bibliografie master pasihooncologie si ingrijiri paliative

Post on 01-Dec-2014






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BIBLIOGRAFIE CURS PSIHOONCOLOGIE I NGRIJIRI PALIATIVE1. Athanasiu A. 1998, Elemente de psihologie medical, Bucureti, Ed.

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Tratate i reviste: Revue francophone de psycho-oncologie, 2003-2010, SpringerVerlag France, Paris Journal of Psycho-Oncology (Wiley InterScience) Cancer-A journal of the American Cancer Society,1999-2010, editat de American Cancer Society, Philadelphia Revista romn de sntate mintal, 2000-2010, editat de Liga romn de sntate mintal, Bucureti Buletinul Asociaiei Balint, periodic trimestrial 2001-2010, Tipografia Alutus, Miercurea-Ciuc

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