contract labour law

Post on 11-Dec-2015






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contract labour law english law, semester 2 book exrecise 10/page 207


Art. 39) in carte :(1) Salariatul are, in principal, urmatoarele drepturi: a) dreptul la salarizare pentru muncadepusa; b) dreptul la repaus zilnic si saptamanal; c) dreptul la concediu de odihna anual; d) dreptul laegalitate de sanse si de tratament; e) dreptul la securitate si sanatate in munca; f) dreptul la informare siconsultare;

(2) Salariatului ii revin, in principal, urmatoarele obligatii: a) obligatia de a realiza norma de munca sau,dupa caz, de a indeplini atributiile ce ii revin conform fisei postului; b) obligatia de a respecta disciplinamuncii; c) obligatia de fidelitate fata de angajator in executarea atributiilor de serviciu; d) obligatia de arespecta masurile de securitate si sanatate a muncii in unitate; e) obligatia de a respecta secretul deserviciu;

In engleza din pdf:

(1) An employee shall have, mainly, the following rights: a) right to wage for the work carried out; b) rightto daily and weekly rest period; c) right to annual leave; d) right to equal opportunities and treatment; e)right to health and safety at work; f) right to access to vocational training, under the terms of employmentagreement addendums;employment agreement addendums= acte aditionale (2) An employee shall have,mainly, the following obligations: a) obligation to achieve the work quotas or, as the case may be, to fulfilthe tasks assigned according to the job description; b) obligation to comply with the labour discipline; c)obligation of loyalty towards the employer in the course of their duties; d) obligation to comply with thework safety and health measures within the organization; e) obligation to conserve the professionalsecrecy

Si partea 2 in romana, din carte:

(Art. 40.)

(1) Angajatorul are, in principal, urmatoarele drepturi:a) sa dea dispozitii cu caracter obligatoriu pentru salariat, sub rezerva legalitatii lor;b) sa exercite controlul asupra modului de indeplinire a sarcinilor de serviciu;c) sa constate savarsirea abaterilor disciplinare si sa aplice sanctiunile corespunzatoare, potrivit legii, contractuluicolectiv de munca aplicabil si regulamentului intern;

(2) Angajatorului in revin, in principal, urmatoarele obligatii:a) sa acorde salariatilor toate drepturile ce decurg din contractele individuale de munca, din contractul colectiv demunca aplicabil si din legeb) sa asigure permanent conditiile tehnice si organizatorice avute in vedere la elaborarea normelor de munca siconditiile corespunzatoare de munca;

c) sa informeze salariatii asupra conditiilor de munca si asupra elementelor care privesc desfasurarea relatiilor demunca;

d) sa elibereze, la cerere, toate documentele care atesta calitatea de salariat a solicitantului;e) sa asigure confidentialitatea datelor cu caracter personal ale salariatilor.

f) sa asigure transportul la si de la domiciliul salariatului, dupa caz, al materiilor prime si materialelor pe care leutilizeaza in activitate, precum si al produselor finite pe care le realizeaza. (in cazul contractului individual de muncala domiciliu)


(1) An employer shall have, mainly, the following rights:

a) to issue orders with a compulsory character for the employee, subject to theirlegality;b) to exert control over the performance of the tasks;c) to assess the disciplinary offences and apply the corresponding penalties,according to the law, the applicable collective labour agreement and the rules ofprocedure.

(2) An employer shall have, mainly, the following obligations:a) to ensure the employees all rights under the individual employment contracts, applicablecollective labour agreement and the law;b) to permanently provide the technical and organizational conditions taken intoaccount when preparing the work standards and the corresponding workingconditions;c) to notify the employees of the working conditions and of issues related to theemployment relationships;d) to issue, upon request, all documents stating the employee quality of theapplicant;e) to ensure the confidentiality of the employee data having a private character.

f) – asta eu nu l am gasit online dar e in traducerile ce mi le ai dat tu pun poza aici

poza e pe pg urmatoare ! Spor

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