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Acest curs se adreseaza studentilor de la Facultatea de Drept din anul II, semestrul II.

Cursul se doreste a fi o introducere a studentilor in tainele englezei de specialitate prin

exercitii practice care vizeaza imbunatatirea cunostintelor lor de engleza aferenta domeniului


Obiectivele cursului

Cursul urmareste activarea cunostintelor anterioare si consolidarea

acestora prin expunerea studentilor la o varietate de activitati care le

va asigura o imbunatatire a cunostintelor de engleza de specialitate.

Competenţe conferite

Studentii vor fi capabili sa citeasca si sa inteleaga un text de


Studentii vor fi capabili sa ofere scurte prezentari de specialitate in

limba engleza

Studentii vor fi capabili sa redacteze scurte texte de specialitate in

care sa reuneasca toate abilitatile pe care le-au acumulat pe

parcursul semestrului

Resurse şi mijloace de lucru

– Pentru o buna desfasurare a activitatii, studentii vor avea acest

manual care le va oferi informatiile necesare acumularii de


– Este recomandabil sa detina si sa lucreze cu un dictionar

roman-englez, englez-roman care le va permite un acces mai

mare la informatiile din manual;

– Activitatile vor avea atat un caracter colectiv cat si individual,

dandu-le astfel posibilitatea de a lucra atat la scoala cat si

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Structura cursului

o Cursul contine 3 module

– Fiecare modul va fi compus din 6 unitati de invatare, tinand cont ca

fiecare unitate de invatamant trebuie parcursa in 2–3 ore.

– Manualul este prevazut cu trei teme de control.

– Dat fiind faptul ca manualul contine trei module, la sfarsitul fiecarui

modul exista o tema de control, deci in total trei teme de control.

– Temele de control vor fi predate la sfarsitul semestrului si vor face

parte din evaluarea finala, avand o pondere de 50%.

Cerinţe preliminare

Este foarte important ca studentii sa fi studiat limba straina pe parcursul a

cel putin doua module pentru a se acomoda atat cu limba de predare cat si cu

informatiile furnizate in material.

Discipline deservite

- Limba straina insasi.

Durata medie de studiu individual

Pentru parcurgerea unei unitati de invatare estimam ca timpul necesar este

de 2–3 ore de studiu individual. Aceasta conduce la un numar total de 18 ore.


– ponderea evaluării finale (colocviu) este de 50% din nota finala

– ponderea evaluărilor pe parcurs (teme de control) este de 50%

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Pentru cursurile structurate pe MODULE

Introducere ...................................................................................................................................

Chestionar evaluare prerechizite .................................................................................................



Unitatea de învăţare I.1 Field of law. ..........................................................................................

I.1.1. Introducere ........................................................................................

I.1.2. Competenţe .......................................................................................

Unitatea de învăţare I.2 Divorce ..................................................................................

I.2.1. Introducere ........................................................................................

I.2.2. Competenţe .......................................................................................

Unitatea de învăţare I.3 Contracts. ..............................................................................

I.3.1. Introducere ........................................................................................

I.3.2. Competenţe .......................................................................................

Unitatea de învăţare I.4 Anti-Gun Mission. .................................................................

I.4.1. Introducere ........................................................................................

I.4.2. Competenţe .......................................................................................

Unitatea de învăţare I.5 Future forms. .........................................................................

I.5.1. Introducere ........................................................................................

I.5.2. Competenţe .......................................................................................

Unitatea de învăţare I.6 Comparison of adjectives. .....................................................

I.1.1. Introducere ........................................................................................

I.1.2. Competenţe .......................................................................................

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Temă de control ............................................................................................................



Modulul II.Crime and Offence .....................................................................................................


Competenţe ...................................................................................................................

Unitatea de învăţare II.1.Crime and Offence ...............................................................

II.1.1. Introducere ......................................................................................

II.1.2. Competenţe ......................................................................................

Unitatea de învăţare II.2.Crime and Punishment .........................................................

II.2.1. Introducere ......................................................................................

II.2.2. Competenţe ......................................................................................

Unitatea de învăţare II.3.Death Penalty .......................................................................

II.3.1. Introducere ......................................................................................

II.3.2. Competenţe ......................................................................................

Unitatea de învăţare II.4.The passive voice .................................................................

II.4.1. Introducere ......................................................................................

II.4.2. Competenţe ......................................................................................

Unitatea de învăţare II.5.Countable and uncountable nouns .......................................

II.5.1. Introducere ......................................................................................

II.5.2. Competenţe ......................................................................................

Unitatea de învăţare II.6.Expresions of Quantity .........................................................

II.6.1. Introducere ......................................................................................

II.6.2. Competenţe ......................................................................................

Temă de control



Modulul III Crime and Punishment .. ...........................................................................................


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Competenţe ...................................................................................................................

Unitatea de învăţare III.1 Crime and Punishemnt. ......................................................

III.1.1. Introducere .....................................................................................

III.1.2. Competenţe .....................................................................................

Unitatea de învăţare III.2 Criminals. ...........................................................................

III.2.1. Introducere .....................................................................................

III.2.2. Competenţe .....................................................................................

Unitatea de învăţare III.3 Relative pronouns and clauses. ..........................................

III.3.1. Introducere .....................................................................................

III.3.2. Competenţe .....................................................................................

Unitatea de învăţare III.4 One word-two meanings. ....................................................

III.4.1. Introducere .....................................................................................

III.4.2. Competenţe .....................................................................................

Unitatea de învăţare III.5 Reported Speech. ................................................................

III.5.1. Introducere .....................................................................................

III.5.2. Competenţe .....................................................................................

Unitatea de învăţare III.2 Crimes and Sentences. ........................................................

III.2.1. Introducere .....................................................................................

III.2.2. Competenţe .....................................................................................

Temă de control


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Chestionar evaluare prerechizite

Part 1

Questions 1 − 6

Read the following extract from a reference book on contracts.

Choose the best word or phrase to fill each gap from A, B, C or D below.

For each question 1 − 6, mark one letter (A, B, C or D) on your answer sheet.

There is an example at the beginning (0).

4.2 Incapacity in General

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Even though individuals differ markedly in their ability to represent their own

interests in the bargaining process, a person is generally (0) ............... to have full

power to bind himself contractually. Only in extreme (1) ............... is one’s power

regarded as impaired because of an inability to participate meaningfully in the

bargaining process. One whose power is so impaired is said to lack capacity to contract

and is (2) ............... to special rules that allow him to avoid the contracts that he makes

in order to protect him from his own improvident acts.

Two principal kinds of defects are today (3) ............... as impairing the power to

contract: immaturity and mental infirmity. In the past, the common law regarded a

woman’s marriage as (4) ............... her of her separate legal identity, including the

capacity to contract, during the life of her husband. (5) ............... , this disability was

largely removed by statutes (6) ............... in the nineteenth century.

1 A stages B junctures C occasions D circumstances

2 A subject B conditional C liable D open

3 A granted B recognized C conceded D appreciated

4 A depriving B debarring C dissolving D dismissing

5 A For example B In particular C However D Consequently

6 A realized B ruled C legislated D enacted

Questions 7 − 12

Read the following extract from a rental contract.

Choose the best word to fill each gap from A, B, C or D below.

For each question 7 − 12, mark one letter (A, B, C or D) on your answer sheet.


Tenant acknowledges that late payment of rent will cause Landlord to (7)

............... costs not contemplated by this Lease, the exact amount of which will be

extremely difficult to (8) ............... . These costs include, but are not (9) ............... to,

processing and accounting charges, and late charges which may be (10) ............... on

Landlord by the terms of any Superior Leases and Mortgages. Accordingly, if any

installment of Monthly Rent or payment of additional rent is not received by Landlord

or Landlord’s designee within fourteen days after the amount is (11) ............... , Tenant

shall pay to Landlord a late charge equal to ten per cent of said amount. Acceptance of

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late charges by Landlord shall not constitute a waiver of Tenant’s default with respect

to said amount, nor prevent Landlord from (12) ............... any of the other rights and

remedies granted hereunder or at law or in equity.

7 A derive B acquire C collect D incur

8 A affirm B classify C ascertain D locate

9 A contained B limited C held D bound

10 A imposed B dictated C obliged D required

11 A owing B scheduled C due D unpaid

12 A practising B exercising C commanding D undertaking

Questions 13 − 22

Read the following extract from a journal article about competition.

Think of the best word to fill each gap.

For each question 13 − 22, write one word in CAPITAL LETTERS on your answer sheet.

There is an example at the beginning (0). PRINCIPLES OF COMPETITION

Invariably in every law (0) ............... are provisions which tend to be overlooked. The

Commercial Agents Regulations are no exception. Ten cases concerning the Regulations have

reached the UK courts since 1994, but (13) ............... of them has concerned the provisions

which deal with an agent competing against his or her principal. (14) ............... part this can

be attributed (15) ............... the fact that the other provisions of the Regulations have had (16)

............... a great effect on agency law that the non-compete provisions may seem to pale into

insignificance. But principals who overlook these regulations (17) ............... so at their peril.

It has always (18) ............... open to a principal to include a non-compete provision in an

agency contract. The most important consideration here is whether a provision of this nature

might be void (19) ............... a result of infringing the common law doctrine of restraint of

trade. (20) ............... it is fairly easy to determine the legality of restrictions which are either

extremely harsh in terms (21) ............... their geographical extent and duration (22) ...............

quite lenient, the question of (23) ............... to treat a moderate non-compete provision can be

hard to resolve. In practice, (24) ............... that can be said with certainty is that the narrower

the restriction, the greater the chance of enforceability.

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Unitatea de învăţare I.1 Field of law. ..........................................................................................

I.1.1. Introducere ........................................................................................

I.1.2. Competenţe .......................................................................................

Unitatea de învăţare I.2 Divorce ..................................................................................

I.2.1. Introducere ........................................................................................

I.2.2. Competenţe .......................................................................................

Unitatea de învăţare I.3 Contracts. ..............................................................................

I.3.1. Introducere ........................................................................................

I.3.2. Competenţe .......................................................................................

Unitatea de învăţare I.4 Anti-Gun Mission. .................................................................

I.4.1. Introducere ........................................................................................

I.4.2. Competenţe .......................................................................................

Unitatea de învăţare I.5 Future forms. .........................................................................

I.5.1. Introducere ........................................................................................

I.5.2. Competenţe .......................................................................................

Unitatea de învăţare I.6 Comparison of adjectives. .....................................................

I.1.1. Introducere ........................................................................................

I.1.2. Competenţe .......................................................................................

Temă de control ............................................................................................................


This module introduces some basic information for all law students

necessary in their future careers in their professinal development. The module

contains 6 units, each addressing one important domain


After this unit you will know much more about the field of law. You will

also be able to use Future forms better and easier.

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Unitatea de învăţare I.1. FIELD OF LAW

I.1.1. Introducere

This unit deals with the practice and expansion of vocabulary and phrases

associated with describing the field of law.

I.1.2. Competenţele unităţii de învăţare

At the end of this unit students will use expressions belonging to the field of


Durata medie de parcurgere a primei unităţi de învăţare este de 3 ore.


lawyer (both)....counselor (AE)...

advocate (BE: Scotland) (AE)

solicitor (BE)....barrister (BE: England)....counsel (both)


Try this practice for basic description of roles and tasks within the legal field.

1 Label the following as British English (BE) or American English (AE). Some

could be both British and American.

* lawyer _______________ * counsellor _______________

* advocate _______________ * attorney _______________

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* solicitor _______________ * barrister _______________

* counsel _______________

2 Circle the words to combine with law to describe major areas of legal practice.

company relevant state corporate market

target cooperative finance criminal

regulation labour common real contract

tax copyright development public

3 Underline the appropriate words or phrases to finish these sentences.

►Law forms/firms offer complete legal services for domestic and international


►Lawyers draw up/decide on documents such as contracts, deeds/drafts and


►They typically alternate/ arbitrate problems and disputes between players/parties.

►Lawyers can fold/file a case of wrong-doing where someone wants to sue/to sew for a cash


►When a person doesn’t want to talk directly to the other, attorneys often speak in spite of/on

behalf of


4 Using words and phrases from the above exercises, write 3-4 sentences about your

roles and tasks within the legal field.









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Să ne reamintim...

Let’s remember the types of legal vocabulary we have looked at


We have dealt with legal vocabulary.

Unitatea de învăţare I.2. DIVORCE

I.X.1. Introducere

This unit presents the actions involved in a divorce case

I.X.2. Competenţele unităţii de învăţare

After this unit you will know much more about the divorce and about the

actions that are regularly taken in such cases

Durata medie de parcurgere a primei unităţi de învăţare este de 3 ore.

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Vocabulary: Talking about relationships.

Look at these expressions about John and Cristina. Which ones indicate that they

are in a happy relationship, and which expressions indicate that they are in an

unhappy relationship? Write H for happy and U for unhappy next to each


Their relationship is on the rocks.

They are still in a honeymoon period.

They aren’t getting along very well.

They’re going through a rough patch.

They can’t see enough of each other.

She can’t put up with him anymore.

They’re going (their) separate ways.

They stick together through thick and thin.

Divorce Case: Ford vs. Ford

Imagine you are judges. YOU are responsible for divorce cases where the

husband and wife cannot agree. Today you have been presented with another

difficult case: Ford vs.Ford. Read about the case below.

Cristina Ford

Cristina Ford is a forty-year-old advertising executive. She works very long hours

and earns a lot of money. Since their daughter Olivia was born four years ago,

Cristina has worked and supported the family.

John Ford

John Ford is an unemployed forty-two year old man. He worked for many years

in a bookshop. At the moment he is trying to write a novel. He stopped working

when their daughter Olivia was born, and has stayed at home to take care of her

for the past four years.

The Divorce

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John and Cristina got married ten years ago. They began to have problems in

their marriage after Olivia was born. They have decided to get divorced, but are

now very angry with one another.

Cristina wants:

-bedroom house in a nice part of town.

refuses to give John any money at all. She does not want any money from John.

John can see his daughter every two weeks and have her for the summer


John wants:

family house in the city and share the money. He also

wants Cristina to pay $1000 a month for child support. Cristina can see her

daughter every two weeks and have her for the summer holidays. John also

wants $25 000 compensation because he feels he sacrificed his work to raise


Now discuss with the other judges in your group. You must come to a decision

and make some clear recommendations. Write your recommendations here:

When you have written your recommendations, consult with another group of


Did you agree on what should be done? Then turn the page and look at the

discussion questions on divorce.

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Să ne reamintim...

Let’s remember the actions to be taken in a divorce


This unit introduces the actions to be taken in a divorce

. Unitatea de învăţare I.3.CONTRACTS

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I.1.1. Introducere

This unit deals with the nature of the contracts, the elements of the

contracts, the parties of the contracts

I.1.2. Competenţele unităţii de învăţare

At the end of this unit students will know more about the nature of the

contracts, the elements of the contracts, the parties of the contracts

Durata medie de parcurgere a primei unităţi de învăţare este de 3 ore.


What do you know about a making an offer?

A contract is a legal agreement between two or more parties that is binding in law

Stage 1

Read these questions and see if you can complete the answers using the

words below:uress intention consideration unilateral implied legal


1. How many elements are there in the formation of a contract, and what are they?

There are three elements. They are …

2. What else is important to the parties when a contract is formed?

The parties must have …

3. What types of terms does a contract consist of?

They are either …

4. When can a contract be cancelled?

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If it has been induced by …

5. What rule covers third parties rights under a contract?

The rule of …

6. How many classes of contracts are there, and what are they?

Essentially there are two classes. They are …

Stage 2

Now put each half of these conversations together - they illustrate the vocabulary in

Stage 1:

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1. Have you seen this? We’ve just had an

offer for our house in London. What

should we do?

2. It’s got to be a unilateral contract.

and consideration only has to be

sufficient, it doesn’t have to be adequate

3. I know we have a contract but if you

don’t agree to pay me more, I won’t

deliver the next consignment.

4. Everybody knows he’s an alcoholic.

How can he have been legally capable of

signing that contract?

5. I’m glad we were able to reach a

bilateral agreement

6. I’m sorry; I made a mistake about the


7. As a landlord, you should know that you

have to look after the stairs and lift in the

property. It’s not in the agreement

8. You sold that painting for only £600. It’s

worth at least twice that!

9. Did you hear what happened to that

poor woman who was married to a man

who had financial problems and went to

see her bank manager for help?

10. It’s very important you understand this

term of the contract about packaging as it

cannot be changed. Do you?

11. You still owe my daughter for the

jewellery she sold you, don’t you? Give

me the money now and I’ll pass it on to


12. I only said I might be interested in

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selling my boat

a. He told her the only way he could help

her husband was for her to sign a loan on

a house that she owned, and she believed

him. This sounds like undue influence.

b. Yes, I know, but I never really liked it

c. Well, I’m afraid you aren’t a party to our

contract. The rule of privity of contract

means unfortunately you don’t have any

rights. I’ll pay her directly.

d. I think we should accept. We have an

agreement and all we need to do is ask

our lawyer to draw up the contract as

quickly as possible

e. I know. They took him out to lunch, got

him drunk and of course he had no idea

what he was signing!

f. You can’t do that. I already have agreed

to sell the order on. That’s duress and it’ll

cost me a lot of money.

g. It seems as though you have no

intention in getting rid of it so there’s no

point in even trying to agree a price.

h. I didn’t realise my wife had sold the car

yesterday. The contract we sold is void.

i. Yes, it’s an express term. It’s very

unusual. I’ve never seen a term like this


j. It’s a well-established principle so it’s an

implied term.

k. Although we never signed anything you

offered a reward to anyone if they found

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your camera – and I’ve got it here!

l. Yes, if you agree to buy my products at

the price we’ve agreed, I can start delivery

next week.

Write your answers here:

1 - 2 - 3 - 4 - 5 - 6 -

7 - j 8 - 9 - 10 - 11 - 12 -

Stage 3

An agreement is made when one party - the offeror - makes a genuine

offer to the other party - the offeree - and it is accepted

Look at this situation:

Smith wanted to buy a van for his business and Jones offered to sell him one.

The understanding was that a certain amount would be paid in cash, and ‘the

balance of the purchase price can be paid on credit terms over a period of two

years’. Smith accepted, but Jones refused to supply the van.

Smith sued, but Jones claimed that that the contract was not certain as it was not

possible for a reasonable man to know what exactly had been agreed.

Is it a genuine offer? Does it fulfil the requirements of an offer?

______ communicated – in writing, orally or by conduct – so that the other party

may accept or reject it

______ made to a particular person, a group of persons or to the whole world

______ contains clear, definite and specific terms

_______ made with serious intention

What’s your opinion?





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Stage 4

An offer is a statement by one of the parties that shows willingness to

contract on specific terms - if accepted it will become immediately


The Courts have recognised situations which are not binding offers: these are a

called ‘invitations to treat’.

Which of these situations is an invitation to treat and which of these is a

genuine offer?

If someone is inviting offers or indicates that they are willing to enter into

negotiations but is not prepared to be bound immediately and can accept or

reject any offer made – this is called an invitation to treat.

A. The Ministry invites offers for the supply of books for use in its schools.

B. Try one of our anti-flu pills – we’ll pay you a £100 if you take them and still

catch the flu!

C. ‘How much am I offered for this painting?’

D. The cheapest in town Come to our shop and see our selection of

mobile phones – our prices start at £50

Case A Case Bfers Invitations to


Stage 5

Now, complete this text about contracts and offers using some of the

vocabulary you have read so far:

A contract can be ____1____ or bilateral. If it is a bilateral contract, the parties

have duties to each other; however in a unilateral contract one party ____2____

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to do something in return for an act of the other.

Some advertisements are considered by the courts to be ____3____ contracts

as it has been held that an offer can be made to the whole world.

If an offer is made by an offeror to the other party, ____4____, and is accepted

by them, then there is an ____5____. To be ____6____ it must be on specific

terms, and one party must show ____7____ to contract, however if they are not

prepared accept any offer immediately then this is an ____8____.

This could be a price ticket in a ____9____ as the courts have ruled that they

are not bound to sell at the price and the ____10____ cannot demand to buy it.

Stage 7

What are the elements of a contract in your country and when is an

agreement binding?

Do you have the concept of invitations to treat in your contractual system?

If so, under what circumstances do they exist?

How is your contract law developed and changed?

Are there any significant differences between your system of contract law

regarding offers and English law?

Să ne reamintim...

Let’s remember about all the details related to contracts

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This unit introduces all the details related to contracts

Unitatea de învăţare I.4. ANTI-GUN MISSION

I.1.1. Introducere

This unit deals with the reading of a text that deals with a shooting in


I.1.2. Competenţele unităţii de învăţare

At the end of this unit students will be more familiarized with the legal

shooting vocabulary

Durata medie de parcurgere a primei unităţi de învăţare este de 3 ore.

Să ne reamintim...

Let’s remember the names of the dimensions


This unit introduces the dimensions that are very useful for the engineering


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Unitatea de învăţare I.5. FUTURE FORMS

I.1.1. Introducere

This unit deals with the expression and use of future forms in English

I.1.2. Competenţele unităţii de învăţare

At the end of this unit students will learn how to use future forms and will

adapt the forms to appropriate contexts.

Durata medie de parcurgere a primei unităţi de învăţare este de 3 ore.


We use different future forms (Present simple & continuous, Will future, Going to

future, Future continuous and Future perfect) to describe events that are likely to

happen in the near or distant future. Here are a few examples (I’m seeing my doctor

next week. She’s having a meeting later in the afternoon. The match starts at 7

o’clock tonight. When does the sun rise tomorrow? I’ll have a cup of coffee, please.

They’ll go on holiday to Hawaii. She won’t accept the job because the salary is too

low. I’m going to buy a new car when I save enough money. She’s going to have a

baby soon. Before the exam I’ll be studying a lot. When will you have finished that


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I. Answer the following questions:

What are your plans for this weekend? I’ll go out with my friends; we are going to

have agood time. On Sunday I’m seeing my old friend and we will be having a

picnic together.

When is your next birthday?

What will you be doing tonight? Will you be watching TV?

Where are you going to spend your next holiday?

Will you buy a new car soon?

Do you happen to know when the sun rises tomorrow?

When will you have finished this school?

Who will you be working for in 5 years’ time?

What position will you have in the company?

What sort of things, do you think, you will be doing as part of your job?

What will you have achieved by 2020? What changes will have taken place in your

personal life by then?

II. Make predictions what life will be like in the future – 50 or 100 years from now.

For example: We will all use flying cars. We will develop new drugs which

will heal or even prevent all illnesses.

III. Complete the conversation below (it takes place at a construction site) with the

correct expressions from the list:

won’t be able to start work won’t let you come to work

won’t be able to get our lorries won’t have to widen the road

Will the site be ready will not be able to start work

will have to widen the door it will be

Jim: OK, let’s get over this one more time. Will the site be ready for us to start work

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Joe: Bob says ____________________________ and he’s in charge.

Jim: If they haven’t prepared the site, we ____________________________ on

time and that means unexpected costs.

Joe: We gave clear instruction. Bob says everything is ready.

Jim: What about access to the site? If they haven’t taken down the fence, we

____________________________ to the site.

Joe: Don’t worry. It’s been done already. So we don’t need any specific tools

because we ____________________________.

Jim: What about the door?

Joe: The door?

Jim: We ____________________________ to get the compressor in. It was in the


And if we can’t get the compressor in, we ____________________________ on


Joe: But can they do it?

Jim: They’ll have to. But don’t worry so much. It’ll be OK. If you are so worried

about everything, I ____________________________ tomorrow.

IV. The export manager of an agricultural machinery company is talking to his

assistant about the business trip he’s going to take. Put the verbs in the conversation

in the correct future form:

Nancy: I’ve booked your flight and hotels for your visit to Vietnam next Friday.

You are leaving (leave) at 6.30 a.m. and that means you _________________

(arrive) there late in the afternoon.

Jason: What about hotels?

Nancy: You _________________ (stay) at the Marriott for the first two nights. You

_________________ (have to) take a taxi from the airport. Your first meeting is on

Monday and you _________________ (see) Mr. Chin from the Ministry of

Agriculture at 10 o’clock.

Jason: _________________ (I need) any vaccinations?

Nancy: I’m not sure. I _________________ (ask) our Health Directorate and I

_________________ (let) you know as soon as possible.

Jason: What about the rest?

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Nancy: Your next meeting is on Monday afternoon. You _________________

(meet) Mr. Jin of the Vietnamese Agricultural Association.

Jason: And on Tuesday?

Nancy: Then you _________________ (have) another meeting with Mr. Ly Tien,

the manager of Tractors, Ltd. I’ve arranged a table for the two of you in the local


Jason: Anything else?

Nancy: No, that about covers it.

Jason: Please let me know about the vaccinations as soon as possible so I

_________________ (able) to make the doctor’s appointment.

Nancy: We’ll do, don’t worry.

V. Fill in the correct future form:

Dear Jane,

Why don’t you come with us to Yorkshire? It’s all arranged. Jo is coming (come) to

my house at six so we can go to the station together. The train

____________________ (not leave) until 6.45, but we don’t want to be late. It

___________________ (stop) a lot on the way so it _____________________ (not

arrive) until three in the afternoon. I imagine we _________________ (get) quite

tired by the time we get there. We________________ (stay) in a youth hostel and

we ____________________ (spend ) five days there.

We can catch a bus on the way from the station, but it ___________________ (not

go) all the way, so we __________________ (have) to walk the last two miles from

the village.

We ________________ (have) breakfast and dinner at the youth hostel. It’s in a

beautiful spot with lots to see. On the way back we need to set off early as there’s

only one bus and it _____________________ (leave) at 8.30. The train back is

much faster so it arrives just after lunch.

As you can see we have everything planned and organised. I hope you

_________________ (change) your mind and join us.

Write soon.



Page 30: Limba Engleza IV

Să ne reamintim...

Let’s remember the use of future forms


This unit introduces the future forms that are very useful for the engineering


Unitatea de învăţare I.6. COMPARISON OF ADJECTIVES

I.1.1. Introducere

This unit deals with the expression and use of adjectives in English

I.1.2. Competenţele unităţii de învăţare

At the end of this unit students will learn how to use adjectives and will

adapt the forms to appropriate contexts.

Durata medie de parcurgere a primei unităţi de învăţare este de 3 ore.

Page 31: Limba Engleza IV


When we talk about distances, dimensions … we very often have to compare things,

items or characteristics: we can do this with suffixes (long – longer than – the

longest, easy – easier –the easiest, big – bigger – the biggest; good – better – the

best, bad – worse – the worst, far –further, the furthest) or (with longer adjectives)

we use more and the most (difficult – more difficult – the most difficult).

I. Can you complete these sentences with the correct form of an appropriate

adjective? Sometimes there are different possibilities.

My brother is the tallest in our family. He’s 198.

The BMW was the _______________ car in their showroom.

I don’t have much money so I’ll choose the _______________ hotel for my holiday.

These days everything is so _______________. Yesterday I bought some fruit.

Bananas were the _______________ while the grapes were _______________ than

the melon.

Last night I was very tired so I went to bed _______________ than usually.

Their house is the _______________ in our street.

This box is just too _______________. It won’t fit into the car.

II. Compare the characteristics of three means of transport below (use adjectives:

fast, expensive, cheap, heavy…):

Price: €150 €1,560 €45,000

Weight: 15 kg 80 kg 1,340 kg

Top speed: 85 km/h 185 km/h 240km/h

Length: 195 cm 245 cm 5,485 cm

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Width: 35 cm 45 cm 2,450 cm

Example: The BMW is the most expensive and the bicycle is the cheapest.

Do you have your own motorbike or a car? Can you describe it?


1. Explain the difference between cardinal and ordinal numbers.

2. Write your birth date in Roman numbers.

3. Can you divide the shapes into two- and three-dimensional?

Să ne reamintim...

Let’s remember the comparison of adjectives


We revised the comparison of adjectives.



Modulul II.Crime and Offence .....................................................................................................


Competenţe ...................................................................................................................

Unitatea de învăţare II.1.Crime and Offence ...............................................................

II.1.1. Introducere ......................................................................................

Page 33: Limba Engleza IV

II.1.2. Competenţe ......................................................................................

Unitatea de învăţare II.2.Crime and Punishment .........................................................

II.2.1. Introducere ......................................................................................

II.2.2. Competenţe ......................................................................................

Unitatea de învăţare II.3.Death Penalty .......................................................................

II.3.1. Introducere ......................................................................................

II.3.2. Competenţe ......................................................................................

Unitatea de învăţare II.4.The passive voice .................................................................

II.4.1. Introducere ......................................................................................

II.4.2. Competenţe ......................................................................................

Unitatea de învăţare II.5.Countable and uncountable nouns .......................................

II.5.1. Introducere ......................................................................................

II.5.2. Competenţe ......................................................................................

Unitatea de învăţare II.6.Expresions of Quantity .........................................................

II.6.1. Introducere ......................................................................................

II.6.2. Competenţe ......................................................................................

Temă de control


This module introduces some basic information for all law students

necessary in their future careers in their professinal development. The module

contains 6 units, each addressing one important domain


After this unit you will have a more detailed knowledge about crime and


Page 34: Limba Engleza IV

Unitatea de învăţare II.1. CRIME OR OFFENCE

II.1.1. Introducere

This unit deals with the knowledge of crime

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II.1.2. Competenţele unităţii de învăţare

At the end of this unit students will understand what offences are

Durata medie de parcurgere a primei unităţi de învăţare este de 3 ore.

Match crime or offence from the left column with its definition from the right

column. Be warned, it only looks easy…

Match the crimes and offenses with the definitions.

Crime or



Arson 1 is taking a person away by force and keeping them

prisoner, usually in order to demand money for their

safe return.

Assassination 2 is bad or improper behavior by a person in a position of

authority or trust, such as a doctor, dentist, police

officer, et.

Assault 3 is the serious crime of stealing large amounts of money

from a bank, a shop or a vehicle, often using force or

threats of violence.

Blackmail 4 is stealing things from people's pockets or handbags,

Page 36: Limba Engleza IV

usually in crowds or in public places.

Bribery and


5 is the crime of copying things such as banknotes, letters,

official documents, etc. in order to deceive people.

Burglary 6 is saying something untrue about someone with the

intention of damaging his or her reputation.

Drug trafficking 7 is killing a person by accident or negligence.

Embezzlement 8 is deliberately damaging public buildings and other

public property, usually just for the fun of it.

Forgery 9 is forcing someone to have sex with you.

Fraud 10 is offering money or gifts to someone in a position of

authority, e.g. a government official, in order to

persuade them to help you in some way.

Hijacking 11 is the crime of deliberately setting fire to a building.

Kidnapping 12 is the crime of lying in court while giving evidence

when you have promised to tell the truth.

Libel 13 is taking control of an airplane, train, etc. by force,

usually in order to make political demands.

Looting 14 is the crime of taking things or people illegally into or

out of a country.

Manslaughter 15 is killing a person deliberately.

Misconduct 16 is murdering a public figure such as a king, a president,


Mugging 17 is demanding money or favors from someone by

threatening to reveal a secret about them which, if made

public, could cause the person embarrassment and harm

Murder 18 is entering privately owned land or property without the

permission of the owner.

Perjury 19 is deliberately taking goods from a shop without paying

for them.

Pick-pocketing 20 is attacking someone, usually in a public place, in order

to rob him or her.

Pilfering 21 is stealing money that is placed in your care, often over

a period of time.

Page 37: Limba Engleza IV

Rape 22 is trading illegal drugs such as heroin, cannabis, cocaine,

LSD, etc.

Robbery 23 is the crime of getting money from someone by tricking

or deceiving them.

Shoplifting 24 is the crime of betraying your own country by helping

its enemies.

Slander 25 is the crime of physically attacking someone.

Smuggling 26 is stealing small amount of goods or things of little

value, often over a long period of time.

Terrorism 27 is printing or publishing something which is untrue and

damages another person's reputation in some way.

Theft 28 is stealing, especially in large quantities, often causing

widespread damage.

Treason 29 is the crime of breaking into a house, a flat, etc. in order

to steal things.

Trespassing 30 is the use of violence or the threat of violence to obtain

political demands.

Vandalism 31 is the crime of stealing.

Să ne reamintim...

Let’s remember what offences are and exemplify them.


We have dealt with elements of criminal law

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Unitatea de învăţare II.2. CRIME AND PUNISHMENT

II.2.1. Introducere

This unit presents the crimes that are mostly used.

I.2.2. Competenţele unităţii de învăţare

After this unit you will know much more about crimes and you will be able

to describe them and name them, say where they are used.

Durata medie de parcurgere a primei unităţi de învăţare este de 3 ore.

Before you read

Work with a partner.

Have you read a newspaper today? What was the headline?


Read and fill in the spaces.

Write a headline for each story. Use no more than five words for each one.

Choose From


Police are appealing for witnesses to a robbery which took place Monday

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afternoon in Fenbury. Two masked men broke into Statham Jewelers.

One robber brandished a sawn-off shotgun, while an accomplice 1…………….

display cases, stealing rings and necklaces.

Police believe that the robbers escaped in a getaway car driven by a third gang



A fire at Fenbury Warehouse is being treated as arson, according to a police

spokesperson. The fire broke out at around 5 am and quickly engulfed the whole

building. By the time the fire brigade arrived at the scene, almost the entire

warehouse had been 2……………. . The warehouse contained electronic parts,

and insurers have estimated the damage to be in the region of three million



A local woman was involved in a hit-and-run incident early Sunday afternoon.

Monica Parsons, 27, was 3……………. Finchley Road near her house, when she

was hit by a car being driven at speed.

Hospital sources say that the victim has no recollection of the incident. Police

have appealed for information from anyone who saw a white car being driven at

speed in the area.


A local man has been given a three-month jail sentence for repeatedly shoplifting

in the Newbury area.

Gary Dibbot, 28, who paid a fine six months ago for a previous conviction,

admitted stealing DVDs from RentaVideo in Fenbury. Dibbot's lawyer said that

his client 4……………. his actions and that he would turn over a new

leaf after serving his sentence.

In the context of this article, choose the best explanation for the following


1. When the police appeal for witnesses:

A) they want to speak to witnesses

B) they are interviewing witnesses

C) they are pleased with the witnesses

Page 40: Limba Engleza IV

2. In the region of three million pounds is:

A) under three million pounds

B) at least three million pounds

C) about three million pounds

3. A previous conviction is:

A) something you used to believe

B) a past crime you were guilty of

C) something you did that you regret

4. If you brandish a shotgun:

A) you fire the gun repeatedly

B) you point it at someone

C) you keep a shotgun hidden under your clothes

Are these sentences true or false? Correct the false ones.

1. The two robbers threatened staff and customers with knives.

2. The robbers got away on foot.

3. Police think the warehouse fire was an accident.

4. The fire spread through the building quickly.

5. The car that hit Monica Parsons was going very fast.

6. She can remember the incident clearly.

7. A man has gone to prison for three months for stealing.

8. He says he will steal again in the future.

How well do you remember?

Crime Vocabulary Match the phrase to the definition.

Collocations #1 Match the two halves of these crime-related collocations.

1. to admit in a getaway car

2. to be given stealing something

3. to escape at the scene

4. [the police] arrived for witnesses [to something]

5. to appeal a sawn-off shotgun

6. to brandish a three month prison sentence

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Collocations #2

Rewrite these sentences using a collocation from exercise six. Make

grammatical changes where necessary.

1. The police want to speak to people who saw the accident.

2. The masked man held a knife.

3. The robbers left by car.

4. An ambulance soon arrived at the place the accident happened.

5. My neighbour has been sent to prison for 5 years.

6. The prisoner said that he had broken into the victim's house.

Discussion Ask your partner(s) these questions. Ask follow-up questions.


Do you think crime is common in your country?

How you think crime rates have changed in the last 25 years?

Which countries have are seen as having high/low rates of crime?

What kinds of penalties does the law have for criminals?

Do you think criminals are punished strongly enough?


What kinds of penalties does the law have for criminals?

Do you think criminals are punished strongly enough?

What do you think of community service as a punishment for crime?

In Addition

Have you ever been a victim of petty crime, such as pickpocketing? What did

you do?

Do you feel safe when you walk in a street at night?

Are you worried about 'new crimes' such as Internet-related fraud?

What do you think are the main causes of crime?

Să ne reamintim...

Let’s remember the characteristics of crimes

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This unit introduces the crimes.

. Unitatea de învăţarei II.3. DEATH PENALTY

II.3.1. Introducere

This unit deals with death penalty

I.3.2. Competenţele unităţii de învăţare

At the end of this unit students will recognize the actions that might

sentence somebody to death penalty.

Durata medie de parcurgere a primei unităţi de învăţare este de 3 ore.

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Să ne reamintim...

Let’s remember the names of the criems and their uses


This unit introduces the crimes.

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Unitatea de învăţare II.4. PASSIVE VOICE

II.4.1. Introducere

This unit deals with the passive forms: forms, use

II.4.2. Competenţele unităţii de învăţare

At the end of this unit students will use and transform active sentences into

passive one.

Durata medie de parcurgere a primei unităţi de învăţare este de 3 ore.


The Passive Voice - in English the stress is on what has/was/is/will be…


I. Read these sentences and decide whether they are active or passive:

This is where the crash tests are carried out. passive

We use crash-test dummies to measure the injuries.

A 1,360 kg barrier is driven into the side of the car at 50km/h.

Side air bags can prevent a lot of serious head injuries.

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But a lot of side bags are not designed to protect smaller passengers.

We now use smaller dummies in a lot of our tests.

These tests are expensive to set up and carry out, but they can save a lot of lives.

Over 40,000 people a year are killed in traffic accidents in the USA only.

Boxes should never be lifted manually.

A fork-lift is much safer than manual lifting.

My new set of tools was made in China.

It is of good quality so it can be used all the time.

II. Put these two stories into the Passive Voice:


If there is a vacancy we usually advertise it in-house first of all, and if I don’t find

any suitable candidates, then we advertise the job in newspapers. We ask the

applicants to send their CVs and we invite some of the candidates to an interview.

After that, we make a list of suitable candidates and ask some of them back for a

second interview. We choose the best candidate and then I check his or her

references and if everything is OK, we offer the successful applicant the job.

A vacancy is usually advertised in-house first and if no suitable candidates are

found, the job is advertised in newspapers.


Thieves held the manager of the Ridgeway Hotel at gunpoint last night during a

robbery in which they took nearly $50,000 from the hotel safe. They also broke into

several of the bedrooms and removed articles of value.

The thieves made their escape through the kitchen where they damaged several

pieces of equipment. They injured the chef when he tried to stop them and left him

lying unconscious on the floor. But they didn’t enjoy in their money long because

the police arrested them this


Page 47: Limba Engleza IV

Să ne reamintim...

Let’s remember the form and use of the Passive Voice


This unit introduces the passive voice which is highly used in the technical



II.5.1. Introducere

This unit deals with the countable and uncountable nouns

II.5.2. Competenţele unităţii de învăţare

At the end of this unit students will learn the difference between countable

and uncountable nouns and they will use them in context

Durata medie de parcurgere a primei unităţi de învăţare este de 3 ore.


When talking about different materials and tools we also need to know whether

these nouns are countable or uncountable. In English most nouns are countable and

have singular and plural forms: these are the names of separate objects, people,

ideas and can be counted (a book – books, a box – boxes, a watch – watches, an idea

– ideas, an engineer – engineers, a child – children, a man – men, a mouse – mice

Page 48: Limba Engleza IV

…) but there are also a lot of uncountable nouns which are the names of materials,

liquids, abstract qualities, collections and only have singular or plural forms (meat,

sugar, water, steel, carbon, money, luggage, paper, information – pliers, glasses,

scissors, binoculars, jeans, clothes, police, handcuffs …). Sometimes the

same noun can be both, countable and uncountable (Glass is a fragile material.

There are four glasses on the table. I need glasses for reading.)

I. Sort these nouns into two groups: one for countable and the other for uncountable

(some may be both):

tip, trip, clothing, work, glass, case, baggage, fact, news, research, job, advice,

travel, accommodation, chocolate, costume, equipment, spaghetti, stone, rubber,

athlete, patience, tea-bag, concrete, coal, braces, traffic-lights, knife, iron, rain, hair

countable: trip,

uncountable: tip,

II. Are the sentences below correct or wrong? If they are wrong, correct them.

I’ve just heard a wonderful news. I’ve just heard (some) wonderful news.

I need an pen. Can I borrow yours?

The contents of the house were sold after his death.

Physics were always my favourite subject.

I need scissor to cut this paper.

She has done some research on the life of dolphins.

The people who works there is very well-paid.

The police is looking for a suspect.

He likes playing billiard.

My knowledges in that area are very poor.

In the north of the country most houses are made of stones while in the south bricks

are more common.

I have a new leather jacket.

This railing is made of irons.

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Să ne reamintim...

Let’s remember the use of future forms


This unit introduces the future forms that are very useful for the engineering


Unitatea de învăţare II.6. EXPRESSION OF QUANTITY

II.6.1. Introducere

This unit deals with the expression of quantity in English

II.6.2. Competenţele unităţii de învăţare

At the end of this unit students will learn how to express quantity

Durata medie de parcurgere a primei unităţi de învăţare este de 3 ore.


When we talk about different materials and we want to express how much of them we need,

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we use different expressions of quantity, such as: some (We need some water to cool this

tool.), any (We don’t need any more raw materials at present.), a lot of (There’s a lot of

valuable steel available.), much/many/more (How much time do we need to finish this

project? There are many engineers involved in this project.), several (We need several new

machines to modernise our production.), every/each (Every engineer should know about this

new invention.), a huge amount of (We require a huge amount of plastic to pack all of our

finished products.), all/whole (The whole company will benefit from this improvement.),

no/none/not (They invested no money in the modernisation, so they were not competitive

anymore.), a little/a few (We need a little more time. A few of our workers are on sick



/everybody/everything/everywhere (I need somebody to help me. Something came up.

There’s nothing we can do. I couldn’t find it anywhere.), both (Both our partners declared

bankruptcy.), half (We will invest half of our profits into buying new premises.)…

I. Fill in the missing expressions of quantity:

Did you make any progress at the meeting?

Shall I send you _____________ samples of our latest fabrics?

We only made _____________ money on this product so perhaps we should start phasing it


I met _____________ potential customers at the trade fair.

_____________ has used my files and now I can’t find _____________!

_____________ told me that this information is confidential.

I’m sorry to hear that _____________ went wrong on your trip to Barcelona.

The flood caused _____________ damage in our warehouse.

_____________ person involved in this project should do their best.

Managers spend more than _____________ of their work time at meetings.

Do you have any idea how _____________ material do we still have on stock?

Search your pockets and your bag and describe what you have found – use

different expressions of quantity.

Page 51: Limba Engleza IV


1. Explain the difference between cardinal and ordinal numbers.

2. Write your birth date in Roman numbers.

3. Can you divide the shapes into two- and three-dimensional?


1. Try to analyse the importance of technological discoveries and inventions in our daily


2. Describe the tools that are found in your own home, are they mechanical or machine?

What do you use them for? How often?

Să ne reamintim...

In this unit we obtained a lot of useful vocabulary and learned about technology in

general, different types of materials and some tools you will come across on daily basis but

also in your professional life. We also revised the Passive Voice and countable and

uncountable nouns and expressions of quantity.


We have looked at expressions of quantity



Modulul III Crime and Punishment .. ...........................................................................................


Competenţe ...................................................................................................................

Unitatea de învăţare III.1 Crime and Punishemnt. ......................................................

III.1.1. Introducere .....................................................................................

III.1.2. Competenţe .....................................................................................

Unitatea de învăţare III.2 Criminals. ...........................................................................

III.2.1. Introducere .....................................................................................

III.2.2. Competenţe .....................................................................................

Page 52: Limba Engleza IV

Unitatea de învăţare III.3 Relative pronouns and clauses. ..........................................

III.3.1. Introducere .....................................................................................

III.3.2. Competenţe .....................................................................................

Unitatea de învăţare III.4 One word-two meanings. ....................................................

III.4.1. Introducere .....................................................................................

III.4.2. Competenţe .....................................................................................

Unitatea de învăţare III.5 Reported Speech. ................................................................

III.5.1. Introducere .....................................................................................

III.5.2. Competenţe .....................................................................................

Unitatea de învăţare III.2 Crimes and Sentences. ........................................................

III.2.1. Introducere .....................................................................................

III.2.2. Competenţe .....................................................................................

Temă de control


This module introduces some basic information for all law students

necessary in their future careers in their professinal development. The module

contains 6 units, each addressing one important domain


After this unit you will definitely have a much better knowledge of the

criminal vocabulary. You will also revise relative pronouns and relative clauses.

Page 53: Limba Engleza IV

Unitatea de învăţare III.1. CRIME AND PUNISHMENT

III.6.1. Introducere

This unit deals with the introduction of crime and punishment

III.6.2. Competenţele unităţii de învăţare

At the end of this unit students will learn types of crimes and punishment

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Durata medie de parcurgere a primei unităţi de învăţare este de 3 ore.


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Unitatea de învăţare III.2. CRIME AND PUNISHMENT

III.6.1. Introducere

This unit deals with the presentation of crimes

III.6.2. Competenţele unităţii de învăţare

At the end of this unit students will present the types of crimes

Durata medie de parcurgere a primei unităţi de învăţare este de 3 ore.


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Page 59: Limba Engleza IV

Să ne reamintim...

In this unit we obtained a lot of useful vocabulary and learned about crimes in

general, different elements that you will come across on daily basis but also in your

professional life.


We have looked at crime constituency

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III.6.1. Introducere

This unit deals with the relative pronouns in English

III.6.2. Competenţele unităţii de învăţare

At the end of this unit students will use relative pronouns

Durata medie de parcurgere a primei unităţi de învăţare este de 3 ore.


Relative clauses are divided into defining (provide necessary information without which the

sentence is incomplete: I know a man who has 10 children. This is the vase which/that I was

given for my birthday.) and non-defining relative clauses (they give additional information:

Marilyn Monroe, who died very young, is still an icon. Their advertisement, which I saw

yesterday, is very impressive. My mother, who will be 80 years old next year, asked me to

find her a painter to decorate her house. Jack Jones, whose phone number I can’t find, is our

loyal customer.).

I. Fill in the missing relative pronouns (who, whose, what, which, where):

A quality controller is a person who checks the production systems.

Does anyone really know __________ responsibility this is?

I don’t know __________ happened! Suddenly the fire started!

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Do you know the name of the woman __________ is organising the conference?

This is the company __________ offers the most favourable prices for these items.

I don’t know __________ company to contact first. They all seem to have a wide range of

products on offer.

The computers __________ you ordered last week have just arrived.

Yesterday I was talking to someone __________ brother went to school with you.

The specialists __________ repaired our broken machinery were very efficient.

II. Read the specifications for this car and then complete the relative clauses below:

Tight, light body. Great handling. Excellent brakes. Five-star safety. Six-cylinder refinement

and performance. Six-speed automatic works well in any shift mode. More interior space.

Low cabin-noise levels. 320i struggles to convince at $50,000-plus. Unforgiving, low-speed

ride. Some front-end suspension/tyre noise. Back end can get twitchy on rough roads.

Inconsistent steering, with less feedback than before. Tight rear-seat access, and tall adults sit

knees up. All seats lack support. Run-flats are expensive (around $2000 a set) and might be

difficult to get.

This is a car that has a tight and light body.

Another good feature is _____________________________.

It has a six-speed automatic _____________________________.

The great cabin is _____________________________ outside noise-levels.

A disadvantage is _____________________________.

It has a back end _____________________________.

Run-flats are the part ____________________________

Să ne reamintim...

In this unit we obtained a lot of useful vocabulary and learned about relative pronouns

and clauses.


We have looked at relative pronouns and clauses.

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Unitatea de învăţare III.4. ONE WORD – TWO MEANINGS

III.4.1. Introducere

This unit deals with words with multiple meaning

III.4.2. Competenţele unităţii de învăţare

At the end of this unit students will improve their vocabulary by multi-

meaning words.

Durata medie de parcurgere a primei unităţi de învăţare este de 3 ore.


In English there are many words that have more than one meaning – these are the so called

homonyms (they can be further divided into homographs and homophones). To name just a

few: live, bank, swallow, free, fair, party, see, operation, model, mark, can, wind, house, lead,

hard, minute, refuse, wound, read, row …(sometimes the pronunciation is the same but very

often it is different).

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I. Fill in the missing words in these pairs of sentences:

I enclose a free sample of our latest magazine.

I’m terribly sorry but Ms Cartwright won’t be free until 4 p.m.

I just need a __________ of your time.

Dust is so __________ that we can’t see it with a naked eye.

Unfortunately we have to __________ your offer. It’s just not competitive enough.

After the rave party there was a lot of __________ in the streets.

BMW now have a huge __________ in the USA.

He has serious problems with his heart. He’s been scheduled for an __________ next week.

The concert was going on __________ on all major broadcasting companies.

Where do you suppose to __________ when you move abroad?

The __________ singer in that group is gorgeous.

We all know that __________ pipes are dangerous and should be replaced.

She had a sore throat so she couldn’t __________ the food.

One early __________ doesn’t bring the spring.

I usually got good __________ in school, except in languages.

He was a clumsy eater, so he had several __________ on his white shirt.

She usually sits in the front __________ in the classroom.

If you live near a river, it’s useful to learn how to __________ a boat.

Să ne reamintim...

In this unit we obtained a lot of useful vocabulary and learned about

Multi-meaning words.


We have looked at multi-meaning words.

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Unitatea de învăţare III.5. REPORTED SPEECH

III.5.1. Introducere

This unit deals with reported speech

III.5.2. Competenţele unităţii de învăţare

At the end of this unit students will transform direct speech into indirect


Durata medie de parcurgere a primei unităţi de învăţare este de 3 ore.

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We very often have to report what other people have told or asked us or ordered us to do and

we can’t do it by using the direct speech, so we have to use the reported speech. There are

some rules to follow, such as the rule of one tense back (present forms become past, present

and past change into past perfect, will into would, can into could and may into might). We

also have to be careful about the word order, especially in questions (He said, ‘I live in

Slovenia.’ - He told me he lived in Slovenia.; She explained, ‘These products will be available

next year.’ – She explained that those products would be available the following year.; He

wanted to know, ‘When did you start working here?’ – He wanted to know when I had started

working there.; She asked, ‘Do they know anything about this?’ – She asked if they knew

anything about that.; He said, ‘Please do this today.’ – He asked me to do that that day.)

I. Read these sentences that a candidate said at an interview. Put them into Reported


Miss Bridgwater said, ‘I’m very interested in working for you.’

She said that she was very interested in working for us.

Miss Bridgwater explained, ‘I’ve been working in the city for three years.’

She explained __________________________________________.

She said, ‘I like what I do, but I want more responsibility.’

She also said __________________________________________.

She told me, ‘I have a degree in Mechanical Engineering.’

She told me __________________________________________.

She made it clear, ‘I can’t leave my present position for another month.’

She made it clear __________________________________________.

II. You were a speaker at the conference on new machinery that took place last month in

Munich, Germany. You were asked the following questions:

When will the new product be ready?

How much are you going to spend on promotion?

Will you offer any discounts to your distributors?

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Why has it taken so long to develop?

Who will the target consumers be?

Did you have any problems developing this machine?

Who is the contact person?

Now report the above questions to your superior:

They asked me when the new product would be ready.

They asked me __________________________________________.

They asked me __________________________________________.

They asked me __________________________________________.

They asked me __________________________________________.

They asked me __________________________________________.

They asked me __________________________________________.

III. Change these sentences from direct into Reported Speech:

‘Where have you been so long?’

He asked me where I had been.

‘I’m writing my CV.’

He told me __________________________________________.

‘I’ll phone you at seven o’clock tonight.’

She promised __________________________________________.

‘He’s never made such a stupid mistake before.’

Rebecca said __________________________________________.

‘Don’t overtake here.’

The sign warned us __________________________________________.

‘Can I get your latest catalogue?’

Their potential client asked __________________________________________.

My superior said, ‘Don’t work too much or you’ll get ill.’

My superior advised me __________________________________________.

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Să ne reamintim...

In this unit we obtained a lot of transformation from direct into indirect speech.


We have looked at direct/ indirect speech.

Unitatea de învăţare III.6.CRIMES AND SENTENCES

III.6.1. Introducere

This unit deals with the issue of sentences

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III.6.2. Competenţele unităţii de învăţare

At the end of this unit students will become aware of sentences issues.

Durata medie de parcurgere a primei unităţi de învăţare este de 3 ore.



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Să ne reamintim...

In this unit we obtained a lot of information about sentencing


We have looked at sentencing.

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Ashley , A. A Correspondence Workbook. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 1992.

Duckworth, M. Grammar and Practice. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2001.

Duckworth, M. Oxford Business English Grammar & Practice. Oxford: Oxford University

Press, 2001.

McCarthy, M. English Vocabulary in Use. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2001.

Murphy, R. English Grammar in Use. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2004.

Vince, M. Advanced Language Practice. Macmillan: Heinemann Publishers, 1994.

Vince, M. First Certificate Language Practice. Macmillan: Macmillan Education, 2003.

Vince, M. Advanced language Practice. Heinemann: Heinemann English Language Teaching,


Watson-Delestree, A. & Hill, J. The Working Week, Cambridge: Language teaching

Publications, 1996.

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