mihai cosmin, costin lupascu, ionut savoiu€¦ · mihai cosmin, costin lupascu, geogian coman,...

Post on 24-Mar-2021






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Mihai Cosmin,

Costin Lupascu,

Geogian Coman,

Ionut Savoiu

Technical solutions

Cloud storage, using dedicated server, 24/24, 7/7

PostgreSQL database type + spatial extension PostGIS

ASP.NET, Java Script technologies

Web data publishing using GeoServer and OpenLayers

Data styles using GeoServer and OpenLayers

Background data view for Bing Satellite, Bing Roads, OpenStreetMap

Ortofoto from 2017 flight view

Accesing, modifying of geo-spatial data using QGIS and WEBGIS


Multiuser interface acces

Friendly user interface in WEBGIS – easy user add, access rights, editing

for data list

Direct access from tablet/smartphone

Editing history – who is doing what and when?

Progress follow-up for each user in regards to collected data

VERGIS interface – Registrul local al spatiilor verzi

User administration interface:

Add users

Add/modify access permission

Access group configuration

Add/modify data lists

“demo” account for “public”

User administration

Data list view and editing:

Needed for choosing by operators for pre-defined data type

Configured in a manner that we can add, edit or delete records

Any addition or modification of a record will propagate to all

associated records

Data list editing

WEBGIS Interface:

View by layers, depending of layer type

Possibility of choosing the background (Google, Bing Aerial, Bing

Streets, Open Streetmap, Orthophoto flight 2017)

Possibility of searching by address

Getting information of areas and trees

Editing areas and trees description using pre-defined data lists

Adding, deleting or moving trees

Photo(s) uploading for each tree

WEBGIS Application

WEBGIS Interface:

Data filtering or searching areas and trees using specific categories

Exporting of Green Areas documents and specific reports

Exporting customized reports for various elements from the database, resulted from field works

WEBGIS Application

Green Area & Specific Reports

Easy documents exchange workflow between various departments or institutions, in charge with trees chops

or arrangements

Documents workflow


Trees characteristics data entry using an in-house developed application using devices

running Android v4.0+

Collecting also informations about hedges, urban furniture, or placing issues directly on

map to be checked later

Data editing directly in the field, easy modification and data acces, easy access between



Placing identification plates directly to protected and

most significant trees

Global Reports – Mun. Targoviste

SV 2.256.656 mp / 79.000 locuitori = 28.6 mp / locuitor


Izolati 26 955

Ocrotiti 7 966

TOTAL: 34 921




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