48 george popescu

Post on 03-Jun-2018






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  • 8/12/2019 48 George Popescu


    Analele Universit ii Constantin Brncui din Trgu Jiu, Seria Inginerie, Nr. 3/2009

    Annals of the Constantin Brncui University of Trgu Jiu, Engineering Series, No. 3/2009



    George POPESCU, s.l.dr.fiz. Universitatea

    Constantin Brncusi din Tg.-Jiu

    Rezumat:Este prezentat un scurt istoric al notiunii deeter comparativ cu ceea ce acum poarta numele de vidcuantic si in final este evidentiat un set de intrebari ale

    caror raspunsuri pot deveni fundamentale.

    Cuvinte cheie: vid, eter, unde electromagnetice

    a) Eterul lui HuygensJAMES CLERK MAXWELL a

    prezis posibilitatea existentei undelor


    In anul 1887, HEINRICH HERTZ a

    anuntat descoperirea experimentala a undelor

    electromagnetice si in anii ulteriori a fost

    demonstrat ca radiatia luminoasa are caracter



    (1629-1695), prezentase teoria ondulatorie a

    luminii in care impunea doua concepte:

    -viteza luminii scade pe masura cecreste indicele de refractie al mediului;

    -prin analogie cu undele mecanice,

    lumina necesita prezenta unui mediu suport

    de propagare - denumit eter.

    In 1825 a fost dovedit ireversibil ca

    lumina reprezinta un proces ondulatoriu. S-a

    pus din nou problema suportului de propagare

    - eter, eterul lui Huygens, caruia i-au fost

    atribuite proprietatile:

    -fara masa;

    -continuu;-umple intreg spatiul, penetrand

    substanta si in acest mod s-a ajuns la

    concluzia ca spatiul gol nu poate asigura

    transportul luminii de la Soare, insa

    propagarea acesteia este posibila datorita

    eterului lui Huygens.


    George POPESCU, Lect.PhD.Fiz.

    Constantin Brncusi University of Tg.-Jiu

    Abstract:In this paper is presented a short history ofthe notion of ether compared with what nowadays hasthe name of quantic void and finally, the accent is put

    on a set of questions whose answers may becomefundamental.

    Keywords:void , ether, electromagnetic waves

    a) Huygens Ether


    predicted the possibility of electromagnetic

    waves existence.


    announced the experimental discovery of

    electromagnetic waves and in the following

    years it has been proven that light radiation

    has an electromagnetic character.


    (1629-1695), had presented the corrugated

    theory of light in which he imposed twoconcepts:

    - the speed of light decreases while

    the environmental refraction index increases;

    - through analogy with mechanic

    waves, the light needs the presence of a

    support environment to propagate called


    In 1825 was irreversibly proven that

    the light represents a corrugate process.

    Again arises the problem of the propagation

    support ether, the Huygens Ether, to

    which were given the properties:

    -no mass;


    -fills the whole space, penetrating the

    substance, and in this way, it got to the

    conclusion that the empty space cannot

    ensure light transportation from the Sun, but

    its propagation is possible because of

    Huygens ether.

  • 8/12/2019 48 George Popescu


    Analele Universit ii Constantin Brncui din Trgu Jiu, Seria Inginerie, Nr. 3/2009

    Annals of the Constantin Brncui University of Trgu Jiu, Engineering Series, No. 3/2009


    b)Eterul lui FaradayIn 1830, MICHAEL FARADAY

    (17911867) a introdus modelul dielectric al

    eterului, conform caruia eterul ar fi compusdin particule inca neidentificate, discrete,

    incarcate cu sarcini electrice pozitive si

    negative si legate elastic intre ele prin forte

    electromagnetice; un corp s-ar putea misca

    prin acest eter dand la o parte particulele

    (asemanator cu miscarea laminara in fluide)

    fara sa lase o trena,un siaj, deci fara sa existe

    o perturbatie a eterului.

    Faraday a atribuit modelului sau de

    eter urmatoarele proprietati:

    -mediu de propagare pentru undeleluminoase;

    -mediu de propagare pentru undele


    -mediu de propagare pentru forta si

    energia electromagnetica;

    -deplasarea particulelor de eter, la

    trecerea unui corp produce vibratia

    electronilor acestuia, care se manifesta sub

    forma de curenti de inductie electromagnetica

    in conductori, curenti de deplasare sau unde


    Acest model al unui eter cu proprietati

    dielectrice nu a fust acceptat de cumunitatea

    stiintifica a timpului din motivele:

    -orice deplasare a unui corp printr-un

    mediu trebuie sa creeze in mediu o

    perturbatie, un siaj;

    -viteza cu care se deplaseaza sursa

    emitator de lumina trebuie adunata la viteza

    luminii emise (cf. Efectului Doppler).

    c) Eterul dielectric al lui Faraday siecuatiile lui Maxwell

    Fortele si campurile electromagnetice

    descoperite de catre Faraday si care au ca

    suport de propagare eterul dielectric, au

    constituit sursa de inspratie pentru tanarul J.

    C. Maxwell (1831-1879), care a tranpus in

    limbaj matematic ideile si rezultatele

    b) Faradays Ether


    (17911867) introduced the dielectric model

    of the ether, according to which the ether iscomposed of yet not identified particles,

    discrete, loaded with positive and negative

    electric loads and connected between them

    through elastic electromagnetic forces; a

    body could move through this ether pushing

    away all the particles (like laminar move in

    fluids) without any tails left behind , no

    trail, no trace, so no perturbation of the ether.

    Faraday attributed his model of ether

    the following properties:

    - environment for propagation of thelight waves;

    - environment for propagation of the

    electromagnetic waves;

    - environment for propagation of the

    electromagnetic force and energy;

    - the movement of the ether particles,

    at their passing through a body, produce its

    electrons vibration, which is manifested

    under the form of electromagnetic induction

    currents in conductors, movement currents or

    electromagnetic waves.

    This model of ether with dielectric

    properties wasnt accepted by the scientific

    community of that time because of the

    following reasons:

    - any movement of a body through an

    environment must create in that environment

    a perturbation, a trail, a trace;

    - the speed of the source of light

    emitter must be added at the emitted speed of

    light (according to the Doppler Effect).

    c) Dielectric Ether of Faraday and

    Maxwells Equations

    The forces and electromagnetic fields

    discovered by Faraday and which have as

    support for propagation the dielectric ether,

    have constituted the inspiration source for the

    young J. C. Maxwell (1831-1879), who

    transposed in mathematic language his ideas

  • 8/12/2019 48 George Popescu


    Analele Universit ii Constantin Brncui din Trgu Jiu, Seria Inginerie, Nr. 3/2009

    Annals of the Constantin Brncui University of Trgu Jiu, Engineering Series, No. 3/2009


    experimentale ale acestuia.

    In articolul din 1865 el a prezentat

    lumina ca fiind radiatie electromagnetica intr-

    un anumit domeniu de frecventa. Maxwell a

    prezis ca ar trebui sa existe undeelectromagnetice in orice domeniu de

    frecventa si ca aceste unde ce se propaga prin

    eterul dielectric ar trebui sa aiba aceeasi

    viteza c, valoare calculata pe baza ecuatiilor

    care-i poarta numele.

    E bine sa ne reamintim ca ecuatiile lui

    Maxwell, fundamentale pentru noua fizica,

    sunt ecuatii cu caracter hidrodinamic si au

    fost obtinute pornind de la conceptul de eter

    dielectric al lui Faraday.

    d) Rezultate fizice ale

    experimentului Michaelson-Moreley

    In 1887, A .A. Michelson (1852-1931) si

    E. W. Moreley (1838-1932) au publicat

    rezultatele unui experiment foarte precis, referitor

    la masurarea vitezei de propagare a luminii emisa

    de o sursa, in directii diferite relativ la directia

    miscarii Pamantului in jurul Soarelui: in directia

    miscarii Pamantului, in directie opusa si in

    directie perpendiculara fata de directia miscariiPamantilui.

    Ideea care a stat la baza acestui

    experiment a fost urmatoarea: daca exista

    eter, acesta ar trebui sa fie o substanta

    materiala, chiar si foarte fina. Atunci,

    miscarea Pamantului ar trebui sa produca o

    perturbatie a eterului, care la randul sau ar

    trebui sa conduca la modificarea vitezei de

    propagare a luminii pe una din directiile de


    In urma unor masuratori repetate careau durat cativa ani, s- a ajuns la concluziile:

    Viteza luminii are aceeasi valoare in

    toate directiile, iar prin generalizare:

    Viteza luminii emisa in spatiu de

    catre un corp atomic este independenta de

    viteza corpului emitator.

    Exista de asemenea doua concepte secundare:

    Viteza unui emitator atomic de

    lumina nu trebuie adunata la viteza de

    propagare a luminii in spatiu.

    and experimental results.

    In the article from 1865, he presented

    the light as being electromagnetic radiation

    into a certain frequency domain. Maxwell

    predicted that electromagnetic waves shouldexist in any frequency domain and that these

    waves who propagate through dielectric ether

    should have the same speed c, value

    calculated on the basis of the equations which

    wear his name.

    It is useful to remind that Maxwells

    equations, fundamental for the new physics,

    are equations with hydrodynamic character,

    and they have been obtained starting from

    Faradays concept of dielectric ether.

    d) Physic results of the Michaelson-

    Moreley experiment

    In 1887, A .A. Michelson (1852-

    1931) and E. W. Moreley (1838-1932)

    published the results of a very precise

    experiment, related to the measurement of the

    light speed of propagation emitted by a

    source, in different directions relative to the

    direction of Earth movement around the Sun:in the direction of Earths movement, in

    opposed direction and in perpendicular

    direction compared to the direction of the

    Earths movement. The idea which stood at

    the basis of this experiment was: if ether

    exists, this should be a material substance,

    even very fine. Then, the Earths movement

    should produce a perturbation of the ether,

    which at its turn should lead to the

    modification of the light speed of propagation

    on one of the measuring directions.After some repeated measurements

    which lasted few years, the following

    conclusions were reached:

    Speed of light has the same value in

    all directions, and generalizing:

    Speed of light emitted in space by an

    atomic body is independent of the speed of

    the emitting body

    The speed of an atomic light emitter

    mustnt be added to the speed of light

  • 8/12/2019 48 George Popescu


    Analele Universit ii Constantin Brncui din Trgu Jiu, Seria Inginerie, Nr. 3/2009

    Annals of the Constantin Brncui University of Trgu Jiu, Engineering Series, No. 3/2009


    Miscarea unui corp atomic prin

    mediul prin care se propaga lumina, nu

    trebuie sa produca perturbarea acestui mediu,

    oricare ar fi el.

    De remarcat ca toate concluziilementionate mai sus, pot fi deduse si au fost

    deduse- pe baza eterului dielectric al lui

    Faraday, model fizico-matematic eliminat

    complet in prezent.

    A aparut astfel un concept care a

    guvernat fizica secolului XX si asupra caruia

    persista inca semne de intrebare.

    e) Semne de intrebare

    In urma experimentelor efectuate decatre Rutherford 1911, s-a dovedit ca

    structura subatomica a corpurilor trebuie

    perceputa ca o retea rara in care nodurile

    retelei sunt nucleele, cu distanta medie dintre

    doua nuclee avand valoarea de 50.000 raze

    nucleare. Ridicand la scara si imaginandu-ne

    o retea bidimensionala, daca nodurile retelei

    ar avea diametrul de 1mm, atunci distanta

    intre doua noduri ar fi de 25m. Oare o retea

    asa de rara, care se deplaseaza cu viteze mult

    mai mici decat viteza luminii -Pamantul- ar

    putea lasa urme masurabile intr-un mediu de

    finete extrema, cum era considerat eterul?

    Nu exista vid perfect. Acum se

    foloseste notiunea de vid cuantic, prin care se

    intelege ca spatiul dintre nuclee este plin cu

    radiatii electromagnetice, fotoni, particule

    virtuale,... intr-o continua agitatie si

    transformare. Dar nu exista conexiuni intre

    acest ocean infinit de radiatii si particule

    cuantice si propagarea energieielectromagnetice.

    Cu toate ca radiatia electromagnetica

    nu necesita prezenta unui mediu suport de

    propagare, valoarea vitezei luminii in vid este

    functie de doua constante universale

    propagation in space

    The movement of an atomic body

    through the environment in which light

    propagates, must not produce the perturbation

    of this environment, whichever it would beWe should observe that all

    conclusions mentioned above can be and

    have been deducted on the basis of the

    dielectric ether of Faraday, physical-

    mathematical model which in the present

    times is completely eliminated.

    Thus appeared a concept which

    governed the physics of the XXthcentury and

    over which question marks still persist.

    e) Question Marks

    After the experiments done by

    Rutherford 1911, it was proven that the

    subatomic structure of bodies must be

    perceived as a rare network in which the

    networks nods are the kernels, with the

    medium distance between two nods kernels

    with the value of 50.000 nuclear rays.

    Increasing in scale and imagining a bi-

    dimensional network, if the netwoks nods

    would have the 1mm diameter, then the

    distance between two nods would be of 25m.

    Could a such rare network, which moves with

    much smaller speeds than the speed of light

    Earth leave measurable traces in an

    environment of extreme finesse, as the ether

    was thought to be?

    There is no perfect void. Nowadays,

    the notion of quantic void is used, through

    which is understood that the space between

    the kernels is full with electromagneticradiations, photons, virtual particles, in a

    continuous agitation and transformation. But

    there are no connections between this infinite

    ocean of radiations and quantic particles and

    the propagation of the electromagnetic

    energy. Although the electromagnetic

    radiation does not need the presence of a

    support medium for propagation, the value of

    the speed of light in void is fuction of two

    universal constants:

  • 8/12/2019 48 George Popescu


    Analele Universit ii Constantin Brncui din Trgu Jiu, Seria Inginerie, Nr. 3/2009

    Annals of the Constantin Brncui University of Trgu Jiu, Engineering Series, No. 3/2009


    0=8,854 10-12 F/m

    i and


    Cazul ideal al condensatorului plan:

    doua armaturi plan paralele, cu suprafata A si

    distanta intre ele d, dielectric fiind vidul.

    Capacitatea condensatorului plan are valoarea

    So this quantic void enjoys the

    electric properties stated by 0 and of the

    magnetic properties stated by 0?

    The ideal case of the plane capacitor:

    two plan parallel arms, with the surface A

    and the distante d between them, with void as

    dielectric. The capacity of the plane capacitor

    has the value

    C = 0A/d,

    energia inmagazinata fiind and the stored energy being

    W = (1/2)CV2 = (A/2d) V20.

    Asadar valoarea energiei

    inmagazinate de un condensator depinde de

    dimensiunile acestuia, de patratul

    potentialului aplicat intre armaturi si de

    proprietatile electrice ale vidului cuantic?

    Si unde este localizata energia

    electrica inmagazinata intr-un condensator

    in electronii acumulati pe armaturi, sau in

    spatiul dintre ele?

    So the value of the stored energy by a

    capacitor depends on its dimensions, square

    of the potential applied between the arms and

    of the electric properties of the quantic void?

    And where is located the energy

    located the electric energy in a capacitor in

    the electrons accumulated on the arms, or in

    the space between them?

  • 8/12/2019 48 George Popescu


    Analele Universit ii Constantin Brncui din Trgu Jiu, Seria Inginerie, Nr. 3/2009

    Annals of the Constantin Brncui University of Trgu Jiu, Engineering Series, No. 3/2009



    1. R. Feynman,Fizica Moderna, Ed.Tehnica, 1972

    2. B. Greene, The Elegant Universe,W.W.Norton and Co., New York, 19993. Internet, Google, Zero Point Energy


    1. R. Feynman,Modern Physics, TechnicalPrinting House, 1972

    2. B. Greene, The Elegant Universe,W.W.Norton and Co., New York, 19993. Internet, Google, Zero Point Energy

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