bangkok the temple of the reclining buddha2

Post on 16-Apr-2017






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Wat Po ocupă peste 8 hectare şi este considerat prima universitate thailandeză

Strada împarte complexul în două părţi: cea de sud este un adevărat oraş monahal locuit de peste 300 de călugări

Partea de nord este deschisă vizitatorilor

Cele 16 porţi de acces sunt păzite de personaje cu aer ameninţător

Wat Pho is also famous as Thailand’s first university, and is center for traditional Thai massage - the rich, famous and powerful have all been known to come here. Inscribed on stone in the walls of Wat Pho are all that was known about Thai massage dating from the reign of King Rama III (most previous texts were lost when the Burmese destroyed Ayuthaya)

În jurul galeriilor care înconjoară marele Bot se găsesc 91 de chedi din care 71 conţin cenuşa unor membri ai familiei regale iar celelalte 20, mai mici, relicve ale lui Buddha

There are also a massive 91 others Chedis of varying sizes around the grounds, along with chapels, rock gardens, an array of different types of statues, inscriptions, bell towers and resident fortune tellers. The library is nearby too, decorated impressively with figures and pagodas made of porcelain, in much the same way as Wat Arun across the river.

Fotografii:Nicoleta Leu

Prezentare:Sanda Foiş

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