
Post on 29-Sep-2015






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Text 1Malaise = indispozitie, stagnare

Stunt = asechirci, scamatorie, oprirendezvoltare, oprirencreterecost-saving standby = economii de rezerv

the ax will drop = demisie, concediereaverage workers paycheck = salariul unui lucrator mediu

rebounded (rebound - contralovitur, reacie, ricoare) = i a revenit

has her eye on = aaveagrijde, aficuochiipe, aluaseamala. aobserva. anupierdedinochiText 2

Zer = buttermilk, churnmilk, scrum, serum[pl.: serums | sera], wheyMembran = diaphragm, film, membrane, pellicle, septum[pl.: septa]drojdii lactice = lactic yeasts

nutraceutic = nutraceutical

liofilizate = freeze dried, lyophilizednutraceutice= nutraceutical

ultrafiltrare= ultrafiltration

filtrri grosiere= coarse filtering

particulelor de cazein = casein particles

Text 3

Obiectul contractului = object of procurement, subject of procurement, object of the contract;CopermutantPrevzut= scheduled, provided, estimated, referred to

Proces verbal= minutes[pl.], proces-verbal fr. [pl.: proces-verbaux], protocol, recording of proceedings

Sulta= cash payment

Text 4

Cercetare penal= criminal investigation (an applied science that involves the study of facts, used to identify, locate and prove the guilt of a criminal);

Cu chiu cu vai= against the collar, by the skin of one's teeth, with moil and toil;Taxa de prima inmatriculare= Initial car registration taxes;Demantelare= unravel (become or cause to become undone by separating the fibers or threads of; "unravel the thread"; disentangle; "can you unravel the mystery?"; become undone; "the sweater unraveled") . Text 5

Antreprenor = builder, contractor, entrepreneur fr.

Prune n gur = with a marbles in one's mouth, with a plum in one's mouth

Cocoat = humpback, bossy, bunchy, gibbous, huckle-back, humpyText 6

Gallstone = calcul/piatr la vezica biliar; A small, hard, pathological concretion, composed chiefly of cholesterol, calcium salts, and bile pigments, formed in the gallbladder or in a bile duct. Cornerstone = pietrele de temelie/ fundalemental

Elicit = a ajunge la (o concluzie), a extrage, a reui s obin (un rspuns, etc.) [fig.], a scoate

Cessation = contenire, ncetare, oprire; A bringing or coming to an end; a ceasing: a cessation of hostilitiesCholecystitis = colecistita; Inflammation of the gallbladder.

Aching = dureros; 1. Dully painful.

2. Full of painful yearning or sorrow: an aching heart.

Epigastrium = epigastru [anat.]; The upper middle region of the abdomen.

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