
Post on 10-Apr-2015






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A. Adverbe de mod- arata modul in care se petrece o actiune

Mod de formare:- de obicei, aceste adverbe se formeaza prin adaugarea terminatiei -ly la finalul unui adjectiv .Exemple: beautiful (adjectiv) ---> beautifully (adverb)sad (adj.) ---> sadly (adv.)capable (adj.) ---> capably (adv.)slow (adj.) ---> slowly (adv.)easy (adj.) ---> easily (adv.)

B. Adverbe de loc- arata locul in care se petrece o actiuneExemple:here, there, upstairs, downstairs, anywhere, everywhere, outside, inside

C. Adverbe de timp- arata timpul in care se petrece o actiuneExemple: today, yesterday, tomorrow, Saturday, Monday, now, finally, later, soon, just, still

D. Adverbe de durata- arata perioada de timp a unei actiuniExemple: forever, shortly, long, permanently

E. Adverbe de comparatie- arata gradul de intensitate al unei actiuniExemple: extremely, greatly, hugely, partially, perfectly, strongly, totally, almost, very, entirely

F. Adverbe de frecventa- arata gradul de repetabilitate al unei actiuniExemple: always, constantly, often, rarely, regularly, seldom, sometimes, occasionally, rarely, never

G. Adverbe de probabilitate- arata gradul de probabilitate a unei actiuniExemple: certainly, perhaps, maybe, possibly, definitely

Exercitii:1. Cunoscand urmatoarele procente corespunzatoare adverbelor de frecventa, realizati propozitiile de mai jos, conform modelului.never ---> 0%rarely ---> 10%

sometimes ---> 25%often ---> 50%usually ---> 75%always ---> 100%

Exemplu:Sam / have / shower / evening (75%)Sam usually has shower in the evening.

a) I / eat / cake / afternoon. (25%)b) Tim / sleep / living - room (50%)c) I / go / school / Sunday (0%)d) Dennis / play / tennis / weekends (100%)e) She / run / park / morning (10%)

2. Transformati urmatoarele adjective in adverbe:horrible --->careful --->nervous --->desperate --->slow --->sudden --->bright --->proud --->

3. Subliniati termenul corect din urmatoarele propozitii:a) Denisa was wearing a pretty / prettily dress at the wedding.b) I had a terrible / terribly dream last night.c) Final / Finally, she passed the exam.d) She was walking rapid / rapidly.e) Sam is fluent / fluently in French.f) Was your grammar test easy / easily?g) They were talking loud / loudly so everybody could hear them.

4) Alegeti varianta corecta:1. Please don't talk so .................... . I'm trying to sleep.a) louder; b) loudest; c) loudly2. We .................... go on picnics on weekends. We love fresh air.a) never; b) usually; c) seldom3. The bouquet was .................... . She loved it.a) beautiful; b) beautifully; c) ugly.4. James .................... put the broken glass into the rubbish bin.a) careful; b) more carefully; c) carefully

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