modul 14

MODULUL 14 – Limba engleză MODULUL 14: ˮARGUMENTS FOR AND AGAINST ADVERTISINGˮ Obiective educaţionale În urma studierii acestui Modul, vei dobândi următoarele competenţe şi aptitudini: - vei citi, traduce, discuta texte de specialitate exersând în același timp structurile gramaticale studiate anterior (pluralul substantivelor) - vei exersa limbajul frecvent utilizat în domeniul publicității - vei putea argumenta pro sau contra publicității utilizând termeni specifici domeniului reclamei și al publicității. Cuvinte cheie: advertising, arguments, debate. 14 Timpul mediu necesar pentru studiu: 120 minute.

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MODULUL 14 – Limba engleză




Obiective educaţionale

În urma studierii acestui Modul, vei dobândi următoarele competenţe şi aptitudini: - vei citi, traduce, discuta texte de specialitate

exersând în același timp structurile gramaticale studiate anterior (pluralul substantivelor)

- vei exersa limbajul frecvent utilizat în domeniul publicității - vei putea argumenta pro sau contra publicității utilizând termeni

specifici domeniului reclamei și al publicității.

Cuvinte cheie:

advertising, arguments, debate.


Timpul mediu necesar pentru studiu: 120 minute.

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Cuprinsul Modulului:


Obiective educaţionale ...................................................................... 293

Cuvinte cheie: .................................................................................... 293

Cuprinsul Modulului ......................................................................... 294

14.1 .................Arguments for advertising ............................................ 295

14.2 .................Arguments against advertising............... ...................... 297

14.3. ..................Grammar review: Plural of Nouns..........................298

Subiecte pentru autoevaluare ............................................................... 300

Întrebări de autoevaluare ................................................................. 300

Teste grilă pentru autoevaluare ........................................................ 301

Exerciţii rezolvate ............................................................................. 303

Subiecte pentru evaluare şi control ...................................................... 305

Teme pentru aprofundarea cunoştinţelor ........................................ 305

Întrebări de evaluare ........................................................................ 306

Teste grilă: ......................................................................................... 306

Referate ............................................................................................. 307

Exerciţii propuse spre rezolvare ....................................................... 309

Rezumatul acestui Modul ...................................................................... 312

Bibliografie obligatorie ......................................................................... 313

Bibliografie ............................................................................................ 313

Bibliografie generală ............................................................................. 314

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În acest Modul se discută importanța publicității, rolul ei de a informa și a

convinge, cu scopul de a crea preferințe pentru un anumit produs sau de a-i

motiva pe consumatori să consume un anumit produs. Sunt aduse în discuție

avantajele și dezavantajele publicității.

Ideile sunt prezenatate într-o succesiune logică, schematic pentru

a ușura parcurgera materialului. Exercițiile de vocabular vor fi

susținute de cele de gramatică pentru a asigura o comunicare

corecta și cursivă.


1. Advertisements tell consumers about the products that are

available, allowing them to make a wider and more informed choice.

2. It encourages competition between firms, who have to produce

cheaper and better products. Advertisements tell consumers about the

products that are available, allowing them to make a wider and more

informed choice.

3. Advertisements tell consumers about the products that are

available, allowing them to make a wider and more informed choice.

4. By creating a wider market for products, advertising makes

large-scale production and sales possible. Mass production also makes

goods and services cheaper for consumers.

5. Without advertising, media such as newspapers and television

would be more expensive. Many sporting clubs and other organisations also

benefit from advertising revenue.

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Dacă ai înţeles paragrafele parcurse până aici, atunci te rog să completezi cuvintele lipsă în textul de mai jos: It encourages .................... between firms, who have to produce cheaper and better products. .............................. tell consumers about the products that are available, allowing them to make a wider and more informed choice. By creating a wider market for products, advertising makes ......................... and sales possible. Mass production also makes goods and services cheaper for consumers.

Scrie aici răspunsul considerat corect de către tine: ........................................................................................... şi apoi, verifică-te mai jos dacă ai dat răspunsul corect.

Răspunsul corect este:

‘competition’, ‘advertisements’,‘large-scale production’

Dacă ai răspuns corect, te felicit! Dacă nu, atunci trebuie să revii asupra paragrafelor parcurse până acum, pentru a le aprofunda.

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1. Advertising is expensive and may lead to prices being higher

than necessary. High advertising costs may also prevent new firms from

entering the market because they cannot afford the expense.

2. Advertising can be misleading. However, there are substantial

controls upon the industry.

3. Advertising can put pressure upon people to buy products that

they don’t really need or can’t afford.

4. Advertising is often wasteful sometimes involving the same firm

advertising virtually identical products against each other (washing powder

is a good example).

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Dacă ai înţeles paragrafele parcurse până aici, atunci te rog să răspunzi la următoarea întrebare: How does advertising put pressure on people? ........................................................................................... ........................................................................................... ........................................................................................... ........................................................................................... ........................................................................................... ........................................................................................... ........................................................................................... ........................................................................................... ........................................................................................... ...........................................................................................

Dacă consideri că ai răspuns corect, verifică-te mai jos. Dacă nu, atunci te rog să revenii asupra paragrafelor parcurse până acum, pentru a le aprofunda.

Răspunsul corect la întrebarea anterioară este: Advertising can put pressure upon people to buy products that they don’t really need or can’t afford.

Dacă ai răspuns corect, te felicit! Dacă nu, atunci trebuie să revii asupra paragrafelor parcurse până acum, pentru a le aprofunda.

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1. Usually the plural is formed by adding –s to the singular form.

e.g. car-cars

flower - flowers


� When the noun ends in a sibilant consonant (-s, -ss, -x, -ch, -sh, -

zz), the letter e is added after it, before the inflection –s

e.g. bus – buses kiss – kisses

quiz – quizzes fox – foxes

bush – bushes beach – beaches

� When the noun ends in –y preceded by a vowel, the plural is

formed by adding –s in the ordinary way

e.g. day – days boy – boys

� When the noun ends in –y preceded by a consonant, it changes into

i, and the plural will be –ies.

e.g. story – stories study – studies

� Irregular plurals e.g. man – men

woman – women

goose – geese

foot – feet

tooth - teeth

mouse – mice

- three nouns get –en in the plural

e.g. child – children ox – oxen brother – brethren

(brother has regular plural, too)

1. Nouns can be countable (many) or uncountable (much).

Uncountable nouns do not take the indefinite article (a) and have no

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plural. Nouns which refer to general things, such as qualities,

substances, topics and processes, are uncountable.

e.g. Humans need oxygen.

I bought some flour.

Humour is a great gift.

Here is a list of nouns that are often countable in other languages but

are uncountable in English: furniture, information, knowledge,

money, news, baggage, luggage, homework, traffic, advice, hair,

progress, research, machinery.

2. Some countable nouns have the same form for both singular and

plural. Many of these refer to animals and fish: sheep, deer, fish, cod,

salmon, means, series, crossroads, offspring.

There is a small group of nouns that only have plural forms. These

are often clothes and tools, which have two similar parts: clothes,

pyjamas, glasses, scissors, binoculars, wages, premises.

Collective nouns refer to a group of people or things. They are

followed by either a singular or a plural verb.

e.g. The government has changed.

The government are planning dramatic changes.

The following are collective nouns: army, jury, staff, council,

company, committee, audience, data, media, press, public,

community, family, group.

Further reading:


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Subiecte pentru autoevaluare:

Întrebări de autoevaluare

1. What impact does advertising have on media?

Scrie răspunsul tău aici:







Răspunsul corect la întrebarea de mai sus este:

Without advertising, media such as newspapers and television would be

more expensive.

2. Can all firms afford to pay for advertising? Which are the


Scrie răspunsul tău aici:







Răspunsul corect la întrebarea de mai sus este:

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Advertising is expensive and may lead to prices being higher than

necessary. High advertising costs may also prevent new firms from entering

the market because they cannot afford the expense.

Dacă aţi terminat de răspuns la întrebările de mai sus, verificaţi-vă răspunsurile date confruntându-le cu materialul teoretic prezentat în acest Modul.

Nu aţi răspuns corect la toate întrebările? Nu fiţi dezamăgiţi, căci vă recomandăm să reparcurgeţi materialul teoretic şi cu siguranţă veţi putea răspunde acestor întrebări. E simplu! Puteţi de asemenea, să vă notaţi eventualele nelămuriri, pentru a le clarifica în cadrul Activităţii tutoriale (AT).

Aţi răspuns corect la toate întrebările? FELICITĂRI!!! Continuaţi parcurgerea acestui Modul pentru a vă pregăti corespunzător în vederea atingerii obiectivelor stabilite pentru acest Modul.

Test grilă pentru autoevaluare:

1. In many markets there is a firm with a much larger market share

than its competitors, called a ………………………….. a. market leader

b. monopolist

c. multinational Răspunsul pe care îl consideri corect este: ............................

2. A company that is number two in an industry, but which would like to become number one – think of Pepsi vs. Coca Cola – is known as a ……………………………

a. market challenger

b. market competitor

c. market follower Răspunsul pe care îl consideri corect este: ............................

3. A smaller company in an industry, more or less content with its existing market share, is called a …………………………

a. market challenger

b. market follower

c. market sharer

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Răspunsul pe care îl consideri corect este: ............................

4. Small, specialised companies, which target segments within segments, are called ……………………. a. market failures

b. market followers

c. market nichers Răspunsul pe care îl consideri corect este: ............................

5. A market in which one single producer can fix an artificially high price is called a/an ………………………. a. homogeneous market

b. monopoly

c. undifferentiated market Răspunsul pe care îl consideri corect este: ............................

6. A market dominated by a few large suppliers, and which it is hard for new companies to break into, is called a/an ………………………

a. conglomerate

b. market concentration

c. oligopoly

Răspunsul pe care îl consideri corect este: ............................

Dacă aţi terminat de răspuns la testele grilă de mai sus, verificaţi-vă răspunsurile date confruntându-le cu cele din tabelul următor: Nr. întrebării Răspunsul corect: 1. a

2. a 3. b 4. c 5. b 6. c

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Exerciţii rezolvate:

Rezolvă problemele/exerciţiile propuse mai jos. Rezolvarea lor o vei posta pe pagina web a disciplinei, la butonul creat în acest scop în secţiunea specifică aferentă Săptămânii 14. Translate the following text into Romanian: Advertising to children: Is it ethical?

Ever since he first started practicing, Berkeley, Calif., psychologist Allen D.

Kanner, PhD, has been asking his younger clients what they wanted to do

when they grew up. The answer used to be "nurse," "astronaut" or some

other occupation with intrinsic appeal.

Today the answer is more likely to be "make money." For Kanner, one

explanation for that shift can be found in advertising.

"Advertising is a massive, multi-million dollar project that's having an

enormous impact on child development," says Kanner, who is also an

associate faculty member at a clinical psychology training program called

the Wright Institute. "The sheer volume of advertising is growing rapidly

and invading new areas of childhood, like our schools."

According to Kanner, the result is not only an epidemic of materialistic

values among children, but also something he calls "narcissistic wounding"

of children. Thanks to advertising, he says, children have become convinced

that they're inferior if they don't have an endless array of new products.


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Tradu textul aici



















Verifică-te aici dacă ai tradus corect textul:

Publicitatea la copii: este etică?

Încă de când a început practica, psihologul Allen D Berkeley din California,

și-a întrebat clienții mai tineri ce doreau să se facă atunci când vor crește.

Răspunsul era de obicei "asistentă medicală", "astronaut" sau alte câteva

meserii cu chemare intrinsecă.

Astăzi, răspunsul este mult mai probabil să fie "a face bani." Pentru Kanner,

o explicatie pentru aceasta schimbare poate fi găsită în publicitate.

"Publicitatea este un proiect masiv, de multe milioane de dolari, care are un

impact enorm asupra dezvoltării copilului", spune Kanner, care este și

membru asociat al facultăţii într-un program de formare psihologică clinică

numit Institutul Wright. "Volumul de publicitate se crește rapid şi invadează

noi zone ale copilariei, cum ar fi școlile noastre.

Potrivit lui Kanner, rezultatul nu este numai o epidemie de valori

materialiste în rândul copiilor, dar, de asemenea, ceva ce el numeşte "rănirea

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narcisistă" de copii. Datorită publicității, spune el, copiii au devenit convinşi

că sunt inferiori în cazul în care nu au o gamă nesfârşită de noi produse.

Subiecte pentru evaluare şi control

Teme pentru aprofundarea cunoştinţelor

Vizitează, în scopul familiarizării cu ele, informaţiile postate pe

următoarele pagini web:

The Case for and Against Brands Publishing Content - link: Further reading on nouns:

plurals.php Termen: sfârşitul săptămânii 14.

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Întrebări de evaluare

1.What is your opinion about advertising?

2. Do you think advertising has a great impact on people’s lives?

3. Are you in favour of advertising? Motivate your answer.

4. Are you against advertising? Motivate your answer.

Test grilă:

1. This type of advertisement has ______________ ( = has been successful) in the past. a) performed well b) gone the distance c) marginalized Răspunsul pe care îl consideri corect este: ............................

2. Last year our agency won three big accounts with $25,000 in total ______________. ( = we had $25,000 worth of business) a) billings b) bills c) bill payments Răspunsul pe care îl consideri corect este: ............................

3. A ______________ account = A huge/enormous account a) block-beater b) block c) blockbuster Răspunsul pe care îl consideri corect este: ...........................

. 4. A ______________ is an attempt to convince someone to buy something or hire someone. a) patch b) pitch c) punch Răspunsul pe care îl consideri corect este: ............................

5. If an ad is described as “celebrity-______________”, it means that it’s full of celebrities. ( = famous people) a) drowned

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b) full c) drenched Răspunsul pe care îl consideri corect este: ............................

6. The last advertising campaign helped us regain the ______________ ( = to be ahead) in worldwide market share. a) lead b) first c) primary Răspunsul pe care îl consideri corect este: ............................

7. Some people refer to the advertising business as the “______________.” a) ad-biz b) advertise-biz c) commercial factory Răspunsul pe care îl consideri corect este: ............................

8. When an advertising agency refers to its ______________, it’s referring to the work/projects that it does. a) collateral b) leads c) output Răspunsul pe care îl consideri corect este: ............................

9. An effective advertising agency should seem personable and ______________. a) approaching b) approachable c) reproaching Răspunsul pe care îl consideri corect este: ............................

10. One of our designers specializes in ______________-graphics. ( = moving graphics) a) motioned b) motion c) movie

Răspunsul pe care îl consideri corect este: ............................


Read the following text and then write and argumentative essay of 300

words length:


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For and against essays

A "for and against" essay is a formal piece of writing in which a topic is

considered from opposing points of view. You should present both sides

in a fair way by discussing them objectively and in equal detail. A good

essay of this type should consist of:

a) an introductory paragraph in which you clearly state the topic

to be discussed, without giving your opinion;

b) a main body in which the points for and against along with

your justifications, examples or reasons are presented in

separate paragraphs; and

c) a closing paragraph in which you state your opinion or

give a balanced consid¬eration of the topic.

Note: Opinion words (I think, I believe, In my opinion, etc.) can only be

used in the closing paragraph where you give your opinion on the topic.

Points to consider

• Before you start writing your essay you should make a list of the points for

and against.

• Each paragraph should start with a topic sentence which summarises the

topic of the paragraph.

• Do not use informal style (e.g. short forms, colloquial language, etc.) or

strong language to express your opinion (e.g. I know…, etc.). Express your

opinion in a non-emotional way (e.g. It seems that, I therefore feel, etc.).


Paragraph 1 state topic (summary of the topic without giving your opinion)

Main Body

Paragraphs 2 & 3 arguments for & justifi¬cations, examples, and/ or reasons

Paragraphs 4 & 5 arguments against & justification, examples, and/or



Final Paragraph balanced consideration/ your opinion directly or indirectly

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Exerciţii propuse spre rezolvare:

Rezolvă problemele/exerciţiile propuse mai jos. Rezolvarea lor o vei posta pe pagina web a disciplinei, la butonul creat în acest scop în secţiunea specifică aferentă Săptămânii 14.

1. All the words below form strong partnership with the word product:

1 A

2 D

3 V

4 E

5 R

6 T

7 I

8 S

9 I

10 N

11 G


1. A phrase that is used by advertisers and which sticks in the

minds of the prospective buyers

2. A publicity material which is usually folded

3. A stimulus

4. An advertising method where a well-known public figure

advertises a certain brand

5. To allocate the goods to consumers by means of wholesalers and


6. An ad included in newspaper, magazine etc.

7. Vehicles for carrying the advertising message to the buyer (pl.)

8. A large notice that you stick on a wall or notice board

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9. A list of companies grouped alphabetically or by their line of


10. The number of times the same people in a target group are


11. A short phrase meant to attract the consumer’s attention

2. Write the correct plural of the given word:

1. How many (person) English as a second language?

2. Five (woman) ..................... opened a computer service company.

3. Even (child) ................... enjoy learning on the internet.

4. Most basketball players are 6 (foot) ............... tall or more.

5. Which breed of (sheep) ........................... produces the finest wool?

6. My (tooth) ........................... are sensitive to the cold.

7. At daylight savings time, we have to change our (watch) ...................

8. The boys went fishing and caught 10 (fish) .......................... .

9. There are 10 (man) .......................... in the Maintenance Department.

10. The (wife) .......................... keep their (knife) ............................ on

the (shelf) ............... .

11. Goose) ....................... are water birds.

12. (Piano) .................... are difficult to move .

13. There are some (policeman) ......................... house!

14. I’ve lost my (luggage) ............................ .

3.Identify the correct form of the plural:

1. city - ...................

2. house - ...............

3. boy - ...................

4. family - ..............

5. life - ...................

6. photo - ...............

7. phone - ...............

8. sandwich - .............



11. nurse - ................

12. elf - ....................

13. phenomenon - ................

14. criterion - .......................

15. village - .........................

16. toy - ...................

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4. Choose the correct verb TO BE (IS/ ARE):

1) Ladies and gentlemen. Here ......................... the news.

2) Where ...................... my jeans?

3) Further information ............................. available in the


4) The stairs .................... over there, Sir.

5) The furniture in our classroom ...........................


6) The USA ...................... a very nice country.

7) Your sunglasses ............................. on the table.

8) Homework ...................... boring.

9) The scissors on the table ....................... mine.

10) Physics ......................... not easy.

5.Fill in the following words and form meaningful phrases:

advice, chocolate, jam, lemonade, meat, milk, oil, rice, tea, tennis Example: a cube of _____ Answer: a cube of sugar 1) a piece of...............................

2) a packet of ...........................

3) a bar of ................................

4) a glass of .............................

5) a cup of ...............................

6) a bottle of ............................

7) a slice of ..............................

8) a barrel of ............................

Termenul pentru postare: sfârşitul săptămânii 14

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Rezumatul acestui Modul

Advertising is a very controversial field, therefore there is a

great number of arguments in favour or against it.

Bibliografie obligatorie

1. 1. Mirabela Pop, Monica Sim, Business English for

Business Students, Editura Universităţii din Oradea, Oradea, 2007, Capitolul 1

2. Bill Mascull, Business Vocabulary in Use, Cambridge University Press, 2002, Capitolul 26.

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Bibliografie disponibilă on-line

1. The Case for and Against Brands Publishing Content – link:



1. Alexander Hollinger– Test Your Business English Vocabulary,

Editura Teora, Bucureşti, 2000.

2. Bill Mascull, Business Vocabulary in Use, Cambridge University

Press, 2002.

3. David Horner – 1000 cuvinte cheie în afaceri, Editura Compania,

Bucureşti, 2002.

4. Ian MacKenzie – Management and Marketing with Mini-

Dictionary, Thomson & Heinle, Boston, 1997.

5. Mark Powell - Business Matters, Thomson & Heinle, 1996.

6. Michael Brookes, David Horner – Business English – Engleza

pentru afaceri, Editura Teora, Bucureşti, 2000.

7. Mirabela Pop, Monica Sim, Business English for Business

Students, Editura Universităţii din Oradea, Oradea, 2007.

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