a doua alungare - o semiotica a trezirii

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  • 8/3/2019 A doua alungare - o semiotica a trezirii




  • 8/3/2019 A doua alungare - o semiotica a trezirii




  • 8/3/2019 A doua alungare - o semiotica a trezirii




  • 8/3/2019 A doua alungare - o semiotica a trezirii




    Un corolar de traduceri liricedin cri, antologii i reviste occidentale

    i poeme premiate internaional

    MottoCuvntul creator n-ar fi cuvntul scris, indispensabil creaiei

    tiinifice n comparaie cu cuvntul vorbit? Oricum, e incontestabilc un cuvnt tcut (tcerea) nu poate s duc la evoluie, lacunoatere, la creaie tiinific.

    Iniiatul este, aadar, cel care vorbete, nu cel care tace

    Robert Charroux

    Ho dato quella patria astrattaLa devozione e la fioritura verso l interiore

    Come un albero arrotondato andanteIl cui unico frutto non si pu vedere

    N sapereQuando il tronco che l ha sostenuto


    Eugen Evu Mi sono trovato ( M-am ntmplat - Il Convivio,Sicilia)

  • 8/3/2019 A doua alungare - o semiotica a trezirii




  • 8/3/2019 A doua alungare - o semiotica a trezirii




    Despre autor

    ... Lo scrittore Eugen Evu nato il 10 settembre 1944,

    Hunedoara, Romania. membro dell'Unione degli Scrittori diRomania, (Filiale Timioara), membro d'onore dell'Accademia diScienze, Letteratura e Arte di Oradea, e accad. di onore Academia diPoesie, Accad. Internazionale Il Convivio Sicilia, e altri numerosi

    premi. Redattore Capo della rivista di letteratura, arte e aperturaeuropea, membro dell'Accademia Internazionale "Il Convivio",Castiglione di Sicilia, Italia, con la quale ha una strettacollaborazione. Abbraccia diversi generi e specie letterarie: la poesia,

    la prosa, il saggio, la pubblicistica, il teatro breve.(Medaglia dArgento Puro Premio Internazionale Coppa dOro,e premio internazionale di poesia Il Sentiero dei Briganti,Cellere, Italia... ed altri prestigiosi premi in Rumania, Germania,

    France e Espagna.)

    Eugen Evu et les mtaphores plasticiennes

    Un postmodernisme controvers a conduit quelques potes etnon des moindres, labandonner pour faire dferler, sur la posie,un tsunami o les vagues venues de loin, lourdes et lgres la foisde lempathique transmission dun tat potique, pulsions du grandlarge de leur motivit, submergent lunivers de l criture motive etdirecte.

    Donnant au langage le pouvoir de traverser les coulisses du

    silence et au pote Eugen Evu celui dexprimer son besoin de dire,donnant au pome sa particulire criture et donnant enfin celui quilit le rle du chercheur qui traque la faille par o saisir le verbe danssa nudit, afin de poser ainsi les jalons dune totale communicationavec elle, voil la posie dEugen.

    Nous entrons alors dans le paradoxe dune situation pastoujours difficile vivre: dilemme, irritation? Les mots sont l:erratiques, palpables, disponibles, prts respirer, bref entrer en

    pome. Et cependant malgr le poids de millnaires dexistence

  • 8/3/2019 A doua alungare - o semiotica a trezirii




    toute lexistence de lHomme les voici vierges ou presque face auxfondamentaux problmes de lesprit.

    Entre ce qui est la finitude du moment: lintention dcrire et ce qui devrait tre lcriture exhaustive, la prennit delinstant les pomes dEugen Evu jettent un pont et, par del lesembches et larmes, demeurent lunique tmoignage des pouvoirssans cesse nouveaux de la conscience.

    Le Miroir vert, Paris.

    Linda BASTIDEEx Vice-prsidente de la Socit des Potes franais.

    Membre de la Charte des Auteurs.Membre du P.E.N club franais.Potes vos plumes. Paris

    Eugen Evu i metaforele plasticizante

    Un postmodernism controversat a condus pe unii poei i nudintre cei mai mici, la abandonarea lui pentru a provoca zgomotos

    asupra poeziei, un tsunami n care valurile venite de departe, grele iuoare n acelai timp, prin empatica transmisie a unei stri poetice, a

    pulsiunilor marelui larg al emotivitii lor, s copleeasc universulscrierii emotive i directe. Dnd limbajului puterea de a traversaculisele tcerii i poetului Eugen Evu pe cea de a exprima nevoia sade a zice, dnd poemului scrierea sa particular i dnd nsfrit celui care citete rolul de cercettor care caut falia prin cares prind verbul n nuditatea sa, pentru a pune astfel jaloanele unei

    totale comunicri cu ea, iat poezia lui Eugen.

    Noi intrm astfel n paradoxul unei situaii nu ntotdeaunagreu de traversat: dilem, iritare? Cuvintele sunt aici: eratice,

    palpabile, disponibile, gata de a respira, grbite s intre n poem. itotui, n ciuda poverilor mileniilor de existen ntrega existen aOmului iat-le pure sau aproape n faa problemelor fundamentaleale spiritului. ntre ceea ce este finitudinea momentului: intenia de

    a scrie i ceea ce ar trebui s fie scriere exhaustiv, perenitateamomentului poemele lui Eugen Evu arunc o punte i, dincolo de

  • 8/3/2019 A doua alungare - o semiotica a trezirii




    capcane i lacrimi, rmn unica dovad a puterilor fr ncetare noiale contiinei.

    Un gran poeta ...

    Sus poemas tienen esa sabor unico de los autores que han bebido en esencias de las diversas culturas y logran conjugaradmirablemente la sapiencia humana con lo estritamente clasico y lomoderno.

    Tienen sus textos esa sabiduria que dan los anos y tranajar enlos mas disimiles oficios, est la sabiduria de las enciclopedia, peromas viva aun permanence en il tiempo la sabiduria que se adquiereen el constante bregar de la vida, y esas nobles fuentes se alimentansus poemas.

    ... Rezerva de duioie, es precisamente un hermosoremanso de aqua fresca en el cual vida y sus continuas vicisitudes seeternizan en amorosos textos yue aluden al hombre que es EugenEvu ese gran poeta que destino puso en la mitica tierra deHunedoara, Transilvania...

    Acad. Carlos Chacon ZALDIVAR, escritor, Cuba

    ..,....Eugen Evu sorprende certamente molti lettori che siacostano alla sua poesia. Strano, inspiegatbile, pieno di una mitologia

    personale e capriciosa, marcato con il sigilio de lassurdo, sullorolodella rabbia, mostra compasione per ogni forma di sofferenza... La

    sua expressione possiede certamente qualita autenticamente vere ...

    Accad. Angelo MANITTA, Sicilia, Italia

  • 8/3/2019 A doua alungare - o semiotica a trezirii




    Pecetea catartic a lui Dumnezeu

    Un frumos lirism se regsete n crile lui Eugen Evu, caretie gsi cuvintele pentru a spune pecetea catartic a luiDumnezeu, la fel de bine ca gustul srat al libertii.

    Exist ceva de viziune naiv n aceast poezie, dus de oistorie ntreag, hrnit de antice sentimente ca i de emoii provocate de lumea contemporan, ca bunoar, n foarte frumosulpoem Tnguirea mierlei

    Pierre DUBRUNQUEZ critic, redactoref al revisteipariziene,,Posie, 1999


  • 8/3/2019 A doua alungare - o semiotica a trezirii




    Il poeta esiste sempre.La poesia diventa.Emozioni ed ombre di imagini

    Che corrono sui campi energetiche eleusini .

    Traddure unutopia.

    Il ciello stellato anche duranteIl giorno. La morte ha solamente la parte

    Delle ombreNella pittura

    trad. di accad. Angelo Di Mauro

  • 8/3/2019 A doua alungare - o semiotica a trezirii




    Mugura Maria Petrescu

    Ars poeticasau feminitatea artei

    Mtase-a Umbrei, rezonant,au colorat-o insomnii

    fantasma Lumii, increat,visnd a nate i a Fi

    A nopii sacr InocenFecioara cosmicelor GeniiZidind sanctuarele AbseneiPrezent-continuu, prin milenii...

    Eon cu foame de luminLa ngeri Arta-i feminin

    Ars Poetica

  • 8/3/2019 A doua alungare - o semiotica a trezirii




    Or The Womanliness of Art

    A silky Shadow, in vibration,

    coloured for good by sleeplessnessWorlds bizarre dream, into-creation,dreaming of pro-creation and Existence

    Of evenings sacred InnocenceThe Virgins cosmic GeniiErecting shrines to glorys AbsenceA constant presence, through the ages

    An aeon mad about the lightA womans Art in angels sight

    Arrire-garde -Gigachakre n migrare -

    Grdini ce singure-i culegputrezirea.

    Ca via pni moarteaSe repet.

    Regnurile underground complice cucele coparticipative

    pe verticala rebel.Criza comunicrii precipit eonulartele devin toate moarte bolnav de sine.

    foi de autoobservaie.Cmpurile de tragere ale fiineitransfer molecula n giga-memorie.Cea freatic i amintete frenetic

    protogeneza amfibian?Glandele mamare ale oceanuluisuspendate n dualismul procreaiei.O, textul hermafrodit. Nebunia apelor

    regresiv, prin clorofile i vmile reciale cuiburilor semantice.... Orfania divinului.

  • 8/3/2019 A doua alungare - o semiotica a trezirii




    Hermetismul mimesis al chakrelor.Stors de zeitate, trupul tu orb orgasm.Mutaia percepiei prin aceea c

    sinapsele strpung tragicAl gndirii surs...Vntul geamnvectori algoritmuri de cuvintecu scnteietoare zpezi pe spate

    chemndu-te!Femeia posedndu-te-n somnInsinuarea divin cu umerii goite trntete pe spatecu acea sacr foame de sinea materno-creaiei.Precum n moluteAa i n giga-chakre migrnd.Ca via pni moarteaSe repet. Arte ce singure i culegPutrezirea.Seminele ce se retrag

    multiplicnd recea lumina esenelor.Ardem prea mult?Tot mai aproape rumoarea stelar(de albine africane?) Ciclonulsmulgnd din memoria lumiio nou cunoatere?

    Nebunia unei luciditi

    Care devine din hibris?Uitm ce moartea ascunde?Amoniii i noriorii de splendoare aiFiilor Cerului. Cine eti tu, care te aperiPromind mincinos consolarea?Rsun n capul meu rezonantEnergii se vor face vzuteale sinergicei rase?

    Revin ecouri i cntece demultplecate....Ca i cum undeva

  • 8/3/2019 A doua alungare - o semiotica a trezirii




    sunt respinse de o finitudineori poate zeitatea oarb de somndespre care tac geniile

    Schizohermeneuticei Magna ?Craniul meu rostogolit peCellalt rm al Eonului

    i cnt furtunilearunc harpoane i lasererebel cum m-ai zidit

    preaiubitor cum te-ai ascunsi toate pe tine te ateapt

    pe tine te rabd.Pe tine te vneaz.

    Precum n moluteAa i n giga-chakre

    migraia....Arte ce singure i culeg

    retrezireaCa via pni moarteaSe repet

    Arrire-garde Gigachakras Drifted Away in Migration

    Gardens which by themselves pick upone by one their cavernous rottenness.As a life death in itself

    Keeps on rolling on and on.

    The kingdoms accomplice in the undergroundWith those co-participators

    in the rebel vertical.The crisis of communication troubles the aeonarts turn into a death which is sick in itself.Everything is but scraps of introspection.

    The fields tilled with the roots of humanityturn out the molecule into a giga-memory.

  • 8/3/2019 A doua alungare - o semiotica a trezirii




    Does the phreatic remember freneneticallythe amphibian proto-genesis?The mammary glands of the ocean

    hanging up in the dualism of the procreation.Oh, the hermaphrodite scripts. The madness of watersregressing within the chlorophyll and the cold barriersof the semantic nests The divines lonely oneness.The mimetic hermetism of the chakras.Worn out of its sap deity, your body a flat blind orgasm.The change of perception according to whichThe synapses pierce tragically

    The smile of the mind...The twin windvectors algorisms of wordswith brilliant snows on the back

    calling thee!The woman who possesses you in your sleepThe divine bare-shouldered insinuationlaying you down on your backwith that very sacred hunger of oneself

    of mother-creation.In molluscaAs in giga-chakras drifted away in migration.As a life death in itselfKeeps on rolling on and on.Arts which by themselves pick upone by one their cavernous rottenness.Seeds which draw back

    multiplying the cold lightof the essences.Do we burn too much?Much more closer the stellary murmur(of the African bees?) Is the Cycloneextorting from the worlds memorya new gnosis?The madness of a lucidity

    Which derives from the Hibris?Do we forget what death hides from us?

  • 8/3/2019 A doua alungare - o semiotica a trezirii




    The ammonites and the small little cloudsInto the splendour of the Sons of the Sky.Who are you, the one who defends yourself

    Misleadingly promising consolation?Energies toll in my head with a resonant soundWill they make themselves obviousWithin this synergic race?Bygone echoes and songscome back to the present... As if somewheretheyre rejected by a finitenessor maybe the deity that the geniiof the Schizo-hermeneutic Magnadont talk about cause theyre dying with sleep?My skull forward rolledOn the other shore of the Aeon

    tempests sing to themselvesI throw harpoons and lasersas rebel as you have cast meand much too loving while youve hiddenthey will all expect for thee

    and for thee theyll all do suffer.Yet, they all will do hunt thee.

    In molluscaAs in giga-chakras

    in migrationArts which by themselves pick up

    the second awakeningAs a life death in itself

    Keeps on rolling on and on.

  • 8/3/2019 A doua alungare - o semiotica a trezirii




    A doua alungare- aud nonmateria .-

    Clopote i muzici asurzir cetatea!Somnul din om i din lucruri e mortDin psihedelie non-entitatea,Foamea-ntre toate / n-o mai suport

    Ah, subiata fiin-n retragerenspre pdurile ultime-n veac!Invers durata vmilor agereO voi strbate, zburnd fr-de-leac...

    Imagini mucate sublime-n srutInvers fuge timpul spre ce va s vin....Grdinarul e orb, Pstorul pierdutn a divinului hermeneia lumin...

    The Second Expulsion- I hear the non-substance -

    The bells and the music deafened the city!The sleep in the mortals and objects is deadOf the psychedelic the non-entity,The famine at first, no more I can stand.

    Alas, the slender, thinned mortal who beats a retreat

    Into the last and the ultimate woods of the times!The other way round the vigilant duties Ill trespass,And fly high away with no trace in the skies

    Sublime bitten pictures into a kissThe time will run backwards to what is to comeThe Gardeners blind while the Shepherd will missInto the light of this divine hermeneutic of some

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    Clima giganilorPrea grele apele de susCa ugerele oarbei fiare

    Lapte-ngheat crepuscul dusn permafrost de abatoare

    Se-aud troznind stelate punin craniul meu,

    precum n muni.

    The GiantsClime

    Too heavy the waters are pouring from skyAs heavy as the uddersblindest beastAn icy frozen milk a gone twilightInto the abattoirs of permafrost.And in my mindAs in the land

    Stellated decks will spend.

    La 65 de ani

    Munii pe care am ndrznita-i urcaSunt n noi,

    Viaa nu ne-a nvinsNe-a iubit.Teama nopii de om

    Nu-i a taDimineaa-i etern al FiineiTe vrea.ntremai din chiar pierderiRzbunai din dureri

    Numai umbra mai dinuieO vreme-n Cunoatere

  • 8/3/2019 A doua alungare - o semiotica a trezirii




    Ne ntoarcem de unde-amVenit, primveriDin misterul seminei,

    Dinainte de-o natereMergi pe drumulDin tine, te lasPe voioasele muzicin sus. Le auzi rsunnd?Te ntorci nspre casRsritul surdeFremtnd n apus.

    When I was 65 Years Old

    The mountains which we were so audaciousto climb,Are inside us,Yet life did not beat usInstead it loved us.

    The fear of man wrapped in dark eveningDoes not belong to youEarly dawn is an endless eternal of BeingDesiring you.Strengthened from the mere lossesAnd revenged in the painsOnly shadow continuesFor a while in the Knowledge

    We come back from the placeWe came from, as those springsFrom the hidden mystery of the family,Long before one is bornKeep on going this wayWhich springs out from you too.Sliding slowly on the merry gay musicHigh up. Are you hearing them as they sound?

    You come back to your homeWhile the rise of the day smiles at you

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    Being thrilled by the set of the sun.

    Elena Raluca Weber

    SignatureOn the milled edges of a coinThe Astral hides its ribThe finger put the mark of its beingInto the kiss, white twitching the biteTo the endles Genesis it gives itsSignature

    Heavens Dew

    Between human and god.What sufferance oh thee!I total loss I burn subduedRetreating thy, you light of meAs to become, deceive pursued.Its not my, death, but mere paradox

    A suspect from beyond, as goal

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    Some kind of third-like equinox(The fourths concealed in quint, sole)Desire I am! The close in the afar

    Reductive shine, sacred vibrationBelonging to the sun beyond the death of tarTrough singing dew. I fly-barefoot.


    Dew-like jingle, (all thinking and sweetHangs on your car, in most playful play)-Earring of cherry; two as they meetOverripe, steaming of ice whilst they stay.Pared metaphors, twins in beingFrom branchy summit for you have pickedThe kiss of bite, too innocent in feelingBelonging to a bab's mouth. The sky is twitchingOn lips of thristy word its stiching .

    En espagnol

    A suporta...

    A suportaC frumuseea taEste comoaraUnor orbi...

    Aguantar ..

    AguantarQue tu bellezaSea el tesoro

    De algunos ciegos...

  • 8/3/2019 A doua alungare - o semiotica a trezirii





    Magdalena Constantinescu Schlesak

    Gehort mir nicht

    Nimm mir aless! Mir gehort doch NichtsWas ich bekennen wil verbirgt sichtUnd der wird springt weiter durth verlustErhoht ist der gedanke wo ihn der tod

    Nicht sieht. Er gibt zuruck um zu erhalnetUnd unsere graber sind wie ungeleseneBucher. Som kommt der wind der kusst sie undStreicht weiter

    Leer ist name. Und die aura ist geloschtGeschreiben war er nie der KommendeDie trennung nichts als rauch des ppfersIm anderswo steigt noch das lichtEinandere wahlt und bleibtTief unter dem gedachtnis regt sich gottHat hunger nach sich selbst

  • 8/3/2019 A doua alungare - o semiotica a trezirii





    Unbestandig das Klima

    Unbesttandig die Mensche -Umgesturzte Gleichung -Paradigma der GefangenschaftDer Kreiss in spiraler Ewigkeit -Das Reale wird verkorpert dann totet es -Klima und das Verbrechen

    Unnumerierter Engel

    Auf einem GrundsteinIn einer Stadt mitWechselndem NamenUnischer auf demGletscherschadelMein wirklicher Namewartet

    aufs Erdbeben.

  • 8/3/2019 A doua alungare - o semiotica a trezirii




    Accad. Angelo Manitta

    Il Pota

    Io sono una fonte melodiosa,Sostanza di risonanza spigo della luce.Io sono la notte di ogni giornoLa tua arma che canta sono.L'attimo quanto una notte... L'ondaColtello meandro ostia del pane.

  • 8/3/2019 A doua alungare - o semiotica a trezirii




    Elena Daniela Sgondea

    Ricostituzione-enunciato retorico -

    Il concetto

    Della globalizazioneEstrattoPrelevato dalla storia

    Non altro cheConsapevolezaDell fattoMilenarioManifesto

    Che le razzeEvitanoLestinzioneLa specia risarcisceIl primordioBabilon scapatoDall sotto controlloElohimico

    Ricovero dellaCondizione

  • 8/3/2019 A doua alungare - o semiotica a trezirii




    Ramificazione giunta diGermogliazione fiorireLarbore della vita.

    Verticale sopraLorizontale.

    La poesia come anima

    E sbocciato con imprudenzail piccolo melo roseo selvaggio ela ostilenevischia lo uciseCosi sa e non ha parolePer raccontare la nostra animatralinverno ed il mondo di sogni.

    Alquanto-il virtuale

    ro alquanto nel mezzo di quel campo di linosbocciatoed ugualmente allinterno sferico del testo

    Nella semantica alquanto virtualeDel primordialeRecessivo illo tempore sacrora come gi rivenisse in frettail raccoltoGiustificava sa il divino senso, sa il luttoUn sentiero tra i mondi alquantovirtuali

    Intratessendo i miei vestiti con il mio essereAlquanto virtuale, come il pallore sotto lastroi risorbe la parte stralimpidaPer attestare

    Che sta diventando Nel comoDella luce Blu.

    Citta in difficolt

  • 8/3/2019 A doua alungare - o semiotica a trezirii




    per Maria Evu

    Pero non quella astratta, la citta scrittica,

    Ma in agonia, nella quale , tuttavia, il tempoDelle cigliegiee delle fragole e delle violentazioni.Mi fu proibito di morire quando voglio.Tra le mascelle di questa astrazione,Tra quel buono e quel cattivo,Mi fu proibito di accusare, ma di cantare,di sopportare, di diventare.Ma non quello astratto, lattuale, uomo,Il provisorio, in corrente transizione.Pero, non sulla terra, pero non dagli uominiquello che sa di pi morire, cantandoche moia ogni giorno, che giustiffica il sensoPerche sempre qualcuno deve sacrificareE arrivato come un chiave

    della Luce. Un giorno, viveremo. Vedremo. Stupiremogiardini impolverati Con le nostre fioriture.

    Tra la fame, freddo e pazienzaSolamente lanima non ne il mio

    Ne il tuo nel suo sottile e strano orizzonte si trova una sogliadi Daimon.mondi nei mondi, dapertutto instantaneo staticoIn qualche posto la morteE la divinita del proprio desiderioaffamato linfinito ritmendo le galassie

    La splendore delle legioni con infiniti gerarchieIl tremo doratura che canta nellestuario dellAortaBocciolo di un logos in lutto-tu, poesia.

    La scala sospesa

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    per ssma. Dssa. Maria Teresa Liuzzo

    Come un cosmico orgasmo, ciclico graduale

    La vita e un preludio con tresalti erogeniciFino che la morte si rissorbe I semidel nienteStrana e solamente la scala senza finiLa scala sospesa ondaggiando tra noi e li dei

    Sia che hanno promesso e poi hanno fugito di altri deiSia che fratempo sono spenti e ci hanno dimenticatoinsieme alla loro superiore morte

    la destinazione ed il nome.Ci rimane che noi stessi diventiamoe lontano, nel cielo che li troviamo il cenereIn gelate urneChe li prendiamo a casa e che li ricordiamoCristianamente

    Nel nome di una legge che nasce e fa sparireLe galassie e le conchiglie delle chiocciole.

    Il girasole

    Quello che non saro; pero piu vero;coltivatore di strattidal semiotico stratto,ai seminari della scalza luce, verso Nord,dove laorta navata mi fu anche fiordoe giocatrice isolazione ed attente erore

    tra polsazione ed il semantico Fioreintravvedendo, tramite assenzae quasi negazione,quello che sara verita, rivelazione.


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    Abilmente improvvisa un fioreinsieme allamico radiestesico che colorisce

    dove la brucciatura sbocciata sulla camicia(come un tatuaggio, rudimento della lettera Alpha)Sorprendente estetica della sofferenza della natura;Lha plagiato morendo soportabilmente.


    Il mio vero nome lo sa il ventoChe in quel momento, pero unaltro, stava zitto

    Per lasciarmi nascere.


    Il vecchio calandra delle gramineeMacchia erori di cicoria e papavero.Dimenticato dai giorni, il Cigliegio a mille nidiSoto il quale ho visuto la mia infanzia, come un povero angelo.

    Questo vago profumo indeciso (Ricordato dal paradiso?)Come il fruscio della vaniglia sotto il fermato versoPrima di tornare in sogno.

    (impressione audio)

    La memoria della poetessa Anca Pedvis di preservarl

    in un certo modo, elettroni che nevicanoun dolore di caos ferito, unessenza diventata ispidanon il s, ma la s, il femminile in su torto.Parti si dividono e trasferiscono in rictusdimenticato sulla bocca, morso da un bacio.Per esempio Da Vinci, che scriveva e dipingevacol mano sinistro, non creava tramite linfinito dello specchio,ma tramite effrazione dalle zone adormentati deglli dei

    abituati alla gelosia delle donne.

  • 8/3/2019 A doua alungare - o semiotica a trezirii





    Stanno cadendo I fogli, si contano da soli.

    Sulla lunga memoria dellautunnoIeri come se non fosse, domani arriveraSolamente Ora un addio. Un colchico di mando di mattinoLho raccoltata dalla traccia di un orso:Il suo significato la mantenera in vita.Cade il nome del foglio. Si spegna da solo.Rami, dun tratto diventati leggeriArrotondando sotto ala il vuoto.Lentamente galleggiano anche queste parolerallentando volendolincendio. Allinizio fu lillisionee lombra della luce galleggiava sopra le acque:Esse cerano prima della parola come non scriva in La Genesi.

    Ludens 2

    Lombra salle il recintoCol sole-nemico, sul dietro, al mezzogiorno.Quattro stagioni del cuore: spezzato in dueLo stato di sorveglianza che mi sogna.Langelo cieco mi beve dalle parole la rugiada

    Lui umanamente sta delirando.

    Rare volte

    Rare volte ho interpretato (ed abbastanza bene)La mia parte di me stesso ugualmente chiLaltro gemello, gemela con SeLaffettuoso femminile; la S in senza vergognia.


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    Piccolino melo selvaggioLe tue frutta sono diventati acri

    Solamente il tuo fiore roseoVoltolata in su come la malvaDalla dolcezza non crescerebba,Verme per s non essendoSolamente lodore vago sogno(Limprudente tra quello che ho scritto)Tra fessura di struttura O bacio, o morso

    Il cristallo ammalato

    Il vuoto dei ginocchi nel coccio del palmopalpita la dogana per passare nella torta convulsionela mano che scrive lontano di un tratto cadeuccello dalbero strappato.il cielo del mondo misteriosa porta in s una vecchia ambra(il solo letto della fedele Penelope)il satiro inghiotisce il mondo pinge inutilmente.


    il demone scuote I giardinila memoria cresce carne torbida in sognola donna partoriva sotto la croce del carrettole luci sanguinano sul cammino ucisolinferno bambino disabituato di cantare

    affrettava le fiorituredisepolti con le mani.


    Il pensiero attorciliato in abissoingagna la parola invecchiatail serpente alzando perpendicolare sventura eretica:

    sente, vede e scrive

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    Lo specchio spezzato

    Il diluvio canta nelle ruote del carretto

    la parola prega la sventura di lasciarla vivala possessione in comune torna nel ramecon campanelli nevicati alla doganala lingua cattiva si sbatte, coplisceil virtuale abisso che cresce

    portateci subito la metallica scalail frutto succosocon pelle amareluomo nudo, il femminile per una sera,

    verso lalba desiderando di morire.

    Giardini semantiche

    Ritratto strappa

    Descrivendote, ti porto via anche lultimo respirodal pugno di madreperla della memoria un nome ti do

    tra il distrutto che giustifica il deo il desiderioti offro come dono

    per la sua fame di s.Cenere che ritiene la luce.Abito in un libro assolutamente da soloesiliato lontano dal sorriso del serpentedallopera suicidaria.

    La mia carne protestante - I tuoi seni bizantini.

    In pieno giornoSempre qualche passo indietroProprio la morteLa scacci con lo sguardole conti la pazienzaBruciano I giorni di notte.

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    La memoria della poesia

    si ci sono in un paradiso quasi paralelo

    L-antimateria trascende l-abissoLa sostanza ride rispecchiando la nuditaNella sofferenza della materia fioresce la chimeraScaturendo quasi qualcosa di inumanoCi sogna di pi la poesiaTramite un sublime senza schermoLessere tagliato aspira al treAstrale pugnaleto e tatuato di chimereLa memoria dei poeti arriva agli deiEd essi la chiamano Resurrenzio

    La febra dei papaveri rossi

    La tenerezza del sole verso sera.I papaveri appena essendosi l fa rabbrividire Dormono pianureProtette nel fremito di tuttoE dal cielo profondo sorgonoVolti, raffigurati in dolci silanciVerso la luce che li spera.

    Continuo diventare

    Niente di tragico niente di feliceUno stato in continuo diventare

    Al di sopra e al di sotto la ParolaUn torcero nelleterno mutamentoCi sono per mirare esprimere sottomettere/Il gioco delle Aure per fareCi sono se ci sono per fare/ scorrere lesistenza -Insieme brucia la carne/ ed il pensiero

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    Il Poeta

    Io sono una fonte melodiosa, /

    Sostanza di risonanza spigo della luce/io sono la notte di ogni giorno/la tua arma che canta sono/.Lattimo quanto una note .../Landa leco/ Coltello meandro ostia pane.

    Il grande cambiamento

    Proprio adesso si rivela(Gran virada gran cambiamentoDie grose Wanadlung)Il grande cambiamentoScorre la luce in s stessaTu sei quello che stai cercandoTu diventi quello che Seme che fiorisce frutto. Nella grande,Immortale storia

  • 8/3/2019 A doua alungare - o semiotica a trezirii




    Elisabeta Bogan


    Dieu est redevenu pluriel?

    Fragment comme des fractalsEn aval de dieuxLes couleurs de larc-en-ciel dans les cailles des idesSautent comme les truites suicides aux cascades

    Et je sens les fissures de mon aura pulsantComme le pitinement des agneauxDans les cimetires sponsoriss par lesBouchers.


    Te voil, tu meurs ici

    Comme nulle partTu meurs chaque jour insminateurPulsation ignorante deSa propre centrifugationQuotidien insminateurDans le labourage dautruiRcolt par autre personneEn vivant les autres

    En mourant directement proportionnellementLes autres

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    De lorgasme au rut et au baiserEntre lutrus et le pisTe voil, homme,

    Une fois nTu as dj tSparRveill vers le mondeDans le mondeTu es djS-pa-r !Un adieu et je nai pas de mots

    Un adieu et le pont cabrComme le diaphragme de G. RauzierEt en quelque sorte sur la constanteDe lautel au nourrisson de la Montagne Moriah

    Te voil ici comme si tu avais tInvent

    Comme si tu avais t soumis des corrections cycliquesLe cerveau glacMultiple ternelle

    Nostalgie de la mort de soiEt chaque crpuscule comptSera le matin de lUnique Dimanchedivin

    te voil tu meurs ta mortpar cela que la Vie-mme tuela cration est sacrifie dans lOeuvrehomme, la mort mme maintenanttravailletranscendecomme la pomme dans le verou Qui ?

    Gematria del amore

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    Le biologue intrieur

    Santiago MontobbioIl te dterminePar le jeu des conflitsIl sait ce que tu apprendsIl travaille aux filtresDes rvesIl spare le rel du nantIl sait quand il chaperaLui, captif seulement de soi-mmeAu-dessus du bien et du malAlter-ego de lgoLe sommet pointu de la TrinitIl ne peut pas tre dtruitTon ami dune mortLe jumeau invisibleLe biologue intrieur

    Sept sacr des chakresLui, il est la loi

  • 8/3/2019 A doua alungare - o semiotica a trezirii




    Mariana Zavati Gardner

    Grail with a Sacred Worm

    The worm should be forgiveninside the sweet apple!Like the wordor a mouth to mouth kiss,it becomes altar between the kneesin the eveningA pulsating baby

    like a verb in iconsIn the Hermenia of a short poemwith the palm asleep

    - a graphemeBy what magic I can call You, Holy Ghost!The nectar pulsates blind, waiting to be extracted;The Light of Transparency fliesand life assumes it TO BE solar!Its inter-wing is rebornIn Spring another apple blossomwill offer the kiss of the rebirthSuckling at the sap of knowledgeI refill this strange void,

    Grail from HeavenYou, a worm as white as the kernel!

    Sarcophagus,You are the chrysalis that searches for its body

    like the de-sugared soul

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    from the hiveprecedes the sacred spheres

    in stellar buzzing,

    to fly away my thoughts in the chakra of mysteriesHieratic epitaphOf the evening flower

    my sister beewrites it in its dance

    (miasma is a phenomenon,orgasm for the ladder)

    I bear and I burn tomorrows blossomLike an apple in a wormThis dual rebirth hurts in song.

    I take a bite from the fruitand I leave a bite for youfrom the other half

    where death is already dyingYou see a fruit with worm

    is sacred insidemy Book.

    Romanian AphorismsAforisme romne

    To the Fair Lady of The SonnetsThere, where nirvanaillusionscannot bear to listen tothe deaf,

    there, not even the blind echoof the utopian exegesis,tenebrous of genesis

    pretending to be the divineof the anamnesisis able to do its good in secret,and sincerely put evil at the frontto defend your life

    eternallyThe splendour

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    of Knowledgea puppet,and not sided

    by hallucinationsas Life loses in its


    To Roland Barthes

    through prayeryou lose the fear of being

    but through learningyou can learnAnd the SystemCultivates the impetusEven furtherBecome the disciple!The celestial BookIs inside the rustling of the forest:

    Grain that distributesThe rumour of the un-deaddivine empathy,you live not only in your life

    but in thousandsof other lives that had been

    and that will be!Be the one you are

    Sacerdotal ofNeo-barbarismRememberThat all roadsBelong to the returnThe swarm of bees know:that the roseis not important

    but its Perfume.

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    The celestial seedsof the godsare germinatingfrom all the alters

    Steps of Fire


    patienceforget nessof beingthen the Memorythat eludesvia a spiralwithdrawal.

    Damned Daimon

    I have cultivated these strange wordsRelics of the old parablesAs the nocturnal English roseTorn from rosa caninaTo be found by the light

    What do you care woman-fragranceFor the victim killed at the cross roadsEmpathy of the flight through tearingLongingOf myself from the past into the futureImpregnating you, so that I may dieImpregnating you, so that I may die

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    The Poet

    I am a melodious source

    Substance of resonance, ear of lightI am everyday nightI am the strings you playThe moment as long as the night...The waveThe knife, the meander of the Eucharist bread


    I am so lonelyLike, for instance,that old ringlost somewhere.*She has a writingWith pearlsunder each phrase

    there is a wound once provokedby a grain of sand.*The art of the metaphoris like that of a peasant womanwho embroidersa floweron a chemise burnt

    by a cigarette...*To learn to dieBearably -Forgive yourself.*With each of our loved ones -who die, they die with life within,

    part of which is left behind -we die as well.

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    This is another price of loveas a condition.*

    The world isthat part seenof the invisible worlds.*As a finite rational

    beingyou cannot conceiveThe InfiniteWould be unbearable -That is your good fortune.*Withsuch

    fervourbe surprised that they have notyet sacrificedDracula himself!*

    The shadow of the individual who is chasedruns fasterthan the wind.*

    Not callousnessbut bad feeling.Not servitudebut servility.

    *To obsessively loveand not be reciprocatedis energetic vampirism.*Poetry is the shadowof words.The dream,

    is the shadow of the real.

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    Un clasic romantic germanTraducere de Eugen Evu


    Mijlocul vieii

    Cu galbene florii mpovrat de rugii slbatecise druie spre apa lacului rmul

    iar voi, zvelte lebede,i ameite de sruturicapul vi-l botezai

    n sacra und clar

    ncotro voi merge?Unde afla-voi,

    n iarna mea nfloririle? Undeflama lumineii a pmntului umbr?

    mpietrite rmntcutele i reci zidiri; n vntoasese zbat stindarde.

    Coapte sunt, n foc nmuiate...

    Coapte sunt, n foc prguite i mpodobite

    roadele pe ale gliei cntare; i este o legeca toate s treac aidoma erpilor,profetic vistoare,

    pe celeste coline. Purtatese cer toate ca o povar

    de ruguri pe umeri.dar nrite-s crrile. Nedrepte, adic,

    i-asemenea turmei de cai

    unele-ntr-altele se duc prinse lucrurileca-n ale pmntului antice legi.

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    Dar etern Dorul ne cheamspre cele dintotdeauna liberec duse toate se vor.

    ns necesar ne e crezulnainte de a privi n urm, nsnu vrem. Venii, hai s ne mai lsm

    legnaica pe jucua luntre a lacului!

    Fragment(un semn suntem noi)

    Un semn suntem noi, de nenelesnedureros i aproape c am uitat

    printre strini limba.ns dac se isc o rumoare deasupra

    oamenilorla care cerul i luna se agit cu putere,atunci i marea vorbete i rurile

    i caut vadul. Negreitexist Unul. Acesta poate zilnic s schimbenici de lege n-are trebuin. i frunzeFonesc i stejarii rsufl atunci lng piscuri.Nici cei din ceruri nu pot orice. Ci mai grabnicajung muritorii la prpastie.Aadar cu aceasta i schimb cerul noimele.

    E lung Timpul, dar

    ceea ce-i adevrat se-ntmpl.

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    Dnu Grdinaru



    Tre sorelle lucinellorizzonte

    mi hanno benedento con fiorida un lato allaltrola follia saltatellurica sotto scalpelotrillo din triluce!

    bruciare verginebene-male urbiacoinsiemeeuphorion

    perdita di ssciame dapiattraverso spezie puredi torbidi colorifalciando aure

  • 8/3/2019 A doua alungare - o semiotica a trezirii




    Il Poeta

    Io sono una fonte melodiosa, / Sostanza di risonanza spigodella luce/ io sono la notte di ogni giorno/ la tua arma che cantasono/. Lattimo quanto una note .../ Landa leco/ Coltello meandroostia pane.


    Pi gi dal paradiso un sentiero spinosoDi coltello che penetra lossoContorto e strappatoMeandro e rottoDi tradimenti santificatoL nel sogno delluomoSpiralato genomo

    Serpente-aquila-alberoSacro inginocchiatoSe stesso profanatoGemello spaccatoBelluomo ubriacabileDeit seminabileDi notte illuminabileDi giorno usbergatoIn logos crollatoSerpente deit glifico tagliato.

    Il grande cambiamento

    Proprio adesso si rivela(Gran virada gran cambiamentoDie grose Wanadlung)Il grande cambiamentoScorre la luce in s stessa

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    Tu sei quello che stai cercandoTu diventi quello che Seme che fiorisce frutto. Nella grande,

    Immortale storia.

    Blitzende fenster

    Aus de rumanischen von Maggie C. Schlesak

    Nimm mir allesNimm mir aless! Mir gehort doch NichtsWas ich bekennen wil verbirgt sichtUnd der wird springt weiter durth verlustErhoht ist der gedanke wo ihn der tod

    Nicht siehtEr gibt zuruck um zu erhalnetUnd unsere graber sind wie ungelesene

    bucherSom kommt der wind der kusst sie undStreicht weiterLeer ist name. Und die aura istgeloschtGeschreiben war er nie der KommendeDie trennung nichts als rauch des ppfersIm anderswo steigt noch das licht

    Einandere wahlt und bleibtTief unter dem gedachtnis regt sich gottHat hunger nach sich selbst

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    Die treppen nac oben

    Die du mit dem blick errichtetstMit der stirn stutzt und sie stutzten dichDie adlertreppen des herzensDie efeutreppen, die alte mauer


    mit zerspaltener aura die jenseitsdie milde furs lebendige

    fur den tragenden leib, sieht

    die heiliegen wortenum manchmal, was einstdas paradis sein wird,zu erblicken

    Das Efeu

    Das efeu das schreibtDas efeu das uber mauerSpringt, schlankwelchhoher blick!

    Das efeu das weisDas krallenefeu

    Sich selbst gefangenLenede welleEs wurde um zu fliegenKriechen.

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    Ein Wellengang der Menschen

    Zwischen Berg und Tal-Die, die den Liebesruf vom Gebirge sahenVermehrende Hochzeit unter demGottesgesetsz.Das Weite ist nah und das Weite ist hier

    Nur der Schatten ist wie ein Tor ins Gras gefallenVon Zeit schwindet alles: schau hin wie dieKosmische SonneEin GluhwurmchenKusst .

    Das zweite exil

    (fragment )

    im Exil erdulden wir unsere Sunden immer noch(jedoch nicht unter den Menschen- sondern zwischen

    den Sonnen und Gestirn)um uns das sacrale Werk die Frucht als

    demutiugen Kusswieder zu bringen -in der winterlichen Vermahlung derBlauen Blum.

    Das dritte exil

    Ich liebe die Poesie als Rettungdie Aufopferrung verlangtKore Magdalena MagieWunsche des Kindes in unsGedachtnis das uns ewiglich durchflutetVibrierren und syntonie

    Doch-diese GeschenkeKonen sich

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    Durch die WeisheitZuruck ziehen!Die Erlosung gleicht ihnen

    Die proffane Gottin nimmt die IdeeWieder zuruckEifersuchtig auf die grazioseUnd gebarende TugendDie Seele Teil des HimmerleichsSoll nicht am altenHass ersitcken


    Dahingleitendes Blatt gefallenen WindGebracht und nicht verlorenIntakte Blattlienen subtil wie ein VogesskelettDas einmal in einer Baumkrone traumteDas von mir gekusste Blatt erschaudertAuf der HandIch antworte ihm -

    Der Wind ist freundschaftlichErwacht plotziches ist morgends und im Gedankenverstecke ich mich

    Ein besonderer name

    Das Licht meines Hauses ist ohne Wande

    Von Buch zu Buch - Dach der WeltDiesseits der Worte sesshaftIn der goldenen AuraIch schliese die Augen um zu sehenUnsere Gaste kommen anzwischenIhnen ist die Zeit schonLange verschwundenEinige sind noch nicht auf

    Der ErdeEinige traumen noch

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    Irigend wo sind wir alle gezahltEs ist ein besonderer NameSo bald alles vollendet ist

    Fliegt mein Haus weg .

    Deus ludens

    Fur fraulein Silke LeuhnenIn den Fangen der ZeitWir sind Fragmente der WeltIn jeden reflekiert das GanzeWeesichert die grosse Rotation -

    Mein Gehirn ist ein magischer KristallDer geistige Blitze belebtAus Miliarden vonLeuchtpunktenDie junge Sonne vonMorgen wiede.

    Romantischer wald(Sakramenten )

    im romanichen Winterist mein Hausmit deinen raschelden Briefen gefulltaus der Zukunft entblattert sich der Wald

    am Wagner vibrieren Knie und Stirn

    Schwelle derKirche - Stein mit dem Gesicht zumHimmelmein Haus mit den Fenstern umInnernaumErhallt sich in rauschenden SakramenternGoldene Luft aus dem


    Die Donau erreicht den StirnneridianUnd mundet dreifach in der Matrize

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    Von Europa: die Landkarte des altenHimmels ist intaktHerformig in Rumanein

    Transilvanien ist das Hirn.


    Pervala-traducere n limba croat deNada Pomper - Zagreb i Munchen



    Gledam te,Da te sem sit nagledamTi rasipas sjajne visebonjerijecikao ogromne vijence cvijecao Boze, kakva zasljeplujuca ljepota,kazem sam sebi.

    Zasto ja nisam un stanju,Zasto ja moram neumorno

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    pod naborima koretrazit rijeci koje daju svejtoi brusiti ih

    dok zrak postane neprovidan,okruzen s toliko zamagljena brusenjazasto?

    Zanesen promatram se u ogledaluI predocujem si ruho u ghirladamaOd nikad procitanih rijeciDotle dok me udarci ure sa zidaKoji me inace ne brinuBude.

    Dosta je igre.Tko ce zavrsiti troje djeloI brusiti rijecAke ne ti, a tko ondaIpakGdje sam li to vec cuo

    Mogao bih se zakleti,Da sam li to vec cuoMogao bih se zakleti,Da sam vec to jednom cuo.

    U SVIJETUIn Der Welt

    Skriven u svijetu, u svijetuOnda, kada voda tece.Beskrajni meridijaniZanose pogled ociju vise

    Nego lijepa malaksalostKroz koju juri lijet,Gospode, tko pokrece nocKroz koju idem s rukom u ruci?

    Euridika mi daje u nasljedstvoHaljunu od samih krila.

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    STEPENICE PREAM GOREDie Treppen nach Oben

    Stepenice prema goreStepenice koje ti pogledom dizesCelorm podupiresI koje tebe snazeStepenice scra orlaStepenice brsljanaKoje stari zidovi noseS nazubljenom aurum -Koje s One strane gledajuBlagost za snaguDa tijelo nosiI koje svete rijeci, ponekad,Bit ce da to raj, ugedaju.


    Brsljan koji znaBrsljan sto preko zida skace, tanak,Kakav visoki pogled!

    Brsljan koji znaDa kandze brslanaSamog sebe love

    Grmeci val, onDa bi pobjegao,Puze.


    Nitko ne kreira-mi stvaramo odmah

    Mi ne ponavljamo,Nego smo na pocetku nastajana.

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    Bozansko se ne ponavlja.Ipak on bibriraJa ga ljubim, dah Bozji -

    Obnazenje kristalaKao trasnfigurativnosjecanjezelja Boga snijezi na beskrajne strane-ruke padaju, da ih podignemmoje sestre snijezene- smjesi se podzvomina.


    Jesi li savrseni vrtljarCiji cvjetovi pjevajuPresko vodenastog tkiva,Jesi li ti jedini zivacU lebdecojKugli?

    Cudo hraniKaziprst.


    Umiruci list, otrgnut,donesen

    i neizgubljenocuvane linije lista, krhe kao pticji skelet,koji je jednoc u krosnji sanjao

    poljubljen list od menenajezi se u ruci

    ja mu odgovorih:vjetar se prijateljski budiiznenada svanucem

    i ja se u mislima sakrih.

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    Kako se gledamo u vratimaPoljuca, toplog odSuncokreta,

    Polako u zakasnejelom nizuZureci preko Nikad lijepe slikeOvdje zivi on u kamenu, tihoVracen domu u zvom oblikuI bez bolaDrscuci spol, gorko nijemiCvijet,Gledamo te danima, tiPupilo, celo i poljubac raskola?Gle

    Trazim te,Kada ces biti vani.


    Izgubljeni raj, djetinjstvoProbudeno u vrijeme misli

    Na celu mojem kaoSjena ptice u liteju.

    Izgubljeni raj,djetinjstvoSnivano od najranije dobiSvemirsko carstvo

    Nebo kao zalobna suza.

    Gospode! Najzivotvorniji zivotZapisao nas je peludu cijeta.Izgubljeni raj, djetinstvo,


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    Mariana Zavati Gardner


    The poets flame has three pointsThe one above, which enters the first into heaven,Then the one of the heart; the sisters of lightAre of the temples, two.

    Summer rocks the worlds

    And decants the miracle.

    Light, Wound of Sight

    Through the high grasses, under the forestsOf the psycho storms, far into words,In the rainy lands ofA vague longing of nobody that isIn the rare and splendid hours of watchingAnd the patience thats given to manFrom the above, from heavensJumps like the garland of a coloured fireBeing of unuttered beautyAnd from wings that dont burn in the fireIs bestowed to us, on the threshold of love,The illumination, pronouncing our name.

    Vouching, again and again, the first ones orderedFrom before wordsFrom the high sound of the PrimordialWe refill from the wound of the Sight

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    Another thousand poets at the same time as me

    The same moment, in the same stateEverywhere in the world, separate, they writeThe same earth quivers in a unique flower


    Somehow I was in that field of flax IAnd equal in the spherical interior of the textIn the somehow virtual semanticOf the primordialSacred recessive illo temporeI was already as I came back and in a hurry the gatheringWas justifying the meaning of the divine, and the bereavementA feeling, between somehow virtual worldsInter-sewing my outfit with the beingSomehow virtual like paleness under the star

    It re-gulps its over-clear partIn order to confirmThat it becomes

    BlueAt the height

    Of the Light


    to Raluca Elena Weber

    Had I been tragically left the last oneBehind, to confirm those that the great wayIt begins and it continuesAnd from somewhere from the un-uttering of the word

    I would continue to be for a solitary god

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    From white signs, which clear looksDraw near and sacredly re-fill with matter

    And the ancient map of the sky

    Of my ancestorsAs if I were to preserve it with the old manureIf like the one that was first

    Put together with the plasma and the echoAfter the rebirths and the tribulations,

    which have been left unsaidBut above us there is the light

    of the creation of thoseAnd the phantasm inside

    And if it were not but it would be retoldEven between to become and to accede, like

    A work,I know that the light from night into dayIs offered into us forever, as sun.


    Not the abstract one, the archives townBut the one in agony, in which there is the timeOf cherries, of strawberries and of attacks.I am not allowed to die out of my own will.Between the flames of this abstraction,Between the good one and the one still evilI am not allowed to accuse, but to sing,

    To suffer, to become.But not the abstract one, the real, the man,The transient, in permanent transition.But not from the earth, but not from the people,: The one who knows to die more, singingTo daily die, to justify the senseFor always someone to sacrificeIt has landed, like a key of the skies of the

    Light,One day we shall live. We shall see. We shall marvel

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    Dusty gardens.With our


    Amongst patience and cold and hungerOnly the soul isnt mineOr yoursAnd in its strange thin horizon,God finds a threshold.


    The arts, which hold the real in suspenseThe worming arts of the exotic ridiculousConcepts that self-devour themselves and in a sacredcontinuumEach god is a mercenary, a cannibal.The rustling of the young, willing death:Of the elites insomnias.In suicidarium.


    Worlds in worlds everywhereStatic snapshotSomewhere deathIs divinity of self-desire

    Hungry the non-being got galaxies into rhythmThe splendour of the legions with infinite hierarchiesThe rustle of the tachyons around the Vibrate Sourceaureole, which sings in the estuary of the Aortathe bud of logos in mourning you, poetry.

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    The delirium of a gods frustration

    Round-around the one named Super ISemantic halo, ship wake of evolutionWho separates darkness from lightening.


    I have nowhere to stopI feel a certain dizziness of the timeBut not of my lifes timeWhich is somehow, fall-out and dust.Fall-out and dust.A state of greediness of which runningThe counted years I hurried with the young ones.A state of something elseOf olden times, of former days-A state that cannot stand me

    Somehow guilty, it is asking back forWhat I have been wearing on loan.. I feel now a strangePhenomenon of rejectionOf nature, which has sufferedFrom the flash which has yielded fruit and

    Would return to stone. In mythAs light is the part aboveAnd darkness below supports it

    A divine hunger surrounds meFrom everywhere.


    Somehow you will have a Romanian death.You die in the language you learnt to speak

    You die dreamt before and dreamt again

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    Only the head aches. Death will translate youEvery seed is potentially a world.Who will be born of your birth

    And will extract that which it gave you on loan?Who never forgives, does not perishAnd your life, your hundredfold death throughDestructive KnowledgeDemand you to inexorably return them


    The villages in the mountains deserted by peopleLike the fortresses of the old gods in past timesIn this agony, there is a punishment,Which is forever paid by the faithfulUnder grass waiting for the Last JudgementBut time measures other rhythms, other wonders,Cohorts of dead amongst the rootsWeaker and weaker

    They are smoothed by the time belowAnd the blind memory of the soilAnd the fallen argil is not the one ofSanctuaries, not the one from poor altersLike the villages, and the townsWhich were fed yesterday from the bread of happinessAnd the water of patience

    Now they have fallen to spite and abandonment

    Half of us have become soil againOur sons will go to foreignHeavensAnd the devastated districts are sad ghettoesWe are the punished tolerated onesAt the caved in walls of historyWhich is not ours.

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    Savoir! Icried and I gave the breeze a nameWhich one rises from oneself, dies from one. As if it had never

    been.I was above the waters like a source of treason.Savoir! I made the leap over the waterfallSuddenly understanding: the image flows And Lord is the sight. Therefore the Law.


    Like a gradual cyclic cosmic orgasmLife is a prelude with erogenous featuresUntil death has rolled its eyesAnd has resorbed its non-antic seed.Strange is only the staircase without an endThe suspended staircase waving between the gods and usEither they had promised or they had run away from othergodsEither, meanwhile, they died or they forgot

    Name and destinationAll of a sudden, with their superior death.It is left to ourselves to becomeAnd to find their ash pyres further into heavens

    In cryogenic urnsWhich to repatriate and rememberIn a Christian mannerIn the name of a Law, which gives birth and makes deathThe snail shells and the galaxies.

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    Where poets flourish there is too much suffering

    Where the homeland hides in anxious pietyWhere those who keep quiet make vice out of the virtue ofpatienceWhere fear works worm of the pale crystalsWhere the spirit throws the books on the roof of powerAnd the suffering of not loving gives birth to fratricidesmonstersWhere consequence is called stigma and history is delirious

    Where the dystrophic democracy justifies euthanasiaWhere under bells the ragged dogma snows the soot of errorAnd the Sadducee continue their march in the ruins of thetempleWhere to go mad is normalityAnd poetry was born in exile as a last confirmation of theMessiahThere, in the ubiquity of the divine, in the memory of the otherTimeI caught sight of the gardens ready for the wedding

    I shall retire in the suffering of knowledge, homelandWherever I shall be, you become, the map of your sky whichin us is pulsatingEverywhere is at homeOnly our books will remain for a whileLike shadows of birds on the foreheads risen up.

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    MarilenaRodica Chiretu


    La poesia come anima

    E sbocciato con imprudenzail piccolo melo roseo selvaggio ela ostilenevischia lo uciseCos sa non ha parolePer raccontare la nostra animatralinverno ed il mondo di sogni.

    Il nido del serpente

    Per poter distinguereNel buio scrivoQuello che non simpara vivo.

    (Nessuno mi ha insegnatodi leggere il nido del serpente,

    ma lho letto).

  • 8/3/2019 A doua alungare - o semiotica a trezirii




    Ho sillabato linfanziaDel cieloSullalbero in s

    dalle radiciI sospesi nidi.per arrivare da laltra partecos come tramite volo non imparato,ma saputosi tornato nella canzone eternalucello del paradisoinutilmente qualcuno mettetrappolecon la sua vita, con il trascinamento della conoscenzaQuello che non simpara vivoPer poter distingueremi ricordo(io ho letto il nido del serpenteio ho caduto il voloil cielo l'ho sa).

    Mysterium tremendum

    il fervore di essere nel paesaggio come parteed ugualmente, luce che contempla.Somma delle vibrazioni che si abbraccianoOndata stanata rivenendo sinfonicamentePer esptimerlo tra lamore.


    Nella beatitudine, dove la cercata assetataTrova il suo sciame cresciuto del ruscello.Io stesso, nella moltiplicazione insaziabileRidevenendo mano mano che di nuovo mi perdoe portato nellestasi; intravvedo dellEternoInefabile che mi offre il Chiaro dellOrigine

    Ne paura, ne misterio, ne fascino.Ma Gioia di esistere diventando

  • 8/3/2019 A doua alungare - o semiotica a trezirii




    In sintoniacon Tao

    a te, corpo offero, portatore passegero del mioOccore di restituirti pia riconoscenza.Ceramica sacra, nella quale troppo dolorososono stato brucciato.Per vedere la Luce, essendosi.I desideri che spezzano e si autodistruggonoCon inferma cenere-le parole, fine polvereDi oro alla Luce, che sovvravive solamente traLa desstruzioneTra i salti, come le casche di acqua

    Nellinterno della stana memoria.Tra nevisci e febbri, insiemeSottile tra le limiti, quasi perso;In Assompzione, per essere quello che sei tu Triomfare nel colmo della perdita.

    Dalle strutture fessurate; le tue sofferenzeMi ho le assumato; senza piet, ti ho esposto

    peralzartiPerche l, dove la parola il FioreDella DivinitChe diventasse di nuovo Essere, salvato dal pericolodella morte

    Vaso profondo, brucciato dalla bocca dellabissoSei rimasto intatta, tra la Sostanza Sognatado alla Divinit loffertaUltimo fumo del sacrificio. Istantaneamente passeroTra il bacio di Quello:

    Nella dimensione che sempre diventa.Il Triangolo della Trinit canta in armoniaE limponderabile occhio mi scrutta

    Dalla luce del suo squardo:Capisco il segno della riconoscenza del figlio.

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    Calmo, nellascesa che lentamente mi divideFino quando mi abbraccierei



    Maria TeresaSenti il numero del mio nome?Molto tempo f ti ho incontrato in un versoSubito lho cancellato, cammino, dala sue traccia camminato.

    Non altre cose, ma ogni giorno, questo splendore di morire unAddio come metafora sboccio

    Non il Se, ma la Se, non la luceIl fecondo desiderio, a se sacra colpa.

    Rare volte

    Rare volte ho interpretato (ed abbastanza bene)La mia parte di me stesso ugualmente chi

    Laltro gemello, gemela con SeLaffettuoso femminile; La Se in senza vergognia.

    In pienno giorno

    Sempre a qualche passo indietroProprio la morteLa scacci con lo sguardo

    le conti la pazienzaBruciano I giornidi notte.

  • 8/3/2019 A doua alungare - o semiotica a trezirii




    Nicola RampinItalia

    Eventualmente ...

    Cellule nellintensivaOscurita ...

    1....guardai lautiodidatta

    Nella ricerca del sensoDella retta viaFra limpero e il fiumeAlla deriva...2.

    ...si parlava di politicaE si proseguiva con strategie commerciali,Tassi dinteresere, mutui, investimenti...Cercavo un maledetto spunto dintervento , unoFra tante parole la parola, ma venivo ignoratoChe nella salaDiventavano un enorme frastuono,Unarma che fracassava il ervello,

    Allora a quel puntoDecisivi dio alzarmi dalla comoda

  • 8/3/2019 A doua alungare - o semiotica a trezirii




    Poltroncina ed andarmeneA casa.Li, nel alzarmi mi ubriacai

    E decisi di scrivere, scrivere, scrivereDi tutto cio che veramente counta...La vita,LamoreE sfogaiLa rabbia!...quali spine potranno maiDivente rose nel paradisiacoSpazio temporale ?...solo un disturbato pensioero,O righe di parole?Il papiro di SiracusaDopo il mio piantoSara inzuppato di forza travolgente?Opure temporale di vita!...appari dopo un timido soleCieco mio destino

    Dove farai ripostare le spoglie ?

    Celule n intensivaObscuritate

    1.m-am uitat autodidact

    n cercetarea sensuluiDin drumul dreptntre imperiul i ruln deriv2.se vorbea despre politici se continua cu strategii comercialeDobnzi, mprumuturi, investiii

    Cutam o blestemat tentativ de intervenie, unantre multe cuvinte cuvntul, dar eram ignorat

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    C n salDeveneau un enorm vacarm,O arm care lezeaz creierul,

    Atunci n acel momentAm decis s m ridic din comodulFotoliu i s plecAcas.Acolo, n ridicare m-am entuziasmati am decis s scriu, s scriu, s scriuDespre toate cele care cu adevrat conteazViaa,Dragosteai mi-am descrcatSuprarea!care spini vor putea vreodatS devin trandafiri n paradisiaculSpaiu temporal?doar un gnd disturbat,Sau rnduri de cuvinte?Papirusul din Siracusa

    Dup plnsetul meuVa fi mbibat de for nvalnic?Sau furtuna vieii!

    apare dup un soare timidOrb destinul meuUnde vei aeza hainele?

    Versione rumena di Eugen Evu e diElena Daniela Sgondea

  • 8/3/2019 A doua alungare - o semiotica a trezirii




    Elena Sgondea - Eugen Evutraduc o mare poetes italianc de azi

    Maria TERESA LIUZZODr. Honoris Causa - U.S.A.Floare de nu m uita Miosotide

    Tu eti versulcare m stpnete, tu, poezie,iubit secretul meu,

    ce pori numele meuinima mea n gur pentru a le faceaceeai substan a ta, pentru caniciodat s nu dispar s nu se piarddeparte de rezidena sa.i m ajungiminune neateptat,deja uitati n iarna mea erupi,

    migdal n floare tiat n apuss-mi indice arcultcut al lunii, care taceexaltnd splendoarea sa.Iar, apoi, eti noaptei pe furi, n mine urci,scufunzi n mine sceptruli inima se lumineaz de stele.

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    F-m din nou mama versurilor liberece au pentru sine orice splendoare,sidef nuntrul cochiliei,

    i nu mam vitreg care s mprtie ntunericul morii.Las-m s intru n pielea taf ca orice limb s devin al meu,i din orice parte a mea tu s mi fii spaiul,unica sfer a universului meu.

    Mai mult dect spada emoia se adnceten sngele nfierbntat mai tare ca mustulmai puin crud dect drama vieii.Dar dac m mngi ca o margaret,petal dup petal, cercetnd,adugnd galbenului ocrul inimii sale,dac-mi fixezi n tatuaj lila n violetdezleg din nou haina mea de umbr.Vino n mine, nu amgi ateptarea.

    Doar de tine e copleit ateptarea mea

    cnd te atept i m mbrac de ntuneric.Inima este placatdac inima ta este pe gura nud,dac visul se unete izvorului.nspre corpul meu n pupilele talecopleite de umbre, i dorina meaminilor tale ncredinez,

    pentru c tu o faci plasm

    i mi-o redai n pasiune i snge.n aceast iarn, dragosteane unete ntr-o mbriareamestec respiraiile noastrei face culcu corpurilor noastre.E timpul tinereii noastre,un fragment de etern,care pentru tine m face s m ntorc

    n multiplele limfe ale vieii.Te simt c te ntorci,

  • 8/3/2019 A doua alungare - o semiotica a trezirii




    un cnt de ape m ptrundevrtejuri de extaz ating, ceruleste o ploaie de stele n camera asta

    Uneori m gndesc ce vei facecnd voi ntreprindelungul drumnspre oraul mut,cnd m voi plimba nevzut

    pe cmpiile tcerii,ce vor face ceilalicnd voi fi amintireimagine decolorat, dac tu i eiv vei aminti chipul meui dac de ast dat vor rsunan camerele goale de mine cuvintele mele.Voi fi poate mai viei mai prezent atunci,cnd voi fi fotoliul gol,

    patul intact, mucatele

    fr ngrijirea minilor melei foile albe, stiloulfr scriere. M vei avea, m vei avean umbra imaginat, de minece va aluneca pe perei. Dar acumd-mi cldura corpului tu,d-mi vocea dragostei tale

  • 8/3/2019 A doua alungare - o semiotica a trezirii




    Ilona Kun Kriza



    Hrom g a klt lngja:A cscs, mely gre trA szv. Fny hgai,Halntkaim, kett. Lelki r.

    A tzhely fnyeket ringatS csodkat dudorsz.


    Tvhitben ltem, azt hittem szeretnekTl ksn ltezem, reg, agg eretnek!

    Flrevezettettem, oltrt kszttettem,Sebbel teli reg idegenn lettem.

    Szavakbl a hegyet oltrkmm tettem,Sziszifuszi munka az egsz letem.

    Szerteszt hbor, idegenek jtsszk,Valami falcs kprl hullnak a maskark.

    rl szerelemben, -tn nem is volt enym-

    (Tl ks minden mr letemnek egn)...

  • 8/3/2019 A doua alungare - o semiotica a trezirii




    Az rtelmes llek holtan sem ejt knnyet,Barlangjba rejti az utols knyvet.


    Kik vilgra hoztak, mind elmentek.A kapzsi sttsget mindig lebrkztam,Bennem gykeret sosem vert.gy gtem el, mint gyertya,Szent dajkk oldozsa vdett. Szegnykk!Virgz erd adta a tudstMegnevezhetetlen puszta szerelembenHol nha el-eltvelyedtem, jelek hjn.Ravasz istensgek el nem bdtanak.Szvem fuvolz lassan, hegyi patak visz

    Napfnyes vlgyeken.Csalognydal nevelt gi kapubanS a sr magassgbanMegljk fentrl kijellt fszkeinken.


    Ott voltam a virgz lenmezbenaz rs rejtett zegzugaiban,a szent idbens magamhoz trtem,a gyjts, arats mris ks.Kt vilg kztt

    ruhm lnyemmel sszeszvikSstltsz, spadtfnysugarakban

    bizonygatom, hogyEljs bebizonyosodik

    A KkMagassgos


  • 8/3/2019 A doua alungare - o semiotica a trezirii





    A valsgot tart mvszetFelboncolt, tszrt,gennyes,Kukacrgta, magt emsztKi-kinek sajt meccnsa, kannibl.Halk, halli nesz,Vgyd ifj,Elitek lmatlansga.In suicidarium.


    Ezer ms klt velem egyidbenUgyanebben az llapotban a vilgbanA fld minden tjn sztszrva rS megrezzen a fld ugyanabban a virg


    Jelek, jelekMit jelentenek-Menetre menve,letet mentve,Hallt szememre,Jelek, jelekFakeresztemre-

    Tvis s mglya,Kn megtallja

    Nem fnyre, rgyreSem szlfrtreJelek, lelekrePokol kebledre!

  • 8/3/2019 A doua alungare - o semiotica a trezirii





    Odaadtam elvonatkoztatott hazmnak

    llhatatossgomat,Bels virgzsomat,Mint dslomb,Kbor gymlcsfa...,Melynek gymlcse rejtve,

    Nincs pompa,ltvny,St sokan nem is tudnak rla.Amikor a kemny derkMely eddig gaim tartottaMegroppan s ledl,Az ghegyen fggTll gymlcst-Melybl csak ismerskkstoltak nagyritkn-Senki le sem szedi,hogyGondosan kamrba rakja,Hanem valaki, avatatlan

    Messzire hajtja...Ezetnkppen,Elvonatkoztatott hazm,Ki egyetlen fontosabbDolog vagy rva hallomnl,Mint rks sorskihv,grebosszulva magamMegtrtntem.


    Ahol kltk bontjk a kelyhet sok a szenveds,Ahol a haza gyva lelkiekbe rejtzik,Ahol a nmk a trelemfk virtuzai,Ahol spadt kristlyokban a Trelem

    Frge munkl,Ahol a szellem a hatalom kupoljra

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    Vakondokat tzdelS ahol a szeretetlensg knjaSzrnyeket szl,

    Ahol a vgs blints h cmernkS a trtnelem kba vergds,Ahol a kancsi demokrciaEutanzira tl,Ahol rongyos harangokA tvedsek koromfelhjt szitljkFejnkre,Ahol vak szerzeteseink tovbb talpalnakFradhatatlan menetbenA rombadlt kolostorokban,Ahol rltnek lenni termszetess a szmzetsben megszletik a vers,A Messis utols beigazoldsaknt,Ott lttam meg,Angyali olvasztk hmorban,A msik Id aszmletben,Az eskvi kertet.

    Visszavonulok a tuds gytr fogsgblBrhol leszek.Te lteze, hazmEged trkpe mr bennmk l, lktetMindentt itthonS csak knyveink maradnakMg egy ideigFelemelt fvel,mint

    Megrebben madrszrnyak.


    Lelki viharok erdejben,Magas fvek kztt,Messzi szavakbanKivehetetlen vgyak

    Borongs, ess vidkein,A lelkeseds riban,

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    Az emberi trelemgi ajndkval,Mint sznes tzkoszor,

    A kimondhatatlanulCsodlatos termszetNaptzll szrnyai alattOdaadja magtA szeretet kszbnA Fny.S kimondja nevnk.Bebizonyosodik jra s jra,Mr az els kimomdott sz eltt,Hogy a magas LtezsHangznbenLelknkbenSebet ver a lts.


    Minden napon krd magadnakAz rtket, ha elragadnak

    A vgyak s adj te magadRemnyt, br hullsz, s akadj

    Fenn,le ne zuhanj ms-ms vilgba,Vzess lgy, magas res habrban

    S versednek ldozd jed s magad,Mg ld, fnyes hajnal meghasad,

    Hogy reggelek s bs alkonyatokJjjenek jra s jek s nappalok.

    A nagy titkok szletnek szntelen

    Az emberekben s fenn a mennyeken.

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    Ha utolsnak maradtam volna,

    szerencstlenl, hogy bizonygassamaz t mindkt vgnek ltezsts valahonnan a ki nem mondottszavak vilgbl, eltvedt istenknt jnnkszent rzsekkel,hfehr jelekkel,az si gi honblhogy riznm meg ppen n magamagg ldozattal a fnytha nem ppen az, ki elsnekegyeslt a a viszhangokkals a maggal,halk, szomor hajnali feltmadsbansejtelmes csodkbanrkk flttnk ragyog,mert hol volt,hol nem volt fny,

    mint alkots-Tudom, hogy tiszta,szpAjndk pirkad reggelA napfny, semmi ms.


    Van sz, melynek kln lete van

    hs patakok emlkezetbecsszolt kvekgi tkrbenMessze-magnyosantenyeredbena puszta tekintetkioltja a tzet.

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    Hideg, havasi havazsbanttovn vrnaka vros kapujnlaz E2-es eurpaiorszgton

    bemocskolt virgaz utcalnyott didereg...s vr-


    Magasbl hull ritka szomorsg,Korai szi lilk hirtelenFaljk a terms duzzadt hstMikor halvny cspp csillag megjelen.

    j ismeretlen fjdalommalSznod, hogy kancsd eltrtt.Dudorszok esetlen dalommalAz j-Anya szent rbochoz kttt.

    Ms idt lek s tn csak sejtem,Egen cikz agykrn,Mint ks hast, htba rejtem

    S elsmtom a rgkn.Nem ily kvnt ALKOTS klS mint vlemny fogy el dalom.Szeptember harca, kavar szl,Lgy dvzlve fjdalom!...

  • 8/3/2019 A doua alungare - o semiotica a trezirii





    A bels vgy

    tcikzikmint jbevesz maghallflelmbenha egyszer kiszakadegy vgy, mi mr nem tidmr csak Istennl lehet.


    Idtlen id szmllgatjaEgyre ritkbbanA szrny harapsait.Tetovlt lelkem! Nem maradt helyAz utols csknak, mely letertene.Ha gy lthat (s biztos!),Hogy ltezem, elbb vagy utbb,Ami itt kimondatott

    Hatroz lesz?

    Ne t nzd,t magt,Ha ms, rkk ismeretlenMegkaparintja,Flbeszaktja,Megli.

  • 8/3/2019 A doua alungare - o semiotica a trezirii




    Mariana Zavati Gardner


    Only suffering gives birth to ArtWhats left is hunger for the broken lightWhats left is empty burning and dreamOnly suffering gives birth to Art.

    We have a map in our brains

    Starlit so that the soul does not separateFrom the spirit and the AgarthBetween the dead entity and the man

    Only suffering gives birth to ArtStabbing in the masterpiece that jumpsOn top of the pyre in the High SphereCelestial threshold of the foreheadUnder another armour into the Lord divine

    Look at it! It burns over my head.

    The Inner Biologist

    He determines youBy the game of conflictsHe knows what you learnHe works at the filters

    Of dreamsHe separates nothingness from realHe knows when he will escapeHe, a prisoner only to himself,Above good and evil,Of his other alter egoThe sharp top of the Trinity

    He cannot be distroyedYour friend into death

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    Your invisible twinYour inner biologistThe sacred seven of the chakra

    He is the law

    The Lord in April

    The chestnuts have flowered in the streets on the hillIn a Transylvanian borough over the century in a hurryAh, from the shadow of the light the leopard of loveLooked over my shoulder so I shouldnt dieThe white crowns come together over the roadThe arches of branches of Corinthian bunchesBurn in humming swarms of white starsOrion shot into Virgo through thorns

    Lord, keep into Your sight the laddered brightnessMelody climbing from dawn from dusk

    I am of this world and I have been onceThe clear forehead has kissed the demiurges porchFlowered the meta-text on the Atlanta snowFrom under Hyperborean the swans are silentDivine signs from the other Light thatDoes not know of me, the one lost in this century

    I am of this world though a stranger under the horizon

    Until when, where to, sometime or never?

    The Golden Eagle

    The nest of the wind through the wheatThe wind breaks it and displaces itAdieu, it isnt late

    Come back - the wind kisses you

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    Its blesses come from the lights of worldsThrough cyclical opportunityEcstasies flower through thorns

    Into the madness of poetry

    Only the sacred wind from ArdealExists under eagles and bells. BurntDeath, love into GrailBear a sign of homecoming.

    Portrait Sketch

    The man (I) is (are)Part of Creation ofThe Divine Work.Good or bad, my lifeIs my Work, part of Your Work.Death is not mine.Death is not mine.

    The Threshold

    At the threshold between light and magicI embrace in cosmic clearing a dropOf the dew of Heaven. SighsA strange longing - dream into death - its thresholdI am searching for youUnder the golden darkness - alive Flute

    And PsalmIn which to bury my face.

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    Mon mtier et mon artCest vivre ?

    Errare basileu / The Sinning KingOn the hungry shores of the TiberChildrens corpses repeatedly justifyHeresyOh, Galilee, the incense of the cannibal angelBasileus hirsute of the ByzantiumStigmaYour blood has fallen over part of the world

    Not the sun of the crossBut the malign terror of the IDUSplendour and rotShadow of history in religionsMourning on rainbows

    Utopias of the paradigm of errorsClones of the exodus and the placebo effect

    Number which screams to be reborn as a nameArts and hungerGods dressingsShroud of our littleImmortality throughout the provinces

    Hunger and the Art

    Hunger is closer than art!Soil has jumped love and lightI ask my body for forgivenessBetween god and insomniaI ask forgiveness of holy poetryLike Jacob wrestling the angelJealous on the angel for myWoman

    And man only through poetry itselfHas longed to flour for ever

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    Onto my crying.Onto re-becomingLight. As I have described

    I feed myselfWith heads of flames

    Oratio vechio

    At night, when the book is closed,Fate gently turns on my pagesUnder arches of lilacRain hammers cold nails

    Radial wood soundsBranches into revengeI go into Sunday.Good night.

    The Game of Poetry

    Riding deep fearsDeath, you cannot reach usLord, the little eternity,And patience in the graveyardsOf millennia into millenniaThe wind of the Vespers knows it.Or Death whom are you laughing at?That we dream seeing through you

    And through a jump onto the other sideWe are afforesting onto a bookYou are about to read, you are about to snowUnfortunate girl, do you still believe in storiesCan you see? We are, you are not.

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    Victor Masek - Eugen Evu's Portrait

    The Poetic Being

    To My Sons Gloria, Sorin and Remus

    At least true poets have also loved meAt least I have not lived on othersAt least I have not plagiarised the good daemon,

    I have tricked the evil oneAt least I have seen my name snowed on the back of the godAt least I loved non-abstractedly my homelandAt least I did not wish to accuse my parents

    to have been the only one born

    At least I have printed some books in which somethinghappenedAt least I have not refused to do good deeds unprovokedAt least the wrong doer has made peace with the redeemerAt least I have not gloriously self-mutilatedAt least my sincerity has hurt villainsAt least I have not accepted the perverse fetish worshipAt least I searched for you until the end

    Again and again I have lifted myself from under the harrows ofhate

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    At least I have also admired others'freedom and in silenceAt least I have taken pity on JudasAt least I have forgiven myself by virtue of the humane

    At least I have heuristically cultivated my sufferingAt least I have been an aesthete endowed with divine empathyAt least I have not betrayedBecause I have not betrayed myselfAt least I have surpassed all the crises


    Within the duration of his numbered life manHas risen from the eternal demiurgeShaped mirror of the divineIn likeness and body, - twinnedInto god a morning and a duskFrom the infinite Circular LadderOf Time which pulsates in the worlds of the worlds

    Un-cognoscible One only separatesThe part within parts so they transpireLuminary into Multi-HypostasisThe gradual and deducted cognitionOf everywhere and nowhere in particular,Reveals the number of its nameWith the ID measure given onto itselfThe intelligence of the Animated Being

    Swarms in Multi-verses and transcendsGod-present, with Conscience and SoulSees Itself mirrored in worlds as Itself

    Neither wishing separation of oneNor stagnation in reposeForever free to connect to absolveAgain the Unique Sun overflowsThe light of the World of the worlds rises

    Just from the wished death itselfAs burnt in future seeds

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    And fruit that prefigures the seed in flowerThe Lord alive is the live infiniteOf two infinites that I unbind

    Into two the conscience as brillianceOf a Sun at the end of a needle!Shouldnt it resound into verse, as partOf the divine Rumour of the Primordial Word?Sublime eternal CreatorShouting from my inner self: I am!Being Work onto the Lord HimselfAnd a temporal wishing EmbodimentThrough the mirroring of the circular worldIt sacrifices onto loving the Substance, whichMatter through twinning - SpiritRe-embodies eternally onto OathLight of the Genesis:Fellow man and Twin, Marriage onto Word.


    Swing more endearinglySo that you may not fall down the tearsYou were once as you have never beenI have waited for you day and nightDo not come, do not come any moreEmbers of the hostage sun

    Burn and still gleam in the live coalsI am not longing any more, but I am lonelyI have crossed like a salamanderOver patient fire and lost the gameYou lived and died a long time ago

    The severed emptiness hurts meBut he had cured himself

    And he grows like a fluent dream

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    Another kind of death will comeBut without it you will not beThe entire death, to suit me

    Do not come, do not come any moreAmongst many ghostsI see the cross on the road before dawn

    I know the cross of the road, to beAlso aina daina tri lu liDo not come any moreDo not come any more

    The Town at Night

    The town at night, a stellar semaphoreIntersected by unseen flightsAnd in the collapsed nadir of amberThe purple of the winter cuts into my soul

    I am still waiting with my kin far though nearTo return there to our destinyOnce well be together to be savedFrom the Wandering of the CyclesAll-light of the Moon over the dead.

    The Strei River (The Sargetia River)

    Destiny of the short riversHorizontal ladder of the busy sky:Born near you, on your right shore -I have taken over your qualities: claritySpeed and golden luminescence

    And the spheres of the stones hold the memoryOf the mountains

    strange resonance with heavenly bodiesWhere the estuary meander kisses

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    The blue flyers have made abode- firing me in Melos

    Re-investituresAfter the seism, after the storms,after psychical hurricanes, after devastation:The comfort of the sacred purity, the Re-investitureWith a sublime resurrection in Name.


    The sufferings of poetry are not of poetry, butThe sufferings of the pro-pensive egoAs a risk factor; through revelation and semantic leapBeyond, where the Self is and becomes a-temporal.

    To Unic Love

    If your good daemon inspired you

    Through starving of the spiritDo not leave me to adoration,Snow storm-swept by lights when I return homeFrom inner remote distances.Do not leave me prey to that unspeakable energyTo the invisible flame, knife of flame:So that I do not destroy myself - being youLasts but a moment! So that I do not destroy you.

    From under The Waterfalls

    Words are clay over the woundFrom the one creator of beautyBut the ironsmith has not put a stainIn their spirit, neither in flesh nor in bone

    Under the captive bronze when the Heaven resoundsSelfborn vibration

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    Apheyron of the MoonlightPleiad alike it climbs murmur of springs

    The song is salt under fallsMelody to a rainbow towards the sun:Words return like this, high upTo their nests onto the big Printing Press.

    Under The Stars

    Onto the world, awaken from a DreamGreat defoliation of paradiseChase us over the centuryPoor ancestor of DaysOf the world of the worlds to come into this worldOf the light beyond the thoughtAnd the books rustle roaringThey alter screen without cureIn the cold and in the blizzards of the weather

    The cosmic ugliness of exileCri cri or hieratic trillOf interstellar deathAre orphan bastards celestialOr who knows who, when,Or from where to where?From where to where

    Poem for Maria

    Followed by what it has been, therefore by what it will beLike a polisemantic halo, the ancestor oneBurnt cold mesmerized by the Peun - EyeWorld gate to Melos - poetry

    What is the sense reabsorbed in gematria?The Goddess has given me and taken away from me

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    Rising human jealousy into godsThat they might stab my verb of silk

    And, through a kiss, break the seal of my mouthUnprecedented It seeks revenge in songI wander inversely along the unseen EonSun - mirrored in a fragment of the moonLight, do you hear me? Good night.

    Relics Two

    Hit by a bell, the emptiness grows in meAnd it comes back with every broken echoLike the increasing footsteps that return in the roadOn burnt and twisted former lightsThrough their searching devotionOf gods Everlasting, it seems,Ramifications - offspring that is extendingAs a labyrinth transpires splendour

    Through other labyrinths desiringSunrise and mornings in budFrom long ago, a loved image betrayed as conditionBarefoot Logos in the dew during divine timesDivine sobs return to the shoreThe shattered mother of pearl Madre-pearl, IndeedHave I formerly existed or have I imagined it?With my forehead I kneel onto the waves of the sea

    As if in a dream, dreaming I am with YouIn the primordial embracing of the world.

    All I Have Seen

    All I have seen lives in usMultitude of discoloured reflection. Sunday graft re-floweredGenetic Eon, revenged longings

    Wake into the world of cyclical DurationsWe last under Differences and chimera,

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    Where sense, stigma, old sins are healedOnly the heart resoundsHole of stopper for pitcher and flute under the Moon

    And rising from footprints on snowHungry creatures prey to NatureAre quiet gematria mundi. Good night.

    Of Etymon

    The clay burns the etymon of EdenPitcher tied under handles, with the BeginningAnd the bite sublimating the KissA cure for Ugliness leaves the matingAnd re-sanctifying, the Light within us is struggling.Arts, wars, disguised fearsAre as they werent. Coloured IllusionsAs Part and Whole of an In-cognoscible GameBorn Mystery is becoming in allThe bards pass; it is renewableAnd re-divining.With a kiss

    I should die your death.


    Angel and Demon renewed for everGiants like the Mountain with a sonorous peak

    Needle leaves friend into starry relicsLonging morning star comes onto the porch!

    Through un-learning of the sacred itselfThe immortal book of hoursTomorrow has already been today; it is only the semblanceOf a miracle of a solitary geniusThe woods, brother, rock the mysteryThe lake answers in clear sobsYes, The Poet in carols sheltered the mysteryYes, The Poet - in the light of the light

    Yes, The poet will be into beingYes, The Poet is the embodied word

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    Death does not know, death does not know;He has never died amongst us.

    Whispered Verse

    I am the bearer of giftsI do not remember either where I am coming fromOr where I am taken toAll the roads are unbeatenonto meI am reborn with every sunsetOppressed by essences,What I burn to raise the light,Is returned to me through loss- they are gifts, grace they are,in the fields of wheatthe Seminaraccomplishes itselfand loses the chaff

    of the sickle, it does not belong to methis is the way poetry turns into breadthe wordwhere I come from, where I shall ceasewhere I amexpectedthe wind and the century know me*

    The day forgets and at nightThe moment is arrow with seedVibratingRadiatinginto the Beingfrom words into thoughtGreat love andFriendships

    Have to be continuously re-conqueredSometimes even treason is healing

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    The night places its mourningOn the rainbowHappy people will never know

    That they are happyPeople in love are more aliveThan the people who are loved


    I laugh to stop myself from cryingto Lucian Hetco

    We soliloquizeThrough mirroring with the divinityun-demonstrated and omni-presentAlthough in each demonstrationThere is a demon. Until sunsetPulsating guarantor of anotherSunrise. Under the stars overturnedClea