prajituri retete

PRAJITURA ALBA CA ZAPADA Pentru foi : 10 linguri de lapte 10 linguri de zahar 10 linguri de ulei 2 oua o lingurita rasa de amoniac un praf de sare faina cat cuprinde (aprox 500-550 gr) Pentru crema : 1 litru de lapte 8 linguri de faina 6 linguri de zahar un pachet de unt (200 gr) coaja de la o lamaie 1 esenta de vanilie sucul de la 1/2 de lamaie (sau de la o lamaie intreaga daca va place crema mai acrisoara) MOD DE PREPARARE RETETA PRAJITURA ALBA CA ZAPADA (RETETA VIDEO) Pentru foi amestecam intr-un bol ouale, zaharul, uleiul si laptele. Batem bine totul cu un tel incat sa topim zaharul. Adaugam sarea si amoniacul dizolvat in putina zeama de lamaie si apoi adaugam faina putin cate putin pana obtinem un aluat omogen, potrivit de tare care nu se lipeste de maini. Lasam aluatul sa se odihneasca pentru 30 de minute, il impartim in trei si intindem fiecare

Upload: alexander-alexi

Post on 17-Dec-2015




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Pentru foi : 10 linguri de lapte

10 linguri de zahar

10 linguri deulei 2oua o lingurita rasa de amoniac

un praf desare faina cat cuprinde (aprox 500-550 gr)

Pentru crema : 1 litru de lapte

8 linguri de faina

6 linguri de zahar

un pachet de unt (200 gr)

coaja de la o lamaie

1 esenta devanilie sucul de la 1/2 de lamaie (sau de la o lamaie intreaga daca va place crema mai acrisoara)


Pentru foiamestecam intr-un bol ouale, zaharul, uleiul si laptele. Batem bine totul cu un tel incat sa topim zaharul. Adaugam sarea si amoniacul dizolvat in putina zeama de lamaie si apoi adaugam faina putin cate putin pana obtinem un aluat omogen, potrivit de tare care nu se lipeste de maini. Lasam aluatul sa se odihneasca pentru 30 de minute, il impartim in trei si intindem fiecare parte de aluat pe o bucata de foie de copt pana cand aluatul devine foarte subtire si se potriveste cu dimensiunea tavii in care vreti sa coaceti foile. Intoarceti o tava cu fundul in sus si puneti pe ea foia bine intinsa, cu tot cu foia de copt. Coaceti foaia pentru 15 min la foc mic (150 grade) pana ce foaia se intareste si se coloreaza foarte putin. Procedati la fel cu cu celelalte 2 foi.

Pentru cremapuneti int-o cratita faina, zaharul, coaja de lamaie si turnati lapte putin cate putin pentru a forma o pasta. Continuati sa turnati laptele pana cand pasta se dilueaza din ce in ce mai mult si pana ce adaugati tot laptele. Puneti craticioara la fiert, la foc mic si amestecati continuu pana ce crema se ingroasa. Daca vi se pare ca nu ati obtinut o crema destul de groasa, dizolvati 2 linguri de faina in putina apa rece si turnati peste crema. Mai fierbeti pentru 5 minute sau pana ce crema se ingroasa. Acoperiti crema cu o folie de plastic, direct pe suprafata cremei si lasati-o sa se raceasca. Cand s-a racit mixati crema adaugand putin cate putin din untul la temperatura camerei.

Pentru a monta prajitura, tapetati tava pe spatele careia ati copt foile, cu folie de plastic, puneti una din foi apoi puneti un strat de crema (ceva mai putin de jumatate din cantitatea totala), puneti a doua foie si iar un strat de crema pastrand aprox 3 linguri si ultima foaie, iar deasupra cele 3 linguri de crema pastrate. Intindem bine crema deasupra ultimei foi si presaram apoi nuca de cocos din belsug. Impachetam bine prajitura in folie de plastic punem deasupra ei un tocator, apoi o greutate (cateva borcane, o punga de faina, de zahar) si lasam prajitura in frigider peste noapte pana ce foile se inmoaie. Taiem apoi prajitura dupa bunul plac si o servim rece. CU VISINE


250 g faina

100 g zahar

125 mlulei 2oua 200 ml lapte

50 g cacao

1 praf de copt

esenta de rom

un borcan de dulceata devisine un praf desarePentru glazura:

100 g ciocolata alba

50 ml lapte

50 g pulbere cocos

Ouale se mixeaza bine cu un praf desare. Adaugam apoi zaharul si mixam pana ouale se albesc si isi dubleaza volumul. Turnam uleiul cate putin mixand continuu, apoi laptele si esenta de rom.

Faina o amestecam impreuna cu praf de copt si cacao si o incorporam in compozitia de mai sus.Incorporam dulceata de visine.

Turnam compozitia checului intr-o tava tapetata cu faina sidamla cuptor la foc mediu timp de 30-40 minute. Cand este gata, lasam sa se raceasca.

Topim ciocolata alba impreuna cu laptele. Glazuram checul racit, apoi punem cocos deasupra. Este un deliciu.


pentru blat:

7oua 7 linguri zahar

7 linguri faina

3 linguriulei 3 linguri apa

un vf. cutitsarepentru crema: 500 ml lapte

3 linguri si 1/2 faina sau amidon alimentar (eu am pus 2 linguri de faina si 1 lingura 1/2 de amidon)

5-6 linguri zahar

un pachet de unt 80 % grasime

coaja si zeama de la o lamaie

pentru glazura: 100 ml frisca lichida indulcita

100 ml smantana cu continut ridicat de grasime

1/3 fiola lamaie Dr. Oetker/zeama de lamaie

2 linguri rase zahar


Cum preparam blatul:Separam albusurile de galbenusuri.Mixeazam spuma albusurile impreuna cu sarea si adaugam treptat zaharul, mixand pana se topeste complet.Galbenusurile le freacam cuulei,capentru maioneza apoi adaugam apa si omogenizam.Adaugam compozitiapestealbusuri, apoi faina cernuta.

Omogenizam amestecand usor, de jos in sus (nu circular).Turnam amestecul intr-o tava tapetata cu hartie pentru copt (tava de 20/27cm), nivelam si bagam tava la cuptorul preincalzit, la foc mic (aproximativ 170grade) pana capata o culoare frumoasa si trece testul scobitorii.Lasam la racit si preparamcrema.

Cum preparam crema:Mixam untul spuma.Intr-un vas cu fund dublu punem faina si zaharul apoi adaugam putin cate putinlaptele rece si amestecam cu un tel sa nu sefacacocoloase.

Punem la foc mic si fierbem amestecand mereu cu o lingura de lemn ca sa nu se lipeasca, pana se ingroasa si capata consistenta unei budinci.

Punem vasul in alt vas cu apa rece si amestecam cand si cand ca sa se raceasca crema. Adauga si zeama de lamaie si coaja. Amestecam.Cand crema ajunge la temperatura camerei adaugam untul spuma si omogenizam.

Cum montam prajitura:Desprindem hartia de copt de pe blatul rece si il taiem in 3, pe orizontala.

Asezam prima foaie, intindem uniform jumatate din crema, asezam a doua foaie, punem si restul de crema, apoi asezam ultima foaie din blat.

Cum facem glazura:Intr-un bol punem frisca ,smantana grasa, zaharul si zeama de lamaie (eu am pus 1/3 fiola lamaie Dr. Oetker) si mixam.Intindem glazura peste prajitura si trasam linii cu ajutorul unei furculite.

Se lasa la rece pana a doua zi (sau minim 4-5 ore) apoi se portioneaza. ce ai inainte k viata .

I understand that they cant stay together I accept this. All I want is to speak without injury or to not speak if they want this. No, they cant do this. All the time only dirty words between they from the both sides.. Shame on they.I speak with him normally but Im upset on him. Cristiana learned from 2 weeks ago for 2 exams (in the same day 2 exams) he know this but yesterday when she had these exams, he could not controle himself and beaten her. I did everything for him ... and Rahim instead respect me and let her give the exam ... did everything possible for her to miss it. It is evil. She went to the 2-nd exam beaten ( and for this I give him food and a place to sleep this is right? Dont think so.

More than this he told her that if she will speak with you about him he will beat her again.

Anyway he is gone at Ploiesti now at his friends until Friday. Ask them many times to not speak each other is better , but no one do this. To have a better life I must have 2 jobs and arrive home in the night and what found? 2 fools who fight? I want to help both, never make differences between Rahim and Cristiana for me are the same. We will try to resist until 25 sept when he will go at camin to stay.

Im not so sure that he will graduate. Night is made for sleep not for chating and Im sure that he will stay in night to chat with girls and boys he will cantt go to school in morning. Is his problem.

I want to do more for him but he doesn.t let me and, sorry, dont deserve.

Even if my daughter would be a bitch, as he says to me and what I do for him should shut. For this Im upsed on him.

We will see .

Make me a favour sir, because Cristiana deserve this : I will send you 30 USD to buy her turkmen bracelets not now until December, please. She doesnt want anything from Rahim but I will buy her.

And as it regards Rahim - I will help even if he's worth it. He's lonely and it's hard to handle. Can he understand later but it will be too late. Please dont tell him because he cant understand.Sorry, these days was very busy, because had a judo contest here in Bucharest and was like staff, we are both tired, and I had no time to tell you what happened.

Last week was like this: they fight Monday (when Kriss had 2 exams), Rahim left our house Tuesday morning to Ploiesti and came Wednesday in night (22 h). I thought that he will stay until next week but . Unexpected, the next day Thursday he told me at 3 pm that he want to go at Ploiesti with train who left at 4 pm because he MUST be in Ploiesti at 5 pm when his girl friend will be at camin to meet her. Because he had my house key and he was alone at home he must lock the house . But he wanted to let my house open and go to Ploiesti. Told him that this cant happened because isnt normal to let a house open to enter anyone in it. Is my house and must be closed. Difficult he understood and wait until 6 pm when he left my house and gone to Ploiesti. From that day (Thursday) I didnt know anything about him. only saw on Facebook that he was online until 4-5 am. I know that he stays on different sites all the night and sleeps day . This behavior doesnt help him at university when courses are in the morning.Im upset on him not for a thank you Im upset because I think deserve a good bye said face-to-face. I havent even a good bye more that this if our house was his house too, if there was no difference between him and my daughter, at least he must left our house like a man .. no like a sneaky. And I have another reason for my sadness if he respected me, never in his life tell to my daughter that is a bitch. This is only his opinion. No-one support him my family, my friends, my work colleagues (there are Kriss collegues too they know her) no-one and when I asked Rahim if he has courage to tell Kriss father that she is a bitch, Rahim said: yes I can tell him. Told him many times: attention with money there are not enough for live dont spent on boshes your father works for these money nothing. He spent on train between Bucharest and Ploiesti a lot of them. For this reason I wanted to stay at us to not spent so much to have money when will start the university. But he? Doesnt care. He cares only about him.

And this is not all

Told him all the time: we are parents (me and you) and we never want something wrong for our children, we have experience saw many things. No nothing is good for him. He is knows better.Sir, belive me for me is enough. We arent perfect, arent rich but we gave him all that he needed. I havent anything to reproached me. I was like a mother and where is the good bye for me? He cant stay 1 h more to give the key to my neighbor ? Why?

He gave 2 turkmen bracelets to Kriss one of them disappeared where? and when Kriss took another one from him identical with the first he said: from where is this..? that means he knows about the first bracelet.

Until here Im a carpet in front of my children a can do everything for them . But now its enough . Im like you.

Kriss like you very much. She will try to come in TKM with Erasmus because wants to see you and family. Is difficult for me to accept a fail at university. I know that they children today dont like to learn, dont like to read .. and Im so happy when see one who do. Be happy sir for Cristiana because she show me that she can. I wanted to be the same for Rahim too. Maybe he wakes up but for us will be later, it will be only for you. However, you have another daughter now. Salam,

Hope that you and all family are in good conditions.

I havent concrete news about Rahim, Cristiana just heared by chance from a colleague of Rahim that he is in Bucharest now at Camin 16 in Regie (a campus for students). Unfortunately, Rahim told all that happened (story in the lead) to his friends and encouraged to tell Cristiana how bitch is she and they do this. For this reason I told his name instead your son because he cant be named like your son. Sorry for this. For all that he did while staying with us and after he left I can not forgive, never.

Enough with Rahim. He wants this life and we let him to see how it will be.

The academic year starts tomorrow and Cristiana will try to combine service (in the morning until 11 h) with studies (between 11 16 h) and evening workouts (19 21) every day. Hopefully she will be able to do because life is not so easy. Sir, whenever if you want to tell me anything you may.

Ok I must go to the second job take care of all.


Morning sir,

I meet yesterday Rahim and gave him the last clothes. Is mad on me because I told you about his behavior time spent on internet, spoken with many girls and because my words your relation is tainted. I didnt say talking with or not talk I said that I can speak with anyone I want as long as I am civilized. He think that I wanted something and told me: Do you want money?.... or what? . Sir you know never asked you for something except Turkmen bracelets. And I proved to you that I want first to send your daughter something in exchange that bracelets (because you dont want to accept money). More accurate and honest than I do not think there is. While I spoke to him did not look at me, he cant proved me that he understand that did wrong things.

At the end asked him to learn because this is the reason being here.

Sir.. even I know that he doesnt deserve anything I still consider him like a son even I know, I saw many wrong things at him..

He will see I sure that he will see because most of roumanians are for their benefits.

And by the way he always said and says only what you and your wife wants to hear.Dont tell him or you wife what I told you because he will reproach that I speak with you again. This is only for you.

By the way, when I talk to him is like I fight with a herd of bears - so strong it is. But do not worry, as I told him you are Turkmen but I'm 1000 times more than Turkmen.

Is very stubborn and hiddenla 1 kg faina ne trebuie:

70 gr drojdie ( se poate si 50 gr ...depinde de cat de buna e faina)

300 gr zahar,

4oua+ 1 ou pentru uns cozonacii ,

200 mlulei,

500 ml lapte +inca o cana pentru cacao ,

nuca ,





esenta rom,

zahar vanilat,

razatura lamaie,

susansi macMOD DE PREPARARE RETETA Cozonac ca la mama acasa:

Se freaca drojdia cu o lingurita de zahar , se adauga putin lapte cald si se face maiaua(se incorporeaza in precizat deoarece e langa mine baiatul meu cel mic si nu intelege ce inseamna maia ....:)).. ). Se lasa la crescut. Intre timp restul de lapte cu zaharul, ouale , sarea , zaharul vanilat si esentele se amesteca pana se topeste zaharul.

Se amesteca cu maiaua si incepe framantatul. Trebuie sa avem un aluat moale si pufos, la sfarsit se adauga uleiul si se framanta pana se incorporeaza tot. Se lasa la crescut. Se pregatesc formele, se ung cuulei, eu pun si hartie de copt sa nu se arda. Ne pregatim umplutura, repede ca va creste aluatul !!

Taiem rahatul fasii, nuca o faramitam dupa ce am prajit-o putin in cuptor, stafidele le punem in cateva linguri de lapte cu esenta rom, iar cacaua o dizolvam in ulei....punem uleiul firicel si la maioneza, pana se dizolva cacaua, dupa care dizolvam cu nu va speriati daca se ingroasa compozitia , puneti lapte pana ajungeti la consistenta unei smantani mai diluate un pic pentru a putea fi intinsa pe coca.

Dupa ce a crescut aluatul incepe de fapt "arta "....:) imparte coca in 4 bile (acum vorbim doar la cantitatile de mai 1 kg de faina, da ? ), adica 2 cozonaci.....a inteles si Andrei al meu...:)) terorizeaza cu intrebarile, cred ca data viitoare voi avea ajutor de bucatar....continuam....folosim merdeneaua pentru a intinde bilele in dreptunghiuri pe masa , folositi putin ulei pe masa pentru a fi mai usor .

Se unge cu cacaua, se "imprastie" rahatul, nuca si stafidele dupa care rulati aluatul pe lungime, adica faceti un sul din fiecare dreptunghi. Acum impletiti cate doua suluri, aveti grija sa bagati capetele un pic dedesupt, pentru a nu se desface in tava.le puneti in forma si le lasati la trebuie sa stea in curent !!!!!!!!...le trebuie caldura !!!! Dupa ce au crescut, se ung cu ou si se presarasusansi/sau mac....dupa preferinta. Se baga la cuptor, logic nu !!!

Andrei ma intreaba timpul de ma uit niciodata la ceas, chiar niciodata....cand incep sa miroasa frumos, va uitati la ei in cuptor si intoarceti tavile pentru a se coace la sfarsit ii incerc cu cutitul, cand scot cutitul curat, nu cu coca pe el. inseamna ca sunt copti......depinde de cuptorul dvs, dar eu dupa ce am intors tavile dau focul la mic, pentru a nu se arde.....puteti folosi si hartie de copt peste ei daca arde cuptorul dvss