comunicare de specialitate in limba engleza 3

UNIVERSITATEA Titu Maiorescu Facultatea de Psihologie Departamentul de învaţământ la distanţă MODUL: Comunicare de specialitate în limba engleză 3

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Limba Engleza 3



Facultatea de Psihologie

Departamentul de nvamnt la distan


Comunicare de specialitate n limba englez 3

TUTOR: Lect. univ. dr. Alice Popescu




Unitatea 1. The future of our world in the next millennium8

Unitatea 2. Women past and future11

Unitatea 3. Power and leadership15

Unitatea 4. Advertisments19

Unitatea 5. Does altruism exist?22

Unitatea 6. Does altruism exist? (Part 2)25



1.Scopul si obiectivele cursului:

Cursul de limba englez pentru nvmnt la distan i propune s sedimenteze elemente de limba englez dobndite n formarea preuniversitar a studentului ID, elemente lingvistice i de interpretare necesare unei deschideri a studentului ID ctre lumea tiinific internaional. Pentru o analiz gramatical i interpretarea de texte, sunt folosite tematici cu predilecie din psihologie (inclusiv psihologie social, psihologia comunicrii etc.). De asemenea, prin acest curs se urmrete formarea deprinderilor orale i scrise utile n activitatea socio-profesional, n vederea cptrii unei autonomii valide de informare i comunicare n limba englez.

Obiective generale:

Dezvoltarea de competene n utilizarea limbii engleze pentru comunicare i informare n general , ca i n domeniul tiinelor sociale i n special al psihologiei, astfel nct studenii s fie capabili:

S neleag dup auz enunuri n flux verbal;

S neleag enunuri, texte citite n limba englez;

S comunice verbal un mesaj, enun n limba englez;

S exprime n cuvinte proprii n limba englez, n scris, un mesaj/enun.

Obiective specifice:

1.pronunarea de diverse enunuri cu intonaia corect;

2.nelegerea sensului global al unui mesaj ascultat;

3.raportarea informaiei ascultate la limbajul i experiena cultural proprie;

4.adaptarea formulelor conversaionale la contextul dat (formal, informal);

5.susinerea de dialoguri referitoare la sine i la universul propriu;

6.descrierea de persoane, locuri, activiti;

7.identificarea unitilor de coninut ale unui text;

8.exprimarea nelesului global al unui text;

9.recunoaterea i utilizarea formelor speciale de coresponden;

10.valorificarea deprinderilor acumulate pentru perfecionarea competenelor de limb englez.

2. Cerine preliminare:

1.demonstrarea stpnirii cunotinelor de gramatic si vocabular corespunztoare modulului 1.

2.participare la activitile anunate n calendarul disciplinei.

3. Coninutul materialului de studiu. Organizarea pe uniti de studiu

Materialul de studiu cuprinde, pe de o parte, texte de specialitate in limba englez, menite sa pun bazele unui vocabular corespunztor psihologiei i tiinelor sociale i, pe de alt parte, noiuni i exerciii de gramatic.


Aceast prim unitate de studiu descrie o proiecie n viitor, n raport cu care este definit perechea antagonic pesimist optimist.. Tot aici este introdus Future Simple Tense.

Unitate de studiu 2: WOMEN PAST AND FUTURE

In aceast unitate de studiu snt introduse cteva noiuni fundamentale de psihanaliz, referitoare la identitatea psiho-sexual feminin vs cea masculin, n raport cu teoria freudian clasic, axat pe modelul oedipian, dar i cu una dintre perspectivele postfreudiene. Ca parte gramatical, este prezentat Future Tense Continuous.

Unitate de studiu 3: POWER AND LEADERSHIP

Aceasta este o unitate de studiu care extinde zona de interes a studentului nspre zona instituiilor politice, explicnd care snt acestea, cu accent pe cea a statului. Se continu Future Tense Simple i Future Tense Continuous cu precizarea ctorva alte modaliti de exprimare a viitorului.

Unitate de studiu 4: ADVERTISEMENTS

Unitatea reprezint un suport de reflecie asupra impactului psihologic pe care publicitatea l are asupra individului i a maselor. Din puncte de vedere gramatical, propune exersarea exprimrii viitorului pornind de la materialul oferit de reclame.

Unitate de studiu 5: DOES ALTRUISM EXIST?

n aceast unitate, studentul este invitat s reflecteze asupra raportului dintre altruism i empatie. n plan gramatical, snt abordate verbele modale.

Unitate de studiu 6: DOES ALTRUISM EXIST? (PART 2)

Aceast unitate de studiu este o continuare, att n plan teoretic, ct i n cel gramatical, a unitii 5.4. Recomandri de studiu

Este important ca studentul s respecte timpul alocat calendarului disciplinei, modul de abordare a testelor de evaluare si sarcinile de nvare. De asemenea, recomandm ca studentul sa parcurg bibliografia i s consulte indicaiile rubricii cunotine preliminare.

Fiecare unitate de studiu atinge urmtoarele aspecte: obiective, cunotine preliminare, resurse necesare i recomandri de studiu, durata medie de parcurgere a unitii, cuvinte cheie. Un test de autoevaluare se va regsi la sfritul acestui modul. Fiind un curs practic de limba englez si nu unul teoretic (de psihologie, sociologie etc.) propriu-zis, nu se vor regsi rezumate i concluzii, ca instrumente de nvare. Studentului i se cere o abordare creativ a cursului, capacitatea de a se lansa in situaii conversaionale spontane care s-i solicite abilitile de comunicare in viaa de zi cu zi i nu memorarea rigid a unor structuri gramaticale.

Fiecare din subpunctele mai sus menionate snt semnalizate n text prin intermediul unor pictograme.

n continuare, prezentm un tablou cu principalele pictograme prezentate n text:









5. Recomandri de evaluare

Dup parcurgerea fiecrei uniti de studiu se impune rezolvarea sarcinilor de nvare, ce presupun studiu individual, dar i a celor de autoevaluare.

Activitile de evaluare condiioneaz nivelul nivelul de dobndire a competenelor specificate prin obiectivele disciplinei.

n ceea ce privete evaluarea final, se va realiza printr-un examen, planificat conform calendarului disciplinei. Examenul const n rezolvarea unei probe de tip gril.

6. Test de evaluare iniial

Desemnai cele mai imporante situaii de folosire a timpurilor Past Perfect Tense Simple i Past Perfect Tense Continuous, exemplificnd cu cte o propoziie n limba englez pentru fiecare situaie n parte.

7. Structura cursului: Materialul de studiu pentru invatamintul la distanta are ca suport cursul English for Social Sciences, autori Daniela Niculescu Zdrenghea, Aurelia Ana Vasile;8. Observaii privind structura cursului:

Activitile de prezentare de noi coninuturi (reactualizare) sunt combinate cu activiti practice, participarea activ a studenilor deinnd un rol fundamental.

Fiecare curs conine text(e) din domeniul tiinelor sociale i aplicaii pe text(e) pe probleme de vocabular, gramatic, ortografie i pronunie, elemente de cultur i civilizaie britanic i american.

UNITATEA 1: THE FUTURE OF OUR WORLD IN THE NEXT MILLENIUM La sfritul acestui curs, studentul va putea:

s i nsueasc cteva elemente de vocabular care vizeaz tipurile psihologice

s utilizeze Future Tense Simple

Cunotine privind formarea lui Future Tense Simple

Engleza pentru admitere, Banta, Andrei, Ed. Teora, Bucureti, 1995, vol. 1;

Practise Your Tenses, Adamson, Donald, Longman, 1996;

Dou ore


1.Word Web: words related to the key word FUTURE (E.g.: anticipate, forecast, foretell, predict, prognosis,).

2.Dialogue between an optimist and a pessimist (pages 123-124, Changing Times, Changing Tenses). Fill in the dialogue (use the right replies).


Text The Car of the Future, (Changing Times, Changing Tenses, pages 120-121).


New Vocabulary: to be in trouble, ask,/look for trouble, troublesome, troublemaker/shooter, to get someone into trouble, troublous, disturbed, to fish in troubled waters; air conditioning; gas (A.E.) vs petrol (B.E.); lights, headlight, light vs darkness, light/dark colour (blue), light (adj.) vs heavy; foot feet (goose, tooth); 1 mile = km; to be short of, shortage; supply, to supply.


1.Expressing comparison with: as + + noun:

(see Penny Ur, op. cit., page 57). E.g.: as thin as ice, as white as snow.

2.Expressing future time

I. The Simple Future

Use: to express:

an action we are not sure about (use of probably);

hopes, fears, threats, on-the-spot decisions, offers, promises, warnings, predictions, comments (with expect, hope, believe, Im afraid, Im sure, I know, I think probably);

a prediction or a future action or event which may or may not happen.

Time Expressions: tomorrow, tonight, next week/year/.., in two days, the day after tomorrow, soon, in a week/fortnight, on the 1st of June, in 2003, a.s.o..


Affirmative: S + shall/will + verb .(short form: ll).

Interrogative: Shall/will + S + verb .?

Negative: S + shall/will + not + verb .(short form: shant/wont).

3. The verb take + preposition:

after= to resemble

down= to write/record

for= to mistakenly assume that sb/sth. Is sb./sth. else

For granted= to assume as a fact that does not need any confirmation

In = to receive, admit; to reduce the size of; to include/comprise

off= to remove; to depart (aeroplanes)

over= to take control/possesion of

to= to adopt as a habit/practice/hobby


Grammar exercises (G. Gleanu, op. cit., Ed. Albatros, 1980, - v. i alte ediii, pag. 216-228) from various grammar books or from the suggested references.


Briefly express (in approximately 200 words) how you imagine the future of psychology in the next millenium. (group or individual work, as best suitable).

Suggestions: machinery development and human brain, coping with physical impairments: deafness, dumbness, blindness, mental retardness, a.s.o..

Pessimist vs optimist


La sfritul acestui curs, studentul va putea:

s elaboreze, n limba englez, pe tema psihanalitic a dezvoltrii identitii psihosexuale feminine vs cea masculin

s utilizeze corect Future Tense Continuous

Cunotine privind regulile generale de formare a timpului Future Tense Continuous.

Engleza pentru admitere, Banta, Andrei, Ed. Teora, Bucureti, 1995, vol. 1; Practise Your Tenses, Adamson, Donald, Longman, 1996; Exerciii de gramatica limbii engleze, Gleanu-Frnoag, Georgiana, Editura Albatros, Bucureti, 1987:

Dou ore


In which way do you think the condition of women has changed lately (for better/worse)? Give arguments.


Text Psychoanalysis and Women

(Book Review on The Psychology of Women: Psychoanalytic Perspectives, by Arnold Richards and Phyllis Tyson)

This book compares Freuds theories with thencontemporary theories about the mind of women. Valuable history is contained in the pages of this book both the history of Freud and his relationships with women and the history of various theoretical trends in examining the psychology of women. Other topics include object choice in women, bisexuality, the meaning of perineal activity, and genital anxiety. More than 24 analysts contributed to the 20 chapters in the book; most of the contributors are from the US, but the book also includes 2 chapters from British training analysts associated with the British Psychoanalytical Society. This volume reflects a relatively homogeneous perspective about certain women. It describes women who are troubled with conflicts about desire, where desire is misunderstood as dangerous.

Which women are described? Janice Lieberman answers this question in her commentary on the art chosen to illustrate in 6 sections of the bookFreud and the Feminine, The Theory of the Psychology of Women, The Body in the Psychology of Women, Motherhood, The Psychology of Homosexuality, and Women and Training and Research. Lieberman states, These art works for the most part show women still in conflict at fin de sicle, not completely resolved as to the acceptance of their bodies or roles. It is these troubled women whom the authors describe in their clinical observations.

What is the perspective of the authors? Their predominant psychoanalytic perspective presents women as having primary feminity, that is, female development proceeds along lines that generate anxiety [called female genital anxiety] about damage and loss similar to the fear of castration that troubles males. Disappointing is the fact that this perspective and the re-formulations and more innovative new formulations of Freuds major theories of female psychology recapitulate Freuds basic misunderstanding of desire. In other words, the authors know that Freuds psychology of women is inaccurate, and they argue against Freuds perspective. However, their contributions do not further the readers understanding of the psychology of women. Instead, they perpetuate old views by applying Freuds misunderstanding to troubled women.

Freuds misunderstanding of desire, for example, is expressed in his conceptualisation of the Oedipus complex: Freud proposed that a soon at the age of 3 to 5 years passionately desires his mother and views his father as a competitor. Out of his own innate aggression, Freuds theory continues: the son wishes to destroy his father. When the son recognises that his fathers superior strength could turn against him, he suffers the castration anxiety. This anxiety, according to Freud, causes the child to give up his desire for his mother, to reconstruct his desire as dangerous, and finally to identify with his fathers aggression.

An alternative interpretation, one emerging from an understanding of attachment behaviours and from early mother-infant observation research, is that the son reaches out in innocence to his mother, loving out of his own nature the one that his father also happens to love. The son has neither sexual desire for his mother nor murderous rage for his father. []

Applying the alternative interpretation of desire to the daughter, the daughter reaches out in innocence to her mother, loving out of her own nature the one whom her father loves. Furthermore, she reaches out in innocence to her father, loving out of her own nature the one whom her mother loves. In initial attunement, both identification and affection are united and focused on the primary caregivers regardless of the gender of the caregivers or the infant Undifferentiated experiences within the caregivers/infants attunement are experienced as physical or bodily events and thus are internalised without awareness of separateness or conflict and are maintained with a strong sense of security.

If the daughters tenderness is fostered, she will strengthen her identification with mother and her bond of affection with father. In differentiation after 18 months of age, boys retain affection for the first caregiver (mother) but shift identification to the father. Girls retain identification with the first caregiver but shift affectional ties to the father. The shifted function, whether it is the shift of identification or the shift or affection, must rely on mental images. Mental images are developed with greater awareness of separateness between the child and the parent The function (identification or affection) that is shifted becomes more highly invested and more vulnerable to shame because it is experienced as less secure than the earlier state where the functions were fused and experienced without awareness of emotional separateness. Although the child gives up a degree of emotional security, differentiation and the shift of function increase psychological autonomy For girls, then, gender identity occurs through the integration of ongoing identification with mother. For boys, gender identity is established as being different from mother.


New Vocabulary: to reach out attunement; caregiver, caretaker; regardless of vs regarding; to shift, a shift, shifted; to rely on/upon, reliable weather/person; to fuse; to give up; to foster; tender(ness); strong, strength, to strengthen; gender; degree vs rank or grade; to occur, occurrence; ongoing (adj.).


1.The verb give + preposition

in= to hand in/give smth to an authorized person/surrender

off= to release/produce (vapour)

out= to become exhausted (supplies,power); to announce; to fail/collapse

up= to leave/abandon/surrender; to no longer protect.

2.The Future Progressive

Use: to express:

an action in progress at a certain time in the future.

Time Expressions: tomorrow at 5 p.m., tonight from 7 to 9 p.m., a.s.o..


Affirmative: S + shall/will + be + verb -ing.(short form: ll).

Interrogative: Shall/will + S + be + verb -ing.?

Negative: S + shall/will + not + be + verb -ing.(short form: shant/wont).


1.Finish up the following text (from a teenagers point of view, using the simple future and the future progressive).

When My about to Divorce Parents Will Be in Court

My parents have received a subpoena for their first divorce session. So, tomorrow at 10 a.m., they will be trying to reach a consensus, and their lawyers will be bargaining the terms of divorce

2.The Career Woman

Fill in the table below to describe the existential situation of career women nowadays:

Issue at stakeDrawbacks Advantages

Building a family life

Children upbringing and education

Supporting their husbands


Identification, affection

UNITATEA 3: POWER AND LEADERSHIP La sfritul acestui curs, studentul va putea:

s formuleze opinii n limba englez referitoare la instituiile politice

s utilizeze corect modaliti de exprimare a viitorului diferite de Future Tense Simple i Future Tense Continuous

Cunotine privind varietatea manierei n care timpul viitor poate fi exprimat n limba englez. Engleza pentru admitere, Banta, Andrei, Ed. Teora, Bucureti, 1995, vol. 1;

Practise Your Tenses, Adamson, Donald, Longman, 1996;

Exerciii de gramatica limbii engleze, Gleanu-Frnoag, Georgiana, Editura Albatros, Bucureti, 1987:

Dou ore


What is a leader going to do if he prefers using:



Coercion 2.b.


Traditional authority4.d.

Charismatic authority5.e.

Rational-legal authority6.f.

Influence 7.g.

Match the concepts to their corresponding definitions and to their suitable replies (see the two columns below).


Exercise of power through force or threat of force.I know youve been wondering how you might serve me, (unlikely).

Authority based on sanctity of time-honoured routines.I dont feel very well today; would you help me mow the lawn?

Authority based on submission to a set of rationally established rules.Do it or else.

Ability to get others to act as one wishes in spite of their resistance; includes coercion and authority.Im your father and I told you to mow the lawn.

Not power, but ability to persuade others to change their decisions.It is your turn to mow the lawn; I did it last week.

Authority based on extraordinary characteristics of leader.It is your duty to mow the lawn.

Power supported by norms and values.I know you dont want to mow the lawn, but you have to do it anyway.


Text page 391, Sociology

Political Institutions

Power inequalities are built into almost all social institutions. In institutions as varied as the school and the family, roles associated with status pairs such as student/teacher and parent/child specify unequal power relationships as the normal and desirable standard.

In a very general sense, political institutions are all those institutions concerned with the social structure of power. This general definition includes many of the institutions of society. The family, the workplace, the school, and even the church or synagogue have structured social inequality in decision making. The most prominent political institutions, however, is the state.

The State as the Dominant Political Institution

The state is the social structure that successfully claims a monopoly on the legitimate use of coercion and physical force within a territory.

Legitimacy of the State

The stability of any political system, democratic or authoritarian, depends on the degree to which it is supported by societys norms and values. If the legitimacy of the system is widely supported, then it can govern by authority.

Lack of legitimacy can be a problem for both democratic and authoritarian systems. Many of the democratic governments of South America, for example, have foundered because their citizens did not share strong norms about the superiority of rational-legal authority. Lacking these norms, they offered little support for democratic governments and little resistance when military juntas or other dictators took the reins of government.


New Vocabulary: (in)equality; similes; a pair of; coercion; charisma; threat, menace; to submit to, submission; to persuade, to convince; to mow the lawn; duty, to be on duty, to do ones duty, duty-free; ones turn.


1.Expressing intention about the future: be going to future.


What are you going to do when you graduate from university ?

(Mention at least three things).

2.Expressing actions in the immediate future:be about to future.

Follow up Activity:

Pictures from Magazines

What are they about to do?

Hes/shes about to..

3.Expressing formally planned future actions with the Simple Present.

4. Expressing informally planned future actions with the Present Progressive.

Political institutions, Legitimacy of the state


ADVERTISEMENTS La sfritul acestui curs, studentul va putea:

s dezbat asupra impactului psihologic pe care publicitatea l are asupra oamenilor

s exerseze utilizarea diferitelor forme de viitor n limba englez

Cunotine privind formarea interogativului pentru viitor

Engleza pentru admitere, Banta, Andrei, Ed. Teora, Bucureti, 1995, vol. 1; Practise Your Tenses, Adamson, Donald, Longman, 1996;Exerciii de gramatica limbii engleze, Gleanu-Frnoag, Georgiana, Editura Albatros, Bucureti, 1987:

Dou ore


Discuss about the quality and the psychological impact of advertisements on ordinary people. (in groups or individually).


Advertisements (see the texts below).


New Vocabulary: tuition; staff; range; accomodation; outstanding, remarkable; effective; race (speed contest; categories of people and animals with the same physical traits).

To praise



To advertise

Advertisement = ad

Clipped words

Refrigerator fridge

Autobus bus

Advertisement - ad

Laboratory - lab


1.Identify the verb forms that express future time in the advertisements below and talk about their use.


Every year at least 1000 runners begin their marathon race around cities in the world. Most of them usually stay in the race to the end. The prize is money.

The runners will finish the race at different times. Some will have run for three hours; some will have run for three and one-half hours; and some will have run for much longer.

Each runner will have used his own special method to keep going. There are old athletes who will have run every marathon race for thirty years. They havent ever won any prizes for speed, but theyll have finished more races than other participants.

2.Ask questions starting with:

When will..?

How long...?

How often...?


4 hours tuition mornings

highly qualified staff

wide range of teaching techniques

excellent family accomodation

Courses start on June, the 15th.

Text 3. Objects in virtual reality are produced by a computer, and they appear three-dimensional.

Virtual reality in video games and cartoons is already widely used. In the future, we will see more serious uses of it.

An outstanding surgeon is planning to practise an operation on a virtual patient. Virtual-patient surgery is about to become a method for the effective training of medicine students and for research in this field or in the related ones.

Engineers and architects are going to use virtual reality to make their own projects to work better. Follow-up activity

Write an essay about the impact which virtual reality will have on the social sciences (psychology) of the future.

Advertisement, virtual realityUNITATEA 5: DOES ALTRUISM EXIST ? La sfritul acestui curs, studentul va putea:

s elaboreze n limba englez asupra conceptului de altruism

s exerseze utilizarea verbelor modale la diferite timpuri

Cunotine privind semnificaiile verbelor modale

Engleza pentru admitere, Banta, Andrei, Ed. Teora, Bucureti, 1995, vol. 1;

Practise Your Tenses, Adamson, Donald, Longman, 1996;

Exerciii de gramatica limbii engleze, Gleanu-Frnoag, Georgiana, Editura Albatros, Bucureti, 1987 Dou ore


What do you think empathy actually refers to?


Text DOES ALTRUISM EXIST ? , Social Psychology, p.302 (Part 1).


New Vocabulary: welfare; to confine, to limit; an account; downtrodden, to tread; to stress, to emphasise; to draw a bottomline; nevertheless; to empathise; to assist, assistance, assistant; plight; distress; instead of.


Make up at least five sentences with out of.. (E.g.: She helped him out of pity.)


1.Adjectives describing character: (un)selfish, altruistic, sociable, (un)reliable, easy-going, cheerful, friendly, surly, withdrawn, optimistic, pesimistic, fun-loving, bossy, shallow; open-hearted, tight-fisted, narrow-minded,.

2.Modal Verbs

Expressing ability (skill and achievement).

Modal verbTo expressExamples

CANAbility in the present or futureHow well can you speak German?

COULD/WAS ABLE TOAbility in the past

Ability in the past for repeated actionsTwo years ago, Jane could hardly speak German, but now she can speak it very well.

He could/was able to swim a lot when he was young.

COULDNT/WASNT ABLE TOFor repeated or single actionsGrandma couldnt/wasnt able to find her wallet.

I WILL/WONT BE ABLE TOSkill and achievement in the futureI cant use the computer very well yet, but by the end of the university year Ill be able to use it perfectly.

If you keep up learning throughout the course, youll be able to master English.

COULD + PERFECT INFINITIVEFor past ability, when the action was not performed;

When we dont know whether it was performed or not;

To express irritation at or reproach for the non-performance of an action.I could have given you a helping hand. Why didnt you let me know in due time?

The cake has vanished! Who could have taken it ?

You could have anticipated it !


1.Identify the modal verbs in the given text and specify what they express.

2.How many things can you think of that:

Impressed you?

Made you happy?

Bothered you?

Annoyed you?

Altruism, empathy


La sfritul acestui curs, studentul va putea:

s elaboreze n limba englez asupra conceptului de altruism

s exerseze utilizarea verbelor modale la diferite timpuri

Cunotine privind semnificaiile verbelor modale

Engleza pentru admitere, Banta, Andrei, Ed. Teora, Bucureti, 1995, vol. 1;

Practise Your Tenses, Adamson, Donald, Longman, 1996;

Exerciii de gramatica limbii engleze, Gleanu-Frnoag, Georgiana, Editura Albatros, Bucureti, 1987 Dou ore


Match the jumbled phrases to restore the proverbs:

No news isIs lost.

Out of sight,Without fire

All that glittersGrow fonder.

Where there is a willLeap.

Look before youBefore the horse.

When in RomeSorry.

Make hay while Out of mind.

Dont put the cartGood news.

You cant have your cake andThe best teacher.

Better safe thanIs not gold.

Experience isRun deep.

The more you have,Eat it.

Theres no smokeThe more you want.

Absence makes the heartThere is a way.

Still watersWhile the sun shines.

He who hesitates.Do as the Romans do.


Text, p.302, Social Psychology (Part 2).


New Vocabulary: to state, to assert, to affirm, to insist, to maintain, to claim; Out of sight, out of mind.; sympathy; puzzle (verb & noun), puzzled; proposition, to propose, proposal; so long (leave-taking formula).


Give suitable leave-taking formulas for the following contexts (mind the formal and informal ways of addressing to people).

Youve been talking to a Professor at the University; youre in a hurry because you have an appointment and youre leaving.

Youre in another room in the students hostel; its late at night, and you want to go to your own room.

You need to leave the auditorium earlier than you should, and you have to apologize for that and to say good-bye to your peers (fellow students).


Expressing possibility and probability

MAYPerhaps, very possibleJohn may be back tomorrow.

MIGHTSlight possibilityThey might come here for Christmas this year.

MAY/MIGHT + Present InfinitivePossibility in the present or futureHe may/might visit his parents next summer.

MAY/MIGHT + Perfect InfinitiveIn speculations about past actionsShe may/might have gone on a trip to Ireland.

COULDpossibilityFrank could still be in the library . He is a bookworm.

COULD BEAs an alternative of MAY/MIGHT BEI wonder the cat is. It may/might/could be in the kitchen with its paw in the fish bowl.

CANpossibilityI cant plunge in the swimming pool. There isnt enough water in it.

CANOccasional possibilityScarlet fever can be quite dangerous.

CANTIt does not seem possible./I dont think.You have rested a lot lately. You cant be weary.

MUSTIt is almost certain./I think.He looks cross. He must have problems at home.


1.Abstract picture.

WhatMay Be?




2.Invisible object.

Drawing in the air an object and then guessing what it:




Could be.

3.Rearrange the lines of the poem Death Sweet, by Thomas Lovell Beddoes, in a logical order, to reconstruct the poem:


A. .Getting a length beyond our tedious selves;

B. Is it not sweet to die ? for, what is death,1.

C. Spilling our woes, crushing our frozen hopes,

D. Then, if the body felt, what were its sense;

E. But sighing that we neer may sigh again,

F. But trampling the last tear from poisonous sorrow,

G. Turning to daisies gently in the grave,

H. In love and the enamelled flower of song ?

I. And passing like an incense out of man ?

J. If not the souls most delicate delight

K. When it does filtrate, through the pores of thought,

Insert numbers under the heading No./LOGICAL ORDER. The first line has been already identified for you, as an example. You may get several logically valid ways of reconstructing the poem. This may mean that you have your own poetic skills and outlook, id est (=that is), you are creative yourself. However, you may find out the order of the lines of the poem, as the poet himself imagined them from the table below.


Altruism, sympathy

Match the concept to the right definition:

1. Power

2. Coercion

3. Authority

4. Traditional authority

5. Charismatic authority

6. Rational-legal authority

7. Influence

a. Exercise of power through force or threat of force

b. Authority based on submission to a set of rationally established rules

c. Authority based on sanctity of time-honoured routines

d. Ability to get others to act as one wishes in spite of their resistance; includes coercion and authority

e. Not power, but ability to persuade others to change their decisions

f. Authority based on extraordinary characteristics of leader

g. Power supported by norms and values

1 d

2 a

3 - g

4 c

5 f

6 b

7 - e

Revise general vocabulary and tenses:

1.Cross the odd-pronunciation word (its pronunciation is different from that of the other three words) out:

a.tear;;; d.bear.

2. Cross the odd-pronunciation word out:

a.calf; b.half; c.scarf; d.cart.

Choose the right answer (only one answer is the right one):

3.Please, go and buy two.

a.breads, b.loafs of, c.loaves of, d.kilos of.

4.Id like a .

a.soap, b.tin of soap, c.soaps, of.

5.Pollution has determined strange..all over the planet.

a.phenomena, b.phenomenons, c.phenomeni, d.phenomenas.

6.Throughout the experiment, some guinea pigs are exposed to various types of.

a.stimulus, b.stimuluses, c.stimuli, d.stimula.

7.The scientists noticed a ..of side effects that followed the treatment.

a.serie, b.series, c.seria, d.serieses.

8.She is feeling.than yesterday.

a.good, b.bad, c.ill, d.worse.

9.You should be..while crossing the road.

a.most careful, b.more careful, c.carefully, d.more carefully.

10.The scientist.the solution to the problem.

a.know, b.knowing, know, d.knows. the disco tonight.

a.go, going, c.has gone, d.went.

12.It a lot last night.

a.rain, b.will rain, c.has rained, d.rained.

13.When he came in, Ion the phone.

a.was talking, b.were talking, c.talked, talking.

14.Heres my essay. I .it at last.

a.has finished, b.have finished, c.had finished, d.finished.

15.We havent seen this movie

a.just, b.already, c.never, d.yet.

16.She. English for five years.

a.have study, b.studied, c.has been studying, d.will study.

17.Mary was sighing because she .a lot of trouble with her children.

a.had had, b.has had, having, d.has.

18.Theya new supermarket downtown., b.are open, c.will open, d.shall open.

19you control your heartbeat with your mind ?

a.may, b.can, c.should, d.must.

20.I go to the dentist. allowed, able, c.must, d.would.

BIBLIOGRAFIE Bdescu, Alice, Gramatica limbii engleze, Editura tiinific i Enciclopedic, Bucureti, 1984 (sau alte lucrri de gramatic a limbii engleze);

Adamson, Donald, Practise Your Tenses, Longman, 1996; Gleanu, Georgiana, Exerciii de gramatic englez, Editura Albatros, 1979;

Gleanu, Georgiana, Exerciii de gramatic englez, Editura Albatros, 1987;

Watkins, Mike, Practise Your Modal Verbs, Longman, 1996.


Conan Doyle, Arthur, The Speckled Band and Other Stories, Heinemann, 1999;

De Devitiis, G., English Grammar for Communication, Longman, 1991;

Evans, Virginia, Round up, Longman, 1996;

Galea, Ileana, Criveanu, I., Iva, A., Voia, M., Dicionar englez romn de expresii verbale, Ed. Echinox, Cluj, 1991;

Groza Filip, A., Synonyms in Practice, Ed. Dacia, Cluj, 1996;

Hewings, M., Advanced Grammar in Use, C.U.P., Cambridge, 1999;

ODell, F., McCarthy, M., English Vocabulary in Use, C.U.P., Cambridge, 1994;

Peterson Wilcox, Patricia, Changing Times, Changing Tenses, U.S. Information Agency, 1992;

Plant, P., Everyday English, VEB Verlag, Leipzig, 1978;

Stancu, Victoria, Engleza intensiv, Ed. Niculescu, 1997;

Thomas, B.J., Intermediate Vocabulary, Longman, 1995;

Thomas, B.J., Advanced Vocabulary and Idiom, Longman, 1995.