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Associate Professor Dr. IONITA DIANA




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Boats and Ships – An Endless Story

Bilingual Glossary


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Subsemnata GHERMENI DIANA, candidat la examenul de absolvire/licenţă la



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Chapter 1. General overview : history

1.1 Prehistory and antiquity 1.2 Renaissance 1.3 Specialization and modernization 1.4 Today

Chapter 2. Types of ships

2.1 Commercial vessels 2.2 Naval vessels 2.3 Fishing vessels 2.4 Inland and costal boats

Chapter 3. Architecture

3.1 The hull 3.2 Propulsion systems 3.3 Steering systems 3.4 Holds, compartments and the superstructure 3.5 Equipment

Chapter 4. Design conciderations

4.1 Hydrostatics 4.2 Hydrodynamics

Chapter 5. Lifecycle

5.1 Design 5.2 Construction 5.3 Repair and conversion 5.4 End of service

Chapter 6. Measuring ships

Chapter 7. Ship pollution

7.1 Oil spills 7.2 Ballast water 7.3 Exhaust emissions 7.4 Ships breaking


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Chapter 8. A case

Chapter 9. Concept map

Chapter 10. A) Terminology B) Glossary of maritime terms

Chapter 11. Conclusion

Chapter 12. References

12.1 Bibliography 12.2 Webliography

Chapter 1


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General overview: history

1.1 Prehistory and antiquity

The first known boats date back in the Neolithic Period, about 10,000 years ago. These early vessels had limited function: they could move on water, but that was it. They were used mainly for hunting and fishing. The oldest dugout canoes found by archaeologists were often cut from coniferous tree logs, using simple stone tools. By around 3,000 BC, Ancient Egyptians already knew how to assemble planks of wood into a ship hull.

They used woven straps to lash the planks together, and reeds or grass stuffed between the planks helped to seal the seams. In East Asia, by the time of Zhou Dynasty ship technologies such as stern mounted rudders were developed, and by the Han Dynasty, a well kept naval fleet was an integral part of the military. Ship technology advanced to the point where by the medieval period, water tight compartments were developed. During the 15th century in the Ming Dynasty, one of the largest and most powerful naval fleet in the world was assembled for the diplomatic and power protection voyages of Zheng He. Elsewhere in Korea in the 15th century, one of the world`s first iron- clads, the turtle ship, was also developed. By about 2,000 BC, Minoan civilization in Crete had involved into a naval power exercising effective control of the sea in the eastern Mediterranean.

The Swahili people had various extensive trading ports dotting the coast of Medieval East Africa and Great Zimbabwe had extensive trading contacts with Central Africa, and likely also imported goods brought to Africa through the Southeast African shore trade of Kilwa, in modern day Tanzania. At about the same time, people living near Kongens Lyngby in Denmark invented the segregated hull, which allowed the size of boats to gradually be increased. Boats soon developed into keel boats

similar to today`s wooden pleasure craft. The first navigators began to use animal skins or woven fabrics as sails. Affixed to the top of a pole set upright in a boat, these sails gave early ships range. These allowed men to explore widely, allowing, for example the settlement of Oceania about 3,000 years ago. The Ancient Egyptians were perfectly at ease building sailboats. A remarkable of their shipbuilding skills was the Khufu ship, a vessel 143 feet (44 m) in length entombed at the foot of the Great Pyramid of Giza around 2,500 BC and found intact in 1954. According to Herodotus, the Egyptians made the first circumnavigation of Africa around 600 BC. The Phoenicians and Greeks gradually mastered navigation at sea aboard triremes, exploring and colonizing Mediterranean via ship. Around 340 BC, the Greek navigator Pytheas of Massalia ventured from Greece to Western Europe and Great Britain. In the course of the second century BC, Rome went to destroy Carthage and subdue the Hellenistic kingdoms of the eastern Mediterranean, achieving complete mastery of the inland sea, that the called Mare Nostrum. Before the introduction of the compass, celestial magnetic compass were being developed and used in navigation between 1040 and 1117. The true mariner`s compass, using a pivoting needle in a dry box, was invented in Europe no later than 1300.


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1.2 Renaissance

Until the Renaissance, navigational technology remained comparatively primitive. This absence of technology didn`t prevent some civilizations from becoming sea powers. Examples include maritime republics of Genoa and Venice, Hanseatic League, and the Byzantine navy. The Vikings used their knars to explore North America, trade in the Baltic Sea and plunder most of the coastal regions of Western Europe. Towards the end of the of the fourteenth century, ships like the carrack begun to develop towers on the bow and stern. These towers decreased the vessel`s stability, and in the fifteenth century, the caravel, a descendent of the Arabic quarib, which could sail closer to the wind, became more widely used. The

towers were gradually replaced by the forecastle and sterncastle, as in the carrack Santa Maria of Christopher Columbus. This increased freeboard allowed another innovation: the freeing port, and tand the artillery associated with it. In the sixteenth century the use of freeboard and freeing ports became widespread on galleons. The English modified their vessels to maximize their firepower and demonstrated the effectiveness of their doctrine, in 1588, by defeating the Spanish Armada. At this time ships were developing in Asia in much the same way as in Europe. Japan used defensive naval techniques in the Mongol invasions of Japan in 1281.It is likely that the Mongols of the time took advantage of both European and Asian shipbuilding techniques, In Japan, during the Sengoku era from the fifteenth to the seventeenth century, the great struggle for feudal supremacy was fought, in part, by costal fleets of several hundred boats, including the atakebune. Fifty years before Christopher Columbus, Chinese navigator Zheng He traveled the world at the head of what was for the time a huge armada. The jargest of his ships had nine masts, were 130 meters (430 ft ) long and had a beam of 55 meters ( 180 ft ). His fleet carried 30,000 men aboard 70 vessels, with the goal of bringing glory to the Chinese emperor. The carrack and then the caravel were developed in Iberia. After Columbus, European exploration rapidly accelerated, and many new trade routs were established. In 1498, by reaching India, Vasco da Gama proved that the excess to the Indian Oceans were soon followed by France, England and the Netherlands, who explored the Portuguese and Spanish trade routs into the Pacific Ocean, reaching Australia in 1606 and New Zeeland in 1642. A major sea power, the Dutch in 1650 owned 16,000 merchant ships. In the 17th century Dutch explorers such as Abel Tasman explored the coast of Australia, while in the 18th century it was British explorer James Cook who mapped much of Polynesia.

1.3 Specialization and modernization

Parralel to the development of warships, ships in service of marine fishery and trade also developed in the period between Antiquity an Renaissance. Still primarily a coastal endeavour, fishing is largely practiced by individuals with little other money using small boats. Maritime trade was driven by the development of shipping companies with significant financial resources. Canal barges towed by draft animals adjacent towpath, contented with the railway up to and past the early

days of the industrial revolution. Flat – bottomed and flexible scow boats also became widely


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used for transporting small cargoes. Mercantile trade went hand – in – hand with exploration self - financed by the commercial benefits of exploration. During the first half of the eighteenth century, the French Navy began to develop a new type of vessel known as a ship of the line, featuring seventy – four guns. This type of ship became the backbone of all European fighting fleets. These ships were 56 meters ( 180 ft ) long and their construction required 2,800 oak trees and 40 kilometers ( 25 mi )of rope; they carried a crew of about 800 sailors and soldiers. During the 19th century the Royal Navy enforced a ban on the slave trade, acted to suppress piracy, and continued to map the world. A clipper was a very fast sailing ship of the 19th century. The clipper rout fell into commercial disuse with the introduction of steam ships, and the opening of the Suez and Panama Canals. Ship designs stayed fairly unchanged until the nineteenth century. The industrial revolution, new mechanical methods of propulsion, and the ability to construct ships from metal triggered an explosion in ship design. Factors including the quest for more efficient ships, the end of long running and wasteful maritime conflicts, and the increased financial capacity of industrial powers created an avalanche of more specialized boats and ships. Ships built for entirely new functions, such as firefighting, rescue, and research, also began to appear.

1.4 Today

In 2007, the world`s fleet included 34,882 commercial vessels with gross tonnage of more than 1,000 tons, totaling 1,04 billion tones. These ships carried 7,4 billion tons of cargo in 2006, a sum that grew by 8% over the previous year. In terms of tonnage, 39% of these ships are tankers, 26%are bulk carries, 17% container ships and 15% were other types. In 2002, there were1,240 warship operating in the world, not counting small vessels such as petrol boats. The United States accounted for 3 million tons worth of these vessels, Russia 1,35

million tons, United Kingdom 504,660 tons and China 402,830 tons. The 20th century saw many naval engagements during the two world wars, the Cold War, and the rise to power of naval forces of the two blocs. The

world` s major powers have recently used their naval power in cases such as the United Kingdom in the Falkland Islands and the United States in Iraq. The size of the world` s fishing fleet is more difficult to estimate. The largest of these are counted as commercial vessels, but the smallest are legion. Fishing vessels can be found in most seaside villages in the world. As of 2004,the United Nation Food and Agriculture Organization estimated 4 million fishing vessels were operating worldwide. The same study estimated that the world` s 29 million fishermen caught 85,8 million metric tones of fish and shellfish that year.

Chapter 2


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Types of ships

Ships are difficult to classify, mainly because there are so many criteria to base classification on. One classification is based on propulsion; with ships categorized as either as sailing ship or motorship. Sailing ships are ships which are propelled solely by means of sail. Motorships are ships that are propelled by mechanical means to propel itself. Motorships include ships that propel itself through the use of both sail and mechanical means.

Other classification systems exist that use criteria such as :

The number of hulls, giving categories like monohull, catamaran, trimaran. The shape and size, giving categories like dinghy, keelboat and icebreaker. The type of propulsion system used, giving human propelled, mechanical and sails. The epoch in which the vessel was used triremes of Ancient Greece, man` o` wars,

18th century. The geographic origin of the vessel, many vessels are associated with a particular

region, such as the pinnace of Northern Europe, the gondolas of Venice and the junks of China.

The manufacturer, series or class

Another way to categorize ships and boats is based on their use, as described by Paulet and Presles. This system includes military ships, commercial vessels, fishing boats, pleasure crafts and competitive boats. In this section, ships are classified using the first four of those categories, and adding a section for lake and river boats, and one for vessels which fall outside these categories.

2.1 Commercial vessels

Commercial vessels or merchant ships can be divided into 3 broad categories : cargo ships, passenger ships, and special – purpose ships. Cargo ships transport dry and liquid cargo. Dry cargo can be transported in bulk by bulk carriers, packed directly onto an general cargo ship in break – bulk packed in intermodal containers as abroad a container ship, or driven abroad as in roll – on roll – off ships. Liquid cargo

is generally carried in bulk aboard tankers, such as oil tankers, chemical tankers and LNG tankers. Passenger ships range in size from small river ferries to giant cruise ships. This type of vessel includes ferries, which move passengers and vehicles on short trips; ocean liners, which carry passengers an one – way trips, and cruise ships, which typically transport passengers on round - trip voyages promoting leisure activities onboard and in the ports they visit. Special – purpose vessels are not used for transport, but are designed to perform other specific tasks. Examples include tugboats, pilot boats, rescue boats, cable ships, research vessels, survey vessels, and ice breakers. Most commercial vessels have full hull – forms to maximize cargo capacity. Hulls are usually made of steel, although aluminum can be used on faster craft, and fiberglass on the smallest service vessels. Commercial vessels generally have


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a crew headed by a captain, with deck officers and marine engineers on larger vessels. Special – purpose vessels often have specialized crew if necessary, for example scientists abroad research vessels. Commercial vessels are typically powered by a single propeller driven by a diesel engine. Vessels which operate at higher end of the speed spectrum may use pomp jet engines or sometimes gas turbine engines.

2.2 Naval vessels

There are many types of naval vessels currently and through history. Modern naval vessels can be broken down into 3 categories : warships, submarines, and support and auxiliary vessels. Modern warships are generally divided into seven main categories : aircraft carriers, cruisers, destroyers, frigates, corvettes, submarines and amphibious assault ships. Battleships encompass an eighth category, but are not in current service with any navy in the world. Most marine submarines are either attack submarines or ballistic missile submarines. Until War World II, the primary role of the diesel \ electronic submarine was anti –ship warfare, inserting and removing covert agents and military forces, and intelligence – gathering. With the developing of the homing torpedo, better sonar systems, and nuclear propulsion, submarines also became able to effectively hunt each other. The development of submarine –

launched nuclear missiles and submarine - launched cruise missiles gave submarines a substantial and long – ranged ability to attack both land and sea targets with a variety of weapons ranging from cluster bombs to nuclear weapons. Most navies also include many type of support and auxiliary vessels, such as minesweepers, patrol boats, offshore patrol vessels, replenishment ships and hospital ships which are designated medical treatment facilities.

Combat vessels like cruisers and destroyers usually have fine hulls to maximize speed and maneuverability. They also usually have advanced electronics and communication systems, as well as weapons.

2.3 Fishing vessels

Fishing vessels are a subset of commercial vessels, but generally small in size and often subject to different regulations and classifications. They can be categorized by

several criteria : architecture, the type of fish they catch, the fishing method used, geographical origin, and technical features such as rigging. As of 2004, the world` s fishing fleet consisted of some 4 million vessels. Of these, 1.3 million were decked vessels with enclosed areas and the rest were open vessels. Most decked vessels were mechanized, but two - third of the open vessels were traditional craft propelled by sails and oars. More than 60%of all existing large fishing vessels were built in Japan, Peru, The Russian Federation, Spain, or the United States of America. Fishing boats are generally small, often little more than 30 meters ( 98 ft ) but up to 100 meters ( 330 ft ) for a large tuna or whaling ship. Aboard a fish processing vessel, the catch can be made ready for market and sold more quickly once the ships makes port. Special purpose vessels have special gear. For example, trawlers have winches and arms, stern- trawlers have a rear ramp, and tuna seiners have skiffs.

2.4 Inland and coastal boats


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Many types of boats and ships are designed for inland and costal waterways. These are the vessels that trade upon the lakes, rivers and canals. Barges are a prime example of inland vessels. Flat – bottomed boats built to transport heavy goods, most barges are not self – propelled and need to be moved by tugboats towing or towboats pushing them.

Barges towed along canals by draft animals on an adjacent towpath contended with the railway in the early industrial revolution but were out competed in the carriage of high value items because of the higher speed, falling costs, and rout flexibility of rail transport. Riverboats and inland ferries are specially designed to carry passengers, cargo or both in the challenging river environment. Rivers present special hazards to vessels. They usually have varying water flows that alternately lead to high speed water flows or protruding rock hazards. Changing siltation patterns may cause the sudden appearance of shoal waters, and often floating or sunken logs and trees can endanger the hulls and propulsion of riverboats. Riverboats are generally of shallow draft, being broad of beam, and rather square in plan, with a low freeboard and high topsides. Riverboats can survive with this type of configuration as they do not have to withstand the high winds or large waves that are seen on large lakes, seas or oceans. Lake freighters, also called lakers, are cargo vessels that ply the Great Lakes. The most well – known is the SS Edmund Fitzgerald, the latest major vessel to be wrecked on the Lakes. These vessels are traditionally called “ salties “. Because of their additional beam, very large salties are never seen inland of the Saint Lawrence Seaway. Because the largest of the Soo Locks is larger than any Seaway lock, salties that can pass through the Seaway may travel anywhere in the Great Lakes. Because of their deeper draft, salties may accept partial loads on the Great Lakes, “ topping off “ when they have exited the seaway. Similarly, the largest lakers are confined to the Upper Lakes ( Superior, Michigan, Huron, Erie ) because they are too large to use the Seaway locks, beginning at the Welland Canal that bypasses the Niagara River.

Chapter 3



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Some components exist in vessels of any size and purpose. Every vessel has a hull of sorts. Every vessel has some sort of propulsion, whether it` s a pole, an ox, or a nuclear reactor. Most vessels have some sort of steering system. Other characteristics are common, but not as universal, such as compartments, holds, a superstructure, and equipment such as anchors and winches.

3.1 The hull

For a ship to float, it` s weight must be less than that of the water displaced by the ships hull. There are many types of hulls, from logs lashed together to form a raft to the advanced hulls of America` s up sailboats. A vessel may have a single hull ( called a monohull design ), two incase of catamarans, or three in case of trimarans. Vessels with more than three hulls are rare, but some experiments have been conducted with designs such as pentamarans. Multiple hulls are generally parallel t o each other and connected by rigid

arms. Hulls have several elements. The bow is the foremost part of the hull. Many ships feature a bulbous bow. The keel is at the very bottom of the hull, extending the entire length of the ship. The rare part of the ship is known as the stern, and many hulls have a flat back known as a transom. Common hull appendages include propellers for propulsion, rudder for steering and stabilizers to quell a ship ` s rolling motion. Other hull feature can be related to the vessel` s work, such as fishing gear and sonar domes. Hulls are subject to various hydrostatic and hydrodynamics constrains. The key hydrostatic constraint is that it must be able to support the entire weight of the boat and maintain stability even with often unevenly distributed weight. Hydrodynamic constraints include the ability to withstand shock waves, weather collisions and groundings. Older ships and pleasure craft often have or had wooden hulls. Steel is used for most commercial vessels. Aluminium is frequently used for fast vessels, and composite materials are often found in sailboats and pleasure crafts. Some ships have been made with concrete hulls.

3.2 Propulsion systems

Propulsion systems for ships fall into three categories : human propulsion, sailing, and mechanical propulsion. Human propulsion includes rowing, which was used even on large galleys. Propulsion by sails generally consists of a sail hoisted on a erect mast, supported by stays and spars and controlled by ropes. Sail systems were the dominant form of propulsion until the 19th century. They are now generally used for reaction and competition, although experimental sail systems, such as the turbosails,

rotorsails, and wingsails have been used on larger modern vessels for fuel savings. Mechanical propulsion systems generally consist of a motor or engine turning a propeller, or less frequently an impeller. Steam engines were first used for this purpose, but have mostly have been replaced by tow – stroke or four – stroke diesel engines., outboard motors, and gas turbine engines on faster ships. Nuclear reactors producing steam are used to propel warships


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and icebreakers, and there have been attempts to utilize them to power commercial vessels. There are many variations of propeller systems, including twin, contra – rotating, controllable – pitch and nozzle – style propellers. Smaller vessels tend to have a single propeller. Larger vessels use multiple propellers, supplemented with bow – and stern – thrusters . Power is transmitted from the engine to the propeller by way of a propeller shaft, which may or may not be connected to a gearbox. Some modern vessels use electronic motors connected directly to the propeller shaft usually powered by generators. This electric systems are often more energy efficient than other systems where the engine mechanically connected to the propeller.

3.3 Steering systems

On boats with simple propulsion systems, such as paddles, steering systems may not b necessary. The most common is a rudder, a submerged plane, located at the rear of the hull. Rudders are rotated to generate a lateral force which turns the boat. Rudders can be rotated by a tiller, manual wheels, or electro – hydraulic systems. Autopilot systems combine mechanical rudders with navigation systems. Ducted propellers are sometimes used for steering. Some propulsion systems are inherently steering systems.

Examples include the outboard motor, the bow thruster, and the Z – drive. Some sails such as jibs and the mizzen sail on a ketch rig, are used more for steering than propulsion.

3.4 Holds, compartments, and the superstructure

Larger boats and ships generally have multiple decks and compartments. Separate berthings and heads are found on sailboats over about 25 feet ( 7.6 m ). Fishing boats and cargo ships typically have one or more cargo holds. Most larger vessels have an engine room, a galley, and various compartments for work. Tanks are used to store fuel, engine oil, and fresh water. Ballast tanks are equipped to change a ship` s trim and modify its stability. Superstructure are found above the main deck. On sailboats, these are usually very low. On modern cargo ships, they are almost always located near the ship` s stern. On passenger ships and warships, the superstructure generally extends far forward.

3.5 Equipment

Shipboard equipment varies from ship depending on such factors as the ship` s era, design, area of operation and purpose. Some types of equipment that are widely found include:

Masts can be the home of antennas, navigation lights, radar transponders, fog signals, and similar devices often required by law.

Grand tackle includes equipment such as mooring winches, windlasses and anchors. Anchors are used to moor ships in shallow water. They are connected to the ship by a rope or chain. On larger vessels the chain runs through a hawsepipe.

Cargo equipment such as cranes and cargo booms are used to load and unload cargo and ship` s stores.

Safety equipment such as lifeboats, liferafts, fire extinguishers, and survival suits are carried aboard many vessels for emergency use.


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Chapter 4

Design considerations


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4.1 Hydrostatics

Boats and ships are kept on (or slightly above ) the water in three ways :

For most vessels, known as displacement vessels, the vessel` s weight is offset by that of the water displaced by the hull.

For planning ships and boats, such as the hydrofoil, the lift developed by the movement of the foil through the water increases with the vessels speed, until the

vessels is foilborne. For non – displacement craft such as hovercraft and air – cushion vehicles, the vessel

is suspended over the water by a cushion of high – pressure air it projects downwards against the surface of the water.

A vessel is in equilibrium when the upwards and downwards forces are of equal magnitude. As a vessel is lowered into the water its weight remains constant but the corresponding weight of water displaced by its hull increases. When the two forces are equal, the boat floats. If weight evenly distributed throughout the vessel, it floats without trim or heel. A vessel` s stability is considered in both this hydrostatic sense as well as a hydrodynamic sense, when subjected to movement rolling and pitching, and the action of waves and wind. Stability problems can lead to excessive pitching and rolling, and eventually capsized and sinking.

4.2 Hydrodynamics

The advance of a vessel through water is resisted by the water. This resistance can be broken down into several components, the main ones being the friction of the water on the hull and wave making resistance. To reduce resistance and therefore increase the speed for a given power, it is necessary to reduce the wetted surface and use submerged hull shapes that produce low amplitude waves. To do so, high – speed vessels are often more slender, with fewer or smaller appendages. The

friction of the water is also reduced by regular maintenance of the hull to remove the sea creatures and algae that accumulate there. Antifouling paint is commonly used to assist in this. Advanced designs such as the bulbous bow assist in decreasing wave resistance. A simple way of considering wave – making resistance is to look at the hull in relation to its wake. At speeds lower than the wave propagation speed, the wave rapidly dissipates to the sides. As the hull approaches the wave propagation speed, however, the wake at the bow begins to built up faster than it can dissipate, and so it grows in amplitude. Since essence, has to climb over or push through the bow wave. This result is an exponential increase in resistance with increasing speed.

Chapter 5



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5.1 Design

A vessel` s design starts with a specification, which a naval architect uses to project a project outline, assess required dimensions and create a basic layout of spaces and a rough displacement. After this initial rough draft, the architect can create an initial hull design, a general profile and an initial overview of the ship` s propulsion. At this stage the designer can iterate on the ship` s design adding detail and refining the design at each stage. The designer will typically produce an overall plan, a general specification describing the peculiarities of the vessel, and construction blueprints to be used at the building site. Designs for larger or more complex vessels may also include sail plans, electrical semantics, and plumbing and ventilation plans. As environmental laws are strictening, ship designers need to create their design in such a way that the ship – when it nears its end - of – term can be disassembled or disposed easily and that waste is reduced to a minimum.

5.2 Construction

Ship construction takes place in a shipyard, and can last from a few months for a unit produced in series, to several years to reconstruct a wooden boat like the frigate Hermione, to more than 10 years for an aircraft carrier. Hull materials and vessel` s size play a large part in determining the method of construction. The hull of mass – produced fiberglass sailboat is constructed from a mold, while the steel hull of a cargo ship is made of from large sections welded together as they are built. Generally construction starts with the hull, and on vessels over about 30 meters, by the laying of the keel. This is done in a dry dock or on land. Once the hull is assembled and painted, it is lunched. The last stage, such as raising the superstructure and adding equipment and accommodation, can be done after the vessel is afloat. Once completed, the vessel is delivered to the customer. Ship launching is often a ceremony of some significance, and is usually when the vessel is formally named. A typical small rowboat can cost under US $100, $ 1,000 for a small speedboat, tens of thousands of $ for cruise sailboat, and about $ 2,000,000 for a Vendee Globe class sailboat. A 25 meters ( 82 ft ) trawler may cost $ 2,5 million and a 1,000 – person – capacity high – speed passenger ferry can cost in the neighborhood of $ 50 million. A ship` s cost partly depends on it` s complexity : a small, general cargo ship will cost $ 20 million, a Panamax – sized bulk carrier around $ 35 million, a supertanker around $ 105 million and a large LNG carrier around $ 200 million. The most expensive ships generally are so because of the cost of the embedded electronics: a Seawolf class submarine costs around $ 2 million, and a aircraft carrier goes for about $ 3,5 billion.

5.4 Repair and conversion

Ships undergo nearly constant maintenance during their career, whether they be underway, pier side or in some cases, in period of reduced operating status between characters or shipping seasons. Most ships however, require


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trips to special facilities such as a dry dock at regular intervals. Tasks often done at dry dock include removing biological growths on the hull, sandblasting and repainting the hull and replacing sacrificial anodes used to protect submerged equipment from corrosion. Major repairs to the propulsion and steering systems as well as major electrical systems are also often performed at dry dock. Vessels that sustain major damage at sea may be repaired at a facility equipped for major repairs, such as shipyard. Ships may also be converted for a new purpose: oil tankers are often converted into floating producing production storage and offloading units.

5.4 End of service

Most ocean – going cargo ships have a life expectancy of between 20 and 30 years. A sailboat made of plywood or fibreglass can last between 30 and 40 years. Solid wooden ships can last much longer but require regular maintenance. Carefully maintained steel – hulled yachts can have lifespan of over 100 years. As ships age, forces such as corrosion, osmosis, and rotting compromise hull strength, and a vessel becomes to dangerous to sail. At this point, it can be scuttled at sea or scrapped by shipbreakers. Ships can also

be used as museum ships, or expended to construct breakwaters or artificial reefs. Many ships do not make it to the scrapyard, and are lost in fires, collisions, grounding, or sinking at sea.

Chapter 6

Measuring ships


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One can measure ships in terms of overall length, of the ship at the waterline, beam ( breadth ), depth ( distance between the crown of the weather deck and the top of the keelson), draft ( distance between the highest waterline and the bottom of the ship ) and tonnage. A number of different tonnage definitions exist and are used when describing merchant ships for the purpose of tolls, taxation, etc. In Britain until Samuel Plimsoll` s Merchant Shipping Act of 1876, ship – owners could load their vessels until their decks were almost awash, resulting in a dangerously unstable condition. Anyone who signed on to such a ship for a voyage and, upon realizing the danger, chose to leave the ship, could end up in jail. Plimsoll, a ember of Parliament, realized the problem and engaged some engineers to derive a fairly simple formula to determine the position of a line on the side of any specific ship` s hull which, when it reached the surface of the water during loading of cargo, meant the ship had reached its maximum safe loading level. To this day, that mark, called the “ Plimsoll Line “, exists on ships` sides, and consists of a circle with a horizontal line through the centre. On the Great Lakes of North America the circle is replaced with a diamond. Because different types of water ( summer, fresh, tropical fresh, winter north Atlantic ) have different densities, subsequent regulations required painting a group of lines forward of the Plimsoll mark to indicate the safe depth ( or freeboard above the surface ) to which a specific ship could load in water of various densities. Hence the “ ladder “ of lines seen forward of the Plimsoll mark to this day. This is called the “ freeboard mark “ or “ load line mark “ in the marine industry.

Chapter 7

Ship pollution


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Ship pollution is the pollution of air and water by shipping. It is a problem that is accelerating as trade as has become increasingly globalized posing and increasing threat to the world` s oceans and waterways as globalization continues, it is expected that, “…shipping traffic to and from the USA is projected to double by 2020. “ Because of increased traffic in oceans ports, pollution from ships also directly affects costal areas. The pollution produced affects biodiversity, climate, food, and human health. However, the degree to which humans are polluting and how it affects the world is highly debated and has been a hot international topic for the past 30 years.

7.1 Oil spills

Oil spills have devastating effects on the environment. Crude oil contains polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons ( PAHs ) which are very difficult to clean up, and last for years in the sediment and marine environment. Marine species constantly exposed to PAHs can exhibit developmental problems, susceptibility to disease, and abnormal reproductive cycles. By the sheer amount of oil carried, modern oil tankers must be considered

something of a threat to the environment. An oil tanker can carry 2 million barrels ( 320, 000 m3 ) of crude oil, or 62,000,000 gallons. This is more than six times the amount spilled in the widely known Exxon Valdez incident. In this spill, the ship ran aground and dumped 10,8 million gallons of oil into the ocean in March 1989. Despite efforts of scientists, managers, and volunteers, over 400,000 seabirds, about 1,000 sea otters, and immense numbers of fish were killed. The International Tanker Owners Pollution Federation has researched 9, 351 accidental spills since 1974. According to this study, most spills result from routine operations such as loading cargos, discharging cargo, and taking on fuel oil. 91% of the operational oil spills were small, resulting in less than 7 tons per spill. Spills resulting from accidents like collisions, groundings, hull failures and explosions are much larger, with 84% of this involving losses of over 700 tones. Following the Exxon Valdez spill, the United States passed the Oil Pollution Act of 1990 ( OPA – 90 ), which included a stipulation that all tankers entering its waters be double – hulled by 2015. Following the sinking of the Erika ( 1999 ) and Prestige ( 2002 ), the European Union passed its own stringent anti – pollution packages ( known as Erika the I, II and III ), which require all tankers entering its waters to be double – hulled by 2010. The Erika packages are controversial because they introduced the new legal concept of “ serious negligence “.

7.2 Ballast water

When a large vessel such as a container ship or an oil tanker unloads cargo, seawater is pumped into other compartments in the hull to help stabilize and balance the ship. During loading, this ballast water is pumped out from these compartments. One of the problems with ballast water transfer is the transport of harmful organisms. Meinesz


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believes that one of the worst cases of a single invasive species causing harm to an ecosystem can be attributed to a seemingly harmless jellyfish. Mnemiopsis Ieidyi, a species of comb jellyfish that inhabits estuaries from the United States to the Valdes peninsula in Argentina, along the Atlantic coast, has cost notable damage in the Black Sea. It was first introduced in 1982,and thought to be transported to the Black Sea in a ship` s ballast water. The population of the jellyfish shot up exponentially and, by 1988, was racking havoc upon the local fishing industry. “ The anchovy catch fell from 204,000 tons in 1984 to 200 tons in 1993; sprat from 24, 600 tons in 1984 to 12, 000 in 1993; horse mackerel from 4, 000 tons in 1984 to zero in 1993. “ Now that the jellyfish have exhausted the zooplankton, including fish larvae, their number numbers have fallen dramatically, yet they continue to maintain a stranglehold on the ecosystem. Recently the jellyfish have been discovered in the Caspian Sea. Invasive species can take over once occupied areas, facilitate the spread of new diseases, introduce new genetic material, alter landscapes and jeopardize the stability of native species to obtain food. “On land and sea, the invasive species are responsible for about 137 billion dollars in lost revenue and management costs in the U.S. each year. “ Ballast and bilge discharge from ships can also spread human pathogens and over harmful diseases and toxins potentially causing health issues for humans and marine life alike. Discharges into costal waters, along with other sources of marine pollution, have the potential to be toxic to marine plants, animals and microorganism, causing alteration such as changes in growth, disruption of hormone cycles, birth defects, suppression of the immune system, and disorders resulting in cancer, tumors, and genetic abnormalities or even death.

7.3 Exhaust emissions

Exhaust emissions from ships are considered to be a significant source of air pollution. “ Seagoing vessels are responsible for an estimated 14 percent of emissions of nitrogen from fossils fuels and 16 percent of the emissions of sulfur from petroleum uses into the atmosphere. “ In Europe ships make up a large percentage of the sulfur introduced to the air, “…as much sulfur as all the cars, lorries and factories in Europe put together. “ “ Bb 2010, up to 40% of air pollution over land could come from ships.” Sulfur in the air creates acid rain which damages crops and buildings. When inhaled sulfur is known to cause respiratory problems and increase the risk of heart attack.

7.4 Ship breaking

Ship breaking or ships demolition is a type of ship disposal involving the breaking up of ships for scrap recycling, with the hulls being discarded in ship graveyards. Most ships have a lifespan of a few decades before there is so much wear that refitting and repair becomes uneconomical. Ship breaking allows materials from the ship, especially steel, to be reused. In addition to steel and other useful materials, however, ships


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( particularly older vessels ) can contain many substances that are banned or considered dangerous in developed countries. Asbestos and polychlorinated biphenyls ?( PCBs ) are typical examples. Asbestos was used heavily in ship construction until it was finally banned in most of the developed world in the mid 1980s. Currently, the costs associated with removing asbestos, along with the potentially expensive insurance and health risks, have meant that ship – breaking in most developed countries is no longer economically viable. Removing the metal for scrap can potentially cost more than the scrap value of the metal itself. In the developing world, however, shipyards can operate without the risk of personal injury lawsuits or workers` health claims, meaning many of these shipyards may operate with high health risks. Protective equipment is sometimes absent or inadequate . Dangerous vapors and fumes from burning materials can be inhaled, and dusty asbestos – laden areas around such breahdown location are commonplace. Aside from the health of the yard workers, in recent years, ship breaking has also become an issue of major environmental concern. Many ship breaking yards in developing nations have lax or no environmental law, enabling large quantities of highly toxic materials to escape into the environment and causing serious health problems among ship breakers, the local population and wildlife. Environmental campaign groups such as Greenpeace have made the issue a high priority for their campaigns.

Chapter 8

A case


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The RMS Titanic in full glory

The world` s interest in the fascinating history of titanic has endured for almost 100 years. April 15, 2005 will mark the 93rd anniversary of the sinking of the Titanic ship and although it has been nearly a century since the infamous luxury liner sank in the Atlantic Ocean, there continues to be a thirst for information regarding Titanic facts, myths and legends. No other ship in the history of ocean travel has demanded as much interest as the Titanic. Volumes of books and reels of film have been produced regarding the sinking of the ship that was labeled “ unsinkable “ before her disastrous maiden voyage in April of 1912.

History of the Titanic – The history of the Titanic has endured for nearly a century. Find out more about the most fascinating ship and shipwreck in the world and how the tragedy of the ship continues to affect us today.

April15, 1912, The Sinking of the Titanic – When the Titanic embarked on her maiden voyage the world was filled with hope and awe. In just a few short days those emotions turned to horror and grief.

Passengers on the Titanic – One of the most fascinating aspects about the tragic history of the Titanic, is the eclectic mix of passengers onboard the ill fated luxury liner. When the ship sank, the lives of both the famous and the unknown were lost as well. Spend a few moments learning about the famous and not so famous passengers on the Titanic.

Titanic Ship – While the Titanic ship initially earned fame as the larger luxury liner on the open seas, she would obtain enduring distinction for the tragedy that took the ship to her watery grave.

Titanic Facts - It has been almost 100 years since the Titanic sank. During that time a number of myths and legends have grown up around the sinking of the now infamous ship.


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Titanic Movie - The 1997 release of “Titanic” renewed the world` s interest in a bygone era and the fate of the Titanic` s maiden voyage. The Titanic movie captured the world` s interest and won a ton of Academy Awards.

Titanic pictures – For years the world pondered what the “ship of dreams” might have really looked like and wondered if any part of the ship still remained to be seen somewhere below the icy depths of the Atlantic Ocean. In 1985 the first picture of the wreck were taken. They had a great role in the discovery of the truth about the ship` s tragic end.

Titanic Construction – The White Star Line billed the Titanic as “ unsinkable” months before the ship ever embarked on her maiden voyage. Her construction was reputed to have been the best of the best. So, why did she sink and did the ship` s construction have anything to do with the tragedy?

Titanic Manifest – The manifest of the maiden, and only, voyage of the Titanic provides a fascinating look into life aboard the famous luxury liner during her brief few days at sea.

Titanic wreck - Following the sinking of the Titanic in 1912, various groups and individuals searched for the Titanic wreck for decades. Many had started to believe the ship` s grave would never be found. Become immersed in the search for the Titanic wreck.


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Titanic Artifacts – The artifacts recovered from the Titanic wreck are a sad reminder of what happened that April morning of 1912.Menus, cloths, jewelry, bottles of wine, letters from passengers on the Titanic, etc. were salvaged from the depths of the ocean and put on display in museums and exhibits or auctioned.

Chapter 9

Concept Map


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This concept map has been divided along three levels of analysis : super –ordinate level ( the term MARINE which is generic ), basic level (the term SHIP ) and the subordinate level which in its tern has been divided into three subcategories in terms of : 1 – TYPES point of view ; 2 – ARCHITECTUE point of view, which has a subordinate DESIGN ; 3 LIFE CYCLE, which has as sub – ordinate POLLUTION.


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Ships TypesArchitectureDesign


Life cycle



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Chapter 10


A ) Terminology

The study of terms and their use — of words and compound words that are used in specific contexts is called terminology.

It studies the concepts particular to one or more subject fields or domains of human activity, through research and analysis of terms in context, for the purpose of documenting and promoting correct usage. This study can be limited to one language or can cover more than one language at the same time (multilingual terminology, bilingual terminology, and so forth).

A bilingual glossary is a list of terms in one language which are defined in a second language or glossed by synonyms (or at least near-synonyms) in another language.

This study on nautical terminology is a bilingual glossary English-Romanian / Romanian-English which contains 76 terms in English and 60 terms as their equivalents; all these terms are very representative to this domain.

Alphabetically structured, the glossary can help a person interested in learning drug terminology.

The reason why I choose this field is the interest in the vast domain of the sea and in the way technology changes throughout time. The present paper contains a complex vocabulary of nautical terms - describing different types of ships and the way nautical technology changes throughout time.

The purpose is to offer some help in understanding correctly their meaning, which is provided by the "definition", "nota bene" which is a completion of the definition, "grammar category", "contexts and collocations" and "commentary'' which adds an extra info of the term.

The idea I wanted to develop here was that a big part of the world` s history any many important events took place on water. There for learning more about them, can be very interesting, captivating, but also very demanding. The 136 terms introduced in this paper cover almost the entire nautical domain.

This bilingual terminological glossary includes most basic terms in this field.

Before starting this glossary, the following situations occur: One-to-one correspondants - English terms which have a Romanian equivalent. Loans - English terms which have been borrowed by Romanian as such. Periphrases - English terms that are not existent in Romanian because the drug as a


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slang term is different in Romania vs United States of America. That is why this term is explained in Romanian more precisely.

The structure of each entry follows the general format :

ID language Entry ID country (USA/UK or Romania) Source (dictionaries, books, online books and dictionaries) Standard definition Nota bene (further information about the meaning of the term) Correspondents Definition source Grammatical category Generic concept Synonyms Context / Collocations Use area Commentary (from the etimologically point of view or weird facts) Designation status (formal / official – general acceptance of the terms).


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B) Glossary of maritime terms


b. ENTRY : Abaft


d. SOURCE : www.m-i-link.com

e. STANDARD DEFINITION : - Aft of something or towards the stern of a ship f. NOTA BENE : Etimology - O.E. on bæftan "backwards," the second component itself a compound of be "by" + æftan "aft". Since M.E. used exclusively of ships, the stern being the "after" part of a vessel.


h. DEFINITION SOURCE : www.m-i-link.com i. GRAMMATICAL CATEGORY : noun

j. GENERIC CONCEPT : the back of a vessel

k. SYNONYMS : astern,back,behind,rearward

l. CONTEXT / COLLOCATIONS : 1. On old sailing ships, a horseshoe-rack was a sweep curving from the bitt-heads abaft the mainmast carrying a set of nine-pin swivel-blocks, as the fair-loaders of the light running-gear (www.probertencyclopaedia.com)

2. To use "Abaft" in a sentence one could say: "Look abaft to see what's behind you", or "I was abaft the cruise ship".


m. USE AREA : Marine

n. COMMENTARY: Superstructure deck house demolished aft of frame 154, including CPO quarters, crew’s head, crew’s washroom, passageway, and vent units space. Fume tight doors and swash bulkheads throughout deck house structure abaft frame 105 warped, twisted or ruptured. Overhead of superstructure deck house abaft frame 105 sprung and leaking in several places. Bulkheads and stiffeners of superstructure deck house warped aft of frame 139. After section of ship abaft frame 150 responds slowly to torque in sharp turns and heavy seas as result of loss of numerous strength members. Six to 8 ft. hole in main deck with splits and gashes extending for about 20 ft. from frames 160-165 starboard.

o. DESIGNATION STATUS : formal, official


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b. ENTRY : Aboard


d. SOURCE : www.markjones.co.nz

e. STANDARD DEFINITION :- On or within the boat f. NOTA BENE : Etimology - Late 15c., from O.Fr. à "on" + board "board," from Frank. *bord ; the "boarding" or sides of a vessel extended to the ship itself. The usual M.E. expression was within shippes borde. The call all aboard! as a warning to passengers is attested from 1838.


h. DEFINITION SOURCE : www.markjones.co.nz


j. GENERIC CONCEPT : - On or within the boat

k. SYNONYMS : on board,on base,alongside

l. CONTEXT / COLLOCATIONS : 1. Two Romanian sailors are aboard the UK-flagged ship St. James Park seized by Somali pirates in the Gulf of Aden, said Adrian Mihalcioiu, International Transporters Federation representative in Romania. (www.mediafax.ro)

2. Tom and Nan MacNaughton lived and had their offices aboard their boats for seventeen years, up until we moved ashore to be near Tom's elderly mother. The live aboard life is wonderful. We are now in a position where we can again move back aboard our own modest voyaging yacht. This is the same little voyaging yacht, "Charis", that we started out living aboard many years ago. We have bought her back and are restoring her into the ultimate voyaging yacht she was when we had her before. (www.macnaughtongroup.com)

m. USE AREA : Marine

n. COMMENTARY: The Venezuelan authorities confirmed that nine people, who had earlier been reported missing, were killed after a fire broke out on the Greek-flagged ship they were aboard.

o. DESIGNATION STATUS : formal, official


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b. INTRARE : La bord c. ID TARA : RO d. SURSA : www.ainostri.ro

e. DEFINITIE STANDARD : - Pe puntea unei nave

f. NOTA BENE : Etimologie: - din <fr. bord, germ. Bord


h. SURSA DEFINITIEI : www. dexonline.ro


j. CONCEPT GENERIC : - una din partile importante ale unei nave

k. SINONIME : imbarcare

l. CONTEXT / COLOCATII : 1. Nava Asian Glory, sub pavilion britanic şi având la bord doi marinari români, capturată de piraţii somalezi în seara zilei de 1 ianuarie, a ancorat în largul coastelor somaleze la nord-est de oraşul Hobyo, informează un comunicat al forţei europene de combatere a pirateriei EU NAVFOR.

(/www.mediafax.ro) 2. Un feribot circa 250 de persoane la bord s-a scufundat duminică în apropierea insulei indoneziene Sumatra. Accidentul a provocat cel puţin un mort, a declarat poliţia indoneziană.



n. COMETARIU: Un spărgător de gheaţă care făcea o croazieră în apele Antarcticii, cu 105 pasageri la bord, majoritatea britanici, inclusiv o echipă a BBC, este blocat, a anunţat luni compania de navigaţie maritimă din Extremul Orient rus DVMP, citată de AFP. Echipajul vasului “Kapitan Khlebnikov” aşteaptă o “schimbare a vremii înainte de a-şi continua drumul”, a declarat un reprezentant al DVMP, citat de RIA Novosti. “Este vorba de una sau două zile”, a precizat el. (…)

o. DESEMNAREA STATUTULUI : formal,oficial


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b. ENTRY : Anchor


d. SOURCE : www.markjones.co.nz e. STANDARD DEFINITION : - A heavy metal device, fastened to a chain or line, to hold a vessel in position, partly because of its weight, but chiefly because the designed shape digs into the bottom. f. NOTA BENE : Etimology - O.E. ancor, borrowed 9c. from L. ancora, from or cognate with Gk. ankyra "anchor, hook". A very early borrowing and said to be the only L. nautical term used in the Gmc. languages. The -ch- spelling emerged late 16c., in imitation of a misspelling of the L. word. The fig. sense of "that which gives stability or security" is from late 14c.


h. DEFINITION SOURCE : www.markjones.co.nz


j. GENERIC CONCEPT : - something used to hold a ship securely k. SYNONYMS : hook, mainstay, support, safeguard

l. CONTEXT / COLLOCATIONS : 1. There are two primary classes of anchors—temporary and permanent. A permanent anchor is often called a mooring, and is rarely moved; it is quite possible the vessel cannot hoist it aboard but must hire a service to move or maintain it. Vessels carry one or more temporary anchors which may be of different designs and weights. A sea anchor is a related device used when the water depth makes using a mooring or temporary anchor impractical. 2. The vessel is attached to the anchor by the rode which is made with chain, cable or line or a combination of these. The hole in the hull through which the anchor rode passes is called "hawsepipe" because thick mooring lines are called "hawsers". (www. en.wikipedia.org)

m. USE AREA : Marine

n. COMMENTARY: An anchor works by resisting the movement force of the vessel which is attached to it. There are two primary ways to do this—via sheer mass, and by "hooking" into the seabed. While permanent moorings can use large masses resting on this seabed this is not practical for temporary anchors which need to be stowed onboard so almost all temporary anchors are of the type which have metal flukes which hook on to rocks in the bottom or bury themselves in soft bottoms.


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o. DESIGNATION STATUS : formal, official


b. INTRARE : Ancora c. ID TARA : RO

d. SURSA : www.ainostri.ro

e. DEFINITIE STANDARD : - Piesă grea de metal cu brațele ca niște gheare, care se coboară cu un lanț, o frânghie sau o parâmă de pe o navă în fundul apei, unde se agață pentru a ține nava în loc

f. NOTA BENE : Etimologie - Din it., lat. ancora.


h. SURSA DEFINITIEI : www.dexonline.ro


j. CONCEPT GENERIC : - obiect pentru siguranta stationarii unei nave

k. SINONIME : obiect din metal,piesa grea

l. CONTEXT / COLOCATII : 1. În general, o ancoră se compune din următoarele părţi principale: fusul, braţele şi uneori,traversa. 2. Din punctul de vedere al construcţiei, ancorele se împart în patru grupe distincte:

a) ancore, cu traversa şi braţe fixe. ("Stocked anchor");b) ancore cu traversă şi braţe oscilante ("Close-stowing anchor");c) ancore fără traversă şi cu braţe oscilante ("Stockless anchor");d) ancore de corp mort ("Mooring anchor").

(www. ro.wikipedia.org)


n. COMETARIU: De obicei, navele au în dotare două ancore de greutate egală instalate pe teugă, cîte una în fiecare bord, şi o ancoră de rezervă, amarată pe teugă. Navele de mare tonaj au o ancoră şi la pupa.

o. DESEMNAREA STATUTULUI : formal,oficial


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b. ENTRY : Anchorage


d. SOURCE : www.markjones.co.nz

e. STANDARD DEFINITION : - A place suitable for anchoring in relation to the wind, seas and bottom.

f. NOTA BENE : Etimology - 1510s, "toll or charge for anchoring”. Meaning "act of dropping anchor, being at anchor" is from 1610s; that of "place suitable for anchoring" is from 1706. The Alaska city Anchorage was founded 1914.


h. DEFINITION SOURCE : www.markjones.co.nz i. GRAMMATICAL CATEGORY : noun j. GENERIC CONCEPT : place for vessels to anchor k. SYNONYMS : port, refuge, dock l. CONTEXT / COLLOCATIONS : 1. USS Anchorage (LSD-36) was a dock landing ship of the United States Navy. She was lead ship of the Anchorage -class as well as the first ship in the navy to be named after the city in Alaska.

(www.en.wikipedia.org) 2. The master of the vessel is obliged to be in permanent contact with Constanta VTS (VHF Ch 67) starting from the vessel's entrance into the jurisdiction zone, at anchor also. Entering/leaving in/from the port and also the maneuvers inside the anchorage zone will be made with the approval of the Constanta VTS only .

(www. ro.wikipedia.org) m. USE AREA : Marine

n. COMMENTARY: The meridians of 028°46.7'E and 028°48.2'E divide the anchorage into 3 zones, numbered from West to East:

Zone 1: Anchorage for vessels up to 40,000 GRT (except tankers)Zone 2: Anchorage for vessels over 40,000 GRT (except tankers)Zone 3: Anchorage for tankers, LPG carriers and vessels carying dangerous cargoes


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The roadstead allows safe anchorage, with depths of 25-30m for 40 to 50 large ships, with the possibility to make a full swing in case of change of wind or current direction. In bad weather, small vessels may enter the port (Constanta-Romania) waters with the approval of the Constanta VTS only.

o. DESIGNATION STATUS : formal, official


b. INTRARE : Ancorare c. ID TARA : RO

d. SURSA : www.markjones.co.nz

e. DEFINITIE STANDARD : - A scufunda ancora pentru a opri nava din deplasare pentru a stationa definitiv intr-un anumit loc

f. NOTA BENE : Etimologie – Provine din < it. ancorare


h. SURSA DEFINITIEI : www.dexonline.ro


j. CONCEPT GENERIC : stationarea unei nave

k. SINONIME : ancoraj, oprire, stationare

l. CONTEXT / COLOCATII : 1. În general o navă poate ancora fie într-un loc stabilit de autorităţi, fie într-un loc recomandat de cărţile pilot, fie într-un loc ales de comandant. 2. Locul de ancorare poate fi:- rada unui port (de operare, de tranzitare canal, de refugiu);- adăpost la un ţărm sub vântul unei furtuni;- staţionare fortuită pentru reparaţii vitale pentru nava;



n. COMETARIU: Condiţiile ce trebuie îndeplinite de un loc bun de ancorare. Un loc bun de ancorare trebuie să îndeplinească următoarele condiţii:

- să aibă adâncimi suficient de mari în raport cu pescajul maxim al navei;- fundul apei să fie favorabil fixării (smulgerii) ancorei;


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- panta fundului apei să fie corespunzătoare pentru a nu se produce graparea ancorei (ancorelor);- să permită o uşoară aterizare la coastă şi o plecare sigură în condiţiile existenţei vântului dominant şi a agitaţiei mării;- să constituie un bun adăpost în condiţiile de vreme rea;- să existe spaţiu suficient de derivă în condiţiile grapării ancorei;să dispună de amenajări de navigaţie.

o. DESEMNAREA STATUTULUI : formal,oficial


b. ENTRY : Balanced rudder


d. SOURCE : www.m-i-link.com e. STANDARD DEFINITION : - A rudder in which the turning stock is not on the leading edge, but close to the rudder's centre of pressure; about one-quarter abaft of the leading edge; since the center of pressure shifts as the rudder is turned, no rudder can be fully balanced for all rudder angles; hence a rudder is considered balanced when it can maintain so for about 15 degrees f. NOTA BENE : The balanced rudder was an innovation in warship construction used as early as 1862 in the USS Monitor, one of the Union's first ironclads during the American Civil War. It was also used in HMS   Bellerophon , which was launched in 1865.g.

g.RO CORRESPONDENT : Carma compensata

h. DEFINITION SOURCE : www.ainostri.ro i. GRAMMATICAL CATEGORY : grup nominal j. GENERIC CONCEPT : balanced rudder k. SYNONYMS : naval architecture, l. CONTEXT / COLLOCATIONS : 1. Before the balanced rudder, all ships employed a rudder that was a simple flat piece of wood or metal, situated at the after end of the hull and hinged at the forward end, which could be angled to one side or the other to deflect the water passing it and hence provide an impulse to turn the ship. This required the exertion of significant force, as the passage of the water past the rudder tended to force it into a straight line in conformity with the flow.


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2. The concept of a balanced rudder involved the shifting of the centre of rotation of the rudder to point approximately ⅓ of the way from the forward end to the after end. This meant that when the rudder was turned, the flow of water past the ship actively worked on the forward third to increase the angle of deflection, whereas the same flow acted on the after ⅔ to reduce the angle.

(www.en. wikipedia.org) m. USE AREA : Marine

n. COMMENTARY: The balanced rudder was soon adopted by the fledgling aircraft industry in the early twentieth century, which often made use of the horn balance, in which a section of the rudder, usually at the top of the vertical stabiliser, projected into the airstream. Two illustrations of aircraft rudders published by Flight Magazine in 1920, illustrate both the conventional balanced rudder (at lower left on the Short Swallow) and with a large 'horn' (at left centre, in this case in the form of a semi-circle, on the 'Short Sporting Type').

o. DESIGNATION STATUS : formal, official


b. INTRARE : Carma compensata c. ID TARA : RO

d. SURSA : www.ainostri.ro

e. DEFINITIE STANDARD : - Axul carmei se afla la mijlocul acesteia, nu in prelungirea unei laturif. NOTA BENE : Etimologie: – carma provine din sl. Krŭma iar compensate din – V. compensa.

g. CORRESPONDENT EN : Balanced rudder

h. SURSA DEFINITIEI : www.rhc.ro


j. CONCEPT GENERIC : carma compensata

k. SINONIME : echilibrare

l. CONTEXT / COLOCATII : 1. După poziţia axului faţă de safran, cârmele pot fi normale, cu axul la partea anterioară, carme compensate si semicompensate.

(www. ro.wikipedia.org)


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n. COMETARIU: Perfectionarea instalatiei de guvernare pe navele egiptene denota ca egiptenii cunosteau importanta carmei in navigatie si erau aproape de dezlegarea acestei probleme pe principiul parghiei. Initial carma lor era o rama obisnuita, trecuta print-un inel din piele fixatpe bordaj, inspre pupa. Deoarece aceasta carma nu avea nici un efect atunci cand nava era mai mare, s-au facut incercari pentru imbunatatirea sistemului de guvernare printr-o carma compensata.

o. DESEMNAREA STATUTULUI : formal,oficial


b. ENTRY : Barge


d. SOURCE : www.m-i-link.com e. STANDARD DEFINITION : - A large boat with a flat bottom, used for carrying of goods on rivers, canals, shallow waters, etc. f. NOTA BENE : Etimology - Barge is attested from 1300, from Old French barge, from Vulgar Latin barga. The word originally could refer to any small boat; the modern meaning arose around 1480. Bark "small ship" is attested from 1420, from Old French barque, from Vulgar Latin barca (400 AD). The more precise meaning "three-masted ship" arose in the 17th century, and often takes the French spelling for disambiguation. Both are probably derived from the Latin barica, from Greek baris "Egyptian boat", from Coptic bari "small boat", hieroglyphic Egyptian and similar ba-y-r for "basket-shaped boat".By extension, the term "embark" literally means to board the kind of boat called a "barque".


h. DEFINITION SOURCE : www.m-i-link.com i. GRAMMATICAL CATEGORY : noun j. GENERIC CONCEPT : a large boat k. SYNONYMS : flatboat, canal boat l. CONTEXT / COLLOCATIONS : 1. Barges are used today for low-value bulk items, as the cost of hauling goods by barge is very low. Barges are also used for very heavy or bulky items; a typical barge measures 195 by 35 feet (59.4 m × 10.6 m), and can carry up to 1,500 tons of cargo. As an example, on June 26, 2006, a 565-ton catalytic cracking unit reactor was shipped by barge from the Tulsa Port of Catoosa in Oklahoma to a refinery in Pascagoula, Mississippi.


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Extremely large objects are normally shipped in sections and assembled onsite, but shipping an assembled unit reduced costs and avoided reliance on construction labor at the delivery site (which in this case was still recovering from Hurricane Katrina). Of the reactor's 700-mile (1,100 km) journey, only about 40 miles were traveled overland, from the final port to the refinery. 2. Many barges, primarily Dutch Barges, which were originally designed for carrying cargo along the canals of Europe, are no longer large enough to compete in this industry with larger newer vessels. Many of these barges have been renovated and are now used as luxury Hotel Barges carrying holiday makers along the same canals they once carried grain or coal along. (www.en.wikipedia.org)

m. USE AREA : Marine

n. COMMENTARY: In primitive regions today and in all pre-development (lacking highways or railways) regions worldwide in times before industrial development and highways, barges were the predominant and most efficient means of inland transportation in many regions of the world. This holds true even today, for many areas of the world. In such pre-industrialized, or poorly developed infrastructure regions, many barges are purpose-designed to be powered on waterways by long slender poles — thereby becoming known on American waterways as poleboats as the extensive west of North America was settled using the vast tributary river systems of the Mississippi drainage basin. Poleboats utilize muscle power of "walkers" along the sides of the craft pushing against a pole against the streambed, canal, or lake bottom to move the vessel where desired. In settling the American west it was generally faster to navigate down River from Brownsville, Pennsylvania, to the Ohio River confluence with the Mississippi and then pole up river against the current to St Louis than to travel overland on the rare primitive dirt roads for many decades after the American revolution.

o. DESIGNATION STATUS : formal, official


b. INTRARE : Slep c. ID TARA : RO

d. SURSA : www.ainostri.ro

e. DEFINITIE STANDARD : - Este o denumire generică pentru diferitele tipuri de mijloace plutitoare construite din oţel, lemn sau beton, cu fundul plat, corp cu forme pline, puntate sau nepuntate, de regulă fără propulsie şi care se folosesc în porturi, rade, raioane de mare adăpostite şi pe scară largă pe canaluri şi fluvii, pentru transporturi de mărfuri în vrac (cereale, cărbuni, minereu, piatră, ciment, nisip, lemnărie etc), cât şi pentru diferite servicii de întreţinere şi lucrări portuare.

f. NOTA BENE : Etimologie - – Din germ. Schlepp[kahn].


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h. SURSA DEFINITIEI : www.ainostri.ro


j. CONCEPT GENERIC : barca mare

k. SINONIME : mahonă, şalandă, ceam, pletină, gabară

l. CONTEXT / COLOCATII : 1. În multe porturi slepurile sunt întrebuinţate pentru transportul mărfurilor de la nave la cheu şi invers sau mai ales în operaţii de alimbare. 2. Tipurile diferenţiate cele mai frecvente din categoria şlepului sunt:şlepul maritim, cu tonaje de peste 1 000 t,mahona sau limbul,şlepul fluvial, ceamul, pletina,şlepul autopropulsat,şlepul tanc,şlepul cu vele,şalanda cu clapeţi,pontonul de largare.

(Lexicon maritim englez-român, Ed. Ştiinţifică, Bucureşti, 1971)


n. COMETARIU: Tipul cel mai reprezentativ, şlepul, este de construcţie metalică, puntat, cu bordajul vertical, prova bombată şi pupa rotundă. Are guri de magazie mari, închise cu panouri metalice şi uneori dispune de granice. De regulă, nu are mijloace de propulsie proprii şi se remorchează; dar sunt şi şlepuri autopropulsate. Capacitatea de încărcare variază întrg 200 şi 4 000 t, iar pescajul între 1-4-4 m. La mare este folosit în principal pentru transportul de mărfuri în vrac şi coletărie, pe distanţe scurte şi în raioane adăpostite, iar pe fluvii şi canaluri în acelaşi scop, pe orice distanţe.

o. DESEMNAREA STATUTULUI : formal,oficial


b. ENTRY : Beacon


d. SOURCE : www.markjones.co.nz e. STANDARD DEFINITION : - A lighted or unlighted fixed aid to navigation attached directly to the earth's surface. (Lights and day beacons both constitute "beacons.") f. NOTA BENE : Etimology - O.E. beacen "sign, portent, lighthouse," from W.Gmc. *bauknan (cf. O.Fris. baken, O.S. bokan, O.H.G. bouhhan); not found outside Germanic.


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Perhaps borrowed from L. bucina "a crooked horn or trumpet, signal horn." But more likely from PIE *bhau-, a variant of the base *bha- "to gleam, shine"


h. DEFINITION SOURCE : www.markjones.co.nz i. GRAMMATICAL CATEGORY : noun j. GENERIC CONCEPT : light used as signal, guide k. SYNONYMS : alert, guidepost, sign l. CONTEXT / COLLOCATIONS : 1. Beacons help guide navigators to their destinations. Types of navigational beacons include radar reflectors, radio beacons, sonic and visual signals. Visual beacons range from small, single-pile structures to large lighthouses or light stations and can be located on land or on water. Lighted beacons are called lights; unlighted beacons are called daybeacons. 2. Classically, beacons were fires lit at well-known locations on hills or high places, used either as lighthouses for navigation at sea, or for signalling over land that enemy troops were approaching, in order to alert defenses. As signals, beacons are an ancient form of optical telegraphy, and were part of a relay league. (www.rmri.ro)

m. USE AREA : Marine

n. COMMENTARY: Beacons and bonfires are also used to mark occasions and celebrate events. In Israel beacons identify the beginning of the month. Beacons have also been abused by pirates. An illicit fire at a wrong position could be used to direct a ship against shoals or beaches, so that its cargo could be looted after the ship sank or ran aground.

o. DESIGNATION STATUS : formal, official


b. INTRARE : Baliza c. ID TARA : RO

d. SURSA : www.ainostri.ro

e. DEFINITIE STANDARD : - Construcţie specială instalată pe coastă sau pe funduri mici şi care, fiind vizibilă de pe mare, poate fi folosită de navigatori pentru recunoaşterea coastei, orientare sau pentru determinarea poziţiei.


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f. NOTA BENE : Etimologie – Din fr. baliser


h. SURSA DEFINITIEI : www.dexonline.ro


j. CONCEPT GENERIC : delimitează zonele navigabile

k. SINONIME : indicator,delimitator

l. CONTEXT / COLOCATII : 1. Baliza poate fi o grindă sau piramidă simplă ori cu zăbrele, avînd ca semn de vârf un panou distinctiv în formă de disc, romb, triunghi sau pătrat. Semnalele costiere folosite în navigaţie au o poziţie precis determinată şi sunt reprezentate pe hărţile de navigaţie. 2. Dacă este instalata pe uscat, baliza le indică piloților limitele terenului de aterizare.



n. COMETARIU: Tot baliză se numeşte şi un reper care indică poziţia unui punct topografic, sau un indicator destinat să semnaleze prezenţa unui obstacol sau accident de teren pe o cale de comunicaţie.

o. DESEMNAREA STATUTULUI : formal,oficial


b. ENTRY : Battleship


d. SOURCE : www.m-i-link.com e. STANDARD DEFINITION : - Is a large, heavily armored warship with a main battery consisting of the largest caliber of guns. Battleships were larger, better armed and armored than cruisers or destroyers. There are currently no battleships in active service. f. NOTA BENE : Etimology - 1794, shortened from line-of-battle ship (1705), one large enough to take part in a main attack (formerly one of 74-plus guns). Battleship-gray as a color is attested from 1916. Fighter and bomber airplanes in World War I newspaper articles were sometimes called battleplanes, but it did not catch on.


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h. DEFINITION SOURCE : www.m-i-link.com i. GRAMMATICAL CATEGORY : noun j. GENERIC CONCEPT : a big boat k. SYNONYMS : warship l. CONTEXT / COLLOCATIONS : 1. Battleship design evolved to incorporate and adapt technological advances to maintain an edge. The word battleship was coined around 1794 and is a contraction of the phrase line-of- battle ship , the dominant wooden warship during the Age of Sail.[1] The term came into formal use in the late 1880s to describe a type of ironclad warship,[2] now referred to as pre-dreadnought battleships. In 1906, the launch of HMS Dreadnought heralded a revolution in battleship design. Following battleship designs that were influenced by HMS Dreadnought were referred to as "dreadnoughts". 2. In the last years of the 19th century and the first years of the 20th, the escalation in the building of battleships became an arms race between Britain and Germany. The German naval laws of 1890 and 1898 authorised a fleet of 38 battleships, a vital threat to the balance of naval power.[3] Britain answered with further shipbuilding, but by the end of the pre-dreadnought era, British supremacy at sea had markedly weakened. In 1883, the United Kingdom had 38 battleships, twice as many as France and almost as many as the rest of the world put together. By 1897, Britain's lead was far smaller due to competition from France, Germany, and Russia, as well as the development of pre-dreadnought fleets in Italy, the United States and Japan.[22] Turkey, Spain, Sweden, Denmark, Norway, the Netherlands, Chile and Brazil all had second-rate fleets led by armored cruisers, coastal defence ships or monitors. (Brown, D. K. (2003). The Grand Fleet: Warship Design and Development 1906–1922. Caxton Editions)

m. USE AREA : Marine n. COMMENTARY: Battleships were a symbol of naval dominance and national might, and for decades the battleship was a major factor in both diplomacy and military strategy.[3] The global arms race in battleship construction in the early 20th century was one of the causes of World War I, which saw a clash of huge battle fleets at the Battle of Jutland. The Naval Treaties of the 1920s and 1930s limited the number of battleships but did not end the evolution of design. Both the Allies and the Axis Powers deployed battleships of old construction and new during World War II.

o. DESIGNATION STATUS : formal, official


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b. ENTRY : Bismarck


d. SOURCE : Lexicom maritim englez-roman, 1941 e. STANDARD DEFINITION : - Was one of the most famous warships of the Second World War. The lead ship of her class, named after the 19th century German Chancellor Otto von Bismarck, Bismarck displaced more than 50,000 tonnes fully loaded and was the largest warship then commissioned. f. NOTA BENE : The design of Bismarck was begun in the early 1930s, following Germany's development of the Deutschland   class "pocket battleships" and the Scharnhorst class warships.[A 1] Bismarck was planned to be the prototype for other battleships envisaged under Plan Z, like the H class. Bismarck's keel was laid down at Blohm and Voss' shipyard in Hamburg on 1 July 1936. Launched on 14 February 1939, the battleship was commissioned on 24 August 1940 with Kapitän zur See Ernst Lindemann in command.At Bismarck's commissioning, she was the largest warship to date. Under Plan Z, she was intended to be part of a fast battleship squadron for a main battle line of larger subsequent battleships. However, with the outbreak of war in 1939 and the increased demands on the German armament industry, Plan Z was no longer practical. As a result, Bismarck was used as a commerce raider. She was reasonably well suited for this, being faster than any of the Royal Navy battleships; her endurance qualities, which were quite good for their period,[6] were also better than any of British battleships that might give chase. Being a good fighting ship with many innovations, and a formidable opponent for any heavy unit in the Allied navies,[6] Bismarck could engage any enemy battleship escorting an Allied convoy on reasonably equal terms and her range of weaponry could cause devastation to any undefended convoy.


h. DEFINITION SOURCE : Lexicom maritim englez-roman, 1941

i. GRAMMATICAL CATEGORY : noun j. GENERIC CONCEPT : a warship k. SYNONYMS : battleship l. CONTEXT / COLLOCATIONS : 1. Bismarck only took part in one operation during her brief career. She and the heavy cruiser Prinz Eugen left Gotenhafen (Gdynia) on the morning of 19 May 1941 for Operation Rheinübung, during which she was to have attempted to intercept and destroy convoys in transit between North America and Great Britain. When Bismarck and Prinz Eugen attempted to break out into the Atlantic, the two ships were discovered by the Royal Navy and brought to battle in the Denmark Strait. During the short engagement, the British battlecruiser HMS   Hood , flagship of the Home Fleet and pride of the Royal Navy, was sunk


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after several minutes of firing. In response, British Prime Minister Winston Churchill issued the order to "Sink the Bismarck,"[3] spurring a relentless pursuit by the Royal Navy. 2. Bismarck completed preparations for her Atlantic sortie in the Bay of Danzig, refuelling almost to capacity and leaving the port of Gotenhafen (now Gdynia) on her first and only mission, codenamed Rheinübung (Rhine Exercise) in the early hours of 19 May 1941. She was accompanied only by the heavy cruiser Prinz Eugen. Other capital ships, including the battlecruisers Gneisenau and Scharnhorst, that were to have participated in the sortie were unavailable because of mechanical problems and war damage. (Baron von Mullenheim-Rechberg, Burkhard (1980). Battleship Bismarck, A Survivor's Story. Annapolis: United States Naval Institute Press)

m. USE AREA : Marine

n. COMMENTARY: Some books about the Bismarck mention a sighting report supposedly radioed by Norwegian agents on 20 May and acknowledged by the British. This story apparently originated in the 1967 book The Greatest Gamble.No evidence, either direct or circumstantial, supports this story. British and Norwegian authorities deny that secret agents were involved before or during the Bismarck operation, and that the Norwegian resistance had radio or other ability to communicate swiftly with Britain and Sweden in May 1941. Radio links between Britain and the Norwegian resistance were established in 1942.

o. DESIGNATION STATUS : formal, official


b. INTRARE : Bismarck


d. SURSA : Lexicom maritim englez-roman, 1941

e. DEFINITIE STANDARD : - A fost o navă de război germană din timpul celui de al doilea război mondial.

f. NOTA BENE : Când a fost lansată pe apă, pe data de 14 februarie 1939, a fost una dintre cele mai mari nave de război din lume.


h. SURSA DEFINITIEI : Lexicom maritim englez-roman, 1941


j. CONCEPT GENERIC : o nava de razboi germana de mare clasa

k. SINONIME : nava de razboi


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l. CONTEXT / COLOCATII : 1. In mai 1941 nava Bismarck a fost scufundată în Atlantic, împreună cu cea mai mare parte a echipajului. După ce a reuşit în prima parte a războiului printre altele scufundarea lui „King George”, mândria marinei militare engleze, ea a fost folosită ca mit de propaganda nazistă. 2. La 14 februarie 1939, nava Bismarck a fost lansata la Hamburg. Liderul nazist Adolf Hitler spera ca aceasta moderna nava de razboi avea sa insemne renasterea flotei de suprafata a Germaniei. Totusi, dupa izbucnirea razboiului, Marea Britanie a supravegheat rutele care leaga Germania de Oceanul Atlantic si doar submarinele puteau sa se deplaseze liber prin zona de razboi.



n. COMETARIU: In mai 1941, navei Bismarck i s-a dat ordin sa patrunda in Atlantic. Odata ajunsa in siguranta oferita de ocean, nava de razboi trebuia sa fie aproape imposibil de depistat, in timp ce ea putea sa distruga convoaiele aliate ce se indreptau spre Marea Britanie. Afland traseul navei Bismarck, Marea Britanie a trimis aproape intreaga flota a Marii Britanii ca sa o urmareasca. La 24 mai, crucisatorul britanic Hood si nava de razboi Prince of Wales au interceptat-o in apropiere de Islanda. Intr-o batalie feroce, crucisatorul Hood a explodat si s-a scufundat, iar toti cei 1421 de membri ai echipajului, cu exceptia a trei persoane, au fost ucisi. Nava Bismarck a scapat, insa din cauza unei scurgeri de combustibil, s-a indreptat spre Franta, aflata sub ocupatie. La 26 mai, nava a fost interceptata si lovita de aviatia britanica, iar la 27 mai trei avioane britanice au coborat asupra navei Bismarck si au scufundat-o.

o. DESEMNAREA STATUTULUI : formal,oficial


b. ENTRY : Boat


d. SOURCE : www.markjones.co.nz e. STANDARD DEFINITION : - Is a watercraft of modest size designed to float or plane, to provide passage across water

f. NOTA BENE : Etimology - O.E. bat "boat, ship, vessel," from P.Gmc. *bait- (cf. O.N. batr, Du. boot, Ger. Boot), possibly from PIE base *bheid- "to split" (see fissure), with the sense of making a boat by hollowing out a tree trunk; or it may be an extension of the name for some part of a ship. French bateau "boat" is from O.E. or O.N.



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h. DEFINITION SOURCE : www.markjones.co.nz i. GRAMMATICAL CATEGORY : noun j. GENERIC CONCEPT: vehicle for water travel

k. SYNONYMS : small ship, lifeboat, bark l. CONTEXT / COLLOCATIONS : 1. Several key components make up the main structure of most boats. The hull is the main structural component of the boat which actually provides buoyancy for the boat. The roughly horizontal, but chambered structures spanning the hull of the boat are referred to as the deck. In a ship there are often several decks, but a boat is unlikely to have more than one, if any at all. Above the deck are the superstructures. The underside of a deck is the deck head. 2. An enclosed space on a boat is referred to as a cabin. Several structures make up a cabin: the similar but usually lighter structure which spans a raised cabin is a coach-roof. The "floor" of a cabin is properly known as the sole, but is more likely to be called the floor (a floor is properly, a structural member which ties a frame to the keelson and keel). The vertical surfaces dividing the internal space are bulkheads. (www.en.wikipedia.org) m. USE AREA : Marine

n. COMMENTARY: Until the mid 19th century most boats were of all natural materials; primarily wood although reed, bark and animal skins were also used. Early boats include the bound-reed style of boat seen in Ancient Egypt, the birch bark canoe, the animal hide-covered kayak and coracle and the dugout canoe made from a single log. By the mid 19th century, many boats had been built with iron or steel frames but still planked in wood. In 1855 ferro-cement boat construction was patented by the French. They called it Ferciment. This is a system by which a steel or iron wire framework is built in the shape of a boat's hull and covered (troweled) over with cement. Reinforced with bulkheads and other internal structure it is strong but heavy, easily repaired, and, if sealed properly, will not leak or corrode. These materials and methods were copied all over the world, and have faded in and out of popularity to the present. As the forests of Britain and Europe continued to be over-harvested to supply the keels of larger wooden boats, and the Bessemer process (patented in 1855) cheapened the cost of steel, steel ships and boats began to be more common. By the 1930s boats built of all steel from frames to plating were seen replacing wooden boats in many industrial uses, even the fishing fleets. Private recreational boats in steel are uncommon. In the mid 20th century aluminum gained popularity. Though much more expensive than steel, there are now aluminum alloys available that will not corrode in salt water, and an aluminum boat built to similar load carrying standards could be built lighter than steel.

o. DESIGNATION STATUS : formal, official


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b. INTRARE : Barca c. ID TARA : RO

d. SURSA : www.ainostri.ro

e. DEFINITIE STANDARD : - Ambarcație de dimensiuni mici, cu vâsle, cu pânze sau cu motor

f. NOTA BENE : Etimologie - Din it. barca


h. SURSA DEFINITIEI : www.dexoline.ro


j. CONCEPT GENERIC : vas mic de navigare pe distante mai scurte

k. SINONIME : ambarcatiune mica

l. CONTEXT / COLOCATII : 1. Ibis este o barca de pescuit pentru 3-4 persoane.Una dintre cele mai bune barci de pescuit de talie mica din Romania. 2. Barcile pot fi de doua tipuri barci cu motot si barci fara motor.



n. COMETARIU: Unele barci folosesc puterea aerului pentru a naviga.

o. DESEMNAREA STATUTULUI : formal,oficial


b. ENTRY : Bow


d. SOURCE : www.m-i-link.com


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e. STANDARD DEFINITION : - The forward end of a ship's hull; based on the different cross sectional shape, a ship may be described as having a rake bow, clipper bow, spoon bow, Maier-form, bulbous bow, etc. f. NOTA BENE : Etimology - "front of a ship," mid-14c., from O.N. bogr or M.Du. boech "bow of a ship," lit. "shoulder (of an animal)," the connecting notion being "the shoulders of the ship."


h. DEFINITION SOURCE : www.m-i-link.com i. GRAMMATICAL CATEGORY : noun j. GENERIC CONCEPT : front of boat k. SYNONYMS : head,nose of a ship

l. CONTEXT / COLLOCATIONS : 1. The bow is designed to reduce the resistance of the hull cutting through water and should be tall enough to prevent water from easily washing over the top of it. On slower ships like tankers, a fuller bow shape is used to maximise the volume of the ship for a given length. 2. A "wet bow" results from seawater washing over the top of the hull. A raked stem can help to reduce the wetness of the bow. Aside from making the deck slippery, water can corrode the metal of the ship. If the temperature is low enough this water can also freeze on the deck, rails, turrets, and other exposed surfaces, increasing the topside weight. (The International Marine Book of SAILING, William Robinson, McGrawHill 2008)

m. USE AREA : Marine

n. COMMENTARY: The forward part of the bow, usually on the ship's centreline, is called the stem. Traditionally, the stem was an upright timber or metal bar into which side planks or plates were joined.

o. DESIGNATION STATUS : formal, official


b. INTRARE : Prova c. ID TARA : RO

d. SURSA : www.ainostri.ro


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e. DEFINITIE STANDARD : - Partea din faţă a corpului navei şi în mod special bordurile deasupra liniei de plutire, în faţa castelului central, între etravă şi coasta de la care începe porţiunea cilindrică a navei.

f. NOTA BENE : Etimologie - – Din it. prora (Partea dinainte a unei nave se mai numeşte şi proră)


h. SURSA DEFINITIEI : www.dexonline.ro


j. CONCEPT GENERIC : Partea din față a unei nave

k. SINONIME : botul unei nave,prora

l. CONTEXT / COLOCATII : 1. Prova ascuţită, denumită şi provă fină, este un tip de provă de navă cu forme fine, al cărui unghi de ascuţime este mic. Secţiunile transversale prova se evazează deasupra liniei de plutire, spre a permite ridicarea provei pe valuri şi a avantaja viteza. 2. Prova cu bulb este un tip de provă de navă ale cărei coaste, din zona imersă a piciorului etravei până la îmbinarea cu chila, au o formă bombată. Caracterul bulbiform al provei oferă navei condiţii mai bune de guvernare pe valuri mari şi evită afundarea exagerată a provei. În construcţiile moderne este din ce în ce mai des folosită, în special la cargourile pentru mărfuri generale cu viteze de marş peste 20 Nd şi la navele de mare capacitate pentru mărfuri în vrac, inclusiv petroliere, care execută curse în balast, la înapoiere.

(Lexicon maritim englez-român, Ed. Ştiinţifică, Bucureşti, 1971)


n. COMETARIU: Prova de spărgător, denumită şi prova Maier, este o formă de provă de navă caracterizată printr-o înclinare bruscă a etravei, care face cu orizontala un unghi de 20° - 30°. Consecinţa este o scădere simţitoare a rezistenţei de înaintare datorită valului de prova care se formează în dimensiuni mai mici. Navele spărgătoare de gheaţă au prova profilată în formă Maier (provă „sanie") cu scopul de a călca stratul compact de gheaţă şi a-l sparge apoi sub greutatea proprie a navei.

o. DESEMNAREA STATUTULUI : formal,oficial


b. ENTRY : Buoy



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d. SOURCE : www.m-i-link.com e. STANDARD DEFINITION : - A floating object secured to the bottom of a sea, river, etc to mark a position which a ship should avoid, change course, etc.

f. NOTA BENE : Etimology - late 13c., perhaps from either O.Fr. buie or M.Du. boeye, both from W.Gmc. *baukn "beacon" (cf. O.H.G. bouhhan, O.Fris. baken). OED, however, supports M.Du. boeie, or O.Fr. boie "fetter, chain", "because of its being fettered to a spot." The verb meaning "to mark with a buoy" is from late 16c., from the noun; in the figurative sense (of spirits, etc.) it is recorded from 1640s.

g. RO CORRESPONDENT : Geamandura

h. DEFINITION SOURCE : www.m-i-link.com i. GRAMMATICAL CATEGORY : noun j. GENERIC CONCEPT : floating device k. SYNONYMS : signal, beacon, guide, sea mark l. CONTEXT / COLLOCATIONS : 1. Buoys are used to indicate channels, dangerous rocks or shoals, mooring positions, areas of speed limits, traffic separation schemes, submerged shipwrecks, and for a variety of other navigational purposes. 2. Some buoys are only intended to be visible in daylight (daymarks), others have some combination of lights, reflectors, bells, horns, whistles and radar reflectors to make them usable at night and in conditions of reduced visibility.

(www.en.wikipedia.org) m. USE AREA : Marine

n. COMMENTARY: Buoys are shown on nautical charts, using symbols that indicate their colour, shape and light characteristic, and are usually identified by name or number.

o. DESIGNATION STATUS : formal, official


b. INTRARE : Geamandura c. ID TARA : RO

d. SURSA : www.ainostri.ro


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e. DEFINITIE STANDARD : - Un corp plutitor, de construcţie specială şi piturat în anumite culori, care se ancorează pe mare în anumite locuri, având scopul să avertizeze de la distanţă pe navigatori, pe orice vreme, de existenţa în apropiere a unui pericol de navigaţie.

f. NOTA BENE : Etimologie – Din cf. ngr. simandhúra


h. SURSA DEFINITIEI : www.dexonline.ro


j. CONCEPT GENERIC : corp plutitor de atentionare

k. SINONIME : baliza, marcaj

l. CONTEXT / COLOCATII : 1. Unele geamanduri marchează limitele unei pase, ale unui drum recomandat de navigaţie sau ale unor poligoane speciale. 2. Orice geamandură este instalată într-un punct precis determinat, reprezentat pe hărţile de navigaţie şi indicat în documentele nautice.

(Lexicon maritim engelez-roman,1971)


n. COMETARIU: O geamundură este formată dintr-un flotor ermetic închis, lestat în partea inferioară, având deasupra o suprastructură cu platformă pentru dispozitivul de iluminare. Ancorarea ei se face cu o serie de lanţuri şi cu o ancoră de corp mort, în majoritatea cazurilor un bloc de beton greu. Geamandurile se împart în două grupe: geamanduri luminoase şi geamanduri neluminoase.Fiecare din aceste grupe se subîmparte mai departe, în funcţie de locul unde sunt ancorate, de rolul pe care-l îndeplinesc, de aparatura cu care sunt dotate (fluier, clopot de ceaţă, reflector activ sau pasiv de radiolocaţie).

o. DESEMNAREA STATUTULUI : formal,oficial


b. ENTRY : Buoyancy compensator (BC)


d. SOURCE : www.markjones.co.nz e. STANDARD DEFINITION : - Is a piece of diving equipment worn by divers to provide:


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life saving emergency buoyancy both underwater and on the surface.the ability to adjust and control the overall buoyancy of the diver and the diver's heavy equipment allowing the diver to achieve neutral buoyancy, remaining at constant depth, or to descend or ascend in a controlled way. f. NOTA BENE : In 1957, F. G. Jensen and Willard F. Searle, Jr began testing methods for manual and automatic buoyancy compensation for the United States Navy Experimental Diving Unit (NEDU).[8] In their early tests, they determined that manual systems were more desirable due to the size of the automatic systems.[8] Later that year, the Walter Kiddie and Co. sent a prototype buoyancy compensating tank for use with two cylinders to NEDU for evaluation.[9] The valves of this aluminium tank system leaked and testing was delayed until 1959 when it was recommended for field testing.[9]

The ABLJ was developed by Maurice Fenzy in 1961. [3] Early versions were inflated by mouth underwater. Later versions had their own air inflation cylinder. Some had carbon dioxide inflation cylinders, a development which was abandoned when valves that allowed divers to breathe from the BC's inflation bag were introduced. Since 1969 most modern BCs have used inflation gas from one of the diver's main gas cylinders, in addition to an oral inflation tube which is used at the surface in the event the diver has no high pressure gas left. In 1972 Watergill developed the Atpac wing, the first wing style BC and in 1978, ScubaPro released the Stabilizer Jacket, the first jacket-style BC.More recent innovations for jacket BCs include weight pouches to adjust attitude underwater, putting the weights on the BC rather than on a weightbelt, integrated regulators, heavily reinforced 1050 denier ballistic nylon. Innovations for backplate and wing include redundant bladders, stainless steel backplates, lightweight soft nylon backplates, and 85 lb lift bladders.

g. RO CORRESPONDENT : Vesta de salvare

h. DEFINITION SOURCE : www.markjones.co.nz i. GRAMMATICAL CATEGORY : nominal group j. GENERIC CONCEPT : diving equipament k. SYNONYMS : buoyancy control device l. CONTEXT / COLLOCATIONS : 1. Some types of buoyancy compensator also built around the diver's scuba set or are built into its harness. 2. The orientation of the submerged diver is influenced by the BC and by other buoyancy and weight components and contributed to by the diver's body, clothing and equipment. The diver typically wishes to be positioned face-down while under water, to be able to see and swim usefully, but face-up, to be able to breathe, when on the surface. (Jensen, FG; Searle, Willard F (1957). "Buoyancy Control of Open Circuit Scuba")

m. USE AREA : Marine


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n. COMMENTARY: Generally, the diver has minimal control of the position of the buoyancy in the BC, only its quantity, although the diver does control his equipment setup, which includes its configuration and weighting locations, which ultimately influences where his effective BC lift is relative to his Center of Gravity. Traditionally, weight belts or weight systems are worn with the weights on or close to the waist and are arranged with a quick release mechanism to allow them to be quickly jettisoned to provide extra buoyancy in an emergency. Current systems integrate the weights into the BCD providing some comfort and safety advantages as long as the BCD does not have to be removed from the body of the diver, for example in an emergency situation.By inflating the BC at the surface the conscious diver may be able to easily float face-up, depending on his equipment configuration choices. A fatigued or unconscious diver can be made to float face up on the surface by adjustment of their buoyancy and weights so the buoyancy raises the top and front of the diver's body and the weights act on the lower and back of the body. An inflated ABLJ always provides this orientation, but an inflated stab, and all styles of wing BC generally float the diver facedown because the centre of buoyancy is too far from the diver's front. This floating orientation is generally considered undesirable and can be minimized pre-dive by: relocation of weights (perhaps of quick release type) further to the rear (such as or close to the diver's cylinder); avoiding the use of Aluminum tanks and using higher density cylinders (typically steel), which similarly moves the centre of mass to be further behind the diver, and thus, behind the center of buoyancy. The BC type can also be selected with this factor in mind, selecting a style that moves the centre of buoyancy forward, as this accomplishes the same net effect. Any or all of these options can be utilized to trim the system out to its desired characteristics[7] and many factors can contribute, such as the number and position of diving cylinders, the type of diving suit, the position and size of stage cylinders, the size and shape of the diver's body and the wearing of ankle weights, or additional dive equipment, which each influence a diver's orientation in the water (horizontal) and on the surface (vertical) to some degree. o. DESIGNATION STATUS : formal, official


b. INTRARE : Vesta de slavare c. ID TARA : RO

d. SURSA : Lexicon maritime engelez-roman,1971

e. DEFINITIE STANDARD : - Este o componentă principală a echipamentului de scafandru, utilizată atât în scufundările libere, în apnee, cât şi în scufundările cu aer comprimat

f. NOTA BENE : Primele veste folosite de scafandri la începutul anilor 1960, au fost vestele de salvare, utilizate de obicei pe mare în caz de naufragiu. Aceste veste erau echipate cu un mic furtun pentru umflare orală. De asemenea, vesta era prevăzută şi cu un cartuş cu bioxid de carbon utilizat pentru umflare în caz de urgenţă. Aceste veste prezentau multe dezavantaje în cazul utilizării lor de către scafandri şi anume aveau un volum mic şi erau inconfortabil umflate.

g. CORRESPONDENT EN : Buoyancy compensator (BC)


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h. SURSA DEFINITIEI : Lexicon maritime engelez-roman,1971


j. CONCEPT GENERIC : vesta de salvare

k. SINONIME : echipament de salvare

l. CONTEXT / COLOCATII : 1. La sfârşitul anilor 1960 au apărut primele veste de salvare special concepute atât pentru scufundarea liberă cât şi pentru scufundarea cu aer comprimat 2. Un alt model de vestă de salvare, special conceput pentru scufundări, ce se caracterizează prin aceea că este în formă de potcoavă şi este ataşată de back-pack. Prin utilizarea acestui model de vestă se elimină o parte din curelele de prindere caracteristice celorlalte veste şi se poate respira mai confortabil în poziţie orizontală. De asemenea, vesta este prevăzută atât cu un sistem de umflare oral cât şi cu un sistem de umflare de la butelie. Unele veste de acest tip au un sistem de greutăţi integrat în back-pack. Aceste veste de salvare sunt folosite în special la scufundare în peşteri.

(Dinu Dumitru, Vlad Constantin : Scafandri şi vehicule subacvatice. Ed. Ştiinţifică şi Enciclopedică, Bucureşti, 1986)


n. COMETARIU: Această vestă este mai largă, având o formă tridimensională asemănătoare unei haine. Vesta este prevăzută atât cu un sistem oral de încărcare cât şi cu un sistem de umflare de la butelie, manevra fiind realizată prin simpla apăsare a unui buton. Vesta de salvare tip jachetă are încorporată o supapă acţionată manual pentru realizarea unei evacuări eficiente a aerului, atunci când se doreşte o coborâre rapidă. Această supapă poate fi separată, sau poate fi aceeaşi cu supapa de suprapresiune.

o. DESEMNAREA STATUTULUI : formal,oficial


b. ENTRY : Brig


d. SOURCE : www.m-i-link.com e. STANDARD DEFINITION : - Is a vessel with two square-rigged masts f. NOTA BENE : Etimology - 1720, colloquial shortening of brigantine (q.v.). Apparently such vessels being used for prison ships led to extended meaning "a jail," first recorded 1852.


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h. DEFINITION SOURCE : www.m-i-link.com i. GRAMMATICAL CATEGORY : noun

j. GENERIC CONCEPT : a ship k. SYNONYMS : vessel, boat l. CONTEXT / COLLOCATIONS : 1. During the Age of Sail, brigs were seen as fast and maneuverable and were used as both naval war ships and merchant ships. They were especially popular in the 18th and early 19th centuries. Brigs fell out of use with the arrival of the steam ship because they required a relatively large crew for their small size and were difficult to sail into the wind. They are not to be confused with a brigantine which has different rigging. 2. The word brig in its most popular present day usage, referring to a military prison on board a United States Navy or Coast Guard vessel, or at an American naval base, derives from the US Navy's use of brigs as prison ships. (www.historicalseaport.org)

m. USE AREA : Marine

n. COMMENTARY: A brig is “generally built on a larger scale than the schooner, and often approaches in magnitude to the full-sized, three-masted ship.”[3] Brigs vary in length between 75 and 165 ft (23–50 m) with tonnages up to 480.[4] Historically most brigs were made of wood, although some latter brigs were built with hulls and masts of steel or iron (such as the brig Bob Allen[5]).[2] A brig made of pine in the nineteenth century was designed to last for about twenty years (many lasted longer).

o. DESIGNATION STATUS : formal, official


b. INTRARE : Bric c. ID TARA : RO

d. SURSA : Lexicon maritim engelez-roman,1971

e. DEFINITIE STANDARD : - Este un velier cu două catarge (trinchet şi arbore mare) cu greement pătrat.

f. NOTA BENE : Etimologie - BRIC1, bricuri, s.n. Navă cu două catarge, cu pânze pătrate și bompres, uneori și cu motor, folosită în trecut în scopuri militare. – Din fr. brick.


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h. SURSA DEFINITIEI : Lexicon maritim engelez-roman,1971


j. CONCEPT GENERIC : velier cu doua catarge

k. SINONIME : barca,nava,vapor

l. CONTEXT / COLOCATII : 1. Bricurile au fost foarte mult folosite în special în secolele al XVIII-lea şi al XIX-lea, dar odată cu apariţia navelor cu aburi şi-au pierdut din popularitate, din cauză că necesitau echipaje relativ mari faţă de mărime, şi erau greu de navigat cu vânt din prova. 2. Velele de pe arborele mare: vela mare, gabierul (deasupra velei mari), zburătorul (deasupra gabierului). Uneori bricurile au şi o rândunică. În spatele velei mari se este o velă suplimentară, brigantina. Pe trinchet este o velă similară triunghiulară.

(Lexicon maritim englez-român, Ed. Ştiinţifică, Bucureşti, 1971)


n. COMETARIU: Bricurile sunt de obicei mai mari decât goeletele, apropiindu-se ca mărime de velierele cu trei catarge.[2] Lungimea este între 23-50 m, iar tonajul maxim de 480 t.[3] La început bricurile au fost construite din lemn, dar mai târziu au fost construite şi din oţel sau fier, de exemplu bricul „Bob Allen”.[4] Bricurile din lemn de pin ţineau 20 de ani.[5]

o. DESEMNAREA STATUTULUI : formal,oficial


b. ENTRY : Cabin


d. SOURCE : www.markjones.co.nz e. STANDARD DEFINITION : - A compartment for passengers or crew f. NOTA BENE : Etimology - mid-14c., from O.Fr. cabane, from O.Prov. cabana, from L.L. capanna "hut," of doubtful origin. Meaning "room or partition of a vessel" is from late 14c. Cabin fever first recorded 1918.


h. DEFINITION SOURCE : www.markjones.co.nz


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i. GRAMMATICAL CATEGORY : noun j. GENERIC CONCEPT : - tiny room k. SYNONYMS : rrom, shed, lodge l. CONTEXT / COLLOCATIONS : 1. In sailing ships, the officers and paying passengers would have an individual or shared cabin. The captain or commanding officer would occupy the "great cabin" that normally spanned width of the stern with large windows. On a warship it would be separated from the rest of the ship, and further subdivided into daytime and night-time cabins with movable panels that could be removed down in time of battle to leave the deck clear the whole length of the ship. 2. In most modern warships the commanding officer has a main cabin, the in-port cabin, often adjacent to the ship's central control room (operations room), and a sea cabin adjacent to the bridge. Thus, when likely to be called from sleep or attending to administration, the CO can be at the Bridge or Ops room instantly. The sea cabin is sparsely equipped, containing just a bunk, a desk, and basic toilet facilities. The in-port cabin is more lavishly furnished, with separate bedroom and combination sitting room/office, and more elaborate toiletry facilities. (www.maritime.org)

m. USE AREA : Marine

n. COMMENTARY: In ships carrying passengers, they are normally accommodated in cabins, taking the terminology familiar to seafarers. First class cabins were traditionally referred to as staterooms, and today many cruise lines now prefer to refer to passenger cabins as staterooms or suites.

o. DESIGNATION STATUS : formal, official


b. INTRARE : Cabina c. ID TARA : ROd. SURSA : www.ainostri.ro

e. DEFINITIE STANDARD : - Incapere, cameră pe bordul unei nave; încăpere mică, având diverse destinații

f. NOTA BENE : Etimologie – Din < fr. cabine, it. cabina, cf. engl. cabin



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h. SURSA DEFINITIEI : www.dexonline.ro


j. CONCEPT GENERIC : - incapere mica

k. SINONIME : camera

l. CONTEXT / COLOCATII : 1. Căpitanul secund de pe nava-împingător Mercur 206 a unei firme din Galaţi a fost găsit mort joi seară, în cabina vaporului ce era acostat în portul comercial din Orşova, judeţul Mehedinţi. Constantin Enuţă doar ce se întorsese alături de echipajul său dintr-o cursă Constanţa-Mehedinţi, de unde remorcase un convoi de mai multe barje pline cu clichet (pietriş special folosit pentru fabricarea cimentului), a ancorat în dana portului din Orşova şi a mers în cabină să se odihnească.

( www.gds.ro)


n. COMETARIU: Motorul este dispus în partea centrală a corpului unei navei iar deasupra se află cabina echipajului.

o. DESEMNAREA STATUTULUI : formal,oficial


b. ENTRY : Cabotage


d. SOURCE : www.m-i-link.com e. STANDARD DEFINITION : - The carriage of goods or passengers for a fee between ports of the same country f. NOTA BENE : Etimology - Fr < caboter, to sail along the coast < MFr cabo, cape < Sp < L caput


h. DEFINITION SOURCE : www.m-i-link.com i. GRAMMATICAL CATEGORY : noun j. GENERIC CONCEPT : coastal navigation and trade


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k. SYNONYMS : navigation,trade l. CONTEXT / COLLOCATIONS : 1. Cabotage is commonly used as part of the term "cabotage rights," the right of a company from one country to trade in another country. In aviation terms, it is the right to operate within the domestic borders of another country. Most countries do not permit cabotage by foreign companies, although this is changing within Europe for member states of the European Union.[2] Politically, cabotage regulations restricting trade to domestic carriers are a form of protectionism. Justifications for cabotage regulations include national security and the need to regulate public safety. 2. Originally starting with shipping, cabotage now also covers aviation, railways and road transport.

(www.mctf.com) m. USE AREA : Marine

n. COMMENTARY: Trade by ship conducted exclusively from port to port of a single nation is usually regulated by the national law of the host nation and thus of import to maritime law. The term appears to have been of Spanish origin and was designed to regulate those legal disputes that occur whilst a ship was engaged in cabotage (coastal trading, more particularly to insist on the jurisdiction of host-nation law or, in some cases, to require that ships engaged in cabotage defer to host-nation vessels or registration. (…)

o. DESIGNATION STATUS : formal, official


b. INTRARE : Cabotaj c. ID TARA : RO

d. SURSA : www.ainostri.ro

e. DEFINITIE STANDARD : - Transport de bunuri indigene de la un port la altul, aparţinînd aceluiaşi stat, unei confederaţii de state sau unor state diferite, legate printr-o uniune vamală, folosindu-se în acest scop un drum maritim internaţional sau cu acces la un astfel de drum.

f. NOTA BENE : Etimologie - – Din fr. cabotag


h. SURSA DEFINITIEI : www.dexonline.ro



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j. CONCEPT GENERIC : transport naval de mărfuri între porturi apropiate

k. SINONIME : transport de bunuri, schimb de bunuri

l. CONTEXT / COLOCATII : 1. In privinta cabotajului, un raport al parlamentarului belgian Matthieu Grosch, care prevede eliminarea restrictiilor actuale, a fost adoptat cu 499 de voturi „pentru", 153 „impotriva" si 53 de abtineri. Europarlamentarii au fost astfel de acord sa mentina limitarea actuala la cel mult trei curse consecutive efectuate intr-un alt stat membru, pe o durata de cel mult 7 zile, termen dupa care transportatorul respectiv trebuie sa se intoarca in tara de origine. Totusi, parlamentarii si-au confirmat optiunea in favoarea eliminarii acestei restrictii pana la 1 ianuarie 2014, iar pana in 2010 se prevede cresterea de la 3 la 7 a numarului maxim de curse ce pot fi efectuate in regim de cabotaj.


2. Cabotajul este o operatiune de transport rutier efectuata de catre un operator de transport intre cel putin doua puncte de incarcare/descarcare aflate pe teritoriul unui alt stat; deplasarea fara incarcatura pe teritoriul aceluiasi stat strain, intre doua operatiuni consecutive de transport international nu este considerata cabotaj.



n. COMETARIU: Avand in vedere recomandarile expertilor Comunitatii Europene in legatura cu armonizarea legislatiei nationale cu legislatia comunitara privind transporturile maritime si pe caile navigabile interioare, care au condus la necesitatea modificarii legislatiei in ceea ce priveste inmatricularea navelor maritime si a navelor de navigatie interioara in registrele matricole si in registrele de evidenta a navelor, precum si radierea lor din aceste registre, schimbarea sistemului de clasificare a navelor si intrarea in vigoare la data aderarii Romaniei la Uniunea Europeana a Regulamentului (CEE) nr. 3.577/92 al Consiliului din 7 decembrie 1992 de aplicare a principiului liberei circulatii a serviciilor la transporturile maritime in interiorul statelor membre (cabotaj maritim), regulament care se va aplica direct si obligatoriu si Romaniei, intrucat exista prevederi nationale care contravin prevederilor comunitare, sunt necesare modificarea si completarea legislatiei romanesti in domeniul transporturilor maritime si pe caile navigabile, masura apreciata ca fiind un caz exceptional, conform art. 115 alin. (4) din Constitutia Romaniei, republicata, impunandu-se adoptarea de urgenta a unui act normativ de modificare si completare a Ordonantei Guvernului nr. 42/1997 privind transportul naval, republicata.

o. DESEMNAREA STATUTULUI : formal,oficial


b. ENTRY : Canal


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d. SOURCE : www.markjones.co.nz e. STANDARD DEFINITION : - Are navigable transportation canals used for carrying ships and boats loaded with goods and people, often connected to existing lakes, rivers, or oceans. Included here are inter-ocean canals such as the Suez Canal and the Panama Canal. f. NOTA BENE : Etimology - mid-15c., from L. canalis "pipe, groove, channel," from canna "reed." Originally "a pipe for liquid," its sense shifted by 1670s to "artificial waterway."


h. DEFINITION SOURCE : www.markjones.co.nz i. GRAMMATICAL CATEGORY : noun j. GENERIC CONCEPT : waterway k. SYNONYMS : course l. CONTEXT / COLLOCATIONS : 1. Some canals are part of an existing waterway. This is usually where a river has been canalised: making it navigable by widening and deepening some parts (by dredging, weirs or both), and providing locks with "cuts" around the weirs or other difficult sections. In France, these waterways are called lateral canals and in the UK they are generally called navigations, and the length of the artificial waterway often exceeds the natural. The individual cuts that make up such a canal system may each be called a reach. 2. Smaller transportation canals can carry barges or narrowboats, while ship canals allow seagoing ships to travel to an inland port (e.g.: Manchester Ship Canal), or from one sea or ocean to another (e.g.: Caledonian Canal, Panama Canal). (Calvert, Roger (1963), Inland Waterways of Europe, George Allen and Unwin)

m. USE AREA : Marine

n. COMMENTARY: The oldest known canals were irrigation canals, built in Mesopotamia circa 4000 BC, in what is now modern day Iraq and Syria. The Indus Valley Civilization in Pakistan and North India (circa 2600 BC) had sophisticated irrigation and storage systems developed, including the reservoirs built at Girnar in 3000 BC.[3] In Egypt, canals date back at least to the time of Pepi I Meryre (reigned 2332–2283 BC), who ordered a canal built to bypass the cataract on the Nile near Aswan.

o. DESIGNATION STATUS : formal, official


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b. INTRARE : Canal c. ID TARA : RO

d. SURSA : www.ainostri.ro

e. DEFINITIE STANDARD : - Se numeşte o cale maritimă artificială, rezultată din săparea unei albii printr-un istm, care asigură comunicaţia între două oceane sau mări, scurtând un drum de navigaţie

f. NOTA BENE : Etimologie - Din fr. canal, lat. canali


h. SURSA DEFINITIEI : www.dexonline.ro


j. CONCEPT GENERIC : Albie artificială sau amenajată care leagă între ele două mări, două fluvii, un râu cu un lac

k. SINONIME : curs de apa

l. CONTEXT / COLOCATII : 1. Canalul poate exista şi în interiorul continentului între două râuri, asigurând o comunicaţie indirectă între două mări (canalul Volga-Don). 2. În funcţie de importanţa lor, în ceea ce priveşte navigaţia pe mare, canalele pot fi:-naţionale, când se găsesc în întregime pe teritoriul unui stat şi în afara căilor maritime internaţionale;-internaţionale, cînd, deşi se găsesc pe teritoriul unuia sau mai multor state constituie verigi importante în sistemul căilor maritime mondiale. Aceste din urmă canale au un regim juridic special, care asigură libertatea navigaţiei şi pentru navele statelor neriverane.



n. COMETARIU: Deplasarea navelor printr-un canal se execută normal (Canalul Suez, Canalul Corint) sau prin ecluzare (Canalul Panama, Canalul Volga-Don, Canalul Dunăre-Marea Neagră, Canalul Bega), când între extremităţi există o diferenţă de nivel.Fiecare canal are un regulament special de exploatare.

o. DESEMNAREA STATUTULUI : formal,oficial


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b. ENTRY : Captain


d. SOURCE : www.m-i-link.com

e. STANDARD DEFINITION : - The person in charge of a ship; another title for master f. NOTA BENE : Etimology - late 14c., "one who stands at the head of others," from O.Fr. capitaine, from L.L. capitaneus "chief," n. use of adj. capitaneus "prominent, chief," from L. caput (gen. capitis) "head" (see head). Military sense of "officer who commands a company" (rank between major and lieutenant) is from 1560s; naval sense of "officer who commands a man-of-war" is from 1550s, extended to "master or commander of a vessel of any kind" by 1704. Sporting sense is first recorded 1823.


h. DEFINITION SOURCE : www.m-i-link.com

i. GRAMMATICAL CATEGORY : noun j. GENERIC CONCEPT : chief of vehicle k. SYNONYMS : boss, commander, guide, leader l. CONTEXT / COLLOCATIONS : 1. The equivalent rank in many navies is Ship-of-the-Line Captain . Other equivalent ranks in other navies notably include Captain of Sea and War or Captain at Sea. 2. The command of a ship is most often given to the naval rank equivalent to a commissioned officer between commander (OF-4) and commodore or rear admiral (OF-6). The Polish Navy is, however, a notable exception naval captain in position of Lieutenant or Captain Lieutenant and OF-5 rank being a "commander" (komandor). The naval rank should not be confused with the army, air force or marine rank of captain, which has a NATO code of OF-2. (www.en.wikipedia.org)

m. USE AREA : Marine

n. COMMENTARY: Any naval officer who commands a ship (titled Commanding Officer, or CO) is addressed as "captain" while aboard that ship, by naval custom. Officers with the rank of captain traveling aboard a vessel they do not command should be addressed by their rank and name (e.g., "captain Jones"), but they should not be referred to as "the captain" to avoid confusion with the vessel's captain.[1] On large ships (e.g., carriers), the XO (Executive Officer) may be a captain in rank, in which case it would be proper to address the


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XO by rank. Often the XO prefers to be called XO to avoid confusion with the CO (Commanding Officer), who is also a captain in rank and the captain of the ship.[2] In some navies, captains by rank are addressed as Commodore to avoid confusion with the ship's commander.

o. DESIGNATION STATUS : formal, official


b. INTRARE : Capitan c. ID TARA : RO

d. SURSA : www.ainostri.ro

e. DEFINITIE STANDARD : - Comandant al unei nave

f. NOTA BENE : Etimologie - Din it. capitano, rus. kapitan. Cf. magh. k a p i t á n y.

g. CORRESPONDENT EN : Captainh. SURSA DEFINITIEI : www.dexonline.ro


j. CONCEPT GENERIC : conducatorul unei nave

k. SINONIME : sef, autoritate,conductor,comandant,lider

l. CONTEXT / COLOCATII : 1. Una dintre cele mai mari minciuni spuse de Traian Basescu de cand este presedinte a fost rostita la sfarsitul saptamanii trecute. Acesta a declarat ca nu ii este frica de pierderea alegerilor pentru ca se va intoarce pe mare, capitan de vas. Este o minciuna pe care nici chiar Base nu o crede deoarece el stie mai bine ca oricine faptul ca tara noastra nu mai are flota maritima tocmai din cauza sa.

(www.bogdancaliniuc.blogspot.com) m. ARIA DE UTILIZARE : Marina

n. COMETARIU: Primul capitan al navei Crucişătorul Elisabeta a fost colonelul Ioan Murgescu, apoi din 1889 până în 1898 căpitan a fost Vasile Urseanu.

o. DESEMNAREA STATUTULUI : formal,oficial


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b. ENTRY : Cargo ship


d. SOURCE : www.m-i-link.com e. STANDARD DEFINITION : - Is any sort of ship or vessel that carries cargo, goods, and materials from one port to another. f. NOTA BENE : Etimology - 1657, from Sp. cargo "burden," from cargar "to load, impose taxes," from L.L. carricare "to load on a cart". South Pacific cargo cult is from 1949.


h. DEFINITION SOURCE : www.m-i-link.com/dictionary

i. GRAMMATICAL CATEGORY : nominal phrase j. GENERIC CONCEPT : a ship designed to carry cargo     k. SYNONYMS : cargo vessel, freighter l. CONTEXT / COLLOCATIONS : 1. Thousands of cargo carriers ply the world's seas and oceans each year; they handle the bulk of international trade. Cargo ships are usually specially designed for the task, often being equipped with cranes and other mechanisms to load and unload, and come in all sizes. Today, they are almost always built of welded steel, and with some exceptions generally have a life expectancy of 25 to 30 years before being scrapped 2. Specialized types of cargo vessels include container ships and bulk carriers (technically tankers of all sizes are cargo ships, although they are routinely thought of as a separate category)

(www.rmri.ro) m. USE AREA : Marine

n. COMMENTARY: Piracy is still quite common in some waters, particularly in the Malacca Straits, a narrow channel between Indonesia and Singapore / Malaysia, and cargo ships are still commonly targeted. In 2004, the governments of those three nations agreed to provide better protection for the ships passing through the Straits. The waters off Somalia and Nigeria are also prone to piracy, while smaller vessels are also in danger along parts of the South American, Southeast Asian coasts and near the Caribbean Sea.

o. DESIGNATION STATUS : formal, official


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b. INTRARE : Cargou c. ID TARA : RO

d. SURSA : www.m-i-link.com

e. DEFINITIE STANDARD : - Cargou sau cargobot este denumirea unei nave destinate transportului de mărfuri uscate în vrac sau de mărfuri ambalate sau neambalate.

f. NOTA BENE : Etimologie - – Din fr. cargo.

g. CORRESPONDENT EN : Cargo ships

h. SURSA DEFINITIEI : www.m-i-link.com


j. CONCEPT GENERIC : - nava comerciala destinata transportului de marfuri

k. SINONIME : cargobot

l. CONTEXT / COLOCATII : 1. Un al treilea cargou, cu 17 persoane la bord şi transportând 5.600 de tone de fier vechi, s-a scufundat duminică în Marea Neagră, în apropiere de Crimeea, în timpul unei furtuni puternice, a anunţat un responsabil al serviciilor ucrainene de supraveghere maritimă, transmite AFP.

(www.ecomagazin.ro) 2. Viteza economică a cargourilor este de (12...20) Nd fiind obţinută, de regulă, cu ajutorul motoarelor cu aprindere prin compresie (Diesel), lente sau semirapide, care antrenează elice cu pale fixe. Compartimentul de maşini poate fi amplasat la pupa, central sau în prova navei.



n. COMETARIU: Amenajările interioare şi aspectul exterior pot diferi de la o navă la alta prin: amplasarea compartimentului de maşini; numărul, mărimea şi amplasarea suprastructurilor; numărul şi dimensiunea magaziilor de mărfuri; numărul de punţi şi pereţi; forma extremităţilor pupa şi prova, sistemul general de osatură; instalaţiile pentru încărcat şi descărcat mărfuri (bigi, macarale etc.). Cargourile sunt prevăzute cu suprastructuri continue sau răzleţe şi dispun de spaţii mari pentru depozitarea mărfurilor. Sistemul general de osatură al cargourilor poate fi transversal sau combinat.


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b. ENTRY : Catboat


d. SOURCE : www.en.wikipedia.org e. STANDARD DEFINITION : - A catboat (alternate spelling: cat boat), or a cat-rigged sailboat, is a sailing vessel characterized by a single mast carried well forward (i.e., near the front of the boat). f. NOTA BENE : The terms catboat and cat-rigged are often confused with catamaran. Catamaran describes the hull structure of a boat (specifically, it refers to two hulls side-by-side) whereas cat-rigged and catboat describe the sail plan and vessel type, respectively. To add to the confusion, some small sporting catamarans are cat-rigged and both terms are abbreviated cat when no ambiguity is foreseen. A catboat was used in colonial times.It is generally accepted that the origin of the catboat type was in New York around 1840 and from there spread east and south as the virtues of the type — simplicity, ease of handling, shallow draft, large capacity — were discovered.


h. DEFINITION SOURCE : www.en.wikipedia.org i. GRAMMATICAL CATEGORY : noun j. GENERIC CONCEPT : a boat k. SYNONYMS : ship l. CONTEXT / COLLOCATIONS : 1. Although any boat with a single sail and a mast carried well forward is 'technically' a catboat, the traditional catboat has a wide beam approximately half the length of the boat, a centerboard, and a single gaff-rigged sail. Some catboats such as the Barnegat Bay type and more modern catboat designs carry a Bermuda sail. A jib is sometimes added, but this may require a bowsprit, and technically creates a sloop sail-plan. 2. Historically, catboats were used for fishing and transport in the coastal waters around Cape Cod, Narragansett Bay, New York and New Jersey. Some were fitted with bowsprits for swordfishing and others were used as 'party boats' with canvas-sided, wood-framed summer cabins that could be rolled up. (Grayson, Stan (2002). Cape Cod Catboats. Marblehead, MA: Devereux Books.)

m. USE AREA : Marine


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n. COMMENTARY: One of the most well-known catboats is the 12-foot (3.7 m) Beetle Cat daysailer. Fleets of these one-design boats are found in harbors all across New England, often competing in races. In the 1960's, Breck Marshall based his 18-foot (5.5 m) fiberglass Sanderling upon an existing, wooden design. The Sanderling has since become a very popular boat, with more than 700 built, and it has helped to rekindle interest in the catboat. To honor Marshall and his contribution to the type, the Catboat Association funded the construction of the Breck Marshall, a 20-foot (6.1 m) catboat built and berthed at Mystic Seaport.


b. ENTRY : Cog (ship)


d. SOURCE : www.m-i-link.com e. STANDARD DEFINITION : - Is a type of ship that first appeared in the 10th century, and was widely used from around the 12th century on. f. NOTA BENE : Cogs are first mentioned in 948 AD, in Muiden near Amsterdam. These early cogs were influenced by the Norse Knarr, which was the main trade vessel in northern Europe at the time, and probably used a steering oar, as there is nothing to suggest a stern rudder in northern Europe until about 1240. Current archaeological evidence points to the Frisian coast, Western Jutland, as the possible birthplace of this type of vessel. The transformation of the cog into a true seagoing trader came not only during the time of the intense trade between West and East, but also as a direct answer to the closure of the western entrance to the Limfjord. For centuries, Limfjord in northern Jutland offered fairly protected passage between the North Sea and the Baltic. Due to unusual geographical conditions and strong currents, the passage was constantly filling with sand and was completely blocked by the 12th century. This change produced new challenges. Bigger ships that could not be pulled across the sand bars had to sail around the Jutland peninsula and circumnavigate the dangerous Cape Skagen to get to the Baltic. This resulted in major modifications to old ship structures, which can be observed by analyzing evolution of the earliest cog finds of Kollerup, Skagen, and Kolding.


h. DEFINITION SOURCE : www.m-i-link.com

i. GRAMMATICAL CATEGORY : noun j. GENERIC CONCEPT : a old ship k. SYNONYMS : a vessel, a big boat l. CONTEXT / COLLOCATIONS :


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1. Cogs were generally built of oak, which was an abundant timber in the Baltic region of Prussia. This vessel was fitted with a single mast and a square-rigged single sail. Even though this type of rigging prohibited sailing into the wind, it could be handled by a smaller crew, which reduced operational costs. These vessels were mostly associated with seagoing trade in medieval Europe, particularly in the Baltic Sea region. 2. Eventually, around the 14th century, the cog reached its structural limits, resulting in the desperate need for a quick replacement. The replacement, the hulk, already existed but awaited reconditioning. Although there is no evidence that hulks descended from the cogs, it is clear that a lot of technological ideas were adapted from one to the other and vice versa.[3] The transition from cogs to hulks was not linear. According to some interpretations, both vessels coexisted for many centuries but followed diverse lines of evolution.[4]

(Gardnier, R. 1994. Cogs, caravels and galleons: the sailing ship, 1000-1650. Annapolis.)

m. USE AREA : Marine

n. COMMENTARY: Cogs were characterized by a flush-laid flat bottom at midships but gradually shifted to overlapped strakes near the posts. They had full lapstrake planking covering the sides, generally starting from the bilge strakes, and double-clenched iron nails for plank fastenings. The keel, or keelplank, was only slightly thicker than the adjacent garboards and had no rabbet. Both stem and stern posts were straight and rather long, and connected to the keelplank through intermediate pieces called hooks. The lower plank hoods terminated in rabbets in the hooks and posts, but upper hoods were nailed to the exterior faces of the posts. Caulking was generally tarred moss that was inserted into curved grooves, covered with wooden laths, and secured by metal staples called sintels. Finally, the cog-built structure could not be completed without a stern-mounted hanging central rudder, which was a unique northern development.[1] Cogs used to have open hulls and could be rowed short distances. In the 13th century they received decks. The most famous is the Bremen cog.


b. ENTRY : Crane vessel


d. SOURCE : www.markjones.co.nz e. STANDARD DEFINITION : - Is a ship with a crane specialized in lifting heavy loads. f. NOTA BENE : In medieval Europe, crane vessels which could be flexibly deployed in the whole port basin were introduced as early as the 14th century.[1] In 1920, the 1898-built battleship USS   Kearsarge   (BB-5) was converted to a crane ship when a crane with a capacity of 250 tons was installed. Later it was renamed Crane Ship No. 1. It was used, amongst other things, to place guns and other heavy items on battle ships under construction. Another remarkable feat was the raising of the USS   Squalus   (SS-192) in 1939.


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In 1942 the Crane Ships aka "Heavy Lift Ships" SS Empire Elgar (PQ16), SS Empire Bard (PQ15), and SS Empire Purcell (PQ16) were sent to the Russian Arctic ports of Archangel, Murmansk and Molotovsk (Since renamed Sererodvinsk). Their role was to enable the unloading of the Arctic Convoys where port installations were either destroyed by German bombers or were non existent (as at Bakaritsa quay Archangel)

g. RO CORRESPONDENT : Macara plutitoare

h. DEFINITION SOURCE : www.markjones.co.nz i. GRAMMATICAL CATEGORY : nominal group j. GENERIC CONCEPT : a ship with a crane specialized in lifting heavy loads k. SYNONYMS : crane ship, floating crane l. CONTEXT / COLLOCATIONS : 1. The largest crane vessels are used for offshore construction. Conventional monohulls are used, but the largest crane vessels are often catamaran or semi-submersible types as they have increased stability. On a sheerleg crane, the crane is fixed and cannot rotate, and the vessel therefore is manouevered to place loads. 2. In 1963 Heerema converted a Norwegian tanker, the Sunnaas, into a crane vessel with a capacity of 300 tons, the first one in the offshore industry that was ship-shaped. It was renamed Global Adventurer. This type of crane vessel was better adapted to the harsh environment of the North Sea. (www.hmc.heerema.com)

m. USE AREA : Marine n. COMMENTARY: In 1978 Heerema had two semi-submersible crane vessels built, the Hermod and the Balder, each with one 2000 ton and one 3000 ton crane. Later both were upgraded to a higher capacity. This type of crane vessel was much less sensitive to sea swell, so that it was possible to operate on the North Sea during the winter months. The high stability also allowed for heavier lifts than was possible with a monohull. The larger capacity of the cranes reduced the installation time of a platform from a whole season to a few weeks. Inspired by this success similar vessels were built. In 1985 the DB-102 was launched for McDermott, with two cranes with a capacity of 6000 tons each. Micoperi had the M7000 built in 1986 with two cranes of 7000 tons each.However, in the mid 1980s the boom in the offshore industry was over, resulting in collaborations. In 1988 a joint venture between Heerema and McDermott was formed, HeereMac. In 1990 Micoperi had to apply for bankruptcy. This enabled Saipem – in the beginning of the 1970s a large heavy lift contractor, but only a small player in this field at the end of the 80s – to take over the M7000 in 1995, later renaming it Saipem 7000. In 1997 Heerema took over the DB-102 from McDermott after discontinuation of their joint venture.[2]

The ship was renamed Thialf and, after an upgrade in 2000 to twice 7100 tons, it is now the largest crane vessel in the world even if all the world's lifting records belong to the Saipem 7000 (12150t of Sabratha Deck).


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o. DESIGNATION STATUS : formal, official


b. INTRARE : Macara plutitoare c. ID TARA : RO

d. SURSA : Lexicon maritim englez roman,1971

e. DEFINITIE STANDARD : - Este o macara fixă sau mobilă, instalată pe un ponton care îi asigură plutirea

f. NOTA BENE : Etimologie - MACARÁ, macarale, s.f. Aparat, dispozitiv sau sistem tehnic construit pe principiul scripeților, cu care se ridică (și se deplasează) greutăți (mari) pe distanțe scurte. – Din tc. makara; PLUTITÓR, -OÁRE, plutitori, -oare, adj., s.n., s.f. 1. Adj. Care poate pluti la suprafața unui lichid; flotabil. 2. S.n. Construcție care plutește, prevăzută cu un echipament cu ajutorul căruia poate îndeplini unele servicii de semnalizare sau de transport, folosită în navigație; – Pluti + suf. -tor

g. CORRESPONDENT EN : Crane vessel

h. SURSA DEFINITIEI : Lexicon maritim englez roman,1971


j. CONCEPT GENERIC : macara fixa sau mobila pentru manipularea greutatilor mari

k. SINONIME : nava fluviala

l. CONTEXT / COLOCATII : 1. Macaraua plutitoare este folosită la manipularea greutăţilor mari. 2. Macaralele plutitoare moderne sunt instalaţii de ridicat montate pe pontoane, care acţionează în porturi fluviale şi maritime. Ele sunt autopropulsate şi au un tonaj de peste 350 tone. Macaralele plutitoare intră în categoria de navă fluvială sau de ape interioare navigabile.

(Lexicon maritim englez-român, Ed. Ştiinţifică, Bucureşti, 1971)


n. COMETARIU: Se utilizează la diverse operaţiuni (exclusiv extracţii sau excavări) de manipulare a mărfurilor generale cu cârligul, respectiv a minereurilor, cărbunilor şi altor produse în vrac cu graifărul, precum şi la dezeşuări şi ranfluări.

o. DESEMNAREA STATUTULUI : formal,oficial


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b. ENTRY : Cruiser


d. SOURCE : www.markjones.co.nz e. STANDARD DEFINITION : - Is a type of large warship, which had its prime period from the late 19th century to the end of the Cold War. f. NOTA BENE : The term "cruiser" or "cruizer"was first commonly used in the 17th century to refer to an independent warship. "Cruiser" meant the purpose or mission of a ship, rather than a category of vessel. However, the term was nonetheless used to mean a smaller, faster warship suitable for such a role. In the 17th century, the ship of the line was generally too large, inflexible, and expensive to be dispatched on long-range missions (for instance, to the Americas), and too strategically important to be put at risk of fouling and foundering by continual patrol duties.The Dutch navy was noted for its cruisers in the 17th century, while the British navy—and later French and Spanish navies—subsequently caught up in terms of their numbers and deployment. The British Cruiser and Convoy Acts were an attempt by mercantile interests in Parliament to focus the Navy on commerce defence and raiding with cruisers, rather than the more scarce and expensive ships of the line. During the 18th century the frigate became the preeminent type of cruiser. A frigate was a small, fast, long range, lightly armed (single gun-deck) ship used for scouting, carrying dispatches, and disrupting enemy trade. The other principal type of cruiser was the sloop, but many other miscellaneous types of ship were used as well.

g. RO CORRESPONDENT : Crucisator

h. DEFINITION SOURCE : www.markjones.co.nz i. GRAMMATICAL CATEGORY : noun j. GENERIC CONCEPT : a battleship k. SYNONYMS : warship l. CONTEXT / COLLOCATIONS : 1. Historically, a 'cruiser' was not a type of ship but a warship role. Cruisers were ships—often frigates or smaller vessels—that were assigned a role largely independent from the fleet; in a sense, cruising independently. Typically, this might involve missions such as raiding enemy merchant shipping. In the late 19th century, the term 'cruiser' came to mean ships designed to fulfill such a role, and from the 1890s to the 1950s a 'cruiser' was a warship larger than a destroyer but smaller than a battleship.


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2. In the 1880s naval architects began to use steel as a material for construction and armament. A steel cruiser could be lighter and faster than one built of iron or wood. The Jeune Ecole school of naval doctrine suggested that a fleet of fast unprotected steel cruisers were ideal for commerce raiding, while the torpedo boat would be able to destroy an enemy battleship fleet. (Rodger, N. A. M.: The Command of the Ocean, A Naval History of Britain 1649–1815. Allen Lane, London, 2004.)

m. USE AREA : Marine

n. COMMENTARY: The first protected cruiser was the groundbreaking Chilean ship Esmeralda. Produced by a shipyard at Elswick, in Britain, owned by Armstrong, she inspired a group of protected cruisers produced in the same yard and known as the "Elswick cruisers". Her forecastle, poop deck and the wooden board deck had been removed, replaced with an armored deck. Esmeralda's armament consisted of fore and aft 10-inch (25.4 cm) guns and 6-inch (15.2 cm) guns in the midships positions. It could reach a speed of 18 knots (33 km/h), and was propelled by steam alone. It also had a displacement of less than 3,000 tons. During the two following decades, this cruiser type came to be the inspiration for combining heavy artillery, high speed and low displacement.

o. DESIGNATION STATUS : formal, official


b. INTRARE : Crucisator c. ID TARA : RO

d. SURSA : www.markjones.co.nz

e. DEFINITIE STANDARD : - Este o navă militară de luptă (de război) rapidă, mai uşoară decât cuirasatul, care serveşte ca avangardă într-o escadră, la recunoaşteri etc. f. NOTA BENE : Etimologie - termenul vine din limba olandeză, în care Kruiser înseamnă "ceva care încrucişează". Termenul a fost preluat în limba germană ca Kreuzer iar în limba engleză ca cruising ship, respectiv cruiser.


h. SURSA DEFINITIEI : www.markjones.co.nz


j. CONCEPT GENERIC : o nava militara de razboi

k. SINONIME : nava militara, nava de razboi



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1. Din punct de vedere istoric, denumirea de crucisator se aplica celei mai mici nave care putea opera în misiuni independente, chiar dacă din punct de vedere al comenzii militare era încadrată într-o flotă. 2. După nava de linie, crucisatorul este principala navă de luptă, ca deplasament, viteză şi armament.

(Lexicon maritim engelez-roman,1971)


n. COMETARIU: În prezent, în războiul naval modern, practic nu mai există crucişătoare, conform definiţiei istorice, dar unele nave continuă să fie numite crucişătoare, datorită categoriilor de misiuni pe care le pot îndeplini.

o. DESEMNAREA STATUTULUI : formal,oficial


b. ENTRY : Cruise ship


d. SOURCE : www.markjones.co.nz

e. STANDARD DEFINITION : - Is a passenger ship used for pleasure voyages, where the voyage itself and the ship's amenities are part of the experience. f. NOTA BENE : The first vessel built exclusively for this purpose was the Prinzessin Victoria Luise, designed by Albert Ballin, general manager of Hamburg-America Line. The ship was completed in 1900.The practice of cruising grew gradually out of the transatlantic crossing tradition, which never took fewer than four days. In the competition for passengers, ocean liners added many luxuries — the Titanic being the most famous example — such as fine dining and well-appointed staterooms.In the late 19th century, Albert Ballin, director of the Hamburg-America Line, was the first to send his transatlantic ships out on long southern cruises during the worst of the winter season of the North Atlantic. Other companies followed suit. Some of them built specialized ships designed for easy transformation between summer crossings and winter cruising.

g. RO CORRESPONDENT : Nava de croaziera

h. DEFINITION SOURCE : www.markjones.co.nz

i. GRAMMATICAL CATEGORY : nominal group j. GENERIC CONCEPT : a passenger ship used for pleasure voyages k. SYNONYMS : ship, vessel, cruise liner


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l. CONTEXT / COLLOCATIONS : 1. Cruising has become a major part of the tourism industry, accounting for U.S.$27 billion with over 18 million passengers carried worldwide [1] in 2010. The industry's rapid growth has seen nine or more newly built ships catering to a North American clientele added every year since 2001, as well as others servicing European clientele. Smaller markets such as the Asia-Pacific region are generally serviced by older tonnage displaced by new ships introduced into the high growth areas. Cruise ships operate mostly on routes that return passengers to their originating port. In contrast, dedicated transport oriented ocean liners do "line voyages" and typically transport passengers from one point to another, rather than on round trips. Some cruise ships also engage in longer trips which may not lead back to the same port for many months (longer round trips 2. Traditionally, an ocean liner for the transoceanic trade will be built to a higher standard than a typical cruise ship, including stronger plating to withstand ocean voyages, most commonly crossing the North Atlantic. The only dedicated transatlantic ocean liner in operation as a liner, as of September 2009, is the Queen Mary 2 of the Cunard fleet. The liner Queen Mary is in service as a hotel in Long Beach, USA, the Queen Elizabeth 2 is slated for similar duty in Cape Town, and the United States is currently stored in Philadelphia, USA, with long-standing plans to return it to service, although this appears increasingly unlikely given its age and condition.[3] Some former ocean liners currently operate as cruise ships, however this number is ever decreasing. The MS Marco Polo is an example. (Monarchs of the Sea: The Great Ocean Liners; Ulrich, Kurt; Tausir Parke; 1999;)

m. USE AREA : Marine

n. COMMENTARY: Cruise ships are organized much like floating hotels, with a complete hospitality staff in addition to the usual ship's crew. It is not uncommon for the most luxurious ships to have more crew and staff than passengers.As with any vessel, adequate provisioning is crucial, especially on a cruise ship serving several thousand meals at each seating. For example, passengers and crew on the Royal Caribbean International ship Mariner of the Seas consume 20,000 pounds (9,000 kg) of beef, 28,000 eggs, 8,000 gallons (30,000 L) of ice cream, and 18,000 slices of pizza in a week.[citation


Many older cruise ships have had multiple owners. Since each cruise line has its own livery and often a naming theme (for instance, ships of the Holland America Line have names ending in "-dam", e.g. MS Statendam, and Royal Caribbean's ships' names all end with "of the Seas", e.g. MS Freedom of the Seas), it is usual for the transfer of ownership to entail a refitting and a name change. Some ships have had a dozen or more identities.Cruise ships and former liners often find employment in applications other than those for which they were built. A shortage of hotel accommodation for the 2004 Summer Olympics led to a plan to moor a number of cruise ships in Athens to provide tourist accommodation. On September 1, 2005, the U.S. Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) contracted three Carnival Cruise Lines vessels to house Hurricane Katrina evacuees.

o. DESIGNATION STATUS : formal, official


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b. INTRARE : Nava de croaziera c. ID TARA : RO

d. SURSA : Lexicon martim englez-roman,1971

e. DEFINITIE STANDARD : - Este o navă de pasageri folosită pentru călătorii de plăcere,în care călătoria însăşi şi facilităţile oferite de navă sunt o parte integrantă a experienţei.

f. NOTA BENE : Etimologie - – Din fr. croisière

g. CORRESPONDENT EN : Cruise ship

h. SURSA DEFINITIEI : Lexicon martim englez-roman,1971


j. CONCEPT GENERIC : nava pentru calatorii

k. SINONIME : vapor

l. CONTEXT / COLOCATII : 1. Navele de croaziera au devenit o parte importantă a industriei de turism 2. Cea mai mare navă de croazieră va fi predată miercuri proprietarilor. Vasul a fost construit în Finlanda pentru o companie americană. Oasis of The Seas va putea transporta aproape 8.500 de pasageri.Aşa numitul Oraş plutitor are 220.000 de tone şi a costat 900 de milioane de euro. Va putea găzdui 6.360 de turişti în 2.700 de camere şi apartamente. Nava dispune de piscine, mall-uri şi terenuri de baschet.Oasis of The Seas are aproape 360 de metri lungime, 47 de metri lăţime, 65 de metri înălţime şi un echipaj de 2.000 de oameni. Comandantul de navă şi marinarii s-au antrenat luni întregi pentru a se obişnui cu colosul.



n. COMETARIU: Navele de croaziera au foarte bine puse la punct sistemele de securitate, mai ales dupa anumite incidente petrecute pe mare. Unul dintre ele este chiar atacul piratilor.

o. DESEMNAREA STATUTULUI : formal,oficial


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b. ENTRY : Cutter


d. SOURCE : www.markjones.co.nz e. STANDARD DEFINITION : - When used in a nautical sense, a cutter is:a small single-masted vessel, fore-and-aft rigged, with two or more headsails, often a bowsprit, and a mast set farther back than in a sloop.a ship's boat, powered by oars, sails or motor, used to carry passengers or light stores[citation


a small or medium sized armed vessel used by various marine or naval services such as the U.S. Coast Guard [

f. NOTA BENE : Etimology - As a type of small, single-masted vessel, from 1762, earlier "boat belonging to a ship of war" (1745), perhaps so called from the notion of "cutting" through the water.


h. DEFINITION SOURCE : www.markjones.co.nz

i. GRAMMATICAL CATEGORY : noun j. GENERIC CONCEPT : a type of boat k. SYNONYMS : vessel, ship l. CONTEXT / COLLOCATIONS : 1. Cutters had a rig with a single mast more centrally located, which could vary from 50% to 70% of the length of the sailplan, with multiple headsails and a running bowsprit.A mast located aft of 50% would be considered a mast aft rig. 2. The open cutter carried aboard naval vessels in the 18th Century was rowed by pairs of men sitting side-by-side on benches. The cutter, with its transom, was broader in proportion compared to the longboat, which had finer lines. (Kemp, Peter, ed (1976). The Oxford Companion to Ships & the Sea. London: Oxford University Press.)

m. USE AREA : Marine


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n. COMMENTARY: The term cutter is also used for any seaworthy vessel used in the law enforcement duties of Great Britain's HM Customs and Excise, the United States Coast Guard (Revenue Cutter Service) or the customs services of other countries.In America, customs cutters were commonly schooners or brigs. In Britain, they were usually rigged as defined under Sailing (above). The British Board of Customs also used other vessels as hulks, which were moored in places such as tidal creeks. Customs officers worked from the hulks in smaller boats.In the UK, the UK Border Agency (successor to HM Customs and Excise) currently operates a fleet of 42 m Corvette-type vessels throughout UK territorial waters as border cutters, inspecting vessels for illicit cargoes.

o. DESIGNATION STATUS : formal, official


b. ENTRY : Davit


d. SOURCE : www.m-i-link.com e. STANDARD DEFINITION : - A fitting for lifting and lowering boat or heavy items at the ship's sides; in its simplest form, may look like an inverted L-shaped steel pipe mounted on deck f. NOTA BENE : Etimology - also david, "crane-like structure used to lower things down off a ship, etc.," late 15c., apparently a use of the masc. proper name David on the pattern of applying common Christian names to useful devices (cf. jack, jenny, jimmy).


h. DEFINITION SOURCE : www.m-i-link.com i. GRAMMATICAL CATEGORY : noun j. GENERIC CONCEPT : an inverted L-shaped steel pipe mounted on deck k. SYNONYMS : crane l. CONTEXT / COLLOCATIONS : 1. The standard became so common that shipyard specifications call for Schat type davits from whatever source. 2. Davits have always been designed to fit into deck spaces that the naval architects deemed necessary and a variety of designs emerged:GRA - Gravity Roller track davit (Miranda) - usually above promenade decks.SPG - Single pivot gravity davit (Radial) - for many different deck spaces.FFD - Free Fall davit - For Free Fall Lifeboats on sternQD - Quadrantal Davit - Old mechanical style, often hand cranked into outboard position


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m. USE AREA : Marine

n. COMMENTARY: The development of the davit from its original "goose neck form" to the current devices advanced greatly when A.P. Schat patented a number of systems in 1926 that allowed the lifeboat to glide over obstructions on a ships hull known as the "Schat Skate". This was followed by a self-braking winch system that allowed the lifeboat to be lowered evenly and then the modern davit was invented.

o. DESIGNATION STATUS : formal, official


b. ENTRY : Deck


d. SOURCE : www.markjones.co.nz e. STANDARD DEFINITION : - A permanent covering over a compartment, hull or any part thereof. f. NOTA BENE : Etimology - Mid-15c., probably aphetic of M.L.G. verdeck, a nautical word, from ver- "fore" + decken "to cover, put under roof," from P.Gmc. *thackjam (related to thatch), from PIE *(s)tog-/*(s)teg- "cover" (see stegosaurus). Sense extended early in English from "covering" to "platform of a ship." "Pack of cards" is 1590s, perhaps because they were stacked like decks of a ship. The verb sense of "knock down" is first recorded c.1953, probably from notion of laying someone out on the deck. Deck chair (1884) so called because they were used on ocean liners. Tape deck (1949) is in ref. to the flat surface of old reel-to-reel tape recorders.


h. DEFINITION SOURCE : www.markjones.co.nz i. GRAMMATICAL CATEGORY : noun j. GENERIC CONCEPT : a horizontal platform on a ship k. SYNONYMS : surface,platform

l. CONTEXT / COLLOCATIONS : 1. On a boat or ship, the primary deck is the horizontal structure which forms the 'roof' for the hull, which both strengthens the hull and serves as the primary working surface. Vessels often have more than one level both within the hull and in the superstructure above


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the primary deck which are similar to the floors of a multi-story building, and which are also referred to as decks, as are specific compartments and decks built over specific areas of the superstructure. 2. The purpose of the primary deck is structural, and only secondarily to provide weather-tightness, and to support people and equipment. The deck serves as the lid to the complex box girder which is the hull. It resists tension, compression, and racking forces. The deck's scantling is usually the same as the topsides, or might be heavier if the deck is expected to carry heavier loads (for example a container ship). The deck will be reinforced around deck fittings such as the capstan, cleats, or bollards. (www.en.wikipedia.org)

m. USE AREA : Marine n. COMMENTARY: On ships with more than one level, deck refers to the level itself. The actual floor surface is called the sole, while the term floor refers to a structural member tying the ships frames or ribs together over the keel. In modern ships, the interior decks are usually numbered from the primary deck, which is #1, downward and upward. So the first deck below the primary deck will be #2, and the first above the primary deck will be #A2 or #S2 (for "Above" or "Superstructure"). However, ships may also call decks by common names, or (especially on cruise ships) may invent fanciful and romantic names for a specific deck or area of that specific ship, such as the Lido deck of the Princess Cruises' Love Boat.

o. DESIGNATION STATUS : formal, official


b. INTRARE : Punte c. ID TARA : RO

d. SURSA : www.ainostri.ro

e. DEFINITIE STANDARD : - Puntea de navă este o platformă din table de oţel sau din dulapi de pin, frasin sau stejar, constituind învelişul corpului navei la partea superioară, cât şi unul din elementele longitudinale de structură.

f. NOTA BENE : Etimologie – Din Lat. pons, -ntis.


h. SURSA DEFINITIEI : www.dexonline .ro

i. CATEGORIE GRAMATICALA : substantivj. CONCEPT GENERIC : Planșeu orizontal fixat între etajele unei corăbii sau ale unui vapork. SINONIME : platforma



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1. Pe navele mari, punţile intermediare şi inferioare fac şi etajarea spaţiului cocei. 2. Punţile metalice sunt formate din tole de oţel dispuse în fîşii longitudinale paralele numite file, susţinute de traverse şi pontili. Rezistenţa punţilor se asigură prin grosimea tablelor şi prin sistemul de îmbinare cu celelalte elemente de structură. Pe contur se află stringherul de punte (gutieră sau tablă lăcrimară care se îmbină cu fila de centură a bordajului. Grosimea tablelor punţii este mai mare spre centrul navei şi scade spre extremităţi. Curbura transversală a punţii asigură scurgerea apelor spre borduri.



n. COMETARIU: Punţile de lemn se întâlnesc la navele mici de pasageri, la ambarcaţiuni sau la construcţia suprastructurilor uşoare. Pe navele mari, orice punte de lemn este întărită prin corzi longitudinale sau transversale din tole de oţel. Unele punţi metalice sunt în întregime, sau numai parţial, pardosite; puntea dublului fund, puntea teugii şi dunetei, puntea de comandă şi puntea ambarcaţiunilor sunt integral pardosite.

o. DESEMNAREA STATUTULUI : formal,oficial


b. ENTRY : Dinghy


d. SOURCE : www.m-i-link.com e. STANDARD DEFINITION : - Is a type of small boat, often carried or towed by a larger vessel. The term can also refer to small racing yachts or recreational open sailing boats. f. NOTA BENE : Etimology - 1810, from Hindi dingi "small boat," perhaps from Skt. drona-m "wooden trough," related to dru-s "wood, tree."


h. DEFINITION SOURCE : www.m-i-link.com i. GRAMMATICAL CATEGORY : noun j. GENERIC CONCEPT : a small boat k. SYNONYMS : life raft, lifeboat, rowboat, skiff l. CONTEXT / COLLOCATIONS :


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1. Dinghies usually range in length from 2 to 6 meters. Larger auxiliary vessels are generally called tenders, pinnaces or lifeboats. Folding and take-down multi-piece (nesting) dinghies are used where space is limited. Some newer dinghies have much greater buoyancy, giving them more carrying capacity than older boats of the same size. 2. Modern dinghies are typically made of glass-fiber reinforced plastic (GRP) because it requires minimal care and does not rot. Water penetrating the outer coat can cause blistering and damage to lamination, but this can be prevented with a barrier coat of epoxy resin. Other materials include aluminum, marine plywood and, with the advent of sturdy, UV resistant urethane varnishes, wood. Some wooden dinghies (especially of classic or historical form) are built using the carvel or clinker methods. Favored woods, in order of rot-resistance, are White Oak, locust, species of Cedar and pine, true as well as African and Asian mahoganies, fir and spruce. Bronze and stainless steel are good corrosion-resistant materials for hardware, although stainless steel is subject to crevice corrosion and must be inspected and replaced fairly frequently when used for rigging and some other parts. Working boats may use lower-cost galvanized steel, but the hardware may need to be re-galvanized or replaced eventually. (www.gartsideboats.com)

m. USE AREA : Marine

n. COMMENTARY: A dinghy should have a strong ring on the bow. The ring secures the painter (the line that anchors the boat to a dock), and is used for towing and anchoring. Ideally, the dinghy should also have two other rings (one on each side of the stern transom) which, with the bow ring, are used for lifting and securing the dinghy for stowage.The only other essential pieces of hardware are oarlocks (also known as rowlocks). Conventionally, a dinghy will have an oar on each side. A single sculling oarlock on the transom is less common, but requires less space; a sculling oar moves back and forth, never leaving the water, as used on a sampan.The dinghy is generally carried inverted amidships on yachts, keeping the yacht balanced. It is useful for a dinghy carried this way to have handholds built into the bottom, making launching easier and providing handholds on deck.Most yachts launch their dinghies by hand or with a simple lifting tackle rigged from the main mast. Another arrangement, davits over the transom, is convenient and elegant, but sailing in a heavy following sea could cause the loss of a dinghy. If a dinghy is towed, an extra line with a loop in the end (known as a lazy painter) can be attached to a dinghy so that if the towing line breaks, there is a line to grab with a boat hook. This makes retrieval easier at sea, especially if the boat is partially swamped.Dinghies often have names and numbers. On hard dinghies these are usually on the bow, on inflatables on the inside of the transom. o. DESIGNATION STATUS : formal, official


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b. ENTRY : Diving bell


d. SOURCE : www.m-i-link.com e. STANDARD DEFINITION : - Also known as a wet bell, is a cable-suspended airtight chamber, open at the bottom like a moon pool structure, that is lowered underwater to operate as a base or a means of transport for a small number of divers. f. NOTA BENE : The diving bell is one of the earliest types of equipment for underwater work and exploration. Its use was first described by Aristotle in the 4th century BC: "...they enable the divers to respire equally well by letting down a cauldron, for this does not fill with water, but retains the air, for it is forced straight down into the water." In 1535, Guglielmo de Lorena created and used what is considered to be the first modern diving bell.In 1616, Franz Kessler built an improved diving bell.[3][4]

In 1687 Sir William Phipps used an inverted container to recover £200,000-worth of treasure from a Spanish ship sunk off the coast of San Domingo.In 1689, Denis Papin suggested that the pressure and fresh air inside a diving bell could be maintained by a force pump or bellows. Engineer John Smeaton utilized this design in 1789.[3]


The earliest applications were probably for commercial sponge fishing. A diving bell was used to salvage more than 50 cannons from the Swedish warship Vasa in the period immediately following its sinking in 1628.In 1690 Edmund Halley completed plans for a diving bell capable of remaining submerged for extended periods of time, and fitted with a window for the purpose of undersea exploration. In Halley's diving bell, atmosphere is replenished by sending weighted barrels of air down from the surface.Once when asked to give a lecture, Salvador Dalí showed up in a diving bell, and insisted on speaking from inside it.

g. RO CORRESPONDENT : Turela deschisa

h. DEFINITION SOURCE : www.m-i-link.com/ i. GRAMMATICAL CATEGORY : noun j. GENERIC CONCEPT : a type of equipment for underwater work and exploration k. SYNONYMS : underwater equipment l. CONTEXT / COLLOCATIONS : 1. Diving bells are used as underwater rescue vessels and by working divers doing underwater work and salvage. The bell is lowered into the water by cables from a crane attached to a ship or dock. The bell is ballasted so as to remain upright in the water and to be negatively buoyant so that it sinks even when completely full of air.


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2. The physics of the diving bell applies also to an underwater habitat equipped with a moon pool, which is like a diving bell enlarged to the size of a room or two, and with the water–air interface at the bottom confined to a section rather than forming the entire bottom of the structure. (Arthur J. Bachrach, "History of the Diving Bell", Historical Diving Times,Spring 1998)

m. USE AREA : Marine

n. COMMENTARY: Commercial diving operators now generally use the hyperbaric chamber, a more modern type of sealable diving chamber based on a pressure vessel which is pressurised by an air pump rather than by the ambient water pressure. These have safety advantages and allow decompression to be carried out after being raised to the surface and taken back to base on a diving support vessel. They are used especially in saturation diving and undersea rescue operations. However this kind of diving chamber is often used in conjunction with a separate diving bell, or may be connected via an airlock to another compartment which uses the diving bell principle for access to the water.

o. DESIGNATION STATUS : formal, official


b. INTRARE : Turela deschisa c. ID TARA : RO

d. SURSA : www.ainostri.ro

e. DEFINITIE STANDARD : - Sau clopot de scufundare este un element important al echipamentului colectiv de scufundare profesională cu alimentare de la suprafaţă

f. NOTA BENE : Clopotul de scufundare este unul din primele tipuri de echipament de scufundare ce afost folosit pentru lucru sub apă sau explorare.Prima referire asupra utilizării unui clopot de scufundare este aceea a lui Aristotel în anul 332 î.Hr. În lucrarea Problemata, Alexandru cel Mare se scufundã într-un butoi cu geam numit „Colympha” pentru a vedea munca scufundãtorilor trimişi de el sã ridice obstacolele aflate sub apã în timpul asediului portului fenician Tyre aflat pe coasta Mãrii Mediterane, în Libanul de astãzi.În anul 1535 Gugliemo de Lorena folosindu-se de un clopot de scufundare explorează epavele galerelor romane scufundate în lacul Nemi.1538: la una din primele scufundări ce au avut loc cu un clopot de scufundare, în râul Tejo din Spania, a asistat însuşi împăratul Carol Quintul. În secolul al XVII-lea apar şi alte clopote de scufundare cum ar fi cel al lui Spalding, Trieval, şi Sturmius.1690: Sir Edmund Halley, descoperitorul cometei care-i poartă numele, perfecţionează clopotul de scufundare prevăzând împrospătarea aerului în clopot cu ajutorul proviziilor de aer coborâte sub apă într-un butoi lestat. Cu acest clopot Halley se scufundă până la adâncimea de 18 m, timp de 1,5 ore.1691: Denis Papin propune trimiterea aerului comprimat în clopotul de scufundare cu ajutorul unei pompe de la suprafaţă, printr-un tub prevăzut cu supape, apoi, în anul 1779 John


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Smeaton creează chesonul de scufundare cu ajutorul căruia au fost reparate fundaţiile picioarelor podului de la Hewhorn, Anglia.

g. CORRESPONDENT EN : Diving bell

h. SURSA DEFINITIEI : Lexicom martim englez-roman.1971


j. CONCEPT GENERIC : element important din echipamentul de scufundare a scafandrilor

k. SINONIME : clopot de scufundare

l. CONTEXT / COLOCATII : 1. Cu ajutorul turelei deschise scafandrii profesionişti coboară sub apă pentru a lucra şi a se ridica la suprafaţă. 2. Turela deschisă asigură scafandrilor:rezervă de amestec respiratorenergie electrică pentru sursa de iluminat sub apăsuport pentru efectuarea în siguranţă a palierelor de decompresieiloc de refugiu.

(Dinu Dumitru, Vlad Constantin : Scafandri şi vehicule subacvatice. Ed. Ştiinţifică şi Enciclopedică, Bucureşti, 1986.)


n. COMETARIU: Turela deschisă modernă este o incintă metalică lestată, cu o înălţime de cca 3 m şi un diametru de cca 2 m. Este deschisă la partea de jos având la partea superioară un dom transparent din plexiglas (acryl) care sub apă este presurizat cu amestec respirator astfel că scafandrii pot respira din acesta la întoarcerea în turelă. Turela poate avea propria sa rezervă de gaz şi oxigen pentru situaţii de urgenţă.Turela este manevrată cu ajutorul unei bigi sau macarale prin intermediul unui cablu de metal. Cablul ombilical este format din furtun de alimentare cu amestec gazos, cablu electric, cablu de comunicaţii şi sondă de adâncime.Scafandrul este alimentat cu gaz respirator de la turelă printr-un furtun de alimentare.

o. DESEMNAREA STATUTULUI : formal,oficial


b. ENTRY : Diving suit


d. SOURCE : www.markjones.co.nz


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e. STANDARD DEFINITION : - Is a garment or device designed to protect a diver from the underwater environment. f. NOTA BENE : 1829: E.K.Gauzen, a Russian naval technician of Kronshtadt naval base (a district of Saint Petersburg), offers a "diving machine". His invention was an air-pumped metallic helmet strapped to a leather suit (an overall). The bottom of the helmet is open. The helmet is strapped to the leather suit by metallic tape. Gauzen's diving suit and its further modifications were used by the Russian Navy until 1880. The modified diving suit of the Russian Navy, based on Gauzen's invention, was known as "three-bolt equipment".

g. RO CORRESPONDENT : Costum de scufundare

h. DEFINITION SOURCE : www.markjones.co.nz i. GRAMMATICAL CATEGORY : nominal group j. GENERIC CONCEPT : a suit for diving k. SYNONYMS : diving clothes l. CONTEXT / COLLOCATIONS : 1. Modern diving suits can be divided into two kinds:- "soft" or ambient pressure diving suits - examples are wetsuits, dry suits, semi-dry suits and dive skins- "hard" or atmospheric pressure diving suits - an armored suit that permits a diver to remain at atmospheric pressure whilst operating at depth where the water pressure is high.

2. Added buoyancy, created by the volume of the suit, is a side effect of diving suits. Sometimes a weightbelt must be worn to counteract this buoyancy. Some drysuits have controls allowing the suit to be inflated to reduce "squeeze" caused by increasing pressure; they also have vents allowing the excess air to be removed from the suit on ascent.Standard diving dress, a sixth type of ambient pressure diving suit, is now obsolete but is historically interesting.

(www.divinglore.com) m. USE AREA : Marine

n. COMMENTARY: There are five main types of ambient pressure diving suits:

-dive skins-wetsuits-semi-dry suits-drysuits-hot water suits

Apart from hot water suits, these types of suit are not exclusively used by divers but are often used for thermal protection by people engaged in other water sports activities such as surfing, sailing, powerboating, windsurfing, kite surfing, waterskiing, caving and swimming.


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Ambient pressure suits are a form of exposure protection protecting the wearer from the cold. They also provide some defence from abrasive and sharp objects as well as potentially harmful underwater life. They do not protect divers from the pressure of the surrounding water or resulting barotrauma and decompression sickness.The suits are often made from Neoprene, heavy-duty fabric coated with rubber, or PVC.

o. DESIGNATION STATUS : formal, official


b. INTRARE : Costum de scufundare c. ID TARA : RO

d. SURSA : Lexicon maritim engelez-roman,1971

e. DEFINITIE STANDARD : - este folosit de către scafandru pentru protecţie termică, pentru a păstra căldura corpului, prin limitarea pierderilor de căldură către mediul acvatic exterior reprezentând cel mai bun mijloc de prevenire a accidentelor datorate frigului.

f. NOTA BENE : Etimologie - – COSTUM - Din fr. costume; SCUFUNDARE - – Pref. s- + cufunda.

g. CORRESPONDENT EN : Diving suit

h. SURSA DEFINITIEI : Lexicon maritim engelez-roman,1971


j. CONCEPT GENERIC : costum de scufundare

k. SINONIME : echipament

l. CONTEXT / COLOCATII : 1. Alegerea tipului de costum de scufundare se face funcţie de temperatura apei, tipul activităţii desfăşurate sub apă şi statura scafandrului. Transferul de căldură convectiv de la corpul omenesc către apă este de 25 de ori mai intens decât în cazul în care corpul se află în aer. 2. Pentru ape cu temperatură scăzută sau pentru durate mai mari ale scufundării scafandrul trebuie să îmbrace un costum de scufundare uscat (etanş), iar pentru scufundări în apă cu temperatură mai ridicată sau durate mai mici de scufundare se poate opta pentru un costum umed.

(Mircea Degeratu, Aron Petru, Sergiu Ioniţă: Manualul Scafandrului. Editura Per Omnes Artes, Bucureşti, 1999)



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n. COMETARIU: Costumul de scufundare umed sau neetanş este cel mai folosit echipament pentru scufundările libere şi autonome. Costumul umed este confecţionat din neopren, un cauciuc special, expandat cu gaz inert (care are incluse în masa lui mici bule de gaz, de obicei azot, izolate între ele). Neoprenul este un material nepermeabil, foarte bun izolator termic şi cu bune calităţi elastice. Costumul, prin ţesătura specială cu care este căptuşit, permite pătrunderea şi menţinerea unei pelicule subţiri de apă între neopren şi pielea corpului. Această peliculă de apă se încălzeşte de la corp atingând temperatura de confort, iar neoprenul, prin calităţile lui de izolator termic, limitează pierderile de căldură ale corpului către mediul acvatic exterior. Un costum umed din neopren, care nu este prevăzut cu o căptuşeală dintr-o ţesătură corespunzătoare şi care nu se mulează bine pe corp, permite apei să circule între corp şi costum, fiind înlocuită cu apă rece din exterior, aceasta conducând la creşterea pierderilor de căldură dinspre corp către mediul acvatic exterior şi deci la apariţia relativ rapidă a senzaţiei de frig. Un costum realizat dintr-un cauciuc prea puţin elastic şi prea strâmt pe corp, conduce la o reducere importantă a mobilităţii scafandrului în timpul activităţilor subacvatice. De asemenea, un costum umed din neopren cu grosime prea mare poate oferi mai multă protecţie termică dar, în acelaşi timp, măreşte flotabilitatea scafandrului şi tinde să-i micşoreze mobilitatea sub apă. Oricare ar fi grosimea neoprenului, pe măsură ce creşte adâncimea de imersie, deci pe măsură ce presiunea creşte, acesta se comprimă prin comprimarea bulelor de gaz din interior, iar flotabilitatea şi protecţia termică ale costumului sunt micşorate. De acest lucru trebuie ţinut cont la alegerea şi la reglarea centurii de lestare.

o. DESEMNAREA STATUTULUI : formal,oficial


b. ENTRY : Dock


d. SOURCE : www.m-i-link.com e. STANDARD DEFINITION : - Is a man-made feature involved in the handling of boats or ships. f. NOTA BENE : Etimology - "ship's berth," late 15c., from M.Du. or M.L.G. docke, perhaps ultimately (via L.L. *ductia "aqueduct") from L. ducere "to lead"; or possibly from a Scand. word for "low ground" (cf. Norw. dokk "hollow, low ground"). Original sense was "furrow a grounded vessel makes in a mud bank." Related: Docked; docking.


h. DEFINITION SOURCE : www.m-i-link.com i. GRAMMATICAL CATEGORY : noun j. GENERIC CONCEPT : waterfront k. SYNONYMS : pier, wharf


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l. CONTEXT / COLLOCATIONS : 1. In British English, a dock is an enclosed area of water used for loading, unloading, building or repairing ships. Such a dock may be created by building enclosing harbour walls into an existing natural water space, or by excavation within what would otherwise be dry land. 2. In the cottage country of Canada and the United States, a dock is a wooden platform built over water with one end secured to the shore. The platform is used for boarding and off loading small boats. (Rao, S. R. (1985). Lothal. Archaeological Survey of India.)

m. USE AREA : Marine

n. COMMENTARY: The world's first dock at Lothal (2400 BCE) was located away from the main current to avoid deposition of silt.[1] Modern oceanographers have observed that the Harappans must have possessed great knowledge relating to tides in order to build such a dock on the ever-shifting course of the Sabarmati, as well as exemplary hydrography and maritime engineering.[1] This was the earliest known dock found in the world, equipped to berth and service ships.[1] It is speculated that Lothal engineers studied tidal movements, and their effects on brick-built structures, since the walls are of kiln-burnt bricks.[2] This knowledge also enabled them to select Lothal's location in the first place, as the Gulf of Khambhat has the highest tidal amplitude and ships can be sluiced through flow tides in the river estuary.[2] The engineers built a trapezoidal structure, with north-south arms of average 21.8 metres (71.5 ft), and east-west arms of 37 metres (121 ft)

o. DESIGNATION STATUS : formal, official


b. INTRARE : Doc c. ID TARA : RO

d. SURSA : www.ainostri.ro

e. DEFINITIE STANDARD : - Este o construcţie portuară complexă care permite ridicarea navei din apă, în scopul verificării operei vii şi executării unor lucrări de reparaţii şi întreţinere.

f. NOTA BENE : Etimologie - – Din fr., engl. dock.


h. SURSA DEFINITIEI : www.dexonline.ro



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j. CONCEPT GENERIC : construcţie portuară

k. SINONIME : bazin vast

l. CONTEXT / COLOCATII : 1. De regulă, docurile se află pe lângă şantierele navale. 2. Docurile pot fi:-docuri uscate şi-docuri plutitoare



n. COMETARIU: Un doc uscat (denumit şi bazin de radub) este o construcţie hidrotehnică, de regulă, pe lângă şantierele navale, avînd forma unui bazin cu pereţii din beton, piatră sau zidărie construiţi în trepte, şi cu porţi etanşe sau ecluză, destinată andocării navelor pentru lucrări de reparaţii şi întreţinere a operei vii. Iar un doc plutitor este o construcţie plutitoare folosită, pentru ridicarea navelor din apă în vederea întreţinerii şi reparaţiilor la opera vie. Este format dintr-un ponton mare compartimentat sau din mai multe pontoane separate, legate rigid între ele, constituind o punte rezistentă ce susţine nava sau navele andocate. Docul este mărginit într-un bord sau în ambele borduri de compartimente etanşe înalte, numite „bajoaiere", în care sunt plasate instalaţiile de pompare, punctul de comandă, uzina electrică, ateliere, locuinţe etc.

o. DESEMNAREA STATUTULUI : formal,oficial


b. ENTRY : Dredger


d. SOURCE : www.m-i-link.com e. STANDARD DEFINITION : - ship designed to deepen a channel, river or area by removing the deposits from the sea bottom, either through suction or excavating using revolving buckets

f. NOTA BENE : Dredging is an excavation activity or operation usually carried out at least partly underwater, in shallow seas or fresh water areas with the purpose of gathering up bottom sediments and disposing of them at a different location.This technique is often used to keep waterways navigable. It is also used as a way to replenish sand on some public beaches, where too much sand has been lost because of coastal erosion. Dredging is also used as a technique for fishing for certain species of edible clams and crabs, with a fishing dredge.


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h. DEFINITION SOURCE : www.m-i-link.com i. GRAMMATICAL CATEGORY : noun j. GENERIC CONCEPT : a ship k. SYNONYMS : vessel l. CONTEXT / COLLOCATIONS : 1. A cutter-suction dredger's (CSD) suction tube has a cutter head at the suction inlet, to loosen the earth and transport it to the suction mouth. The cutter can also be used for hard surface materials like gravel or rock. The dredged soil is usually sucked up by a wear-resistant centrifugal pump and discharged through a pipe line or to a barge. In recent years, dredgers with more powerful cutters have been built in order to excavate harder rock without blasting. 2. A water injection dredger uses a small jet to inject water under low pressure (to prevent the sediment from exploding into the surrounding waters) into the seabed to bring the sediment in suspension, which then becomes a turbidity current, which flows away down slope, is moved by a second burst of water from the WID or is carried away in natural currents. Water injection results in a lot of sediment in the water which makes measurement with most hydrographic equipment (for instance: singlebeam echosounders) difficult. (www.en.wikipedia.org)

m. USE AREA : Marine

n. COMMENTARY: Fishing dredges are used to collect various species of clams scallops, oysters or crabs from the seabed. These dredges have the form of a scoop made of chain mesh, and are towed by a fishing boat. Careless dredging can be destructive to the seabed. Nowadays some scallop dredging is replaced by collecting via scuba diving.

o. DESIGNATION STATUS : formal, official


b. INTRARE : Draga c. ID TARA : RO

d. SURSA : www.ainostri.ro

e. DEFINITIE STANDARD : - Este o navă tehnică destinată săpării sub apă pentru adâncirea sau nivelarea fundurilor, menţinerea adâncimii pe canalurile navigabile sau în bazinele portuare, colectarea de nisip, pietriş şi stuf, precum şi pentru lucrări de asanare.


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f. NOTA BENE : Etimologie - Din fr. drague


h. SURSA DEFINITIEI : www.dexonline.ro



k. SINONIME : vas

l. CONTEXT / COLOCATII : 1. Draga este dotată cu un cadru de susţinere, cu instalaţii de forţă de săpat şi ridicat materialul escavat şi de evacuarea acestuia. 2. După instalaţia de săpare folosită, dragele pot fi:- dragă aspiratoare sau cu sorb;- dragă cu benă sau graifăr;- dragă cu cupe;- dragă cu lingură.

(Lexicon maritim englez-român, Ed. Ştiinţifică, Bucureşti, 1971)


n. COMETARIU: Dragele pot fi maritime sau fluviale. Alte clasificări ţin cont de tipul instalaţiei de săpare şi de modul de evacuare.

o. DESEMNAREA STATUTULUI : formal,oficial


b. ENTRY : Dromon


d. SOURCE : Lexicon maritim englez-roman,1971 e. STANDARD DEFINITION : - Were the most important warships of the Byzantine navy from the 6th to 12th centuries AD.

f. NOTA BENE : Etimology - from Greek δρόμων, dromōn, i.e. "runner"; Middle English dromond and Old French dromont are derived from the dromon, and described any particularly large medieval ship.


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h. DEFINITION SOURCE : Lexicon maritim englez-roman,1971


k. SYNONYMS : old vessel l. CONTEXT / COLLOCATIONS : 1. Dromons were indirectly developed from the ancient trireme and were usually propelled by both oars and sails, a configuration that had been used by navies in the Mediterranean Sea for centuries. 2. The dromons had a central tower (xylokastron – Greek: "wooden castle") near the main mast, from which the marines could use their bows and arrows or throw spears and other projectiles. Dromons were frequently equipped with flamethrowers (siphones, and as such the ships were described as siphōnophoroi dromones) that discharged Greek fire and catapults capable of hurling 10 kg projectiles up to 250 meters. (www.southampton.ac.uk)

m. USE AREA : Marine

n. COMMENTARY: Literary sources and accounts reveal that there were at least three varieties of dromon, while the exact relation of the dromon proper with the chelandion, a term with which it is often used interchangeably, somewhat unclear. These were, firstly the ousiakon which took its name from one company or ousia of 100 men. This was a two-banked galley with the lower rank rowing only, and the upper rank rowing or disengaging to fight when required. Secondly the slightly larger pamphylos with a crew of between 120 and 160. Thirdly the dromon proper, which had a crew of 200: 50 on the lower bank, and 100 on the upper bank in two files, together with 50 marines.

o. DESIGNATION STATUS : formal, official



d. SURSA :

e. DEFINITIE STANDARD : - era o corabie lungă, rapidă şi uşor de manevrat, cu pânze şi vâsle, folosită de Imperiul Bizantin din secolul V până prin secolul XII.


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f. NOTA BENE : Cuvântul dromon devine frecvent începând cu sec. VI, în timp ce echipajul era denumit dromonarii, împărţiţi în elaţi (marinari), eraţi (vâslaşi) şi epibaţi (soldaţi). Cea mai veche apariţie a cuvântului dromon este cea din documentele din Ravenna în sec. V, dar există un echivalent latinesc în scrierile lui Sidonius Apollinarius care în anul 467 menţionează navele cursoria într-o scrisoare către episcopul Tertullianus; altă menţiune apare în Corpus juris civilis al împăratului Iustinian. Începând cu secolul al IX-lea, dromonul se acoperă cu blindaje de piele şi zale: în acest caz este numit în limba greacă populară helandion sau egihelys: « ţipar-ţestoasă » sau « ţipar-blindat ». Dromonul - din greacă δρόμων = de cursă lungă


h. SURSA DEFINITIEI : Lexicon maritim englez-roman,1971


j. CONCEPT GENERIC : corabie lunga

k. SINONIME : nava,vapor

l. CONTEXT / COLOCATII : 1. Dromoanele aveau diferite forme şi dimensiuni. Aveau între 30 şi 60 metri lungime, şi între 5 şi 9 metri lăţime. Echipajul putea avea 300 de oameni. Existau trei clase de dromoane, cele mai mici fiind denumite moneria (în general navigau doar cu pânze), cele de circa 40 de metri galeia (aveau un rând de vâsle şi două catarge) iar cele mai mari meizones dromones, helandia megala sau dynatotera(aveau două rânduri de vâsle, o sută de vâslaşi şi trei catarge). 2. In secolul XII, dromonul este din ce în ce mai des înlocuit prin usii şi prin agrarii fără vâsle, mai rotunde, dar este încă menţionat de către Robert de Clari în descrierea căderii Constantinopolului în mâinile cruciaţilor în 1204.

(Istoricul navei, B. Kozlowski, Ed. Stiintifica,1960)


n. COMETARIU: Derivate din galerele antice, dromoanele au navigat în Marea Neagră, pe Dunăre, în Mediterana, în Marea Roşie şi Oceanul Indian, asigurând siguranţa porturilor şi rutelor comerciale ale imperiului. Au fost excluse din Marea Roşie şi Oceanul Indian după cucerirea islamică, apoi au fost distruse şi s-au împuţinat după ce a patra cruciadă a cucerit Constantinopolul în 1206. Ulterior bizantinii au fost nevoiţi să facă apel la flota genoveză pentru nevoile lor navale.

o. DESEMNAREA STATUTULUI : formal,oficial


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b. ENTRY : Dunnage


d. SOURCE : www.markjones.co.nz e. STANDARD DEFINITION : - Any material (e.g. wooden planks) which is placed at the bottom of the cargo hold to raise the cargo; serves to keep cargo dry or prevent shifting f. NOTA BENE : Etimology - origin unknown


h. DEFINITION SOURCE : www.markjones.co.nz i. GRAMMATICAL CATEGORY : noun j. GENERIC CONCEPT : dunnage k. SYNONYMS : packing,ship load l. CONTEXT / COLLOCATIONS : 1. In waterfront ship-loading usage "dunnage" means packing (wood, or nowadays sometimes strong inflatable dunnage bags to immobilize cargo and for load securing. 2. When unloading a ship, sometimes there is a problem as to what to do with the dunnage. Sometimes the dunnage cannot be landed because of customs duties on imported timber, or quarantine rules to avoid foreign insect pests getting offshore, and as a result often the unwanted dunnage is later furtively jettisoned over side and adds to the area's driftwood problem. (www.en.wikipedia.org)

m. USE AREA :Marine

n. COMMENTARY: Dunnage for securing cargo in holds of ships has evolved from wooden boards forming "cribs" to modern mechanical, spring loaded post-and-socket systems, exemplified by the "pogo sticks" used on US Navy Combat Logistics Force (CLF) ships which provide Underway Replenishment of stores, spares, repair parts, ammunition, ordnance, and liquids in cans and drums. Dunnage segregates cargo in the hold and prevents shifting of the cargo in response to ship motions.

o. DESIGNATION STATUS : formal, official


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b. ENTRY : Ferry (ferryboat)


d. SOURCE : www.markjones.co.nz e. STANDARD DEFINITION : - Is a form of transportation, usually a boat, but sometimes a ship, used to carry (or ferry) primarily passengers, and sometimes vehicles and cargo as well, across a body of water.

f. NOTA BENE : Etimology - O.E. ferian "to carry, transport," from P.Gmc. *farjanan, from PIE *por- "going, passage." Related to fare (v.). Related: Ferried; ferries. The noun is early 15c., perhaps earlier and from O.N. ferju- "passage across water," ultimately from the same Germanic root. The modern noun use (1580s) is a shortening of ferry boat (mid-15c.).


h. DEFINITION SOURCE : www.markjones.co.nz i. GRAMMATICAL CATEGORY : noun j. GENERIC CONCEPT : transportation boat k. SYNONYMS : passage boat l. CONTEXT / COLLOCATIONS : 1. A passenger ferry with many stops, such as in Venice, is sometimes called a water bus or water taxi. 2. Ferry designs depend on the length of the route, the passenger or vehicle capacity required, speed requirements and the water conditions the craft must deal with. (www.en.wikipedia.org)

m. USE AREA : Marine

n. COMMENTARY: The profession of the ferryman is embodied in Greek mythology in Charon, the boatman who transported souls across the River Styx to the Underworld. Speculation that a pair of oxen propelled a ship having a water wheel can be found in 4th century Roman literature “Anonymus De Rebus Bellicis”. Though impractical, there is no reason why it could not work and such a ferry, modified by using horses, was used in Lake Champlain in 19th-century America. See “When Horses Walked on Water: Horse-Powered Ferries in Nineteenth-Century America" (Smithsonian Institution Press; Kevin Crisman, co-authored with Arthur Cohn, Executive Director of the Lake Champlain Maritime Museum).

o. DESIGNATION STATUS : formal, official


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b. INTRARE : Feribot c. ID TARA : RO

d. SURSA : www.ainostri.ro

e. DEFINITIE STANDARD : - Navă special amenajată pentru a transporta oameni, vehicule etc. de pe un mal pe celălalt al unei ape

f. NOTA BENE : Etimologie - – Din fr., engl. ferryboat.

g. CORRESPONDENT EN : Ferry (ferryboat)

h. SURSA DEFINITIEI : www.dexonline.ro


j. CONCEPT GENERIC : barca pentru transport de oameni

k. SINONIME : vas, vapor

l. CONTEXT / COLOCATII : 1. Un feribot indonezian cu mai mult de 200 de persoane la bord s-a scufundat în zona insulei Sumatra, probabil din cauza condiţiilor meteo nefavorabile.

(www.realitatea.net) m. ARIA DE UTILIZARE : Marina

n. COMETARIU: In Canada, datorita numarului crescut de lacuri de mare intindere aproape toate provinciile si teritoriile dispun de serviciile feribotului.

o. DESEMNAREA STATUTULUI : formal,oficial


b. ENTRY : Fishing


d. SOURCE : www.m-i-link.com e. STANDARD DEFINITION : - Is the activity of catching fish


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f. NOTA BENE : Fishing is an ancient practice that dates back at least to the Paleolithic period which began about 40,000 years ago.[3] Isotopic analysis of the skeletal remains of Tianyuan man, a 40,000 year old modern human from eastern Asia, has shown that he regularly consumed freshwater fish.[4][5] Archaeology features such as shell middens,[6] discarded fish bones and cave paintings show that sea foods were important for survival and consumed in significant quantities. During this period, most people lived a hunter-gatherer lifestyle and were, of necessity, constantly on the move. However, where there are early examples of permanent settlements (though not necessarily permanently occupied) such as those at Lepenski Vir, they are almost always associated with fishing as a major source of food.


h. DEFINITION SOURCE : www.m-i-link.com i. GRAMMATICAL CATEGORY : noun j. GENERIC CONCEPT : the act of catching fish k. SYNONYMS : to capture

l. CONTEXT / COLLOCATIONS : 1. Traditional fishing is a term used to describe small scale commercial or subsistence fishing practices, using traditional techniques such as rod and tackle, arrows and harpoons, throw nets and drag nets, etc. 2. Recreational and sport fishing describe fishing for pleasure or competition. Recreational fishing has conventions, rules, licensing restrictions and laws that limit the way in which fish may be caught; typically, these prohibit the use of nets and the catching of fish with hooks not in the mouth. The most common form of recreational fishing is done with a rod, reel, line, hooks and any one of a wide range of baits or artificial lures such as spinners or 'dry flies'. The practice of catching or attempting to catch fish with a hook is generally known as angling. (Schultz, Ken (1999). Fishing Encyclopedia: Worldwide Angling Guide. John Wiley & Sons.)

m. USE AREA : Marine

n. COMMENTARY: Big-game fishing describes fishing from boats to catch large open-water species such as tuna, sharks and marlin. Sport fishing (sometimes game fishing) describes recreational fishing where the primary reward is the challenge of finding and catching the fish rather than the culinary or financial value of the fish's flesh. Fish sought after include marlin, tuna, tarpon, sailfish, shark and mackerel although the list is endless.

o. DESIGNATION STATUS : formal, official


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b. INTRARE : Pescuit c. ID TARA : RO

d. SURSA : Lexicon maritim englez-roman,1971

e. DEFINITIE STANDARD : - Este o extracţie a organismelor acvatice din mediul unde au crescut cu diverse scopuri, precum alimentare, recreaţie (pescuire sportivă), ornamentare (captura speciilor ornamentale) sau ţeluri industriale.f. NOTA BENE : Etimologie - PESCUÍT s.n. Acțiunea de a pescui (1) și rezultatul ei;meseria pescarului (I); pescărit, pescărie (1). – V. pescui.


h. SURSA DEFINITIEI : Lexicon maritim englez-roman,1971


j. CONCEPT GENERIC : actiunea de prinde peste

k. SINONIME : a prinde (peste)

l. CONTEXT / COLOCATII : 1. Departe de pescuitul „tradiţional”, pe care mulţi îl percep ca pe o formă de procurare a hranei sau ca pe un bătrân plictisit ce fixează o plută nemişcată, aşteptând ore în şir să tragă peştele, pescuitul sportiv este un mod de viaţă, un mod extrem de eficient de relaxare.Împărţit în mai multe categori, pescuitul sportiv este la un pas de a ajunge sport olimpic. Putem determina clar două mari stiluri de pescuit:Pescuitul staţionarPescuitul cu năluci

2. Pescuitul la plută este un stil care poate fi practicat atât cu vargă (undiţă) cât şi cu lansetă (sheffield). Este, probabil, stilul în care încep cei mai mulţi să pescuiască.

(Lexicon maritim englez-roman,1971)


n. COMETARIU: Pescuitul cu năluci sau pescuitul la rapitori, căci numai aceşti peşti pot fi pescuiţi cu năluci, se împarte şi el, la rândul lui, în două categori:-Spinning-Pescuit la muscăo. DESEMNAREA STATUTULUI : formal,oficial


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b. ENTRY : Floatage


d. SOURCE : www.ainostri.ro e. STANDARD DEFINITION : - The state of floating, that which floats on the sea or in rivers. f. NOTA BENE : Etimology - is from 1888, probably from earlier sense of "flat-bottomed boat"

g. RO CORRESPONDENT : Flotabilitate

h. DEFINITION SOURCE : www.thinkexist.com i. GRAMMATICAL CATEGORY : noun j. GENERIC CONCEPT : the state of floating k. SYNONYMS : floating

l. CONTEXT / COLLOCATIONS : 1. The relative stability of the ship is given by the relative position of three imaginary points: weight center, floatage center and metacenter. The ship's weight would push downward from the point called weight center. Floatage would be a force acting upward from a point called floatage center. When the ship stays right, the floatage center would be just under the weight center on a median line. 2. No matter if winds or waves tilt the ship, the weight center remains unchanged. But the floatage center moves on the median line to the lower part of the ship. The weight force directed downwards and the floatage force acting upwards bring back the ship on the right position. If the ship inclines transversally, the vertical line acting on the floatage meets the median line in a point called metacenter. As much as this is over the weight center, the ship is stable and returns on its right position after the force that caused the tilt is gone. If the two points coincide, the floatage and weight will counteract one another. There will be no force to redress the ship, which will remain tilted. (www. news.softpedia.com)

m. USE AREA :Marine

n. COMMENTARY: A nautical vessel for recovering floatage entrained at a bow opening deploys boom-mounted floatage-concentrating sweeps arranged to enter the bow opening, without collision with the hull, when undergoing motion due to heavy seas. Sealing barriers


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are affixed to the hull and in sliding engagement with each sweep to prevent leakage of sweep-engaged floatage at each sweep-vessel juncture.

o. DESIGNATION STATUS : formal, official


b. INTRARE : Flotabilitate c. ID TARA : RO

d. SURSA : www.ainostri.ro/

e. DEFINITIE STANDARD : - Reprezintă capacitatea unei nave de a pluti cu o încărcătură dată şi la un pescaj determinat de legea echilibrului dintre greutatea navei şi aceea a volumului de apă dezlocuit de partea sa imersă (forţa arhimedică)

f. NOTA BENE : Etimologie - – Din fr. flottabilité.


h. SURSA DEFINITIEI : www.dexonline.ro


j. CONCEPT GENERIC : capacitate de plutire

k. SINONIME : plutire

l. CONTEXT / COLOCATII : 1. Flotabilitatea sau starea de plutire este una din principalele calităţi nautice ale navei. 2. Orice navă dispune de o flotabilitate efectivă, asigurată de volumul etanş al carenei corespunzător liniei de plutire de plină încărcare, care se consumă prin încărcătura de transportat, şi de o rezervă de flotabilitate, asigurată de spaţiul etanş al operei moarte determinat de bordul liber şi destinată siguranţei în navigaţie pe mare agitată sau în cazuri de inundare parţială a navei.

(Lexicon maritim englez-român, Ed. Ştiinţifică, Bucureşti, 1971)


n. COMETARIU: Rezultanta forţelor de flotabilitate are punctul de aplicaţie în centrul de flotabilitate, care este centrul de carenă. Centrul de carenă = centrul de presiune = punctul de aplicaţie al forţei arhimedice.

o. DESEMNAREA STATUTULUI : formal,oficial


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b. ENTRY : Gunboat


d. SOURCE : www.m-i-link.com e. STANDARD DEFINITION : - Is literally a boat carrying one or more guns. The term is rather broad, and the usual connotation has changed over the years f. NOTA BENE : Etimology - Gunboat is from 1793; gunboat diplomacy is from 1927, originally with reference to China.


h. DEFINITION SOURCE : www.m-i-link.com i. GRAMMATICAL CATEGORY : noun j. GENERIC CONCEPT : a boat that carries guns

k. SYNONYMS : ship l. CONTEXT / COLLOCATIONS : 1. In the age of sail, a gunboat was usually a small undecked vessel carrying a single smoothbore cannon in the bow, or just two or three such cannons. A gunboat could carry one or two masts or be oar-powered only, but the single-masted version of about 50 ft (15 m) length was most typical. Some types of gunboat carried two cannons, or else mounted a number of swivel guns on the railings. 2. During the Second World War, the gunboat was for the Royal Navy a vessel identical to torpedo boats, but equipped with machine guns and larger weapons up to 57 mm (2.2 in) calibre for attacking enemy torpedo boats or small craft - the Motor Gun Boat (MGB). Post-World War II, the terms "motor gunboat" came to be used for smaller vessels, with displacements in the 50 long tons (51 t) range. (Chapter 4, "The Gunboat Navy", of Howard Chapelle, The History of the American Sailing Navy, Norton, 1949)

m. USE AREA : Marine n. COMMENTARY: All navies of the sailing era kept a number of gunboats on hand. Gunboats were a key part of the planned Napoleon's invasion of England in 1804, and were heavily used by Denmark-Norway. Between 1803 and 1812, the US Navy had a policy of basing the naval forces on coastal gunboats, and experimented with a variety of designs, but they were nearly useless in the War of 1812, and went back to being special-purpose vessels.


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o. DESIGNATION STATUS : formal, official


b. ENTRY : Hydrofoil


d. SOURCE : www.m-i-link.com e. STANDARD DEFINITION : - A fast boat designed to have its hull lifted clear of the water surface and supported by foils or wings when it reaches cruising speed

f. NOTA BENE : Etimology - 1920, "boat that travels through water on wings," formed in Eng. from hydro-, comb. form of Gk. hydor "water" (see water (n.1)) + foil (n.).


h. DEFINITION SOURCE : www.m-i-link.com i. GRAMMATICAL CATEGORY : noun j. GENERIC CONCEPT : boat used for racing k. SYNONYMS : speedboat l. CONTEXT / COLLOCATIONS : 1. Hydrofoils are similar in appearance and purpose to airfoils.[1] As the craft increases its speed, the hydrofoils develop enough lift to raise the hull up and out of the water. This results in a great reduction in drag, and a corresponding increase in speed. 2. Early hydrofoils used V-shaped foils. Hydrofoils of this type are known as surface-piercing since portions of the V-shape hydrofoils will rise above the water surface when foilborne. Some modern hydrofoils use inverted T-shape foils which are fully submerged. Fully submerged hydrofoils are less subject to the effects of wave action, and are therefore more stable at sea and are more comfortable for the crew and passengers. This type of configuration, however, is not self-stabilizing. The angle of attack on the hydrofoils needs to be adjusted continuously in accordance to the changing conditions, a control process that is performed by sensors, computer and active surfaces.

(www.en.wikipedia.org) m. USE AREA : Marine

n. COMMENTARY: Baron von Schertel worked on hydrofoils prior to and during World War II in Germany. After the war Schertel's team was captured by the Russians. As Germany was not authorized to build fast boats, Schertel himself went to Switzerland, where he


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established the Supramar company. In 1952, Supramar launched the first commercial hydrofoil, PT10 "Freccia d'Oro" (Golden Arrow), in Lake Maggiore, between Switzerland and Italy. The PT10 is of surface-piercing type, it can carry 32 passengers and travel at 35 knots (65 km/h). In 1968, Hussain Najadi the Bahraini born banker, acquired the Supramar AG and expanded its operations into Japan, Hong Kong, Singapore, UK, Norway and USA. General Dynamics of the United States became its licensee, and the Pentagon awarded its first R&D naval research project in the field of supercavitation. Hitachi Shipbuilding of Osaka, Japan, was another licensee of Supramar, as well as many leading ship owners and shipyards in the OECD countries.

o. DESIGNATION STATUS : formal, official


b. ENTRY : Hull


d. SOURCE : www.m-i-link.com e. STANDARD DEFINITION : - A hull is the watertight body of a ship or boat f. NOTA BENE : Etimology - "body of a ship," 1571, perhaps from hull (1) on fancied resemblance of ship keels to open peapods (cf. L. carina "keel of a ship," originally "shell of a nut;" Gk. phaselus "light passenger ship, yacht," lit. "bean pod;" Fr. coque "hull of a ship, shell of a walnut or egg"). Alternative etymology is from M.E. hoole "ship's keel" (c.1440), from the same source as hold (n.).


h. DEFINITION SOURCE : www.m-i-link.com i. GRAMMATICAL CATEGORY : noun j. GENERIC CONCEPT : body of a ship k. SYNONYMS : body, covering, structure l. CONTEXT / COLLOCATIONS : 1. Above the hull is the superstructure and/or deckhouse, where present. The line where the hull meets the water surface is called the waterline. 2. The structure of the hull varies depending on the vessel type. In a typical modern steel ship, the structure consists of watertight and non-tight decks, major transverse and longitudinal members called watertight (and also sometimes non-tight) bulkheads, intermediate members such as girders, stringers and webs, and minor members called ordinary transverse frames, frames, or longitudinals, depending on the structural arrangement.


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The uppermost continuous deck may be called the "upper deck," "weather deck," "spar deck," "main deck" or simply "deck." The particular name given depends on the context--the type of ship or boat, the arrangement, or even the area where it sails. Not all hulls are decked (for instance a dinghy).(Hayler, William B.; Keever, John M. (2003). American Merchant Seaman's Manua). m. USE AREA : Marine

n. COMMENTARY: The shape of the hull is entirely dependent upon the needs of the design. Shapes range from a nearly perfect box in the case of scow barges, to a needle-sharp surface of revolution in the case of a racing multihull sailboat. The shape is chosen to strike a balance between cost, hydrostatic considerations (load carrying and stability) and hydrodynamics (speed, powering, and dynamic motion behavior).

o. DESIGNATION STATUS : formal, official


b. INTRARE : Coca c. ID TARA : RO

d. SURSA : www.ainostri.ro

e. DEFINITIE STANDARD : - Este forma exterioară a corpului navei, aşa cum este delimitată de bordajul exterior şi puntea superioară.

f. NOTA BENE : Etimologie: - Din <fr. coque


h. SURSA DEFINITIEI : www.dexonline.ro


j. CONCEPT GENERIC : Ansamblu format din schelet și înveliș exterior al unei nave

k. SINONIME : corp, invelisul unei nave

l. CONTEXT / COLOCATII : 1. Coca reprezintă partea principală a navei şi constă din osatură, bordaj exterior, bordaj interior şi punţi, inclusiv suprastructurile (teuga, castelul central şi duneta). 2. Suprastructurile uşoare de pe punţi şi amenajările aferente, arborada, greementul, echipamentul şi armamentul nu fac parte din cocă.

(Lexicon maritim englez-român, Ed. Ştiinţifică, Bucureşti, 1971)



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n. COMETARIU: Prin forma şi construcţia sa, coca asigură plutirea, rezistenţa structurală la solicitări, stabilitatea, manevrabilitatea şi toate celelalte calităţi nautice.

o. DESEMNAREA STATUTULUI : formal,oficial


b. ENTRY : Iceberg


d. SOURCE : Lexicon maritim englez-roman, 1971 e. STANDARD DEFINITION : - Is a large piece of ice from freshwater that has broken off from a snow-formed glacier or ice shelf and is floating in open water.[1] It may subsequently become frozen into pack ice. f. NOTA BENE : Etimology - 1774, partial loan-transl. of Du. ijsberg, lit. "ice mountain," from ijs "ice" + berg "mountain." An earlier term was sea-hill (1694). Phrase tip of the iceberg, in a figurative sense, first recorded 1963.


h. DEFINITION SOURCE : Lexicon maritim englez-roman, 1971 i. GRAMMATICAL CATEGORY : noun j. GENERIC CONCEPT : a large piece of ice k. SYNONYMS : ice mountain l. CONTEXT / COLLOCATIONS : 1. Because the density of pure ice is about 920 kg/m³, and that of sea water about 1025 kg/m³, typically only one-tenth of the volume of an iceberg is above water. The shape of the underwater portion can be difficult to judge by looking at the portion above the surface. This has led to the expression "tip of the iceberg", generally applied to a larger problem or difficulty, meaning that the visible trouble is only a small manifestation of a larger problem. 2. Icebergs are monitored worldwide by the U.S. National Ice Center (NIC), established in 1995, which produces analyses and forecasts of Arctic, Antarctic, Great Lakes and Chesapeake Bay ice conditions. More than 95% of the data used in its sea ice analyses are derived from the remote sensors on polar-orbiting satellites that survey these remote regions of the Earth. (www.en.wikipedia.org)


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m. USE AREA : Marine

n. COMMENTARY: In the 20th century, several scientific bodies were established to study and monitor the icebergs. The International Ice Patrol, formed in 1914 in response to the Titanic disaster, monitors iceberg dangers near the Grand Banks of Newfoundland and provide the "limits of all known ice" in that vicinity to the maritime community.In March 2008, a chunk of Antarctic ice, about seven times the size of Manhattan, suddenly collapsed, putting an even greater portion of glacial ice at risk, and an ice shelf about the size of Connecticut was "hanging by a thread" as of March 25, 2008.

o. DESIGNATION STATUS : formal, official


b. INTRARE : Iceberg c. ID TARA : RO

d. SURSA : Lexicon maritim englez-roman, 1971

e. DEFINITIE STANDARD : - desemnează un bloc mare de gheaţă desprins din una din calotele polare glaciale ale Terrei, care navighează spre zonele calde ale globului influenţând clima zonelor învecinate şi stingherind navigaţia maritimă.

f. NOTA BENE : Etimologie - Cuvântul ice-berg este un cuvânt provenind dintr-o combinaţie de cuvinte din limbile scandinave însemnând gheaţă şi munte, un iceberg însemnând un munte de gheaţă.


h. SURSA DEFINITIEI : Lexicon maritim englez-roman, 1971


j. CONCEPT GENERIC : un bloc de gheata

k. SINONIME : munte de gheata

l. CONTEXT / COLOCATII : 1. Ştiut fiind faptul că apa sărată nu îngheaţă la temperaturile de pe Terra decât în anumite condiţii şi că nu poate forma blocuri masive şi stabile de gheaţă, icebergurile sunt, de fapt, blocuri de gheaţă de apă pură. Din moment ce densitatea acesteia este de aproximativ 920 kg/m3, în timp ce a apei sărate a mărilor şi oceanelor este de circa 1025 kg/m3, aproximativ 90–92% (11/12 după alte estimări) din întreg volumul unui aisberg este subacvatic. Ca atare, forma porţiunii scufundate poate fi estimată cu greu, doar privind partea vizibilă de deasupra apei. Nu întâmplător, acest fapt a dus la crearea expresiei „partea văzută (sau nevăzută) a aisbergului” desemnând orice problemă ale cărei implicaţii sunt mult mai complexe decât aparenta privire a acesteia.


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2. Masa de gheaţă a icebergurilor este extrem de compactă, durabilă şi dură, putând provoca serioase daune, chiar distrugerea unui vas. De aceea, aisbergurile sunt considerate ca fiind extrem de periculoase pentru navigaţia maritimă. Cea mai faimoasă scufundare din istoria navigaţiei este cea a pachebotului Titanic în noaptea de 13 spre 14 aprilie 1912, care s-a produs la aproximativ 2 ore şi 40 de minute după impactul cu un aisberg.



n. COMETARIU: Primul om de ştiinţă capabil să explice corect formarea icebergurilor a fost rusul Mihail Lomonosov. În secolul XX, mai multe organizaţii ştiinţifice au fost create în scopul studierii şi urmăririi gheţarilor plutitori. Una din acestea, International Ice Patrol, creată în 1914 pentru a răspunde posibilelor probleme create de existenţa unor cazuri similare cu ale dezastrului Titanicului, urmăreşte aisbergurile din apropierea locurilor cunoscute sub denumirea de The Grand Banks of Newfoundland şi furnizează informaţii pertinente despre limitele zonelor în care organizaţia operează şi unde navigaţia poate fi periculoasă din cauza aisbergurilor existente.

o. DESEMNAREA STATUTULUI : formal,oficial


b. ENTRY : Keel


d. SOURCE : www.markjones.co.nz e. STANDARD DEFINITION : - In boats and ships, keel can refer to either of two parts: a structural element, or a hydrodynamic element. These parts overlap. As the laying down of the keel is the initial step in construction of a ship, the construction is dated from this event, with only the ship's launching considered more significant in its creation. f. NOTA BENE : Etimology - "lowest timber of a ship or boat," mid-14c., from O.N. kjölr "keel," from P.Gmc. *keluz, of uncertain origin. Etymologists say this is unconnected with the root of M.Du. kiel "ship," O.E. ceol "ship's prow," O.H.G. kiel, Ger. Kiel "ship," but the two words have influenced each other. This other word is said to be from P.Gmc. *keula, from PIE *geul- "rounded vessel." Keel still is used locally in England and U.S. for "flat-bottomed boat," especially on the Tyne. To keel over (1876) is from the nautical image of a ship turning keel-up. Keelhaul is 17c. from Du. kielhalen "to haul under the keel," an old punishment. The verb is 1838, Amer.Eng., from the noun.


h. DEFINITION SOURCE : www.markjones.co.nz


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i. GRAMMATICAL CATEGORY : noun j. GENERIC CONCEPT : a part of a ship k. SYNONYMS : timber l. CONTEXT / COLLOCATIONS : 1. The keel contributes substantially to the longitudinal strength and effectively local loading caused when docking the ship. The most common type of keel is the "flat plate keel", and this is fitted in the majority of ocean-going ships and other vessels. A form of keel found on smaller vessels is the "bar keel", which may be fitted in trawlers, tugs, and smaller ferries. Where grounding is possible, this type of keel is suitable with its massive scantlings, but there is always a problem of the increased draft with no additional cargo capacity. If a double bottom is fitted, the keel is almost inevitably of the flat plate type, bar keels often being associated with open floors, where the plate keel may also be fitted. 2. Duct keels are provided in the bottom of some vessels. These run from the forward engine room bulkhead to the collision bulkhead and are utilized to carry the double bottom piping. The piping is then accessible when cargo is loaded. (www.books.google.com, G. W. Whittaker (1970), Ayer Publishing)

m. USE AREA : Marine

n. COMMENTARY: The keel surface on the bottom of the hull gives the ship greater directional control and stability. In non-sailing hulls, the keel helps the hull to move forward, rather than slipping to the side. In traditional boat building, this is provided by the structural keel, which projects from the bottom of the hull along most or all of its length. In modern construction the bar keel or flat-plate keel performs the same function. There are many types of fixed keels, including full keels, long keels, fin keels, winged keels, bulb keels, and bilge keels among other designs. Deep draft ships will typically have a flat bottom and employ only bilge keels, both to aid directional control and to damp rolling motions.

o. DESIGNATION STATUS : formal, official


b. INTRARE : Chila c. ID TARA : RO

d. SURSA : Lexicon maritim englez-roman,1971


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e. DEFINITIE STANDARD : - Este un element principal din structura longitudinală a navei, constituit dintr-o grindă metalică continuă sau o filă de tablă groasă instalată de la prova la pupa, în planul diametral, pe fundul navei. La extremităţile prova şi pupa chila se îmbină cu etrava, respectiv cu etamboul, formând împreună nervura principală pe care se fixează cadrele transversale şi filele bordajului exterior.

f. NOTA BENE : Etimologie - CHÍL//Ă2 ~e f. Element principal din osatura unei nave, dispus pe fundul acesteia în plan longitudinal. /<fr. quille


h. SURSA DEFINITIEI : Lexicon maritim englez-roman,1971i. CATEGORIE GRAMATICALA : substantiv

j. CONCEPT GENERIC : element principal din osutura unei nave

k. SINONIME : piesa

l. CONTEXT / COLOCATII : 1. După forma şi caracteristicile constructive se disting:chila masivă;chila plată;chila cheson sau chila tunel. 2. De o parte şi de alta a chilei se îmbină filele galbordului. Împreună cu celelalte elemente de structură longitudinală ale osaturii fundului, chila şi filele galbordului constituie elementele de bază ale rezistenţei longitudinale a navei, la partea inferioară a grinzii navei şi la maximă distanţă de fibra neutră a grinzii echivalente.

(Lexicon maritim englez-român, Ed. Ştiinţifică, Bucureşti, 1971)


n. COMETARIU: Dacă la ambarcaţiunile cu motor chila are rol structural, fiind unul dintre principalele elemente de rezistenţă, la veliere chila are rol dublu: contra-balansează forţa laterală la care sunt supuse velele fiind lestată, coboară centrul de greutate al ambarcaţiunii, împiedicând răsturnareaDupă cum se ştie, velele prin forma aerodinamică pe care o iau generează o forţă laterală de sucţiune care contribuie la deplasarea ambarcaţiunii. În mod similar, prin forma hidrodinamică a chilelor, acestea generează la înaintarea prin apă o forţă similară de sens opus, contrabalansând ambarcaţiunea. Deşi suprafaţa chilei este mult mai mică decât suprafaţa velelor, diferenţa dintre densitatea apei şi densitatea aerului asigură o balansare corectă a forţelor (apa este de 784 ori mai densă ca aerul).

o. DESEMNAREA STATUTULUI : formal,oficial



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b. ENTRY : Ketch


d. SOURCE : www.m-i-link.com e. STANDARD DEFINITION : - A sailing boat with fore and aft rig on each of two masts

f. NOTA BENE : Etimology - "kind of small sailing vessel," 1655, probably from M.E. cacchen "to capture, ensnare, chase"


h. DEFINITION SOURCE : www.m-i-link.com i. GRAMMATICAL CATEGORY : noun j. GENERIC CONCEPT : -a boat propelled with wind by sailcloth k. SYNONYMS : boat, vessel l. CONTEXT / COLLOCATIONS : 1. The ketch is popular among long distance cruisers as the additional sail allows for a better balance, and a smaller more easily handled mainsail for the same overall sail area. It also allows sailing on mizzen and jib only without introducing excessive lee helm, and in an emergency can be quite well steered without use of the rudder. The ketch is a popular rig in northern European waters where sudden increases in wind strength sometimes requires a rapid reefing: the mainsail can be dropped, reducing sail and leaving a balanced sail-plan with jib and mizzen set 2. Running before the wind or reaching across the wind, a ketch may carry extra sails such as a spinnaker on the main mast, and a spinnaker or (mizzen staysail) on the mizzen mast. (www.en.wikipedia.org)

m. USE AREA : Marine

n. COMMENTARY: The ketch rig is often confused with a yawl. The difference is that the ketch has her mizzen mast forward of the rudder post or waterline thus having more sail area, which contributes significant forward propulsion, whereas the mizzen on a yawl is aft of the rudder post and is used primarily to balance the sail plan (and as a riding sail while at anchor). This is often a matter of intent rather than a physical difference.The ketch rig can be distinguished from the similar two masted schooner rig by the shorter aftermost mast on the ketch. A schooner has the shorter mast forward. In the case where both masts are approximately the same height, the rig with the larger sail forward is usually called a ketch, while the rig with the larger sail aft is a schooner.


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o. DESIGNATION STATUS : formal, official


b. ENTRY : Lake


d. SOURCE : www.m-i-link.com e. STANDARD DEFINITION : - Is a terrain feature (or physical feature), a body of liquid on the surface of a world that is localized to the bottom of basin (another type of landform or terrain feature; that is, it is not global) and moves slowly if it moves at all. Another definition is, a body of fresh or salt water of considerable size that is surrounded by land. On Earth, a body of water is considered a lake when it is inland, not part of the ocean, is larger and deeper than a pond, and is fed by a river. f. NOTA BENE : Etimology - "body of water," c.1200, from O.Fr. lack, from L. lacus "pond, lake," also "basin, tank," related to lacuna "hole, pit," from PIE *lak- (cf. Gk. lakkos "pit, tank, pond," O.C.S. loky "pool, puddle, cistern," O.Ir. loch "lake, pond"). The common notion is "basin." There was a Gmc. form of the word, which yielded cognate O.N. lögr "sea flood, water," O.E. lacu "stream," lagu "sea flood, water," leccan "to moisten" (see leak). The N.Amer. Great Lakes so called from 1660s. Laker "boat made for sailing on the Great Lakes" is from 1887.


h. DEFINITION SOURCE : www.m-i-link.com i. GRAMMATICAL CATEGORY : noun j. GENERIC CONCEPT : inland body of water k. SYNONYMS : water l. CONTEXT / COLLOCATIONS : 1. Natural lakes on Earth are generally found in mountainous areas, rift zones, and areas with ongoing or recent glaciation. Other lakes are found in endorheic basins or along the courses of mature rivers. In some parts of the world, there are many lakes because of chaotic drainage patterns left over from the last Ice Age. All lakes are temporary over geologic time scales, as they will slowly fill in with sediments or spill out of the basin containing them. 2. There is considerable uncertainty about defining the difference between lakes and ponds, and no current internationally accepted definition of either term across scientific disciplines or political boundaries.


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m. USE AREA : Marine

n. COMMENTARY: There are a number of natural processes that can form lakes. A recent tectonic uplift of a mountain range can create bowl-shaped depressions that accumulate water and form lakes. The advance and retreat of glaciers can scrape depressions in the surface where water accumulates; such lakes are common in Scandinavia, Patagonia, Siberia, and Canada. The most notable examples are probably the Great Lakes of North America.Lakes can also form by means of landslides or by glacial blockages. An example of the latter occurred during the last ice age in the U.S. state of Washington, when a huge lake formed behind a glacial flow; when the ice retreated, the result was an immense flood that created the Dry Falls at Sun Lakes, Washington.

o. DESIGNATION STATUS : formal, official


b. INTRARE : Lac c. ID TARA : RO

d. SURSA : www.ainostri.ro

e. DEFINITIE STANDARD : - Este o întindere mai mare de apă stătătoare închisă între maluri, uneori cu scurgere la o mare sau la un râu, dar nefiind alimentată din sau conectată cu apa oceanelor. De cele mai multe ori lacurile au apă dulce. Totuşi, denumirile de lac sau mare date diverselor întinderi de apă stătătoare nu respectă întru totul această definiţie. Uneori se ţine cont şi de felul de apă, sărată sau dulce, sau de mărimea întinderii de apă.

f. NOTA BENE : Etimologie – Din lat. lacus.


h. SURSA DEFINITIEI : www.en.wikipedia.org


j. CONCEPT GENERIC : apa curgatoare

k. SINONIME : apa statatoare

l. CONTEXT / COLOCATII : 1. Marea Caspică şi Marea Moartă sunt de fapt lacuri (fără ieşire la ocean), dar care au apă sărată.


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2. Cele mai multe lacuri se găsesc la latitudinile mari ale emisferei nordice. Mai mult de jumătate (60%) din lacurile lumii sunt cuprinse în teritoriul Canadei. În Europa recordul este deţinut de Finlanda, unde se află nu mai puţin de 187.888 lacuri, din care 60.000 au dimensiuni apreciabile.



n. COMETARIU: La unele lacuri se constată fenomenul de heliotermie (prin heliotermie se înţelege fenomenul prin care apa unor lacuri sărate se încălzeşte la o anumită adâncime, sub acţiunea căldurii solare, mai mult decât mediul din jur. Încălzirea se explică datorită gradului de mineralizare a apei, pecum şi datorită existenţei unui strat de apă dulce la suprafaţă, care împiedică pierderea căldurii în atmosferă.)

o. DESEMNAREA STATUTULUI : formal,oficial


b. ENTRY : Lighthouse


d. SOURCE : www.m-i-link.com e. STANDARD DEFINITION : - Is a tower, building, or framework designed to emit light from a system of lamps and lenses or, in older times, from a fire and used as an aid to navigation and to pilots at sea or on inland waterways. f. NOTA BENE : The Lighthouse of Alexandria was built in 280 BC to serve as the port's landmark. With a height variously estimated between 115 and 135 meters (383 - 440 ft) it was among the tallest man-made structures on Earth for many centuries, and was identified as one of the Seven Wonders of the World by classical writers. Two lighthouses, each called the Pharos, were built at Dover soon after the Roman conquest of Britain. They were sited on the two heights (Eastern Heights and Western Heights) and modeled on the one built for Caligula's aborted invasion at Boulogne.

g. RO CORRESPONDENT : Far h. DEFINITION SOURCE : www.m-i-link.com i. GRAMMATICAL CATEGORY : noun j. GENERIC CONCEPT : light used as signal



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1. Lighthouses are used to mark dangerous coastlines, hazardous shoals and reefs, and safe entries to harbors and can also assist in aerial navigation. Once widely used, the number of operational lighthouses has declined due to the expense of maintenance and replacement by modern electronic navigational aids. 2. Sometimes a lighthouse needs to be constructed in the water itself. Wave-washed lighthouses are masonry structures constructed to withstand water impact, such as Eddystone Lighthouse in Britain and the St. George Reef Light off California. In shallower bays, screw pile ironwork structures are screwed into the seabed and a low wooden structure is placed above the open framework, such as Thomas Point Shoal Lighthouse. As screw piles can be disrupted by ice, in northern climates steel caisson lighthouses such as Orient Point Light are used. Orient Long Beach Bar Light (Bug Light) is a blend of a screw pile light that was later converted to a caisson light because of the threat of ice damage (Crompton, Samuel, W; Rhein, Michael, J. The Ultimate Book of Lighthouses. San Diego, CA: Thunder Bay Press, 2002.)

m. USE AREA : Marine

n. COMMENTARY: In a lighthouse, the source of light is called the "lamp" (whether electric or fueled by oil) and the concentration of the light is by the "lens" or "optic". Originally lit by open fires and later candles, the Argand hollow wick lamp and parabolic reflector was developed around 1781 in Europe. In the US, whale oil was used with solid wicks as the source of light, until the Argand parabolic reflector system was introduced around 1810 by Winslow Lewis. Colza oil replaced whale oil in the early 1850s, but US farmers' lack of interest in growing this caused the service to switch to lard oil in the mid 1850s. Kerosene started replacing lard oil in the 1870s and the service was finally totally converted by the late 1880s. Electricity and carbide (acetylene gas) started to replace kerosene around the turn of the 20th century.[1] The use of the latter was promoted by the Dalén light, which automatically lit the lamp at nightfall and extinguished it at dawn.

o. DESIGNATION STATUS : formal, official


b. INTRARE : Far c. ID TARA : RO

d. SURSA : Lexicon maritim englez-roman,1971


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e. DEFINITIE STANDARD : - Este un turn, o clădire sau alta structură folosită pentru a emite lumină folosind sistemul lămpilor electrice sau, în trecut, focul cu scopul de a ajuta în navigaţie maritimă.

f. NOTA BENE : Etimologie - Din fr. phare, lat. pharus, it. faro.

g. CORRESPONDENT EN : Lighthouse

h. SURSA DEFINITIEI : Lexicon maritim englez-roman,1971


j. CONCEPT GENERIC : turn care emite lumina

k. SINONIME : ghid (al navelor)

l. CONTEXT / COLOCATII : 1. Farurile se află pe coastele periculoase, vărsările sigure la porturi, în aproprierea bancurilor de nisip, etc 2. Farurile pot ajuta si la navigaţia aeriană

(Lexicon maritim englez-roman,1971)


n. COMETARIU: Numărul farurilor deschise a scăzut recent din cauza introducerii sistemelor electronice de navigare la nave.

o. DESEMNAREA STATUTULUI : formal,oficial


b. ENTRY : Livestock carrier


d. SOURCE : www.markjones.co.nz e. STANDARD DEFINITION : - As the name suggests, is a large ship used in the live export of sheep, cattle and goats. They are specially built new or converted from container ships. f. NOTA BENE : Seagoing vessels modified or purpose-built for the transportation of live animals.Subject to appropriate regulation, live animals may be transported as part of the cargo on various classes of ship. That particular method of transportation is more common on short sea


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crossings (e.g. ferries) and usually involves relatively small numbers of animals. Livestock carriers are those ships, which specialise exclusively in the transportation of large numbers of live animals together with their requirements for the voyage. (food, water, sawdust bedding, medication, etc.). Voyages on livestock carriers generally last from three days to three to four weeks.


h. DEFINITION SOURCE : www.markjones.co.nz i. GRAMMATICAL CATEGORY : nominal grup j. GENERIC CONCEPT : a ship for animals k. SYNONYMS : boat, vessel l. CONTEXT / COLLOCATIONS : 1. Various species have been transported in this way, but by far the most numerous are the domesticated breeds of sheep and cattle. During the latter half of the twentieth century, millions of sheep and many thousands of cattle were transported on livestock carriers. Other domesticated species which have been transported, though in smaller numbers, include horses, camels, deer, goats and, on at least one occasion, ostriches. The transportation of live fish, on small specialised vessels, is a similar trade which has developed in association with fish farming National authorities which permit the export or import of live animals, regulate and monitor the ships and the associated aspects of the trade very closely. 2. Livestock carriers carry more crew members than conventional cargo ships of a similar size. Experienced stockmen are an essential part of the crew. The total number of stockmen required varies according to the number of animals and also depends on factors such as the arrangement of the livestock pens and the extent of automated systems installed for feeding and watering. (www.shippingtimes.co.uk)

m. USE AREA : Marine

n. COMMENTARY: During the last three decades of the twentieth century there was a progressive trend towards large vessels carrying greater numbers of animals. Prior to that, a significant limitation had been fresh water storage capacity on ships. To maintain condition, average sized cattle require at least forty litres of water per head - per day. Sheep require at least four litres per head - per day. Developments in water production technology (salt water evaporators or reverse-osmosis systems) eventually led to livestock carriers with equipment capable of producing up to 600 tonnes of fresh water per day. Sheep and cattle also require fodder amounting to at least 2% of their body weight per day. Livestock carriers are required to carry sufficient feedstuffs for the maximum length of the voyage plus adequate reserves for emergencies.'Medium' sized vessels with capacity for about 30,000 to 40,000 sheep - (or 3000 to 4000 head of cattle) - are a common size for this type of ship. However, during the last two decades


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of the twentieth century there were a small number of sheep carriers which had capacity for 130,000 sheep. There were at least two other large livestock carriers which specialised in combined cargoes of cattle and sheep. One had capacity for about 7,000 cattle plus 70,000 sheep and the other could carry 14,000 cattle plus 20,000 sheep. In 2007 the livestock carrier "Deneb Prima" was loading cargoes amounting to 20,000 cattle plus 2000 sheep.The numbers detailed above are only general indications. The space allocated to animals on livestock carriers is officially regulated according to their size and weight ranges. Larger and heavier animals are allocated proportionately more space per head.

o. DESIGNATION STATUS : formal, official


b. ENTRY : Mariner


d. SOURCE : www.m-i-link.com e. STANDARD DEFINITION : - Is a person who navigates water-borne vessels or assists in their operation, maintenance, or service. The term can apply to professional mariners, military personnel, and recreational sailors as well as a plethora of other uses

f. NOTA BENE : Etimology - late 13c., from Anglo-Fr. mariner, O.Fr. marinier, from M.L. marinarius, from L. marinus. Earlier and for long more common than sailor.


h. DEFINITION SOURCE : www.m-i-link.com i. GRAMMATICAL CATEGORY : noun j. GENERIC CONCEPT : a person working onboard a sea-going ship k. SYNONYMS : sailor, navigator, seaman l. CONTEXT / COLLOCATIONS : 1. Professional mariners hold a variety of professions and ranks which are fairly standard, with the exception of slight naming differences around the world. Common categories by department include the Deck department, the Engineering department, and the Steward's department. Mariners can also be categorized by status as a senior licensed mariners or unlicensed mariners. 2. Mariners spend extended periods at sea. Most deep-sea mariners are hired for one or more voyages that last for several months. There is no job security after that. The length of time between voyages varies by job availability and personal preference. (www.en.wikipedia.org)


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m. USE AREA : Marine

n. COMMENTARY: A number of professional mariners have left the industry and led noteworthy lives in the naval services or on the shore. For example, Traian Băsescu, started his career as a third mate in 1976 and is now the President of Romania. Arthur Phillip joined the Merchant Navy in 1751 and 37 years later founded Sydney, Australia. Merchant mariner Douglass North went from seaman to navigator to win the 1993 Nobel Prize in Economics.

o. DESIGNATION STATUS : formal, official


b. INTRARE : Marinar


d. SURSA : www.ainostri.ro

e. DEFINITIE STANDARD : - Persoană care face parte din echipajul unei nave maritime; persoană care își face serviciul militar la marină.f. NOTA BENE : Etimologie - marină + suf. ~ar (marina - – Din fr. marin.)


h. SURSA DEFINITIEI : www.dexonline.ro


j. CONCEPT GENERIC : om care lucreaza pe o nava

k. SINONIME : matelot, matroz

l. CONTEXT / COLOCATII : 1. Un marinar turc, ce efectua lucrari de sudura pe un tanc petrolier din Portul Constanta, duminica noaptea, a fost lovit la cap de o butelie cu oxigen. Butelia s-a desprins din locul in care era fixata si l-a ranit pe marinarul in varsta de 27 de ani, informeaza Realitatea TV.

(www.ziare.com) 2. Viata de marinar ofera satisfactii profesionale si materiale, insa este permanent expusa riscurilor.




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n. COMETARIU: Cativa marinari ai Statelor Unite din al doilea razboi mondial, au jucat roluri destul de cunoscute in televiziune. Lista ii include pe Milburn Drysdale care a jucat in The Beverly Hillbillies, Archie Bunker in All in the Family, Columbo in Columbo, Jim Rockford in The Rockford Files, Steve McGarret in Hawaii Five-O, Uncle Jesse Duke in The Dukes of Hazzard si Cheyenne Bodie in Cheyenne.

o. DESEMNAREA STATUTULUI : formal,oficial


b. ENTRY : Minesweeper


d. SOURCE : www.m-i-link.com e. STANDARD DEFINITION : - Is a small naval warship designed to counter the threat posed by naval mines. Minesweepers generally detect then neutralize mines in advance of other naval operations. f. NOTA BENE : In Britain naval leaders recognized before the outbreak of World War I that the development of sea mines was a threat to the nation's supply and began efforts to counter the threat. Sir Arthur Wilson noted the real threat of the time was blockade aided by mines and not invasion. The function of the fishing fleet's trawlers with their trawl gear was recognized as having a natural connection with mine clearance. A Trawler Section of the Royal Navy Reserve became the predecessor of the mine sweeping forces with specially designed ships and equipment to follow. These reserve Trawler Section fishermen and their trawlers were activated, supplied with mine gear, rifles, uniforms and pay as the first minesweepers.[1] The dedicated, purpose-built minesweeper first appeared during World War I with the Flower-class minesweeping sloop.


h. DEFINITION SOURCE : www.m-i-link.com i. GRAMMATICAL CATEGORY : noun j. GENERIC CONCEPT : a ship k. SYNONYMS : boat, vessel l. CONTEXT / COLLOCATIONS : 1. Minesweepers are equipped with mechanical or influence sweeps to detonate mines. The modern minesweeper is designed to reduce the chances of it detonating mines itself; it is soundproofed to reduce its acoustic signature and often constructed using wood, glass-reinforced plastic (GRP) or non-ferrous metal, or is degaussed to reduce its magnetic signature.


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2. The minesweeper differs from a minehunter; the minehunter actively detects and neutralises individual mines. Minesweepers are in many cases complementary to minehunters, depending on the operation and the environment; a minesweeper is, in particular, better suited to clearing open-water areas with large numbers of mines. Both kinds of ships are collectively called mine countermeasure vessels (MCMV), a term also applied to a vessel that combines both roles. The first such ship was HMS Wilton , also the first warship to be constructed from glass-reinforced plastic. (www.en.wikipedia.org)

m. USE AREA : Marine

n. COMMENTARY: Mechanical sweeps are devices designed to cut the anchoring cables of moored mines, and preferably attach a tag to help the subsequent localization and neutralization. They are towed behind the minesweeper, and use a towed body (e.g. oropesa, paravane) to maintain the sweep at the desired depth and position. Influence sweeps are equipment, often towed, that emulate a particular ship signature, thereby causing a mine to detonate. The most common such sweeps are magnetic and acoustic generators.

o. DESIGNATION STATUS : formal, official


b. ENTRY : Motorboat


d. SOURCE : www.m-i-link.com e. STANDARD DEFINITION : - Is a boat which is powered by an engine.

f. NOTA BENE : Although the Screw propeller had been added to an engine (steam engine) as early as the 18th century in Birmingham, England by James Watt, the petrol engine only came about in the later part of the 19th century, at which point Frederick William Lanchester recognized the potential of combining the two components to create the first all British powerboat, tested in Oxford England the powerboat was born. Late in that same period fishermen in San Francisco were being transforming their feluccas into early versions of the Monterey clipper, also known locally as put-puts.Lanchester began to find the conflict between his job as works manager and his research work irksome. Therefore, in 1893, he resigned his position in favour of his younger brother George. At about the same time, he produced a second engine similar in design to his previous one but running on benzene 800 r.p.m. An important part of his new engine was the revolutionary carburettor, for mixing the fuel and air correctly. His invention was known as a wick carburettor, because fuel was drawn into a series of wicks, from where it was vapourized. He patented this invention in 1905.Lanchester installed his new petrol engine in a flat-bottomed launch, which the engine drove via a stern paddle wheel. Lanchester built the launch in the garden of his home in Olton,


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Warwickshire. The boat was launched at Salter’s slipway in Oxford in 1904, and was the first motorboat built in Britain. g. RO CORRESPONDENT : Salupa

h. DEFINITION SOURCE : www.m-i-link.com i. GRAMMATICAL CATEGORY : noun j. GENERIC CONCEPT : a boat k. SYNONYMS : vessel l. CONTEXT / COLLOCATIONS : 1. Some motorboats are fitted with inboard engines, others have an outboard motor installed on the rear, containing the internal combustion engine, the gearbox and the propeller in one portable unit. (www.en.wikipedia.org) m. USE AREA : Marine n. COMMENTARY: Motorboats vary greatly in size and configuration, from the 4-meter, open Boston Whaler type to the luxury mega-yachts capable of crossing an ocean.

o. DESIGNATION STATUS : formal, official


b. INTRARE : Salupa c. ID TARA : RO

d. SURSA : www.ainostri.ro

e. DEFINITIE STANDARD : - Este o denumire generică a tuturor ambarcaţiunilor puntate, cu lungimea până la 20 m, autopropulsate prin motor.

f. NOTA BENE : Etimologie - – Din fr. chaloupe.


h. SURSA DEFINITIEI : www.dexonline.ro


j. CONCEPT GENERIC : barca cu motor


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k. SINONIME : vas

l. CONTEXT / COLOCATII : 1. După destinaţie, şalupele pot fi:- militare- ale poliţiei de frontieră- sanitare- pentru agrement maritim, fluvial şi de ape interioare navigabile

(Lexicon maritim englez-român, Ed. Ştiinţifică, Bucureşti, 1971)


n. COMETARIU: Ordinul nr. 417 din 20 martie 2002 pentru aprobarea Regulamentului privind obţinerea certificatelor internaţionale de conducător de ambarcaţiune de agrement, Publicat în Monitorul Oficial cu numărul 306 din data de 9 mai 2002, prevede, între altele, că persoanele care desfăşoară activităţi comerciale de agrement au obligaţia să asigure conducerea ambarcaţiunilor de agrement pe care le utilizează pentru aceste activităţi de către o persoană care trebuie să posede un certificat de capacitate, după cum urmează:a) pentru navele care navighează în apele maritime: certificat de conducător de şalupă maritimă;b) pentru navele care navighează în apele interioare: certificat de conducător de şalupă fluvială.

o. DESEMNAREA STATUTULUI : formal,oficial


b. ENTRY : Mast


d. SOURCE : www.markjones.co.nz e. STANDARD DEFINITION : - Is a tall, vertical, or near vertical, spar, or arrangement of spars, which supports the sails. Large ships have several masts, with the size and configuration depending on the style of ship. f. NOTA BENE : Etimology - "long pole on a ship to support the sail," O.E. mæst, from P.Gmc. *mastaz (cf. O.N. mastr, Du., Ger. mast), from PIE *mazdos "a pole, rod" (cf. L. malus "mast," O.Ir. matan "club," Ir. maide "a stick," O.C.S. mostu "bridge"). The single mast of an old ship was the boundary between quarters of officers and crew, hence before the mast in the title of Dana's book, etc.


h. DEFINITION SOURCE : www.markjones.co.nz


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i. GRAMMATICAL CATEGORY : noun j. GENERIC CONCEPT : mast k. SYNONYMS : long pole l. CONTEXT / COLLOCATIONS : 1. Until the 20th century, ships' masts were wooden. Originally, they were formed from single piece of timber, typically the trunks of fir trees. From the 16th century, ships were often built of a size requiring masts taller and thicker than could be made from single tree trunks. On these larger ships, to achieve the required height, the masts were built from up to four sections (also called masts), known in order of rising height about the decks as the lower, top, topgallant and royal masts. Giving the lower sections sufficient thickness necessitated building them up from separate pieces of wood. Such a section was known as a made mast, as opposed to sections formed from single pieces of timber, which were known as pole masts. 2. Most types of ships with two masts would have a main-mast and a smaller mizzen-mast, although both brigs and two-masted schooners instead carry a fore-mast and main-mast. On a two-masted vessel with the mainmast forward and a much smaller second mast, such as a ketch, or particularly a yawl, the terms mizzen and jigger are synonymous. (www.bluewatersailing.com)

m. USE AREA : Marine

n. COMMENTARY: From the mid 1990s racing yachts introduced the use of carbon fibre and other composite materials to construct masts with even better strength-to-weight ratios. Carbon fibre masts could also be constructed with more precisely engineered aerodynamic profiles.Modern masts form the leading edge of a sail's airfoil and tend to have a teardrop-shaped cross-section. On smaller racing yachts and catamarans, the mast rotates to the optimum angle for the sail's airfoil. If the mast has a long, thin cross-section and makes up a significant area of the airfoil, it is called a wing-mast; boats using these have a smaller sail area to compensate for the larger mast area.On modern warships, the mast still exists but does not serve the purpose of holding sails, since all modern warships are engine-powered. Instead, the mast serves as a mounting point for radar and telecommunication antennas. This is beneficial because generally, the higher an antenna is mounted, the farther its range.

o. DESIGNATION STATUS : formal, official


b. INTRARE : Catarg c. ID TARA : RO


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d. SURSA : Lexicon martim englez-roman,1971 e. DEFINITIE STANDARD : - Este o coloană masivă de lemn sau de metal, fixată de carlinga centrală a navei, în poziţie verticală sau uşor înclinată spre pupa, având rolul să susţină: la veliere - vergile şi velele; la navele cu maşini - bigile de încărcare, antenele radio şi de radiolocaţie, instalaţia de semnalizare optică şi luminile de drum la o corabie.

f. NOTA BENE : Etimologie - CATÁR//G ~ge n. Stâlp vertical montat pe o navă pentru a susține velele și instalațiile de semnalizare; arbore. /<ngr. katártig. CORRESPONDENT EN : Mast

h. SURSA DEFINITIEI : Lexicon martim englez-roman,1971


j. CONCEPT GENERIC : catarge

k. SINONIME : stalp de sustinere

l. CONTEXT / COLOCATII : 1. Pentru fixarea catargelor (arborilor), pe navă este construit un etambreu de arbore. 2. Barba-Neagra si-a dezvoltat o reputatie teribila de oportunist crud si inspaimantator. Domnia sa incununata de teroare s-a centrat in jurul Indiilor de Vest si pe coasta atlantica a Americii de Nord, avand sediul atat in Bahamas, cat si Carolina de Nord. Sfarsitul lui a venit la sfarsitul lui noiembrie 1718, cand locotenentul britanic Robert Maynard l-a decapitat si i-a spanzurat capul de catargul navei sale ca un trofeu hidos.



n. COMETARIU: În anul 1798, Napoleon Bonaparte invadase Egiptul. În această campanie, francezii mobilizează aproape toată flota de care dispuneau: 13 vase de linie şi mai multe fregate. Nelson, îmbarcat la bordul vasului HMS Vanguard, pleacă în urmărirea navelor franceze.Furtuna care a lovit flota britanică a zădărnicit urmărirea. Navele franceze nu se mai zăreau; catargul navei HMS Vanguard fusese grav avariat iar timpul era de partea francezilor.Reparând catargul rupt, Nelson a plecat în urmărirea francezilor şi a găsit flota lui Napoleon ascunsă în Golful Abu Kir, în apropierea Alexandriei. Atacul prin surprindere condus de Nelson a făcut ca dintre 13 nave franceze, 11 să ajungă pe fundul mării sau să fie capturate de englezi.

o. DESEMNAREA STATUTULUI : formal,oficial



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b. ENTRY : Narrowboat


d. SOURCE : www.markjones.co.nz e. STANDARD DEFINITION : - Is a boat of a distinctive design, made to fit the narrow canals of England and Wales f. NOTA BENE : In the context of British Inland Waterways, "narrow boat" refers to the original working boats built in the 18th, 19th, and 20th centuries for carrying goods on the narrow canals (where locks and bridge holes would have a minimum width of 7 feet (2.1 m)). The term is extended to modern "narrowboats" used for recreation and occasionally as homes, whose design is an interpretation of the old boats for modern purposes and modern materials.


h. DEFINITION SOURCE : www.markjones.co.nz i. GRAMMATICAL CATEGORY : noun j. GENERIC CONCEPT : a boat k. SYNONYMS : distinctive vessel l. CONTEXT / COLLOCATIONS : 1. The key distinguishing feature of a narrowboat is its width: it must be no more than 7 feet (2.13 m) wide to navigate the British narrow canals. Some old boats are very close to this limit (often built 7 feet 1/2 inch or slightly wider), and can have trouble using locks that are not quite as wide as they should be because of subsidence. Modern boats are usually 6 feet 10 inches (2.08 m) wide to guarantee easy passage everywhere. 2. The first working narrowboats played a key part in the economic changes accompanying the British Industrial Revolution. They were wooden boats drawn by a horse walking on the canal towpath led by a crew member, often a child. Narrowboats were chiefly designed for carrying cargo, though there were some packet boats, carrying passengers, letters, and parcels. (Narrowboats, Tom Chaplin, Whittet Books, 1978)

m. USE AREA : Marine

n. COMMENTARY: Modern narrowboats are used for annual holidays, weekend breaks or as permanent residences. Usually, they have steel hulls and a steel superstructure, but when they were first being developed for leisure use in the 1970s glass re-inforced plastic (fibre-glass) or timber was often used for the superstructures. They are usually powered by modern diesel engines, and are fitted inside to a high standard. There will be at least 6 feet (1.8 m) internal headroom, and similar domestic facilities as a small landward home: central heating,


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flush toilets, shower or even bath, four-ring hobs, oven, grill, microwave oven, and refrigerator; quite a few also have satellite television and mobile broadband via the use of 3G broadband technology. Externally, their resemblance to traditional boats can vary from a faithful imitation (false "rivets", and copies of traditional paintwork) through "interpretation" (clean lines and simplified paintwork) through to a free-style approach which does not try to pretend in any way that this is a traditional boat. o. DESIGNATION STATUS : formal, official


b. ENTRY : Ocean


d. SOURCE : www.markjones.co.nz e. STANDARD DEFINITION : - Is a major body of saline water, and a principal component of the hydrosphere. f. NOTA BENE : Etimology - late 13c., from O.Fr. occean (12c.), from L. oceanus, from Gk. okeanos, the great river or sea surrounding the disk of the Earth (as opposed to the Mediterranean), of unknown origin. Personified as Oceanus, son of Uranus and Gaia and husband of Tethys. In early times, when the only known land masses were Eurasia and Africa, the ocean was an endless river that flowed around them. Until c.1650, commonly ocean sea, translating L. mare oceanum.


h. DEFINITION SOURCE : www.markjones.co.nz i. GRAMMATICAL CATEGORY : noun j. GENERIC CONCEPT : very large body of water k. SYNONYMS : deep water l. CONTEXT / COLLOCATIONS : 1. Approximately 71% of the Earth's surface (~3.61 X 1014 m2) is covered by ocean, a continuous body of water that is customarily divided into several principal oceans and smaller seas. 2. The ocean has a significant effect on the biosphere. Oceanic evaporation, as a phase of the water cycle, is the source of most rainfall, and ocean temperatures determine climate and wind patterns that affect life on land. Life within the ocean evolved 3 billion years prior to life on land. Both the depth and distance from shore strongly influence the amount and kinds of plants and animals that live there.


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(Matthias Tomczak and J. Stuart Godfrey. 2003. Regional Oceanography: an Introduction.) m. USE AREA : Marine

n. COMMENTARY: Geologically, an ocean is an area of oceanic crust covered by water. Oceanic crust is the thin layer of solidified volcanic basalt that covers the Earth's mantle. Continental crust is thicker but less dense. From this perspective, the earth has three oceans: the World Ocean, the Caspian Sea, and Black Sea. The latter two were formed by the collision of Cimmeria with Laurasia. The Mediterranean Sea is at times a discrete ocean, because tectonic plate movement has repeatedly broken its connection to the World Ocean through the Strait of Gibraltar. The Black Sea is connected to the Mediterranean through the Bosporus, but the Bosporous is a natural canal cut through continental rock some 7,000 years ago, rather than a piece of oceanic sea floor like the Strait of Gibraltar.

o. DESIGNATION STATUS : formal, official


b. INTRARE : Ocean c. ID TARA : RO

d. SURSA : www.ainostri.ro

e. DEFINITIE STANDARD : - Vastă întindere de apă sărată de pe suprafața globului, delimitată de continente

f. NOTA BENE : Etimologie - – Din lat. oceanus, germ. Ozean, fr. océan.


h. SURSA DEFINITIEI : www.ainostri.ro


j. CONCEPT GENERIC : intindere mare de apa

k. SINONIME : apa adanca

l. CONTEXT / COLOCATII : 1. Aproximativ trei sferturi (71%) din suprafaţa Pământului este acoperită de oceane 2. Graniţele între oceane au fost stabilite de Organizaţia Internaţională de Hidrografie, astfel că Oceanul Antartic se extinde de la coasta Antarcticii până la 60 de grade latitudine sudică.


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n. COMETARIU: Oceanele sunt esenţiale pentru transport, o mare parte din bunurile transportate în lume sunt cu ajutorul navelor între porturi. Canale importante includ Canalul Panama şi Canalul Suez.

o. DESEMNAREA STATUTULUI : formal,oficial


b. ENTRY : Ocean liner


d. SOURCE : www.m-i-link.com e. STANDARD DEFINITION : - Is a ship designed to transport people from one seaport to another along regular long-distance maritime routes according to a schedule. f. NOTA BENE : Ocean liners were the primary mode of intercontinental travel for over a century, from the mid-19th century until they began to be supplanted by airliners in the 1960s. In addition to passengers, liners carried mail and cargo. Ships contracted to carry British Royal Mail used the designation RMS. Liners were also the preferred way to move gold and other high-value cargoes.[2]

The busiest route for liners was on the North Atlantic with ships travelling between Europe and North America. It was on this route that the fastest, largest and most advanced liners travelled. But while in contemporary popular imagination the term "ocean liners" evokes these transatlantic superliners, most ocean liners historically were mid-sized vessels which served as the common carriers of passengers and freight between nations and among mother countries and their colonies and dependencies in the pre-jet age. Such routes included Europe to African and Asian colonies, Europe to South America, and migrant traffic from Europe to North America in the nineteenth and first two decades of the twentieth centuries, and to Canada and Australia after the Second World War.


h. DEFINITION SOURCE : www.m-i-link.com i. GRAMMATICAL CATEGORY : noun

j. GENERIC CONCEPT : a vessel k. SYNONYMS : ship, boat



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1. Ocean liners are usually strongly built with a high freeboard to withstand rough seas and adverse conditions encountered in the open ocean, having large capacities for fuel, victuals, and other stores for consumption on long voyages. 2. The period between the end of the 19th century and World War II is considered the "golden age" of ocean liners. Driven by strong demand created by European emigration to the United States and Canada, international competition between passenger lines and a new emphasis on comfort, shipping companies built increasingly larger and faster ships. (Maxtone-Graham, John; Queen Mary 2: The Greatest Ocean Liner of Our Time,Bullfinch Press, New York 2004.)

m. USE AREA : Marine

n. COMMENTARY: Before World War II, aircraft had not been a huge threat to ocean liners. Most pre-war aircraft were noisy, cramped and vulnerable to bad weather, few had the range needed for transoceanic flights, and all were expensive and had a small passenger capacity. However, World War II accelerated the development of aircraft. Four-engined bombers such as the Avro Lancaster and Boeing B-29, with their long range and massive carrying capacity, were a natural prototype for a next-generation airliner. Jet aircraft technology also accelerated after the development of jet aircraft for military use in World War II. In 1953, the De Havilland Comet became the first commercial jet airliner; the Sud Aviation Caravelle, Boeing 707 and Douglas DC-8 followed. The Michelangelo and Raffaello, built in 1962 and 1963 for the Italian Line, were two of the last ocean liners to be built primarily for liner service across the North Atlantic as, in the 1960s, airlines gradually took over the business formerly done by ships. By the early 1970s, passenger ships were being used almost exclusively for cruising.After the end of the large-scale passenger-liner business, many ships continued in use as cruise ships; as of 2003 a small number of former liners were still in service. A few more, such as the Queen Mary, are still afloat but permanently docked and used for other purposes—in the case of the Queen Mary, as a museum ship. One of the few passenger ships occasionally used on scheduled line voyages is Cunard's Queen Mary 2 which replaced the line's Queen Elizabeth 2 on the transatlantic route in 2004.

o. DESIGNATION STATUS : formal, official


b. INTRARE : Pachebot c. ID TARA : ROd. SURSA : www.markjones.co.nz

e. DEFINITIE STANDARD : - este denumirea unui tip de navă mixtă, de pasageri, poştă şi mărfuri, utilizată pe o linie regulată cu două sau mai multe porturi şi cu itinerar fix.


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f. NOTA BENE : Etimologie - Denumirea provine din franţuzescul paquebot, care la rândul său este derivat din limba engleză, de la un tip de navă care purta numele de packet boat sau packet ship, cu sensul de „navă poştală”.

g. CORRESPONDENT EN : Ocean liner

h. SURSA DEFINITIEI : www.markjones.co.nz


j. CONCEPT GENERIC : nava mixta

k. SINONIME : vapor

l. CONTEXT / COLOCATII : 1. Unele pacheboturi deservesc linii lungi, oceanice şi au caracter predominant de nave de pasageri. În secundar transportă poştă şi cantităţi reduse de mărfuri generale. 2. Un pachebot este o navă rapidă, de mari dimensiuni, cu un bordaj înalt, proiectat pentru a face faţă condiţiilor vitrege din largul oceanelor.



n. COMETARIU: Pachebotul Freedom of the Seas poate primi la bordul sau 4375 de pasageri si 1365 de membri ai echipajului. Vasul de lux preia de la Queen Mary 2 titlul de cel mai mare pachebot din lume. Suprafata sa impresionanta, de 339 m lungime si 56 m latime, echivaleaza cu 25 de terenuri de fotbal. In plus, vasul are o inaltime de 72 de metri. Printre numeroasele atractii ale Freedom of the Seas se afla un bazin cu valuri artificiale pentru practicantii de surf, un perete de escaladare pentru iubitorii muntelui, un patinoar si o galerie comerciala. Freedom of the Seas nu-si va pastra insa pentru mult timp titlul de cel mai mare pachebot din lume. La sfarsitul anului 2009, un colos de 220 de mii de tone, Genesis, capabil sa transporte 5400 de pasageri, va fi si el gata sa-si ridice ancora.

o. DESEMNAREA STATUTULUI : formal,oficial


b. ENTRY : Pontoon


d. SOURCE : www.markjones.co.nz e. STANDARD DEFINITION : - Is a flat-bottomed boat or the floats used to support a structure on water.


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f. NOTA BENE : Etimology - 1676, from Fr. pontoon, from M.Fr. ponton, from L. pontonem (nom. ponto) "flat-bottomed boat," from pons "bridge." Pontoon bridge is first recorded 1778.


h. DEFINITION SOURCE : www.markjones.co.nz i. GRAMMATICAL CATEGORY : noun j. GENERIC CONCEPT : a flat-bottomed boat k. SYNONYMS : boat, craft l. CONTEXT / COLLOCATIONS : 1. Pontoon boats generally are low cost and less expensive to insure than a normal boat, even when equipped with engines of over 200 hp. Their shallow draft, usually about 8", also reduces damage from submerged collisions and being run aground. As such, they are the most popular vessel style for rental operations on US freshwater waterways. They are also popular with partygoers. They also offer the largest value in terms of capacity to price. As a result pontoons are typically purchased for pleasure boating rather than serious fishing[

2. Pontoon boats are also used as small vehicle ferries to cross rivers and lakes in many parts of the world, especially in Africa. Pontoon ferries may be motorised, such as the Kazungula Ferry across the Zambezi River, or powered by another boat, or pulled by cables. A type of ferry known as the cable ferry (called 'punts' in Australia and New Zealand) pull themselves across a river using a motor or human power applied to the cable, which also guides the pontoon. Pontoon boat designers need to consider the pontoon effect. (www.weeres.com)

m. USE AREA : Marine n. COMMENTARY: The 1952 invention of the pontoon motorboat in the USA is credited to a farmer who lived on the Horseshoe Chain of Lakes, near Richmond, Minnesota. Ambrose Weeres had the idea to put a wooden platform on top of two columns of steel barrels welded together end to end, thereby creating a sturdy deck that would be more stable on a lake than would a conventional boat. This idea proved to be correct.As he lived in the "land of 10,000 lakes," Weeres thought this idea might have some potential to be marketed. He started out by building a few boats and sold them with the help of select dealers. He named his first boat "The Empress." Weeres did not realize at first how popular these boats would quickly become. He couldn't keep up making them, so he started his own company, Weeres Industries. Some time later, Ambrose Weeres, now called "Mr. Pontoon," was elected to the Minnesota Marina Hall of Fame.

o. DESIGNATION STATUS : formal, official


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b. INTRARE : Ponton c. ID TARA : RO

d. SURSA : Lexicon maritim engelz-roman.1971

e. DEFINITIE STANDARD : - Este o construcţie plutitoare metalică, din lemn sau compozit, cu fundul plat, puntea plană (fără selatură), cu secţiunea transversală dreptunghiulară. f. NOTA BENE : Etimologie - PONTÓN, pontoane, s.n. 1. Ambarcație, de obicei fixă, care susține o instalație unde acostează navele. 2. Vas fără motor și fără punte, care se remorchează la un vas cu motor și cu care se transportă mărfurile dintr-un port sau se ancorează bastimentele mai mari. – Din fr. ponton.


h. SURSA DEFINITIEI : Lexicon maritim engelz-roman.1971


j. CONCEPT GENERIC : barca din metal sau lemn cu fundul plat

k. SINONIME : ambarcatiune

l. CONTEXT / COLOCATII : 1.Pontonul este de regulă nepropulsat. Se utilizează ca platformă la încărcarea şi descărcarea navelor care nu operează la cheu. Dotat cu gruie sau macarale se foloseşte la lucrări hidrotehnice.

(Lexicon maritim englez-român, Ed. Ştiinţifică, Bucureşti, 1971) 2. Unul dintre cele două poduri de pontoane care face legătură între faleza râului Mureş şi intrarea în Ştrandul Neptun din municipiul Arad s-a rupt, marţi, din cauza sloiurilor de gheaţă care s-au format în aval, pe o lungime de câteva sute de metri.



n. COMETARIU: Un ponton de transport (bac) este un mijloc plutitor portuar cu punte platformă, folosit pentru transportul mărfurilor de la navă la cheu şi invers. Deşi nu are mijloace de propulsie, totuşi în unele ţări este considerat ca navă din punct de vedere juridic.

o. DESEMNAREA STATUTULUI : formal,oficial



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b. ENTRY : Port


d. SOURCE : www.m-i-link.com e. STANDARD DEFINITION : - Is a facility for receiving ships and/or transferring cargo. It is usually found at the edge of an ocean, sea, river, or lake f. NOTA BENE : Etimology - "gateway," O.E., from O.Fr. porte "gate, entrance," from L. porta "gate, door," from PIE base *per- ; officially so by Admiralty order of 1844 and U.S. Navy Department notice of 1846. Fig. sense "place of refuge" is attested from 1426; phrase any port in a storm first recorded 1749.

g. RO CORRESPONDENT : Port h. DEFINITION SOURCE : www.m-i-link.com i. GRAMMATICAL CATEGORY : noun j. GENERIC CONCEPT : place for boat docking, traffic, and storage k. SYNONYMS : refuge, harbor l. CONTEXT / COLLOCATIONS : 1. The best ports have deep water in channels or berths, and protection from the wind and waves. 2. A prerequisite for a port is a harbor with water of sufficient depth to receive ships whose draft will allow passage into and out of the harbor.


m. USE AREA : Marine

n. COMMENTARY: Ports sometimes fall out of use. Rye, East Sussex was an important English port in the Middle Ages, but the coastline changed and it is now 2 miles (3.2 km) from the sea, while the ports of Ravenspurn and Dunwich have been lost to coastal erosion. Also in the United Kingdom, London, the River Thames was once an important international port, but changes in shipping methods, such as the use of containers and larger ships, put it at a disadvantage.

o. DESIGNATION STATUS : formal, official


b. INTRARE : Port


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d. SURSA : www.ainostri.ro

e. DEFINITIE STANDARD : - Este, în general, un loc adăpostit în care navele se pot refugia pe furtună şi pot staţiona în siguranţă. Cu timpul însă termenul a căpătat un sens mai larg, identificându-se cu sfera mai cuprinzătoare a noţiunii „port", datorită faptului că pe lângă adăpostire, navele au trecut şi la operaţiuni de încărcare/ descărcare.

f. NOTA BENE : Etimologie - Din fr. port, it. porto.


h. SURSA DEFINITIEI : www.dexonline.ro



k. SINONIME : refugiu

l. CONTEXT / COLOCATII : 1. Marile porturi moderne au amenajate în radă estacade speciale de operare pe adâncimi mari a petrolierelor gigant şi a mineralierelor de mare tonaj.

2. Extinderea şi gradul de amenajare a teritoriului unui port maritim modern, depinde de importanţa acestuia în economia naţională, cât şi ca nod de comunicaţii maritime şi de trafic pe plan continental sau mondial. Volumul şi varietatea mărfurilor traficului portuar, precum şi nivelul dezvoltării economice a ţării sau regiunii deservite, determină amploarea funcţiilor sale principale. Portul maritim modern şi-a extins teritoriul, ţinând seama de şantierele de construcţie şi reparaţie a navelor şi de vasta industrializare a portului.

(Organizarea Spatiului Portuar-portul Maritim Modern, www.scribd.com)


n. COMETARIU: Într-un port bine organizat suprastructurile portuare de transbordare şi tranzitare a mărfurilor la dane şi în incintă, constituie un factor hotărâtor în funcţionalitatea şi eficienţa portului. Aceste suprastructuri constau din instalaţii de transbordare şi de transport de pe frontul de operare al teritoriului portuar, cât şi din ansamblul de unităţi specializate, situate imediat înapoia frontului de perare destinate să facă legătura nemijlocită cu instalaţiile de pe cheiuri care asigură un flux ritmic în ambele sensuri.

o. DESEMNAREA STATUTULUI : formal,oficial



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b. ENTRY : River


d. SOURCE : www.m-i-link.com e. STANDARD DEFINITION : - Is a natural watercourse, usually freshwater, flowing toward an ocean, a lake, a sea or another river f. NOTA BENE : Etimology - c.1300, from O.Fr. riviere, from V.L. *riparia "riverbank, seashore, river" (cf. Sp. ribera, It. riviera), noun use of fem. of L. riparius "of a riverbank"


h. DEFINITION SOURCE : www.m-i-link.com i. GRAMMATICAL CATEGORY : noun j. GENERIC CONCEPT : waterway k. SYNONYMS : water

l. CONTEXT / COLLOCATIONS : 1. A river is part of the hydrological cycle. Water within a river is generally collected from precipitation through surface runoff, groundwater recharge, springs, and the release of stored water in natural ice and snowpacks 2. Rivers have been used as a source of water, for obtaining food, for transport, as a defensive measure, as a source of hydropower to drive machinery, for bathing, and as a means of disposing of waste. (Luna B. Leopold (1994). A View of the River. Harvard University Press)

m. USE AREA : Marine

n. COMMENTARY: A river flowing in its channel is a source of energy which acts on the river channel to change its shape and form. According to Brahm's law (sometimes called Airy's law), the mass of objects that may be flown away by a river is proportional to the sixth power of the river flow speed. Thus, when the speed of flow increases two times, it can transport 64 times larger (i.e., more massive) objects.[3] In mountainous torrential zones this can be seen as erosion channels through hard rocks and the creation of sands and gravels from the destruction of larger rocks. In U-shaped glaciated valleys, the subsequent river valley can often easily be identified by the V-shaped channel that it has carved. In the middle reaches where the river may flow over flatter land, meanders may form through erosion of the river banks and deposition on the inside of bends. Sometimes the river will cut off a loop, shortening the channel and forming an oxbow lake or billabong. Rivers that carry large amounts of sediment may develop conspicuous deltas at their mouths, if conditions permit. Rivers whose mouths are in saline tidal waters may form estuaries.


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o. DESIGNATION STATUS : formal, official


b. INTRARE : Rau c. ID TARA : RO

d. SURSA : www.ainostri.ro

e. DEFINITIE STANDARD : - Apă curgătoare (permanentă) formată din unirea mai multor pâraie și care se varsă într-un fluviu, în alt râu, într-un lac etc

f. NOTA BENE : Etimologie – Din lat. rivus.


h. SURSA DEFINITIEI : www.dexonline.ro


j. CONCEPT GENERIC : apa curgatoare

k. SINONIME : apa curata

l. CONTEXT / COLOCATII : 1. Originea râului se numeşte izvor. Adâncitura prin care curge râul se numeşte albia râului (vale), iar râul poate să se verse fie într-un alt râu sau fluviu (ca afluent), fie într-un lac, într-o mare sau într-un ocean. 2. Se consideră râuri şi pâraie toţi curenţii de apă, care curg mai mult de 6 luni pe an în albia pe care şi-au format-o de la izvor până în deltă, cu excepţia izvoarelor de pe pante.



n. COMETARIU: Anumite râuri care curg spre o zonă aridă (deşert) nu se varsă nicăieri, evaporându-se până să ajungă la destinaţie.

o. DESEMNAREA STATUTULUI : formal,oficial


b. ENTRY : RMS Titanic (Royal Mail Steamer)


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d. SOURCE : www.titanic-nautical.com e. STANDARD DEFINITION : - Was an Olympic -class passenger liner owned by the White Star Line and was built at the Harland and Wolff shipyard in Belfast, Ireland. At the time of her construction, she was the largest passenger steamship in the world. f. NOTA BENE : The Titanic was built at the Harland and Wolff shipyard in Belfast, and designed to compete with the rival Cunard Line's Lusitania and Mauretania. The Titanic, along with her Olympic-class sisters, the Olympic and the soon-to-be-built Britannic (which was to be called Gigantic at first), were intended to be the largest, most luxurious ships ever to operate. The designers were Lord William Pirrie,[7] a director of both Harland and Wolff and White Star, naval architect Thomas Andrews, Harland and Wolff's construction manager and head of their design department,[8] and Alexander Carlisle, the shipyard's chief draughtsman and general manager.[9] Carlisle's role in this project was the design of the superstructure of these ships, particularly the superstructures' streamlined joining to the hulls[citation needed] as well as the implementation of an efficient lifeboat davit design. Carlisle would leave the project in 1910, before the ships were launched, when he became a shareholder in Welin Davit & Engineering Company Ltd, the firm making the davits.

g. RO CORRESPONDENT : RMS Titanic (Royal Mail Steamer-Vas postal regal)

h. DEFINITION SOURCE : www.titanic-nautical.com i. GRAMMATICAL CATEGORY : nominal group j. GENERIC CONCEPT : the largest passenger steamship in the world. k. SYNONYMS : a ship, a vessel

l. CONTEXT / COLLOCATIONS : 1. The Titanic was designed by some of the most experienced engineers, and used some of the most advanced technology available at the time. It was popularly believed to have been unsinkable.[6] It was a great shock to many that, despite the extensive safety features, the Titanic sank. The frenzy on the part of the media about Titanic's famous victims, the legends about the sinking, the resulting changes to maritime law, and the discovery of the wreck have contributed to the continuing interest in, and notoriety of, the Titanic. 2. Construction of RMS Titanic, funded by the American J.P. Morgan and his International Mercantile Marine Co., began on 31 March, 1909. Titanic's hull was launched on 31 May 1911, and her outfitting was completed by 31 March the following year. She was 882 feet 9 inches (269.1 m) long and 92 feet 0 inches (28.0 m) wide,[3] with a gross register tonnage of 46,328 long tons and a height from the water line to the boat deck of 59 feet (18 m). She was equipped with two reciprocating four-cylinder, triple-expansion steam engines and one low-pressure Parsons turbine, which combined drove three propellers. There were 29 boilers fired by 159 coal burning furnaces that made possible a top speed of 23 knots (43 km/h; 26 mph). Only three of the four 62 feet (19 m) funnels were functional: the fourth,


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which served only for ventilation purposes, was added to make the ship look more impressive. The ship could carry a total of 3,547 passengers and crew. (Lynch, Donald and Marschall, Ken. Titanic: An Illustrated History Hyperion, 1995)

m. USE AREA : Marine n. COMMENTARY: Shortly before midnight on 14 April 1912, four days into the ship's maiden voyage, Titanic struck an iceberg and sank two hours and forty minutes later, early on 15 April 1912. The sinking resulted in the deaths of 1,517 of the 2,223 people on board, making it one of the deadliest peacetime maritime disasters in history. The high casualty rate was due in part to the fact that, although complying with the regulations of the time, the ship did not carry enough lifeboats for everyone aboard. The ship had a total lifeboat capacity of 1,178 people, although her maximum capacity was 3,547. A disproportionate number of men died due to the women and children first protocol that was followed.

o. DESIGNATION STATUS : formal, official


b. INTRARE : RMS Titanic (Royal Mail Steamer-Vas postal regal)


d. SURSA : www.ro.wikipedia.org

e. DEFINITIE STANDARD : - A fost cel mai mare vas din lume până la momentul scufundării sale.

f. NOTA BENE : Titanic a fost construit la şantierele Harland and Wolff din Belfast şi a fost conceput pentru a putea concura cu navele companiei rivale (Cunard), Lusitania şi Mauretania, cunoscute ca fiind cele mai rapide de pe Oceanul Atlantic. Titanic, împreună cu Olympic şi Britannic (denumită iniţial Gigantic) trebuiau să fie cele mai mari şi luxoase nave construite vreodată. Titanic a fost proiectat de directorul şantierului naval, Lord Pirrie, şeful departamentului de proiecte al şantierului, Thomas Andrews, şi managerul general, Alexander Carlisle. Construcţia Titanicului a început la data de 31 martie 1909. Nava a fost lansată doi ani şi două luni mai târziu, pe data de 31 mai 1911. Echiparea navei a fost terminată pe data de 31 martie a anului următor.Titanic avea 2600,1 de metri lungime şi 35 de metri lăţime. Tonajul vasului era de 46.328 de tone şi o înălţime de la nivelul de plutire până la puntea principală de 18 metri. Putea atinge o viteză maximă de 41 de km/h. Doar trei din cele patru coşuri ale sale de 19 metri înălţime erau funcţionale, al patrulea fiind folosit pentru ventilaţie. Titanicul putea să transporte un total maxim de 3547 de pasageri plus echipaj.

g. CORRESPONDENT EN : RMS Titanic (Royal Mail Steamer)

h. SURSA DEFINITIEI : www.ro.wikipedia.org



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j. CONCEPT GENERIC : cel mai mare vas de pasageri din lume

k. SINONIME : vapor

l. CONTEXT / COLOCATII : 1. Titanicul era considerat apogeul siguranţei pe o navă în caz de accident. A fost numit practic „de nescufundat” de către proiectanţi. Nava era împărţită în şaisprezece compartimente impermeabile despărţite prin uşi etanşe. Era proiectat să stea la suprafaţă cu patru astfel de încăperi inundate. Dacă se umpleau cu apă mai multe de patru compartimente, vasul se scufunda.In anul 1912 in data de 14 aprilie ora 11:40 motoarele renumitului vas pornesc spre New York fară a fi ajutat de remorchere. 2. La vremea lui, Titanicul era de neegalat în lux. Oferea o piscină, sală de gimnastică şi sport, băi turceşti, o bibliotecă şi un teren de "squash".[1] Camerele de zi de la clasa întâi erau placate cu lemn scump, mobilă şi alte decoraţiuni elegante. În plus, cafeneaua pariziană oferea o bucătărie foarte agreabilă pentru pasagerii clasei întâi. Condiţiile de la clasele a II-a şi a III-a erau mai bune decât pe alte nave ale vremii. Titanicul avea patru ascensoare pentru pasagerii de la clasa întâi.



n. COMETARIU: RMS Titanic (Royal Mail Steamer-Vas postal regal) a fost un mare pachebot care s-a ciocnit cu un aisberg şi s-a scufundat în 1912. Al doilea din trio-ul de „super-nave” (alături de RMS Olympic şi HMHS Britannic) concepute pentru a oferi fiecare câte o cursă săptămânală şi pentru a domina afacerea transatlantică dintre Southampton şi New York în interesul companiei White Star Line. Construit la şantierele Harland and Wolff din Belfast, Titanic a fost cel mai mare vas din lume până la momentul scufundării sale. În timpul călătoriei inaugurale (Southampton, Anglia, apoi Cherbourg, Franţa, Queenstown, Irlanda cu destinaţia New York), s-a ciocnit cu un aisberg la 11:40 PM, în ziua de duminică, 14 aprilie 1912. Vasul s-a scufundat în două ore şi jumătate, după ce s-a rupt în două la ora 2:20 AM (15 aprilie 1912).

o. DESEMNAREA STATUTULUI : formal,oficial


b. ENTRY : Roadstead


d. SOURCE : www.m-i-link.com e. STANDARD DEFINITION : - Sheltered anchorage where ships may anchor and ride safely


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f. NOTA BENE : Etimology – unknown


h. DEFINITION SOURCE : www.m-i-link.com i. GRAMMATICAL CATEGORY : noun j. GENERIC CONCEPT : place for storing boats in the water k. SYNONYMS : port, dock

l. CONTEXT / COLLOCATIONS : 1. The roadstead is an enclosed area with an opening to the sea, narrower than a bay or gulf. 2. The roadstead has a surface that cannot be confused with an estuary (www. en.wikipedia.org) m. USE AREA : Marine

n. COMMENTARY: It can be created artificially by jetties or dikes. Natural roadsteads offer shelter from storms and are frequently used for naval bases.

o. DESIGNATION STATUS : formal, official


b. INTRARE : Rada c. ID TARA : RO

d. SURSA : www.ainostri.ro

e. DEFINITIE STANDARD : - Suprafaţa de apă de lângă coastă, situată în faţa unui port, unui golf sau a unei băi apărate, destinată staţionării navelor la ancoră sau la geamandură, în aşteptarea rândului la dana de operare, reaprovizionare cu apă, combustibil, elemente si materiale diverse, obţinerii documentelor oficiale de transport şi navigaţie, ori pentru executarea unor reparaţii mici.

f. NOTA BENE : Etimologie – Din < fr. rade si it. rada


h. SURSA DEFINITIEI : Lexicon maritim englez-român, Ed. Ştiinţifică, Bucureşti, 1971


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j. CONCEPT GENERIC : Bazin de apă din apropierea unui port, servind la staționarea și la adăposti-rea navelor

k. SINONIME : adapost

l. CONTEXT / COLOCATII : 1. Spre a oferi siguranţă navelor staţionate, o radă trebuie să fie apărată, natural sau prin lucrări hidrotehnice, contra vânturilor şi valurilor, să nu aibă pericole de navigaţie, să aibă o adâncime suficientă, iar natura fundului să ofere siguranţă ancorajului, să prezinte suficient spaţiu de manevră şi evitare a navelor şi să fie accesibilă pe mai multe direcţii spre a permite sosirea şi plecarea navelor fără impedimente. 2. Radele pot fi neadăpostite sau exterioare cum este rada portului Constanţa şi adăpostite sau interioare, cum este rada portului Gibraltar. Cele neadăpostite nu fac parte din acvatoriul portului. Cele adăpostite poartă uneori şi denumirea de avanport.

(Lexicon maritim englez-român, Ed. Ştiinţifică, Bucureşti, 1971)


n. COMETARIU: Radele naturale pot fi adăpostite de un şir de insule, de un promontoriu sau reprezintă un golf (Burgas). Majoritatea radelor folosesc condiţiile naturale, care sunt îmbunătăţite prin lucrări hidrotehnice exterioare: diguri de apărare care au un capăt încastrat în ţărm, diguri spargeval situate spre larg fără legătură cu uscatul şi având un rol de apărare împotriva valurilor şi vânturilor din direcţia dominantă.

o. DESEMNAREA STATUTULUI : formal,oficial


b. ENTRY : Rudder


d. SOURCE : www.m-i-link.com e. STANDARD DEFINITION : - A device that is used to steer a ship; a common type has a vertical fin at the stern and able to move from 35 degrees port to 35 degrees starboard; rudders are characterised by their area, aspect ratio, and shape, e.g. balanced rudder, semi-balanced rudder, unbalanced rudder or spade-type rudder; the leading edge is at the fore edge when the ship is going ahead and at the aft edge when the ship is going astern f. NOTA BENE : Etimology - O.E. roðor "paddle, oar," from P.Gmc. *rothru- (cf. O.Fris. roder, M.L.G. roder, M.Du. roeder, Du. roer, O.H.G. ruodar, Ger. Ruder "oar"), from *ro- "steer" (see row (2)) + suffix -þra, used to form neutral names of tools. Meaning "broad, flat


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piece of wood attached to the stern of a boat and used for steering" is from c.1300. Spelling with -d- for -th- first recorded 1440.


h. DEFINITION SOURCE : www.m-i-link.com i. GRAMMATICAL CATEGORY : noun j. GENERIC CONCEPT : a device that is used to steer a ship k. SYNONYMS : ship equipement l. CONTEXT / COLLOCATIONS : 1. Often rudders are shaped so as to minimize hydrodynamic or aerodynamic drag. On simple watercraft, a tiller -- essentially, a stick or pole acting as a lever arm -- may be attached to the top of the rudder to allow it to be turned by a helmsman. In larger vessels, cables, pushrods, or hydraulics may be used to link rudders to steering wheels. In typical aircraft, the rudder is operated by pedals via mechanical linkages or hydraulics. 2. In China, miniature models of ships that feature steering oars have been dated to the Zhou Dynasty (c. 1050 BC – 256 BC). Stern mounted rudders started to appear on Chinese ship models starting in the 1st century AD. However, the Chinese continued to use the steering oar long after they invented the rudder, since the steering oar still had limited practical use for inland rapid-river travel. One of oldest known depiction of a stern-mounted rudder in China can be seen on a 2 ft. long tomb pottery model of a junk dating from the 1st century AD, during the Han Dynasty (202 BC-220 AD). It was discovered in Guangzhou in an archeological excavation carried out by the Guangdong Provincial Museum and Academia Sinica of Taiwan in 1958. Within decades, several other Han Dynasty ship models featuring rudders were found in archaeological excavations. The first solid written reference to the use of a rudder without a steering oar dates to the 5th century (Needham, Joseph (1986). Science and Civilization in China: Volume 4, Physics and Physical Technology, Part 3, Civil Engineering and Nautics. Taipei: Caves Books Ltd.)

m. USE AREA : Marine

n. COMMENTARY: Roman navigation used sexillie quarter rudders which went in the Mediterranean through a long period of constant refinement and improvement, so that by Roman times ancient vessels reached extraordinary sizes.[37] The strength of quarter rudder lay in its combination of effectiveness, adaptability and simpleness.[37] Roman quarter rudder mounting systems survived mostly intact through the medieval period.[37]

By the first half of the 1st century AD, rudders mounted on the stern were also quite common in Roman river and harbour craft as proved from reliefs and archaeological finds (Zwammderdam, Woerden 7). A tomb plaque of Hadrianic age shows a harbour tug boat in Ostia with a long stern-mounted oar for better leverage.[31] Interestingly, the boat already featured a spritsail, adding to the mobility of the harbour vessel.[38] Further attested Roman uses of stern-mounted rudders includes barges under tow, transport ships for wine casks, and diverse other ship types.[32][33][34] Also, the well-known Zwammerdam find, a large river barge


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at the mouth of the Rhine, featured a large rudder mounted on the stern.[35][36] According to new research, the advanced Nemi ships, the palace barges of emperor Caligula (37-41 AD), may have featured 14 m long stern-mounted rudders.[39]

o. DESIGNATION STATUS : formal, official


b. INTRARE : Carma c. ID TARA : RO

d. SURSA : www.ainostri.ro

e. DEFINITIE STANDARD : - Este un dispozitiv sub forma unui panou vertical, articulat la pupa, în planul diametral al navei, cu scopul de a-i asigura guvernarea şi manevrarea. Poate fi metalică sau din lemn (la navele de lemn).

f. NOTA BENE : Etimologie - – Din sl. krŭma.


h. SURSA DEFINITIEI : www.dexonline.ro


j. CONCEPT GENERIC : dispozitiv pentru asigurarii manevrarii si guvernarii unei nave

k. SINONIME : piesa importanta

l. CONTEXT / COLOCATII : 1. După modul de fixare de corpul navei, cârmele pot fi:a) articulate pe etambou (prin balamale);b) fixate pe axul propriu (cu călcîi şi crapodină);c) suspendate pe axul propriu.

2. Panoul, numit safran sau pară se prinde prin balamale speciale de etamboul cârmei; prin intermediul unei instalaţii de guvernare, care acţionează asupra axului cârmei. Cârma poate fi orientată în borduri pînă la unghiuri de aproximativ 35°. Suprafaţa activă (imersă) a safranului se calculează în raport cu suprafaţa planului de derivă al navei. La mersul înainte, cînd cârma este orientată într-un bord apare o forţă normală pe safran, cu punct de aplicaţie la aproximativ 1/3—1/5 din lăţimea acestuia şi spre partea sa anterioară, care are ca efect principal girarea navei în bordul în care s-a pus cârma şi ca efect secundar reducerea vitezei navei.

(Lexicon maritim englez-român, Ed. Ştiinţifică, Bucureşti, 1971)



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n. COMETARIU: Pentru micşorarea rezistenţei la înaintarea navei se construiesc cârme speciale cu safran hidrodinamic, tip Oertz sau cârme active.La fluvii, şi în genere în ape puţin adânci, se utilizează cârme de înălţime mică şi lăţime mare sau cârme cu safrane multiple acţionate simultan, tip Nitzler ori tip Flettner.Tot la fluvii, unele nave dispun şi de cârme la prova spre a uşura întoarcerile în locuri înguste.La remorcherele portuare moderne, caracterizate prin manevrabilitate maximă se utilizează cârmele diuză, care au forma unor tuburi uşor tronconice în interiorul cărora sunt montate elicile propulsoare. Cârmele diuză îşi exercită capacitatea de guvernare atât prin efectul vitezei navei, dar mai ales prin efectul curentului aspirat sau respins al elicei, care acţionează sub forma unui jet reactiv.

o. DESEMNAREA STATUTULUI : formal,oficial


b. ENTRY : Sailing ship


d. SOURCE : www.m-i-link.com e. STANDARD DEFINITION : - Is now used to refer to any large wind-powered vessel. f. NOTA BENE : In technical terms, a ship was a sailing vessel with a specific rig of at least three masts, square rigged on all of them, making the sailing adjective redundant. In popular usage "ship" became associated with all large sailing vessels and when steam power came along the adjective became necessary. Large sailing vessels which are not ship rigged may be more appropriately called boats.


h. DEFINITION SOURCE : www.m-i-link.com i. GRAMMATICAL CATEGORY : nominal group

j. GENERIC CONCEPT : a sailing boat k. SYNONYMS : windboat, windship l. CONTEXT / COLLOCATIONS : 1. There are many different types of sailing ship, but they all have certain basic things in common. Every sailing ship has a hull, rigging and at least one mast to hold up the sails that use the wind to power the ship. The crew who sail a ship are called sailors or hands. They take turns to take the watch, the active managers of the ship and her performance for a period. Watches are traditionally four hours long. Some sailing ships use traditional ship's


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bells to tell the time and regulate the watch system, with the bell being rung once for every half hour into the watch and rung eight times at watch end (a four-hour watch). 2. Ocean journeys by sailing ship can take many months, and a common hazard is becoming becalmed because of lack of wind, or being blown off course by severe storms or winds that do not allow progress in the desired direction. A severe storm could lead to shipwreck, and the loss of all hands. (www.sailing.org)

m. USE AREA : Marine

n. COMMENTARY: Sailing ships can only carry a certain quantity of supplies in their hold, so they have to plan long voyages carefully to include many stops to take on provisions and, in the days before watermakers, fresh water.

o. DESIGNATION STATUS : formal, official


b. INTRARE : Velier c. ID TARA : RO

d. SURSA : www.ainostri.ro

e. DEFINITIE STANDARD : - Este o navă care foloseşte ca mijloc de propulsie numai velele

f. NOTA BENE : Etimologie - VELIÉR s. n. navă cu vele. (< it. veliero)

g. CORRESPONDENT EN : Sailing ship

h. SURSA DEFINITIEI : www.dexonline.ro


j. CONCEPT GENERIC : nava cu panze

k. SINONIME : corabie

l. CONTEXT / COLOCATII : 1. Datorită gradului economic de exploatare a acestor nave în anumite regiuni de navigaţie, unele state continuă să menţină o flotă comercială de veliere — deşi epoca navigaţiei cu vele se consideră demult încheiată — aceste nave fiind folosite mai ales pentru transportarea de mărfuri în zone cu arhipelaguri, în regim de cabotaj. 2. Cutter este un velier asemanator cu sloopul, dar care are două sau mai multe focuri şi de obicei un bompres.


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n. COMETARIU: Pe navele comerciale existau şi pasageri, iar conducătorul nu avea puteri nelimitate pe velier. Echipajul era alcătuit di 12 până la 20 de persoane, la care se adăugau vâslaşii care erau în medie 13 persoane. Locurile de dormit „ rúm” ca. 3 - 4 locuri se aflau sub punte.

o. DESEMNAREA STATUTULUI : formal,oficial


b. ENTRY : Schooner


d. SOURCE : www.m-i-link.com e. STANDARD DEFINITION : - Is a type of sailing vessel characterized by the use of fore-and-aft sails on two or more masts with the forward mast being shorter or the same height as the rear masts f. NOTA BENE : Etimology - According to the 1911 Encyclopædia Britannica , the first vessel called a schooner was built by builder Andrew Robinson and launched in 1713 from Gloucester, Massachusetts. Legend has it that the name was the result of a spectator exclaiming "Oh how she scoons", scoon being a Scots word meaning to skip or skim over the water. Robinson replied, "A schooner let her be."[1] According to Walter William Skeat, the term schooner comes from scoon, while the sch spelling comes from the later adoption of the Dutch and German spellings ("Schoner").Other sources state the etymology as unknown and uncertain.. g. RO CORRESPONDENT : Goeleta

h. DEFINITION SOURCE : www.m-i-link.com i. GRAMMATICAL CATEGORY : noun j. GENERIC CONCEPT : a type of ship k. SYNONYMS : a veesel, a boat l. CONTEXT / COLLOCATIONS : 1. The schooner sail-plan has two or more masts with the forward mast being shorter or the same height as the rear masts. Most traditionally rigged schooners are gaff rigged, sometimes carrying a square topsail on the foremast and, occasionally, a square fore-


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course (together with the gaff foresail). Schooners carrying square sails are called square-topsail schooners. 2. Three of the most famous racing yachts, America and Atlantic, were schooners. They were about 152 feet in length. (Babson, John. History of the Town of Gloucester, Cape Ann, including the town of Rockport. 1860.)

m. USE AREA : Marine

n. COMMENTARY: Schooners were used to carry cargo in many different environments, from ocean voyages to coastal runs and on large inland bodies of water. They were popular in North America, and in their heyday during the late 19th century over 2,000 schooners carried cargo back and forth across the Great Lakes. Three-masted "terns" were a favourite rig of Canada's Maritime Provinces. The scow schooner, which used a schooner rig on a flat-bottomed, blunt-ended scow hull, was popular in North America for coastal and river transport.Schooners became popular with smugglers and privateers in the late 18th century and were used by some pirates, although most accounts of pirates describe their use of sloops.Schooners were heavily used in North American fishing, especially the Grand Banks' fishery. Some Banks fishing schooners such as Bluenose also became famous racers.

o. DESIGNATION STATUS : formal, official


b. INTRARE : Goeleta c. ID TARA : RO

d. SURSA : Lexicon maritim englez-roman, 1971

e. DEFINITIE STANDARD : - Este un anumit tip de vas cu pânze, caracterizat de utilizarea a cel puţin două catarge pe care se găsesc pânze multiple aflate la diferite grade de înclinare faţă de axa de simetrie a navei maritime.

f. NOTA BENE : Etimologie - din cuvântul din limba franceză, goélette (în neerlandeză, Schoener, în engleză, schooner, în germană, Schoner)


h. SURSA DEFINITIEI : Lexicon maritim englez-roman, 1971


j. CONCEPT GENERIC : un tip de vas cu panze

k. SINONIME : barca, nava


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l. CONTEXT / COLOCATII : 1. Caracteristica distinctă a goeletelor este folosirea acestor pânze multiple înclinate simultan la diferite grade de înclinare pentru a capta cât mai complet forţa vântului. În cazul celor mai eficiente şi rapide goelete, pânzele sunt foarte rar orientate perpendicular pe direcţia de înaintare a vasului. 2. Primele utilizări ale goeletelor se datoresc olandezilor în secolele al XV-lea şi al XVI-lea fiind apoi perfecţionate de francezi, englezi, americani şi canadieni în secolelele următoare.

(www. museum.gov.ns.ca)


n. COMETARIU: Trei dintre cele mai faimoase iahturi de concurs, America, Atlantic şi Bluenose, au fost goelete. Fiecare din ele erau aproximativ 45 de metri în lungime.Speranţa, fostă L'Esperance, goeleta lui Anton Lupan din romanul Toate pânzele sus! de Radu Tudoran  – modelul real al Speranţei a fost o goeletă adevărată, proprietatea personală a scriitorului

o. DESEMNAREA STATUTULUI : formal,oficial


b. ENTRY : Sea


d. SOURCE : www.m-i-link.com e. STANDARD DEFINITION : - Generally refers to a large body of salt water f. NOTA BENE : Etimology - O.E. sæ "sheet of water, sea, lake," from P.Gmc. *saiwaz (cf. O.S. seo, O.Fris. se, M.Du. see), of unknown origin, outside connections "wholly doubtful" (Buck). Gmc. languages also use the general IE word (represented by Eng. mere), but have no firm distinction between "sea" and "lake," either by size or by salt vs. fresh. This may reflect the Baltic geography where the languages are thought to have originated. The two words are used more or less interchangeably, and exist in opposite senses (e.g. Goth. saiws "lake," marei "sea;"


h. DEFINITION SOURCE : www.m-i-link.com/ i. GRAMMATICAL CATEGORY : noun j. GENERIC CONCEPT : large body of water; large mass


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k. SYNONYMS : water l. CONTEXT / COLLOCATIONS : 1. The term “sea” is also used sometimes to describe a large saline lake that lacks a natural outlet, such as the Caspian Sea. 2. Mean sea level (MSL) is a measure of the average height of the ocean's surface (such as the halfway point between between the mean high tide and the mean low tide); used as a standard in reckoning land elevation. (www.cmar.csiro.au) m. USE AREA : Marine

n. COMMENTARY: Sea salt, obtained by the evaporation of seawater, is used in cooking and cosmetics. Historically called bay salt[1] or solar salt, its mineral content gives it a different taste[2] from table salt, which is pure sodium chloride, usually refined from mined rock salt (halite) or from sea salt. Areas that produce specialized sea salt include the Cayman Islands, Greece, France, Ireland, South Korea, Colombia, Sicily, Apulia in Italy, Maldon in Essex UK,[3] and Hawaii,[4] Maine, Utah, the San Francisco Bay, and Cape Cod in the United States. Generally more expensive than table salt, it is commonly used in gourmet cooking and specialty potato chips, particularly the kettle cooked variety.

o. DESIGNATION STATUS : formal, official


b. INTRARE : Mare c. ID TARA : RO

d. SURSA : Lexicon maritim englez-roman, 1971

e. DEFINITIE STANDARD : - Este un nume generic dat vastelor întinderi de apă stătătoare, adânci şi sărate, de pe suprafaţa Pământului, care de obicei sunt unite cu oceanul printr-o strâmtoare;

f. NOTA BENE : Etimologie – Din <lat. mare, ~is


h. SURSA DEFINITIEI : Lexicon maritim englez-roman, 1971


j. CONCEPT GENERIC : intinderea de apa


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k. SINONIME : apa

l. CONTEXT / COLOCATII : 1. Se mai numeşte mare şi o parte a oceanului de lângă ţărm. 2. În timpul celei mai recente ere glaciare, se crede că nivelul mării era suficient de jos pentru a permite oamenilor şi animalelor să migreze din Asia în America de Nord pe jos, pe unde acum se află Strâmtoarea Bering, localizată în partea nordică a mării. Acest loc este cunoscut ca "Trecătoarea Bering" şi unii oameni de ştiinţă cred că a fost locul prin care au ajuns în America primii locuitori.



n. COMETARIU: Situata in mijlocul desertului Iudeea, Marea Moarta este cea mai sarata din lume, avand intre 288g si 325g de sare/litru de apa(in comparatie cu apa de mare care contine in medie 35g. Marea Moarta este atat de sarata, incat nici un peste nu poate trai in ea.

o. DESEMNAREA STATUTULUI : formal,oficial


b. ENTRY : Seaplane


d. SOURCE : www.m-i-link.com e. STANDARD DEFINITION : - Is a fixed-wing aircraft capable of taking off and landing (alighting) on water. f. NOTA BENE : The first manned and controlled (though unpowered) seaplane flight was established by French aircraft designer, builder and pilot Gabriel Voisin on June 1905, on river Seine (Paris); it was a towed flight, at 15 to 20 m altitude (50 to 66 ft), and 600 meters (2000 ft) long. The aircraft was a biplane configuration with an aft tail and a front elevator, supported at rest by 2 planing floats (catamaran).

g. RO CORRESPONDENT : Hidroavion

h. DEFINITION SOURCE : www.m-i-link.com i. GRAMMATICAL CATEGORY : noun j. GENERIC CONCEPT : a plane that lands on the water k. SYNONYMS : aircraft,hydroplane


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l. CONTEXT / COLLOCATIONS : 1. Seaplanes and amphibians are usually divided into two categories based on their technological characteristics: floatplanes and flying boats, which are generally far larger and can carry far more. These aircraft are occasionally called hydroplanes. 2. The first manned and controlled (though unpowered) seaplane flight was established by French aircraft designer, builder and pilot Gabriel Voisin on June 1905, on river Seine (Paris); it was a towed flight, at 15 to 20 m altitude (50 to 66 ft), and 600 meters (2000 ft) long. The aircraft was a biplane configuration with an aft tail and a front elevator, supported at rest by 2 planing floats (catamaran). (www.en.wikipedia.org)

m. USE AREA : Marine

n. COMMENTARY: The first autonomous flight by a seaplane was done by the French engineer Henri Fabre in March 1910. Its name was Le Canard ('the duck'), and took off from the water and flew 1'650 feet on its first flight on March 28, 1910. These experiments were closely followed by the aircraft pioneers Gabriel and Charles Voisin, who purchased several of the Fabre floats and fitted them to their Canard Voisin airplane. In October 1910, the Canard Voisin became the first seaplane to fly over the river Seine, and in March 1912, the first seaplane to be used militarily from a seaplane carrier, La Foudre ('the lightning').The world's first airworthy seaplane, the French 1910 Le CanardIn the United States, early development was carried out at Hammondsport, New York by Glenn Curtiss who had beaten Alexander Graham Bell and others in the Aerial Experiment Association. The first American seaplane flight occurred on January 26, 1911.Englishman John Cyril Porte joined with Curtiss to design a transatlantic flying boat, and developed a more practical hull for Curtiss' airframe and engines with the distinctive 'step' which enabled the hull and floats to cleanly break free of the water's surface at take-off. In the UK the Curtiss flying boat was developed into the Felixstowe series of flying boats, which were used in the First World War to patrol for German submarines. Curtiss N-9 seaplanes were used during World War I as primary trainers, and over 2,500 Navy pilots learned to fly in them. A handful of N-9s were used in the Hewitt-Sperry Automatic Airplane project to develop an "aerial torpedo" or flying bomb, an early RPV.On March 27, 1919, the first transatlantic flight was completed by a U.S. Navy NC flying boat.Due to the lack of runways and the perceived safety factor over water, many commercial airlines including Imperial Airways (fore-runner of BOAC), and Pan-American World Airways used large seaplanes to provide service for long distance service across the Atlantic, Pacific and Indian Oceans. Aircraft specially built for these routes included some of the largest aircraft built between the wars. o. DESIGNATION STATUS : formal, official


b. INTRARE : Hidroavion


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d. SURSA : Lexicon maritim englez-roman, 1971

e. DEFINITIE STANDARD : - Este un aparat de zbor care este creat pentru a putea ameriza, adică pentru a putea decola şi ateriza pe apă.

f. NOTA BENE : Probabil că viaţa acestui aparat de zbor a început din visul unui ofiţer italian care a remarcat abilitatea pescăruşilor de a decola, zbura şi ateriza pe uscat şi apă. Tenace îşi urmează visul şi creează primul hidroavion. Primul hidroavion care a făcut traversarea Oceanului Atlantic a fost NC-4 în anul 1919. Aceast avion a fost o încercare şi o posibilă alternativă pentru transportul naval care era extrem de afectat de către războiul submarin. În anii următori (1920-1930) hidroavioanele reuşesc să aibă transporturi regulate între Statele Unite ale Americii şi Europa, precum şi deschiderea unor alte noi rute către America de Sud, Africa şi Asia. Oraşul Foynes din Irlanda, de-a lungul râului Shannon unde se află actualul Aeroport Internaţional Shannon a fost punctul terminus pentru timpuriile zboruri transatlantice. Unde avioanele cu rază mare de acţiune ale acelor timpuri aveau nevoie de terenuri special amenajate pentru aterizare, realimentare, necesare pentru acoperirea distanţelor mari, hidroavioanele puteau oprii lângă orice insulă mică, lac, râu sau staţiune (de coastă) pentru a îndeplinii această acţiune. Compania Pan Am cu ale lor hidroavioane Boeing 314 "Clipper" au făcut acesibile destinaţii exotice ca Extremul Orient şi a ajuns să reprezinte plăcerea călătoriilor pe calea aerului. BOAC şi Imperial Airways au oferit servicii de poştă, precum şi servicii turistice, care au făcut legătura între Marea Britanie şi Africa de Sud, Australia şi Noua Zeelandă utilizând avioane ca Short Empire şi Short S.8 Calcutta.


h. SURSA DEFINITIEI : Lexicon maritim englez-roman, 1971


j. CONCEPT GENERIC : avion care aterizeaza si decoleaza de pe apa

k. SINONIME : aparat de zbor

l. CONTEXT / COLOCATII : 1. Se pot considera două tipuri de hidroavioane, cele care utilizează flotoare pentru a putea pluti pe apă, şi cele care utilizeaza fuselajul pe post de cocă, în acest caz flotoarele dispuse sub aripi au doar rolul de echilibrare a navei. În engleză este cunoscut sub nume ca flying boat, seaplane, amphibious aircraft. 2. Mai mulţi factori au contribuit la declinul hidroavioanelor. Abilitatea de a ameriza devine un mai mic avantaj datorită creşterii numărului de piste de aterizare, precum şi creşterii dimensiunilor acestora, cerinţă călăuzită de necesarul forţelor aeriene din timpul Războiului Mondial. Mai mult, în timp ce viteza şi raza de acţiune a avioanelor au crescut, competitivitatea comercială a hidroavioanelor este diminuată şi datorită compromiterii formei aerodinamice, care duce la diminuarea vitezei, pierdute în avantajul amerizării. În competiţie cu noile avioane civile cu turbopropulsie, ca De Havilland Comet şi Boeing 707, hidroavionul


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ia lovitura decisivă. Elicopterele preiau misiunile de salvare pe mare. Avioane ca P-3 Orion, cu lansare de pe uscat, precum şi S-3 Viking, cu lansare de pe portavion, devin unele dintre cele mai utilizate avioane de patrulare antisubmarină utilizate de către Statele Unite.



n. COMETARIU: Hidroavioanle au fost unele din cele mai mari aparate de zbor în prima jumătate a secolului 20. Abilitatea lor de a ameriza a fost unul din motivele pentru care nu s-a ţinut cont de dimensiuni, care în mod normal contau foarte mult pentru zonele de aterizare. Aceeaşi abilitate a fost folosită pentru salvarea şi recuperarea piloţilor căzuţi în timpul celui de-Al Doilea Război Mondial. După încheierea războiului utilizarea lor a scăzut simţitor, o mare parte din misiuni au fost preluate de alte tipuri de aparate de zbor. În secolul 21 aceste remarcabile aparate de zbor menţin anumite nişe în care doar ele pot acţiona cum ar fi stingerea incendiilor precum şi zborul interinsular, unde nu există terenuri de aterizare. Această din urmă utilizare denotă din plin capacităţile acestui aparat, şi anume aceea de a putea ameriza pe (aproape) orice suprafaţă de apă.

o. DESEMNAREA STATUTULUI : formal,oficial


b. ENTRY : Ship


d. SOURCE : www.markjones.co.nz e. STANDARD DEFINITION : - Is a large vessel that floats on water. Ships are generally distinguished from boats based on size and cargo or passenger capacity. In traditional terms, ships were considered to be vessels which had at least one continuous water-tight deck extending from bow to stern. f. NOTA BENE : Etimology - O.E. scip "ship, boat," from P.Gmc. *skipan (cf. O.N., O.S., Goth. skip, Dan. skib, Swed. skepp, M.Du. scip, Du. schip, O.H.G. skif, Ger. Schiff)


h. DEFINITION SOURCE : www.markjones.co.nz i. GRAMMATICAL CATEGORY : noun j. GENERIC CONCEPT : vehicle for water travel k. SYNONYMS : vessel



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1. Ships and boats have developed alongside mankind. In major wars, and in day to day life, they have become an integral part of modern commercial and military systems. Fishing boats are used by millions of fishermen throughout the world. Military forces operate highly sophisticated vessels to transport and support forces ashore. Commercial vessels, nearly 35,000 in number, carried 7.4 billion tons of cargo in 2007.[

2. Ships may be found on lakes, seas, and rivers and they allow for a variety of activities, such as the transport of people or goods, fishing, entertainment, public safety, and warfare. (Cotterill, Charles Clement; Little, Edward Delanoy (1868). Ships and sailors, ancient and modern. London: Seeley, Jackson and Halliday)

m. USE AREA : Marine

n. COMMENTARY: During the first half of the eighteenth century, the French Navy began to develop a new type of vessel known as a ship of the line, featuring seventy-four guns. This type of ship became the backbone of all European fighting fleets. These ships were 56 metres (180 ft) long and their construction required 2,800 oak trees and 40 kilometres (25 mi) of rope; they carried a crew of about 800 sailors and soldiers.

o. DESIGNATION STATUS : formal, official


b. INTRARE : Nava c. ID TARA : RO

d. SURSA : www.ainostri.ro

e. DEFINITIE STANDARD : - Este un termen naval prin care se înţelege o construcţie plutitoare de dimensiuni superioare unei ambarcaţiuni, (de exemplu vaporul) avînd formă, rezistenţă structurală, calităţi nautice şi echipament care să-i permită navigaţia şi utilizarea în transporturi de mărfuri şi pasageri, în scopuri militare sau pentru agrement, cercetare ştiinţifică, lucrări tehnice etc, prin propulsie proprie.

f. NOTA BENE : Etimologie - – Din fr. nave, lat. navis, it. nave.


h. SURSA DEFINITIEI : www.ainostri.ro


j. CONCEPT GENERIC : Vehicul construit, amenajat și echipat pentru a pluti și a se deplasa pe apa

k. SINONIME : vas, vapor


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l. CONTEXT / COLOCATII : 1. O navă poate ajunge într-o situaţie (de eşuare sau naufragiu) în care este imposibil de a naviga mai departe. 2. În construcţiile navale moderne, termenul „navă" presupune, fără limitare absolută, un deplasament peste 100 t; în limbajul curent se aplică însă cu titlu generic în clasificarea tuturor tipurilor de mijloace plutitoare apte atât pentru navigaţia la larg, cât şi în ape interioare, cu excepţia bărcilor.

(Lexicon maritim englez-român, Ed. Ştiinţifică, Bucureşti, 1971)


n. COMETARIU: Din punct de vedere constructiv o navă are trei părţi principale: corp, maşini şi echipament sau instalaţii. Corpul navei este delimitat de bordajul exterior şi bordajul punţii. Partea afundată în apă este denumită operă vie, iar partea de la suprafaţa apei, operă moartă. Spaţiul închis al corpului navelor moderne mari este împărţit în compartimente etanşe, după reguli stabilite prin C.I.O.V.U.M. (Convenţia internaţională pentru ocrotirea vieţii umane pe mare). Aceeaşi convenţie stabileşte şi principiile constructive şi de dotare privitoare la siguranţa navigaţiei.Orice navă trebuie să posede prin construcţie calităţi nautice de: flotabilitate, stabilitate, insubmersibilitate, manevrabilitate şi stabilitate de drum. O navă trebuie să dispună de un certificat de construcţie şi înregistrare şi de alte acte care îi atestă siguranţa în navigaţie şi în exploatare.

o. DESEMNAREA STATUTULUI : formal,oficial


b. ENTRY : Shipwreck


d. SOURCE : www.m-i-link.com e. STANDARD DEFINITION : - Is the remains of a ship that has wrecked, it having either been sunk or beached. A shipwreck can refer to a wrecked ship or to the event that caused the wreck, such as the striking of something that causes the ship to sink, the stranding of the ship on rocks, land or shoal, or the destruction of the ship at sea by violent weather. f. NOTA BENE : Etimology - mid-15c., from ship (n.) + wreck. Earlier it meant "things cast up from a shipwreck" (c.1100). The verb is recorded from 1580s. The earlier word for "shipwreck" in the modern sense was M.E. schipbreke, from O.E. scipbryce.



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h. DEFINITION SOURCE : www.m-i-link.com i. GRAMMATICAL CATEGORY : noun j. GENERIC CONCEPT : the remains of a ship k. SYNONYMS : remains l. CONTEXT / COLLOCATIONS : 1. Historic shipwrecks are attractive to maritime archaeologists because they preserve historical information; for example, studying the wreck of Mary Rose revealed information about seafaring, warfare and life in the 1500s. Military wrecks that were caused by a skirmish at sea are studied to find details about the historic event and reveal much about the battle that occurred. Discoveries of treasure ships, often from the period of European colonisation, which sank in remote places, leaving few living witnesses, such as the Batavia, do occur but only very infrequently. 2. Very few shipwrecks are famous catastrophes like the wrecks of the Titanic, Britannic, Lusitania or Estonia. (Parker, A.J. (1981). "Stratification and contamination in ancient Mediterranean shipwrecks.". The International Journal of Nautical Archaeology and Underwater Exploration)

m. USE AREA : Marine

n. COMMENTARY: Many shipwrecks have occurred when the crew of the ship allowed the ship to collide with rocks, reefs, icebergs, or other ships. Collision has been one of the major causes of shipwreck. Accurate navigation is made more difficult by poor visibility in bad weather. Also, many losses happened before modern navigation aids such as GPS, radar and sonar were available. Until the twentieth century, the most sophisticated navigational tools and techniques available - dead reckoning using the magnetic compass, marine chronometer (to calculate longitude) and ships logbook (which recorded the vessel's heading and the speed measured by log) or celestial navigation using marine chronometer and sextant - were sufficiently accurate for journeys across oceans, but these techniques (and in many cases also the charts) lacked the precision to avoid reefs close to shore. Marine chronometers were as revolutionary in the 19th century as GPS is today. However the cost of these instruments could be prohibitive, sometimes resulting in tragic consequences for ships that were unable to determine their longitude, as in the case of the Arniston.

o. DESIGNATION STATUS : formal, officiala. ID LIMBA : RO

b. INTRARE : Epava c. ID TARA : RO

d. SURSA : Lexicom maritim englez-roman,1971


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e. DEFINITIE STANDARD : - Este o navă sau un corp plutitor, fără persoane la bord, precum şi orice rest al unei nave naufragiate sau un obiect oarecare, eşuat ori aruncat la uscat şi al cărui proprietar nu este aparent.

f. NOTA BENE : Etimologie - – Din fr. épave.


h. SURSA DEFINITIEI : www.dexonline.ro


j. CONCEPT GENERIC : ramasitele unei nave

k. SINONIME : ramasite

l. CONTEXT / COLOCATII : 1. Toata lumea a vazut epava, putini sunt cei care cunosc povestea acestui vas. Numele, inca vizibil E.Evangelia este al 4-lea pe care nava la purtat in cei aproximativ 25 de ani de activitate. A fost construita la santierele navale Harland & Wolff din Belfast, santier unde a fost construit si Titanicul.Nava a fost lansata la apa pe data de 28 mai 1942 sub numele de Empire Strength, fiind construita pentru "Ministry of War Transport". Vasul a facut parte dintr-o serie uriasa de nave ( Empire) care au servit guvernul britanic. Cea mai mare parte a navelor din aceasta serie au fost construite special pentru ministerul de razboi, insa au existat si nave primite din partea guvernului statelor unite, precum si nave capturate de la puterile inamice. 2. La epava navei E.Evanghelia se poate ajunge inot sau cu ajutorul barcilor localnicilor.



n. COMETARIU: De obicei, pentru a feri navele de o coliziune, o epavă se marchează cu o geamandură instalată în apropierea sau deasupra locului unde se găseşte epava. Geamandura, denumită geamandură de epavă este piturată în culoarea verde şi funcţionează cu lumină verde cu sclipiri.

o. DESEMNAREA STATUTULUI : formal,oficial


b. ENTRY : Sonar


d. SOURCE : www.markjones.co.nz


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e. STANDARD DEFINITION : - Is a technique that uses sound propagation (usually underwater, as in Submarine navigation) to navigate, communicate with or detect other vessels. f. NOTA BENE : Although some animals (dolphins and bats) have used sound for communication and object detection for millions of years, use by humans in the water is initially recorded by Leonardo Da Vinci in 1490: a tube inserted into the water was said to be used to detect vessels by placing an ear to the tube. In the 19th century an underwater bell was used as an ancillary to lighthouses to provide warning of hazards.The use of sound to 'echo locate' underwater in the same way as bats use sound for aerial navigation seems to have been prompted by the Titanic disaster of 1912. The world's first patent for an underwater echo ranging device was filed at the British Patent Office by English meteorologist Lewis Richardson a month after the sinking of the Titanic, and a German physicist Alexander Behm obtained a patent for an echo sounder in 1913. Canadian Reginald Fessenden, while working for the Submarine Signal Company in Boston, built an experimental system beginning in 1912, a system later tested in Boston Harbor, and finally in 1914 from the U.S. Revenue (now Coast Guard) Cutter Miami on the Grand Banks off Newfoundland Canada. In that test, Fessenden demonstrated depth sounding, underwater communications (Morse Code) and echo ranging (detecting an iceberg at two miles (3 km) range).[1] The so-called Fessenden oscillator, at ca. 500 Hz frequency, was unable to determine the bearing of the berg due to the 3 meter wavelength and the small dimension of the transducer's radiating face (less than 1 meter in diameter). The ten Montreal-built British H class submarines launched in 1915 were equipped with a Fessenden oscillator


h. DEFINITION SOURCE : www.markjones.co.nz i. GRAMMATICAL CATEGORY : noun j. GENERIC CONCEPT : a technique that uses sound propagation k. SYNONYMS : viewfinder, telescopic sight l. CONTEXT / COLLOCATIONS : 1. There are two kinds of sonar: active and passive. Sonar may be used as a means of acoustic location and of measurement of the echo characteristics of "targets" in the water. Acoustic location in air was used before the introduction of radar. Sonar may also be used in air for robot navigation, and SODAR (an upward looking in-air sonar) is used for atmospheric investigations. The term sonar is also used for the equipment used to generate and receive the sound. The frequencies used in sonar systems vary from very low (infrasonic) to extemely high (ultrasonic). The study of underwater sound is known as underwater acoustics or sometimes hydroacoustics. 2. In World War II, the Americans used the term SONAR for their systems, coined as the equivalent of RADAR. RADAR was considered very glamorous and effective, and they wanted to cash in on the name.[citation needed] Standardisation of signals for all NATO countries led to the dropping of ASDIC in favor of SONAR


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(Hackmann, Willem D. Seek & Strike: Sonar, Anti-submarine Warfare, and the Royal Navy, 1914–54. (London: HMSO, 1984)

m. USE AREA : Marine

n. COMMENTARY: Sonar operation is affected by variations in sound speed, particularly in the vertical plane. Sound travels more slowly in fresh water than in sea water, though the difference is small. The speed is determined by the water's bulk modulus and mass density. The bulk modulus is affected by temperature, dissolved impurities (usually salinity), and pressure. The density effect is small. The speed of sound (in feet per second) is approximately:4388 + (11.25 × temperature (in °F)) + (0.0182 × depth (in feet)) + salinity (in parts-per-thousand ).This empirically derived approximation equation is reasonably accurate for normal temperatures, concentrations of salinity and the range of most ocean depths. Ocean temperature varies with depth, but at between 30 and 100 meters there is often a marked change, called the thermocline, dividing the warmer surface water from the cold, still waters that make up the rest of the ocean. This can frustrate sonar, because a sound originating on one side of the thermocline tends to be bent, or refracted, through the thermocline. The thermocline may be present in shallower coastal waters. However, wave action will often mix the water column and eliminate the thermocline. Water pressure also affects sound propagation: higher pressure increases the sound speed, which causes the sound waves to refract away from the area of higher sound speed. The mathematical model of refraction is called Snell's law.If the sound source is deep and the conditions are right, propagation may occur in the 'deep sound channel'. This provides extremely low propagation loss to a receiver in the channel. This is because of sound trapping in the channel with no losses at the boundaries. Similar propagation can occur in the 'surface duct' under suitable conditions. However in this case there are reflection losses at the surface.In shallow water propagation is generally by repeated reflection at the surface and bottom, where considerable losses can occur.Sound propagation is also affected by absorption in the water itself as well as at the surface and bottom. This absorption is frequency dependent, with several different mechanisms in sea water. Thus sonars required to operate over long ranges tend to utilise low frequencies to minimise absorption effects.The sea contains many sources of noise that interfere with the desired target echo or signature. The main noise sources are waves and shipping. The motion of the receiver through the water can also cause low frequency noise, which is speed dependent.

o. DESIGNATION STATUS : formal, official


b. INTRARE : Sonar c. ID TARA : RO

d. SURSA : Lexicon maritim engelez-roman,1971


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e. DEFINITIE STANDARD : - este un detector sonic pentru telecomunicaţii subacvatice.

f. NOTA BENE : Etimologie - SONÁR s.n. Detector sonic pentru obiecte subacvatice, analog cu radarul, care în locul undelor electromagnetice folosește unde elastice. V. asdic. [< engl. sonar < so(und) na(vigation and) r(anging) – navigare și localizare prin sunet].


h. SURSA DEFINITIEI : Lexicon maritim engelez-roman,1971


j. CONCEPT GENERIC : detector sonic pentru obiecte subacvatice

k. SINONIME : detector, radar

l. CONTEXT / COLOCATII : 1. Sonarul este folosit de cele mai multe ori pentru depistarea diverselor obiecte aflate sub apă. Una din primele funcţii a fost determinarea adâncimii (distanţei până la fundul apei). Este folosit pe larg în navigaţie şi la pescuitul industrial. Navele militare le au în dotaţie pentru supravegherea situaţiei subacvatice în special pentru depistarea submarinelor şi vice-versa - submarinele folosesc sonarele pentru a evita o eventuală apropiere de locuri periculoase şi pentru a determina direcţia şi distanţa spre ţintă. Unul din posturile importante pe submarin este cel hidroacustic. 2. După principiul de funcţionare ele se împart în două categorii: active şi pasive. Sonarul activ emite unde de scurtă durată care, întâlnind în calea sa diverse obstacole, sunt reflectate şi recepţionate de sonar. Sonarele pasive nu emană unde ci doar recepţionează undele care se răspândesc prin apă. Sursa sunetelor în apa poate fi nu numai artificială - rotaţiile elicelor (conactul paletelor cu apa), turaţiile motoarelor ci şi naturală - piscuitul delfinilor, perturbaţiile apei.

(Lexicon maritim englez-roman,1971)


n. COMETARIU: Există mai multe tipuri de sonare, a căror funcţionare depinde de modul în care operează traductorul ultrason: într-un singur plan (fie orizontal, fie vertical sau perpendicular pe direcţia de deplasare), sau în două plane (unul orizontal sau fix şi altul vertical sau rotativ).Sonarele moderne utilizează o frecvenţă normală de lucru de 100 kHz dar, datorită cerinţelor diferite privind utilizarea acestora, au fost concepute şi sonare cu frecvenţe de 50 kHz sau de 500 kHz, acestea din urmă oferind o rezoluţie mai înaltă şi detalii mai fine. Indiferent de tipul său, un sistem sonar este alcătuit din câteva elemente de bază şi anume: un traductor ultrason remorcabil, un cablu de remorcare şi un înregistrator grafic aflat pe ambarcaţiunea de la suprafaţă.

o. DESEMNAREA STATUTULUI : formal,oficial


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b. ENTRY : Stem


d. SOURCE : www.m-i-link.com e. STANDARD DEFINITION : - The foremost rigid structure which the plating of both sides of a ship's hull is being attached as the hull tapers towards both fore and aft ends f. NOTA BENE : Etimology - The nautical sense is preserved in the phrase stem to stern "along the full length" (of a ship), attested from 1627.


h. DEFINITION SOURCE : www.m-i-link.com/dictionary i. GRAMMATICAL CATEGORY : noun j. GENERIC CONCEPT : front part of a vessel k. SYNONYMS : root l. CONTEXT / COLLOCATIONS : 1. The stem is more often found on wooden boats or ships, but not exclusively. The stem is part of the physical structure of a wooden boat or ship that gives it strength at the critical section of the structure, bringing together the port and starboard side planks of the hull.

(www. en.wikipedia.org) 2. A stem duct of a ship used to achieve the reduction of the ship's propulsion wave height and the improvement in the laminarity of the flow around the ship's bow, so that the ship is able to move with an increased speed and/or with reduced fuel consumption.

(www.freepatentsonline.com) m. USE AREA : Marine n. COMMENTARY: In Seagoing Ships and Seamanship in the Bronze Age Levant Shelley Wachsmann presents a one-of-a-kind comprehensive examination of how the early eastern Mediterranean cultures took to the sea--and how they evolved as a result. The author surveys the blue-water ships of the Egyptians, Syro-Canaanites, Cypriots, Early Bronze Age Aegeans, Minoans, Mycenaeans, and Sea Peoples, and discusses known Bronze Age shipwrecks. Relying on archaeological, ethnological, iconographic, and textual evidence, Wachsmann delivers a fascinating and intricate rendering of virtually every aspect of early sea travel--from


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ship construction and propulsion to war on the open water, piracy, and laws pertaining to conduct at sea.This broad study is further enhanced by contributions from other renowned scholars. J. Hoftijzer and W. H. van Soldt offer new and illuminating translations of Ugaritic and Akkadian documents that refer to seafaring. J. R. Lenz delves into the Homeric Greek lexicon to search out possible references to the birdlike shapes that adorned early ships' stem and stern. F. Hocker provides a useful appendix and glossary of nautical terms, and George F. Bass's foreword frames the study's scholarly significance and discusses its place in the nautical archaeological canon.

o. DESIGNATION STATUS : formal, official


b. INTRARE : Etrava


d. SURSA : www.ainostri.ro

e. DEFINITIE STANDARD : - Element de rezistență care închide corpul unei nave la prora și cu care nava își deschide drumul la înaintarea prin apă

f. NOTA BENE : Etimologie: – Din fr. étrave.


h. SURSA DEFINITIEI : www.dexonline.ro

i. CATEGORIE GRAMATICALA : substantivj. CONCEPT GENERIC : piesă de rezistență din osatura unei nave, situată la proră.k. SINONIME : parte principala, piesa principala

l. CONTEXT / COLOCATII : 1. Prin etravă se înţelege o piesă, masivă din oţel turnat sau forjat, ori din tablă groasă roluită, constituind extremitatea prova a unei nave. Împreună cu chila şi cu etamboul formează coloana osaturii longitudinale. 2. De etravă se îmbină: stringherii de punte, stringherii de bordaj, precum şi filele bordajului exterior.



n. COMETARIU: Etrava poate fi etravă dreaptă sau etravă elansată. Unele nave moderne au etravă cu bulb.


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o. DESEMNAREA STATUTULUI : formal,oficial


b. ENTRY : Stern


d. SOURCE : www.m-i-link.com e. STANDARD DEFINITION : - The after end of a ship; based on the different cross sectional shape, a ship may be described as having a counter stern, cruiser spoon stern, full cruiser stern, transom stern, etc. f. NOTA BENE : Etimology - c.1300, "hind part of a ship, steering gear of a ship," probably from O.N. stjorn "a steering," related to styra "to guide" (see steer (v.)). Or the word may come from O.Fris. stiarne "rudder," which is also related to steer (v.)


h. DEFINITION SOURCE : www.m-i-link.com i. GRAMMATICAL CATEGORY : noun j. GENERIC CONCEPT : end part of a ship

k. SYNONYMS : backside, aft, back end l. CONTEXT / COLLOCATIONS : 1. The stern lies opposite of the bow, the foremost part of a ship. The stern side of a vessel is indicated with a white navigation light at night. 2. In the early part of the 19th century, the stern of larger ships became gradually more rounded, and with the advent of screw-powered vessels, the stern became the location of the equipment, the officers moving elsewhere, though British ships still contained an Admiral's sternwalk until well into the twentieth century. (www.bateau.com)

m. USE AREA : Marine

n. COMMENTARY: In modern warships, particularly cruisers and destroyers, the stern is usually where the helicopter pad is located. The stern tends to be lower set when compared to other parts of the ship, and may contain a large caliber gun mount or missile magazines. Aircraft carriers typically use the deck space in the stern part of the ship for the recovery of incoming aircraft. Aircraft carriers may have aircraft elevators in the stern area to prevent interference of flight operations, which are launched from the bow. For submarines, both fast


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attack and ballistic missile, the stern is generally the location of the engine room and the motor room, if the submarine has one. If the submarine runs on nuclear power the stern may contain a heat exchanger and other parts associated with a nuclear reactor.

o. DESIGNATION STATUS : formal, official


b. INTRARE : Pupa c. ID TARA : RO

d. SURSA : Lexicon maritim engelez-roman, 1971

e. DEFINITIE STANDARD : - Este partea dinapoi a navei sau ambarcaţiunii. În sens strict, ea reprezintă partea corpului navei situată înapoia etamboului.

f. NOTA BENE : Etimologie - PÚPĂ1 s.f. Partea de dinapoi a unei nave. [< fr. poupe, cf. lat. puppis].


h. SURSA DEFINITIEI : Lexicon maritim engelez-roman, 1971


j. CONCEPT GENERIC : spatele unei nave

k. SINONIME : partea din spate (a unei nave)

l. CONTEXT / COLOCATII : 1. O nava se împarte în trei părţi:- prova- centrul şi- pupa. 2. Compartimentul pupa este separat etanş prin peretele de presetupă.


n. COMETARIU: La navele cu porţiune cilindrică, partea dinapoia ultimei coaste drepte este denumită pupa. Forma imersă a pupei se îngustează spre etambou, spre a reduce rezistenţa la înaintare a navei şi a favoriza randamentul elicei şi viteza. Partea emersă se evazează în forme elipsoidale sau ovoidale, creând spaţii largi pe punte şi spaţii de cazare sau pentru magazii.

o. DESEMNAREA STATUTULUI : formal,oficial


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b. ENTRY : Sternpost


d. SOURCE : www.m-i-link.com e. STANDARD DEFINITION : - Is the upright structural member or post at the stern of a (generally wooden) ship or a boat, to which is attached the transoms and the rearmost left corner part of the stern f. NOTA BENE : Etimology - post- prefix meaning "after," from L. post "behind, after, afterward," from *pos-ti (cf. Arcadian pos, Doric poti "toward, to, near, close by;" O.C.S. po "behind, after," pozdu "late;" Lith. pas "at, by"), from PIE *po- (cf. Gk. apo "from," L. ab "away from").


h. DEFINITION SOURCE : www.m-i-link.com i. GRAMMATICAL CATEGORY : noun j. GENERIC CONCEPT : is the upright structural member or post k. SYNONYMS : a upright part l. CONTEXT / COLLOCATIONS : 1. This elaborately carved taurapa (canoe sternpost) would have once stood vertically at the stern of a great waka taua (war canoe). To carve a waka taua took great skill, and canoe-makers acquired great mana (prestige) and reputations as priests and craftsmen for their ritual and technical expertise (…).

(www.collections.tepapa.govt.nz) 2. The dimensions of the sternpost, or the proportional breadth and thickness, in the different parts of its height, are geometrically delineated in the quarter and stern of a 74 gun-ship, plate VIII. and X. being expressed in both by A B. It is usually marked like the stern, with a scale of feet from the keel upwards, in order to ascertain the draught of watery at that part of the vessel.

(www. southseas.nla.gov.au) m. USE AREA : Marine n. COMMENTARY: The difficulty of procuring a sternpost of sufficient breadth in one piece, has introduced the practice of fixing an additional piece behind it, which is strongly bolted to the former. The hinges, which support the rudder, are accordingly fixed to this latter,


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which is also tenanted into the keel, and denominated the back of the post, being expressed by E in the pieces of the hull referred to above. It is half the breadth of the stern post at the heel, but. diminishes gradually towards the upper end, where it is one third narrower. The sternpost is strongly attached to the keel by a knee, G, PIECEs of the HULL, of which one branch extends along the keel, being scarsed and bolted to the dead-wood, and fore-locked, under the keel; whilst the other branch inclines upwards, and corresponds with the inside, or fore part of the stern-post; to which it is also bolted in the same manner.

o. DESIGNATION STATUS : formal, official


b. INTRARE : Etambou c. ID TARA : RO

d. SURSA : Lexicon maritim englez-roman, 1971

e. DEFINITIE STANDARD : - Este o piesă, masivă şi rezistentă, făcând parte din osatura navei, dispusă vertical la extremitatea pupa unde se îmbină, toate elementele structurale longitudinale ale fundului şi ale celor două borduri.

f. NOTA BENE : Etimologie - ETAMBÓU, etambouri, s.n. 1. Element de rezistență al scheletului unei nave, amplasat la pupă și care susține cârma; – Din fr. étambot.


h. SURSA DEFINITIEI : Lexicon maritim englez-roman, 1971


j. CONCEPT GENERIC : parte importanta a unei nave

k. SINONIME : piesa

l. CONTEXT / COLOCATII : 1. Etamboul se confecţionează din oţel forjat la navele mici sau din câteva piese turnate, asamblate prin îmbinări solide, la cele mari. Se îmbină la partea sa inferioară cu chila şi cu varangele pupei, printr-o talpă prelungită spre prova. 2. Forma etamboului variază după numărul elicelor navei şi tipul cârmei.

(Lexicon maritim englez-român, Ed. Ştiinţifică, Bucureşti, 1971)


n. COMETARIU: La navele cu elice în planul diametral, etamboul se desface în două ramuri, ambele în planul diametral, pentru a putea cuprinde între ele spaţiul elicei. La navele cu elice în ambele borduri, etamboul susţine suporturile axelor port-elice din dreapta şi stânga.


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o. DESEMNAREA STATUTULUI : formal,oficial


b. ENTRY : Submarine


d. SOURCE : www.m-i-link.com/dictionary e. STANDARD DEFINITION : - Is a watercraft capable of independent operation below the surface of the water. f. NOTA BENE : The term submarine most commonly refers to large crewed autonomous vessels; however, historically or more casually, submarine can also refer to medium sized or smaller vessels (midget submarines, wet subs), Remotely Operated Vehicles or robots. The word submarine was originally an adjective meaning "under the sea", and so consequently other uses such as "submarine engineering" or "submarine cable" may not actually refer to submarines at all. Submarine was shortened from the term "submarine boat", and is often further shortened to "sub". Submarines are referred to as "boats", regardless of their size, for historical reasons because vessels deployed from a ship are referred to as boats.[citation needed] The first submarines were launched in such a manner. The English term U-boat for a German submarine comes from the German word for submarine, U-Boot, itself an abbreviation for Unterseeboot ("undersea boat").


h. DEFINITION SOURCE : www.m-i-link.com/dictionary i. GRAMMATICAL CATEGORY : noun j. GENERIC CONCEPT : underwater boat k. SYNONYMS : underwater craft l. CONTEXT / COLLOCATIONS : 1. The first use of a submarine in combat was the Action of 17 February 1864 during the American Civil War. The Confederate States Navy vessel CSS Hunley became the first submarine to sink an enemy vessel in combat, the USS Housatonic . 2. Submarines could usually locate and attack other submarines only on the surface, although Venturer   (P68) managed to sink U-864 with a four torpedo spread while both were submerged. The British developed a specialized anti-submarine submarine in World War I, the R class. After World War II, with the development of the homing torpedo,


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better sonar systems, and nuclear propulsion, submarines also became able to hunt each other effectively. (Blair, Clay (1975). Silent Victory: The U.S. Submarine War Against Japan. Philadelphia: Lippincott.)

m. USE AREA : Marine

n. COMMENTARY: Modern submarines are cigar-shaped. This design, visible in early submarines (see below) is sometimes called a "teardrop hull". It reduces the hydrodynamic drag when submerged, but decreases the sea-keeping capabilities and increases drag while surfaced. Since the limitations of the propulsion systems of early submarines forced them to operate surfaced most of the time, their hull designs were a compromise. Because of the slow submerged speeds of those subs, usually well below 10 kt (18 km/h), the increased drag for underwater travel was acceptable. Late in World War II, when technology allowed faster and longer submerged operation and increased aircraft surveillance forced submarines to stay submerged, hull designs became teardrop shaped again to reduce drag and noise. On modern military submarines the outer hull is covered with a layer of sound-absorbing rubber, or anechoic plating, to reduce detection.

o. DESIGNATION STATUS : formal, official


b. INTRARE : Submarin c. ID TARA : RO

d. SURSA : Lexicom maritim englez-roman, 1971

e. DEFINITIE STANDARD : - Este un vehicul acvatic care se poate deplasa sub apă, la presiuni foarte înalte, dincolo de adâncimile unde se pot scufunda oameni.

f. NOTA BENE : Etimologie - SUBMARÍN, -Ă, submarini, -e, adj., s.n. 1. Adj. Care se găsește sau se produce sub suprafața mării sau oceanului, ori pe fundul lor; referitor la regiunea de sub suprafața mării sau oceanului. 2. S.n. Navă de luptă sau de cercetare care poate naviga atât la suprafață cât și sub suprafața unei ape; submersibil (2). – Sub1- + marin (după fr. sous-marin).


h. SURSA DEFINITIEI : Lexicom maritim englez-roman, 1971


j. CONCEPT GENERIC : vechicul acvatic

k. SINONIME : nava


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l. CONTEXT / COLOCATII : 1. Submarinele, folosite pe scară largă pentru prima dată în Primul război mondial, sunt acum folosite de toate marinele militare majore din lume, mai ales de cea americană, rusă, britanică şi franceză. 2. Submarinele şi submersibile civile sunt folosite pentru activităţi ştiinţifice, la adâncimi care sunt prea mari pentru scafandri.

(Lexicon maritim engelez-roman,1971)


n. COMETARIU: NMS Delfinul" (NMS = Nava Majestăţii Sale), primul dintre cele trei submersibile ale Marinei militare române, a fost lansat la 22 iulie 1930 în prezenţa inginerilor navali români şi italieni, precum şi a unei delegaţii a Ministerului român de Război, şi ministru plenipotenţiar al României în Italia: Dimitrie I. Ghica. Însă submarinul nu era gata să fie predat. În urma unor litigii între Statul român şi şantierul Quarnaro din Italia, submarinul a fost în fine predat la 9 mai 1936. După ce şi-a luat torpilele de la Neapole, submarinul a ajuns la Constanţa în 27 iunie şi a fost încadrat în Divizia de Mare cu ocazia Zilei Marinei, în 15 august. Deoarece de la punerea pe cală trecuse aproape un deceniu, submarinul era oarecum depăşit moral, astfel că principala sa destinaţie a fost de navă şcoală, iar în timpul războiului de „navă în viaţă” (engleză ship in being), care obliga adversarul să ia măsuri împotriva pericolului generat de prezenţa sa.[1]

În primul deceniu al existenţei sale, "NMS Delfinul" a efectuat numeroase curse în Marea Neagră, Marea Mediterană şi Oceanul Atlantic, cu misiuni de exerciţiu, de antrenament şi de instructaj, foarte căutate de ofiţerii Marinei militare române, dintre care unii urmaseră în acest scop cursuri de specializare în submersibilele franceze şi italiene. A efectuat de asemenea misiuni hidrografice şi ştiinţifice pentru Institutul Oceanografic din Constanţa întemeiat de Grigore Antipa.

o. DESEMNAREA STATUTULUI : formal,oficial


b. ENTRY : Trimaran


d. SOURCE : www.m-i-link.com e. STANDARD DEFINITION : - Is a multihulled boat consisting of a main hull (vaka) and two smaller outrigger hulls (amas), attached to the main hull with lateral struts (akas) f. NOTA BENE : The first trimarans were built by indigenous Polynesians almost 4,000 years ago, and much of the current terminology is inherited from them. Multihull sailboats


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(catamarans and trimarans) gained favor during the 1960s and 1970s. Modern recreational trimarans are rooted in the same homebuilt tradition as other multihulls but there are also a number of production models on the market. A number of trimarans in the 19 – 36 foot lengths have been designed over the last 30 years to be accommodated on a road trailer. These include the original Farrier - Corsair folding trimarans - and original John Westell swing-wing folding trimaran (using the same folding system later adopted also on Quorning Dragonfly) and like trimarans. Many sailboat designers have also designed demountable trimarans that are able to be trailered (like the SeaCart 30 by Oceanlake Marin


h. DEFINITION SOURCE : www.m-i-link.com i. GRAMMATICAL CATEGORY : noun j. GENERIC CONCEPT : a boat k. SYNONYMS : vessel, ship l. CONTEXT / COLLOCATIONS : 1. The design and names for the trimaran components are derived from the original proa constructed by native Pacific Islanders. 2. Although it is possible for a trimaran to capsize, this is less frequent than with monohull boats because of the greater resistance to rolling that the amas offer. Most trimaran designs are considered nearly unsinkable because even when filled with water, the flotation of one ama is enough to keep the entire vessel afloat. Because of their stability and safety, special trimarans such as the Challenger, have become popular with sailors who have restricted mobility. (www.en.wikipedia.org)

m. USE AREA : Marine n. COMMENTARY: The trimaran design is also becoming more widespread as a passenger ferry. In 2005 the 127 metre (417 ft) trimaran Benchijigua Express was delivered by Austal to Spanish ferry operator Fred.Olsen, S.A. for service in the Canary Islands. Capable of carrying 1280 passengers and 340 cars, or equivalents, at speeds up to 40 knots, this boat was the longest aluminum ship in the world at the time of delivery.[2] The trimaran concept has also been considered for modern warships. The RV Triton was commissioned by British defense contractor QinetiQ in 2000. In October 2005, the United States Navy commissioned for evaluation the construction of a General Dynamics Littoral Combat Ship (LCS) trimaran designed and built by Austal.

o. DESIGNATION STATUS : formal, official



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b. ENTRY : Tugboat


d. SOURCE : www.m-i-link.com/ e. STANDARD DEFINITION : - A small boat designed for towing vessels such as barge; has great manoeuvrability and engine power; also known simply as tug f. NOTA BENE : Historically tugboats were the first seagoing vessels to receive steam propulsion, freedom from the restraint of the wind, and capability of going in any direction. As such, they were employed in harbors to assist ships in docking and departure.


h. DEFINITION SOURCE : www.m-i-link.com/ i. GRAMMATICAL CATEGORY : noun j. GENERIC CONCEPT : a small boat designed for towing vessels

k. SYNONYMS : boat, vessel l. CONTEXT / COLLOCATIONS : 1. Tugboats are powerful for their size and strongly built; some are ocean-going. Some tugboats serve as icebreakers or salvage boats. Early tugboats had steam engines; today diesel engines are used. In addition to towing gear, many tugboats contain firefighting monitors or guns, allowing them to assist in firefighting duties, especially in harbors. 2. To date there have been three children's shows revolving around anthropomorphic (living) tugboats. In the 1980s, 13 episodes were made of TUGS. It had an American spinoff called Salty's Lighthouse. One of the creators of that series went on to make Theodore Tugboat. On Tugs, the models were able to move their heads and eyes and didn't have motors. On Theodore Tugboat, the models have motors and moving eyes. (On Tugboats: Stories of Work and Life Aboard / Virginia Thorndike - Down East Books, 2004.)

m. USE AREA : Marine

n. COMMENTARY: Tugboat engines typically produce 500 to 2,500 kW (~ 680 to 3,400 hp), but larger boats (used in deep waters) can have power ratings up to 20,000 kW (~ 27,200 hp) and usually have an extreme power:tonnage-ratio (normal cargo and passenger ships have a P:T-ratio (in kW:GRT) of 0.35 to 1.20, whereas large tugs typically are 2.20 to 4.50 and small harbour-tugs 4.0 to 9.5). The engines are often the same as those used in railroad locomotives, but typically drive the propeller mechanically instead of converting the engine output to power electric motors, as is common for railroad engines. For safety, tugboats' engines often feature two of each critical part for redundancy.


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o. DESIGNATION STATUS : formal, official


b. INTRARE : Remorcher c. ID TARA : RO

d. SURSA : www.ainostri.ro

e. DEFINITIE STANDARD : - Este o navă specială de dimensiuni relativ mici, dotată cu instalaţie de propulsie puternică în scopul efectuării remorcajelor maritime sau fluviale, manevrelor portuare şi uneori pentru intervenţii în caz de salvări şi incendii.

f. NOTA BENE : Etimologie: – Din fr. remorqueur.


h. SURSA DEFINITIEI : www.dexonline.ro


j. CONCEPT GENERIC : nava de remorcat

k. SINONIME : vas, barca de remorcat

l. CONTEXT / COLOCATII : 1. Remorcherul se caracterizează prin manevrabilitate şi lungime redusă, printr-un raport mic între deplasament şi greutatea maşinilor şi prin linia chilei, care este oblică, cu pescaj mai mare la pupa în poziţie de asietă normală, pentru a preveni tendinţa de schimbare a asietei în timpul remorcajului şi pentru a păstra o bună stabilitate de drum prin deplasarea spre pupa a centrului de carenă.

(Lexicon maritim englez-român, Ed. Ştiinţifică, Bucureşti, 1971) 2. Primul remorcher hibrid din lume a fost lansat luna trecuta in portul Long Beach. La evenimentul de lansare au fost prezenti guvernatorul Californiei, Arnold Schwarzenegger, si peste 300 de lideri in afaceri din sudul Californiei, informeaza Environmental Leader(…).



n. COMETARIU: Remorcajul se face prin tracţiune, în cazul curselor lungi şi uneori prin împingere (la fluviu sau în cazul unor manevre portuare, în care scop remorcherul este dotat cu vinci de remorcare)


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o. DESEMNAREA STATUTULUI : formal,oficial


b. ENTRY : Viking ship


d. SOURCE : www.markjones.co.nz e. STANDARD DEFINITION : - Is a collective term for ships used during the Viking Age (793–1066) in Northern Europe. They often had a dragon head or other circular object protruding from the front and back, for design. f. NOTA BENE : Viking vessels were called “Dragon Ships” because a ceremonial decoration in the shape of a dragon's head was placed on the bow of the ship. The particular design, shape and decoration of the dragon's head also was symbolic of the leader of the group or crew. They symbolized the Viking force and power because the Vikings were great raiders. The ships were quite fast (7-12 knots speed) and extremely stable in the rough seas off Scandinavia and the North Atlantic. The Vikings were feared among many civilizations in ancient Europe and the dragon figureheads depicted their strength and brutality as well as their fearlessness.Because Vikings were very superstitious, the heads on their dragon ships were intended to ward off sea monsters and spirits. On land the heads could be removed so they do not ward off friendly land spirits.

g. RO CORRESPONDENT : Corabia vikinga

h. DEFINITION SOURCE : www.markjones.co.nz i. GRAMMATICAL CATEGORY : nominal group j. GENERIC CONCEPT : a viking boat k. SYNONYMS : a veesel, a ship l. CONTEXT / COLLOCATIONS : 1. Viking ships were known for being able to navigate rivers and shoals which other navy's ships could not negotiate. They were also able to handle rough seas, such as the North Atlantic Ocean. They ranged in the Baltic Sea and far from the Scandinavian home areas, to Iceland, Greenland, Newfoundland, the Mediterranean, and Africa. 2. Karves were a type of small Viking ship similar to the Knarr. They were used for human and transport and the movement of livestock and other goods. Because they were able to navigate in very shallow water, they were also used for coasting. Karves had broad beams of approximately 17 feet (5 meters). (Peter Sawyer, (1997) The Oxford Illustrated history of the Vikings. Oxford University Press)


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m. USE AREA : Marine

n. COMMENTARY: Viking ships varied from others of the period, being generally more seaworthy and lighter. This was achieved through use of clinker or lapstrake construction.The planks from which Viking vessels were constructed were rived (split) from large, old-growth trees—especially oaks. A ship's hull could be as thin as one inch (2.5 CM), as a split plank is stronger than a sawed plank found in later craft.Working up from a stout oaken keel, the shipwrights would rivet the planks together using wrought iron rivets and roves. Ribs maintained the shape of the hull sides, but were not intended to provide strength to the hull. Each tier of planks overlapped the one below, and waterproof caulking was used between planks to create a strong but supple hull.Remarkably large vessels could be constructed using traditional clinker construction. Dragon-ships carrying 100 warriors were not uncommon. o. DESIGNATION STATUS : formal, official


b. INTRARE : Corabie vikinga c. ID TARA : RO

d. SURSA : Lexicon maritim englez-roman,1971

e. DEFINITIE STANDARD : - Defineşte tipul de corabie din Europa de Nord în perioada vikingilor (800 - 1100).

f. NOTA BENE : Aceste corăbii au fost construite şi după perioada de dominaţie vikingă, fiind corăbii iuţi care puteu naviga independent de vânt având catarge şi vâsle.

g. CORRESPONDENT EN : Viking ship

h. SURSA DEFINITIEI : Lexicon maritim englez-roman,1971i. CATEGORIE GRAMATICALA : substantiv

j. CONCEPT GENERIC : a big boat

k. SINONIME : a vessel, a ship

l. CONTEXT / COLOCATII : 1. Model de construcţie a corăbiilor vikinge se află în literatura „Hjalmar Falk” din 1912.

2. O corabie vikinga reprezentativă este nava de război Olav Tryggvasons „Kranich“ (Cocor) sau „Wurm” (Vierme) care aveau 34 de perechi de vâsle.


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n. COMETARIU: Echipajul corabiei vikinge (numit: “skipssögn”, „skipshöfn“, “sveit”, “skipverjar”, “skiparar”) conducătoul corabiei numit, “stýrimaður”, “skipstjórnamaðr”, “skipdróttinn”, sau “skipherra”, la navele de război acesta trebuia să fie necăstorit, avea puteri nelimitate, el fiind numit direct de rege. Echipajul de la vâsle era numit “hásetar”, sau “hömlumenn” după nevoie mânuiau şi velele, sau făceau paza.

o. DESEMNAREA STATUTULUI : formal,oficial


b. ENTRY : Wind wave


d. SOURCE : www.m-i-link.com e. STANDARD DEFINITION : - Are surface waves that occur on the free surface of oceans, seas, lakes, rivers, and canals or even on small puddles and ponds. They usually result from the wind blowing over a vast enough stretch of fluid surface. f. NOTA BENE : Etimology - "moving billow of water," 1526, from wave (v.), replacing M.E. waw, which is from O.E. wagian "to move to and fro" (cf. O.S., O.H.G. wag, O.Fris. weg, O.N. vagr "water in motion, wave, billow," Goth. wegs "tempest;" see wag (v.)). The usual O.E. word for "moving billow of water" was yð.

g. RO CORRESPONDENT : Val de vant

h. DEFINITION SOURCE : www.m-i-link.com

i. GRAMMATICAL CATEGORY : nominal phrase j. GENERIC CONCEPT : wave k. SYNONYMS : water current

l. CONTEXT / COLLOCATIONS : 1. Some wind waves in the oceans can travel thousands of miles before reaching land. Wind waves range in size from small ripples to huge rogue waves. There is little forward motion of individual water particles in a wave, despite the large amount of energy it may carry forward. 2. Tsunamis are a specific type of wave not caused by wind but by geological effects. In deep water, tsunamis are not visible because they are small in height and very long


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in wavelength. They may grow to devastating proportions at the coast due to reduced water depth. (Phillips, O.M. (1977), The dynamics of the upper ocean (2nd ed.), Cambridge University Press)

m. USE AREA : Marine

n. COMMENTARY: When directly being generated and affected by the local winds, a wind wave system is called a wind sea. After the wind ceases to blow, wind waves are called swell. Or, more generally, a swell consists of wind generated waves that are not — or hardly — affected by the local wind at the same moment. They have been generated elsewhere, or some time ago.[1] Wind waves in the ocean are called ocean surface waves.

o. DESIGNATION STATUS : formal, official


b. INTRARE : Val de vant c. ID TARA : RO

d. SURSA : www.ainostri.ro

e. DEFINITIE STANDARD : - Este o ondulaţie a unei suprafeţe întinse de apă (lac, mare, ocean), ca rezultat al mişcărilor de oscilaţie determinate de acţiunea vântului, de cutremure, de variaţia bruscă a presiunii atmosferice, de atracţia Lunii şi Soarelui şi de deplasarea unei nave prin apă.

f. NOTA BENE : Etimologie - – Din sl. valŭ


h. SURSA DEFINITIEI : www.dexonline.ro

i. CATEGORIE GRAMATICALA : grup nominalj. CONCEPT GENERIC : unda de apa

k. SINONIME : curent de apa, masa de apa,unda de apa, talaz

l. CONTEXT / COLOCATII : 1. După cauzele care le dau naştere, deosebim:a) valuri de vânt;b) valuri seismice;c) valuri anemobarice;d) valuri de maree;e) valuri de navă.


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2. Valurile de vânt se formează în urma acţiunii intermitente a vântului asupra stratului de apă de la suprafaţa mării aflat în stare de repaus. Această acţiune constă într-o apăsare, concomitent cu frecarea maselor de aer în mişcare de particulele de apă, care sunt scoase din poziţia de echilibra şi determinate să execute o mişcare de oscilaţie. Iniţial se formează încreţituri mici, numite „valuri capilare" care, la încetarea vântului, se amortizează datorită tensiunii superficiale.

(Lexicon maritim englez-român, Ed. Ştiinţifică, Bucureşti, 1971)


n. COMETARIU: În cazul coastelor abrupte şi cu adâncimi mari, precum şi în cazul construcţiilor hidrotehnice, valurile se lovesc de peretele vertical al acestora şi apoi se reflectă şi, combinându-se cu valurile incidente dau naştere unor valuri cu amplitudine mare, a căror forţă de izbire este considerabilă şi a căror creastă se ridică la înălţimi mari (chiar până la 60 m). În unele sectoare, coastele sunt supuse unor distrugeri uriaşe provocate de aceste valuri de spargere. Pătrunzând într-un bazin portuar, valurile de vânt sau de hulă se lovesc de peretele vertical al cheurilor, se reflectă şi apoi intră în interferenţă cu valurile noi, dând naştere unei agitaţii deosebite numită „resacă" sau „clapoti", caracterizată prin valuri scurte cu pantă mare şi cu oscilaţie pe verticală; această agitaţie îngreuiază staţionarea navelor la cheu şi creează dificultăţi operaţiunilor de încărcare — descărcare.

o. DESEMNAREA STATUTULUI : formal,oficial


b. ENTRY : Yacht


d. SOURCE : www.markjones.co.nz e. STANDARD DEFINITION : - A pleasure vessel, a pleasure boat; in American usage the idea of size and luxury is conveyed, either sail or power. f. NOTA BENE : Etimology - 1557, yeaghe "a light, fast-sailing ship," probably from Norw. jaght, from M.L.G. jacht, shortened form of jachtschip "fast pirate ship," lit. "ship for chasing," from jacht "chase," from jagen "to chase, hunt," from O.H.G. jagon, from P.Gmc. *jagojanan.


h. DEFINITION SOURCE : www.markjones.co.nz i. GRAMMATICAL CATEGORY : noun j. GENERIC CONCEPT : pleasure boat


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k. SYNONYMS : boat, sailboat, vessel

l. CONTEXT / COLLOCATIONS : 1. Yachts are different from working ships mainly by their leisure purpose, and it was not until the rise of the steamboat and other types of powerboat that sailing vessels in general came to be perceived as luxury, or recreational vessels. Later the term came to encompass motor boats for primarily private pleasure purposes as well. 2. Yacht lengths generally range from 20 feet (6 m) up to hundreds of feet. Luxury crafts smaller than 40 feet are more commonly called "cabin cruisers" or simply "cruisers." A mega yacht generally refers to any yacht (sail or power) above 100 ft (34 m) and a super yacht generally refers to any yacht over 200 ft (70 m). This size is small in relation to typical cruise liners and oil tankers. (Gardiner, R & Lavery, B, "The Line of Battle : The Sailing Warship 1650-1840", 1992 (2004 edition) m. USE AREA : Marine

n. COMMENTARY: Yacht (pronounced /ˈj ɒ t/ , from Dutch jacht meaning hunting or hunt, compare German Jagd) was originally defined as a light, fast sailing vessel used by the Dutch navy to pursue pirates and other transgressors around and into the shallow waters of the Low Countries. They were also used for non-military governmental roles such as customs duties and delivering pilots to waiting ships.[1] The latter use attracted the attention of wealthy Dutch merchants who began to build private yachts so they could be taken out to greet their returning ships. Soon wealthy individuals began to use their 'jachts' for pleasure trips. By the start of the 17th century 'jachts' came in two broad catergories- speel-jachts for sport and oorlog-jachts for naval duties.[2] By the middle of the century large 'jacht' fleets were found around the Dutch coast and the Dutch states organised large 'reviews' of private and war yachts for special occasions, thus putting in place the groundwork for the modern sport of yachting. Jachts of this period varied greatly in size, from around 40ft in length to being equal to the lower classes of the ship of the line.[3] All had a form of fore/aft gaff rig with a flat bottom and lee boards to allow operations in shallow waters. The gaff rig remained the principle rig found on small European yachts for centuries until giving way to the 'Bermudan sloop' rig in the 1960s.

o. DESIGNATION STATUS : formal, official


b. INTRARE : Iaht c. ID TARA : RO

d. SURSA : www.ainostri.ro

e. DEFINITIE STANDARD : - Este o navă de agrement, prevăzut cu motor şi cu catarge (vele), dar la unele iahturi poate motorul sau velele să lipsească.


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f. NOTA BENE : Primele iahturi au fost construite în secolul XVII în Olanda fiind destinate ca şi cadouri între casele regale. Din punct de vedere optic iahturile au păstrat caracterul punţii iahturilor olandeze. La sfârşitul secolului XIX s-a intensificat producţia iahturilor pentru călătorii de agrement pe mare şi pentru participare la competiţii de întreceri sportive navale.


h. SURSA DEFINITIEI : www.ro.wikipedia.org

i. CATEGORIE GRAMATICALA : substantivj. CONCEPT GENERIC : Navă mică și elegantă pentru curse de plăcere.k. SINONIME : barca, vas

l. CONTEXT / COLOCATII : 1. Denumirea de iaht se acordă unor nave, care au o anumită lungime, ambarcaţiunile sub 7 m sunt numite bărci. Dimensiunile tipice pentru un iaht în prezent sunt navele care au o lungime între 10 - 15 m, şi este prevăzut cu mai multe cabine. Iahturile cu lungimea de peste 15 m (50 picioare) sunt numite mega-iahturi sau super-iahturi.

(www.ro.wikipedia.org) 2. Cei care vor să îşi petreacă vacanţa pe apa Marii Negre au la dispoziţie mai multe opţiuni. La bordul iahtului "El Comandante" se pot urca maxim 15 persoane care au parte de tot comfortul unui hotel de patru stele.



n. COMETARIU: In cazurile iahturilor maxi sau mega, indiferent dacă au sau n-au un motor, confortul joacă un rol important, lungimea iahtului trebuie să fie minimum 21 de m (70 picioare), şi cu un echipaj profesionist, format din cel puţin două persoane (căpitan şi stewart). Materialele din uzuale care se folosec la construierea unui iaht sunt în prezent fibra de sticlă, lemnul, oţelul, aluminiul, mai rar betonul.

o. DESEMNAREA STATUTULUI : formal,oficial


b. ENTRY : Yawl


d. SOURCE : www.barcaholic.ro


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e. STANDARD DEFINITION : - Is a two-masted sailing craft similar to a sloop or cutter but with an additional mizzen mast well aft of the main mast, often right on the transom. A small mizzen sail is hoisted on the mizzen mast. f. NOTA BENE : The above is an accepted modern definition, but it may not be correct within a historical context.YAWL, n. A small ships boat, usually rowed by four or six oars. (Webster's dictionary 1828)The seminal American Yacht Designer of the first half of last century, Francis Herreshoff, reflected this traditional definition of a Yawl was as "a ship's boat resembling the pinnace" set up to be primarily rowed.To add a sailing rig to a rowboat the masts must not interfere with the rowers. The Mainmast is placed well forward and the mizzen as far back as possible. The mizzen has to be small in size to keep the sail area balanced around the hull's centre of lateral resistance to ensure the boat will sail in a straight line without excessive correction.According to Herreshoff "yawl" had nothing to do with rudder placement relative to the mizzen - a yawl rig is the sail and mast configuration that suits a yawlboat.


h. DEFINITION SOURCE : www.m-i-link.com


j. GENERIC CONCEPT : a boat k. SYNONYMS : vessel, ship l. CONTEXT / COLLOCATIONS : 1. The yawl is often confused with the ketch, which also has two masts with the main mast foremost. The common view is that a ketch has the mizzen mast forward of the rudder post whereas the mizzen on a yawl is aft of the rudder post.[1][2] This definition is a relatively recent definition and the historical definition is likely to be quite different. 2. In the 1950s and 60s yawls were developed for ocean racing to take advantage of the handicapping rule that did not penalize them for flying a mizzen staysail, which on long ocean races, often down wind, were a great advantage, the best example of this being Olin Stephens' (www.en.wikipedia.org)

m. USE AREA : Marine

n. COMMENTARY: The yawl was originally developed as a rig for commercial fishing boats, one good example of this being the Salcombe Yawl (a traditional small fishing boat built in Devon). In its heyday, the rig was particularly popular with single-handed sailors, such as circumnavigators Harry Pidgeon and Francis Chichester. This was due to the ability of a yawl to be trimmed to sail without rudder input. Modern self-steering and navigation aids have made this less important, and the yawl has generally fallen out of favor.


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o. DESIGNATION STATUS : formal, official

Chapter 11


Human have tendet to live near water, and it is normal to make use of things that float. Logs or bundles of reeds can be lashed together to form rafts; hollow trunks can be improved to become dugout canoes. Once the principle of a watertight hull is understood, animal hidesor the bark of trees can be attached to a framework of bamboo or wicker to make a simple coracle.

Boats of these kinds have been made by technologically primitive communities, and many continue to be made into the 20th century.

If planks are added to to raise the edges of a dugout canoe, with wooden struts to hold them in place, the primitive boatbuilder is already on the way towards the only design of wooden


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boat capable of being built on a large scale. This consists of a keel to which a ribbed frame is attached – much as animal ribs curve outwards from a backbone.

Planks are attached to this ribs. They either overlap ( clinker – built ) or are fastened edge – to – edge ( carvel – built ). These remain the basic designs for large boats and ships until the gradual introduction of metal hulls in the 19th century.

The industrial revolution, new mechanical methods of propulsion, and the ability to construct ships from metal triggered an explosion in the ship design. Factors including the quest for more efficient ships, the end of long running and wasteful maritime conflicts, and the increased financial capacity of industrial powers created an avalanche of more specialized boats and ships. Ships operating in the 21st century will be expected to meet increasingly stringent environmental regulations. Many governments have comprehensive shipboard pollusion abatement programs under way that will enable ships of the 21st century to be environmental sound. The goal is for ships to operate worldwide with minimal potential for regulatory constraints, without innapropriate dependence on shore facilities, and without unreasonable costs imposed by environmental regulations. The following is the basic strategy : Design and operate ships to minimize emissions and waste generation while optimizing waste management, and develop shipboard systems that will destroy appropriately treat the wastes generated on board. If wastes are unavoidable and cannot be destroyed or retained on board for recycling ashore, they must be sufficiently treated so that overboard discharges are considered environmentally insignificant. Although the ultimate solution for onboard destruction has not been made toward developing onboard capabilities for treating or rocessing solid wastes, oily wastes, hazardous materials, and medical wastes. Satisfactory intern or long - term solutions are being sought for black water and grey water treatment. International cooperative efforts directed towards achieving environmentally sound ships are under way among governments to share information and technologies, and to save time and money.



12.1 Bibliography

Lexicon maritime englez – roman, Ed. Ştiinţifică, Bucureşti, 1971 Brown, D. K. ( 2003 ). The Grand Fleet : Warship design and Development 1906 –

1922. Caxton Edition Baron von Mullenheim – Rechberg, Buckhard (1980 ), Battleship Bismarck, A

Survivour` s story. Annapolis: United States Naval Institute Press The International Marine Book of SAILING, William Robinson, McGrawHill 2008 Dinu Dumitru, Vlad Constantin : Scafandri si vehicule subagvatice. Ed. Ştiinţifică şi

Enciclopedică, Bucureşti, 1986 Calvert, Roger ( 1963), Inland waterways of Europe, George Allen and Unwin


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Greyson, Stan ( 2002 ), Cape Cod Catboats. Marblehead, MA : Devereux Books Gardinar, R. 1994. Cogs, caravels and galleons : the sailling ship, 1000 – 1650.

Annapolis Rodger, N. A. M. : The Commend of the Ocean, A Naval History if Britain 1649 –

1815. Allen Lane, London, 2004 Monarchs of the Sea : The Great Ocean Liners; Ulrich, kurt; Tausir Parke; 1999

Kemp, Peter, ed ( 1976 ). The Oxford Companion to Ships & the Sea. London : Oxford University Press.

Arthur J. Bachrach, “ History of the Diving Bell “, Historical Diving Times, Spring 1998

Rao, S. R. ( 1985 ). Lothal. Archeological Survey of India Crompton, Samuel, W; Rhein, Michael, J. The Ultimate Biik of Lighthouses. San

Diego, CA : Thunder Bay Press, 2002 Narrowboats, Tom Chaplin, Wittet Books, 1978 Mathias Tomczak and J. Stuart Godfrey. 2003. Regional Oceanography : an

Introduction Maxtone – Graham, John, Queen Mary 2 : The Greatast Ocean Liner of Our Times,

Bullfinch Press, New York 2004 Luna B. Leopold ( 1994 ). A View of the River. Harvard University Press Lynch, Donald and Marchall, Kenn. Titanic : An Illustrated Histoyr, Hyperion, 1995 Cotterill, Charles Clement; Little, Edward Delanoy ( 1868 ). Ships and Sailors,

Ancient and Modern. London : Seeley, Jakson and Halliday Phillips, O.M. ( 1977 ), The dynamic of the uupper ocean ( 2nd ed ), Cambridge

University Press On Tugboats : Stories of Work and Life Abord \ Virginia Thorndike – Down East

Books, 2004

12.2 Webliography

www.m-i-link.com – Connecting maritime industry www.probertencyclopedia.com – Probert Encyclopedia www.markjones.co.nz – Mark Jones boating courses www.macnaughtongroup.com – Macnaughton Yacht Design www.rhc.ro – Romanian hobby center www.historicalseaport.org – The Historical Seaport www.maritim.org – San Francisco Maritime National Park Association www.mctf.com – Maritime Cabotage Task Force www.hmc.heerema.com – Heerema Marine Contractors www.gardsideboats.com – Paul Gartside – Boat Builder and Designer www.divinglore.com – Worldwide diving gateway and resources www.southampton.ac.uk – University of Southampton www.books.google.com – G.W. Whittaker ( 1970 ), Ayer Publisher www.shippingtimes.co.uk – Shipping and Shipbuilding news www.bluewatersailing.com – California sailing & navigation courses www.weeres.com – Weeres Pontoons


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www.sailing.org – The International Sailing Federation www.cmar.csiro.au – Marine and atmospheric of research www.freepatentsonline.com – All the invention of mankind www.bateau.com – Boat plans on line since1993 www.ainostri.ro – Dicţionar maritim www.en.wikipedia.org – Wikipedia în limba engleză www.ro.wikipedia.org – Wikipedia în limba română www.rmri.ro – Institutul Naţional de Cercetare – Dezvoltare Marină “

Grigore Antipa “ www.barci-ambarcatiuni.ro – Totul despre ambarcaţiuni www.transport-business.ro – Revistă de transport şi logistică www.euload.com – Bursa europeană de transport www.barcaholic.ro – Totul despre nave www.marinarul.com – Poveşti marinăreşti