evapotranspiratie - bazin azul

CHAPTER 13 Reference evapotranspiration in the River Azul Basin, Argentina Rau ´ l Rivas*  Instituto de Hidrologı ´ a de Llanuras, Comisio ´ n de Investigaciones Cientı ´  ficas de la Provincia de Buenos Aires, Universidad Nacional del Centro de la Provincia de Buenos Aires Vicente Caselles  Departamento de Termodina ´ mica, Facultad de Fı ´ sica, Universidad de Valencia, Espaþa Eduardo Usunoff  Instituto de Hidrologı ´ a de Llanuras, Comisiœn de Investigaciones Cientı ´  ficas de la Provincia de Buenos Aires, Universidad Nacional del Centro de la Provincia de Buenos Aires ABS TRACT: Re mot e sensin g is among the lat est tech niq ues to ass ess the spati al and time- depe ndent variati ons of evap otra nspiration (ET). The newe st mode ls base d on energ y bala nce approaches are able to come up with precise estimates of ET at any point of the time-space domain. However, those models have to be fed by information that is not always available. This paper presents a simpler approach that allows the estimation of ET by combining satellite information and data from a weather station. The model needs to rely on images of surface temperature (T s ) and to estimate ET from regular meteorological data and methods. Its application to the River Azul Basin    600 0 km 2 in the centre of Buenos Aires Province, Argentina    led to a precision of   0.4 mm/ day ( 11 W/m 2 ) with a correlation coefficient (r 2 ) of 0.88. The model was applied to an image of T s  and the results compared with what was obtained from data of a reference weather stati on. The model gave an estimate of 4.2 mm/d ay (119 W/m 2 ), whereas the conventional method ren der ed a val ue of 4.5 mm/da y (12 8 W/m 2 ). It is concluded that the proposed approach is able to deliver reliable data on the spatial and temporal variations of ET in areas where the availability of data is scarce. INTRODUCTION Input data for hydrological regional models consist of a large number of variables for several time periods. In order to describe properly the features of large basins, such hydrological models should be distributed, that is, able to take into account the spatial distribution of variables (Sandholt et al., 2002). Evapot rans pi rati on (ET) is one of the most important output vari ables fr om hydrological models as far as its distribution in time and space is concerned. Classic methodologies for ET estimation do not handle properly such time-space variations. ET *[email protected]

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Reference evapotranspiration in the River Azul Basin,


Raul Rivas* Instituto de Hidrologı a de Llanuras, Comisio n de Investigaciones Cientı  ficas de la

Provincia de Buenos Aires, Universidad Nacional del Centro de la Provincia de Buenos Aires

Vicente Caselles Departamento de Termodina mica, Facultad de Fı sica, Universidad de Valencia, Espaþa

Eduardo Usunoff  Instituto de Hidrologı a de Llanuras, Comisiœn de Investigaciones Cientı   ficas de la

Provincia de Buenos Aires, Universidad Nacional del Centro de la Provincia de Buenos Aires

ABSTRACT: Remote sensing is among the latest techniques to assess the spatial and time-

dependent variations of evapotranspiration (ET). The newest models based on energy balanceapproaches are able to come up with precise estimates of ET at any point of the time-space domain.

However, those models have to be fed by information that is not always available. This paper

presents a simpler approach that allows the estimation of ET by combining satellite information

and data from a weather station. The model needs to rely on images of surface temperature (Ts) and

to estimate ET from regular meteorological data and methods. Its application to the River Azul

Basin     6000 km2 in the centre of Buenos Aires Province, Argentina     led to a precision of 

0.4 mm/day (11 W/m2) with a correlation coefficient (r2) of 0.88. The model was applied to an

image of Ts   and the results compared with what was obtained from data of a reference weather

station. The model gave an estimate of 4.2 mm/day (119 W/m2), whereas the conventional method

rendered a value of 4.5 mm/day (128 W/m2

). It is concluded that the proposed approach is able todeliver reliable data on the spatial and temporal variations of ET in areas where the availability of 

data is scarce.


Input data for hydrological regional models consist of a large number of variables for

several time periods. In order to describe properly the features of large basins, such

hydrological models should be distributed, that is, able to take into account the spatialdistribution of variables (Sandholt et al., 2002).

Evapotranspiration (ET) is one of the most important output variables from

hydrological models as far as its distribution in time and space is concerned. Classic

methodologies for ET estimation do not handle properly such time-space variations. ET

*[email protected]

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estimates are obtained at discrete sites and their regionalization is made on the basis of 

interpolation, which is not representative of what actually occurs.

More recently, models for ET estimation that solve the energy balance equation from

remote sensing data have been developed (Boegh et al., 2002). They make it possible to

obtain the space and time variations of ET by carrying out energy balances at soil level(Schmugge et al., 2001). The remote sensing technique becomes a useful tool for retrieving

information on the energy and water balance, and is able to detect changes at the regional

or even the parcel levels. The unit area for which the balance is carried out depends on the

spatial resolution of the sensor used. For instance, for the Advance Very High Resolution

Radiometer (AVHRR) and Moderate Resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer (MODIS),

the working unit is one km2; for the LANDSAT Thematic Mapper (TM) 5 the area is

14,400 m2 and 3600 m2 for the LANDSAT-ETMþ7. Thus, remote sensing  thoughtfully

employed   promotes an adequate knowledge of water losses from the system, which, in

turn, can be used to improve the management of regional water resources.Energy balance-driven models need to count on net radiation data, which are a type of 

information that are not always readily available. This paper aims at assessing the spatial

variation of ET in an area of scarce data. To do so, a linear model for determining the

reference ET from surface temperature data (Ts) at the pixel level was applied. The

model is based on the split window approach (Coll & Caselles, 1997).

The model requires the availability of enough meteorological information to compute

ET with the Penman-Monteith equation, as well as series of Ts   images to adjust its


A detailed description of the steps followed to adjust the model parameters ispresented and its application to the River Azul Basin is shown. The water balance in such

a basin, located at the centre of Buenos Aires Province, Argentina, indicates that ET is

the single largest component inasmuch as it accounts for about 90 per cent of the water

that enters the system as annual rainfall (Usunoff et al., 1999).


A linear model that combines remote sensing data with the Penman-Monteith evapo-

transpiration equation was used to estimate the reference ET (ETo  mm/day) at the pixel

level. The model is generated by splitting the Penman-Monteith equation into two terms:

the radiation and the aerodynamic components. Rearranging the equation leads to the

following linear model:

ET o  ¼  a  T s þ  b   ð1Þ

where Ts   is the surface temperature (C), and   a   (mm/day/ C) and   b   (mm/day) are

parameters specific to the study area.The  a parameter represents the radiation effects on the surface and is quite sensitive to

changes in the wind speed. The   b  parameter takes into account the effect of meteoro-

logical conditions on the surface.

The model assumes a flat surface covered by vegetation 0.12 m high and with enough

water availability. Besides, the meteorological variables are supposed to show spatial


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The information required by the model is rather minimal: satellite images from

which Ts   can be retrieved and meteorological data to estimate ETo   by means of the

Penman-Monteith equation.

Figure 1 displays a simplified scheme of the steps that have to be followed to obtain

the  a

 and b

  parameters.By combining the information stored in the various bands of the AVHRR-NOAA

images, the normalized difference of vegetation index (NDVI) can be determined, as

well as the percentage of vegetation cover (Pv) and the emissivity (e). Knowing the

emissivity and the vapour content of the atmosphere and the surface temperature (bands

4 and 5), the estimation of Ts  is carried out by using the split window approach.

With daily meteorological information, ETo  can be calculated. The data needed to do

so are: maximum and minimum air temperature (Ta max   and Ta min), maximum and

minimum air relative humidity (HRmax and HRmin), number of hours of sunshine (n) and

wind speed at 2 m height (U2).After calculating Ts   and ETo, it is then possible to adjust the   a   and   b   parameters.

Following that step, and by applying Equation 1 to images of Ts, maps of ETo   can be


Estimation of ETo

The estimation of the daily reference evapotranspiration (ETo) was done by employing

the Penman-Monteith-FAO equation (Allen et al., 1998):

ET o  ¼0:408    Rn   Gð Þ þ g    900

T aþ273U 2    es  eað Þ

þ g    1 þ 0:34  U 2ð Þ  ð2Þ


BAND 1–2




Maps of ETo

BAND 4–5



ETo  a . Ts  b


Weather dataTa, U2, HR, n


Figure 1. Schematic diagram of the proposed model (symbols are defined in the text).

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where ETo is the reference evapotranspiration (mm/day), Rn is the net radiation (MJ/m2 / 

day), G is the soil heat flux density (MJ/m2 /day) (disregarded because of the time scale

considered),  g   is the psychrometric constant (kPa/ C), Ta   is the air temperature at 2 m

height (C), U2 is the wind speed at 2 m height (m/s), es is the saturation vapour pressure

(kPa), ea

 is the actual vapour pressure (kPa), and

is slope of the water vapour pressurecurve (kPa/ C).

Before calculating ETo, a consistency analysis of the meteorological variables recorded

at the weather station was made. To do this, data from the reference weather station were

compared (homogeneity check) with data from three other weather stations in the area.

The variables analysed and compared were Ta max, Ta min, U2, n, HRmax and HRmin at daily

time intervals and for the same time period. The mean, standard deviation, covariance,

regression equations, correlation coefficients and residuals were calculated and evaluated.

Those values that were deemed not consistent were eliminated from the records.

ETo   was calculated using meteorological data from the reference weather station(Azul) for the period 19962000. Mean weekly estimates of ETo   were obtained by

processing the satellite images.

Calculation of Ts

Ts  was calculated using the split window approach, which accounts for the atmospheric

and emissivity correction based on the difference in atmospheric absorption recorded in

the radiances of bands 4 and 5 of the AVHRR sensor (Coll & Caselles, 1997). Radiation

measured in such bands were converted into brightness temperature (noted as T4 and T5)

by using the calibration equation provided for the sensor.

Estimates of Ts   used the quadratic split window equation proposed by Coll and

Caselles (1997):

T s  ¼ T 4 þ   1:34 þ 0:39    T 4   T 5ð Þ½   T 4   T 5ð Þ þ 0:56 þ     1  "ð Þ     "   ð3Þ

where Ts   is the surface temperature (K) in the pixel, T4   and T5   are the brightness

temperatures from bands 4 and 5 of NOAA-AVHRR (K),  a  and  b  are coefficients that

depend on the water vapour content in the atmosphere (K),  e  is the surface emissivity inthe range 10.512.5 mm, and e   is the difference in emissivity between bands 4 and 5.

The algorithm is simple in that it requires knowledge of the water vapour content in

the atmosphere to determine the   a   and   b   coefficients. The standard error for Ts   is

1.01.5 K for atmospheres with low to moderate humidity.

The  a  and  b  parameters in Equation 3 correspond to atmospheres of medium latitude

in winter and summer. Inasmuch as  a  does not vary with the water vapour content in the

atmosphere, a value of 50 K was employed. The b  coefficient decreases linearly with the

water vapour content of the atmosphere and values of   b¼ 75 K for summer and

b¼ 150 K for winter were adopted.e   was assessed from the equation proposed by Valor and Caselles (1996) for the

spectral range of 10.512.5mm:

" ¼  "v   Pv þ "s  ð1  PvÞ þ 4  d"  Pv  ð1  PvÞ ð4Þ

where  e   is the effective emissivity of a surface made up of soil and vegetation,  ev  is the

vegetation emissivity, Pv   is the percentage of vegetation cover,  es   is the soil emissivity

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and de   is the cavity term that takes into account the internal reflections between the

vegetation and the soil.

The percentage vegetation cover (Pv) was calculated from the NDVI using the equation

obtained from a linear model of reflectivity with two components (soil and vegetation) and

two bands (red and near infrared), according to Valor and Caselles (1996):

Pv ¼ð1    NDVI



Þ  K   ð1    NDVINDVIv

Þ  ð5Þ

being K  ¼ IRCv   Rv

IRCs   Rs

where IRCv is the vegetation reflectivity in the near infrared, IRCs is the soil reflectivity

in the near infrared, Rv is the vegetation reflectivity in the red, Rs is the soil reflectivity inthe red, NDVIv   corresponds to pure vegetation, NDVIs   corresponds to pure soil and

NDVI is the vegetation index of any considered mixed pixel.

For the study area, Equation 4 reduces to the first two terms because no internal

reflections are expected due to the type of vegetation cover. Indeed, the vegetation cover

consists mainly of natural pastures and agricultural crops (wheat, corn, soybean) whose

cavity effects are minimal.

For the determination of   e   the following values were used in Equation 4: 0.985 for

vegetation emissivity and 0.96 for bare soil emissivity. The  ev  value matches field data

from Rubio et al. (1997), whereas the es value corresponds to data reported by Salisburyand D’Aria (1992, 1994).

Ts   estimates used 21 images captured by the AVHRR sensor during the period

19922000, of 1.1 km2 pixel size for different seasons throughout the year. The selection

of weekly images took into account the following constraints: that the maximum daily air

temperature at the reference weather station had to differ at least 2C from the mean of 

the weekly maximum temperatures, it had to be a cloudless day (n ffi N) and there had to

be no rainfall in the previous days. Images of dry and humid periods were used in order

to cover the maximum and minimum values for Ts. Each image selected and processed

represented the mean weekly Ts.Using weekly images increases the probability of making use of high-quality

radiometric data, which is essential for the Ts  estimation.

The Ts  value was taken as the average of an area of 3 by 3 pixels, where the central

pixel corresponded to the location of the reference station. Such an average comes from

the geometric correction of the image, whose error is   1 pixel.

Determination of parameters a

 and  b

To determine   a   and   b, it is imperative to know Ts   and ETo   for the area where the

reference weather station is located. The expression for a  and  b  comes from the following

equations, which assume that the Penman-Monteith equation can be written as the sum of 

two terms: aerodynamic (ETaero) and radiation (ETradio):

ET o  ¼ ET aero þ ET radio  ¼  a  T s þ  b   ð6Þ

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By rearranging Equation 6 it is possible to obtain explicit equations for   a  and  b:

a ¼  0:408  oradio   "s   s  A   ð7Þ

b ¼  ET aero þ  0:77  Rs þ  0:408  ½"s  s  ð B  "a  ðT aÞ4Þ oradio   ð8Þ

where oradio (defined below) is in mm m2 /MJ, es is the surface emissivity, s  is the StefanBoltzmann constant (4.9 10

9 MJ/m2 /K 4 /day), A is equal to 1.1 108 K 3, 0.408 is the

conversion factor to mm/day, ETaero   is the aerodynamic term of Penman-Monteith

equation (mm/day), RS   is the solar radiation (MJ/m2 /day), 0.77 (1 a) is a value that

comes from assuming a surface albedo  a  of 0.23, B equals 2.46 1010 K 4, ea is the air

emissivity and Ta  is the air temperature (K).  oradio  has the following form:

oradio  ¼ 

þ g    1 þ 0:34  U 2ð Þ  ð9Þ

where     is the slope vapour pressure curve, (kPa/ C),  g   is the psychrometric constant(kPa/ C), 0.34 is a conversion factor for  g  and U2 is the wind speed at 2 m height (m/s).

The  a parameter represents the radiation effects on the surface and is quite sensitive to

changes in the wind speed. For a given radiation, as the wind increases,   a   decreases

linearly. The   b  parameter represents the effects of the meteorological conditions, being

sensitive to air temperature and relative humidity, to wind speed and to sunshine. In

general,   b   decreases linearly as the air temperature and relative humidity increase.

Likewise,   b   shows a logarithmic behaviour as the wind speed increases and increases

linearly as sunshine increases. The sunshine effect is minimum since counting on good

images implies cloudless days.Figure 2  depicts a simplified scheme used to obtain the parameters at the reference

weather station.

Values for the  a  and  b parameters were obtained from the TsETo data at the reference

weather station, given all the images available and a linear fit using least squares.

Having fitted the   a   and   b  parameters, Equation 1 was applied to a Ts   image corres-

ponding to the second week of January 1996. Finally, the ETo calculated with data from

the weather station was compared to that given by the model (average of a 3 by 3 pixels).

The same procedure was applied for each Ts   image used.

Study area

The study area corresponded to the River Azul Basin, located at the centre of Buenos

Aires Province, Argentina (Figure 3). It covers about 6000 km2 of Argentina’s humid

pampas, essentially a flat landscape. The mean regional slope is less than 1 per cent, even

reaching values as low as 0.2 per cent at the northern portion (Varni & Usunoff, 1999).

The climate is humid, with low to zero water deficit, a mean annual precipitation of 

950 mm and a mean annual ET of 915 mm (Usunoff et al., 1999; Varni et al., 1999).


Figure 4 displays the resulting Pv   by applying the linear model of reflectivity with two

components from the image of the second week of January 1996. It can be observed that

the basin shows a high percentage of vegetated areas.

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Figures 5a, 5b and 5c show the distribution of  e4,  e5  and  e  obtained with Equation 4,

and the  ev  and  es  corresponding to vegetation and soil.

The surface temperature, Ts   (C), obtained with the quadratic approximation split

window, is shown in Figure 6.

Figure 7   is a plot of the daily ETo   values that were calculated for the period

19962000 at the reference weather station in Azul.The Ts  values in   Figure 8   were calculated by applying Equation 3 and the average

weekly ETo was obtained from the daily values. The linear function shown fits the T s and

the ETo  values.

The extreme values in Figure 8 correspond to seasons of maximum and minimum ET o

(summer and winter), whereas intermediate values correspond to autumn and spring


Figure 2. Simplified diagram of fitted parameters.

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The following equation contains the  a and  b parameters coming from the linear fitting

of the points in Figure 8  (using least-squares):

ET o  ¼ 0:12  T s   0:3   ð10Þ

The fit is quite acceptable (r2 ¼ 0.88), with an estimation error of   0.4 mm/day

(11 W/m2).

Cachari town


Azul city

Chillar town


   L  a   C  o  r   i  n

  a    R   i  v  e  r     C

   o   r    t   a

   d   e   r   a   s     R    i   v

   e   r


0 20 40 km

 D r a i n a g

 e channel N º1 1

   A   z   u    l

 R   i   v

  e  r

Figure 3. Location of the study area.




Figure 4. Vegetation cover map (%).

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Figure 5a. Emissivity map in band 4.




Figure 5b. Emissivity map in band 5.




Figure 5c. Emissivity map in branch spectral 10.512.5mm region.

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Results of the proposed model (Equation 10), as applied to the T s   image of the River

Azul Basin are shown in   Figure 9. The mean weekly ETo   for the reference weather

station was 4.2 mm/day (119 W/m2

), whereas the model gave an estimate of 4.5 mm/day

(128 W/m2).





Figure 6. Surface temperature in the Azul Basin (







01-01-96 15-05-97 27-09-98 09-02-00

   E   T  o

   (  m  m   /   d  a  y   )

Figure 7. Daily ETo   for the period 19962000 in the reference weather station.








0 10 20 30 40 50

T (ºC)

   E   T  o

   (  m  m   /   d  a  y   )

Figure 8. Linear fit of TsETo  data.

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The model presented allows the estimation of weekly ETo   from the Ts   information

retrievable from a AVHRR-NOAA sensor. Images of Ts  should be available, as well as

meteorological data to calculate ETo.

Nowadays, series of satellite images to calculate Ts   are readily available and the

meteorological information required by the model is rather modest, so its application can

be easily implemented.

The procedure to determine the model’s parameters is simple and from them it is

relatively easy to calculate ETo   at the regional level.

The methodology proposed here leads to the assessment of the spatial and time-relatedvariations of ETo, which can be picked up later on as input for distributed hydrological

models. As a matter of fact, that was the main objective of this project.

As an example, the model has been applied to the River Azul Basin, Buenos Aires

Province, Argentina. The parameters were fitted by a function with an r2 of 0.88 and an

estimation error of   0.4 mm/day (11 W/m2).

By using a Ts image of the study area, the mean weekly ETo turned out to be 4.5 mm/ 

day (128 W/m2), whereas the corresponding value at the reference weather station was

4.2 mm/day (119 W/m2

), values that are close enough to indicate a good performance of 

the model.


The work was carried with financial support from the Comision de Investigaciones

Cientıficas de Buenos Aires, the Universidad Nacional del Centro de la Provincia de


Azulstation 1




2 7 mm/day4.5

59ºW0 50


 3  7  º     S 

   3   7   º   S

Figure 9. Mean daily ETo  (mm/day) obtained from the model.

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Buenos Aires, the Ministerio de Ciencia y Tecnologıa de Espana (Contract REN-2001-

3116/CLI), and the European Commission (FEDER). We would also like to thank the

Azul weather station staff (Servicio Meteorologico Nacional).


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