Page 1: Alice in Tara Minunilor

Alice in tara minunilorde Lewis Carroll

Alice stă pe bancă împreună cu sora ei. Vede un iepure cu ceas şi îl urmărește într-o vizuină. Ajunge într-o sală cu o masă pe care sa află o cheiță care deschide o ușă spre o gradină superbă, însă este prea mare pentru a intra.

Alice bea dintr-o sticluța si se micșorează, însa uita cheia pe masa. Mananca niste cozonac, insa devine prea mare si incepe sa planga. Apare din nou Iepurele Alb si, speriindu-se de ea, isi scapa evantaiul si manusile albe. Alice isi face vant cu evantaiul si isi pune o manusa.

Se face din nou mica si inoata in lacrimile sale. Intalneste un soarece cu ajutorul caruia ajunge la un mal.

Iepurele Alb o confunda cu una din servitoarele sale si o trimite sa-i aduca un evantai si o pereche de manusi albe de acasa.

Alice intra in casa si mananca niste cozonac care o face sa creasca din nou, pana cand nu mai incape in camera. Vazand aceasta, Iepurele trimite un servitor, pe soparla Bill, sa intre pe cosul casei, insa Alice il arunca afara.

Iepurele si servitorii incep sa arunce cu pietre, care se transforma in bucati de cozonac, care o micsoreaza pe Alice. Aceasta iese din casa si se indreapta spre o pasune unde intalneste un catel urias si apoi o ciuperca mare, pe care sta o omida. Ea ii spune ca o bucata din ciuperca o va micsora, iar alta o va face sa creasca.

Alice ia o bucata din amandoua partile si merge mai departe. Ajunge la casa Ducesei, unde bucatareasa pune foarte mult piper in mancare. De aceea, Ducesa si copilul ei care seamana cu un purcel, stranuta incontinuu. Ducesa este invitata de Regina sa joace croquet si ii arunca lui Alice copilul. Acesta se transforma in purcel si Alice ii da drumul in padure.

Apare pisica de Chesire pe o ramura de copac si o indruma pe Alice, spunandu-i ca intr-o parte locuieste Iepurele de Martie, iar in cealalta Palarierul, amandoi nebuni. Alice porneste spre casa Iepurelui de Martie, unde acesta lua ceaiul cu Palarierul si cu Harciogul. Acestia sunt plictisitori, iar Palarierul este chiar nepoliticos.

Alice paraseste masa si intra intr-o scorbura de copac care o duce inapoi in sala cea mare cu masuta. De data aceasta Alice nu uita cheia si intra in gradina superba, unde vede niste slujitori in forma de carti de joc care vopseau o tufa de trandafiri.

Vine alaiul regal si Alice face cunostiinta cu Regele si Regina. Aceasta o invita sa joace croquet alaturi de ea. Jocul este insa lipsit de reguli, fiind un haos total, asa ca Alice vorbeste cu pisica de Chesire al carei cap tocmai apare pe cer.

Regele intra in discutie, insa pisica refuza sa-i sarute mana. Regina ordona sa i se taie capul, precum si celorlalti jucatori, in afara de Alice.

Regina se ofera sa i-o arate lui Alice pe Falsa Broasca Testoasa, insa i-o incredinteaza Grifonului deoarece trebuie sa se intoarca. Grifonul o duce pe Alice la Falsa Broasca Testoasa care ii arata cadrilul homarilor.

Deodata se aude vocea Reginei si Alice impreuna cu Grifonul se duc la tribunal. Alice este chemata ca martor, insa incepe sa creasca pana cand devine foarte mare, iar Regele ii spune ca trebuie sa paraseasca sala. Atunci se trezeste si incepe sa-i povesteasca surorii sale intregul vis.

Page 2: Alice in Tara Minunilor

Alice in Wonderland

Alice sits on the bench with her sister. He sees a rabbit Clock pursued in a burrow. Get into a room with a table on which is a little key that opens a door to a beautiful garden, but is too large to enter.

Alice drinks from a bottle and shrink, but forget the key on the table. Eat some cake, but gets too big and starts to cry. White Rabbit appears again and terrified her, and fan drops his white gloves. Alice makes winds fan and puts a glove. It makes little and swims back his tears. She meets a mouse with which reaches a shore.

White Rabbit a mistake with one of his maids and sends it to bring a fan and a pair of white gloves at home.

Alice enters the house and eats some cake that makes her grow again until no longer fit in the room. Seeing this, the Rabbit sent a servant, the Lizard Bill, to enter the house chimney, but Alice throws him out.

The rabbit and started throwing stones servants, which turns into pieces of cake, which shrinks Alice. This leaves the house and headed toward a meadow where he meets a giant dog and then a large mushroom, which sits a caterpillar. She says that a piece of fungus will shrink, and another one will grow.

Alice takes a piece from both sides and move forward. Duchess reaches the house where the cook puts so much pepper in food. Therefore, the Duchess and her baby resembling a pig, sneeze constantly. Duchess invited by the Queen to play croquet and throw his baby Alice. It turns piglet and Alice gives way in the forest.

Appears Chesire cat on a tree branch and directs Alice, telling him that he lives in a part of the March Hare and the Hatter in the other, both insane. Alice embarks on March Rabbit house where he take tea with Hatter and the Dormouse. Here are boring and Hatter is really rude.

Alice leaves the table and goes into a hollow tree that goes back to the table in the great hall. This time Alice does not forget the key and enter the beautiful garden, where he sees fit ministers of cards that paint a rose bush.

Alice Comes royal procession made acquaintance with the King and Queen. This invites her to play croquet with her. The game is free but the rules were complete chaos, so Alice talking to the Chesire cat whose head had just appeared in the sky.

King nonstarter, but the cat refuses to kiss his hand. Regina ordered to be beheaded, and the other players, except for Alice.

Regina offers to show him his false Alice turtle, but Griffin entrusts him because they must return. Alice Gryphon leads to false a turtle who looks lobster quadrille.

Suddenly the Queen and Alice voice is heard along with Griffin go to court. Alice is called as a witness, but begins to grow until it becomes very large, and King says he has to leave the room. Then he wakes up and begins to tell his sister the whole dream.

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