plan de rugaciune - bangladesh

Post on 30-May-2018






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  • 8/14/2019 Plan de Rugaciune - Bangladesh



    Tarile din fereastra 10/40

    Date statistice:

    2/3 din populatia globului traieste in aceasta zona.

    90 % din oamenii care traiesc aici sunt neevanghelizati. Multi dintre ei nu au

    auzit Vestea Buna nici macar o data.

    85 % dintre cei care locuiesc aici sunt cei mai saraci de pe glob.

    Religiile predominante sunt: islamismul, budismul si hinduismul.

    General info :

    - is situated in Southern Asia bordering the Bay of Bengal, between Burma andIndia. Etymologically, the word Bangladesh is derived from the cognate VANGA,

    which literally means wetland

    - Population : 144,319,628 (July 2005 est.)

    - Capital Dhaka 10,979,000.


    - Bangla (official, also known as Bengali), English

    Labor force - by occupation:

    - agriculture 63%, industry 11%, services 26%

    Unemployment rate:

    - 40% (includes underemployment) (2004 est.)

    - Musulmani 85.63%

    - Hindusi 12.38%

    - Crestini 0.72%

    - Budisti 0.62%

    - Traditionali etnici 0.57%

    - nereligiosi/altii 0.08%

    Pentru multi ani Banglades a fost considerata cea mai saraca tara din

    lume. (For many years Bangladesh was rated the poorest county in the world . )

  • 8/14/2019 Plan de Rugaciune - Bangladesh


    Banglades este tara cu cea mai mare densitate de populatie. Aicitraiesc peste 144 milioane de oameni intr-o tara nu mai mare decat statul

    Wisconsin(5.5 milioane ). (Bangladesh has one of the highest density rates in the world.There are currently 144 million Bangladeshis living in a country no bigger than the state

    of Wisconsin.)

    The use of intimidation and violence in order to remove occupants or

    covert minorities to their religion. The use of gang rape as weapon to intimidateand force migration of minorities. Murder, assault, battery, destruction of homes,

    churches, temples, and businesses. Lack of police protection and corruption in

    general. [Note: Bangladesh was rated as the most corrupt nation in

    the world by the IMF]. We need to pray for the persecution to be removedagainst the helpless & persecuted.

    Islamists focused their energies on three main agendas. 1) The conversion

    of non-Muslims to Islam. 2) The push for Land Grab had non-Muslims havingto leave their land and thereby leave Bangladesh. 3) The marginalizing of non-

    Muslims within Bangladesh society.

    Motive de rugaciune :

    1) Sa ne rugam ca sa continue cresterea Bisericii si ca Duhul Sfant sa

    patrunda adanc in vietile oamenilor.

    Pray that the church growth will continue and that the Holy Spirit would movedeeper in peoples lives.

    Peste 230 de milioane de bengali ( grup etnic ) traiesc in diferite tari ale lumii. De

    departe ei sunt cei mai neevanghelizati oameni de pe glob si cei mai multi traiesc in

    Banglades si India . Sa ne rugam ca mult mai multi bengali o sa aiba oportunitatea sa

    auda Evanghelia.

  • 8/14/2019 Plan de Rugaciune - Bangladesh


    Over 230 million Bengali people live around the world. They are by far thelargest unreached people group in the world and most live in Bangladesh and India.

    Pray that many more Bengali would have an opportunity to hear about the gospel .

    2) Sa ne rugam pentru crestinii care sufera multe dezavantaje si persecutie.

    Christians suffer many disadvantages and persecution . 3) Sa ne rugam pentru abilitatea Bisericii de a lucra cu oamenii in nevoile

    lor psihice si emotionale, cat si spirituale.

    Pray for the ability of the church to minister to people in their physical and

    emotional needs, as well as spiritually.

    4) Sa ne rugam pentru pace si stabilitate in Banglades.

    Pray for peace and stability in Bangladesh.

    5) Mai mult de jumatate din populatie nu stiu sa citeasca. Sa ne rugam pentru

    acesti oameni sa aiba posibilitatea sa auda Evanghelia prin Radio , filmul Isus sau

    pri alte mijloace media.

    Over half the population cannot read. Pray that these people will be able to hear

    the gospel through radio, the JESUS film and other media .

    Surse: Operation World, Joshua Project, CIA-The World Factbook

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