cuvântul editorului editors’ word filelegate de acesta; de la biotehnologia ob inerii, analiza...

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Editor’s word Medicamentul Veterinar / Veterinary Drug Vol. 7(2). December 2013


Cuvântul Editorului Editors’ word

Prof. Dr. Romeo T. Cristina

Facultatea de Medicin Veterinar Timi oara

The Medicamentul Veterinar/Veterinary Drug Journal’s last evolutions are presented with all IDB data bases where the publication is included in the aim of future and of quality articles presented.

Jurnalul Medicamentul Veterinar / Veterinary Drug (Abr. Med.Vet / Vet.Drug) este singura publica ie care are ca obiectiv principal medicamentul de uz veterinar i toate aspectele legate de acesta; de la biotehnologia ob inerii, analiza sa, uzul i investigarea metaboli ilor acestuia, legisla ia domeniului etc. Analizând interesul suscitat de revista noastr am constatat

traficul de desc rcare al unor articole poate fi considerat ridicat, publicarea lucr rilor originale în limba englez , pentru varianta on-line a publica iei fiind în opinia mea factorul care a stârnit acest interes.

Faptul c am identificat deja revista în numeroase baze de date justific demersul meu de a v îndemna s publica i rezultatele cercet rilor Dvs. în aceast revist . Iar dac sunte i doctorand sau tân r cercet tor, cu atât mai mult! Este primul pas pe care ar trebui s -l face i!

Pentru cei care poate nu tiu, doresc s le amintesc c : acest jurnal nu v solicit (deocamdat ) nici un fel de taxe pentru evaluarea i procesarea manuscriselor, lucr rile originale

interesante au prioritate la publicare, ave i anse crescute de a fi cita i, prin politica de publicare open acces i licen a creative commons (by-nc-sa/3.0/ legal code) primit .

În loc de alt încheiere a dori s v prezint bazele de date în care apare revista pentru a în elege poten ialul ei de dezvoltare i consolidarea acesteia ca revist BDI: CABI International; British Library Direct; WorldCat; The University of Hong Kong Libraries-HKUL Database; Vrije Universiteit Brussel-VUB e-journal list; AGRIS; Bielefeld Academic Search Engine (BASE); uOttawa Library; Directory of Open Access Journals (DOAJ); Canadian Periodicals (Gale Group); Romanian National Data Base; ASAP; Library of the University of Groningen; University of Michigan E-Journals; University of Saskatchewan E-Journals; Bayerische StaatsBibliotek; getCITED; etc.

Journal Medicamentul Veterinar / Veterinary Drug (Abr. Med.Vet / Vet.Drug) is the sole publication that has as main objective the veterinary medicine and all aspects of it, from its’ biotechnology, analysis, use and investigation of its metabolites, speciffic legislation domain etc. Analyzing the interest generated by our Journal we have found that the download traffic of some items may be considered high, the publishing of original papers in English, in the online version of the publication, being in my opinion, the factor that sparked this interest.

The fact that we have already identified our publication in numerous databases, justifies my approach to urge you to publish your original research results in this journal. And if you are a PhD student or young researcher, much more! It is the first step that you should do it!

For those who maybe may not know, I want to remember that: this journal don’t asks you (until now) any fees for the manuscripts’ evaluation and processing, the original works of interest have priority in publishing, authors have increased opportunities to be citated, through our’s open access publishing policy and Creative Commons License (by-nc-sa/3.0/legal code) received.

Instead the other end I would like to present you databases identiffied where our publication appears, to understand its potential for development and consolidation as International Data Base (IDB) Journal: CABI International; British Library Direct; WorldCat; The University of Hong Kong Libraries-HKUL Database; Vrije Universiteit Brussel-VUB e-journal list; AGRIS; Bielefeld Academic Search Engine (BASE); uOttawa Library; Directory of Open Access Journals (DOAJ); Canadian Periodicals (Gale Group); Romanian National Data Base; ASAP; Library of the University of Groningen; University of Michigan E-Journals; University of Saskatchewan E-Journals; Bayerische StaatsBibliotek; getCITED; etc.

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