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Petrică Teofil Ciobanca

Conducător de doctorat





11 Istoric 11 12 Taxonomie şi clasificare 12

13 Morfologie 12 14 Diferenţe morfologice şi genetice icircntre specii 15 15 Epidemiologie 17 16 Ciclul biologic 19

161 Echinococcus granulosus 19

162 Echinococcus multilocularis 21

17 Contaminarea umană 22

CAPITOLUL 2 CHISTUL HIDATIC 23 21 Patogenia chistului hidatic 23 22 Evoluţia chistului hidatic 23 23 Manifestări clinice ale hidatidozei umane 24

24 Diagnosticul bolii hidatice 27 241 Diagnosticul clinic 28

242 Diagnosticul imagistic 28 243 Diagnostic parazitologic 31 244 Diagnosticul imunologic 32

245 Diagnosticul diferenţial al chistului hidatic 34 25 Tratamentul chistului hidatic 35

26 Profilaxia chistului hidatic 38


STUDIUL 1 Aplicabilitatea metodelor serologice icircn diagnosticul terapia şi profilaxia bolii hidatice

umane 41

11 Introducere 41 12 Scopul şi obiectivele studiului 41 13 Material şi metodă42

131 Material 42 132 Metoda 43

14 Rezultate 47 141 Depistarea persoanelor seropozitive investigate prin teste imunoenzimatice ELISA IgG

antiechinococcus icircn judeţele Cluj şi Sălaj 47 142 Frecvenţa icircn funcţie de mediul de provenienţă a persoanelor seropozitive icircn judeţele Cluj

şi Sălaj 48 143 Frecvenţa persoanelor seropozitive icircn judeţul Cluj şi Sălaj icircn funcţie de sex 50

144 Aspecte epidemiologice privind persoanele seropozitive icircn județul Cluj (incidenţă

mediul de provenienţă şi repartizarea pe sexe) 51 145 Frecvenţa persoanelor seropozitive icircn funcţie de sex icircn judeţul Cluj 52 146 Aspecte epidemiologice privind persoanele seropozitive icircn judeţul Sălaj

(incidenţă mediul de provenienţă şi repartizarea pe sexe) 53 147 Frecvenţa persoanelor seropozitive icircn funcţie de sex icircn judeţul Salaj 54


15 Confirmarea rezultatelor obţinute la testările serologice prin metode imagistice utilizate icircn

diagnosticul echinococozei chistice umane 55

151 Rezultatele examenului imagistic (ecografic RX toracic CT) 56 16 DISCUŢII 58

17 DESCRIERE CAZURI 61 CONCLUZII 68 STUDIUL II Evaluarea şi optimizarea metodelor de diagnostic icircn boala hidatică 69

21 Introducere 69 22 Scopul şi obiectivele studiului 69

23 Material şi metodă70 231 Material 70 232 Metode paraclinice şi clinice utilizate 71 233 Metode statistice de analiză a datelor 77

24 Rezultate 80

241 Rezultate epidemiologice (luand ca şi criteriu sexul mediul de provenienţă varsta) 80

242 Rezultate clinice si paraclinice privind diagnosticul bolii hidatice 83

2421 Valoarea examenului clinic icircn diagnosticul chistului hidatic 83

2422Confirmarea chirurgicală a diagnosticului prezumtiv de chist hidatic 85 2423 Evaluarea analizelor de laborator uzuale (hemoleucograma analize biochimice)

folosite pentru depistarea chistului hidatic 86

2424 Metode imagistice folosite pentru identificarea chistului hidatic 89 2425 Rezultatele obţinute prin metode imunoserologice97

243 Rezultate comparative 106 25 DISCUŢII 122 26 DESCRIERE CAZURI 131





Echinococozahidatidoza (boala hidatică sau chistul hidatic) este o boală parazitară cauzată

de genul Echinococcus care poate evolua cu cele mai severe și variate implicații In ciuda

progreselor din domeniile de supraveghere şi control această parazitoză continuă să reprezinte o

problemă importantă de sănătate publică icircn cele mai multe părţi ale lumii [2]

Conform clasificării OMS boala este o zoonoză care ridică numeroase probleme de

sănătate atacirct icircn ceea ce priveşte omul cacirct şi animalele deoarece paraziţii cauzali pentru a icircncheia

ciclul lor biologic trec prin mai multe gazde animale vertebrate (de exemplu cacircini pentru oameni)

Datorită prevalenţei ridicate formelor clinico-evolutive severe complicaţiilor morfo-

funcţionale cu mortalitate primaratilde sau secundaratilde ridicatatilde boala este frecvent icircntacirclnită atat icircn mediul

rural cat şi in mediul urban la toate grupele de vacircrstă prevalenţă alarmantă la tineri şi la grupe de

risc profesional [1]

In zona ţării noastre patologia hidatică are o frecvență destul de ridicată zona de nord-vest a

Transilvaniei fiind descrisă ca zonă endemică cu o cazuistică importantă [3] medicina clujeană

avand o importantă experienţă icircn diagnosticul şi tratamentul chistului hidatic

Icircn pofida realizărilor icircnregistrate icircn ultimul timp icircn diagnosticul și terapia echinococozei

umane aceasta deţine icircncă un loc important icircn structura morbidităţii şi mortalităţii icircn serviciile


Cea ce face utilă prezentarea unor date succinte asupra aspectelor variate pe care boala hidatică le

poate lua icircn evoluţie din punct de vedere clinic imagistic serologic și evaluarea importanței

acestora icircn recunoașterea și diagnosticarea precoce a bolii


Capitolul 1 Genul Echinococcus

Parazitul responsabil de producerea hidatidozei umane este un plathelmint care face parte

din clasa cestode (Eucestode) familia Teniidae Genul Echinococcus Speciile din genul

Echinoccocus considerate agenți etiologici ai echinococozeihidatidozei după experţii OMS sunt


- Echinococcus granulosus (Batsch 1786) - echinococoza chistică

- Echinococcus multilocularis (Leuckart 1863) ndash echinococoza alveolară

- Echinococcus oligarthus (Diesing 1863)

- Echinococcus vogeli (Rausch Bernstein 1972) - echinococoza polichistică

S-a mai pus problema existenţei celei de-a cincea specii Ecruzi (Rausch şi col ndash 1978

Kumaratilake şi Thompson ndash 1982) dar Rausch şi col (1984) comparacircnd caracterele acesteia cu

Evogeli şi Eoligarthus au observat că de fapt E cruzi este sinonim cu E oligarthus

Distribuţia geografică a hidatidozei urmează fidel curba dezvoltării crescătorilor de oi şi este

determinată de promiscuitatea pastorală fapt ce l-a determinat pe Deve să afirme că ldquoboala hidatică

este una din bolile macircinilor murdareldquo

Larga varietate de specii de animale care pot fi gazde intermediare şi deplasarea acestora din

Europa icircn alte părţi ale lumii a făcut ca Echinococcus să fie răspacircndit pe icircntreg globul

In anul 2009 ECDC a raportat 790 de cazuri de echinococoză umană cu 11 mai puţine

decacirct icircn 2008 (n= 891) Printre cazurile declarate icircn care se cunoaşte specia infestantă a

predominat infestaţia cu Egranulosus (72) icircn timp ce infestaţia cu Emultilocularis a fost raportată

ca avacircnd o frecvență de 3 ori mai mică [4]



Chistul hidatic este o boală adesea invalidizantă cu complicații posibile și adesea severe

(şoc anafilactic) cu o terapie chirurgicală de multe ori dificilă cu recidive postoperatorii frecvente

Manifestările clinice datorate complicaţiilor instalate prin mecanismele menţionate apar cacircnd

dimensiunile chistului hidatic devin apreciabile

Tabloul clinic al chistului hidatic este puțin caracteristic Foarte adesea el este complet

asimptomatic fiind descoperit icircntacircmplător Alteori pacienții acuză jenă icircn hipocondrul drept sau

chiar durere intensă Reacțiile alergice sunt destul de frecvente mergacircnd de la o reacție urticariană

pacircnă la alergodermie sau chiar șoc anafilactic (icircn general icircn caz de fisurare sau chiar ruperea

chistului hidatic)

Evidențierea morfologică a chisturilor hidatice se poate face prin radiografie toracică

ecografie tomografie computerizată (CT) și rezonantă magnetică (MR)

Pentru diagnosticul hidatidozei umane metodele imagistice se completează cu reacțiile

de imunodiagnostic care au drept scop confirmarea etiologiei parazitare a formațiunilor decelate prin

răspunsul imun indus Icircn ultimii ani există o tendință de stadializare a dignosticului imunologic find

folosite mai intai teste primare care urmeaza sa fie confirmate prin alte metode care prezinta o

specificitate deosebit de ridicata(teste secundare) [5]

Managementul modern al chistului hidatic solicită participarea tuturor modalităților

terapeutice medicala percutana și chirurgicala Chirurgia nu mai este tratamentul de primă elecție

pentru orice chist hidatic hepatic La pacienții cu chist univezicular mai mic de 4 cm terapia de

elecție este monoterapia cu albendazol

PAIR este indicată cacircnd durerea este netratabilă sau albendazolul nu dă rezultate

Tratamentul percutan combină alcool și polidocanol dar nu poate fi utilizat icircn cazurile cu fistulă


Chirurgia este utilizată icircn cazurile icircn care nu există experți icircn terapia percutană si

tratamentul percutan nu poate fi efectuat icircn deplină siguranță datorita unei extensii extrahepatice

semnificativă cu risc de perforație a chistului sausi icircn cazul rupturii chistului icircn cavitatea peritoneală



STUDIUL 1 Aplicabilitatea metodelor serologice icircn diagnosticul terapia și profilaxia bolii

hidatice umane

Scopul acestui studiu a fost efectuarea și evaluarea unor teste serologice (metoda ELISA) ca

metode screening și de diagnostic a echinococozei chistice Testele au fost efectuate la persoanele

simptomatice și asimptomatice din judeţele Cluj şi Sălaj pentru aprecierea frecvenței afecțiunii icircn

aceste județe Persoanelor cărora li s-au detectat anticorpi IgG antiechinococcus li s-au efectuat

examinări imagistice pentru confirmarea diagnosticului clinic și serologic de chist hidatic

Aceste examinări au permis elucidarea aspectelor epidemiologice diagnostice terapeutice si

prognostice privind echinococoza chistică

Material şi metodă

Studiul a fost efectuat icircn perioada ianuarie 2007 ndash decembrie 2009 şi a inclus 279 de

persoane simptomatice şi asimptomatice din judeţele Cluj şi Sălaj cu scopul de a stabili prezenţa şi

nivelul anticorpilor antiechinococcus icircn populaţia celor două zone şi implicit a infecției

asimptomatice folosind metoda imunoenzimatică ELISA


Pentru confirmarea diagnosticului de chist hidatic depistat prin testări serologice am folosit

următoarele metode imagistice ecografie abdomino-pelviană CT cranian CT torace Rx toracic


Din cele 279 de persoane investigate icircn ambele județe (Cluj şi Sălaj) la 22 pacienți s-a

evidențiat o serologie pozitivă frecvența seropozitivităţii find de 789 (IC= 5 -1169) la lotul

studiatcea ce sugerează infestația hidatica posibila la persoanele seropozitive Adevărata frecvență

a parazitozei este evident mai ridicată deoarece cazurile simptomatice reprezintă doar vacircrful

piramidei infestaţiei icircn timp ce cazurile asimptomatice formează baza nevăzută mult mai mare a


Screeningul serologic interprins icircn zona de nord-vest şi centru a ţării arata prezența

infestației cu Egranulosus cu posibilitatea transmiterii sale active Rezultatele obținute

demonstrează procentul mai crescut al persoanelor seropozitive icircn judeţul Cluj și sugerează o

incidență mai crescută a hidatidozei icircn această zonă Această concluzia a fost elaborată ca urmare a

desfășurării unui proiect de cercetare cu titlulbdquoEvaluarea și optimizarea interdisciplinară a metodelor

de screening diagnostic și tratament icircn trichineloza și echinococcoza chistică umană și animală icircn

centrul și nord-vestul Romacircnieirdquo desfășurat icircn perioada 2006 - 2008 la care am participat icircn

calitate de membru

Prin examenul imagistic la 7714 dintre pacienți s-a putut confirma diagnosticul de

hidatidoză prin metode imagistice Pacienții prezentau imagini edificatoare pentru chist hidatic cu

diverse localizari hepatic (6538) pulmonar (588) renal (588) Rezultatele cercetărilor

noastre sugerează că o anumită proporţie din populaţia investigată a fost pozitiva IgG anti-

Echinococcus fără a prezenta icircn organism hidatida decelabila prin metode imagistice


Lipsa cunoştinţelor ignoranţa populaţiei şi chiar a unor specialişti din domeniul sanitar

privind ciclul biologic al speciei E granulosus a gazdelor pe care le are precum şi a riscului pe care

icircl implică un contact stracircns cu gazda definitivă sunt cauze de primă importanţă pentru răspacircndirea cu

uşurinţă a parazitului

Rezultatele obţinute icircn urma acestui studiu concordă cu rezultatele unor studii asemănătoare din

literatura de specialitate efectuate icircn zone endemice pentru echinococcoză chistică umană [3]

Intr-un studiu efectuat pe un lot de persoane asimptomatice la 12 din cazuri ecografia nu

decela formațiune chistică caracteristică chistului hidatic cu toate că testul serologic era pozitiv [7]

STUDIUL II Evaluarea și optimizarea metodelor de diagnostic icircn boala hidatică

Studiul are următoarele scopuri 1 Evaluarea examenului clinic icircn diagnosticul prezumtiv și

evaluarea metodelor imagistice de diagnostic icircn boala hidatică 2 Evaluarea metodei ELISA

Western ndashBlott și a metodelor de laborator pentru confirmarea diagnosticului clinic și imagistic de

chist hidatic 3 Studiul comparativ al metodelor imagistice (ecografie Rx CT RM) cu metodele

serologice (metoda ELISA metoda Western-blott) și evaluarea utilității lor icircn diferențierea

echinococozei chistice și alveolare icircn efectuarea diagnosticului diferențial și interpretarea reacțiilor


23 Material şi metodă

Studiul a fost efectuat icircn perioada 2006 - 2010 şi a inclus un eşantion reprezentativ de 189

persoane simptomatice cu simptome sugestive sau cu suspiciune imagistică de boală hidatică Au


mai fost luate icircn studiu persoane care au suferit intervenție chirurgicală pentru boala hidatică și

persoane care prezentau rezultate de laborator nespecifice dar cu suspiciune de boală parazitară

Am folosit ca material de lucru cazuistica medicală și chirurgicală din Clinicile Medicale și

Chirurgicale din Cluj-Napoca și Sălaj (Clinica Chirurgie III Clinica Chirurgie V și ambulatorul unei

policlinici private) Tipurile de date colectate folosite icircn acest studiu au fost genul vacircrsta mediul de

proveniență diagnosticul clinic complicațiile chistului hidatic antecedente de chist hidatic

metodele de diagnostic imagistic efectuate (ecografie abdominală Rx pulmonar CT RM

tratamentul chirurgical examenul piesei operatorii histopatologic) analize de laborator localizarea

formațiunilor chistice icircn funcție de segmentația hepatică și icircn funcție de organul afectat metodele

de diagnostic serologic efectuate (metoda imunoenzimatica IgG antiechinococcus ELISA respectiv

metoda IgG echinococcus Western- blot)

24 Rezultate

Din rezultatele obtinute rezultă că nu există o asociere semnificativă icircntre eozinofilie şi

diagnosticul bolii hidatice (pgt005) Totuşi atunci cacircnd eozinofilia este prezentă se constată o

coincidenţă relativ ridicată de 71 (IC=52 - 85) cu diagnosticul de chist hidatic

Analiza statistică a corelației dintre rezultatele examenului imagistic cu rezultatele obţinute

pe baza confirmării chirurgicale şi paraclinice a evidentiat o sensibilitate de 9689 a examenului

imagistic specificitatea fiind 100 din punct de vedere statistic ele nu diferă semnificativ Valoarea

diagnostică a examenului imagistic este dată icircnsă de valoarea predictivă pozitivă (VPP) şi respectiv

negativă (VPN) ambele fiind peste 84 cu toate că VPN este semnificativ statistic mai mică decacirct


Evaluarea rezultatelor examenului IgG antiechinococcus ELISA icircn raport cu confirmarea

chirurgicală histopatologică și paraclinică a diagnosticului de chist hidatic evidentiaza o

Specificitate de 9643 şi VPP de 9919 Acestea fiind foarte ridicate se poate considera că

metoda ELISA este un bun test de screening

Comparativ cu examenele imagistic ecografic sau CT IgG antiechinococcus ELISA are un

indice Youden mai mic Prin urmare din acest punct de vedere IgG antiechinococcus ELISA pare a fi

un test diagnostic mai puțin concludent decacirct examenele imagistice menţionate Pe de altă parte

comparacircnd intervalele de icircncredere la indicatorii Specificitate VPP la examenele imagistice (global

ecografic CT) şi IgG antiechinococcus ELISA se constată că nu diferă semnificativ statistic

Rezultatele examenului imagistic şi cele ale IgG antiechinococcus ELISA se asociază

semnificativ Este de remarcat că odată cu ceilalţi coeficienţi de asociere (coeficientul de

contingenţă Kendal tau) coeficientul de concordanţă dintre rezultatele examenului imagistic şi cele

ale IgG antiechinococcus ELISA este semnificativ statistic (plt0001) De menţionat că măsura de

concordanţă Kappa = 0522 indică faptul că icircntre cele două examinări există o concordanţă


Tehnica imunoblot este un puternic test de confirmare și de diagnostic serologic diferenţial

icircntre cele două infectii majore relevante echinococoza chistică și echinococoza alveolară [8]

Evaluarea rezultatelor examenului IgG echinococcus Western Blot icircn raport cu confirmarea

chirurgicală histopatologică şi paraclinică a diagnosticului de chist hidatic a relevat o Specificitate

de100 şi o valoare predictiva pozitiva de100 acestea fiind foarte ridicate se poate considera că

testul de detectare a IgG echinococcus Western Blot este un bun test de screening

Este de remarcat că odată cu ceilalţi coeficienţi de asociere (coeficientul de contingenţă

Kendal tau) coeficientul de concordanţă dintre rezultatele examenului imagistic şi cele ale IgG

echinococcus Western blot este semnificativ statistic (plt0001) De menţionat că măsura de


concordanţă Kappa = 0861 indică faptul că icircntre cele două examinări există o concordanţă foarte


25 Discutii

Evaluarea eozinofiliei ca marker diagnostic icircn echinococoza chistică a permis unor autorii

să afirme că eozinofilia nu este un indicator suficient pentru stabilirea diagnosticului de

echinococoză chistică fiind necesar și un diagnostic complementar clinic [9]

Sensibilitatea și specificitatea ecografiei a fost raportată icircn mai multe studii din literatură ca

fiind icircntre 88 ndash 98 și respectiv 95 ndash 100 pentru echinococoza chistică și echinococoza alveolară

umană Autorii o considera rdquogolden standardrdquo deși recunosc imperfecțiunea acestei tehnici

Examenul clinic examenul de laborator și datele epidemiologice sunt considerate deasemenea

importante pentru diagnosticul echinococozei chistice și echinococozei alveolare [10


Testele serologice contribuie la diagnostic detecţia anticorpilor IgG a avut o sensibilitate

de 95 și o specificitate de 94 icircntr-un studiu efectuat de Shambesh MA și colaboratorii [11


Sensibilitatea obţinută de Shambesh este semnificativ mai ridicată decacirct cea determinată icircn studiul

nostru care raportează o sensibilitate de 764 cu IC= 6907-8272 Icircn schimb specificitatea

nu diferă semnificativ statistic de cea obţinută icircn studiul nostru (9643 IC=8165-9991)

Infecţiile echinococice sunt considerate unele dintre cele mai periculoase boli helmintice

umane Deosebirea icircntre echinococoza chistică și alveolară este importantă din punct de vedere al

prognosticului și tratamentului

In diferite stadii ale echinococozei chistice și echinococozei alveolare testul cel mai relevant

s-a apreciat a fi testul Western blot IgG echinococus care a confirmat rezultatele pozitive [12


Cercetările efectuate cu scopul de a evidenţia prezenţa IgG echinococcus prin metoda

Western blot raportată la metoda de aur considerată (confirmarea chirurgicală histopatologică și

diagnostic paraclinic) au demonstrat o sensibilitate de 9211 (IC = 7862 - 9834)

specificitatea fiind de 100 (IC = 8389 - 100) date care sunt asemănătoare celor icircntacirclnite icircn

literatura de specialitate

Icircn majoritatea ţărilor echinococoza alveolară a căpătat deja un caracter endemic şi este icircn

curs de extindere continuă cu o rapiditate alarmantă devenind o boală emergentă

Parazitul adult Emultilocularis nu a fost depistat icircn Romacircnia pacircnă icircn prezent la nici o gazdă

definitivă [13


Studiul efectuat a relevat prin metoda Western blot pentru prima dată icircn țara noastră

existența probabilității infecției cu Echinococcus multilocularis la om Sunt necesare studii

ulterioare pentru depistarea persoanelor cu echinococoză alveolară existente icircn Romania icircn

condițiile existenței acesteia icircn numeroase țări din Europa inclusiv cele vecine Romacircniei (Ungaria

Ucraina) Centralizacircnd cercetările recente privind situația epidemiologică problemele clinice și

opțiunile terapeutice autorii au descris primul caz de echinococoză alveolară icircn Ungaria Pentru

confirmarea acestei infecții rare trebuie să fie luat icircn considerare diagnosticul diferenţial cu alte

leziuni hepatice infiltrative [14


Nu a fost raportat nici un caz la nivelul Romacircniei prin alte studii Recomandăm

introducerea acestei metode icircn screeningul și diagnosticul acestei boli grave

Icircn icircncercarea de a compara metodele folosite pentru diagnosticarea chistului hidatic și a

rezultatelor obţinute prin aceste metode putem afirma că testul Western blot IgG echinococcus este

cel mai sensibil pentru a preciza un diagnostic etiologic



1 Junie Monica Zoe Coroiu Carmen Costache 2002 The consequences of Echinococcus

granulosus infection icircn the human population Rev Scienţia Parasitologica 32 86-91

2 Seres Ştefania Monica Junie V Cozma 2009 Prevalence of Echinococcus granulosus in

Cluj county Romania revealed by PCR Rev Scienţia Parasitologica 1o1-2 68-71

3 Coroiu Zoe Judith Bele Cornelia Munteanu Rodica Radu 2007 Aspecte epidemiologice

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4 A Lahuerta T Westrell J Takkinen F Boelaert V Rizzi B Helwigh B Borck H

Korsgaard A Ammon P Maumlkelauml Zoonoses icircn the European Union origin distribution and

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5 Craig PS 1997 Immunodiagnosis of Echinococcus granulosus and a comparison of

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icircn Africa and Middle Eastern countries with special reference to Morocco Brigham Young

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6 Schipper HG Modern management of echinococcosis World Gastroenterology News vol 9

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7 Arda B H Pulukccedilu T Yamazhan OR Sipahi S Tamsel G Demirpolat M Korkmaz

2009 Prevalence of Echinococcus granulosus detected using enzyme immunoassay and

abdominal ultrasonography icircn a group of students staying icircn a state dormitory icircn Turkey

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8 Liance M V Janin S Bresson-Hadni DA Vuitton R Houin R Piarroux 2000

Immunodiagnosis of Echinococcus infections confirmatory testing and species

differentiation by a new comercial Western blot J Clin Microbiol 38 3718-3721

9 Karadam SY Ertabaklar H Sari C Dayanir Y Ertuğ S Should cystic echinococcosis be

investigated icircn patients having high eosinophil counts Turkiye Parazitol Derg


10 Macpherson CN Milner R Performance characteristics and quality control of community

based ultrasound surveys for cystic and alveolar echinococcosis Acta Trop 2003


11 Shambesh MA Craig PS Macpherson CN Rogan MT Gusbi AM Echtuish EF An

extensive ultrasound and serologic study to investigate the prevalence of human cystic

echinococcosis icircn northern Libya Am J Trop Med Hyg 1999 Mar 60(3)462-8

12 Reiter-Owona I Gruumlner B Frosch M Hoerauf A Kern P Tappe D Serological confirmatory

testing of alveolar and cystic echinococcosis in clinical practice results of a comparative

study with commercialized and in-house assays Clin Lab 200955(1-2)41-8

13 Sikoacute Barabaacutesi S Și Cozma V 2008 Echinococoza alveolară O posibilă zoonoză emergentă

icircn Romacircnia (Sinteză) RevScientia Parasitologica 9 1 48-60

14 Horvaacuteth Andrea Patonay Attila Baacutenhegyi Deacutenes Szlaacutevik Jaacutenos Balaacutezs Gyoumlrgy Goumlroumlg

Deacutenes Eacutes Werling Klaacutera A humaacuten Echinococcus multilocularis infectio elsocirc hazai esete

Beeacuterkezett 2007 november 16 elfogadva 2008 maacutercius 7



1 Nume Ciobanca

2 Prenume Petrica Teofil

3 Data şi locul naşterii 25111979 Localitatea Zalau judetul Salaj

4 Cetăţenie Romana

5 Stare civilă Casatorit

6 Contact Tel 0040-740052584 E-mail petrica_ciobancayahoocom

7 Studii

Instituţia Universitatea

de Vest bdquoVasile

Goldisrdquo Arad

Universitatea de

Medicina si


Hatieganurdquo Cluj



de Medicina





de medicina si




Cluj Napoca

Liceul Teoretic

Zalau -Sectia



Perioada Octombrie

2004 -

Iunie 2005



Ianuarie 2005-

Martie 2005






1994 -

Iulie 1998

Grade sau



Diploma de

Master in



Contabil si

Juridic al


Certificat de

Absolvire curs


de ecografie

generala modul I

Certificat de




de ecografie


modulul II

Diploma de




Diploma de


8 Titlul ştiinţific Medic Asistent Universitar Doctorand cu frecventa

9 Experienţa profesională

Perioada Functia Responsabilitati

01 11 2005 -


-Asistent Universitar

-Medic Rezident Medicina de


-Doctorand cu frecventa

UM F bdquoIuliu Hatieganurdquo CLUJ

- Activitate didactica in Microbiologie

(Bacteriologie Parazitologie

Virusologie Micologie) cu studentii

anului II III Medicina Generala

Farmacie Colegii Medicale in cadrul

UMF bdquoIuliu Hatieganurdquo

-Stagii in activitatea de rezidentiat

-activitate de cercetare

01012006 ndash


-Medic generalist SALVO- SAN

-practica medicala in medicina generala

0106 2009 ndash

2011 2009


-Practica medicala examinari clinice pre

si post operatorii

-managerul echipei de resuscitare in caz

de urgenta

15012007 ndash


Medic Rezident Medicina de

familie Spitalul Clinic Judetean de Urgenta

Cluj Napoca


- examinari clinice EKG diagnostic si

tratament stagii de Obstetrica si

Ginecologie Psihiatrie Boli Infectioase

29082005 ndash


Medic Stagiar Spitalul Kantonal Flawil Elvetia

-stagii de Medicina Interna prezentari si

explorari diagnostice

01012005 ndash


Medic Stagiar Spitalul Clinic Municipal Cluj Napoca

- stagii de Medicina Interna 6 luni

-stagii de Chirurgie 6 luni

14032005 ndash


Medic Stagiar Spitalul Clinic de Pediatrie bdquoMaria

Sklodowska Curierdquo

-am asistat la explorarile endoscopice


Cursuri post-universitare Ecografie generala modulul unu Ianuarie 2005 ndash februarie 2005

Ecografie generala modulul doi Ianuarie 2005 ndash martie 2005

Medicina ocupationala

Urgente chirurgicale la copii

Curs de resuscitare adulti

ALS - London Ambulance Service

EPLS - Royal Brompton Hospital London

Ultrasonografie de urgenta


Ecografie Doppler

10 Locul de muncă actual şi funcţia Asistent Universitar Doctorand cu frecventa UMF

bdquoIuliu Hatieganurdquo Cluj Napoca

11 Vechime la locul de muncă actual 6 ani

12 Lucrări elaborate şi sau publicate Monica Junie Petrica Ciobanca (B-783) 2005 Comparison of Antibiotic Resistance of Pseudomonas

Aeruginosa Strains Isolated from Different Types of Infections Abstracts of the XIth International

Congress of Bacteriology and Applied Microbiology July 23-28 San Francisco California USA -


Monica Junie Petrica Ciobanca (M-722) 2005 Evolution of Resistance Phenomenon to Antimycotic

Drugs of Candida Species and Dermatophytes Abstracts of the XIth International Congress of Mycology

July 23-28 San Francisco California USA ISBN1-555-81-354-2

Lia Monica Junie Doina Matinca Doina Tăţulescu AN Ferke Petrica Ciobanca 2006 Evolution of

Antibiotic Resistance of Pseudomonas aeruginosa strains isolated from Hospital Infectious International

Journal of Infectious Diseases vol10 suppl 1 ISSN 1201 ndash 9712 pag S 78 Lisabon Portugal ISSN

1201-9712 IJID indexed in MEDLINE EMCASE Escerpta Media and Urlichs Elsevier Publishing

Presented at the International Congress of Infectious Diseases sesiunea Antibiotic Resistance ndash Gram

negatives (poster nr 13003) iunie 15-18

Lia Monica Junie Zoe Coroiu şi col AN Ferke Petrica Ciobanca 2006 The significance of

AntiToxoplasma IgG and IgM Antibodies Detection in Toxoplasmosis Diagnosis Abstract books the 12th

ISID pag 80 Presented at the 12th ISID 15-18 iunie 2006 Lisbon Portugal Sectiunea Parasitic



Junie Monica Petrica Ciobanca 2006 Species Distribution and Antifungal Susceptibility Of Candida

Isolates Colected From Hospitalised Patients Abstracts of 16th European Congress Of Clinical

Microbiology And Infectious Diseases Nice France 1- 4 aprilie 2006

Constantea N şi Petrica Ciobanca 2007 Studiul clinic pentru icircmbunătăţirea metodelor de diagnostic de

laborator şi profilaxia chistului hidatic RevRomde Parasitol 17 48-49

Junie Monica N Constantea Petrica Ciobanca 2007 Surveillance programme in echinococcosis and

importance in the prophylaxis and therapy of human infection Clinical Microbiology and Infection


Christofidou M Spiliopoulou A Vamvacopoulou S Stamoulis V Dimitracopoulos G Anastassiou ED

Monica Junie Costache C Colosi I Ciobanca P T 2008 Species distribution and antifungal

susceptibility of Candida isolates collected from hospitalized patients in Romania and Greece Scientia

Parasitologica161-7 ISSN 1582 - 1366

L M Junie Vasile Cozma Zoe Coroiu Petrica Ciobanca 2009 ldquoEpidemiology of human

echinococcosis in Europe pg 109-127

Junie Monica S Răpuntean N Fiţ Cosmina Cuc F Puiu Gh Răpuntean L Deac Simion P T

Ciobanca 2009 Alternative therapies for combating antimicrobial resistence and reduction of severe

nosocomial infections Abstract Book of IMED (International Meeting on Emerging Diseases and

Surveillance) Vienna Austria Februarie 13-16 2009 Abstract 10152 pg86

V Cosma PT Ciobanca R Blaga C Gherman Lia Monica Junie 2009 Hydatidosis Epidemiology at

Humans and Animals in the Area of the Center and North-Vest Romania Abstract book of IMED

bdquoInternational Meeting on Emerging Diseases and Surveillancerdquo Vienna Austria Februarie pg86

Ciobanca Petrica Monica Junie 2011 Serological diagnosis and its applicability to the prophylaxis and

therapy of hydatid cyst in human patients Rev Scienţia Parasitologica 121 39-46

Ciobanca Petrica Teofil Junie Lia Monica 2011 Diagnosis confirmation of human cystic

echinococcosis by imagistic methods and immunoserological determinations Scientia


13 Limbi straine cunoscute Engleza-fluent Franceza ndashincepator Germana - incepator

14 Specializări şi calificări Ecografie Operare PC

15 Experienţa acumulată icircn programe naţionaleinternaţionale

ProgramulProiectul Funcţia Perioada

bdquoConstituirea unei reţele naţionale privind

studiul unor zoonoze parazitare şi

implicaţiile lor icircn siguranţa

alomentelorrdquoCEEX 1782005 cu o durată de

24 luni

realizat in colaborare cu Universitatea de

Stiinţe Agricole şi Medicină Veterinară

Doctorand Responsabil economic

2006 ndash2007

bdquoEvaluarea şi optimizarea interdisciplinară a

metodelor de screening diagnostic şi

tratament icircn trichineloza şi echinococoza

chistică umană şi animală icircn centrul şi nord-

vestul Romacircniei - TRICHIDrdquo Program

CEEX 1992006

realizat icircntre Universitatea de Stiinţe

Agricole şi Medicină Veterinară

(conducător al proiectului) şi UMF Cluj

Napoca (partener )

Doctorand Responsabil economic

2006 -2008

bdquoConstituirea unei reţele naţionale de

cercetare a dermatofitozelor la om şi

animalerdquoProgram CEEX 1512006

realizat icircntre USAMV (conducător al

proiectului) şi UMF Cluj Napoca


Doctorand Responsabil economic


Declar pe propria răspundere că datele prezentate sunt icircn conformitate cu realitatea









11 Background 11 12 Taxonomy and classification 12

13 Morphology12 14 Genetic and morphologic differences between species 15 15 Epidemiology 17 16 Biological lyfe cycle 19

161 Echinococcus granulosus 19

162 Echinococcus multilocularis 21 17 Human contamination 22

CHAPTER 2 HYDATID CYST 23 21 The pathogeny of the hydatid cyst 23

22 The evolution of the hydatid cyst 23 23 Clinical occurrence of human hydatidosis 24 24 Diagnosis of hydatid diseases 27

241 Clinical diagnosis 28 242 Medical imaging diagnosis 28

243 Parasitologic diagnosis31 244 Immunologic diagnosis 32 245 Differential diagnosis in hydatid cyst 34

25 Treating the hydatid cyst 35

26 The prophylaxis of the hydatid cyst 38 PART II PERSONAL RESEARCHES 40 STUDY 1 The applicability of the serological methods for the diagnosis therapy and prophylaxis of

the human hydatid disease 41 11 Introduction 41 12 Study aim and objectives 41

13 Material and method 42 131 Material 42 132 Method 43

14 Results 47 141 Detecting the seropositive persons investigated by ELISA IgG Antiechinococcus in Cluj

and Sălaj Counties47

142 Frequency depending on the environment the seropositive persons belong to in Cluj and

Sălaj Counties 48 143 Seropositve persons frequency in Cluj and Sălaj Counties depending on gender 50 144 Epidemiological aspects on seropositive persons in Cluj County (incidence environment

they belong to and distribution on genders) 51 145 The seropositive persons frequency depending on sex in Cluj County 52 146 Epidemiological aspects on seropositive persons in Sălaj County (incidence environment

they belong to and distribution on genders) 53

147 The frequency of seropositive persons dependending on sex in Salaj Couty 54

15 Confirming the determinations following the serological tests through imagistic methods in

human cystic echinococcosis 55 151 The results of imagistic determinations (ultrasound scan thoracic RX CT) helliphelliphelliphellip56


CONCLUIONS 68 STUDY II Evaluation and optimization of diagnosis methods in hydatid disease 69

21 Introduction 69

22 Study aim and objective 69 23 Material and method 70

231 Material 70 232 Paraclinic and clinical methods involved 71

233 Statistical methods of data analysis 77 24 Results 80

241 Epidemiological results (considering the sex origins age) 80 242 Clinical and paraclinical results regarding the hydatid cyst diagnosis 83

2421 The clinical examination value in hydatid cyst diagnosis 83 2422 Surgical confirmation in hydatid cyst presumtive diagnosis 85 2423 Assessing the usual laboratory analysis (haemoleucogram biochemical analysis used

to determine hydatid cyst) 86 2424 Imagistic methods involved to determine the hydatid cyst 89

2425 Results obtained through immunoserological methods 97 243 Comparative results 106





The Echinococcosis hydatidosis (the hydatid disease or the hydatid cyst) is a parasitic

disease determined by genus Echinococcus which may evolve with the most severe and different

implications Despite progresses in control and monitoring fields this parasitosis keeps representing

an important issue of the public health in the most parts of the world [1]

According to WHO classification the disease is a zoonosis which brings a lot of health issues

both in humans and animals because the causing parasites in order to end their biological cycle pass

through more vertebrate animal hosts (as for example dogs for the humans)

Due to its high prevalence the severe clinical ndash developing forms the morphofunctional

complications with high primary or secondary mortality the disease if frequently met both in rural

and urban environment at all age groups alarming prevalence in youngsters and occupational risk

groups [2]

In our country area the hydatid pathology has a quite high frequency the north ndash western part

of Transylvania being described an endemic area with important cases [3] the medicine of Cluj

having a significant experience in hydatid cyst diagnosis and treatment

Despite the lately achievements in human echinococcosis diagnosis and therapy it still has

an important place in morbidity and mortality structure within surgical services So in this way

presenting some briefly data over the different aspects the hydatid disease may adopt in its

development from clinical imagistic serological point of view and their importance evaluation in

early recognition and diagnosis of the disease


Chapter 1 Genus Echinococcus

The parasite responsible for causing human hydatidosis is a Platyhelminthe belonging to

Cestoda class (Eucestoda) Taeniidae family Genus Echinococcus The species of genus

Echinococcus considered as etiologic agents of echinococcosis hydatidosis according to WHO

experts are as follows

- Echinococcus granulosus (Batsch 1786) - cystic echinococcosis

- Echinococcus multilocularis (Leuckart 1863) ndash alveolar echinococcosis

- Echinococcus oligarthus (Diesing 1863)

- Echinococcus vogeli (Rausch Bernstein 1972) ndash polycystic echinococcosis

The issue of the 5th

species existence arose Ecruzi (Rausch and co ndash 1978 Kumaratilake

and Thompson ndash 1982) but Rausch and co (1984) comparing its features with Evogeli and

Eoligarthus remarked that in fact E cruzi is similar to E oligarthus

The geographical distribution of hydatidosis loyally follows the sheep breeders developing

curve and it is determined by pastoral promiscuity fact that determined Deve assert that the hydatid

disease is one of the dirty hands diseases

The wide range of animal species which may be intermediary hosts and their circulation from

Europe in other parts of the world made that Echinococcus be spread on the entire globe

In 2009 ECDC reported 790 cases of human echinococcosis with 11 lower than in 2008

(n= 891) Among the reported cases where the infecting species is known predominated the infection

with Egranulosus (72) while Emultilocularis infection was reported as having a frequency 3

times lower [4]


The hydatid cyst is often an invaliding disease with possible and often severe complications

(anaphylactic shock) with often difficult surgical therapy and frequent post-surgery recidivations

The clinical behaviours due to the complications settled through the aforementioned mechanisms

appear when the hydatid cyst sizes become considerable

The clinical framework of the hydatid cyst is little characteristic Quite often it is completely

asymptomatically and discovered purely by chance Other times the patients accused discomfort in

the right hypochondrium or even intense pain The allergic reactions are quite frequently from

urticaria reaction up to alergodermy or even anaphylactic shock (generally in case of fissure or even

the hydatid cyst rupture)

The morphological determination of the hydatid cysts may be done through thoracic

ultrasound scan computer tomography (CT) and magnetic resonance (MR)

The imagistic methods for human hydatidosis diagnosis are completed with immunodiagnosis

reactions aiming the parasitic aetiology confirmation of the determined formations through immune

induced response In the last years exists a tendency of immunologic diagnosis staging firstly

primary tests are used following to be confirmed through other methods having a significantly

specificity (secondary tests) [5]

The hydatid cyst modern management require involving all therapeutic methods medical

percutaneous and surgical The surgery is not anymore the first election for treating any hepatic

hydatid cyst In patients with univesicular cyst smaller that 4 cm the chosen therapy is the

monotherapy with albendazole

PAIR is indicated when the pain in not treatable or the albendazole is ineffective The

percutaneous treatment combines the alcohol and polidocanol but cannot be used in case of cysto-

billiary fistula

The surgery is used in cases when in percutaneous therapy no experts exist and the

percutaneous treatment cannot safely performed due to a significant extra-hepatic extension with

perforation risk of the cyst orand in case of cyst rupture in the peritoneal cavity [6]


STUDY 1 The applicability of the serological methods in the diagnosis therapy and

prophylaxis of human hydatid disease

The aim of this study was serological tests (ELISA method) conducting and evaluation as

screening and diagnosis methods of cystic echinococcosis The tests were conducted in symptomatic

and asymptomatic persons from Cluj and Sălaj Counties in order to estimate the disease frequency in

these counties In the persons where anti-echinococcus IgG antibodies were determined imagistic

investigations were performed in order to confirm the clinical and serological diagnosis of hydatid


The investigations allowed clarifying the epidemiological diagnosis therapeutic and

prognostic aspect regarding cystic echinococcosis

Material and method

The study was conducted during January 2007 ndash December 2009 and included 279

symptomatic and asymptomatic persons from Cluj and Sălaj Counties in order to determine the

presence and the level of anti-echinococcus antibodies level in the population of the two regions and

implicitly the asymptomatic infection using ELISA immunoenzyme method

In order to confirm the hydatid cyst diagnosis determined through serological test I used the

following imagistic methods abdominal pelvic ultrasound scan cranial CT thorax CT thorax Rx


Out of the 279 persons examined in both counties (Cluj şi Sălaj) in 22 patients was

determined positive serology the seropositivity frequency was of 789 (IC= 5 -1169) in the

studied sample suggesting the possible hydatid infection in seropositive persons

The real frequency of parasitosis is obviously higher because the symptomatic cases

represent only the peak of infestation pyramid while the asymptomatic cases form the unseen higher

basis of it

The serological screening performed in the north - western and central region of the country

showed the Egranulosus infection presence with the possibility of its active transmission The

obtained results demonstrate the higher percentage of the seropositve persons in Cluj County and

suggest a higher incidence of the hydatidosis in this region This conclusion was elaborated

following a research project conducting with the title Interdisciplinary evaluation and optimization

of the screening diagnosis and treatment methods in triquinelosis human and animal cystic

echinococcosis in the centre and north - west of Romania conducted during 2006-2008 where I

partake as a member

In 7714 of the patients in imagistic investigation the hydatidosis diagnosis could be

confirmed The patients had clear imagines for hydatid cyst with different locations hepatic

(6538) pulmonary (588) renal (588) The results of our researches suggest that a certain

proportion of the investigated population was positive in IgG anti-Echinococcus without having in

the organism the hydatid determined through imagistic methods


The lack of knowledge population ignorance and even of some specialists in sanitary field

regarding the biological cycle of E granulosus species and the hosts it has as well as the risk

involved by a tight contact with the permanent host are causes of main importance in parasite easy

spreading The results obtained following this study are similar with the results of some analogous

studies from the specialty literature conducted in endemic areas for human cystic echinococcosis [3]

In a study performed on an asymptomatic sample of persons in 12 of the cases the

ultrasound scan did not determine cystic form characteristic to the hydatid cyst although the

serological test was positive [7]

STUDY II Evaluation and optimization of the diagnosis methods in hydatid disease

The study has the following aims 1 the evaluation of the clinical examination in the

presumptive diagnosis and imagistic diagnosis evaluation in the hydatid disease 2 Evaluation of

ELISA method Western-Blott and the laboratory methods in order to confirm the clinical and

imagistic diagnosis of hydatid cyst 3 The comparative study of the imagistic methods (ultrasound

scan Rx CT RM) with the serological methods (ELISA Western-blott methods) and the evaluation

of their utility in differentiating the cystic and alveolar echinococcosis and in performing the

differential diagnosis and interpretation of the cross-reactions

23 Material and method

The study was performed during 2006 ndash 2010 and included a representative sample of 189

symptomatic persons with suggestive symptoms and imagistic suspicion of hydatid disease Other

studied persons were those for whom surgical intervention was performed in hydatid cyst and

persons having non-specific laboratory results but with suspicions of parasitic disease

The working material I used were the medical and surgical cases from the Medical and

Surgical Clinics of Cluj-Napoca and Sălaj (Clinica Chirurgie III Clinica Chirurgie V și and the

ambulatory of a private policlinic) The types of data collected and used within this study were

gender age origin clinical diagnosis the hydatid cyst complications hydatid cyst antecedents the

imagistic diagnosis methods performed (abdominal ultrasound scan pulmonary Rx CT RM

surgical treatment the examination of the surgical piece hystopathological) laboratory analysis

finding the location of the cystic formation depending on the hepatic segmentation and depending on

the organ in question the serological diagnosis methods performed (immunoenzyme IgG anti-

echinococcus ELISA method IgG echinococcus Western- blot method)

24 Results

The results obtained determined that there isnrsquot a significant association between IgG

echinococcus Western-blot and the hydatid disease diagnosis (pgt005) notwithstanding when

eosinophilia is present results a relatively high coincidence of 71 (IC=52 - 85) with the hydatid

cyst diagnosis

The statistic analysis of imagistic investigation results and surgical and paraclinical

confirmation results correlation presented a sensibility of 9689 for the imagistic investigation the

specificity was of 100 they dont differ significantly from statistical point of view The diagnosis

value of the imagistic examination is given by the positive predictive value (PPV) and the negative

one (NPP) both of them are over 84 although the NPP is statistical significantly lower than PPV

The evaluation of IgG antiechinococcus ELISA results compared with the surgical

hystopathological and paraclinical confirmation of hydatid cyst diagnosis determines a Specificity of

9643 and a PPV of 9919 as these are very high it may be considered that ELISA method is a

good screening test

By comparison with imagistic ultrasound scan or CT investigations the IgG

antiechinococcus ELISA has a lower Youden index As a consequence from this point of view IgG

antiechinococcus ELISA seems to be a less conclusive diagnosis test comparing with the mentioned

imagistic investigations On the other side comparing the trust intervals of Specificity PPV and

imagistic investigations (globally ultrasound scan CT) and IgG antiechinococcus ELISA we observe

that they donrsquot differ statistically speaking

The imagistic investigation results and those of IgG antiechinococcus ELISA associate

significantly It is noticeable that at the same time with the other association coefficients

(contingency Kendal tau coefficient) the concordance coefficient between the imagistic

investigation results and those of the IgG antiechinococcus ELISA are significantly statistical

(plt0001) It should be mentioned that the concordance measure Kappa = 0522 indicates the fact

that between the two examinations exist a moderate concordance

Imunoblot technique is a strong confirmation and differential serological diagnosis test

between the two major relevant infections the cystic and alveolar echinococcosis [8]

The evaluation of IgG echinococcus Western Blot investigation results by comparison with

the surgical hystopathological and paraclinial confirmation of hydatid cyst diagnosis revealed a

Specificity of 100 an a positive predictive value of 100 as these are very high you may consider

that the IgG echinococcus Western Blot detecting test is a good screening test

It is noticeable that at the same time with the other association coefficients (contingency

Kendal tau coefficient) the concordance coefficient between the imagistic investigation results and

those of the IgG echinococcus Western blot are significantly statistical (plt0001) It should be

mentioned that the concordance measure Kappa = 0816 indicates the fact that between the two

examinations exist a very good concordance


The evaluation of the eosinophilia as diagnosis marker in cystic echinococcosis allowed

some authors to assert that eosinophilia is not enough to settle the cystic echinococcosis diagnosis

but also a complementary clinical diagnosis [9]

The ultrasound scan sensibility and specificity was reported in more studies in the literature

as between 88-98 and 95-100 respectively for human cystic and alveolar echinococcosis The

authors consider it as the ldquogolden standardrdquo although admit the imperfection of this technique The

clinical investigation the laboratory examination and the epidemiological data are also considered

important for the cystic and alveolar echinococcosis diagnosis [10


The serological tests contribute to the diagnosis IgG antibodies detection had a sensibility of

95 and 94 specificity in a study conducted by Shambesh MA and company [11

] The sensibility

obtained by Shambesh is significantly higher than that determined in our study which determines a

sensibility of 74 with IC= 6907-8272 In exchange the specificity doesnt differ significantly

from statistical point of view of that obtained in our study (9643 IC=8165-9991)

The echinococcosis infections are considered ones of the most dangerous human helminthic

diseases The difference between the cystic and alveolar echinococcosis is important from the

prognostic and treatment point of view

In different stages of cystic and alveolar echinococcosis the most relevant test was

appreciated the Western blot IgG echinococus test whih confirmed the positive results [12


The research conducted in order to determined IgG echinococcus presence through Western

blot method reported to the considered golden method (surgical hystopathological and paraclinical

diagnosis confirmation) showed a sensibility of 9211 (IC = 7862 - 9834) the specificity

being of 100 (IC = 8389 - 100) data like the ones met in the specialty literature

In the most countries the alveolar echinococcosis has an endemic character and is

continuously extending with an alarming rapidity becoming an emergent disease

The adult parasite Emultilocularis was not yet found in Romania up now in any permanent

host [13


The study conducted revealed through the Western blot method for the first time in our

country the possibility of infection with Echinococcus multilocularis in human Next studies are

needed to determine the alveolar echinococcosis persons in Romania under the conditions of its

existence in a number of countries in Europe including Romania neighbouring countries (Hungary

Ukraine) centralizing the recent researches about the epidemiological situation the clinical

problems and the therapeutic options the authors described in the first case the alveolar

echinococcosis in Hungary In order to confirm these rare infections you must take in consideration

the differential diagnosis with other infiltrative hepatic lesions [14


No case was confirmed in Romania through other studies We recommend the introduction of

this method in the screening and diagnosis of this serious disease

In the attempt to compare the methods used in hydatid cyst diagnosis and the obtained results

through these methods we may assert that Western blot IgG echinococcus test is the most sensible in

determining an etiological diagnosis


1 Junie Monica Zoe Coroiu Carmen Costache 2002 The consequences of Echinococcus

granulosus infection in the human population Rev Scienţia Parasitologica 32 86-91

2 Seres Ştefania Monica Junie V Cozma 2009 Prevalence of Echinococcus granulosus in Cluj

county Romania revealed by PCR Rev Scienţia Parasitologica 1o1-2 68-71

3 Coroiu Zoe Judith Bele Cornelia Munteanu Rodica Radu 2007 Aspecte epidemiologice

privind hidatidoza umană icircn judeţul Cluj pe o perioada de 20 de ani (1981-2000) Rev Scientia

Parasitologica 81 32-38

4 A Lahuerta T Westrell J Takkinen F Boelaert V Rizzi B Helwigh B Borck H

Korsgaard A Ammon P Maumlkelauml Zoonoses icircn the European Union origin distribution and

dynamics ndash the EFSA - ECDC summary report 2009

5 Craig PS 1997 Immunodiagnosis of Echinococcus granulosus and a comparison of techniques

for diagnosis of canine echinococcosis In Compendium on cystic echinococcosis icircn Africa and

Middle Eastern countries with special reference to Morocco Brigham Young University Pris

Services Provo

6 Schipper HG Modern management of echinococcosis World Gastroenterology News vol 9 nr

2 2004

7 Arda B H Pulukccedilu T Yamazhan OR Sipahi S Tamsel G Demirpolat M Korkmaz 2009

Prevalence of Echinococcus granulosus detected using enzyme immunoassay and abdominal

ultrasonography icircn a group of students staying icircn a state dormitory icircn Turkey Turk J Med Sci

391 1-4

8Liance M V Janin S Bresson-Hadni DA Vuitton R Houin R Piarroux 2000

Immunodiagnosis of Echinococcus infections confirmatory testing and species differentiation by a

new comercial Western blot J Clin Microbiol 38 3718-3721

9Karadam SY Ertabaklar H Sari C Dayanir Y Ertuğ S Should cystic echinococcosis be

investigated icircn patients having high eosinophil countsTurkiye Parazitol Derg 200933(3)203-6

10 Macpherson CN Milner R Performance characteristics and quality control of community based

ultrasound surveys for cystic and alveolar echinococcosis Acta Trop 2003 Feb85(2)203-9

11 Shambesh MA Craig PS Macpherson CN Rogan MT Gusbi AM Echtuish EF An extensive

ultrasound and serologic study to investigate the prevalence of human cystic echinococcosis icircn

northern Libya Am J Trop Med Hyg 1999 Mar 60(3)462-8

12 Reiter-Owona I Gruumlner B Frosch M Hoerauf A Kern P Tappe D Serological confirmatory

testing of alveolar and cystic echinococcosis in clinical practice results of a comparative study

with commercialized and in-house assays Clin Lab 200955(1-2)41-8

13 Sikoacute Barabaacutesi S Și Cozma V 2008 Echinococoza alveolară O posibilă zoonoză emergentă icircn

Romacircnia (Sinteză) RevScientia Parasitologica 9 1 48-60

14 Horvaacuteth Andrea Patonay Attila Baacutenhegyi Deacutenes Szlaacutevik Jaacutenos Balaacutezs Gyoumlrgy Goumlroumlg Deacutenes

Eacutes Werling Klaacutera A humaacuten Echinococcus multilocularis infectio elsocirc hazai esete Beeacuterkezett

2007 november 16 elfogadva 2008 maacutercius 7


1 Surname Ciobanca

2 Name Petrica Teofil

3 Date and place of birth 25111979 Zalau Salaj

4 Citizenship Romanian

5 Marital status married

6 Contact Tel 0040-740052584 E-mailpetrica_ciobancayahoocom

7 Studies


bdquoVasile Goldisrdquo

West University


ldquoIuliu Haţieganurdquo

University of

Medicine and

Pharmacy of Cluj-


ldquoCarol Davilardquo

University of

Medicine of




University of

Medicine and

Pharmacy of


Theoretical High

School of Zalau

Physics -



Period October 2004

June 2005

January 2005

February 2005

January 2005

March 2005

October 1998

September 2004

September 1994

July 1998

Skills of



Masterrsquos Degree



Accounting and


Management of

the Companies

Certificate of


general ultrasound

scan post-

university course

module I

Certificate of



ultrasound scan


course module






High School


8 Scientific title Medical doctor University Assistant Full-time doctoral student 9 Professional experience

Period Position Responsibilities

01 11 2005 ndash up


- University Assistant

- Resident Physician in

Laboratory Medicine

- Full-time doctoral


UM F bdquoIuliu Hatieganurdquo CLUJ

- Didactical activity in Microbiology (Bacteriology

Parasitology Virology Mycology) with the 2nd



students General Medicine Pharmacy Medical Colleges

within Iuliu Hatieganu University of Medicine and


- Stages within residency activity

- Research activity

01012006 ndash up


- Physician SALVO - SAN

- medical practice in general medicine

0106 2009 ndash

2011 2009


-Medical practice clinical investigations before and after


-The manager of resuscitation team in emergency cases

15012007 ndash


Resident physician in

Family Medicine Spitalul Clinic Judetean de Urgenta Cluj Napoca

- clinical examinations EKG diagnosis and treatment

stages in Obstetrics and Gynaecology Psychiatry Infectious


29082005 ndash


Physician in training Kantonal Flawil Hospital Switzerland

-Internal Medicine stages presentations and diagnosis


01012005 ndash Physician in training Spitalul Clinic Municipal Cluj Napoca

01012006 - Internal Medicine stages for 6 months

- Surgery stages for 6 months

14032005 ndash


Physician in training bdquoMaria Sklodowska Curierdquo Paediatrics Clinical Hospital

- I assisted in the performance of endoscopic investigations

Post university courses General ultrasound scan first module January 2005 - February 2005

General ultrasound scan second module January 2005 ndash March 2005

Occupational medicine

Surgical emergencies in the children

Resuscitation course in adults

ALS - London Ambulance Service

EPLS - Royal Brompton Hospital London

Emergency ultrasonography


Doppler echography

10 The current place of work and position University assistant Full-time doctoral student

bdquoIuliu Hatieganurdquo University of Medicine and Pharmacy of Cluj-Napoca

11 Seniority in the current place of work 6 years

12 Works elaborated and or published Monica Junie Petrica Ciobanca (B-783) 2005 Comparison of Antibiotic Resistance of

Pseudomonas Aeruginosa Strains Isolated from Different Types of Infections Abstracts of the

XIth International Congress of Bacteriology and Applied Microbiology July 23-28 San

Francisco California USA - ISBN1-555-81-353-4

Monica Junie Petrica Ciobanca (M-722) 2005 Evolution of Resistance Phenomenon to

Antimycotic Drugs of Candida Species and Dermatophytes Abstracts of the XIth International

Congress of Mycology July 23-28 San Francisco California USA ISBN1-555-81-354-2

Lia Monica Junie Doina Matinca Doina Tăţulescu AN Ferke Petrica Ciobanca 2006

Evolution of Antibiotic Resistance of Pseudomonas aeruginosa strains isolated from Hospital

Infectious International Journal of Infectious Diseases vol10 suppl 1 ISSN 1201 ndash 9712 pag

S 78 Lisabon Portugal ISSN 1201-9712 IJID indexed in MEDLINE EMCASE Escerpta

Media and Urlichs Elsevier Publishing Presented at the International Congress of Infectious

Diseases sesiunea Antibiotic Resistance ndash Gram negatives (poster nr 13003) iunie 15-18

Lia Monica Junie Zoe Coroiu şi col AN Ferke Petrica Ciobanca 2006 The significance of

AntiToxoplasma IgG and IgM Antibodies Detection in Toxoplasmosis Diagnosis Abstract

books the 12th

ISID pag 80 Presented at the 12th

ISID 15-18 iunie 2006 Lisbon Portugal

Sectiunea Parasitic Infectious

Junie Monica Petrica Ciobanca 2006 Species Distribution and Antifungal Susceptibility Of

Candida Isolates Colected From Hospitalised Patients Abstracts of 16th

European Congress Of

Clinical Microbiology And Infectious Diseases Nice France 1- 4 aprilie 2006

Constantea N şi Petrica Ciobanca 2007 Studiul clinic pentru icircmbunătăţirea metodelor de

diagnostic de laborator şi profilaxia chistului hidatic RevRomde Parasitol 17 48-49

Junie Monica N Constantea Petrica Ciobanca 2007 Surveillance programme in

echinococcosis and importance in the prophylaxis and therapy of human infection Clinical

Microbiology and Infection 132

Christofidou M Spiliopoulou A Vamvacopoulou S Stamoulis V Dimitracopoulos G

Anastassiou ED Monica Junie Costache C Colosi I Ciobanca P T 2008 Species

distribution and antifungal susceptibility of Candida isolates collected from hospitalized patients

in Romania and Greece Scientia Parasitologica161-7 ISSN 1582 - 1366

L M Junie Vasile Cozma Zoe Coroiu Petrica Ciobanca 2009 ldquoEpidemiology of human

echinococcosis in Europe pg 109-127

Junie Monica S Răpuntean N Fiţ Cosmina Cuc F Puiu Gh Răpuntean L Deac Simion P

T Ciobanca 2009 Alternative therapies for combating antimicrobial resistence and reduction

of severe nosocomial infections Abstract Book of IMED (International Meeting on Emerging

Diseases and Surveillance) Vienna Austria Februarie 13-16 2009 Abstract 10152 pg86

V Cosma PT Ciobanca R Blaga C Gherman Lia Monica Junie 2009 Hydatidosis

Epidemiology at Humans and Animals in the Area of the Center and North-Vest Romania

Abstract book of IMED bdquoInternational Meeting on Emerging Diseases and Surveillancerdquo

Vienna Austria Februarie pg86

Ciobanca Petrica Monica Junie 2011 Serological diagnosis and its applicability to the

prophylaxis and therapy of hydatid cyst in human patients Rev Scienţia Parasitologica 121


Ciobanca Petrica Teofil Junie Lia Monica 2011 Diagnosis confirmation of human cystic

echinococcosis by imagistic methods and immunoserological determinations Scientia

Parasitologica12(3) 151-161

13 Foreign languages English-advanced French ndashbeginner German ndash beginner

14 Specialties and qualifications Ultrasound scan PC operator

15 Experience assimilated within the national international programs

Program project Position Period

A national network making regarding

the study of some parasitic zoonosis and

their implications in food safetyCEEX

1782005 lasting 25 months

Developed in collaboration with the

Agricultural Sciences and Veterinary

Medicine University

Doctoral student Economic

responsible person

2006 ndash2007

Interdisciplinary evaluation and

optimization of the screening diagnosis

and treatment methods in triquinelosis

human and animal cystic echinococcosis

in the centre and north - west of

Romania - TRICHIDrdquo CEEX program


Developed between the Agricultural

Sciences and Veterinary Medicine

University (project leader) and UMF

Cluj-Napoca (partner)

Doctoral student Economic

responsible person

2006 -2008

bdquoA national network making for

researching the dermatophytosis in

human and animals CEEX program


Developed between USAMV (project of

the leader) and UMF Cluj- Napoca


Doctoral student Economic

responsible person


I declare on my own liability that the data mentioned are according to reality






11 Istoric 11 12 Taxonomie şi clasificare 12

13 Morfologie 12 14 Diferenţe morfologice şi genetice icircntre specii 15 15 Epidemiologie 17 16 Ciclul biologic 19

161 Echinococcus granulosus 19

162 Echinococcus multilocularis 21

17 Contaminarea umană 22

CAPITOLUL 2 CHISTUL HIDATIC 23 21 Patogenia chistului hidatic 23 22 Evoluţia chistului hidatic 23 23 Manifestări clinice ale hidatidozei umane 24

24 Diagnosticul bolii hidatice 27 241 Diagnosticul clinic 28

242 Diagnosticul imagistic 28 243 Diagnostic parazitologic 31 244 Diagnosticul imunologic 32

245 Diagnosticul diferenţial al chistului hidatic 34 25 Tratamentul chistului hidatic 35

26 Profilaxia chistului hidatic 38


STUDIUL 1 Aplicabilitatea metodelor serologice icircn diagnosticul terapia şi profilaxia bolii hidatice

umane 41

11 Introducere 41 12 Scopul şi obiectivele studiului 41 13 Material şi metodă42

131 Material 42 132 Metoda 43

14 Rezultate 47 141 Depistarea persoanelor seropozitive investigate prin teste imunoenzimatice ELISA IgG

antiechinococcus icircn judeţele Cluj şi Sălaj 47 142 Frecvenţa icircn funcţie de mediul de provenienţă a persoanelor seropozitive icircn judeţele Cluj

şi Sălaj 48 143 Frecvenţa persoanelor seropozitive icircn judeţul Cluj şi Sălaj icircn funcţie de sex 50

144 Aspecte epidemiologice privind persoanele seropozitive icircn județul Cluj (incidenţă

mediul de provenienţă şi repartizarea pe sexe) 51 145 Frecvenţa persoanelor seropozitive icircn funcţie de sex icircn judeţul Cluj 52 146 Aspecte epidemiologice privind persoanele seropozitive icircn judeţul Sălaj

(incidenţă mediul de provenienţă şi repartizarea pe sexe) 53 147 Frecvenţa persoanelor seropozitive icircn funcţie de sex icircn judeţul Salaj 54


15 Confirmarea rezultatelor obţinute la testările serologice prin metode imagistice utilizate icircn

diagnosticul echinococozei chistice umane 55

151 Rezultatele examenului imagistic (ecografic RX toracic CT) 56 16 DISCUŢII 58

17 DESCRIERE CAZURI 61 CONCLUZII 68 STUDIUL II Evaluarea şi optimizarea metodelor de diagnostic icircn boala hidatică 69

21 Introducere 69 22 Scopul şi obiectivele studiului 69

23 Material şi metodă70 231 Material 70 232 Metode paraclinice şi clinice utilizate 71 233 Metode statistice de analiză a datelor 77

24 Rezultate 80

241 Rezultate epidemiologice (luand ca şi criteriu sexul mediul de provenienţă varsta) 80

242 Rezultate clinice si paraclinice privind diagnosticul bolii hidatice 83

2421 Valoarea examenului clinic icircn diagnosticul chistului hidatic 83

2422Confirmarea chirurgicală a diagnosticului prezumtiv de chist hidatic 85 2423 Evaluarea analizelor de laborator uzuale (hemoleucograma analize biochimice)

folosite pentru depistarea chistului hidatic 86

2424 Metode imagistice folosite pentru identificarea chistului hidatic 89 2425 Rezultatele obţinute prin metode imunoserologice97

243 Rezultate comparative 106 25 DISCUŢII 122 26 DESCRIERE CAZURI 131





Echinococozahidatidoza (boala hidatică sau chistul hidatic) este o boală parazitară cauzată

de genul Echinococcus care poate evolua cu cele mai severe și variate implicații In ciuda

progreselor din domeniile de supraveghere şi control această parazitoză continuă să reprezinte o

problemă importantă de sănătate publică icircn cele mai multe părţi ale lumii [2]

Conform clasificării OMS boala este o zoonoză care ridică numeroase probleme de

sănătate atacirct icircn ceea ce priveşte omul cacirct şi animalele deoarece paraziţii cauzali pentru a icircncheia

ciclul lor biologic trec prin mai multe gazde animale vertebrate (de exemplu cacircini pentru oameni)

Datorită prevalenţei ridicate formelor clinico-evolutive severe complicaţiilor morfo-

funcţionale cu mortalitate primaratilde sau secundaratilde ridicatatilde boala este frecvent icircntacirclnită atat icircn mediul

rural cat şi in mediul urban la toate grupele de vacircrstă prevalenţă alarmantă la tineri şi la grupe de

risc profesional [1]

In zona ţării noastre patologia hidatică are o frecvență destul de ridicată zona de nord-vest a

Transilvaniei fiind descrisă ca zonă endemică cu o cazuistică importantă [3] medicina clujeană

avand o importantă experienţă icircn diagnosticul şi tratamentul chistului hidatic

Icircn pofida realizărilor icircnregistrate icircn ultimul timp icircn diagnosticul și terapia echinococozei

umane aceasta deţine icircncă un loc important icircn structura morbidităţii şi mortalităţii icircn serviciile


Cea ce face utilă prezentarea unor date succinte asupra aspectelor variate pe care boala hidatică le

poate lua icircn evoluţie din punct de vedere clinic imagistic serologic și evaluarea importanței

acestora icircn recunoașterea și diagnosticarea precoce a bolii


Capitolul 1 Genul Echinococcus

Parazitul responsabil de producerea hidatidozei umane este un plathelmint care face parte

din clasa cestode (Eucestode) familia Teniidae Genul Echinococcus Speciile din genul

Echinoccocus considerate agenți etiologici ai echinococozeihidatidozei după experţii OMS sunt


- Echinococcus granulosus (Batsch 1786) - echinococoza chistică

- Echinococcus multilocularis (Leuckart 1863) ndash echinococoza alveolară

- Echinococcus oligarthus (Diesing 1863)

- Echinococcus vogeli (Rausch Bernstein 1972) - echinococoza polichistică

S-a mai pus problema existenţei celei de-a cincea specii Ecruzi (Rausch şi col ndash 1978

Kumaratilake şi Thompson ndash 1982) dar Rausch şi col (1984) comparacircnd caracterele acesteia cu

Evogeli şi Eoligarthus au observat că de fapt E cruzi este sinonim cu E oligarthus

Distribuţia geografică a hidatidozei urmează fidel curba dezvoltării crescătorilor de oi şi este

determinată de promiscuitatea pastorală fapt ce l-a determinat pe Deve să afirme că ldquoboala hidatică

este una din bolile macircinilor murdareldquo

Larga varietate de specii de animale care pot fi gazde intermediare şi deplasarea acestora din

Europa icircn alte părţi ale lumii a făcut ca Echinococcus să fie răspacircndit pe icircntreg globul

In anul 2009 ECDC a raportat 790 de cazuri de echinococoză umană cu 11 mai puţine

decacirct icircn 2008 (n= 891) Printre cazurile declarate icircn care se cunoaşte specia infestantă a

predominat infestaţia cu Egranulosus (72) icircn timp ce infestaţia cu Emultilocularis a fost raportată

ca avacircnd o frecvență de 3 ori mai mică [4]



Chistul hidatic este o boală adesea invalidizantă cu complicații posibile și adesea severe

(şoc anafilactic) cu o terapie chirurgicală de multe ori dificilă cu recidive postoperatorii frecvente

Manifestările clinice datorate complicaţiilor instalate prin mecanismele menţionate apar cacircnd

dimensiunile chistului hidatic devin apreciabile

Tabloul clinic al chistului hidatic este puțin caracteristic Foarte adesea el este complet

asimptomatic fiind descoperit icircntacircmplător Alteori pacienții acuză jenă icircn hipocondrul drept sau

chiar durere intensă Reacțiile alergice sunt destul de frecvente mergacircnd de la o reacție urticariană

pacircnă la alergodermie sau chiar șoc anafilactic (icircn general icircn caz de fisurare sau chiar ruperea

chistului hidatic)

Evidențierea morfologică a chisturilor hidatice se poate face prin radiografie toracică

ecografie tomografie computerizată (CT) și rezonantă magnetică (MR)

Pentru diagnosticul hidatidozei umane metodele imagistice se completează cu reacțiile

de imunodiagnostic care au drept scop confirmarea etiologiei parazitare a formațiunilor decelate prin

răspunsul imun indus Icircn ultimii ani există o tendință de stadializare a dignosticului imunologic find

folosite mai intai teste primare care urmeaza sa fie confirmate prin alte metode care prezinta o

specificitate deosebit de ridicata(teste secundare) [5]

Managementul modern al chistului hidatic solicită participarea tuturor modalităților

terapeutice medicala percutana și chirurgicala Chirurgia nu mai este tratamentul de primă elecție

pentru orice chist hidatic hepatic La pacienții cu chist univezicular mai mic de 4 cm terapia de

elecție este monoterapia cu albendazol

PAIR este indicată cacircnd durerea este netratabilă sau albendazolul nu dă rezultate

Tratamentul percutan combină alcool și polidocanol dar nu poate fi utilizat icircn cazurile cu fistulă


Chirurgia este utilizată icircn cazurile icircn care nu există experți icircn terapia percutană si

tratamentul percutan nu poate fi efectuat icircn deplină siguranță datorita unei extensii extrahepatice

semnificativă cu risc de perforație a chistului sausi icircn cazul rupturii chistului icircn cavitatea peritoneală



STUDIUL 1 Aplicabilitatea metodelor serologice icircn diagnosticul terapia și profilaxia bolii

hidatice umane

Scopul acestui studiu a fost efectuarea și evaluarea unor teste serologice (metoda ELISA) ca

metode screening și de diagnostic a echinococozei chistice Testele au fost efectuate la persoanele

simptomatice și asimptomatice din judeţele Cluj şi Sălaj pentru aprecierea frecvenței afecțiunii icircn

aceste județe Persoanelor cărora li s-au detectat anticorpi IgG antiechinococcus li s-au efectuat

examinări imagistice pentru confirmarea diagnosticului clinic și serologic de chist hidatic

Aceste examinări au permis elucidarea aspectelor epidemiologice diagnostice terapeutice si

prognostice privind echinococoza chistică

Material şi metodă

Studiul a fost efectuat icircn perioada ianuarie 2007 ndash decembrie 2009 şi a inclus 279 de

persoane simptomatice şi asimptomatice din judeţele Cluj şi Sălaj cu scopul de a stabili prezenţa şi

nivelul anticorpilor antiechinococcus icircn populaţia celor două zone şi implicit a infecției

asimptomatice folosind metoda imunoenzimatică ELISA


Pentru confirmarea diagnosticului de chist hidatic depistat prin testări serologice am folosit

următoarele metode imagistice ecografie abdomino-pelviană CT cranian CT torace Rx toracic


Din cele 279 de persoane investigate icircn ambele județe (Cluj şi Sălaj) la 22 pacienți s-a

evidențiat o serologie pozitivă frecvența seropozitivităţii find de 789 (IC= 5 -1169) la lotul

studiatcea ce sugerează infestația hidatica posibila la persoanele seropozitive Adevărata frecvență

a parazitozei este evident mai ridicată deoarece cazurile simptomatice reprezintă doar vacircrful

piramidei infestaţiei icircn timp ce cazurile asimptomatice formează baza nevăzută mult mai mare a


Screeningul serologic interprins icircn zona de nord-vest şi centru a ţării arata prezența

infestației cu Egranulosus cu posibilitatea transmiterii sale active Rezultatele obținute

demonstrează procentul mai crescut al persoanelor seropozitive icircn judeţul Cluj și sugerează o

incidență mai crescută a hidatidozei icircn această zonă Această concluzia a fost elaborată ca urmare a

desfășurării unui proiect de cercetare cu titlulbdquoEvaluarea și optimizarea interdisciplinară a metodelor

de screening diagnostic și tratament icircn trichineloza și echinococcoza chistică umană și animală icircn

centrul și nord-vestul Romacircnieirdquo desfășurat icircn perioada 2006 - 2008 la care am participat icircn

calitate de membru

Prin examenul imagistic la 7714 dintre pacienți s-a putut confirma diagnosticul de

hidatidoză prin metode imagistice Pacienții prezentau imagini edificatoare pentru chist hidatic cu

diverse localizari hepatic (6538) pulmonar (588) renal (588) Rezultatele cercetărilor

noastre sugerează că o anumită proporţie din populaţia investigată a fost pozitiva IgG anti-

Echinococcus fără a prezenta icircn organism hidatida decelabila prin metode imagistice


Lipsa cunoştinţelor ignoranţa populaţiei şi chiar a unor specialişti din domeniul sanitar

privind ciclul biologic al speciei E granulosus a gazdelor pe care le are precum şi a riscului pe care

icircl implică un contact stracircns cu gazda definitivă sunt cauze de primă importanţă pentru răspacircndirea cu

uşurinţă a parazitului

Rezultatele obţinute icircn urma acestui studiu concordă cu rezultatele unor studii asemănătoare din

literatura de specialitate efectuate icircn zone endemice pentru echinococcoză chistică umană [3]

Intr-un studiu efectuat pe un lot de persoane asimptomatice la 12 din cazuri ecografia nu

decela formațiune chistică caracteristică chistului hidatic cu toate că testul serologic era pozitiv [7]

STUDIUL II Evaluarea și optimizarea metodelor de diagnostic icircn boala hidatică

Studiul are următoarele scopuri 1 Evaluarea examenului clinic icircn diagnosticul prezumtiv și

evaluarea metodelor imagistice de diagnostic icircn boala hidatică 2 Evaluarea metodei ELISA

Western ndashBlott și a metodelor de laborator pentru confirmarea diagnosticului clinic și imagistic de

chist hidatic 3 Studiul comparativ al metodelor imagistice (ecografie Rx CT RM) cu metodele

serologice (metoda ELISA metoda Western-blott) și evaluarea utilității lor icircn diferențierea

echinococozei chistice și alveolare icircn efectuarea diagnosticului diferențial și interpretarea reacțiilor


23 Material şi metodă

Studiul a fost efectuat icircn perioada 2006 - 2010 şi a inclus un eşantion reprezentativ de 189

persoane simptomatice cu simptome sugestive sau cu suspiciune imagistică de boală hidatică Au


mai fost luate icircn studiu persoane care au suferit intervenție chirurgicală pentru boala hidatică și

persoane care prezentau rezultate de laborator nespecifice dar cu suspiciune de boală parazitară

Am folosit ca material de lucru cazuistica medicală și chirurgicală din Clinicile Medicale și

Chirurgicale din Cluj-Napoca și Sălaj (Clinica Chirurgie III Clinica Chirurgie V și ambulatorul unei

policlinici private) Tipurile de date colectate folosite icircn acest studiu au fost genul vacircrsta mediul de

proveniență diagnosticul clinic complicațiile chistului hidatic antecedente de chist hidatic

metodele de diagnostic imagistic efectuate (ecografie abdominală Rx pulmonar CT RM

tratamentul chirurgical examenul piesei operatorii histopatologic) analize de laborator localizarea

formațiunilor chistice icircn funcție de segmentația hepatică și icircn funcție de organul afectat metodele

de diagnostic serologic efectuate (metoda imunoenzimatica IgG antiechinococcus ELISA respectiv

metoda IgG echinococcus Western- blot)

24 Rezultate

Din rezultatele obtinute rezultă că nu există o asociere semnificativă icircntre eozinofilie şi

diagnosticul bolii hidatice (pgt005) Totuşi atunci cacircnd eozinofilia este prezentă se constată o

coincidenţă relativ ridicată de 71 (IC=52 - 85) cu diagnosticul de chist hidatic

Analiza statistică a corelației dintre rezultatele examenului imagistic cu rezultatele obţinute

pe baza confirmării chirurgicale şi paraclinice a evidentiat o sensibilitate de 9689 a examenului

imagistic specificitatea fiind 100 din punct de vedere statistic ele nu diferă semnificativ Valoarea

diagnostică a examenului imagistic este dată icircnsă de valoarea predictivă pozitivă (VPP) şi respectiv

negativă (VPN) ambele fiind peste 84 cu toate că VPN este semnificativ statistic mai mică decacirct


Evaluarea rezultatelor examenului IgG antiechinococcus ELISA icircn raport cu confirmarea

chirurgicală histopatologică și paraclinică a diagnosticului de chist hidatic evidentiaza o

Specificitate de 9643 şi VPP de 9919 Acestea fiind foarte ridicate se poate considera că

metoda ELISA este un bun test de screening

Comparativ cu examenele imagistic ecografic sau CT IgG antiechinococcus ELISA are un

indice Youden mai mic Prin urmare din acest punct de vedere IgG antiechinococcus ELISA pare a fi

un test diagnostic mai puțin concludent decacirct examenele imagistice menţionate Pe de altă parte

comparacircnd intervalele de icircncredere la indicatorii Specificitate VPP la examenele imagistice (global

ecografic CT) şi IgG antiechinococcus ELISA se constată că nu diferă semnificativ statistic

Rezultatele examenului imagistic şi cele ale IgG antiechinococcus ELISA se asociază

semnificativ Este de remarcat că odată cu ceilalţi coeficienţi de asociere (coeficientul de

contingenţă Kendal tau) coeficientul de concordanţă dintre rezultatele examenului imagistic şi cele

ale IgG antiechinococcus ELISA este semnificativ statistic (plt0001) De menţionat că măsura de

concordanţă Kappa = 0522 indică faptul că icircntre cele două examinări există o concordanţă


Tehnica imunoblot este un puternic test de confirmare și de diagnostic serologic diferenţial

icircntre cele două infectii majore relevante echinococoza chistică și echinococoza alveolară [8]

Evaluarea rezultatelor examenului IgG echinococcus Western Blot icircn raport cu confirmarea

chirurgicală histopatologică şi paraclinică a diagnosticului de chist hidatic a relevat o Specificitate

de100 şi o valoare predictiva pozitiva de100 acestea fiind foarte ridicate se poate considera că

testul de detectare a IgG echinococcus Western Blot este un bun test de screening

Este de remarcat că odată cu ceilalţi coeficienţi de asociere (coeficientul de contingenţă

Kendal tau) coeficientul de concordanţă dintre rezultatele examenului imagistic şi cele ale IgG

echinococcus Western blot este semnificativ statistic (plt0001) De menţionat că măsura de


concordanţă Kappa = 0861 indică faptul că icircntre cele două examinări există o concordanţă foarte


25 Discutii

Evaluarea eozinofiliei ca marker diagnostic icircn echinococoza chistică a permis unor autorii

să afirme că eozinofilia nu este un indicator suficient pentru stabilirea diagnosticului de

echinococoză chistică fiind necesar și un diagnostic complementar clinic [9]

Sensibilitatea și specificitatea ecografiei a fost raportată icircn mai multe studii din literatură ca

fiind icircntre 88 ndash 98 și respectiv 95 ndash 100 pentru echinococoza chistică și echinococoza alveolară

umană Autorii o considera rdquogolden standardrdquo deși recunosc imperfecțiunea acestei tehnici

Examenul clinic examenul de laborator și datele epidemiologice sunt considerate deasemenea

importante pentru diagnosticul echinococozei chistice și echinococozei alveolare [10


Testele serologice contribuie la diagnostic detecţia anticorpilor IgG a avut o sensibilitate

de 95 și o specificitate de 94 icircntr-un studiu efectuat de Shambesh MA și colaboratorii [11


Sensibilitatea obţinută de Shambesh este semnificativ mai ridicată decacirct cea determinată icircn studiul

nostru care raportează o sensibilitate de 764 cu IC= 6907-8272 Icircn schimb specificitatea

nu diferă semnificativ statistic de cea obţinută icircn studiul nostru (9643 IC=8165-9991)

Infecţiile echinococice sunt considerate unele dintre cele mai periculoase boli helmintice

umane Deosebirea icircntre echinococoza chistică și alveolară este importantă din punct de vedere al

prognosticului și tratamentului

In diferite stadii ale echinococozei chistice și echinococozei alveolare testul cel mai relevant

s-a apreciat a fi testul Western blot IgG echinococus care a confirmat rezultatele pozitive [12


Cercetările efectuate cu scopul de a evidenţia prezenţa IgG echinococcus prin metoda

Western blot raportată la metoda de aur considerată (confirmarea chirurgicală histopatologică și

diagnostic paraclinic) au demonstrat o sensibilitate de 9211 (IC = 7862 - 9834)

specificitatea fiind de 100 (IC = 8389 - 100) date care sunt asemănătoare celor icircntacirclnite icircn

literatura de specialitate

Icircn majoritatea ţărilor echinococoza alveolară a căpătat deja un caracter endemic şi este icircn

curs de extindere continuă cu o rapiditate alarmantă devenind o boală emergentă

Parazitul adult Emultilocularis nu a fost depistat icircn Romacircnia pacircnă icircn prezent la nici o gazdă

definitivă [13


Studiul efectuat a relevat prin metoda Western blot pentru prima dată icircn țara noastră

existența probabilității infecției cu Echinococcus multilocularis la om Sunt necesare studii

ulterioare pentru depistarea persoanelor cu echinococoză alveolară existente icircn Romania icircn

condițiile existenței acesteia icircn numeroase țări din Europa inclusiv cele vecine Romacircniei (Ungaria

Ucraina) Centralizacircnd cercetările recente privind situația epidemiologică problemele clinice și

opțiunile terapeutice autorii au descris primul caz de echinococoză alveolară icircn Ungaria Pentru

confirmarea acestei infecții rare trebuie să fie luat icircn considerare diagnosticul diferenţial cu alte

leziuni hepatice infiltrative [14


Nu a fost raportat nici un caz la nivelul Romacircniei prin alte studii Recomandăm

introducerea acestei metode icircn screeningul și diagnosticul acestei boli grave

Icircn icircncercarea de a compara metodele folosite pentru diagnosticarea chistului hidatic și a

rezultatelor obţinute prin aceste metode putem afirma că testul Western blot IgG echinococcus este

cel mai sensibil pentru a preciza un diagnostic etiologic



1 Junie Monica Zoe Coroiu Carmen Costache 2002 The consequences of Echinococcus

granulosus infection icircn the human population Rev Scienţia Parasitologica 32 86-91

2 Seres Ştefania Monica Junie V Cozma 2009 Prevalence of Echinococcus granulosus in

Cluj county Romania revealed by PCR Rev Scienţia Parasitologica 1o1-2 68-71

3 Coroiu Zoe Judith Bele Cornelia Munteanu Rodica Radu 2007 Aspecte epidemiologice

privind hidatidoza umană icircn judeţul Cluj pe o perioada de 20 de ani (1981-2000) Rev

Scientia Parasitologica 81 32-38

4 A Lahuerta T Westrell J Takkinen F Boelaert V Rizzi B Helwigh B Borck H

Korsgaard A Ammon P Maumlkelauml Zoonoses icircn the European Union origin distribution and

dynamics ndash the EFSA - ECDC summary report 2009

5 Craig PS 1997 Immunodiagnosis of Echinococcus granulosus and a comparison of

techniques for diagnosis of canine echinococcosis In Compendium on cystic echinococcosis

icircn Africa and Middle Eastern countries with special reference to Morocco Brigham Young

University Pris Services Provo

6 Schipper HG Modern management of echinococcosis World Gastroenterology News vol 9

nr 2 2004

7 Arda B H Pulukccedilu T Yamazhan OR Sipahi S Tamsel G Demirpolat M Korkmaz

2009 Prevalence of Echinococcus granulosus detected using enzyme immunoassay and

abdominal ultrasonography icircn a group of students staying icircn a state dormitory icircn Turkey

Turk J Med Sci 391 1-4

8 Liance M V Janin S Bresson-Hadni DA Vuitton R Houin R Piarroux 2000

Immunodiagnosis of Echinococcus infections confirmatory testing and species

differentiation by a new comercial Western blot J Clin Microbiol 38 3718-3721

9 Karadam SY Ertabaklar H Sari C Dayanir Y Ertuğ S Should cystic echinococcosis be

investigated icircn patients having high eosinophil counts Turkiye Parazitol Derg


10 Macpherson CN Milner R Performance characteristics and quality control of community

based ultrasound surveys for cystic and alveolar echinococcosis Acta Trop 2003


11 Shambesh MA Craig PS Macpherson CN Rogan MT Gusbi AM Echtuish EF An

extensive ultrasound and serologic study to investigate the prevalence of human cystic

echinococcosis icircn northern Libya Am J Trop Med Hyg 1999 Mar 60(3)462-8

12 Reiter-Owona I Gruumlner B Frosch M Hoerauf A Kern P Tappe D Serological confirmatory

testing of alveolar and cystic echinococcosis in clinical practice results of a comparative

study with commercialized and in-house assays Clin Lab 200955(1-2)41-8

13 Sikoacute Barabaacutesi S Și Cozma V 2008 Echinococoza alveolară O posibilă zoonoză emergentă

icircn Romacircnia (Sinteză) RevScientia Parasitologica 9 1 48-60

14 Horvaacuteth Andrea Patonay Attila Baacutenhegyi Deacutenes Szlaacutevik Jaacutenos Balaacutezs Gyoumlrgy Goumlroumlg

Deacutenes Eacutes Werling Klaacutera A humaacuten Echinococcus multilocularis infectio elsocirc hazai esete

Beeacuterkezett 2007 november 16 elfogadva 2008 maacutercius 7



1 Nume Ciobanca

2 Prenume Petrica Teofil

3 Data şi locul naşterii 25111979 Localitatea Zalau judetul Salaj

4 Cetăţenie Romana

5 Stare civilă Casatorit

6 Contact Tel 0040-740052584 E-mail petrica_ciobancayahoocom

7 Studii

Instituţia Universitatea

de Vest bdquoVasile

Goldisrdquo Arad

Universitatea de

Medicina si


Hatieganurdquo Cluj



de Medicina





de medicina si




Cluj Napoca

Liceul Teoretic

Zalau -Sectia



Perioada Octombrie

2004 -

Iunie 2005



Ianuarie 2005-

Martie 2005






1994 -

Iulie 1998

Grade sau



Diploma de

Master in



Contabil si

Juridic al


Certificat de

Absolvire curs


de ecografie

generala modul I

Certificat de




de ecografie


modulul II

Diploma de




Diploma de


8 Titlul ştiinţific Medic Asistent Universitar Doctorand cu frecventa

9 Experienţa profesională

Perioada Functia Responsabilitati

01 11 2005 -


-Asistent Universitar

-Medic Rezident Medicina de


-Doctorand cu frecventa

UM F bdquoIuliu Hatieganurdquo CLUJ

- Activitate didactica in Microbiologie

(Bacteriologie Parazitologie

Virusologie Micologie) cu studentii

anului II III Medicina Generala

Farmacie Colegii Medicale in cadrul

UMF bdquoIuliu Hatieganurdquo

-Stagii in activitatea de rezidentiat

-activitate de cercetare

01012006 ndash


-Medic generalist SALVO- SAN

-practica medicala in medicina generala

0106 2009 ndash

2011 2009


-Practica medicala examinari clinice pre

si post operatorii

-managerul echipei de resuscitare in caz

de urgenta

15012007 ndash


Medic Rezident Medicina de

familie Spitalul Clinic Judetean de Urgenta

Cluj Napoca


- examinari clinice EKG diagnostic si

tratament stagii de Obstetrica si

Ginecologie Psihiatrie Boli Infectioase

29082005 ndash


Medic Stagiar Spitalul Kantonal Flawil Elvetia

-stagii de Medicina Interna prezentari si

explorari diagnostice

01012005 ndash


Medic Stagiar Spitalul Clinic Municipal Cluj Napoca

- stagii de Medicina Interna 6 luni

-stagii de Chirurgie 6 luni

14032005 ndash


Medic Stagiar Spitalul Clinic de Pediatrie bdquoMaria

Sklodowska Curierdquo

-am asistat la explorarile endoscopice


Cursuri post-universitare Ecografie generala modulul unu Ianuarie 2005 ndash februarie 2005

Ecografie generala modulul doi Ianuarie 2005 ndash martie 2005

Medicina ocupationala

Urgente chirurgicale la copii

Curs de resuscitare adulti

ALS - London Ambulance Service

EPLS - Royal Brompton Hospital London

Ultrasonografie de urgenta


Ecografie Doppler

10 Locul de muncă actual şi funcţia Asistent Universitar Doctorand cu frecventa UMF

bdquoIuliu Hatieganurdquo Cluj Napoca

11 Vechime la locul de muncă actual 6 ani

12 Lucrări elaborate şi sau publicate Monica Junie Petrica Ciobanca (B-783) 2005 Comparison of Antibiotic Resistance of Pseudomonas

Aeruginosa Strains Isolated from Different Types of Infections Abstracts of the XIth International

Congress of Bacteriology and Applied Microbiology July 23-28 San Francisco California USA -


Monica Junie Petrica Ciobanca (M-722) 2005 Evolution of Resistance Phenomenon to Antimycotic

Drugs of Candida Species and Dermatophytes Abstracts of the XIth International Congress of Mycology

July 23-28 San Francisco California USA ISBN1-555-81-354-2

Lia Monica Junie Doina Matinca Doina Tăţulescu AN Ferke Petrica Ciobanca 2006 Evolution of

Antibiotic Resistance of Pseudomonas aeruginosa strains isolated from Hospital Infectious International

Journal of Infectious Diseases vol10 suppl 1 ISSN 1201 ndash 9712 pag S 78 Lisabon Portugal ISSN

1201-9712 IJID indexed in MEDLINE EMCASE Escerpta Media and Urlichs Elsevier Publishing

Presented at the International Congress of Infectious Diseases sesiunea Antibiotic Resistance ndash Gram

negatives (poster nr 13003) iunie 15-18

Lia Monica Junie Zoe Coroiu şi col AN Ferke Petrica Ciobanca 2006 The significance of

AntiToxoplasma IgG and IgM Antibodies Detection in Toxoplasmosis Diagnosis Abstract books the 12th

ISID pag 80 Presented at the 12th ISID 15-18 iunie 2006 Lisbon Portugal Sectiunea Parasitic



Junie Monica Petrica Ciobanca 2006 Species Distribution and Antifungal Susceptibility Of Candida

Isolates Colected From Hospitalised Patients Abstracts of 16th European Congress Of Clinical

Microbiology And Infectious Diseases Nice France 1- 4 aprilie 2006

Constantea N şi Petrica Ciobanca 2007 Studiul clinic pentru icircmbunătăţirea metodelor de diagnostic de

laborator şi profilaxia chistului hidatic RevRomde Parasitol 17 48-49

Junie Monica N Constantea Petrica Ciobanca 2007 Surveillance programme in echinococcosis and

importance in the prophylaxis and therapy of human infection Clinical Microbiology and Infection


Christofidou M Spiliopoulou A Vamvacopoulou S Stamoulis V Dimitracopoulos G Anastassiou ED

Monica Junie Costache C Colosi I Ciobanca P T 2008 Species distribution and antifungal

susceptibility of Candida isolates collected from hospitalized patients in Romania and Greece Scientia

Parasitologica161-7 ISSN 1582 - 1366

L M Junie Vasile Cozma Zoe Coroiu Petrica Ciobanca 2009 ldquoEpidemiology of human

echinococcosis in Europe pg 109-127

Junie Monica S Răpuntean N Fiţ Cosmina Cuc F Puiu Gh Răpuntean L Deac Simion P T

Ciobanca 2009 Alternative therapies for combating antimicrobial resistence and reduction of severe

nosocomial infections Abstract Book of IMED (International Meeting on Emerging Diseases and

Surveillance) Vienna Austria Februarie 13-16 2009 Abstract 10152 pg86

V Cosma PT Ciobanca R Blaga C Gherman Lia Monica Junie 2009 Hydatidosis Epidemiology at

Humans and Animals in the Area of the Center and North-Vest Romania Abstract book of IMED

bdquoInternational Meeting on Emerging Diseases and Surveillancerdquo Vienna Austria Februarie pg86

Ciobanca Petrica Monica Junie 2011 Serological diagnosis and its applicability to the prophylaxis and

therapy of hydatid cyst in human patients Rev Scienţia Parasitologica 121 39-46

Ciobanca Petrica Teofil Junie Lia Monica 2011 Diagnosis confirmation of human cystic

echinococcosis by imagistic methods and immunoserological determinations Scientia


13 Limbi straine cunoscute Engleza-fluent Franceza ndashincepator Germana - incepator

14 Specializări şi calificări Ecografie Operare PC

15 Experienţa acumulată icircn programe naţionaleinternaţionale

ProgramulProiectul Funcţia Perioada

bdquoConstituirea unei reţele naţionale privind

studiul unor zoonoze parazitare şi

implicaţiile lor icircn siguranţa

alomentelorrdquoCEEX 1782005 cu o durată de

24 luni

realizat in colaborare cu Universitatea de

Stiinţe Agricole şi Medicină Veterinară

Doctorand Responsabil economic

2006 ndash2007

bdquoEvaluarea şi optimizarea interdisciplinară a

metodelor de screening diagnostic şi

tratament icircn trichineloza şi echinococoza

chistică umană şi animală icircn centrul şi nord-

vestul Romacircniei - TRICHIDrdquo Program

CEEX 1992006

realizat icircntre Universitatea de Stiinţe

Agricole şi Medicină Veterinară

(conducător al proiectului) şi UMF Cluj

Napoca (partener )

Doctorand Responsabil economic

2006 -2008

bdquoConstituirea unei reţele naţionale de

cercetare a dermatofitozelor la om şi

animalerdquoProgram CEEX 1512006

realizat icircntre USAMV (conducător al

proiectului) şi UMF Cluj Napoca


Doctorand Responsabil economic


Declar pe propria răspundere că datele prezentate sunt icircn conformitate cu realitatea









11 Background 11 12 Taxonomy and classification 12

13 Morphology12 14 Genetic and morphologic differences between species 15 15 Epidemiology 17 16 Biological lyfe cycle 19

161 Echinococcus granulosus 19

162 Echinococcus multilocularis 21 17 Human contamination 22

CHAPTER 2 HYDATID CYST 23 21 The pathogeny of the hydatid cyst 23

22 The evolution of the hydatid cyst 23 23 Clinical occurrence of human hydatidosis 24 24 Diagnosis of hydatid diseases 27

241 Clinical diagnosis 28 242 Medical imaging diagnosis 28

243 Parasitologic diagnosis31 244 Immunologic diagnosis 32 245 Differential diagnosis in hydatid cyst 34

25 Treating the hydatid cyst 35

26 The prophylaxis of the hydatid cyst 38 PART II PERSONAL RESEARCHES 40 STUDY 1 The applicability of the serological methods for the diagnosis therapy and prophylaxis of

the human hydatid disease 41 11 Introduction 41 12 Study aim and objectives 41

13 Material and method 42 131 Material 42 132 Method 43

14 Results 47 141 Detecting the seropositive persons investigated by ELISA IgG Antiechinococcus in Cluj

and Sălaj Counties47

142 Frequency depending on the environment the seropositive persons belong to in Cluj and

Sălaj Counties 48 143 Seropositve persons frequency in Cluj and Sălaj Counties depending on gender 50 144 Epidemiological aspects on seropositive persons in Cluj County (incidence environment

they belong to and distribution on genders) 51 145 The seropositive persons frequency depending on sex in Cluj County 52 146 Epidemiological aspects on seropositive persons in Sălaj County (incidence environment

they belong to and distribution on genders) 53

147 The frequency of seropositive persons dependending on sex in Salaj Couty 54

15 Confirming the determinations following the serological tests through imagistic methods in

human cystic echinococcosis 55 151 The results of imagistic determinations (ultrasound scan thoracic RX CT) helliphelliphelliphellip56


CONCLUIONS 68 STUDY II Evaluation and optimization of diagnosis methods in hydatid disease 69

21 Introduction 69

22 Study aim and objective 69 23 Material and method 70

231 Material 70 232 Paraclinic and clinical methods involved 71

233 Statistical methods of data analysis 77 24 Results 80

241 Epidemiological results (considering the sex origins age) 80 242 Clinical and paraclinical results regarding the hydatid cyst diagnosis 83

2421 The clinical examination value in hydatid cyst diagnosis 83 2422 Surgical confirmation in hydatid cyst presumtive diagnosis 85 2423 Assessing the usual laboratory analysis (haemoleucogram biochemical analysis used

to determine hydatid cyst) 86 2424 Imagistic methods involved to determine the hydatid cyst 89

2425 Results obtained through immunoserological methods 97 243 Comparative results 106





The Echinococcosis hydatidosis (the hydatid disease or the hydatid cyst) is a parasitic

disease determined by genus Echinococcus which may evolve with the most severe and different

implications Despite progresses in control and monitoring fields this parasitosis keeps representing

an important issue of the public health in the most parts of the world [1]

According to WHO classification the disease is a zoonosis which brings a lot of health issues

both in humans and animals because the causing parasites in order to end their biological cycle pass

through more vertebrate animal hosts (as for example dogs for the humans)

Due to its high prevalence the severe clinical ndash developing forms the morphofunctional

complications with high primary or secondary mortality the disease if frequently met both in rural

and urban environment at all age groups alarming prevalence in youngsters and occupational risk

groups [2]

In our country area the hydatid pathology has a quite high frequency the north ndash western part

of Transylvania being described an endemic area with important cases [3] the medicine of Cluj

having a significant experience in hydatid cyst diagnosis and treatment

Despite the lately achievements in human echinococcosis diagnosis and therapy it still has

an important place in morbidity and mortality structure within surgical services So in this way

presenting some briefly data over the different aspects the hydatid disease may adopt in its

development from clinical imagistic serological point of view and their importance evaluation in

early recognition and diagnosis of the disease


Chapter 1 Genus Echinococcus

The parasite responsible for causing human hydatidosis is a Platyhelminthe belonging to

Cestoda class (Eucestoda) Taeniidae family Genus Echinococcus The species of genus

Echinococcus considered as etiologic agents of echinococcosis hydatidosis according to WHO

experts are as follows

- Echinococcus granulosus (Batsch 1786) - cystic echinococcosis

- Echinococcus multilocularis (Leuckart 1863) ndash alveolar echinococcosis

- Echinococcus oligarthus (Diesing 1863)

- Echinococcus vogeli (Rausch Bernstein 1972) ndash polycystic echinococcosis

The issue of the 5th

species existence arose Ecruzi (Rausch and co ndash 1978 Kumaratilake

and Thompson ndash 1982) but Rausch and co (1984) comparing its features with Evogeli and

Eoligarthus remarked that in fact E cruzi is similar to E oligarthus

The geographical distribution of hydatidosis loyally follows the sheep breeders developing

curve and it is determined by pastoral promiscuity fact that determined Deve assert that the hydatid

disease is one of the dirty hands diseases

The wide range of animal species which may be intermediary hosts and their circulation from

Europe in other parts of the world made that Echinococcus be spread on the entire globe

In 2009 ECDC reported 790 cases of human echinococcosis with 11 lower than in 2008

(n= 891) Among the reported cases where the infecting species is known predominated the infection

with Egranulosus (72) while Emultilocularis infection was reported as having a frequency 3

times lower [4]


The hydatid cyst is often an invaliding disease with possible and often severe complications

(anaphylactic shock) with often difficult surgical therapy and frequent post-surgery recidivations

The clinical behaviours due to the complications settled through the aforementioned mechanisms

appear when the hydatid cyst sizes become considerable

The clinical framework of the hydatid cyst is little characteristic Quite often it is completely

asymptomatically and discovered purely by chance Other times the patients accused discomfort in

the right hypochondrium or even intense pain The allergic reactions are quite frequently from

urticaria reaction up to alergodermy or even anaphylactic shock (generally in case of fissure or even

the hydatid cyst rupture)

The morphological determination of the hydatid cysts may be done through thoracic

ultrasound scan computer tomography (CT) and magnetic resonance (MR)

The imagistic methods for human hydatidosis diagnosis are completed with immunodiagnosis

reactions aiming the parasitic aetiology confirmation of the determined formations through immune

induced response In the last years exists a tendency of immunologic diagnosis staging firstly

primary tests are used following to be confirmed through other methods having a significantly

specificity (secondary tests) [5]

The hydatid cyst modern management require involving all therapeutic methods medical

percutaneous and surgical The surgery is not anymore the first election for treating any hepatic

hydatid cyst In patients with univesicular cyst smaller that 4 cm the chosen therapy is the

monotherapy with albendazole

PAIR is indicated when the pain in not treatable or the albendazole is ineffective The

percutaneous treatment combines the alcohol and polidocanol but cannot be used in case of cysto-

billiary fistula

The surgery is used in cases when in percutaneous therapy no experts exist and the

percutaneous treatment cannot safely performed due to a significant extra-hepatic extension with

perforation risk of the cyst orand in case of cyst rupture in the peritoneal cavity [6]


STUDY 1 The applicability of the serological methods in the diagnosis therapy and

prophylaxis of human hydatid disease

The aim of this study was serological tests (ELISA method) conducting and evaluation as

screening and diagnosis methods of cystic echinococcosis The tests were conducted in symptomatic

and asymptomatic persons from Cluj and Sălaj Counties in order to estimate the disease frequency in

these counties In the persons where anti-echinococcus IgG antibodies were determined imagistic

investigations were performed in order to confirm the clinical and serological diagnosis of hydatid


The investigations allowed clarifying the epidemiological diagnosis therapeutic and

prognostic aspect regarding cystic echinococcosis

Material and method

The study was conducted during January 2007 ndash December 2009 and included 279

symptomatic and asymptomatic persons from Cluj and Sălaj Counties in order to determine the

presence and the level of anti-echinococcus antibodies level in the population of the two regions and

implicitly the asymptomatic infection using ELISA immunoenzyme method

In order to confirm the hydatid cyst diagnosis determined through serological test I used the

following imagistic methods abdominal pelvic ultrasound scan cranial CT thorax CT thorax Rx


Out of the 279 persons examined in both counties (Cluj şi Sălaj) in 22 patients was

determined positive serology the seropositivity frequency was of 789 (IC= 5 -1169) in the

studied sample suggesting the possible hydatid infection in seropositive persons

The real frequency of parasitosis is obviously higher because the symptomatic cases

represent only the peak of infestation pyramid while the asymptomatic cases form the unseen higher

basis of it

The serological screening performed in the north - western and central region of the country

showed the Egranulosus infection presence with the possibility of its active transmission The

obtained results demonstrate the higher percentage of the seropositve persons in Cluj County and

suggest a higher incidence of the hydatidosis in this region This conclusion was elaborated

following a research project conducting with the title Interdisciplinary evaluation and optimization

of the screening diagnosis and treatment methods in triquinelosis human and animal cystic

echinococcosis in the centre and north - west of Romania conducted during 2006-2008 where I

partake as a member

In 7714 of the patients in imagistic investigation the hydatidosis diagnosis could be

confirmed The patients had clear imagines for hydatid cyst with different locations hepatic

(6538) pulmonary (588) renal (588) The results of our researches suggest that a certain

proportion of the investigated population was positive in IgG anti-Echinococcus without having in

the organism the hydatid determined through imagistic methods


The lack of knowledge population ignorance and even of some specialists in sanitary field

regarding the biological cycle of E granulosus species and the hosts it has as well as the risk

involved by a tight contact with the permanent host are causes of main importance in parasite easy

spreading The results obtained following this study are similar with the results of some analogous

studies from the specialty literature conducted in endemic areas for human cystic echinococcosis [3]

In a study performed on an asymptomatic sample of persons in 12 of the cases the

ultrasound scan did not determine cystic form characteristic to the hydatid cyst although the

serological test was positive [7]

STUDY II Evaluation and optimization of the diagnosis methods in hydatid disease

The study has the following aims 1 the evaluation of the clinical examination in the

presumptive diagnosis and imagistic diagnosis evaluation in the hydatid disease 2 Evaluation of

ELISA method Western-Blott and the laboratory methods in order to confirm the clinical and

imagistic diagnosis of hydatid cyst 3 The comparative study of the imagistic methods (ultrasound

scan Rx CT RM) with the serological methods (ELISA Western-blott methods) and the evaluation

of their utility in differentiating the cystic and alveolar echinococcosis and in performing the

differential diagnosis and interpretation of the cross-reactions

23 Material and method

The study was performed during 2006 ndash 2010 and included a representative sample of 189

symptomatic persons with suggestive symptoms and imagistic suspicion of hydatid disease Other

studied persons were those for whom surgical intervention was performed in hydatid cyst and

persons having non-specific laboratory results but with suspicions of parasitic disease

The working material I used were the medical and surgical cases from the Medical and

Surgical Clinics of Cluj-Napoca and Sălaj (Clinica Chirurgie III Clinica Chirurgie V și and the

ambulatory of a private policlinic) The types of data collected and used within this study were

gender age origin clinical diagnosis the hydatid cyst complications hydatid cyst antecedents the

imagistic diagnosis methods performed (abdominal ultrasound scan pulmonary Rx CT RM

surgical treatment the examination of the surgical piece hystopathological) laboratory analysis

finding the location of the cystic formation depending on the hepatic segmentation and depending on

the organ in question the serological diagnosis methods performed (immunoenzyme IgG anti-

echinococcus ELISA method IgG echinococcus Western- blot method)

24 Results

The results obtained determined that there isnrsquot a significant association between IgG

echinococcus Western-blot and the hydatid disease diagnosis (pgt005) notwithstanding when

eosinophilia is present results a relatively high coincidence of 71 (IC=52 - 85) with the hydatid

cyst diagnosis

The statistic analysis of imagistic investigation results and surgical and paraclinical

confirmation results correlation presented a sensibility of 9689 for the imagistic investigation the

specificity was of 100 they dont differ significantly from statistical point of view The diagnosis

value of the imagistic examination is given by the positive predictive value (PPV) and the negative

one (NPP) both of them are over 84 although the NPP is statistical significantly lower than PPV

The evaluation of IgG antiechinococcus ELISA results compared with the surgical

hystopathological and paraclinical confirmation of hydatid cyst diagnosis determines a Specificity of

9643 and a PPV of 9919 as these are very high it may be considered that ELISA method is a

good screening test

By comparison with imagistic ultrasound scan or CT investigations the IgG

antiechinococcus ELISA has a lower Youden index As a consequence from this point of view IgG

antiechinococcus ELISA seems to be a less conclusive diagnosis test comparing with the mentioned

imagistic investigations On the other side comparing the trust intervals of Specificity PPV and

imagistic investigations (globally ultrasound scan CT) and IgG antiechinococcus ELISA we observe

that they donrsquot differ statistically speaking

The imagistic investigation results and those of IgG antiechinococcus ELISA associate

significantly It is noticeable that at the same time with the other association coefficients

(contingency Kendal tau coefficient) the concordance coefficient between the imagistic

investigation results and those of the IgG antiechinococcus ELISA are significantly statistical

(plt0001) It should be mentioned that the concordance measure Kappa = 0522 indicates the fact

that between the two examinations exist a moderate concordance

Imunoblot technique is a strong confirmation and differential serological diagnosis test

between the two major relevant infections the cystic and alveolar echinococcosis [8]

The evaluation of IgG echinococcus Western Blot investigation results by comparison with

the surgical hystopathological and paraclinial confirmation of hydatid cyst diagnosis revealed a

Specificity of 100 an a positive predictive value of 100 as these are very high you may consider

that the IgG echinococcus Western Blot detecting test is a good screening test

It is noticeable that at the same time with the other association coefficients (contingency

Kendal tau coefficient) the concordance coefficient between the imagistic investigation results and

those of the IgG echinococcus Western blot are significantly statistical (plt0001) It should be

mentioned that the concordance measure Kappa = 0816 indicates the fact that between the two

examinations exist a very good concordance


The evaluation of the eosinophilia as diagnosis marker in cystic echinococcosis allowed

some authors to assert that eosinophilia is not enough to settle the cystic echinococcosis diagnosis

but also a complementary clinical diagnosis [9]

The ultrasound scan sensibility and specificity was reported in more studies in the literature

as between 88-98 and 95-100 respectively for human cystic and alveolar echinococcosis The

authors consider it as the ldquogolden standardrdquo although admit the imperfection of this technique The

clinical investigation the laboratory examination and the epidemiological data are also considered

important for the cystic and alveolar echinococcosis diagnosis [10


The serological tests contribute to the diagnosis IgG antibodies detection had a sensibility of

95 and 94 specificity in a study conducted by Shambesh MA and company [11

] The sensibility

obtained by Shambesh is significantly higher than that determined in our study which determines a

sensibility of 74 with IC= 6907-8272 In exchange the specificity doesnt differ significantly

from statistical point of view of that obtained in our study (9643 IC=8165-9991)

The echinococcosis infections are considered ones of the most dangerous human helminthic

diseases The difference between the cystic and alveolar echinococcosis is important from the

prognostic and treatment point of view

In different stages of cystic and alveolar echinococcosis the most relevant test was

appreciated the Western blot IgG echinococus test whih confirmed the positive results [12


The research conducted in order to determined IgG echinococcus presence through Western

blot method reported to the considered golden method (surgical hystopathological and paraclinical

diagnosis confirmation) showed a sensibility of 9211 (IC = 7862 - 9834) the specificity

being of 100 (IC = 8389 - 100) data like the ones met in the specialty literature

In the most countries the alveolar echinococcosis has an endemic character and is

continuously extending with an alarming rapidity becoming an emergent disease

The adult parasite Emultilocularis was not yet found in Romania up now in any permanent

host [13


The study conducted revealed through the Western blot method for the first time in our

country the possibility of infection with Echinococcus multilocularis in human Next studies are

needed to determine the alveolar echinococcosis persons in Romania under the conditions of its

existence in a number of countries in Europe including Romania neighbouring countries (Hungary

Ukraine) centralizing the recent researches about the epidemiological situation the clinical

problems and the therapeutic options the authors described in the first case the alveolar

echinococcosis in Hungary In order to confirm these rare infections you must take in consideration

the differential diagnosis with other infiltrative hepatic lesions [14


No case was confirmed in Romania through other studies We recommend the introduction of

this method in the screening and diagnosis of this serious disease

In the attempt to compare the methods used in hydatid cyst diagnosis and the obtained results

through these methods we may assert that Western blot IgG echinococcus test is the most sensible in

determining an etiological diagnosis


1 Junie Monica Zoe Coroiu Carmen Costache 2002 The consequences of Echinococcus

granulosus infection in the human population Rev Scienţia Parasitologica 32 86-91

2 Seres Ştefania Monica Junie V Cozma 2009 Prevalence of Echinococcus granulosus in Cluj

county Romania revealed by PCR Rev Scienţia Parasitologica 1o1-2 68-71

3 Coroiu Zoe Judith Bele Cornelia Munteanu Rodica Radu 2007 Aspecte epidemiologice

privind hidatidoza umană icircn judeţul Cluj pe o perioada de 20 de ani (1981-2000) Rev Scientia

Parasitologica 81 32-38

4 A Lahuerta T Westrell J Takkinen F Boelaert V Rizzi B Helwigh B Borck H

Korsgaard A Ammon P Maumlkelauml Zoonoses icircn the European Union origin distribution and

dynamics ndash the EFSA - ECDC summary report 2009

5 Craig PS 1997 Immunodiagnosis of Echinococcus granulosus and a comparison of techniques

for diagnosis of canine echinococcosis In Compendium on cystic echinococcosis icircn Africa and

Middle Eastern countries with special reference to Morocco Brigham Young University Pris

Services Provo

6 Schipper HG Modern management of echinococcosis World Gastroenterology News vol 9 nr

2 2004

7 Arda B H Pulukccedilu T Yamazhan OR Sipahi S Tamsel G Demirpolat M Korkmaz 2009

Prevalence of Echinococcus granulosus detected using enzyme immunoassay and abdominal

ultrasonography icircn a group of students staying icircn a state dormitory icircn Turkey Turk J Med Sci

391 1-4

8Liance M V Janin S Bresson-Hadni DA Vuitton R Houin R Piarroux 2000

Immunodiagnosis of Echinococcus infections confirmatory testing and species differentiation by a

new comercial Western blot J Clin Microbiol 38 3718-3721

9Karadam SY Ertabaklar H Sari C Dayanir Y Ertuğ S Should cystic echinococcosis be

investigated icircn patients having high eosinophil countsTurkiye Parazitol Derg 200933(3)203-6

10 Macpherson CN Milner R Performance characteristics and quality control of community based

ultrasound surveys for cystic and alveolar echinococcosis Acta Trop 2003 Feb85(2)203-9

11 Shambesh MA Craig PS Macpherson CN Rogan MT Gusbi AM Echtuish EF An extensive

ultrasound and serologic study to investigate the prevalence of human cystic echinococcosis icircn

northern Libya Am J Trop Med Hyg 1999 Mar 60(3)462-8

12 Reiter-Owona I Gruumlner B Frosch M Hoerauf A Kern P Tappe D Serological confirmatory

testing of alveolar and cystic echinococcosis in clinical practice results of a comparative study

with commercialized and in-house assays Clin Lab 200955(1-2)41-8

13 Sikoacute Barabaacutesi S Și Cozma V 2008 Echinococoza alveolară O posibilă zoonoză emergentă icircn

Romacircnia (Sinteză) RevScientia Parasitologica 9 1 48-60

14 Horvaacuteth Andrea Patonay Attila Baacutenhegyi Deacutenes Szlaacutevik Jaacutenos Balaacutezs Gyoumlrgy Goumlroumlg Deacutenes

Eacutes Werling Klaacutera A humaacuten Echinococcus multilocularis infectio elsocirc hazai esete Beeacuterkezett

2007 november 16 elfogadva 2008 maacutercius 7


1 Surname Ciobanca

2 Name Petrica Teofil

3 Date and place of birth 25111979 Zalau Salaj

4 Citizenship Romanian

5 Marital status married

6 Contact Tel 0040-740052584 E-mailpetrica_ciobancayahoocom

7 Studies


bdquoVasile Goldisrdquo

West University


ldquoIuliu Haţieganurdquo

University of

Medicine and

Pharmacy of Cluj-


ldquoCarol Davilardquo

University of

Medicine of




University of

Medicine and

Pharmacy of


Theoretical High

School of Zalau

Physics -



Period October 2004

June 2005

January 2005

February 2005

January 2005

March 2005

October 1998

September 2004

September 1994

July 1998

Skills of



Masterrsquos Degree



Accounting and


Management of

the Companies

Certificate of


general ultrasound

scan post-

university course

module I

Certificate of



ultrasound scan


course module






High School


8 Scientific title Medical doctor University Assistant Full-time doctoral student 9 Professional experience

Period Position Responsibilities

01 11 2005 ndash up


- University Assistant

- Resident Physician in

Laboratory Medicine

- Full-time doctoral


UM F bdquoIuliu Hatieganurdquo CLUJ

- Didactical activity in Microbiology (Bacteriology

Parasitology Virology Mycology) with the 2nd



students General Medicine Pharmacy Medical Colleges

within Iuliu Hatieganu University of Medicine and


- Stages within residency activity

- Research activity

01012006 ndash up


- Physician SALVO - SAN

- medical practice in general medicine

0106 2009 ndash

2011 2009


-Medical practice clinical investigations before and after


-The manager of resuscitation team in emergency cases

15012007 ndash


Resident physician in

Family Medicine Spitalul Clinic Judetean de Urgenta Cluj Napoca

- clinical examinations EKG diagnosis and treatment

stages in Obstetrics and Gynaecology Psychiatry Infectious


29082005 ndash


Physician in training Kantonal Flawil Hospital Switzerland

-Internal Medicine stages presentations and diagnosis


01012005 ndash Physician in training Spitalul Clinic Municipal Cluj Napoca

01012006 - Internal Medicine stages for 6 months

- Surgery stages for 6 months

14032005 ndash


Physician in training bdquoMaria Sklodowska Curierdquo Paediatrics Clinical Hospital

- I assisted in the performance of endoscopic investigations

Post university courses General ultrasound scan first module January 2005 - February 2005

General ultrasound scan second module January 2005 ndash March 2005

Occupational medicine

Surgical emergencies in the children

Resuscitation course in adults

ALS - London Ambulance Service

EPLS - Royal Brompton Hospital London

Emergency ultrasonography


Doppler echography

10 The current place of work and position University assistant Full-time doctoral student

bdquoIuliu Hatieganurdquo University of Medicine and Pharmacy of Cluj-Napoca

11 Seniority in the current place of work 6 years

12 Works elaborated and or published Monica Junie Petrica Ciobanca (B-783) 2005 Comparison of Antibiotic Resistance of

Pseudomonas Aeruginosa Strains Isolated from Different Types of Infections Abstracts of the

XIth International Congress of Bacteriology and Applied Microbiology July 23-28 San

Francisco California USA - ISBN1-555-81-353-4

Monica Junie Petrica Ciobanca (M-722) 2005 Evolution of Resistance Phenomenon to

Antimycotic Drugs of Candida Species and Dermatophytes Abstracts of the XIth International

Congress of Mycology July 23-28 San Francisco California USA ISBN1-555-81-354-2

Lia Monica Junie Doina Matinca Doina Tăţulescu AN Ferke Petrica Ciobanca 2006

Evolution of Antibiotic Resistance of Pseudomonas aeruginosa strains isolated from Hospital

Infectious International Journal of Infectious Diseases vol10 suppl 1 ISSN 1201 ndash 9712 pag

S 78 Lisabon Portugal ISSN 1201-9712 IJID indexed in MEDLINE EMCASE Escerpta

Media and Urlichs Elsevier Publishing Presented at the International Congress of Infectious

Diseases sesiunea Antibiotic Resistance ndash Gram negatives (poster nr 13003) iunie 15-18

Lia Monica Junie Zoe Coroiu şi col AN Ferke Petrica Ciobanca 2006 The significance of

AntiToxoplasma IgG and IgM Antibodies Detection in Toxoplasmosis Diagnosis Abstract

books the 12th

ISID pag 80 Presented at the 12th

ISID 15-18 iunie 2006 Lisbon Portugal

Sectiunea Parasitic Infectious

Junie Monica Petrica Ciobanca 2006 Species Distribution and Antifungal Susceptibility Of

Candida Isolates Colected From Hospitalised Patients Abstracts of 16th

European Congress Of

Clinical Microbiology And Infectious Diseases Nice France 1- 4 aprilie 2006

Constantea N şi Petrica Ciobanca 2007 Studiul clinic pentru icircmbunătăţirea metodelor de

diagnostic de laborator şi profilaxia chistului hidatic RevRomde Parasitol 17 48-49

Junie Monica N Constantea Petrica Ciobanca 2007 Surveillance programme in

echinococcosis and importance in the prophylaxis and therapy of human infection Clinical

Microbiology and Infection 132

Christofidou M Spiliopoulou A Vamvacopoulou S Stamoulis V Dimitracopoulos G

Anastassiou ED Monica Junie Costache C Colosi I Ciobanca P T 2008 Species

distribution and antifungal susceptibility of Candida isolates collected from hospitalized patients

in Romania and Greece Scientia Parasitologica161-7 ISSN 1582 - 1366

L M Junie Vasile Cozma Zoe Coroiu Petrica Ciobanca 2009 ldquoEpidemiology of human

echinococcosis in Europe pg 109-127

Junie Monica S Răpuntean N Fiţ Cosmina Cuc F Puiu Gh Răpuntean L Deac Simion P

T Ciobanca 2009 Alternative therapies for combating antimicrobial resistence and reduction

of severe nosocomial infections Abstract Book of IMED (International Meeting on Emerging

Diseases and Surveillance) Vienna Austria Februarie 13-16 2009 Abstract 10152 pg86

V Cosma PT Ciobanca R Blaga C Gherman Lia Monica Junie 2009 Hydatidosis

Epidemiology at Humans and Animals in the Area of the Center and North-Vest Romania

Abstract book of IMED bdquoInternational Meeting on Emerging Diseases and Surveillancerdquo

Vienna Austria Februarie pg86

Ciobanca Petrica Monica Junie 2011 Serological diagnosis and its applicability to the

prophylaxis and therapy of hydatid cyst in human patients Rev Scienţia Parasitologica 121


Ciobanca Petrica Teofil Junie Lia Monica 2011 Diagnosis confirmation of human cystic

echinococcosis by imagistic methods and immunoserological determinations Scientia

Parasitologica12(3) 151-161

13 Foreign languages English-advanced French ndashbeginner German ndash beginner

14 Specialties and qualifications Ultrasound scan PC operator

15 Experience assimilated within the national international programs

Program project Position Period

A national network making regarding

the study of some parasitic zoonosis and

their implications in food safetyCEEX

1782005 lasting 25 months

Developed in collaboration with the

Agricultural Sciences and Veterinary

Medicine University

Doctoral student Economic

responsible person

2006 ndash2007

Interdisciplinary evaluation and

optimization of the screening diagnosis

and treatment methods in triquinelosis

human and animal cystic echinococcosis

in the centre and north - west of

Romania - TRICHIDrdquo CEEX program


Developed between the Agricultural

Sciences and Veterinary Medicine

University (project leader) and UMF

Cluj-Napoca (partner)

Doctoral student Economic

responsible person

2006 -2008

bdquoA national network making for

researching the dermatophytosis in

human and animals CEEX program


Developed between USAMV (project of

the leader) and UMF Cluj- Napoca


Doctoral student Economic

responsible person


I declare on my own liability that the data mentioned are according to reality



15 Confirmarea rezultatelor obţinute la testările serologice prin metode imagistice utilizate icircn

diagnosticul echinococozei chistice umane 55

151 Rezultatele examenului imagistic (ecografic RX toracic CT) 56 16 DISCUŢII 58

17 DESCRIERE CAZURI 61 CONCLUZII 68 STUDIUL II Evaluarea şi optimizarea metodelor de diagnostic icircn boala hidatică 69

21 Introducere 69 22 Scopul şi obiectivele studiului 69

23 Material şi metodă70 231 Material 70 232 Metode paraclinice şi clinice utilizate 71 233 Metode statistice de analiză a datelor 77

24 Rezultate 80

241 Rezultate epidemiologice (luand ca şi criteriu sexul mediul de provenienţă varsta) 80

242 Rezultate clinice si paraclinice privind diagnosticul bolii hidatice 83

2421 Valoarea examenului clinic icircn diagnosticul chistului hidatic 83

2422Confirmarea chirurgicală a diagnosticului prezumtiv de chist hidatic 85 2423 Evaluarea analizelor de laborator uzuale (hemoleucograma analize biochimice)

folosite pentru depistarea chistului hidatic 86

2424 Metode imagistice folosite pentru identificarea chistului hidatic 89 2425 Rezultatele obţinute prin metode imunoserologice97

243 Rezultate comparative 106 25 DISCUŢII 122 26 DESCRIERE CAZURI 131





Echinococozahidatidoza (boala hidatică sau chistul hidatic) este o boală parazitară cauzată

de genul Echinococcus care poate evolua cu cele mai severe și variate implicații In ciuda

progreselor din domeniile de supraveghere şi control această parazitoză continuă să reprezinte o

problemă importantă de sănătate publică icircn cele mai multe părţi ale lumii [2]

Conform clasificării OMS boala este o zoonoză care ridică numeroase probleme de

sănătate atacirct icircn ceea ce priveşte omul cacirct şi animalele deoarece paraziţii cauzali pentru a icircncheia

ciclul lor biologic trec prin mai multe gazde animale vertebrate (de exemplu cacircini pentru oameni)

Datorită prevalenţei ridicate formelor clinico-evolutive severe complicaţiilor morfo-

funcţionale cu mortalitate primaratilde sau secundaratilde ridicatatilde boala este frecvent icircntacirclnită atat icircn mediul

rural cat şi in mediul urban la toate grupele de vacircrstă prevalenţă alarmantă la tineri şi la grupe de

risc profesional [1]

In zona ţării noastre patologia hidatică are o frecvență destul de ridicată zona de nord-vest a

Transilvaniei fiind descrisă ca zonă endemică cu o cazuistică importantă [3] medicina clujeană

avand o importantă experienţă icircn diagnosticul şi tratamentul chistului hidatic

Icircn pofida realizărilor icircnregistrate icircn ultimul timp icircn diagnosticul și terapia echinococozei

umane aceasta deţine icircncă un loc important icircn structura morbidităţii şi mortalităţii icircn serviciile


Cea ce face utilă prezentarea unor date succinte asupra aspectelor variate pe care boala hidatică le

poate lua icircn evoluţie din punct de vedere clinic imagistic serologic și evaluarea importanței

acestora icircn recunoașterea și diagnosticarea precoce a bolii


Capitolul 1 Genul Echinococcus

Parazitul responsabil de producerea hidatidozei umane este un plathelmint care face parte

din clasa cestode (Eucestode) familia Teniidae Genul Echinococcus Speciile din genul

Echinoccocus considerate agenți etiologici ai echinococozeihidatidozei după experţii OMS sunt


- Echinococcus granulosus (Batsch 1786) - echinococoza chistică

- Echinococcus multilocularis (Leuckart 1863) ndash echinococoza alveolară

- Echinococcus oligarthus (Diesing 1863)

- Echinococcus vogeli (Rausch Bernstein 1972) - echinococoza polichistică

S-a mai pus problema existenţei celei de-a cincea specii Ecruzi (Rausch şi col ndash 1978

Kumaratilake şi Thompson ndash 1982) dar Rausch şi col (1984) comparacircnd caracterele acesteia cu

Evogeli şi Eoligarthus au observat că de fapt E cruzi este sinonim cu E oligarthus

Distribuţia geografică a hidatidozei urmează fidel curba dezvoltării crescătorilor de oi şi este

determinată de promiscuitatea pastorală fapt ce l-a determinat pe Deve să afirme că ldquoboala hidatică

este una din bolile macircinilor murdareldquo

Larga varietate de specii de animale care pot fi gazde intermediare şi deplasarea acestora din

Europa icircn alte părţi ale lumii a făcut ca Echinococcus să fie răspacircndit pe icircntreg globul

In anul 2009 ECDC a raportat 790 de cazuri de echinococoză umană cu 11 mai puţine

decacirct icircn 2008 (n= 891) Printre cazurile declarate icircn care se cunoaşte specia infestantă a

predominat infestaţia cu Egranulosus (72) icircn timp ce infestaţia cu Emultilocularis a fost raportată

ca avacircnd o frecvență de 3 ori mai mică [4]



Chistul hidatic este o boală adesea invalidizantă cu complicații posibile și adesea severe

(şoc anafilactic) cu o terapie chirurgicală de multe ori dificilă cu recidive postoperatorii frecvente

Manifestările clinice datorate complicaţiilor instalate prin mecanismele menţionate apar cacircnd

dimensiunile chistului hidatic devin apreciabile

Tabloul clinic al chistului hidatic este puțin caracteristic Foarte adesea el este complet

asimptomatic fiind descoperit icircntacircmplător Alteori pacienții acuză jenă icircn hipocondrul drept sau

chiar durere intensă Reacțiile alergice sunt destul de frecvente mergacircnd de la o reacție urticariană

pacircnă la alergodermie sau chiar șoc anafilactic (icircn general icircn caz de fisurare sau chiar ruperea

chistului hidatic)

Evidențierea morfologică a chisturilor hidatice se poate face prin radiografie toracică

ecografie tomografie computerizată (CT) și rezonantă magnetică (MR)

Pentru diagnosticul hidatidozei umane metodele imagistice se completează cu reacțiile

de imunodiagnostic care au drept scop confirmarea etiologiei parazitare a formațiunilor decelate prin

răspunsul imun indus Icircn ultimii ani există o tendință de stadializare a dignosticului imunologic find

folosite mai intai teste primare care urmeaza sa fie confirmate prin alte metode care prezinta o

specificitate deosebit de ridicata(teste secundare) [5]

Managementul modern al chistului hidatic solicită participarea tuturor modalităților

terapeutice medicala percutana și chirurgicala Chirurgia nu mai este tratamentul de primă elecție

pentru orice chist hidatic hepatic La pacienții cu chist univezicular mai mic de 4 cm terapia de

elecție este monoterapia cu albendazol

PAIR este indicată cacircnd durerea este netratabilă sau albendazolul nu dă rezultate

Tratamentul percutan combină alcool și polidocanol dar nu poate fi utilizat icircn cazurile cu fistulă


Chirurgia este utilizată icircn cazurile icircn care nu există experți icircn terapia percutană si

tratamentul percutan nu poate fi efectuat icircn deplină siguranță datorita unei extensii extrahepatice

semnificativă cu risc de perforație a chistului sausi icircn cazul rupturii chistului icircn cavitatea peritoneală



STUDIUL 1 Aplicabilitatea metodelor serologice icircn diagnosticul terapia și profilaxia bolii

hidatice umane

Scopul acestui studiu a fost efectuarea și evaluarea unor teste serologice (metoda ELISA) ca

metode screening și de diagnostic a echinococozei chistice Testele au fost efectuate la persoanele

simptomatice și asimptomatice din judeţele Cluj şi Sălaj pentru aprecierea frecvenței afecțiunii icircn

aceste județe Persoanelor cărora li s-au detectat anticorpi IgG antiechinococcus li s-au efectuat

examinări imagistice pentru confirmarea diagnosticului clinic și serologic de chist hidatic

Aceste examinări au permis elucidarea aspectelor epidemiologice diagnostice terapeutice si

prognostice privind echinococoza chistică

Material şi metodă

Studiul a fost efectuat icircn perioada ianuarie 2007 ndash decembrie 2009 şi a inclus 279 de

persoane simptomatice şi asimptomatice din judeţele Cluj şi Sălaj cu scopul de a stabili prezenţa şi

nivelul anticorpilor antiechinococcus icircn populaţia celor două zone şi implicit a infecției

asimptomatice folosind metoda imunoenzimatică ELISA


Pentru confirmarea diagnosticului de chist hidatic depistat prin testări serologice am folosit

următoarele metode imagistice ecografie abdomino-pelviană CT cranian CT torace Rx toracic


Din cele 279 de persoane investigate icircn ambele județe (Cluj şi Sălaj) la 22 pacienți s-a

evidențiat o serologie pozitivă frecvența seropozitivităţii find de 789 (IC= 5 -1169) la lotul

studiatcea ce sugerează infestația hidatica posibila la persoanele seropozitive Adevărata frecvență

a parazitozei este evident mai ridicată deoarece cazurile simptomatice reprezintă doar vacircrful

piramidei infestaţiei icircn timp ce cazurile asimptomatice formează baza nevăzută mult mai mare a


Screeningul serologic interprins icircn zona de nord-vest şi centru a ţării arata prezența

infestației cu Egranulosus cu posibilitatea transmiterii sale active Rezultatele obținute

demonstrează procentul mai crescut al persoanelor seropozitive icircn judeţul Cluj și sugerează o

incidență mai crescută a hidatidozei icircn această zonă Această concluzia a fost elaborată ca urmare a

desfășurării unui proiect de cercetare cu titlulbdquoEvaluarea și optimizarea interdisciplinară a metodelor

de screening diagnostic și tratament icircn trichineloza și echinococcoza chistică umană și animală icircn

centrul și nord-vestul Romacircnieirdquo desfășurat icircn perioada 2006 - 2008 la care am participat icircn

calitate de membru

Prin examenul imagistic la 7714 dintre pacienți s-a putut confirma diagnosticul de

hidatidoză prin metode imagistice Pacienții prezentau imagini edificatoare pentru chist hidatic cu

diverse localizari hepatic (6538) pulmonar (588) renal (588) Rezultatele cercetărilor

noastre sugerează că o anumită proporţie din populaţia investigată a fost pozitiva IgG anti-

Echinococcus fără a prezenta icircn organism hidatida decelabila prin metode imagistice


Lipsa cunoştinţelor ignoranţa populaţiei şi chiar a unor specialişti din domeniul sanitar

privind ciclul biologic al speciei E granulosus a gazdelor pe care le are precum şi a riscului pe care

icircl implică un contact stracircns cu gazda definitivă sunt cauze de primă importanţă pentru răspacircndirea cu

uşurinţă a parazitului

Rezultatele obţinute icircn urma acestui studiu concordă cu rezultatele unor studii asemănătoare din

literatura de specialitate efectuate icircn zone endemice pentru echinococcoză chistică umană [3]

Intr-un studiu efectuat pe un lot de persoane asimptomatice la 12 din cazuri ecografia nu

decela formațiune chistică caracteristică chistului hidatic cu toate că testul serologic era pozitiv [7]

STUDIUL II Evaluarea și optimizarea metodelor de diagnostic icircn boala hidatică

Studiul are următoarele scopuri 1 Evaluarea examenului clinic icircn diagnosticul prezumtiv și

evaluarea metodelor imagistice de diagnostic icircn boala hidatică 2 Evaluarea metodei ELISA

Western ndashBlott și a metodelor de laborator pentru confirmarea diagnosticului clinic și imagistic de

chist hidatic 3 Studiul comparativ al metodelor imagistice (ecografie Rx CT RM) cu metodele

serologice (metoda ELISA metoda Western-blott) și evaluarea utilității lor icircn diferențierea

echinococozei chistice și alveolare icircn efectuarea diagnosticului diferențial și interpretarea reacțiilor


23 Material şi metodă

Studiul a fost efectuat icircn perioada 2006 - 2010 şi a inclus un eşantion reprezentativ de 189

persoane simptomatice cu simptome sugestive sau cu suspiciune imagistică de boală hidatică Au


mai fost luate icircn studiu persoane care au suferit intervenție chirurgicală pentru boala hidatică și

persoane care prezentau rezultate de laborator nespecifice dar cu suspiciune de boală parazitară

Am folosit ca material de lucru cazuistica medicală și chirurgicală din Clinicile Medicale și

Chirurgicale din Cluj-Napoca și Sălaj (Clinica Chirurgie III Clinica Chirurgie V și ambulatorul unei

policlinici private) Tipurile de date colectate folosite icircn acest studiu au fost genul vacircrsta mediul de

proveniență diagnosticul clinic complicațiile chistului hidatic antecedente de chist hidatic

metodele de diagnostic imagistic efectuate (ecografie abdominală Rx pulmonar CT RM

tratamentul chirurgical examenul piesei operatorii histopatologic) analize de laborator localizarea

formațiunilor chistice icircn funcție de segmentația hepatică și icircn funcție de organul afectat metodele

de diagnostic serologic efectuate (metoda imunoenzimatica IgG antiechinococcus ELISA respectiv

metoda IgG echinococcus Western- blot)

24 Rezultate

Din rezultatele obtinute rezultă că nu există o asociere semnificativă icircntre eozinofilie şi

diagnosticul bolii hidatice (pgt005) Totuşi atunci cacircnd eozinofilia este prezentă se constată o

coincidenţă relativ ridicată de 71 (IC=52 - 85) cu diagnosticul de chist hidatic

Analiza statistică a corelației dintre rezultatele examenului imagistic cu rezultatele obţinute

pe baza confirmării chirurgicale şi paraclinice a evidentiat o sensibilitate de 9689 a examenului

imagistic specificitatea fiind 100 din punct de vedere statistic ele nu diferă semnificativ Valoarea

diagnostică a examenului imagistic este dată icircnsă de valoarea predictivă pozitivă (VPP) şi respectiv

negativă (VPN) ambele fiind peste 84 cu toate că VPN este semnificativ statistic mai mică decacirct


Evaluarea rezultatelor examenului IgG antiechinococcus ELISA icircn raport cu confirmarea

chirurgicală histopatologică și paraclinică a diagnosticului de chist hidatic evidentiaza o

Specificitate de 9643 şi VPP de 9919 Acestea fiind foarte ridicate se poate considera că

metoda ELISA este un bun test de screening

Comparativ cu examenele imagistic ecografic sau CT IgG antiechinococcus ELISA are un

indice Youden mai mic Prin urmare din acest punct de vedere IgG antiechinococcus ELISA pare a fi

un test diagnostic mai puțin concludent decacirct examenele imagistice menţionate Pe de altă parte

comparacircnd intervalele de icircncredere la indicatorii Specificitate VPP la examenele imagistice (global

ecografic CT) şi IgG antiechinococcus ELISA se constată că nu diferă semnificativ statistic

Rezultatele examenului imagistic şi cele ale IgG antiechinococcus ELISA se asociază

semnificativ Este de remarcat că odată cu ceilalţi coeficienţi de asociere (coeficientul de

contingenţă Kendal tau) coeficientul de concordanţă dintre rezultatele examenului imagistic şi cele

ale IgG antiechinococcus ELISA este semnificativ statistic (plt0001) De menţionat că măsura de

concordanţă Kappa = 0522 indică faptul că icircntre cele două examinări există o concordanţă


Tehnica imunoblot este un puternic test de confirmare și de diagnostic serologic diferenţial

icircntre cele două infectii majore relevante echinococoza chistică și echinococoza alveolară [8]

Evaluarea rezultatelor examenului IgG echinococcus Western Blot icircn raport cu confirmarea

chirurgicală histopatologică şi paraclinică a diagnosticului de chist hidatic a relevat o Specificitate

de100 şi o valoare predictiva pozitiva de100 acestea fiind foarte ridicate se poate considera că

testul de detectare a IgG echinococcus Western Blot este un bun test de screening

Este de remarcat că odată cu ceilalţi coeficienţi de asociere (coeficientul de contingenţă

Kendal tau) coeficientul de concordanţă dintre rezultatele examenului imagistic şi cele ale IgG

echinococcus Western blot este semnificativ statistic (plt0001) De menţionat că măsura de


concordanţă Kappa = 0861 indică faptul că icircntre cele două examinări există o concordanţă foarte


25 Discutii

Evaluarea eozinofiliei ca marker diagnostic icircn echinococoza chistică a permis unor autorii

să afirme că eozinofilia nu este un indicator suficient pentru stabilirea diagnosticului de

echinococoză chistică fiind necesar și un diagnostic complementar clinic [9]

Sensibilitatea și specificitatea ecografiei a fost raportată icircn mai multe studii din literatură ca

fiind icircntre 88 ndash 98 și respectiv 95 ndash 100 pentru echinococoza chistică și echinococoza alveolară

umană Autorii o considera rdquogolden standardrdquo deși recunosc imperfecțiunea acestei tehnici

Examenul clinic examenul de laborator și datele epidemiologice sunt considerate deasemenea

importante pentru diagnosticul echinococozei chistice și echinococozei alveolare [10


Testele serologice contribuie la diagnostic detecţia anticorpilor IgG a avut o sensibilitate

de 95 și o specificitate de 94 icircntr-un studiu efectuat de Shambesh MA și colaboratorii [11


Sensibilitatea obţinută de Shambesh este semnificativ mai ridicată decacirct cea determinată icircn studiul

nostru care raportează o sensibilitate de 764 cu IC= 6907-8272 Icircn schimb specificitatea

nu diferă semnificativ statistic de cea obţinută icircn studiul nostru (9643 IC=8165-9991)

Infecţiile echinococice sunt considerate unele dintre cele mai periculoase boli helmintice

umane Deosebirea icircntre echinococoza chistică și alveolară este importantă din punct de vedere al

prognosticului și tratamentului

In diferite stadii ale echinococozei chistice și echinococozei alveolare testul cel mai relevant

s-a apreciat a fi testul Western blot IgG echinococus care a confirmat rezultatele pozitive [12


Cercetările efectuate cu scopul de a evidenţia prezenţa IgG echinococcus prin metoda

Western blot raportată la metoda de aur considerată (confirmarea chirurgicală histopatologică și

diagnostic paraclinic) au demonstrat o sensibilitate de 9211 (IC = 7862 - 9834)

specificitatea fiind de 100 (IC = 8389 - 100) date care sunt asemănătoare celor icircntacirclnite icircn

literatura de specialitate

Icircn majoritatea ţărilor echinococoza alveolară a căpătat deja un caracter endemic şi este icircn

curs de extindere continuă cu o rapiditate alarmantă devenind o boală emergentă

Parazitul adult Emultilocularis nu a fost depistat icircn Romacircnia pacircnă icircn prezent la nici o gazdă

definitivă [13


Studiul efectuat a relevat prin metoda Western blot pentru prima dată icircn țara noastră

existența probabilității infecției cu Echinococcus multilocularis la om Sunt necesare studii

ulterioare pentru depistarea persoanelor cu echinococoză alveolară existente icircn Romania icircn

condițiile existenței acesteia icircn numeroase țări din Europa inclusiv cele vecine Romacircniei (Ungaria

Ucraina) Centralizacircnd cercetările recente privind situația epidemiologică problemele clinice și

opțiunile terapeutice autorii au descris primul caz de echinococoză alveolară icircn Ungaria Pentru

confirmarea acestei infecții rare trebuie să fie luat icircn considerare diagnosticul diferenţial cu alte

leziuni hepatice infiltrative [14


Nu a fost raportat nici un caz la nivelul Romacircniei prin alte studii Recomandăm

introducerea acestei metode icircn screeningul și diagnosticul acestei boli grave

Icircn icircncercarea de a compara metodele folosite pentru diagnosticarea chistului hidatic și a

rezultatelor obţinute prin aceste metode putem afirma că testul Western blot IgG echinococcus este

cel mai sensibil pentru a preciza un diagnostic etiologic



1 Junie Monica Zoe Coroiu Carmen Costache 2002 The consequences of Echinococcus

granulosus infection icircn the human population Rev Scienţia Parasitologica 32 86-91

2 Seres Ştefania Monica Junie V Cozma 2009 Prevalence of Echinococcus granulosus in

Cluj county Romania revealed by PCR Rev Scienţia Parasitologica 1o1-2 68-71

3 Coroiu Zoe Judith Bele Cornelia Munteanu Rodica Radu 2007 Aspecte epidemiologice

privind hidatidoza umană icircn judeţul Cluj pe o perioada de 20 de ani (1981-2000) Rev

Scientia Parasitologica 81 32-38

4 A Lahuerta T Westrell J Takkinen F Boelaert V Rizzi B Helwigh B Borck H

Korsgaard A Ammon P Maumlkelauml Zoonoses icircn the European Union origin distribution and

dynamics ndash the EFSA - ECDC summary report 2009

5 Craig PS 1997 Immunodiagnosis of Echinococcus granulosus and a comparison of

techniques for diagnosis of canine echinococcosis In Compendium on cystic echinococcosis

icircn Africa and Middle Eastern countries with special reference to Morocco Brigham Young

University Pris Services Provo

6 Schipper HG Modern management of echinococcosis World Gastroenterology News vol 9

nr 2 2004

7 Arda B H Pulukccedilu T Yamazhan OR Sipahi S Tamsel G Demirpolat M Korkmaz

2009 Prevalence of Echinococcus granulosus detected using enzyme immunoassay and

abdominal ultrasonography icircn a group of students staying icircn a state dormitory icircn Turkey

Turk J Med Sci 391 1-4

8 Liance M V Janin S Bresson-Hadni DA Vuitton R Houin R Piarroux 2000

Immunodiagnosis of Echinococcus infections confirmatory testing and species

differentiation by a new comercial Western blot J Clin Microbiol 38 3718-3721

9 Karadam SY Ertabaklar H Sari C Dayanir Y Ertuğ S Should cystic echinococcosis be

investigated icircn patients having high eosinophil counts Turkiye Parazitol Derg


10 Macpherson CN Milner R Performance characteristics and quality control of community

based ultrasound surveys for cystic and alveolar echinococcosis Acta Trop 2003


11 Shambesh MA Craig PS Macpherson CN Rogan MT Gusbi AM Echtuish EF An

extensive ultrasound and serologic study to investigate the prevalence of human cystic

echinococcosis icircn northern Libya Am J Trop Med Hyg 1999 Mar 60(3)462-8

12 Reiter-Owona I Gruumlner B Frosch M Hoerauf A Kern P Tappe D Serological confirmatory

testing of alveolar and cystic echinococcosis in clinical practice results of a comparative

study with commercialized and in-house assays Clin Lab 200955(1-2)41-8

13 Sikoacute Barabaacutesi S Și Cozma V 2008 Echinococoza alveolară O posibilă zoonoză emergentă

icircn Romacircnia (Sinteză) RevScientia Parasitologica 9 1 48-60

14 Horvaacuteth Andrea Patonay Attila Baacutenhegyi Deacutenes Szlaacutevik Jaacutenos Balaacutezs Gyoumlrgy Goumlroumlg

Deacutenes Eacutes Werling Klaacutera A humaacuten Echinococcus multilocularis infectio elsocirc hazai esete

Beeacuterkezett 2007 november 16 elfogadva 2008 maacutercius 7



1 Nume Ciobanca

2 Prenume Petrica Teofil

3 Data şi locul naşterii 25111979 Localitatea Zalau judetul Salaj

4 Cetăţenie Romana

5 Stare civilă Casatorit

6 Contact Tel 0040-740052584 E-mail petrica_ciobancayahoocom

7 Studii

Instituţia Universitatea

de Vest bdquoVasile

Goldisrdquo Arad

Universitatea de

Medicina si


Hatieganurdquo Cluj



de Medicina





de medicina si




Cluj Napoca

Liceul Teoretic

Zalau -Sectia



Perioada Octombrie

2004 -

Iunie 2005



Ianuarie 2005-

Martie 2005






1994 -

Iulie 1998

Grade sau



Diploma de

Master in



Contabil si

Juridic al


Certificat de

Absolvire curs


de ecografie

generala modul I

Certificat de




de ecografie


modulul II

Diploma de




Diploma de


8 Titlul ştiinţific Medic Asistent Universitar Doctorand cu frecventa

9 Experienţa profesională

Perioada Functia Responsabilitati

01 11 2005 -


-Asistent Universitar

-Medic Rezident Medicina de


-Doctorand cu frecventa

UM F bdquoIuliu Hatieganurdquo CLUJ

- Activitate didactica in Microbiologie

(Bacteriologie Parazitologie

Virusologie Micologie) cu studentii

anului II III Medicina Generala

Farmacie Colegii Medicale in cadrul

UMF bdquoIuliu Hatieganurdquo

-Stagii in activitatea de rezidentiat

-activitate de cercetare

01012006 ndash


-Medic generalist SALVO- SAN

-practica medicala in medicina generala

0106 2009 ndash

2011 2009


-Practica medicala examinari clinice pre

si post operatorii

-managerul echipei de resuscitare in caz

de urgenta

15012007 ndash


Medic Rezident Medicina de

familie Spitalul Clinic Judetean de Urgenta

Cluj Napoca


- examinari clinice EKG diagnostic si

tratament stagii de Obstetrica si

Ginecologie Psihiatrie Boli Infectioase

29082005 ndash


Medic Stagiar Spitalul Kantonal Flawil Elvetia

-stagii de Medicina Interna prezentari si

explorari diagnostice

01012005 ndash


Medic Stagiar Spitalul Clinic Municipal Cluj Napoca

- stagii de Medicina Interna 6 luni

-stagii de Chirurgie 6 luni

14032005 ndash


Medic Stagiar Spitalul Clinic de Pediatrie bdquoMaria

Sklodowska Curierdquo

-am asistat la explorarile endoscopice


Cursuri post-universitare Ecografie generala modulul unu Ianuarie 2005 ndash februarie 2005

Ecografie generala modulul doi Ianuarie 2005 ndash martie 2005

Medicina ocupationala

Urgente chirurgicale la copii

Curs de resuscitare adulti

ALS - London Ambulance Service

EPLS - Royal Brompton Hospital London

Ultrasonografie de urgenta


Ecografie Doppler

10 Locul de muncă actual şi funcţia Asistent Universitar Doctorand cu frecventa UMF

bdquoIuliu Hatieganurdquo Cluj Napoca

11 Vechime la locul de muncă actual 6 ani

12 Lucrări elaborate şi sau publicate Monica Junie Petrica Ciobanca (B-783) 2005 Comparison of Antibiotic Resistance of Pseudomonas

Aeruginosa Strains Isolated from Different Types of Infections Abstracts of the XIth International

Congress of Bacteriology and Applied Microbiology July 23-28 San Francisco California USA -


Monica Junie Petrica Ciobanca (M-722) 2005 Evolution of Resistance Phenomenon to Antimycotic

Drugs of Candida Species and Dermatophytes Abstracts of the XIth International Congress of Mycology

July 23-28 San Francisco California USA ISBN1-555-81-354-2

Lia Monica Junie Doina Matinca Doina Tăţulescu AN Ferke Petrica Ciobanca 2006 Evolution of

Antibiotic Resistance of Pseudomonas aeruginosa strains isolated from Hospital Infectious International

Journal of Infectious Diseases vol10 suppl 1 ISSN 1201 ndash 9712 pag S 78 Lisabon Portugal ISSN

1201-9712 IJID indexed in MEDLINE EMCASE Escerpta Media and Urlichs Elsevier Publishing

Presented at the International Congress of Infectious Diseases sesiunea Antibiotic Resistance ndash Gram

negatives (poster nr 13003) iunie 15-18

Lia Monica Junie Zoe Coroiu şi col AN Ferke Petrica Ciobanca 2006 The significance of

AntiToxoplasma IgG and IgM Antibodies Detection in Toxoplasmosis Diagnosis Abstract books the 12th

ISID pag 80 Presented at the 12th ISID 15-18 iunie 2006 Lisbon Portugal Sectiunea Parasitic



Junie Monica Petrica Ciobanca 2006 Species Distribution and Antifungal Susceptibility Of Candida

Isolates Colected From Hospitalised Patients Abstracts of 16th European Congress Of Clinical

Microbiology And Infectious Diseases Nice France 1- 4 aprilie 2006

Constantea N şi Petrica Ciobanca 2007 Studiul clinic pentru icircmbunătăţirea metodelor de diagnostic de

laborator şi profilaxia chistului hidatic RevRomde Parasitol 17 48-49

Junie Monica N Constantea Petrica Ciobanca 2007 Surveillance programme in echinococcosis and

importance in the prophylaxis and therapy of human infection Clinical Microbiology and Infection


Christofidou M Spiliopoulou A Vamvacopoulou S Stamoulis V Dimitracopoulos G Anastassiou ED

Monica Junie Costache C Colosi I Ciobanca P T 2008 Species distribution and antifungal

susceptibility of Candida isolates collected from hospitalized patients in Romania and Greece Scientia

Parasitologica161-7 ISSN 1582 - 1366

L M Junie Vasile Cozma Zoe Coroiu Petrica Ciobanca 2009 ldquoEpidemiology of human

echinococcosis in Europe pg 109-127

Junie Monica S Răpuntean N Fiţ Cosmina Cuc F Puiu Gh Răpuntean L Deac Simion P T

Ciobanca 2009 Alternative therapies for combating antimicrobial resistence and reduction of severe

nosocomial infections Abstract Book of IMED (International Meeting on Emerging Diseases and

Surveillance) Vienna Austria Februarie 13-16 2009 Abstract 10152 pg86

V Cosma PT Ciobanca R Blaga C Gherman Lia Monica Junie 2009 Hydatidosis Epidemiology at

Humans and Animals in the Area of the Center and North-Vest Romania Abstract book of IMED

bdquoInternational Meeting on Emerging Diseases and Surveillancerdquo Vienna Austria Februarie pg86

Ciobanca Petrica Monica Junie 2011 Serological diagnosis and its applicability to the prophylaxis and

therapy of hydatid cyst in human patients Rev Scienţia Parasitologica 121 39-46

Ciobanca Petrica Teofil Junie Lia Monica 2011 Diagnosis confirmation of human cystic

echinococcosis by imagistic methods and immunoserological determinations Scientia


13 Limbi straine cunoscute Engleza-fluent Franceza ndashincepator Germana - incepator

14 Specializări şi calificări Ecografie Operare PC

15 Experienţa acumulată icircn programe naţionaleinternaţionale

ProgramulProiectul Funcţia Perioada

bdquoConstituirea unei reţele naţionale privind

studiul unor zoonoze parazitare şi

implicaţiile lor icircn siguranţa

alomentelorrdquoCEEX 1782005 cu o durată de

24 luni

realizat in colaborare cu Universitatea de

Stiinţe Agricole şi Medicină Veterinară

Doctorand Responsabil economic

2006 ndash2007

bdquoEvaluarea şi optimizarea interdisciplinară a

metodelor de screening diagnostic şi

tratament icircn trichineloza şi echinococoza

chistică umană şi animală icircn centrul şi nord-

vestul Romacircniei - TRICHIDrdquo Program

CEEX 1992006

realizat icircntre Universitatea de Stiinţe

Agricole şi Medicină Veterinară

(conducător al proiectului) şi UMF Cluj

Napoca (partener )

Doctorand Responsabil economic

2006 -2008

bdquoConstituirea unei reţele naţionale de

cercetare a dermatofitozelor la om şi

animalerdquoProgram CEEX 1512006

realizat icircntre USAMV (conducător al

proiectului) şi UMF Cluj Napoca


Doctorand Responsabil economic


Declar pe propria răspundere că datele prezentate sunt icircn conformitate cu realitatea









11 Background 11 12 Taxonomy and classification 12

13 Morphology12 14 Genetic and morphologic differences between species 15 15 Epidemiology 17 16 Biological lyfe cycle 19

161 Echinococcus granulosus 19

162 Echinococcus multilocularis 21 17 Human contamination 22

CHAPTER 2 HYDATID CYST 23 21 The pathogeny of the hydatid cyst 23

22 The evolution of the hydatid cyst 23 23 Clinical occurrence of human hydatidosis 24 24 Diagnosis of hydatid diseases 27

241 Clinical diagnosis 28 242 Medical imaging diagnosis 28

243 Parasitologic diagnosis31 244 Immunologic diagnosis 32 245 Differential diagnosis in hydatid cyst 34

25 Treating the hydatid cyst 35

26 The prophylaxis of the hydatid cyst 38 PART II PERSONAL RESEARCHES 40 STUDY 1 The applicability of the serological methods for the diagnosis therapy and prophylaxis of

the human hydatid disease 41 11 Introduction 41 12 Study aim and objectives 41

13 Material and method 42 131 Material 42 132 Method 43

14 Results 47 141 Detecting the seropositive persons investigated by ELISA IgG Antiechinococcus in Cluj

and Sălaj Counties47

142 Frequency depending on the environment the seropositive persons belong to in Cluj and

Sălaj Counties 48 143 Seropositve persons frequency in Cluj and Sălaj Counties depending on gender 50 144 Epidemiological aspects on seropositive persons in Cluj County (incidence environment

they belong to and distribution on genders) 51 145 The seropositive persons frequency depending on sex in Cluj County 52 146 Epidemiological aspects on seropositive persons in Sălaj County (incidence environment

they belong to and distribution on genders) 53

147 The frequency of seropositive persons dependending on sex in Salaj Couty 54

15 Confirming the determinations following the serological tests through imagistic methods in

human cystic echinococcosis 55 151 The results of imagistic determinations (ultrasound scan thoracic RX CT) helliphelliphelliphellip56


CONCLUIONS 68 STUDY II Evaluation and optimization of diagnosis methods in hydatid disease 69

21 Introduction 69

22 Study aim and objective 69 23 Material and method 70

231 Material 70 232 Paraclinic and clinical methods involved 71

233 Statistical methods of data analysis 77 24 Results 80

241 Epidemiological results (considering the sex origins age) 80 242 Clinical and paraclinical results regarding the hydatid cyst diagnosis 83

2421 The clinical examination value in hydatid cyst diagnosis 83 2422 Surgical confirmation in hydatid cyst presumtive diagnosis 85 2423 Assessing the usual laboratory analysis (haemoleucogram biochemical analysis used

to determine hydatid cyst) 86 2424 Imagistic methods involved to determine the hydatid cyst 89

2425 Results obtained through immunoserological methods 97 243 Comparative results 106





The Echinococcosis hydatidosis (the hydatid disease or the hydatid cyst) is a parasitic

disease determined by genus Echinococcus which may evolve with the most severe and different

implications Despite progresses in control and monitoring fields this parasitosis keeps representing

an important issue of the public health in the most parts of the world [1]

According to WHO classification the disease is a zoonosis which brings a lot of health issues

both in humans and animals because the causing parasites in order to end their biological cycle pass

through more vertebrate animal hosts (as for example dogs for the humans)

Due to its high prevalence the severe clinical ndash developing forms the morphofunctional

complications with high primary or secondary mortality the disease if frequently met both in rural

and urban environment at all age groups alarming prevalence in youngsters and occupational risk

groups [2]

In our country area the hydatid pathology has a quite high frequency the north ndash western part

of Transylvania being described an endemic area with important cases [3] the medicine of Cluj

having a significant experience in hydatid cyst diagnosis and treatment

Despite the lately achievements in human echinococcosis diagnosis and therapy it still has

an important place in morbidity and mortality structure within surgical services So in this way

presenting some briefly data over the different aspects the hydatid disease may adopt in its

development from clinical imagistic serological point of view and their importance evaluation in

early recognition and diagnosis of the disease


Chapter 1 Genus Echinococcus

The parasite responsible for causing human hydatidosis is a Platyhelminthe belonging to

Cestoda class (Eucestoda) Taeniidae family Genus Echinococcus The species of genus

Echinococcus considered as etiologic agents of echinococcosis hydatidosis according to WHO

experts are as follows

- Echinococcus granulosus (Batsch 1786) - cystic echinococcosis

- Echinococcus multilocularis (Leuckart 1863) ndash alveolar echinococcosis

- Echinococcus oligarthus (Diesing 1863)

- Echinococcus vogeli (Rausch Bernstein 1972) ndash polycystic echinococcosis

The issue of the 5th

species existence arose Ecruzi (Rausch and co ndash 1978 Kumaratilake

and Thompson ndash 1982) but Rausch and co (1984) comparing its features with Evogeli and

Eoligarthus remarked that in fact E cruzi is similar to E oligarthus

The geographical distribution of hydatidosis loyally follows the sheep breeders developing

curve and it is determined by pastoral promiscuity fact that determined Deve assert that the hydatid

disease is one of the dirty hands diseases

The wide range of animal species which may be intermediary hosts and their circulation from

Europe in other parts of the world made that Echinococcus be spread on the entire globe

In 2009 ECDC reported 790 cases of human echinococcosis with 11 lower than in 2008

(n= 891) Among the reported cases where the infecting species is known predominated the infection

with Egranulosus (72) while Emultilocularis infection was reported as having a frequency 3

times lower [4]


The hydatid cyst is often an invaliding disease with possible and often severe complications

(anaphylactic shock) with often difficult surgical therapy and frequent post-surgery recidivations

The clinical behaviours due to the complications settled through the aforementioned mechanisms

appear when the hydatid cyst sizes become considerable

The clinical framework of the hydatid cyst is little characteristic Quite often it is completely

asymptomatically and discovered purely by chance Other times the patients accused discomfort in

the right hypochondrium or even intense pain The allergic reactions are quite frequently from

urticaria reaction up to alergodermy or even anaphylactic shock (generally in case of fissure or even

the hydatid cyst rupture)

The morphological determination of the hydatid cysts may be done through thoracic

ultrasound scan computer tomography (CT) and magnetic resonance (MR)

The imagistic methods for human hydatidosis diagnosis are completed with immunodiagnosis

reactions aiming the parasitic aetiology confirmation of the determined formations through immune

induced response In the last years exists a tendency of immunologic diagnosis staging firstly

primary tests are used following to be confirmed through other methods having a significantly

specificity (secondary tests) [5]

The hydatid cyst modern management require involving all therapeutic methods medical

percutaneous and surgical The surgery is not anymore the first election for treating any hepatic

hydatid cyst In patients with univesicular cyst smaller that 4 cm the chosen therapy is the

monotherapy with albendazole

PAIR is indicated when the pain in not treatable or the albendazole is ineffective The

percutaneous treatment combines the alcohol and polidocanol but cannot be used in case of cysto-

billiary fistula

The surgery is used in cases when in percutaneous therapy no experts exist and the

percutaneous treatment cannot safely performed due to a significant extra-hepatic extension with

perforation risk of the cyst orand in case of cyst rupture in the peritoneal cavity [6]


STUDY 1 The applicability of the serological methods in the diagnosis therapy and

prophylaxis of human hydatid disease

The aim of this study was serological tests (ELISA method) conducting and evaluation as

screening and diagnosis methods of cystic echinococcosis The tests were conducted in symptomatic

and asymptomatic persons from Cluj and Sălaj Counties in order to estimate the disease frequency in

these counties In the persons where anti-echinococcus IgG antibodies were determined imagistic

investigations were performed in order to confirm the clinical and serological diagnosis of hydatid


The investigations allowed clarifying the epidemiological diagnosis therapeutic and

prognostic aspect regarding cystic echinococcosis

Material and method

The study was conducted during January 2007 ndash December 2009 and included 279

symptomatic and asymptomatic persons from Cluj and Sălaj Counties in order to determine the

presence and the level of anti-echinococcus antibodies level in the population of the two regions and

implicitly the asymptomatic infection using ELISA immunoenzyme method

In order to confirm the hydatid cyst diagnosis determined through serological test I used the

following imagistic methods abdominal pelvic ultrasound scan cranial CT thorax CT thorax Rx


Out of the 279 persons examined in both counties (Cluj şi Sălaj) in 22 patients was

determined positive serology the seropositivity frequency was of 789 (IC= 5 -1169) in the

studied sample suggesting the possible hydatid infection in seropositive persons

The real frequency of parasitosis is obviously higher because the symptomatic cases

represent only the peak of infestation pyramid while the asymptomatic cases form the unseen higher

basis of it

The serological screening performed in the north - western and central region of the country

showed the Egranulosus infection presence with the possibility of its active transmission The

obtained results demonstrate the higher percentage of the seropositve persons in Cluj County and

suggest a higher incidence of the hydatidosis in this region This conclusion was elaborated

following a research project conducting with the title Interdisciplinary evaluation and optimization

of the screening diagnosis and treatment methods in triquinelosis human and animal cystic

echinococcosis in the centre and north - west of Romania conducted during 2006-2008 where I

partake as a member

In 7714 of the patients in imagistic investigation the hydatidosis diagnosis could be

confirmed The patients had clear imagines for hydatid cyst with different locations hepatic

(6538) pulmonary (588) renal (588) The results of our researches suggest that a certain

proportion of the investigated population was positive in IgG anti-Echinococcus without having in

the organism the hydatid determined through imagistic methods


The lack of knowledge population ignorance and even of some specialists in sanitary field

regarding the biological cycle of E granulosus species and the hosts it has as well as the risk

involved by a tight contact with the permanent host are causes of main importance in parasite easy

spreading The results obtained following this study are similar with the results of some analogous

studies from the specialty literature conducted in endemic areas for human cystic echinococcosis [3]

In a study performed on an asymptomatic sample of persons in 12 of the cases the

ultrasound scan did not determine cystic form characteristic to the hydatid cyst although the

serological test was positive [7]

STUDY II Evaluation and optimization of the diagnosis methods in hydatid disease

The study has the following aims 1 the evaluation of the clinical examination in the

presumptive diagnosis and imagistic diagnosis evaluation in the hydatid disease 2 Evaluation of

ELISA method Western-Blott and the laboratory methods in order to confirm the clinical and

imagistic diagnosis of hydatid cyst 3 The comparative study of the imagistic methods (ultrasound

scan Rx CT RM) with the serological methods (ELISA Western-blott methods) and the evaluation

of their utility in differentiating the cystic and alveolar echinococcosis and in performing the

differential diagnosis and interpretation of the cross-reactions

23 Material and method

The study was performed during 2006 ndash 2010 and included a representative sample of 189

symptomatic persons with suggestive symptoms and imagistic suspicion of hydatid disease Other

studied persons were those for whom surgical intervention was performed in hydatid cyst and

persons having non-specific laboratory results but with suspicions of parasitic disease

The working material I used were the medical and surgical cases from the Medical and

Surgical Clinics of Cluj-Napoca and Sălaj (Clinica Chirurgie III Clinica Chirurgie V și and the

ambulatory of a private policlinic) The types of data collected and used within this study were

gender age origin clinical diagnosis the hydatid cyst complications hydatid cyst antecedents the

imagistic diagnosis methods performed (abdominal ultrasound scan pulmonary Rx CT RM

surgical treatment the examination of the surgical piece hystopathological) laboratory analysis

finding the location of the cystic formation depending on the hepatic segmentation and depending on

the organ in question the serological diagnosis methods performed (immunoenzyme IgG anti-

echinococcus ELISA method IgG echinococcus Western- blot method)

24 Results

The results obtained determined that there isnrsquot a significant association between IgG

echinococcus Western-blot and the hydatid disease diagnosis (pgt005) notwithstanding when

eosinophilia is present results a relatively high coincidence of 71 (IC=52 - 85) with the hydatid

cyst diagnosis

The statistic analysis of imagistic investigation results and surgical and paraclinical

confirmation results correlation presented a sensibility of 9689 for the imagistic investigation the

specificity was of 100 they dont differ significantly from statistical point of view The diagnosis

value of the imagistic examination is given by the positive predictive value (PPV) and the negative

one (NPP) both of them are over 84 although the NPP is statistical significantly lower than PPV

The evaluation of IgG antiechinococcus ELISA results compared with the surgical

hystopathological and paraclinical confirmation of hydatid cyst diagnosis determines a Specificity of

9643 and a PPV of 9919 as these are very high it may be considered that ELISA method is a

good screening test

By comparison with imagistic ultrasound scan or CT investigations the IgG

antiechinococcus ELISA has a lower Youden index As a consequence from this point of view IgG

antiechinococcus ELISA seems to be a less conclusive diagnosis test comparing with the mentioned

imagistic investigations On the other side comparing the trust intervals of Specificity PPV and

imagistic investigations (globally ultrasound scan CT) and IgG antiechinococcus ELISA we observe

that they donrsquot differ statistically speaking

The imagistic investigation results and those of IgG antiechinococcus ELISA associate

significantly It is noticeable that at the same time with the other association coefficients

(contingency Kendal tau coefficient) the concordance coefficient between the imagistic

investigation results and those of the IgG antiechinococcus ELISA are significantly statistical

(plt0001) It should be mentioned that the concordance measure Kappa = 0522 indicates the fact

that between the two examinations exist a moderate concordance

Imunoblot technique is a strong confirmation and differential serological diagnosis test

between the two major relevant infections the cystic and alveolar echinococcosis [8]

The evaluation of IgG echinococcus Western Blot investigation results by comparison with

the surgical hystopathological and paraclinial confirmation of hydatid cyst diagnosis revealed a

Specificity of 100 an a positive predictive value of 100 as these are very high you may consider

that the IgG echinococcus Western Blot detecting test is a good screening test

It is noticeable that at the same time with the other association coefficients (contingency

Kendal tau coefficient) the concordance coefficient between the imagistic investigation results and

those of the IgG echinococcus Western blot are significantly statistical (plt0001) It should be

mentioned that the concordance measure Kappa = 0816 indicates the fact that between the two

examinations exist a very good concordance


The evaluation of the eosinophilia as diagnosis marker in cystic echinococcosis allowed

some authors to assert that eosinophilia is not enough to settle the cystic echinococcosis diagnosis

but also a complementary clinical diagnosis [9]

The ultrasound scan sensibility and specificity was reported in more studies in the literature

as between 88-98 and 95-100 respectively for human cystic and alveolar echinococcosis The

authors consider it as the ldquogolden standardrdquo although admit the imperfection of this technique The

clinical investigation the laboratory examination and the epidemiological data are also considered

important for the cystic and alveolar echinococcosis diagnosis [10


The serological tests contribute to the diagnosis IgG antibodies detection had a sensibility of

95 and 94 specificity in a study conducted by Shambesh MA and company [11

] The sensibility

obtained by Shambesh is significantly higher than that determined in our study which determines a

sensibility of 74 with IC= 6907-8272 In exchange the specificity doesnt differ significantly

from statistical point of view of that obtained in our study (9643 IC=8165-9991)

The echinococcosis infections are considered ones of the most dangerous human helminthic

diseases The difference between the cystic and alveolar echinococcosis is important from the

prognostic and treatment point of view

In different stages of cystic and alveolar echinococcosis the most relevant test was

appreciated the Western blot IgG echinococus test whih confirmed the positive results [12


The research conducted in order to determined IgG echinococcus presence through Western

blot method reported to the considered golden method (surgical hystopathological and paraclinical

diagnosis confirmation) showed a sensibility of 9211 (IC = 7862 - 9834) the specificity

being of 100 (IC = 8389 - 100) data like the ones met in the specialty literature

In the most countries the alveolar echinococcosis has an endemic character and is

continuously extending with an alarming rapidity becoming an emergent disease

The adult parasite Emultilocularis was not yet found in Romania up now in any permanent

host [13


The study conducted revealed through the Western blot method for the first time in our

country the possibility of infection with Echinococcus multilocularis in human Next studies are

needed to determine the alveolar echinococcosis persons in Romania under the conditions of its

existence in a number of countries in Europe including Romania neighbouring countries (Hungary

Ukraine) centralizing the recent researches about the epidemiological situation the clinical

problems and the therapeutic options the authors described in the first case the alveolar

echinococcosis in Hungary In order to confirm these rare infections you must take in consideration

the differential diagnosis with other infiltrative hepatic lesions [14


No case was confirmed in Romania through other studies We recommend the introduction of

this method in the screening and diagnosis of this serious disease

In the attempt to compare the methods used in hydatid cyst diagnosis and the obtained results

through these methods we may assert that Western blot IgG echinococcus test is the most sensible in

determining an etiological diagnosis


1 Junie Monica Zoe Coroiu Carmen Costache 2002 The consequences of Echinococcus

granulosus infection in the human population Rev Scienţia Parasitologica 32 86-91

2 Seres Ştefania Monica Junie V Cozma 2009 Prevalence of Echinococcus granulosus in Cluj

county Romania revealed by PCR Rev Scienţia Parasitologica 1o1-2 68-71

3 Coroiu Zoe Judith Bele Cornelia Munteanu Rodica Radu 2007 Aspecte epidemiologice

privind hidatidoza umană icircn judeţul Cluj pe o perioada de 20 de ani (1981-2000) Rev Scientia

Parasitologica 81 32-38

4 A Lahuerta T Westrell J Takkinen F Boelaert V Rizzi B Helwigh B Borck H

Korsgaard A Ammon P Maumlkelauml Zoonoses icircn the European Union origin distribution and

dynamics ndash the EFSA - ECDC summary report 2009

5 Craig PS 1997 Immunodiagnosis of Echinococcus granulosus and a comparison of techniques

for diagnosis of canine echinococcosis In Compendium on cystic echinococcosis icircn Africa and

Middle Eastern countries with special reference to Morocco Brigham Young University Pris

Services Provo

6 Schipper HG Modern management of echinococcosis World Gastroenterology News vol 9 nr

2 2004

7 Arda B H Pulukccedilu T Yamazhan OR Sipahi S Tamsel G Demirpolat M Korkmaz 2009

Prevalence of Echinococcus granulosus detected using enzyme immunoassay and abdominal

ultrasonography icircn a group of students staying icircn a state dormitory icircn Turkey Turk J Med Sci

391 1-4

8Liance M V Janin S Bresson-Hadni DA Vuitton R Houin R Piarroux 2000

Immunodiagnosis of Echinococcus infections confirmatory testing and species differentiation by a

new comercial Western blot J Clin Microbiol 38 3718-3721

9Karadam SY Ertabaklar H Sari C Dayanir Y Ertuğ S Should cystic echinococcosis be

investigated icircn patients having high eosinophil countsTurkiye Parazitol Derg 200933(3)203-6

10 Macpherson CN Milner R Performance characteristics and quality control of community based

ultrasound surveys for cystic and alveolar echinococcosis Acta Trop 2003 Feb85(2)203-9

11 Shambesh MA Craig PS Macpherson CN Rogan MT Gusbi AM Echtuish EF An extensive

ultrasound and serologic study to investigate the prevalence of human cystic echinococcosis icircn

northern Libya Am J Trop Med Hyg 1999 Mar 60(3)462-8

12 Reiter-Owona I Gruumlner B Frosch M Hoerauf A Kern P Tappe D Serological confirmatory

testing of alveolar and cystic echinococcosis in clinical practice results of a comparative study

with commercialized and in-house assays Clin Lab 200955(1-2)41-8

13 Sikoacute Barabaacutesi S Și Cozma V 2008 Echinococoza alveolară O posibilă zoonoză emergentă icircn

Romacircnia (Sinteză) RevScientia Parasitologica 9 1 48-60

14 Horvaacuteth Andrea Patonay Attila Baacutenhegyi Deacutenes Szlaacutevik Jaacutenos Balaacutezs Gyoumlrgy Goumlroumlg Deacutenes

Eacutes Werling Klaacutera A humaacuten Echinococcus multilocularis infectio elsocirc hazai esete Beeacuterkezett

2007 november 16 elfogadva 2008 maacutercius 7


1 Surname Ciobanca

2 Name Petrica Teofil

3 Date and place of birth 25111979 Zalau Salaj

4 Citizenship Romanian

5 Marital status married

6 Contact Tel 0040-740052584 E-mailpetrica_ciobancayahoocom

7 Studies


bdquoVasile Goldisrdquo

West University


ldquoIuliu Haţieganurdquo

University of

Medicine and

Pharmacy of Cluj-


ldquoCarol Davilardquo

University of

Medicine of




University of

Medicine and

Pharmacy of


Theoretical High

School of Zalau

Physics -



Period October 2004

June 2005

January 2005

February 2005

January 2005

March 2005

October 1998

September 2004

September 1994

July 1998

Skills of



Masterrsquos Degree



Accounting and


Management of

the Companies

Certificate of


general ultrasound

scan post-

university course

module I

Certificate of



ultrasound scan


course module






High School


8 Scientific title Medical doctor University Assistant Full-time doctoral student 9 Professional experience

Period Position Responsibilities

01 11 2005 ndash up


- University Assistant

- Resident Physician in

Laboratory Medicine

- Full-time doctoral


UM F bdquoIuliu Hatieganurdquo CLUJ

- Didactical activity in Microbiology (Bacteriology

Parasitology Virology Mycology) with the 2nd



students General Medicine Pharmacy Medical Colleges

within Iuliu Hatieganu University of Medicine and


- Stages within residency activity

- Research activity

01012006 ndash up


- Physician SALVO - SAN

- medical practice in general medicine

0106 2009 ndash

2011 2009


-Medical practice clinical investigations before and after


-The manager of resuscitation team in emergency cases

15012007 ndash


Resident physician in

Family Medicine Spitalul Clinic Judetean de Urgenta Cluj Napoca

- clinical examinations EKG diagnosis and treatment

stages in Obstetrics and Gynaecology Psychiatry Infectious


29082005 ndash


Physician in training Kantonal Flawil Hospital Switzerland

-Internal Medicine stages presentations and diagnosis


01012005 ndash Physician in training Spitalul Clinic Municipal Cluj Napoca

01012006 - Internal Medicine stages for 6 months

- Surgery stages for 6 months

14032005 ndash


Physician in training bdquoMaria Sklodowska Curierdquo Paediatrics Clinical Hospital

- I assisted in the performance of endoscopic investigations

Post university courses General ultrasound scan first module January 2005 - February 2005

General ultrasound scan second module January 2005 ndash March 2005

Occupational medicine

Surgical emergencies in the children

Resuscitation course in adults

ALS - London Ambulance Service

EPLS - Royal Brompton Hospital London

Emergency ultrasonography


Doppler echography

10 The current place of work and position University assistant Full-time doctoral student

bdquoIuliu Hatieganurdquo University of Medicine and Pharmacy of Cluj-Napoca

11 Seniority in the current place of work 6 years

12 Works elaborated and or published Monica Junie Petrica Ciobanca (B-783) 2005 Comparison of Antibiotic Resistance of

Pseudomonas Aeruginosa Strains Isolated from Different Types of Infections Abstracts of the

XIth International Congress of Bacteriology and Applied Microbiology July 23-28 San

Francisco California USA - ISBN1-555-81-353-4

Monica Junie Petrica Ciobanca (M-722) 2005 Evolution of Resistance Phenomenon to

Antimycotic Drugs of Candida Species and Dermatophytes Abstracts of the XIth International

Congress of Mycology July 23-28 San Francisco California USA ISBN1-555-81-354-2

Lia Monica Junie Doina Matinca Doina Tăţulescu AN Ferke Petrica Ciobanca 2006

Evolution of Antibiotic Resistance of Pseudomonas aeruginosa strains isolated from Hospital

Infectious International Journal of Infectious Diseases vol10 suppl 1 ISSN 1201 ndash 9712 pag

S 78 Lisabon Portugal ISSN 1201-9712 IJID indexed in MEDLINE EMCASE Escerpta

Media and Urlichs Elsevier Publishing Presented at the International Congress of Infectious

Diseases sesiunea Antibiotic Resistance ndash Gram negatives (poster nr 13003) iunie 15-18

Lia Monica Junie Zoe Coroiu şi col AN Ferke Petrica Ciobanca 2006 The significance of

AntiToxoplasma IgG and IgM Antibodies Detection in Toxoplasmosis Diagnosis Abstract

books the 12th

ISID pag 80 Presented at the 12th

ISID 15-18 iunie 2006 Lisbon Portugal

Sectiunea Parasitic Infectious

Junie Monica Petrica Ciobanca 2006 Species Distribution and Antifungal Susceptibility Of

Candida Isolates Colected From Hospitalised Patients Abstracts of 16th

European Congress Of

Clinical Microbiology And Infectious Diseases Nice France 1- 4 aprilie 2006

Constantea N şi Petrica Ciobanca 2007 Studiul clinic pentru icircmbunătăţirea metodelor de

diagnostic de laborator şi profilaxia chistului hidatic RevRomde Parasitol 17 48-49

Junie Monica N Constantea Petrica Ciobanca 2007 Surveillance programme in

echinococcosis and importance in the prophylaxis and therapy of human infection Clinical

Microbiology and Infection 132

Christofidou M Spiliopoulou A Vamvacopoulou S Stamoulis V Dimitracopoulos G

Anastassiou ED Monica Junie Costache C Colosi I Ciobanca P T 2008 Species

distribution and antifungal susceptibility of Candida isolates collected from hospitalized patients

in Romania and Greece Scientia Parasitologica161-7 ISSN 1582 - 1366

L M Junie Vasile Cozma Zoe Coroiu Petrica Ciobanca 2009 ldquoEpidemiology of human

echinococcosis in Europe pg 109-127

Junie Monica S Răpuntean N Fiţ Cosmina Cuc F Puiu Gh Răpuntean L Deac Simion P

T Ciobanca 2009 Alternative therapies for combating antimicrobial resistence and reduction

of severe nosocomial infections Abstract Book of IMED (International Meeting on Emerging

Diseases and Surveillance) Vienna Austria Februarie 13-16 2009 Abstract 10152 pg86

V Cosma PT Ciobanca R Blaga C Gherman Lia Monica Junie 2009 Hydatidosis

Epidemiology at Humans and Animals in the Area of the Center and North-Vest Romania

Abstract book of IMED bdquoInternational Meeting on Emerging Diseases and Surveillancerdquo

Vienna Austria Februarie pg86

Ciobanca Petrica Monica Junie 2011 Serological diagnosis and its applicability to the

prophylaxis and therapy of hydatid cyst in human patients Rev Scienţia Parasitologica 121


Ciobanca Petrica Teofil Junie Lia Monica 2011 Diagnosis confirmation of human cystic

echinococcosis by imagistic methods and immunoserological determinations Scientia

Parasitologica12(3) 151-161

13 Foreign languages English-advanced French ndashbeginner German ndash beginner

14 Specialties and qualifications Ultrasound scan PC operator

15 Experience assimilated within the national international programs

Program project Position Period

A national network making regarding

the study of some parasitic zoonosis and

their implications in food safetyCEEX

1782005 lasting 25 months

Developed in collaboration with the

Agricultural Sciences and Veterinary

Medicine University

Doctoral student Economic

responsible person

2006 ndash2007

Interdisciplinary evaluation and

optimization of the screening diagnosis

and treatment methods in triquinelosis

human and animal cystic echinococcosis

in the centre and north - west of

Romania - TRICHIDrdquo CEEX program


Developed between the Agricultural

Sciences and Veterinary Medicine

University (project leader) and UMF

Cluj-Napoca (partner)

Doctoral student Economic

responsible person

2006 -2008

bdquoA national network making for

researching the dermatophytosis in

human and animals CEEX program


Developed between USAMV (project of

the leader) and UMF Cluj- Napoca


Doctoral student Economic

responsible person


I declare on my own liability that the data mentioned are according to reality




Echinococozahidatidoza (boala hidatică sau chistul hidatic) este o boală parazitară cauzată

de genul Echinococcus care poate evolua cu cele mai severe și variate implicații In ciuda

progreselor din domeniile de supraveghere şi control această parazitoză continuă să reprezinte o

problemă importantă de sănătate publică icircn cele mai multe părţi ale lumii [2]

Conform clasificării OMS boala este o zoonoză care ridică numeroase probleme de

sănătate atacirct icircn ceea ce priveşte omul cacirct şi animalele deoarece paraziţii cauzali pentru a icircncheia

ciclul lor biologic trec prin mai multe gazde animale vertebrate (de exemplu cacircini pentru oameni)

Datorită prevalenţei ridicate formelor clinico-evolutive severe complicaţiilor morfo-

funcţionale cu mortalitate primaratilde sau secundaratilde ridicatatilde boala este frecvent icircntacirclnită atat icircn mediul

rural cat şi in mediul urban la toate grupele de vacircrstă prevalenţă alarmantă la tineri şi la grupe de

risc profesional [1]

In zona ţării noastre patologia hidatică are o frecvență destul de ridicată zona de nord-vest a

Transilvaniei fiind descrisă ca zonă endemică cu o cazuistică importantă [3] medicina clujeană

avand o importantă experienţă icircn diagnosticul şi tratamentul chistului hidatic

Icircn pofida realizărilor icircnregistrate icircn ultimul timp icircn diagnosticul și terapia echinococozei

umane aceasta deţine icircncă un loc important icircn structura morbidităţii şi mortalităţii icircn serviciile


Cea ce face utilă prezentarea unor date succinte asupra aspectelor variate pe care boala hidatică le

poate lua icircn evoluţie din punct de vedere clinic imagistic serologic și evaluarea importanței

acestora icircn recunoașterea și diagnosticarea precoce a bolii


Capitolul 1 Genul Echinococcus

Parazitul responsabil de producerea hidatidozei umane este un plathelmint care face parte

din clasa cestode (Eucestode) familia Teniidae Genul Echinococcus Speciile din genul

Echinoccocus considerate agenți etiologici ai echinococozeihidatidozei după experţii OMS sunt


- Echinococcus granulosus (Batsch 1786) - echinococoza chistică

- Echinococcus multilocularis (Leuckart 1863) ndash echinococoza alveolară

- Echinococcus oligarthus (Diesing 1863)

- Echinococcus vogeli (Rausch Bernstein 1972) - echinococoza polichistică

S-a mai pus problema existenţei celei de-a cincea specii Ecruzi (Rausch şi col ndash 1978

Kumaratilake şi Thompson ndash 1982) dar Rausch şi col (1984) comparacircnd caracterele acesteia cu

Evogeli şi Eoligarthus au observat că de fapt E cruzi este sinonim cu E oligarthus

Distribuţia geografică a hidatidozei urmează fidel curba dezvoltării crescătorilor de oi şi este

determinată de promiscuitatea pastorală fapt ce l-a determinat pe Deve să afirme că ldquoboala hidatică

este una din bolile macircinilor murdareldquo

Larga varietate de specii de animale care pot fi gazde intermediare şi deplasarea acestora din

Europa icircn alte părţi ale lumii a făcut ca Echinococcus să fie răspacircndit pe icircntreg globul

In anul 2009 ECDC a raportat 790 de cazuri de echinococoză umană cu 11 mai puţine

decacirct icircn 2008 (n= 891) Printre cazurile declarate icircn care se cunoaşte specia infestantă a

predominat infestaţia cu Egranulosus (72) icircn timp ce infestaţia cu Emultilocularis a fost raportată

ca avacircnd o frecvență de 3 ori mai mică [4]



Chistul hidatic este o boală adesea invalidizantă cu complicații posibile și adesea severe

(şoc anafilactic) cu o terapie chirurgicală de multe ori dificilă cu recidive postoperatorii frecvente

Manifestările clinice datorate complicaţiilor instalate prin mecanismele menţionate apar cacircnd

dimensiunile chistului hidatic devin apreciabile

Tabloul clinic al chistului hidatic este puțin caracteristic Foarte adesea el este complet

asimptomatic fiind descoperit icircntacircmplător Alteori pacienții acuză jenă icircn hipocondrul drept sau

chiar durere intensă Reacțiile alergice sunt destul de frecvente mergacircnd de la o reacție urticariană

pacircnă la alergodermie sau chiar șoc anafilactic (icircn general icircn caz de fisurare sau chiar ruperea

chistului hidatic)

Evidențierea morfologică a chisturilor hidatice se poate face prin radiografie toracică

ecografie tomografie computerizată (CT) și rezonantă magnetică (MR)

Pentru diagnosticul hidatidozei umane metodele imagistice se completează cu reacțiile

de imunodiagnostic care au drept scop confirmarea etiologiei parazitare a formațiunilor decelate prin

răspunsul imun indus Icircn ultimii ani există o tendință de stadializare a dignosticului imunologic find

folosite mai intai teste primare care urmeaza sa fie confirmate prin alte metode care prezinta o

specificitate deosebit de ridicata(teste secundare) [5]

Managementul modern al chistului hidatic solicită participarea tuturor modalităților

terapeutice medicala percutana și chirurgicala Chirurgia nu mai este tratamentul de primă elecție

pentru orice chist hidatic hepatic La pacienții cu chist univezicular mai mic de 4 cm terapia de

elecție este monoterapia cu albendazol

PAIR este indicată cacircnd durerea este netratabilă sau albendazolul nu dă rezultate

Tratamentul percutan combină alcool și polidocanol dar nu poate fi utilizat icircn cazurile cu fistulă


Chirurgia este utilizată icircn cazurile icircn care nu există experți icircn terapia percutană si

tratamentul percutan nu poate fi efectuat icircn deplină siguranță datorita unei extensii extrahepatice

semnificativă cu risc de perforație a chistului sausi icircn cazul rupturii chistului icircn cavitatea peritoneală



STUDIUL 1 Aplicabilitatea metodelor serologice icircn diagnosticul terapia și profilaxia bolii

hidatice umane

Scopul acestui studiu a fost efectuarea și evaluarea unor teste serologice (metoda ELISA) ca

metode screening și de diagnostic a echinococozei chistice Testele au fost efectuate la persoanele

simptomatice și asimptomatice din judeţele Cluj şi Sălaj pentru aprecierea frecvenței afecțiunii icircn

aceste județe Persoanelor cărora li s-au detectat anticorpi IgG antiechinococcus li s-au efectuat

examinări imagistice pentru confirmarea diagnosticului clinic și serologic de chist hidatic

Aceste examinări au permis elucidarea aspectelor epidemiologice diagnostice terapeutice si

prognostice privind echinococoza chistică

Material şi metodă

Studiul a fost efectuat icircn perioada ianuarie 2007 ndash decembrie 2009 şi a inclus 279 de

persoane simptomatice şi asimptomatice din judeţele Cluj şi Sălaj cu scopul de a stabili prezenţa şi

nivelul anticorpilor antiechinococcus icircn populaţia celor două zone şi implicit a infecției

asimptomatice folosind metoda imunoenzimatică ELISA


Pentru confirmarea diagnosticului de chist hidatic depistat prin testări serologice am folosit

următoarele metode imagistice ecografie abdomino-pelviană CT cranian CT torace Rx toracic


Din cele 279 de persoane investigate icircn ambele județe (Cluj şi Sălaj) la 22 pacienți s-a

evidențiat o serologie pozitivă frecvența seropozitivităţii find de 789 (IC= 5 -1169) la lotul

studiatcea ce sugerează infestația hidatica posibila la persoanele seropozitive Adevărata frecvență

a parazitozei este evident mai ridicată deoarece cazurile simptomatice reprezintă doar vacircrful

piramidei infestaţiei icircn timp ce cazurile asimptomatice formează baza nevăzută mult mai mare a


Screeningul serologic interprins icircn zona de nord-vest şi centru a ţării arata prezența

infestației cu Egranulosus cu posibilitatea transmiterii sale active Rezultatele obținute

demonstrează procentul mai crescut al persoanelor seropozitive icircn judeţul Cluj și sugerează o

incidență mai crescută a hidatidozei icircn această zonă Această concluzia a fost elaborată ca urmare a

desfășurării unui proiect de cercetare cu titlulbdquoEvaluarea și optimizarea interdisciplinară a metodelor

de screening diagnostic și tratament icircn trichineloza și echinococcoza chistică umană și animală icircn

centrul și nord-vestul Romacircnieirdquo desfășurat icircn perioada 2006 - 2008 la care am participat icircn

calitate de membru

Prin examenul imagistic la 7714 dintre pacienți s-a putut confirma diagnosticul de

hidatidoză prin metode imagistice Pacienții prezentau imagini edificatoare pentru chist hidatic cu

diverse localizari hepatic (6538) pulmonar (588) renal (588) Rezultatele cercetărilor

noastre sugerează că o anumită proporţie din populaţia investigată a fost pozitiva IgG anti-

Echinococcus fără a prezenta icircn organism hidatida decelabila prin metode imagistice


Lipsa cunoştinţelor ignoranţa populaţiei şi chiar a unor specialişti din domeniul sanitar

privind ciclul biologic al speciei E granulosus a gazdelor pe care le are precum şi a riscului pe care

icircl implică un contact stracircns cu gazda definitivă sunt cauze de primă importanţă pentru răspacircndirea cu

uşurinţă a parazitului

Rezultatele obţinute icircn urma acestui studiu concordă cu rezultatele unor studii asemănătoare din

literatura de specialitate efectuate icircn zone endemice pentru echinococcoză chistică umană [3]

Intr-un studiu efectuat pe un lot de persoane asimptomatice la 12 din cazuri ecografia nu

decela formațiune chistică caracteristică chistului hidatic cu toate că testul serologic era pozitiv [7]

STUDIUL II Evaluarea și optimizarea metodelor de diagnostic icircn boala hidatică

Studiul are următoarele scopuri 1 Evaluarea examenului clinic icircn diagnosticul prezumtiv și

evaluarea metodelor imagistice de diagnostic icircn boala hidatică 2 Evaluarea metodei ELISA

Western ndashBlott și a metodelor de laborator pentru confirmarea diagnosticului clinic și imagistic de

chist hidatic 3 Studiul comparativ al metodelor imagistice (ecografie Rx CT RM) cu metodele

serologice (metoda ELISA metoda Western-blott) și evaluarea utilității lor icircn diferențierea

echinococozei chistice și alveolare icircn efectuarea diagnosticului diferențial și interpretarea reacțiilor


23 Material şi metodă

Studiul a fost efectuat icircn perioada 2006 - 2010 şi a inclus un eşantion reprezentativ de 189

persoane simptomatice cu simptome sugestive sau cu suspiciune imagistică de boală hidatică Au


mai fost luate icircn studiu persoane care au suferit intervenție chirurgicală pentru boala hidatică și

persoane care prezentau rezultate de laborator nespecifice dar cu suspiciune de boală parazitară

Am folosit ca material de lucru cazuistica medicală și chirurgicală din Clinicile Medicale și

Chirurgicale din Cluj-Napoca și Sălaj (Clinica Chirurgie III Clinica Chirurgie V și ambulatorul unei

policlinici private) Tipurile de date colectate folosite icircn acest studiu au fost genul vacircrsta mediul de

proveniență diagnosticul clinic complicațiile chistului hidatic antecedente de chist hidatic

metodele de diagnostic imagistic efectuate (ecografie abdominală Rx pulmonar CT RM

tratamentul chirurgical examenul piesei operatorii histopatologic) analize de laborator localizarea

formațiunilor chistice icircn funcție de segmentația hepatică și icircn funcție de organul afectat metodele

de diagnostic serologic efectuate (metoda imunoenzimatica IgG antiechinococcus ELISA respectiv

metoda IgG echinococcus Western- blot)

24 Rezultate

Din rezultatele obtinute rezultă că nu există o asociere semnificativă icircntre eozinofilie şi

diagnosticul bolii hidatice (pgt005) Totuşi atunci cacircnd eozinofilia este prezentă se constată o

coincidenţă relativ ridicată de 71 (IC=52 - 85) cu diagnosticul de chist hidatic

Analiza statistică a corelației dintre rezultatele examenului imagistic cu rezultatele obţinute

pe baza confirmării chirurgicale şi paraclinice a evidentiat o sensibilitate de 9689 a examenului

imagistic specificitatea fiind 100 din punct de vedere statistic ele nu diferă semnificativ Valoarea

diagnostică a examenului imagistic este dată icircnsă de valoarea predictivă pozitivă (VPP) şi respectiv

negativă (VPN) ambele fiind peste 84 cu toate că VPN este semnificativ statistic mai mică decacirct


Evaluarea rezultatelor examenului IgG antiechinococcus ELISA icircn raport cu confirmarea

chirurgicală histopatologică și paraclinică a diagnosticului de chist hidatic evidentiaza o

Specificitate de 9643 şi VPP de 9919 Acestea fiind foarte ridicate se poate considera că

metoda ELISA este un bun test de screening

Comparativ cu examenele imagistic ecografic sau CT IgG antiechinococcus ELISA are un

indice Youden mai mic Prin urmare din acest punct de vedere IgG antiechinococcus ELISA pare a fi

un test diagnostic mai puțin concludent decacirct examenele imagistice menţionate Pe de altă parte

comparacircnd intervalele de icircncredere la indicatorii Specificitate VPP la examenele imagistice (global

ecografic CT) şi IgG antiechinococcus ELISA se constată că nu diferă semnificativ statistic

Rezultatele examenului imagistic şi cele ale IgG antiechinococcus ELISA se asociază

semnificativ Este de remarcat că odată cu ceilalţi coeficienţi de asociere (coeficientul de

contingenţă Kendal tau) coeficientul de concordanţă dintre rezultatele examenului imagistic şi cele

ale IgG antiechinococcus ELISA este semnificativ statistic (plt0001) De menţionat că măsura de

concordanţă Kappa = 0522 indică faptul că icircntre cele două examinări există o concordanţă


Tehnica imunoblot este un puternic test de confirmare și de diagnostic serologic diferenţial

icircntre cele două infectii majore relevante echinococoza chistică și echinococoza alveolară [8]

Evaluarea rezultatelor examenului IgG echinococcus Western Blot icircn raport cu confirmarea

chirurgicală histopatologică şi paraclinică a diagnosticului de chist hidatic a relevat o Specificitate

de100 şi o valoare predictiva pozitiva de100 acestea fiind foarte ridicate se poate considera că

testul de detectare a IgG echinococcus Western Blot este un bun test de screening

Este de remarcat că odată cu ceilalţi coeficienţi de asociere (coeficientul de contingenţă

Kendal tau) coeficientul de concordanţă dintre rezultatele examenului imagistic şi cele ale IgG

echinococcus Western blot este semnificativ statistic (plt0001) De menţionat că măsura de


concordanţă Kappa = 0861 indică faptul că icircntre cele două examinări există o concordanţă foarte


25 Discutii

Evaluarea eozinofiliei ca marker diagnostic icircn echinococoza chistică a permis unor autorii

să afirme că eozinofilia nu este un indicator suficient pentru stabilirea diagnosticului de

echinococoză chistică fiind necesar și un diagnostic complementar clinic [9]

Sensibilitatea și specificitatea ecografiei a fost raportată icircn mai multe studii din literatură ca

fiind icircntre 88 ndash 98 și respectiv 95 ndash 100 pentru echinococoza chistică și echinococoza alveolară

umană Autorii o considera rdquogolden standardrdquo deși recunosc imperfecțiunea acestei tehnici

Examenul clinic examenul de laborator și datele epidemiologice sunt considerate deasemenea

importante pentru diagnosticul echinococozei chistice și echinococozei alveolare [10


Testele serologice contribuie la diagnostic detecţia anticorpilor IgG a avut o sensibilitate

de 95 și o specificitate de 94 icircntr-un studiu efectuat de Shambesh MA și colaboratorii [11


Sensibilitatea obţinută de Shambesh este semnificativ mai ridicată decacirct cea determinată icircn studiul

nostru care raportează o sensibilitate de 764 cu IC= 6907-8272 Icircn schimb specificitatea

nu diferă semnificativ statistic de cea obţinută icircn studiul nostru (9643 IC=8165-9991)

Infecţiile echinococice sunt considerate unele dintre cele mai periculoase boli helmintice

umane Deosebirea icircntre echinococoza chistică și alveolară este importantă din punct de vedere al

prognosticului și tratamentului

In diferite stadii ale echinococozei chistice și echinococozei alveolare testul cel mai relevant

s-a apreciat a fi testul Western blot IgG echinococus care a confirmat rezultatele pozitive [12


Cercetările efectuate cu scopul de a evidenţia prezenţa IgG echinococcus prin metoda

Western blot raportată la metoda de aur considerată (confirmarea chirurgicală histopatologică și

diagnostic paraclinic) au demonstrat o sensibilitate de 9211 (IC = 7862 - 9834)

specificitatea fiind de 100 (IC = 8389 - 100) date care sunt asemănătoare celor icircntacirclnite icircn

literatura de specialitate

Icircn majoritatea ţărilor echinococoza alveolară a căpătat deja un caracter endemic şi este icircn

curs de extindere continuă cu o rapiditate alarmantă devenind o boală emergentă

Parazitul adult Emultilocularis nu a fost depistat icircn Romacircnia pacircnă icircn prezent la nici o gazdă

definitivă [13


Studiul efectuat a relevat prin metoda Western blot pentru prima dată icircn țara noastră

existența probabilității infecției cu Echinococcus multilocularis la om Sunt necesare studii

ulterioare pentru depistarea persoanelor cu echinococoză alveolară existente icircn Romania icircn

condițiile existenței acesteia icircn numeroase țări din Europa inclusiv cele vecine Romacircniei (Ungaria

Ucraina) Centralizacircnd cercetările recente privind situația epidemiologică problemele clinice și

opțiunile terapeutice autorii au descris primul caz de echinococoză alveolară icircn Ungaria Pentru

confirmarea acestei infecții rare trebuie să fie luat icircn considerare diagnosticul diferenţial cu alte

leziuni hepatice infiltrative [14


Nu a fost raportat nici un caz la nivelul Romacircniei prin alte studii Recomandăm

introducerea acestei metode icircn screeningul și diagnosticul acestei boli grave

Icircn icircncercarea de a compara metodele folosite pentru diagnosticarea chistului hidatic și a

rezultatelor obţinute prin aceste metode putem afirma că testul Western blot IgG echinococcus este

cel mai sensibil pentru a preciza un diagnostic etiologic



1 Junie Monica Zoe Coroiu Carmen Costache 2002 The consequences of Echinococcus

granulosus infection icircn the human population Rev Scienţia Parasitologica 32 86-91

2 Seres Ştefania Monica Junie V Cozma 2009 Prevalence of Echinococcus granulosus in

Cluj county Romania revealed by PCR Rev Scienţia Parasitologica 1o1-2 68-71

3 Coroiu Zoe Judith Bele Cornelia Munteanu Rodica Radu 2007 Aspecte epidemiologice

privind hidatidoza umană icircn judeţul Cluj pe o perioada de 20 de ani (1981-2000) Rev

Scientia Parasitologica 81 32-38

4 A Lahuerta T Westrell J Takkinen F Boelaert V Rizzi B Helwigh B Borck H

Korsgaard A Ammon P Maumlkelauml Zoonoses icircn the European Union origin distribution and

dynamics ndash the EFSA - ECDC summary report 2009

5 Craig PS 1997 Immunodiagnosis of Echinococcus granulosus and a comparison of

techniques for diagnosis of canine echinococcosis In Compendium on cystic echinococcosis

icircn Africa and Middle Eastern countries with special reference to Morocco Brigham Young

University Pris Services Provo

6 Schipper HG Modern management of echinococcosis World Gastroenterology News vol 9

nr 2 2004

7 Arda B H Pulukccedilu T Yamazhan OR Sipahi S Tamsel G Demirpolat M Korkmaz

2009 Prevalence of Echinococcus granulosus detected using enzyme immunoassay and

abdominal ultrasonography icircn a group of students staying icircn a state dormitory icircn Turkey

Turk J Med Sci 391 1-4

8 Liance M V Janin S Bresson-Hadni DA Vuitton R Houin R Piarroux 2000

Immunodiagnosis of Echinococcus infections confirmatory testing and species

differentiation by a new comercial Western blot J Clin Microbiol 38 3718-3721

9 Karadam SY Ertabaklar H Sari C Dayanir Y Ertuğ S Should cystic echinococcosis be

investigated icircn patients having high eosinophil counts Turkiye Parazitol Derg


10 Macpherson CN Milner R Performance characteristics and quality control of community

based ultrasound surveys for cystic and alveolar echinococcosis Acta Trop 2003


11 Shambesh MA Craig PS Macpherson CN Rogan MT Gusbi AM Echtuish EF An

extensive ultrasound and serologic study to investigate the prevalence of human cystic

echinococcosis icircn northern Libya Am J Trop Med Hyg 1999 Mar 60(3)462-8

12 Reiter-Owona I Gruumlner B Frosch M Hoerauf A Kern P Tappe D Serological confirmatory

testing of alveolar and cystic echinococcosis in clinical practice results of a comparative

study with commercialized and in-house assays Clin Lab 200955(1-2)41-8

13 Sikoacute Barabaacutesi S Și Cozma V 2008 Echinococoza alveolară O posibilă zoonoză emergentă

icircn Romacircnia (Sinteză) RevScientia Parasitologica 9 1 48-60

14 Horvaacuteth Andrea Patonay Attila Baacutenhegyi Deacutenes Szlaacutevik Jaacutenos Balaacutezs Gyoumlrgy Goumlroumlg

Deacutenes Eacutes Werling Klaacutera A humaacuten Echinococcus multilocularis infectio elsocirc hazai esete

Beeacuterkezett 2007 november 16 elfogadva 2008 maacutercius 7



1 Nume Ciobanca

2 Prenume Petrica Teofil

3 Data şi locul naşterii 25111979 Localitatea Zalau judetul Salaj

4 Cetăţenie Romana

5 Stare civilă Casatorit

6 Contact Tel 0040-740052584 E-mail petrica_ciobancayahoocom

7 Studii

Instituţia Universitatea

de Vest bdquoVasile

Goldisrdquo Arad

Universitatea de

Medicina si


Hatieganurdquo Cluj



de Medicina





de medicina si




Cluj Napoca

Liceul Teoretic

Zalau -Sectia



Perioada Octombrie

2004 -

Iunie 2005



Ianuarie 2005-

Martie 2005






1994 -

Iulie 1998

Grade sau



Diploma de

Master in



Contabil si

Juridic al


Certificat de

Absolvire curs


de ecografie

generala modul I

Certificat de




de ecografie


modulul II

Diploma de




Diploma de


8 Titlul ştiinţific Medic Asistent Universitar Doctorand cu frecventa

9 Experienţa profesională

Perioada Functia Responsabilitati

01 11 2005 -


-Asistent Universitar

-Medic Rezident Medicina de


-Doctorand cu frecventa

UM F bdquoIuliu Hatieganurdquo CLUJ

- Activitate didactica in Microbiologie

(Bacteriologie Parazitologie

Virusologie Micologie) cu studentii

anului II III Medicina Generala

Farmacie Colegii Medicale in cadrul

UMF bdquoIuliu Hatieganurdquo

-Stagii in activitatea de rezidentiat

-activitate de cercetare

01012006 ndash


-Medic generalist SALVO- SAN

-practica medicala in medicina generala

0106 2009 ndash

2011 2009


-Practica medicala examinari clinice pre

si post operatorii

-managerul echipei de resuscitare in caz

de urgenta

15012007 ndash


Medic Rezident Medicina de

familie Spitalul Clinic Judetean de Urgenta

Cluj Napoca


- examinari clinice EKG diagnostic si

tratament stagii de Obstetrica si

Ginecologie Psihiatrie Boli Infectioase

29082005 ndash


Medic Stagiar Spitalul Kantonal Flawil Elvetia

-stagii de Medicina Interna prezentari si

explorari diagnostice

01012005 ndash


Medic Stagiar Spitalul Clinic Municipal Cluj Napoca

- stagii de Medicina Interna 6 luni

-stagii de Chirurgie 6 luni

14032005 ndash


Medic Stagiar Spitalul Clinic de Pediatrie bdquoMaria

Sklodowska Curierdquo

-am asistat la explorarile endoscopice


Cursuri post-universitare Ecografie generala modulul unu Ianuarie 2005 ndash februarie 2005

Ecografie generala modulul doi Ianuarie 2005 ndash martie 2005

Medicina ocupationala

Urgente chirurgicale la copii

Curs de resuscitare adulti

ALS - London Ambulance Service

EPLS - Royal Brompton Hospital London

Ultrasonografie de urgenta


Ecografie Doppler

10 Locul de muncă actual şi funcţia Asistent Universitar Doctorand cu frecventa UMF

bdquoIuliu Hatieganurdquo Cluj Napoca

11 Vechime la locul de muncă actual 6 ani

12 Lucrări elaborate şi sau publicate Monica Junie Petrica Ciobanca (B-783) 2005 Comparison of Antibiotic Resistance of Pseudomonas

Aeruginosa Strains Isolated from Different Types of Infections Abstracts of the XIth International

Congress of Bacteriology and Applied Microbiology July 23-28 San Francisco California USA -


Monica Junie Petrica Ciobanca (M-722) 2005 Evolution of Resistance Phenomenon to Antimycotic

Drugs of Candida Species and Dermatophytes Abstracts of the XIth International Congress of Mycology

July 23-28 San Francisco California USA ISBN1-555-81-354-2

Lia Monica Junie Doina Matinca Doina Tăţulescu AN Ferke Petrica Ciobanca 2006 Evolution of

Antibiotic Resistance of Pseudomonas aeruginosa strains isolated from Hospital Infectious International

Journal of Infectious Diseases vol10 suppl 1 ISSN 1201 ndash 9712 pag S 78 Lisabon Portugal ISSN

1201-9712 IJID indexed in MEDLINE EMCASE Escerpta Media and Urlichs Elsevier Publishing

Presented at the International Congress of Infectious Diseases sesiunea Antibiotic Resistance ndash Gram

negatives (poster nr 13003) iunie 15-18

Lia Monica Junie Zoe Coroiu şi col AN Ferke Petrica Ciobanca 2006 The significance of

AntiToxoplasma IgG and IgM Antibodies Detection in Toxoplasmosis Diagnosis Abstract books the 12th

ISID pag 80 Presented at the 12th ISID 15-18 iunie 2006 Lisbon Portugal Sectiunea Parasitic



Junie Monica Petrica Ciobanca 2006 Species Distribution and Antifungal Susceptibility Of Candida

Isolates Colected From Hospitalised Patients Abstracts of 16th European Congress Of Clinical

Microbiology And Infectious Diseases Nice France 1- 4 aprilie 2006

Constantea N şi Petrica Ciobanca 2007 Studiul clinic pentru icircmbunătăţirea metodelor de diagnostic de

laborator şi profilaxia chistului hidatic RevRomde Parasitol 17 48-49

Junie Monica N Constantea Petrica Ciobanca 2007 Surveillance programme in echinococcosis and

importance in the prophylaxis and therapy of human infection Clinical Microbiology and Infection


Christofidou M Spiliopoulou A Vamvacopoulou S Stamoulis V Dimitracopoulos G Anastassiou ED

Monica Junie Costache C Colosi I Ciobanca P T 2008 Species distribution and antifungal

susceptibility of Candida isolates collected from hospitalized patients in Romania and Greece Scientia

Parasitologica161-7 ISSN 1582 - 1366

L M Junie Vasile Cozma Zoe Coroiu Petrica Ciobanca 2009 ldquoEpidemiology of human

echinococcosis in Europe pg 109-127

Junie Monica S Răpuntean N Fiţ Cosmina Cuc F Puiu Gh Răpuntean L Deac Simion P T

Ciobanca 2009 Alternative therapies for combating antimicrobial resistence and reduction of severe

nosocomial infections Abstract Book of IMED (International Meeting on Emerging Diseases and

Surveillance) Vienna Austria Februarie 13-16 2009 Abstract 10152 pg86

V Cosma PT Ciobanca R Blaga C Gherman Lia Monica Junie 2009 Hydatidosis Epidemiology at

Humans and Animals in the Area of the Center and North-Vest Romania Abstract book of IMED

bdquoInternational Meeting on Emerging Diseases and Surveillancerdquo Vienna Austria Februarie pg86

Ciobanca Petrica Monica Junie 2011 Serological diagnosis and its applicability to the prophylaxis and

therapy of hydatid cyst in human patients Rev Scienţia Parasitologica 121 39-46

Ciobanca Petrica Teofil Junie Lia Monica 2011 Diagnosis confirmation of human cystic

echinococcosis by imagistic methods and immunoserological determinations Scientia


13 Limbi straine cunoscute Engleza-fluent Franceza ndashincepator Germana - incepator

14 Specializări şi calificări Ecografie Operare PC

15 Experienţa acumulată icircn programe naţionaleinternaţionale

ProgramulProiectul Funcţia Perioada

bdquoConstituirea unei reţele naţionale privind

studiul unor zoonoze parazitare şi

implicaţiile lor icircn siguranţa

alomentelorrdquoCEEX 1782005 cu o durată de

24 luni

realizat in colaborare cu Universitatea de

Stiinţe Agricole şi Medicină Veterinară

Doctorand Responsabil economic

2006 ndash2007

bdquoEvaluarea şi optimizarea interdisciplinară a

metodelor de screening diagnostic şi

tratament icircn trichineloza şi echinococoza

chistică umană şi animală icircn centrul şi nord-

vestul Romacircniei - TRICHIDrdquo Program

CEEX 1992006

realizat icircntre Universitatea de Stiinţe

Agricole şi Medicină Veterinară

(conducător al proiectului) şi UMF Cluj

Napoca (partener )

Doctorand Responsabil economic

2006 -2008

bdquoConstituirea unei reţele naţionale de

cercetare a dermatofitozelor la om şi

animalerdquoProgram CEEX 1512006

realizat icircntre USAMV (conducător al

proiectului) şi UMF Cluj Napoca


Doctorand Responsabil economic


Declar pe propria răspundere că datele prezentate sunt icircn conformitate cu realitatea









11 Background 11 12 Taxonomy and classification 12

13 Morphology12 14 Genetic and morphologic differences between species 15 15 Epidemiology 17 16 Biological lyfe cycle 19

161 Echinococcus granulosus 19

162 Echinococcus multilocularis 21 17 Human contamination 22

CHAPTER 2 HYDATID CYST 23 21 The pathogeny of the hydatid cyst 23

22 The evolution of the hydatid cyst 23 23 Clinical occurrence of human hydatidosis 24 24 Diagnosis of hydatid diseases 27

241 Clinical diagnosis 28 242 Medical imaging diagnosis 28

243 Parasitologic diagnosis31 244 Immunologic diagnosis 32 245 Differential diagnosis in hydatid cyst 34

25 Treating the hydatid cyst 35

26 The prophylaxis of the hydatid cyst 38 PART II PERSONAL RESEARCHES 40 STUDY 1 The applicability of the serological methods for the diagnosis therapy and prophylaxis of

the human hydatid disease 41 11 Introduction 41 12 Study aim and objectives 41

13 Material and method 42 131 Material 42 132 Method 43

14 Results 47 141 Detecting the seropositive persons investigated by ELISA IgG Antiechinococcus in Cluj

and Sălaj Counties47

142 Frequency depending on the environment the seropositive persons belong to in Cluj and

Sălaj Counties 48 143 Seropositve persons frequency in Cluj and Sălaj Counties depending on gender 50 144 Epidemiological aspects on seropositive persons in Cluj County (incidence environment

they belong to and distribution on genders) 51 145 The seropositive persons frequency depending on sex in Cluj County 52 146 Epidemiological aspects on seropositive persons in Sălaj County (incidence environment

they belong to and distribution on genders) 53

147 The frequency of seropositive persons dependending on sex in Salaj Couty 54

15 Confirming the determinations following the serological tests through imagistic methods in

human cystic echinococcosis 55 151 The results of imagistic determinations (ultrasound scan thoracic RX CT) helliphelliphelliphellip56


CONCLUIONS 68 STUDY II Evaluation and optimization of diagnosis methods in hydatid disease 69

21 Introduction 69

22 Study aim and objective 69 23 Material and method 70

231 Material 70 232 Paraclinic and clinical methods involved 71

233 Statistical methods of data analysis 77 24 Results 80

241 Epidemiological results (considering the sex origins age) 80 242 Clinical and paraclinical results regarding the hydatid cyst diagnosis 83

2421 The clinical examination value in hydatid cyst diagnosis 83 2422 Surgical confirmation in hydatid cyst presumtive diagnosis 85 2423 Assessing the usual laboratory analysis (haemoleucogram biochemical analysis used

to determine hydatid cyst) 86 2424 Imagistic methods involved to determine the hydatid cyst 89

2425 Results obtained through immunoserological methods 97 243 Comparative results 106





The Echinococcosis hydatidosis (the hydatid disease or the hydatid cyst) is a parasitic

disease determined by genus Echinococcus which may evolve with the most severe and different

implications Despite progresses in control and monitoring fields this parasitosis keeps representing

an important issue of the public health in the most parts of the world [1]

According to WHO classification the disease is a zoonosis which brings a lot of health issues

both in humans and animals because the causing parasites in order to end their biological cycle pass

through more vertebrate animal hosts (as for example dogs for the humans)

Due to its high prevalence the severe clinical ndash developing forms the morphofunctional

complications with high primary or secondary mortality the disease if frequently met both in rural

and urban environment at all age groups alarming prevalence in youngsters and occupational risk

groups [2]

In our country area the hydatid pathology has a quite high frequency the north ndash western part

of Transylvania being described an endemic area with important cases [3] the medicine of Cluj

having a significant experience in hydatid cyst diagnosis and treatment

Despite the lately achievements in human echinococcosis diagnosis and therapy it still has

an important place in morbidity and mortality structure within surgical services So in this way

presenting some briefly data over the different aspects the hydatid disease may adopt in its

development from clinical imagistic serological point of view and their importance evaluation in

early recognition and diagnosis of the disease


Chapter 1 Genus Echinococcus

The parasite responsible for causing human hydatidosis is a Platyhelminthe belonging to

Cestoda class (Eucestoda) Taeniidae family Genus Echinococcus The species of genus

Echinococcus considered as etiologic agents of echinococcosis hydatidosis according to WHO

experts are as follows

- Echinococcus granulosus (Batsch 1786) - cystic echinococcosis

- Echinococcus multilocularis (Leuckart 1863) ndash alveolar echinococcosis

- Echinococcus oligarthus (Diesing 1863)

- Echinococcus vogeli (Rausch Bernstein 1972) ndash polycystic echinococcosis

The issue of the 5th

species existence arose Ecruzi (Rausch and co ndash 1978 Kumaratilake

and Thompson ndash 1982) but Rausch and co (1984) comparing its features with Evogeli and

Eoligarthus remarked that in fact E cruzi is similar to E oligarthus

The geographical distribution of hydatidosis loyally follows the sheep breeders developing

curve and it is determined by pastoral promiscuity fact that determined Deve assert that the hydatid

disease is one of the dirty hands diseases

The wide range of animal species which may be intermediary hosts and their circulation from

Europe in other parts of the world made that Echinococcus be spread on the entire globe

In 2009 ECDC reported 790 cases of human echinococcosis with 11 lower than in 2008

(n= 891) Among the reported cases where the infecting species is known predominated the infection

with Egranulosus (72) while Emultilocularis infection was reported as having a frequency 3

times lower [4]


The hydatid cyst is often an invaliding disease with possible and often severe complications

(anaphylactic shock) with often difficult surgical therapy and frequent post-surgery recidivations

The clinical behaviours due to the complications settled through the aforementioned mechanisms

appear when the hydatid cyst sizes become considerable

The clinical framework of the hydatid cyst is little characteristic Quite often it is completely

asymptomatically and discovered purely by chance Other times the patients accused discomfort in

the right hypochondrium or even intense pain The allergic reactions are quite frequently from

urticaria reaction up to alergodermy or even anaphylactic shock (generally in case of fissure or even

the hydatid cyst rupture)

The morphological determination of the hydatid cysts may be done through thoracic

ultrasound scan computer tomography (CT) and magnetic resonance (MR)

The imagistic methods for human hydatidosis diagnosis are completed with immunodiagnosis

reactions aiming the parasitic aetiology confirmation of the determined formations through immune

induced response In the last years exists a tendency of immunologic diagnosis staging firstly

primary tests are used following to be confirmed through other methods having a significantly

specificity (secondary tests) [5]

The hydatid cyst modern management require involving all therapeutic methods medical

percutaneous and surgical The surgery is not anymore the first election for treating any hepatic

hydatid cyst In patients with univesicular cyst smaller that 4 cm the chosen therapy is the

monotherapy with albendazole

PAIR is indicated when the pain in not treatable or the albendazole is ineffective The

percutaneous treatment combines the alcohol and polidocanol but cannot be used in case of cysto-

billiary fistula

The surgery is used in cases when in percutaneous therapy no experts exist and the

percutaneous treatment cannot safely performed due to a significant extra-hepatic extension with

perforation risk of the cyst orand in case of cyst rupture in the peritoneal cavity [6]


STUDY 1 The applicability of the serological methods in the diagnosis therapy and

prophylaxis of human hydatid disease

The aim of this study was serological tests (ELISA method) conducting and evaluation as

screening and diagnosis methods of cystic echinococcosis The tests were conducted in symptomatic

and asymptomatic persons from Cluj and Sălaj Counties in order to estimate the disease frequency in

these counties In the persons where anti-echinococcus IgG antibodies were determined imagistic

investigations were performed in order to confirm the clinical and serological diagnosis of hydatid


The investigations allowed clarifying the epidemiological diagnosis therapeutic and

prognostic aspect regarding cystic echinococcosis

Material and method

The study was conducted during January 2007 ndash December 2009 and included 279

symptomatic and asymptomatic persons from Cluj and Sălaj Counties in order to determine the

presence and the level of anti-echinococcus antibodies level in the population of the two regions and

implicitly the asymptomatic infection using ELISA immunoenzyme method

In order to confirm the hydatid cyst diagnosis determined through serological test I used the

following imagistic methods abdominal pelvic ultrasound scan cranial CT thorax CT thorax Rx


Out of the 279 persons examined in both counties (Cluj şi Sălaj) in 22 patients was

determined positive serology the seropositivity frequency was of 789 (IC= 5 -1169) in the

studied sample suggesting the possible hydatid infection in seropositive persons

The real frequency of parasitosis is obviously higher because the symptomatic cases

represent only the peak of infestation pyramid while the asymptomatic cases form the unseen higher

basis of it

The serological screening performed in the north - western and central region of the country

showed the Egranulosus infection presence with the possibility of its active transmission The

obtained results demonstrate the higher percentage of the seropositve persons in Cluj County and

suggest a higher incidence of the hydatidosis in this region This conclusion was elaborated

following a research project conducting with the title Interdisciplinary evaluation and optimization

of the screening diagnosis and treatment methods in triquinelosis human and animal cystic

echinococcosis in the centre and north - west of Romania conducted during 2006-2008 where I

partake as a member

In 7714 of the patients in imagistic investigation the hydatidosis diagnosis could be

confirmed The patients had clear imagines for hydatid cyst with different locations hepatic

(6538) pulmonary (588) renal (588) The results of our researches suggest that a certain

proportion of the investigated population was positive in IgG anti-Echinococcus without having in

the organism the hydatid determined through imagistic methods


The lack of knowledge population ignorance and even of some specialists in sanitary field

regarding the biological cycle of E granulosus species and the hosts it has as well as the risk

involved by a tight contact with the permanent host are causes of main importance in parasite easy

spreading The results obtained following this study are similar with the results of some analogous

studies from the specialty literature conducted in endemic areas for human cystic echinococcosis [3]

In a study performed on an asymptomatic sample of persons in 12 of the cases the

ultrasound scan did not determine cystic form characteristic to the hydatid cyst although the

serological test was positive [7]

STUDY II Evaluation and optimization of the diagnosis methods in hydatid disease

The study has the following aims 1 the evaluation of the clinical examination in the

presumptive diagnosis and imagistic diagnosis evaluation in the hydatid disease 2 Evaluation of

ELISA method Western-Blott and the laboratory methods in order to confirm the clinical and

imagistic diagnosis of hydatid cyst 3 The comparative study of the imagistic methods (ultrasound

scan Rx CT RM) with the serological methods (ELISA Western-blott methods) and the evaluation

of their utility in differentiating the cystic and alveolar echinococcosis and in performing the

differential diagnosis and interpretation of the cross-reactions

23 Material and method

The study was performed during 2006 ndash 2010 and included a representative sample of 189

symptomatic persons with suggestive symptoms and imagistic suspicion of hydatid disease Other

studied persons were those for whom surgical intervention was performed in hydatid cyst and

persons having non-specific laboratory results but with suspicions of parasitic disease

The working material I used were the medical and surgical cases from the Medical and

Surgical Clinics of Cluj-Napoca and Sălaj (Clinica Chirurgie III Clinica Chirurgie V și and the

ambulatory of a private policlinic) The types of data collected and used within this study were

gender age origin clinical diagnosis the hydatid cyst complications hydatid cyst antecedents the

imagistic diagnosis methods performed (abdominal ultrasound scan pulmonary Rx CT RM

surgical treatment the examination of the surgical piece hystopathological) laboratory analysis

finding the location of the cystic formation depending on the hepatic segmentation and depending on

the organ in question the serological diagnosis methods performed (immunoenzyme IgG anti-

echinococcus ELISA method IgG echinococcus Western- blot method)

24 Results

The results obtained determined that there isnrsquot a significant association between IgG

echinococcus Western-blot and the hydatid disease diagnosis (pgt005) notwithstanding when

eosinophilia is present results a relatively high coincidence of 71 (IC=52 - 85) with the hydatid

cyst diagnosis

The statistic analysis of imagistic investigation results and surgical and paraclinical

confirmation results correlation presented a sensibility of 9689 for the imagistic investigation the

specificity was of 100 they dont differ significantly from statistical point of view The diagnosis

value of the imagistic examination is given by the positive predictive value (PPV) and the negative

one (NPP) both of them are over 84 although the NPP is statistical significantly lower than PPV

The evaluation of IgG antiechinococcus ELISA results compared with the surgical

hystopathological and paraclinical confirmation of hydatid cyst diagnosis determines a Specificity of

9643 and a PPV of 9919 as these are very high it may be considered that ELISA method is a

good screening test

By comparison with imagistic ultrasound scan or CT investigations the IgG

antiechinococcus ELISA has a lower Youden index As a consequence from this point of view IgG

antiechinococcus ELISA seems to be a less conclusive diagnosis test comparing with the mentioned

imagistic investigations On the other side comparing the trust intervals of Specificity PPV and

imagistic investigations (globally ultrasound scan CT) and IgG antiechinococcus ELISA we observe

that they donrsquot differ statistically speaking

The imagistic investigation results and those of IgG antiechinococcus ELISA associate

significantly It is noticeable that at the same time with the other association coefficients

(contingency Kendal tau coefficient) the concordance coefficient between the imagistic

investigation results and those of the IgG antiechinococcus ELISA are significantly statistical

(plt0001) It should be mentioned that the concordance measure Kappa = 0522 indicates the fact

that between the two examinations exist a moderate concordance

Imunoblot technique is a strong confirmation and differential serological diagnosis test

between the two major relevant infections the cystic and alveolar echinococcosis [8]

The evaluation of IgG echinococcus Western Blot investigation results by comparison with

the surgical hystopathological and paraclinial confirmation of hydatid cyst diagnosis revealed a

Specificity of 100 an a positive predictive value of 100 as these are very high you may consider

that the IgG echinococcus Western Blot detecting test is a good screening test

It is noticeable that at the same time with the other association coefficients (contingency

Kendal tau coefficient) the concordance coefficient between the imagistic investigation results and

those of the IgG echinococcus Western blot are significantly statistical (plt0001) It should be

mentioned that the concordance measure Kappa = 0816 indicates the fact that between the two

examinations exist a very good concordance


The evaluation of the eosinophilia as diagnosis marker in cystic echinococcosis allowed

some authors to assert that eosinophilia is not enough to settle the cystic echinococcosis diagnosis

but also a complementary clinical diagnosis [9]

The ultrasound scan sensibility and specificity was reported in more studies in the literature

as between 88-98 and 95-100 respectively for human cystic and alveolar echinococcosis The

authors consider it as the ldquogolden standardrdquo although admit the imperfection of this technique The

clinical investigation the laboratory examination and the epidemiological data are also considered

important for the cystic and alveolar echinococcosis diagnosis [10


The serological tests contribute to the diagnosis IgG antibodies detection had a sensibility of

95 and 94 specificity in a study conducted by Shambesh MA and company [11

] The sensibility

obtained by Shambesh is significantly higher than that determined in our study which determines a

sensibility of 74 with IC= 6907-8272 In exchange the specificity doesnt differ significantly

from statistical point of view of that obtained in our study (9643 IC=8165-9991)

The echinococcosis infections are considered ones of the most dangerous human helminthic

diseases The difference between the cystic and alveolar echinococcosis is important from the

prognostic and treatment point of view

In different stages of cystic and alveolar echinococcosis the most relevant test was

appreciated the Western blot IgG echinococus test whih confirmed the positive results [12


The research conducted in order to determined IgG echinococcus presence through Western

blot method reported to the considered golden method (surgical hystopathological and paraclinical

diagnosis confirmation) showed a sensibility of 9211 (IC = 7862 - 9834) the specificity

being of 100 (IC = 8389 - 100) data like the ones met in the specialty literature

In the most countries the alveolar echinococcosis has an endemic character and is

continuously extending with an alarming rapidity becoming an emergent disease

The adult parasite Emultilocularis was not yet found in Romania up now in any permanent

host [13


The study conducted revealed through the Western blot method for the first time in our

country the possibility of infection with Echinococcus multilocularis in human Next studies are

needed to determine the alveolar echinococcosis persons in Romania under the conditions of its

existence in a number of countries in Europe including Romania neighbouring countries (Hungary

Ukraine) centralizing the recent researches about the epidemiological situation the clinical

problems and the therapeutic options the authors described in the first case the alveolar

echinococcosis in Hungary In order to confirm these rare infections you must take in consideration

the differential diagnosis with other infiltrative hepatic lesions [14


No case was confirmed in Romania through other studies We recommend the introduction of

this method in the screening and diagnosis of this serious disease

In the attempt to compare the methods used in hydatid cyst diagnosis and the obtained results

through these methods we may assert that Western blot IgG echinococcus test is the most sensible in

determining an etiological diagnosis


1 Junie Monica Zoe Coroiu Carmen Costache 2002 The consequences of Echinococcus

granulosus infection in the human population Rev Scienţia Parasitologica 32 86-91

2 Seres Ştefania Monica Junie V Cozma 2009 Prevalence of Echinococcus granulosus in Cluj

county Romania revealed by PCR Rev Scienţia Parasitologica 1o1-2 68-71

3 Coroiu Zoe Judith Bele Cornelia Munteanu Rodica Radu 2007 Aspecte epidemiologice

privind hidatidoza umană icircn judeţul Cluj pe o perioada de 20 de ani (1981-2000) Rev Scientia

Parasitologica 81 32-38

4 A Lahuerta T Westrell J Takkinen F Boelaert V Rizzi B Helwigh B Borck H

Korsgaard A Ammon P Maumlkelauml Zoonoses icircn the European Union origin distribution and

dynamics ndash the EFSA - ECDC summary report 2009

5 Craig PS 1997 Immunodiagnosis of Echinococcus granulosus and a comparison of techniques

for diagnosis of canine echinococcosis In Compendium on cystic echinococcosis icircn Africa and

Middle Eastern countries with special reference to Morocco Brigham Young University Pris

Services Provo

6 Schipper HG Modern management of echinococcosis World Gastroenterology News vol 9 nr

2 2004

7 Arda B H Pulukccedilu T Yamazhan OR Sipahi S Tamsel G Demirpolat M Korkmaz 2009

Prevalence of Echinococcus granulosus detected using enzyme immunoassay and abdominal

ultrasonography icircn a group of students staying icircn a state dormitory icircn Turkey Turk J Med Sci

391 1-4

8Liance M V Janin S Bresson-Hadni DA Vuitton R Houin R Piarroux 2000

Immunodiagnosis of Echinococcus infections confirmatory testing and species differentiation by a

new comercial Western blot J Clin Microbiol 38 3718-3721

9Karadam SY Ertabaklar H Sari C Dayanir Y Ertuğ S Should cystic echinococcosis be

investigated icircn patients having high eosinophil countsTurkiye Parazitol Derg 200933(3)203-6

10 Macpherson CN Milner R Performance characteristics and quality control of community based

ultrasound surveys for cystic and alveolar echinococcosis Acta Trop 2003 Feb85(2)203-9

11 Shambesh MA Craig PS Macpherson CN Rogan MT Gusbi AM Echtuish EF An extensive

ultrasound and serologic study to investigate the prevalence of human cystic echinococcosis icircn

northern Libya Am J Trop Med Hyg 1999 Mar 60(3)462-8

12 Reiter-Owona I Gruumlner B Frosch M Hoerauf A Kern P Tappe D Serological confirmatory

testing of alveolar and cystic echinococcosis in clinical practice results of a comparative study

with commercialized and in-house assays Clin Lab 200955(1-2)41-8

13 Sikoacute Barabaacutesi S Și Cozma V 2008 Echinococoza alveolară O posibilă zoonoză emergentă icircn

Romacircnia (Sinteză) RevScientia Parasitologica 9 1 48-60

14 Horvaacuteth Andrea Patonay Attila Baacutenhegyi Deacutenes Szlaacutevik Jaacutenos Balaacutezs Gyoumlrgy Goumlroumlg Deacutenes

Eacutes Werling Klaacutera A humaacuten Echinococcus multilocularis infectio elsocirc hazai esete Beeacuterkezett

2007 november 16 elfogadva 2008 maacutercius 7


1 Surname Ciobanca

2 Name Petrica Teofil

3 Date and place of birth 25111979 Zalau Salaj

4 Citizenship Romanian

5 Marital status married

6 Contact Tel 0040-740052584 E-mailpetrica_ciobancayahoocom

7 Studies


bdquoVasile Goldisrdquo

West University


ldquoIuliu Haţieganurdquo

University of

Medicine and

Pharmacy of Cluj-


ldquoCarol Davilardquo

University of

Medicine of




University of

Medicine and

Pharmacy of


Theoretical High

School of Zalau

Physics -



Period October 2004

June 2005

January 2005

February 2005

January 2005

March 2005

October 1998

September 2004

September 1994

July 1998

Skills of



Masterrsquos Degree



Accounting and


Management of

the Companies

Certificate of


general ultrasound

scan post-

university course

module I

Certificate of



ultrasound scan


course module






High School


8 Scientific title Medical doctor University Assistant Full-time doctoral student 9 Professional experience

Period Position Responsibilities

01 11 2005 ndash up


- University Assistant

- Resident Physician in

Laboratory Medicine

- Full-time doctoral


UM F bdquoIuliu Hatieganurdquo CLUJ

- Didactical activity in Microbiology (Bacteriology

Parasitology Virology Mycology) with the 2nd



students General Medicine Pharmacy Medical Colleges

within Iuliu Hatieganu University of Medicine and


- Stages within residency activity

- Research activity

01012006 ndash up


- Physician SALVO - SAN

- medical practice in general medicine

0106 2009 ndash

2011 2009


-Medical practice clinical investigations before and after


-The manager of resuscitation team in emergency cases

15012007 ndash


Resident physician in

Family Medicine Spitalul Clinic Judetean de Urgenta Cluj Napoca

- clinical examinations EKG diagnosis and treatment

stages in Obstetrics and Gynaecology Psychiatry Infectious


29082005 ndash


Physician in training Kantonal Flawil Hospital Switzerland

-Internal Medicine stages presentations and diagnosis


01012005 ndash Physician in training Spitalul Clinic Municipal Cluj Napoca

01012006 - Internal Medicine stages for 6 months

- Surgery stages for 6 months

14032005 ndash


Physician in training bdquoMaria Sklodowska Curierdquo Paediatrics Clinical Hospital

- I assisted in the performance of endoscopic investigations

Post university courses General ultrasound scan first module January 2005 - February 2005

General ultrasound scan second module January 2005 ndash March 2005

Occupational medicine

Surgical emergencies in the children

Resuscitation course in adults

ALS - London Ambulance Service

EPLS - Royal Brompton Hospital London

Emergency ultrasonography


Doppler echography

10 The current place of work and position University assistant Full-time doctoral student

bdquoIuliu Hatieganurdquo University of Medicine and Pharmacy of Cluj-Napoca

11 Seniority in the current place of work 6 years

12 Works elaborated and or published Monica Junie Petrica Ciobanca (B-783) 2005 Comparison of Antibiotic Resistance of

Pseudomonas Aeruginosa Strains Isolated from Different Types of Infections Abstracts of the

XIth International Congress of Bacteriology and Applied Microbiology July 23-28 San

Francisco California USA - ISBN1-555-81-353-4

Monica Junie Petrica Ciobanca (M-722) 2005 Evolution of Resistance Phenomenon to

Antimycotic Drugs of Candida Species and Dermatophytes Abstracts of the XIth International

Congress of Mycology July 23-28 San Francisco California USA ISBN1-555-81-354-2

Lia Monica Junie Doina Matinca Doina Tăţulescu AN Ferke Petrica Ciobanca 2006

Evolution of Antibiotic Resistance of Pseudomonas aeruginosa strains isolated from Hospital

Infectious International Journal of Infectious Diseases vol10 suppl 1 ISSN 1201 ndash 9712 pag

S 78 Lisabon Portugal ISSN 1201-9712 IJID indexed in MEDLINE EMCASE Escerpta

Media and Urlichs Elsevier Publishing Presented at the International Congress of Infectious

Diseases sesiunea Antibiotic Resistance ndash Gram negatives (poster nr 13003) iunie 15-18

Lia Monica Junie Zoe Coroiu şi col AN Ferke Petrica Ciobanca 2006 The significance of

AntiToxoplasma IgG and IgM Antibodies Detection in Toxoplasmosis Diagnosis Abstract

books the 12th

ISID pag 80 Presented at the 12th

ISID 15-18 iunie 2006 Lisbon Portugal

Sectiunea Parasitic Infectious

Junie Monica Petrica Ciobanca 2006 Species Distribution and Antifungal Susceptibility Of

Candida Isolates Colected From Hospitalised Patients Abstracts of 16th

European Congress Of

Clinical Microbiology And Infectious Diseases Nice France 1- 4 aprilie 2006

Constantea N şi Petrica Ciobanca 2007 Studiul clinic pentru icircmbunătăţirea metodelor de

diagnostic de laborator şi profilaxia chistului hidatic RevRomde Parasitol 17 48-49

Junie Monica N Constantea Petrica Ciobanca 2007 Surveillance programme in

echinococcosis and importance in the prophylaxis and therapy of human infection Clinical

Microbiology and Infection 132

Christofidou M Spiliopoulou A Vamvacopoulou S Stamoulis V Dimitracopoulos G

Anastassiou ED Monica Junie Costache C Colosi I Ciobanca P T 2008 Species

distribution and antifungal susceptibility of Candida isolates collected from hospitalized patients

in Romania and Greece Scientia Parasitologica161-7 ISSN 1582 - 1366

L M Junie Vasile Cozma Zoe Coroiu Petrica Ciobanca 2009 ldquoEpidemiology of human

echinococcosis in Europe pg 109-127

Junie Monica S Răpuntean N Fiţ Cosmina Cuc F Puiu Gh Răpuntean L Deac Simion P

T Ciobanca 2009 Alternative therapies for combating antimicrobial resistence and reduction

of severe nosocomial infections Abstract Book of IMED (International Meeting on Emerging

Diseases and Surveillance) Vienna Austria Februarie 13-16 2009 Abstract 10152 pg86

V Cosma PT Ciobanca R Blaga C Gherman Lia Monica Junie 2009 Hydatidosis

Epidemiology at Humans and Animals in the Area of the Center and North-Vest Romania

Abstract book of IMED bdquoInternational Meeting on Emerging Diseases and Surveillancerdquo

Vienna Austria Februarie pg86

Ciobanca Petrica Monica Junie 2011 Serological diagnosis and its applicability to the

prophylaxis and therapy of hydatid cyst in human patients Rev Scienţia Parasitologica 121


Ciobanca Petrica Teofil Junie Lia Monica 2011 Diagnosis confirmation of human cystic

echinococcosis by imagistic methods and immunoserological determinations Scientia

Parasitologica12(3) 151-161

13 Foreign languages English-advanced French ndashbeginner German ndash beginner

14 Specialties and qualifications Ultrasound scan PC operator

15 Experience assimilated within the national international programs

Program project Position Period

A national network making regarding

the study of some parasitic zoonosis and

their implications in food safetyCEEX

1782005 lasting 25 months

Developed in collaboration with the

Agricultural Sciences and Veterinary

Medicine University

Doctoral student Economic

responsible person

2006 ndash2007

Interdisciplinary evaluation and

optimization of the screening diagnosis

and treatment methods in triquinelosis

human and animal cystic echinococcosis

in the centre and north - west of

Romania - TRICHIDrdquo CEEX program


Developed between the Agricultural

Sciences and Veterinary Medicine

University (project leader) and UMF

Cluj-Napoca (partner)

Doctoral student Economic

responsible person

2006 -2008

bdquoA national network making for

researching the dermatophytosis in

human and animals CEEX program


Developed between USAMV (project of

the leader) and UMF Cluj- Napoca


Doctoral student Economic

responsible person


I declare on my own liability that the data mentioned are according to reality




Chistul hidatic este o boală adesea invalidizantă cu complicații posibile și adesea severe

(şoc anafilactic) cu o terapie chirurgicală de multe ori dificilă cu recidive postoperatorii frecvente

Manifestările clinice datorate complicaţiilor instalate prin mecanismele menţionate apar cacircnd

dimensiunile chistului hidatic devin apreciabile

Tabloul clinic al chistului hidatic este puțin caracteristic Foarte adesea el este complet

asimptomatic fiind descoperit icircntacircmplător Alteori pacienții acuză jenă icircn hipocondrul drept sau

chiar durere intensă Reacțiile alergice sunt destul de frecvente mergacircnd de la o reacție urticariană

pacircnă la alergodermie sau chiar șoc anafilactic (icircn general icircn caz de fisurare sau chiar ruperea

chistului hidatic)

Evidențierea morfologică a chisturilor hidatice se poate face prin radiografie toracică

ecografie tomografie computerizată (CT) și rezonantă magnetică (MR)

Pentru diagnosticul hidatidozei umane metodele imagistice se completează cu reacțiile

de imunodiagnostic care au drept scop confirmarea etiologiei parazitare a formațiunilor decelate prin

răspunsul imun indus Icircn ultimii ani există o tendință de stadializare a dignosticului imunologic find

folosite mai intai teste primare care urmeaza sa fie confirmate prin alte metode care prezinta o

specificitate deosebit de ridicata(teste secundare) [5]

Managementul modern al chistului hidatic solicită participarea tuturor modalităților

terapeutice medicala percutana și chirurgicala Chirurgia nu mai este tratamentul de primă elecție

pentru orice chist hidatic hepatic La pacienții cu chist univezicular mai mic de 4 cm terapia de

elecție este monoterapia cu albendazol

PAIR este indicată cacircnd durerea este netratabilă sau albendazolul nu dă rezultate

Tratamentul percutan combină alcool și polidocanol dar nu poate fi utilizat icircn cazurile cu fistulă


Chirurgia este utilizată icircn cazurile icircn care nu există experți icircn terapia percutană si

tratamentul percutan nu poate fi efectuat icircn deplină siguranță datorita unei extensii extrahepatice

semnificativă cu risc de perforație a chistului sausi icircn cazul rupturii chistului icircn cavitatea peritoneală



STUDIUL 1 Aplicabilitatea metodelor serologice icircn diagnosticul terapia și profilaxia bolii

hidatice umane

Scopul acestui studiu a fost efectuarea și evaluarea unor teste serologice (metoda ELISA) ca

metode screening și de diagnostic a echinococozei chistice Testele au fost efectuate la persoanele

simptomatice și asimptomatice din judeţele Cluj şi Sălaj pentru aprecierea frecvenței afecțiunii icircn

aceste județe Persoanelor cărora li s-au detectat anticorpi IgG antiechinococcus li s-au efectuat

examinări imagistice pentru confirmarea diagnosticului clinic și serologic de chist hidatic

Aceste examinări au permis elucidarea aspectelor epidemiologice diagnostice terapeutice si

prognostice privind echinococoza chistică

Material şi metodă

Studiul a fost efectuat icircn perioada ianuarie 2007 ndash decembrie 2009 şi a inclus 279 de

persoane simptomatice şi asimptomatice din judeţele Cluj şi Sălaj cu scopul de a stabili prezenţa şi

nivelul anticorpilor antiechinococcus icircn populaţia celor două zone şi implicit a infecției

asimptomatice folosind metoda imunoenzimatică ELISA


Pentru confirmarea diagnosticului de chist hidatic depistat prin testări serologice am folosit

următoarele metode imagistice ecografie abdomino-pelviană CT cranian CT torace Rx toracic


Din cele 279 de persoane investigate icircn ambele județe (Cluj şi Sălaj) la 22 pacienți s-a

evidențiat o serologie pozitivă frecvența seropozitivităţii find de 789 (IC= 5 -1169) la lotul

studiatcea ce sugerează infestația hidatica posibila la persoanele seropozitive Adevărata frecvență

a parazitozei este evident mai ridicată deoarece cazurile simptomatice reprezintă doar vacircrful

piramidei infestaţiei icircn timp ce cazurile asimptomatice formează baza nevăzută mult mai mare a


Screeningul serologic interprins icircn zona de nord-vest şi centru a ţării arata prezența

infestației cu Egranulosus cu posibilitatea transmiterii sale active Rezultatele obținute

demonstrează procentul mai crescut al persoanelor seropozitive icircn judeţul Cluj și sugerează o

incidență mai crescută a hidatidozei icircn această zonă Această concluzia a fost elaborată ca urmare a

desfășurării unui proiect de cercetare cu titlulbdquoEvaluarea și optimizarea interdisciplinară a metodelor

de screening diagnostic și tratament icircn trichineloza și echinococcoza chistică umană și animală icircn

centrul și nord-vestul Romacircnieirdquo desfășurat icircn perioada 2006 - 2008 la care am participat icircn

calitate de membru

Prin examenul imagistic la 7714 dintre pacienți s-a putut confirma diagnosticul de

hidatidoză prin metode imagistice Pacienții prezentau imagini edificatoare pentru chist hidatic cu

diverse localizari hepatic (6538) pulmonar (588) renal (588) Rezultatele cercetărilor

noastre sugerează că o anumită proporţie din populaţia investigată a fost pozitiva IgG anti-

Echinococcus fără a prezenta icircn organism hidatida decelabila prin metode imagistice


Lipsa cunoştinţelor ignoranţa populaţiei şi chiar a unor specialişti din domeniul sanitar

privind ciclul biologic al speciei E granulosus a gazdelor pe care le are precum şi a riscului pe care

icircl implică un contact stracircns cu gazda definitivă sunt cauze de primă importanţă pentru răspacircndirea cu

uşurinţă a parazitului

Rezultatele obţinute icircn urma acestui studiu concordă cu rezultatele unor studii asemănătoare din

literatura de specialitate efectuate icircn zone endemice pentru echinococcoză chistică umană [3]

Intr-un studiu efectuat pe un lot de persoane asimptomatice la 12 din cazuri ecografia nu

decela formațiune chistică caracteristică chistului hidatic cu toate că testul serologic era pozitiv [7]

STUDIUL II Evaluarea și optimizarea metodelor de diagnostic icircn boala hidatică

Studiul are următoarele scopuri 1 Evaluarea examenului clinic icircn diagnosticul prezumtiv și

evaluarea metodelor imagistice de diagnostic icircn boala hidatică 2 Evaluarea metodei ELISA

Western ndashBlott și a metodelor de laborator pentru confirmarea diagnosticului clinic și imagistic de

chist hidatic 3 Studiul comparativ al metodelor imagistice (ecografie Rx CT RM) cu metodele

serologice (metoda ELISA metoda Western-blott) și evaluarea utilității lor icircn diferențierea

echinococozei chistice și alveolare icircn efectuarea diagnosticului diferențial și interpretarea reacțiilor


23 Material şi metodă

Studiul a fost efectuat icircn perioada 2006 - 2010 şi a inclus un eşantion reprezentativ de 189

persoane simptomatice cu simptome sugestive sau cu suspiciune imagistică de boală hidatică Au


mai fost luate icircn studiu persoane care au suferit intervenție chirurgicală pentru boala hidatică și

persoane care prezentau rezultate de laborator nespecifice dar cu suspiciune de boală parazitară

Am folosit ca material de lucru cazuistica medicală și chirurgicală din Clinicile Medicale și

Chirurgicale din Cluj-Napoca și Sălaj (Clinica Chirurgie III Clinica Chirurgie V și ambulatorul unei

policlinici private) Tipurile de date colectate folosite icircn acest studiu au fost genul vacircrsta mediul de

proveniență diagnosticul clinic complicațiile chistului hidatic antecedente de chist hidatic

metodele de diagnostic imagistic efectuate (ecografie abdominală Rx pulmonar CT RM

tratamentul chirurgical examenul piesei operatorii histopatologic) analize de laborator localizarea

formațiunilor chistice icircn funcție de segmentația hepatică și icircn funcție de organul afectat metodele

de diagnostic serologic efectuate (metoda imunoenzimatica IgG antiechinococcus ELISA respectiv

metoda IgG echinococcus Western- blot)

24 Rezultate

Din rezultatele obtinute rezultă că nu există o asociere semnificativă icircntre eozinofilie şi

diagnosticul bolii hidatice (pgt005) Totuşi atunci cacircnd eozinofilia este prezentă se constată o

coincidenţă relativ ridicată de 71 (IC=52 - 85) cu diagnosticul de chist hidatic

Analiza statistică a corelației dintre rezultatele examenului imagistic cu rezultatele obţinute

pe baza confirmării chirurgicale şi paraclinice a evidentiat o sensibilitate de 9689 a examenului

imagistic specificitatea fiind 100 din punct de vedere statistic ele nu diferă semnificativ Valoarea

diagnostică a examenului imagistic este dată icircnsă de valoarea predictivă pozitivă (VPP) şi respectiv

negativă (VPN) ambele fiind peste 84 cu toate că VPN este semnificativ statistic mai mică decacirct


Evaluarea rezultatelor examenului IgG antiechinococcus ELISA icircn raport cu confirmarea

chirurgicală histopatologică și paraclinică a diagnosticului de chist hidatic evidentiaza o

Specificitate de 9643 şi VPP de 9919 Acestea fiind foarte ridicate se poate considera că

metoda ELISA este un bun test de screening

Comparativ cu examenele imagistic ecografic sau CT IgG antiechinococcus ELISA are un

indice Youden mai mic Prin urmare din acest punct de vedere IgG antiechinococcus ELISA pare a fi

un test diagnostic mai puțin concludent decacirct examenele imagistice menţionate Pe de altă parte

comparacircnd intervalele de icircncredere la indicatorii Specificitate VPP la examenele imagistice (global

ecografic CT) şi IgG antiechinococcus ELISA se constată că nu diferă semnificativ statistic

Rezultatele examenului imagistic şi cele ale IgG antiechinococcus ELISA se asociază

semnificativ Este de remarcat că odată cu ceilalţi coeficienţi de asociere (coeficientul de

contingenţă Kendal tau) coeficientul de concordanţă dintre rezultatele examenului imagistic şi cele

ale IgG antiechinococcus ELISA este semnificativ statistic (plt0001) De menţionat că măsura de

concordanţă Kappa = 0522 indică faptul că icircntre cele două examinări există o concordanţă


Tehnica imunoblot este un puternic test de confirmare și de diagnostic serologic diferenţial

icircntre cele două infectii majore relevante echinococoza chistică și echinococoza alveolară [8]

Evaluarea rezultatelor examenului IgG echinococcus Western Blot icircn raport cu confirmarea

chirurgicală histopatologică şi paraclinică a diagnosticului de chist hidatic a relevat o Specificitate

de100 şi o valoare predictiva pozitiva de100 acestea fiind foarte ridicate se poate considera că

testul de detectare a IgG echinococcus Western Blot este un bun test de screening

Este de remarcat că odată cu ceilalţi coeficienţi de asociere (coeficientul de contingenţă

Kendal tau) coeficientul de concordanţă dintre rezultatele examenului imagistic şi cele ale IgG

echinococcus Western blot este semnificativ statistic (plt0001) De menţionat că măsura de


concordanţă Kappa = 0861 indică faptul că icircntre cele două examinări există o concordanţă foarte


25 Discutii

Evaluarea eozinofiliei ca marker diagnostic icircn echinococoza chistică a permis unor autorii

să afirme că eozinofilia nu este un indicator suficient pentru stabilirea diagnosticului de

echinococoză chistică fiind necesar și un diagnostic complementar clinic [9]

Sensibilitatea și specificitatea ecografiei a fost raportată icircn mai multe studii din literatură ca

fiind icircntre 88 ndash 98 și respectiv 95 ndash 100 pentru echinococoza chistică și echinococoza alveolară

umană Autorii o considera rdquogolden standardrdquo deși recunosc imperfecțiunea acestei tehnici

Examenul clinic examenul de laborator și datele epidemiologice sunt considerate deasemenea

importante pentru diagnosticul echinococozei chistice și echinococozei alveolare [10


Testele serologice contribuie la diagnostic detecţia anticorpilor IgG a avut o sensibilitate

de 95 și o specificitate de 94 icircntr-un studiu efectuat de Shambesh MA și colaboratorii [11


Sensibilitatea obţinută de Shambesh este semnificativ mai ridicată decacirct cea determinată icircn studiul

nostru care raportează o sensibilitate de 764 cu IC= 6907-8272 Icircn schimb specificitatea

nu diferă semnificativ statistic de cea obţinută icircn studiul nostru (9643 IC=8165-9991)

Infecţiile echinococice sunt considerate unele dintre cele mai periculoase boli helmintice

umane Deosebirea icircntre echinococoza chistică și alveolară este importantă din punct de vedere al

prognosticului și tratamentului

In diferite stadii ale echinococozei chistice și echinococozei alveolare testul cel mai relevant

s-a apreciat a fi testul Western blot IgG echinococus care a confirmat rezultatele pozitive [12


Cercetările efectuate cu scopul de a evidenţia prezenţa IgG echinococcus prin metoda

Western blot raportată la metoda de aur considerată (confirmarea chirurgicală histopatologică și

diagnostic paraclinic) au demonstrat o sensibilitate de 9211 (IC = 7862 - 9834)

specificitatea fiind de 100 (IC = 8389 - 100) date care sunt asemănătoare celor icircntacirclnite icircn

literatura de specialitate

Icircn majoritatea ţărilor echinococoza alveolară a căpătat deja un caracter endemic şi este icircn

curs de extindere continuă cu o rapiditate alarmantă devenind o boală emergentă

Parazitul adult Emultilocularis nu a fost depistat icircn Romacircnia pacircnă icircn prezent la nici o gazdă

definitivă [13


Studiul efectuat a relevat prin metoda Western blot pentru prima dată icircn țara noastră

existența probabilității infecției cu Echinococcus multilocularis la om Sunt necesare studii

ulterioare pentru depistarea persoanelor cu echinococoză alveolară existente icircn Romania icircn

condițiile existenței acesteia icircn numeroase țări din Europa inclusiv cele vecine Romacircniei (Ungaria

Ucraina) Centralizacircnd cercetările recente privind situația epidemiologică problemele clinice și

opțiunile terapeutice autorii au descris primul caz de echinococoză alveolară icircn Ungaria Pentru

confirmarea acestei infecții rare trebuie să fie luat icircn considerare diagnosticul diferenţial cu alte

leziuni hepatice infiltrative [14


Nu a fost raportat nici un caz la nivelul Romacircniei prin alte studii Recomandăm

introducerea acestei metode icircn screeningul și diagnosticul acestei boli grave

Icircn icircncercarea de a compara metodele folosite pentru diagnosticarea chistului hidatic și a

rezultatelor obţinute prin aceste metode putem afirma că testul Western blot IgG echinococcus este

cel mai sensibil pentru a preciza un diagnostic etiologic



1 Junie Monica Zoe Coroiu Carmen Costache 2002 The consequences of Echinococcus

granulosus infection icircn the human population Rev Scienţia Parasitologica 32 86-91

2 Seres Ştefania Monica Junie V Cozma 2009 Prevalence of Echinococcus granulosus in

Cluj county Romania revealed by PCR Rev Scienţia Parasitologica 1o1-2 68-71

3 Coroiu Zoe Judith Bele Cornelia Munteanu Rodica Radu 2007 Aspecte epidemiologice

privind hidatidoza umană icircn judeţul Cluj pe o perioada de 20 de ani (1981-2000) Rev

Scientia Parasitologica 81 32-38

4 A Lahuerta T Westrell J Takkinen F Boelaert V Rizzi B Helwigh B Borck H

Korsgaard A Ammon P Maumlkelauml Zoonoses icircn the European Union origin distribution and

dynamics ndash the EFSA - ECDC summary report 2009

5 Craig PS 1997 Immunodiagnosis of Echinococcus granulosus and a comparison of

techniques for diagnosis of canine echinococcosis In Compendium on cystic echinococcosis

icircn Africa and Middle Eastern countries with special reference to Morocco Brigham Young

University Pris Services Provo

6 Schipper HG Modern management of echinococcosis World Gastroenterology News vol 9

nr 2 2004

7 Arda B H Pulukccedilu T Yamazhan OR Sipahi S Tamsel G Demirpolat M Korkmaz

2009 Prevalence of Echinococcus granulosus detected using enzyme immunoassay and

abdominal ultrasonography icircn a group of students staying icircn a state dormitory icircn Turkey

Turk J Med Sci 391 1-4

8 Liance M V Janin S Bresson-Hadni DA Vuitton R Houin R Piarroux 2000

Immunodiagnosis of Echinococcus infections confirmatory testing and species

differentiation by a new comercial Western blot J Clin Microbiol 38 3718-3721

9 Karadam SY Ertabaklar H Sari C Dayanir Y Ertuğ S Should cystic echinococcosis be

investigated icircn patients having high eosinophil counts Turkiye Parazitol Derg


10 Macpherson CN Milner R Performance characteristics and quality control of community

based ultrasound surveys for cystic and alveolar echinococcosis Acta Trop 2003


11 Shambesh MA Craig PS Macpherson CN Rogan MT Gusbi AM Echtuish EF An

extensive ultrasound and serologic study to investigate the prevalence of human cystic

echinococcosis icircn northern Libya Am J Trop Med Hyg 1999 Mar 60(3)462-8

12 Reiter-Owona I Gruumlner B Frosch M Hoerauf A Kern P Tappe D Serological confirmatory

testing of alveolar and cystic echinococcosis in clinical practice results of a comparative

study with commercialized and in-house assays Clin Lab 200955(1-2)41-8

13 Sikoacute Barabaacutesi S Și Cozma V 2008 Echinococoza alveolară O posibilă zoonoză emergentă

icircn Romacircnia (Sinteză) RevScientia Parasitologica 9 1 48-60

14 Horvaacuteth Andrea Patonay Attila Baacutenhegyi Deacutenes Szlaacutevik Jaacutenos Balaacutezs Gyoumlrgy Goumlroumlg

Deacutenes Eacutes Werling Klaacutera A humaacuten Echinococcus multilocularis infectio elsocirc hazai esete

Beeacuterkezett 2007 november 16 elfogadva 2008 maacutercius 7



1 Nume Ciobanca

2 Prenume Petrica Teofil

3 Data şi locul naşterii 25111979 Localitatea Zalau judetul Salaj

4 Cetăţenie Romana

5 Stare civilă Casatorit

6 Contact Tel 0040-740052584 E-mail petrica_ciobancayahoocom

7 Studii

Instituţia Universitatea

de Vest bdquoVasile

Goldisrdquo Arad

Universitatea de

Medicina si


Hatieganurdquo Cluj



de Medicina





de medicina si




Cluj Napoca

Liceul Teoretic

Zalau -Sectia



Perioada Octombrie

2004 -

Iunie 2005



Ianuarie 2005-

Martie 2005






1994 -

Iulie 1998

Grade sau



Diploma de

Master in



Contabil si

Juridic al


Certificat de

Absolvire curs


de ecografie

generala modul I

Certificat de




de ecografie


modulul II

Diploma de




Diploma de


8 Titlul ştiinţific Medic Asistent Universitar Doctorand cu frecventa

9 Experienţa profesională

Perioada Functia Responsabilitati

01 11 2005 -


-Asistent Universitar

-Medic Rezident Medicina de


-Doctorand cu frecventa

UM F bdquoIuliu Hatieganurdquo CLUJ

- Activitate didactica in Microbiologie

(Bacteriologie Parazitologie

Virusologie Micologie) cu studentii

anului II III Medicina Generala

Farmacie Colegii Medicale in cadrul

UMF bdquoIuliu Hatieganurdquo

-Stagii in activitatea de rezidentiat

-activitate de cercetare

01012006 ndash


-Medic generalist SALVO- SAN

-practica medicala in medicina generala

0106 2009 ndash

2011 2009


-Practica medicala examinari clinice pre

si post operatorii

-managerul echipei de resuscitare in caz

de urgenta

15012007 ndash


Medic Rezident Medicina de

familie Spitalul Clinic Judetean de Urgenta

Cluj Napoca


- examinari clinice EKG diagnostic si

tratament stagii de Obstetrica si

Ginecologie Psihiatrie Boli Infectioase

29082005 ndash


Medic Stagiar Spitalul Kantonal Flawil Elvetia

-stagii de Medicina Interna prezentari si

explorari diagnostice

01012005 ndash


Medic Stagiar Spitalul Clinic Municipal Cluj Napoca

- stagii de Medicina Interna 6 luni

-stagii de Chirurgie 6 luni

14032005 ndash


Medic Stagiar Spitalul Clinic de Pediatrie bdquoMaria

Sklodowska Curierdquo

-am asistat la explorarile endoscopice


Cursuri post-universitare Ecografie generala modulul unu Ianuarie 2005 ndash februarie 2005

Ecografie generala modulul doi Ianuarie 2005 ndash martie 2005

Medicina ocupationala

Urgente chirurgicale la copii

Curs de resuscitare adulti

ALS - London Ambulance Service

EPLS - Royal Brompton Hospital London

Ultrasonografie de urgenta


Ecografie Doppler

10 Locul de muncă actual şi funcţia Asistent Universitar Doctorand cu frecventa UMF

bdquoIuliu Hatieganurdquo Cluj Napoca

11 Vechime la locul de muncă actual 6 ani

12 Lucrări elaborate şi sau publicate Monica Junie Petrica Ciobanca (B-783) 2005 Comparison of Antibiotic Resistance of Pseudomonas

Aeruginosa Strains Isolated from Different Types of Infections Abstracts of the XIth International

Congress of Bacteriology and Applied Microbiology July 23-28 San Francisco California USA -


Monica Junie Petrica Ciobanca (M-722) 2005 Evolution of Resistance Phenomenon to Antimycotic

Drugs of Candida Species and Dermatophytes Abstracts of the XIth International Congress of Mycology

July 23-28 San Francisco California USA ISBN1-555-81-354-2

Lia Monica Junie Doina Matinca Doina Tăţulescu AN Ferke Petrica Ciobanca 2006 Evolution of

Antibiotic Resistance of Pseudomonas aeruginosa strains isolated from Hospital Infectious International

Journal of Infectious Diseases vol10 suppl 1 ISSN 1201 ndash 9712 pag S 78 Lisabon Portugal ISSN

1201-9712 IJID indexed in MEDLINE EMCASE Escerpta Media and Urlichs Elsevier Publishing

Presented at the International Congress of Infectious Diseases sesiunea Antibiotic Resistance ndash Gram

negatives (poster nr 13003) iunie 15-18

Lia Monica Junie Zoe Coroiu şi col AN Ferke Petrica Ciobanca 2006 The significance of

AntiToxoplasma IgG and IgM Antibodies Detection in Toxoplasmosis Diagnosis Abstract books the 12th

ISID pag 80 Presented at the 12th ISID 15-18 iunie 2006 Lisbon Portugal Sectiunea Parasitic



Junie Monica Petrica Ciobanca 2006 Species Distribution and Antifungal Susceptibility Of Candida

Isolates Colected From Hospitalised Patients Abstracts of 16th European Congress Of Clinical

Microbiology And Infectious Diseases Nice France 1- 4 aprilie 2006

Constantea N şi Petrica Ciobanca 2007 Studiul clinic pentru icircmbunătăţirea metodelor de diagnostic de

laborator şi profilaxia chistului hidatic RevRomde Parasitol 17 48-49

Junie Monica N Constantea Petrica Ciobanca 2007 Surveillance programme in echinococcosis and

importance in the prophylaxis and therapy of human infection Clinical Microbiology and Infection


Christofidou M Spiliopoulou A Vamvacopoulou S Stamoulis V Dimitracopoulos G Anastassiou ED

Monica Junie Costache C Colosi I Ciobanca P T 2008 Species distribution and antifungal

susceptibility of Candida isolates collected from hospitalized patients in Romania and Greece Scientia

Parasitologica161-7 ISSN 1582 - 1366

L M Junie Vasile Cozma Zoe Coroiu Petrica Ciobanca 2009 ldquoEpidemiology of human

echinococcosis in Europe pg 109-127

Junie Monica S Răpuntean N Fiţ Cosmina Cuc F Puiu Gh Răpuntean L Deac Simion P T

Ciobanca 2009 Alternative therapies for combating antimicrobial resistence and reduction of severe

nosocomial infections Abstract Book of IMED (International Meeting on Emerging Diseases and

Surveillance) Vienna Austria Februarie 13-16 2009 Abstract 10152 pg86

V Cosma PT Ciobanca R Blaga C Gherman Lia Monica Junie 2009 Hydatidosis Epidemiology at

Humans and Animals in the Area of the Center and North-Vest Romania Abstract book of IMED

bdquoInternational Meeting on Emerging Diseases and Surveillancerdquo Vienna Austria Februarie pg86

Ciobanca Petrica Monica Junie 2011 Serological diagnosis and its applicability to the prophylaxis and

therapy of hydatid cyst in human patients Rev Scienţia Parasitologica 121 39-46

Ciobanca Petrica Teofil Junie Lia Monica 2011 Diagnosis confirmation of human cystic

echinococcosis by imagistic methods and immunoserological determinations Scientia


13 Limbi straine cunoscute Engleza-fluent Franceza ndashincepator Germana - incepator

14 Specializări şi calificări Ecografie Operare PC

15 Experienţa acumulată icircn programe naţionaleinternaţionale

ProgramulProiectul Funcţia Perioada

bdquoConstituirea unei reţele naţionale privind

studiul unor zoonoze parazitare şi

implicaţiile lor icircn siguranţa

alomentelorrdquoCEEX 1782005 cu o durată de

24 luni

realizat in colaborare cu Universitatea de

Stiinţe Agricole şi Medicină Veterinară

Doctorand Responsabil economic

2006 ndash2007

bdquoEvaluarea şi optimizarea interdisciplinară a

metodelor de screening diagnostic şi

tratament icircn trichineloza şi echinococoza

chistică umană şi animală icircn centrul şi nord-

vestul Romacircniei - TRICHIDrdquo Program

CEEX 1992006

realizat icircntre Universitatea de Stiinţe

Agricole şi Medicină Veterinară

(conducător al proiectului) şi UMF Cluj

Napoca (partener )

Doctorand Responsabil economic

2006 -2008

bdquoConstituirea unei reţele naţionale de

cercetare a dermatofitozelor la om şi

animalerdquoProgram CEEX 1512006

realizat icircntre USAMV (conducător al

proiectului) şi UMF Cluj Napoca


Doctorand Responsabil economic


Declar pe propria răspundere că datele prezentate sunt icircn conformitate cu realitatea









11 Background 11 12 Taxonomy and classification 12

13 Morphology12 14 Genetic and morphologic differences between species 15 15 Epidemiology 17 16 Biological lyfe cycle 19

161 Echinococcus granulosus 19

162 Echinococcus multilocularis 21 17 Human contamination 22

CHAPTER 2 HYDATID CYST 23 21 The pathogeny of the hydatid cyst 23

22 The evolution of the hydatid cyst 23 23 Clinical occurrence of human hydatidosis 24 24 Diagnosis of hydatid diseases 27

241 Clinical diagnosis 28 242 Medical imaging diagnosis 28

243 Parasitologic diagnosis31 244 Immunologic diagnosis 32 245 Differential diagnosis in hydatid cyst 34

25 Treating the hydatid cyst 35

26 The prophylaxis of the hydatid cyst 38 PART II PERSONAL RESEARCHES 40 STUDY 1 The applicability of the serological methods for the diagnosis therapy and prophylaxis of

the human hydatid disease 41 11 Introduction 41 12 Study aim and objectives 41

13 Material and method 42 131 Material 42 132 Method 43

14 Results 47 141 Detecting the seropositive persons investigated by ELISA IgG Antiechinococcus in Cluj

and Sălaj Counties47

142 Frequency depending on the environment the seropositive persons belong to in Cluj and

Sălaj Counties 48 143 Seropositve persons frequency in Cluj and Sălaj Counties depending on gender 50 144 Epidemiological aspects on seropositive persons in Cluj County (incidence environment

they belong to and distribution on genders) 51 145 The seropositive persons frequency depending on sex in Cluj County 52 146 Epidemiological aspects on seropositive persons in Sălaj County (incidence environment

they belong to and distribution on genders) 53

147 The frequency of seropositive persons dependending on sex in Salaj Couty 54

15 Confirming the determinations following the serological tests through imagistic methods in

human cystic echinococcosis 55 151 The results of imagistic determinations (ultrasound scan thoracic RX CT) helliphelliphelliphellip56


CONCLUIONS 68 STUDY II Evaluation and optimization of diagnosis methods in hydatid disease 69

21 Introduction 69

22 Study aim and objective 69 23 Material and method 70

231 Material 70 232 Paraclinic and clinical methods involved 71

233 Statistical methods of data analysis 77 24 Results 80

241 Epidemiological results (considering the sex origins age) 80 242 Clinical and paraclinical results regarding the hydatid cyst diagnosis 83

2421 The clinical examination value in hydatid cyst diagnosis 83 2422 Surgical confirmation in hydatid cyst presumtive diagnosis 85 2423 Assessing the usual laboratory analysis (haemoleucogram biochemical analysis used

to determine hydatid cyst) 86 2424 Imagistic methods involved to determine the hydatid cyst 89

2425 Results obtained through immunoserological methods 97 243 Comparative results 106





The Echinococcosis hydatidosis (the hydatid disease or the hydatid cyst) is a parasitic

disease determined by genus Echinococcus which may evolve with the most severe and different

implications Despite progresses in control and monitoring fields this parasitosis keeps representing

an important issue of the public health in the most parts of the world [1]

According to WHO classification the disease is a zoonosis which brings a lot of health issues

both in humans and animals because the causing parasites in order to end their biological cycle pass

through more vertebrate animal hosts (as for example dogs for the humans)

Due to its high prevalence the severe clinical ndash developing forms the morphofunctional

complications with high primary or secondary mortality the disease if frequently met both in rural

and urban environment at all age groups alarming prevalence in youngsters and occupational risk

groups [2]

In our country area the hydatid pathology has a quite high frequency the north ndash western part

of Transylvania being described an endemic area with important cases [3] the medicine of Cluj

having a significant experience in hydatid cyst diagnosis and treatment

Despite the lately achievements in human echinococcosis diagnosis and therapy it still has

an important place in morbidity and mortality structure within surgical services So in this way

presenting some briefly data over the different aspects the hydatid disease may adopt in its

development from clinical imagistic serological point of view and their importance evaluation in

early recognition and diagnosis of the disease


Chapter 1 Genus Echinococcus

The parasite responsible for causing human hydatidosis is a Platyhelminthe belonging to

Cestoda class (Eucestoda) Taeniidae family Genus Echinococcus The species of genus

Echinococcus considered as etiologic agents of echinococcosis hydatidosis according to WHO

experts are as follows

- Echinococcus granulosus (Batsch 1786) - cystic echinococcosis

- Echinococcus multilocularis (Leuckart 1863) ndash alveolar echinococcosis

- Echinococcus oligarthus (Diesing 1863)

- Echinococcus vogeli (Rausch Bernstein 1972) ndash polycystic echinococcosis

The issue of the 5th

species existence arose Ecruzi (Rausch and co ndash 1978 Kumaratilake

and Thompson ndash 1982) but Rausch and co (1984) comparing its features with Evogeli and

Eoligarthus remarked that in fact E cruzi is similar to E oligarthus

The geographical distribution of hydatidosis loyally follows the sheep breeders developing

curve and it is determined by pastoral promiscuity fact that determined Deve assert that the hydatid

disease is one of the dirty hands diseases

The wide range of animal species which may be intermediary hosts and their circulation from

Europe in other parts of the world made that Echinococcus be spread on the entire globe

In 2009 ECDC reported 790 cases of human echinococcosis with 11 lower than in 2008

(n= 891) Among the reported cases where the infecting species is known predominated the infection

with Egranulosus (72) while Emultilocularis infection was reported as having a frequency 3

times lower [4]


The hydatid cyst is often an invaliding disease with possible and often severe complications

(anaphylactic shock) with often difficult surgical therapy and frequent post-surgery recidivations

The clinical behaviours due to the complications settled through the aforementioned mechanisms

appear when the hydatid cyst sizes become considerable

The clinical framework of the hydatid cyst is little characteristic Quite often it is completely

asymptomatically and discovered purely by chance Other times the patients accused discomfort in

the right hypochondrium or even intense pain The allergic reactions are quite frequently from

urticaria reaction up to alergodermy or even anaphylactic shock (generally in case of fissure or even

the hydatid cyst rupture)

The morphological determination of the hydatid cysts may be done through thoracic

ultrasound scan computer tomography (CT) and magnetic resonance (MR)

The imagistic methods for human hydatidosis diagnosis are completed with immunodiagnosis

reactions aiming the parasitic aetiology confirmation of the determined formations through immune

induced response In the last years exists a tendency of immunologic diagnosis staging firstly

primary tests are used following to be confirmed through other methods having a significantly

specificity (secondary tests) [5]

The hydatid cyst modern management require involving all therapeutic methods medical

percutaneous and surgical The surgery is not anymore the first election for treating any hepatic

hydatid cyst In patients with univesicular cyst smaller that 4 cm the chosen therapy is the

monotherapy with albendazole

PAIR is indicated when the pain in not treatable or the albendazole is ineffective The

percutaneous treatment combines the alcohol and polidocanol but cannot be used in case of cysto-

billiary fistula

The surgery is used in cases when in percutaneous therapy no experts exist and the

percutaneous treatment cannot safely performed due to a significant extra-hepatic extension with

perforation risk of the cyst orand in case of cyst rupture in the peritoneal cavity [6]


STUDY 1 The applicability of the serological methods in the diagnosis therapy and

prophylaxis of human hydatid disease

The aim of this study was serological tests (ELISA method) conducting and evaluation as

screening and diagnosis methods of cystic echinococcosis The tests were conducted in symptomatic

and asymptomatic persons from Cluj and Sălaj Counties in order to estimate the disease frequency in

these counties In the persons where anti-echinococcus IgG antibodies were determined imagistic

investigations were performed in order to confirm the clinical and serological diagnosis of hydatid


The investigations allowed clarifying the epidemiological diagnosis therapeutic and

prognostic aspect regarding cystic echinococcosis

Material and method

The study was conducted during January 2007 ndash December 2009 and included 279

symptomatic and asymptomatic persons from Cluj and Sălaj Counties in order to determine the

presence and the level of anti-echinococcus antibodies level in the population of the two regions and

implicitly the asymptomatic infection using ELISA immunoenzyme method

In order to confirm the hydatid cyst diagnosis determined through serological test I used the

following imagistic methods abdominal pelvic ultrasound scan cranial CT thorax CT thorax Rx


Out of the 279 persons examined in both counties (Cluj şi Sălaj) in 22 patients was

determined positive serology the seropositivity frequency was of 789 (IC= 5 -1169) in the

studied sample suggesting the possible hydatid infection in seropositive persons

The real frequency of parasitosis is obviously higher because the symptomatic cases

represent only the peak of infestation pyramid while the asymptomatic cases form the unseen higher

basis of it

The serological screening performed in the north - western and central region of the country

showed the Egranulosus infection presence with the possibility of its active transmission The

obtained results demonstrate the higher percentage of the seropositve persons in Cluj County and

suggest a higher incidence of the hydatidosis in this region This conclusion was elaborated

following a research project conducting with the title Interdisciplinary evaluation and optimization

of the screening diagnosis and treatment methods in triquinelosis human and animal cystic

echinococcosis in the centre and north - west of Romania conducted during 2006-2008 where I

partake as a member

In 7714 of the patients in imagistic investigation the hydatidosis diagnosis could be

confirmed The patients had clear imagines for hydatid cyst with different locations hepatic

(6538) pulmonary (588) renal (588) The results of our researches suggest that a certain

proportion of the investigated population was positive in IgG anti-Echinococcus without having in

the organism the hydatid determined through imagistic methods


The lack of knowledge population ignorance and even of some specialists in sanitary field

regarding the biological cycle of E granulosus species and the hosts it has as well as the risk

involved by a tight contact with the permanent host are causes of main importance in parasite easy

spreading The results obtained following this study are similar with the results of some analogous

studies from the specialty literature conducted in endemic areas for human cystic echinococcosis [3]

In a study performed on an asymptomatic sample of persons in 12 of the cases the

ultrasound scan did not determine cystic form characteristic to the hydatid cyst although the

serological test was positive [7]

STUDY II Evaluation and optimization of the diagnosis methods in hydatid disease

The study has the following aims 1 the evaluation of the clinical examination in the

presumptive diagnosis and imagistic diagnosis evaluation in the hydatid disease 2 Evaluation of

ELISA method Western-Blott and the laboratory methods in order to confirm the clinical and

imagistic diagnosis of hydatid cyst 3 The comparative study of the imagistic methods (ultrasound

scan Rx CT RM) with the serological methods (ELISA Western-blott methods) and the evaluation

of their utility in differentiating the cystic and alveolar echinococcosis and in performing the

differential diagnosis and interpretation of the cross-reactions

23 Material and method

The study was performed during 2006 ndash 2010 and included a representative sample of 189

symptomatic persons with suggestive symptoms and imagistic suspicion of hydatid disease Other

studied persons were those for whom surgical intervention was performed in hydatid cyst and

persons having non-specific laboratory results but with suspicions of parasitic disease

The working material I used were the medical and surgical cases from the Medical and

Surgical Clinics of Cluj-Napoca and Sălaj (Clinica Chirurgie III Clinica Chirurgie V și and the

ambulatory of a private policlinic) The types of data collected and used within this study were

gender age origin clinical diagnosis the hydatid cyst complications hydatid cyst antecedents the

imagistic diagnosis methods performed (abdominal ultrasound scan pulmonary Rx CT RM

surgical treatment the examination of the surgical piece hystopathological) laboratory analysis

finding the location of the cystic formation depending on the hepatic segmentation and depending on

the organ in question the serological diagnosis methods performed (immunoenzyme IgG anti-

echinococcus ELISA method IgG echinococcus Western- blot method)

24 Results

The results obtained determined that there isnrsquot a significant association between IgG

echinococcus Western-blot and the hydatid disease diagnosis (pgt005) notwithstanding when

eosinophilia is present results a relatively high coincidence of 71 (IC=52 - 85) with the hydatid

cyst diagnosis

The statistic analysis of imagistic investigation results and surgical and paraclinical

confirmation results correlation presented a sensibility of 9689 for the imagistic investigation the

specificity was of 100 they dont differ significantly from statistical point of view The diagnosis

value of the imagistic examination is given by the positive predictive value (PPV) and the negative

one (NPP) both of them are over 84 although the NPP is statistical significantly lower than PPV

The evaluation of IgG antiechinococcus ELISA results compared with the surgical

hystopathological and paraclinical confirmation of hydatid cyst diagnosis determines a Specificity of

9643 and a PPV of 9919 as these are very high it may be considered that ELISA method is a

good screening test

By comparison with imagistic ultrasound scan or CT investigations the IgG

antiechinococcus ELISA has a lower Youden index As a consequence from this point of view IgG

antiechinococcus ELISA seems to be a less conclusive diagnosis test comparing with the mentioned

imagistic investigations On the other side comparing the trust intervals of Specificity PPV and

imagistic investigations (globally ultrasound scan CT) and IgG antiechinococcus ELISA we observe

that they donrsquot differ statistically speaking

The imagistic investigation results and those of IgG antiechinococcus ELISA associate

significantly It is noticeable that at the same time with the other association coefficients

(contingency Kendal tau coefficient) the concordance coefficient between the imagistic

investigation results and those of the IgG antiechinococcus ELISA are significantly statistical

(plt0001) It should be mentioned that the concordance measure Kappa = 0522 indicates the fact

that between the two examinations exist a moderate concordance

Imunoblot technique is a strong confirmation and differential serological diagnosis test

between the two major relevant infections the cystic and alveolar echinococcosis [8]

The evaluation of IgG echinococcus Western Blot investigation results by comparison with

the surgical hystopathological and paraclinial confirmation of hydatid cyst diagnosis revealed a

Specificity of 100 an a positive predictive value of 100 as these are very high you may consider

that the IgG echinococcus Western Blot detecting test is a good screening test

It is noticeable that at the same time with the other association coefficients (contingency

Kendal tau coefficient) the concordance coefficient between the imagistic investigation results and

those of the IgG echinococcus Western blot are significantly statistical (plt0001) It should be

mentioned that the concordance measure Kappa = 0816 indicates the fact that between the two

examinations exist a very good concordance


The evaluation of the eosinophilia as diagnosis marker in cystic echinococcosis allowed

some authors to assert that eosinophilia is not enough to settle the cystic echinococcosis diagnosis

but also a complementary clinical diagnosis [9]

The ultrasound scan sensibility and specificity was reported in more studies in the literature

as between 88-98 and 95-100 respectively for human cystic and alveolar echinococcosis The

authors consider it as the ldquogolden standardrdquo although admit the imperfection of this technique The

clinical investigation the laboratory examination and the epidemiological data are also considered

important for the cystic and alveolar echinococcosis diagnosis [10


The serological tests contribute to the diagnosis IgG antibodies detection had a sensibility of

95 and 94 specificity in a study conducted by Shambesh MA and company [11

] The sensibility

obtained by Shambesh is significantly higher than that determined in our study which determines a

sensibility of 74 with IC= 6907-8272 In exchange the specificity doesnt differ significantly

from statistical point of view of that obtained in our study (9643 IC=8165-9991)

The echinococcosis infections are considered ones of the most dangerous human helminthic

diseases The difference between the cystic and alveolar echinococcosis is important from the

prognostic and treatment point of view

In different stages of cystic and alveolar echinococcosis the most relevant test was

appreciated the Western blot IgG echinococus test whih confirmed the positive results [12


The research conducted in order to determined IgG echinococcus presence through Western

blot method reported to the considered golden method (surgical hystopathological and paraclinical

diagnosis confirmation) showed a sensibility of 9211 (IC = 7862 - 9834) the specificity

being of 100 (IC = 8389 - 100) data like the ones met in the specialty literature

In the most countries the alveolar echinococcosis has an endemic character and is

continuously extending with an alarming rapidity becoming an emergent disease

The adult parasite Emultilocularis was not yet found in Romania up now in any permanent

host [13


The study conducted revealed through the Western blot method for the first time in our

country the possibility of infection with Echinococcus multilocularis in human Next studies are

needed to determine the alveolar echinococcosis persons in Romania under the conditions of its

existence in a number of countries in Europe including Romania neighbouring countries (Hungary

Ukraine) centralizing the recent researches about the epidemiological situation the clinical

problems and the therapeutic options the authors described in the first case the alveolar

echinococcosis in Hungary In order to confirm these rare infections you must take in consideration

the differential diagnosis with other infiltrative hepatic lesions [14


No case was confirmed in Romania through other studies We recommend the introduction of

this method in the screening and diagnosis of this serious disease

In the attempt to compare the methods used in hydatid cyst diagnosis and the obtained results

through these methods we may assert that Western blot IgG echinococcus test is the most sensible in

determining an etiological diagnosis


1 Junie Monica Zoe Coroiu Carmen Costache 2002 The consequences of Echinococcus

granulosus infection in the human population Rev Scienţia Parasitologica 32 86-91

2 Seres Ştefania Monica Junie V Cozma 2009 Prevalence of Echinococcus granulosus in Cluj

county Romania revealed by PCR Rev Scienţia Parasitologica 1o1-2 68-71

3 Coroiu Zoe Judith Bele Cornelia Munteanu Rodica Radu 2007 Aspecte epidemiologice

privind hidatidoza umană icircn judeţul Cluj pe o perioada de 20 de ani (1981-2000) Rev Scientia

Parasitologica 81 32-38

4 A Lahuerta T Westrell J Takkinen F Boelaert V Rizzi B Helwigh B Borck H

Korsgaard A Ammon P Maumlkelauml Zoonoses icircn the European Union origin distribution and

dynamics ndash the EFSA - ECDC summary report 2009

5 Craig PS 1997 Immunodiagnosis of Echinococcus granulosus and a comparison of techniques

for diagnosis of canine echinococcosis In Compendium on cystic echinococcosis icircn Africa and

Middle Eastern countries with special reference to Morocco Brigham Young University Pris

Services Provo

6 Schipper HG Modern management of echinococcosis World Gastroenterology News vol 9 nr

2 2004

7 Arda B H Pulukccedilu T Yamazhan OR Sipahi S Tamsel G Demirpolat M Korkmaz 2009

Prevalence of Echinococcus granulosus detected using enzyme immunoassay and abdominal

ultrasonography icircn a group of students staying icircn a state dormitory icircn Turkey Turk J Med Sci

391 1-4

8Liance M V Janin S Bresson-Hadni DA Vuitton R Houin R Piarroux 2000

Immunodiagnosis of Echinococcus infections confirmatory testing and species differentiation by a

new comercial Western blot J Clin Microbiol 38 3718-3721

9Karadam SY Ertabaklar H Sari C Dayanir Y Ertuğ S Should cystic echinococcosis be

investigated icircn patients having high eosinophil countsTurkiye Parazitol Derg 200933(3)203-6

10 Macpherson CN Milner R Performance characteristics and quality control of community based

ultrasound surveys for cystic and alveolar echinococcosis Acta Trop 2003 Feb85(2)203-9

11 Shambesh MA Craig PS Macpherson CN Rogan MT Gusbi AM Echtuish EF An extensive

ultrasound and serologic study to investigate the prevalence of human cystic echinococcosis icircn

northern Libya Am J Trop Med Hyg 1999 Mar 60(3)462-8

12 Reiter-Owona I Gruumlner B Frosch M Hoerauf A Kern P Tappe D Serological confirmatory

testing of alveolar and cystic echinococcosis in clinical practice results of a comparative study

with commercialized and in-house assays Clin Lab 200955(1-2)41-8

13 Sikoacute Barabaacutesi S Și Cozma V 2008 Echinococoza alveolară O posibilă zoonoză emergentă icircn

Romacircnia (Sinteză) RevScientia Parasitologica 9 1 48-60

14 Horvaacuteth Andrea Patonay Attila Baacutenhegyi Deacutenes Szlaacutevik Jaacutenos Balaacutezs Gyoumlrgy Goumlroumlg Deacutenes

Eacutes Werling Klaacutera A humaacuten Echinococcus multilocularis infectio elsocirc hazai esete Beeacuterkezett

2007 november 16 elfogadva 2008 maacutercius 7


1 Surname Ciobanca

2 Name Petrica Teofil

3 Date and place of birth 25111979 Zalau Salaj

4 Citizenship Romanian

5 Marital status married

6 Contact Tel 0040-740052584 E-mailpetrica_ciobancayahoocom

7 Studies


bdquoVasile Goldisrdquo

West University


ldquoIuliu Haţieganurdquo

University of

Medicine and

Pharmacy of Cluj-


ldquoCarol Davilardquo

University of

Medicine of




University of

Medicine and

Pharmacy of


Theoretical High

School of Zalau

Physics -



Period October 2004

June 2005

January 2005

February 2005

January 2005

March 2005

October 1998

September 2004

September 1994

July 1998

Skills of



Masterrsquos Degree



Accounting and


Management of

the Companies

Certificate of


general ultrasound

scan post-

university course

module I

Certificate of



ultrasound scan


course module






High School


8 Scientific title Medical doctor University Assistant Full-time doctoral student 9 Professional experience

Period Position Responsibilities

01 11 2005 ndash up


- University Assistant

- Resident Physician in

Laboratory Medicine

- Full-time doctoral


UM F bdquoIuliu Hatieganurdquo CLUJ

- Didactical activity in Microbiology (Bacteriology

Parasitology Virology Mycology) with the 2nd



students General Medicine Pharmacy Medical Colleges

within Iuliu Hatieganu University of Medicine and


- Stages within residency activity

- Research activity

01012006 ndash up


- Physician SALVO - SAN

- medical practice in general medicine

0106 2009 ndash

2011 2009


-Medical practice clinical investigations before and after


-The manager of resuscitation team in emergency cases

15012007 ndash


Resident physician in

Family Medicine Spitalul Clinic Judetean de Urgenta Cluj Napoca

- clinical examinations EKG diagnosis and treatment

stages in Obstetrics and Gynaecology Psychiatry Infectious


29082005 ndash


Physician in training Kantonal Flawil Hospital Switzerland

-Internal Medicine stages presentations and diagnosis


01012005 ndash Physician in training Spitalul Clinic Municipal Cluj Napoca

01012006 - Internal Medicine stages for 6 months

- Surgery stages for 6 months

14032005 ndash


Physician in training bdquoMaria Sklodowska Curierdquo Paediatrics Clinical Hospital

- I assisted in the performance of endoscopic investigations

Post university courses General ultrasound scan first module January 2005 - February 2005

General ultrasound scan second module January 2005 ndash March 2005

Occupational medicine

Surgical emergencies in the children

Resuscitation course in adults

ALS - London Ambulance Service

EPLS - Royal Brompton Hospital London

Emergency ultrasonography


Doppler echography

10 The current place of work and position University assistant Full-time doctoral student

bdquoIuliu Hatieganurdquo University of Medicine and Pharmacy of Cluj-Napoca

11 Seniority in the current place of work 6 years

12 Works elaborated and or published Monica Junie Petrica Ciobanca (B-783) 2005 Comparison of Antibiotic Resistance of

Pseudomonas Aeruginosa Strains Isolated from Different Types of Infections Abstracts of the

XIth International Congress of Bacteriology and Applied Microbiology July 23-28 San

Francisco California USA - ISBN1-555-81-353-4

Monica Junie Petrica Ciobanca (M-722) 2005 Evolution of Resistance Phenomenon to

Antimycotic Drugs of Candida Species and Dermatophytes Abstracts of the XIth International

Congress of Mycology July 23-28 San Francisco California USA ISBN1-555-81-354-2

Lia Monica Junie Doina Matinca Doina Tăţulescu AN Ferke Petrica Ciobanca 2006

Evolution of Antibiotic Resistance of Pseudomonas aeruginosa strains isolated from Hospital

Infectious International Journal of Infectious Diseases vol10 suppl 1 ISSN 1201 ndash 9712 pag

S 78 Lisabon Portugal ISSN 1201-9712 IJID indexed in MEDLINE EMCASE Escerpta

Media and Urlichs Elsevier Publishing Presented at the International Congress of Infectious

Diseases sesiunea Antibiotic Resistance ndash Gram negatives (poster nr 13003) iunie 15-18

Lia Monica Junie Zoe Coroiu şi col AN Ferke Petrica Ciobanca 2006 The significance of

AntiToxoplasma IgG and IgM Antibodies Detection in Toxoplasmosis Diagnosis Abstract

books the 12th

ISID pag 80 Presented at the 12th

ISID 15-18 iunie 2006 Lisbon Portugal

Sectiunea Parasitic Infectious

Junie Monica Petrica Ciobanca 2006 Species Distribution and Antifungal Susceptibility Of

Candida Isolates Colected From Hospitalised Patients Abstracts of 16th

European Congress Of

Clinical Microbiology And Infectious Diseases Nice France 1- 4 aprilie 2006

Constantea N şi Petrica Ciobanca 2007 Studiul clinic pentru icircmbunătăţirea metodelor de

diagnostic de laborator şi profilaxia chistului hidatic RevRomde Parasitol 17 48-49

Junie Monica N Constantea Petrica Ciobanca 2007 Surveillance programme in

echinococcosis and importance in the prophylaxis and therapy of human infection Clinical

Microbiology and Infection 132

Christofidou M Spiliopoulou A Vamvacopoulou S Stamoulis V Dimitracopoulos G

Anastassiou ED Monica Junie Costache C Colosi I Ciobanca P T 2008 Species

distribution and antifungal susceptibility of Candida isolates collected from hospitalized patients

in Romania and Greece Scientia Parasitologica161-7 ISSN 1582 - 1366

L M Junie Vasile Cozma Zoe Coroiu Petrica Ciobanca 2009 ldquoEpidemiology of human

echinococcosis in Europe pg 109-127

Junie Monica S Răpuntean N Fiţ Cosmina Cuc F Puiu Gh Răpuntean L Deac Simion P

T Ciobanca 2009 Alternative therapies for combating antimicrobial resistence and reduction

of severe nosocomial infections Abstract Book of IMED (International Meeting on Emerging

Diseases and Surveillance) Vienna Austria Februarie 13-16 2009 Abstract 10152 pg86

V Cosma PT Ciobanca R Blaga C Gherman Lia Monica Junie 2009 Hydatidosis

Epidemiology at Humans and Animals in the Area of the Center and North-Vest Romania

Abstract book of IMED bdquoInternational Meeting on Emerging Diseases and Surveillancerdquo

Vienna Austria Februarie pg86

Ciobanca Petrica Monica Junie 2011 Serological diagnosis and its applicability to the

prophylaxis and therapy of hydatid cyst in human patients Rev Scienţia Parasitologica 121


Ciobanca Petrica Teofil Junie Lia Monica 2011 Diagnosis confirmation of human cystic

echinococcosis by imagistic methods and immunoserological determinations Scientia

Parasitologica12(3) 151-161

13 Foreign languages English-advanced French ndashbeginner German ndash beginner

14 Specialties and qualifications Ultrasound scan PC operator

15 Experience assimilated within the national international programs

Program project Position Period

A national network making regarding

the study of some parasitic zoonosis and

their implications in food safetyCEEX

1782005 lasting 25 months

Developed in collaboration with the

Agricultural Sciences and Veterinary

Medicine University

Doctoral student Economic

responsible person

2006 ndash2007

Interdisciplinary evaluation and

optimization of the screening diagnosis

and treatment methods in triquinelosis

human and animal cystic echinococcosis

in the centre and north - west of

Romania - TRICHIDrdquo CEEX program


Developed between the Agricultural

Sciences and Veterinary Medicine

University (project leader) and UMF

Cluj-Napoca (partner)

Doctoral student Economic

responsible person

2006 -2008

bdquoA national network making for

researching the dermatophytosis in

human and animals CEEX program


Developed between USAMV (project of

the leader) and UMF Cluj- Napoca


Doctoral student Economic

responsible person


I declare on my own liability that the data mentioned are according to reality



Pentru confirmarea diagnosticului de chist hidatic depistat prin testări serologice am folosit

următoarele metode imagistice ecografie abdomino-pelviană CT cranian CT torace Rx toracic


Din cele 279 de persoane investigate icircn ambele județe (Cluj şi Sălaj) la 22 pacienți s-a

evidențiat o serologie pozitivă frecvența seropozitivităţii find de 789 (IC= 5 -1169) la lotul

studiatcea ce sugerează infestația hidatica posibila la persoanele seropozitive Adevărata frecvență

a parazitozei este evident mai ridicată deoarece cazurile simptomatice reprezintă doar vacircrful

piramidei infestaţiei icircn timp ce cazurile asimptomatice formează baza nevăzută mult mai mare a


Screeningul serologic interprins icircn zona de nord-vest şi centru a ţării arata prezența

infestației cu Egranulosus cu posibilitatea transmiterii sale active Rezultatele obținute

demonstrează procentul mai crescut al persoanelor seropozitive icircn judeţul Cluj și sugerează o

incidență mai crescută a hidatidozei icircn această zonă Această concluzia a fost elaborată ca urmare a

desfășurării unui proiect de cercetare cu titlulbdquoEvaluarea și optimizarea interdisciplinară a metodelor

de screening diagnostic și tratament icircn trichineloza și echinococcoza chistică umană și animală icircn

centrul și nord-vestul Romacircnieirdquo desfășurat icircn perioada 2006 - 2008 la care am participat icircn

calitate de membru

Prin examenul imagistic la 7714 dintre pacienți s-a putut confirma diagnosticul de

hidatidoză prin metode imagistice Pacienții prezentau imagini edificatoare pentru chist hidatic cu

diverse localizari hepatic (6538) pulmonar (588) renal (588) Rezultatele cercetărilor

noastre sugerează că o anumită proporţie din populaţia investigată a fost pozitiva IgG anti-

Echinococcus fără a prezenta icircn organism hidatida decelabila prin metode imagistice


Lipsa cunoştinţelor ignoranţa populaţiei şi chiar a unor specialişti din domeniul sanitar

privind ciclul biologic al speciei E granulosus a gazdelor pe care le are precum şi a riscului pe care

icircl implică un contact stracircns cu gazda definitivă sunt cauze de primă importanţă pentru răspacircndirea cu

uşurinţă a parazitului

Rezultatele obţinute icircn urma acestui studiu concordă cu rezultatele unor studii asemănătoare din

literatura de specialitate efectuate icircn zone endemice pentru echinococcoză chistică umană [3]

Intr-un studiu efectuat pe un lot de persoane asimptomatice la 12 din cazuri ecografia nu

decela formațiune chistică caracteristică chistului hidatic cu toate că testul serologic era pozitiv [7]

STUDIUL II Evaluarea și optimizarea metodelor de diagnostic icircn boala hidatică

Studiul are următoarele scopuri 1 Evaluarea examenului clinic icircn diagnosticul prezumtiv și

evaluarea metodelor imagistice de diagnostic icircn boala hidatică 2 Evaluarea metodei ELISA

Western ndashBlott și a metodelor de laborator pentru confirmarea diagnosticului clinic și imagistic de

chist hidatic 3 Studiul comparativ al metodelor imagistice (ecografie Rx CT RM) cu metodele

serologice (metoda ELISA metoda Western-blott) și evaluarea utilității lor icircn diferențierea

echinococozei chistice și alveolare icircn efectuarea diagnosticului diferențial și interpretarea reacțiilor


23 Material şi metodă

Studiul a fost efectuat icircn perioada 2006 - 2010 şi a inclus un eşantion reprezentativ de 189

persoane simptomatice cu simptome sugestive sau cu suspiciune imagistică de boală hidatică Au


mai fost luate icircn studiu persoane care au suferit intervenție chirurgicală pentru boala hidatică și

persoane care prezentau rezultate de laborator nespecifice dar cu suspiciune de boală parazitară

Am folosit ca material de lucru cazuistica medicală și chirurgicală din Clinicile Medicale și

Chirurgicale din Cluj-Napoca și Sălaj (Clinica Chirurgie III Clinica Chirurgie V și ambulatorul unei

policlinici private) Tipurile de date colectate folosite icircn acest studiu au fost genul vacircrsta mediul de

proveniență diagnosticul clinic complicațiile chistului hidatic antecedente de chist hidatic

metodele de diagnostic imagistic efectuate (ecografie abdominală Rx pulmonar CT RM

tratamentul chirurgical examenul piesei operatorii histopatologic) analize de laborator localizarea

formațiunilor chistice icircn funcție de segmentația hepatică și icircn funcție de organul afectat metodele

de diagnostic serologic efectuate (metoda imunoenzimatica IgG antiechinococcus ELISA respectiv

metoda IgG echinococcus Western- blot)

24 Rezultate

Din rezultatele obtinute rezultă că nu există o asociere semnificativă icircntre eozinofilie şi

diagnosticul bolii hidatice (pgt005) Totuşi atunci cacircnd eozinofilia este prezentă se constată o

coincidenţă relativ ridicată de 71 (IC=52 - 85) cu diagnosticul de chist hidatic

Analiza statistică a corelației dintre rezultatele examenului imagistic cu rezultatele obţinute

pe baza confirmării chirurgicale şi paraclinice a evidentiat o sensibilitate de 9689 a examenului

imagistic specificitatea fiind 100 din punct de vedere statistic ele nu diferă semnificativ Valoarea

diagnostică a examenului imagistic este dată icircnsă de valoarea predictivă pozitivă (VPP) şi respectiv

negativă (VPN) ambele fiind peste 84 cu toate că VPN este semnificativ statistic mai mică decacirct


Evaluarea rezultatelor examenului IgG antiechinococcus ELISA icircn raport cu confirmarea

chirurgicală histopatologică și paraclinică a diagnosticului de chist hidatic evidentiaza o

Specificitate de 9643 şi VPP de 9919 Acestea fiind foarte ridicate se poate considera că

metoda ELISA este un bun test de screening

Comparativ cu examenele imagistic ecografic sau CT IgG antiechinococcus ELISA are un

indice Youden mai mic Prin urmare din acest punct de vedere IgG antiechinococcus ELISA pare a fi

un test diagnostic mai puțin concludent decacirct examenele imagistice menţionate Pe de altă parte

comparacircnd intervalele de icircncredere la indicatorii Specificitate VPP la examenele imagistice (global

ecografic CT) şi IgG antiechinococcus ELISA se constată că nu diferă semnificativ statistic

Rezultatele examenului imagistic şi cele ale IgG antiechinococcus ELISA se asociază

semnificativ Este de remarcat că odată cu ceilalţi coeficienţi de asociere (coeficientul de

contingenţă Kendal tau) coeficientul de concordanţă dintre rezultatele examenului imagistic şi cele

ale IgG antiechinococcus ELISA este semnificativ statistic (plt0001) De menţionat că măsura de

concordanţă Kappa = 0522 indică faptul că icircntre cele două examinări există o concordanţă


Tehnica imunoblot este un puternic test de confirmare și de diagnostic serologic diferenţial

icircntre cele două infectii majore relevante echinococoza chistică și echinococoza alveolară [8]

Evaluarea rezultatelor examenului IgG echinococcus Western Blot icircn raport cu confirmarea

chirurgicală histopatologică şi paraclinică a diagnosticului de chist hidatic a relevat o Specificitate

de100 şi o valoare predictiva pozitiva de100 acestea fiind foarte ridicate se poate considera că

testul de detectare a IgG echinococcus Western Blot este un bun test de screening

Este de remarcat că odată cu ceilalţi coeficienţi de asociere (coeficientul de contingenţă

Kendal tau) coeficientul de concordanţă dintre rezultatele examenului imagistic şi cele ale IgG

echinococcus Western blot este semnificativ statistic (plt0001) De menţionat că măsura de


concordanţă Kappa = 0861 indică faptul că icircntre cele două examinări există o concordanţă foarte


25 Discutii

Evaluarea eozinofiliei ca marker diagnostic icircn echinococoza chistică a permis unor autorii

să afirme că eozinofilia nu este un indicator suficient pentru stabilirea diagnosticului de

echinococoză chistică fiind necesar și un diagnostic complementar clinic [9]

Sensibilitatea și specificitatea ecografiei a fost raportată icircn mai multe studii din literatură ca

fiind icircntre 88 ndash 98 și respectiv 95 ndash 100 pentru echinococoza chistică și echinococoza alveolară

umană Autorii o considera rdquogolden standardrdquo deși recunosc imperfecțiunea acestei tehnici

Examenul clinic examenul de laborator și datele epidemiologice sunt considerate deasemenea

importante pentru diagnosticul echinococozei chistice și echinococozei alveolare [10


Testele serologice contribuie la diagnostic detecţia anticorpilor IgG a avut o sensibilitate

de 95 și o specificitate de 94 icircntr-un studiu efectuat de Shambesh MA și colaboratorii [11


Sensibilitatea obţinută de Shambesh este semnificativ mai ridicată decacirct cea determinată icircn studiul

nostru care raportează o sensibilitate de 764 cu IC= 6907-8272 Icircn schimb specificitatea

nu diferă semnificativ statistic de cea obţinută icircn studiul nostru (9643 IC=8165-9991)

Infecţiile echinococice sunt considerate unele dintre cele mai periculoase boli helmintice

umane Deosebirea icircntre echinococoza chistică și alveolară este importantă din punct de vedere al

prognosticului și tratamentului

In diferite stadii ale echinococozei chistice și echinococozei alveolare testul cel mai relevant

s-a apreciat a fi testul Western blot IgG echinococus care a confirmat rezultatele pozitive [12


Cercetările efectuate cu scopul de a evidenţia prezenţa IgG echinococcus prin metoda

Western blot raportată la metoda de aur considerată (confirmarea chirurgicală histopatologică și

diagnostic paraclinic) au demonstrat o sensibilitate de 9211 (IC = 7862 - 9834)

specificitatea fiind de 100 (IC = 8389 - 100) date care sunt asemănătoare celor icircntacirclnite icircn

literatura de specialitate

Icircn majoritatea ţărilor echinococoza alveolară a căpătat deja un caracter endemic şi este icircn

curs de extindere continuă cu o rapiditate alarmantă devenind o boală emergentă

Parazitul adult Emultilocularis nu a fost depistat icircn Romacircnia pacircnă icircn prezent la nici o gazdă

definitivă [13


Studiul efectuat a relevat prin metoda Western blot pentru prima dată icircn țara noastră

existența probabilității infecției cu Echinococcus multilocularis la om Sunt necesare studii

ulterioare pentru depistarea persoanelor cu echinococoză alveolară existente icircn Romania icircn

condițiile existenței acesteia icircn numeroase țări din Europa inclusiv cele vecine Romacircniei (Ungaria

Ucraina) Centralizacircnd cercetările recente privind situația epidemiologică problemele clinice și

opțiunile terapeutice autorii au descris primul caz de echinococoză alveolară icircn Ungaria Pentru

confirmarea acestei infecții rare trebuie să fie luat icircn considerare diagnosticul diferenţial cu alte

leziuni hepatice infiltrative [14


Nu a fost raportat nici un caz la nivelul Romacircniei prin alte studii Recomandăm

introducerea acestei metode icircn screeningul și diagnosticul acestei boli grave

Icircn icircncercarea de a compara metodele folosite pentru diagnosticarea chistului hidatic și a

rezultatelor obţinute prin aceste metode putem afirma că testul Western blot IgG echinococcus este

cel mai sensibil pentru a preciza un diagnostic etiologic



1 Junie Monica Zoe Coroiu Carmen Costache 2002 The consequences of Echinococcus

granulosus infection icircn the human population Rev Scienţia Parasitologica 32 86-91

2 Seres Ştefania Monica Junie V Cozma 2009 Prevalence of Echinococcus granulosus in

Cluj county Romania revealed by PCR Rev Scienţia Parasitologica 1o1-2 68-71

3 Coroiu Zoe Judith Bele Cornelia Munteanu Rodica Radu 2007 Aspecte epidemiologice

privind hidatidoza umană icircn judeţul Cluj pe o perioada de 20 de ani (1981-2000) Rev

Scientia Parasitologica 81 32-38

4 A Lahuerta T Westrell J Takkinen F Boelaert V Rizzi B Helwigh B Borck H

Korsgaard A Ammon P Maumlkelauml Zoonoses icircn the European Union origin distribution and

dynamics ndash the EFSA - ECDC summary report 2009

5 Craig PS 1997 Immunodiagnosis of Echinococcus granulosus and a comparison of

techniques for diagnosis of canine echinococcosis In Compendium on cystic echinococcosis

icircn Africa and Middle Eastern countries with special reference to Morocco Brigham Young

University Pris Services Provo

6 Schipper HG Modern management of echinococcosis World Gastroenterology News vol 9

nr 2 2004

7 Arda B H Pulukccedilu T Yamazhan OR Sipahi S Tamsel G Demirpolat M Korkmaz

2009 Prevalence of Echinococcus granulosus detected using enzyme immunoassay and

abdominal ultrasonography icircn a group of students staying icircn a state dormitory icircn Turkey

Turk J Med Sci 391 1-4

8 Liance M V Janin S Bresson-Hadni DA Vuitton R Houin R Piarroux 2000

Immunodiagnosis of Echinococcus infections confirmatory testing and species

differentiation by a new comercial Western blot J Clin Microbiol 38 3718-3721

9 Karadam SY Ertabaklar H Sari C Dayanir Y Ertuğ S Should cystic echinococcosis be

investigated icircn patients having high eosinophil counts Turkiye Parazitol Derg


10 Macpherson CN Milner R Performance characteristics and quality control of community

based ultrasound surveys for cystic and alveolar echinococcosis Acta Trop 2003


11 Shambesh MA Craig PS Macpherson CN Rogan MT Gusbi AM Echtuish EF An

extensive ultrasound and serologic study to investigate the prevalence of human cystic

echinococcosis icircn northern Libya Am J Trop Med Hyg 1999 Mar 60(3)462-8

12 Reiter-Owona I Gruumlner B Frosch M Hoerauf A Kern P Tappe D Serological confirmatory

testing of alveolar and cystic echinococcosis in clinical practice results of a comparative

study with commercialized and in-house assays Clin Lab 200955(1-2)41-8

13 Sikoacute Barabaacutesi S Și Cozma V 2008 Echinococoza alveolară O posibilă zoonoză emergentă

icircn Romacircnia (Sinteză) RevScientia Parasitologica 9 1 48-60

14 Horvaacuteth Andrea Patonay Attila Baacutenhegyi Deacutenes Szlaacutevik Jaacutenos Balaacutezs Gyoumlrgy Goumlroumlg

Deacutenes Eacutes Werling Klaacutera A humaacuten Echinococcus multilocularis infectio elsocirc hazai esete

Beeacuterkezett 2007 november 16 elfogadva 2008 maacutercius 7



1 Nume Ciobanca

2 Prenume Petrica Teofil

3 Data şi locul naşterii 25111979 Localitatea Zalau judetul Salaj

4 Cetăţenie Romana

5 Stare civilă Casatorit

6 Contact Tel 0040-740052584 E-mail petrica_ciobancayahoocom

7 Studii

Instituţia Universitatea

de Vest bdquoVasile

Goldisrdquo Arad

Universitatea de

Medicina si


Hatieganurdquo Cluj



de Medicina





de medicina si




Cluj Napoca

Liceul Teoretic

Zalau -Sectia



Perioada Octombrie

2004 -

Iunie 2005



Ianuarie 2005-

Martie 2005






1994 -

Iulie 1998

Grade sau



Diploma de

Master in



Contabil si

Juridic al


Certificat de

Absolvire curs


de ecografie

generala modul I

Certificat de




de ecografie


modulul II

Diploma de




Diploma de


8 Titlul ştiinţific Medic Asistent Universitar Doctorand cu frecventa

9 Experienţa profesională

Perioada Functia Responsabilitati

01 11 2005 -


-Asistent Universitar

-Medic Rezident Medicina de


-Doctorand cu frecventa

UM F bdquoIuliu Hatieganurdquo CLUJ

- Activitate didactica in Microbiologie

(Bacteriologie Parazitologie

Virusologie Micologie) cu studentii

anului II III Medicina Generala

Farmacie Colegii Medicale in cadrul

UMF bdquoIuliu Hatieganurdquo

-Stagii in activitatea de rezidentiat

-activitate de cercetare

01012006 ndash


-Medic generalist SALVO- SAN

-practica medicala in medicina generala

0106 2009 ndash

2011 2009


-Practica medicala examinari clinice pre

si post operatorii

-managerul echipei de resuscitare in caz

de urgenta

15012007 ndash


Medic Rezident Medicina de

familie Spitalul Clinic Judetean de Urgenta

Cluj Napoca


- examinari clinice EKG diagnostic si

tratament stagii de Obstetrica si

Ginecologie Psihiatrie Boli Infectioase

29082005 ndash


Medic Stagiar Spitalul Kantonal Flawil Elvetia

-stagii de Medicina Interna prezentari si

explorari diagnostice

01012005 ndash


Medic Stagiar Spitalul Clinic Municipal Cluj Napoca

- stagii de Medicina Interna 6 luni

-stagii de Chirurgie 6 luni

14032005 ndash


Medic Stagiar Spitalul Clinic de Pediatrie bdquoMaria

Sklodowska Curierdquo

-am asistat la explorarile endoscopice


Cursuri post-universitare Ecografie generala modulul unu Ianuarie 2005 ndash februarie 2005

Ecografie generala modulul doi Ianuarie 2005 ndash martie 2005

Medicina ocupationala

Urgente chirurgicale la copii

Curs de resuscitare adulti

ALS - London Ambulance Service

EPLS - Royal Brompton Hospital London

Ultrasonografie de urgenta


Ecografie Doppler

10 Locul de muncă actual şi funcţia Asistent Universitar Doctorand cu frecventa UMF

bdquoIuliu Hatieganurdquo Cluj Napoca

11 Vechime la locul de muncă actual 6 ani

12 Lucrări elaborate şi sau publicate Monica Junie Petrica Ciobanca (B-783) 2005 Comparison of Antibiotic Resistance of Pseudomonas

Aeruginosa Strains Isolated from Different Types of Infections Abstracts of the XIth International

Congress of Bacteriology and Applied Microbiology July 23-28 San Francisco California USA -


Monica Junie Petrica Ciobanca (M-722) 2005 Evolution of Resistance Phenomenon to Antimycotic

Drugs of Candida Species and Dermatophytes Abstracts of the XIth International Congress of Mycology

July 23-28 San Francisco California USA ISBN1-555-81-354-2

Lia Monica Junie Doina Matinca Doina Tăţulescu AN Ferke Petrica Ciobanca 2006 Evolution of

Antibiotic Resistance of Pseudomonas aeruginosa strains isolated from Hospital Infectious International

Journal of Infectious Diseases vol10 suppl 1 ISSN 1201 ndash 9712 pag S 78 Lisabon Portugal ISSN

1201-9712 IJID indexed in MEDLINE EMCASE Escerpta Media and Urlichs Elsevier Publishing

Presented at the International Congress of Infectious Diseases sesiunea Antibiotic Resistance ndash Gram

negatives (poster nr 13003) iunie 15-18

Lia Monica Junie Zoe Coroiu şi col AN Ferke Petrica Ciobanca 2006 The significance of

AntiToxoplasma IgG and IgM Antibodies Detection in Toxoplasmosis Diagnosis Abstract books the 12th

ISID pag 80 Presented at the 12th ISID 15-18 iunie 2006 Lisbon Portugal Sectiunea Parasitic



Junie Monica Petrica Ciobanca 2006 Species Distribution and Antifungal Susceptibility Of Candida

Isolates Colected From Hospitalised Patients Abstracts of 16th European Congress Of Clinical

Microbiology And Infectious Diseases Nice France 1- 4 aprilie 2006

Constantea N şi Petrica Ciobanca 2007 Studiul clinic pentru icircmbunătăţirea metodelor de diagnostic de

laborator şi profilaxia chistului hidatic RevRomde Parasitol 17 48-49

Junie Monica N Constantea Petrica Ciobanca 2007 Surveillance programme in echinococcosis and

importance in the prophylaxis and therapy of human infection Clinical Microbiology and Infection


Christofidou M Spiliopoulou A Vamvacopoulou S Stamoulis V Dimitracopoulos G Anastassiou ED

Monica Junie Costache C Colosi I Ciobanca P T 2008 Species distribution and antifungal

susceptibility of Candida isolates collected from hospitalized patients in Romania and Greece Scientia

Parasitologica161-7 ISSN 1582 - 1366

L M Junie Vasile Cozma Zoe Coroiu Petrica Ciobanca 2009 ldquoEpidemiology of human

echinococcosis in Europe pg 109-127

Junie Monica S Răpuntean N Fiţ Cosmina Cuc F Puiu Gh Răpuntean L Deac Simion P T

Ciobanca 2009 Alternative therapies for combating antimicrobial resistence and reduction of severe

nosocomial infections Abstract Book of IMED (International Meeting on Emerging Diseases and

Surveillance) Vienna Austria Februarie 13-16 2009 Abstract 10152 pg86

V Cosma PT Ciobanca R Blaga C Gherman Lia Monica Junie 2009 Hydatidosis Epidemiology at

Humans and Animals in the Area of the Center and North-Vest Romania Abstract book of IMED

bdquoInternational Meeting on Emerging Diseases and Surveillancerdquo Vienna Austria Februarie pg86

Ciobanca Petrica Monica Junie 2011 Serological diagnosis and its applicability to the prophylaxis and

therapy of hydatid cyst in human patients Rev Scienţia Parasitologica 121 39-46

Ciobanca Petrica Teofil Junie Lia Monica 2011 Diagnosis confirmation of human cystic

echinococcosis by imagistic methods and immunoserological determinations Scientia


13 Limbi straine cunoscute Engleza-fluent Franceza ndashincepator Germana - incepator

14 Specializări şi calificări Ecografie Operare PC

15 Experienţa acumulată icircn programe naţionaleinternaţionale

ProgramulProiectul Funcţia Perioada

bdquoConstituirea unei reţele naţionale privind

studiul unor zoonoze parazitare şi

implicaţiile lor icircn siguranţa

alomentelorrdquoCEEX 1782005 cu o durată de

24 luni

realizat in colaborare cu Universitatea de

Stiinţe Agricole şi Medicină Veterinară

Doctorand Responsabil economic

2006 ndash2007

bdquoEvaluarea şi optimizarea interdisciplinară a

metodelor de screening diagnostic şi

tratament icircn trichineloza şi echinococoza

chistică umană şi animală icircn centrul şi nord-

vestul Romacircniei - TRICHIDrdquo Program

CEEX 1992006

realizat icircntre Universitatea de Stiinţe

Agricole şi Medicină Veterinară

(conducător al proiectului) şi UMF Cluj

Napoca (partener )

Doctorand Responsabil economic

2006 -2008

bdquoConstituirea unei reţele naţionale de

cercetare a dermatofitozelor la om şi

animalerdquoProgram CEEX 1512006

realizat icircntre USAMV (conducător al

proiectului) şi UMF Cluj Napoca


Doctorand Responsabil economic


Declar pe propria răspundere că datele prezentate sunt icircn conformitate cu realitatea









11 Background 11 12 Taxonomy and classification 12

13 Morphology12 14 Genetic and morphologic differences between species 15 15 Epidemiology 17 16 Biological lyfe cycle 19

161 Echinococcus granulosus 19

162 Echinococcus multilocularis 21 17 Human contamination 22

CHAPTER 2 HYDATID CYST 23 21 The pathogeny of the hydatid cyst 23

22 The evolution of the hydatid cyst 23 23 Clinical occurrence of human hydatidosis 24 24 Diagnosis of hydatid diseases 27

241 Clinical diagnosis 28 242 Medical imaging diagnosis 28

243 Parasitologic diagnosis31 244 Immunologic diagnosis 32 245 Differential diagnosis in hydatid cyst 34

25 Treating the hydatid cyst 35

26 The prophylaxis of the hydatid cyst 38 PART II PERSONAL RESEARCHES 40 STUDY 1 The applicability of the serological methods for the diagnosis therapy and prophylaxis of

the human hydatid disease 41 11 Introduction 41 12 Study aim and objectives 41

13 Material and method 42 131 Material 42 132 Method 43

14 Results 47 141 Detecting the seropositive persons investigated by ELISA IgG Antiechinococcus in Cluj

and Sălaj Counties47

142 Frequency depending on the environment the seropositive persons belong to in Cluj and

Sălaj Counties 48 143 Seropositve persons frequency in Cluj and Sălaj Counties depending on gender 50 144 Epidemiological aspects on seropositive persons in Cluj County (incidence environment

they belong to and distribution on genders) 51 145 The seropositive persons frequency depending on sex in Cluj County 52 146 Epidemiological aspects on seropositive persons in Sălaj County (incidence environment

they belong to and distribution on genders) 53

147 The frequency of seropositive persons dependending on sex in Salaj Couty 54

15 Confirming the determinations following the serological tests through imagistic methods in

human cystic echinococcosis 55 151 The results of imagistic determinations (ultrasound scan thoracic RX CT) helliphelliphelliphellip56


CONCLUIONS 68 STUDY II Evaluation and optimization of diagnosis methods in hydatid disease 69

21 Introduction 69

22 Study aim and objective 69 23 Material and method 70

231 Material 70 232 Paraclinic and clinical methods involved 71

233 Statistical methods of data analysis 77 24 Results 80

241 Epidemiological results (considering the sex origins age) 80 242 Clinical and paraclinical results regarding the hydatid cyst diagnosis 83

2421 The clinical examination value in hydatid cyst diagnosis 83 2422 Surgical confirmation in hydatid cyst presumtive diagnosis 85 2423 Assessing the usual laboratory analysis (haemoleucogram biochemical analysis used

to determine hydatid cyst) 86 2424 Imagistic methods involved to determine the hydatid cyst 89

2425 Results obtained through immunoserological methods 97 243 Comparative results 106





The Echinococcosis hydatidosis (the hydatid disease or the hydatid cyst) is a parasitic

disease determined by genus Echinococcus which may evolve with the most severe and different

implications Despite progresses in control and monitoring fields this parasitosis keeps representing

an important issue of the public health in the most parts of the world [1]

According to WHO classification the disease is a zoonosis which brings a lot of health issues

both in humans and animals because the causing parasites in order to end their biological cycle pass

through more vertebrate animal hosts (as for example dogs for the humans)

Due to its high prevalence the severe clinical ndash developing forms the morphofunctional

complications with high primary or secondary mortality the disease if frequently met both in rural

and urban environment at all age groups alarming prevalence in youngsters and occupational risk

groups [2]

In our country area the hydatid pathology has a quite high frequency the north ndash western part

of Transylvania being described an endemic area with important cases [3] the medicine of Cluj

having a significant experience in hydatid cyst diagnosis and treatment

Despite the lately achievements in human echinococcosis diagnosis and therapy it still has

an important place in morbidity and mortality structure within surgical services So in this way

presenting some briefly data over the different aspects the hydatid disease may adopt in its

development from clinical imagistic serological point of view and their importance evaluation in

early recognition and diagnosis of the disease


Chapter 1 Genus Echinococcus

The parasite responsible for causing human hydatidosis is a Platyhelminthe belonging to

Cestoda class (Eucestoda) Taeniidae family Genus Echinococcus The species of genus

Echinococcus considered as etiologic agents of echinococcosis hydatidosis according to WHO

experts are as follows

- Echinococcus granulosus (Batsch 1786) - cystic echinococcosis

- Echinococcus multilocularis (Leuckart 1863) ndash alveolar echinococcosis

- Echinococcus oligarthus (Diesing 1863)

- Echinococcus vogeli (Rausch Bernstein 1972) ndash polycystic echinococcosis

The issue of the 5th

species existence arose Ecruzi (Rausch and co ndash 1978 Kumaratilake

and Thompson ndash 1982) but Rausch and co (1984) comparing its features with Evogeli and

Eoligarthus remarked that in fact E cruzi is similar to E oligarthus

The geographical distribution of hydatidosis loyally follows the sheep breeders developing

curve and it is determined by pastoral promiscuity fact that determined Deve assert that the hydatid

disease is one of the dirty hands diseases

The wide range of animal species which may be intermediary hosts and their circulation from

Europe in other parts of the world made that Echinococcus be spread on the entire globe

In 2009 ECDC reported 790 cases of human echinococcosis with 11 lower than in 2008

(n= 891) Among the reported cases where the infecting species is known predominated the infection

with Egranulosus (72) while Emultilocularis infection was reported as having a frequency 3

times lower [4]


The hydatid cyst is often an invaliding disease with possible and often severe complications

(anaphylactic shock) with often difficult surgical therapy and frequent post-surgery recidivations

The clinical behaviours due to the complications settled through the aforementioned mechanisms

appear when the hydatid cyst sizes become considerable

The clinical framework of the hydatid cyst is little characteristic Quite often it is completely

asymptomatically and discovered purely by chance Other times the patients accused discomfort in

the right hypochondrium or even intense pain The allergic reactions are quite frequently from

urticaria reaction up to alergodermy or even anaphylactic shock (generally in case of fissure or even

the hydatid cyst rupture)

The morphological determination of the hydatid cysts may be done through thoracic

ultrasound scan computer tomography (CT) and magnetic resonance (MR)

The imagistic methods for human hydatidosis diagnosis are completed with immunodiagnosis

reactions aiming the parasitic aetiology confirmation of the determined formations through immune

induced response In the last years exists a tendency of immunologic diagnosis staging firstly

primary tests are used following to be confirmed through other methods having a significantly

specificity (secondary tests) [5]

The hydatid cyst modern management require involving all therapeutic methods medical

percutaneous and surgical The surgery is not anymore the first election for treating any hepatic

hydatid cyst In patients with univesicular cyst smaller that 4 cm the chosen therapy is the

monotherapy with albendazole

PAIR is indicated when the pain in not treatable or the albendazole is ineffective The

percutaneous treatment combines the alcohol and polidocanol but cannot be used in case of cysto-

billiary fistula

The surgery is used in cases when in percutaneous therapy no experts exist and the

percutaneous treatment cannot safely performed due to a significant extra-hepatic extension with

perforation risk of the cyst orand in case of cyst rupture in the peritoneal cavity [6]


STUDY 1 The applicability of the serological methods in the diagnosis therapy and

prophylaxis of human hydatid disease

The aim of this study was serological tests (ELISA method) conducting and evaluation as

screening and diagnosis methods of cystic echinococcosis The tests were conducted in symptomatic

and asymptomatic persons from Cluj and Sălaj Counties in order to estimate the disease frequency in

these counties In the persons where anti-echinococcus IgG antibodies were determined imagistic

investigations were performed in order to confirm the clinical and serological diagnosis of hydatid


The investigations allowed clarifying the epidemiological diagnosis therapeutic and

prognostic aspect regarding cystic echinococcosis

Material and method

The study was conducted during January 2007 ndash December 2009 and included 279

symptomatic and asymptomatic persons from Cluj and Sălaj Counties in order to determine the

presence and the level of anti-echinococcus antibodies level in the population of the two regions and

implicitly the asymptomatic infection using ELISA immunoenzyme method

In order to confirm the hydatid cyst diagnosis determined through serological test I used the

following imagistic methods abdominal pelvic ultrasound scan cranial CT thorax CT thorax Rx


Out of the 279 persons examined in both counties (Cluj şi Sălaj) in 22 patients was

determined positive serology the seropositivity frequency was of 789 (IC= 5 -1169) in the

studied sample suggesting the possible hydatid infection in seropositive persons

The real frequency of parasitosis is obviously higher because the symptomatic cases

represent only the peak of infestation pyramid while the asymptomatic cases form the unseen higher

basis of it

The serological screening performed in the north - western and central region of the country

showed the Egranulosus infection presence with the possibility of its active transmission The

obtained results demonstrate the higher percentage of the seropositve persons in Cluj County and

suggest a higher incidence of the hydatidosis in this region This conclusion was elaborated

following a research project conducting with the title Interdisciplinary evaluation and optimization

of the screening diagnosis and treatment methods in triquinelosis human and animal cystic

echinococcosis in the centre and north - west of Romania conducted during 2006-2008 where I

partake as a member

In 7714 of the patients in imagistic investigation the hydatidosis diagnosis could be

confirmed The patients had clear imagines for hydatid cyst with different locations hepatic

(6538) pulmonary (588) renal (588) The results of our researches suggest that a certain

proportion of the investigated population was positive in IgG anti-Echinococcus without having in

the organism the hydatid determined through imagistic methods


The lack of knowledge population ignorance and even of some specialists in sanitary field

regarding the biological cycle of E granulosus species and the hosts it has as well as the risk

involved by a tight contact with the permanent host are causes of main importance in parasite easy

spreading The results obtained following this study are similar with the results of some analogous

studies from the specialty literature conducted in endemic areas for human cystic echinococcosis [3]

In a study performed on an asymptomatic sample of persons in 12 of the cases the

ultrasound scan did not determine cystic form characteristic to the hydatid cyst although the

serological test was positive [7]

STUDY II Evaluation and optimization of the diagnosis methods in hydatid disease

The study has the following aims 1 the evaluation of the clinical examination in the

presumptive diagnosis and imagistic diagnosis evaluation in the hydatid disease 2 Evaluation of

ELISA method Western-Blott and the laboratory methods in order to confirm the clinical and

imagistic diagnosis of hydatid cyst 3 The comparative study of the imagistic methods (ultrasound

scan Rx CT RM) with the serological methods (ELISA Western-blott methods) and the evaluation

of their utility in differentiating the cystic and alveolar echinococcosis and in performing the

differential diagnosis and interpretation of the cross-reactions

23 Material and method

The study was performed during 2006 ndash 2010 and included a representative sample of 189

symptomatic persons with suggestive symptoms and imagistic suspicion of hydatid disease Other

studied persons were those for whom surgical intervention was performed in hydatid cyst and

persons having non-specific laboratory results but with suspicions of parasitic disease

The working material I used were the medical and surgical cases from the Medical and

Surgical Clinics of Cluj-Napoca and Sălaj (Clinica Chirurgie III Clinica Chirurgie V și and the

ambulatory of a private policlinic) The types of data collected and used within this study were

gender age origin clinical diagnosis the hydatid cyst complications hydatid cyst antecedents the

imagistic diagnosis methods performed (abdominal ultrasound scan pulmonary Rx CT RM

surgical treatment the examination of the surgical piece hystopathological) laboratory analysis

finding the location of the cystic formation depending on the hepatic segmentation and depending on

the organ in question the serological diagnosis methods performed (immunoenzyme IgG anti-

echinococcus ELISA method IgG echinococcus Western- blot method)

24 Results

The results obtained determined that there isnrsquot a significant association between IgG

echinococcus Western-blot and the hydatid disease diagnosis (pgt005) notwithstanding when

eosinophilia is present results a relatively high coincidence of 71 (IC=52 - 85) with the hydatid

cyst diagnosis

The statistic analysis of imagistic investigation results and surgical and paraclinical

confirmation results correlation presented a sensibility of 9689 for the imagistic investigation the

specificity was of 100 they dont differ significantly from statistical point of view The diagnosis

value of the imagistic examination is given by the positive predictive value (PPV) and the negative

one (NPP) both of them are over 84 although the NPP is statistical significantly lower than PPV

The evaluation of IgG antiechinococcus ELISA results compared with the surgical

hystopathological and paraclinical confirmation of hydatid cyst diagnosis determines a Specificity of

9643 and a PPV of 9919 as these are very high it may be considered that ELISA method is a

good screening test

By comparison with imagistic ultrasound scan or CT investigations the IgG

antiechinococcus ELISA has a lower Youden index As a consequence from this point of view IgG

antiechinococcus ELISA seems to be a less conclusive diagnosis test comparing with the mentioned

imagistic investigations On the other side comparing the trust intervals of Specificity PPV and

imagistic investigations (globally ultrasound scan CT) and IgG antiechinococcus ELISA we observe

that they donrsquot differ statistically speaking

The imagistic investigation results and those of IgG antiechinococcus ELISA associate

significantly It is noticeable that at the same time with the other association coefficients

(contingency Kendal tau coefficient) the concordance coefficient between the imagistic

investigation results and those of the IgG antiechinococcus ELISA are significantly statistical

(plt0001) It should be mentioned that the concordance measure Kappa = 0522 indicates the fact

that between the two examinations exist a moderate concordance

Imunoblot technique is a strong confirmation and differential serological diagnosis test

between the two major relevant infections the cystic and alveolar echinococcosis [8]

The evaluation of IgG echinococcus Western Blot investigation results by comparison with

the surgical hystopathological and paraclinial confirmation of hydatid cyst diagnosis revealed a

Specificity of 100 an a positive predictive value of 100 as these are very high you may consider

that the IgG echinococcus Western Blot detecting test is a good screening test

It is noticeable that at the same time with the other association coefficients (contingency

Kendal tau coefficient) the concordance coefficient between the imagistic investigation results and

those of the IgG echinococcus Western blot are significantly statistical (plt0001) It should be

mentioned that the concordance measure Kappa = 0816 indicates the fact that between the two

examinations exist a very good concordance


The evaluation of the eosinophilia as diagnosis marker in cystic echinococcosis allowed

some authors to assert that eosinophilia is not enough to settle the cystic echinococcosis diagnosis

but also a complementary clinical diagnosis [9]

The ultrasound scan sensibility and specificity was reported in more studies in the literature

as between 88-98 and 95-100 respectively for human cystic and alveolar echinococcosis The

authors consider it as the ldquogolden standardrdquo although admit the imperfection of this technique The

clinical investigation the laboratory examination and the epidemiological data are also considered

important for the cystic and alveolar echinococcosis diagnosis [10


The serological tests contribute to the diagnosis IgG antibodies detection had a sensibility of

95 and 94 specificity in a study conducted by Shambesh MA and company [11

] The sensibility

obtained by Shambesh is significantly higher than that determined in our study which determines a

sensibility of 74 with IC= 6907-8272 In exchange the specificity doesnt differ significantly

from statistical point of view of that obtained in our study (9643 IC=8165-9991)

The echinococcosis infections are considered ones of the most dangerous human helminthic

diseases The difference between the cystic and alveolar echinococcosis is important from the

prognostic and treatment point of view

In different stages of cystic and alveolar echinococcosis the most relevant test was

appreciated the Western blot IgG echinococus test whih confirmed the positive results [12


The research conducted in order to determined IgG echinococcus presence through Western

blot method reported to the considered golden method (surgical hystopathological and paraclinical

diagnosis confirmation) showed a sensibility of 9211 (IC = 7862 - 9834) the specificity

being of 100 (IC = 8389 - 100) data like the ones met in the specialty literature

In the most countries the alveolar echinococcosis has an endemic character and is

continuously extending with an alarming rapidity becoming an emergent disease

The adult parasite Emultilocularis was not yet found in Romania up now in any permanent

host [13


The study conducted revealed through the Western blot method for the first time in our

country the possibility of infection with Echinococcus multilocularis in human Next studies are

needed to determine the alveolar echinococcosis persons in Romania under the conditions of its

existence in a number of countries in Europe including Romania neighbouring countries (Hungary

Ukraine) centralizing the recent researches about the epidemiological situation the clinical

problems and the therapeutic options the authors described in the first case the alveolar

echinococcosis in Hungary In order to confirm these rare infections you must take in consideration

the differential diagnosis with other infiltrative hepatic lesions [14


No case was confirmed in Romania through other studies We recommend the introduction of

this method in the screening and diagnosis of this serious disease

In the attempt to compare the methods used in hydatid cyst diagnosis and the obtained results

through these methods we may assert that Western blot IgG echinococcus test is the most sensible in

determining an etiological diagnosis


1 Junie Monica Zoe Coroiu Carmen Costache 2002 The consequences of Echinococcus

granulosus infection in the human population Rev Scienţia Parasitologica 32 86-91

2 Seres Ştefania Monica Junie V Cozma 2009 Prevalence of Echinococcus granulosus in Cluj

county Romania revealed by PCR Rev Scienţia Parasitologica 1o1-2 68-71

3 Coroiu Zoe Judith Bele Cornelia Munteanu Rodica Radu 2007 Aspecte epidemiologice

privind hidatidoza umană icircn judeţul Cluj pe o perioada de 20 de ani (1981-2000) Rev Scientia

Parasitologica 81 32-38

4 A Lahuerta T Westrell J Takkinen F Boelaert V Rizzi B Helwigh B Borck H

Korsgaard A Ammon P Maumlkelauml Zoonoses icircn the European Union origin distribution and

dynamics ndash the EFSA - ECDC summary report 2009

5 Craig PS 1997 Immunodiagnosis of Echinococcus granulosus and a comparison of techniques

for diagnosis of canine echinococcosis In Compendium on cystic echinococcosis icircn Africa and

Middle Eastern countries with special reference to Morocco Brigham Young University Pris

Services Provo

6 Schipper HG Modern management of echinococcosis World Gastroenterology News vol 9 nr

2 2004

7 Arda B H Pulukccedilu T Yamazhan OR Sipahi S Tamsel G Demirpolat M Korkmaz 2009

Prevalence of Echinococcus granulosus detected using enzyme immunoassay and abdominal

ultrasonography icircn a group of students staying icircn a state dormitory icircn Turkey Turk J Med Sci

391 1-4

8Liance M V Janin S Bresson-Hadni DA Vuitton R Houin R Piarroux 2000

Immunodiagnosis of Echinococcus infections confirmatory testing and species differentiation by a

new comercial Western blot J Clin Microbiol 38 3718-3721

9Karadam SY Ertabaklar H Sari C Dayanir Y Ertuğ S Should cystic echinococcosis be

investigated icircn patients having high eosinophil countsTurkiye Parazitol Derg 200933(3)203-6

10 Macpherson CN Milner R Performance characteristics and quality control of community based

ultrasound surveys for cystic and alveolar echinococcosis Acta Trop 2003 Feb85(2)203-9

11 Shambesh MA Craig PS Macpherson CN Rogan MT Gusbi AM Echtuish EF An extensive

ultrasound and serologic study to investigate the prevalence of human cystic echinococcosis icircn

northern Libya Am J Trop Med Hyg 1999 Mar 60(3)462-8

12 Reiter-Owona I Gruumlner B Frosch M Hoerauf A Kern P Tappe D Serological confirmatory

testing of alveolar and cystic echinococcosis in clinical practice results of a comparative study

with commercialized and in-house assays Clin Lab 200955(1-2)41-8

13 Sikoacute Barabaacutesi S Și Cozma V 2008 Echinococoza alveolară O posibilă zoonoză emergentă icircn

Romacircnia (Sinteză) RevScientia Parasitologica 9 1 48-60

14 Horvaacuteth Andrea Patonay Attila Baacutenhegyi Deacutenes Szlaacutevik Jaacutenos Balaacutezs Gyoumlrgy Goumlroumlg Deacutenes

Eacutes Werling Klaacutera A humaacuten Echinococcus multilocularis infectio elsocirc hazai esete Beeacuterkezett

2007 november 16 elfogadva 2008 maacutercius 7


1 Surname Ciobanca

2 Name Petrica Teofil

3 Date and place of birth 25111979 Zalau Salaj

4 Citizenship Romanian

5 Marital status married

6 Contact Tel 0040-740052584 E-mailpetrica_ciobancayahoocom

7 Studies


bdquoVasile Goldisrdquo

West University


ldquoIuliu Haţieganurdquo

University of

Medicine and

Pharmacy of Cluj-


ldquoCarol Davilardquo

University of

Medicine of




University of

Medicine and

Pharmacy of


Theoretical High

School of Zalau

Physics -



Period October 2004

June 2005

January 2005

February 2005

January 2005

March 2005

October 1998

September 2004

September 1994

July 1998

Skills of



Masterrsquos Degree



Accounting and


Management of

the Companies

Certificate of


general ultrasound

scan post-

university course

module I

Certificate of



ultrasound scan


course module






High School


8 Scientific title Medical doctor University Assistant Full-time doctoral student 9 Professional experience

Period Position Responsibilities

01 11 2005 ndash up


- University Assistant

- Resident Physician in

Laboratory Medicine

- Full-time doctoral


UM F bdquoIuliu Hatieganurdquo CLUJ

- Didactical activity in Microbiology (Bacteriology

Parasitology Virology Mycology) with the 2nd



students General Medicine Pharmacy Medical Colleges

within Iuliu Hatieganu University of Medicine and


- Stages within residency activity

- Research activity

01012006 ndash up


- Physician SALVO - SAN

- medical practice in general medicine

0106 2009 ndash

2011 2009


-Medical practice clinical investigations before and after


-The manager of resuscitation team in emergency cases

15012007 ndash


Resident physician in

Family Medicine Spitalul Clinic Judetean de Urgenta Cluj Napoca

- clinical examinations EKG diagnosis and treatment

stages in Obstetrics and Gynaecology Psychiatry Infectious


29082005 ndash


Physician in training Kantonal Flawil Hospital Switzerland

-Internal Medicine stages presentations and diagnosis


01012005 ndash Physician in training Spitalul Clinic Municipal Cluj Napoca

01012006 - Internal Medicine stages for 6 months

- Surgery stages for 6 months

14032005 ndash


Physician in training bdquoMaria Sklodowska Curierdquo Paediatrics Clinical Hospital

- I assisted in the performance of endoscopic investigations

Post university courses General ultrasound scan first module January 2005 - February 2005

General ultrasound scan second module January 2005 ndash March 2005

Occupational medicine

Surgical emergencies in the children

Resuscitation course in adults

ALS - London Ambulance Service

EPLS - Royal Brompton Hospital London

Emergency ultrasonography


Doppler echography

10 The current place of work and position University assistant Full-time doctoral student

bdquoIuliu Hatieganurdquo University of Medicine and Pharmacy of Cluj-Napoca

11 Seniority in the current place of work 6 years

12 Works elaborated and or published Monica Junie Petrica Ciobanca (B-783) 2005 Comparison of Antibiotic Resistance of

Pseudomonas Aeruginosa Strains Isolated from Different Types of Infections Abstracts of the

XIth International Congress of Bacteriology and Applied Microbiology July 23-28 San

Francisco California USA - ISBN1-555-81-353-4

Monica Junie Petrica Ciobanca (M-722) 2005 Evolution of Resistance Phenomenon to

Antimycotic Drugs of Candida Species and Dermatophytes Abstracts of the XIth International

Congress of Mycology July 23-28 San Francisco California USA ISBN1-555-81-354-2

Lia Monica Junie Doina Matinca Doina Tăţulescu AN Ferke Petrica Ciobanca 2006

Evolution of Antibiotic Resistance of Pseudomonas aeruginosa strains isolated from Hospital

Infectious International Journal of Infectious Diseases vol10 suppl 1 ISSN 1201 ndash 9712 pag

S 78 Lisabon Portugal ISSN 1201-9712 IJID indexed in MEDLINE EMCASE Escerpta

Media and Urlichs Elsevier Publishing Presented at the International Congress of Infectious

Diseases sesiunea Antibiotic Resistance ndash Gram negatives (poster nr 13003) iunie 15-18

Lia Monica Junie Zoe Coroiu şi col AN Ferke Petrica Ciobanca 2006 The significance of

AntiToxoplasma IgG and IgM Antibodies Detection in Toxoplasmosis Diagnosis Abstract

books the 12th

ISID pag 80 Presented at the 12th

ISID 15-18 iunie 2006 Lisbon Portugal

Sectiunea Parasitic Infectious

Junie Monica Petrica Ciobanca 2006 Species Distribution and Antifungal Susceptibility Of

Candida Isolates Colected From Hospitalised Patients Abstracts of 16th

European Congress Of

Clinical Microbiology And Infectious Diseases Nice France 1- 4 aprilie 2006

Constantea N şi Petrica Ciobanca 2007 Studiul clinic pentru icircmbunătăţirea metodelor de

diagnostic de laborator şi profilaxia chistului hidatic RevRomde Parasitol 17 48-49

Junie Monica N Constantea Petrica Ciobanca 2007 Surveillance programme in

echinococcosis and importance in the prophylaxis and therapy of human infection Clinical

Microbiology and Infection 132

Christofidou M Spiliopoulou A Vamvacopoulou S Stamoulis V Dimitracopoulos G

Anastassiou ED Monica Junie Costache C Colosi I Ciobanca P T 2008 Species

distribution and antifungal susceptibility of Candida isolates collected from hospitalized patients

in Romania and Greece Scientia Parasitologica161-7 ISSN 1582 - 1366

L M Junie Vasile Cozma Zoe Coroiu Petrica Ciobanca 2009 ldquoEpidemiology of human

echinococcosis in Europe pg 109-127

Junie Monica S Răpuntean N Fiţ Cosmina Cuc F Puiu Gh Răpuntean L Deac Simion P

T Ciobanca 2009 Alternative therapies for combating antimicrobial resistence and reduction

of severe nosocomial infections Abstract Book of IMED (International Meeting on Emerging

Diseases and Surveillance) Vienna Austria Februarie 13-16 2009 Abstract 10152 pg86

V Cosma PT Ciobanca R Blaga C Gherman Lia Monica Junie 2009 Hydatidosis

Epidemiology at Humans and Animals in the Area of the Center and North-Vest Romania

Abstract book of IMED bdquoInternational Meeting on Emerging Diseases and Surveillancerdquo

Vienna Austria Februarie pg86

Ciobanca Petrica Monica Junie 2011 Serological diagnosis and its applicability to the

prophylaxis and therapy of hydatid cyst in human patients Rev Scienţia Parasitologica 121


Ciobanca Petrica Teofil Junie Lia Monica 2011 Diagnosis confirmation of human cystic

echinococcosis by imagistic methods and immunoserological determinations Scientia

Parasitologica12(3) 151-161

13 Foreign languages English-advanced French ndashbeginner German ndash beginner

14 Specialties and qualifications Ultrasound scan PC operator

15 Experience assimilated within the national international programs

Program project Position Period

A national network making regarding

the study of some parasitic zoonosis and

their implications in food safetyCEEX

1782005 lasting 25 months

Developed in collaboration with the

Agricultural Sciences and Veterinary

Medicine University

Doctoral student Economic

responsible person

2006 ndash2007

Interdisciplinary evaluation and

optimization of the screening diagnosis

and treatment methods in triquinelosis

human and animal cystic echinococcosis

in the centre and north - west of

Romania - TRICHIDrdquo CEEX program


Developed between the Agricultural

Sciences and Veterinary Medicine

University (project leader) and UMF

Cluj-Napoca (partner)

Doctoral student Economic

responsible person

2006 -2008

bdquoA national network making for

researching the dermatophytosis in

human and animals CEEX program


Developed between USAMV (project of

the leader) and UMF Cluj- Napoca


Doctoral student Economic

responsible person


I declare on my own liability that the data mentioned are according to reality



mai fost luate icircn studiu persoane care au suferit intervenție chirurgicală pentru boala hidatică și

persoane care prezentau rezultate de laborator nespecifice dar cu suspiciune de boală parazitară

Am folosit ca material de lucru cazuistica medicală și chirurgicală din Clinicile Medicale și

Chirurgicale din Cluj-Napoca și Sălaj (Clinica Chirurgie III Clinica Chirurgie V și ambulatorul unei

policlinici private) Tipurile de date colectate folosite icircn acest studiu au fost genul vacircrsta mediul de

proveniență diagnosticul clinic complicațiile chistului hidatic antecedente de chist hidatic

metodele de diagnostic imagistic efectuate (ecografie abdominală Rx pulmonar CT RM

tratamentul chirurgical examenul piesei operatorii histopatologic) analize de laborator localizarea

formațiunilor chistice icircn funcție de segmentația hepatică și icircn funcție de organul afectat metodele

de diagnostic serologic efectuate (metoda imunoenzimatica IgG antiechinococcus ELISA respectiv

metoda IgG echinococcus Western- blot)

24 Rezultate

Din rezultatele obtinute rezultă că nu există o asociere semnificativă icircntre eozinofilie şi

diagnosticul bolii hidatice (pgt005) Totuşi atunci cacircnd eozinofilia este prezentă se constată o

coincidenţă relativ ridicată de 71 (IC=52 - 85) cu diagnosticul de chist hidatic

Analiza statistică a corelației dintre rezultatele examenului imagistic cu rezultatele obţinute

pe baza confirmării chirurgicale şi paraclinice a evidentiat o sensibilitate de 9689 a examenului

imagistic specificitatea fiind 100 din punct de vedere statistic ele nu diferă semnificativ Valoarea

diagnostică a examenului imagistic este dată icircnsă de valoarea predictivă pozitivă (VPP) şi respectiv

negativă (VPN) ambele fiind peste 84 cu toate că VPN este semnificativ statistic mai mică decacirct


Evaluarea rezultatelor examenului IgG antiechinococcus ELISA icircn raport cu confirmarea

chirurgicală histopatologică și paraclinică a diagnosticului de chist hidatic evidentiaza o

Specificitate de 9643 şi VPP de 9919 Acestea fiind foarte ridicate se poate considera că

metoda ELISA este un bun test de screening

Comparativ cu examenele imagistic ecografic sau CT IgG antiechinococcus ELISA are un

indice Youden mai mic Prin urmare din acest punct de vedere IgG antiechinococcus ELISA pare a fi

un test diagnostic mai puțin concludent decacirct examenele imagistice menţionate Pe de altă parte

comparacircnd intervalele de icircncredere la indicatorii Specificitate VPP la examenele imagistice (global

ecografic CT) şi IgG antiechinococcus ELISA se constată că nu diferă semnificativ statistic

Rezultatele examenului imagistic şi cele ale IgG antiechinococcus ELISA se asociază

semnificativ Este de remarcat că odată cu ceilalţi coeficienţi de asociere (coeficientul de

contingenţă Kendal tau) coeficientul de concordanţă dintre rezultatele examenului imagistic şi cele

ale IgG antiechinococcus ELISA este semnificativ statistic (plt0001) De menţionat că măsura de

concordanţă Kappa = 0522 indică faptul că icircntre cele două examinări există o concordanţă


Tehnica imunoblot este un puternic test de confirmare și de diagnostic serologic diferenţial

icircntre cele două infectii majore relevante echinococoza chistică și echinococoza alveolară [8]

Evaluarea rezultatelor examenului IgG echinococcus Western Blot icircn raport cu confirmarea

chirurgicală histopatologică şi paraclinică a diagnosticului de chist hidatic a relevat o Specificitate

de100 şi o valoare predictiva pozitiva de100 acestea fiind foarte ridicate se poate considera că

testul de detectare a IgG echinococcus Western Blot este un bun test de screening

Este de remarcat că odată cu ceilalţi coeficienţi de asociere (coeficientul de contingenţă

Kendal tau) coeficientul de concordanţă dintre rezultatele examenului imagistic şi cele ale IgG

echinococcus Western blot este semnificativ statistic (plt0001) De menţionat că măsura de


concordanţă Kappa = 0861 indică faptul că icircntre cele două examinări există o concordanţă foarte


25 Discutii

Evaluarea eozinofiliei ca marker diagnostic icircn echinococoza chistică a permis unor autorii

să afirme că eozinofilia nu este un indicator suficient pentru stabilirea diagnosticului de

echinococoză chistică fiind necesar și un diagnostic complementar clinic [9]

Sensibilitatea și specificitatea ecografiei a fost raportată icircn mai multe studii din literatură ca

fiind icircntre 88 ndash 98 și respectiv 95 ndash 100 pentru echinococoza chistică și echinococoza alveolară

umană Autorii o considera rdquogolden standardrdquo deși recunosc imperfecțiunea acestei tehnici

Examenul clinic examenul de laborator și datele epidemiologice sunt considerate deasemenea

importante pentru diagnosticul echinococozei chistice și echinococozei alveolare [10


Testele serologice contribuie la diagnostic detecţia anticorpilor IgG a avut o sensibilitate

de 95 și o specificitate de 94 icircntr-un studiu efectuat de Shambesh MA și colaboratorii [11


Sensibilitatea obţinută de Shambesh este semnificativ mai ridicată decacirct cea determinată icircn studiul

nostru care raportează o sensibilitate de 764 cu IC= 6907-8272 Icircn schimb specificitatea

nu diferă semnificativ statistic de cea obţinută icircn studiul nostru (9643 IC=8165-9991)

Infecţiile echinococice sunt considerate unele dintre cele mai periculoase boli helmintice

umane Deosebirea icircntre echinococoza chistică și alveolară este importantă din punct de vedere al

prognosticului și tratamentului

In diferite stadii ale echinococozei chistice și echinococozei alveolare testul cel mai relevant

s-a apreciat a fi testul Western blot IgG echinococus care a confirmat rezultatele pozitive [12


Cercetările efectuate cu scopul de a evidenţia prezenţa IgG echinococcus prin metoda

Western blot raportată la metoda de aur considerată (confirmarea chirurgicală histopatologică și

diagnostic paraclinic) au demonstrat o sensibilitate de 9211 (IC = 7862 - 9834)

specificitatea fiind de 100 (IC = 8389 - 100) date care sunt asemănătoare celor icircntacirclnite icircn

literatura de specialitate

Icircn majoritatea ţărilor echinococoza alveolară a căpătat deja un caracter endemic şi este icircn

curs de extindere continuă cu o rapiditate alarmantă devenind o boală emergentă

Parazitul adult Emultilocularis nu a fost depistat icircn Romacircnia pacircnă icircn prezent la nici o gazdă

definitivă [13


Studiul efectuat a relevat prin metoda Western blot pentru prima dată icircn țara noastră

existența probabilității infecției cu Echinococcus multilocularis la om Sunt necesare studii

ulterioare pentru depistarea persoanelor cu echinococoză alveolară existente icircn Romania icircn

condițiile existenței acesteia icircn numeroase țări din Europa inclusiv cele vecine Romacircniei (Ungaria

Ucraina) Centralizacircnd cercetările recente privind situația epidemiologică problemele clinice și

opțiunile terapeutice autorii au descris primul caz de echinococoză alveolară icircn Ungaria Pentru

confirmarea acestei infecții rare trebuie să fie luat icircn considerare diagnosticul diferenţial cu alte

leziuni hepatice infiltrative [14


Nu a fost raportat nici un caz la nivelul Romacircniei prin alte studii Recomandăm

introducerea acestei metode icircn screeningul și diagnosticul acestei boli grave

Icircn icircncercarea de a compara metodele folosite pentru diagnosticarea chistului hidatic și a

rezultatelor obţinute prin aceste metode putem afirma că testul Western blot IgG echinococcus este

cel mai sensibil pentru a preciza un diagnostic etiologic



1 Junie Monica Zoe Coroiu Carmen Costache 2002 The consequences of Echinococcus

granulosus infection icircn the human population Rev Scienţia Parasitologica 32 86-91

2 Seres Ştefania Monica Junie V Cozma 2009 Prevalence of Echinococcus granulosus in

Cluj county Romania revealed by PCR Rev Scienţia Parasitologica 1o1-2 68-71

3 Coroiu Zoe Judith Bele Cornelia Munteanu Rodica Radu 2007 Aspecte epidemiologice

privind hidatidoza umană icircn judeţul Cluj pe o perioada de 20 de ani (1981-2000) Rev

Scientia Parasitologica 81 32-38

4 A Lahuerta T Westrell J Takkinen F Boelaert V Rizzi B Helwigh B Borck H

Korsgaard A Ammon P Maumlkelauml Zoonoses icircn the European Union origin distribution and

dynamics ndash the EFSA - ECDC summary report 2009

5 Craig PS 1997 Immunodiagnosis of Echinococcus granulosus and a comparison of

techniques for diagnosis of canine echinococcosis In Compendium on cystic echinococcosis

icircn Africa and Middle Eastern countries with special reference to Morocco Brigham Young

University Pris Services Provo

6 Schipper HG Modern management of echinococcosis World Gastroenterology News vol 9

nr 2 2004

7 Arda B H Pulukccedilu T Yamazhan OR Sipahi S Tamsel G Demirpolat M Korkmaz

2009 Prevalence of Echinococcus granulosus detected using enzyme immunoassay and

abdominal ultrasonography icircn a group of students staying icircn a state dormitory icircn Turkey

Turk J Med Sci 391 1-4

8 Liance M V Janin S Bresson-Hadni DA Vuitton R Houin R Piarroux 2000

Immunodiagnosis of Echinococcus infections confirmatory testing and species

differentiation by a new comercial Western blot J Clin Microbiol 38 3718-3721

9 Karadam SY Ertabaklar H Sari C Dayanir Y Ertuğ S Should cystic echinococcosis be

investigated icircn patients having high eosinophil counts Turkiye Parazitol Derg


10 Macpherson CN Milner R Performance characteristics and quality control of community

based ultrasound surveys for cystic and alveolar echinococcosis Acta Trop 2003


11 Shambesh MA Craig PS Macpherson CN Rogan MT Gusbi AM Echtuish EF An

extensive ultrasound and serologic study to investigate the prevalence of human cystic

echinococcosis icircn northern Libya Am J Trop Med Hyg 1999 Mar 60(3)462-8

12 Reiter-Owona I Gruumlner B Frosch M Hoerauf A Kern P Tappe D Serological confirmatory

testing of alveolar and cystic echinococcosis in clinical practice results of a comparative

study with commercialized and in-house assays Clin Lab 200955(1-2)41-8

13 Sikoacute Barabaacutesi S Și Cozma V 2008 Echinococoza alveolară O posibilă zoonoză emergentă

icircn Romacircnia (Sinteză) RevScientia Parasitologica 9 1 48-60

14 Horvaacuteth Andrea Patonay Attila Baacutenhegyi Deacutenes Szlaacutevik Jaacutenos Balaacutezs Gyoumlrgy Goumlroumlg

Deacutenes Eacutes Werling Klaacutera A humaacuten Echinococcus multilocularis infectio elsocirc hazai esete

Beeacuterkezett 2007 november 16 elfogadva 2008 maacutercius 7



1 Nume Ciobanca

2 Prenume Petrica Teofil

3 Data şi locul naşterii 25111979 Localitatea Zalau judetul Salaj

4 Cetăţenie Romana

5 Stare civilă Casatorit

6 Contact Tel 0040-740052584 E-mail petrica_ciobancayahoocom

7 Studii

Instituţia Universitatea

de Vest bdquoVasile

Goldisrdquo Arad

Universitatea de

Medicina si


Hatieganurdquo Cluj



de Medicina





de medicina si




Cluj Napoca

Liceul Teoretic

Zalau -Sectia



Perioada Octombrie

2004 -

Iunie 2005



Ianuarie 2005-

Martie 2005






1994 -

Iulie 1998

Grade sau



Diploma de

Master in



Contabil si

Juridic al


Certificat de

Absolvire curs


de ecografie

generala modul I

Certificat de




de ecografie


modulul II

Diploma de




Diploma de


8 Titlul ştiinţific Medic Asistent Universitar Doctorand cu frecventa

9 Experienţa profesională

Perioada Functia Responsabilitati

01 11 2005 -


-Asistent Universitar

-Medic Rezident Medicina de


-Doctorand cu frecventa

UM F bdquoIuliu Hatieganurdquo CLUJ

- Activitate didactica in Microbiologie

(Bacteriologie Parazitologie

Virusologie Micologie) cu studentii

anului II III Medicina Generala

Farmacie Colegii Medicale in cadrul

UMF bdquoIuliu Hatieganurdquo

-Stagii in activitatea de rezidentiat

-activitate de cercetare

01012006 ndash


-Medic generalist SALVO- SAN

-practica medicala in medicina generala

0106 2009 ndash

2011 2009


-Practica medicala examinari clinice pre

si post operatorii

-managerul echipei de resuscitare in caz

de urgenta

15012007 ndash


Medic Rezident Medicina de

familie Spitalul Clinic Judetean de Urgenta

Cluj Napoca


- examinari clinice EKG diagnostic si

tratament stagii de Obstetrica si

Ginecologie Psihiatrie Boli Infectioase

29082005 ndash


Medic Stagiar Spitalul Kantonal Flawil Elvetia

-stagii de Medicina Interna prezentari si

explorari diagnostice

01012005 ndash


Medic Stagiar Spitalul Clinic Municipal Cluj Napoca

- stagii de Medicina Interna 6 luni

-stagii de Chirurgie 6 luni

14032005 ndash


Medic Stagiar Spitalul Clinic de Pediatrie bdquoMaria

Sklodowska Curierdquo

-am asistat la explorarile endoscopice


Cursuri post-universitare Ecografie generala modulul unu Ianuarie 2005 ndash februarie 2005

Ecografie generala modulul doi Ianuarie 2005 ndash martie 2005

Medicina ocupationala

Urgente chirurgicale la copii

Curs de resuscitare adulti

ALS - London Ambulance Service

EPLS - Royal Brompton Hospital London

Ultrasonografie de urgenta


Ecografie Doppler

10 Locul de muncă actual şi funcţia Asistent Universitar Doctorand cu frecventa UMF

bdquoIuliu Hatieganurdquo Cluj Napoca

11 Vechime la locul de muncă actual 6 ani

12 Lucrări elaborate şi sau publicate Monica Junie Petrica Ciobanca (B-783) 2005 Comparison of Antibiotic Resistance of Pseudomonas

Aeruginosa Strains Isolated from Different Types of Infections Abstracts of the XIth International

Congress of Bacteriology and Applied Microbiology July 23-28 San Francisco California USA -


Monica Junie Petrica Ciobanca (M-722) 2005 Evolution of Resistance Phenomenon to Antimycotic

Drugs of Candida Species and Dermatophytes Abstracts of the XIth International Congress of Mycology

July 23-28 San Francisco California USA ISBN1-555-81-354-2

Lia Monica Junie Doina Matinca Doina Tăţulescu AN Ferke Petrica Ciobanca 2006 Evolution of

Antibiotic Resistance of Pseudomonas aeruginosa strains isolated from Hospital Infectious International

Journal of Infectious Diseases vol10 suppl 1 ISSN 1201 ndash 9712 pag S 78 Lisabon Portugal ISSN

1201-9712 IJID indexed in MEDLINE EMCASE Escerpta Media and Urlichs Elsevier Publishing

Presented at the International Congress of Infectious Diseases sesiunea Antibiotic Resistance ndash Gram

negatives (poster nr 13003) iunie 15-18

Lia Monica Junie Zoe Coroiu şi col AN Ferke Petrica Ciobanca 2006 The significance of

AntiToxoplasma IgG and IgM Antibodies Detection in Toxoplasmosis Diagnosis Abstract books the 12th

ISID pag 80 Presented at the 12th ISID 15-18 iunie 2006 Lisbon Portugal Sectiunea Parasitic



Junie Monica Petrica Ciobanca 2006 Species Distribution and Antifungal Susceptibility Of Candida

Isolates Colected From Hospitalised Patients Abstracts of 16th European Congress Of Clinical

Microbiology And Infectious Diseases Nice France 1- 4 aprilie 2006

Constantea N şi Petrica Ciobanca 2007 Studiul clinic pentru icircmbunătăţirea metodelor de diagnostic de

laborator şi profilaxia chistului hidatic RevRomde Parasitol 17 48-49

Junie Monica N Constantea Petrica Ciobanca 2007 Surveillance programme in echinococcosis and

importance in the prophylaxis and therapy of human infection Clinical Microbiology and Infection


Christofidou M Spiliopoulou A Vamvacopoulou S Stamoulis V Dimitracopoulos G Anastassiou ED

Monica Junie Costache C Colosi I Ciobanca P T 2008 Species distribution and antifungal

susceptibility of Candida isolates collected from hospitalized patients in Romania and Greece Scientia

Parasitologica161-7 ISSN 1582 - 1366

L M Junie Vasile Cozma Zoe Coroiu Petrica Ciobanca 2009 ldquoEpidemiology of human

echinococcosis in Europe pg 109-127

Junie Monica S Răpuntean N Fiţ Cosmina Cuc F Puiu Gh Răpuntean L Deac Simion P T

Ciobanca 2009 Alternative therapies for combating antimicrobial resistence and reduction of severe

nosocomial infections Abstract Book of IMED (International Meeting on Emerging Diseases and

Surveillance) Vienna Austria Februarie 13-16 2009 Abstract 10152 pg86

V Cosma PT Ciobanca R Blaga C Gherman Lia Monica Junie 2009 Hydatidosis Epidemiology at

Humans and Animals in the Area of the Center and North-Vest Romania Abstract book of IMED

bdquoInternational Meeting on Emerging Diseases and Surveillancerdquo Vienna Austria Februarie pg86

Ciobanca Petrica Monica Junie 2011 Serological diagnosis and its applicability to the prophylaxis and

therapy of hydatid cyst in human patients Rev Scienţia Parasitologica 121 39-46

Ciobanca Petrica Teofil Junie Lia Monica 2011 Diagnosis confirmation of human cystic

echinococcosis by imagistic methods and immunoserological determinations Scientia


13 Limbi straine cunoscute Engleza-fluent Franceza ndashincepator Germana - incepator

14 Specializări şi calificări Ecografie Operare PC

15 Experienţa acumulată icircn programe naţionaleinternaţionale

ProgramulProiectul Funcţia Perioada

bdquoConstituirea unei reţele naţionale privind

studiul unor zoonoze parazitare şi

implicaţiile lor icircn siguranţa

alomentelorrdquoCEEX 1782005 cu o durată de

24 luni

realizat in colaborare cu Universitatea de

Stiinţe Agricole şi Medicină Veterinară

Doctorand Responsabil economic

2006 ndash2007

bdquoEvaluarea şi optimizarea interdisciplinară a

metodelor de screening diagnostic şi

tratament icircn trichineloza şi echinococoza

chistică umană şi animală icircn centrul şi nord-

vestul Romacircniei - TRICHIDrdquo Program

CEEX 1992006

realizat icircntre Universitatea de Stiinţe

Agricole şi Medicină Veterinară

(conducător al proiectului) şi UMF Cluj

Napoca (partener )

Doctorand Responsabil economic

2006 -2008

bdquoConstituirea unei reţele naţionale de

cercetare a dermatofitozelor la om şi

animalerdquoProgram CEEX 1512006

realizat icircntre USAMV (conducător al

proiectului) şi UMF Cluj Napoca


Doctorand Responsabil economic


Declar pe propria răspundere că datele prezentate sunt icircn conformitate cu realitatea









11 Background 11 12 Taxonomy and classification 12

13 Morphology12 14 Genetic and morphologic differences between species 15 15 Epidemiology 17 16 Biological lyfe cycle 19

161 Echinococcus granulosus 19

162 Echinococcus multilocularis 21 17 Human contamination 22

CHAPTER 2 HYDATID CYST 23 21 The pathogeny of the hydatid cyst 23

22 The evolution of the hydatid cyst 23 23 Clinical occurrence of human hydatidosis 24 24 Diagnosis of hydatid diseases 27

241 Clinical diagnosis 28 242 Medical imaging diagnosis 28

243 Parasitologic diagnosis31 244 Immunologic diagnosis 32 245 Differential diagnosis in hydatid cyst 34

25 Treating the hydatid cyst 35

26 The prophylaxis of the hydatid cyst 38 PART II PERSONAL RESEARCHES 40 STUDY 1 The applicability of the serological methods for the diagnosis therapy and prophylaxis of

the human hydatid disease 41 11 Introduction 41 12 Study aim and objectives 41

13 Material and method 42 131 Material 42 132 Method 43

14 Results 47 141 Detecting the seropositive persons investigated by ELISA IgG Antiechinococcus in Cluj

and Sălaj Counties47

142 Frequency depending on the environment the seropositive persons belong to in Cluj and

Sălaj Counties 48 143 Seropositve persons frequency in Cluj and Sălaj Counties depending on gender 50 144 Epidemiological aspects on seropositive persons in Cluj County (incidence environment

they belong to and distribution on genders) 51 145 The seropositive persons frequency depending on sex in Cluj County 52 146 Epidemiological aspects on seropositive persons in Sălaj County (incidence environment

they belong to and distribution on genders) 53

147 The frequency of seropositive persons dependending on sex in Salaj Couty 54

15 Confirming the determinations following the serological tests through imagistic methods in

human cystic echinococcosis 55 151 The results of imagistic determinations (ultrasound scan thoracic RX CT) helliphelliphelliphellip56


CONCLUIONS 68 STUDY II Evaluation and optimization of diagnosis methods in hydatid disease 69

21 Introduction 69

22 Study aim and objective 69 23 Material and method 70

231 Material 70 232 Paraclinic and clinical methods involved 71

233 Statistical methods of data analysis 77 24 Results 80

241 Epidemiological results (considering the sex origins age) 80 242 Clinical and paraclinical results regarding the hydatid cyst diagnosis 83

2421 The clinical examination value in hydatid cyst diagnosis 83 2422 Surgical confirmation in hydatid cyst presumtive diagnosis 85 2423 Assessing the usual laboratory analysis (haemoleucogram biochemical analysis used

to determine hydatid cyst) 86 2424 Imagistic methods involved to determine the hydatid cyst 89

2425 Results obtained through immunoserological methods 97 243 Comparative results 106





The Echinococcosis hydatidosis (the hydatid disease or the hydatid cyst) is a parasitic

disease determined by genus Echinococcus which may evolve with the most severe and different

implications Despite progresses in control and monitoring fields this parasitosis keeps representing

an important issue of the public health in the most parts of the world [1]

According to WHO classification the disease is a zoonosis which brings a lot of health issues

both in humans and animals because the causing parasites in order to end their biological cycle pass

through more vertebrate animal hosts (as for example dogs for the humans)

Due to its high prevalence the severe clinical ndash developing forms the morphofunctional

complications with high primary or secondary mortality the disease if frequently met both in rural

and urban environment at all age groups alarming prevalence in youngsters and occupational risk

groups [2]

In our country area the hydatid pathology has a quite high frequency the north ndash western part

of Transylvania being described an endemic area with important cases [3] the medicine of Cluj

having a significant experience in hydatid cyst diagnosis and treatment

Despite the lately achievements in human echinococcosis diagnosis and therapy it still has

an important place in morbidity and mortality structure within surgical services So in this way

presenting some briefly data over the different aspects the hydatid disease may adopt in its

development from clinical imagistic serological point of view and their importance evaluation in

early recognition and diagnosis of the disease


Chapter 1 Genus Echinococcus

The parasite responsible for causing human hydatidosis is a Platyhelminthe belonging to

Cestoda class (Eucestoda) Taeniidae family Genus Echinococcus The species of genus

Echinococcus considered as etiologic agents of echinococcosis hydatidosis according to WHO

experts are as follows

- Echinococcus granulosus (Batsch 1786) - cystic echinococcosis

- Echinococcus multilocularis (Leuckart 1863) ndash alveolar echinococcosis

- Echinococcus oligarthus (Diesing 1863)

- Echinococcus vogeli (Rausch Bernstein 1972) ndash polycystic echinococcosis

The issue of the 5th

species existence arose Ecruzi (Rausch and co ndash 1978 Kumaratilake

and Thompson ndash 1982) but Rausch and co (1984) comparing its features with Evogeli and

Eoligarthus remarked that in fact E cruzi is similar to E oligarthus

The geographical distribution of hydatidosis loyally follows the sheep breeders developing

curve and it is determined by pastoral promiscuity fact that determined Deve assert that the hydatid

disease is one of the dirty hands diseases

The wide range of animal species which may be intermediary hosts and their circulation from

Europe in other parts of the world made that Echinococcus be spread on the entire globe

In 2009 ECDC reported 790 cases of human echinococcosis with 11 lower than in 2008

(n= 891) Among the reported cases where the infecting species is known predominated the infection

with Egranulosus (72) while Emultilocularis infection was reported as having a frequency 3

times lower [4]


The hydatid cyst is often an invaliding disease with possible and often severe complications

(anaphylactic shock) with often difficult surgical therapy and frequent post-surgery recidivations

The clinical behaviours due to the complications settled through the aforementioned mechanisms

appear when the hydatid cyst sizes become considerable

The clinical framework of the hydatid cyst is little characteristic Quite often it is completely

asymptomatically and discovered purely by chance Other times the patients accused discomfort in

the right hypochondrium or even intense pain The allergic reactions are quite frequently from

urticaria reaction up to alergodermy or even anaphylactic shock (generally in case of fissure or even

the hydatid cyst rupture)

The morphological determination of the hydatid cysts may be done through thoracic

ultrasound scan computer tomography (CT) and magnetic resonance (MR)

The imagistic methods for human hydatidosis diagnosis are completed with immunodiagnosis

reactions aiming the parasitic aetiology confirmation of the determined formations through immune

induced response In the last years exists a tendency of immunologic diagnosis staging firstly

primary tests are used following to be confirmed through other methods having a significantly

specificity (secondary tests) [5]

The hydatid cyst modern management require involving all therapeutic methods medical

percutaneous and surgical The surgery is not anymore the first election for treating any hepatic

hydatid cyst In patients with univesicular cyst smaller that 4 cm the chosen therapy is the

monotherapy with albendazole

PAIR is indicated when the pain in not treatable or the albendazole is ineffective The

percutaneous treatment combines the alcohol and polidocanol but cannot be used in case of cysto-

billiary fistula

The surgery is used in cases when in percutaneous therapy no experts exist and the

percutaneous treatment cannot safely performed due to a significant extra-hepatic extension with

perforation risk of the cyst orand in case of cyst rupture in the peritoneal cavity [6]


STUDY 1 The applicability of the serological methods in the diagnosis therapy and

prophylaxis of human hydatid disease

The aim of this study was serological tests (ELISA method) conducting and evaluation as

screening and diagnosis methods of cystic echinococcosis The tests were conducted in symptomatic

and asymptomatic persons from Cluj and Sălaj Counties in order to estimate the disease frequency in

these counties In the persons where anti-echinococcus IgG antibodies were determined imagistic

investigations were performed in order to confirm the clinical and serological diagnosis of hydatid


The investigations allowed clarifying the epidemiological diagnosis therapeutic and

prognostic aspect regarding cystic echinococcosis

Material and method

The study was conducted during January 2007 ndash December 2009 and included 279

symptomatic and asymptomatic persons from Cluj and Sălaj Counties in order to determine the

presence and the level of anti-echinococcus antibodies level in the population of the two regions and

implicitly the asymptomatic infection using ELISA immunoenzyme method

In order to confirm the hydatid cyst diagnosis determined through serological test I used the

following imagistic methods abdominal pelvic ultrasound scan cranial CT thorax CT thorax Rx


Out of the 279 persons examined in both counties (Cluj şi Sălaj) in 22 patients was

determined positive serology the seropositivity frequency was of 789 (IC= 5 -1169) in the

studied sample suggesting the possible hydatid infection in seropositive persons

The real frequency of parasitosis is obviously higher because the symptomatic cases

represent only the peak of infestation pyramid while the asymptomatic cases form the unseen higher

basis of it

The serological screening performed in the north - western and central region of the country

showed the Egranulosus infection presence with the possibility of its active transmission The

obtained results demonstrate the higher percentage of the seropositve persons in Cluj County and

suggest a higher incidence of the hydatidosis in this region This conclusion was elaborated

following a research project conducting with the title Interdisciplinary evaluation and optimization

of the screening diagnosis and treatment methods in triquinelosis human and animal cystic

echinococcosis in the centre and north - west of Romania conducted during 2006-2008 where I

partake as a member

In 7714 of the patients in imagistic investigation the hydatidosis diagnosis could be

confirmed The patients had clear imagines for hydatid cyst with different locations hepatic

(6538) pulmonary (588) renal (588) The results of our researches suggest that a certain

proportion of the investigated population was positive in IgG anti-Echinococcus without having in

the organism the hydatid determined through imagistic methods


The lack of knowledge population ignorance and even of some specialists in sanitary field

regarding the biological cycle of E granulosus species and the hosts it has as well as the risk

involved by a tight contact with the permanent host are causes of main importance in parasite easy

spreading The results obtained following this study are similar with the results of some analogous

studies from the specialty literature conducted in endemic areas for human cystic echinococcosis [3]

In a study performed on an asymptomatic sample of persons in 12 of the cases the

ultrasound scan did not determine cystic form characteristic to the hydatid cyst although the

serological test was positive [7]

STUDY II Evaluation and optimization of the diagnosis methods in hydatid disease

The study has the following aims 1 the evaluation of the clinical examination in the

presumptive diagnosis and imagistic diagnosis evaluation in the hydatid disease 2 Evaluation of

ELISA method Western-Blott and the laboratory methods in order to confirm the clinical and

imagistic diagnosis of hydatid cyst 3 The comparative study of the imagistic methods (ultrasound

scan Rx CT RM) with the serological methods (ELISA Western-blott methods) and the evaluation

of their utility in differentiating the cystic and alveolar echinococcosis and in performing the

differential diagnosis and interpretation of the cross-reactions

23 Material and method

The study was performed during 2006 ndash 2010 and included a representative sample of 189

symptomatic persons with suggestive symptoms and imagistic suspicion of hydatid disease Other

studied persons were those for whom surgical intervention was performed in hydatid cyst and

persons having non-specific laboratory results but with suspicions of parasitic disease

The working material I used were the medical and surgical cases from the Medical and

Surgical Clinics of Cluj-Napoca and Sălaj (Clinica Chirurgie III Clinica Chirurgie V și and the

ambulatory of a private policlinic) The types of data collected and used within this study were

gender age origin clinical diagnosis the hydatid cyst complications hydatid cyst antecedents the

imagistic diagnosis methods performed (abdominal ultrasound scan pulmonary Rx CT RM

surgical treatment the examination of the surgical piece hystopathological) laboratory analysis

finding the location of the cystic formation depending on the hepatic segmentation and depending on

the organ in question the serological diagnosis methods performed (immunoenzyme IgG anti-

echinococcus ELISA method IgG echinococcus Western- blot method)

24 Results

The results obtained determined that there isnrsquot a significant association between IgG

echinococcus Western-blot and the hydatid disease diagnosis (pgt005) notwithstanding when

eosinophilia is present results a relatively high coincidence of 71 (IC=52 - 85) with the hydatid

cyst diagnosis

The statistic analysis of imagistic investigation results and surgical and paraclinical

confirmation results correlation presented a sensibility of 9689 for the imagistic investigation the

specificity was of 100 they dont differ significantly from statistical point of view The diagnosis

value of the imagistic examination is given by the positive predictive value (PPV) and the negative

one (NPP) both of them are over 84 although the NPP is statistical significantly lower than PPV

The evaluation of IgG antiechinococcus ELISA results compared with the surgical

hystopathological and paraclinical confirmation of hydatid cyst diagnosis determines a Specificity of

9643 and a PPV of 9919 as these are very high it may be considered that ELISA method is a

good screening test

By comparison with imagistic ultrasound scan or CT investigations the IgG

antiechinococcus ELISA has a lower Youden index As a consequence from this point of view IgG

antiechinococcus ELISA seems to be a less conclusive diagnosis test comparing with the mentioned

imagistic investigations On the other side comparing the trust intervals of Specificity PPV and

imagistic investigations (globally ultrasound scan CT) and IgG antiechinococcus ELISA we observe

that they donrsquot differ statistically speaking

The imagistic investigation results and those of IgG antiechinococcus ELISA associate

significantly It is noticeable that at the same time with the other association coefficients

(contingency Kendal tau coefficient) the concordance coefficient between the imagistic

investigation results and those of the IgG antiechinococcus ELISA are significantly statistical

(plt0001) It should be mentioned that the concordance measure Kappa = 0522 indicates the fact

that between the two examinations exist a moderate concordance

Imunoblot technique is a strong confirmation and differential serological diagnosis test

between the two major relevant infections the cystic and alveolar echinococcosis [8]

The evaluation of IgG echinococcus Western Blot investigation results by comparison with

the surgical hystopathological and paraclinial confirmation of hydatid cyst diagnosis revealed a

Specificity of 100 an a positive predictive value of 100 as these are very high you may consider

that the IgG echinococcus Western Blot detecting test is a good screening test

It is noticeable that at the same time with the other association coefficients (contingency

Kendal tau coefficient) the concordance coefficient between the imagistic investigation results and

those of the IgG echinococcus Western blot are significantly statistical (plt0001) It should be

mentioned that the concordance measure Kappa = 0816 indicates the fact that between the two

examinations exist a very good concordance


The evaluation of the eosinophilia as diagnosis marker in cystic echinococcosis allowed

some authors to assert that eosinophilia is not enough to settle the cystic echinococcosis diagnosis

but also a complementary clinical diagnosis [9]

The ultrasound scan sensibility and specificity was reported in more studies in the literature

as between 88-98 and 95-100 respectively for human cystic and alveolar echinococcosis The

authors consider it as the ldquogolden standardrdquo although admit the imperfection of this technique The

clinical investigation the laboratory examination and the epidemiological data are also considered

important for the cystic and alveolar echinococcosis diagnosis [10


The serological tests contribute to the diagnosis IgG antibodies detection had a sensibility of

95 and 94 specificity in a study conducted by Shambesh MA and company [11

] The sensibility

obtained by Shambesh is significantly higher than that determined in our study which determines a

sensibility of 74 with IC= 6907-8272 In exchange the specificity doesnt differ significantly

from statistical point of view of that obtained in our study (9643 IC=8165-9991)

The echinococcosis infections are considered ones of the most dangerous human helminthic

diseases The difference between the cystic and alveolar echinococcosis is important from the

prognostic and treatment point of view

In different stages of cystic and alveolar echinococcosis the most relevant test was

appreciated the Western blot IgG echinococus test whih confirmed the positive results [12


The research conducted in order to determined IgG echinococcus presence through Western

blot method reported to the considered golden method (surgical hystopathological and paraclinical

diagnosis confirmation) showed a sensibility of 9211 (IC = 7862 - 9834) the specificity

being of 100 (IC = 8389 - 100) data like the ones met in the specialty literature

In the most countries the alveolar echinococcosis has an endemic character and is

continuously extending with an alarming rapidity becoming an emergent disease

The adult parasite Emultilocularis was not yet found in Romania up now in any permanent

host [13


The study conducted revealed through the Western blot method for the first time in our

country the possibility of infection with Echinococcus multilocularis in human Next studies are

needed to determine the alveolar echinococcosis persons in Romania under the conditions of its

existence in a number of countries in Europe including Romania neighbouring countries (Hungary

Ukraine) centralizing the recent researches about the epidemiological situation the clinical

problems and the therapeutic options the authors described in the first case the alveolar

echinococcosis in Hungary In order to confirm these rare infections you must take in consideration

the differential diagnosis with other infiltrative hepatic lesions [14


No case was confirmed in Romania through other studies We recommend the introduction of

this method in the screening and diagnosis of this serious disease

In the attempt to compare the methods used in hydatid cyst diagnosis and the obtained results

through these methods we may assert that Western blot IgG echinococcus test is the most sensible in

determining an etiological diagnosis


1 Junie Monica Zoe Coroiu Carmen Costache 2002 The consequences of Echinococcus

granulosus infection in the human population Rev Scienţia Parasitologica 32 86-91

2 Seres Ştefania Monica Junie V Cozma 2009 Prevalence of Echinococcus granulosus in Cluj

county Romania revealed by PCR Rev Scienţia Parasitologica 1o1-2 68-71

3 Coroiu Zoe Judith Bele Cornelia Munteanu Rodica Radu 2007 Aspecte epidemiologice

privind hidatidoza umană icircn judeţul Cluj pe o perioada de 20 de ani (1981-2000) Rev Scientia

Parasitologica 81 32-38

4 A Lahuerta T Westrell J Takkinen F Boelaert V Rizzi B Helwigh B Borck H

Korsgaard A Ammon P Maumlkelauml Zoonoses icircn the European Union origin distribution and

dynamics ndash the EFSA - ECDC summary report 2009

5 Craig PS 1997 Immunodiagnosis of Echinococcus granulosus and a comparison of techniques

for diagnosis of canine echinococcosis In Compendium on cystic echinococcosis icircn Africa and

Middle Eastern countries with special reference to Morocco Brigham Young University Pris

Services Provo

6 Schipper HG Modern management of echinococcosis World Gastroenterology News vol 9 nr

2 2004

7 Arda B H Pulukccedilu T Yamazhan OR Sipahi S Tamsel G Demirpolat M Korkmaz 2009

Prevalence of Echinococcus granulosus detected using enzyme immunoassay and abdominal

ultrasonography icircn a group of students staying icircn a state dormitory icircn Turkey Turk J Med Sci

391 1-4

8Liance M V Janin S Bresson-Hadni DA Vuitton R Houin R Piarroux 2000

Immunodiagnosis of Echinococcus infections confirmatory testing and species differentiation by a

new comercial Western blot J Clin Microbiol 38 3718-3721

9Karadam SY Ertabaklar H Sari C Dayanir Y Ertuğ S Should cystic echinococcosis be

investigated icircn patients having high eosinophil countsTurkiye Parazitol Derg 200933(3)203-6

10 Macpherson CN Milner R Performance characteristics and quality control of community based

ultrasound surveys for cystic and alveolar echinococcosis Acta Trop 2003 Feb85(2)203-9

11 Shambesh MA Craig PS Macpherson CN Rogan MT Gusbi AM Echtuish EF An extensive

ultrasound and serologic study to investigate the prevalence of human cystic echinococcosis icircn

northern Libya Am J Trop Med Hyg 1999 Mar 60(3)462-8

12 Reiter-Owona I Gruumlner B Frosch M Hoerauf A Kern P Tappe D Serological confirmatory

testing of alveolar and cystic echinococcosis in clinical practice results of a comparative study

with commercialized and in-house assays Clin Lab 200955(1-2)41-8

13 Sikoacute Barabaacutesi S Și Cozma V 2008 Echinococoza alveolară O posibilă zoonoză emergentă icircn

Romacircnia (Sinteză) RevScientia Parasitologica 9 1 48-60

14 Horvaacuteth Andrea Patonay Attila Baacutenhegyi Deacutenes Szlaacutevik Jaacutenos Balaacutezs Gyoumlrgy Goumlroumlg Deacutenes

Eacutes Werling Klaacutera A humaacuten Echinococcus multilocularis infectio elsocirc hazai esete Beeacuterkezett

2007 november 16 elfogadva 2008 maacutercius 7


1 Surname Ciobanca

2 Name Petrica Teofil

3 Date and place of birth 25111979 Zalau Salaj

4 Citizenship Romanian

5 Marital status married

6 Contact Tel 0040-740052584 E-mailpetrica_ciobancayahoocom

7 Studies


bdquoVasile Goldisrdquo

West University


ldquoIuliu Haţieganurdquo

University of

Medicine and

Pharmacy of Cluj-


ldquoCarol Davilardquo

University of

Medicine of




University of

Medicine and

Pharmacy of


Theoretical High

School of Zalau

Physics -



Period October 2004

June 2005

January 2005

February 2005

January 2005

March 2005

October 1998

September 2004

September 1994

July 1998

Skills of



Masterrsquos Degree



Accounting and


Management of

the Companies

Certificate of


general ultrasound

scan post-

university course

module I

Certificate of



ultrasound scan


course module






High School


8 Scientific title Medical doctor University Assistant Full-time doctoral student 9 Professional experience

Period Position Responsibilities

01 11 2005 ndash up


- University Assistant

- Resident Physician in

Laboratory Medicine

- Full-time doctoral


UM F bdquoIuliu Hatieganurdquo CLUJ

- Didactical activity in Microbiology (Bacteriology

Parasitology Virology Mycology) with the 2nd



students General Medicine Pharmacy Medical Colleges

within Iuliu Hatieganu University of Medicine and


- Stages within residency activity

- Research activity

01012006 ndash up


- Physician SALVO - SAN

- medical practice in general medicine

0106 2009 ndash

2011 2009


-Medical practice clinical investigations before and after


-The manager of resuscitation team in emergency cases

15012007 ndash


Resident physician in

Family Medicine Spitalul Clinic Judetean de Urgenta Cluj Napoca

- clinical examinations EKG diagnosis and treatment

stages in Obstetrics and Gynaecology Psychiatry Infectious


29082005 ndash


Physician in training Kantonal Flawil Hospital Switzerland

-Internal Medicine stages presentations and diagnosis


01012005 ndash Physician in training Spitalul Clinic Municipal Cluj Napoca

01012006 - Internal Medicine stages for 6 months

- Surgery stages for 6 months

14032005 ndash


Physician in training bdquoMaria Sklodowska Curierdquo Paediatrics Clinical Hospital

- I assisted in the performance of endoscopic investigations

Post university courses General ultrasound scan first module January 2005 - February 2005

General ultrasound scan second module January 2005 ndash March 2005

Occupational medicine

Surgical emergencies in the children

Resuscitation course in adults

ALS - London Ambulance Service

EPLS - Royal Brompton Hospital London

Emergency ultrasonography


Doppler echography

10 The current place of work and position University assistant Full-time doctoral student

bdquoIuliu Hatieganurdquo University of Medicine and Pharmacy of Cluj-Napoca

11 Seniority in the current place of work 6 years

12 Works elaborated and or published Monica Junie Petrica Ciobanca (B-783) 2005 Comparison of Antibiotic Resistance of

Pseudomonas Aeruginosa Strains Isolated from Different Types of Infections Abstracts of the

XIth International Congress of Bacteriology and Applied Microbiology July 23-28 San

Francisco California USA - ISBN1-555-81-353-4

Monica Junie Petrica Ciobanca (M-722) 2005 Evolution of Resistance Phenomenon to

Antimycotic Drugs of Candida Species and Dermatophytes Abstracts of the XIth International

Congress of Mycology July 23-28 San Francisco California USA ISBN1-555-81-354-2

Lia Monica Junie Doina Matinca Doina Tăţulescu AN Ferke Petrica Ciobanca 2006

Evolution of Antibiotic Resistance of Pseudomonas aeruginosa strains isolated from Hospital

Infectious International Journal of Infectious Diseases vol10 suppl 1 ISSN 1201 ndash 9712 pag

S 78 Lisabon Portugal ISSN 1201-9712 IJID indexed in MEDLINE EMCASE Escerpta

Media and Urlichs Elsevier Publishing Presented at the International Congress of Infectious

Diseases sesiunea Antibiotic Resistance ndash Gram negatives (poster nr 13003) iunie 15-18

Lia Monica Junie Zoe Coroiu şi col AN Ferke Petrica Ciobanca 2006 The significance of

AntiToxoplasma IgG and IgM Antibodies Detection in Toxoplasmosis Diagnosis Abstract

books the 12th

ISID pag 80 Presented at the 12th

ISID 15-18 iunie 2006 Lisbon Portugal

Sectiunea Parasitic Infectious

Junie Monica Petrica Ciobanca 2006 Species Distribution and Antifungal Susceptibility Of

Candida Isolates Colected From Hospitalised Patients Abstracts of 16th

European Congress Of

Clinical Microbiology And Infectious Diseases Nice France 1- 4 aprilie 2006

Constantea N şi Petrica Ciobanca 2007 Studiul clinic pentru icircmbunătăţirea metodelor de

diagnostic de laborator şi profilaxia chistului hidatic RevRomde Parasitol 17 48-49

Junie Monica N Constantea Petrica Ciobanca 2007 Surveillance programme in

echinococcosis and importance in the prophylaxis and therapy of human infection Clinical

Microbiology and Infection 132

Christofidou M Spiliopoulou A Vamvacopoulou S Stamoulis V Dimitracopoulos G

Anastassiou ED Monica Junie Costache C Colosi I Ciobanca P T 2008 Species

distribution and antifungal susceptibility of Candida isolates collected from hospitalized patients

in Romania and Greece Scientia Parasitologica161-7 ISSN 1582 - 1366

L M Junie Vasile Cozma Zoe Coroiu Petrica Ciobanca 2009 ldquoEpidemiology of human

echinococcosis in Europe pg 109-127

Junie Monica S Răpuntean N Fiţ Cosmina Cuc F Puiu Gh Răpuntean L Deac Simion P

T Ciobanca 2009 Alternative therapies for combating antimicrobial resistence and reduction

of severe nosocomial infections Abstract Book of IMED (International Meeting on Emerging

Diseases and Surveillance) Vienna Austria Februarie 13-16 2009 Abstract 10152 pg86

V Cosma PT Ciobanca R Blaga C Gherman Lia Monica Junie 2009 Hydatidosis

Epidemiology at Humans and Animals in the Area of the Center and North-Vest Romania

Abstract book of IMED bdquoInternational Meeting on Emerging Diseases and Surveillancerdquo

Vienna Austria Februarie pg86

Ciobanca Petrica Monica Junie 2011 Serological diagnosis and its applicability to the

prophylaxis and therapy of hydatid cyst in human patients Rev Scienţia Parasitologica 121


Ciobanca Petrica Teofil Junie Lia Monica 2011 Diagnosis confirmation of human cystic

echinococcosis by imagistic methods and immunoserological determinations Scientia

Parasitologica12(3) 151-161

13 Foreign languages English-advanced French ndashbeginner German ndash beginner

14 Specialties and qualifications Ultrasound scan PC operator

15 Experience assimilated within the national international programs

Program project Position Period

A national network making regarding

the study of some parasitic zoonosis and

their implications in food safetyCEEX

1782005 lasting 25 months

Developed in collaboration with the

Agricultural Sciences and Veterinary

Medicine University

Doctoral student Economic

responsible person

2006 ndash2007

Interdisciplinary evaluation and

optimization of the screening diagnosis

and treatment methods in triquinelosis

human and animal cystic echinococcosis

in the centre and north - west of

Romania - TRICHIDrdquo CEEX program


Developed between the Agricultural

Sciences and Veterinary Medicine

University (project leader) and UMF

Cluj-Napoca (partner)

Doctoral student Economic

responsible person

2006 -2008

bdquoA national network making for

researching the dermatophytosis in

human and animals CEEX program


Developed between USAMV (project of

the leader) and UMF Cluj- Napoca


Doctoral student Economic

responsible person


I declare on my own liability that the data mentioned are according to reality



concordanţă Kappa = 0861 indică faptul că icircntre cele două examinări există o concordanţă foarte


25 Discutii

Evaluarea eozinofiliei ca marker diagnostic icircn echinococoza chistică a permis unor autorii

să afirme că eozinofilia nu este un indicator suficient pentru stabilirea diagnosticului de

echinococoză chistică fiind necesar și un diagnostic complementar clinic [9]

Sensibilitatea și specificitatea ecografiei a fost raportată icircn mai multe studii din literatură ca

fiind icircntre 88 ndash 98 și respectiv 95 ndash 100 pentru echinococoza chistică și echinococoza alveolară

umană Autorii o considera rdquogolden standardrdquo deși recunosc imperfecțiunea acestei tehnici

Examenul clinic examenul de laborator și datele epidemiologice sunt considerate deasemenea

importante pentru diagnosticul echinococozei chistice și echinococozei alveolare [10


Testele serologice contribuie la diagnostic detecţia anticorpilor IgG a avut o sensibilitate

de 95 și o specificitate de 94 icircntr-un studiu efectuat de Shambesh MA și colaboratorii [11


Sensibilitatea obţinută de Shambesh este semnificativ mai ridicată decacirct cea determinată icircn studiul

nostru care raportează o sensibilitate de 764 cu IC= 6907-8272 Icircn schimb specificitatea

nu diferă semnificativ statistic de cea obţinută icircn studiul nostru (9643 IC=8165-9991)

Infecţiile echinococice sunt considerate unele dintre cele mai periculoase boli helmintice

umane Deosebirea icircntre echinococoza chistică și alveolară este importantă din punct de vedere al

prognosticului și tratamentului

In diferite stadii ale echinococozei chistice și echinococozei alveolare testul cel mai relevant

s-a apreciat a fi testul Western blot IgG echinococus care a confirmat rezultatele pozitive [12


Cercetările efectuate cu scopul de a evidenţia prezenţa IgG echinococcus prin metoda

Western blot raportată la metoda de aur considerată (confirmarea chirurgicală histopatologică și

diagnostic paraclinic) au demonstrat o sensibilitate de 9211 (IC = 7862 - 9834)

specificitatea fiind de 100 (IC = 8389 - 100) date care sunt asemănătoare celor icircntacirclnite icircn

literatura de specialitate

Icircn majoritatea ţărilor echinococoza alveolară a căpătat deja un caracter endemic şi este icircn

curs de extindere continuă cu o rapiditate alarmantă devenind o boală emergentă

Parazitul adult Emultilocularis nu a fost depistat icircn Romacircnia pacircnă icircn prezent la nici o gazdă

definitivă [13


Studiul efectuat a relevat prin metoda Western blot pentru prima dată icircn țara noastră

existența probabilității infecției cu Echinococcus multilocularis la om Sunt necesare studii

ulterioare pentru depistarea persoanelor cu echinococoză alveolară existente icircn Romania icircn

condițiile existenței acesteia icircn numeroase țări din Europa inclusiv cele vecine Romacircniei (Ungaria

Ucraina) Centralizacircnd cercetările recente privind situația epidemiologică problemele clinice și

opțiunile terapeutice autorii au descris primul caz de echinococoză alveolară icircn Ungaria Pentru

confirmarea acestei infecții rare trebuie să fie luat icircn considerare diagnosticul diferenţial cu alte

leziuni hepatice infiltrative [14


Nu a fost raportat nici un caz la nivelul Romacircniei prin alte studii Recomandăm

introducerea acestei metode icircn screeningul și diagnosticul acestei boli grave

Icircn icircncercarea de a compara metodele folosite pentru diagnosticarea chistului hidatic și a

rezultatelor obţinute prin aceste metode putem afirma că testul Western blot IgG echinococcus este

cel mai sensibil pentru a preciza un diagnostic etiologic



1 Junie Monica Zoe Coroiu Carmen Costache 2002 The consequences of Echinococcus

granulosus infection icircn the human population Rev Scienţia Parasitologica 32 86-91

2 Seres Ştefania Monica Junie V Cozma 2009 Prevalence of Echinococcus granulosus in

Cluj county Romania revealed by PCR Rev Scienţia Parasitologica 1o1-2 68-71

3 Coroiu Zoe Judith Bele Cornelia Munteanu Rodica Radu 2007 Aspecte epidemiologice

privind hidatidoza umană icircn judeţul Cluj pe o perioada de 20 de ani (1981-2000) Rev

Scientia Parasitologica 81 32-38

4 A Lahuerta T Westrell J Takkinen F Boelaert V Rizzi B Helwigh B Borck H

Korsgaard A Ammon P Maumlkelauml Zoonoses icircn the European Union origin distribution and

dynamics ndash the EFSA - ECDC summary report 2009

5 Craig PS 1997 Immunodiagnosis of Echinococcus granulosus and a comparison of

techniques for diagnosis of canine echinococcosis In Compendium on cystic echinococcosis

icircn Africa and Middle Eastern countries with special reference to Morocco Brigham Young

University Pris Services Provo

6 Schipper HG Modern management of echinococcosis World Gastroenterology News vol 9

nr 2 2004

7 Arda B H Pulukccedilu T Yamazhan OR Sipahi S Tamsel G Demirpolat M Korkmaz

2009 Prevalence of Echinococcus granulosus detected using enzyme immunoassay and

abdominal ultrasonography icircn a group of students staying icircn a state dormitory icircn Turkey

Turk J Med Sci 391 1-4

8 Liance M V Janin S Bresson-Hadni DA Vuitton R Houin R Piarroux 2000

Immunodiagnosis of Echinococcus infections confirmatory testing and species

differentiation by a new comercial Western blot J Clin Microbiol 38 3718-3721

9 Karadam SY Ertabaklar H Sari C Dayanir Y Ertuğ S Should cystic echinococcosis be

investigated icircn patients having high eosinophil counts Turkiye Parazitol Derg


10 Macpherson CN Milner R Performance characteristics and quality control of community

based ultrasound surveys for cystic and alveolar echinococcosis Acta Trop 2003


11 Shambesh MA Craig PS Macpherson CN Rogan MT Gusbi AM Echtuish EF An

extensive ultrasound and serologic study to investigate the prevalence of human cystic

echinococcosis icircn northern Libya Am J Trop Med Hyg 1999 Mar 60(3)462-8

12 Reiter-Owona I Gruumlner B Frosch M Hoerauf A Kern P Tappe D Serological confirmatory

testing of alveolar and cystic echinococcosis in clinical practice results of a comparative

study with commercialized and in-house assays Clin Lab 200955(1-2)41-8

13 Sikoacute Barabaacutesi S Și Cozma V 2008 Echinococoza alveolară O posibilă zoonoză emergentă

icircn Romacircnia (Sinteză) RevScientia Parasitologica 9 1 48-60

14 Horvaacuteth Andrea Patonay Attila Baacutenhegyi Deacutenes Szlaacutevik Jaacutenos Balaacutezs Gyoumlrgy Goumlroumlg

Deacutenes Eacutes Werling Klaacutera A humaacuten Echinococcus multilocularis infectio elsocirc hazai esete

Beeacuterkezett 2007 november 16 elfogadva 2008 maacutercius 7



1 Nume Ciobanca

2 Prenume Petrica Teofil

3 Data şi locul naşterii 25111979 Localitatea Zalau judetul Salaj

4 Cetăţenie Romana

5 Stare civilă Casatorit

6 Contact Tel 0040-740052584 E-mail petrica_ciobancayahoocom

7 Studii

Instituţia Universitatea

de Vest bdquoVasile

Goldisrdquo Arad

Universitatea de

Medicina si


Hatieganurdquo Cluj



de Medicina





de medicina si




Cluj Napoca

Liceul Teoretic

Zalau -Sectia



Perioada Octombrie

2004 -

Iunie 2005



Ianuarie 2005-

Martie 2005






1994 -

Iulie 1998

Grade sau



Diploma de

Master in



Contabil si

Juridic al


Certificat de

Absolvire curs


de ecografie

generala modul I

Certificat de




de ecografie


modulul II

Diploma de




Diploma de


8 Titlul ştiinţific Medic Asistent Universitar Doctorand cu frecventa

9 Experienţa profesională

Perioada Functia Responsabilitati

01 11 2005 -


-Asistent Universitar

-Medic Rezident Medicina de


-Doctorand cu frecventa

UM F bdquoIuliu Hatieganurdquo CLUJ

- Activitate didactica in Microbiologie

(Bacteriologie Parazitologie

Virusologie Micologie) cu studentii

anului II III Medicina Generala

Farmacie Colegii Medicale in cadrul

UMF bdquoIuliu Hatieganurdquo

-Stagii in activitatea de rezidentiat

-activitate de cercetare

01012006 ndash


-Medic generalist SALVO- SAN

-practica medicala in medicina generala

0106 2009 ndash

2011 2009


-Practica medicala examinari clinice pre

si post operatorii

-managerul echipei de resuscitare in caz

de urgenta

15012007 ndash


Medic Rezident Medicina de

familie Spitalul Clinic Judetean de Urgenta

Cluj Napoca


- examinari clinice EKG diagnostic si

tratament stagii de Obstetrica si

Ginecologie Psihiatrie Boli Infectioase

29082005 ndash


Medic Stagiar Spitalul Kantonal Flawil Elvetia

-stagii de Medicina Interna prezentari si

explorari diagnostice

01012005 ndash


Medic Stagiar Spitalul Clinic Municipal Cluj Napoca

- stagii de Medicina Interna 6 luni

-stagii de Chirurgie 6 luni

14032005 ndash


Medic Stagiar Spitalul Clinic de Pediatrie bdquoMaria

Sklodowska Curierdquo

-am asistat la explorarile endoscopice


Cursuri post-universitare Ecografie generala modulul unu Ianuarie 2005 ndash februarie 2005

Ecografie generala modulul doi Ianuarie 2005 ndash martie 2005

Medicina ocupationala

Urgente chirurgicale la copii

Curs de resuscitare adulti

ALS - London Ambulance Service

EPLS - Royal Brompton Hospital London

Ultrasonografie de urgenta


Ecografie Doppler

10 Locul de muncă actual şi funcţia Asistent Universitar Doctorand cu frecventa UMF

bdquoIuliu Hatieganurdquo Cluj Napoca

11 Vechime la locul de muncă actual 6 ani

12 Lucrări elaborate şi sau publicate Monica Junie Petrica Ciobanca (B-783) 2005 Comparison of Antibiotic Resistance of Pseudomonas

Aeruginosa Strains Isolated from Different Types of Infections Abstracts of the XIth International

Congress of Bacteriology and Applied Microbiology July 23-28 San Francisco California USA -


Monica Junie Petrica Ciobanca (M-722) 2005 Evolution of Resistance Phenomenon to Antimycotic

Drugs of Candida Species and Dermatophytes Abstracts of the XIth International Congress of Mycology

July 23-28 San Francisco California USA ISBN1-555-81-354-2

Lia Monica Junie Doina Matinca Doina Tăţulescu AN Ferke Petrica Ciobanca 2006 Evolution of

Antibiotic Resistance of Pseudomonas aeruginosa strains isolated from Hospital Infectious International

Journal of Infectious Diseases vol10 suppl 1 ISSN 1201 ndash 9712 pag S 78 Lisabon Portugal ISSN

1201-9712 IJID indexed in MEDLINE EMCASE Escerpta Media and Urlichs Elsevier Publishing

Presented at the International Congress of Infectious Diseases sesiunea Antibiotic Resistance ndash Gram

negatives (poster nr 13003) iunie 15-18

Lia Monica Junie Zoe Coroiu şi col AN Ferke Petrica Ciobanca 2006 The significance of

AntiToxoplasma IgG and IgM Antibodies Detection in Toxoplasmosis Diagnosis Abstract books the 12th

ISID pag 80 Presented at the 12th ISID 15-18 iunie 2006 Lisbon Portugal Sectiunea Parasitic



Junie Monica Petrica Ciobanca 2006 Species Distribution and Antifungal Susceptibility Of Candida

Isolates Colected From Hospitalised Patients Abstracts of 16th European Congress Of Clinical

Microbiology And Infectious Diseases Nice France 1- 4 aprilie 2006

Constantea N şi Petrica Ciobanca 2007 Studiul clinic pentru icircmbunătăţirea metodelor de diagnostic de

laborator şi profilaxia chistului hidatic RevRomde Parasitol 17 48-49

Junie Monica N Constantea Petrica Ciobanca 2007 Surveillance programme in echinococcosis and

importance in the prophylaxis and therapy of human infection Clinical Microbiology and Infection


Christofidou M Spiliopoulou A Vamvacopoulou S Stamoulis V Dimitracopoulos G Anastassiou ED

Monica Junie Costache C Colosi I Ciobanca P T 2008 Species distribution and antifungal

susceptibility of Candida isolates collected from hospitalized patients in Romania and Greece Scientia

Parasitologica161-7 ISSN 1582 - 1366

L M Junie Vasile Cozma Zoe Coroiu Petrica Ciobanca 2009 ldquoEpidemiology of human

echinococcosis in Europe pg 109-127

Junie Monica S Răpuntean N Fiţ Cosmina Cuc F Puiu Gh Răpuntean L Deac Simion P T

Ciobanca 2009 Alternative therapies for combating antimicrobial resistence and reduction of severe

nosocomial infections Abstract Book of IMED (International Meeting on Emerging Diseases and

Surveillance) Vienna Austria Februarie 13-16 2009 Abstract 10152 pg86

V Cosma PT Ciobanca R Blaga C Gherman Lia Monica Junie 2009 Hydatidosis Epidemiology at

Humans and Animals in the Area of the Center and North-Vest Romania Abstract book of IMED

bdquoInternational Meeting on Emerging Diseases and Surveillancerdquo Vienna Austria Februarie pg86

Ciobanca Petrica Monica Junie 2011 Serological diagnosis and its applicability to the prophylaxis and

therapy of hydatid cyst in human patients Rev Scienţia Parasitologica 121 39-46

Ciobanca Petrica Teofil Junie Lia Monica 2011 Diagnosis confirmation of human cystic

echinococcosis by imagistic methods and immunoserological determinations Scientia


13 Limbi straine cunoscute Engleza-fluent Franceza ndashincepator Germana - incepator

14 Specializări şi calificări Ecografie Operare PC

15 Experienţa acumulată icircn programe naţionaleinternaţionale

ProgramulProiectul Funcţia Perioada

bdquoConstituirea unei reţele naţionale privind

studiul unor zoonoze parazitare şi

implicaţiile lor icircn siguranţa

alomentelorrdquoCEEX 1782005 cu o durată de

24 luni

realizat in colaborare cu Universitatea de

Stiinţe Agricole şi Medicină Veterinară

Doctorand Responsabil economic

2006 ndash2007

bdquoEvaluarea şi optimizarea interdisciplinară a

metodelor de screening diagnostic şi

tratament icircn trichineloza şi echinococoza

chistică umană şi animală icircn centrul şi nord-

vestul Romacircniei - TRICHIDrdquo Program

CEEX 1992006

realizat icircntre Universitatea de Stiinţe

Agricole şi Medicină Veterinară

(conducător al proiectului) şi UMF Cluj

Napoca (partener )

Doctorand Responsabil economic

2006 -2008

bdquoConstituirea unei reţele naţionale de

cercetare a dermatofitozelor la om şi

animalerdquoProgram CEEX 1512006

realizat icircntre USAMV (conducător al

proiectului) şi UMF Cluj Napoca


Doctorand Responsabil economic


Declar pe propria răspundere că datele prezentate sunt icircn conformitate cu realitatea









11 Background 11 12 Taxonomy and classification 12

13 Morphology12 14 Genetic and morphologic differences between species 15 15 Epidemiology 17 16 Biological lyfe cycle 19

161 Echinococcus granulosus 19

162 Echinococcus multilocularis 21 17 Human contamination 22

CHAPTER 2 HYDATID CYST 23 21 The pathogeny of the hydatid cyst 23

22 The evolution of the hydatid cyst 23 23 Clinical occurrence of human hydatidosis 24 24 Diagnosis of hydatid diseases 27

241 Clinical diagnosis 28 242 Medical imaging diagnosis 28

243 Parasitologic diagnosis31 244 Immunologic diagnosis 32 245 Differential diagnosis in hydatid cyst 34

25 Treating the hydatid cyst 35

26 The prophylaxis of the hydatid cyst 38 PART II PERSONAL RESEARCHES 40 STUDY 1 The applicability of the serological methods for the diagnosis therapy and prophylaxis of

the human hydatid disease 41 11 Introduction 41 12 Study aim and objectives 41

13 Material and method 42 131 Material 42 132 Method 43

14 Results 47 141 Detecting the seropositive persons investigated by ELISA IgG Antiechinococcus in Cluj

and Sălaj Counties47

142 Frequency depending on the environment the seropositive persons belong to in Cluj and

Sălaj Counties 48 143 Seropositve persons frequency in Cluj and Sălaj Counties depending on gender 50 144 Epidemiological aspects on seropositive persons in Cluj County (incidence environment

they belong to and distribution on genders) 51 145 The seropositive persons frequency depending on sex in Cluj County 52 146 Epidemiological aspects on seropositive persons in Sălaj County (incidence environment

they belong to and distribution on genders) 53

147 The frequency of seropositive persons dependending on sex in Salaj Couty 54

15 Confirming the determinations following the serological tests through imagistic methods in

human cystic echinococcosis 55 151 The results of imagistic determinations (ultrasound scan thoracic RX CT) helliphelliphelliphellip56


CONCLUIONS 68 STUDY II Evaluation and optimization of diagnosis methods in hydatid disease 69

21 Introduction 69

22 Study aim and objective 69 23 Material and method 70

231 Material 70 232 Paraclinic and clinical methods involved 71

233 Statistical methods of data analysis 77 24 Results 80

241 Epidemiological results (considering the sex origins age) 80 242 Clinical and paraclinical results regarding the hydatid cyst diagnosis 83

2421 The clinical examination value in hydatid cyst diagnosis 83 2422 Surgical confirmation in hydatid cyst presumtive diagnosis 85 2423 Assessing the usual laboratory analysis (haemoleucogram biochemical analysis used

to determine hydatid cyst) 86 2424 Imagistic methods involved to determine the hydatid cyst 89

2425 Results obtained through immunoserological methods 97 243 Comparative results 106





The Echinococcosis hydatidosis (the hydatid disease or the hydatid cyst) is a parasitic

disease determined by genus Echinococcus which may evolve with the most severe and different

implications Despite progresses in control and monitoring fields this parasitosis keeps representing

an important issue of the public health in the most parts of the world [1]

According to WHO classification the disease is a zoonosis which brings a lot of health issues

both in humans and animals because the causing parasites in order to end their biological cycle pass

through more vertebrate animal hosts (as for example dogs for the humans)

Due to its high prevalence the severe clinical ndash developing forms the morphofunctional

complications with high primary or secondary mortality the disease if frequently met both in rural

and urban environment at all age groups alarming prevalence in youngsters and occupational risk

groups [2]

In our country area the hydatid pathology has a quite high frequency the north ndash western part

of Transylvania being described an endemic area with important cases [3] the medicine of Cluj

having a significant experience in hydatid cyst diagnosis and treatment

Despite the lately achievements in human echinococcosis diagnosis and therapy it still has

an important place in morbidity and mortality structure within surgical services So in this way

presenting some briefly data over the different aspects the hydatid disease may adopt in its

development from clinical imagistic serological point of view and their importance evaluation in

early recognition and diagnosis of the disease


Chapter 1 Genus Echinococcus

The parasite responsible for causing human hydatidosis is a Platyhelminthe belonging to

Cestoda class (Eucestoda) Taeniidae family Genus Echinococcus The species of genus

Echinococcus considered as etiologic agents of echinococcosis hydatidosis according to WHO

experts are as follows

- Echinococcus granulosus (Batsch 1786) - cystic echinococcosis

- Echinococcus multilocularis (Leuckart 1863) ndash alveolar echinococcosis

- Echinococcus oligarthus (Diesing 1863)

- Echinococcus vogeli (Rausch Bernstein 1972) ndash polycystic echinococcosis

The issue of the 5th

species existence arose Ecruzi (Rausch and co ndash 1978 Kumaratilake

and Thompson ndash 1982) but Rausch and co (1984) comparing its features with Evogeli and

Eoligarthus remarked that in fact E cruzi is similar to E oligarthus

The geographical distribution of hydatidosis loyally follows the sheep breeders developing

curve and it is determined by pastoral promiscuity fact that determined Deve assert that the hydatid

disease is one of the dirty hands diseases

The wide range of animal species which may be intermediary hosts and their circulation from

Europe in other parts of the world made that Echinococcus be spread on the entire globe

In 2009 ECDC reported 790 cases of human echinococcosis with 11 lower than in 2008

(n= 891) Among the reported cases where the infecting species is known predominated the infection

with Egranulosus (72) while Emultilocularis infection was reported as having a frequency 3

times lower [4]


The hydatid cyst is often an invaliding disease with possible and often severe complications

(anaphylactic shock) with often difficult surgical therapy and frequent post-surgery recidivations

The clinical behaviours due to the complications settled through the aforementioned mechanisms

appear when the hydatid cyst sizes become considerable

The clinical framework of the hydatid cyst is little characteristic Quite often it is completely

asymptomatically and discovered purely by chance Other times the patients accused discomfort in

the right hypochondrium or even intense pain The allergic reactions are quite frequently from

urticaria reaction up to alergodermy or even anaphylactic shock (generally in case of fissure or even

the hydatid cyst rupture)

The morphological determination of the hydatid cysts may be done through thoracic

ultrasound scan computer tomography (CT) and magnetic resonance (MR)

The imagistic methods for human hydatidosis diagnosis are completed with immunodiagnosis

reactions aiming the parasitic aetiology confirmation of the determined formations through immune

induced response In the last years exists a tendency of immunologic diagnosis staging firstly

primary tests are used following to be confirmed through other methods having a significantly

specificity (secondary tests) [5]

The hydatid cyst modern management require involving all therapeutic methods medical

percutaneous and surgical The surgery is not anymore the first election for treating any hepatic

hydatid cyst In patients with univesicular cyst smaller that 4 cm the chosen therapy is the

monotherapy with albendazole

PAIR is indicated when the pain in not treatable or the albendazole is ineffective The

percutaneous treatment combines the alcohol and polidocanol but cannot be used in case of cysto-

billiary fistula

The surgery is used in cases when in percutaneous therapy no experts exist and the

percutaneous treatment cannot safely performed due to a significant extra-hepatic extension with

perforation risk of the cyst orand in case of cyst rupture in the peritoneal cavity [6]


STUDY 1 The applicability of the serological methods in the diagnosis therapy and

prophylaxis of human hydatid disease

The aim of this study was serological tests (ELISA method) conducting and evaluation as

screening and diagnosis methods of cystic echinococcosis The tests were conducted in symptomatic

and asymptomatic persons from Cluj and Sălaj Counties in order to estimate the disease frequency in

these counties In the persons where anti-echinococcus IgG antibodies were determined imagistic

investigations were performed in order to confirm the clinical and serological diagnosis of hydatid


The investigations allowed clarifying the epidemiological diagnosis therapeutic and

prognostic aspect regarding cystic echinococcosis

Material and method

The study was conducted during January 2007 ndash December 2009 and included 279

symptomatic and asymptomatic persons from Cluj and Sălaj Counties in order to determine the

presence and the level of anti-echinococcus antibodies level in the population of the two regions and

implicitly the asymptomatic infection using ELISA immunoenzyme method

In order to confirm the hydatid cyst diagnosis determined through serological test I used the

following imagistic methods abdominal pelvic ultrasound scan cranial CT thorax CT thorax Rx


Out of the 279 persons examined in both counties (Cluj şi Sălaj) in 22 patients was

determined positive serology the seropositivity frequency was of 789 (IC= 5 -1169) in the

studied sample suggesting the possible hydatid infection in seropositive persons

The real frequency of parasitosis is obviously higher because the symptomatic cases

represent only the peak of infestation pyramid while the asymptomatic cases form the unseen higher

basis of it

The serological screening performed in the north - western and central region of the country

showed the Egranulosus infection presence with the possibility of its active transmission The

obtained results demonstrate the higher percentage of the seropositve persons in Cluj County and

suggest a higher incidence of the hydatidosis in this region This conclusion was elaborated

following a research project conducting with the title Interdisciplinary evaluation and optimization

of the screening diagnosis and treatment methods in triquinelosis human and animal cystic

echinococcosis in the centre and north - west of Romania conducted during 2006-2008 where I

partake as a member

In 7714 of the patients in imagistic investigation the hydatidosis diagnosis could be

confirmed The patients had clear imagines for hydatid cyst with different locations hepatic

(6538) pulmonary (588) renal (588) The results of our researches suggest that a certain

proportion of the investigated population was positive in IgG anti-Echinococcus without having in

the organism the hydatid determined through imagistic methods


The lack of knowledge population ignorance and even of some specialists in sanitary field

regarding the biological cycle of E granulosus species and the hosts it has as well as the risk

involved by a tight contact with the permanent host are causes of main importance in parasite easy

spreading The results obtained following this study are similar with the results of some analogous

studies from the specialty literature conducted in endemic areas for human cystic echinococcosis [3]

In a study performed on an asymptomatic sample of persons in 12 of the cases the

ultrasound scan did not determine cystic form characteristic to the hydatid cyst although the

serological test was positive [7]

STUDY II Evaluation and optimization of the diagnosis methods in hydatid disease

The study has the following aims 1 the evaluation of the clinical examination in the

presumptive diagnosis and imagistic diagnosis evaluation in the hydatid disease 2 Evaluation of

ELISA method Western-Blott and the laboratory methods in order to confirm the clinical and

imagistic diagnosis of hydatid cyst 3 The comparative study of the imagistic methods (ultrasound

scan Rx CT RM) with the serological methods (ELISA Western-blott methods) and the evaluation

of their utility in differentiating the cystic and alveolar echinococcosis and in performing the

differential diagnosis and interpretation of the cross-reactions

23 Material and method

The study was performed during 2006 ndash 2010 and included a representative sample of 189

symptomatic persons with suggestive symptoms and imagistic suspicion of hydatid disease Other

studied persons were those for whom surgical intervention was performed in hydatid cyst and

persons having non-specific laboratory results but with suspicions of parasitic disease

The working material I used were the medical and surgical cases from the Medical and

Surgical Clinics of Cluj-Napoca and Sălaj (Clinica Chirurgie III Clinica Chirurgie V și and the

ambulatory of a private policlinic) The types of data collected and used within this study were

gender age origin clinical diagnosis the hydatid cyst complications hydatid cyst antecedents the

imagistic diagnosis methods performed (abdominal ultrasound scan pulmonary Rx CT RM

surgical treatment the examination of the surgical piece hystopathological) laboratory analysis

finding the location of the cystic formation depending on the hepatic segmentation and depending on

the organ in question the serological diagnosis methods performed (immunoenzyme IgG anti-

echinococcus ELISA method IgG echinococcus Western- blot method)

24 Results

The results obtained determined that there isnrsquot a significant association between IgG

echinococcus Western-blot and the hydatid disease diagnosis (pgt005) notwithstanding when

eosinophilia is present results a relatively high coincidence of 71 (IC=52 - 85) with the hydatid

cyst diagnosis

The statistic analysis of imagistic investigation results and surgical and paraclinical

confirmation results correlation presented a sensibility of 9689 for the imagistic investigation the

specificity was of 100 they dont differ significantly from statistical point of view The diagnosis

value of the imagistic examination is given by the positive predictive value (PPV) and the negative

one (NPP) both of them are over 84 although the NPP is statistical significantly lower than PPV

The evaluation of IgG antiechinococcus ELISA results compared with the surgical

hystopathological and paraclinical confirmation of hydatid cyst diagnosis determines a Specificity of

9643 and a PPV of 9919 as these are very high it may be considered that ELISA method is a

good screening test

By comparison with imagistic ultrasound scan or CT investigations the IgG

antiechinococcus ELISA has a lower Youden index As a consequence from this point of view IgG

antiechinococcus ELISA seems to be a less conclusive diagnosis test comparing with the mentioned

imagistic investigations On the other side comparing the trust intervals of Specificity PPV and

imagistic investigations (globally ultrasound scan CT) and IgG antiechinococcus ELISA we observe

that they donrsquot differ statistically speaking

The imagistic investigation results and those of IgG antiechinococcus ELISA associate

significantly It is noticeable that at the same time with the other association coefficients

(contingency Kendal tau coefficient) the concordance coefficient between the imagistic

investigation results and those of the IgG antiechinococcus ELISA are significantly statistical

(plt0001) It should be mentioned that the concordance measure Kappa = 0522 indicates the fact

that between the two examinations exist a moderate concordance

Imunoblot technique is a strong confirmation and differential serological diagnosis test

between the two major relevant infections the cystic and alveolar echinococcosis [8]

The evaluation of IgG echinococcus Western Blot investigation results by comparison with

the surgical hystopathological and paraclinial confirmation of hydatid cyst diagnosis revealed a

Specificity of 100 an a positive predictive value of 100 as these are very high you may consider

that the IgG echinococcus Western Blot detecting test is a good screening test

It is noticeable that at the same time with the other association coefficients (contingency

Kendal tau coefficient) the concordance coefficient between the imagistic investigation results and

those of the IgG echinococcus Western blot are significantly statistical (plt0001) It should be

mentioned that the concordance measure Kappa = 0816 indicates the fact that between the two

examinations exist a very good concordance


The evaluation of the eosinophilia as diagnosis marker in cystic echinococcosis allowed

some authors to assert that eosinophilia is not enough to settle the cystic echinococcosis diagnosis

but also a complementary clinical diagnosis [9]

The ultrasound scan sensibility and specificity was reported in more studies in the literature

as between 88-98 and 95-100 respectively for human cystic and alveolar echinococcosis The

authors consider it as the ldquogolden standardrdquo although admit the imperfection of this technique The

clinical investigation the laboratory examination and the epidemiological data are also considered

important for the cystic and alveolar echinococcosis diagnosis [10


The serological tests contribute to the diagnosis IgG antibodies detection had a sensibility of

95 and 94 specificity in a study conducted by Shambesh MA and company [11

] The sensibility

obtained by Shambesh is significantly higher than that determined in our study which determines a

sensibility of 74 with IC= 6907-8272 In exchange the specificity doesnt differ significantly

from statistical point of view of that obtained in our study (9643 IC=8165-9991)

The echinococcosis infections are considered ones of the most dangerous human helminthic

diseases The difference between the cystic and alveolar echinococcosis is important from the

prognostic and treatment point of view

In different stages of cystic and alveolar echinococcosis the most relevant test was

appreciated the Western blot IgG echinococus test whih confirmed the positive results [12


The research conducted in order to determined IgG echinococcus presence through Western

blot method reported to the considered golden method (surgical hystopathological and paraclinical

diagnosis confirmation) showed a sensibility of 9211 (IC = 7862 - 9834) the specificity

being of 100 (IC = 8389 - 100) data like the ones met in the specialty literature

In the most countries the alveolar echinococcosis has an endemic character and is

continuously extending with an alarming rapidity becoming an emergent disease

The adult parasite Emultilocularis was not yet found in Romania up now in any permanent

host [13


The study conducted revealed through the Western blot method for the first time in our

country the possibility of infection with Echinococcus multilocularis in human Next studies are

needed to determine the alveolar echinococcosis persons in Romania under the conditions of its

existence in a number of countries in Europe including Romania neighbouring countries (Hungary

Ukraine) centralizing the recent researches about the epidemiological situation the clinical

problems and the therapeutic options the authors described in the first case the alveolar

echinococcosis in Hungary In order to confirm these rare infections you must take in consideration

the differential diagnosis with other infiltrative hepatic lesions [14


No case was confirmed in Romania through other studies We recommend the introduction of

this method in the screening and diagnosis of this serious disease

In the attempt to compare the methods used in hydatid cyst diagnosis and the obtained results

through these methods we may assert that Western blot IgG echinococcus test is the most sensible in

determining an etiological diagnosis


1 Junie Monica Zoe Coroiu Carmen Costache 2002 The consequences of Echinococcus

granulosus infection in the human population Rev Scienţia Parasitologica 32 86-91

2 Seres Ştefania Monica Junie V Cozma 2009 Prevalence of Echinococcus granulosus in Cluj

county Romania revealed by PCR Rev Scienţia Parasitologica 1o1-2 68-71

3 Coroiu Zoe Judith Bele Cornelia Munteanu Rodica Radu 2007 Aspecte epidemiologice

privind hidatidoza umană icircn judeţul Cluj pe o perioada de 20 de ani (1981-2000) Rev Scientia

Parasitologica 81 32-38

4 A Lahuerta T Westrell J Takkinen F Boelaert V Rizzi B Helwigh B Borck H

Korsgaard A Ammon P Maumlkelauml Zoonoses icircn the European Union origin distribution and

dynamics ndash the EFSA - ECDC summary report 2009

5 Craig PS 1997 Immunodiagnosis of Echinococcus granulosus and a comparison of techniques

for diagnosis of canine echinococcosis In Compendium on cystic echinococcosis icircn Africa and

Middle Eastern countries with special reference to Morocco Brigham Young University Pris

Services Provo

6 Schipper HG Modern management of echinococcosis World Gastroenterology News vol 9 nr

2 2004

7 Arda B H Pulukccedilu T Yamazhan OR Sipahi S Tamsel G Demirpolat M Korkmaz 2009

Prevalence of Echinococcus granulosus detected using enzyme immunoassay and abdominal

ultrasonography icircn a group of students staying icircn a state dormitory icircn Turkey Turk J Med Sci

391 1-4

8Liance M V Janin S Bresson-Hadni DA Vuitton R Houin R Piarroux 2000

Immunodiagnosis of Echinococcus infections confirmatory testing and species differentiation by a

new comercial Western blot J Clin Microbiol 38 3718-3721

9Karadam SY Ertabaklar H Sari C Dayanir Y Ertuğ S Should cystic echinococcosis be

investigated icircn patients having high eosinophil countsTurkiye Parazitol Derg 200933(3)203-6

10 Macpherson CN Milner R Performance characteristics and quality control of community based

ultrasound surveys for cystic and alveolar echinococcosis Acta Trop 2003 Feb85(2)203-9

11 Shambesh MA Craig PS Macpherson CN Rogan MT Gusbi AM Echtuish EF An extensive

ultrasound and serologic study to investigate the prevalence of human cystic echinococcosis icircn

northern Libya Am J Trop Med Hyg 1999 Mar 60(3)462-8

12 Reiter-Owona I Gruumlner B Frosch M Hoerauf A Kern P Tappe D Serological confirmatory

testing of alveolar and cystic echinococcosis in clinical practice results of a comparative study

with commercialized and in-house assays Clin Lab 200955(1-2)41-8

13 Sikoacute Barabaacutesi S Și Cozma V 2008 Echinococoza alveolară O posibilă zoonoză emergentă icircn

Romacircnia (Sinteză) RevScientia Parasitologica 9 1 48-60

14 Horvaacuteth Andrea Patonay Attila Baacutenhegyi Deacutenes Szlaacutevik Jaacutenos Balaacutezs Gyoumlrgy Goumlroumlg Deacutenes

Eacutes Werling Klaacutera A humaacuten Echinococcus multilocularis infectio elsocirc hazai esete Beeacuterkezett

2007 november 16 elfogadva 2008 maacutercius 7


1 Surname Ciobanca

2 Name Petrica Teofil

3 Date and place of birth 25111979 Zalau Salaj

4 Citizenship Romanian

5 Marital status married

6 Contact Tel 0040-740052584 E-mailpetrica_ciobancayahoocom

7 Studies


bdquoVasile Goldisrdquo

West University


ldquoIuliu Haţieganurdquo

University of

Medicine and

Pharmacy of Cluj-


ldquoCarol Davilardquo

University of

Medicine of




University of

Medicine and

Pharmacy of


Theoretical High

School of Zalau

Physics -



Period October 2004

June 2005

January 2005

February 2005

January 2005

March 2005

October 1998

September 2004

September 1994

July 1998

Skills of



Masterrsquos Degree



Accounting and


Management of

the Companies

Certificate of


general ultrasound

scan post-

university course

module I

Certificate of



ultrasound scan


course module






High School


8 Scientific title Medical doctor University Assistant Full-time doctoral student 9 Professional experience

Period Position Responsibilities

01 11 2005 ndash up


- University Assistant

- Resident Physician in

Laboratory Medicine

- Full-time doctoral


UM F bdquoIuliu Hatieganurdquo CLUJ

- Didactical activity in Microbiology (Bacteriology

Parasitology Virology Mycology) with the 2nd



students General Medicine Pharmacy Medical Colleges

within Iuliu Hatieganu University of Medicine and


- Stages within residency activity

- Research activity

01012006 ndash up


- Physician SALVO - SAN

- medical practice in general medicine

0106 2009 ndash

2011 2009


-Medical practice clinical investigations before and after


-The manager of resuscitation team in emergency cases

15012007 ndash


Resident physician in

Family Medicine Spitalul Clinic Judetean de Urgenta Cluj Napoca

- clinical examinations EKG diagnosis and treatment

stages in Obstetrics and Gynaecology Psychiatry Infectious


29082005 ndash


Physician in training Kantonal Flawil Hospital Switzerland

-Internal Medicine stages presentations and diagnosis


01012005 ndash Physician in training Spitalul Clinic Municipal Cluj Napoca

01012006 - Internal Medicine stages for 6 months

- Surgery stages for 6 months

14032005 ndash


Physician in training bdquoMaria Sklodowska Curierdquo Paediatrics Clinical Hospital

- I assisted in the performance of endoscopic investigations

Post university courses General ultrasound scan first module January 2005 - February 2005

General ultrasound scan second module January 2005 ndash March 2005

Occupational medicine

Surgical emergencies in the children

Resuscitation course in adults

ALS - London Ambulance Service

EPLS - Royal Brompton Hospital London

Emergency ultrasonography


Doppler echography

10 The current place of work and position University assistant Full-time doctoral student

bdquoIuliu Hatieganurdquo University of Medicine and Pharmacy of Cluj-Napoca

11 Seniority in the current place of work 6 years

12 Works elaborated and or published Monica Junie Petrica Ciobanca (B-783) 2005 Comparison of Antibiotic Resistance of

Pseudomonas Aeruginosa Strains Isolated from Different Types of Infections Abstracts of the

XIth International Congress of Bacteriology and Applied Microbiology July 23-28 San

Francisco California USA - ISBN1-555-81-353-4

Monica Junie Petrica Ciobanca (M-722) 2005 Evolution of Resistance Phenomenon to

Antimycotic Drugs of Candida Species and Dermatophytes Abstracts of the XIth International

Congress of Mycology July 23-28 San Francisco California USA ISBN1-555-81-354-2

Lia Monica Junie Doina Matinca Doina Tăţulescu AN Ferke Petrica Ciobanca 2006

Evolution of Antibiotic Resistance of Pseudomonas aeruginosa strains isolated from Hospital

Infectious International Journal of Infectious Diseases vol10 suppl 1 ISSN 1201 ndash 9712 pag

S 78 Lisabon Portugal ISSN 1201-9712 IJID indexed in MEDLINE EMCASE Escerpta

Media and Urlichs Elsevier Publishing Presented at the International Congress of Infectious

Diseases sesiunea Antibiotic Resistance ndash Gram negatives (poster nr 13003) iunie 15-18

Lia Monica Junie Zoe Coroiu şi col AN Ferke Petrica Ciobanca 2006 The significance of

AntiToxoplasma IgG and IgM Antibodies Detection in Toxoplasmosis Diagnosis Abstract

books the 12th

ISID pag 80 Presented at the 12th

ISID 15-18 iunie 2006 Lisbon Portugal

Sectiunea Parasitic Infectious

Junie Monica Petrica Ciobanca 2006 Species Distribution and Antifungal Susceptibility Of

Candida Isolates Colected From Hospitalised Patients Abstracts of 16th

European Congress Of

Clinical Microbiology And Infectious Diseases Nice France 1- 4 aprilie 2006

Constantea N şi Petrica Ciobanca 2007 Studiul clinic pentru icircmbunătăţirea metodelor de

diagnostic de laborator şi profilaxia chistului hidatic RevRomde Parasitol 17 48-49

Junie Monica N Constantea Petrica Ciobanca 2007 Surveillance programme in

echinococcosis and importance in the prophylaxis and therapy of human infection Clinical

Microbiology and Infection 132

Christofidou M Spiliopoulou A Vamvacopoulou S Stamoulis V Dimitracopoulos G

Anastassiou ED Monica Junie Costache C Colosi I Ciobanca P T 2008 Species

distribution and antifungal susceptibility of Candida isolates collected from hospitalized patients

in Romania and Greece Scientia Parasitologica161-7 ISSN 1582 - 1366

L M Junie Vasile Cozma Zoe Coroiu Petrica Ciobanca 2009 ldquoEpidemiology of human

echinococcosis in Europe pg 109-127

Junie Monica S Răpuntean N Fiţ Cosmina Cuc F Puiu Gh Răpuntean L Deac Simion P

T Ciobanca 2009 Alternative therapies for combating antimicrobial resistence and reduction

of severe nosocomial infections Abstract Book of IMED (International Meeting on Emerging

Diseases and Surveillance) Vienna Austria Februarie 13-16 2009 Abstract 10152 pg86

V Cosma PT Ciobanca R Blaga C Gherman Lia Monica Junie 2009 Hydatidosis

Epidemiology at Humans and Animals in the Area of the Center and North-Vest Romania

Abstract book of IMED bdquoInternational Meeting on Emerging Diseases and Surveillancerdquo

Vienna Austria Februarie pg86

Ciobanca Petrica Monica Junie 2011 Serological diagnosis and its applicability to the

prophylaxis and therapy of hydatid cyst in human patients Rev Scienţia Parasitologica 121


Ciobanca Petrica Teofil Junie Lia Monica 2011 Diagnosis confirmation of human cystic

echinococcosis by imagistic methods and immunoserological determinations Scientia

Parasitologica12(3) 151-161

13 Foreign languages English-advanced French ndashbeginner German ndash beginner

14 Specialties and qualifications Ultrasound scan PC operator

15 Experience assimilated within the national international programs

Program project Position Period

A national network making regarding

the study of some parasitic zoonosis and

their implications in food safetyCEEX

1782005 lasting 25 months

Developed in collaboration with the

Agricultural Sciences and Veterinary

Medicine University

Doctoral student Economic

responsible person

2006 ndash2007

Interdisciplinary evaluation and

optimization of the screening diagnosis

and treatment methods in triquinelosis

human and animal cystic echinococcosis

in the centre and north - west of

Romania - TRICHIDrdquo CEEX program


Developed between the Agricultural

Sciences and Veterinary Medicine

University (project leader) and UMF

Cluj-Napoca (partner)

Doctoral student Economic

responsible person

2006 -2008

bdquoA national network making for

researching the dermatophytosis in

human and animals CEEX program


Developed between USAMV (project of

the leader) and UMF Cluj- Napoca


Doctoral student Economic

responsible person


I declare on my own liability that the data mentioned are according to reality




1 Junie Monica Zoe Coroiu Carmen Costache 2002 The consequences of Echinococcus

granulosus infection icircn the human population Rev Scienţia Parasitologica 32 86-91

2 Seres Ştefania Monica Junie V Cozma 2009 Prevalence of Echinococcus granulosus in

Cluj county Romania revealed by PCR Rev Scienţia Parasitologica 1o1-2 68-71

3 Coroiu Zoe Judith Bele Cornelia Munteanu Rodica Radu 2007 Aspecte epidemiologice

privind hidatidoza umană icircn judeţul Cluj pe o perioada de 20 de ani (1981-2000) Rev

Scientia Parasitologica 81 32-38

4 A Lahuerta T Westrell J Takkinen F Boelaert V Rizzi B Helwigh B Borck H

Korsgaard A Ammon P Maumlkelauml Zoonoses icircn the European Union origin distribution and

dynamics ndash the EFSA - ECDC summary report 2009

5 Craig PS 1997 Immunodiagnosis of Echinococcus granulosus and a comparison of

techniques for diagnosis of canine echinococcosis In Compendium on cystic echinococcosis

icircn Africa and Middle Eastern countries with special reference to Morocco Brigham Young

University Pris Services Provo

6 Schipper HG Modern management of echinococcosis World Gastroenterology News vol 9

nr 2 2004

7 Arda B H Pulukccedilu T Yamazhan OR Sipahi S Tamsel G Demirpolat M Korkmaz

2009 Prevalence of Echinococcus granulosus detected using enzyme immunoassay and

abdominal ultrasonography icircn a group of students staying icircn a state dormitory icircn Turkey

Turk J Med Sci 391 1-4

8 Liance M V Janin S Bresson-Hadni DA Vuitton R Houin R Piarroux 2000

Immunodiagnosis of Echinococcus infections confirmatory testing and species

differentiation by a new comercial Western blot J Clin Microbiol 38 3718-3721

9 Karadam SY Ertabaklar H Sari C Dayanir Y Ertuğ S Should cystic echinococcosis be

investigated icircn patients having high eosinophil counts Turkiye Parazitol Derg


10 Macpherson CN Milner R Performance characteristics and quality control of community

based ultrasound surveys for cystic and alveolar echinococcosis Acta Trop 2003


11 Shambesh MA Craig PS Macpherson CN Rogan MT Gusbi AM Echtuish EF An

extensive ultrasound and serologic study to investigate the prevalence of human cystic

echinococcosis icircn northern Libya Am J Trop Med Hyg 1999 Mar 60(3)462-8

12 Reiter-Owona I Gruumlner B Frosch M Hoerauf A Kern P Tappe D Serological confirmatory

testing of alveolar and cystic echinococcosis in clinical practice results of a comparative

study with commercialized and in-house assays Clin Lab 200955(1-2)41-8

13 Sikoacute Barabaacutesi S Și Cozma V 2008 Echinococoza alveolară O posibilă zoonoză emergentă

icircn Romacircnia (Sinteză) RevScientia Parasitologica 9 1 48-60

14 Horvaacuteth Andrea Patonay Attila Baacutenhegyi Deacutenes Szlaacutevik Jaacutenos Balaacutezs Gyoumlrgy Goumlroumlg

Deacutenes Eacutes Werling Klaacutera A humaacuten Echinococcus multilocularis infectio elsocirc hazai esete

Beeacuterkezett 2007 november 16 elfogadva 2008 maacutercius 7



1 Nume Ciobanca

2 Prenume Petrica Teofil

3 Data şi locul naşterii 25111979 Localitatea Zalau judetul Salaj

4 Cetăţenie Romana

5 Stare civilă Casatorit

6 Contact Tel 0040-740052584 E-mail petrica_ciobancayahoocom

7 Studii

Instituţia Universitatea

de Vest bdquoVasile

Goldisrdquo Arad

Universitatea de

Medicina si


Hatieganurdquo Cluj



de Medicina





de medicina si




Cluj Napoca

Liceul Teoretic

Zalau -Sectia



Perioada Octombrie

2004 -

Iunie 2005



Ianuarie 2005-

Martie 2005






1994 -

Iulie 1998

Grade sau



Diploma de

Master in



Contabil si

Juridic al


Certificat de

Absolvire curs


de ecografie

generala modul I

Certificat de




de ecografie


modulul II

Diploma de




Diploma de


8 Titlul ştiinţific Medic Asistent Universitar Doctorand cu frecventa

9 Experienţa profesională

Perioada Functia Responsabilitati

01 11 2005 -


-Asistent Universitar

-Medic Rezident Medicina de


-Doctorand cu frecventa

UM F bdquoIuliu Hatieganurdquo CLUJ

- Activitate didactica in Microbiologie

(Bacteriologie Parazitologie

Virusologie Micologie) cu studentii

anului II III Medicina Generala

Farmacie Colegii Medicale in cadrul

UMF bdquoIuliu Hatieganurdquo

-Stagii in activitatea de rezidentiat

-activitate de cercetare

01012006 ndash


-Medic generalist SALVO- SAN

-practica medicala in medicina generala

0106 2009 ndash

2011 2009


-Practica medicala examinari clinice pre

si post operatorii

-managerul echipei de resuscitare in caz

de urgenta

15012007 ndash


Medic Rezident Medicina de

familie Spitalul Clinic Judetean de Urgenta

Cluj Napoca


- examinari clinice EKG diagnostic si

tratament stagii de Obstetrica si

Ginecologie Psihiatrie Boli Infectioase

29082005 ndash


Medic Stagiar Spitalul Kantonal Flawil Elvetia

-stagii de Medicina Interna prezentari si

explorari diagnostice

01012005 ndash


Medic Stagiar Spitalul Clinic Municipal Cluj Napoca

- stagii de Medicina Interna 6 luni

-stagii de Chirurgie 6 luni

14032005 ndash


Medic Stagiar Spitalul Clinic de Pediatrie bdquoMaria

Sklodowska Curierdquo

-am asistat la explorarile endoscopice


Cursuri post-universitare Ecografie generala modulul unu Ianuarie 2005 ndash februarie 2005

Ecografie generala modulul doi Ianuarie 2005 ndash martie 2005

Medicina ocupationala

Urgente chirurgicale la copii

Curs de resuscitare adulti

ALS - London Ambulance Service

EPLS - Royal Brompton Hospital London

Ultrasonografie de urgenta


Ecografie Doppler

10 Locul de muncă actual şi funcţia Asistent Universitar Doctorand cu frecventa UMF

bdquoIuliu Hatieganurdquo Cluj Napoca

11 Vechime la locul de muncă actual 6 ani

12 Lucrări elaborate şi sau publicate Monica Junie Petrica Ciobanca (B-783) 2005 Comparison of Antibiotic Resistance of Pseudomonas

Aeruginosa Strains Isolated from Different Types of Infections Abstracts of the XIth International

Congress of Bacteriology and Applied Microbiology July 23-28 San Francisco California USA -


Monica Junie Petrica Ciobanca (M-722) 2005 Evolution of Resistance Phenomenon to Antimycotic

Drugs of Candida Species and Dermatophytes Abstracts of the XIth International Congress of Mycology

July 23-28 San Francisco California USA ISBN1-555-81-354-2

Lia Monica Junie Doina Matinca Doina Tăţulescu AN Ferke Petrica Ciobanca 2006 Evolution of

Antibiotic Resistance of Pseudomonas aeruginosa strains isolated from Hospital Infectious International

Journal of Infectious Diseases vol10 suppl 1 ISSN 1201 ndash 9712 pag S 78 Lisabon Portugal ISSN

1201-9712 IJID indexed in MEDLINE EMCASE Escerpta Media and Urlichs Elsevier Publishing

Presented at the International Congress of Infectious Diseases sesiunea Antibiotic Resistance ndash Gram

negatives (poster nr 13003) iunie 15-18

Lia Monica Junie Zoe Coroiu şi col AN Ferke Petrica Ciobanca 2006 The significance of

AntiToxoplasma IgG and IgM Antibodies Detection in Toxoplasmosis Diagnosis Abstract books the 12th

ISID pag 80 Presented at the 12th ISID 15-18 iunie 2006 Lisbon Portugal Sectiunea Parasitic



Junie Monica Petrica Ciobanca 2006 Species Distribution and Antifungal Susceptibility Of Candida

Isolates Colected From Hospitalised Patients Abstracts of 16th European Congress Of Clinical

Microbiology And Infectious Diseases Nice France 1- 4 aprilie 2006

Constantea N şi Petrica Ciobanca 2007 Studiul clinic pentru icircmbunătăţirea metodelor de diagnostic de

laborator şi profilaxia chistului hidatic RevRomde Parasitol 17 48-49

Junie Monica N Constantea Petrica Ciobanca 2007 Surveillance programme in echinococcosis and

importance in the prophylaxis and therapy of human infection Clinical Microbiology and Infection


Christofidou M Spiliopoulou A Vamvacopoulou S Stamoulis V Dimitracopoulos G Anastassiou ED

Monica Junie Costache C Colosi I Ciobanca P T 2008 Species distribution and antifungal

susceptibility of Candida isolates collected from hospitalized patients in Romania and Greece Scientia

Parasitologica161-7 ISSN 1582 - 1366

L M Junie Vasile Cozma Zoe Coroiu Petrica Ciobanca 2009 ldquoEpidemiology of human

echinococcosis in Europe pg 109-127

Junie Monica S Răpuntean N Fiţ Cosmina Cuc F Puiu Gh Răpuntean L Deac Simion P T

Ciobanca 2009 Alternative therapies for combating antimicrobial resistence and reduction of severe

nosocomial infections Abstract Book of IMED (International Meeting on Emerging Diseases and

Surveillance) Vienna Austria Februarie 13-16 2009 Abstract 10152 pg86

V Cosma PT Ciobanca R Blaga C Gherman Lia Monica Junie 2009 Hydatidosis Epidemiology at

Humans and Animals in the Area of the Center and North-Vest Romania Abstract book of IMED

bdquoInternational Meeting on Emerging Diseases and Surveillancerdquo Vienna Austria Februarie pg86

Ciobanca Petrica Monica Junie 2011 Serological diagnosis and its applicability to the prophylaxis and

therapy of hydatid cyst in human patients Rev Scienţia Parasitologica 121 39-46

Ciobanca Petrica Teofil Junie Lia Monica 2011 Diagnosis confirmation of human cystic

echinococcosis by imagistic methods and immunoserological determinations Scientia


13 Limbi straine cunoscute Engleza-fluent Franceza ndashincepator Germana - incepator

14 Specializări şi calificări Ecografie Operare PC

15 Experienţa acumulată icircn programe naţionaleinternaţionale

ProgramulProiectul Funcţia Perioada

bdquoConstituirea unei reţele naţionale privind

studiul unor zoonoze parazitare şi

implicaţiile lor icircn siguranţa

alomentelorrdquoCEEX 1782005 cu o durată de

24 luni

realizat in colaborare cu Universitatea de

Stiinţe Agricole şi Medicină Veterinară

Doctorand Responsabil economic

2006 ndash2007

bdquoEvaluarea şi optimizarea interdisciplinară a

metodelor de screening diagnostic şi

tratament icircn trichineloza şi echinococoza

chistică umană şi animală icircn centrul şi nord-

vestul Romacircniei - TRICHIDrdquo Program

CEEX 1992006

realizat icircntre Universitatea de Stiinţe

Agricole şi Medicină Veterinară

(conducător al proiectului) şi UMF Cluj

Napoca (partener )

Doctorand Responsabil economic

2006 -2008

bdquoConstituirea unei reţele naţionale de

cercetare a dermatofitozelor la om şi

animalerdquoProgram CEEX 1512006

realizat icircntre USAMV (conducător al

proiectului) şi UMF Cluj Napoca


Doctorand Responsabil economic


Declar pe propria răspundere că datele prezentate sunt icircn conformitate cu realitatea









11 Background 11 12 Taxonomy and classification 12

13 Morphology12 14 Genetic and morphologic differences between species 15 15 Epidemiology 17 16 Biological lyfe cycle 19

161 Echinococcus granulosus 19

162 Echinococcus multilocularis 21 17 Human contamination 22

CHAPTER 2 HYDATID CYST 23 21 The pathogeny of the hydatid cyst 23

22 The evolution of the hydatid cyst 23 23 Clinical occurrence of human hydatidosis 24 24 Diagnosis of hydatid diseases 27

241 Clinical diagnosis 28 242 Medical imaging diagnosis 28

243 Parasitologic diagnosis31 244 Immunologic diagnosis 32 245 Differential diagnosis in hydatid cyst 34

25 Treating the hydatid cyst 35

26 The prophylaxis of the hydatid cyst 38 PART II PERSONAL RESEARCHES 40 STUDY 1 The applicability of the serological methods for the diagnosis therapy and prophylaxis of

the human hydatid disease 41 11 Introduction 41 12 Study aim and objectives 41

13 Material and method 42 131 Material 42 132 Method 43

14 Results 47 141 Detecting the seropositive persons investigated by ELISA IgG Antiechinococcus in Cluj

and Sălaj Counties47

142 Frequency depending on the environment the seropositive persons belong to in Cluj and

Sălaj Counties 48 143 Seropositve persons frequency in Cluj and Sălaj Counties depending on gender 50 144 Epidemiological aspects on seropositive persons in Cluj County (incidence environment

they belong to and distribution on genders) 51 145 The seropositive persons frequency depending on sex in Cluj County 52 146 Epidemiological aspects on seropositive persons in Sălaj County (incidence environment

they belong to and distribution on genders) 53

147 The frequency of seropositive persons dependending on sex in Salaj Couty 54

15 Confirming the determinations following the serological tests through imagistic methods in

human cystic echinococcosis 55 151 The results of imagistic determinations (ultrasound scan thoracic RX CT) helliphelliphelliphellip56


CONCLUIONS 68 STUDY II Evaluation and optimization of diagnosis methods in hydatid disease 69

21 Introduction 69

22 Study aim and objective 69 23 Material and method 70

231 Material 70 232 Paraclinic and clinical methods involved 71

233 Statistical methods of data analysis 77 24 Results 80

241 Epidemiological results (considering the sex origins age) 80 242 Clinical and paraclinical results regarding the hydatid cyst diagnosis 83

2421 The clinical examination value in hydatid cyst diagnosis 83 2422 Surgical confirmation in hydatid cyst presumtive diagnosis 85 2423 Assessing the usual laboratory analysis (haemoleucogram biochemical analysis used

to determine hydatid cyst) 86 2424 Imagistic methods involved to determine the hydatid cyst 89

2425 Results obtained through immunoserological methods 97 243 Comparative results 106





The Echinococcosis hydatidosis (the hydatid disease or the hydatid cyst) is a parasitic

disease determined by genus Echinococcus which may evolve with the most severe and different

implications Despite progresses in control and monitoring fields this parasitosis keeps representing

an important issue of the public health in the most parts of the world [1]

According to WHO classification the disease is a zoonosis which brings a lot of health issues

both in humans and animals because the causing parasites in order to end their biological cycle pass

through more vertebrate animal hosts (as for example dogs for the humans)

Due to its high prevalence the severe clinical ndash developing forms the morphofunctional

complications with high primary or secondary mortality the disease if frequently met both in rural

and urban environment at all age groups alarming prevalence in youngsters and occupational risk

groups [2]

In our country area the hydatid pathology has a quite high frequency the north ndash western part

of Transylvania being described an endemic area with important cases [3] the medicine of Cluj

having a significant experience in hydatid cyst diagnosis and treatment

Despite the lately achievements in human echinococcosis diagnosis and therapy it still has

an important place in morbidity and mortality structure within surgical services So in this way

presenting some briefly data over the different aspects the hydatid disease may adopt in its

development from clinical imagistic serological point of view and their importance evaluation in

early recognition and diagnosis of the disease


Chapter 1 Genus Echinococcus

The parasite responsible for causing human hydatidosis is a Platyhelminthe belonging to

Cestoda class (Eucestoda) Taeniidae family Genus Echinococcus The species of genus

Echinococcus considered as etiologic agents of echinococcosis hydatidosis according to WHO

experts are as follows

- Echinococcus granulosus (Batsch 1786) - cystic echinococcosis

- Echinococcus multilocularis (Leuckart 1863) ndash alveolar echinococcosis

- Echinococcus oligarthus (Diesing 1863)

- Echinococcus vogeli (Rausch Bernstein 1972) ndash polycystic echinococcosis

The issue of the 5th

species existence arose Ecruzi (Rausch and co ndash 1978 Kumaratilake

and Thompson ndash 1982) but Rausch and co (1984) comparing its features with Evogeli and

Eoligarthus remarked that in fact E cruzi is similar to E oligarthus

The geographical distribution of hydatidosis loyally follows the sheep breeders developing

curve and it is determined by pastoral promiscuity fact that determined Deve assert that the hydatid

disease is one of the dirty hands diseases

The wide range of animal species which may be intermediary hosts and their circulation from

Europe in other parts of the world made that Echinococcus be spread on the entire globe

In 2009 ECDC reported 790 cases of human echinococcosis with 11 lower than in 2008

(n= 891) Among the reported cases where the infecting species is known predominated the infection

with Egranulosus (72) while Emultilocularis infection was reported as having a frequency 3

times lower [4]


The hydatid cyst is often an invaliding disease with possible and often severe complications

(anaphylactic shock) with often difficult surgical therapy and frequent post-surgery recidivations

The clinical behaviours due to the complications settled through the aforementioned mechanisms

appear when the hydatid cyst sizes become considerable

The clinical framework of the hydatid cyst is little characteristic Quite often it is completely

asymptomatically and discovered purely by chance Other times the patients accused discomfort in

the right hypochondrium or even intense pain The allergic reactions are quite frequently from

urticaria reaction up to alergodermy or even anaphylactic shock (generally in case of fissure or even

the hydatid cyst rupture)

The morphological determination of the hydatid cysts may be done through thoracic

ultrasound scan computer tomography (CT) and magnetic resonance (MR)

The imagistic methods for human hydatidosis diagnosis are completed with immunodiagnosis

reactions aiming the parasitic aetiology confirmation of the determined formations through immune

induced response In the last years exists a tendency of immunologic diagnosis staging firstly

primary tests are used following to be confirmed through other methods having a significantly

specificity (secondary tests) [5]

The hydatid cyst modern management require involving all therapeutic methods medical

percutaneous and surgical The surgery is not anymore the first election for treating any hepatic

hydatid cyst In patients with univesicular cyst smaller that 4 cm the chosen therapy is the

monotherapy with albendazole

PAIR is indicated when the pain in not treatable or the albendazole is ineffective The

percutaneous treatment combines the alcohol and polidocanol but cannot be used in case of cysto-

billiary fistula

The surgery is used in cases when in percutaneous therapy no experts exist and the

percutaneous treatment cannot safely performed due to a significant extra-hepatic extension with

perforation risk of the cyst orand in case of cyst rupture in the peritoneal cavity [6]


STUDY 1 The applicability of the serological methods in the diagnosis therapy and

prophylaxis of human hydatid disease

The aim of this study was serological tests (ELISA method) conducting and evaluation as

screening and diagnosis methods of cystic echinococcosis The tests were conducted in symptomatic

and asymptomatic persons from Cluj and Sălaj Counties in order to estimate the disease frequency in

these counties In the persons where anti-echinococcus IgG antibodies were determined imagistic

investigations were performed in order to confirm the clinical and serological diagnosis of hydatid


The investigations allowed clarifying the epidemiological diagnosis therapeutic and

prognostic aspect regarding cystic echinococcosis

Material and method

The study was conducted during January 2007 ndash December 2009 and included 279

symptomatic and asymptomatic persons from Cluj and Sălaj Counties in order to determine the

presence and the level of anti-echinococcus antibodies level in the population of the two regions and

implicitly the asymptomatic infection using ELISA immunoenzyme method

In order to confirm the hydatid cyst diagnosis determined through serological test I used the

following imagistic methods abdominal pelvic ultrasound scan cranial CT thorax CT thorax Rx


Out of the 279 persons examined in both counties (Cluj şi Sălaj) in 22 patients was

determined positive serology the seropositivity frequency was of 789 (IC= 5 -1169) in the

studied sample suggesting the possible hydatid infection in seropositive persons

The real frequency of parasitosis is obviously higher because the symptomatic cases

represent only the peak of infestation pyramid while the asymptomatic cases form the unseen higher

basis of it

The serological screening performed in the north - western and central region of the country

showed the Egranulosus infection presence with the possibility of its active transmission The

obtained results demonstrate the higher percentage of the seropositve persons in Cluj County and

suggest a higher incidence of the hydatidosis in this region This conclusion was elaborated

following a research project conducting with the title Interdisciplinary evaluation and optimization

of the screening diagnosis and treatment methods in triquinelosis human and animal cystic

echinococcosis in the centre and north - west of Romania conducted during 2006-2008 where I

partake as a member

In 7714 of the patients in imagistic investigation the hydatidosis diagnosis could be

confirmed The patients had clear imagines for hydatid cyst with different locations hepatic

(6538) pulmonary (588) renal (588) The results of our researches suggest that a certain

proportion of the investigated population was positive in IgG anti-Echinococcus without having in

the organism the hydatid determined through imagistic methods


The lack of knowledge population ignorance and even of some specialists in sanitary field

regarding the biological cycle of E granulosus species and the hosts it has as well as the risk

involved by a tight contact with the permanent host are causes of main importance in parasite easy

spreading The results obtained following this study are similar with the results of some analogous

studies from the specialty literature conducted in endemic areas for human cystic echinococcosis [3]

In a study performed on an asymptomatic sample of persons in 12 of the cases the

ultrasound scan did not determine cystic form characteristic to the hydatid cyst although the

serological test was positive [7]

STUDY II Evaluation and optimization of the diagnosis methods in hydatid disease

The study has the following aims 1 the evaluation of the clinical examination in the

presumptive diagnosis and imagistic diagnosis evaluation in the hydatid disease 2 Evaluation of

ELISA method Western-Blott and the laboratory methods in order to confirm the clinical and

imagistic diagnosis of hydatid cyst 3 The comparative study of the imagistic methods (ultrasound

scan Rx CT RM) with the serological methods (ELISA Western-blott methods) and the evaluation

of their utility in differentiating the cystic and alveolar echinococcosis and in performing the

differential diagnosis and interpretation of the cross-reactions

23 Material and method

The study was performed during 2006 ndash 2010 and included a representative sample of 189

symptomatic persons with suggestive symptoms and imagistic suspicion of hydatid disease Other

studied persons were those for whom surgical intervention was performed in hydatid cyst and

persons having non-specific laboratory results but with suspicions of parasitic disease

The working material I used were the medical and surgical cases from the Medical and

Surgical Clinics of Cluj-Napoca and Sălaj (Clinica Chirurgie III Clinica Chirurgie V și and the

ambulatory of a private policlinic) The types of data collected and used within this study were

gender age origin clinical diagnosis the hydatid cyst complications hydatid cyst antecedents the

imagistic diagnosis methods performed (abdominal ultrasound scan pulmonary Rx CT RM

surgical treatment the examination of the surgical piece hystopathological) laboratory analysis

finding the location of the cystic formation depending on the hepatic segmentation and depending on

the organ in question the serological diagnosis methods performed (immunoenzyme IgG anti-

echinococcus ELISA method IgG echinococcus Western- blot method)

24 Results

The results obtained determined that there isnrsquot a significant association between IgG

echinococcus Western-blot and the hydatid disease diagnosis (pgt005) notwithstanding when

eosinophilia is present results a relatively high coincidence of 71 (IC=52 - 85) with the hydatid

cyst diagnosis

The statistic analysis of imagistic investigation results and surgical and paraclinical

confirmation results correlation presented a sensibility of 9689 for the imagistic investigation the

specificity was of 100 they dont differ significantly from statistical point of view The diagnosis

value of the imagistic examination is given by the positive predictive value (PPV) and the negative

one (NPP) both of them are over 84 although the NPP is statistical significantly lower than PPV

The evaluation of IgG antiechinococcus ELISA results compared with the surgical

hystopathological and paraclinical confirmation of hydatid cyst diagnosis determines a Specificity of

9643 and a PPV of 9919 as these are very high it may be considered that ELISA method is a

good screening test

By comparison with imagistic ultrasound scan or CT investigations the IgG

antiechinococcus ELISA has a lower Youden index As a consequence from this point of view IgG

antiechinococcus ELISA seems to be a less conclusive diagnosis test comparing with the mentioned

imagistic investigations On the other side comparing the trust intervals of Specificity PPV and

imagistic investigations (globally ultrasound scan CT) and IgG antiechinococcus ELISA we observe

that they donrsquot differ statistically speaking

The imagistic investigation results and those of IgG antiechinococcus ELISA associate

significantly It is noticeable that at the same time with the other association coefficients

(contingency Kendal tau coefficient) the concordance coefficient between the imagistic

investigation results and those of the IgG antiechinococcus ELISA are significantly statistical

(plt0001) It should be mentioned that the concordance measure Kappa = 0522 indicates the fact

that between the two examinations exist a moderate concordance

Imunoblot technique is a strong confirmation and differential serological diagnosis test

between the two major relevant infections the cystic and alveolar echinococcosis [8]

The evaluation of IgG echinococcus Western Blot investigation results by comparison with

the surgical hystopathological and paraclinial confirmation of hydatid cyst diagnosis revealed a

Specificity of 100 an a positive predictive value of 100 as these are very high you may consider

that the IgG echinococcus Western Blot detecting test is a good screening test

It is noticeable that at the same time with the other association coefficients (contingency

Kendal tau coefficient) the concordance coefficient between the imagistic investigation results and

those of the IgG echinococcus Western blot are significantly statistical (plt0001) It should be

mentioned that the concordance measure Kappa = 0816 indicates the fact that between the two

examinations exist a very good concordance


The evaluation of the eosinophilia as diagnosis marker in cystic echinococcosis allowed

some authors to assert that eosinophilia is not enough to settle the cystic echinococcosis diagnosis

but also a complementary clinical diagnosis [9]

The ultrasound scan sensibility and specificity was reported in more studies in the literature

as between 88-98 and 95-100 respectively for human cystic and alveolar echinococcosis The

authors consider it as the ldquogolden standardrdquo although admit the imperfection of this technique The

clinical investigation the laboratory examination and the epidemiological data are also considered

important for the cystic and alveolar echinococcosis diagnosis [10


The serological tests contribute to the diagnosis IgG antibodies detection had a sensibility of

95 and 94 specificity in a study conducted by Shambesh MA and company [11

] The sensibility

obtained by Shambesh is significantly higher than that determined in our study which determines a

sensibility of 74 with IC= 6907-8272 In exchange the specificity doesnt differ significantly

from statistical point of view of that obtained in our study (9643 IC=8165-9991)

The echinococcosis infections are considered ones of the most dangerous human helminthic

diseases The difference between the cystic and alveolar echinococcosis is important from the

prognostic and treatment point of view

In different stages of cystic and alveolar echinococcosis the most relevant test was

appreciated the Western blot IgG echinococus test whih confirmed the positive results [12


The research conducted in order to determined IgG echinococcus presence through Western

blot method reported to the considered golden method (surgical hystopathological and paraclinical

diagnosis confirmation) showed a sensibility of 9211 (IC = 7862 - 9834) the specificity

being of 100 (IC = 8389 - 100) data like the ones met in the specialty literature

In the most countries the alveolar echinococcosis has an endemic character and is

continuously extending with an alarming rapidity becoming an emergent disease

The adult parasite Emultilocularis was not yet found in Romania up now in any permanent

host [13


The study conducted revealed through the Western blot method for the first time in our

country the possibility of infection with Echinococcus multilocularis in human Next studies are

needed to determine the alveolar echinococcosis persons in Romania under the conditions of its

existence in a number of countries in Europe including Romania neighbouring countries (Hungary

Ukraine) centralizing the recent researches about the epidemiological situation the clinical

problems and the therapeutic options the authors described in the first case the alveolar

echinococcosis in Hungary In order to confirm these rare infections you must take in consideration

the differential diagnosis with other infiltrative hepatic lesions [14


No case was confirmed in Romania through other studies We recommend the introduction of

this method in the screening and diagnosis of this serious disease

In the attempt to compare the methods used in hydatid cyst diagnosis and the obtained results

through these methods we may assert that Western blot IgG echinococcus test is the most sensible in

determining an etiological diagnosis


1 Junie Monica Zoe Coroiu Carmen Costache 2002 The consequences of Echinococcus

granulosus infection in the human population Rev Scienţia Parasitologica 32 86-91

2 Seres Ştefania Monica Junie V Cozma 2009 Prevalence of Echinococcus granulosus in Cluj

county Romania revealed by PCR Rev Scienţia Parasitologica 1o1-2 68-71

3 Coroiu Zoe Judith Bele Cornelia Munteanu Rodica Radu 2007 Aspecte epidemiologice

privind hidatidoza umană icircn judeţul Cluj pe o perioada de 20 de ani (1981-2000) Rev Scientia

Parasitologica 81 32-38

4 A Lahuerta T Westrell J Takkinen F Boelaert V Rizzi B Helwigh B Borck H

Korsgaard A Ammon P Maumlkelauml Zoonoses icircn the European Union origin distribution and

dynamics ndash the EFSA - ECDC summary report 2009

5 Craig PS 1997 Immunodiagnosis of Echinococcus granulosus and a comparison of techniques

for diagnosis of canine echinococcosis In Compendium on cystic echinococcosis icircn Africa and

Middle Eastern countries with special reference to Morocco Brigham Young University Pris

Services Provo

6 Schipper HG Modern management of echinococcosis World Gastroenterology News vol 9 nr

2 2004

7 Arda B H Pulukccedilu T Yamazhan OR Sipahi S Tamsel G Demirpolat M Korkmaz 2009

Prevalence of Echinococcus granulosus detected using enzyme immunoassay and abdominal

ultrasonography icircn a group of students staying icircn a state dormitory icircn Turkey Turk J Med Sci

391 1-4

8Liance M V Janin S Bresson-Hadni DA Vuitton R Houin R Piarroux 2000

Immunodiagnosis of Echinococcus infections confirmatory testing and species differentiation by a

new comercial Western blot J Clin Microbiol 38 3718-3721

9Karadam SY Ertabaklar H Sari C Dayanir Y Ertuğ S Should cystic echinococcosis be

investigated icircn patients having high eosinophil countsTurkiye Parazitol Derg 200933(3)203-6

10 Macpherson CN Milner R Performance characteristics and quality control of community based

ultrasound surveys for cystic and alveolar echinococcosis Acta Trop 2003 Feb85(2)203-9

11 Shambesh MA Craig PS Macpherson CN Rogan MT Gusbi AM Echtuish EF An extensive

ultrasound and serologic study to investigate the prevalence of human cystic echinococcosis icircn

northern Libya Am J Trop Med Hyg 1999 Mar 60(3)462-8

12 Reiter-Owona I Gruumlner B Frosch M Hoerauf A Kern P Tappe D Serological confirmatory

testing of alveolar and cystic echinococcosis in clinical practice results of a comparative study

with commercialized and in-house assays Clin Lab 200955(1-2)41-8

13 Sikoacute Barabaacutesi S Și Cozma V 2008 Echinococoza alveolară O posibilă zoonoză emergentă icircn

Romacircnia (Sinteză) RevScientia Parasitologica 9 1 48-60

14 Horvaacuteth Andrea Patonay Attila Baacutenhegyi Deacutenes Szlaacutevik Jaacutenos Balaacutezs Gyoumlrgy Goumlroumlg Deacutenes

Eacutes Werling Klaacutera A humaacuten Echinococcus multilocularis infectio elsocirc hazai esete Beeacuterkezett

2007 november 16 elfogadva 2008 maacutercius 7


1 Surname Ciobanca

2 Name Petrica Teofil

3 Date and place of birth 25111979 Zalau Salaj

4 Citizenship Romanian

5 Marital status married

6 Contact Tel 0040-740052584 E-mailpetrica_ciobancayahoocom

7 Studies


bdquoVasile Goldisrdquo

West University


ldquoIuliu Haţieganurdquo

University of

Medicine and

Pharmacy of Cluj-


ldquoCarol Davilardquo

University of

Medicine of




University of

Medicine and

Pharmacy of


Theoretical High

School of Zalau

Physics -



Period October 2004

June 2005

January 2005

February 2005

January 2005

March 2005

October 1998

September 2004

September 1994

July 1998

Skills of



Masterrsquos Degree



Accounting and


Management of

the Companies

Certificate of


general ultrasound

scan post-

university course

module I

Certificate of



ultrasound scan


course module






High School


8 Scientific title Medical doctor University Assistant Full-time doctoral student 9 Professional experience

Period Position Responsibilities

01 11 2005 ndash up


- University Assistant

- Resident Physician in

Laboratory Medicine

- Full-time doctoral


UM F bdquoIuliu Hatieganurdquo CLUJ

- Didactical activity in Microbiology (Bacteriology

Parasitology Virology Mycology) with the 2nd



students General Medicine Pharmacy Medical Colleges

within Iuliu Hatieganu University of Medicine and


- Stages within residency activity

- Research activity

01012006 ndash up


- Physician SALVO - SAN

- medical practice in general medicine

0106 2009 ndash

2011 2009


-Medical practice clinical investigations before and after


-The manager of resuscitation team in emergency cases

15012007 ndash


Resident physician in

Family Medicine Spitalul Clinic Judetean de Urgenta Cluj Napoca

- clinical examinations EKG diagnosis and treatment

stages in Obstetrics and Gynaecology Psychiatry Infectious


29082005 ndash


Physician in training Kantonal Flawil Hospital Switzerland

-Internal Medicine stages presentations and diagnosis


01012005 ndash Physician in training Spitalul Clinic Municipal Cluj Napoca

01012006 - Internal Medicine stages for 6 months

- Surgery stages for 6 months

14032005 ndash


Physician in training bdquoMaria Sklodowska Curierdquo Paediatrics Clinical Hospital

- I assisted in the performance of endoscopic investigations

Post university courses General ultrasound scan first module January 2005 - February 2005

General ultrasound scan second module January 2005 ndash March 2005

Occupational medicine

Surgical emergencies in the children

Resuscitation course in adults

ALS - London Ambulance Service

EPLS - Royal Brompton Hospital London

Emergency ultrasonography


Doppler echography

10 The current place of work and position University assistant Full-time doctoral student

bdquoIuliu Hatieganurdquo University of Medicine and Pharmacy of Cluj-Napoca

11 Seniority in the current place of work 6 years

12 Works elaborated and or published Monica Junie Petrica Ciobanca (B-783) 2005 Comparison of Antibiotic Resistance of

Pseudomonas Aeruginosa Strains Isolated from Different Types of Infections Abstracts of the

XIth International Congress of Bacteriology and Applied Microbiology July 23-28 San

Francisco California USA - ISBN1-555-81-353-4

Monica Junie Petrica Ciobanca (M-722) 2005 Evolution of Resistance Phenomenon to

Antimycotic Drugs of Candida Species and Dermatophytes Abstracts of the XIth International

Congress of Mycology July 23-28 San Francisco California USA ISBN1-555-81-354-2

Lia Monica Junie Doina Matinca Doina Tăţulescu AN Ferke Petrica Ciobanca 2006

Evolution of Antibiotic Resistance of Pseudomonas aeruginosa strains isolated from Hospital

Infectious International Journal of Infectious Diseases vol10 suppl 1 ISSN 1201 ndash 9712 pag

S 78 Lisabon Portugal ISSN 1201-9712 IJID indexed in MEDLINE EMCASE Escerpta

Media and Urlichs Elsevier Publishing Presented at the International Congress of Infectious

Diseases sesiunea Antibiotic Resistance ndash Gram negatives (poster nr 13003) iunie 15-18

Lia Monica Junie Zoe Coroiu şi col AN Ferke Petrica Ciobanca 2006 The significance of

AntiToxoplasma IgG and IgM Antibodies Detection in Toxoplasmosis Diagnosis Abstract

books the 12th

ISID pag 80 Presented at the 12th

ISID 15-18 iunie 2006 Lisbon Portugal

Sectiunea Parasitic Infectious

Junie Monica Petrica Ciobanca 2006 Species Distribution and Antifungal Susceptibility Of

Candida Isolates Colected From Hospitalised Patients Abstracts of 16th

European Congress Of

Clinical Microbiology And Infectious Diseases Nice France 1- 4 aprilie 2006

Constantea N şi Petrica Ciobanca 2007 Studiul clinic pentru icircmbunătăţirea metodelor de

diagnostic de laborator şi profilaxia chistului hidatic RevRomde Parasitol 17 48-49

Junie Monica N Constantea Petrica Ciobanca 2007 Surveillance programme in

echinococcosis and importance in the prophylaxis and therapy of human infection Clinical

Microbiology and Infection 132

Christofidou M Spiliopoulou A Vamvacopoulou S Stamoulis V Dimitracopoulos G

Anastassiou ED Monica Junie Costache C Colosi I Ciobanca P T 2008 Species

distribution and antifungal susceptibility of Candida isolates collected from hospitalized patients

in Romania and Greece Scientia Parasitologica161-7 ISSN 1582 - 1366

L M Junie Vasile Cozma Zoe Coroiu Petrica Ciobanca 2009 ldquoEpidemiology of human

echinococcosis in Europe pg 109-127

Junie Monica S Răpuntean N Fiţ Cosmina Cuc F Puiu Gh Răpuntean L Deac Simion P

T Ciobanca 2009 Alternative therapies for combating antimicrobial resistence and reduction

of severe nosocomial infections Abstract Book of IMED (International Meeting on Emerging

Diseases and Surveillance) Vienna Austria Februarie 13-16 2009 Abstract 10152 pg86

V Cosma PT Ciobanca R Blaga C Gherman Lia Monica Junie 2009 Hydatidosis

Epidemiology at Humans and Animals in the Area of the Center and North-Vest Romania

Abstract book of IMED bdquoInternational Meeting on Emerging Diseases and Surveillancerdquo

Vienna Austria Februarie pg86

Ciobanca Petrica Monica Junie 2011 Serological diagnosis and its applicability to the

prophylaxis and therapy of hydatid cyst in human patients Rev Scienţia Parasitologica 121


Ciobanca Petrica Teofil Junie Lia Monica 2011 Diagnosis confirmation of human cystic

echinococcosis by imagistic methods and immunoserological determinations Scientia

Parasitologica12(3) 151-161

13 Foreign languages English-advanced French ndashbeginner German ndash beginner

14 Specialties and qualifications Ultrasound scan PC operator

15 Experience assimilated within the national international programs

Program project Position Period

A national network making regarding

the study of some parasitic zoonosis and

their implications in food safetyCEEX

1782005 lasting 25 months

Developed in collaboration with the

Agricultural Sciences and Veterinary

Medicine University

Doctoral student Economic

responsible person

2006 ndash2007

Interdisciplinary evaluation and

optimization of the screening diagnosis

and treatment methods in triquinelosis

human and animal cystic echinococcosis

in the centre and north - west of

Romania - TRICHIDrdquo CEEX program


Developed between the Agricultural

Sciences and Veterinary Medicine

University (project leader) and UMF

Cluj-Napoca (partner)

Doctoral student Economic

responsible person

2006 -2008

bdquoA national network making for

researching the dermatophytosis in

human and animals CEEX program


Developed between USAMV (project of

the leader) and UMF Cluj- Napoca


Doctoral student Economic

responsible person


I declare on my own liability that the data mentioned are according to reality




1 Nume Ciobanca

2 Prenume Petrica Teofil

3 Data şi locul naşterii 25111979 Localitatea Zalau judetul Salaj

4 Cetăţenie Romana

5 Stare civilă Casatorit

6 Contact Tel 0040-740052584 E-mail petrica_ciobancayahoocom

7 Studii

Instituţia Universitatea

de Vest bdquoVasile

Goldisrdquo Arad

Universitatea de

Medicina si


Hatieganurdquo Cluj



de Medicina





de medicina si




Cluj Napoca

Liceul Teoretic

Zalau -Sectia



Perioada Octombrie

2004 -

Iunie 2005



Ianuarie 2005-

Martie 2005






1994 -

Iulie 1998

Grade sau



Diploma de

Master in



Contabil si

Juridic al


Certificat de

Absolvire curs


de ecografie

generala modul I

Certificat de




de ecografie


modulul II

Diploma de




Diploma de


8 Titlul ştiinţific Medic Asistent Universitar Doctorand cu frecventa

9 Experienţa profesională

Perioada Functia Responsabilitati

01 11 2005 -


-Asistent Universitar

-Medic Rezident Medicina de


-Doctorand cu frecventa

UM F bdquoIuliu Hatieganurdquo CLUJ

- Activitate didactica in Microbiologie

(Bacteriologie Parazitologie

Virusologie Micologie) cu studentii

anului II III Medicina Generala

Farmacie Colegii Medicale in cadrul

UMF bdquoIuliu Hatieganurdquo

-Stagii in activitatea de rezidentiat

-activitate de cercetare

01012006 ndash


-Medic generalist SALVO- SAN

-practica medicala in medicina generala

0106 2009 ndash

2011 2009


-Practica medicala examinari clinice pre

si post operatorii

-managerul echipei de resuscitare in caz

de urgenta

15012007 ndash


Medic Rezident Medicina de

familie Spitalul Clinic Judetean de Urgenta

Cluj Napoca


- examinari clinice EKG diagnostic si

tratament stagii de Obstetrica si

Ginecologie Psihiatrie Boli Infectioase

29082005 ndash


Medic Stagiar Spitalul Kantonal Flawil Elvetia

-stagii de Medicina Interna prezentari si

explorari diagnostice

01012005 ndash


Medic Stagiar Spitalul Clinic Municipal Cluj Napoca

- stagii de Medicina Interna 6 luni

-stagii de Chirurgie 6 luni

14032005 ndash


Medic Stagiar Spitalul Clinic de Pediatrie bdquoMaria

Sklodowska Curierdquo

-am asistat la explorarile endoscopice


Cursuri post-universitare Ecografie generala modulul unu Ianuarie 2005 ndash februarie 2005

Ecografie generala modulul doi Ianuarie 2005 ndash martie 2005

Medicina ocupationala

Urgente chirurgicale la copii

Curs de resuscitare adulti

ALS - London Ambulance Service

EPLS - Royal Brompton Hospital London

Ultrasonografie de urgenta


Ecografie Doppler

10 Locul de muncă actual şi funcţia Asistent Universitar Doctorand cu frecventa UMF

bdquoIuliu Hatieganurdquo Cluj Napoca

11 Vechime la locul de muncă actual 6 ani

12 Lucrări elaborate şi sau publicate Monica Junie Petrica Ciobanca (B-783) 2005 Comparison of Antibiotic Resistance of Pseudomonas

Aeruginosa Strains Isolated from Different Types of Infections Abstracts of the XIth International

Congress of Bacteriology and Applied Microbiology July 23-28 San Francisco California USA -


Monica Junie Petrica Ciobanca (M-722) 2005 Evolution of Resistance Phenomenon to Antimycotic

Drugs of Candida Species and Dermatophytes Abstracts of the XIth International Congress of Mycology

July 23-28 San Francisco California USA ISBN1-555-81-354-2

Lia Monica Junie Doina Matinca Doina Tăţulescu AN Ferke Petrica Ciobanca 2006 Evolution of

Antibiotic Resistance of Pseudomonas aeruginosa strains isolated from Hospital Infectious International

Journal of Infectious Diseases vol10 suppl 1 ISSN 1201 ndash 9712 pag S 78 Lisabon Portugal ISSN

1201-9712 IJID indexed in MEDLINE EMCASE Escerpta Media and Urlichs Elsevier Publishing

Presented at the International Congress of Infectious Diseases sesiunea Antibiotic Resistance ndash Gram

negatives (poster nr 13003) iunie 15-18

Lia Monica Junie Zoe Coroiu şi col AN Ferke Petrica Ciobanca 2006 The significance of

AntiToxoplasma IgG and IgM Antibodies Detection in Toxoplasmosis Diagnosis Abstract books the 12th

ISID pag 80 Presented at the 12th ISID 15-18 iunie 2006 Lisbon Portugal Sectiunea Parasitic



Junie Monica Petrica Ciobanca 2006 Species Distribution and Antifungal Susceptibility Of Candida

Isolates Colected From Hospitalised Patients Abstracts of 16th European Congress Of Clinical

Microbiology And Infectious Diseases Nice France 1- 4 aprilie 2006

Constantea N şi Petrica Ciobanca 2007 Studiul clinic pentru icircmbunătăţirea metodelor de diagnostic de

laborator şi profilaxia chistului hidatic RevRomde Parasitol 17 48-49

Junie Monica N Constantea Petrica Ciobanca 2007 Surveillance programme in echinococcosis and

importance in the prophylaxis and therapy of human infection Clinical Microbiology and Infection


Christofidou M Spiliopoulou A Vamvacopoulou S Stamoulis V Dimitracopoulos G Anastassiou ED

Monica Junie Costache C Colosi I Ciobanca P T 2008 Species distribution and antifungal

susceptibility of Candida isolates collected from hospitalized patients in Romania and Greece Scientia

Parasitologica161-7 ISSN 1582 - 1366

L M Junie Vasile Cozma Zoe Coroiu Petrica Ciobanca 2009 ldquoEpidemiology of human

echinococcosis in Europe pg 109-127

Junie Monica S Răpuntean N Fiţ Cosmina Cuc F Puiu Gh Răpuntean L Deac Simion P T

Ciobanca 2009 Alternative therapies for combating antimicrobial resistence and reduction of severe

nosocomial infections Abstract Book of IMED (International Meeting on Emerging Diseases and

Surveillance) Vienna Austria Februarie 13-16 2009 Abstract 10152 pg86

V Cosma PT Ciobanca R Blaga C Gherman Lia Monica Junie 2009 Hydatidosis Epidemiology at

Humans and Animals in the Area of the Center and North-Vest Romania Abstract book of IMED

bdquoInternational Meeting on Emerging Diseases and Surveillancerdquo Vienna Austria Februarie pg86

Ciobanca Petrica Monica Junie 2011 Serological diagnosis and its applicability to the prophylaxis and

therapy of hydatid cyst in human patients Rev Scienţia Parasitologica 121 39-46

Ciobanca Petrica Teofil Junie Lia Monica 2011 Diagnosis confirmation of human cystic

echinococcosis by imagistic methods and immunoserological determinations Scientia


13 Limbi straine cunoscute Engleza-fluent Franceza ndashincepator Germana - incepator

14 Specializări şi calificări Ecografie Operare PC

15 Experienţa acumulată icircn programe naţionaleinternaţionale

ProgramulProiectul Funcţia Perioada

bdquoConstituirea unei reţele naţionale privind

studiul unor zoonoze parazitare şi

implicaţiile lor icircn siguranţa

alomentelorrdquoCEEX 1782005 cu o durată de

24 luni

realizat in colaborare cu Universitatea de

Stiinţe Agricole şi Medicină Veterinară

Doctorand Responsabil economic

2006 ndash2007

bdquoEvaluarea şi optimizarea interdisciplinară a

metodelor de screening diagnostic şi

tratament icircn trichineloza şi echinococoza

chistică umană şi animală icircn centrul şi nord-

vestul Romacircniei - TRICHIDrdquo Program

CEEX 1992006

realizat icircntre Universitatea de Stiinţe

Agricole şi Medicină Veterinară

(conducător al proiectului) şi UMF Cluj

Napoca (partener )

Doctorand Responsabil economic

2006 -2008

bdquoConstituirea unei reţele naţionale de

cercetare a dermatofitozelor la om şi

animalerdquoProgram CEEX 1512006

realizat icircntre USAMV (conducător al

proiectului) şi UMF Cluj Napoca


Doctorand Responsabil economic


Declar pe propria răspundere că datele prezentate sunt icircn conformitate cu realitatea









11 Background 11 12 Taxonomy and classification 12

13 Morphology12 14 Genetic and morphologic differences between species 15 15 Epidemiology 17 16 Biological lyfe cycle 19

161 Echinococcus granulosus 19

162 Echinococcus multilocularis 21 17 Human contamination 22

CHAPTER 2 HYDATID CYST 23 21 The pathogeny of the hydatid cyst 23

22 The evolution of the hydatid cyst 23 23 Clinical occurrence of human hydatidosis 24 24 Diagnosis of hydatid diseases 27

241 Clinical diagnosis 28 242 Medical imaging diagnosis 28

243 Parasitologic diagnosis31 244 Immunologic diagnosis 32 245 Differential diagnosis in hydatid cyst 34

25 Treating the hydatid cyst 35

26 The prophylaxis of the hydatid cyst 38 PART II PERSONAL RESEARCHES 40 STUDY 1 The applicability of the serological methods for the diagnosis therapy and prophylaxis of

the human hydatid disease 41 11 Introduction 41 12 Study aim and objectives 41

13 Material and method 42 131 Material 42 132 Method 43

14 Results 47 141 Detecting the seropositive persons investigated by ELISA IgG Antiechinococcus in Cluj

and Sălaj Counties47

142 Frequency depending on the environment the seropositive persons belong to in Cluj and

Sălaj Counties 48 143 Seropositve persons frequency in Cluj and Sălaj Counties depending on gender 50 144 Epidemiological aspects on seropositive persons in Cluj County (incidence environment

they belong to and distribution on genders) 51 145 The seropositive persons frequency depending on sex in Cluj County 52 146 Epidemiological aspects on seropositive persons in Sălaj County (incidence environment

they belong to and distribution on genders) 53

147 The frequency of seropositive persons dependending on sex in Salaj Couty 54

15 Confirming the determinations following the serological tests through imagistic methods in

human cystic echinococcosis 55 151 The results of imagistic determinations (ultrasound scan thoracic RX CT) helliphelliphelliphellip56


CONCLUIONS 68 STUDY II Evaluation and optimization of diagnosis methods in hydatid disease 69

21 Introduction 69

22 Study aim and objective 69 23 Material and method 70

231 Material 70 232 Paraclinic and clinical methods involved 71

233 Statistical methods of data analysis 77 24 Results 80

241 Epidemiological results (considering the sex origins age) 80 242 Clinical and paraclinical results regarding the hydatid cyst diagnosis 83

2421 The clinical examination value in hydatid cyst diagnosis 83 2422 Surgical confirmation in hydatid cyst presumtive diagnosis 85 2423 Assessing the usual laboratory analysis (haemoleucogram biochemical analysis used

to determine hydatid cyst) 86 2424 Imagistic methods involved to determine the hydatid cyst 89

2425 Results obtained through immunoserological methods 97 243 Comparative results 106





The Echinococcosis hydatidosis (the hydatid disease or the hydatid cyst) is a parasitic

disease determined by genus Echinococcus which may evolve with the most severe and different

implications Despite progresses in control and monitoring fields this parasitosis keeps representing

an important issue of the public health in the most parts of the world [1]

According to WHO classification the disease is a zoonosis which brings a lot of health issues

both in humans and animals because the causing parasites in order to end their biological cycle pass

through more vertebrate animal hosts (as for example dogs for the humans)

Due to its high prevalence the severe clinical ndash developing forms the morphofunctional

complications with high primary or secondary mortality the disease if frequently met both in rural

and urban environment at all age groups alarming prevalence in youngsters and occupational risk

groups [2]

In our country area the hydatid pathology has a quite high frequency the north ndash western part

of Transylvania being described an endemic area with important cases [3] the medicine of Cluj

having a significant experience in hydatid cyst diagnosis and treatment

Despite the lately achievements in human echinococcosis diagnosis and therapy it still has

an important place in morbidity and mortality structure within surgical services So in this way

presenting some briefly data over the different aspects the hydatid disease may adopt in its

development from clinical imagistic serological point of view and their importance evaluation in

early recognition and diagnosis of the disease


Chapter 1 Genus Echinococcus

The parasite responsible for causing human hydatidosis is a Platyhelminthe belonging to

Cestoda class (Eucestoda) Taeniidae family Genus Echinococcus The species of genus

Echinococcus considered as etiologic agents of echinococcosis hydatidosis according to WHO

experts are as follows

- Echinococcus granulosus (Batsch 1786) - cystic echinococcosis

- Echinococcus multilocularis (Leuckart 1863) ndash alveolar echinococcosis

- Echinococcus oligarthus (Diesing 1863)

- Echinococcus vogeli (Rausch Bernstein 1972) ndash polycystic echinococcosis

The issue of the 5th

species existence arose Ecruzi (Rausch and co ndash 1978 Kumaratilake

and Thompson ndash 1982) but Rausch and co (1984) comparing its features with Evogeli and

Eoligarthus remarked that in fact E cruzi is similar to E oligarthus

The geographical distribution of hydatidosis loyally follows the sheep breeders developing

curve and it is determined by pastoral promiscuity fact that determined Deve assert that the hydatid

disease is one of the dirty hands diseases

The wide range of animal species which may be intermediary hosts and their circulation from

Europe in other parts of the world made that Echinococcus be spread on the entire globe

In 2009 ECDC reported 790 cases of human echinococcosis with 11 lower than in 2008

(n= 891) Among the reported cases where the infecting species is known predominated the infection

with Egranulosus (72) while Emultilocularis infection was reported as having a frequency 3

times lower [4]


The hydatid cyst is often an invaliding disease with possible and often severe complications

(anaphylactic shock) with often difficult surgical therapy and frequent post-surgery recidivations

The clinical behaviours due to the complications settled through the aforementioned mechanisms

appear when the hydatid cyst sizes become considerable

The clinical framework of the hydatid cyst is little characteristic Quite often it is completely

asymptomatically and discovered purely by chance Other times the patients accused discomfort in

the right hypochondrium or even intense pain The allergic reactions are quite frequently from

urticaria reaction up to alergodermy or even anaphylactic shock (generally in case of fissure or even

the hydatid cyst rupture)

The morphological determination of the hydatid cysts may be done through thoracic

ultrasound scan computer tomography (CT) and magnetic resonance (MR)

The imagistic methods for human hydatidosis diagnosis are completed with immunodiagnosis

reactions aiming the parasitic aetiology confirmation of the determined formations through immune

induced response In the last years exists a tendency of immunologic diagnosis staging firstly

primary tests are used following to be confirmed through other methods having a significantly

specificity (secondary tests) [5]

The hydatid cyst modern management require involving all therapeutic methods medical

percutaneous and surgical The surgery is not anymore the first election for treating any hepatic

hydatid cyst In patients with univesicular cyst smaller that 4 cm the chosen therapy is the

monotherapy with albendazole

PAIR is indicated when the pain in not treatable or the albendazole is ineffective The

percutaneous treatment combines the alcohol and polidocanol but cannot be used in case of cysto-

billiary fistula

The surgery is used in cases when in percutaneous therapy no experts exist and the

percutaneous treatment cannot safely performed due to a significant extra-hepatic extension with

perforation risk of the cyst orand in case of cyst rupture in the peritoneal cavity [6]


STUDY 1 The applicability of the serological methods in the diagnosis therapy and

prophylaxis of human hydatid disease

The aim of this study was serological tests (ELISA method) conducting and evaluation as

screening and diagnosis methods of cystic echinococcosis The tests were conducted in symptomatic

and asymptomatic persons from Cluj and Sălaj Counties in order to estimate the disease frequency in

these counties In the persons where anti-echinococcus IgG antibodies were determined imagistic

investigations were performed in order to confirm the clinical and serological diagnosis of hydatid


The investigations allowed clarifying the epidemiological diagnosis therapeutic and

prognostic aspect regarding cystic echinococcosis

Material and method

The study was conducted during January 2007 ndash December 2009 and included 279

symptomatic and asymptomatic persons from Cluj and Sălaj Counties in order to determine the

presence and the level of anti-echinococcus antibodies level in the population of the two regions and

implicitly the asymptomatic infection using ELISA immunoenzyme method

In order to confirm the hydatid cyst diagnosis determined through serological test I used the

following imagistic methods abdominal pelvic ultrasound scan cranial CT thorax CT thorax Rx


Out of the 279 persons examined in both counties (Cluj şi Sălaj) in 22 patients was

determined positive serology the seropositivity frequency was of 789 (IC= 5 -1169) in the

studied sample suggesting the possible hydatid infection in seropositive persons

The real frequency of parasitosis is obviously higher because the symptomatic cases

represent only the peak of infestation pyramid while the asymptomatic cases form the unseen higher

basis of it

The serological screening performed in the north - western and central region of the country

showed the Egranulosus infection presence with the possibility of its active transmission The

obtained results demonstrate the higher percentage of the seropositve persons in Cluj County and

suggest a higher incidence of the hydatidosis in this region This conclusion was elaborated

following a research project conducting with the title Interdisciplinary evaluation and optimization

of the screening diagnosis and treatment methods in triquinelosis human and animal cystic

echinococcosis in the centre and north - west of Romania conducted during 2006-2008 where I

partake as a member

In 7714 of the patients in imagistic investigation the hydatidosis diagnosis could be

confirmed The patients had clear imagines for hydatid cyst with different locations hepatic

(6538) pulmonary (588) renal (588) The results of our researches suggest that a certain

proportion of the investigated population was positive in IgG anti-Echinococcus without having in

the organism the hydatid determined through imagistic methods


The lack of knowledge population ignorance and even of some specialists in sanitary field

regarding the biological cycle of E granulosus species and the hosts it has as well as the risk

involved by a tight contact with the permanent host are causes of main importance in parasite easy

spreading The results obtained following this study are similar with the results of some analogous

studies from the specialty literature conducted in endemic areas for human cystic echinococcosis [3]

In a study performed on an asymptomatic sample of persons in 12 of the cases the

ultrasound scan did not determine cystic form characteristic to the hydatid cyst although the

serological test was positive [7]

STUDY II Evaluation and optimization of the diagnosis methods in hydatid disease

The study has the following aims 1 the evaluation of the clinical examination in the

presumptive diagnosis and imagistic diagnosis evaluation in the hydatid disease 2 Evaluation of

ELISA method Western-Blott and the laboratory methods in order to confirm the clinical and

imagistic diagnosis of hydatid cyst 3 The comparative study of the imagistic methods (ultrasound

scan Rx CT RM) with the serological methods (ELISA Western-blott methods) and the evaluation

of their utility in differentiating the cystic and alveolar echinococcosis and in performing the

differential diagnosis and interpretation of the cross-reactions

23 Material and method

The study was performed during 2006 ndash 2010 and included a representative sample of 189

symptomatic persons with suggestive symptoms and imagistic suspicion of hydatid disease Other

studied persons were those for whom surgical intervention was performed in hydatid cyst and

persons having non-specific laboratory results but with suspicions of parasitic disease

The working material I used were the medical and surgical cases from the Medical and

Surgical Clinics of Cluj-Napoca and Sălaj (Clinica Chirurgie III Clinica Chirurgie V și and the

ambulatory of a private policlinic) The types of data collected and used within this study were

gender age origin clinical diagnosis the hydatid cyst complications hydatid cyst antecedents the

imagistic diagnosis methods performed (abdominal ultrasound scan pulmonary Rx CT RM

surgical treatment the examination of the surgical piece hystopathological) laboratory analysis

finding the location of the cystic formation depending on the hepatic segmentation and depending on

the organ in question the serological diagnosis methods performed (immunoenzyme IgG anti-

echinococcus ELISA method IgG echinococcus Western- blot method)

24 Results

The results obtained determined that there isnrsquot a significant association between IgG

echinococcus Western-blot and the hydatid disease diagnosis (pgt005) notwithstanding when

eosinophilia is present results a relatively high coincidence of 71 (IC=52 - 85) with the hydatid

cyst diagnosis

The statistic analysis of imagistic investigation results and surgical and paraclinical

confirmation results correlation presented a sensibility of 9689 for the imagistic investigation the

specificity was of 100 they dont differ significantly from statistical point of view The diagnosis

value of the imagistic examination is given by the positive predictive value (PPV) and the negative

one (NPP) both of them are over 84 although the NPP is statistical significantly lower than PPV

The evaluation of IgG antiechinococcus ELISA results compared with the surgical

hystopathological and paraclinical confirmation of hydatid cyst diagnosis determines a Specificity of

9643 and a PPV of 9919 as these are very high it may be considered that ELISA method is a

good screening test

By comparison with imagistic ultrasound scan or CT investigations the IgG

antiechinococcus ELISA has a lower Youden index As a consequence from this point of view IgG

antiechinococcus ELISA seems to be a less conclusive diagnosis test comparing with the mentioned

imagistic investigations On the other side comparing the trust intervals of Specificity PPV and

imagistic investigations (globally ultrasound scan CT) and IgG antiechinococcus ELISA we observe

that they donrsquot differ statistically speaking

The imagistic investigation results and those of IgG antiechinococcus ELISA associate

significantly It is noticeable that at the same time with the other association coefficients

(contingency Kendal tau coefficient) the concordance coefficient between the imagistic

investigation results and those of the IgG antiechinococcus ELISA are significantly statistical

(plt0001) It should be mentioned that the concordance measure Kappa = 0522 indicates the fact

that between the two examinations exist a moderate concordance

Imunoblot technique is a strong confirmation and differential serological diagnosis test

between the two major relevant infections the cystic and alveolar echinococcosis [8]

The evaluation of IgG echinococcus Western Blot investigation results by comparison with

the surgical hystopathological and paraclinial confirmation of hydatid cyst diagnosis revealed a

Specificity of 100 an a positive predictive value of 100 as these are very high you may consider

that the IgG echinococcus Western Blot detecting test is a good screening test

It is noticeable that at the same time with the other association coefficients (contingency

Kendal tau coefficient) the concordance coefficient between the imagistic investigation results and

those of the IgG echinococcus Western blot are significantly statistical (plt0001) It should be

mentioned that the concordance measure Kappa = 0816 indicates the fact that between the two

examinations exist a very good concordance


The evaluation of the eosinophilia as diagnosis marker in cystic echinococcosis allowed

some authors to assert that eosinophilia is not enough to settle the cystic echinococcosis diagnosis

but also a complementary clinical diagnosis [9]

The ultrasound scan sensibility and specificity was reported in more studies in the literature

as between 88-98 and 95-100 respectively for human cystic and alveolar echinococcosis The

authors consider it as the ldquogolden standardrdquo although admit the imperfection of this technique The

clinical investigation the laboratory examination and the epidemiological data are also considered

important for the cystic and alveolar echinococcosis diagnosis [10


The serological tests contribute to the diagnosis IgG antibodies detection had a sensibility of

95 and 94 specificity in a study conducted by Shambesh MA and company [11

] The sensibility

obtained by Shambesh is significantly higher than that determined in our study which determines a

sensibility of 74 with IC= 6907-8272 In exchange the specificity doesnt differ significantly

from statistical point of view of that obtained in our study (9643 IC=8165-9991)

The echinococcosis infections are considered ones of the most dangerous human helminthic

diseases The difference between the cystic and alveolar echinococcosis is important from the

prognostic and treatment point of view

In different stages of cystic and alveolar echinococcosis the most relevant test was

appreciated the Western blot IgG echinococus test whih confirmed the positive results [12


The research conducted in order to determined IgG echinococcus presence through Western

blot method reported to the considered golden method (surgical hystopathological and paraclinical

diagnosis confirmation) showed a sensibility of 9211 (IC = 7862 - 9834) the specificity

being of 100 (IC = 8389 - 100) data like the ones met in the specialty literature

In the most countries the alveolar echinococcosis has an endemic character and is

continuously extending with an alarming rapidity becoming an emergent disease

The adult parasite Emultilocularis was not yet found in Romania up now in any permanent

host [13


The study conducted revealed through the Western blot method for the first time in our

country the possibility of infection with Echinococcus multilocularis in human Next studies are

needed to determine the alveolar echinococcosis persons in Romania under the conditions of its

existence in a number of countries in Europe including Romania neighbouring countries (Hungary

Ukraine) centralizing the recent researches about the epidemiological situation the clinical

problems and the therapeutic options the authors described in the first case the alveolar

echinococcosis in Hungary In order to confirm these rare infections you must take in consideration

the differential diagnosis with other infiltrative hepatic lesions [14


No case was confirmed in Romania through other studies We recommend the introduction of

this method in the screening and diagnosis of this serious disease

In the attempt to compare the methods used in hydatid cyst diagnosis and the obtained results

through these methods we may assert that Western blot IgG echinococcus test is the most sensible in

determining an etiological diagnosis


1 Junie Monica Zoe Coroiu Carmen Costache 2002 The consequences of Echinococcus

granulosus infection in the human population Rev Scienţia Parasitologica 32 86-91

2 Seres Ştefania Monica Junie V Cozma 2009 Prevalence of Echinococcus granulosus in Cluj

county Romania revealed by PCR Rev Scienţia Parasitologica 1o1-2 68-71

3 Coroiu Zoe Judith Bele Cornelia Munteanu Rodica Radu 2007 Aspecte epidemiologice

privind hidatidoza umană icircn judeţul Cluj pe o perioada de 20 de ani (1981-2000) Rev Scientia

Parasitologica 81 32-38

4 A Lahuerta T Westrell J Takkinen F Boelaert V Rizzi B Helwigh B Borck H

Korsgaard A Ammon P Maumlkelauml Zoonoses icircn the European Union origin distribution and

dynamics ndash the EFSA - ECDC summary report 2009

5 Craig PS 1997 Immunodiagnosis of Echinococcus granulosus and a comparison of techniques

for diagnosis of canine echinococcosis In Compendium on cystic echinococcosis icircn Africa and

Middle Eastern countries with special reference to Morocco Brigham Young University Pris

Services Provo

6 Schipper HG Modern management of echinococcosis World Gastroenterology News vol 9 nr

2 2004

7 Arda B H Pulukccedilu T Yamazhan OR Sipahi S Tamsel G Demirpolat M Korkmaz 2009

Prevalence of Echinococcus granulosus detected using enzyme immunoassay and abdominal

ultrasonography icircn a group of students staying icircn a state dormitory icircn Turkey Turk J Med Sci

391 1-4

8Liance M V Janin S Bresson-Hadni DA Vuitton R Houin R Piarroux 2000

Immunodiagnosis of Echinococcus infections confirmatory testing and species differentiation by a

new comercial Western blot J Clin Microbiol 38 3718-3721

9Karadam SY Ertabaklar H Sari C Dayanir Y Ertuğ S Should cystic echinococcosis be

investigated icircn patients having high eosinophil countsTurkiye Parazitol Derg 200933(3)203-6

10 Macpherson CN Milner R Performance characteristics and quality control of community based

ultrasound surveys for cystic and alveolar echinococcosis Acta Trop 2003 Feb85(2)203-9

11 Shambesh MA Craig PS Macpherson CN Rogan MT Gusbi AM Echtuish EF An extensive

ultrasound and serologic study to investigate the prevalence of human cystic echinococcosis icircn

northern Libya Am J Trop Med Hyg 1999 Mar 60(3)462-8

12 Reiter-Owona I Gruumlner B Frosch M Hoerauf A Kern P Tappe D Serological confirmatory

testing of alveolar and cystic echinococcosis in clinical practice results of a comparative study

with commercialized and in-house assays Clin Lab 200955(1-2)41-8

13 Sikoacute Barabaacutesi S Și Cozma V 2008 Echinococoza alveolară O posibilă zoonoză emergentă icircn

Romacircnia (Sinteză) RevScientia Parasitologica 9 1 48-60

14 Horvaacuteth Andrea Patonay Attila Baacutenhegyi Deacutenes Szlaacutevik Jaacutenos Balaacutezs Gyoumlrgy Goumlroumlg Deacutenes

Eacutes Werling Klaacutera A humaacuten Echinococcus multilocularis infectio elsocirc hazai esete Beeacuterkezett

2007 november 16 elfogadva 2008 maacutercius 7


1 Surname Ciobanca

2 Name Petrica Teofil

3 Date and place of birth 25111979 Zalau Salaj

4 Citizenship Romanian

5 Marital status married

6 Contact Tel 0040-740052584 E-mailpetrica_ciobancayahoocom

7 Studies


bdquoVasile Goldisrdquo

West University


ldquoIuliu Haţieganurdquo

University of

Medicine and

Pharmacy of Cluj-


ldquoCarol Davilardquo

University of

Medicine of




University of

Medicine and

Pharmacy of


Theoretical High

School of Zalau

Physics -



Period October 2004

June 2005

January 2005

February 2005

January 2005

March 2005

October 1998

September 2004

September 1994

July 1998

Skills of



Masterrsquos Degree



Accounting and


Management of

the Companies

Certificate of


general ultrasound

scan post-

university course

module I

Certificate of



ultrasound scan


course module






High School


8 Scientific title Medical doctor University Assistant Full-time doctoral student 9 Professional experience

Period Position Responsibilities

01 11 2005 ndash up


- University Assistant

- Resident Physician in

Laboratory Medicine

- Full-time doctoral


UM F bdquoIuliu Hatieganurdquo CLUJ

- Didactical activity in Microbiology (Bacteriology

Parasitology Virology Mycology) with the 2nd



students General Medicine Pharmacy Medical Colleges

within Iuliu Hatieganu University of Medicine and


- Stages within residency activity

- Research activity

01012006 ndash up


- Physician SALVO - SAN

- medical practice in general medicine

0106 2009 ndash

2011 2009


-Medical practice clinical investigations before and after


-The manager of resuscitation team in emergency cases

15012007 ndash


Resident physician in

Family Medicine Spitalul Clinic Judetean de Urgenta Cluj Napoca

- clinical examinations EKG diagnosis and treatment

stages in Obstetrics and Gynaecology Psychiatry Infectious


29082005 ndash


Physician in training Kantonal Flawil Hospital Switzerland

-Internal Medicine stages presentations and diagnosis


01012005 ndash Physician in training Spitalul Clinic Municipal Cluj Napoca

01012006 - Internal Medicine stages for 6 months

- Surgery stages for 6 months

14032005 ndash


Physician in training bdquoMaria Sklodowska Curierdquo Paediatrics Clinical Hospital

- I assisted in the performance of endoscopic investigations

Post university courses General ultrasound scan first module January 2005 - February 2005

General ultrasound scan second module January 2005 ndash March 2005

Occupational medicine

Surgical emergencies in the children

Resuscitation course in adults

ALS - London Ambulance Service

EPLS - Royal Brompton Hospital London

Emergency ultrasonography


Doppler echography

10 The current place of work and position University assistant Full-time doctoral student

bdquoIuliu Hatieganurdquo University of Medicine and Pharmacy of Cluj-Napoca

11 Seniority in the current place of work 6 years

12 Works elaborated and or published Monica Junie Petrica Ciobanca (B-783) 2005 Comparison of Antibiotic Resistance of

Pseudomonas Aeruginosa Strains Isolated from Different Types of Infections Abstracts of the

XIth International Congress of Bacteriology and Applied Microbiology July 23-28 San

Francisco California USA - ISBN1-555-81-353-4

Monica Junie Petrica Ciobanca (M-722) 2005 Evolution of Resistance Phenomenon to

Antimycotic Drugs of Candida Species and Dermatophytes Abstracts of the XIth International

Congress of Mycology July 23-28 San Francisco California USA ISBN1-555-81-354-2

Lia Monica Junie Doina Matinca Doina Tăţulescu AN Ferke Petrica Ciobanca 2006

Evolution of Antibiotic Resistance of Pseudomonas aeruginosa strains isolated from Hospital

Infectious International Journal of Infectious Diseases vol10 suppl 1 ISSN 1201 ndash 9712 pag

S 78 Lisabon Portugal ISSN 1201-9712 IJID indexed in MEDLINE EMCASE Escerpta

Media and Urlichs Elsevier Publishing Presented at the International Congress of Infectious

Diseases sesiunea Antibiotic Resistance ndash Gram negatives (poster nr 13003) iunie 15-18

Lia Monica Junie Zoe Coroiu şi col AN Ferke Petrica Ciobanca 2006 The significance of

AntiToxoplasma IgG and IgM Antibodies Detection in Toxoplasmosis Diagnosis Abstract

books the 12th

ISID pag 80 Presented at the 12th

ISID 15-18 iunie 2006 Lisbon Portugal

Sectiunea Parasitic Infectious

Junie Monica Petrica Ciobanca 2006 Species Distribution and Antifungal Susceptibility Of

Candida Isolates Colected From Hospitalised Patients Abstracts of 16th

European Congress Of

Clinical Microbiology And Infectious Diseases Nice France 1- 4 aprilie 2006

Constantea N şi Petrica Ciobanca 2007 Studiul clinic pentru icircmbunătăţirea metodelor de

diagnostic de laborator şi profilaxia chistului hidatic RevRomde Parasitol 17 48-49

Junie Monica N Constantea Petrica Ciobanca 2007 Surveillance programme in

echinococcosis and importance in the prophylaxis and therapy of human infection Clinical

Microbiology and Infection 132

Christofidou M Spiliopoulou A Vamvacopoulou S Stamoulis V Dimitracopoulos G

Anastassiou ED Monica Junie Costache C Colosi I Ciobanca P T 2008 Species

distribution and antifungal susceptibility of Candida isolates collected from hospitalized patients

in Romania and Greece Scientia Parasitologica161-7 ISSN 1582 - 1366

L M Junie Vasile Cozma Zoe Coroiu Petrica Ciobanca 2009 ldquoEpidemiology of human

echinococcosis in Europe pg 109-127

Junie Monica S Răpuntean N Fiţ Cosmina Cuc F Puiu Gh Răpuntean L Deac Simion P

T Ciobanca 2009 Alternative therapies for combating antimicrobial resistence and reduction

of severe nosocomial infections Abstract Book of IMED (International Meeting on Emerging

Diseases and Surveillance) Vienna Austria Februarie 13-16 2009 Abstract 10152 pg86

V Cosma PT Ciobanca R Blaga C Gherman Lia Monica Junie 2009 Hydatidosis

Epidemiology at Humans and Animals in the Area of the Center and North-Vest Romania

Abstract book of IMED bdquoInternational Meeting on Emerging Diseases and Surveillancerdquo

Vienna Austria Februarie pg86

Ciobanca Petrica Monica Junie 2011 Serological diagnosis and its applicability to the

prophylaxis and therapy of hydatid cyst in human patients Rev Scienţia Parasitologica 121


Ciobanca Petrica Teofil Junie Lia Monica 2011 Diagnosis confirmation of human cystic

echinococcosis by imagistic methods and immunoserological determinations Scientia

Parasitologica12(3) 151-161

13 Foreign languages English-advanced French ndashbeginner German ndash beginner

14 Specialties and qualifications Ultrasound scan PC operator

15 Experience assimilated within the national international programs

Program project Position Period

A national network making regarding

the study of some parasitic zoonosis and

their implications in food safetyCEEX

1782005 lasting 25 months

Developed in collaboration with the

Agricultural Sciences and Veterinary

Medicine University

Doctoral student Economic

responsible person

2006 ndash2007

Interdisciplinary evaluation and

optimization of the screening diagnosis

and treatment methods in triquinelosis

human and animal cystic echinococcosis

in the centre and north - west of

Romania - TRICHIDrdquo CEEX program


Developed between the Agricultural

Sciences and Veterinary Medicine

University (project leader) and UMF

Cluj-Napoca (partner)

Doctoral student Economic

responsible person

2006 -2008

bdquoA national network making for

researching the dermatophytosis in

human and animals CEEX program


Developed between USAMV (project of

the leader) and UMF Cluj- Napoca


Doctoral student Economic

responsible person


I declare on my own liability that the data mentioned are according to reality



- examinari clinice EKG diagnostic si

tratament stagii de Obstetrica si

Ginecologie Psihiatrie Boli Infectioase

29082005 ndash


Medic Stagiar Spitalul Kantonal Flawil Elvetia

-stagii de Medicina Interna prezentari si

explorari diagnostice

01012005 ndash


Medic Stagiar Spitalul Clinic Municipal Cluj Napoca

- stagii de Medicina Interna 6 luni

-stagii de Chirurgie 6 luni

14032005 ndash


Medic Stagiar Spitalul Clinic de Pediatrie bdquoMaria

Sklodowska Curierdquo

-am asistat la explorarile endoscopice


Cursuri post-universitare Ecografie generala modulul unu Ianuarie 2005 ndash februarie 2005

Ecografie generala modulul doi Ianuarie 2005 ndash martie 2005

Medicina ocupationala

Urgente chirurgicale la copii

Curs de resuscitare adulti

ALS - London Ambulance Service

EPLS - Royal Brompton Hospital London

Ultrasonografie de urgenta


Ecografie Doppler

10 Locul de muncă actual şi funcţia Asistent Universitar Doctorand cu frecventa UMF

bdquoIuliu Hatieganurdquo Cluj Napoca

11 Vechime la locul de muncă actual 6 ani

12 Lucrări elaborate şi sau publicate Monica Junie Petrica Ciobanca (B-783) 2005 Comparison of Antibiotic Resistance of Pseudomonas

Aeruginosa Strains Isolated from Different Types of Infections Abstracts of the XIth International

Congress of Bacteriology and Applied Microbiology July 23-28 San Francisco California USA -


Monica Junie Petrica Ciobanca (M-722) 2005 Evolution of Resistance Phenomenon to Antimycotic

Drugs of Candida Species and Dermatophytes Abstracts of the XIth International Congress of Mycology

July 23-28 San Francisco California USA ISBN1-555-81-354-2

Lia Monica Junie Doina Matinca Doina Tăţulescu AN Ferke Petrica Ciobanca 2006 Evolution of

Antibiotic Resistance of Pseudomonas aeruginosa strains isolated from Hospital Infectious International

Journal of Infectious Diseases vol10 suppl 1 ISSN 1201 ndash 9712 pag S 78 Lisabon Portugal ISSN

1201-9712 IJID indexed in MEDLINE EMCASE Escerpta Media and Urlichs Elsevier Publishing

Presented at the International Congress of Infectious Diseases sesiunea Antibiotic Resistance ndash Gram

negatives (poster nr 13003) iunie 15-18

Lia Monica Junie Zoe Coroiu şi col AN Ferke Petrica Ciobanca 2006 The significance of

AntiToxoplasma IgG and IgM Antibodies Detection in Toxoplasmosis Diagnosis Abstract books the 12th

ISID pag 80 Presented at the 12th ISID 15-18 iunie 2006 Lisbon Portugal Sectiunea Parasitic



Junie Monica Petrica Ciobanca 2006 Species Distribution and Antifungal Susceptibility Of Candida

Isolates Colected From Hospitalised Patients Abstracts of 16th European Congress Of Clinical

Microbiology And Infectious Diseases Nice France 1- 4 aprilie 2006

Constantea N şi Petrica Ciobanca 2007 Studiul clinic pentru icircmbunătăţirea metodelor de diagnostic de

laborator şi profilaxia chistului hidatic RevRomde Parasitol 17 48-49

Junie Monica N Constantea Petrica Ciobanca 2007 Surveillance programme in echinococcosis and

importance in the prophylaxis and therapy of human infection Clinical Microbiology and Infection


Christofidou M Spiliopoulou A Vamvacopoulou S Stamoulis V Dimitracopoulos G Anastassiou ED

Monica Junie Costache C Colosi I Ciobanca P T 2008 Species distribution and antifungal

susceptibility of Candida isolates collected from hospitalized patients in Romania and Greece Scientia

Parasitologica161-7 ISSN 1582 - 1366

L M Junie Vasile Cozma Zoe Coroiu Petrica Ciobanca 2009 ldquoEpidemiology of human

echinococcosis in Europe pg 109-127

Junie Monica S Răpuntean N Fiţ Cosmina Cuc F Puiu Gh Răpuntean L Deac Simion P T

Ciobanca 2009 Alternative therapies for combating antimicrobial resistence and reduction of severe

nosocomial infections Abstract Book of IMED (International Meeting on Emerging Diseases and

Surveillance) Vienna Austria Februarie 13-16 2009 Abstract 10152 pg86

V Cosma PT Ciobanca R Blaga C Gherman Lia Monica Junie 2009 Hydatidosis Epidemiology at

Humans and Animals in the Area of the Center and North-Vest Romania Abstract book of IMED

bdquoInternational Meeting on Emerging Diseases and Surveillancerdquo Vienna Austria Februarie pg86

Ciobanca Petrica Monica Junie 2011 Serological diagnosis and its applicability to the prophylaxis and

therapy of hydatid cyst in human patients Rev Scienţia Parasitologica 121 39-46

Ciobanca Petrica Teofil Junie Lia Monica 2011 Diagnosis confirmation of human cystic

echinococcosis by imagistic methods and immunoserological determinations Scientia


13 Limbi straine cunoscute Engleza-fluent Franceza ndashincepator Germana - incepator

14 Specializări şi calificări Ecografie Operare PC

15 Experienţa acumulată icircn programe naţionaleinternaţionale

ProgramulProiectul Funcţia Perioada

bdquoConstituirea unei reţele naţionale privind

studiul unor zoonoze parazitare şi

implicaţiile lor icircn siguranţa

alomentelorrdquoCEEX 1782005 cu o durată de

24 luni

realizat in colaborare cu Universitatea de

Stiinţe Agricole şi Medicină Veterinară

Doctorand Responsabil economic

2006 ndash2007

bdquoEvaluarea şi optimizarea interdisciplinară a

metodelor de screening diagnostic şi

tratament icircn trichineloza şi echinococoza

chistică umană şi animală icircn centrul şi nord-

vestul Romacircniei - TRICHIDrdquo Program

CEEX 1992006

realizat icircntre Universitatea de Stiinţe

Agricole şi Medicină Veterinară

(conducător al proiectului) şi UMF Cluj

Napoca (partener )

Doctorand Responsabil economic

2006 -2008

bdquoConstituirea unei reţele naţionale de

cercetare a dermatofitozelor la om şi

animalerdquoProgram CEEX 1512006

realizat icircntre USAMV (conducător al

proiectului) şi UMF Cluj Napoca


Doctorand Responsabil economic


Declar pe propria răspundere că datele prezentate sunt icircn conformitate cu realitatea









11 Background 11 12 Taxonomy and classification 12

13 Morphology12 14 Genetic and morphologic differences between species 15 15 Epidemiology 17 16 Biological lyfe cycle 19

161 Echinococcus granulosus 19

162 Echinococcus multilocularis 21 17 Human contamination 22

CHAPTER 2 HYDATID CYST 23 21 The pathogeny of the hydatid cyst 23

22 The evolution of the hydatid cyst 23 23 Clinical occurrence of human hydatidosis 24 24 Diagnosis of hydatid diseases 27

241 Clinical diagnosis 28 242 Medical imaging diagnosis 28

243 Parasitologic diagnosis31 244 Immunologic diagnosis 32 245 Differential diagnosis in hydatid cyst 34

25 Treating the hydatid cyst 35

26 The prophylaxis of the hydatid cyst 38 PART II PERSONAL RESEARCHES 40 STUDY 1 The applicability of the serological methods for the diagnosis therapy and prophylaxis of

the human hydatid disease 41 11 Introduction 41 12 Study aim and objectives 41

13 Material and method 42 131 Material 42 132 Method 43

14 Results 47 141 Detecting the seropositive persons investigated by ELISA IgG Antiechinococcus in Cluj

and Sălaj Counties47

142 Frequency depending on the environment the seropositive persons belong to in Cluj and

Sălaj Counties 48 143 Seropositve persons frequency in Cluj and Sălaj Counties depending on gender 50 144 Epidemiological aspects on seropositive persons in Cluj County (incidence environment

they belong to and distribution on genders) 51 145 The seropositive persons frequency depending on sex in Cluj County 52 146 Epidemiological aspects on seropositive persons in Sălaj County (incidence environment

they belong to and distribution on genders) 53

147 The frequency of seropositive persons dependending on sex in Salaj Couty 54

15 Confirming the determinations following the serological tests through imagistic methods in

human cystic echinococcosis 55 151 The results of imagistic determinations (ultrasound scan thoracic RX CT) helliphelliphelliphellip56


CONCLUIONS 68 STUDY II Evaluation and optimization of diagnosis methods in hydatid disease 69

21 Introduction 69

22 Study aim and objective 69 23 Material and method 70

231 Material 70 232 Paraclinic and clinical methods involved 71

233 Statistical methods of data analysis 77 24 Results 80

241 Epidemiological results (considering the sex origins age) 80 242 Clinical and paraclinical results regarding the hydatid cyst diagnosis 83

2421 The clinical examination value in hydatid cyst diagnosis 83 2422 Surgical confirmation in hydatid cyst presumtive diagnosis 85 2423 Assessing the usual laboratory analysis (haemoleucogram biochemical analysis used

to determine hydatid cyst) 86 2424 Imagistic methods involved to determine the hydatid cyst 89

2425 Results obtained through immunoserological methods 97 243 Comparative results 106





The Echinococcosis hydatidosis (the hydatid disease or the hydatid cyst) is a parasitic

disease determined by genus Echinococcus which may evolve with the most severe and different

implications Despite progresses in control and monitoring fields this parasitosis keeps representing

an important issue of the public health in the most parts of the world [1]

According to WHO classification the disease is a zoonosis which brings a lot of health issues

both in humans and animals because the causing parasites in order to end their biological cycle pass

through more vertebrate animal hosts (as for example dogs for the humans)

Due to its high prevalence the severe clinical ndash developing forms the morphofunctional

complications with high primary or secondary mortality the disease if frequently met both in rural

and urban environment at all age groups alarming prevalence in youngsters and occupational risk

groups [2]

In our country area the hydatid pathology has a quite high frequency the north ndash western part

of Transylvania being described an endemic area with important cases [3] the medicine of Cluj

having a significant experience in hydatid cyst diagnosis and treatment

Despite the lately achievements in human echinococcosis diagnosis and therapy it still has

an important place in morbidity and mortality structure within surgical services So in this way

presenting some briefly data over the different aspects the hydatid disease may adopt in its

development from clinical imagistic serological point of view and their importance evaluation in

early recognition and diagnosis of the disease


Chapter 1 Genus Echinococcus

The parasite responsible for causing human hydatidosis is a Platyhelminthe belonging to

Cestoda class (Eucestoda) Taeniidae family Genus Echinococcus The species of genus

Echinococcus considered as etiologic agents of echinococcosis hydatidosis according to WHO

experts are as follows

- Echinococcus granulosus (Batsch 1786) - cystic echinococcosis

- Echinococcus multilocularis (Leuckart 1863) ndash alveolar echinococcosis

- Echinococcus oligarthus (Diesing 1863)

- Echinococcus vogeli (Rausch Bernstein 1972) ndash polycystic echinococcosis

The issue of the 5th

species existence arose Ecruzi (Rausch and co ndash 1978 Kumaratilake

and Thompson ndash 1982) but Rausch and co (1984) comparing its features with Evogeli and

Eoligarthus remarked that in fact E cruzi is similar to E oligarthus

The geographical distribution of hydatidosis loyally follows the sheep breeders developing

curve and it is determined by pastoral promiscuity fact that determined Deve assert that the hydatid

disease is one of the dirty hands diseases

The wide range of animal species which may be intermediary hosts and their circulation from

Europe in other parts of the world made that Echinococcus be spread on the entire globe

In 2009 ECDC reported 790 cases of human echinococcosis with 11 lower than in 2008

(n= 891) Among the reported cases where the infecting species is known predominated the infection

with Egranulosus (72) while Emultilocularis infection was reported as having a frequency 3

times lower [4]


The hydatid cyst is often an invaliding disease with possible and often severe complications

(anaphylactic shock) with often difficult surgical therapy and frequent post-surgery recidivations

The clinical behaviours due to the complications settled through the aforementioned mechanisms

appear when the hydatid cyst sizes become considerable

The clinical framework of the hydatid cyst is little characteristic Quite often it is completely

asymptomatically and discovered purely by chance Other times the patients accused discomfort in

the right hypochondrium or even intense pain The allergic reactions are quite frequently from

urticaria reaction up to alergodermy or even anaphylactic shock (generally in case of fissure or even

the hydatid cyst rupture)

The morphological determination of the hydatid cysts may be done through thoracic

ultrasound scan computer tomography (CT) and magnetic resonance (MR)

The imagistic methods for human hydatidosis diagnosis are completed with immunodiagnosis

reactions aiming the parasitic aetiology confirmation of the determined formations through immune

induced response In the last years exists a tendency of immunologic diagnosis staging firstly

primary tests are used following to be confirmed through other methods having a significantly

specificity (secondary tests) [5]

The hydatid cyst modern management require involving all therapeutic methods medical

percutaneous and surgical The surgery is not anymore the first election for treating any hepatic

hydatid cyst In patients with univesicular cyst smaller that 4 cm the chosen therapy is the

monotherapy with albendazole

PAIR is indicated when the pain in not treatable or the albendazole is ineffective The

percutaneous treatment combines the alcohol and polidocanol but cannot be used in case of cysto-

billiary fistula

The surgery is used in cases when in percutaneous therapy no experts exist and the

percutaneous treatment cannot safely performed due to a significant extra-hepatic extension with

perforation risk of the cyst orand in case of cyst rupture in the peritoneal cavity [6]


STUDY 1 The applicability of the serological methods in the diagnosis therapy and

prophylaxis of human hydatid disease

The aim of this study was serological tests (ELISA method) conducting and evaluation as

screening and diagnosis methods of cystic echinococcosis The tests were conducted in symptomatic

and asymptomatic persons from Cluj and Sălaj Counties in order to estimate the disease frequency in

these counties In the persons where anti-echinococcus IgG antibodies were determined imagistic

investigations were performed in order to confirm the clinical and serological diagnosis of hydatid


The investigations allowed clarifying the epidemiological diagnosis therapeutic and

prognostic aspect regarding cystic echinococcosis

Material and method

The study was conducted during January 2007 ndash December 2009 and included 279

symptomatic and asymptomatic persons from Cluj and Sălaj Counties in order to determine the

presence and the level of anti-echinococcus antibodies level in the population of the two regions and

implicitly the asymptomatic infection using ELISA immunoenzyme method

In order to confirm the hydatid cyst diagnosis determined through serological test I used the

following imagistic methods abdominal pelvic ultrasound scan cranial CT thorax CT thorax Rx


Out of the 279 persons examined in both counties (Cluj şi Sălaj) in 22 patients was

determined positive serology the seropositivity frequency was of 789 (IC= 5 -1169) in the

studied sample suggesting the possible hydatid infection in seropositive persons

The real frequency of parasitosis is obviously higher because the symptomatic cases

represent only the peak of infestation pyramid while the asymptomatic cases form the unseen higher

basis of it

The serological screening performed in the north - western and central region of the country

showed the Egranulosus infection presence with the possibility of its active transmission The

obtained results demonstrate the higher percentage of the seropositve persons in Cluj County and

suggest a higher incidence of the hydatidosis in this region This conclusion was elaborated

following a research project conducting with the title Interdisciplinary evaluation and optimization

of the screening diagnosis and treatment methods in triquinelosis human and animal cystic

echinococcosis in the centre and north - west of Romania conducted during 2006-2008 where I

partake as a member

In 7714 of the patients in imagistic investigation the hydatidosis diagnosis could be

confirmed The patients had clear imagines for hydatid cyst with different locations hepatic

(6538) pulmonary (588) renal (588) The results of our researches suggest that a certain

proportion of the investigated population was positive in IgG anti-Echinococcus without having in

the organism the hydatid determined through imagistic methods


The lack of knowledge population ignorance and even of some specialists in sanitary field

regarding the biological cycle of E granulosus species and the hosts it has as well as the risk

involved by a tight contact with the permanent host are causes of main importance in parasite easy

spreading The results obtained following this study are similar with the results of some analogous

studies from the specialty literature conducted in endemic areas for human cystic echinococcosis [3]

In a study performed on an asymptomatic sample of persons in 12 of the cases the

ultrasound scan did not determine cystic form characteristic to the hydatid cyst although the

serological test was positive [7]

STUDY II Evaluation and optimization of the diagnosis methods in hydatid disease

The study has the following aims 1 the evaluation of the clinical examination in the

presumptive diagnosis and imagistic diagnosis evaluation in the hydatid disease 2 Evaluation of

ELISA method Western-Blott and the laboratory methods in order to confirm the clinical and

imagistic diagnosis of hydatid cyst 3 The comparative study of the imagistic methods (ultrasound

scan Rx CT RM) with the serological methods (ELISA Western-blott methods) and the evaluation

of their utility in differentiating the cystic and alveolar echinococcosis and in performing the

differential diagnosis and interpretation of the cross-reactions

23 Material and method

The study was performed during 2006 ndash 2010 and included a representative sample of 189

symptomatic persons with suggestive symptoms and imagistic suspicion of hydatid disease Other

studied persons were those for whom surgical intervention was performed in hydatid cyst and

persons having non-specific laboratory results but with suspicions of parasitic disease

The working material I used were the medical and surgical cases from the Medical and

Surgical Clinics of Cluj-Napoca and Sălaj (Clinica Chirurgie III Clinica Chirurgie V și and the

ambulatory of a private policlinic) The types of data collected and used within this study were

gender age origin clinical diagnosis the hydatid cyst complications hydatid cyst antecedents the

imagistic diagnosis methods performed (abdominal ultrasound scan pulmonary Rx CT RM

surgical treatment the examination of the surgical piece hystopathological) laboratory analysis

finding the location of the cystic formation depending on the hepatic segmentation and depending on

the organ in question the serological diagnosis methods performed (immunoenzyme IgG anti-

echinococcus ELISA method IgG echinococcus Western- blot method)

24 Results

The results obtained determined that there isnrsquot a significant association between IgG

echinococcus Western-blot and the hydatid disease diagnosis (pgt005) notwithstanding when

eosinophilia is present results a relatively high coincidence of 71 (IC=52 - 85) with the hydatid

cyst diagnosis

The statistic analysis of imagistic investigation results and surgical and paraclinical

confirmation results correlation presented a sensibility of 9689 for the imagistic investigation the

specificity was of 100 they dont differ significantly from statistical point of view The diagnosis

value of the imagistic examination is given by the positive predictive value (PPV) and the negative

one (NPP) both of them are over 84 although the NPP is statistical significantly lower than PPV

The evaluation of IgG antiechinococcus ELISA results compared with the surgical

hystopathological and paraclinical confirmation of hydatid cyst diagnosis determines a Specificity of

9643 and a PPV of 9919 as these are very high it may be considered that ELISA method is a

good screening test

By comparison with imagistic ultrasound scan or CT investigations the IgG

antiechinococcus ELISA has a lower Youden index As a consequence from this point of view IgG

antiechinococcus ELISA seems to be a less conclusive diagnosis test comparing with the mentioned

imagistic investigations On the other side comparing the trust intervals of Specificity PPV and

imagistic investigations (globally ultrasound scan CT) and IgG antiechinococcus ELISA we observe

that they donrsquot differ statistically speaking

The imagistic investigation results and those of IgG antiechinococcus ELISA associate

significantly It is noticeable that at the same time with the other association coefficients

(contingency Kendal tau coefficient) the concordance coefficient between the imagistic

investigation results and those of the IgG antiechinococcus ELISA are significantly statistical

(plt0001) It should be mentioned that the concordance measure Kappa = 0522 indicates the fact

that between the two examinations exist a moderate concordance

Imunoblot technique is a strong confirmation and differential serological diagnosis test

between the two major relevant infections the cystic and alveolar echinococcosis [8]

The evaluation of IgG echinococcus Western Blot investigation results by comparison with

the surgical hystopathological and paraclinial confirmation of hydatid cyst diagnosis revealed a

Specificity of 100 an a positive predictive value of 100 as these are very high you may consider

that the IgG echinococcus Western Blot detecting test is a good screening test

It is noticeable that at the same time with the other association coefficients (contingency

Kendal tau coefficient) the concordance coefficient between the imagistic investigation results and

those of the IgG echinococcus Western blot are significantly statistical (plt0001) It should be

mentioned that the concordance measure Kappa = 0816 indicates the fact that between the two

examinations exist a very good concordance


The evaluation of the eosinophilia as diagnosis marker in cystic echinococcosis allowed

some authors to assert that eosinophilia is not enough to settle the cystic echinococcosis diagnosis

but also a complementary clinical diagnosis [9]

The ultrasound scan sensibility and specificity was reported in more studies in the literature

as between 88-98 and 95-100 respectively for human cystic and alveolar echinococcosis The

authors consider it as the ldquogolden standardrdquo although admit the imperfection of this technique The

clinical investigation the laboratory examination and the epidemiological data are also considered

important for the cystic and alveolar echinococcosis diagnosis [10


The serological tests contribute to the diagnosis IgG antibodies detection had a sensibility of

95 and 94 specificity in a study conducted by Shambesh MA and company [11

] The sensibility

obtained by Shambesh is significantly higher than that determined in our study which determines a

sensibility of 74 with IC= 6907-8272 In exchange the specificity doesnt differ significantly

from statistical point of view of that obtained in our study (9643 IC=8165-9991)

The echinococcosis infections are considered ones of the most dangerous human helminthic

diseases The difference between the cystic and alveolar echinococcosis is important from the

prognostic and treatment point of view

In different stages of cystic and alveolar echinococcosis the most relevant test was

appreciated the Western blot IgG echinococus test whih confirmed the positive results [12


The research conducted in order to determined IgG echinococcus presence through Western

blot method reported to the considered golden method (surgical hystopathological and paraclinical

diagnosis confirmation) showed a sensibility of 9211 (IC = 7862 - 9834) the specificity

being of 100 (IC = 8389 - 100) data like the ones met in the specialty literature

In the most countries the alveolar echinococcosis has an endemic character and is

continuously extending with an alarming rapidity becoming an emergent disease

The adult parasite Emultilocularis was not yet found in Romania up now in any permanent

host [13


The study conducted revealed through the Western blot method for the first time in our

country the possibility of infection with Echinococcus multilocularis in human Next studies are

needed to determine the alveolar echinococcosis persons in Romania under the conditions of its

existence in a number of countries in Europe including Romania neighbouring countries (Hungary

Ukraine) centralizing the recent researches about the epidemiological situation the clinical

problems and the therapeutic options the authors described in the first case the alveolar

echinococcosis in Hungary In order to confirm these rare infections you must take in consideration

the differential diagnosis with other infiltrative hepatic lesions [14


No case was confirmed in Romania through other studies We recommend the introduction of

this method in the screening and diagnosis of this serious disease

In the attempt to compare the methods used in hydatid cyst diagnosis and the obtained results

through these methods we may assert that Western blot IgG echinococcus test is the most sensible in

determining an etiological diagnosis


1 Junie Monica Zoe Coroiu Carmen Costache 2002 The consequences of Echinococcus

granulosus infection in the human population Rev Scienţia Parasitologica 32 86-91

2 Seres Ştefania Monica Junie V Cozma 2009 Prevalence of Echinococcus granulosus in Cluj

county Romania revealed by PCR Rev Scienţia Parasitologica 1o1-2 68-71

3 Coroiu Zoe Judith Bele Cornelia Munteanu Rodica Radu 2007 Aspecte epidemiologice

privind hidatidoza umană icircn judeţul Cluj pe o perioada de 20 de ani (1981-2000) Rev Scientia

Parasitologica 81 32-38

4 A Lahuerta T Westrell J Takkinen F Boelaert V Rizzi B Helwigh B Borck H

Korsgaard A Ammon P Maumlkelauml Zoonoses icircn the European Union origin distribution and

dynamics ndash the EFSA - ECDC summary report 2009

5 Craig PS 1997 Immunodiagnosis of Echinococcus granulosus and a comparison of techniques

for diagnosis of canine echinococcosis In Compendium on cystic echinococcosis icircn Africa and

Middle Eastern countries with special reference to Morocco Brigham Young University Pris

Services Provo

6 Schipper HG Modern management of echinococcosis World Gastroenterology News vol 9 nr

2 2004

7 Arda B H Pulukccedilu T Yamazhan OR Sipahi S Tamsel G Demirpolat M Korkmaz 2009

Prevalence of Echinococcus granulosus detected using enzyme immunoassay and abdominal

ultrasonography icircn a group of students staying icircn a state dormitory icircn Turkey Turk J Med Sci

391 1-4

8Liance M V Janin S Bresson-Hadni DA Vuitton R Houin R Piarroux 2000

Immunodiagnosis of Echinococcus infections confirmatory testing and species differentiation by a

new comercial Western blot J Clin Microbiol 38 3718-3721

9Karadam SY Ertabaklar H Sari C Dayanir Y Ertuğ S Should cystic echinococcosis be

investigated icircn patients having high eosinophil countsTurkiye Parazitol Derg 200933(3)203-6

10 Macpherson CN Milner R Performance characteristics and quality control of community based

ultrasound surveys for cystic and alveolar echinococcosis Acta Trop 2003 Feb85(2)203-9

11 Shambesh MA Craig PS Macpherson CN Rogan MT Gusbi AM Echtuish EF An extensive

ultrasound and serologic study to investigate the prevalence of human cystic echinococcosis icircn

northern Libya Am J Trop Med Hyg 1999 Mar 60(3)462-8

12 Reiter-Owona I Gruumlner B Frosch M Hoerauf A Kern P Tappe D Serological confirmatory

testing of alveolar and cystic echinococcosis in clinical practice results of a comparative study

with commercialized and in-house assays Clin Lab 200955(1-2)41-8

13 Sikoacute Barabaacutesi S Și Cozma V 2008 Echinococoza alveolară O posibilă zoonoză emergentă icircn

Romacircnia (Sinteză) RevScientia Parasitologica 9 1 48-60

14 Horvaacuteth Andrea Patonay Attila Baacutenhegyi Deacutenes Szlaacutevik Jaacutenos Balaacutezs Gyoumlrgy Goumlroumlg Deacutenes

Eacutes Werling Klaacutera A humaacuten Echinococcus multilocularis infectio elsocirc hazai esete Beeacuterkezett

2007 november 16 elfogadva 2008 maacutercius 7


1 Surname Ciobanca

2 Name Petrica Teofil

3 Date and place of birth 25111979 Zalau Salaj

4 Citizenship Romanian

5 Marital status married

6 Contact Tel 0040-740052584 E-mailpetrica_ciobancayahoocom

7 Studies


bdquoVasile Goldisrdquo

West University


ldquoIuliu Haţieganurdquo

University of

Medicine and

Pharmacy of Cluj-


ldquoCarol Davilardquo

University of

Medicine of




University of

Medicine and

Pharmacy of


Theoretical High

School of Zalau

Physics -



Period October 2004

June 2005

January 2005

February 2005

January 2005

March 2005

October 1998

September 2004

September 1994

July 1998

Skills of



Masterrsquos Degree



Accounting and


Management of

the Companies

Certificate of


general ultrasound

scan post-

university course

module I

Certificate of



ultrasound scan


course module






High School


8 Scientific title Medical doctor University Assistant Full-time doctoral student 9 Professional experience

Period Position Responsibilities

01 11 2005 ndash up


- University Assistant

- Resident Physician in

Laboratory Medicine

- Full-time doctoral


UM F bdquoIuliu Hatieganurdquo CLUJ

- Didactical activity in Microbiology (Bacteriology

Parasitology Virology Mycology) with the 2nd



students General Medicine Pharmacy Medical Colleges

within Iuliu Hatieganu University of Medicine and


- Stages within residency activity

- Research activity

01012006 ndash up


- Physician SALVO - SAN

- medical practice in general medicine

0106 2009 ndash

2011 2009


-Medical practice clinical investigations before and after


-The manager of resuscitation team in emergency cases

15012007 ndash


Resident physician in

Family Medicine Spitalul Clinic Judetean de Urgenta Cluj Napoca

- clinical examinations EKG diagnosis and treatment

stages in Obstetrics and Gynaecology Psychiatry Infectious


29082005 ndash


Physician in training Kantonal Flawil Hospital Switzerland

-Internal Medicine stages presentations and diagnosis


01012005 ndash Physician in training Spitalul Clinic Municipal Cluj Napoca

01012006 - Internal Medicine stages for 6 months

- Surgery stages for 6 months

14032005 ndash


Physician in training bdquoMaria Sklodowska Curierdquo Paediatrics Clinical Hospital

- I assisted in the performance of endoscopic investigations

Post university courses General ultrasound scan first module January 2005 - February 2005

General ultrasound scan second module January 2005 ndash March 2005

Occupational medicine

Surgical emergencies in the children

Resuscitation course in adults

ALS - London Ambulance Service

EPLS - Royal Brompton Hospital London

Emergency ultrasonography


Doppler echography

10 The current place of work and position University assistant Full-time doctoral student

bdquoIuliu Hatieganurdquo University of Medicine and Pharmacy of Cluj-Napoca

11 Seniority in the current place of work 6 years

12 Works elaborated and or published Monica Junie Petrica Ciobanca (B-783) 2005 Comparison of Antibiotic Resistance of

Pseudomonas Aeruginosa Strains Isolated from Different Types of Infections Abstracts of the

XIth International Congress of Bacteriology and Applied Microbiology July 23-28 San

Francisco California USA - ISBN1-555-81-353-4

Monica Junie Petrica Ciobanca (M-722) 2005 Evolution of Resistance Phenomenon to

Antimycotic Drugs of Candida Species and Dermatophytes Abstracts of the XIth International

Congress of Mycology July 23-28 San Francisco California USA ISBN1-555-81-354-2

Lia Monica Junie Doina Matinca Doina Tăţulescu AN Ferke Petrica Ciobanca 2006

Evolution of Antibiotic Resistance of Pseudomonas aeruginosa strains isolated from Hospital

Infectious International Journal of Infectious Diseases vol10 suppl 1 ISSN 1201 ndash 9712 pag

S 78 Lisabon Portugal ISSN 1201-9712 IJID indexed in MEDLINE EMCASE Escerpta

Media and Urlichs Elsevier Publishing Presented at the International Congress of Infectious

Diseases sesiunea Antibiotic Resistance ndash Gram negatives (poster nr 13003) iunie 15-18

Lia Monica Junie Zoe Coroiu şi col AN Ferke Petrica Ciobanca 2006 The significance of

AntiToxoplasma IgG and IgM Antibodies Detection in Toxoplasmosis Diagnosis Abstract

books the 12th

ISID pag 80 Presented at the 12th

ISID 15-18 iunie 2006 Lisbon Portugal

Sectiunea Parasitic Infectious

Junie Monica Petrica Ciobanca 2006 Species Distribution and Antifungal Susceptibility Of

Candida Isolates Colected From Hospitalised Patients Abstracts of 16th

European Congress Of

Clinical Microbiology And Infectious Diseases Nice France 1- 4 aprilie 2006

Constantea N şi Petrica Ciobanca 2007 Studiul clinic pentru icircmbunătăţirea metodelor de

diagnostic de laborator şi profilaxia chistului hidatic RevRomde Parasitol 17 48-49

Junie Monica N Constantea Petrica Ciobanca 2007 Surveillance programme in

echinococcosis and importance in the prophylaxis and therapy of human infection Clinical

Microbiology and Infection 132

Christofidou M Spiliopoulou A Vamvacopoulou S Stamoulis V Dimitracopoulos G

Anastassiou ED Monica Junie Costache C Colosi I Ciobanca P T 2008 Species

distribution and antifungal susceptibility of Candida isolates collected from hospitalized patients

in Romania and Greece Scientia Parasitologica161-7 ISSN 1582 - 1366

L M Junie Vasile Cozma Zoe Coroiu Petrica Ciobanca 2009 ldquoEpidemiology of human

echinococcosis in Europe pg 109-127

Junie Monica S Răpuntean N Fiţ Cosmina Cuc F Puiu Gh Răpuntean L Deac Simion P

T Ciobanca 2009 Alternative therapies for combating antimicrobial resistence and reduction

of severe nosocomial infections Abstract Book of IMED (International Meeting on Emerging

Diseases and Surveillance) Vienna Austria Februarie 13-16 2009 Abstract 10152 pg86

V Cosma PT Ciobanca R Blaga C Gherman Lia Monica Junie 2009 Hydatidosis

Epidemiology at Humans and Animals in the Area of the Center and North-Vest Romania

Abstract book of IMED bdquoInternational Meeting on Emerging Diseases and Surveillancerdquo

Vienna Austria Februarie pg86

Ciobanca Petrica Monica Junie 2011 Serological diagnosis and its applicability to the

prophylaxis and therapy of hydatid cyst in human patients Rev Scienţia Parasitologica 121


Ciobanca Petrica Teofil Junie Lia Monica 2011 Diagnosis confirmation of human cystic

echinococcosis by imagistic methods and immunoserological determinations Scientia

Parasitologica12(3) 151-161

13 Foreign languages English-advanced French ndashbeginner German ndash beginner

14 Specialties and qualifications Ultrasound scan PC operator

15 Experience assimilated within the national international programs

Program project Position Period

A national network making regarding

the study of some parasitic zoonosis and

their implications in food safetyCEEX

1782005 lasting 25 months

Developed in collaboration with the

Agricultural Sciences and Veterinary

Medicine University

Doctoral student Economic

responsible person

2006 ndash2007

Interdisciplinary evaluation and

optimization of the screening diagnosis

and treatment methods in triquinelosis

human and animal cystic echinococcosis

in the centre and north - west of

Romania - TRICHIDrdquo CEEX program


Developed between the Agricultural

Sciences and Veterinary Medicine

University (project leader) and UMF

Cluj-Napoca (partner)

Doctoral student Economic

responsible person

2006 -2008

bdquoA national network making for

researching the dermatophytosis in

human and animals CEEX program


Developed between USAMV (project of

the leader) and UMF Cluj- Napoca


Doctoral student Economic

responsible person


I declare on my own liability that the data mentioned are according to reality



Junie Monica Petrica Ciobanca 2006 Species Distribution and Antifungal Susceptibility Of Candida

Isolates Colected From Hospitalised Patients Abstracts of 16th European Congress Of Clinical

Microbiology And Infectious Diseases Nice France 1- 4 aprilie 2006

Constantea N şi Petrica Ciobanca 2007 Studiul clinic pentru icircmbunătăţirea metodelor de diagnostic de

laborator şi profilaxia chistului hidatic RevRomde Parasitol 17 48-49

Junie Monica N Constantea Petrica Ciobanca 2007 Surveillance programme in echinococcosis and

importance in the prophylaxis and therapy of human infection Clinical Microbiology and Infection


Christofidou M Spiliopoulou A Vamvacopoulou S Stamoulis V Dimitracopoulos G Anastassiou ED

Monica Junie Costache C Colosi I Ciobanca P T 2008 Species distribution and antifungal

susceptibility of Candida isolates collected from hospitalized patients in Romania and Greece Scientia

Parasitologica161-7 ISSN 1582 - 1366

L M Junie Vasile Cozma Zoe Coroiu Petrica Ciobanca 2009 ldquoEpidemiology of human

echinococcosis in Europe pg 109-127

Junie Monica S Răpuntean N Fiţ Cosmina Cuc F Puiu Gh Răpuntean L Deac Simion P T

Ciobanca 2009 Alternative therapies for combating antimicrobial resistence and reduction of severe

nosocomial infections Abstract Book of IMED (International Meeting on Emerging Diseases and

Surveillance) Vienna Austria Februarie 13-16 2009 Abstract 10152 pg86

V Cosma PT Ciobanca R Blaga C Gherman Lia Monica Junie 2009 Hydatidosis Epidemiology at

Humans and Animals in the Area of the Center and North-Vest Romania Abstract book of IMED

bdquoInternational Meeting on Emerging Diseases and Surveillancerdquo Vienna Austria Februarie pg86

Ciobanca Petrica Monica Junie 2011 Serological diagnosis and its applicability to the prophylaxis and

therapy of hydatid cyst in human patients Rev Scienţia Parasitologica 121 39-46

Ciobanca Petrica Teofil Junie Lia Monica 2011 Diagnosis confirmation of human cystic

echinococcosis by imagistic methods and immunoserological determinations Scientia


13 Limbi straine cunoscute Engleza-fluent Franceza ndashincepator Germana - incepator

14 Specializări şi calificări Ecografie Operare PC

15 Experienţa acumulată icircn programe naţionaleinternaţionale

ProgramulProiectul Funcţia Perioada

bdquoConstituirea unei reţele naţionale privind

studiul unor zoonoze parazitare şi

implicaţiile lor icircn siguranţa

alomentelorrdquoCEEX 1782005 cu o durată de

24 luni

realizat in colaborare cu Universitatea de

Stiinţe Agricole şi Medicină Veterinară

Doctorand Responsabil economic

2006 ndash2007

bdquoEvaluarea şi optimizarea interdisciplinară a

metodelor de screening diagnostic şi

tratament icircn trichineloza şi echinococoza

chistică umană şi animală icircn centrul şi nord-

vestul Romacircniei - TRICHIDrdquo Program

CEEX 1992006

realizat icircntre Universitatea de Stiinţe

Agricole şi Medicină Veterinară

(conducător al proiectului) şi UMF Cluj

Napoca (partener )

Doctorand Responsabil economic

2006 -2008

bdquoConstituirea unei reţele naţionale de

cercetare a dermatofitozelor la om şi

animalerdquoProgram CEEX 1512006

realizat icircntre USAMV (conducător al

proiectului) şi UMF Cluj Napoca


Doctorand Responsabil economic


Declar pe propria răspundere că datele prezentate sunt icircn conformitate cu realitatea









11 Background 11 12 Taxonomy and classification 12

13 Morphology12 14 Genetic and morphologic differences between species 15 15 Epidemiology 17 16 Biological lyfe cycle 19

161 Echinococcus granulosus 19

162 Echinococcus multilocularis 21 17 Human contamination 22

CHAPTER 2 HYDATID CYST 23 21 The pathogeny of the hydatid cyst 23

22 The evolution of the hydatid cyst 23 23 Clinical occurrence of human hydatidosis 24 24 Diagnosis of hydatid diseases 27

241 Clinical diagnosis 28 242 Medical imaging diagnosis 28

243 Parasitologic diagnosis31 244 Immunologic diagnosis 32 245 Differential diagnosis in hydatid cyst 34

25 Treating the hydatid cyst 35

26 The prophylaxis of the hydatid cyst 38 PART II PERSONAL RESEARCHES 40 STUDY 1 The applicability of the serological methods for the diagnosis therapy and prophylaxis of

the human hydatid disease 41 11 Introduction 41 12 Study aim and objectives 41

13 Material and method 42 131 Material 42 132 Method 43

14 Results 47 141 Detecting the seropositive persons investigated by ELISA IgG Antiechinococcus in Cluj

and Sălaj Counties47

142 Frequency depending on the environment the seropositive persons belong to in Cluj and

Sălaj Counties 48 143 Seropositve persons frequency in Cluj and Sălaj Counties depending on gender 50 144 Epidemiological aspects on seropositive persons in Cluj County (incidence environment

they belong to and distribution on genders) 51 145 The seropositive persons frequency depending on sex in Cluj County 52 146 Epidemiological aspects on seropositive persons in Sălaj County (incidence environment

they belong to and distribution on genders) 53

147 The frequency of seropositive persons dependending on sex in Salaj Couty 54

15 Confirming the determinations following the serological tests through imagistic methods in

human cystic echinococcosis 55 151 The results of imagistic determinations (ultrasound scan thoracic RX CT) helliphelliphelliphellip56


CONCLUIONS 68 STUDY II Evaluation and optimization of diagnosis methods in hydatid disease 69

21 Introduction 69

22 Study aim and objective 69 23 Material and method 70

231 Material 70 232 Paraclinic and clinical methods involved 71

233 Statistical methods of data analysis 77 24 Results 80

241 Epidemiological results (considering the sex origins age) 80 242 Clinical and paraclinical results regarding the hydatid cyst diagnosis 83

2421 The clinical examination value in hydatid cyst diagnosis 83 2422 Surgical confirmation in hydatid cyst presumtive diagnosis 85 2423 Assessing the usual laboratory analysis (haemoleucogram biochemical analysis used

to determine hydatid cyst) 86 2424 Imagistic methods involved to determine the hydatid cyst 89

2425 Results obtained through immunoserological methods 97 243 Comparative results 106





The Echinococcosis hydatidosis (the hydatid disease or the hydatid cyst) is a parasitic

disease determined by genus Echinococcus which may evolve with the most severe and different

implications Despite progresses in control and monitoring fields this parasitosis keeps representing

an important issue of the public health in the most parts of the world [1]

According to WHO classification the disease is a zoonosis which brings a lot of health issues

both in humans and animals because the causing parasites in order to end their biological cycle pass

through more vertebrate animal hosts (as for example dogs for the humans)

Due to its high prevalence the severe clinical ndash developing forms the morphofunctional

complications with high primary or secondary mortality the disease if frequently met both in rural

and urban environment at all age groups alarming prevalence in youngsters and occupational risk

groups [2]

In our country area the hydatid pathology has a quite high frequency the north ndash western part

of Transylvania being described an endemic area with important cases [3] the medicine of Cluj

having a significant experience in hydatid cyst diagnosis and treatment

Despite the lately achievements in human echinococcosis diagnosis and therapy it still has

an important place in morbidity and mortality structure within surgical services So in this way

presenting some briefly data over the different aspects the hydatid disease may adopt in its

development from clinical imagistic serological point of view and their importance evaluation in

early recognition and diagnosis of the disease


Chapter 1 Genus Echinococcus

The parasite responsible for causing human hydatidosis is a Platyhelminthe belonging to

Cestoda class (Eucestoda) Taeniidae family Genus Echinococcus The species of genus

Echinococcus considered as etiologic agents of echinococcosis hydatidosis according to WHO

experts are as follows

- Echinococcus granulosus (Batsch 1786) - cystic echinococcosis

- Echinococcus multilocularis (Leuckart 1863) ndash alveolar echinococcosis

- Echinococcus oligarthus (Diesing 1863)

- Echinococcus vogeli (Rausch Bernstein 1972) ndash polycystic echinococcosis

The issue of the 5th

species existence arose Ecruzi (Rausch and co ndash 1978 Kumaratilake

and Thompson ndash 1982) but Rausch and co (1984) comparing its features with Evogeli and

Eoligarthus remarked that in fact E cruzi is similar to E oligarthus

The geographical distribution of hydatidosis loyally follows the sheep breeders developing

curve and it is determined by pastoral promiscuity fact that determined Deve assert that the hydatid

disease is one of the dirty hands diseases

The wide range of animal species which may be intermediary hosts and their circulation from

Europe in other parts of the world made that Echinococcus be spread on the entire globe

In 2009 ECDC reported 790 cases of human echinococcosis with 11 lower than in 2008

(n= 891) Among the reported cases where the infecting species is known predominated the infection

with Egranulosus (72) while Emultilocularis infection was reported as having a frequency 3

times lower [4]


The hydatid cyst is often an invaliding disease with possible and often severe complications

(anaphylactic shock) with often difficult surgical therapy and frequent post-surgery recidivations

The clinical behaviours due to the complications settled through the aforementioned mechanisms

appear when the hydatid cyst sizes become considerable

The clinical framework of the hydatid cyst is little characteristic Quite often it is completely

asymptomatically and discovered purely by chance Other times the patients accused discomfort in

the right hypochondrium or even intense pain The allergic reactions are quite frequently from

urticaria reaction up to alergodermy or even anaphylactic shock (generally in case of fissure or even

the hydatid cyst rupture)

The morphological determination of the hydatid cysts may be done through thoracic

ultrasound scan computer tomography (CT) and magnetic resonance (MR)

The imagistic methods for human hydatidosis diagnosis are completed with immunodiagnosis

reactions aiming the parasitic aetiology confirmation of the determined formations through immune

induced response In the last years exists a tendency of immunologic diagnosis staging firstly

primary tests are used following to be confirmed through other methods having a significantly

specificity (secondary tests) [5]

The hydatid cyst modern management require involving all therapeutic methods medical

percutaneous and surgical The surgery is not anymore the first election for treating any hepatic

hydatid cyst In patients with univesicular cyst smaller that 4 cm the chosen therapy is the

monotherapy with albendazole

PAIR is indicated when the pain in not treatable or the albendazole is ineffective The

percutaneous treatment combines the alcohol and polidocanol but cannot be used in case of cysto-

billiary fistula

The surgery is used in cases when in percutaneous therapy no experts exist and the

percutaneous treatment cannot safely performed due to a significant extra-hepatic extension with

perforation risk of the cyst orand in case of cyst rupture in the peritoneal cavity [6]


STUDY 1 The applicability of the serological methods in the diagnosis therapy and

prophylaxis of human hydatid disease

The aim of this study was serological tests (ELISA method) conducting and evaluation as

screening and diagnosis methods of cystic echinococcosis The tests were conducted in symptomatic

and asymptomatic persons from Cluj and Sălaj Counties in order to estimate the disease frequency in

these counties In the persons where anti-echinococcus IgG antibodies were determined imagistic

investigations were performed in order to confirm the clinical and serological diagnosis of hydatid


The investigations allowed clarifying the epidemiological diagnosis therapeutic and

prognostic aspect regarding cystic echinococcosis

Material and method

The study was conducted during January 2007 ndash December 2009 and included 279

symptomatic and asymptomatic persons from Cluj and Sălaj Counties in order to determine the

presence and the level of anti-echinococcus antibodies level in the population of the two regions and

implicitly the asymptomatic infection using ELISA immunoenzyme method

In order to confirm the hydatid cyst diagnosis determined through serological test I used the

following imagistic methods abdominal pelvic ultrasound scan cranial CT thorax CT thorax Rx


Out of the 279 persons examined in both counties (Cluj şi Sălaj) in 22 patients was

determined positive serology the seropositivity frequency was of 789 (IC= 5 -1169) in the

studied sample suggesting the possible hydatid infection in seropositive persons

The real frequency of parasitosis is obviously higher because the symptomatic cases

represent only the peak of infestation pyramid while the asymptomatic cases form the unseen higher

basis of it

The serological screening performed in the north - western and central region of the country

showed the Egranulosus infection presence with the possibility of its active transmission The

obtained results demonstrate the higher percentage of the seropositve persons in Cluj County and

suggest a higher incidence of the hydatidosis in this region This conclusion was elaborated

following a research project conducting with the title Interdisciplinary evaluation and optimization

of the screening diagnosis and treatment methods in triquinelosis human and animal cystic

echinococcosis in the centre and north - west of Romania conducted during 2006-2008 where I

partake as a member

In 7714 of the patients in imagistic investigation the hydatidosis diagnosis could be

confirmed The patients had clear imagines for hydatid cyst with different locations hepatic

(6538) pulmonary (588) renal (588) The results of our researches suggest that a certain

proportion of the investigated population was positive in IgG anti-Echinococcus without having in

the organism the hydatid determined through imagistic methods


The lack of knowledge population ignorance and even of some specialists in sanitary field

regarding the biological cycle of E granulosus species and the hosts it has as well as the risk

involved by a tight contact with the permanent host are causes of main importance in parasite easy

spreading The results obtained following this study are similar with the results of some analogous

studies from the specialty literature conducted in endemic areas for human cystic echinococcosis [3]

In a study performed on an asymptomatic sample of persons in 12 of the cases the

ultrasound scan did not determine cystic form characteristic to the hydatid cyst although the

serological test was positive [7]

STUDY II Evaluation and optimization of the diagnosis methods in hydatid disease

The study has the following aims 1 the evaluation of the clinical examination in the

presumptive diagnosis and imagistic diagnosis evaluation in the hydatid disease 2 Evaluation of

ELISA method Western-Blott and the laboratory methods in order to confirm the clinical and

imagistic diagnosis of hydatid cyst 3 The comparative study of the imagistic methods (ultrasound

scan Rx CT RM) with the serological methods (ELISA Western-blott methods) and the evaluation

of their utility in differentiating the cystic and alveolar echinococcosis and in performing the

differential diagnosis and interpretation of the cross-reactions

23 Material and method

The study was performed during 2006 ndash 2010 and included a representative sample of 189

symptomatic persons with suggestive symptoms and imagistic suspicion of hydatid disease Other

studied persons were those for whom surgical intervention was performed in hydatid cyst and

persons having non-specific laboratory results but with suspicions of parasitic disease

The working material I used were the medical and surgical cases from the Medical and

Surgical Clinics of Cluj-Napoca and Sălaj (Clinica Chirurgie III Clinica Chirurgie V și and the

ambulatory of a private policlinic) The types of data collected and used within this study were

gender age origin clinical diagnosis the hydatid cyst complications hydatid cyst antecedents the

imagistic diagnosis methods performed (abdominal ultrasound scan pulmonary Rx CT RM

surgical treatment the examination of the surgical piece hystopathological) laboratory analysis

finding the location of the cystic formation depending on the hepatic segmentation and depending on

the organ in question the serological diagnosis methods performed (immunoenzyme IgG anti-

echinococcus ELISA method IgG echinococcus Western- blot method)

24 Results

The results obtained determined that there isnrsquot a significant association between IgG

echinococcus Western-blot and the hydatid disease diagnosis (pgt005) notwithstanding when

eosinophilia is present results a relatively high coincidence of 71 (IC=52 - 85) with the hydatid

cyst diagnosis

The statistic analysis of imagistic investigation results and surgical and paraclinical

confirmation results correlation presented a sensibility of 9689 for the imagistic investigation the

specificity was of 100 they dont differ significantly from statistical point of view The diagnosis

value of the imagistic examination is given by the positive predictive value (PPV) and the negative

one (NPP) both of them are over 84 although the NPP is statistical significantly lower than PPV

The evaluation of IgG antiechinococcus ELISA results compared with the surgical

hystopathological and paraclinical confirmation of hydatid cyst diagnosis determines a Specificity of

9643 and a PPV of 9919 as these are very high it may be considered that ELISA method is a

good screening test

By comparison with imagistic ultrasound scan or CT investigations the IgG

antiechinococcus ELISA has a lower Youden index As a consequence from this point of view IgG

antiechinococcus ELISA seems to be a less conclusive diagnosis test comparing with the mentioned

imagistic investigations On the other side comparing the trust intervals of Specificity PPV and

imagistic investigations (globally ultrasound scan CT) and IgG antiechinococcus ELISA we observe

that they donrsquot differ statistically speaking

The imagistic investigation results and those of IgG antiechinococcus ELISA associate

significantly It is noticeable that at the same time with the other association coefficients

(contingency Kendal tau coefficient) the concordance coefficient between the imagistic

investigation results and those of the IgG antiechinococcus ELISA are significantly statistical

(plt0001) It should be mentioned that the concordance measure Kappa = 0522 indicates the fact

that between the two examinations exist a moderate concordance

Imunoblot technique is a strong confirmation and differential serological diagnosis test

between the two major relevant infections the cystic and alveolar echinococcosis [8]

The evaluation of IgG echinococcus Western Blot investigation results by comparison with

the surgical hystopathological and paraclinial confirmation of hydatid cyst diagnosis revealed a

Specificity of 100 an a positive predictive value of 100 as these are very high you may consider

that the IgG echinococcus Western Blot detecting test is a good screening test

It is noticeable that at the same time with the other association coefficients (contingency

Kendal tau coefficient) the concordance coefficient between the imagistic investigation results and

those of the IgG echinococcus Western blot are significantly statistical (plt0001) It should be

mentioned that the concordance measure Kappa = 0816 indicates the fact that between the two

examinations exist a very good concordance


The evaluation of the eosinophilia as diagnosis marker in cystic echinococcosis allowed

some authors to assert that eosinophilia is not enough to settle the cystic echinococcosis diagnosis

but also a complementary clinical diagnosis [9]

The ultrasound scan sensibility and specificity was reported in more studies in the literature

as between 88-98 and 95-100 respectively for human cystic and alveolar echinococcosis The

authors consider it as the ldquogolden standardrdquo although admit the imperfection of this technique The

clinical investigation the laboratory examination and the epidemiological data are also considered

important for the cystic and alveolar echinococcosis diagnosis [10


The serological tests contribute to the diagnosis IgG antibodies detection had a sensibility of

95 and 94 specificity in a study conducted by Shambesh MA and company [11

] The sensibility

obtained by Shambesh is significantly higher than that determined in our study which determines a

sensibility of 74 with IC= 6907-8272 In exchange the specificity doesnt differ significantly

from statistical point of view of that obtained in our study (9643 IC=8165-9991)

The echinococcosis infections are considered ones of the most dangerous human helminthic

diseases The difference between the cystic and alveolar echinococcosis is important from the

prognostic and treatment point of view

In different stages of cystic and alveolar echinococcosis the most relevant test was

appreciated the Western blot IgG echinococus test whih confirmed the positive results [12


The research conducted in order to determined IgG echinococcus presence through Western

blot method reported to the considered golden method (surgical hystopathological and paraclinical

diagnosis confirmation) showed a sensibility of 9211 (IC = 7862 - 9834) the specificity

being of 100 (IC = 8389 - 100) data like the ones met in the specialty literature

In the most countries the alveolar echinococcosis has an endemic character and is

continuously extending with an alarming rapidity becoming an emergent disease

The adult parasite Emultilocularis was not yet found in Romania up now in any permanent

host [13


The study conducted revealed through the Western blot method for the first time in our

country the possibility of infection with Echinococcus multilocularis in human Next studies are

needed to determine the alveolar echinococcosis persons in Romania under the conditions of its

existence in a number of countries in Europe including Romania neighbouring countries (Hungary

Ukraine) centralizing the recent researches about the epidemiological situation the clinical

problems and the therapeutic options the authors described in the first case the alveolar

echinococcosis in Hungary In order to confirm these rare infections you must take in consideration

the differential diagnosis with other infiltrative hepatic lesions [14


No case was confirmed in Romania through other studies We recommend the introduction of

this method in the screening and diagnosis of this serious disease

In the attempt to compare the methods used in hydatid cyst diagnosis and the obtained results

through these methods we may assert that Western blot IgG echinococcus test is the most sensible in

determining an etiological diagnosis


1 Junie Monica Zoe Coroiu Carmen Costache 2002 The consequences of Echinococcus

granulosus infection in the human population Rev Scienţia Parasitologica 32 86-91

2 Seres Ştefania Monica Junie V Cozma 2009 Prevalence of Echinococcus granulosus in Cluj

county Romania revealed by PCR Rev Scienţia Parasitologica 1o1-2 68-71

3 Coroiu Zoe Judith Bele Cornelia Munteanu Rodica Radu 2007 Aspecte epidemiologice

privind hidatidoza umană icircn judeţul Cluj pe o perioada de 20 de ani (1981-2000) Rev Scientia

Parasitologica 81 32-38

4 A Lahuerta T Westrell J Takkinen F Boelaert V Rizzi B Helwigh B Borck H

Korsgaard A Ammon P Maumlkelauml Zoonoses icircn the European Union origin distribution and

dynamics ndash the EFSA - ECDC summary report 2009

5 Craig PS 1997 Immunodiagnosis of Echinococcus granulosus and a comparison of techniques

for diagnosis of canine echinococcosis In Compendium on cystic echinococcosis icircn Africa and

Middle Eastern countries with special reference to Morocco Brigham Young University Pris

Services Provo

6 Schipper HG Modern management of echinococcosis World Gastroenterology News vol 9 nr

2 2004

7 Arda B H Pulukccedilu T Yamazhan OR Sipahi S Tamsel G Demirpolat M Korkmaz 2009

Prevalence of Echinococcus granulosus detected using enzyme immunoassay and abdominal

ultrasonography icircn a group of students staying icircn a state dormitory icircn Turkey Turk J Med Sci

391 1-4

8Liance M V Janin S Bresson-Hadni DA Vuitton R Houin R Piarroux 2000

Immunodiagnosis of Echinococcus infections confirmatory testing and species differentiation by a

new comercial Western blot J Clin Microbiol 38 3718-3721

9Karadam SY Ertabaklar H Sari C Dayanir Y Ertuğ S Should cystic echinococcosis be

investigated icircn patients having high eosinophil countsTurkiye Parazitol Derg 200933(3)203-6

10 Macpherson CN Milner R Performance characteristics and quality control of community based

ultrasound surveys for cystic and alveolar echinococcosis Acta Trop 2003 Feb85(2)203-9

11 Shambesh MA Craig PS Macpherson CN Rogan MT Gusbi AM Echtuish EF An extensive

ultrasound and serologic study to investigate the prevalence of human cystic echinococcosis icircn

northern Libya Am J Trop Med Hyg 1999 Mar 60(3)462-8

12 Reiter-Owona I Gruumlner B Frosch M Hoerauf A Kern P Tappe D Serological confirmatory

testing of alveolar and cystic echinococcosis in clinical practice results of a comparative study

with commercialized and in-house assays Clin Lab 200955(1-2)41-8

13 Sikoacute Barabaacutesi S Și Cozma V 2008 Echinococoza alveolară O posibilă zoonoză emergentă icircn

Romacircnia (Sinteză) RevScientia Parasitologica 9 1 48-60

14 Horvaacuteth Andrea Patonay Attila Baacutenhegyi Deacutenes Szlaacutevik Jaacutenos Balaacutezs Gyoumlrgy Goumlroumlg Deacutenes

Eacutes Werling Klaacutera A humaacuten Echinococcus multilocularis infectio elsocirc hazai esete Beeacuterkezett

2007 november 16 elfogadva 2008 maacutercius 7


1 Surname Ciobanca

2 Name Petrica Teofil

3 Date and place of birth 25111979 Zalau Salaj

4 Citizenship Romanian

5 Marital status married

6 Contact Tel 0040-740052584 E-mailpetrica_ciobancayahoocom

7 Studies


bdquoVasile Goldisrdquo

West University


ldquoIuliu Haţieganurdquo

University of

Medicine and

Pharmacy of Cluj-


ldquoCarol Davilardquo

University of

Medicine of




University of

Medicine and

Pharmacy of


Theoretical High

School of Zalau

Physics -



Period October 2004

June 2005

January 2005

February 2005

January 2005

March 2005

October 1998

September 2004

September 1994

July 1998

Skills of



Masterrsquos Degree



Accounting and


Management of

the Companies

Certificate of


general ultrasound

scan post-

university course

module I

Certificate of



ultrasound scan


course module






High School


8 Scientific title Medical doctor University Assistant Full-time doctoral student 9 Professional experience

Period Position Responsibilities

01 11 2005 ndash up


- University Assistant

- Resident Physician in

Laboratory Medicine

- Full-time doctoral


UM F bdquoIuliu Hatieganurdquo CLUJ

- Didactical activity in Microbiology (Bacteriology

Parasitology Virology Mycology) with the 2nd



students General Medicine Pharmacy Medical Colleges

within Iuliu Hatieganu University of Medicine and


- Stages within residency activity

- Research activity

01012006 ndash up


- Physician SALVO - SAN

- medical practice in general medicine

0106 2009 ndash

2011 2009


-Medical practice clinical investigations before and after


-The manager of resuscitation team in emergency cases

15012007 ndash


Resident physician in

Family Medicine Spitalul Clinic Judetean de Urgenta Cluj Napoca

- clinical examinations EKG diagnosis and treatment

stages in Obstetrics and Gynaecology Psychiatry Infectious


29082005 ndash


Physician in training Kantonal Flawil Hospital Switzerland

-Internal Medicine stages presentations and diagnosis


01012005 ndash Physician in training Spitalul Clinic Municipal Cluj Napoca

01012006 - Internal Medicine stages for 6 months

- Surgery stages for 6 months

14032005 ndash


Physician in training bdquoMaria Sklodowska Curierdquo Paediatrics Clinical Hospital

- I assisted in the performance of endoscopic investigations

Post university courses General ultrasound scan first module January 2005 - February 2005

General ultrasound scan second module January 2005 ndash March 2005

Occupational medicine

Surgical emergencies in the children

Resuscitation course in adults

ALS - London Ambulance Service

EPLS - Royal Brompton Hospital London

Emergency ultrasonography


Doppler echography

10 The current place of work and position University assistant Full-time doctoral student

bdquoIuliu Hatieganurdquo University of Medicine and Pharmacy of Cluj-Napoca

11 Seniority in the current place of work 6 years

12 Works elaborated and or published Monica Junie Petrica Ciobanca (B-783) 2005 Comparison of Antibiotic Resistance of

Pseudomonas Aeruginosa Strains Isolated from Different Types of Infections Abstracts of the

XIth International Congress of Bacteriology and Applied Microbiology July 23-28 San

Francisco California USA - ISBN1-555-81-353-4

Monica Junie Petrica Ciobanca (M-722) 2005 Evolution of Resistance Phenomenon to

Antimycotic Drugs of Candida Species and Dermatophytes Abstracts of the XIth International

Congress of Mycology July 23-28 San Francisco California USA ISBN1-555-81-354-2

Lia Monica Junie Doina Matinca Doina Tăţulescu AN Ferke Petrica Ciobanca 2006

Evolution of Antibiotic Resistance of Pseudomonas aeruginosa strains isolated from Hospital

Infectious International Journal of Infectious Diseases vol10 suppl 1 ISSN 1201 ndash 9712 pag

S 78 Lisabon Portugal ISSN 1201-9712 IJID indexed in MEDLINE EMCASE Escerpta

Media and Urlichs Elsevier Publishing Presented at the International Congress of Infectious

Diseases sesiunea Antibiotic Resistance ndash Gram negatives (poster nr 13003) iunie 15-18

Lia Monica Junie Zoe Coroiu şi col AN Ferke Petrica Ciobanca 2006 The significance of

AntiToxoplasma IgG and IgM Antibodies Detection in Toxoplasmosis Diagnosis Abstract

books the 12th

ISID pag 80 Presented at the 12th

ISID 15-18 iunie 2006 Lisbon Portugal

Sectiunea Parasitic Infectious

Junie Monica Petrica Ciobanca 2006 Species Distribution and Antifungal Susceptibility Of

Candida Isolates Colected From Hospitalised Patients Abstracts of 16th

European Congress Of

Clinical Microbiology And Infectious Diseases Nice France 1- 4 aprilie 2006

Constantea N şi Petrica Ciobanca 2007 Studiul clinic pentru icircmbunătăţirea metodelor de

diagnostic de laborator şi profilaxia chistului hidatic RevRomde Parasitol 17 48-49

Junie Monica N Constantea Petrica Ciobanca 2007 Surveillance programme in

echinococcosis and importance in the prophylaxis and therapy of human infection Clinical

Microbiology and Infection 132

Christofidou M Spiliopoulou A Vamvacopoulou S Stamoulis V Dimitracopoulos G

Anastassiou ED Monica Junie Costache C Colosi I Ciobanca P T 2008 Species

distribution and antifungal susceptibility of Candida isolates collected from hospitalized patients

in Romania and Greece Scientia Parasitologica161-7 ISSN 1582 - 1366

L M Junie Vasile Cozma Zoe Coroiu Petrica Ciobanca 2009 ldquoEpidemiology of human

echinococcosis in Europe pg 109-127

Junie Monica S Răpuntean N Fiţ Cosmina Cuc F Puiu Gh Răpuntean L Deac Simion P

T Ciobanca 2009 Alternative therapies for combating antimicrobial resistence and reduction

of severe nosocomial infections Abstract Book of IMED (International Meeting on Emerging

Diseases and Surveillance) Vienna Austria Februarie 13-16 2009 Abstract 10152 pg86

V Cosma PT Ciobanca R Blaga C Gherman Lia Monica Junie 2009 Hydatidosis

Epidemiology at Humans and Animals in the Area of the Center and North-Vest Romania

Abstract book of IMED bdquoInternational Meeting on Emerging Diseases and Surveillancerdquo

Vienna Austria Februarie pg86

Ciobanca Petrica Monica Junie 2011 Serological diagnosis and its applicability to the

prophylaxis and therapy of hydatid cyst in human patients Rev Scienţia Parasitologica 121


Ciobanca Petrica Teofil Junie Lia Monica 2011 Diagnosis confirmation of human cystic

echinococcosis by imagistic methods and immunoserological determinations Scientia

Parasitologica12(3) 151-161

13 Foreign languages English-advanced French ndashbeginner German ndash beginner

14 Specialties and qualifications Ultrasound scan PC operator

15 Experience assimilated within the national international programs

Program project Position Period

A national network making regarding

the study of some parasitic zoonosis and

their implications in food safetyCEEX

1782005 lasting 25 months

Developed in collaboration with the

Agricultural Sciences and Veterinary

Medicine University

Doctoral student Economic

responsible person

2006 ndash2007

Interdisciplinary evaluation and

optimization of the screening diagnosis

and treatment methods in triquinelosis

human and animal cystic echinococcosis

in the centre and north - west of

Romania - TRICHIDrdquo CEEX program


Developed between the Agricultural

Sciences and Veterinary Medicine

University (project leader) and UMF

Cluj-Napoca (partner)

Doctoral student Economic

responsible person

2006 -2008

bdquoA national network making for

researching the dermatophytosis in

human and animals CEEX program


Developed between USAMV (project of

the leader) and UMF Cluj- Napoca


Doctoral student Economic

responsible person


I declare on my own liability that the data mentioned are according to reality










11 Background 11 12 Taxonomy and classification 12

13 Morphology12 14 Genetic and morphologic differences between species 15 15 Epidemiology 17 16 Biological lyfe cycle 19

161 Echinococcus granulosus 19

162 Echinococcus multilocularis 21 17 Human contamination 22

CHAPTER 2 HYDATID CYST 23 21 The pathogeny of the hydatid cyst 23

22 The evolution of the hydatid cyst 23 23 Clinical occurrence of human hydatidosis 24 24 Diagnosis of hydatid diseases 27

241 Clinical diagnosis 28 242 Medical imaging diagnosis 28

243 Parasitologic diagnosis31 244 Immunologic diagnosis 32 245 Differential diagnosis in hydatid cyst 34

25 Treating the hydatid cyst 35

26 The prophylaxis of the hydatid cyst 38 PART II PERSONAL RESEARCHES 40 STUDY 1 The applicability of the serological methods for the diagnosis therapy and prophylaxis of

the human hydatid disease 41 11 Introduction 41 12 Study aim and objectives 41

13 Material and method 42 131 Material 42 132 Method 43

14 Results 47 141 Detecting the seropositive persons investigated by ELISA IgG Antiechinococcus in Cluj

and Sălaj Counties47

142 Frequency depending on the environment the seropositive persons belong to in Cluj and

Sălaj Counties 48 143 Seropositve persons frequency in Cluj and Sălaj Counties depending on gender 50 144 Epidemiological aspects on seropositive persons in Cluj County (incidence environment

they belong to and distribution on genders) 51 145 The seropositive persons frequency depending on sex in Cluj County 52 146 Epidemiological aspects on seropositive persons in Sălaj County (incidence environment

they belong to and distribution on genders) 53

147 The frequency of seropositive persons dependending on sex in Salaj Couty 54

15 Confirming the determinations following the serological tests through imagistic methods in

human cystic echinococcosis 55 151 The results of imagistic determinations (ultrasound scan thoracic RX CT) helliphelliphelliphellip56


CONCLUIONS 68 STUDY II Evaluation and optimization of diagnosis methods in hydatid disease 69

21 Introduction 69

22 Study aim and objective 69 23 Material and method 70

231 Material 70 232 Paraclinic and clinical methods involved 71

233 Statistical methods of data analysis 77 24 Results 80

241 Epidemiological results (considering the sex origins age) 80 242 Clinical and paraclinical results regarding the hydatid cyst diagnosis 83

2421 The clinical examination value in hydatid cyst diagnosis 83 2422 Surgical confirmation in hydatid cyst presumtive diagnosis 85 2423 Assessing the usual laboratory analysis (haemoleucogram biochemical analysis used

to determine hydatid cyst) 86 2424 Imagistic methods involved to determine the hydatid cyst 89

2425 Results obtained through immunoserological methods 97 243 Comparative results 106





The Echinococcosis hydatidosis (the hydatid disease or the hydatid cyst) is a parasitic

disease determined by genus Echinococcus which may evolve with the most severe and different

implications Despite progresses in control and monitoring fields this parasitosis keeps representing

an important issue of the public health in the most parts of the world [1]

According to WHO classification the disease is a zoonosis which brings a lot of health issues

both in humans and animals because the causing parasites in order to end their biological cycle pass

through more vertebrate animal hosts (as for example dogs for the humans)

Due to its high prevalence the severe clinical ndash developing forms the morphofunctional

complications with high primary or secondary mortality the disease if frequently met both in rural

and urban environment at all age groups alarming prevalence in youngsters and occupational risk

groups [2]

In our country area the hydatid pathology has a quite high frequency the north ndash western part

of Transylvania being described an endemic area with important cases [3] the medicine of Cluj

having a significant experience in hydatid cyst diagnosis and treatment

Despite the lately achievements in human echinococcosis diagnosis and therapy it still has

an important place in morbidity and mortality structure within surgical services So in this way

presenting some briefly data over the different aspects the hydatid disease may adopt in its

development from clinical imagistic serological point of view and their importance evaluation in

early recognition and diagnosis of the disease


Chapter 1 Genus Echinococcus

The parasite responsible for causing human hydatidosis is a Platyhelminthe belonging to

Cestoda class (Eucestoda) Taeniidae family Genus Echinococcus The species of genus

Echinococcus considered as etiologic agents of echinococcosis hydatidosis according to WHO

experts are as follows

- Echinococcus granulosus (Batsch 1786) - cystic echinococcosis

- Echinococcus multilocularis (Leuckart 1863) ndash alveolar echinococcosis

- Echinococcus oligarthus (Diesing 1863)

- Echinococcus vogeli (Rausch Bernstein 1972) ndash polycystic echinococcosis

The issue of the 5th

species existence arose Ecruzi (Rausch and co ndash 1978 Kumaratilake

and Thompson ndash 1982) but Rausch and co (1984) comparing its features with Evogeli and

Eoligarthus remarked that in fact E cruzi is similar to E oligarthus

The geographical distribution of hydatidosis loyally follows the sheep breeders developing

curve and it is determined by pastoral promiscuity fact that determined Deve assert that the hydatid

disease is one of the dirty hands diseases

The wide range of animal species which may be intermediary hosts and their circulation from

Europe in other parts of the world made that Echinococcus be spread on the entire globe

In 2009 ECDC reported 790 cases of human echinococcosis with 11 lower than in 2008

(n= 891) Among the reported cases where the infecting species is known predominated the infection

with Egranulosus (72) while Emultilocularis infection was reported as having a frequency 3

times lower [4]


The hydatid cyst is often an invaliding disease with possible and often severe complications

(anaphylactic shock) with often difficult surgical therapy and frequent post-surgery recidivations

The clinical behaviours due to the complications settled through the aforementioned mechanisms

appear when the hydatid cyst sizes become considerable

The clinical framework of the hydatid cyst is little characteristic Quite often it is completely

asymptomatically and discovered purely by chance Other times the patients accused discomfort in

the right hypochondrium or even intense pain The allergic reactions are quite frequently from

urticaria reaction up to alergodermy or even anaphylactic shock (generally in case of fissure or even

the hydatid cyst rupture)

The morphological determination of the hydatid cysts may be done through thoracic

ultrasound scan computer tomography (CT) and magnetic resonance (MR)

The imagistic methods for human hydatidosis diagnosis are completed with immunodiagnosis

reactions aiming the parasitic aetiology confirmation of the determined formations through immune

induced response In the last years exists a tendency of immunologic diagnosis staging firstly

primary tests are used following to be confirmed through other methods having a significantly

specificity (secondary tests) [5]

The hydatid cyst modern management require involving all therapeutic methods medical

percutaneous and surgical The surgery is not anymore the first election for treating any hepatic

hydatid cyst In patients with univesicular cyst smaller that 4 cm the chosen therapy is the

monotherapy with albendazole

PAIR is indicated when the pain in not treatable or the albendazole is ineffective The

percutaneous treatment combines the alcohol and polidocanol but cannot be used in case of cysto-

billiary fistula

The surgery is used in cases when in percutaneous therapy no experts exist and the

percutaneous treatment cannot safely performed due to a significant extra-hepatic extension with

perforation risk of the cyst orand in case of cyst rupture in the peritoneal cavity [6]


STUDY 1 The applicability of the serological methods in the diagnosis therapy and

prophylaxis of human hydatid disease

The aim of this study was serological tests (ELISA method) conducting and evaluation as

screening and diagnosis methods of cystic echinococcosis The tests were conducted in symptomatic

and asymptomatic persons from Cluj and Sălaj Counties in order to estimate the disease frequency in

these counties In the persons where anti-echinococcus IgG antibodies were determined imagistic

investigations were performed in order to confirm the clinical and serological diagnosis of hydatid


The investigations allowed clarifying the epidemiological diagnosis therapeutic and

prognostic aspect regarding cystic echinococcosis

Material and method

The study was conducted during January 2007 ndash December 2009 and included 279

symptomatic and asymptomatic persons from Cluj and Sălaj Counties in order to determine the

presence and the level of anti-echinococcus antibodies level in the population of the two regions and

implicitly the asymptomatic infection using ELISA immunoenzyme method

In order to confirm the hydatid cyst diagnosis determined through serological test I used the

following imagistic methods abdominal pelvic ultrasound scan cranial CT thorax CT thorax Rx


Out of the 279 persons examined in both counties (Cluj şi Sălaj) in 22 patients was

determined positive serology the seropositivity frequency was of 789 (IC= 5 -1169) in the

studied sample suggesting the possible hydatid infection in seropositive persons

The real frequency of parasitosis is obviously higher because the symptomatic cases

represent only the peak of infestation pyramid while the asymptomatic cases form the unseen higher

basis of it

The serological screening performed in the north - western and central region of the country

showed the Egranulosus infection presence with the possibility of its active transmission The

obtained results demonstrate the higher percentage of the seropositve persons in Cluj County and

suggest a higher incidence of the hydatidosis in this region This conclusion was elaborated

following a research project conducting with the title Interdisciplinary evaluation and optimization

of the screening diagnosis and treatment methods in triquinelosis human and animal cystic

echinococcosis in the centre and north - west of Romania conducted during 2006-2008 where I

partake as a member

In 7714 of the patients in imagistic investigation the hydatidosis diagnosis could be

confirmed The patients had clear imagines for hydatid cyst with different locations hepatic

(6538) pulmonary (588) renal (588) The results of our researches suggest that a certain

proportion of the investigated population was positive in IgG anti-Echinococcus without having in

the organism the hydatid determined through imagistic methods


The lack of knowledge population ignorance and even of some specialists in sanitary field

regarding the biological cycle of E granulosus species and the hosts it has as well as the risk

involved by a tight contact with the permanent host are causes of main importance in parasite easy

spreading The results obtained following this study are similar with the results of some analogous

studies from the specialty literature conducted in endemic areas for human cystic echinococcosis [3]

In a study performed on an asymptomatic sample of persons in 12 of the cases the

ultrasound scan did not determine cystic form characteristic to the hydatid cyst although the

serological test was positive [7]

STUDY II Evaluation and optimization of the diagnosis methods in hydatid disease

The study has the following aims 1 the evaluation of the clinical examination in the

presumptive diagnosis and imagistic diagnosis evaluation in the hydatid disease 2 Evaluation of

ELISA method Western-Blott and the laboratory methods in order to confirm the clinical and

imagistic diagnosis of hydatid cyst 3 The comparative study of the imagistic methods (ultrasound

scan Rx CT RM) with the serological methods (ELISA Western-blott methods) and the evaluation

of their utility in differentiating the cystic and alveolar echinococcosis and in performing the

differential diagnosis and interpretation of the cross-reactions

23 Material and method

The study was performed during 2006 ndash 2010 and included a representative sample of 189

symptomatic persons with suggestive symptoms and imagistic suspicion of hydatid disease Other

studied persons were those for whom surgical intervention was performed in hydatid cyst and

persons having non-specific laboratory results but with suspicions of parasitic disease

The working material I used were the medical and surgical cases from the Medical and

Surgical Clinics of Cluj-Napoca and Sălaj (Clinica Chirurgie III Clinica Chirurgie V și and the

ambulatory of a private policlinic) The types of data collected and used within this study were

gender age origin clinical diagnosis the hydatid cyst complications hydatid cyst antecedents the

imagistic diagnosis methods performed (abdominal ultrasound scan pulmonary Rx CT RM

surgical treatment the examination of the surgical piece hystopathological) laboratory analysis

finding the location of the cystic formation depending on the hepatic segmentation and depending on

the organ in question the serological diagnosis methods performed (immunoenzyme IgG anti-

echinococcus ELISA method IgG echinococcus Western- blot method)

24 Results

The results obtained determined that there isnrsquot a significant association between IgG

echinococcus Western-blot and the hydatid disease diagnosis (pgt005) notwithstanding when

eosinophilia is present results a relatively high coincidence of 71 (IC=52 - 85) with the hydatid

cyst diagnosis

The statistic analysis of imagistic investigation results and surgical and paraclinical

confirmation results correlation presented a sensibility of 9689 for the imagistic investigation the

specificity was of 100 they dont differ significantly from statistical point of view The diagnosis

value of the imagistic examination is given by the positive predictive value (PPV) and the negative

one (NPP) both of them are over 84 although the NPP is statistical significantly lower than PPV

The evaluation of IgG antiechinococcus ELISA results compared with the surgical

hystopathological and paraclinical confirmation of hydatid cyst diagnosis determines a Specificity of

9643 and a PPV of 9919 as these are very high it may be considered that ELISA method is a

good screening test

By comparison with imagistic ultrasound scan or CT investigations the IgG

antiechinococcus ELISA has a lower Youden index As a consequence from this point of view IgG

antiechinococcus ELISA seems to be a less conclusive diagnosis test comparing with the mentioned

imagistic investigations On the other side comparing the trust intervals of Specificity PPV and

imagistic investigations (globally ultrasound scan CT) and IgG antiechinococcus ELISA we observe

that they donrsquot differ statistically speaking

The imagistic investigation results and those of IgG antiechinococcus ELISA associate

significantly It is noticeable that at the same time with the other association coefficients

(contingency Kendal tau coefficient) the concordance coefficient between the imagistic

investigation results and those of the IgG antiechinococcus ELISA are significantly statistical

(plt0001) It should be mentioned that the concordance measure Kappa = 0522 indicates the fact

that between the two examinations exist a moderate concordance

Imunoblot technique is a strong confirmation and differential serological diagnosis test

between the two major relevant infections the cystic and alveolar echinococcosis [8]

The evaluation of IgG echinococcus Western Blot investigation results by comparison with

the surgical hystopathological and paraclinial confirmation of hydatid cyst diagnosis revealed a

Specificity of 100 an a positive predictive value of 100 as these are very high you may consider

that the IgG echinococcus Western Blot detecting test is a good screening test

It is noticeable that at the same time with the other association coefficients (contingency

Kendal tau coefficient) the concordance coefficient between the imagistic investigation results and

those of the IgG echinococcus Western blot are significantly statistical (plt0001) It should be

mentioned that the concordance measure Kappa = 0816 indicates the fact that between the two

examinations exist a very good concordance


The evaluation of the eosinophilia as diagnosis marker in cystic echinococcosis allowed

some authors to assert that eosinophilia is not enough to settle the cystic echinococcosis diagnosis

but also a complementary clinical diagnosis [9]

The ultrasound scan sensibility and specificity was reported in more studies in the literature

as between 88-98 and 95-100 respectively for human cystic and alveolar echinococcosis The

authors consider it as the ldquogolden standardrdquo although admit the imperfection of this technique The

clinical investigation the laboratory examination and the epidemiological data are also considered

important for the cystic and alveolar echinococcosis diagnosis [10


The serological tests contribute to the diagnosis IgG antibodies detection had a sensibility of

95 and 94 specificity in a study conducted by Shambesh MA and company [11

] The sensibility

obtained by Shambesh is significantly higher than that determined in our study which determines a

sensibility of 74 with IC= 6907-8272 In exchange the specificity doesnt differ significantly

from statistical point of view of that obtained in our study (9643 IC=8165-9991)

The echinococcosis infections are considered ones of the most dangerous human helminthic

diseases The difference between the cystic and alveolar echinococcosis is important from the

prognostic and treatment point of view

In different stages of cystic and alveolar echinococcosis the most relevant test was

appreciated the Western blot IgG echinococus test whih confirmed the positive results [12


The research conducted in order to determined IgG echinococcus presence through Western

blot method reported to the considered golden method (surgical hystopathological and paraclinical

diagnosis confirmation) showed a sensibility of 9211 (IC = 7862 - 9834) the specificity

being of 100 (IC = 8389 - 100) data like the ones met in the specialty literature

In the most countries the alveolar echinococcosis has an endemic character and is

continuously extending with an alarming rapidity becoming an emergent disease

The adult parasite Emultilocularis was not yet found in Romania up now in any permanent

host [13


The study conducted revealed through the Western blot method for the first time in our

country the possibility of infection with Echinococcus multilocularis in human Next studies are

needed to determine the alveolar echinococcosis persons in Romania under the conditions of its

existence in a number of countries in Europe including Romania neighbouring countries (Hungary

Ukraine) centralizing the recent researches about the epidemiological situation the clinical

problems and the therapeutic options the authors described in the first case the alveolar

echinococcosis in Hungary In order to confirm these rare infections you must take in consideration

the differential diagnosis with other infiltrative hepatic lesions [14


No case was confirmed in Romania through other studies We recommend the introduction of

this method in the screening and diagnosis of this serious disease

In the attempt to compare the methods used in hydatid cyst diagnosis and the obtained results

through these methods we may assert that Western blot IgG echinococcus test is the most sensible in

determining an etiological diagnosis


1 Junie Monica Zoe Coroiu Carmen Costache 2002 The consequences of Echinococcus

granulosus infection in the human population Rev Scienţia Parasitologica 32 86-91

2 Seres Ştefania Monica Junie V Cozma 2009 Prevalence of Echinococcus granulosus in Cluj

county Romania revealed by PCR Rev Scienţia Parasitologica 1o1-2 68-71

3 Coroiu Zoe Judith Bele Cornelia Munteanu Rodica Radu 2007 Aspecte epidemiologice

privind hidatidoza umană icircn judeţul Cluj pe o perioada de 20 de ani (1981-2000) Rev Scientia

Parasitologica 81 32-38

4 A Lahuerta T Westrell J Takkinen F Boelaert V Rizzi B Helwigh B Borck H

Korsgaard A Ammon P Maumlkelauml Zoonoses icircn the European Union origin distribution and

dynamics ndash the EFSA - ECDC summary report 2009

5 Craig PS 1997 Immunodiagnosis of Echinococcus granulosus and a comparison of techniques

for diagnosis of canine echinococcosis In Compendium on cystic echinococcosis icircn Africa and

Middle Eastern countries with special reference to Morocco Brigham Young University Pris

Services Provo

6 Schipper HG Modern management of echinococcosis World Gastroenterology News vol 9 nr

2 2004

7 Arda B H Pulukccedilu T Yamazhan OR Sipahi S Tamsel G Demirpolat M Korkmaz 2009

Prevalence of Echinococcus granulosus detected using enzyme immunoassay and abdominal

ultrasonography icircn a group of students staying icircn a state dormitory icircn Turkey Turk J Med Sci

391 1-4

8Liance M V Janin S Bresson-Hadni DA Vuitton R Houin R Piarroux 2000

Immunodiagnosis of Echinococcus infections confirmatory testing and species differentiation by a

new comercial Western blot J Clin Microbiol 38 3718-3721

9Karadam SY Ertabaklar H Sari C Dayanir Y Ertuğ S Should cystic echinococcosis be

investigated icircn patients having high eosinophil countsTurkiye Parazitol Derg 200933(3)203-6

10 Macpherson CN Milner R Performance characteristics and quality control of community based

ultrasound surveys for cystic and alveolar echinococcosis Acta Trop 2003 Feb85(2)203-9

11 Shambesh MA Craig PS Macpherson CN Rogan MT Gusbi AM Echtuish EF An extensive

ultrasound and serologic study to investigate the prevalence of human cystic echinococcosis icircn

northern Libya Am J Trop Med Hyg 1999 Mar 60(3)462-8

12 Reiter-Owona I Gruumlner B Frosch M Hoerauf A Kern P Tappe D Serological confirmatory

testing of alveolar and cystic echinococcosis in clinical practice results of a comparative study

with commercialized and in-house assays Clin Lab 200955(1-2)41-8

13 Sikoacute Barabaacutesi S Și Cozma V 2008 Echinococoza alveolară O posibilă zoonoză emergentă icircn

Romacircnia (Sinteză) RevScientia Parasitologica 9 1 48-60

14 Horvaacuteth Andrea Patonay Attila Baacutenhegyi Deacutenes Szlaacutevik Jaacutenos Balaacutezs Gyoumlrgy Goumlroumlg Deacutenes

Eacutes Werling Klaacutera A humaacuten Echinococcus multilocularis infectio elsocirc hazai esete Beeacuterkezett

2007 november 16 elfogadva 2008 maacutercius 7


1 Surname Ciobanca

2 Name Petrica Teofil

3 Date and place of birth 25111979 Zalau Salaj

4 Citizenship Romanian

5 Marital status married

6 Contact Tel 0040-740052584 E-mailpetrica_ciobancayahoocom

7 Studies


bdquoVasile Goldisrdquo

West University


ldquoIuliu Haţieganurdquo

University of

Medicine and

Pharmacy of Cluj-


ldquoCarol Davilardquo

University of

Medicine of




University of

Medicine and

Pharmacy of


Theoretical High

School of Zalau

Physics -



Period October 2004

June 2005

January 2005

February 2005

January 2005

March 2005

October 1998

September 2004

September 1994

July 1998

Skills of



Masterrsquos Degree



Accounting and


Management of

the Companies

Certificate of


general ultrasound

scan post-

university course

module I

Certificate of



ultrasound scan


course module






High School


8 Scientific title Medical doctor University Assistant Full-time doctoral student 9 Professional experience

Period Position Responsibilities

01 11 2005 ndash up


- University Assistant

- Resident Physician in

Laboratory Medicine

- Full-time doctoral


UM F bdquoIuliu Hatieganurdquo CLUJ

- Didactical activity in Microbiology (Bacteriology

Parasitology Virology Mycology) with the 2nd



students General Medicine Pharmacy Medical Colleges

within Iuliu Hatieganu University of Medicine and


- Stages within residency activity

- Research activity

01012006 ndash up


- Physician SALVO - SAN

- medical practice in general medicine

0106 2009 ndash

2011 2009


-Medical practice clinical investigations before and after


-The manager of resuscitation team in emergency cases

15012007 ndash


Resident physician in

Family Medicine Spitalul Clinic Judetean de Urgenta Cluj Napoca

- clinical examinations EKG diagnosis and treatment

stages in Obstetrics and Gynaecology Psychiatry Infectious


29082005 ndash


Physician in training Kantonal Flawil Hospital Switzerland

-Internal Medicine stages presentations and diagnosis


01012005 ndash Physician in training Spitalul Clinic Municipal Cluj Napoca

01012006 - Internal Medicine stages for 6 months

- Surgery stages for 6 months

14032005 ndash


Physician in training bdquoMaria Sklodowska Curierdquo Paediatrics Clinical Hospital

- I assisted in the performance of endoscopic investigations

Post university courses General ultrasound scan first module January 2005 - February 2005

General ultrasound scan second module January 2005 ndash March 2005

Occupational medicine

Surgical emergencies in the children

Resuscitation course in adults

ALS - London Ambulance Service

EPLS - Royal Brompton Hospital London

Emergency ultrasonography


Doppler echography

10 The current place of work and position University assistant Full-time doctoral student

bdquoIuliu Hatieganurdquo University of Medicine and Pharmacy of Cluj-Napoca

11 Seniority in the current place of work 6 years

12 Works elaborated and or published Monica Junie Petrica Ciobanca (B-783) 2005 Comparison of Antibiotic Resistance of

Pseudomonas Aeruginosa Strains Isolated from Different Types of Infections Abstracts of the

XIth International Congress of Bacteriology and Applied Microbiology July 23-28 San

Francisco California USA - ISBN1-555-81-353-4

Monica Junie Petrica Ciobanca (M-722) 2005 Evolution of Resistance Phenomenon to

Antimycotic Drugs of Candida Species and Dermatophytes Abstracts of the XIth International

Congress of Mycology July 23-28 San Francisco California USA ISBN1-555-81-354-2

Lia Monica Junie Doina Matinca Doina Tăţulescu AN Ferke Petrica Ciobanca 2006

Evolution of Antibiotic Resistance of Pseudomonas aeruginosa strains isolated from Hospital

Infectious International Journal of Infectious Diseases vol10 suppl 1 ISSN 1201 ndash 9712 pag

S 78 Lisabon Portugal ISSN 1201-9712 IJID indexed in MEDLINE EMCASE Escerpta

Media and Urlichs Elsevier Publishing Presented at the International Congress of Infectious

Diseases sesiunea Antibiotic Resistance ndash Gram negatives (poster nr 13003) iunie 15-18

Lia Monica Junie Zoe Coroiu şi col AN Ferke Petrica Ciobanca 2006 The significance of

AntiToxoplasma IgG and IgM Antibodies Detection in Toxoplasmosis Diagnosis Abstract

books the 12th

ISID pag 80 Presented at the 12th

ISID 15-18 iunie 2006 Lisbon Portugal

Sectiunea Parasitic Infectious

Junie Monica Petrica Ciobanca 2006 Species Distribution and Antifungal Susceptibility Of

Candida Isolates Colected From Hospitalised Patients Abstracts of 16th

European Congress Of

Clinical Microbiology And Infectious Diseases Nice France 1- 4 aprilie 2006

Constantea N şi Petrica Ciobanca 2007 Studiul clinic pentru icircmbunătăţirea metodelor de

diagnostic de laborator şi profilaxia chistului hidatic RevRomde Parasitol 17 48-49

Junie Monica N Constantea Petrica Ciobanca 2007 Surveillance programme in

echinococcosis and importance in the prophylaxis and therapy of human infection Clinical

Microbiology and Infection 132

Christofidou M Spiliopoulou A Vamvacopoulou S Stamoulis V Dimitracopoulos G

Anastassiou ED Monica Junie Costache C Colosi I Ciobanca P T 2008 Species

distribution and antifungal susceptibility of Candida isolates collected from hospitalized patients

in Romania and Greece Scientia Parasitologica161-7 ISSN 1582 - 1366

L M Junie Vasile Cozma Zoe Coroiu Petrica Ciobanca 2009 ldquoEpidemiology of human

echinococcosis in Europe pg 109-127

Junie Monica S Răpuntean N Fiţ Cosmina Cuc F Puiu Gh Răpuntean L Deac Simion P

T Ciobanca 2009 Alternative therapies for combating antimicrobial resistence and reduction

of severe nosocomial infections Abstract Book of IMED (International Meeting on Emerging

Diseases and Surveillance) Vienna Austria Februarie 13-16 2009 Abstract 10152 pg86

V Cosma PT Ciobanca R Blaga C Gherman Lia Monica Junie 2009 Hydatidosis

Epidemiology at Humans and Animals in the Area of the Center and North-Vest Romania

Abstract book of IMED bdquoInternational Meeting on Emerging Diseases and Surveillancerdquo

Vienna Austria Februarie pg86

Ciobanca Petrica Monica Junie 2011 Serological diagnosis and its applicability to the

prophylaxis and therapy of hydatid cyst in human patients Rev Scienţia Parasitologica 121


Ciobanca Petrica Teofil Junie Lia Monica 2011 Diagnosis confirmation of human cystic

echinococcosis by imagistic methods and immunoserological determinations Scientia

Parasitologica12(3) 151-161

13 Foreign languages English-advanced French ndashbeginner German ndash beginner

14 Specialties and qualifications Ultrasound scan PC operator

15 Experience assimilated within the national international programs

Program project Position Period

A national network making regarding

the study of some parasitic zoonosis and

their implications in food safetyCEEX

1782005 lasting 25 months

Developed in collaboration with the

Agricultural Sciences and Veterinary

Medicine University

Doctoral student Economic

responsible person

2006 ndash2007

Interdisciplinary evaluation and

optimization of the screening diagnosis

and treatment methods in triquinelosis

human and animal cystic echinococcosis

in the centre and north - west of

Romania - TRICHIDrdquo CEEX program


Developed between the Agricultural

Sciences and Veterinary Medicine

University (project leader) and UMF

Cluj-Napoca (partner)

Doctoral student Economic

responsible person

2006 -2008

bdquoA national network making for

researching the dermatophytosis in

human and animals CEEX program


Developed between USAMV (project of

the leader) and UMF Cluj- Napoca


Doctoral student Economic

responsible person


I declare on my own liability that the data mentioned are according to reality





11 Background 11 12 Taxonomy and classification 12

13 Morphology12 14 Genetic and morphologic differences between species 15 15 Epidemiology 17 16 Biological lyfe cycle 19

161 Echinococcus granulosus 19

162 Echinococcus multilocularis 21 17 Human contamination 22

CHAPTER 2 HYDATID CYST 23 21 The pathogeny of the hydatid cyst 23

22 The evolution of the hydatid cyst 23 23 Clinical occurrence of human hydatidosis 24 24 Diagnosis of hydatid diseases 27

241 Clinical diagnosis 28 242 Medical imaging diagnosis 28

243 Parasitologic diagnosis31 244 Immunologic diagnosis 32 245 Differential diagnosis in hydatid cyst 34

25 Treating the hydatid cyst 35

26 The prophylaxis of the hydatid cyst 38 PART II PERSONAL RESEARCHES 40 STUDY 1 The applicability of the serological methods for the diagnosis therapy and prophylaxis of

the human hydatid disease 41 11 Introduction 41 12 Study aim and objectives 41

13 Material and method 42 131 Material 42 132 Method 43

14 Results 47 141 Detecting the seropositive persons investigated by ELISA IgG Antiechinococcus in Cluj

and Sălaj Counties47

142 Frequency depending on the environment the seropositive persons belong to in Cluj and

Sălaj Counties 48 143 Seropositve persons frequency in Cluj and Sălaj Counties depending on gender 50 144 Epidemiological aspects on seropositive persons in Cluj County (incidence environment

they belong to and distribution on genders) 51 145 The seropositive persons frequency depending on sex in Cluj County 52 146 Epidemiological aspects on seropositive persons in Sălaj County (incidence environment

they belong to and distribution on genders) 53

147 The frequency of seropositive persons dependending on sex in Salaj Couty 54

15 Confirming the determinations following the serological tests through imagistic methods in

human cystic echinococcosis 55 151 The results of imagistic determinations (ultrasound scan thoracic RX CT) helliphelliphelliphellip56


CONCLUIONS 68 STUDY II Evaluation and optimization of diagnosis methods in hydatid disease 69

21 Introduction 69

22 Study aim and objective 69 23 Material and method 70

231 Material 70 232 Paraclinic and clinical methods involved 71

233 Statistical methods of data analysis 77 24 Results 80

241 Epidemiological results (considering the sex origins age) 80 242 Clinical and paraclinical results regarding the hydatid cyst diagnosis 83

2421 The clinical examination value in hydatid cyst diagnosis 83 2422 Surgical confirmation in hydatid cyst presumtive diagnosis 85 2423 Assessing the usual laboratory analysis (haemoleucogram biochemical analysis used

to determine hydatid cyst) 86 2424 Imagistic methods involved to determine the hydatid cyst 89

2425 Results obtained through immunoserological methods 97 243 Comparative results 106





The Echinococcosis hydatidosis (the hydatid disease or the hydatid cyst) is a parasitic

disease determined by genus Echinococcus which may evolve with the most severe and different

implications Despite progresses in control and monitoring fields this parasitosis keeps representing

an important issue of the public health in the most parts of the world [1]

According to WHO classification the disease is a zoonosis which brings a lot of health issues

both in humans and animals because the causing parasites in order to end their biological cycle pass

through more vertebrate animal hosts (as for example dogs for the humans)

Due to its high prevalence the severe clinical ndash developing forms the morphofunctional

complications with high primary or secondary mortality the disease if frequently met both in rural

and urban environment at all age groups alarming prevalence in youngsters and occupational risk

groups [2]

In our country area the hydatid pathology has a quite high frequency the north ndash western part

of Transylvania being described an endemic area with important cases [3] the medicine of Cluj

having a significant experience in hydatid cyst diagnosis and treatment

Despite the lately achievements in human echinococcosis diagnosis and therapy it still has

an important place in morbidity and mortality structure within surgical services So in this way

presenting some briefly data over the different aspects the hydatid disease may adopt in its

development from clinical imagistic serological point of view and their importance evaluation in

early recognition and diagnosis of the disease


Chapter 1 Genus Echinococcus

The parasite responsible for causing human hydatidosis is a Platyhelminthe belonging to

Cestoda class (Eucestoda) Taeniidae family Genus Echinococcus The species of genus

Echinococcus considered as etiologic agents of echinococcosis hydatidosis according to WHO

experts are as follows

- Echinococcus granulosus (Batsch 1786) - cystic echinococcosis

- Echinococcus multilocularis (Leuckart 1863) ndash alveolar echinococcosis

- Echinococcus oligarthus (Diesing 1863)

- Echinococcus vogeli (Rausch Bernstein 1972) ndash polycystic echinococcosis

The issue of the 5th

species existence arose Ecruzi (Rausch and co ndash 1978 Kumaratilake

and Thompson ndash 1982) but Rausch and co (1984) comparing its features with Evogeli and

Eoligarthus remarked that in fact E cruzi is similar to E oligarthus

The geographical distribution of hydatidosis loyally follows the sheep breeders developing

curve and it is determined by pastoral promiscuity fact that determined Deve assert that the hydatid

disease is one of the dirty hands diseases

The wide range of animal species which may be intermediary hosts and their circulation from

Europe in other parts of the world made that Echinococcus be spread on the entire globe

In 2009 ECDC reported 790 cases of human echinococcosis with 11 lower than in 2008

(n= 891) Among the reported cases where the infecting species is known predominated the infection

with Egranulosus (72) while Emultilocularis infection was reported as having a frequency 3

times lower [4]


The hydatid cyst is often an invaliding disease with possible and often severe complications

(anaphylactic shock) with often difficult surgical therapy and frequent post-surgery recidivations

The clinical behaviours due to the complications settled through the aforementioned mechanisms

appear when the hydatid cyst sizes become considerable

The clinical framework of the hydatid cyst is little characteristic Quite often it is completely

asymptomatically and discovered purely by chance Other times the patients accused discomfort in

the right hypochondrium or even intense pain The allergic reactions are quite frequently from

urticaria reaction up to alergodermy or even anaphylactic shock (generally in case of fissure or even

the hydatid cyst rupture)

The morphological determination of the hydatid cysts may be done through thoracic

ultrasound scan computer tomography (CT) and magnetic resonance (MR)

The imagistic methods for human hydatidosis diagnosis are completed with immunodiagnosis

reactions aiming the parasitic aetiology confirmation of the determined formations through immune

induced response In the last years exists a tendency of immunologic diagnosis staging firstly

primary tests are used following to be confirmed through other methods having a significantly

specificity (secondary tests) [5]

The hydatid cyst modern management require involving all therapeutic methods medical

percutaneous and surgical The surgery is not anymore the first election for treating any hepatic

hydatid cyst In patients with univesicular cyst smaller that 4 cm the chosen therapy is the

monotherapy with albendazole

PAIR is indicated when the pain in not treatable or the albendazole is ineffective The

percutaneous treatment combines the alcohol and polidocanol but cannot be used in case of cysto-

billiary fistula

The surgery is used in cases when in percutaneous therapy no experts exist and the

percutaneous treatment cannot safely performed due to a significant extra-hepatic extension with

perforation risk of the cyst orand in case of cyst rupture in the peritoneal cavity [6]


STUDY 1 The applicability of the serological methods in the diagnosis therapy and

prophylaxis of human hydatid disease

The aim of this study was serological tests (ELISA method) conducting and evaluation as

screening and diagnosis methods of cystic echinococcosis The tests were conducted in symptomatic

and asymptomatic persons from Cluj and Sălaj Counties in order to estimate the disease frequency in

these counties In the persons where anti-echinococcus IgG antibodies were determined imagistic

investigations were performed in order to confirm the clinical and serological diagnosis of hydatid


The investigations allowed clarifying the epidemiological diagnosis therapeutic and

prognostic aspect regarding cystic echinococcosis

Material and method

The study was conducted during January 2007 ndash December 2009 and included 279

symptomatic and asymptomatic persons from Cluj and Sălaj Counties in order to determine the

presence and the level of anti-echinococcus antibodies level in the population of the two regions and

implicitly the asymptomatic infection using ELISA immunoenzyme method

In order to confirm the hydatid cyst diagnosis determined through serological test I used the

following imagistic methods abdominal pelvic ultrasound scan cranial CT thorax CT thorax Rx


Out of the 279 persons examined in both counties (Cluj şi Sălaj) in 22 patients was

determined positive serology the seropositivity frequency was of 789 (IC= 5 -1169) in the

studied sample suggesting the possible hydatid infection in seropositive persons

The real frequency of parasitosis is obviously higher because the symptomatic cases

represent only the peak of infestation pyramid while the asymptomatic cases form the unseen higher

basis of it

The serological screening performed in the north - western and central region of the country

showed the Egranulosus infection presence with the possibility of its active transmission The

obtained results demonstrate the higher percentage of the seropositve persons in Cluj County and

suggest a higher incidence of the hydatidosis in this region This conclusion was elaborated

following a research project conducting with the title Interdisciplinary evaluation and optimization

of the screening diagnosis and treatment methods in triquinelosis human and animal cystic

echinococcosis in the centre and north - west of Romania conducted during 2006-2008 where I

partake as a member

In 7714 of the patients in imagistic investigation the hydatidosis diagnosis could be

confirmed The patients had clear imagines for hydatid cyst with different locations hepatic

(6538) pulmonary (588) renal (588) The results of our researches suggest that a certain

proportion of the investigated population was positive in IgG anti-Echinococcus without having in

the organism the hydatid determined through imagistic methods


The lack of knowledge population ignorance and even of some specialists in sanitary field

regarding the biological cycle of E granulosus species and the hosts it has as well as the risk

involved by a tight contact with the permanent host are causes of main importance in parasite easy

spreading The results obtained following this study are similar with the results of some analogous

studies from the specialty literature conducted in endemic areas for human cystic echinococcosis [3]

In a study performed on an asymptomatic sample of persons in 12 of the cases the

ultrasound scan did not determine cystic form characteristic to the hydatid cyst although the

serological test was positive [7]

STUDY II Evaluation and optimization of the diagnosis methods in hydatid disease

The study has the following aims 1 the evaluation of the clinical examination in the

presumptive diagnosis and imagistic diagnosis evaluation in the hydatid disease 2 Evaluation of

ELISA method Western-Blott and the laboratory methods in order to confirm the clinical and

imagistic diagnosis of hydatid cyst 3 The comparative study of the imagistic methods (ultrasound

scan Rx CT RM) with the serological methods (ELISA Western-blott methods) and the evaluation

of their utility in differentiating the cystic and alveolar echinococcosis and in performing the

differential diagnosis and interpretation of the cross-reactions

23 Material and method

The study was performed during 2006 ndash 2010 and included a representative sample of 189

symptomatic persons with suggestive symptoms and imagistic suspicion of hydatid disease Other

studied persons were those for whom surgical intervention was performed in hydatid cyst and

persons having non-specific laboratory results but with suspicions of parasitic disease

The working material I used were the medical and surgical cases from the Medical and

Surgical Clinics of Cluj-Napoca and Sălaj (Clinica Chirurgie III Clinica Chirurgie V și and the

ambulatory of a private policlinic) The types of data collected and used within this study were

gender age origin clinical diagnosis the hydatid cyst complications hydatid cyst antecedents the

imagistic diagnosis methods performed (abdominal ultrasound scan pulmonary Rx CT RM

surgical treatment the examination of the surgical piece hystopathological) laboratory analysis

finding the location of the cystic formation depending on the hepatic segmentation and depending on

the organ in question the serological diagnosis methods performed (immunoenzyme IgG anti-

echinococcus ELISA method IgG echinococcus Western- blot method)

24 Results

The results obtained determined that there isnrsquot a significant association between IgG

echinococcus Western-blot and the hydatid disease diagnosis (pgt005) notwithstanding when

eosinophilia is present results a relatively high coincidence of 71 (IC=52 - 85) with the hydatid

cyst diagnosis

The statistic analysis of imagistic investigation results and surgical and paraclinical

confirmation results correlation presented a sensibility of 9689 for the imagistic investigation the

specificity was of 100 they dont differ significantly from statistical point of view The diagnosis

value of the imagistic examination is given by the positive predictive value (PPV) and the negative

one (NPP) both of them are over 84 although the NPP is statistical significantly lower than PPV

The evaluation of IgG antiechinococcus ELISA results compared with the surgical

hystopathological and paraclinical confirmation of hydatid cyst diagnosis determines a Specificity of

9643 and a PPV of 9919 as these are very high it may be considered that ELISA method is a

good screening test

By comparison with imagistic ultrasound scan or CT investigations the IgG

antiechinococcus ELISA has a lower Youden index As a consequence from this point of view IgG

antiechinococcus ELISA seems to be a less conclusive diagnosis test comparing with the mentioned

imagistic investigations On the other side comparing the trust intervals of Specificity PPV and

imagistic investigations (globally ultrasound scan CT) and IgG antiechinococcus ELISA we observe

that they donrsquot differ statistically speaking

The imagistic investigation results and those of IgG antiechinococcus ELISA associate

significantly It is noticeable that at the same time with the other association coefficients

(contingency Kendal tau coefficient) the concordance coefficient between the imagistic

investigation results and those of the IgG antiechinococcus ELISA are significantly statistical

(plt0001) It should be mentioned that the concordance measure Kappa = 0522 indicates the fact

that between the two examinations exist a moderate concordance

Imunoblot technique is a strong confirmation and differential serological diagnosis test

between the two major relevant infections the cystic and alveolar echinococcosis [8]

The evaluation of IgG echinococcus Western Blot investigation results by comparison with

the surgical hystopathological and paraclinial confirmation of hydatid cyst diagnosis revealed a

Specificity of 100 an a positive predictive value of 100 as these are very high you may consider

that the IgG echinococcus Western Blot detecting test is a good screening test

It is noticeable that at the same time with the other association coefficients (contingency

Kendal tau coefficient) the concordance coefficient between the imagistic investigation results and

those of the IgG echinococcus Western blot are significantly statistical (plt0001) It should be

mentioned that the concordance measure Kappa = 0816 indicates the fact that between the two

examinations exist a very good concordance


The evaluation of the eosinophilia as diagnosis marker in cystic echinococcosis allowed

some authors to assert that eosinophilia is not enough to settle the cystic echinococcosis diagnosis

but also a complementary clinical diagnosis [9]

The ultrasound scan sensibility and specificity was reported in more studies in the literature

as between 88-98 and 95-100 respectively for human cystic and alveolar echinococcosis The

authors consider it as the ldquogolden standardrdquo although admit the imperfection of this technique The

clinical investigation the laboratory examination and the epidemiological data are also considered

important for the cystic and alveolar echinococcosis diagnosis [10


The serological tests contribute to the diagnosis IgG antibodies detection had a sensibility of

95 and 94 specificity in a study conducted by Shambesh MA and company [11

] The sensibility

obtained by Shambesh is significantly higher than that determined in our study which determines a

sensibility of 74 with IC= 6907-8272 In exchange the specificity doesnt differ significantly

from statistical point of view of that obtained in our study (9643 IC=8165-9991)

The echinococcosis infections are considered ones of the most dangerous human helminthic

diseases The difference between the cystic and alveolar echinococcosis is important from the

prognostic and treatment point of view

In different stages of cystic and alveolar echinococcosis the most relevant test was

appreciated the Western blot IgG echinococus test whih confirmed the positive results [12


The research conducted in order to determined IgG echinococcus presence through Western

blot method reported to the considered golden method (surgical hystopathological and paraclinical

diagnosis confirmation) showed a sensibility of 9211 (IC = 7862 - 9834) the specificity

being of 100 (IC = 8389 - 100) data like the ones met in the specialty literature

In the most countries the alveolar echinococcosis has an endemic character and is

continuously extending with an alarming rapidity becoming an emergent disease

The adult parasite Emultilocularis was not yet found in Romania up now in any permanent

host [13


The study conducted revealed through the Western blot method for the first time in our

country the possibility of infection with Echinococcus multilocularis in human Next studies are

needed to determine the alveolar echinococcosis persons in Romania under the conditions of its

existence in a number of countries in Europe including Romania neighbouring countries (Hungary

Ukraine) centralizing the recent researches about the epidemiological situation the clinical

problems and the therapeutic options the authors described in the first case the alveolar

echinococcosis in Hungary In order to confirm these rare infections you must take in consideration

the differential diagnosis with other infiltrative hepatic lesions [14


No case was confirmed in Romania through other studies We recommend the introduction of

this method in the screening and diagnosis of this serious disease

In the attempt to compare the methods used in hydatid cyst diagnosis and the obtained results

through these methods we may assert that Western blot IgG echinococcus test is the most sensible in

determining an etiological diagnosis


1 Junie Monica Zoe Coroiu Carmen Costache 2002 The consequences of Echinococcus

granulosus infection in the human population Rev Scienţia Parasitologica 32 86-91

2 Seres Ştefania Monica Junie V Cozma 2009 Prevalence of Echinococcus granulosus in Cluj

county Romania revealed by PCR Rev Scienţia Parasitologica 1o1-2 68-71

3 Coroiu Zoe Judith Bele Cornelia Munteanu Rodica Radu 2007 Aspecte epidemiologice

privind hidatidoza umană icircn judeţul Cluj pe o perioada de 20 de ani (1981-2000) Rev Scientia

Parasitologica 81 32-38

4 A Lahuerta T Westrell J Takkinen F Boelaert V Rizzi B Helwigh B Borck H

Korsgaard A Ammon P Maumlkelauml Zoonoses icircn the European Union origin distribution and

dynamics ndash the EFSA - ECDC summary report 2009

5 Craig PS 1997 Immunodiagnosis of Echinococcus granulosus and a comparison of techniques

for diagnosis of canine echinococcosis In Compendium on cystic echinococcosis icircn Africa and

Middle Eastern countries with special reference to Morocco Brigham Young University Pris

Services Provo

6 Schipper HG Modern management of echinococcosis World Gastroenterology News vol 9 nr

2 2004

7 Arda B H Pulukccedilu T Yamazhan OR Sipahi S Tamsel G Demirpolat M Korkmaz 2009

Prevalence of Echinococcus granulosus detected using enzyme immunoassay and abdominal

ultrasonography icircn a group of students staying icircn a state dormitory icircn Turkey Turk J Med Sci

391 1-4

8Liance M V Janin S Bresson-Hadni DA Vuitton R Houin R Piarroux 2000

Immunodiagnosis of Echinococcus infections confirmatory testing and species differentiation by a

new comercial Western blot J Clin Microbiol 38 3718-3721

9Karadam SY Ertabaklar H Sari C Dayanir Y Ertuğ S Should cystic echinococcosis be

investigated icircn patients having high eosinophil countsTurkiye Parazitol Derg 200933(3)203-6

10 Macpherson CN Milner R Performance characteristics and quality control of community based

ultrasound surveys for cystic and alveolar echinococcosis Acta Trop 2003 Feb85(2)203-9

11 Shambesh MA Craig PS Macpherson CN Rogan MT Gusbi AM Echtuish EF An extensive

ultrasound and serologic study to investigate the prevalence of human cystic echinococcosis icircn

northern Libya Am J Trop Med Hyg 1999 Mar 60(3)462-8

12 Reiter-Owona I Gruumlner B Frosch M Hoerauf A Kern P Tappe D Serological confirmatory

testing of alveolar and cystic echinococcosis in clinical practice results of a comparative study

with commercialized and in-house assays Clin Lab 200955(1-2)41-8

13 Sikoacute Barabaacutesi S Și Cozma V 2008 Echinococoza alveolară O posibilă zoonoză emergentă icircn

Romacircnia (Sinteză) RevScientia Parasitologica 9 1 48-60

14 Horvaacuteth Andrea Patonay Attila Baacutenhegyi Deacutenes Szlaacutevik Jaacutenos Balaacutezs Gyoumlrgy Goumlroumlg Deacutenes

Eacutes Werling Klaacutera A humaacuten Echinococcus multilocularis infectio elsocirc hazai esete Beeacuterkezett

2007 november 16 elfogadva 2008 maacutercius 7


1 Surname Ciobanca

2 Name Petrica Teofil

3 Date and place of birth 25111979 Zalau Salaj

4 Citizenship Romanian

5 Marital status married

6 Contact Tel 0040-740052584 E-mailpetrica_ciobancayahoocom

7 Studies


bdquoVasile Goldisrdquo

West University


ldquoIuliu Haţieganurdquo

University of

Medicine and

Pharmacy of Cluj-


ldquoCarol Davilardquo

University of

Medicine of




University of

Medicine and

Pharmacy of


Theoretical High

School of Zalau

Physics -



Period October 2004

June 2005

January 2005

February 2005

January 2005

March 2005

October 1998

September 2004

September 1994

July 1998

Skills of



Masterrsquos Degree



Accounting and


Management of

the Companies

Certificate of


general ultrasound

scan post-

university course

module I

Certificate of



ultrasound scan


course module






High School


8 Scientific title Medical doctor University Assistant Full-time doctoral student 9 Professional experience

Period Position Responsibilities

01 11 2005 ndash up


- University Assistant

- Resident Physician in

Laboratory Medicine

- Full-time doctoral


UM F bdquoIuliu Hatieganurdquo CLUJ

- Didactical activity in Microbiology (Bacteriology

Parasitology Virology Mycology) with the 2nd



students General Medicine Pharmacy Medical Colleges

within Iuliu Hatieganu University of Medicine and


- Stages within residency activity

- Research activity

01012006 ndash up


- Physician SALVO - SAN

- medical practice in general medicine

0106 2009 ndash

2011 2009


-Medical practice clinical investigations before and after


-The manager of resuscitation team in emergency cases

15012007 ndash


Resident physician in

Family Medicine Spitalul Clinic Judetean de Urgenta Cluj Napoca

- clinical examinations EKG diagnosis and treatment

stages in Obstetrics and Gynaecology Psychiatry Infectious


29082005 ndash


Physician in training Kantonal Flawil Hospital Switzerland

-Internal Medicine stages presentations and diagnosis


01012005 ndash Physician in training Spitalul Clinic Municipal Cluj Napoca

01012006 - Internal Medicine stages for 6 months

- Surgery stages for 6 months

14032005 ndash


Physician in training bdquoMaria Sklodowska Curierdquo Paediatrics Clinical Hospital

- I assisted in the performance of endoscopic investigations

Post university courses General ultrasound scan first module January 2005 - February 2005

General ultrasound scan second module January 2005 ndash March 2005

Occupational medicine

Surgical emergencies in the children

Resuscitation course in adults

ALS - London Ambulance Service

EPLS - Royal Brompton Hospital London

Emergency ultrasonography


Doppler echography

10 The current place of work and position University assistant Full-time doctoral student

bdquoIuliu Hatieganurdquo University of Medicine and Pharmacy of Cluj-Napoca

11 Seniority in the current place of work 6 years

12 Works elaborated and or published Monica Junie Petrica Ciobanca (B-783) 2005 Comparison of Antibiotic Resistance of

Pseudomonas Aeruginosa Strains Isolated from Different Types of Infections Abstracts of the

XIth International Congress of Bacteriology and Applied Microbiology July 23-28 San

Francisco California USA - ISBN1-555-81-353-4

Monica Junie Petrica Ciobanca (M-722) 2005 Evolution of Resistance Phenomenon to

Antimycotic Drugs of Candida Species and Dermatophytes Abstracts of the XIth International

Congress of Mycology July 23-28 San Francisco California USA ISBN1-555-81-354-2

Lia Monica Junie Doina Matinca Doina Tăţulescu AN Ferke Petrica Ciobanca 2006

Evolution of Antibiotic Resistance of Pseudomonas aeruginosa strains isolated from Hospital

Infectious International Journal of Infectious Diseases vol10 suppl 1 ISSN 1201 ndash 9712 pag

S 78 Lisabon Portugal ISSN 1201-9712 IJID indexed in MEDLINE EMCASE Escerpta

Media and Urlichs Elsevier Publishing Presented at the International Congress of Infectious

Diseases sesiunea Antibiotic Resistance ndash Gram negatives (poster nr 13003) iunie 15-18

Lia Monica Junie Zoe Coroiu şi col AN Ferke Petrica Ciobanca 2006 The significance of

AntiToxoplasma IgG and IgM Antibodies Detection in Toxoplasmosis Diagnosis Abstract

books the 12th

ISID pag 80 Presented at the 12th

ISID 15-18 iunie 2006 Lisbon Portugal

Sectiunea Parasitic Infectious

Junie Monica Petrica Ciobanca 2006 Species Distribution and Antifungal Susceptibility Of

Candida Isolates Colected From Hospitalised Patients Abstracts of 16th

European Congress Of

Clinical Microbiology And Infectious Diseases Nice France 1- 4 aprilie 2006

Constantea N şi Petrica Ciobanca 2007 Studiul clinic pentru icircmbunătăţirea metodelor de

diagnostic de laborator şi profilaxia chistului hidatic RevRomde Parasitol 17 48-49

Junie Monica N Constantea Petrica Ciobanca 2007 Surveillance programme in

echinococcosis and importance in the prophylaxis and therapy of human infection Clinical

Microbiology and Infection 132

Christofidou M Spiliopoulou A Vamvacopoulou S Stamoulis V Dimitracopoulos G

Anastassiou ED Monica Junie Costache C Colosi I Ciobanca P T 2008 Species

distribution and antifungal susceptibility of Candida isolates collected from hospitalized patients

in Romania and Greece Scientia Parasitologica161-7 ISSN 1582 - 1366

L M Junie Vasile Cozma Zoe Coroiu Petrica Ciobanca 2009 ldquoEpidemiology of human

echinococcosis in Europe pg 109-127

Junie Monica S Răpuntean N Fiţ Cosmina Cuc F Puiu Gh Răpuntean L Deac Simion P

T Ciobanca 2009 Alternative therapies for combating antimicrobial resistence and reduction

of severe nosocomial infections Abstract Book of IMED (International Meeting on Emerging

Diseases and Surveillance) Vienna Austria Februarie 13-16 2009 Abstract 10152 pg86

V Cosma PT Ciobanca R Blaga C Gherman Lia Monica Junie 2009 Hydatidosis

Epidemiology at Humans and Animals in the Area of the Center and North-Vest Romania

Abstract book of IMED bdquoInternational Meeting on Emerging Diseases and Surveillancerdquo

Vienna Austria Februarie pg86

Ciobanca Petrica Monica Junie 2011 Serological diagnosis and its applicability to the

prophylaxis and therapy of hydatid cyst in human patients Rev Scienţia Parasitologica 121


Ciobanca Petrica Teofil Junie Lia Monica 2011 Diagnosis confirmation of human cystic

echinococcosis by imagistic methods and immunoserological determinations Scientia

Parasitologica12(3) 151-161

13 Foreign languages English-advanced French ndashbeginner German ndash beginner

14 Specialties and qualifications Ultrasound scan PC operator

15 Experience assimilated within the national international programs

Program project Position Period

A national network making regarding

the study of some parasitic zoonosis and

their implications in food safetyCEEX

1782005 lasting 25 months

Developed in collaboration with the

Agricultural Sciences and Veterinary

Medicine University

Doctoral student Economic

responsible person

2006 ndash2007

Interdisciplinary evaluation and

optimization of the screening diagnosis

and treatment methods in triquinelosis

human and animal cystic echinococcosis

in the centre and north - west of

Romania - TRICHIDrdquo CEEX program


Developed between the Agricultural

Sciences and Veterinary Medicine

University (project leader) and UMF

Cluj-Napoca (partner)

Doctoral student Economic

responsible person

2006 -2008

bdquoA national network making for

researching the dermatophytosis in

human and animals CEEX program


Developed between USAMV (project of

the leader) and UMF Cluj- Napoca


Doctoral student Economic

responsible person


I declare on my own liability that the data mentioned are according to reality


147 The frequency of seropositive persons dependending on sex in Salaj Couty 54

15 Confirming the determinations following the serological tests through imagistic methods in

human cystic echinococcosis 55 151 The results of imagistic determinations (ultrasound scan thoracic RX CT) helliphelliphelliphellip56


CONCLUIONS 68 STUDY II Evaluation and optimization of diagnosis methods in hydatid disease 69

21 Introduction 69

22 Study aim and objective 69 23 Material and method 70

231 Material 70 232 Paraclinic and clinical methods involved 71

233 Statistical methods of data analysis 77 24 Results 80

241 Epidemiological results (considering the sex origins age) 80 242 Clinical and paraclinical results regarding the hydatid cyst diagnosis 83

2421 The clinical examination value in hydatid cyst diagnosis 83 2422 Surgical confirmation in hydatid cyst presumtive diagnosis 85 2423 Assessing the usual laboratory analysis (haemoleucogram biochemical analysis used

to determine hydatid cyst) 86 2424 Imagistic methods involved to determine the hydatid cyst 89

2425 Results obtained through immunoserological methods 97 243 Comparative results 106





The Echinococcosis hydatidosis (the hydatid disease or the hydatid cyst) is a parasitic

disease determined by genus Echinococcus which may evolve with the most severe and different

implications Despite progresses in control and monitoring fields this parasitosis keeps representing

an important issue of the public health in the most parts of the world [1]

According to WHO classification the disease is a zoonosis which brings a lot of health issues

both in humans and animals because the causing parasites in order to end their biological cycle pass

through more vertebrate animal hosts (as for example dogs for the humans)

Due to its high prevalence the severe clinical ndash developing forms the morphofunctional

complications with high primary or secondary mortality the disease if frequently met both in rural

and urban environment at all age groups alarming prevalence in youngsters and occupational risk

groups [2]

In our country area the hydatid pathology has a quite high frequency the north ndash western part

of Transylvania being described an endemic area with important cases [3] the medicine of Cluj

having a significant experience in hydatid cyst diagnosis and treatment

Despite the lately achievements in human echinococcosis diagnosis and therapy it still has

an important place in morbidity and mortality structure within surgical services So in this way

presenting some briefly data over the different aspects the hydatid disease may adopt in its

development from clinical imagistic serological point of view and their importance evaluation in

early recognition and diagnosis of the disease


Chapter 1 Genus Echinococcus

The parasite responsible for causing human hydatidosis is a Platyhelminthe belonging to

Cestoda class (Eucestoda) Taeniidae family Genus Echinococcus The species of genus

Echinococcus considered as etiologic agents of echinococcosis hydatidosis according to WHO

experts are as follows

- Echinococcus granulosus (Batsch 1786) - cystic echinococcosis

- Echinococcus multilocularis (Leuckart 1863) ndash alveolar echinococcosis

- Echinococcus oligarthus (Diesing 1863)

- Echinococcus vogeli (Rausch Bernstein 1972) ndash polycystic echinococcosis

The issue of the 5th

species existence arose Ecruzi (Rausch and co ndash 1978 Kumaratilake

and Thompson ndash 1982) but Rausch and co (1984) comparing its features with Evogeli and

Eoligarthus remarked that in fact E cruzi is similar to E oligarthus

The geographical distribution of hydatidosis loyally follows the sheep breeders developing

curve and it is determined by pastoral promiscuity fact that determined Deve assert that the hydatid

disease is one of the dirty hands diseases

The wide range of animal species which may be intermediary hosts and their circulation from

Europe in other parts of the world made that Echinococcus be spread on the entire globe

In 2009 ECDC reported 790 cases of human echinococcosis with 11 lower than in 2008

(n= 891) Among the reported cases where the infecting species is known predominated the infection

with Egranulosus (72) while Emultilocularis infection was reported as having a frequency 3

times lower [4]


The hydatid cyst is often an invaliding disease with possible and often severe complications

(anaphylactic shock) with often difficult surgical therapy and frequent post-surgery recidivations

The clinical behaviours due to the complications settled through the aforementioned mechanisms

appear when the hydatid cyst sizes become considerable

The clinical framework of the hydatid cyst is little characteristic Quite often it is completely

asymptomatically and discovered purely by chance Other times the patients accused discomfort in

the right hypochondrium or even intense pain The allergic reactions are quite frequently from

urticaria reaction up to alergodermy or even anaphylactic shock (generally in case of fissure or even

the hydatid cyst rupture)

The morphological determination of the hydatid cysts may be done through thoracic

ultrasound scan computer tomography (CT) and magnetic resonance (MR)

The imagistic methods for human hydatidosis diagnosis are completed with immunodiagnosis

reactions aiming the parasitic aetiology confirmation of the determined formations through immune

induced response In the last years exists a tendency of immunologic diagnosis staging firstly

primary tests are used following to be confirmed through other methods having a significantly

specificity (secondary tests) [5]

The hydatid cyst modern management require involving all therapeutic methods medical

percutaneous and surgical The surgery is not anymore the first election for treating any hepatic

hydatid cyst In patients with univesicular cyst smaller that 4 cm the chosen therapy is the

monotherapy with albendazole

PAIR is indicated when the pain in not treatable or the albendazole is ineffective The

percutaneous treatment combines the alcohol and polidocanol but cannot be used in case of cysto-

billiary fistula

The surgery is used in cases when in percutaneous therapy no experts exist and the

percutaneous treatment cannot safely performed due to a significant extra-hepatic extension with

perforation risk of the cyst orand in case of cyst rupture in the peritoneal cavity [6]


STUDY 1 The applicability of the serological methods in the diagnosis therapy and

prophylaxis of human hydatid disease

The aim of this study was serological tests (ELISA method) conducting and evaluation as

screening and diagnosis methods of cystic echinococcosis The tests were conducted in symptomatic

and asymptomatic persons from Cluj and Sălaj Counties in order to estimate the disease frequency in

these counties In the persons where anti-echinococcus IgG antibodies were determined imagistic

investigations were performed in order to confirm the clinical and serological diagnosis of hydatid


The investigations allowed clarifying the epidemiological diagnosis therapeutic and

prognostic aspect regarding cystic echinococcosis

Material and method

The study was conducted during January 2007 ndash December 2009 and included 279

symptomatic and asymptomatic persons from Cluj and Sălaj Counties in order to determine the

presence and the level of anti-echinococcus antibodies level in the population of the two regions and

implicitly the asymptomatic infection using ELISA immunoenzyme method

In order to confirm the hydatid cyst diagnosis determined through serological test I used the

following imagistic methods abdominal pelvic ultrasound scan cranial CT thorax CT thorax Rx


Out of the 279 persons examined in both counties (Cluj şi Sălaj) in 22 patients was

determined positive serology the seropositivity frequency was of 789 (IC= 5 -1169) in the

studied sample suggesting the possible hydatid infection in seropositive persons

The real frequency of parasitosis is obviously higher because the symptomatic cases

represent only the peak of infestation pyramid while the asymptomatic cases form the unseen higher

basis of it

The serological screening performed in the north - western and central region of the country

showed the Egranulosus infection presence with the possibility of its active transmission The

obtained results demonstrate the higher percentage of the seropositve persons in Cluj County and

suggest a higher incidence of the hydatidosis in this region This conclusion was elaborated

following a research project conducting with the title Interdisciplinary evaluation and optimization

of the screening diagnosis and treatment methods in triquinelosis human and animal cystic

echinococcosis in the centre and north - west of Romania conducted during 2006-2008 where I

partake as a member

In 7714 of the patients in imagistic investigation the hydatidosis diagnosis could be

confirmed The patients had clear imagines for hydatid cyst with different locations hepatic

(6538) pulmonary (588) renal (588) The results of our researches suggest that a certain

proportion of the investigated population was positive in IgG anti-Echinococcus without having in

the organism the hydatid determined through imagistic methods


The lack of knowledge population ignorance and even of some specialists in sanitary field

regarding the biological cycle of E granulosus species and the hosts it has as well as the risk

involved by a tight contact with the permanent host are causes of main importance in parasite easy

spreading The results obtained following this study are similar with the results of some analogous

studies from the specialty literature conducted in endemic areas for human cystic echinococcosis [3]

In a study performed on an asymptomatic sample of persons in 12 of the cases the

ultrasound scan did not determine cystic form characteristic to the hydatid cyst although the

serological test was positive [7]

STUDY II Evaluation and optimization of the diagnosis methods in hydatid disease

The study has the following aims 1 the evaluation of the clinical examination in the

presumptive diagnosis and imagistic diagnosis evaluation in the hydatid disease 2 Evaluation of

ELISA method Western-Blott and the laboratory methods in order to confirm the clinical and

imagistic diagnosis of hydatid cyst 3 The comparative study of the imagistic methods (ultrasound

scan Rx CT RM) with the serological methods (ELISA Western-blott methods) and the evaluation

of their utility in differentiating the cystic and alveolar echinococcosis and in performing the

differential diagnosis and interpretation of the cross-reactions

23 Material and method

The study was performed during 2006 ndash 2010 and included a representative sample of 189

symptomatic persons with suggestive symptoms and imagistic suspicion of hydatid disease Other

studied persons were those for whom surgical intervention was performed in hydatid cyst and

persons having non-specific laboratory results but with suspicions of parasitic disease

The working material I used were the medical and surgical cases from the Medical and

Surgical Clinics of Cluj-Napoca and Sălaj (Clinica Chirurgie III Clinica Chirurgie V și and the

ambulatory of a private policlinic) The types of data collected and used within this study were

gender age origin clinical diagnosis the hydatid cyst complications hydatid cyst antecedents the

imagistic diagnosis methods performed (abdominal ultrasound scan pulmonary Rx CT RM

surgical treatment the examination of the surgical piece hystopathological) laboratory analysis

finding the location of the cystic formation depending on the hepatic segmentation and depending on

the organ in question the serological diagnosis methods performed (immunoenzyme IgG anti-

echinococcus ELISA method IgG echinococcus Western- blot method)

24 Results

The results obtained determined that there isnrsquot a significant association between IgG

echinococcus Western-blot and the hydatid disease diagnosis (pgt005) notwithstanding when

eosinophilia is present results a relatively high coincidence of 71 (IC=52 - 85) with the hydatid

cyst diagnosis

The statistic analysis of imagistic investigation results and surgical and paraclinical

confirmation results correlation presented a sensibility of 9689 for the imagistic investigation the

specificity was of 100 they dont differ significantly from statistical point of view The diagnosis

value of the imagistic examination is given by the positive predictive value (PPV) and the negative

one (NPP) both of them are over 84 although the NPP is statistical significantly lower than PPV

The evaluation of IgG antiechinococcus ELISA results compared with the surgical

hystopathological and paraclinical confirmation of hydatid cyst diagnosis determines a Specificity of

9643 and a PPV of 9919 as these are very high it may be considered that ELISA method is a

good screening test

By comparison with imagistic ultrasound scan or CT investigations the IgG

antiechinococcus ELISA has a lower Youden index As a consequence from this point of view IgG

antiechinococcus ELISA seems to be a less conclusive diagnosis test comparing with the mentioned

imagistic investigations On the other side comparing the trust intervals of Specificity PPV and

imagistic investigations (globally ultrasound scan CT) and IgG antiechinococcus ELISA we observe

that they donrsquot differ statistically speaking

The imagistic investigation results and those of IgG antiechinococcus ELISA associate

significantly It is noticeable that at the same time with the other association coefficients

(contingency Kendal tau coefficient) the concordance coefficient between the imagistic

investigation results and those of the IgG antiechinococcus ELISA are significantly statistical

(plt0001) It should be mentioned that the concordance measure Kappa = 0522 indicates the fact

that between the two examinations exist a moderate concordance

Imunoblot technique is a strong confirmation and differential serological diagnosis test

between the two major relevant infections the cystic and alveolar echinococcosis [8]

The evaluation of IgG echinococcus Western Blot investigation results by comparison with

the surgical hystopathological and paraclinial confirmation of hydatid cyst diagnosis revealed a

Specificity of 100 an a positive predictive value of 100 as these are very high you may consider

that the IgG echinococcus Western Blot detecting test is a good screening test

It is noticeable that at the same time with the other association coefficients (contingency

Kendal tau coefficient) the concordance coefficient between the imagistic investigation results and

those of the IgG echinococcus Western blot are significantly statistical (plt0001) It should be

mentioned that the concordance measure Kappa = 0816 indicates the fact that between the two

examinations exist a very good concordance


The evaluation of the eosinophilia as diagnosis marker in cystic echinococcosis allowed

some authors to assert that eosinophilia is not enough to settle the cystic echinococcosis diagnosis

but also a complementary clinical diagnosis [9]

The ultrasound scan sensibility and specificity was reported in more studies in the literature

as between 88-98 and 95-100 respectively for human cystic and alveolar echinococcosis The

authors consider it as the ldquogolden standardrdquo although admit the imperfection of this technique The

clinical investigation the laboratory examination and the epidemiological data are also considered

important for the cystic and alveolar echinococcosis diagnosis [10


The serological tests contribute to the diagnosis IgG antibodies detection had a sensibility of

95 and 94 specificity in a study conducted by Shambesh MA and company [11

] The sensibility

obtained by Shambesh is significantly higher than that determined in our study which determines a

sensibility of 74 with IC= 6907-8272 In exchange the specificity doesnt differ significantly

from statistical point of view of that obtained in our study (9643 IC=8165-9991)

The echinococcosis infections are considered ones of the most dangerous human helminthic

diseases The difference between the cystic and alveolar echinococcosis is important from the

prognostic and treatment point of view

In different stages of cystic and alveolar echinococcosis the most relevant test was

appreciated the Western blot IgG echinococus test whih confirmed the positive results [12


The research conducted in order to determined IgG echinococcus presence through Western

blot method reported to the considered golden method (surgical hystopathological and paraclinical

diagnosis confirmation) showed a sensibility of 9211 (IC = 7862 - 9834) the specificity

being of 100 (IC = 8389 - 100) data like the ones met in the specialty literature

In the most countries the alveolar echinococcosis has an endemic character and is

continuously extending with an alarming rapidity becoming an emergent disease

The adult parasite Emultilocularis was not yet found in Romania up now in any permanent

host [13


The study conducted revealed through the Western blot method for the first time in our

country the possibility of infection with Echinococcus multilocularis in human Next studies are

needed to determine the alveolar echinococcosis persons in Romania under the conditions of its

existence in a number of countries in Europe including Romania neighbouring countries (Hungary

Ukraine) centralizing the recent researches about the epidemiological situation the clinical

problems and the therapeutic options the authors described in the first case the alveolar

echinococcosis in Hungary In order to confirm these rare infections you must take in consideration

the differential diagnosis with other infiltrative hepatic lesions [14


No case was confirmed in Romania through other studies We recommend the introduction of

this method in the screening and diagnosis of this serious disease

In the attempt to compare the methods used in hydatid cyst diagnosis and the obtained results

through these methods we may assert that Western blot IgG echinococcus test is the most sensible in

determining an etiological diagnosis


1 Junie Monica Zoe Coroiu Carmen Costache 2002 The consequences of Echinococcus

granulosus infection in the human population Rev Scienţia Parasitologica 32 86-91

2 Seres Ştefania Monica Junie V Cozma 2009 Prevalence of Echinococcus granulosus in Cluj

county Romania revealed by PCR Rev Scienţia Parasitologica 1o1-2 68-71

3 Coroiu Zoe Judith Bele Cornelia Munteanu Rodica Radu 2007 Aspecte epidemiologice

privind hidatidoza umană icircn judeţul Cluj pe o perioada de 20 de ani (1981-2000) Rev Scientia

Parasitologica 81 32-38

4 A Lahuerta T Westrell J Takkinen F Boelaert V Rizzi B Helwigh B Borck H

Korsgaard A Ammon P Maumlkelauml Zoonoses icircn the European Union origin distribution and

dynamics ndash the EFSA - ECDC summary report 2009

5 Craig PS 1997 Immunodiagnosis of Echinococcus granulosus and a comparison of techniques

for diagnosis of canine echinococcosis In Compendium on cystic echinococcosis icircn Africa and

Middle Eastern countries with special reference to Morocco Brigham Young University Pris

Services Provo

6 Schipper HG Modern management of echinococcosis World Gastroenterology News vol 9 nr

2 2004

7 Arda B H Pulukccedilu T Yamazhan OR Sipahi S Tamsel G Demirpolat M Korkmaz 2009

Prevalence of Echinococcus granulosus detected using enzyme immunoassay and abdominal

ultrasonography icircn a group of students staying icircn a state dormitory icircn Turkey Turk J Med Sci

391 1-4

8Liance M V Janin S Bresson-Hadni DA Vuitton R Houin R Piarroux 2000

Immunodiagnosis of Echinococcus infections confirmatory testing and species differentiation by a

new comercial Western blot J Clin Microbiol 38 3718-3721

9Karadam SY Ertabaklar H Sari C Dayanir Y Ertuğ S Should cystic echinococcosis be

investigated icircn patients having high eosinophil countsTurkiye Parazitol Derg 200933(3)203-6

10 Macpherson CN Milner R Performance characteristics and quality control of community based

ultrasound surveys for cystic and alveolar echinococcosis Acta Trop 2003 Feb85(2)203-9

11 Shambesh MA Craig PS Macpherson CN Rogan MT Gusbi AM Echtuish EF An extensive

ultrasound and serologic study to investigate the prevalence of human cystic echinococcosis icircn

northern Libya Am J Trop Med Hyg 1999 Mar 60(3)462-8

12 Reiter-Owona I Gruumlner B Frosch M Hoerauf A Kern P Tappe D Serological confirmatory

testing of alveolar and cystic echinococcosis in clinical practice results of a comparative study

with commercialized and in-house assays Clin Lab 200955(1-2)41-8

13 Sikoacute Barabaacutesi S Și Cozma V 2008 Echinococoza alveolară O posibilă zoonoză emergentă icircn

Romacircnia (Sinteză) RevScientia Parasitologica 9 1 48-60

14 Horvaacuteth Andrea Patonay Attila Baacutenhegyi Deacutenes Szlaacutevik Jaacutenos Balaacutezs Gyoumlrgy Goumlroumlg Deacutenes

Eacutes Werling Klaacutera A humaacuten Echinococcus multilocularis infectio elsocirc hazai esete Beeacuterkezett

2007 november 16 elfogadva 2008 maacutercius 7


1 Surname Ciobanca

2 Name Petrica Teofil

3 Date and place of birth 25111979 Zalau Salaj

4 Citizenship Romanian

5 Marital status married

6 Contact Tel 0040-740052584 E-mailpetrica_ciobancayahoocom

7 Studies


bdquoVasile Goldisrdquo

West University


ldquoIuliu Haţieganurdquo

University of

Medicine and

Pharmacy of Cluj-


ldquoCarol Davilardquo

University of

Medicine of




University of

Medicine and

Pharmacy of


Theoretical High

School of Zalau

Physics -



Period October 2004

June 2005

January 2005

February 2005

January 2005

March 2005

October 1998

September 2004

September 1994

July 1998

Skills of



Masterrsquos Degree



Accounting and


Management of

the Companies

Certificate of


general ultrasound

scan post-

university course

module I

Certificate of



ultrasound scan


course module






High School


8 Scientific title Medical doctor University Assistant Full-time doctoral student 9 Professional experience

Period Position Responsibilities

01 11 2005 ndash up


- University Assistant

- Resident Physician in

Laboratory Medicine

- Full-time doctoral


UM F bdquoIuliu Hatieganurdquo CLUJ

- Didactical activity in Microbiology (Bacteriology

Parasitology Virology Mycology) with the 2nd



students General Medicine Pharmacy Medical Colleges

within Iuliu Hatieganu University of Medicine and


- Stages within residency activity

- Research activity

01012006 ndash up


- Physician SALVO - SAN

- medical practice in general medicine

0106 2009 ndash

2011 2009


-Medical practice clinical investigations before and after


-The manager of resuscitation team in emergency cases

15012007 ndash


Resident physician in

Family Medicine Spitalul Clinic Judetean de Urgenta Cluj Napoca

- clinical examinations EKG diagnosis and treatment

stages in Obstetrics and Gynaecology Psychiatry Infectious


29082005 ndash


Physician in training Kantonal Flawil Hospital Switzerland

-Internal Medicine stages presentations and diagnosis


01012005 ndash Physician in training Spitalul Clinic Municipal Cluj Napoca

01012006 - Internal Medicine stages for 6 months

- Surgery stages for 6 months

14032005 ndash


Physician in training bdquoMaria Sklodowska Curierdquo Paediatrics Clinical Hospital

- I assisted in the performance of endoscopic investigations

Post university courses General ultrasound scan first module January 2005 - February 2005

General ultrasound scan second module January 2005 ndash March 2005

Occupational medicine

Surgical emergencies in the children

Resuscitation course in adults

ALS - London Ambulance Service

EPLS - Royal Brompton Hospital London

Emergency ultrasonography


Doppler echography

10 The current place of work and position University assistant Full-time doctoral student

bdquoIuliu Hatieganurdquo University of Medicine and Pharmacy of Cluj-Napoca

11 Seniority in the current place of work 6 years

12 Works elaborated and or published Monica Junie Petrica Ciobanca (B-783) 2005 Comparison of Antibiotic Resistance of

Pseudomonas Aeruginosa Strains Isolated from Different Types of Infections Abstracts of the

XIth International Congress of Bacteriology and Applied Microbiology July 23-28 San

Francisco California USA - ISBN1-555-81-353-4

Monica Junie Petrica Ciobanca (M-722) 2005 Evolution of Resistance Phenomenon to

Antimycotic Drugs of Candida Species and Dermatophytes Abstracts of the XIth International

Congress of Mycology July 23-28 San Francisco California USA ISBN1-555-81-354-2

Lia Monica Junie Doina Matinca Doina Tăţulescu AN Ferke Petrica Ciobanca 2006

Evolution of Antibiotic Resistance of Pseudomonas aeruginosa strains isolated from Hospital

Infectious International Journal of Infectious Diseases vol10 suppl 1 ISSN 1201 ndash 9712 pag

S 78 Lisabon Portugal ISSN 1201-9712 IJID indexed in MEDLINE EMCASE Escerpta

Media and Urlichs Elsevier Publishing Presented at the International Congress of Infectious

Diseases sesiunea Antibiotic Resistance ndash Gram negatives (poster nr 13003) iunie 15-18

Lia Monica Junie Zoe Coroiu şi col AN Ferke Petrica Ciobanca 2006 The significance of

AntiToxoplasma IgG and IgM Antibodies Detection in Toxoplasmosis Diagnosis Abstract

books the 12th

ISID pag 80 Presented at the 12th

ISID 15-18 iunie 2006 Lisbon Portugal

Sectiunea Parasitic Infectious

Junie Monica Petrica Ciobanca 2006 Species Distribution and Antifungal Susceptibility Of

Candida Isolates Colected From Hospitalised Patients Abstracts of 16th

European Congress Of

Clinical Microbiology And Infectious Diseases Nice France 1- 4 aprilie 2006

Constantea N şi Petrica Ciobanca 2007 Studiul clinic pentru icircmbunătăţirea metodelor de

diagnostic de laborator şi profilaxia chistului hidatic RevRomde Parasitol 17 48-49

Junie Monica N Constantea Petrica Ciobanca 2007 Surveillance programme in

echinococcosis and importance in the prophylaxis and therapy of human infection Clinical

Microbiology and Infection 132

Christofidou M Spiliopoulou A Vamvacopoulou S Stamoulis V Dimitracopoulos G

Anastassiou ED Monica Junie Costache C Colosi I Ciobanca P T 2008 Species

distribution and antifungal susceptibility of Candida isolates collected from hospitalized patients

in Romania and Greece Scientia Parasitologica161-7 ISSN 1582 - 1366

L M Junie Vasile Cozma Zoe Coroiu Petrica Ciobanca 2009 ldquoEpidemiology of human

echinococcosis in Europe pg 109-127

Junie Monica S Răpuntean N Fiţ Cosmina Cuc F Puiu Gh Răpuntean L Deac Simion P

T Ciobanca 2009 Alternative therapies for combating antimicrobial resistence and reduction

of severe nosocomial infections Abstract Book of IMED (International Meeting on Emerging

Diseases and Surveillance) Vienna Austria Februarie 13-16 2009 Abstract 10152 pg86

V Cosma PT Ciobanca R Blaga C Gherman Lia Monica Junie 2009 Hydatidosis

Epidemiology at Humans and Animals in the Area of the Center and North-Vest Romania

Abstract book of IMED bdquoInternational Meeting on Emerging Diseases and Surveillancerdquo

Vienna Austria Februarie pg86

Ciobanca Petrica Monica Junie 2011 Serological diagnosis and its applicability to the

prophylaxis and therapy of hydatid cyst in human patients Rev Scienţia Parasitologica 121


Ciobanca Petrica Teofil Junie Lia Monica 2011 Diagnosis confirmation of human cystic

echinococcosis by imagistic methods and immunoserological determinations Scientia

Parasitologica12(3) 151-161

13 Foreign languages English-advanced French ndashbeginner German ndash beginner

14 Specialties and qualifications Ultrasound scan PC operator

15 Experience assimilated within the national international programs

Program project Position Period

A national network making regarding

the study of some parasitic zoonosis and

their implications in food safetyCEEX

1782005 lasting 25 months

Developed in collaboration with the

Agricultural Sciences and Veterinary

Medicine University

Doctoral student Economic

responsible person

2006 ndash2007

Interdisciplinary evaluation and

optimization of the screening diagnosis

and treatment methods in triquinelosis

human and animal cystic echinococcosis

in the centre and north - west of

Romania - TRICHIDrdquo CEEX program


Developed between the Agricultural

Sciences and Veterinary Medicine

University (project leader) and UMF

Cluj-Napoca (partner)

Doctoral student Economic

responsible person

2006 -2008

bdquoA national network making for

researching the dermatophytosis in

human and animals CEEX program


Developed between USAMV (project of

the leader) and UMF Cluj- Napoca


Doctoral student Economic

responsible person


I declare on my own liability that the data mentioned are according to reality



The Echinococcosis hydatidosis (the hydatid disease or the hydatid cyst) is a parasitic

disease determined by genus Echinococcus which may evolve with the most severe and different

implications Despite progresses in control and monitoring fields this parasitosis keeps representing

an important issue of the public health in the most parts of the world [1]

According to WHO classification the disease is a zoonosis which brings a lot of health issues

both in humans and animals because the causing parasites in order to end their biological cycle pass

through more vertebrate animal hosts (as for example dogs for the humans)

Due to its high prevalence the severe clinical ndash developing forms the morphofunctional

complications with high primary or secondary mortality the disease if frequently met both in rural

and urban environment at all age groups alarming prevalence in youngsters and occupational risk

groups [2]

In our country area the hydatid pathology has a quite high frequency the north ndash western part

of Transylvania being described an endemic area with important cases [3] the medicine of Cluj

having a significant experience in hydatid cyst diagnosis and treatment

Despite the lately achievements in human echinococcosis diagnosis and therapy it still has

an important place in morbidity and mortality structure within surgical services So in this way

presenting some briefly data over the different aspects the hydatid disease may adopt in its

development from clinical imagistic serological point of view and their importance evaluation in

early recognition and diagnosis of the disease


Chapter 1 Genus Echinococcus

The parasite responsible for causing human hydatidosis is a Platyhelminthe belonging to

Cestoda class (Eucestoda) Taeniidae family Genus Echinococcus The species of genus

Echinococcus considered as etiologic agents of echinococcosis hydatidosis according to WHO

experts are as follows

- Echinococcus granulosus (Batsch 1786) - cystic echinococcosis

- Echinococcus multilocularis (Leuckart 1863) ndash alveolar echinococcosis

- Echinococcus oligarthus (Diesing 1863)

- Echinococcus vogeli (Rausch Bernstein 1972) ndash polycystic echinococcosis

The issue of the 5th

species existence arose Ecruzi (Rausch and co ndash 1978 Kumaratilake

and Thompson ndash 1982) but Rausch and co (1984) comparing its features with Evogeli and

Eoligarthus remarked that in fact E cruzi is similar to E oligarthus

The geographical distribution of hydatidosis loyally follows the sheep breeders developing

curve and it is determined by pastoral promiscuity fact that determined Deve assert that the hydatid

disease is one of the dirty hands diseases

The wide range of animal species which may be intermediary hosts and their circulation from

Europe in other parts of the world made that Echinococcus be spread on the entire globe

In 2009 ECDC reported 790 cases of human echinococcosis with 11 lower than in 2008

(n= 891) Among the reported cases where the infecting species is known predominated the infection

with Egranulosus (72) while Emultilocularis infection was reported as having a frequency 3

times lower [4]


The hydatid cyst is often an invaliding disease with possible and often severe complications

(anaphylactic shock) with often difficult surgical therapy and frequent post-surgery recidivations

The clinical behaviours due to the complications settled through the aforementioned mechanisms

appear when the hydatid cyst sizes become considerable

The clinical framework of the hydatid cyst is little characteristic Quite often it is completely

asymptomatically and discovered purely by chance Other times the patients accused discomfort in

the right hypochondrium or even intense pain The allergic reactions are quite frequently from

urticaria reaction up to alergodermy or even anaphylactic shock (generally in case of fissure or even

the hydatid cyst rupture)

The morphological determination of the hydatid cysts may be done through thoracic

ultrasound scan computer tomography (CT) and magnetic resonance (MR)

The imagistic methods for human hydatidosis diagnosis are completed with immunodiagnosis

reactions aiming the parasitic aetiology confirmation of the determined formations through immune

induced response In the last years exists a tendency of immunologic diagnosis staging firstly

primary tests are used following to be confirmed through other methods having a significantly

specificity (secondary tests) [5]

The hydatid cyst modern management require involving all therapeutic methods medical

percutaneous and surgical The surgery is not anymore the first election for treating any hepatic

hydatid cyst In patients with univesicular cyst smaller that 4 cm the chosen therapy is the

monotherapy with albendazole

PAIR is indicated when the pain in not treatable or the albendazole is ineffective The

percutaneous treatment combines the alcohol and polidocanol but cannot be used in case of cysto-

billiary fistula

The surgery is used in cases when in percutaneous therapy no experts exist and the

percutaneous treatment cannot safely performed due to a significant extra-hepatic extension with

perforation risk of the cyst orand in case of cyst rupture in the peritoneal cavity [6]


STUDY 1 The applicability of the serological methods in the diagnosis therapy and

prophylaxis of human hydatid disease

The aim of this study was serological tests (ELISA method) conducting and evaluation as

screening and diagnosis methods of cystic echinococcosis The tests were conducted in symptomatic

and asymptomatic persons from Cluj and Sălaj Counties in order to estimate the disease frequency in

these counties In the persons where anti-echinococcus IgG antibodies were determined imagistic

investigations were performed in order to confirm the clinical and serological diagnosis of hydatid


The investigations allowed clarifying the epidemiological diagnosis therapeutic and

prognostic aspect regarding cystic echinococcosis

Material and method

The study was conducted during January 2007 ndash December 2009 and included 279

symptomatic and asymptomatic persons from Cluj and Sălaj Counties in order to determine the

presence and the level of anti-echinococcus antibodies level in the population of the two regions and

implicitly the asymptomatic infection using ELISA immunoenzyme method

In order to confirm the hydatid cyst diagnosis determined through serological test I used the

following imagistic methods abdominal pelvic ultrasound scan cranial CT thorax CT thorax Rx


Out of the 279 persons examined in both counties (Cluj şi Sălaj) in 22 patients was

determined positive serology the seropositivity frequency was of 789 (IC= 5 -1169) in the

studied sample suggesting the possible hydatid infection in seropositive persons

The real frequency of parasitosis is obviously higher because the symptomatic cases

represent only the peak of infestation pyramid while the asymptomatic cases form the unseen higher

basis of it

The serological screening performed in the north - western and central region of the country

showed the Egranulosus infection presence with the possibility of its active transmission The

obtained results demonstrate the higher percentage of the seropositve persons in Cluj County and

suggest a higher incidence of the hydatidosis in this region This conclusion was elaborated

following a research project conducting with the title Interdisciplinary evaluation and optimization

of the screening diagnosis and treatment methods in triquinelosis human and animal cystic

echinococcosis in the centre and north - west of Romania conducted during 2006-2008 where I

partake as a member

In 7714 of the patients in imagistic investigation the hydatidosis diagnosis could be

confirmed The patients had clear imagines for hydatid cyst with different locations hepatic

(6538) pulmonary (588) renal (588) The results of our researches suggest that a certain

proportion of the investigated population was positive in IgG anti-Echinococcus without having in

the organism the hydatid determined through imagistic methods


The lack of knowledge population ignorance and even of some specialists in sanitary field

regarding the biological cycle of E granulosus species and the hosts it has as well as the risk

involved by a tight contact with the permanent host are causes of main importance in parasite easy

spreading The results obtained following this study are similar with the results of some analogous

studies from the specialty literature conducted in endemic areas for human cystic echinococcosis [3]

In a study performed on an asymptomatic sample of persons in 12 of the cases the

ultrasound scan did not determine cystic form characteristic to the hydatid cyst although the

serological test was positive [7]

STUDY II Evaluation and optimization of the diagnosis methods in hydatid disease

The study has the following aims 1 the evaluation of the clinical examination in the

presumptive diagnosis and imagistic diagnosis evaluation in the hydatid disease 2 Evaluation of

ELISA method Western-Blott and the laboratory methods in order to confirm the clinical and

imagistic diagnosis of hydatid cyst 3 The comparative study of the imagistic methods (ultrasound

scan Rx CT RM) with the serological methods (ELISA Western-blott methods) and the evaluation

of their utility in differentiating the cystic and alveolar echinococcosis and in performing the

differential diagnosis and interpretation of the cross-reactions

23 Material and method

The study was performed during 2006 ndash 2010 and included a representative sample of 189

symptomatic persons with suggestive symptoms and imagistic suspicion of hydatid disease Other

studied persons were those for whom surgical intervention was performed in hydatid cyst and

persons having non-specific laboratory results but with suspicions of parasitic disease

The working material I used were the medical and surgical cases from the Medical and

Surgical Clinics of Cluj-Napoca and Sălaj (Clinica Chirurgie III Clinica Chirurgie V și and the

ambulatory of a private policlinic) The types of data collected and used within this study were

gender age origin clinical diagnosis the hydatid cyst complications hydatid cyst antecedents the

imagistic diagnosis methods performed (abdominal ultrasound scan pulmonary Rx CT RM

surgical treatment the examination of the surgical piece hystopathological) laboratory analysis

finding the location of the cystic formation depending on the hepatic segmentation and depending on

the organ in question the serological diagnosis methods performed (immunoenzyme IgG anti-

echinococcus ELISA method IgG echinococcus Western- blot method)

24 Results

The results obtained determined that there isnrsquot a significant association between IgG

echinococcus Western-blot and the hydatid disease diagnosis (pgt005) notwithstanding when

eosinophilia is present results a relatively high coincidence of 71 (IC=52 - 85) with the hydatid

cyst diagnosis

The statistic analysis of imagistic investigation results and surgical and paraclinical

confirmation results correlation presented a sensibility of 9689 for the imagistic investigation the

specificity was of 100 they dont differ significantly from statistical point of view The diagnosis

value of the imagistic examination is given by the positive predictive value (PPV) and the negative

one (NPP) both of them are over 84 although the NPP is statistical significantly lower than PPV

The evaluation of IgG antiechinococcus ELISA results compared with the surgical

hystopathological and paraclinical confirmation of hydatid cyst diagnosis determines a Specificity of

9643 and a PPV of 9919 as these are very high it may be considered that ELISA method is a

good screening test

By comparison with imagistic ultrasound scan or CT investigations the IgG

antiechinococcus ELISA has a lower Youden index As a consequence from this point of view IgG

antiechinococcus ELISA seems to be a less conclusive diagnosis test comparing with the mentioned

imagistic investigations On the other side comparing the trust intervals of Specificity PPV and

imagistic investigations (globally ultrasound scan CT) and IgG antiechinococcus ELISA we observe

that they donrsquot differ statistically speaking

The imagistic investigation results and those of IgG antiechinococcus ELISA associate

significantly It is noticeable that at the same time with the other association coefficients

(contingency Kendal tau coefficient) the concordance coefficient between the imagistic

investigation results and those of the IgG antiechinococcus ELISA are significantly statistical

(plt0001) It should be mentioned that the concordance measure Kappa = 0522 indicates the fact

that between the two examinations exist a moderate concordance

Imunoblot technique is a strong confirmation and differential serological diagnosis test

between the two major relevant infections the cystic and alveolar echinococcosis [8]

The evaluation of IgG echinococcus Western Blot investigation results by comparison with

the surgical hystopathological and paraclinial confirmation of hydatid cyst diagnosis revealed a

Specificity of 100 an a positive predictive value of 100 as these are very high you may consider

that the IgG echinococcus Western Blot detecting test is a good screening test

It is noticeable that at the same time with the other association coefficients (contingency

Kendal tau coefficient) the concordance coefficient between the imagistic investigation results and

those of the IgG echinococcus Western blot are significantly statistical (plt0001) It should be

mentioned that the concordance measure Kappa = 0816 indicates the fact that between the two

examinations exist a very good concordance


The evaluation of the eosinophilia as diagnosis marker in cystic echinococcosis allowed

some authors to assert that eosinophilia is not enough to settle the cystic echinococcosis diagnosis

but also a complementary clinical diagnosis [9]

The ultrasound scan sensibility and specificity was reported in more studies in the literature

as between 88-98 and 95-100 respectively for human cystic and alveolar echinococcosis The

authors consider it as the ldquogolden standardrdquo although admit the imperfection of this technique The

clinical investigation the laboratory examination and the epidemiological data are also considered

important for the cystic and alveolar echinococcosis diagnosis [10


The serological tests contribute to the diagnosis IgG antibodies detection had a sensibility of

95 and 94 specificity in a study conducted by Shambesh MA and company [11

] The sensibility

obtained by Shambesh is significantly higher than that determined in our study which determines a

sensibility of 74 with IC= 6907-8272 In exchange the specificity doesnt differ significantly

from statistical point of view of that obtained in our study (9643 IC=8165-9991)

The echinococcosis infections are considered ones of the most dangerous human helminthic

diseases The difference between the cystic and alveolar echinococcosis is important from the

prognostic and treatment point of view

In different stages of cystic and alveolar echinococcosis the most relevant test was

appreciated the Western blot IgG echinococus test whih confirmed the positive results [12


The research conducted in order to determined IgG echinococcus presence through Western

blot method reported to the considered golden method (surgical hystopathological and paraclinical

diagnosis confirmation) showed a sensibility of 9211 (IC = 7862 - 9834) the specificity

being of 100 (IC = 8389 - 100) data like the ones met in the specialty literature

In the most countries the alveolar echinococcosis has an endemic character and is

continuously extending with an alarming rapidity becoming an emergent disease

The adult parasite Emultilocularis was not yet found in Romania up now in any permanent

host [13


The study conducted revealed through the Western blot method for the first time in our

country the possibility of infection with Echinococcus multilocularis in human Next studies are

needed to determine the alveolar echinococcosis persons in Romania under the conditions of its

existence in a number of countries in Europe including Romania neighbouring countries (Hungary

Ukraine) centralizing the recent researches about the epidemiological situation the clinical

problems and the therapeutic options the authors described in the first case the alveolar

echinococcosis in Hungary In order to confirm these rare infections you must take in consideration

the differential diagnosis with other infiltrative hepatic lesions [14


No case was confirmed in Romania through other studies We recommend the introduction of

this method in the screening and diagnosis of this serious disease

In the attempt to compare the methods used in hydatid cyst diagnosis and the obtained results

through these methods we may assert that Western blot IgG echinococcus test is the most sensible in

determining an etiological diagnosis


1 Junie Monica Zoe Coroiu Carmen Costache 2002 The consequences of Echinococcus

granulosus infection in the human population Rev Scienţia Parasitologica 32 86-91

2 Seres Ştefania Monica Junie V Cozma 2009 Prevalence of Echinococcus granulosus in Cluj

county Romania revealed by PCR Rev Scienţia Parasitologica 1o1-2 68-71

3 Coroiu Zoe Judith Bele Cornelia Munteanu Rodica Radu 2007 Aspecte epidemiologice

privind hidatidoza umană icircn judeţul Cluj pe o perioada de 20 de ani (1981-2000) Rev Scientia

Parasitologica 81 32-38

4 A Lahuerta T Westrell J Takkinen F Boelaert V Rizzi B Helwigh B Borck H

Korsgaard A Ammon P Maumlkelauml Zoonoses icircn the European Union origin distribution and

dynamics ndash the EFSA - ECDC summary report 2009

5 Craig PS 1997 Immunodiagnosis of Echinococcus granulosus and a comparison of techniques

for diagnosis of canine echinococcosis In Compendium on cystic echinococcosis icircn Africa and

Middle Eastern countries with special reference to Morocco Brigham Young University Pris

Services Provo

6 Schipper HG Modern management of echinococcosis World Gastroenterology News vol 9 nr

2 2004

7 Arda B H Pulukccedilu T Yamazhan OR Sipahi S Tamsel G Demirpolat M Korkmaz 2009

Prevalence of Echinococcus granulosus detected using enzyme immunoassay and abdominal

ultrasonography icircn a group of students staying icircn a state dormitory icircn Turkey Turk J Med Sci

391 1-4

8Liance M V Janin S Bresson-Hadni DA Vuitton R Houin R Piarroux 2000

Immunodiagnosis of Echinococcus infections confirmatory testing and species differentiation by a

new comercial Western blot J Clin Microbiol 38 3718-3721

9Karadam SY Ertabaklar H Sari C Dayanir Y Ertuğ S Should cystic echinococcosis be

investigated icircn patients having high eosinophil countsTurkiye Parazitol Derg 200933(3)203-6

10 Macpherson CN Milner R Performance characteristics and quality control of community based

ultrasound surveys for cystic and alveolar echinococcosis Acta Trop 2003 Feb85(2)203-9

11 Shambesh MA Craig PS Macpherson CN Rogan MT Gusbi AM Echtuish EF An extensive

ultrasound and serologic study to investigate the prevalence of human cystic echinococcosis icircn

northern Libya Am J Trop Med Hyg 1999 Mar 60(3)462-8

12 Reiter-Owona I Gruumlner B Frosch M Hoerauf A Kern P Tappe D Serological confirmatory

testing of alveolar and cystic echinococcosis in clinical practice results of a comparative study

with commercialized and in-house assays Clin Lab 200955(1-2)41-8

13 Sikoacute Barabaacutesi S Și Cozma V 2008 Echinococoza alveolară O posibilă zoonoză emergentă icircn

Romacircnia (Sinteză) RevScientia Parasitologica 9 1 48-60

14 Horvaacuteth Andrea Patonay Attila Baacutenhegyi Deacutenes Szlaacutevik Jaacutenos Balaacutezs Gyoumlrgy Goumlroumlg Deacutenes

Eacutes Werling Klaacutera A humaacuten Echinococcus multilocularis infectio elsocirc hazai esete Beeacuterkezett

2007 november 16 elfogadva 2008 maacutercius 7


1 Surname Ciobanca

2 Name Petrica Teofil

3 Date and place of birth 25111979 Zalau Salaj

4 Citizenship Romanian

5 Marital status married

6 Contact Tel 0040-740052584 E-mailpetrica_ciobancayahoocom

7 Studies


bdquoVasile Goldisrdquo

West University


ldquoIuliu Haţieganurdquo

University of

Medicine and

Pharmacy of Cluj-


ldquoCarol Davilardquo

University of

Medicine of




University of

Medicine and

Pharmacy of


Theoretical High

School of Zalau

Physics -



Period October 2004

June 2005

January 2005

February 2005

January 2005

March 2005

October 1998

September 2004

September 1994

July 1998

Skills of



Masterrsquos Degree



Accounting and


Management of

the Companies

Certificate of


general ultrasound

scan post-

university course

module I

Certificate of



ultrasound scan


course module






High School


8 Scientific title Medical doctor University Assistant Full-time doctoral student 9 Professional experience

Period Position Responsibilities

01 11 2005 ndash up


- University Assistant

- Resident Physician in

Laboratory Medicine

- Full-time doctoral


UM F bdquoIuliu Hatieganurdquo CLUJ

- Didactical activity in Microbiology (Bacteriology

Parasitology Virology Mycology) with the 2nd



students General Medicine Pharmacy Medical Colleges

within Iuliu Hatieganu University of Medicine and


- Stages within residency activity

- Research activity

01012006 ndash up


- Physician SALVO - SAN

- medical practice in general medicine

0106 2009 ndash

2011 2009


-Medical practice clinical investigations before and after


-The manager of resuscitation team in emergency cases

15012007 ndash


Resident physician in

Family Medicine Spitalul Clinic Judetean de Urgenta Cluj Napoca

- clinical examinations EKG diagnosis and treatment

stages in Obstetrics and Gynaecology Psychiatry Infectious


29082005 ndash


Physician in training Kantonal Flawil Hospital Switzerland

-Internal Medicine stages presentations and diagnosis


01012005 ndash Physician in training Spitalul Clinic Municipal Cluj Napoca

01012006 - Internal Medicine stages for 6 months

- Surgery stages for 6 months

14032005 ndash


Physician in training bdquoMaria Sklodowska Curierdquo Paediatrics Clinical Hospital

- I assisted in the performance of endoscopic investigations

Post university courses General ultrasound scan first module January 2005 - February 2005

General ultrasound scan second module January 2005 ndash March 2005

Occupational medicine

Surgical emergencies in the children

Resuscitation course in adults

ALS - London Ambulance Service

EPLS - Royal Brompton Hospital London

Emergency ultrasonography


Doppler echography

10 The current place of work and position University assistant Full-time doctoral student

bdquoIuliu Hatieganurdquo University of Medicine and Pharmacy of Cluj-Napoca

11 Seniority in the current place of work 6 years

12 Works elaborated and or published Monica Junie Petrica Ciobanca (B-783) 2005 Comparison of Antibiotic Resistance of

Pseudomonas Aeruginosa Strains Isolated from Different Types of Infections Abstracts of the

XIth International Congress of Bacteriology and Applied Microbiology July 23-28 San

Francisco California USA - ISBN1-555-81-353-4

Monica Junie Petrica Ciobanca (M-722) 2005 Evolution of Resistance Phenomenon to

Antimycotic Drugs of Candida Species and Dermatophytes Abstracts of the XIth International

Congress of Mycology July 23-28 San Francisco California USA ISBN1-555-81-354-2

Lia Monica Junie Doina Matinca Doina Tăţulescu AN Ferke Petrica Ciobanca 2006

Evolution of Antibiotic Resistance of Pseudomonas aeruginosa strains isolated from Hospital

Infectious International Journal of Infectious Diseases vol10 suppl 1 ISSN 1201 ndash 9712 pag

S 78 Lisabon Portugal ISSN 1201-9712 IJID indexed in MEDLINE EMCASE Escerpta

Media and Urlichs Elsevier Publishing Presented at the International Congress of Infectious

Diseases sesiunea Antibiotic Resistance ndash Gram negatives (poster nr 13003) iunie 15-18

Lia Monica Junie Zoe Coroiu şi col AN Ferke Petrica Ciobanca 2006 The significance of

AntiToxoplasma IgG and IgM Antibodies Detection in Toxoplasmosis Diagnosis Abstract

books the 12th

ISID pag 80 Presented at the 12th

ISID 15-18 iunie 2006 Lisbon Portugal

Sectiunea Parasitic Infectious

Junie Monica Petrica Ciobanca 2006 Species Distribution and Antifungal Susceptibility Of

Candida Isolates Colected From Hospitalised Patients Abstracts of 16th

European Congress Of

Clinical Microbiology And Infectious Diseases Nice France 1- 4 aprilie 2006

Constantea N şi Petrica Ciobanca 2007 Studiul clinic pentru icircmbunătăţirea metodelor de

diagnostic de laborator şi profilaxia chistului hidatic RevRomde Parasitol 17 48-49

Junie Monica N Constantea Petrica Ciobanca 2007 Surveillance programme in

echinococcosis and importance in the prophylaxis and therapy of human infection Clinical

Microbiology and Infection 132

Christofidou M Spiliopoulou A Vamvacopoulou S Stamoulis V Dimitracopoulos G

Anastassiou ED Monica Junie Costache C Colosi I Ciobanca P T 2008 Species

distribution and antifungal susceptibility of Candida isolates collected from hospitalized patients

in Romania and Greece Scientia Parasitologica161-7 ISSN 1582 - 1366

L M Junie Vasile Cozma Zoe Coroiu Petrica Ciobanca 2009 ldquoEpidemiology of human

echinococcosis in Europe pg 109-127

Junie Monica S Răpuntean N Fiţ Cosmina Cuc F Puiu Gh Răpuntean L Deac Simion P

T Ciobanca 2009 Alternative therapies for combating antimicrobial resistence and reduction

of severe nosocomial infections Abstract Book of IMED (International Meeting on Emerging

Diseases and Surveillance) Vienna Austria Februarie 13-16 2009 Abstract 10152 pg86

V Cosma PT Ciobanca R Blaga C Gherman Lia Monica Junie 2009 Hydatidosis

Epidemiology at Humans and Animals in the Area of the Center and North-Vest Romania

Abstract book of IMED bdquoInternational Meeting on Emerging Diseases and Surveillancerdquo

Vienna Austria Februarie pg86

Ciobanca Petrica Monica Junie 2011 Serological diagnosis and its applicability to the

prophylaxis and therapy of hydatid cyst in human patients Rev Scienţia Parasitologica 121


Ciobanca Petrica Teofil Junie Lia Monica 2011 Diagnosis confirmation of human cystic

echinococcosis by imagistic methods and immunoserological determinations Scientia

Parasitologica12(3) 151-161

13 Foreign languages English-advanced French ndashbeginner German ndash beginner

14 Specialties and qualifications Ultrasound scan PC operator

15 Experience assimilated within the national international programs

Program project Position Period

A national network making regarding

the study of some parasitic zoonosis and

their implications in food safetyCEEX

1782005 lasting 25 months

Developed in collaboration with the

Agricultural Sciences and Veterinary

Medicine University

Doctoral student Economic

responsible person

2006 ndash2007

Interdisciplinary evaluation and

optimization of the screening diagnosis

and treatment methods in triquinelosis

human and animal cystic echinococcosis

in the centre and north - west of

Romania - TRICHIDrdquo CEEX program


Developed between the Agricultural

Sciences and Veterinary Medicine

University (project leader) and UMF

Cluj-Napoca (partner)

Doctoral student Economic

responsible person

2006 -2008

bdquoA national network making for

researching the dermatophytosis in

human and animals CEEX program


Developed between USAMV (project of

the leader) and UMF Cluj- Napoca


Doctoral student Economic

responsible person


I declare on my own liability that the data mentioned are according to reality



The hydatid cyst is often an invaliding disease with possible and often severe complications

(anaphylactic shock) with often difficult surgical therapy and frequent post-surgery recidivations

The clinical behaviours due to the complications settled through the aforementioned mechanisms

appear when the hydatid cyst sizes become considerable

The clinical framework of the hydatid cyst is little characteristic Quite often it is completely

asymptomatically and discovered purely by chance Other times the patients accused discomfort in

the right hypochondrium or even intense pain The allergic reactions are quite frequently from

urticaria reaction up to alergodermy or even anaphylactic shock (generally in case of fissure or even

the hydatid cyst rupture)

The morphological determination of the hydatid cysts may be done through thoracic

ultrasound scan computer tomography (CT) and magnetic resonance (MR)

The imagistic methods for human hydatidosis diagnosis are completed with immunodiagnosis

reactions aiming the parasitic aetiology confirmation of the determined formations through immune

induced response In the last years exists a tendency of immunologic diagnosis staging firstly

primary tests are used following to be confirmed through other methods having a significantly

specificity (secondary tests) [5]

The hydatid cyst modern management require involving all therapeutic methods medical

percutaneous and surgical The surgery is not anymore the first election for treating any hepatic

hydatid cyst In patients with univesicular cyst smaller that 4 cm the chosen therapy is the

monotherapy with albendazole

PAIR is indicated when the pain in not treatable or the albendazole is ineffective The

percutaneous treatment combines the alcohol and polidocanol but cannot be used in case of cysto-

billiary fistula

The surgery is used in cases when in percutaneous therapy no experts exist and the

percutaneous treatment cannot safely performed due to a significant extra-hepatic extension with

perforation risk of the cyst orand in case of cyst rupture in the peritoneal cavity [6]


STUDY 1 The applicability of the serological methods in the diagnosis therapy and

prophylaxis of human hydatid disease

The aim of this study was serological tests (ELISA method) conducting and evaluation as

screening and diagnosis methods of cystic echinococcosis The tests were conducted in symptomatic

and asymptomatic persons from Cluj and Sălaj Counties in order to estimate the disease frequency in

these counties In the persons where anti-echinococcus IgG antibodies were determined imagistic

investigations were performed in order to confirm the clinical and serological diagnosis of hydatid


The investigations allowed clarifying the epidemiological diagnosis therapeutic and

prognostic aspect regarding cystic echinococcosis

Material and method

The study was conducted during January 2007 ndash December 2009 and included 279

symptomatic and asymptomatic persons from Cluj and Sălaj Counties in order to determine the

presence and the level of anti-echinococcus antibodies level in the population of the two regions and

implicitly the asymptomatic infection using ELISA immunoenzyme method

In order to confirm the hydatid cyst diagnosis determined through serological test I used the

following imagistic methods abdominal pelvic ultrasound scan cranial CT thorax CT thorax Rx


Out of the 279 persons examined in both counties (Cluj şi Sălaj) in 22 patients was

determined positive serology the seropositivity frequency was of 789 (IC= 5 -1169) in the

studied sample suggesting the possible hydatid infection in seropositive persons

The real frequency of parasitosis is obviously higher because the symptomatic cases

represent only the peak of infestation pyramid while the asymptomatic cases form the unseen higher

basis of it

The serological screening performed in the north - western and central region of the country

showed the Egranulosus infection presence with the possibility of its active transmission The

obtained results demonstrate the higher percentage of the seropositve persons in Cluj County and

suggest a higher incidence of the hydatidosis in this region This conclusion was elaborated

following a research project conducting with the title Interdisciplinary evaluation and optimization

of the screening diagnosis and treatment methods in triquinelosis human and animal cystic

echinococcosis in the centre and north - west of Romania conducted during 2006-2008 where I

partake as a member

In 7714 of the patients in imagistic investigation the hydatidosis diagnosis could be

confirmed The patients had clear imagines for hydatid cyst with different locations hepatic

(6538) pulmonary (588) renal (588) The results of our researches suggest that a certain

proportion of the investigated population was positive in IgG anti-Echinococcus without having in

the organism the hydatid determined through imagistic methods


The lack of knowledge population ignorance and even of some specialists in sanitary field

regarding the biological cycle of E granulosus species and the hosts it has as well as the risk

involved by a tight contact with the permanent host are causes of main importance in parasite easy

spreading The results obtained following this study are similar with the results of some analogous

studies from the specialty literature conducted in endemic areas for human cystic echinococcosis [3]

In a study performed on an asymptomatic sample of persons in 12 of the cases the

ultrasound scan did not determine cystic form characteristic to the hydatid cyst although the

serological test was positive [7]

STUDY II Evaluation and optimization of the diagnosis methods in hydatid disease

The study has the following aims 1 the evaluation of the clinical examination in the

presumptive diagnosis and imagistic diagnosis evaluation in the hydatid disease 2 Evaluation of

ELISA method Western-Blott and the laboratory methods in order to confirm the clinical and

imagistic diagnosis of hydatid cyst 3 The comparative study of the imagistic methods (ultrasound

scan Rx CT RM) with the serological methods (ELISA Western-blott methods) and the evaluation

of their utility in differentiating the cystic and alveolar echinococcosis and in performing the

differential diagnosis and interpretation of the cross-reactions

23 Material and method

The study was performed during 2006 ndash 2010 and included a representative sample of 189

symptomatic persons with suggestive symptoms and imagistic suspicion of hydatid disease Other

studied persons were those for whom surgical intervention was performed in hydatid cyst and

persons having non-specific laboratory results but with suspicions of parasitic disease

The working material I used were the medical and surgical cases from the Medical and

Surgical Clinics of Cluj-Napoca and Sălaj (Clinica Chirurgie III Clinica Chirurgie V și and the

ambulatory of a private policlinic) The types of data collected and used within this study were

gender age origin clinical diagnosis the hydatid cyst complications hydatid cyst antecedents the

imagistic diagnosis methods performed (abdominal ultrasound scan pulmonary Rx CT RM

surgical treatment the examination of the surgical piece hystopathological) laboratory analysis

finding the location of the cystic formation depending on the hepatic segmentation and depending on

the organ in question the serological diagnosis methods performed (immunoenzyme IgG anti-

echinococcus ELISA method IgG echinococcus Western- blot method)

24 Results

The results obtained determined that there isnrsquot a significant association between IgG

echinococcus Western-blot and the hydatid disease diagnosis (pgt005) notwithstanding when

eosinophilia is present results a relatively high coincidence of 71 (IC=52 - 85) with the hydatid

cyst diagnosis

The statistic analysis of imagistic investigation results and surgical and paraclinical

confirmation results correlation presented a sensibility of 9689 for the imagistic investigation the

specificity was of 100 they dont differ significantly from statistical point of view The diagnosis

value of the imagistic examination is given by the positive predictive value (PPV) and the negative

one (NPP) both of them are over 84 although the NPP is statistical significantly lower than PPV

The evaluation of IgG antiechinococcus ELISA results compared with the surgical

hystopathological and paraclinical confirmation of hydatid cyst diagnosis determines a Specificity of

9643 and a PPV of 9919 as these are very high it may be considered that ELISA method is a

good screening test

By comparison with imagistic ultrasound scan or CT investigations the IgG

antiechinococcus ELISA has a lower Youden index As a consequence from this point of view IgG

antiechinococcus ELISA seems to be a less conclusive diagnosis test comparing with the mentioned

imagistic investigations On the other side comparing the trust intervals of Specificity PPV and

imagistic investigations (globally ultrasound scan CT) and IgG antiechinococcus ELISA we observe

that they donrsquot differ statistically speaking

The imagistic investigation results and those of IgG antiechinococcus ELISA associate

significantly It is noticeable that at the same time with the other association coefficients

(contingency Kendal tau coefficient) the concordance coefficient between the imagistic

investigation results and those of the IgG antiechinococcus ELISA are significantly statistical

(plt0001) It should be mentioned that the concordance measure Kappa = 0522 indicates the fact

that between the two examinations exist a moderate concordance

Imunoblot technique is a strong confirmation and differential serological diagnosis test

between the two major relevant infections the cystic and alveolar echinococcosis [8]

The evaluation of IgG echinococcus Western Blot investigation results by comparison with

the surgical hystopathological and paraclinial confirmation of hydatid cyst diagnosis revealed a

Specificity of 100 an a positive predictive value of 100 as these are very high you may consider

that the IgG echinococcus Western Blot detecting test is a good screening test

It is noticeable that at the same time with the other association coefficients (contingency

Kendal tau coefficient) the concordance coefficient between the imagistic investigation results and

those of the IgG echinococcus Western blot are significantly statistical (plt0001) It should be

mentioned that the concordance measure Kappa = 0816 indicates the fact that between the two

examinations exist a very good concordance


The evaluation of the eosinophilia as diagnosis marker in cystic echinococcosis allowed

some authors to assert that eosinophilia is not enough to settle the cystic echinococcosis diagnosis

but also a complementary clinical diagnosis [9]

The ultrasound scan sensibility and specificity was reported in more studies in the literature

as between 88-98 and 95-100 respectively for human cystic and alveolar echinococcosis The

authors consider it as the ldquogolden standardrdquo although admit the imperfection of this technique The

clinical investigation the laboratory examination and the epidemiological data are also considered

important for the cystic and alveolar echinococcosis diagnosis [10


The serological tests contribute to the diagnosis IgG antibodies detection had a sensibility of

95 and 94 specificity in a study conducted by Shambesh MA and company [11

] The sensibility

obtained by Shambesh is significantly higher than that determined in our study which determines a

sensibility of 74 with IC= 6907-8272 In exchange the specificity doesnt differ significantly

from statistical point of view of that obtained in our study (9643 IC=8165-9991)

The echinococcosis infections are considered ones of the most dangerous human helminthic

diseases The difference between the cystic and alveolar echinococcosis is important from the

prognostic and treatment point of view

In different stages of cystic and alveolar echinococcosis the most relevant test was

appreciated the Western blot IgG echinococus test whih confirmed the positive results [12


The research conducted in order to determined IgG echinococcus presence through Western

blot method reported to the considered golden method (surgical hystopathological and paraclinical

diagnosis confirmation) showed a sensibility of 9211 (IC = 7862 - 9834) the specificity

being of 100 (IC = 8389 - 100) data like the ones met in the specialty literature

In the most countries the alveolar echinococcosis has an endemic character and is

continuously extending with an alarming rapidity becoming an emergent disease

The adult parasite Emultilocularis was not yet found in Romania up now in any permanent

host [13


The study conducted revealed through the Western blot method for the first time in our

country the possibility of infection with Echinococcus multilocularis in human Next studies are

needed to determine the alveolar echinococcosis persons in Romania under the conditions of its

existence in a number of countries in Europe including Romania neighbouring countries (Hungary

Ukraine) centralizing the recent researches about the epidemiological situation the clinical

problems and the therapeutic options the authors described in the first case the alveolar

echinococcosis in Hungary In order to confirm these rare infections you must take in consideration

the differential diagnosis with other infiltrative hepatic lesions [14


No case was confirmed in Romania through other studies We recommend the introduction of

this method in the screening and diagnosis of this serious disease

In the attempt to compare the methods used in hydatid cyst diagnosis and the obtained results

through these methods we may assert that Western blot IgG echinococcus test is the most sensible in

determining an etiological diagnosis


1 Junie Monica Zoe Coroiu Carmen Costache 2002 The consequences of Echinococcus

granulosus infection in the human population Rev Scienţia Parasitologica 32 86-91

2 Seres Ştefania Monica Junie V Cozma 2009 Prevalence of Echinococcus granulosus in Cluj

county Romania revealed by PCR Rev Scienţia Parasitologica 1o1-2 68-71

3 Coroiu Zoe Judith Bele Cornelia Munteanu Rodica Radu 2007 Aspecte epidemiologice

privind hidatidoza umană icircn judeţul Cluj pe o perioada de 20 de ani (1981-2000) Rev Scientia

Parasitologica 81 32-38

4 A Lahuerta T Westrell J Takkinen F Boelaert V Rizzi B Helwigh B Borck H

Korsgaard A Ammon P Maumlkelauml Zoonoses icircn the European Union origin distribution and

dynamics ndash the EFSA - ECDC summary report 2009

5 Craig PS 1997 Immunodiagnosis of Echinococcus granulosus and a comparison of techniques

for diagnosis of canine echinococcosis In Compendium on cystic echinococcosis icircn Africa and

Middle Eastern countries with special reference to Morocco Brigham Young University Pris

Services Provo

6 Schipper HG Modern management of echinococcosis World Gastroenterology News vol 9 nr

2 2004

7 Arda B H Pulukccedilu T Yamazhan OR Sipahi S Tamsel G Demirpolat M Korkmaz 2009

Prevalence of Echinococcus granulosus detected using enzyme immunoassay and abdominal

ultrasonography icircn a group of students staying icircn a state dormitory icircn Turkey Turk J Med Sci

391 1-4

8Liance M V Janin S Bresson-Hadni DA Vuitton R Houin R Piarroux 2000

Immunodiagnosis of Echinococcus infections confirmatory testing and species differentiation by a

new comercial Western blot J Clin Microbiol 38 3718-3721

9Karadam SY Ertabaklar H Sari C Dayanir Y Ertuğ S Should cystic echinococcosis be

investigated icircn patients having high eosinophil countsTurkiye Parazitol Derg 200933(3)203-6

10 Macpherson CN Milner R Performance characteristics and quality control of community based

ultrasound surveys for cystic and alveolar echinococcosis Acta Trop 2003 Feb85(2)203-9

11 Shambesh MA Craig PS Macpherson CN Rogan MT Gusbi AM Echtuish EF An extensive

ultrasound and serologic study to investigate the prevalence of human cystic echinococcosis icircn

northern Libya Am J Trop Med Hyg 1999 Mar 60(3)462-8

12 Reiter-Owona I Gruumlner B Frosch M Hoerauf A Kern P Tappe D Serological confirmatory

testing of alveolar and cystic echinococcosis in clinical practice results of a comparative study

with commercialized and in-house assays Clin Lab 200955(1-2)41-8

13 Sikoacute Barabaacutesi S Și Cozma V 2008 Echinococoza alveolară O posibilă zoonoză emergentă icircn

Romacircnia (Sinteză) RevScientia Parasitologica 9 1 48-60

14 Horvaacuteth Andrea Patonay Attila Baacutenhegyi Deacutenes Szlaacutevik Jaacutenos Balaacutezs Gyoumlrgy Goumlroumlg Deacutenes

Eacutes Werling Klaacutera A humaacuten Echinococcus multilocularis infectio elsocirc hazai esete Beeacuterkezett

2007 november 16 elfogadva 2008 maacutercius 7


1 Surname Ciobanca

2 Name Petrica Teofil

3 Date and place of birth 25111979 Zalau Salaj

4 Citizenship Romanian

5 Marital status married

6 Contact Tel 0040-740052584 E-mailpetrica_ciobancayahoocom

7 Studies


bdquoVasile Goldisrdquo

West University


ldquoIuliu Haţieganurdquo

University of

Medicine and

Pharmacy of Cluj-


ldquoCarol Davilardquo

University of

Medicine of




University of

Medicine and

Pharmacy of


Theoretical High

School of Zalau

Physics -



Period October 2004

June 2005

January 2005

February 2005

January 2005

March 2005

October 1998

September 2004

September 1994

July 1998

Skills of



Masterrsquos Degree



Accounting and


Management of

the Companies

Certificate of


general ultrasound

scan post-

university course

module I

Certificate of



ultrasound scan


course module






High School


8 Scientific title Medical doctor University Assistant Full-time doctoral student 9 Professional experience

Period Position Responsibilities

01 11 2005 ndash up


- University Assistant

- Resident Physician in

Laboratory Medicine

- Full-time doctoral


UM F bdquoIuliu Hatieganurdquo CLUJ

- Didactical activity in Microbiology (Bacteriology

Parasitology Virology Mycology) with the 2nd



students General Medicine Pharmacy Medical Colleges

within Iuliu Hatieganu University of Medicine and


- Stages within residency activity

- Research activity

01012006 ndash up


- Physician SALVO - SAN

- medical practice in general medicine

0106 2009 ndash

2011 2009


-Medical practice clinical investigations before and after


-The manager of resuscitation team in emergency cases

15012007 ndash


Resident physician in

Family Medicine Spitalul Clinic Judetean de Urgenta Cluj Napoca

- clinical examinations EKG diagnosis and treatment

stages in Obstetrics and Gynaecology Psychiatry Infectious


29082005 ndash


Physician in training Kantonal Flawil Hospital Switzerland

-Internal Medicine stages presentations and diagnosis


01012005 ndash Physician in training Spitalul Clinic Municipal Cluj Napoca

01012006 - Internal Medicine stages for 6 months

- Surgery stages for 6 months

14032005 ndash


Physician in training bdquoMaria Sklodowska Curierdquo Paediatrics Clinical Hospital

- I assisted in the performance of endoscopic investigations

Post university courses General ultrasound scan first module January 2005 - February 2005

General ultrasound scan second module January 2005 ndash March 2005

Occupational medicine

Surgical emergencies in the children

Resuscitation course in adults

ALS - London Ambulance Service

EPLS - Royal Brompton Hospital London

Emergency ultrasonography


Doppler echography

10 The current place of work and position University assistant Full-time doctoral student

bdquoIuliu Hatieganurdquo University of Medicine and Pharmacy of Cluj-Napoca

11 Seniority in the current place of work 6 years

12 Works elaborated and or published Monica Junie Petrica Ciobanca (B-783) 2005 Comparison of Antibiotic Resistance of

Pseudomonas Aeruginosa Strains Isolated from Different Types of Infections Abstracts of the

XIth International Congress of Bacteriology and Applied Microbiology July 23-28 San

Francisco California USA - ISBN1-555-81-353-4

Monica Junie Petrica Ciobanca (M-722) 2005 Evolution of Resistance Phenomenon to

Antimycotic Drugs of Candida Species and Dermatophytes Abstracts of the XIth International

Congress of Mycology July 23-28 San Francisco California USA ISBN1-555-81-354-2

Lia Monica Junie Doina Matinca Doina Tăţulescu AN Ferke Petrica Ciobanca 2006

Evolution of Antibiotic Resistance of Pseudomonas aeruginosa strains isolated from Hospital

Infectious International Journal of Infectious Diseases vol10 suppl 1 ISSN 1201 ndash 9712 pag

S 78 Lisabon Portugal ISSN 1201-9712 IJID indexed in MEDLINE EMCASE Escerpta

Media and Urlichs Elsevier Publishing Presented at the International Congress of Infectious

Diseases sesiunea Antibiotic Resistance ndash Gram negatives (poster nr 13003) iunie 15-18

Lia Monica Junie Zoe Coroiu şi col AN Ferke Petrica Ciobanca 2006 The significance of

AntiToxoplasma IgG and IgM Antibodies Detection in Toxoplasmosis Diagnosis Abstract

books the 12th

ISID pag 80 Presented at the 12th

ISID 15-18 iunie 2006 Lisbon Portugal

Sectiunea Parasitic Infectious

Junie Monica Petrica Ciobanca 2006 Species Distribution and Antifungal Susceptibility Of

Candida Isolates Colected From Hospitalised Patients Abstracts of 16th

European Congress Of

Clinical Microbiology And Infectious Diseases Nice France 1- 4 aprilie 2006

Constantea N şi Petrica Ciobanca 2007 Studiul clinic pentru icircmbunătăţirea metodelor de

diagnostic de laborator şi profilaxia chistului hidatic RevRomde Parasitol 17 48-49

Junie Monica N Constantea Petrica Ciobanca 2007 Surveillance programme in

echinococcosis and importance in the prophylaxis and therapy of human infection Clinical

Microbiology and Infection 132

Christofidou M Spiliopoulou A Vamvacopoulou S Stamoulis V Dimitracopoulos G

Anastassiou ED Monica Junie Costache C Colosi I Ciobanca P T 2008 Species

distribution and antifungal susceptibility of Candida isolates collected from hospitalized patients

in Romania and Greece Scientia Parasitologica161-7 ISSN 1582 - 1366

L M Junie Vasile Cozma Zoe Coroiu Petrica Ciobanca 2009 ldquoEpidemiology of human

echinococcosis in Europe pg 109-127

Junie Monica S Răpuntean N Fiţ Cosmina Cuc F Puiu Gh Răpuntean L Deac Simion P

T Ciobanca 2009 Alternative therapies for combating antimicrobial resistence and reduction

of severe nosocomial infections Abstract Book of IMED (International Meeting on Emerging

Diseases and Surveillance) Vienna Austria Februarie 13-16 2009 Abstract 10152 pg86

V Cosma PT Ciobanca R Blaga C Gherman Lia Monica Junie 2009 Hydatidosis

Epidemiology at Humans and Animals in the Area of the Center and North-Vest Romania

Abstract book of IMED bdquoInternational Meeting on Emerging Diseases and Surveillancerdquo

Vienna Austria Februarie pg86

Ciobanca Petrica Monica Junie 2011 Serological diagnosis and its applicability to the

prophylaxis and therapy of hydatid cyst in human patients Rev Scienţia Parasitologica 121


Ciobanca Petrica Teofil Junie Lia Monica 2011 Diagnosis confirmation of human cystic

echinococcosis by imagistic methods and immunoserological determinations Scientia

Parasitologica12(3) 151-161

13 Foreign languages English-advanced French ndashbeginner German ndash beginner

14 Specialties and qualifications Ultrasound scan PC operator

15 Experience assimilated within the national international programs

Program project Position Period

A national network making regarding

the study of some parasitic zoonosis and

their implications in food safetyCEEX

1782005 lasting 25 months

Developed in collaboration with the

Agricultural Sciences and Veterinary

Medicine University

Doctoral student Economic

responsible person

2006 ndash2007

Interdisciplinary evaluation and

optimization of the screening diagnosis

and treatment methods in triquinelosis

human and animal cystic echinococcosis

in the centre and north - west of

Romania - TRICHIDrdquo CEEX program


Developed between the Agricultural

Sciences and Veterinary Medicine

University (project leader) and UMF

Cluj-Napoca (partner)

Doctoral student Economic

responsible person

2006 -2008

bdquoA national network making for

researching the dermatophytosis in

human and animals CEEX program


Developed between USAMV (project of

the leader) and UMF Cluj- Napoca


Doctoral student Economic

responsible person


I declare on my own liability that the data mentioned are according to reality


In order to confirm the hydatid cyst diagnosis determined through serological test I used the

following imagistic methods abdominal pelvic ultrasound scan cranial CT thorax CT thorax Rx


Out of the 279 persons examined in both counties (Cluj şi Sălaj) in 22 patients was

determined positive serology the seropositivity frequency was of 789 (IC= 5 -1169) in the

studied sample suggesting the possible hydatid infection in seropositive persons

The real frequency of parasitosis is obviously higher because the symptomatic cases

represent only the peak of infestation pyramid while the asymptomatic cases form the unseen higher

basis of it

The serological screening performed in the north - western and central region of the country

showed the Egranulosus infection presence with the possibility of its active transmission The

obtained results demonstrate the higher percentage of the seropositve persons in Cluj County and

suggest a higher incidence of the hydatidosis in this region This conclusion was elaborated

following a research project conducting with the title Interdisciplinary evaluation and optimization

of the screening diagnosis and treatment methods in triquinelosis human and animal cystic

echinococcosis in the centre and north - west of Romania conducted during 2006-2008 where I

partake as a member

In 7714 of the patients in imagistic investigation the hydatidosis diagnosis could be

confirmed The patients had clear imagines for hydatid cyst with different locations hepatic

(6538) pulmonary (588) renal (588) The results of our researches suggest that a certain

proportion of the investigated population was positive in IgG anti-Echinococcus without having in

the organism the hydatid determined through imagistic methods


The lack of knowledge population ignorance and even of some specialists in sanitary field

regarding the biological cycle of E granulosus species and the hosts it has as well as the risk

involved by a tight contact with the permanent host are causes of main importance in parasite easy

spreading The results obtained following this study are similar with the results of some analogous

studies from the specialty literature conducted in endemic areas for human cystic echinococcosis [3]

In a study performed on an asymptomatic sample of persons in 12 of the cases the

ultrasound scan did not determine cystic form characteristic to the hydatid cyst although the

serological test was positive [7]

STUDY II Evaluation and optimization of the diagnosis methods in hydatid disease

The study has the following aims 1 the evaluation of the clinical examination in the

presumptive diagnosis and imagistic diagnosis evaluation in the hydatid disease 2 Evaluation of

ELISA method Western-Blott and the laboratory methods in order to confirm the clinical and

imagistic diagnosis of hydatid cyst 3 The comparative study of the imagistic methods (ultrasound

scan Rx CT RM) with the serological methods (ELISA Western-blott methods) and the evaluation

of their utility in differentiating the cystic and alveolar echinococcosis and in performing the

differential diagnosis and interpretation of the cross-reactions

23 Material and method

The study was performed during 2006 ndash 2010 and included a representative sample of 189

symptomatic persons with suggestive symptoms and imagistic suspicion of hydatid disease Other

studied persons were those for whom surgical intervention was performed in hydatid cyst and

persons having non-specific laboratory results but with suspicions of parasitic disease

The working material I used were the medical and surgical cases from the Medical and

Surgical Clinics of Cluj-Napoca and Sălaj (Clinica Chirurgie III Clinica Chirurgie V și and the

ambulatory of a private policlinic) The types of data collected and used within this study were

gender age origin clinical diagnosis the hydatid cyst complications hydatid cyst antecedents the

imagistic diagnosis methods performed (abdominal ultrasound scan pulmonary Rx CT RM

surgical treatment the examination of the surgical piece hystopathological) laboratory analysis

finding the location of the cystic formation depending on the hepatic segmentation and depending on

the organ in question the serological diagnosis methods performed (immunoenzyme IgG anti-

echinococcus ELISA method IgG echinococcus Western- blot method)

24 Results

The results obtained determined that there isnrsquot a significant association between IgG

echinococcus Western-blot and the hydatid disease diagnosis (pgt005) notwithstanding when

eosinophilia is present results a relatively high coincidence of 71 (IC=52 - 85) with the hydatid

cyst diagnosis

The statistic analysis of imagistic investigation results and surgical and paraclinical

confirmation results correlation presented a sensibility of 9689 for the imagistic investigation the

specificity was of 100 they dont differ significantly from statistical point of view The diagnosis

value of the imagistic examination is given by the positive predictive value (PPV) and the negative

one (NPP) both of them are over 84 although the NPP is statistical significantly lower than PPV

The evaluation of IgG antiechinococcus ELISA results compared with the surgical

hystopathological and paraclinical confirmation of hydatid cyst diagnosis determines a Specificity of

9643 and a PPV of 9919 as these are very high it may be considered that ELISA method is a

good screening test

By comparison with imagistic ultrasound scan or CT investigations the IgG

antiechinococcus ELISA has a lower Youden index As a consequence from this point of view IgG

antiechinococcus ELISA seems to be a less conclusive diagnosis test comparing with the mentioned

imagistic investigations On the other side comparing the trust intervals of Specificity PPV and

imagistic investigations (globally ultrasound scan CT) and IgG antiechinococcus ELISA we observe

that they donrsquot differ statistically speaking

The imagistic investigation results and those of IgG antiechinococcus ELISA associate

significantly It is noticeable that at the same time with the other association coefficients

(contingency Kendal tau coefficient) the concordance coefficient between the imagistic

investigation results and those of the IgG antiechinococcus ELISA are significantly statistical

(plt0001) It should be mentioned that the concordance measure Kappa = 0522 indicates the fact

that between the two examinations exist a moderate concordance

Imunoblot technique is a strong confirmation and differential serological diagnosis test

between the two major relevant infections the cystic and alveolar echinococcosis [8]

The evaluation of IgG echinococcus Western Blot investigation results by comparison with

the surgical hystopathological and paraclinial confirmation of hydatid cyst diagnosis revealed a

Specificity of 100 an a positive predictive value of 100 as these are very high you may consider

that the IgG echinococcus Western Blot detecting test is a good screening test

It is noticeable that at the same time with the other association coefficients (contingency

Kendal tau coefficient) the concordance coefficient between the imagistic investigation results and

those of the IgG echinococcus Western blot are significantly statistical (plt0001) It should be

mentioned that the concordance measure Kappa = 0816 indicates the fact that between the two

examinations exist a very good concordance


The evaluation of the eosinophilia as diagnosis marker in cystic echinococcosis allowed

some authors to assert that eosinophilia is not enough to settle the cystic echinococcosis diagnosis

but also a complementary clinical diagnosis [9]

The ultrasound scan sensibility and specificity was reported in more studies in the literature

as between 88-98 and 95-100 respectively for human cystic and alveolar echinococcosis The

authors consider it as the ldquogolden standardrdquo although admit the imperfection of this technique The

clinical investigation the laboratory examination and the epidemiological data are also considered

important for the cystic and alveolar echinococcosis diagnosis [10


The serological tests contribute to the diagnosis IgG antibodies detection had a sensibility of

95 and 94 specificity in a study conducted by Shambesh MA and company [11

] The sensibility

obtained by Shambesh is significantly higher than that determined in our study which determines a

sensibility of 74 with IC= 6907-8272 In exchange the specificity doesnt differ significantly

from statistical point of view of that obtained in our study (9643 IC=8165-9991)

The echinococcosis infections are considered ones of the most dangerous human helminthic

diseases The difference between the cystic and alveolar echinococcosis is important from the

prognostic and treatment point of view

In different stages of cystic and alveolar echinococcosis the most relevant test was

appreciated the Western blot IgG echinococus test whih confirmed the positive results [12


The research conducted in order to determined IgG echinococcus presence through Western

blot method reported to the considered golden method (surgical hystopathological and paraclinical

diagnosis confirmation) showed a sensibility of 9211 (IC = 7862 - 9834) the specificity

being of 100 (IC = 8389 - 100) data like the ones met in the specialty literature

In the most countries the alveolar echinococcosis has an endemic character and is

continuously extending with an alarming rapidity becoming an emergent disease

The adult parasite Emultilocularis was not yet found in Romania up now in any permanent

host [13


The study conducted revealed through the Western blot method for the first time in our

country the possibility of infection with Echinococcus multilocularis in human Next studies are

needed to determine the alveolar echinococcosis persons in Romania under the conditions of its

existence in a number of countries in Europe including Romania neighbouring countries (Hungary

Ukraine) centralizing the recent researches about the epidemiological situation the clinical

problems and the therapeutic options the authors described in the first case the alveolar

echinococcosis in Hungary In order to confirm these rare infections you must take in consideration

the differential diagnosis with other infiltrative hepatic lesions [14


No case was confirmed in Romania through other studies We recommend the introduction of

this method in the screening and diagnosis of this serious disease

In the attempt to compare the methods used in hydatid cyst diagnosis and the obtained results

through these methods we may assert that Western blot IgG echinococcus test is the most sensible in

determining an etiological diagnosis


1 Junie Monica Zoe Coroiu Carmen Costache 2002 The consequences of Echinococcus

granulosus infection in the human population Rev Scienţia Parasitologica 32 86-91

2 Seres Ştefania Monica Junie V Cozma 2009 Prevalence of Echinococcus granulosus in Cluj

county Romania revealed by PCR Rev Scienţia Parasitologica 1o1-2 68-71

3 Coroiu Zoe Judith Bele Cornelia Munteanu Rodica Radu 2007 Aspecte epidemiologice

privind hidatidoza umană icircn judeţul Cluj pe o perioada de 20 de ani (1981-2000) Rev Scientia

Parasitologica 81 32-38

4 A Lahuerta T Westrell J Takkinen F Boelaert V Rizzi B Helwigh B Borck H

Korsgaard A Ammon P Maumlkelauml Zoonoses icircn the European Union origin distribution and

dynamics ndash the EFSA - ECDC summary report 2009

5 Craig PS 1997 Immunodiagnosis of Echinococcus granulosus and a comparison of techniques

for diagnosis of canine echinococcosis In Compendium on cystic echinococcosis icircn Africa and

Middle Eastern countries with special reference to Morocco Brigham Young University Pris

Services Provo

6 Schipper HG Modern management of echinococcosis World Gastroenterology News vol 9 nr

2 2004

7 Arda B H Pulukccedilu T Yamazhan OR Sipahi S Tamsel G Demirpolat M Korkmaz 2009

Prevalence of Echinococcus granulosus detected using enzyme immunoassay and abdominal

ultrasonography icircn a group of students staying icircn a state dormitory icircn Turkey Turk J Med Sci

391 1-4

8Liance M V Janin S Bresson-Hadni DA Vuitton R Houin R Piarroux 2000

Immunodiagnosis of Echinococcus infections confirmatory testing and species differentiation by a

new comercial Western blot J Clin Microbiol 38 3718-3721

9Karadam SY Ertabaklar H Sari C Dayanir Y Ertuğ S Should cystic echinococcosis be

investigated icircn patients having high eosinophil countsTurkiye Parazitol Derg 200933(3)203-6

10 Macpherson CN Milner R Performance characteristics and quality control of community based

ultrasound surveys for cystic and alveolar echinococcosis Acta Trop 2003 Feb85(2)203-9

11 Shambesh MA Craig PS Macpherson CN Rogan MT Gusbi AM Echtuish EF An extensive

ultrasound and serologic study to investigate the prevalence of human cystic echinococcosis icircn

northern Libya Am J Trop Med Hyg 1999 Mar 60(3)462-8

12 Reiter-Owona I Gruumlner B Frosch M Hoerauf A Kern P Tappe D Serological confirmatory

testing of alveolar and cystic echinococcosis in clinical practice results of a comparative study

with commercialized and in-house assays Clin Lab 200955(1-2)41-8

13 Sikoacute Barabaacutesi S Și Cozma V 2008 Echinococoza alveolară O posibilă zoonoză emergentă icircn

Romacircnia (Sinteză) RevScientia Parasitologica 9 1 48-60

14 Horvaacuteth Andrea Patonay Attila Baacutenhegyi Deacutenes Szlaacutevik Jaacutenos Balaacutezs Gyoumlrgy Goumlroumlg Deacutenes

Eacutes Werling Klaacutera A humaacuten Echinococcus multilocularis infectio elsocirc hazai esete Beeacuterkezett

2007 november 16 elfogadva 2008 maacutercius 7


1 Surname Ciobanca

2 Name Petrica Teofil

3 Date and place of birth 25111979 Zalau Salaj

4 Citizenship Romanian

5 Marital status married

6 Contact Tel 0040-740052584 E-mailpetrica_ciobancayahoocom

7 Studies


bdquoVasile Goldisrdquo

West University


ldquoIuliu Haţieganurdquo

University of

Medicine and

Pharmacy of Cluj-


ldquoCarol Davilardquo

University of

Medicine of




University of

Medicine and

Pharmacy of


Theoretical High

School of Zalau

Physics -



Period October 2004

June 2005

January 2005

February 2005

January 2005

March 2005

October 1998

September 2004

September 1994

July 1998

Skills of



Masterrsquos Degree



Accounting and


Management of

the Companies

Certificate of


general ultrasound

scan post-

university course

module I

Certificate of



ultrasound scan


course module






High School


8 Scientific title Medical doctor University Assistant Full-time doctoral student 9 Professional experience

Period Position Responsibilities

01 11 2005 ndash up


- University Assistant

- Resident Physician in

Laboratory Medicine

- Full-time doctoral


UM F bdquoIuliu Hatieganurdquo CLUJ

- Didactical activity in Microbiology (Bacteriology

Parasitology Virology Mycology) with the 2nd



students General Medicine Pharmacy Medical Colleges

within Iuliu Hatieganu University of Medicine and


- Stages within residency activity

- Research activity

01012006 ndash up


- Physician SALVO - SAN

- medical practice in general medicine

0106 2009 ndash

2011 2009


-Medical practice clinical investigations before and after


-The manager of resuscitation team in emergency cases

15012007 ndash


Resident physician in

Family Medicine Spitalul Clinic Judetean de Urgenta Cluj Napoca

- clinical examinations EKG diagnosis and treatment

stages in Obstetrics and Gynaecology Psychiatry Infectious


29082005 ndash


Physician in training Kantonal Flawil Hospital Switzerland

-Internal Medicine stages presentations and diagnosis


01012005 ndash Physician in training Spitalul Clinic Municipal Cluj Napoca

01012006 - Internal Medicine stages for 6 months

- Surgery stages for 6 months

14032005 ndash


Physician in training bdquoMaria Sklodowska Curierdquo Paediatrics Clinical Hospital

- I assisted in the performance of endoscopic investigations

Post university courses General ultrasound scan first module January 2005 - February 2005

General ultrasound scan second module January 2005 ndash March 2005

Occupational medicine

Surgical emergencies in the children

Resuscitation course in adults

ALS - London Ambulance Service

EPLS - Royal Brompton Hospital London

Emergency ultrasonography


Doppler echography

10 The current place of work and position University assistant Full-time doctoral student

bdquoIuliu Hatieganurdquo University of Medicine and Pharmacy of Cluj-Napoca

11 Seniority in the current place of work 6 years

12 Works elaborated and or published Monica Junie Petrica Ciobanca (B-783) 2005 Comparison of Antibiotic Resistance of

Pseudomonas Aeruginosa Strains Isolated from Different Types of Infections Abstracts of the

XIth International Congress of Bacteriology and Applied Microbiology July 23-28 San

Francisco California USA - ISBN1-555-81-353-4

Monica Junie Petrica Ciobanca (M-722) 2005 Evolution of Resistance Phenomenon to

Antimycotic Drugs of Candida Species and Dermatophytes Abstracts of the XIth International

Congress of Mycology July 23-28 San Francisco California USA ISBN1-555-81-354-2

Lia Monica Junie Doina Matinca Doina Tăţulescu AN Ferke Petrica Ciobanca 2006

Evolution of Antibiotic Resistance of Pseudomonas aeruginosa strains isolated from Hospital

Infectious International Journal of Infectious Diseases vol10 suppl 1 ISSN 1201 ndash 9712 pag

S 78 Lisabon Portugal ISSN 1201-9712 IJID indexed in MEDLINE EMCASE Escerpta

Media and Urlichs Elsevier Publishing Presented at the International Congress of Infectious

Diseases sesiunea Antibiotic Resistance ndash Gram negatives (poster nr 13003) iunie 15-18

Lia Monica Junie Zoe Coroiu şi col AN Ferke Petrica Ciobanca 2006 The significance of

AntiToxoplasma IgG and IgM Antibodies Detection in Toxoplasmosis Diagnosis Abstract

books the 12th

ISID pag 80 Presented at the 12th

ISID 15-18 iunie 2006 Lisbon Portugal

Sectiunea Parasitic Infectious

Junie Monica Petrica Ciobanca 2006 Species Distribution and Antifungal Susceptibility Of

Candida Isolates Colected From Hospitalised Patients Abstracts of 16th

European Congress Of

Clinical Microbiology And Infectious Diseases Nice France 1- 4 aprilie 2006

Constantea N şi Petrica Ciobanca 2007 Studiul clinic pentru icircmbunătăţirea metodelor de

diagnostic de laborator şi profilaxia chistului hidatic RevRomde Parasitol 17 48-49

Junie Monica N Constantea Petrica Ciobanca 2007 Surveillance programme in

echinococcosis and importance in the prophylaxis and therapy of human infection Clinical

Microbiology and Infection 132

Christofidou M Spiliopoulou A Vamvacopoulou S Stamoulis V Dimitracopoulos G

Anastassiou ED Monica Junie Costache C Colosi I Ciobanca P T 2008 Species

distribution and antifungal susceptibility of Candida isolates collected from hospitalized patients

in Romania and Greece Scientia Parasitologica161-7 ISSN 1582 - 1366

L M Junie Vasile Cozma Zoe Coroiu Petrica Ciobanca 2009 ldquoEpidemiology of human

echinococcosis in Europe pg 109-127

Junie Monica S Răpuntean N Fiţ Cosmina Cuc F Puiu Gh Răpuntean L Deac Simion P

T Ciobanca 2009 Alternative therapies for combating antimicrobial resistence and reduction

of severe nosocomial infections Abstract Book of IMED (International Meeting on Emerging

Diseases and Surveillance) Vienna Austria Februarie 13-16 2009 Abstract 10152 pg86

V Cosma PT Ciobanca R Blaga C Gherman Lia Monica Junie 2009 Hydatidosis

Epidemiology at Humans and Animals in the Area of the Center and North-Vest Romania

Abstract book of IMED bdquoInternational Meeting on Emerging Diseases and Surveillancerdquo

Vienna Austria Februarie pg86

Ciobanca Petrica Monica Junie 2011 Serological diagnosis and its applicability to the

prophylaxis and therapy of hydatid cyst in human patients Rev Scienţia Parasitologica 121


Ciobanca Petrica Teofil Junie Lia Monica 2011 Diagnosis confirmation of human cystic

echinococcosis by imagistic methods and immunoserological determinations Scientia

Parasitologica12(3) 151-161

13 Foreign languages English-advanced French ndashbeginner German ndash beginner

14 Specialties and qualifications Ultrasound scan PC operator

15 Experience assimilated within the national international programs

Program project Position Period

A national network making regarding

the study of some parasitic zoonosis and

their implications in food safetyCEEX

1782005 lasting 25 months

Developed in collaboration with the

Agricultural Sciences and Veterinary

Medicine University

Doctoral student Economic

responsible person

2006 ndash2007

Interdisciplinary evaluation and

optimization of the screening diagnosis

and treatment methods in triquinelosis

human and animal cystic echinococcosis

in the centre and north - west of

Romania - TRICHIDrdquo CEEX program


Developed between the Agricultural

Sciences and Veterinary Medicine

University (project leader) and UMF

Cluj-Napoca (partner)

Doctoral student Economic

responsible person

2006 -2008

bdquoA national network making for

researching the dermatophytosis in

human and animals CEEX program


Developed between USAMV (project of

the leader) and UMF Cluj- Napoca


Doctoral student Economic

responsible person


I declare on my own liability that the data mentioned are according to reality


23 Material and method

The study was performed during 2006 ndash 2010 and included a representative sample of 189

symptomatic persons with suggestive symptoms and imagistic suspicion of hydatid disease Other

studied persons were those for whom surgical intervention was performed in hydatid cyst and

persons having non-specific laboratory results but with suspicions of parasitic disease

The working material I used were the medical and surgical cases from the Medical and

Surgical Clinics of Cluj-Napoca and Sălaj (Clinica Chirurgie III Clinica Chirurgie V și and the

ambulatory of a private policlinic) The types of data collected and used within this study were

gender age origin clinical diagnosis the hydatid cyst complications hydatid cyst antecedents the

imagistic diagnosis methods performed (abdominal ultrasound scan pulmonary Rx CT RM

surgical treatment the examination of the surgical piece hystopathological) laboratory analysis

finding the location of the cystic formation depending on the hepatic segmentation and depending on

the organ in question the serological diagnosis methods performed (immunoenzyme IgG anti-

echinococcus ELISA method IgG echinococcus Western- blot method)

24 Results

The results obtained determined that there isnrsquot a significant association between IgG

echinococcus Western-blot and the hydatid disease diagnosis (pgt005) notwithstanding when

eosinophilia is present results a relatively high coincidence of 71 (IC=52 - 85) with the hydatid

cyst diagnosis

The statistic analysis of imagistic investigation results and surgical and paraclinical

confirmation results correlation presented a sensibility of 9689 for the imagistic investigation the

specificity was of 100 they dont differ significantly from statistical point of view The diagnosis

value of the imagistic examination is given by the positive predictive value (PPV) and the negative

one (NPP) both of them are over 84 although the NPP is statistical significantly lower than PPV

The evaluation of IgG antiechinococcus ELISA results compared with the surgical

hystopathological and paraclinical confirmation of hydatid cyst diagnosis determines a Specificity of

9643 and a PPV of 9919 as these are very high it may be considered that ELISA method is a

good screening test

By comparison with imagistic ultrasound scan or CT investigations the IgG

antiechinococcus ELISA has a lower Youden index As a consequence from this point of view IgG

antiechinococcus ELISA seems to be a less conclusive diagnosis test comparing with the mentioned

imagistic investigations On the other side comparing the trust intervals of Specificity PPV and

imagistic investigations (globally ultrasound scan CT) and IgG antiechinococcus ELISA we observe

that they donrsquot differ statistically speaking

The imagistic investigation results and those of IgG antiechinococcus ELISA associate

significantly It is noticeable that at the same time with the other association coefficients

(contingency Kendal tau coefficient) the concordance coefficient between the imagistic

investigation results and those of the IgG antiechinococcus ELISA are significantly statistical

(plt0001) It should be mentioned that the concordance measure Kappa = 0522 indicates the fact

that between the two examinations exist a moderate concordance

Imunoblot technique is a strong confirmation and differential serological diagnosis test

between the two major relevant infections the cystic and alveolar echinococcosis [8]

The evaluation of IgG echinococcus Western Blot investigation results by comparison with

the surgical hystopathological and paraclinial confirmation of hydatid cyst diagnosis revealed a

Specificity of 100 an a positive predictive value of 100 as these are very high you may consider

that the IgG echinococcus Western Blot detecting test is a good screening test

It is noticeable that at the same time with the other association coefficients (contingency

Kendal tau coefficient) the concordance coefficient between the imagistic investigation results and

those of the IgG echinococcus Western blot are significantly statistical (plt0001) It should be

mentioned that the concordance measure Kappa = 0816 indicates the fact that between the two

examinations exist a very good concordance


The evaluation of the eosinophilia as diagnosis marker in cystic echinococcosis allowed

some authors to assert that eosinophilia is not enough to settle the cystic echinococcosis diagnosis

but also a complementary clinical diagnosis [9]

The ultrasound scan sensibility and specificity was reported in more studies in the literature

as between 88-98 and 95-100 respectively for human cystic and alveolar echinococcosis The

authors consider it as the ldquogolden standardrdquo although admit the imperfection of this technique The

clinical investigation the laboratory examination and the epidemiological data are also considered

important for the cystic and alveolar echinococcosis diagnosis [10


The serological tests contribute to the diagnosis IgG antibodies detection had a sensibility of

95 and 94 specificity in a study conducted by Shambesh MA and company [11

] The sensibility

obtained by Shambesh is significantly higher than that determined in our study which determines a

sensibility of 74 with IC= 6907-8272 In exchange the specificity doesnt differ significantly

from statistical point of view of that obtained in our study (9643 IC=8165-9991)

The echinococcosis infections are considered ones of the most dangerous human helminthic

diseases The difference between the cystic and alveolar echinococcosis is important from the

prognostic and treatment point of view

In different stages of cystic and alveolar echinococcosis the most relevant test was

appreciated the Western blot IgG echinococus test whih confirmed the positive results [12


The research conducted in order to determined IgG echinococcus presence through Western

blot method reported to the considered golden method (surgical hystopathological and paraclinical

diagnosis confirmation) showed a sensibility of 9211 (IC = 7862 - 9834) the specificity

being of 100 (IC = 8389 - 100) data like the ones met in the specialty literature

In the most countries the alveolar echinococcosis has an endemic character and is

continuously extending with an alarming rapidity becoming an emergent disease

The adult parasite Emultilocularis was not yet found in Romania up now in any permanent

host [13


The study conducted revealed through the Western blot method for the first time in our

country the possibility of infection with Echinococcus multilocularis in human Next studies are

needed to determine the alveolar echinococcosis persons in Romania under the conditions of its

existence in a number of countries in Europe including Romania neighbouring countries (Hungary

Ukraine) centralizing the recent researches about the epidemiological situation the clinical

problems and the therapeutic options the authors described in the first case the alveolar

echinococcosis in Hungary In order to confirm these rare infections you must take in consideration

the differential diagnosis with other infiltrative hepatic lesions [14


No case was confirmed in Romania through other studies We recommend the introduction of

this method in the screening and diagnosis of this serious disease

In the attempt to compare the methods used in hydatid cyst diagnosis and the obtained results

through these methods we may assert that Western blot IgG echinococcus test is the most sensible in

determining an etiological diagnosis


1 Junie Monica Zoe Coroiu Carmen Costache 2002 The consequences of Echinococcus

granulosus infection in the human population Rev Scienţia Parasitologica 32 86-91

2 Seres Ştefania Monica Junie V Cozma 2009 Prevalence of Echinococcus granulosus in Cluj

county Romania revealed by PCR Rev Scienţia Parasitologica 1o1-2 68-71

3 Coroiu Zoe Judith Bele Cornelia Munteanu Rodica Radu 2007 Aspecte epidemiologice

privind hidatidoza umană icircn judeţul Cluj pe o perioada de 20 de ani (1981-2000) Rev Scientia

Parasitologica 81 32-38

4 A Lahuerta T Westrell J Takkinen F Boelaert V Rizzi B Helwigh B Borck H

Korsgaard A Ammon P Maumlkelauml Zoonoses icircn the European Union origin distribution and

dynamics ndash the EFSA - ECDC summary report 2009

5 Craig PS 1997 Immunodiagnosis of Echinococcus granulosus and a comparison of techniques

for diagnosis of canine echinococcosis In Compendium on cystic echinococcosis icircn Africa and

Middle Eastern countries with special reference to Morocco Brigham Young University Pris

Services Provo

6 Schipper HG Modern management of echinococcosis World Gastroenterology News vol 9 nr

2 2004

7 Arda B H Pulukccedilu T Yamazhan OR Sipahi S Tamsel G Demirpolat M Korkmaz 2009

Prevalence of Echinococcus granulosus detected using enzyme immunoassay and abdominal

ultrasonography icircn a group of students staying icircn a state dormitory icircn Turkey Turk J Med Sci

391 1-4

8Liance M V Janin S Bresson-Hadni DA Vuitton R Houin R Piarroux 2000

Immunodiagnosis of Echinococcus infections confirmatory testing and species differentiation by a

new comercial Western blot J Clin Microbiol 38 3718-3721

9Karadam SY Ertabaklar H Sari C Dayanir Y Ertuğ S Should cystic echinococcosis be

investigated icircn patients having high eosinophil countsTurkiye Parazitol Derg 200933(3)203-6

10 Macpherson CN Milner R Performance characteristics and quality control of community based

ultrasound surveys for cystic and alveolar echinococcosis Acta Trop 2003 Feb85(2)203-9

11 Shambesh MA Craig PS Macpherson CN Rogan MT Gusbi AM Echtuish EF An extensive

ultrasound and serologic study to investigate the prevalence of human cystic echinococcosis icircn

northern Libya Am J Trop Med Hyg 1999 Mar 60(3)462-8

12 Reiter-Owona I Gruumlner B Frosch M Hoerauf A Kern P Tappe D Serological confirmatory

testing of alveolar and cystic echinococcosis in clinical practice results of a comparative study

with commercialized and in-house assays Clin Lab 200955(1-2)41-8

13 Sikoacute Barabaacutesi S Și Cozma V 2008 Echinococoza alveolară O posibilă zoonoză emergentă icircn

Romacircnia (Sinteză) RevScientia Parasitologica 9 1 48-60

14 Horvaacuteth Andrea Patonay Attila Baacutenhegyi Deacutenes Szlaacutevik Jaacutenos Balaacutezs Gyoumlrgy Goumlroumlg Deacutenes

Eacutes Werling Klaacutera A humaacuten Echinococcus multilocularis infectio elsocirc hazai esete Beeacuterkezett

2007 november 16 elfogadva 2008 maacutercius 7


1 Surname Ciobanca

2 Name Petrica Teofil

3 Date and place of birth 25111979 Zalau Salaj

4 Citizenship Romanian

5 Marital status married

6 Contact Tel 0040-740052584 E-mailpetrica_ciobancayahoocom

7 Studies


bdquoVasile Goldisrdquo

West University


ldquoIuliu Haţieganurdquo

University of

Medicine and

Pharmacy of Cluj-


ldquoCarol Davilardquo

University of

Medicine of




University of

Medicine and

Pharmacy of


Theoretical High

School of Zalau

Physics -



Period October 2004

June 2005

January 2005

February 2005

January 2005

March 2005

October 1998

September 2004

September 1994

July 1998

Skills of



Masterrsquos Degree



Accounting and


Management of

the Companies

Certificate of


general ultrasound

scan post-

university course

module I

Certificate of



ultrasound scan


course module






High School


8 Scientific title Medical doctor University Assistant Full-time doctoral student 9 Professional experience

Period Position Responsibilities

01 11 2005 ndash up


- University Assistant

- Resident Physician in

Laboratory Medicine

- Full-time doctoral


UM F bdquoIuliu Hatieganurdquo CLUJ

- Didactical activity in Microbiology (Bacteriology

Parasitology Virology Mycology) with the 2nd



students General Medicine Pharmacy Medical Colleges

within Iuliu Hatieganu University of Medicine and


- Stages within residency activity

- Research activity

01012006 ndash up


- Physician SALVO - SAN

- medical practice in general medicine

0106 2009 ndash

2011 2009


-Medical practice clinical investigations before and after


-The manager of resuscitation team in emergency cases

15012007 ndash


Resident physician in

Family Medicine Spitalul Clinic Judetean de Urgenta Cluj Napoca

- clinical examinations EKG diagnosis and treatment

stages in Obstetrics and Gynaecology Psychiatry Infectious


29082005 ndash


Physician in training Kantonal Flawil Hospital Switzerland

-Internal Medicine stages presentations and diagnosis


01012005 ndash Physician in training Spitalul Clinic Municipal Cluj Napoca

01012006 - Internal Medicine stages for 6 months

- Surgery stages for 6 months

14032005 ndash


Physician in training bdquoMaria Sklodowska Curierdquo Paediatrics Clinical Hospital

- I assisted in the performance of endoscopic investigations

Post university courses General ultrasound scan first module January 2005 - February 2005

General ultrasound scan second module January 2005 ndash March 2005

Occupational medicine

Surgical emergencies in the children

Resuscitation course in adults

ALS - London Ambulance Service

EPLS - Royal Brompton Hospital London

Emergency ultrasonography


Doppler echography

10 The current place of work and position University assistant Full-time doctoral student

bdquoIuliu Hatieganurdquo University of Medicine and Pharmacy of Cluj-Napoca

11 Seniority in the current place of work 6 years

12 Works elaborated and or published Monica Junie Petrica Ciobanca (B-783) 2005 Comparison of Antibiotic Resistance of

Pseudomonas Aeruginosa Strains Isolated from Different Types of Infections Abstracts of the

XIth International Congress of Bacteriology and Applied Microbiology July 23-28 San

Francisco California USA - ISBN1-555-81-353-4

Monica Junie Petrica Ciobanca (M-722) 2005 Evolution of Resistance Phenomenon to

Antimycotic Drugs of Candida Species and Dermatophytes Abstracts of the XIth International

Congress of Mycology July 23-28 San Francisco California USA ISBN1-555-81-354-2

Lia Monica Junie Doina Matinca Doina Tăţulescu AN Ferke Petrica Ciobanca 2006

Evolution of Antibiotic Resistance of Pseudomonas aeruginosa strains isolated from Hospital

Infectious International Journal of Infectious Diseases vol10 suppl 1 ISSN 1201 ndash 9712 pag

S 78 Lisabon Portugal ISSN 1201-9712 IJID indexed in MEDLINE EMCASE Escerpta

Media and Urlichs Elsevier Publishing Presented at the International Congress of Infectious

Diseases sesiunea Antibiotic Resistance ndash Gram negatives (poster nr 13003) iunie 15-18

Lia Monica Junie Zoe Coroiu şi col AN Ferke Petrica Ciobanca 2006 The significance of

AntiToxoplasma IgG and IgM Antibodies Detection in Toxoplasmosis Diagnosis Abstract

books the 12th

ISID pag 80 Presented at the 12th

ISID 15-18 iunie 2006 Lisbon Portugal

Sectiunea Parasitic Infectious

Junie Monica Petrica Ciobanca 2006 Species Distribution and Antifungal Susceptibility Of

Candida Isolates Colected From Hospitalised Patients Abstracts of 16th

European Congress Of

Clinical Microbiology And Infectious Diseases Nice France 1- 4 aprilie 2006

Constantea N şi Petrica Ciobanca 2007 Studiul clinic pentru icircmbunătăţirea metodelor de

diagnostic de laborator şi profilaxia chistului hidatic RevRomde Parasitol 17 48-49

Junie Monica N Constantea Petrica Ciobanca 2007 Surveillance programme in

echinococcosis and importance in the prophylaxis and therapy of human infection Clinical

Microbiology and Infection 132

Christofidou M Spiliopoulou A Vamvacopoulou S Stamoulis V Dimitracopoulos G

Anastassiou ED Monica Junie Costache C Colosi I Ciobanca P T 2008 Species

distribution and antifungal susceptibility of Candida isolates collected from hospitalized patients

in Romania and Greece Scientia Parasitologica161-7 ISSN 1582 - 1366

L M Junie Vasile Cozma Zoe Coroiu Petrica Ciobanca 2009 ldquoEpidemiology of human

echinococcosis in Europe pg 109-127

Junie Monica S Răpuntean N Fiţ Cosmina Cuc F Puiu Gh Răpuntean L Deac Simion P

T Ciobanca 2009 Alternative therapies for combating antimicrobial resistence and reduction

of severe nosocomial infections Abstract Book of IMED (International Meeting on Emerging

Diseases and Surveillance) Vienna Austria Februarie 13-16 2009 Abstract 10152 pg86

V Cosma PT Ciobanca R Blaga C Gherman Lia Monica Junie 2009 Hydatidosis

Epidemiology at Humans and Animals in the Area of the Center and North-Vest Romania

Abstract book of IMED bdquoInternational Meeting on Emerging Diseases and Surveillancerdquo

Vienna Austria Februarie pg86

Ciobanca Petrica Monica Junie 2011 Serological diagnosis and its applicability to the

prophylaxis and therapy of hydatid cyst in human patients Rev Scienţia Parasitologica 121


Ciobanca Petrica Teofil Junie Lia Monica 2011 Diagnosis confirmation of human cystic

echinococcosis by imagistic methods and immunoserological determinations Scientia

Parasitologica12(3) 151-161

13 Foreign languages English-advanced French ndashbeginner German ndash beginner

14 Specialties and qualifications Ultrasound scan PC operator

15 Experience assimilated within the national international programs

Program project Position Period

A national network making regarding

the study of some parasitic zoonosis and

their implications in food safetyCEEX

1782005 lasting 25 months

Developed in collaboration with the

Agricultural Sciences and Veterinary

Medicine University

Doctoral student Economic

responsible person

2006 ndash2007

Interdisciplinary evaluation and

optimization of the screening diagnosis

and treatment methods in triquinelosis

human and animal cystic echinococcosis

in the centre and north - west of

Romania - TRICHIDrdquo CEEX program


Developed between the Agricultural

Sciences and Veterinary Medicine

University (project leader) and UMF

Cluj-Napoca (partner)

Doctoral student Economic

responsible person

2006 -2008

bdquoA national network making for

researching the dermatophytosis in

human and animals CEEX program


Developed between USAMV (project of

the leader) and UMF Cluj- Napoca


Doctoral student Economic

responsible person


I declare on my own liability that the data mentioned are according to reality


Specificity of 100 an a positive predictive value of 100 as these are very high you may consider

that the IgG echinococcus Western Blot detecting test is a good screening test

It is noticeable that at the same time with the other association coefficients (contingency

Kendal tau coefficient) the concordance coefficient between the imagistic investigation results and

those of the IgG echinococcus Western blot are significantly statistical (plt0001) It should be

mentioned that the concordance measure Kappa = 0816 indicates the fact that between the two

examinations exist a very good concordance


The evaluation of the eosinophilia as diagnosis marker in cystic echinococcosis allowed

some authors to assert that eosinophilia is not enough to settle the cystic echinococcosis diagnosis

but also a complementary clinical diagnosis [9]

The ultrasound scan sensibility and specificity was reported in more studies in the literature

as between 88-98 and 95-100 respectively for human cystic and alveolar echinococcosis The

authors consider it as the ldquogolden standardrdquo although admit the imperfection of this technique The

clinical investigation the laboratory examination and the epidemiological data are also considered

important for the cystic and alveolar echinococcosis diagnosis [10


The serological tests contribute to the diagnosis IgG antibodies detection had a sensibility of

95 and 94 specificity in a study conducted by Shambesh MA and company [11

] The sensibility

obtained by Shambesh is significantly higher than that determined in our study which determines a

sensibility of 74 with IC= 6907-8272 In exchange the specificity doesnt differ significantly

from statistical point of view of that obtained in our study (9643 IC=8165-9991)

The echinococcosis infections are considered ones of the most dangerous human helminthic

diseases The difference between the cystic and alveolar echinococcosis is important from the

prognostic and treatment point of view

In different stages of cystic and alveolar echinococcosis the most relevant test was

appreciated the Western blot IgG echinococus test whih confirmed the positive results [12


The research conducted in order to determined IgG echinococcus presence through Western

blot method reported to the considered golden method (surgical hystopathological and paraclinical

diagnosis confirmation) showed a sensibility of 9211 (IC = 7862 - 9834) the specificity

being of 100 (IC = 8389 - 100) data like the ones met in the specialty literature

In the most countries the alveolar echinococcosis has an endemic character and is

continuously extending with an alarming rapidity becoming an emergent disease

The adult parasite Emultilocularis was not yet found in Romania up now in any permanent

host [13


The study conducted revealed through the Western blot method for the first time in our

country the possibility of infection with Echinococcus multilocularis in human Next studies are

needed to determine the alveolar echinococcosis persons in Romania under the conditions of its

existence in a number of countries in Europe including Romania neighbouring countries (Hungary

Ukraine) centralizing the recent researches about the epidemiological situation the clinical

problems and the therapeutic options the authors described in the first case the alveolar

echinococcosis in Hungary In order to confirm these rare infections you must take in consideration

the differential diagnosis with other infiltrative hepatic lesions [14


No case was confirmed in Romania through other studies We recommend the introduction of

this method in the screening and diagnosis of this serious disease

In the attempt to compare the methods used in hydatid cyst diagnosis and the obtained results

through these methods we may assert that Western blot IgG echinococcus test is the most sensible in

determining an etiological diagnosis


1 Junie Monica Zoe Coroiu Carmen Costache 2002 The consequences of Echinococcus

granulosus infection in the human population Rev Scienţia Parasitologica 32 86-91

2 Seres Ştefania Monica Junie V Cozma 2009 Prevalence of Echinococcus granulosus in Cluj

county Romania revealed by PCR Rev Scienţia Parasitologica 1o1-2 68-71

3 Coroiu Zoe Judith Bele Cornelia Munteanu Rodica Radu 2007 Aspecte epidemiologice

privind hidatidoza umană icircn judeţul Cluj pe o perioada de 20 de ani (1981-2000) Rev Scientia

Parasitologica 81 32-38

4 A Lahuerta T Westrell J Takkinen F Boelaert V Rizzi B Helwigh B Borck H

Korsgaard A Ammon P Maumlkelauml Zoonoses icircn the European Union origin distribution and

dynamics ndash the EFSA - ECDC summary report 2009

5 Craig PS 1997 Immunodiagnosis of Echinococcus granulosus and a comparison of techniques

for diagnosis of canine echinococcosis In Compendium on cystic echinococcosis icircn Africa and

Middle Eastern countries with special reference to Morocco Brigham Young University Pris

Services Provo

6 Schipper HG Modern management of echinococcosis World Gastroenterology News vol 9 nr

2 2004

7 Arda B H Pulukccedilu T Yamazhan OR Sipahi S Tamsel G Demirpolat M Korkmaz 2009

Prevalence of Echinococcus granulosus detected using enzyme immunoassay and abdominal

ultrasonography icircn a group of students staying icircn a state dormitory icircn Turkey Turk J Med Sci

391 1-4

8Liance M V Janin S Bresson-Hadni DA Vuitton R Houin R Piarroux 2000

Immunodiagnosis of Echinococcus infections confirmatory testing and species differentiation by a

new comercial Western blot J Clin Microbiol 38 3718-3721

9Karadam SY Ertabaklar H Sari C Dayanir Y Ertuğ S Should cystic echinococcosis be

investigated icircn patients having high eosinophil countsTurkiye Parazitol Derg 200933(3)203-6

10 Macpherson CN Milner R Performance characteristics and quality control of community based

ultrasound surveys for cystic and alveolar echinococcosis Acta Trop 2003 Feb85(2)203-9

11 Shambesh MA Craig PS Macpherson CN Rogan MT Gusbi AM Echtuish EF An extensive

ultrasound and serologic study to investigate the prevalence of human cystic echinococcosis icircn

northern Libya Am J Trop Med Hyg 1999 Mar 60(3)462-8

12 Reiter-Owona I Gruumlner B Frosch M Hoerauf A Kern P Tappe D Serological confirmatory

testing of alveolar and cystic echinococcosis in clinical practice results of a comparative study

with commercialized and in-house assays Clin Lab 200955(1-2)41-8

13 Sikoacute Barabaacutesi S Și Cozma V 2008 Echinococoza alveolară O posibilă zoonoză emergentă icircn

Romacircnia (Sinteză) RevScientia Parasitologica 9 1 48-60

14 Horvaacuteth Andrea Patonay Attila Baacutenhegyi Deacutenes Szlaacutevik Jaacutenos Balaacutezs Gyoumlrgy Goumlroumlg Deacutenes

Eacutes Werling Klaacutera A humaacuten Echinococcus multilocularis infectio elsocirc hazai esete Beeacuterkezett

2007 november 16 elfogadva 2008 maacutercius 7


1 Surname Ciobanca

2 Name Petrica Teofil

3 Date and place of birth 25111979 Zalau Salaj

4 Citizenship Romanian

5 Marital status married

6 Contact Tel 0040-740052584 E-mailpetrica_ciobancayahoocom

7 Studies


bdquoVasile Goldisrdquo

West University


ldquoIuliu Haţieganurdquo

University of

Medicine and

Pharmacy of Cluj-


ldquoCarol Davilardquo

University of

Medicine of




University of

Medicine and

Pharmacy of


Theoretical High

School of Zalau

Physics -



Period October 2004

June 2005

January 2005

February 2005

January 2005

March 2005

October 1998

September 2004

September 1994

July 1998

Skills of



Masterrsquos Degree



Accounting and


Management of

the Companies

Certificate of


general ultrasound

scan post-

university course

module I

Certificate of



ultrasound scan


course module






High School


8 Scientific title Medical doctor University Assistant Full-time doctoral student 9 Professional experience

Period Position Responsibilities

01 11 2005 ndash up


- University Assistant

- Resident Physician in

Laboratory Medicine

- Full-time doctoral


UM F bdquoIuliu Hatieganurdquo CLUJ

- Didactical activity in Microbiology (Bacteriology

Parasitology Virology Mycology) with the 2nd



students General Medicine Pharmacy Medical Colleges

within Iuliu Hatieganu University of Medicine and


- Stages within residency activity

- Research activity

01012006 ndash up


- Physician SALVO - SAN

- medical practice in general medicine

0106 2009 ndash

2011 2009


-Medical practice clinical investigations before and after


-The manager of resuscitation team in emergency cases

15012007 ndash


Resident physician in

Family Medicine Spitalul Clinic Judetean de Urgenta Cluj Napoca

- clinical examinations EKG diagnosis and treatment

stages in Obstetrics and Gynaecology Psychiatry Infectious


29082005 ndash


Physician in training Kantonal Flawil Hospital Switzerland

-Internal Medicine stages presentations and diagnosis


01012005 ndash Physician in training Spitalul Clinic Municipal Cluj Napoca

01012006 - Internal Medicine stages for 6 months

- Surgery stages for 6 months

14032005 ndash


Physician in training bdquoMaria Sklodowska Curierdquo Paediatrics Clinical Hospital

- I assisted in the performance of endoscopic investigations

Post university courses General ultrasound scan first module January 2005 - February 2005

General ultrasound scan second module January 2005 ndash March 2005

Occupational medicine

Surgical emergencies in the children

Resuscitation course in adults

ALS - London Ambulance Service

EPLS - Royal Brompton Hospital London

Emergency ultrasonography


Doppler echography

10 The current place of work and position University assistant Full-time doctoral student

bdquoIuliu Hatieganurdquo University of Medicine and Pharmacy of Cluj-Napoca

11 Seniority in the current place of work 6 years

12 Works elaborated and or published Monica Junie Petrica Ciobanca (B-783) 2005 Comparison of Antibiotic Resistance of

Pseudomonas Aeruginosa Strains Isolated from Different Types of Infections Abstracts of the

XIth International Congress of Bacteriology and Applied Microbiology July 23-28 San

Francisco California USA - ISBN1-555-81-353-4

Monica Junie Petrica Ciobanca (M-722) 2005 Evolution of Resistance Phenomenon to

Antimycotic Drugs of Candida Species and Dermatophytes Abstracts of the XIth International

Congress of Mycology July 23-28 San Francisco California USA ISBN1-555-81-354-2

Lia Monica Junie Doina Matinca Doina Tăţulescu AN Ferke Petrica Ciobanca 2006

Evolution of Antibiotic Resistance of Pseudomonas aeruginosa strains isolated from Hospital

Infectious International Journal of Infectious Diseases vol10 suppl 1 ISSN 1201 ndash 9712 pag

S 78 Lisabon Portugal ISSN 1201-9712 IJID indexed in MEDLINE EMCASE Escerpta

Media and Urlichs Elsevier Publishing Presented at the International Congress of Infectious

Diseases sesiunea Antibiotic Resistance ndash Gram negatives (poster nr 13003) iunie 15-18

Lia Monica Junie Zoe Coroiu şi col AN Ferke Petrica Ciobanca 2006 The significance of

AntiToxoplasma IgG and IgM Antibodies Detection in Toxoplasmosis Diagnosis Abstract

books the 12th

ISID pag 80 Presented at the 12th

ISID 15-18 iunie 2006 Lisbon Portugal

Sectiunea Parasitic Infectious

Junie Monica Petrica Ciobanca 2006 Species Distribution and Antifungal Susceptibility Of

Candida Isolates Colected From Hospitalised Patients Abstracts of 16th

European Congress Of

Clinical Microbiology And Infectious Diseases Nice France 1- 4 aprilie 2006

Constantea N şi Petrica Ciobanca 2007 Studiul clinic pentru icircmbunătăţirea metodelor de

diagnostic de laborator şi profilaxia chistului hidatic RevRomde Parasitol 17 48-49

Junie Monica N Constantea Petrica Ciobanca 2007 Surveillance programme in

echinococcosis and importance in the prophylaxis and therapy of human infection Clinical

Microbiology and Infection 132

Christofidou M Spiliopoulou A Vamvacopoulou S Stamoulis V Dimitracopoulos G

Anastassiou ED Monica Junie Costache C Colosi I Ciobanca P T 2008 Species

distribution and antifungal susceptibility of Candida isolates collected from hospitalized patients

in Romania and Greece Scientia Parasitologica161-7 ISSN 1582 - 1366

L M Junie Vasile Cozma Zoe Coroiu Petrica Ciobanca 2009 ldquoEpidemiology of human

echinococcosis in Europe pg 109-127

Junie Monica S Răpuntean N Fiţ Cosmina Cuc F Puiu Gh Răpuntean L Deac Simion P

T Ciobanca 2009 Alternative therapies for combating antimicrobial resistence and reduction

of severe nosocomial infections Abstract Book of IMED (International Meeting on Emerging

Diseases and Surveillance) Vienna Austria Februarie 13-16 2009 Abstract 10152 pg86

V Cosma PT Ciobanca R Blaga C Gherman Lia Monica Junie 2009 Hydatidosis

Epidemiology at Humans and Animals in the Area of the Center and North-Vest Romania

Abstract book of IMED bdquoInternational Meeting on Emerging Diseases and Surveillancerdquo

Vienna Austria Februarie pg86

Ciobanca Petrica Monica Junie 2011 Serological diagnosis and its applicability to the

prophylaxis and therapy of hydatid cyst in human patients Rev Scienţia Parasitologica 121


Ciobanca Petrica Teofil Junie Lia Monica 2011 Diagnosis confirmation of human cystic

echinococcosis by imagistic methods and immunoserological determinations Scientia

Parasitologica12(3) 151-161

13 Foreign languages English-advanced French ndashbeginner German ndash beginner

14 Specialties and qualifications Ultrasound scan PC operator

15 Experience assimilated within the national international programs

Program project Position Period

A national network making regarding

the study of some parasitic zoonosis and

their implications in food safetyCEEX

1782005 lasting 25 months

Developed in collaboration with the

Agricultural Sciences and Veterinary

Medicine University

Doctoral student Economic

responsible person

2006 ndash2007

Interdisciplinary evaluation and

optimization of the screening diagnosis

and treatment methods in triquinelosis

human and animal cystic echinococcosis

in the centre and north - west of

Romania - TRICHIDrdquo CEEX program


Developed between the Agricultural

Sciences and Veterinary Medicine

University (project leader) and UMF

Cluj-Napoca (partner)

Doctoral student Economic

responsible person

2006 -2008

bdquoA national network making for

researching the dermatophytosis in

human and animals CEEX program


Developed between USAMV (project of

the leader) and UMF Cluj- Napoca


Doctoral student Economic

responsible person


I declare on my own liability that the data mentioned are according to reality


In the attempt to compare the methods used in hydatid cyst diagnosis and the obtained results

through these methods we may assert that Western blot IgG echinococcus test is the most sensible in

determining an etiological diagnosis


1 Junie Monica Zoe Coroiu Carmen Costache 2002 The consequences of Echinococcus

granulosus infection in the human population Rev Scienţia Parasitologica 32 86-91

2 Seres Ştefania Monica Junie V Cozma 2009 Prevalence of Echinococcus granulosus in Cluj

county Romania revealed by PCR Rev Scienţia Parasitologica 1o1-2 68-71

3 Coroiu Zoe Judith Bele Cornelia Munteanu Rodica Radu 2007 Aspecte epidemiologice

privind hidatidoza umană icircn judeţul Cluj pe o perioada de 20 de ani (1981-2000) Rev Scientia

Parasitologica 81 32-38

4 A Lahuerta T Westrell J Takkinen F Boelaert V Rizzi B Helwigh B Borck H

Korsgaard A Ammon P Maumlkelauml Zoonoses icircn the European Union origin distribution and

dynamics ndash the EFSA - ECDC summary report 2009

5 Craig PS 1997 Immunodiagnosis of Echinococcus granulosus and a comparison of techniques

for diagnosis of canine echinococcosis In Compendium on cystic echinococcosis icircn Africa and

Middle Eastern countries with special reference to Morocco Brigham Young University Pris

Services Provo

6 Schipper HG Modern management of echinococcosis World Gastroenterology News vol 9 nr

2 2004

7 Arda B H Pulukccedilu T Yamazhan OR Sipahi S Tamsel G Demirpolat M Korkmaz 2009

Prevalence of Echinococcus granulosus detected using enzyme immunoassay and abdominal

ultrasonography icircn a group of students staying icircn a state dormitory icircn Turkey Turk J Med Sci

391 1-4

8Liance M V Janin S Bresson-Hadni DA Vuitton R Houin R Piarroux 2000

Immunodiagnosis of Echinococcus infections confirmatory testing and species differentiation by a

new comercial Western blot J Clin Microbiol 38 3718-3721

9Karadam SY Ertabaklar H Sari C Dayanir Y Ertuğ S Should cystic echinococcosis be

investigated icircn patients having high eosinophil countsTurkiye Parazitol Derg 200933(3)203-6

10 Macpherson CN Milner R Performance characteristics and quality control of community based

ultrasound surveys for cystic and alveolar echinococcosis Acta Trop 2003 Feb85(2)203-9

11 Shambesh MA Craig PS Macpherson CN Rogan MT Gusbi AM Echtuish EF An extensive

ultrasound and serologic study to investigate the prevalence of human cystic echinococcosis icircn

northern Libya Am J Trop Med Hyg 1999 Mar 60(3)462-8

12 Reiter-Owona I Gruumlner B Frosch M Hoerauf A Kern P Tappe D Serological confirmatory

testing of alveolar and cystic echinococcosis in clinical practice results of a comparative study

with commercialized and in-house assays Clin Lab 200955(1-2)41-8

13 Sikoacute Barabaacutesi S Și Cozma V 2008 Echinococoza alveolară O posibilă zoonoză emergentă icircn

Romacircnia (Sinteză) RevScientia Parasitologica 9 1 48-60

14 Horvaacuteth Andrea Patonay Attila Baacutenhegyi Deacutenes Szlaacutevik Jaacutenos Balaacutezs Gyoumlrgy Goumlroumlg Deacutenes

Eacutes Werling Klaacutera A humaacuten Echinococcus multilocularis infectio elsocirc hazai esete Beeacuterkezett

2007 november 16 elfogadva 2008 maacutercius 7


1 Surname Ciobanca

2 Name Petrica Teofil

3 Date and place of birth 25111979 Zalau Salaj

4 Citizenship Romanian

5 Marital status married

6 Contact Tel 0040-740052584 E-mailpetrica_ciobancayahoocom

7 Studies


bdquoVasile Goldisrdquo

West University


ldquoIuliu Haţieganurdquo

University of

Medicine and

Pharmacy of Cluj-


ldquoCarol Davilardquo

University of

Medicine of




University of

Medicine and

Pharmacy of


Theoretical High

School of Zalau

Physics -



Period October 2004

June 2005

January 2005

February 2005

January 2005

March 2005

October 1998

September 2004

September 1994

July 1998

Skills of



Masterrsquos Degree



Accounting and


Management of

the Companies

Certificate of


general ultrasound

scan post-

university course

module I

Certificate of



ultrasound scan


course module






High School


8 Scientific title Medical doctor University Assistant Full-time doctoral student 9 Professional experience

Period Position Responsibilities

01 11 2005 ndash up


- University Assistant

- Resident Physician in

Laboratory Medicine

- Full-time doctoral


UM F bdquoIuliu Hatieganurdquo CLUJ

- Didactical activity in Microbiology (Bacteriology

Parasitology Virology Mycology) with the 2nd



students General Medicine Pharmacy Medical Colleges

within Iuliu Hatieganu University of Medicine and


- Stages within residency activity

- Research activity

01012006 ndash up


- Physician SALVO - SAN

- medical practice in general medicine

0106 2009 ndash

2011 2009


-Medical practice clinical investigations before and after


-The manager of resuscitation team in emergency cases

15012007 ndash


Resident physician in

Family Medicine Spitalul Clinic Judetean de Urgenta Cluj Napoca

- clinical examinations EKG diagnosis and treatment

stages in Obstetrics and Gynaecology Psychiatry Infectious


29082005 ndash


Physician in training Kantonal Flawil Hospital Switzerland

-Internal Medicine stages presentations and diagnosis


01012005 ndash Physician in training Spitalul Clinic Municipal Cluj Napoca

01012006 - Internal Medicine stages for 6 months

- Surgery stages for 6 months

14032005 ndash


Physician in training bdquoMaria Sklodowska Curierdquo Paediatrics Clinical Hospital

- I assisted in the performance of endoscopic investigations

Post university courses General ultrasound scan first module January 2005 - February 2005

General ultrasound scan second module January 2005 ndash March 2005

Occupational medicine

Surgical emergencies in the children

Resuscitation course in adults

ALS - London Ambulance Service

EPLS - Royal Brompton Hospital London

Emergency ultrasonography


Doppler echography

10 The current place of work and position University assistant Full-time doctoral student

bdquoIuliu Hatieganurdquo University of Medicine and Pharmacy of Cluj-Napoca

11 Seniority in the current place of work 6 years

12 Works elaborated and or published Monica Junie Petrica Ciobanca (B-783) 2005 Comparison of Antibiotic Resistance of

Pseudomonas Aeruginosa Strains Isolated from Different Types of Infections Abstracts of the

XIth International Congress of Bacteriology and Applied Microbiology July 23-28 San

Francisco California USA - ISBN1-555-81-353-4

Monica Junie Petrica Ciobanca (M-722) 2005 Evolution of Resistance Phenomenon to

Antimycotic Drugs of Candida Species and Dermatophytes Abstracts of the XIth International

Congress of Mycology July 23-28 San Francisco California USA ISBN1-555-81-354-2

Lia Monica Junie Doina Matinca Doina Tăţulescu AN Ferke Petrica Ciobanca 2006

Evolution of Antibiotic Resistance of Pseudomonas aeruginosa strains isolated from Hospital

Infectious International Journal of Infectious Diseases vol10 suppl 1 ISSN 1201 ndash 9712 pag

S 78 Lisabon Portugal ISSN 1201-9712 IJID indexed in MEDLINE EMCASE Escerpta

Media and Urlichs Elsevier Publishing Presented at the International Congress of Infectious

Diseases sesiunea Antibiotic Resistance ndash Gram negatives (poster nr 13003) iunie 15-18

Lia Monica Junie Zoe Coroiu şi col AN Ferke Petrica Ciobanca 2006 The significance of

AntiToxoplasma IgG and IgM Antibodies Detection in Toxoplasmosis Diagnosis Abstract

books the 12th

ISID pag 80 Presented at the 12th

ISID 15-18 iunie 2006 Lisbon Portugal

Sectiunea Parasitic Infectious

Junie Monica Petrica Ciobanca 2006 Species Distribution and Antifungal Susceptibility Of

Candida Isolates Colected From Hospitalised Patients Abstracts of 16th

European Congress Of

Clinical Microbiology And Infectious Diseases Nice France 1- 4 aprilie 2006

Constantea N şi Petrica Ciobanca 2007 Studiul clinic pentru icircmbunătăţirea metodelor de

diagnostic de laborator şi profilaxia chistului hidatic RevRomde Parasitol 17 48-49

Junie Monica N Constantea Petrica Ciobanca 2007 Surveillance programme in

echinococcosis and importance in the prophylaxis and therapy of human infection Clinical

Microbiology and Infection 132

Christofidou M Spiliopoulou A Vamvacopoulou S Stamoulis V Dimitracopoulos G

Anastassiou ED Monica Junie Costache C Colosi I Ciobanca P T 2008 Species

distribution and antifungal susceptibility of Candida isolates collected from hospitalized patients

in Romania and Greece Scientia Parasitologica161-7 ISSN 1582 - 1366

L M Junie Vasile Cozma Zoe Coroiu Petrica Ciobanca 2009 ldquoEpidemiology of human

echinococcosis in Europe pg 109-127

Junie Monica S Răpuntean N Fiţ Cosmina Cuc F Puiu Gh Răpuntean L Deac Simion P

T Ciobanca 2009 Alternative therapies for combating antimicrobial resistence and reduction

of severe nosocomial infections Abstract Book of IMED (International Meeting on Emerging

Diseases and Surveillance) Vienna Austria Februarie 13-16 2009 Abstract 10152 pg86

V Cosma PT Ciobanca R Blaga C Gherman Lia Monica Junie 2009 Hydatidosis

Epidemiology at Humans and Animals in the Area of the Center and North-Vest Romania

Abstract book of IMED bdquoInternational Meeting on Emerging Diseases and Surveillancerdquo

Vienna Austria Februarie pg86

Ciobanca Petrica Monica Junie 2011 Serological diagnosis and its applicability to the

prophylaxis and therapy of hydatid cyst in human patients Rev Scienţia Parasitologica 121


Ciobanca Petrica Teofil Junie Lia Monica 2011 Diagnosis confirmation of human cystic

echinococcosis by imagistic methods and immunoserological determinations Scientia

Parasitologica12(3) 151-161

13 Foreign languages English-advanced French ndashbeginner German ndash beginner

14 Specialties and qualifications Ultrasound scan PC operator

15 Experience assimilated within the national international programs

Program project Position Period

A national network making regarding

the study of some parasitic zoonosis and

their implications in food safetyCEEX

1782005 lasting 25 months

Developed in collaboration with the

Agricultural Sciences and Veterinary

Medicine University

Doctoral student Economic

responsible person

2006 ndash2007

Interdisciplinary evaluation and

optimization of the screening diagnosis

and treatment methods in triquinelosis

human and animal cystic echinococcosis

in the centre and north - west of

Romania - TRICHIDrdquo CEEX program


Developed between the Agricultural

Sciences and Veterinary Medicine

University (project leader) and UMF

Cluj-Napoca (partner)

Doctoral student Economic

responsible person

2006 -2008

bdquoA national network making for

researching the dermatophytosis in

human and animals CEEX program


Developed between USAMV (project of

the leader) and UMF Cluj- Napoca


Doctoral student Economic

responsible person


I declare on my own liability that the data mentioned are according to reality



1 Surname Ciobanca

2 Name Petrica Teofil

3 Date and place of birth 25111979 Zalau Salaj

4 Citizenship Romanian

5 Marital status married

6 Contact Tel 0040-740052584 E-mailpetrica_ciobancayahoocom

7 Studies


bdquoVasile Goldisrdquo

West University


ldquoIuliu Haţieganurdquo

University of

Medicine and

Pharmacy of Cluj-


ldquoCarol Davilardquo

University of

Medicine of




University of

Medicine and

Pharmacy of


Theoretical High

School of Zalau

Physics -



Period October 2004

June 2005

January 2005

February 2005

January 2005

March 2005

October 1998

September 2004

September 1994

July 1998

Skills of



Masterrsquos Degree



Accounting and


Management of

the Companies

Certificate of


general ultrasound

scan post-

university course

module I

Certificate of



ultrasound scan


course module






High School


8 Scientific title Medical doctor University Assistant Full-time doctoral student 9 Professional experience

Period Position Responsibilities

01 11 2005 ndash up


- University Assistant

- Resident Physician in

Laboratory Medicine

- Full-time doctoral


UM F bdquoIuliu Hatieganurdquo CLUJ

- Didactical activity in Microbiology (Bacteriology

Parasitology Virology Mycology) with the 2nd



students General Medicine Pharmacy Medical Colleges

within Iuliu Hatieganu University of Medicine and


- Stages within residency activity

- Research activity

01012006 ndash up


- Physician SALVO - SAN

- medical practice in general medicine

0106 2009 ndash

2011 2009


-Medical practice clinical investigations before and after


-The manager of resuscitation team in emergency cases

15012007 ndash


Resident physician in

Family Medicine Spitalul Clinic Judetean de Urgenta Cluj Napoca

- clinical examinations EKG diagnosis and treatment

stages in Obstetrics and Gynaecology Psychiatry Infectious


29082005 ndash


Physician in training Kantonal Flawil Hospital Switzerland

-Internal Medicine stages presentations and diagnosis


01012005 ndash Physician in training Spitalul Clinic Municipal Cluj Napoca

01012006 - Internal Medicine stages for 6 months

- Surgery stages for 6 months

14032005 ndash


Physician in training bdquoMaria Sklodowska Curierdquo Paediatrics Clinical Hospital

- I assisted in the performance of endoscopic investigations

Post university courses General ultrasound scan first module January 2005 - February 2005

General ultrasound scan second module January 2005 ndash March 2005

Occupational medicine

Surgical emergencies in the children

Resuscitation course in adults

ALS - London Ambulance Service

EPLS - Royal Brompton Hospital London

Emergency ultrasonography


Doppler echography

10 The current place of work and position University assistant Full-time doctoral student

bdquoIuliu Hatieganurdquo University of Medicine and Pharmacy of Cluj-Napoca

11 Seniority in the current place of work 6 years

12 Works elaborated and or published Monica Junie Petrica Ciobanca (B-783) 2005 Comparison of Antibiotic Resistance of

Pseudomonas Aeruginosa Strains Isolated from Different Types of Infections Abstracts of the

XIth International Congress of Bacteriology and Applied Microbiology July 23-28 San

Francisco California USA - ISBN1-555-81-353-4

Monica Junie Petrica Ciobanca (M-722) 2005 Evolution of Resistance Phenomenon to

Antimycotic Drugs of Candida Species and Dermatophytes Abstracts of the XIth International

Congress of Mycology July 23-28 San Francisco California USA ISBN1-555-81-354-2

Lia Monica Junie Doina Matinca Doina Tăţulescu AN Ferke Petrica Ciobanca 2006

Evolution of Antibiotic Resistance of Pseudomonas aeruginosa strains isolated from Hospital

Infectious International Journal of Infectious Diseases vol10 suppl 1 ISSN 1201 ndash 9712 pag

S 78 Lisabon Portugal ISSN 1201-9712 IJID indexed in MEDLINE EMCASE Escerpta

Media and Urlichs Elsevier Publishing Presented at the International Congress of Infectious

Diseases sesiunea Antibiotic Resistance ndash Gram negatives (poster nr 13003) iunie 15-18

Lia Monica Junie Zoe Coroiu şi col AN Ferke Petrica Ciobanca 2006 The significance of

AntiToxoplasma IgG and IgM Antibodies Detection in Toxoplasmosis Diagnosis Abstract

books the 12th

ISID pag 80 Presented at the 12th

ISID 15-18 iunie 2006 Lisbon Portugal

Sectiunea Parasitic Infectious

Junie Monica Petrica Ciobanca 2006 Species Distribution and Antifungal Susceptibility Of

Candida Isolates Colected From Hospitalised Patients Abstracts of 16th

European Congress Of

Clinical Microbiology And Infectious Diseases Nice France 1- 4 aprilie 2006

Constantea N şi Petrica Ciobanca 2007 Studiul clinic pentru icircmbunătăţirea metodelor de

diagnostic de laborator şi profilaxia chistului hidatic RevRomde Parasitol 17 48-49

Junie Monica N Constantea Petrica Ciobanca 2007 Surveillance programme in

echinococcosis and importance in the prophylaxis and therapy of human infection Clinical

Microbiology and Infection 132

Christofidou M Spiliopoulou A Vamvacopoulou S Stamoulis V Dimitracopoulos G

Anastassiou ED Monica Junie Costache C Colosi I Ciobanca P T 2008 Species

distribution and antifungal susceptibility of Candida isolates collected from hospitalized patients

in Romania and Greece Scientia Parasitologica161-7 ISSN 1582 - 1366

L M Junie Vasile Cozma Zoe Coroiu Petrica Ciobanca 2009 ldquoEpidemiology of human

echinococcosis in Europe pg 109-127

Junie Monica S Răpuntean N Fiţ Cosmina Cuc F Puiu Gh Răpuntean L Deac Simion P

T Ciobanca 2009 Alternative therapies for combating antimicrobial resistence and reduction

of severe nosocomial infections Abstract Book of IMED (International Meeting on Emerging

Diseases and Surveillance) Vienna Austria Februarie 13-16 2009 Abstract 10152 pg86

V Cosma PT Ciobanca R Blaga C Gherman Lia Monica Junie 2009 Hydatidosis

Epidemiology at Humans and Animals in the Area of the Center and North-Vest Romania

Abstract book of IMED bdquoInternational Meeting on Emerging Diseases and Surveillancerdquo

Vienna Austria Februarie pg86

Ciobanca Petrica Monica Junie 2011 Serological diagnosis and its applicability to the

prophylaxis and therapy of hydatid cyst in human patients Rev Scienţia Parasitologica 121


Ciobanca Petrica Teofil Junie Lia Monica 2011 Diagnosis confirmation of human cystic

echinococcosis by imagistic methods and immunoserological determinations Scientia

Parasitologica12(3) 151-161

13 Foreign languages English-advanced French ndashbeginner German ndash beginner

14 Specialties and qualifications Ultrasound scan PC operator

15 Experience assimilated within the national international programs

Program project Position Period

A national network making regarding

the study of some parasitic zoonosis and

their implications in food safetyCEEX

1782005 lasting 25 months

Developed in collaboration with the

Agricultural Sciences and Veterinary

Medicine University

Doctoral student Economic

responsible person

2006 ndash2007

Interdisciplinary evaluation and

optimization of the screening diagnosis

and treatment methods in triquinelosis

human and animal cystic echinococcosis

in the centre and north - west of

Romania - TRICHIDrdquo CEEX program


Developed between the Agricultural

Sciences and Veterinary Medicine

University (project leader) and UMF

Cluj-Napoca (partner)

Doctoral student Economic

responsible person

2006 -2008

bdquoA national network making for

researching the dermatophytosis in

human and animals CEEX program


Developed between USAMV (project of

the leader) and UMF Cluj- Napoca


Doctoral student Economic

responsible person


I declare on my own liability that the data mentioned are according to reality


01012006 - Internal Medicine stages for 6 months

- Surgery stages for 6 months

14032005 ndash


Physician in training bdquoMaria Sklodowska Curierdquo Paediatrics Clinical Hospital

- I assisted in the performance of endoscopic investigations

Post university courses General ultrasound scan first module January 2005 - February 2005

General ultrasound scan second module January 2005 ndash March 2005

Occupational medicine

Surgical emergencies in the children

Resuscitation course in adults

ALS - London Ambulance Service

EPLS - Royal Brompton Hospital London

Emergency ultrasonography


Doppler echography

10 The current place of work and position University assistant Full-time doctoral student

bdquoIuliu Hatieganurdquo University of Medicine and Pharmacy of Cluj-Napoca

11 Seniority in the current place of work 6 years

12 Works elaborated and or published Monica Junie Petrica Ciobanca (B-783) 2005 Comparison of Antibiotic Resistance of

Pseudomonas Aeruginosa Strains Isolated from Different Types of Infections Abstracts of the

XIth International Congress of Bacteriology and Applied Microbiology July 23-28 San

Francisco California USA - ISBN1-555-81-353-4

Monica Junie Petrica Ciobanca (M-722) 2005 Evolution of Resistance Phenomenon to

Antimycotic Drugs of Candida Species and Dermatophytes Abstracts of the XIth International

Congress of Mycology July 23-28 San Francisco California USA ISBN1-555-81-354-2

Lia Monica Junie Doina Matinca Doina Tăţulescu AN Ferke Petrica Ciobanca 2006

Evolution of Antibiotic Resistance of Pseudomonas aeruginosa strains isolated from Hospital

Infectious International Journal of Infectious Diseases vol10 suppl 1 ISSN 1201 ndash 9712 pag

S 78 Lisabon Portugal ISSN 1201-9712 IJID indexed in MEDLINE EMCASE Escerpta

Media and Urlichs Elsevier Publishing Presented at the International Congress of Infectious

Diseases sesiunea Antibiotic Resistance ndash Gram negatives (poster nr 13003) iunie 15-18

Lia Monica Junie Zoe Coroiu şi col AN Ferke Petrica Ciobanca 2006 The significance of

AntiToxoplasma IgG and IgM Antibodies Detection in Toxoplasmosis Diagnosis Abstract

books the 12th

ISID pag 80 Presented at the 12th

ISID 15-18 iunie 2006 Lisbon Portugal

Sectiunea Parasitic Infectious

Junie Monica Petrica Ciobanca 2006 Species Distribution and Antifungal Susceptibility Of

Candida Isolates Colected From Hospitalised Patients Abstracts of 16th

European Congress Of

Clinical Microbiology And Infectious Diseases Nice France 1- 4 aprilie 2006

Constantea N şi Petrica Ciobanca 2007 Studiul clinic pentru icircmbunătăţirea metodelor de

diagnostic de laborator şi profilaxia chistului hidatic RevRomde Parasitol 17 48-49

Junie Monica N Constantea Petrica Ciobanca 2007 Surveillance programme in

echinococcosis and importance in the prophylaxis and therapy of human infection Clinical

Microbiology and Infection 132

Christofidou M Spiliopoulou A Vamvacopoulou S Stamoulis V Dimitracopoulos G

Anastassiou ED Monica Junie Costache C Colosi I Ciobanca P T 2008 Species

distribution and antifungal susceptibility of Candida isolates collected from hospitalized patients

in Romania and Greece Scientia Parasitologica161-7 ISSN 1582 - 1366

L M Junie Vasile Cozma Zoe Coroiu Petrica Ciobanca 2009 ldquoEpidemiology of human

echinococcosis in Europe pg 109-127

Junie Monica S Răpuntean N Fiţ Cosmina Cuc F Puiu Gh Răpuntean L Deac Simion P

T Ciobanca 2009 Alternative therapies for combating antimicrobial resistence and reduction

of severe nosocomial infections Abstract Book of IMED (International Meeting on Emerging

Diseases and Surveillance) Vienna Austria Februarie 13-16 2009 Abstract 10152 pg86

V Cosma PT Ciobanca R Blaga C Gherman Lia Monica Junie 2009 Hydatidosis

Epidemiology at Humans and Animals in the Area of the Center and North-Vest Romania

Abstract book of IMED bdquoInternational Meeting on Emerging Diseases and Surveillancerdquo

Vienna Austria Februarie pg86

Ciobanca Petrica Monica Junie 2011 Serological diagnosis and its applicability to the

prophylaxis and therapy of hydatid cyst in human patients Rev Scienţia Parasitologica 121


Ciobanca Petrica Teofil Junie Lia Monica 2011 Diagnosis confirmation of human cystic

echinococcosis by imagistic methods and immunoserological determinations Scientia

Parasitologica12(3) 151-161

13 Foreign languages English-advanced French ndashbeginner German ndash beginner

14 Specialties and qualifications Ultrasound scan PC operator

15 Experience assimilated within the national international programs

Program project Position Period

A national network making regarding

the study of some parasitic zoonosis and

their implications in food safetyCEEX

1782005 lasting 25 months

Developed in collaboration with the

Agricultural Sciences and Veterinary

Medicine University

Doctoral student Economic

responsible person

2006 ndash2007

Interdisciplinary evaluation and

optimization of the screening diagnosis

and treatment methods in triquinelosis

human and animal cystic echinococcosis

in the centre and north - west of

Romania - TRICHIDrdquo CEEX program


Developed between the Agricultural

Sciences and Veterinary Medicine

University (project leader) and UMF

Cluj-Napoca (partner)

Doctoral student Economic

responsible person

2006 -2008

bdquoA national network making for

researching the dermatophytosis in

human and animals CEEX program


Developed between USAMV (project of

the leader) and UMF Cluj- Napoca


Doctoral student Economic

responsible person


I declare on my own liability that the data mentioned are according to reality


Christofidou M Spiliopoulou A Vamvacopoulou S Stamoulis V Dimitracopoulos G

Anastassiou ED Monica Junie Costache C Colosi I Ciobanca P T 2008 Species

distribution and antifungal susceptibility of Candida isolates collected from hospitalized patients

in Romania and Greece Scientia Parasitologica161-7 ISSN 1582 - 1366

L M Junie Vasile Cozma Zoe Coroiu Petrica Ciobanca 2009 ldquoEpidemiology of human

echinococcosis in Europe pg 109-127

Junie Monica S Răpuntean N Fiţ Cosmina Cuc F Puiu Gh Răpuntean L Deac Simion P

T Ciobanca 2009 Alternative therapies for combating antimicrobial resistence and reduction

of severe nosocomial infections Abstract Book of IMED (International Meeting on Emerging

Diseases and Surveillance) Vienna Austria Februarie 13-16 2009 Abstract 10152 pg86

V Cosma PT Ciobanca R Blaga C Gherman Lia Monica Junie 2009 Hydatidosis

Epidemiology at Humans and Animals in the Area of the Center and North-Vest Romania

Abstract book of IMED bdquoInternational Meeting on Emerging Diseases and Surveillancerdquo

Vienna Austria Februarie pg86

Ciobanca Petrica Monica Junie 2011 Serological diagnosis and its applicability to the

prophylaxis and therapy of hydatid cyst in human patients Rev Scienţia Parasitologica 121


Ciobanca Petrica Teofil Junie Lia Monica 2011 Diagnosis confirmation of human cystic

echinococcosis by imagistic methods and immunoserological determinations Scientia

Parasitologica12(3) 151-161

13 Foreign languages English-advanced French ndashbeginner German ndash beginner

14 Specialties and qualifications Ultrasound scan PC operator

15 Experience assimilated within the national international programs

Program project Position Period

A national network making regarding

the study of some parasitic zoonosis and

their implications in food safetyCEEX

1782005 lasting 25 months

Developed in collaboration with the

Agricultural Sciences and Veterinary

Medicine University

Doctoral student Economic

responsible person

2006 ndash2007

Interdisciplinary evaluation and

optimization of the screening diagnosis

and treatment methods in triquinelosis

human and animal cystic echinococcosis

in the centre and north - west of

Romania - TRICHIDrdquo CEEX program


Developed between the Agricultural

Sciences and Veterinary Medicine

University (project leader) and UMF

Cluj-Napoca (partner)

Doctoral student Economic

responsible person

2006 -2008

bdquoA national network making for

researching the dermatophytosis in

human and animals CEEX program


Developed between USAMV (project of

the leader) and UMF Cluj- Napoca


Doctoral student Economic

responsible person


I declare on my own liability that the data mentioned are according to reality