de la - la sarcina electrica la constiinta.pdf · biologia sintetică, are ca...

Post on 14-Sep-2019






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”Problema gravă apare însă atunci când toată societatea e dominată de consumerism, când cetățeanul devine consumator. Nu se mai legitimează cu cartea de identitate, ci se legitimează cu cartea de credit”.

M. Malița, în Lumea cu două viteze . P. Dobrescu. 2013




”Schimbării la față a lumii”.

…problemele climatice și de mediu își au

originea chiar în inima democrației- în

comportamentul majorității. Ar părea

nerealist să credem că, în cele câteva

decenii care mai rămân înainte ca

mediul și clima să fie iremediabil

distruse, majoritatea s-ar putea

îndrepta către o cale radical diferită

față de calea consumerismului pe care

a urmat-o până acum.

Neadaptați pentru viitor - I. Persson, J. Săvulescu 2014


Planned obsolescence Pyramids of Waste

Brain-related diseases and disorders of the nervous system impose a heavy burden on society. In Europe alone more than 38% of the population are affected, suffering from a considerable loss of quality of life. Moreover, according to the European Brain Council, the annual costs of brain disorders amount to approx. 800 billion €

More than 42,000 Americans die from suicide

each year. It’s the 10th leading cause of death in

the U S and the second leading cause of death in

youth (10 to 24 years of age) and young adults

(25 to 34 years of age), in 2014.

Risk factors such as depression, other mental

disorders, substance use, relationship loss or

disruption, barriers to accessing mental health

treatment, can contribute to suicidal


NIH scientists uncover genetic explanation for frustrating syndrome.

Scientists at the NIH have identified a genetic explanation for a syndrome characterized by multiple frustrating and difficult-to-treat symptoms, including dizziness and lightheadedness, skin flushing and itching, gastrointestinal complaints, chronic pain, and bone and joint problems

JJ Lyons et al. Elevated basal serum tryptase identifies a multisystem disorder

associated with increased TPSAB1 copy number. Nature Genetics. 2016.Oct 17



Termenul ”singularitate” a fost creat de către Vernor Vinge în cadrul unei conferințe NASA din 1993. In rezumatul comunicării, autorul afirmă: ”…în treizeci de ani vom dispune de o tehnologie capabilă să creeze inteligența superumană. La scurt timp după acest moment, era umană se va sfârși”

L.Zăgrean. Mintea. Inteligența Artificială. Singularitaea. In press

Eighty million U.S. jobs at risk from

automation, central bank official says.

Biologia sintetică, are ca activitate sinteza de celule artificiale sau a componentelor acestora, pornind de la sinteza în laborator a ADN-lui. Biologia sintetică, doar în câțiva ani, a reușit să creeze primele organisme celulare sintetice, Astfel, Craig Venter a realizat în 2010 prima „formă de viață sintetică” prin înlocuirea genomului unei bacterii cu un genom sintetic.

L.Zăgrean. Mintea. Inteligența Artificială. Singularitaea. In press

Artificial molecular machines have been developed for tasks that include sequencespecific oligomer synthesis and the switching of product chirality, a photo-responsive host molecule has been describedthat is able to mechanically twist a bound molecular guest and molecular fragments have been selectively transported in eitherdirection between sites on a molecular platform …

Salma Kassem et all. Stereodivergent synthesis with a programmablemolecular machine. N AT U R E / VOL 5 4 9 | 2 1 s e p te m b er 2 0 1 7

Artificial intelligence and advanced robotics have the potential to transform the world economy. Changes are being made already, especially in technology that acts like the human brain, learning to complete more varied and complex tasks based on past experience. The implications of this advancing technology in various facets of geopolitics are many, from logistics, labor and manufacturing to agriculture, service and transportation — basically, life in general.

Artificial Intelligence Gets a Little Smarter. Stratfor. 18 03 2016

Elon Musk - AI Poses Bigger Threat to Humanity Than North Korea.

…we present an organic electronic biomimetic neuron, with the capacity to precisely intervene with the underlying malfunctioning signalling pathway using endogenous substances.The fundamental function of neurons, defined as chemical-to-electrical-to-chemical signal transduction, is achieved by connecting enzyme-based amperometric biosensors and organic electronic ion pumps.

D. T. Simon et all. Biosensors and Bioelectronics. 2015

Organisms are defined by the information encoded in their genomes, and since the origin of life this information has been encoded using a two-base-pair genetic alphabet (A–T and G–C). In vitro, the alphabet has been expanded to include several nonatural base pairs

Denis A. Malyshev A.D. A semi-synthetic organism with an expanded genetic

alphabet. N AT U R E, 5 0. 2014.

Artificial molecular machines have been developed for tasks that include sequencespecific oligomer synthesis and the switching of product chirality, a photo-responsive host molecule has been describedthat is able to mechanically twist a bound molecular guest and molecular fragments have been selectiv-ely transported in eitherdirection between sites on a molecular platform …

Salma Kassem et all. Stereodivergent synthesis with a programmablemolecular machine. N AT U R E / VOL 5 4 9 | 2 1 s e p te m b er 2 0 1 7

Take a step back for a minute and look at the state humanity is in.

80% of the world’s population live below the poverty line.

One fifth of the world’s largest rainforest, the Amazon, has been cut down to…

War is rife in the Middle East with over 5 million refugees desperately…


Legenda lui MIDAS

Ce-i de făcut ?

The complexity of individual's thought proce-sses and beliefs has important influences on social psychological phenomena such as attitudes, attributions, emotions, and stereo-types. Moreover, because collective outcomes are the product of individual decisions, cognitive complexity influences a variety of social-political outcomes as well, including judicial decisions and the outcomes of major international crises .

Conway LG. et al. The Complexity of Thinking Across Cultures:

Interactions Between Culture And Situational Context. Social Cognition

19(3):228-250. 2001.

Neuroscience is awaiting for a breakthrough:

An essay bridging the concepts of Descartes,

Einstein, Heisenberg, Hebb and Hayek with

the explanatory formulations in this special

issue. E. Başar, Karakaş . Intern. J.

Psychophysiology. 60 (2006) 194–201

... understanding the brain/body–mind

complex is possible only when these

three are considered as a holistic entity

and not as discrete structures or


Homo sapiens appears to be evolving into a new kind of species not seen before in organic evolution.

This is HOMO HOLISTICUS, systems man, the first species in the earth’s history with a global reach, entailing global selective forces charting its evolutionary change.

Global change and human change: a prescription

for adaptive evolution from ecological network theory.B.C. Patten, International Journal of Ecodynamics. 2006

About 250,000 years ago, something quite extra-ordinary happened. Animals with an unprece-dented capacity for thought appeared on the savannahs of Africa. These creatures were conscious and had minds. Eventually, they were smart enough to start questioning the origins of their own intelligence. We are finally close to getting some answers, with a particularly detailed understanding of the brain’s building block – the neuron.

Michael O'Shea. The brain: Milestones of neuroscienceNew scientist. 3 apr. 2013

The birth of neuroscience began with Hippocrates some 2500 years ago. While his contemporaries, including Aristotle, believed that the mind resided in the heart, Hippocrates argued that the brain is the seat of thought, sensation, emotion and cognition.

Galen (2th century) believed the human brain had three ventricles, and that each one was responsible for a different mental faculty: imagination, reason and memory.

Michael O'Shea. The brain: Milestones of neuroscienceNew scientist. 3 apr. 2013

Dubito, ergo cogito; Cogito, ergo sum.

Decartes – Discurs despre metodă. 1637

Luigi Galvani-1791-demonstrează că nervii și mușchii pot fi activați prin curent electric extern

Hans Berger

de la telepatie la EEG -1926

Emil Du Bois-Reymond -1848-demonstrează că nervii și mușchii generează impulsuri electrice

Given these important impacts of cognitive complexity, and given the accumulating cross-cultural evidence bearing on this construct, it is worth asking: Does cultural background influence cognitive complexity, and if so, how?

Conway LG. et al. The Complexity of Thinking Across Cultures:

Interactions Between Culture And Situational Context. Social Cognition

19(3):228-250. 2001.


It is not enough to teach man a specialty. Through it he may become a kind of useful machine but not a harmoniously developed personality. It is essential that the student acquire an understanding of and a lively feeling for values... Otherwise he-with his specialized knowledge-more closely resembles a well-trained dog than a harmoniously developed person. !

A.Einstein. Ideas and Opinions. Crown Publishers, 1954.

…din gândirea unui analfabet funcțional cu licență în medicină. Extras din lucrarea pentru examen admitere doctorat. 2014

”Ideologeis, philosophies, religious doctrines, world-models, value systems, and the like will stand or fall depending on the kinds of answers that brain research eventually reveals. It all comes together in the brain.

In brief, recent conceptual developments in mind-brain science are seen to bring changes in worldview perspective that revise the ultimate criteria and frame of reference for determining human value priorities and resolving value differerence.

R. W. Sperry. Changing Priorities. Ann.Rev.Neursci.1981

”Istoric vorbind, specialiștii în neuroștiințe au

adoptat una din două abordări: abordarea reducționistă sau cea holistă. Abordările reducționiste sau de jos în sus încearcă să analizeze sistemul nervos prin prisma componentelor sale elementare, examinând una câte una moleculele, celulele sau circuitele…

Abordările holiste sau de sus în jos se

concentrează asupra funcțiilor psihice la ființele umane vigile și active… Ambele abordări au limitări, însă ambele au înregistrat succese importante.…Gestaltiștii au constat că întregul perceptiv însemnă mai mult decât suma componentelor sale examinate izolat.

Psihiatrie, psihanaliză și noua biologie a minții. Eric R.

Kandel. Ed. TREI. 2013



Interfață fizicăInterfață


Thus, the more productive questions for current scientific inquiries should be, How do nature and nurture worktogether, and what are the processes through which biology and culture shape the mind?

Heejung S. Kim and Joni Y. Sasaki. Cultural Neuroscience: Biology of the Mind in Cultural Contexts. Annu. Rev. Psychol. 2014


Schneider T and Woolgar S . Technologies of ironic revelation: enacting consumers in neuromarkets. ConsumptionMarkets & Culture. 2012, 169–189.











NeuroceuticalsCogniceuticals, Emoticeuticals, Sensoceuticals NEUROREVOLUTION



Neuro-Linguistic Programming








”Dacă cercetătorii din domeniul Neuroștiințelor și a disciplinelor conexes-ar uni în jurul unui mic set de obiective, oportunitatea pentru avansarea înțelegerii noastre a creierului și a funcției mentale ar fi imensă. Întrebările trebuie să aprindă sufletul și să agite spiritul, dar, de asemenea, să fie abordabile într-un mod riguros științific.

From Molecules to Mind- Challenges for the 21st Century. The National Academies

Press. 2008

Omul nu poate fi înțeles ca o persoana detașată din societate; el este un produs al eredității, care conține concentrată istoria biologică a sa, dar este tot pe atâta și produs al societății din care face parte.

Singur omul a ajuns la conștiința actelor sale, pe care le poate dirija voluntar, în urma unei decizii reflectate.

Grigore T. Popa. Reforma Spiritului. 2002

Galileo Galilei made the beauty of the physical world central to his own deep faith…as did Johannes Kepler, Isaac Newton, and James Clerk Maxwell. For all these searchers, finding beauty embodied in the physical world, reflecting God’s glory, was the goal of their search. It inspired their work, and sanctified their curiosity. And with their discoveries, their faith was rewarded.

Frank Wilczek. A Beautiful Question. Penguin Press.

New York.2015

Societatea umană are nu numai o

conştiinţă socială ci ea reprezintă şi

conştiinţa lumii materiale, conştiinţa

existentei în sens filozofic. Societatea

umana reprezintă proprietatea materiei,

a existenţei de a se apleca asupra ei

insăşi de a se recrea.

Profunzimile lumii materiale. M.Draganescu. 1979

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