5, students practiseasking the questions in exercise 1 to find outwhat each group member likes doing.

U N I T 1F A M I L I E S

4 A weekend with my family

14 Programul „A doua ºansã“ • Nivel primar

Specific Objectives


Functions• Describing ongoing activities

Language content • To be – Where is .. ?, What is he / she doing?,

She / He is .. in the .. .• Present Continuous

New vocabulary• Rooms in the house: living room, dining room,

bedroom, bathroom, kitchen:• Activities: cooking, washing the dishes,

watching TV, repairing, doing homework

RESOURCES• pictures / magazine cuts illustrating rooms in

a house

TIME• 2 hours


Start the lesson with a few students’ presentationsof their family members’ favourite free timeactivities. Pick some of the activities that mightbe suitable for doing at home at weekend.Introduce the topic: Cosmin will tell us about ausual weekend in his family.

THINK!• Ask students about their favourite weekend

activities and draw a concept map on theboard. Elicit names of activities they alreadyknow in English. If there are any otheractivities they like doing but don’t know thename in English, write them in the conceptmap in both languages. Allow enough time forstudents to copy the new words in their CB.

LET'S LEARN!• Ask students to look at the pictures of the

rooms in the house and name them inRomanian. (T: What room is this? Students:dormitor. T: Right. Bedroom. This is thebedroom. Students: bedroom). students copythe new words in their CB.

• Look at the pictures of Cosmin’s family. Askquestions about the rooms they are in. (T:Where is Maria? Students: In the kitchen. T:She? students: She is in the kitchen.)

• Read the text. Ask students to repeat the keysentences. Ask comprehension questions:What is Maria doing? What is Cosmin doing?Encourage students to answer in completesentences.

• Students practise reading in pairs. Then theypractise asking/answering questions (Where isMaria? What is she doing?). If necessary, amodel question can be put up on the board.Then students can write 2 questions andanswers in their CB.

YOUR TURN!• Students do ex. 1 and 2 in pairs. Allow some

time for checking and correction. • Ex. 3: Do the exercise orally first. After

students write the answers individually, allowagain some time for peer correction.

• Before going to the learning diary activity, askstudents whether there are any other wordsthey would like to know in order to be able tospeak about what they do at weekends.

• Ex. 4: students fill in their learning diaryindividually.


• Ask students to tick the statements based onhow they felt while doing the exercises.

TRY THIS! Students will attach short labels to some of theirphotos, describing what they are doing in thatphoto. Talk to students about what they can do ifthey don’t know the correct words for the activitiesin the photos (they could ask you next class, lookthe words up in a dictionary, ask a more ablecolleague etc.)

Ghidul cadrului didactic • Limba englezã III 15

U N I T 1F A M I L I E S

5 Around the town

16 Programul „A doua ºansã“ • Nivel primar

Specific Objectives


Functions• Describing and locating buildings

Language content • There is.. / There are..• Is there a ..?• Adjectives: old / new / modern / small / big / tall• Prepositions (place)

New vocabulary• Places in a town: post office, police station,

bank, school, hospital, restaurant, hotel,church, houses, blocks of flats, parking space

RESOURCES: • postcards / pictures of your local town / village

TIME: • 2 hours



Start the lesson by reviewing some of thevocabulary in the previous lesson. students writesix words they remember, then work in pairs andtake turns to spell the words to each other. Theyshould write down their partner’s words. Finally,students check their spelling is correct.

THINK!• Ask students to share their experiences about

showing a foreigner around their town. If none of the students has been in such asituation, describe your own experience. Whatkind of questions do people ask about a newtown they are visiting? What are theyinterested in?

• Focus students on “What you will learn.”


• Teach the new vocabulary in the “What youneed to know” section. If possible, use thebuildings around the school. Focus students’attention on the function of buildings:hospital - get medical treatment, post office -buy stamps, school - study etc. Let studentsuse Romanian if necessary. Practise the newwords: mime being ill, on a bed, elicit theword ‘hospital’ from students. In turns,students can come to the front and mimemore words for the others to guess.

• Model using the expression there is/are:“There is a .. near the school. There are somehouses near the school.” Use real objects toexplain near/far/next to, round the corner, infront of/behind, on the left/right.

Let students do the exercise in pairs, thencheck the answers:

post office, hospital, restaurant, hotel, bank

When the exercise is done, allow some timefor practising in pairs: ‘If you need to eat, youshould go to the restaurant.’ Go round theclass and help the weaker students first.

3. Focus students on the picture on the right.Ask questions about it, using the newstructures: ‘Is there a school? / Yes, there is.’‘Where is the …? / It’s next to..’Tip! With a stronger class you can let someof the students ask the questions.Students do the cloze in pairs. Instruct them toread the whole text first (read it aloud yourself,if necessary) and then fill in the spaces:

left, is, church, right, tall, front

After checking the answers, invite individualstudents to describe the picture without usingthe text.

4. Learning Diary – allow enough time for studentsto write down the words they need to remember.Provide some dictionaries if they need anynew words (or set this task as homework)

CHECK THIS!At the end of the class, let students check the ‘Ican do’ statements individually, then comparetheir lists in pairs. Alternatively, students canthink of ways to demonstrate their ability to dothe things they have checked to their partners.

TRY THIS! Ask students to do the task at home, or in classif there is any time left. Use the posters at thebeginning of the next class to revise vocabularyand structures.

Ghidul cadrului didactic • Limba englezã III 17

LET’S LEARN!• Explain that Cosmin is showing Anna around

his town.• Let students look at the picture. Ask questions

about the kind of buildings they see in thepicture: ‘Is there a school/post-office/church inthe picture?’ ‘Where is the police station?’

• Read the conversation. Check that studentsunderstand all the words by asking questions.

• Ask individual students to read the conversationagain, then allow some time for them to read in pairs.

YOUR TURN!1. Let students have fun unscrambling the words

individually or in pairs, then check theanswers with the whole class:school, hotel,church, bank, hospital, restaurant Tip:practise spelling!

2. Before the exercise, make sure that studentsunderstand all the words. Teach the meaningof ‘to match’ as well, by demonstrating whatthey should do.

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6 Means of transport

18 Programul „A doua ºansã“ • Nivel primar

Specific Objectives


Functions• Speaking / Inquiring about means of transport

Language content • Simple Present• Prepositions: by car / bus etc. on foot

New vocabulary• Means of transport: bicycle / bike, car, bus,

tramway, taxi, tube, trolley bus

RESOURCES: • flashcards / pictures / magazine cuts illustrating

means of transport

TIME: • 2 hours


Before the class: prepare cards for each student,divided into 8 or 10 equal sqares for a game ofBingo.


At the beginning of the class, hand out the cardsand ask students to write down a word from theprevious lesson in each square (let them use theirnotes, if they need to). Then, read out buildingnames, randomly. Students cross out any wordsthey hear on their cards. The first student tocross out all their words shouts Bingo! and wins.

THINK!• Discuss the questions in Romanian, but if the

class level allows, use English. Start byspeaking about yourself, then invite somestudents to tell the class about the means oftransport they use.

• Focus students on “What you will learn.”


• Make a connection with the previous lesson: askindividual students “Where is the post office?”/“Is it far from here?” / “Can I go by bus there?”

• Teach the new vocabulary. students practisethe pronunciation of each word.

• Tip! Draw their attention to the particleused in front of each means of transport: byas different from on foot.

LET’S LEARN!• Focus students on the pictures. Ask questions

about the characters in the pictures. ‘Who isthis? What’s his/her name?’

• Read the text. Read the text again, pausingafter each sentence so that students canrepeat (together, then in smaller groups).

• Students practise reading the text in pairs.Monitor and offer help where necessary.

• Invite individual students to make similarsentences about themselves.

3. Use this exercise to check students’comprehension of the text they have read.Students work in pairs, then they check theiranswers with another pair.

a. False, b. True, c. True, d. Flase, e. False

4. Students write the answer to the questionindividually.

5. Explain they are going to make a survey,similar to the one in the example. Before theystart, give examples of how the information in thegraph can be read: “Five students go to schoolby bus. / No students go to school by taxi.”Before students go around the classroom andtake notes about their classmates, make surethey can ask the question correctly: ‘How doyou get to school?’. Suggest they draw a tablein their copybook to record the information:

Decide together whether the answer shouldmention only the usual means of transport orany means of transport they sometimes use.Opportunity: you could teach usually/sometimes.After they have collected the information, usethe board to show them how to make the graph.Individual students read the information in thegraph.

CHECK THIS!At the end of the class, let students check the ‘Ican do’ statements individually, then comparetheir lists in pairs.

TRY THIS! At the end of the class, students can discuss thegraph they have made: which is the mostpopular means of transport, why? etc.

Ghidul cadrului didactic • Limba englezã III 19

• Tip! They might begin by reading aloud thesentences that apply to them. At a laterstage, they can make their own sentences.

• Ask questions about each individual character“How does Cosmin’s father go to work?” Elicit answers in the third person singular.With complete beginners, you might want touse very simple questions like “Maria?” / “Shetravels to work by bus.”; “Cosmin’s aunt?” /“She goes to work on foot.”

YOUR TURN!1. Model the dialogue (possibly with one of the

stronger students). Focus students’ attentionon the correct intonation. Invite a pair ofstudents to do the dialogue in front of theclass, with both a pozitive and a negativeanswer. Students then work in pairs, practisingthe structure and reinforcing the vocablary.

2. Let students fill in the empty spacesindividually, after discussing the local meansof transport as a group. They exchangecopybooks and check each other’s spelling.

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Student names by bus on foot bike etc.S 1S 2

7 Shops

20 Programul „A doua ºansã“ • Nivel primar

Specific Objectives


Functions• Identifying shops and goods• Asking and asnwering questions

Language content • Can – Can you buy.. at the ..? / Where can you

buy..?• Prepositions: at the baker;s / supermarket etc.

New vocabulary• Shop names: baker’s, butcher’s, dairy, grocer’s,

greengrocer’s, newsagent’s, chemist’s, supermarket• Goods: bread, rolls, meat, ham, milk, cheese,

yoghurt, flour, sugar, coffee, fruits andvegetables, newspapers, magazines,medicines, cosmetics

RESOURCES: • pictures / magazines cuts illustrating various


TIME: • 2 hours

ActivitiesBefore the class: a set of flashcards with variousgoods would be useful. Alternatively, theillustrations in the Student’s book will do.


Start a chainwork by asking “How do you travelto school?” / S1: “I come to school by bike.How do you travel to school? / S2: “I come toschool on foot.”

THINK!• Use the questions to focus students on the

topic.• Focus students on “What you will learn.”


• Start with the names of goods. Use thepictures in the book. Encourage students toask questions like this: ‘How do you say painein English?’ or ‘What’s the English for paine?’Go through all the vocabulary like this.

• Teach the names of shops: “You can buybread at the baker’s.”

• Ask ss to write down the goods in theircopybooks, classifying them according to theshop where they can be bought. Write anexample of a headng list on the board.

LET’S LEARN!• Focus students on the pictures. Explain that

this is Anna’s shopping list. As she doesn’tknow the town very well, Cosmin has offered tohelp her.

• Ask questions about Anna’s shopping list:“What does Anna need? / She needs somemilk. / What else? / etc.”

3. Before students do the exercise in their book,ask some oral questions. Use both “Where..?”questions and close questions: “Can you buy.. at the ..?” Explain the correct form of shortanswers in English: “Yes, you can! / No, youcan’t.” To do the next section, invite students to usethe questions in the first section as a model.Tip! If they are having difficulties in askingthe questions correctly, you can hum thequestion to them (giving them clues as to thelength and intonation of the correct question)

4. Students write new words in their learningdiary.

CHECK THIS!5. At the end of the class, let students check the

‘I can do’ statements individually, thencompare their lists in pairs. End up the lessonwith a short discussion, either in English or intheir mother tongue, about the real lifesituations in which they needed or might needwhat they have learned in this lesson.

TRY THIS! The poster should be meant as a shopping guidefor a foreign visitor to the area.

REVISION!Help students revise the unit before going to“Check your progress II”

Ghidul cadrului didactic • Limba englezã III 21

• Read the text. Read the text again, pausingafter each sentence so that students can repeat(as a whole class, then in smaller groups).

• Students practise reading the dialogue in pairs.Monitor and offer help where necessary.

YOUR TURN!1. Students role play the dialogue, going through

the complete shopping list. Allow as muchtime as needed, until they feel quiteconfident. Some pairs can do the dialogue infront of the class.

2. Students read the sentences in pairs and circlethe correct letter (T or F). Decide, accordingto your class level, whether you should insiston the use of some/any. With a strongerclass, ask students to analyze the sentencesand infer the rule about using some/any. Someof them will notice that any is used innegative sentences.


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8 How much is it?

22 Programul „A doua ºansã“ • Nivel primar

Specific Objectives


Functions• Asking for things in a shop• Inquiring about prices

Language content • Useful expressions when buying things in a shop:

I’d like to buy.., Can you show me..?, Howmuch is that ..?, Could I get a …, please?

New vocabulary• Cash desk, change, plastic bag;

RESOURCES: • pictures / magazines cuts illustrating souvenirs

you can buy in your local area, price tags

TIME: • 2 hours

ActivitiesBefore the class: prepare some mock banknotes touse with the class.


Revise reading numbers. To make the activity moremotivating, play Bingo! (see lesson 2, Unit 2) orNoughts and Crosses: Draw a 3x3grid on the board and fill it in withdifferent numbers, as in the modelon the right. Divide the class intotwo teams: O and X. Each teamtakes it in turns to read the numbers in the grid.Whenever they do it correctly, you mark a noughtor a cross in that square. The winner is the teamthat has the first line of noughts or crosses in anydirection (horizontally, vertically, or diagonally) .

WHAT YOU NEED TO KNOW• Focus students on “What you will learn.”• Use the posters students made in the previous

lesson (or as homework). Choose some of thegoods and attach price labels on them.

Pretend you are interested in the goods andprices: “I need some milk. How much is it?”/ Read the price on the label: “It’s 15 Lei.”Go on like this, then ask some of the studentsto act out the same dialogue in front of theclass. Gradually, introduce the otherexpressions: “I’d like to buy some..” etc.Students write the new expressions in theircopybooks. Advise them to write thetranslation of the whole expression, and notword by word, since this lesson focuses moreon communicative expressions rather than onspecific structures or vocabulary.

• Tip! Model how to read prices with decimals:4.50 Lei = four Lei fifty

THINK!• Ask students to base their answers on any

personal experience they might have had.

LET’S LEARN!• Focus students on the pictures. Pre-teach the

words souvenir, gift. Explain that Anna is

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2. Before doing the exercise, ask individual studentsto read aloud each sentence. Then, they workin pairs to match the replies to the correct questions.For more writing practice, they could alsowrite the mini-dialogues in their copybooks.

3. Explain students the importance of thelistening skill. Explain that this exercise isgoing to help them focus on what they hear inorder to understand better. Read the prices inrandom order, while students circle the pricethey hear. Before you start reading, allowenough time for students to get a good look atall the price labels. Let them know that youwill repeat each price twice. At the end of theactivity, conduct a short discussion – possiblyin Romanian – about how they felt while doingthe listening activity. What helped? Whatwas very difficult? Ask students to suggestways to improve their listening skill.

4. Students do the exercise orally first. Checkthat they understand what they say and theydo not copy the replies mechanically from theinitial text.Possible answers:

Yes, please / That’s 6 Lei. / It’s over there. /That’s all, thank you.

CHECK THIS!At the end of the class, let students check the ‘Ican do’ statements individually, then comparetheir lists in pairs. Ask students if they feel theyhave also learned other things during this lesson.

TRY THIS! This activity could be done as homework. IfInternet access is not available, students couldinterview people who have visited other countries.

Ghidul cadrului didactic • Limba englezã III 23

visiting a souvenir shop to buy gifts for herfamily and friends in Great Britain. Then, askstudents to look at the pictures and ask theEnglish form of any words they do not know,using the expressions “What’s the English for..?” Allow more able students to answer ifthey know any of the words.

• Read the dialogue. Read it a second time,pausing after each sentence so that studentscan repeat. Let them practise as many timesas necessary.

• Students practise reading the text in pairs.Monitor and offer help where necessary.

• Invite some pairs to read the dialogue for the class.Praise any efforts to get the intonation right.

YOUR TURN!1. Students use the model in the textbook and

the information in the pictures to create newchunks of the dialogue. Ask them to write oneor two examples in their copybooks. They canalso act out some of the dialogues in front ofthe class.

U N I T 2T O W N S

9 Help!

24 Programul „A doua ºansã“ • Nivel primar

Specific Objectives


Functions• Offering help• Accepting / refusing politely• Thanking people / replying

Language content • Personal pronouns (nominative + accusative)

New vocabulary• Certainly, sure, any time, welcome

RESOURCES:• cards for playing a game of Bingo (one 3x4

card for each student or pair)• (optional) Cd or tape with Beatles song „Help”

or “With a little help from my friends”. Copiesfor each student with the lyrics.

TIME: • 2 hours



Play a game of bingo or noughts and crosses,using any vocabulary area where you feel yourstudents need more practice.

THINK!• Conduct the conversation in Romanian. Ask

students to share their experiences of helpingor being helped, when that really made a difference.If necessary, offer your own example.

• Focus students on “What you will learn.”

LET’S LEARN!• Use the pictures and text to introduce the new

vocabulary. Focus students on each picture inturns and ask questions: “Who is this? / Thisis Anna. / What’s she doing? / She is carryingsome bags. / Who offers to help?” Then readthe dialogue, repeat it, let students repeateach part, and act it out in pairs, twice,changing roles. Do the same for each of thepictures. Make sure that students understandeverything before they act it out.

• Focus students on the correspondance tablebetween the personal pronoun in nominativeand accusative. Use very simple sentences todemonstrate the different uses of the twowords: “I need help. Can you help me? // You need help. Can I help you? // He needs help.Can you help him?” and so on. After 2-3examples let students go on, following the samepattern.

• Variation: point to students in the class,eliciting “Can you help him/her/them?”

Ghidul cadrului didactic • Limba englezã III 25

YOUR TURN!1. Students do the exercise in pairs. It might be

useful to read all the sentences aloud beforethey start working on them. Check theanswers with the class:

a. HER, b. ME, c. HIM, d. US, e. YOU, f. THEM

When the exercise is done, allow some time topractise reading the complete sentences.

U N I T 3H A V I N G F U N

2. Tell students they are going to reinforce someof the expressions in the lesson. Advise themto read each individual sentence carefullybefore filling in the empty spaces.

a. me, b. need, c. Can, d. help, e. very, f. not, g. welcome, h. Any

3. Invite students to speak about the picturesbefore doing the exercise. Elicit some examples,but point out that there is not only one possibleanswer. Accept more versions, and let studentsdecide on the ones they want to write down.Let them act out the dialogues they choose, inpairs first, then in front of the class. Motivatestudents to listen actively to the other pairs’dialogues (set tasks, e.g.: “What words didshe use to refuse helping now?”)

4. Ask individual students to mime doing anactivity in which they need help (e.g. carryingsome heavy bags, doing a math problem,washing the dishes etc.) students in the classwill offer their help, politely. Then, they taketurns.

CHECK THIS!At the end of the class, let students check the ‘Ican do’ statements individually, based on howthey did in the previous activity.

TRY THIS! These Beatles songs are just a suggestion, studentsmight think of other ones that are relevant to thetopic. Allow them to come up with their ownideas. If anybody brings in the lyrics and thetape/CD, you can learn the song in class together.

10 Sports

26 Programul „A doua ºansã“ • Nivel primar

Specific Objectives


Functions• Speaking / asking about abilities / favourite sports

Language content • Can – interrogative, short answers (Yes, I can /

No, I can’t)• Simple Present with frequency adverbs

New vocabulary• Names of sports:• Go swimming / running / jogging / skiing /

skating, Play:football / basketball / volleyball /tennis / hockey

• Do: gymnastics / judo / karate

RESOURCES: • pictures / magazines cuts illustrating various sports

TIME: • 2 hours

LET’S LEARN!• Play the running dictation game with the list

of sports names. If they can’t read all thesports names, ask them to spell the words.When all pairs have finished, divide the classinto four groups and let them compare whatthey have to the original lists on the wall.

• Ask students to work in pairs and underline allthe words which they do not know, circle thewords they know, and mark in a different wayany words they understand but can’t pronounce.

• Then they walk about the classroom, comparingtheir lists, learning from each other. Beforethat, make sure they can ask questions like“What does … mean?” and “How do youpronounce this word?”

• In the end, check that everybody has got allthe meanings and pronunciation correctly.

• Use the words in the list to teach “I can./Ican’t.” Give examples about yourself, then goon in a chainwork: “I can ski, but I can’tswim. How about you, Maria?”

ActivitiesBefore the class: Prepare four sheets of paperwith lists of sports names for a running dictationactivity. Include all the sports names in the“What you will learn” section, add any extrawords if you wish.Bring in pictures of famous sportspeople.

THINK!• Show students the pictures of famous

sportspeople. Ask simple questions, like “Whois this? What sports does he/she do? Whatsports do you like?” If kept simple enough,the conversation can be done completely inEnglish. Encourage your students to try.

• Tell students you are going to have some funand play a game.


Using the vocabulary in the previous lesson, askstudents to help you put up the four sheets ofpaper that you prepared for this lesson. Put eachcopy in a different place on the wall for arunning dictation game. ‘

• When everybody has had a go, read the text.Ask comprehension questions. (e.g. Whatsports does Anna do? How often ..? etc.)

• Read small parts of the text again, and askstudents to repeat. Students then practisereading in pairs.

YOUR TURN!1. Read the model questions and answers. Ask

students to compare short answers in Englishto Yes/No answers in Romanian or their mothertongue. Point out that in English they say alittle bit more than just yes or no. Allow asmuch time as needed for students to practisein pairs.

2. Divide the class into groups of four. Whilestudents do this activity, the focus is not onspelling, but on the ability to obtain thenecessary information and to report it. Makesure everybody takes turns.

3. Students should be able to make simplesentences in the third person singular now.According to the class level, you may vary thedifficulty of the task, by asking individualstudents to make simple affirmativesentences about another student from thesame group, or invite students from one groupto ask students from the other group questionsabout the sports they do.

4. Students write in their learning diaries thewords they want to remember. Tip! You canset challenges like: write as many new wordsas you can remember from today’s lesson inone minute. Students then compare theirlearning diaries.

CHECK THIS!At the end of the class, let students check the ‘Ican do’ statements in pairs. They can practiseanswering “Can you..?” questions in short answers.

TRY THIS! Use the posters they make to quickly reviewvocabulary at the beginning of next class.

Ghidul cadrului didactic • Limba englezã III 27

U N I T 3H A V I N G F U N

Running dictationThis game involves all the four skills: listening,speaking, reading and writing. students usuallyfind it challenging and fun, too.1. Prepare 4 sheets of paper with a short text

or a vocabulary list on each of them.2. Put the 4 copies on the wall at the front of

the class.3. Divide students into pairs, one secretary and

one reporter. Secretaries sit at the back ofthe class, with pens and paper.

4. At your signal, reporters go to the front, readand remember as much as they can of thetext, then run back to their partners anddictate the text to them.

5. Reporters then go back to the front andrepeat the process.

6. The first pair to complete the text wins.Variation: At certain intervals, when you clapyour hands, secretaries and reporters changeroles.

11 Hobbies

28 Programul „A doua ºansã“ • Nivel primar

Specific Objectives


Functions• Asking people / speaking about hobbies

Language content • Possessive adjectives• -ing verbs (e.g. my hobby is reading)

New vocabulary• Hobbies: reading, travelling, listening to

music, collecting stamps, dancing, takingpictures, playing an instrument, riding horses

RESOURCES:• various objects illustrating your own hobbies;• small pieces of paper with names of people

and their hobbies for activity . 4

TIME: • 2 hours

THINK!• Discuss hobbies. Check that students

understand what a hobby is. Point out thathobby is another international word thatcomes from English. Encourage students togive examples of their own hobbies, or aboutpeople they know. Then, use the materialsyou have brought to class to speak about yourhobbies.

• Focus students on “What you will learn.”


Use the pictures of various recreational activities.Ask students to read aloud the ones that theyalready know (they should recognize dancing,reading, travelling etc.). Encourage them to askin English about the words that they don’t know:“What’s the English for..?”

ActivitiesBefore the class: Gather materials you can bringto class and use to tell your students about yourhobbies (e.g. stamps collections, Cds with yourfavourite music, photos of places you havetravelled to etc.)


Use the posters about sports to reviewvocabulary. Adjust the task difficulty to yourclass level (e.g. weaker students could just namethe sports they see on the poster; strongerstudents could play a memory game: have themlook at the posters for one minute, then cover theposter and ask students to name as many sportsas they can remember; stronger students couldeven make sentences about the sentences in theposter.)

2. Focus students on the purpose of the task:they will learn how to contradict and correctinaccurate information. Also, make sure theyunderstand the correspondance betweenAnna’s and her.

a. No, it’s not, her hobby is singing; b. No, it’s not, his hobby is collecting stamps; c. No, it’s not, her hobby is reading.

3. This task is a little bit more difficult, since nowstudents have to fill in with either personalpronouns or possessive adjectives. Decide onthe level of support you are going to give themaccording to the class average ability.

4. Students walk about the classroom and asktheir colleagues about their hobbies. Theactivity may become more interesting ifstudents are given small pieces of paper withfalse identities and hobbies, so they will needto ask supplementay questions to find outtheir colleagues’ new names and hobbies.They then report their findings to the class.

5. Let students try this as a quiet, individual task.

CHECK THIS!At the end of the class, let students check the ‘Ican do’ statements individually, based on howthey did in the previous activities. Where theyfeel that they can’t tick the statements yet, askthem to think about what type of activities couldhelp them get better and write about it in theirlearning diary.

TRY THIS! If students can find relevant information on theInternet, ask them to either make a poster abouttheir findings or give an oral presentation.

Ghidul cadrului didactic • Limba englezã III 29

LET’S LEARN!• Before reading the sentences, ask students to

name the activities in the pictures. Strongerstudents might be able to make sentences inthe Present Continuous. Then read the text.Use gestures to point out the meaning of thepossessive adjectives. Ask students about thewords in bold type. Let them discover thathis/her are used for male/female persons.

• Students read the text in pairs. Then theypractise asking and answering questions aboutthe pictures: “What’s his hobby? / What’s herhobby?” etc.

YOUR TURN!1. Students do the exercise in pairs. Check the

answers with the class:reading, singing, collecting stamps,reading.

When the exercise is done, allow some time topractise reading the complete sentences.

U N I T 3H A V I N G F U N

12 Holiday plans

30 Programul „A doua ºansã“ • Nivel primar

Specific Objectives

CONTENTSFunctions• Asking people / speaking about holiday plans• Expressing personal preferences

Language content • Would like to – affirm. / interrogative• Prepositions (time) in spring / autumn / July

New vocabulary• Seasons, months of year• Holiday, journey, luggage, passport / visa,

train / bus / plane tickets, foreign country,tourist information, to pack,

• Expressions: to go on holiday, to book tickets,to apply for a visa, to go to the mountains /seaside / country / on a camp / abroad

RESOURCES:• pictures / magazines cuts illustrating different

seasons• slips of paper for each individual student with

the name of 1-2 activities in the infinitive(e.g. play football, have a Coke etc.)

TIME: • 2 hours

WHAT YOU NEED TO KNOW• Students work in pairs or small groups and go

through the vocabulary and expressions list,writing them in their copybooks under 3 headings:− I know these words – they either know

these words or they can discover theirmeaning by looking at the pictures orchecking the vocabulary list at the end ofthe book;

− I think I know these words – they can guessthe meanings of these words by theirsimilarity to other words they know, or fromthe context, but they are not sure;

− I don’t know these words;• Students work in bigger groups and compare

their work, exchange findings etc. Each groupthen makes a presentation about the newwords they learned and what the source was. (e.g. journey means calatorie, we found theword in the vocabulary section at the end ofthe book.)

ActivitiesBefore the class: Prepare slips of paper withnames of various activities. (suitable activities tofinish sentences beginning with I’d like to..)


Ask individual students to come to the front andmime an activity (hobby). The other students haveto guess. (According to the class level, elicit simpleresponses, e.g. collecting postcards, or full sentenceresponses, e.g. your hobby is collecting postcards.)

THINK!• Focus students on “What you will learn.”• Talk about holidays. You might introduce one

of your favourite holidays by showing picturesand explaining why you enjoyed it. Then asksome of the students to speak about theirholidays. Be aware that some of them mayhave never been on a holiday.

2. Divide the class into two groups. Studentswalk about the classroom, asking as manystudents from the other group about theirideal holiday. Tell them beforehand that theywill have to remember as much information asthey can. Set a time limit. At your signal,they stop. In turns, each group will have toanswer a question about a student in the othergroup. When they know the answer, theyscore a point. If they answer in a completesentence, they score two points.

3. Quickly check the new vocabulary before doingthis exercise. Students do the exercise in pairs,then check their answers with another pair.a. apply for a visa, b. book your tickets, c. pack your luggage, d. show your passport.

4. Point out that in the previous section,students read about Cosmin’s familypreferences. This text is about their holidayplans. Quickly revise simple future, ifnecessary. Students read the sentences, thenanswer the questions in pairs. The exercisecan be extended to the students’ futureholiday plans: ask them to make sentencesabout what they will do next summer/nextholiday/next weekend/etc.

b. Ion and Maria (will). c. Simona (will). d. Maria (will).

CHECK THIS!At the end of the class, students talk in pairsabout their holiday plans, personal preferences.Then they tick the ‘I can do’ statementsaccordingly.

TRY THIS!When presenting the poster, students should useas much of the lesson’s vocabulary.

Ghidul cadrului didactic • Limba englezã III 31

LET’S LEARN!• Pre-teach “I’d like to...” Point out the

difference between I’d like and I like (inpronunciation, meaning and collocation: I’dlike to go / I like going.)

• Hand out the paper slips with names ofactivities, ask each student to make asentence using I’d like to and the activity ontheir piece of paper. E.g. I’d like to visit myfriends/buy a computer/drink some water etc.

• Focus ss on the pictures. Ask some questionsabout the pictures (Who is this? Where is he/she?)

• Read the text. Ask some comprehensionquestions: e.g. who would like to go to theseaside? where would Ion like to go? etc.Students read the text in pairs, taking turns.Monitor and help where needed.

YOUR TURN!1. Students do the exercise individually. While

they write the answers, go around and checktheir phrasing. Help or correct where needed.

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32 Programul „A doua ºansã“ • Nivel primar


• Self-assessmentThe Guide for Users of the Common European Framework for ForeignLanguages suggests that „for learning purposes, the best assessment isalways self-assessment.” The student’s book is consistent with thisrecommendation, as students have to tick self-assessment checklists („I can do” statements) at the end of each lesson. Discuss the checklistswith your students. Ask them where the difficulty lies, what they thinkthey should do in order to improve their result etc. As they become morefamiliar with this type of self-assessment, students could also think ofways to demonstrate their own abilities (or their partner’s) and expresstheir abilities not only in terms of what they can do but also in terms ofhow well they can do it.

• The learning diary could be used regularly, after each lesson, unit orweek. It will help students reflect on their own learning and progress.

• The „Check your progress” worksheets at the end of each unit are moresimilar to the final assessment tests and they can be used as such, orcan be adapted to suit your learner’s needs. Always allow some time fortest correction together with the students and invite them to reflect ontheir achievements as well as on the difficulties they had.

• The student’s portfolio may contain the presentations they have made(possibly using the suggestions in the „Use it” section), worksheets etc.

• Regular teacher observations. It is very useful to keep regularobservations on each individual student’s skills. Such observations willhelp you keep track of the areas where your students have improved andwhere they still need help. Also, by looking at the observations you havemade, you will be able to prevent quieter students from being overlookedand more able students from taking over too much of the lesson’s time.Appendix A contains a suggestion for an observation grid that I havefound very useful for my classes. You might want to use a different pagefor each unit.


At the end of each level, students in the „Second Chance” programme willbe assessed based on the evaluation standards in the English Syllabus forSecond Chance.The final tests will be devised by teachers, possibly using the model set inthe student’s book („Check your progress” worksheets). However, writtentests will have to be accompanied by oral examinations in which studentscan demonstrate their listening and speaking skills. These can be five-minute interviews with each individual student, on familiar topics, mainlycovering the vocabulary studied in class (which may slightly differ from thatin the student’s guide). Students should be able to identify themselves inEnglish and answer a few simple questions about their families, free timeactivities, shops and buildings, means of transport (visual supportrecommended). While assessing each student, you might want to use anassessment grid to record their performance, with descriptors for eachgrade (calificativ), such as the one in Appendix B.

Assessment guidelines

Ghidul cadrului didactic • Limba englezã III 33

Students in the „Second Chance” programme might be quite apprehensiveabout assessment, but we believe that a friendly environment andtransparent assessment priciples will help them cope with it efficiently.


1. “The Common European Framework of Reference for Foreign Languages:learning, teaching, assessment:

2. English Language Portfolio,

3. “Good assessment practice in modern foreign languages,” Ofsted, HMI1478, © Crown copyright 2003

34 Programul „A doua ºansã“ • Nivel primar

Listening Speaking Reading Writing ObservationsStudent's name


A Class performance observation grid

Ghidul cadrului didactic • Limba englezã III 35


B Oral assessment grid

Student's name Assessment descriptors





















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