conferinta internationala de dreptul concurentei

Post on 02-Jun-2018






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  • 8/10/2019 Conferinta Internationala de Dreptul Concurentei


  • 8/10/2019 Conferinta Internationala de Dreptul Concurentei


    - levy for the issuers not for the acquirers , as it was considered that

    the issuers were free-riders.

    - The commission considered that this was a restriction by object

    (2007) 17 October


    Opinion of Wahl AG: the consequences - that conduct constitutesa restriction by object. Agreements that have potential effects

    of infringing competition


    Court has restated and clarified the concept of restriction by object

    Limited to conduct that can be presumed to have a negative impact on


    Restriction by object is determined by reference to the nature of the


    Context does not mean effects, it means just looking at the economic


    2) Dr. Nagy - Allianz case (mainly)

    Anti-competitive by object

    Fundamental global conceptUS: per se rule of reason

    EU and MSs: object effect

    Utmost relevance

    Competition law has only few clear-cut rules (automatic

    condemnation, safe harbors).

    Competition authorities focus on hardcore agreements

    The highest fines are imposed in hardcore cases

    - Box approach An agreement that is anticompetitive by nature,

    irrespective of the circumstances. Automatic condemnation (with

    the exception of the Art. 101(3) TFEU). Even a rudimentary lawyer

    should see that a certain agreement is anti-competitive.

    - US antitrust law always or almost always that agreement should

    be anticompetitive

    Allianz case:


    Perverted case that entail perverse judgments

  • 8/10/2019 Conferinta Internationala de Dreptul Concurentei


    - Insurance brokers are your guys who help you choose the best

    insurance company. BUT they are paid from the banks fee.

    Biased? Even more: the insurance brokers were receiving bonuses

    for suggesting Allianz.


    If you sell a lot of Allianz products you will get a certain hourly fee,but if you repair with Allianz products you will receive more

    reparation shop.

    - The court from Hungary said that this is anticompetitive by object

    (automatic prohibited irrespective of anything was the usual

    judgment) - it said you also had to analyze the effects (but



    In the competition law effects-analysis is the principle and

    automatic condemnation is the exception. Allianz puts this upside


    - What is anticompetitive by nature?

    3) David / Aplicarea art. 101 si 102 din TFUE


    s-a invocat deseori cazuistica UE in fata instantelor noastre si

    inainte de 2007

    - Consiliul Concurentei delegarea de la Comisie.


    Instantele tind sa considere ca piata romaneasca este o piatasemnificativa 1 a UE si ca va putea afecta comertul intra-

    comunitar. Participantii uneori chiar sunt parte a unor grupuri

    international, iar materiile prime erau aduse si in alte MS

    - Au existat si situatii inverse cand s-a considerat ca un judet e o

    piata prea mica/nesemnificativa ca sa se ia in considerare

    competenta art. 101 si 102

    - Dreptul la aparare drepturile partilor trebuie respectate la

    standardele de proba din dr. Penal. Standard de exercitare si de

    protectie a lui este foarte ridicat.- Trebuie sa demonstrezi dincolo de orice indoiala rezonabila ca o

    crestere simultana de preturi intr-o perioada anume nu era ceva


    - Prezumtia de nevinovatie trebuie sa functioneze si aceasta

    prezumtie e importanta oricum in raport cu TFUE, orice indoiala

    trebuind sa fie interepretata in favoarea intreprinderii respective

    1A 7-a piata comerciala din UE

  • 8/10/2019 Conferinta Internationala de Dreptul Concurentei


    - Prezumtia la partciparea intelegerilor orizontale daca un

    participant nu s-a distantat public de la acele intelegeri atunci

    prezumtia functioneaza impotriva lui

    - In ce masura durata excesiva a procedurilor in fata CCR poate

    afecta dreptul la aparare (faza de ancheta). Durata mai mare de 5ani a investigatiei care nu se finalizase inca , avand in vedere si

    proprotiile cazului instanta a obligat CCR sa se pronunte in 6 luni

    - Restrictionarea concurentei prin obiect instantele nu considera

    ca trebuie sa demontrezi efectele pentru a demonstra existenta

    faptei per se. Instantele par a nu fi legate de ceea ce spune CCR

    (care aplica conceptele aproape mecanic). Fixarile de pret

    element foarte grav.

    - Intelgerile cu multiple parti


    Abuzul de pozitie dominant jurisrpudenta putin in Romania

    gravitate medie sau mare a faptelor. Dificultatea instatelor de a

    proba faptele. Forteaza instantele sa apeleze la expertiza

    (economica, tehnica, etc). Expertiza este saraca in aceasta

    materie in Romania though.


    Stabilirea amenzilor : CApel Bucuresti Instantele ar trebui sa se

    uite si la modalitatea de stabilire a amenzilor in UE, nu doar pe

    teritoriul tarii.


    1) Peter Wehlan (University of Leeds) - Cartel criminalization and

    regulation 1/2003: avoiding potential problems


    Cartel law enforcement is generally not punished by

    imprisonment. Should it be? OECD competition committee did

    not suggest that in the EU


    UK, Sweden, Denmark introduced imprisonment sanctions- The literature has ignored the issue how Regulation 1/2003 has

    influenced the problem of cartels at a national level. Is it actually a

    negative impact? Yes, because it might relate to art. 103 TFUE

    and thus render economical evidence not usable.

    - How we could avoid this negative impact. IF a states criminals

    sanctions regarding cartels are only applicable to individuals2

    2Rule applicable to undertakers or individuals? distinction

  • 8/10/2019 Conferinta Internationala de Dreptul Concurentei


    then the Regulation does not have ta superseding power over this

    matter. (interpretare stricto sensu)

    - But if we make an interpretation lato sensu it is very hard to

    escape the effects of Regulation 1


    Article 101 if we look at the type of law involved does not refer tothe invalidity of an agreement

    - Regulation 1/2003 detailed the powers of the Commission,

    clarify what is the power of the EU and of the MS regarding the

    competition law, decentralization. Different problematic articles

    from the regulation.


    Art. 3 (1) Do you have to enforceEU competition law when you

    enforce national competition law?


    The UK did not want evidence to be shown when dealing with

    these issues. Connection between 101 and 103 TFUE

    - There are cartels that we want to protect though

    - Art. 11(6) power of the commission to withdraw a case from an

    NCA in case the Regulation is applicable nationally in each MS,

    which it is

    2) Anna Gerbrandy (Faculty of Utrecht) - Establishing truth and

    economic proof

    - In competition and regulatory law de factor more ewauel.

    Economic assesments as part of decision. Sometimes: criminal

    law context. But it is still de iure unequal.

    - Sometimes, when the court steps in, the administrative body/ the

    agency has already issued an opinion very different from the

    other litigations (civil ones for example)

    - theories of truth (correspondence, coherence narrative). Courts

    starting point: truth as a regulative idea. Correspondence

    primarily, coherence secondary!

    - In Romania the Courts look also for the substantive truth

    - Economic proof related to the economy and using an economic


  • 8/10/2019 Conferinta Internationala de Dreptul Concurentei


    - The court reviews looks at the proof (facts), looks at the law and

    at the mixed questions of law and fact (assessment). Full review

    of the proof!3

    - Economic proof relates to complex facts (e.g. what is the

    economic market, entailing the concepts of the substitution ofdemand and supply), the relevant models and theories. Models

    and theories are facts?

    - Economic proof and standard of review the administrative

    agency has a margin of appreciation when reviewing the facts

    and law

    - Merger control: prospective evidence

    - How to review expert evidence when you have 2 experts saying

    2 completely different things. It becomes an almost procedural

    review which takes us further and further away from the truth

    3) Almasan The arbitrability of articles 101 and 102 TFEU

    - the disputes in the field of competition are arbitrable. Most times in

    stake are problems regarding property issues.

    3In civil law if both of the parties say that the coat is red, when actually the coat is

    green it has to agree with them. In administrative law - it cannot! It has to say that

    it is green.

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