buletinul săptămânal most, nr. 13, septembrie 2013

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  • 7/29/2019 Buletinul sptmnal MOST, nr. 13, septembrie 2013


    Moldovan Office for Science and Technology, Montoyer str. 23, 4th floor, B-1000 Brussels

    Buletin Sptamnal al Oficiului Republicii Moldova pentru tiin iTehnologie pe lng UE (MOST)

    accesul la cea de-acincea libertateeuropean - libera circulaie acunoateri

    N 13

    n data de 13 septembrie, Comisia European a lansat un nou indicator de msurare a inovrii

    Noutatea adus de indicatorul propus este c acesta se concentreaz pe rezultatele inovrii. Ca atare,acesta completeaz tabloul de bord al Uniunii inovrii (TBUI) i indicele sintetic al inovrii(SII) (IP/13/270), care evalueaz performanele n materie de inovare ale statelor membre i ale UEdintr-o perspectiv mai ampl, n raport cu un set larg de 24de indicatori ai inovrii, inclusiv resurselevolumele de activitate i rezultatele.

    Exist o varietate mare de rezultate ale inovrii, acestea fiind diferite de la un sector la altul.Indicatorul propus se bazeaz pe patru componente care au fost alese pentru importana lor la nivelulpoliticii.

    Inovarea tehnologic, msurat prin numrul de brevete. Ocuparea forei de munc n activiti care implic un grad ridicat de cunotine, caprocent din totalul locurilor de munc.

    Competitivitatea bunurilor i a serviciilor cu grad ridicat de cunotine. Aceasta sebazeaz pe aportul produselor de tehnologie medie i nalt la totalul balaneicomerciale i pecota serviciilor cu grad ridicat de cunotine n totalul exporturilor deservicii.


  • 7/29/2019 Buletinul sptmnal MOST, nr. 13, septembrie 2013


    Moldovan Office for Science and Technology, Montoyer str. 23, 4th floor, B-1000 Brussels

    Ocuparea forei de munc n ntreprinderile care se dezvolt rapid, din sectoareinovatoare.

    Detalii despre noul indicator la adresa:


    Un nou numr al revistei The European Files (nr 29,septembrie 2013), prezint opiniile diferitorpersonaliti i actori din domeniul cercetrii-inovrii n ceea ce privete rolul noului program Orizont2020 n asigurarea creterii economice, angajrii i dezvoltrii sustenabile.

    Revista poate fi accesat la adresa:http://ec.europa.eu/dgs/jrc/downloads/h2020_september_2013_issue.pdf

    Directoratul General pentru agricultur i dezvoltare rural a CEa lansat n lunaaprilie curent, Serviciul de consultan a Parteneriatului European pentru Inovare(PEI).

    Serviciul servete drept mediator ntre reeaua PEI, consolidnd i facilitnd comunicarea ntre actorii

    procesului inovaional: fermieri, consultani n domeniul afacerilor agricole, societatea civil i

    cercettorii care activeaz la nivel naional i european.

    Serviciul de consultan colecteaz i disemineaz informaie privind msurile relevante n domeniul

    inovrii, activitile de cercetare, oportunitile de finanare i recomandrile proiectelor aplicative. n

    acest sens snt utilizate multiple mijloace de comunicare i diseminare seminare, conferine

    publicaii, pagini web i media social. Iniiativele relevante pentru domeniul agriculturii snt colectatei diseminate tuturor actorilor.

    Expertiza oferit acoper urmtoarele domenii:

    Diferite tipuri de afaceri agricole, Cercetare,



  • 7/29/2019 Buletinul sptmnal MOST, nr. 13, septembrie 2013


    Moldovan Office for Science and Technology, Montoyer str. 23, 4th floor, B-1000 Brussels

    networking i comunicare, sisteme de consultan a fermierilor, consolidarea terenurilor i servicii bancare, politica agricol i de mediu managementul i implementarea msurilor de dezvoltare rural.

    Serviciul de consultan poate fi accesat la:http://ec.europa.eu/agriculture/eip/service-point/index_en.htm

    Innovation systems in health economies: Regional, transnational and macro-regional cooperation

    26 September 2013, Brussels

    Innovation and Smart Specialisation are key instruments to shape the future of a Europe that has smart,

    inclusive and sustainable solutions for societal challenges. From theory to practice, from SmartSpecialisation to Smart Implementation; now it is time to see how these concepts can become a

    reality and programmes might be implemented to have a sustainable impact.

    Regions play a key role in health care delivery and in the process of adopting innovative solutions in the

    domain of health care. How can regions collaborate on a transnational stage without compromising the

    interest of the regional stakeholders? Is it possible to create a win-win situation through sharing of

    innovations on the product-, process- and system level? To address these questions, this workshop (co-

    organized by ScanBalt HealthPort, Network of German Health Regions (NDGR) and Health

    ClusterNET) brings together experts from major European initiatives that have developed strategies in

    this field. One of the major objectives is to surpass existing boundaries and open the way for inclusion

    of stakeholders outside the traditional health sector.

    Further information:http://www.ls.bcv.org/hosting/bcv/bcv_events.nsf/urlnames/RSIN-


    Science for the Environment 2013, 3-4 October 2013, Aarhus, Denmark


  • 7/29/2019 Buletinul sptmnal MOST, nr. 13, septembrie 2013


    Moldovan Office for Science and Technology, Montoyer str. 23, 4th floor, B-1000 Brussels

    The conference's purpose is to provide input to the European Commission on the future research needs in

    Horizon 2020. We are calling for abstracts within the three major themes:

    Climate action: mitigation and adaptation Resource efficiency: natural resources, ecosystems, raw materials

    Green economy: eco-innovation

    Why should you attend?

    To show how your field of research can support solutions of the grand challenges facing society To help shape the future European Research Agenda in Horizon 2020 To meet potential partners for future Horizon 2020 calls

    The Conference is being organised by Aarhus University together with the Partnership for European

    Environmental Research (PEER).

    Detalii la:http://dce-conference.au.dk/

    Energy research and innovation, source of benefits for your region

    8 October 2013, Brussels

    People's well-being, industrial competitiveness and the overall functioning of society are dependent on

    safe, secure, sustainable and affordable energy. The scale of this challenge requires consolidation of

    research and innovation capacities at EU level.

    The objective of the workshop is to demonstrate that energy research & innovation can bring real

    benefits to European regions. By sharing good examples and best practices from Spain and Germany

    and presenting practical aspects of the use of structural funds for energy research projects, the aim is to

    encourage European regions to invest more in energy research & innovation and to foster growth and


